Newspaper Page Text
Tharidiy, HoTtmb.r 7, 1171. OK THUS EMU TO TBI LIlEKALi. Btj jUj Uua to Com Buck. Tba Coice JW ofTadiit; ii ku Utiing JiUril alitld "Four Yean Mora," which th Hock llnd I'niim adopt iu ow. Il ooataiat lb followio; ptbt to .pp..: loth. Kp.bti...a obi hack aid bclp tar III liraol lurty, it "If tit i(fri ( iht pari; fihe Qnnl ptr ti indue! i boial with discretion ml tl inp. tee traaan of a day will a) I b baob homo affii hfor told eatber sell la. Wt art trnaa;. bat ail trace tnoufb t ptrMintatly ofenj eed deliberate!, r.pel hota woo, fa a brief atdiimmir .siirioia, bar taot 01 tu teste lha ilreo- patiacrt tf Cbtpptqaa," Il iinr, al'ler heaping tbo filer! lint uun tb I. Ine the I ml month., to aow Mji " HV art wl ttronj m 'ii'ih In furmantnlly nftnil itnl Mihtratt liJtltt yu!" But il it irot, ner.rtbttets i aad wo trt aot torpriied to tat tha Grant papert commence, cren thia tarlj, tu be Iho I.ilwra's Io com liack, for lha lireul p.rl; rannol hultl together wilbou, lha aid of 111 great lr.l-r.s of lha Liberate. Without tba coonicl and reoper ation, ol tuch men at Grt.lrr, Suamer. Bird, eelcT, Sumner, Bird, li ' u ... . il,. II irnni Mir, trrjw, ,.! a H eir. I bair Hinit, tentoo, NeUen, Tappan, Gardiner, A Spalding, Julien, 1 'rutnhii:!, I'a'it, 1'tlmer, Koerner, Fitro. worth, I', Swett, (irin nell, Oral! Hr.ii, S.-li.t. and other (t'ext leader ol the late K'.'-l'' I'tn party, the Orant partr wi!! run n rt iu corrupti-m acd iniij my .in J f'ali lu pivot ti'ilt own rotten- Ht. Tnei men, lul :ht tbiiusaiiJa ol Li. bera obo aia pruiid h lu w, li tit'ni, lefi the p,ny fi rii-i ,1 hi uttrr h.iule wi, be Initt, wnb Ibe l.'ad ertofthe Ifmoi'r, T ure the front men io Ibe 0"W lrmoi itu' 1; uh. ifti. lurtr who (iiri.iftt. )r!r are bellhop t..r r form u I tie of our oweruui ni, t,d h uianteotnl i.i dhvi r iitio atlilitto w.;!i t)r. t ;: iii en I'.irci l iilead of t Lean ynin htri lbo-at,iN u' l' noid ntiei. it I tli Ui.1 w.ll ft join them, and b!i retMre our Kvrnoieut to purity and the priiui.;ra npi.n whuh it wjh :itu d. At (i-orn W. Viu; n, una of the lead injr I.;bra!t of tlii-i c, n itr tan!, e!olicB Oi.'fll "You'll all wumI cutre ai.d fe ot b' ture )ot.g, tui ton: tou wil H-jirni t i tei fun, o, before ff ru be n.iontd r bed'i'iarirri MRS. GREELEY. Skrtch ol Har Lit! aad Character. 'irrnl .iQ lof., X. n ' tou,u:i: i t-.r l "it. wreun r r :'. ' Mre. (ii-ei'lee. wl i i ' i: :: inorui'., i.,.ri. i , (., r.,;. . .j t;u. lit u.iUf .1 U rf. f 'Hiii , in l it . - . .,r - a tf .fi h-r li'i-M .d. ' . wt t! i U-t , hr;ir. Iltr n. nMn- u is Mar r tu'iu v 'irury. lu l.-r . u;n h ( 4 n- lo Nm V.r and etat .heil a fen ii.i, t oruii.r at ill - ia I i n II. n r. ,, r : r.t m..i W Oreelet. Hewn- thru ciu1jc:i:) ill- .Yrw i'rktr Tat if a .pi i.niiia rip-i-.l imo a!lr:ioii, ii. l ili-v i ni'.u ".:ajed. .'.ir. lirei-let an 1 M ai l'hea w -re u arn.i! .Ijlr .'i .ii in V, arre.toti. N. , net-ti. wae'.0aa-'0 in i.i. iiiu ,ih.. i. 11 r. (ir.. two chi dim ,ii,ot - .J..4 I 1 ai r . le. i'tU M,f I. r M I M f K , i Mm I' 1 r ( i ti- h t''-u .... h r ui Kc wa . ,( ,fl "! UK HIU, Hli'l 1 lie llfM, I I Ml. ,1t; .1, Itrusg 'nice, pi(j mi ,K i lufi. t.J ki't )- W ft WotXJftU Uf Ifnn u; ii.jil ,'1f' sll'1ufRtM, 1 WT sUiuai.H mhmt ;l.Md .Mr iiTn,?y u l-.i : ' e i i , f a i ii II l: c-r l.l. l ie l.l-el, " r- I. iMi 1. 1 r-i'u.i t i r 1 1 . i is j rru 1 1 .-il l.l.. t.. ifi- .i. ,,.u trio slarn ii jint ot a 1 A ;! ill. Slieooie bti s ntf llr.ut . i. b..t '. W neti ls, ti.