Newspaper Page Text
saUeaaMritaalaatac8ik iSV RATES OF ADVERTISING, rsiuniB IT van TIBMS. Dailt Aaaus. By Mall (pay able ia advaaee), per aaaam, $11.00 By Hall " mi months, e.00 By Mail " month.,.. I ll By Mall " 1 anoath.... It Jan Br Oitt Oaaaiaa, IB OiitipiriHl. Imu Corias I Coats. T1SMI.- Wbit Aasvs. iagle Oaf j, (payable! a advance) ..$ J.M Tea Copies " " II. 1 weaty Copies " " M.Ot thirty Copies " . Twenty-first Year,, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 Small-pox has been found id avery ward of Near York city. Vaooination is a favorite amusement of adalti io Chicago at tail time. Oa tha 24th a Baptitt chorea wu .blown down at Tolado, and mooh other .damage dona by the high wind. R. Heodenon, of Oloey, Ilia, died, on the 23rd, from being stabbed while in bed, by nan named Watkine. John C. Heenao, who is now in England, denial the aofk impeaohtneot of oomplioity with Boss Tweed, and threaten! libel suite all around. A heavy gala passed over St. Loois on the 23rd doing eooiiderable damage. The steamer City of Alton was blown aoron the, river. A fearful storm of rain and wind "' Springfield, Ills, on the 23rd. ronB(i house belonging to the CI in top ilroad Lad its roof blown off. Dtmtr $15,000. On the 22od, Capt. ogrdos, champion shot of the United Sotes, and Jos. Ward, of Toronto, hail a shooting match at that place. Ward killed '' and Bogardas 65 birds ont of tho hundred. M. B. Pierce, a Wisconsin sheriff, from Fon do Lac, while oa a visit to St. Loois, wrote a dry baaiaeis-like letter to the land lord of the Union Hotel, another to bis dep uty at Fon .da Lao, and then shot himself through the heart, oa the 23d. On the 22nd, a negro and his wife living near Iloutton, Ga., went to town, looking the:r three children in tha house; on their return they found tha house bnrned down and the children entirely consumed. Maay year ago Horaoa Greeley wrote to a female contributor requesting ber to abstain il from farther poetry. A counoil of friends iaipeoted the letter and finally pronoonoed it an offer of marriage. Hence Mrs. Greeley and the junior Greeleys. es "" LOCAL NOTICES. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, i T . i - 4 O'Olook The fieri-08 i the French ! Prussian Eipcdiuo. against Venezuela ! Bussian Conscription! f HEl DOST GET 1LMG H ELL ! European Politics! was disB-'d by tha gala at tha month of the C!m01- ine steamer U.S.Grant driven ashore near Astoria, a total loss, yuch other damage was dona to the ehip- (rg o me normern coast. It is now cer tain that tha ship Amanda Ager was lost with all oa board. I !i 00nntr opposite Sacramento, is being flooded from the Sacramento river Half of tha Stockton, Gilroy & 8an Jose railroad is flooded. 0. S. May, secretary of stats of Oregon, is n supposed defaulter to tha amount of i4,uuu. An othcer was dispatched to Salt xjbkv to unn mm. Cinckvati. Deo. 2fi .!... ... does not improve. He fails to re cog nice his friends, and his nmnn itnk ful. " Oolcmbia. S. C. Dan. 9fi TV. of the legislative joi mittea, which has been sitting ... v York daring tha summer, with B. F. W'hittemora as chairman, has appeared. It gives an elaborate review of the adminis tration of the State finances since the installation of the present Governor. Re garding tha State debt, the committee de clare that they cannot believe otber than tha feartol truths that stare ns in the face, that tha bonds ei.d stocks printed by the American Bank Note Company, $22,640,- 000, represent the liabilities of the State, for which their faith and credit, however unlawfully procured, has been pledged for the payment. Tha contingent liabilities incurred by railroad endorsements, swell the total to $29,000 000. LITER ftLGCLiTOR. SIMONS' Witt the Carpet Baggers have dene fer 801th ! Daily Market Eeview. l.OO X-S2. SLOPING WITH STAMPS OX PACIFIC SLOPE ! THE Great Rains in the West Toxlbtibi is unrivaled as a beautifier oi the ootnplexioa, it is a powder, harmless, re Sued and elegant. Try it, 50 cents per box, Mabbuoi Gcirtc. Interesting work numerous engravings, "2i pages. Price 50 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 North Eighth street. St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. CBKAPE3T and Mrs. Whitcomb's Strop for ohildren, is sold ty Dr?gg'sti for 25 cents a bottle, and is an admirable pre paration for infantile disorders. li it a vvoxdeh, iu view of tho immense amount of aJullerated baking powders in . use, that people have dvspepsa? To escape such evils use Dr. Prioes Cream