-r c.nstituUoii. an I it I'.tif y tv iiipu'... Uee .c eo In itt aro tti It tn.y pifaiitr. Su wa-loilii-rir ai i'ua-.. in .1 i i teof al.i.ii, anil at. o tu hard wore, aa a tnulhFr ami heail t.l alatriMi.bii ol late yearallr. lir-eUTs p a.iiou prereota the nei e.,te t,l i.i'on ni, her pari, aud her tciud ha. Lecuenr u' i l.t ric ' "t ai she Ine Mr. IJreelet'' I askej wee jrreal a.m.iar tr Ti,e w. re well niate.l Saw wat lull of nw utea,' ai d btaveonoueh tj carry oui an; Iheori wlncb the ri..-.eril t t8 ,,,,u Ine wb,,i woild. hue autered into all o' Mr (.reelet's cold water aad ero-ataiiet. thrones with a i! worthy of a llonaai mother. Mr. dreelet til s ft.'o bow. wul. real prido, with what Soartan ttou Mre ireley used lu pivside be lure oro pant a their a i in ula tirahamile meal when n ,- r iti'iu. the Arte imktr, iu IS. 1m.'1 ''iiow liu you tneaa ? " J inquired. "W hy, neither Mr. orr Mrs. Oree'ey at meat ordreok tea ir c.fl.e Tbir diet con listed ol liraham bread, buiied beant am tan, and cu.d water, and Mr. ( ottei auiuanl at be teiliug huw .ira. (Irecie; aoie.l when ehe bad fiunds tu visit her frou. the l ountrv. " "II w an that ' " "Veil, abe set her litt'o tal! will f.raliatu bread, milk. Iieaut, tall and water ml w r.on tb7 would all eel down tba woulr Beeer apolo i, oreeen explain anything but taU eery Intel, ienllj, and leave the (iii.tii i to r xolam use I'. '," laid a friend of the family. "Mr. i. rer i-, used tu tuirgest to ilrt. (iree lej il.,t tome Xi anancu ouht to be madi o Hie tmion, byl h wou!d look up ei) -ii. .... .-,.. .,, : llurar-, elil f.i.. n,.,ujh I, r , j,,,!.,,,,,, j, ror ltlfB le l.SUll .a,,' Mr ,.;, U((J ,0 ft lauobiiK. "ttal teupe bu i aa.e tu ", ""' lienrraiiy tiutd our tegenan d.. ain ut two cars and aerer repealed the i. tin i . n p-inl io. 1 hey were caver t3iptc bel t li, m h litiag.'" Vt hat ere lire, (ireelej'. peculiariliet ?' s a.aeu an II, I , in tie tllenil ol lb family. ' ie hat an in n will, ami ofien took i toAoher bead lo catrr out teriaio radio l.leaaatati; ecu!, tl,,,,,' tua,l0ll,d tb (r,. ud "l w.ul up t I i.aopa.iua lo ape,,. .Siiud.;,. lira Ore,r t. .,l tu osl, , Ibe atxl.nli, Bli'l kbn Ibi.nnt no nue (Mil firm, il.etn to ihw larm but li, r r,. be i himor her, wa k-d t.. wi,.r ,1,.,,,, , ilrorw ti.Ud. iu. She was the aum hoi.i an.), and wuld ti.l.imt m dunoi.est or a lin k) aou.iu us tb y,ti . ao i,n e'Ka lluritijr that ride Irutn t, tta sou to ine lar.n, abe II l ufrll of Iho (tu, hi, an t. Wl..u st,- 1,',iiiiU hf wanl.-l . tea. a . ' dvuiue ol h.r, she retu . lo par ti, au,l a, a. I ol i,m and walked re.. .1 ti. di lice ." "And Mr. Orteiet " u;. i.,i a in h ctroe with tl ft'.ai., bo a t mi'ed at the idea, a r io.i.,.i. u .ij.iul lha io. r wail.. j f, i hi.,,. , ,,, d iXZtZTJ- Oreeiw, ,... '"' M "I'll io gi b Y, "! "y 1 k r, ,ei,. ' ' ulU'iway. Ion Uo. trie ttiis ha. ... . k. . . rr i'"l: hoar dat. Mr. (irlf,y hmti o h-ifw. Sp bM,,, ?r"P ' "ll no duut bi' '-.'ur. Wn.P ' b trouidht up in a u. In barren,. by cloibtof. ugbiyu- bh blitvd Uir ioe, ana tuai il tuw wubou aiil tun pn!itel of lb lral eod, conacine, "which doth mek cowardt of no all." will inlliel peoiltiet of a tocrel ttin. la tu ad aha blirvd in tka Buiterial t&Watioo f all taanhiad, bol aha alwayt thought, with 110 Adhm, Ibal bo wboia giai (itiril at "oao who loeed bit follow aoo'' would ono day, io tbat partr world beyond, "load all tha mi." Hli((,oa. with her, wa aot io Iho rant of trtedi, bat in th prancUr eu of sorb great phr 'amhropiitt ai Wilborforea and lliward lit lha aubliiae ttoopiori of I Ibw Cbrisl-ehild bin ha bonds tu lift I f(TKlnr Orphn from th otter, or ftrandlT fcl2b'ihiUt.. Tha Beachar-Tilton leandal. Sew l'trk flpoaial to tba Ciutinattl Cuuimw elal.) A Shooed edition ol Ine Woodball ptpert, coniainuiH .ura. niKUtall i allrfed reeela tiont, intolrilf the roputationt of two farni lift whota nawet ara knowa lhrooirhou 'h tonntrj, wat marketed tu-dar. Tbo Mr- jram tajt thit eieniox : "Mr. Hircher it loo ttroof , too telf-oeolered. too well anon ored oa moral (round, b' btt too t?cnr a lodtetoent fo tba paolic li-ait. not to riee superior orer a'l tliia mountniu of nattinaat; but wbal of the future aciioo of tociclt io dialing- with the Wuclbullt? Tba tint tug eetion. of course, will bm the supprfttioa cf theljurnl a en ij'li'.'eot p'ibitcation. The chariree aro p. .ml blar.a. aud what the wojiiI i' i pro l'i tlitt Hear;, Ward llrrchrr, lull' paator vi the l.t'cl tod best koowu ivmr b lu America: wbilo 'reaching rvtn trditel di)c:ni)i'i; whi o ttauding upon tbo .ew letttmeDt, cot at Bh nnderntandt it. I - 'in uunpinianua it, naa teeo ot 'fmt ot the oloteai intioitc? with tha wifi , ... r ' Itieojor I ilton lor tea jart paal, anc taal ,0mewber io ih-.e Teart lht ititimaoi oil at the world undei.itaodt it, hat teen on it od Teart that ititimaoT riprni'd or ruttrned into tba criminal; thai Ciitoii it hearl-brukeD; Ihm Tilloo baa l)-es almi t rraz-d, , down lo lb end of the moal atl'!'nin ibaracj eer preferred aa nil a (ir.Ml and emineul iDn. .Mr, it. ecaer a aownlail w n , tie a calamity to aovielj wtin'o would bt ii.ctVih; iu lit COntl iJ Ikui , au i ll ie lil!! before the lark or tjth a crea'ure as Victoria V.'ood bu I, wh j, then, in t !'.' Ttiere ia a devil 'o humau nature wnioli ivneu iw .lf n.-hin in llaleniu to itcatidal ubuta u!erryiniio, but thewnrll, t n'withHinlin. will iialii tv iu H. W. Hffher wi h tno olj lovalty." Neman's Friend ! itil SANDS (IT LAIiIKd eudurt imtold aaflorioi; owing tu Jxvaxes au.l irreeulai- T II. ra avt'uiiar to :ue f.-m'u 3vx. "Jnlihn'E Zlyirastiu Conipoand" I A pei'ti nt in iii- .l.nii J, .ii..3rrbev tee:,ne. Iredejot to Prj.Ufiuj, Mi n io e!.k..i-in l'r. xnn. y. m:J in a. I s .n litiom n, wbi. li llu. l'tr:n.' . Hem ) ai laiU. llu Im... ant DifiiiyiB) pr .tu,e tt.i.i.t r.'act ir toretlu to kealth. Ti.e -e l.v a.-'.n aia gentle ItTfite mid tout', artii in bi.iiual ronjiiatiuii panifd l.v Pre 01 a toruot c in.tilii..j ol t'l. I ln , it i, , y ei!..CI0ja. Pr i.a-.i b. B. KRiril .. II !.lrtT itrt, .Mr V. rk. Witr.. eirea'a'i Jt.iuiiu t.-.liuiouia!. may be ba l. Prico $1 par botila or t't par bait' Uoero "iJhv ir.i:itia'yfccra. j-Mlttilly Notice of Dissolution. T;!.' Il'l" Ur.ItKTuHiHK KXIiTlSi; r - I. ,,! Win II V o.t- .1 . ".I . m ;t'l li t..'i.-iif 'l'-i.' I .. I, .-i l a. I .l.-t.l il I- ihy l-i-e .t- ai I ow.'.i hv if, Mint V !l 1 -MM. I M l liu s i; TrN. WM It WlMllitVAItll I - it; tlr,.,. I'OIll I NEW DRUG STORE, tv. ii nonr.s i:.s;-1 .v w sTjswi;i;ti & tAWi. 'j'L'V: I'NDEH'il'.Vtr, i.Ka .K,VVK TO A aaiionn.'e mat ti. hosi'iinpHi Tfl'TIT riTlTTO - - w- As ' wuOu uauiiu, At tba al.-ir- f'eee. if. atoe.e.l wit!: a ai' line ot Presli and r.r. Iiro,-.. Patent M.l eines. Urng 41S1 s fiialro, Twilst ar.J lao.-y liools. etc Harms bad Twelee e.ri ,'tper. In the llrogant I' e.i.ines. tnee feel eon Ideei. taat r aeears.'v ar.d sir ct a'tentiua to "us. net., ib r usy to merit a share ot "ubiii- I'atroo'se. rby.isiao rr-rr.f : i -us r.r- f u lv s'l d r cr alght. oropoon. i 1 H . Il'tNN hl Ro'-k Island. flls.,Jui 13. In:.'. -dale HARPER HOUSS DRUG STORE! Poeeetsor to L. L. Line, m i- II I IMllw. Dealer In FINE DRUGS ! AND OIicinieren,lt-i. KRK.VCH, KNur.isif and PiKKl'MKS, iiomp:stic BiftSUrs, of tvrrj !ieierlilion, OOEZSSTZQITSS, A Fin rartety of AND Toil. KT AHIICLKt, Of all kin It ktpt it a Drug Siore. SPECIAL PEHSOaAL ATTKKTI05 Paid lo tha pa r ?. i ptio v d s: a r. t m kkt. ao-l ldAwlr K. BRRl'SKKT. N d - a li. WiiHl'sieiR. EsTAIiLlMlIED ST. LOUIS TYPE F0U1RY, Nos. 1!5 and 117 Pine street, orrtH I - X T It A i n i u c r: m i; nth Ti) Vrintr-i rontrmpI-iKnir tit- fuhllniTloii of e.r, ..tji-fcle.