Baking Powder, which Vme has proved pure and healthy, Hiadacbi Mix half and half of Renne's Magio Oil and water, and saturate the head with tha mixture, then pot a few drops of the Oil clear, on tha temp' and where the pain is severest ; also swallow 3 or 4 drops of the Oil, if sick at the stomack ; then find your pain if you can ! IxccaAULEd RisToRtu. Do not despair because your physician shakes his head. Professional opinions are not infallible; and they araoever wider of the mark than when they pronounce chronic dyspepsia eo in curable malady. To anUigate its pangs the faoulty usually prescribe air, exercise, and brandy. The first two are God's tnedi- oioes. The last is a satanio poison. The only medicine needed in Dyspepsia and its concomitants, is Dr. J. Walker's Cali fornia Vinegar Bitters, the great vegetable tonio of the age. ROHB.KBB ZX PECTORAL WILD CIIEEBl T3KI0. The Universal Family Remedy. It the bast known remedy for sore throat, in its worst and most aggravated forms. Hundreds have been oured by only using one bottle. It is also an unfallible remedy and sura cure for fever and ague and all diseases of the atomaeh and intestines, Dispepsia, Pain of the Kidneys and baok, Iailamation of the bladder, (ravel. It is pleasant to take and can be given to any child. Ladies, young or old, suffering from general debility weakness and irregularities will find il an efficacious and never failing remedy. Call for it at John Bengston's, or address J. Rohrer,sole proprietor, Lanoaster, Pa. CONNOLLY STILL IX JUL! A Christmas Butchery! General Summary. Market Eeports. Reported Baprsssiy for the Aaeis. Bees: Island, Pes. 27. Flour, Funlly brands, barrel. Floar, ine qaalitv Wheat Barley Oats Baeawbeat Floar Hr, to a hip Siuff Oora Meal, twt , Cora Apples . PotAteet Onions White Boans (nvj).. Bfgs tJA do - Batter Id Lard..... ...... . Dreutd Pork Chickens , " Turkeys Hty PralrU , limotht.... Glonzh Hickory Wood, 5 eord... 0k Wood, do ... 1 T HO 7 ou 06l li 61 c ZSaOe 8 U0a9 00 14 SO tl 00 1 6l'l 0 2 &0tl 00 65a70o S0o;c 25o 1S20. 10,1! jo -tia4i. lOe 9 OOalO 00 10 Ouall 00 7 oca 8 00 : oo 6 5C 50 THB Symptoms of Liver tomplaints are nriHaineB :iumhu in taeniae. Home times the pain Is in the shoulder, and la mistaken for rheumatism. The atom. ach is affected with loss of apeuioaodiilrknei. bnw. jib iu jjeuurai cokiivu, sometimes alternating with lax. The hrt it trouble 1 with pain, and dull, heavy sen- Muuu, i:uusiuerai)ie loss or memory, accompanied with aioful sensation or bavin; eft undoue something wuiouuuKub to nave oeeo one. uiten complaining of weakness, deoility and iow spinis. MimetlmaB LIVES luany at oih whm I nfiiu. c.umeiimes of the above y Diploma attend the disease, and ler times very few of them: but the liver erally the organ moat involved. Cure the liver with B&. BZSSBSOZTS' IIVER REGULATOR, A PKEPAKATION OP ROOTS AND HERBS, warranted to he strictlv vpratjihiA a ;.. . . vau uu uu 111- iury to any one. last thirfyHUi nsed ny hundreds, and known for the cacioosand harmiev pne. of the most reliable, effl the suffering. 11 taken rcgular1y-feytr offered to IS sure to c-ure Regulator, Dyspepsia, headache. Jaun dice, costiveness. sick head aehe, chronic diarrhoea, af fections ot the dyxentery. affections of the kidneys, fever, nervoasnase chills, diseases of the skin, imnnritv nf 1h hlmul m.1. anTbTlIyTr?prSMouoi spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, in iu the bead, fever and ague dropsy, boils, pain in the back and linaue, asthma, erysipelas, fcinale affections, and bilious diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. Z EI LIB CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga, and 829 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. teod for a Circular. IMce $1 ; by mail f 1.25. For sale by John Bcngston, Rock Is land, Hi. novl4-dly WOOD, LIGHT & CO., MsBBlastnrers ol ENGINE LATHES I AND SLOTTING lor eaeh saiare, or the lease oeaepl.d if tn liaosof solid aoapareil, Oae Dollar for eaeh la sertloa. ., Bpeoia! Ketiees, 10 seats per line. Vhov ta. sorted I months er more, 10 per seat above rsca. lar advertising rates. , OoeiBianieatioas, er articles Inserted atBoaa reading matter. Si coats per line. DIL!,",D w" A disooaat oi ib per sent, will be made from the Weekly rates, on f early and half yearly contracts, when tkesame aaattor is inserted In both Daily and Weekly DoBble Oelnmns will be eb.rr.edM per cent additional. , . -.. For.:i iraasioat advertlsemea advaase nay meat Is reqalred. ABTISTIC TAILORING. KDrCITIO.ML. ROCK ISLIND TJt nwinosH College OPEN DAY ASD KVKKISQ, Tei Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys Misses. A large number now attaading. Evening FOR RENT. FOR oae or five years the Oliver Brown pro perty, half a mile from the olty limits, be tween tho two Camden roJ. Three aeres of lead, well fenoed, with all kinds of fruit, a good two story fraae hou.e, bare, outbuilding, cte.. aad food ei.tern Apply to JOSEPH JOHX3TOX, Bock nov.Vd Awtf School well attended. oetl2 dtf 1,600 persons. This ajs tha nttorne, is proof that DeLarge has no prospect wbat- .i . . L . L . 1 J vev tor tna reteniiom oi mm eea now umu by him, but that Bowen was clearly elected by the people of tha congressional ais- triot. A communication has been received at the Treasury department from the oonnsel for defendants in tha celebrated Tich borne ase, in which tbe Secretary is asked to for aish him all the information in bis posses sion concern mar the whereabouts in certain months in 1854 of nil the registered vessels of tha United States which bore the name of Ashaev. It will be reooltected that in the evidence in this case it was shown that the contestant for tha Tichborne (-states was a passenger in an English vessel Bella which t ra'Wa. offers at tie, no .vies foandered off Eio or the Sooth American Receipts Flour 4019: wbat coast, aad that ha was picked op among I m,2.'S4; oats 4800; rye 2572; others by tha captain of nn American vessel dros.od hogs 113 tirAWIID. TO v V Bevea or dross 2d3t &IMT A HOrSE WITH Kigut room., la atolioa. At J4ME8 McKIKIIE. Cars Users A Co., Molina, 111. ALL RIGHT. ALL Mm milt, ior uuru. ana Bunions, Boils an Bare, wot sais oy an Druggists. 20 ets. p.r asi. or sons nm rmpi i, pM. Address ALL 19HT,'1 W.Lak. Bt..chicai50. sepll-dly, Dee. 28. Flour Quiet; good spring extra J7Sa6O0: low do $4 B5a5 2b: .spar. t4 2ia4 60. Wheat Modeiately aotive; dsmaad mainly pocnlativo and to fill short.; prices el.aay; So 2 $1 IStal lr ea.b; elo.ingatll 1S4; seller Jan (1 ltal 194: Feb tl 21il 21: closing at inside prioes bid; So 1 qaiet and lower at tl 21; No 3 aad ro.ieoted dull and unchanged. Sale, of Ho I. 1 car at$l 21: No 2. 22 cars and 20,000 bu at fl ISj; 1 Scars and 20,000 bu atf 1 17,15,00u bu at (I ISi, No 3, 2 ears aad 2e storage at $1 OS: rejected, 1 ear at (1 02. Dora Hoiiosately active and steady at a slight decline from Saturday's prices; So 2 40ta 4U;o Jan; 4 14 1 So Fob; rejected active at 2Se; oar active mi 40o on track; 41o delivered at stockyards. Bales of 86 oait arid 25,000 ba r.t ?3 and 15,000 bu at 40Je; 4 cars and tan ; rojoctod. 3i cars 3Sc; ear, 1 la ears at Slo delivered at KsUbUsbed SI Tf&rs. Jones' Commercial College, 8. W. Cor. Fifth and Olive streets, st: louis, mo. Jonathan Jones, - President. JOHN W. JOHNSON, Frofsstor of Book-keep ing. T&OS. P. 6AI BDERS, Priaeipal Book-keep ing Department. JOHN W. BLL1S, Profea.or Matlisaatiea, in aharge Coanarrois! Calouiation Uepartmeat. JOHN a BOB M B. Profsuor Penuiaaebip in aharge nritiaa Dapartmant. JONATHAN JON E8, Lecturer on Commeroial Law, Ethiea, ete. Open day and Night. Circa'art and Catalogues giving all neees.ary Information in r.gard to taition, board, time to cemBlete. etc.. mailed free. Bo vasatlon. AdOrc.. J. w. JUB.xsu.l. Managing Principal nova dawSm GROCERIES. WasHisgtok. Dee. 2C. C. C. Bow. South Carolina, is here looking alter his con tested election oase. which will be taken np by the Committee on bieotion direotly after the holidays. All his papers are Colore the " Committee, bnt those of DeLare nra not. ''T'1 . '....- , : . r rejected 2io. 1 ne attorney oi toe latter reiame a " ,,,., ... . . ... . v. ' T..T f.n.A t mi tk. c.f7 y"let " rn; striotljfresh So 1 and 2 ItiClUi UCkBUDw SVDaJSHn f J I 3 O XDCaieS OZ ... Bg lO leiUIBOBJ -"l"6 jtriy m jir tui.oa mn urui; 4 cn, m v ami, WEST EM) GROCERY, One block southeast of Chicago, Bock Islaal and Pai ifio Depot MO LINE, ILLINOIS, Cah raid for BUTTIE, K9Q9, and otber Bind, ot rrocucs. tdomandand .Uady; No 2 32c; Whisk) Quiet and held firm at 90o; .a'., at 89e Dressed Hor. Active and bigbar; whole raaso at $4 7ia4 f ; elosing firm at 4 80a4 85 PrevtsioBS Qaiet; eash me.a port steady at IISOO: sales of 6(H) brls at that price: sslisr Jan aomtaal at 111 Oft bid; seller Fob sold at $13 85a IS 424: elosed with sellers at til 374. Sreea meats dull and easier; offered "Jo, with no sales sides nominal; rouih iiaSle; elear rib 54Sjo elaar biio: hams sold at 6o for 17 lbs; 7e for 16 lbs-. 