-w, or i nlllOllSlilllK a -HJii OWU K. r to prllt iNlrt-arty lu tiic hurtiiif who Oi lrc new ouiriTt or aitilitloua. Our lock vf TYPE, PHEHHEH AID PRINTERS' FURNISHINS GOODS Bolnr rrry full an-l mmptric rmahlii n-i to put -te vusastw a tw; aaaaja iu .uU m MAsjri 1KH1CV . Thf TXVT. ml.' hy tr. i nmre.ntfM-1 to rlv "nf't NJiMoiai ttou In t verv txir.ii itlar ; )( H.UJIrSf ami TO idlM iaiititixcillia, if juftiHj, iiuifraaat orwui. Wa aiau have a full itock ot PAPEE it nearly erf rv quality, elar and weleht rr.iulr. eu ti) l'ublteiii-r. and Jon rrlatera. u ki-rp CARDS N0 CARO BOARDS fit alt srradee. at ptiees that will astnnl.h thnee win. h,. iMTt-totiin- lMaen In tin; batilt of luoaau; arouiid for uetr taiinuea ENVELOPES, TAOS, Ac. and In raet a.iy and every thlnr rennleed lo a printing- udlce , tiayi be luuud at uur Uuuae. husllw. iaal,IM ua to auarante ti publishers Uiat nl-r. will hs- nih.l aaUaiactuflil , prumpuy. anv at tquare prices. uuniaici in mlabed promptly. t. UIUUHT, BBC'T. ar-aaa wwwba Fa Wars Tit abb Dak akd Tbkki mar abb Van'" it it laid (hat tba "beat),.. Cklaae" It peeuliar. Tkit It doabtlett true. Bat thate faataret are alto appareat within the rankt of the Amarieaa peeple. r woald larfcet to taoe aarertaaau paraeaa who hare baa a In tba "watt that are dirk," or who bar Iajtdllotlj practised "trickt tbat are eaia." that there 11 help for them. Dr. K. J. Keyoelda, ot Boehet ter, the t;reat frend to errinf bomanitr, it the pertoa la laraitb tha proper eou apeeay eenei and tare. Tbe adrertiaemaat of Dr. Rejnolda will be found i t''t n 1 'rem hit Kraat tncreia ie tba branchia of tbe profoaaloa to wliloh be bat derottd to laaaj jaart ( hit lite, he la ery generally confided In. Te-itlraoalal fr Epi.p,y ! Bowarroe, Da. U. Paei.ra Iiaowa Jmsy Ciljf, N. J. Conn., Fob. I, 1871. He. n t rand Btreet, Dear air: My hrotket who it new ia hitUtb year, baa been anbject to epilepty or fitt from Btldkood. Tbe tpatmt wonld inrariably oeour dariag Ilia niSt, and oar loeal pbyticiaa bare oa!d do BMkibg to he!p him Bare prearibiDg oromija of Polaeeintn, wbicb woa!d allord Only j eteiuporary rallof, Be wti eradually hot turoly I be"ominK inaant, tnd la thli condition wa pru-'j eured yoer reatortive aaaiutalaut, berbal oiiit- meat aua pil la, aua mej ai directed, and but a i Oorltimo eiapiel before the apasnia entirely! oaaaed, bit intelleot tfraw brighter, and in abort, ' wat entirely tetlurtd to perfect health. Yoa ' Bay ate tbii teitltuontal ai yoa may deem I proper, aa what t hare ttid are facta. Beipaotfally yoara, fabl.ldwly CHALaS RAYMOND. ! IIAT( IIKLOK'M HAIR UVl.. ( 'l'bia e,l.-nt!id H iir D o t tbe bol In Hi." worhl. I Tl:ooul liuo aru IVif.-il live. tl;iriiit. r-. Koila-' ble aua liiilri!iinu,'.iu; uo iiia.iHiiuliufiit ; no ri-; dit'tilou.-. turn r uii.l..nniit ixlor Jtoineiii.-,. i he l;l eft' ct-of iii-.-, ami w.i-lio. i.-ituioi luui.eil::it.. : a Milorb li: i.-k or Nji.umI IliMrtn, an. li-an- iliu ' hnti i'.ran !n.u aud Mcautifiil. The ecniilue ngiwa i VS. A. Bfiui.vioi. ,..olivrt.l liriiL'j.'t-lB loaajuij 11 li.Mfllt.UiU, Prop, N. Y. I ON AJAliKlAGE. irwcn tbo ff tt ot Krnirj tit i. .'-I iiiUdti t rotn- I h rrr detiJitv hit rtii;i)-)4 lijuk5t.nU CtfijuFftri srni irre, ti South Ninib S. phtlsvtlelphiti, ft.. ! elpF.Q i'l'R'.aie TiUb! Tile iteie iuls. so o!ecratea maor years age IB i Par:. . H.r t .e 'elial of taotaU irreulAriliea, and t'ifaids tot Ibeireiimiea! f ia nlo f men l in tha . pnttiet ol atortiea, are sow otureu fur ule for I tc l: r. t Hue ia A tea Ibe 7 have bejo kept 1 a -cap a rali va oOscur il 1 1 1 c L. t he I ct tae 11' tiator. Dr. Ve.