7o for 15 lbs: 7r- lor 14 tbs. Bulk meau hardlv nuotable: rhoalders 4io; clear rib bio: clear 6o. Lard sold at $8 7a40onh: oloied witnout side bid: seller Feb tS 50: 225 tioreca seller Fob at SS44. At the Evening Board scarcely anything was dona: rates of wess seller reb wsr.fUd.i The suk.oriber would intimate to his custom era and ih. pabllc that by roesnt arrival from wkicego and elsewhere, bo has now nearly com- leaud bis fall stoek, which comprises one of THB LARGEST ASD BUST SILKCTED STOCK Of to be found in the e:ty. together with all iu aeeea.aries for the comiag holiday aa.on, and 11 tho articles u. sally foead la a 8 retains Uroeery Btora. W. B. DAW80H. dsol5-ljanl JAMES KELLY, 637 11 MACHINES, PLAEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, I Mill Work, ShaHIng and Hangers, Pateat Self- Oiling Box. WAREHOUSE: lOT X.IBBRTY ST., NKvT YORK CITT MiNVFACTOSY : HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Jaaetlon Depot), WORCK8TKR MA88. All Trains entoriag the City, stop within ton reds of oar Works. 1.10 dtf WABASH AVUZQ-VF, OUIOAOO. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR UBNTXEMBN'g USE. WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Heesnre j . . in Fit. Olerw.-.. -011. 1" dt.eont. " i per sear. leblMdly IKTIflCIiL LIMB. DR. BLY & J. C. GARDNER, rG9VKKIKM ABTIFlfUL LIM3 Manufiftory, 93 Tw.nty-Soooni st., CHI0AGO Sinoe the Great Fire. Patient. Poardei Free while here XtOvza&T. CONDccTtvA Lelterj ol ua. ornmeat $300,000 in Ooio entsen days Pria ca.hod and InfTTrmtlKv faral.hed. The highest pvioe paid for Doub loons and all kind, of (loll and eUlver. TAT LOR A 00., Bankers, febodly 16 Wa l Street, Mew York. MEDICAL. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME, READ AND REFLECT. THAI. a. rowans. j. L. vaaeMAi. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BT THB Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Breach Home, Palace Sew, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Where we are offsriag unrivalled Teas, at the same low pries, a. at their "Bittern House." By Importing Tsaa ia cargo lots, they enable as to retail to the ooa.umer at extremely low prioes. Don't fall to the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palaoe Row, where will be found the laest, purest and fraabest Teas, Coffees and Spi eea, at prioes bsy on d competition. mySdwJm P0WAK9 A FRIKMAH, Ag'ts aoSdwSm MEDICAL ISTErMEXT8. DAVID A. kllSh., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Electro - Medical Iastrument, Oalvauic Batteries of all Kinds and Sites. IN W. Randolph Street, CHICAGO ILL. All Kinds of Eleotro-Magnetic Instruments Xsatly Repaired at short nonce. Alio Models mande of all de.criptiona oa short notice. oot4-d3m MPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE ! AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popultr Literature and Sciences THE CELEBBA.TED PHYSICIAN FOR TBkZJZ w a m . - "uAijaa 1 ur - CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, AD Alt- CHRONIC DISEASES, TZlll B,0ek' M Ferri 8treM' B,f B,Mk . ' ;.?r;. pr. or3n noxTai-9 to 1 ; a to a: ,Bd 7 t0 e. CON )TJLTA.TI0BT FREE. HAS UIVKV QIS EVriBR fK. jPIXKy Impropeweaars, ATTENTION kOR THE PAST . tO t Una treat m w. . a If Ul irr . ' ay, QO US A NO tta irk,.. J"'" f n, J, moiaaot to both aesei. and hit e. Doctor examine your case. If it is oar "l?. TT W'0 '"Pentad in their systems, by the ill aot undertake a ca.eanlc. he i.emdient o?en".V"" " ul To such, ho would ton.BltatioB.s plea., sail and. aoisty yourselves whether ihtVoex!' b "m lt the 'ats " tall yoe that; for he Htr ttOM A9S DZlHABBk Or TBS BLOOD. f' YOUNG ! ho may be.affering from the effeots of youthful follies or Indiscretion, will do well to avail them' eives of this, toe greatest boon overlaid at the altar of suffering humanity. Dr. 8PINRKY wil1 ". rants, to forfeit OSS BUSDHKO OOL & A tf.Y for every eao of Seminal Weakness or Privat Qi.ea.eof any character which ke uniertakosaad fails to care. He would therefore say to any an" fortunate sufferer who may road this notioc, that you are treading upon daogeroo. ground when you longer delay m seeking the proper remedy f.r your oomplainti and may be in the first stage, re nembcryou arc approaching the Lit! If yon arc bordering upon the last andara .gff.rmg some ir all oftt. ill erect., remember that if you ob.tinatoly persi.t in procrastination, TBE TIMS UST COMB WOES TBS HOST SKILLFUL PB rsiOlAN OAS JiESDSR YOU AO AS ilSTAfCS; when toe ijor of hope will be forerer against you; when no angel of mercy an bring you relief! Cn oo ease has tbe Doctor failed of suocess. Then let not dcipair work itsel. pon your imagination, but avail yourscll of the beneficial remits of his treatment before your ease fcayond the rsaoh of medical skill, or bsfore grim Death hurries you to a premature grave. MIDDLE .GEI MEN. There are many of the a&e of thirty to fifty who are troubled with too frequent Evacuations of tbs Blalder, often aeoompanicd by a smarting or burning ienatin, and weakening the system ia a usuier the patieot eaonot acoount for. On ecamination of the Urinary Deposits, a ropy sediment vill often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be a thin ailkish hue, again changing to a desk and torpid appearance. There ars many men who die o '.b.r rfiaoMlty, ignorant of the cause, which la the SECOND STA OS OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr.i. will guarantee a FE R F EC T C U H E n all such eases, and a healthy rs-WraUon of the Dria ry organs. AlloommBaications strictly confidential itkout delay 18,290; barley corn 10020 ACRES OF IOWA USD FOR SaLE OR EXCHAKOl P0B Xr.iL Ratate ta Rook Island County, tor y,r. tloulars address or call at CON RtLLT A McFIAL S dsss-dtf Law Offloe, Bock Island. IVKRT LADY ia THB LARD IE0V7LS KS0W Whit TSThitt Olyeerin Zi AND WlifLt Jt Doch. WDITE GlTCESIXE Is bow aoknowk'Jged to be, In every respect, the superior of any end all articles used to bsnefit the skia aad improve the ectrplesion. Tbe skin which has been long filled with impurities, spots or disootarations, or which has been injured, a is often tbe oase, by the applioatioa of poison. on. eosmetios and lotions, may be perfectly rea- ovated by this remarkable fluid. Oane thoroua-hlv tmDrecnated with White Olyoerlne the skin grows purer aad cleaner, antll It reaohea a pearl-like trao.paren.y and beauty an attainable by any other known means, after which but little, comparatively, Is required to maintain a rich, healthful, natural and beautiful eompleiloa. It Is also aacqnallad as a speedy aad positive cure for eaappea hands, rough skia, etc. PEARL'S WHITE GLT0MW1 Is told by all wholesale aad retail Druggists and deelere in Perfumery aad XolUt Article. JelSAly named Ashney Rctlasd. Vt. Deo. 25. On Christmas day a bloody affair took plaoe at East Ar liogton, n drinking saloon. Farwell and Lawrence, keepers ot tha soioon, snoi nva Deraone. two of whom have died since, and two mora are mortally wonoded. One of the victims was Farwell's son, 8 years of age. Farwell and Lawrence nra nnder arrest. Pahs, Deo. CG.-Thiers delivered n power! ful speeoh in the National Assembly to-day in opposition to lowering tbe inoome ini. Tbe Germans have seized prominent citi zeos of the town of Beven in tba depart ment of Ardennes, because of trouble be twoen tbe Bavarian troops quartered there and tbe trench people. It is announced that tbe Germans are making siezoresof the private fortunes of the wealthier citizens of tbe invnded departments LosnoN, Dec. 2C. Ilis Majesty, the Em peror Willinm of Germany will very proba bly visit the Czar of Russia in St. Peters burg during the coming sprint?. Tbe Ger man Expedition to Venezuela will be Com missioned to enforce the National Claims against the Government of the South Amer ica Republic St. 1'etersbi bo, Dec. 2t'. An imperial decree appears in print to day, fixing Con sorption for the Russian army ior tue year 1872 at six men in every one thousand Lc.snos, Deo. 2f. Tbe Sublime Porte backed bv Russia and Aufltria is sharply rre.ino- tha irnvernment of Danobia The orinoipal point is for the settlement of rail way obligation. New York, Dec. 2f..-Ez-Comptrollr Hnnnnll waa viaitad DV SPVeml Ot hlS tttunria ve.tardav. at l ne l.uaiow sireei J" ue appears to bo in gooti spirits. It d that one of his bondsmen for a latf, portion of the half million has eiKoiuea fc . intantton to Wltnaraw. im ably ke wili,Mi New Year's in prison. Henry Honu.. 1... d 3.500 franos irom tue people .f Franca as a Christmas pift for the Chioa-o aufferers. of which Mayor Medill has ban duly notified. A valuable library ht. kn nnrchased in this city, to be present tbe city of Umnna as a gilt from Mr. H,tte, nn early pioneer ana citizen oi unitt.' Havana, Deo. 26. A positv., denial ia given to tha report that the opa;iB mn or-war vasco Ce rinnez bred blavk oar triages at the steamer tloridawhe. he was leaving bt. 1 homes, lbe Uonatab; a newspaper of this city, says that order. had previously been issued to vessels of