( u t, ...i s ; uu ia lri i ' ,;r -jt weUb,a-J I.a.- p.e. b i bw itii,:.-i i HfSt lcy lb iu;j t 414 1 I Q J V-,: 'U-4 -j j - ft t) r J ulattiui pjr 'rasi .i.. Callini . ,,, . .,. ,lr..e, "-' --- st-.o itet-ioti. a, or I .oil. t- h . w ft I Moa'ble, Nir-.oo. mi A See j :100s. Paia. in i:. 1 avt and U.inb-, kHttae ot ! ; .atet. rti.i. Paf the Hear liet 1 m.'.n. ',;,.,': llT IVl". V" C'6', i reritu 1 , d u 0 tt qii.e c;oi-e,. ot.rj , o 1 -'t-', !iir ;u, to the eotitiu.L ma-r itr, I..,, ard , l0 0 taTe ! a-t br t, rv 'jl..:ed, t:i? re pecj iarlj iuit.-d. ' fhry will, id m h rt itire, uriDj on tj bioutal. t'"r"fd mth refiiar-'j " j '.'rrioe M'ri-n -.- .10 -f atr lBr ' "e lp"e 1,1 b 1 tv pri-u t. f.i iif., 1 "jfoltj,. M si O-1 i. ii 1 teita i . K, it-r 1 11 A l-ii ; c vw : JOBIilOSES''vVVVi-KVillS I'.TF: O ITFt. 11SI1...M,: flr-.e. i. 1 1.' f,it ir" fun f t ",-ie e ratrr n-rf ifir ewimiJat .tl Awe I ('.'VrisM rnnrrfutn t'itiailons. i . ir" i;n 1, in I lie cure ' (-:.Z"ir i- ii",-. lo l Il til 1 01 is..i,..i. Tn rirhtmr all 1 " I' ti. .-r.i. . le-i.' . r..:. '"J i-i 1 r- 1:. .v . n.i o Timet. ,,u... frum wbet "' '""TO JlAUPim I.ATTFH t ir. -i ,. v ; c 1... ...,l It a abert ;- t,i."K I rirrio I witti r euiseii v ; 1 I.!' !. it i.,(. r- i. ..:it .in li'-'inT..- Lurt- ii .ii.... . ... 1.1 .;!. ,...,rx-rv.-.:.i,.l .'i il 1: ' ..... !.. in tl,.. B.. k .-. I 1. r,'..t, .' !' i" ...I - :-' ee. I .. ... Ps'it .1 :i ot he 'leerr, r,' - a:. I tf we-, rh v w, , e.'.'. t a' .ir, wfiea , o'l,. r- in. o.s II. V t u ! i. T'.e I i "UlJt I l-jiiat i r iii,, I '. . L i ' ii. a. 1 a!. i.e. or i I e. -:f t, t. u.h.ui; for ttivu.. sealed N li -I , I fe. ',rf. Th" crxrtTe ennni b I... Mi l - r...r--i ,.,-e.t t.. t.. S..!- Pronrie r. Jllll MH-i..-. l t I in lt St.. New York, IU -ir- a,. or th fnuint-, eoni.iniTie rifte ;ursiy sealed Irooa auy I. i.l i RZLICF STJ 7Crj MINUTES. I'cnvs rri'.M,jsir wafers r-'-i-i-H.. t in a. i 4THwii. Rrtirv'iitiii. Horn 1 iii: r. K i . i ; en- r i r HTHi.t.. I h- A0 ltOU lilSKA-tSb. j-y h iv uti ii- i -1 i . i-i, arl mii ''ii 1 itl t tk tr.. ni. T'.i.n-- 1 :i.e- i. -n r--u.i- .1t..h-ilttitht (III h !i-- :. . --v-r, t:i '-'171 1r"t a 1 r HHYAN HI.MOvir WAKF.ftS. l'r,'-.? rpt- pf r I ox. JwU MUJ.d, tropne- t r. i ' r , Y " ' THE" GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. DEL.W .TT'IS t-iPFCTFTr FILLS. IV ..At- I . J. 4iAI.Nc:KKi.( No. 811 F:-i- T'lrnhtnt. P.n. T1!1" r'1' -" l it.' -ir r'i'i.mmnii '1 f-rthr ntir l -1 .l V tr.; ty r f F.wni tit. voy bf: r- wiy m a.t rff" nf S - rm-itMrrliiPi, or 8 Tninai VftJt nt,e N ii." ''r. P if ' f ir I'rniw-iirr Kinw-ioru , S.'i a .1 itnit or Itnnrtriry ; Vi akrir's arinirfrofn li ' ii "HLf w n : ; V. " - : Fni ration ni t liti fr'-ni'i 1 O-l' ip; Ut.'t'( S- rf : y-rni t h t rin, fi'. l nil t tri.n of lit 'wthii rtin from 0. "Hi r,r F . Vhevture whnaliftttifTT-ini-e 1 'I. 1' irnnr !( r-f A lvi' i. in -. h hox. or will t. s n' P -(t.i tit itiv n i prtr9l pr Kx. N rit fiV ma ,mtcuT,ifr'l''dfr'-nr 'l6hTpitt1'm on f'Vi'rf.t-l v if... ' K Ir. Ml 14 (OttTLiaD tT.,Nw l oKit.Suio it utTal Atctut for tiiiAttJica. T U.THoMA4C0.,anJim.i.. 4 Iijnnay, Anititn, Kok I-Ind. Nos. 13 nnrl fJS. snnLiA sniiLEiro cmurrTrni. IlTTIPIinFTV HAVR Miovrti, rttoM Tin: AVnr -Kffi.-lent nnd li.-ll:i.t.. Th.-r r th. w iu'l. -in... iH-rfn'tiy ailai.led t fpolnr tie.. ,,..,, tint misUX.... n.n n..l hi. n,:i I." ii ii.lna the.,, - . hamilMa. us til b.. rr...i Jr.-ni .Inrit-.-r. i,...l -rnrt,.,.. as l. he alwar. rMllar.i,.. ' nevnuvn missel the hl est e mmnnuioiwi iiula a.1. and win aiwar. riruOer autistactiuu. r 1, t iirea F-eer., roncreetlon. lntlummetlon. .... ?, i .. Verns. W.-rni r.-v-r. W.-rin t'..llr.. 2", i 1 ",n?-,'"IIC!irellilnor Intmits .r, . Ilinrrbfra, .. f hllilrpn .ir Adults... . r, ?' .. "yeynlers, Hrlplntt, llilione Csdic M .. 5 0,,'p-lebiie, Vomitiiin "'. i' .. teaslis. t -...Is. Iir.inrlut .. . -r, i Jenralgln. Tonthnehe. Vi ivarhe ' .. tt llendnrlifa, r-irk li-ii,iHrlii., Vemuo.. 'is tleeneDeli,, Pnlnn. Hti.n.iirli . '-'S ti' e r.nPPre-aweU. i r 1'iitntul l'eriuda....i ' I.i, It. I.. wiiea. l.e, rrornse I'erhMls 25 I roup, ' ..iiirh, lunienlt rlreatlilnir '., J-fclt Ithenni, eTetielae. Kniptiuni....K If lieuniulleiH, Itliei.nuaio I'aloa. 25 I llee- blind c-r I lillnfr 'fl OuhlhlitsnT. end r. n orwrni-rVs.;;"w lnri n. aent., or rhronlo. li mi. rra....Ol n.enpins.( outfh, e i.'i r.t c.uuLtt iii llinsn, 1'l.l.ri s.,h1 Brrdhir" fU: Knr llie.'bararee, Ininairni aea'rVriff""'fi r-v-ralnlii, rnlurired trlnndr 8.-lili,rs....wl lienernl Dibilnr. fhrelm! wiaaneas. '! Ilri,ry a-.d eruntr he. '511 KeH--.irltnewa. sicknee. fiuia nitnij."jl H Llnrr-llieener, Onrel . 50 Aerenne llrblllfT, Hrmlnnl rrul-. il. t:. ti, i. r. 171 l,H,s lne.-lmilY .ilnrpes 1 00 - " - wwjirmi w.b.i ... .vTlllll.I '( WUer, tl. " Hi Mufti M..iU d'.nk. vo. T'T niriiflinrvln Min.u a..u..u 5 en rlnnrv Vn L n .! a't,pir bcJ., with Hrnpiua , iti'., r.piif .v. xiami. ht. VltiiV iMnrn 1 (Ml jipaiaeria v lUoariuca aora Uu-ouu... Uo FAMILY CASKS 4K.M tn fiO Inrr -Inl. munvfA r rnn-wima rn-r, mnt nintnir' n lfvlH' lor f-Trjr orHlnnry Ji. rn-tf- it fnmllr U vtibjcs : t, nnl bdtk r itirrflinn-t from Mill fn11 eiuh. r Korntty ml Trc l,atf cut, " ,OF:,;, BpsK-iltr, r-r e'l Frlrnl.. Vn.r'T ' l.'.ih f. ''nrtntr sui.lor Frven ties treatment, in etuit ood poek.-t cuvt S3 to t3 POXsTH EXTRACT, ",w??''r,," "ewlee. I.nmene.., Pnreneee. Sore Tliroul. Iirnin., Tosithm ho, V.ari.. he, ..,'?.r",'''" "'""llwni, l.nmbiien, Pllea, lion. eim, here I t-. HI' dinar ef rim s.IT'i ""wswcls, or f A'llea Cwrua, I li-ere, IHil rrt-n. r.7 ' OI" 30 ' ' Pl,," 9 l-s I ", . .'TWn,"T!''y1le.eTeert VClVTIf FTTH APT I.Z IHIS?"' ".')"' Ixu.arH aent. I.iar.y rirtr the -intnr. I., i a:.y iMirtnr the ox churoo, on rvoeiit or the price. Allure. i or exTin-es. tree Ilumphrnys' Bpeclfio M Hornpopjthio Mr-dicine Co. Otpoeanrt Ipi, u.B HiioAiiwaY, Mw-Vuhbt OIl 8ALK BT AU llllL'UOHTS. fh..A. aad O. HaiAal. A...t. t net Inaad. Srheack's Palmoaie Svrap Sea Weed Tonic, AMD Mandrake Pills wxxii ouxa CONSUMPTION, Liver taj).aii.t, AMD Xf taken according- to direction. Thtarvall tbree t t Uka t tbo taui tiu Thev clf4D t'je irotoach, reUx lh liver oJ pat it W work ; then thi ftppecit bearu ood ; tut fioj digeit aad makos good bloui : the ptont begin to grow in flesh; tbe dii- iiivirr rifu-ui iii inc lUDJt, aoa Ibf pa tient outgrowj the J i a, -die aad gt. we I. Thi Is tbe oulj wf.y to cure Cocmmptton To these thr medictnoa Dr. J. H. eheock ef Philadelphia, own hit aoriralled iuc; in me Ireatmrot ot fulaoorary Consumption. The Pulmonic 6rap ripea the morbid matrer in : the 1aa, uatnre throws It off by in eaay at. ; pect .ration, for when the phlegas or matter is r'P tlinlit eonjh will throw it off. andthe patlr nt nas rest, aad the luags begla to baa) To do this, tbe Seaweed Toeio and Alaudrake Piilt srut be freely n;ed to cleanse the ttomaeh J ''. to tbat Ibe Ptlmonic Syrnp and the fool willuakegoudbiouj. Ktben.'k't Maadrsk PiHt act upon the lirer, removing all obstrnetioft, ralai the duett of the gall bladder, tbe bile etarta freele. and the lire. " - - - tt toon re!. erod ; the rtoolt will show what tat Pillteando: nothing baa ..or been inr. ted , " except ea.omei fa d-adl