tha Spanish squadron to cense annoyine the Florida, nod to retire from the vicinity. Saw Frabcisco, Dee. 25. A sever rain storm, with n sonthwast gale, set in last night, and continues nnabated. Tha rain fell to the depth of fifteen thirty-nine one hundredth inches, one and twenty on hun dredths mora than last year. There are fears of n general flood should the storm, oontina. The ship Windward Shipments Flour none: wheat 1020; corn (01: oats T221: rye 368 : barley 11K36 jpe-sed hogs 2019. Treasury Department. Orsica o ConeTBOLt-Ea op tbb Ccaeracv, ) Wasbisstow, Oct. Tth, IS71. j Wiibbbas, by satisfactory CTideaoe presented to the under.igned, If has been made to appear that "The Kort Jiland Aattonal Bank, in the Cily of Rrtek Inland, in tht County of Rock It- land ami 2nte of Illinois has been duly organ iied under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of United states Bonds, and to provide for tbe eir enlation and redemption thereof approved June 3rd, 1 S4, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act reqalred to be complied with before commsnoisg the business of Bank ing, under said Act. Sow therefore, I, Hiland R. B lburd, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Roek Island National Bank" in the city oi sock ltianq. in ine county of Rock tko easlnea eViS".- ' u"onsen to eomoaenoe Ia testimoaHB Jer tna Aetafaresaid l. s. band aad Seal ef efbi my of October, I Ml. HIt'AND R. HILBURD, No. 1SS9. Comptroller of Cerrcncy. Tbe Rock Island National Bank will open for bu.lnes. at No. 23 W. Illinois street, bovember 1st, 1871. Ben. Harper, 1 John W Spencer, j Peter Fries, Edward Burrall, Jr., j- Directors J. H. Wil.on, I A. Benedict, I " T. J. Robinson, J T J. ROBIN'SOS. Presldsnt. BEH. HARPKR, Vice Pres t. A. BENEDICT, Cashier. Octobcr25, 1871 d0t With the number for January. LIPPIN- COTT'8 MAQAZIXB will enter upon a new volume. Arrangements have been made lor the continuance of these features whioh have hither to proved attractive, with luoh improvements as has shown to be desirable. The nam ber of pages will be insreased, enabling the conductors to furnish an additional amoaat of Popular Reading- in tbe Beat and moat Emphatic rent. Ia addition to the .ho-ter articles by well- known writers, ths following ATTRACTIVE SERIAL WOilKS wilfba publi.hsd during the year: 1 Poirerfcl and Absorbing; fEW SIORY BY QEORGK MACDOXALD, LL. V., Anther ot "Alec Forbks," "Ansals or a QiiEt Neighboshoob," etc., ALSO, A CHARKIX'J SEVf KOVEL. AH letters containing stamps for reply ,sn swedr Post Offloe address, Lock Box 180, Davenport, Iowa. deodweowly XsXXABX.Tf.HXlD 1849. The Oldest silicic House in the iVorth-west. E. KT HEMPSTED, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN MUSICAL GOODS IIP EVERY DESCRIPTION ! PUBLI8HER OF Slieet 3Xii!-iic and MuhIc Books. Wholesale Agency for Steinway fc Son's, Zf azelton Broi.. ZXaines Brother's and Parlor Oem riAZTOB and lYIasoa 6l ZZamlin OROASTa. A Large and Elegant Stock of Goods at New York Figures. 410 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Send for Catalogues snd Price Lists- eotl-d eodAwSm Wanted ! A HAND TCRKBR IMMEDIATELY steady job by the year. A ddress W. BIMMONSOS, eelldeopw . "I- I0WA FOR S1LE. Steele aad Fancy Sro.erl.., Provtsloni, Qaecasware, Glassware, Wood. a aad Willo. Ware, Ac. Corner Or lean, and Ohio streets. ROCK ISLAND, - - - - ILL. For quality ef goods aad prices. I defy eom- patltion. mcklASIy W1KGEXS. THB MlItOFACTUaERS OF THB TUT IOWA RlILtlOlD Land Company's Lands ! RELIAIN'CE WRLGER, -7.vna.-g. COP? & BEO., Livery and Sale Stables. Offloe nnder Bart'a XX all. ROCK ISLAND,. ILIP Most Complete E.tabllshment ia the City Particular attertlon paid tofumi.hing Carriage. I for parties. Balls, Preces.ions, eto mhtd ly By a Talentcl American Author. BSr. Edward Wbymper's Exquln- itely Xllnitrated Work, Scrambles Among (he Alps, trill be continued from Month to Month t:i e , A large BWmiea. Oi b Monthly O.ssip, whfon"' devoted to with .hort and lively articles on person s of note, incidents of the day and other noTol or amusing topioa Illustrations designed by di.tinitDished ar tit. and ca graved in the highest atylq will ac company cash number. TfcKAIS : Xearly subscription, (4. Single number, 3b ots. Clbb Rates. Two Copies, J7; Five Copies. $16; Tea Copies $30, with copy gratis to gstter up of c'ub. Lippiscott's Maoazisb, per annum, witb Tbe Sunday Maga tine, 3 75; with Good Words for the Young, $5 6S ; wltb Good Words, (5.75. Specimen Number