poison wh eh is eery djfna louse nnlet with (Treat cart) wi.l aolwk the gt'.l oladcier aed sta-i the teere ' ai lk. Sea.u.k-. Mandrake Pill. T . , . , v Ll?tr CoaP'101 18 oc of !ho m pfomm.nt cu,oi t onfamyUom. thenrtk iwmd Tunin ii mnil. itl... taut and atterattTa. and th. ik.t. i. ik. weed, wbicb this preparation is male f, assists to- -loesa. ',i l throw out the to dit s he to. food wtli the P4rivsl 9. run. aal i' e acaoa int . noo i oia ,d witb ut f Tuoatali'iD or souring in the motueeh. i j j Tha great reatoa why pbysioiaat do aot jure Consumption is, they try to .1.. too tnueb; they I give mroreine to stop the eoegb, to ttop the , ebilis. to stop night mull, bet;c ferer, and by ! so iioln;r they .ie'tage the whole dlgesti.e pow i era, lorrrking up the teereii.iui.iad o?tatua!ly tbt j p.itint riots ni d:es Dr. fchoaek in "n:s does not try to tt-ip a eongb, nlghl i.ii, c.'iills or Ke an iro tea e:. use an i ti.-vwill all atup of thcii en eo?o d. ti'.n, I. eer C ISo oaa iria bo cured of Con.noip plaint, lspe;is!a. Catarrh, Can -r, l leereted laroat, uulas the lieer and toma.-b are made healtbv. If a pars-ia ha. Consumption, of eonrte the nofi. la ...Ke esy are diwa'ed.eitber taberolet., branrbial irrimtioat, pleura adhesion eiist, ertbe la or., are a snaasef indamnsatioa and fast ecajin,. in snirb eases what mad be d.ine? It is aot only the iangs that are wasting but it i- the wh ile body. The atomic and Iteer bar. lost tbeir power to mike blood oat of food e cmr erieoee is te take lr. Si-kenek's three medieine., whiob will brint up a toae to the atemaeb, Iho patieot will begin to want food 11 win and make jjo. d bloed ; theti the patient begin, to gain in flesh, and a. men as the bij begini tr grow tb Inngt eommeno. to heal an. -d (b patient irst. fle.hj aad well Tela is toe onii way lo cuts Consumption. When tbere is no luo disease, and only Lieer complaint ant Dyspepsia, bVb.nck'. Beawted Tonic aad Mandrake Pills are taScitnl. without the Pulrnaic Strop. Tali the Ma. drake Pills fro.ley in all I. ilr. us eonirdvntr, as they are per fetlly harmlttt. Dr. Pcben.k, who has e.joye l unlnterrapted halih for miny years past, and now weigh. JJf, poond.. was waned away to a mere .keleton, in tb eery last stae of Cjlmen.ry Con.amplioo, ki. pbrtioiini hnviner p.-onoanecd Iii. oasc bope le, aod aba-ndoaeil him to his ft. He was eurd by the aforesaid medicinet, and si naa hit recover, many thonsaa t similarity afflicts, I bare used bis preparations with th taase ra- arkaWe neoett. Full direetloat ac.otrpanj each, -aakiag It aot absolutely aeeettary U pr tonally t ht. Bebecck, anletl patienta wish Intir lungs eiamioed. Ir. Si-henok and bis .on, J. H. Eeh.nok, Jr., M. D.. are professionally at thai, ttore, Horlh- e.sioornerof Siitb and Aroh streets, Pblladel pnia,eeery Saturday. All ad. ice .ieen free ol enirge, but f ir a tkoroagb examination by th. r.ospirotnter tb prtoe it $ j. will d.tcot the tlighsett ra ireBa.t .if the retpi. ratary orgaat; by it etn bo readily determined wnetber Ibe disease ia tubercular, bronchial, or only a sympathetic affection of th bronchia tadoi, wbieb is oftsa mnisken f .r Pulmnnarj Centaaptior.,bal which ii catted hy a tornid Itetr. r Dr. CHK5CK'S MEDICINKL are prtpar ed only at tbe laboratory of J. H. SCHENCK & SON, N". E. Cor. 6tli and Arch streets- PHILA'iBLPHIA. Aad by druggiitt and d eaten gearally. l li Jeail aaa.ilit.ii i. Catarrh nf 25 Years' Stan ding, With Vroppingt in Throat almotl tu CltuL ing, Headbcfte, Paint in ShoultUr, Back and Kidney, and entire Breaking Down of the Syntem, cured by Conttitutional Catarrh Remttly. Te Mestra. MTTLKFIELD A HAYES, Pro prietor! of Constitutional