mailed, postage paid, to any address on receipt ol 23 cents. J. B. LI PPINCOTT A CO- Publishers, 7nj 717 Market St.. PHILADKLPHU iov25dw2m F. W. ROSENTHAL & CO., IMPOHTKBS AXD JOBBERS IS Wall Paper, Window Shades, TJiDlzLolaterv aovS dem ' st. Xtouxi. xmo. aiaAca. m GIFT EMESPRISF. BITCATKO IN Carroll, Cratrfurd, Harruon, HoodOury, Monona, iar, Ida, f.ymouin, Sivx, Cherokee. O'Bnt n, Bcuna Vitta and other Counties in the Srttxte of Iowa 1 7on noO Acres nnpnii.lle J and tinrulled are now oftVred to Sclllvr- in trm'tn to nrl. tnr t avn. snort time, or on lonir time, wild fix percent. IntcreBt uuiy iu deferred paj mentc, huu al rrom S3 70 $9 PBB. AO RU 1 All adjacent to the rret Tlioroiif.-hfares-The Iowa Divi-ion or trie nimo nnu iMinimftii'iu, m llliiini Central, and the Mohx t ity ami IV cilic Itailroutlf t;ompn-iiii: four Govoni uicut Kullroarl Uruuts. These Xaads Have rsever seen Mortyag-od, and tbeir Title ii Perfect. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS, flvin price and ternn. County Mane, showing tbe Laudx lor sale and all neceHeary inloruiatiou UOW TO REACH TBB LAND!. And where to procure Exploring Tickets, Sent free by Mull, on application to JOUN B. CALHOUN. Land Cum'r. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. JOHN OCH9 A HONS. Airents, Uaveuport, Iowa Woo will supply partiea with Exploring from Davenport, also Alaps aad all formation. Have bad unusual opportunities of a.ocrta'ning I precisely what is wanted, and of prods' is g a perfect machine They hare brought out an entirely New Wkisgbb, which tb-y oall the "PROVIDENCE." ZTew. 187X. Perfect. A GEEAT IMPROVEMENT Over ail Otber Wringers. IPinnos ior 8275 J. Zimmermann's Piano Manufacturing Co., Ho. 10 -tain Street, I DAVHSPORT IOWA. Please take notic of the great change in the price of Pianos. I offer '.or sale at the full whole.ale price the Large Bite Rosewood 7 Oo I tave Plaaos, wltk all the latest improvements and warranted for five years. Cash price, $?7 JOHS ZIMMBKMANN, No. 10 Main street, bet. Front and Second, Dav I enport, Iowa. novl4d7m rXSSBBURQXX STAINED CLASS WOB.XXS, MO. 33 MtRkM StT., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM SKLSON, Glas. Btainerand Me tallio Sa.h Manufacturer bast adapted for churoh windows. Having ereeted the most complete and extensive apparatus for the manu faciuve of eolored and ornamental window glass, he Is prepared to furnieheve y verity forchnroh- es. private residences, omeo wmoowa, eio., in superior style. Orders rrom an parts ox tue country will rcceivenrompt attention. f.'18dJy. NOTICE. MEDF0BU El rt. Ul 3 krp-?'Rov!BCicE. y 5 m 2 lpTMfT-S!i't ctn o J " jours 1IOYT, Wholesale Dealer in Steinway, Steck, Weber and Emerson PIANOS! And ths Celebrated and Unapproachable 900 000 00 GE0- W00D ORGAN! LI UU V vU VV Acknowledged by tha Critics to be the b..t IN VAXiTJABXiX aXFX3 ! Principal Office 10 1 W. Fifth St , Clnclunati.O. The Only Beliable Gift Distribution In the veuntry : L. D. mm EIGHTEENTH Grand Annnal Distribution To be drawn lVSonday, Tan. 1, '72. LIWREHCE'S MEIFOBD iUl. DANIEL LAWRENCE & SONS, Only Manufacturers of MEDFOIID RU3I, Btlll eajoy the repaUtion of manufacturing The Best Rum in the States, Duly avthoriied ly Slalt License. The superior quality and parity of LAHREXCK'S xplorim? iicaets the necesitary iu- deco-d m tUotwam rtestern Union Railroad. !PHryStffHWHfJ IT WRINGS FARTKR THAN BT BAUD. We ennsider the Pr;jane sBDcrior to all . V . . omers, ior tbe followlag reasons. 1st. The ROLLERS, of larce site and best quality of White Rubber, ere ail scoured te their Basil, ia the moal manner, by the Mouiton Proocis. makinc tha Bett Roller ia tbe nviLB. 2 Grand Capital Prizes ! pi is tiio.oeo ix 2d. The PATIJfT METAL JOURWAL CA ROLTTK """ prevent any wear apoa tue journal. IThe wooden joarnals ia which the Iron .hefts ot etnev machines ran, soon wear, and tbe em SHORTEST AKD MOST DIR10T for Fulton. XLOCk Xlland. Ot. XtOaiS, t cieeey of the Wringer is' thereby arcatly redooed. Fiee BorMtt and Buggies, vith SUver-Moun- lO.OeO I ITIhKHAN SILVER! Fire Prii.s of $1,000 S Ten Prises of $500 j One Span ef Matched Horace, with Fauily Carriage ana silver -mounted Harness, worm ji,ouo! Qaincv. Bnrlinrton. Ooa'cu Bluffy Omaha, salt take City and San Francisco CLOSB ABD 8 lIBB COKSaCTIOBS AT FR IE PORT, AT FULTON, With 111. Central R- R. With C, N. W. R. AT BOCK ISLAND od. The DOUBLR SPIRtT. ruGS nacdeea this Wringer give the utmost ease nd steadi ness ta working, while the double stop prevents them from bottom In a; er beinc thrown oat ef gear, we furnish either single or douOle gear rrovtoeaee as desired 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLIMP readily adjasta this Machine te tabs of 7 With Chicago, Rook Is aad and PaoifieBailroad, or thtokaess, making a perfect fastening and with Rook ford, Reok Island aad St. Loois Railroad for points 6euth and Southwest. O" n and after Dee; the 10, 1871. trains will leave Rock Island, Sundays excepted esrollowe: Peesengsr 8.20 a. m.; Aceommoda- iua .! p. SB. D.A.0UN, GenlSup't. He wondea pees or rubber streps on this 01mp. 5th. UMPLIOITT. 8TR1NGTH end B"U TT, are combined la thic Machine, with all the requisites of a first olass Wringer. lirxuviueuuo 1UU1 UUUl Jf t I PROVIDINCB, R. I. 11 Warren St.. U"ew York. nevS-4Lf . ted Harness, worth $600 carh I i fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $500 each. 1 Family Sewing Machines, worth $500 eaoh. fino llold and dilver Lever Huntiae- Watch.s (in all), worth t om fttt to eaon: r .hi...' alrl Innttne and Gents' (Jold Vest Chains. Solid snd Double-Plated Silver Table and Teai-pooms Photograph Albums, Jewelry, &c., etc. Number of Gifts 5,u(0. Tickets limited to iuo.uw AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKBTB, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid Single Tickets f : Six Tickets $10 : Twelve Tickets S4Uj ncrij i Circulars containlna a mil list of priaea. a d-ecrir tion of tbe manner of drawing, and oi her uiformatif m in reference to tho Piftribotiou, will be sent to ny one ordering them. All letters must be adiireseo to X. B. flXSTX), ox 86. CINCLNNATI ,o. Onut, 101 W. 6U. BU ostA-v" .wly now In ase. Musical Warerooms, Cor. Brady and Fourth streets, Davenport, Iowa. Pl m NEW &TBEA.UTIFUL MUSIC &M A Bright Blu Eye, Song MeiniBger, '5oU .. . mern Lr Comia boar. Sexton, 4 j t,rssnns.L'c unniuwo" (as -. 1 I Qirl vitktheO ,garett; Comic Cordelli Now wonldr.Uyom like i know. Coaa.c Cord jiieeni oj tnt atari, . Low in Ih. , Mado, " ' Let it Po . for Bas. or Alto, Yet Onn. , Av, Duett for bop. and tferr. Orr. ,'u.a 'TeiMnr: Comic Duett, Aobcr, 75 ,J; Gkit'd, with va-iatioos, Mack, Ueao. .lyQreetinu; P.u.ic o, mantiqua, 'Blaoo.ey, . . Bol ;dn Vtn March, illu.trat.d title Gii'ina, S tet Aipton,BchoUische, Gil. inn, l.;.. 'r.lala. Kresr Any of the above cent by mail oareeciptef tbe market price. No m.ttar where you see a piece of Muslo er Music Book advertised, send to uc and you will receive it by enclosing the publishers prioe. BAlXtXSSa 6L WBBSats MUSIC DBALBRf, IX. LOUIS. 30 30 3 35 iO 60 15 (0 50 15 MGDI OHl) RU. For the past fart -seven year; has made t where known aa the Sr.ta. R. ';; will be spared to maictaid its porit f 'nt "' reputat.oa. The public is c.utloo.d aga.n" imitations and oounterlc tt. ORDER Dlht-CT f BOM I j fi Ufnrrant perfect atptctwn. 'JJ MEDrORD. MASS., A.Aorders by K.p" 0' otherwise 127, 129 131. and 133 Broad st BOSTON Aad they will receive prompt attcetioa. D AS UL LAWR1NCE A SONS. o,i24 dflm UAVINCi SCURKD LatTTEBS PAT. feNT ON OUkt BKAKDS CANE SPRING, LICKING VALLEY AN3 DGUSLAS-ELK-HORN 11 II Ululltuu i That we astabliih.d in this market In 1886, j hereby give warning to any one Biing those brands, or aay repre.eatatlon ct tnem, mat iuey are infringing upon cur patents, and they will be protecuted to 'he full citcnt of the law. J. A. Monks & Sons. We have for sale the following well-nown Kentucky Conner Whi.kiest fane Spring Boorbon, f prisg 1869, 1870 and 1871. Litking ValleJ Boorbon, Spring 1869, 1870 and 1871. Dooglas-Elk-Uora Bourbon, Spring 1869, 1870 aad 1871. The above brand, ere patented and can be had ONLY from the Proprietors. J. A. M0XKS & S0iS, tii !'. eroxD st T. route. aov.l-dSw Niagara Steam Pump .Works n 3 wl'al '' t-"i s A Soft & Beantifal Skin ! j. a. pozzoryrs MEDICATED Complexion row BBS. I Imparts to the 6kin a b.autifel, trans parent whiteness, makes the skin deli cately soft A smooth, removes all freckles, tan, aad allays all ir ritation. Thisvsln able oosmetio can be med with the great est conudenec. rifty cents and $1 par hex whole.ale aad retail by J. Al Poiioni, 114 S. Fifth .tract, ft. Louis, Mo., and by all Draggl". novl-dly nO;-dadl2m. Charles B. Hardick, No. 9 Adams street, BROOKLYN , SPH YORK. Sole Maaafactarer ef Eardiek's Patent Double-Acting Steam Pump and Fire Eigine. Mining lumps a Sj)ecialty Pateutad ia Ragland, Belgi Bead for oiicalar. and Praaoe. augJldly SHOTCUH? ST IN THE WORLD. i Kew York Office, 27 BEEKMAS ST. : aovl-d3m 1 L p- I