Catarrh Kamedy, Jlaneneatar, M. H.r 1 reside at Manoheater, N. H., and previoaaly resided at llennlker, and am a natire ot Wcare, tbia Btate 1 hare had Catarrh 2j yenrt, erer siuee l wat 19 years old ; had it bad all lb time, It in all teat period, and nights it would til a. and dro down ia my throat, oauamg a feeling of choking, to that 1 woald spring up ia bed to tare myself Irom slrao jnlnioo. It affected uiy head to that 1 foil ooolused, and wat troub led with tarer headache at intermit, for a week at a time. 1 al o had pains ia abouldert, back and kidneyi, from watch 1 suffered immensely. Bo bad ware they, that a rea-airo last iiwnsr I wat obliged to lie In bod el the time for three mouths. I bare tried ail kind of mull and Caiarrb remedies with no partionlur benefit, and nonsuited physician!. 1 began to take tbe Ci nmiutional Catarrh Itemrdy last August. 1 besjaa to grow better before tinishinjc tbe first uuti v mj viwru is ourea; K J ttaa tti is re lored. 1 nave uo peius, aoacs or Couh. Sly whole ateteiu is u aJo over new. I know it is this medicine that bat resou-d ui from intense siiSsrin an ! al jiut the grave. I am uow able to do the bar leu work aud bear tbe greatest exposure, aad feel teat i oaueot lay teo oiueO in laror of tbe Constitutional Catarrh Remedy Alt-6. E. J. t LASbHHi. MrtBehester, N. 11., aeb. 1 1S71. Why Have Catarrh? I huee had Catarrh for two yeart, and har naa uu t gud.'os arisioj; lrotn it, surb at drop pinj "0BI 'ho head, sore threat, ate. It troubltd me more in the morulug than at auy otbsr time, as it woula be some half hour before I could breathe f'resl.y. The droppiog from uiy head nas eeaaed, and in the m iroing 1 bare no trouble about Droutbiu;, ehleli is a great relief to me, and 1 feel as free from it as erer 1 did. I have taken two bottles. Yours repeotfutlr. ilKi. B. J. riURSLL. I'ufanooLark House, btoltstowo, N. 11. IV frit it l.eti'iin.j ItruyguU thinks ol the tonstitututnat Ctit'inh h'tm-iiyf Oonoird N H., Oct 21, l7H. Messrs. Littieto'l. A llsjes:l tke pleaeare .n tc?li!vio5 to ttie sapenir me 1: ;il properties oi your Li ni:iiiiii iul Oalirrh Keme ly. It lias alt.rded ise uiu-h reliel during tae litue I have used it. aud 1 eoeerlully rertimatend it le ell who are runlet with d.seale ot Cut irrhal o.-i gin Kesr .lfn ,ly Jinrr titi'O. F. CNPEKUILL, Druggist. E E I 3 E 11 S 0 '' AND IMPROVED ojupoumJ Ficid Exiraci TJ O DEiH XT A spaeinc Kauedy fur all Diiaate of tiiir Cri- otrj O.-jjjiit: as aeti-rataat.oa r tno tn.uce of unoe. Irnt.tu.B, infiiaiuiation or ul-erdtion of lie iSlad.ter loa Kidners, Stioo in h blad Jr, Uravsl, or Uroe-dust, Biigut's disease, n.Kky d ni h s res, an d ail di.a-e. or om ttiaJ ler, h.ioovs, or Pruure t I ueli,er ltt,.;ting Male, Feuiaie vr t hild. -asd 1 or Wetanesi Imti o at-sa, I hli:.j, U.-..U -i,e, fr .i.e, , 7"' 'UltiWi.i m i 'i r.-a I': 'iiii'i nil M t err, ti nr f.utf ;'.. if A, 7 . fi-i-i 'i.r-i.e, ltit t'lt.t: asii i'.iu ' r', J'iiU Tr..: ' I's. ,";,.. I'.li. II-, ..- . "I I , .1... I liry .!. i; tu. i. si uiptuuu are allowed tu no on, tery Irsueany lJ).iiepi..c I iu aud Loasoiuptiua tul- lUW. '1 B, niums sul lua n.,.ar.l. ul o-iisdai,.:in amplo anneal to Jeettis r the tiulu - I tus ..-trliua wlidi-e o-on-Illation ...icotue all -luiret ibo i .! Willi iii iucb.-i, It re ci.-d i.-ine to woic lia.s "I aa isi i.jratii.rf Slri-Lg'.lji.u ai-, IISS.vN'n Ul.i ce a;i til.- sj Sleat luss in eta,-. i-, Fe ! i;rJ LC. jd. u.rfi.- .ir sim.le SI lUb ,1 null! o: al te urn ... life !1S IK j -u.S . vtll' Las BOeiti.l Hi lee?t. .."i-:-' u- i -ai. r, as ii, p-tminlwr oilneult strujrt-..., l-llruuie I31U ntnar, iU af tae I .em. 1-'eliiu,; o! ' in W.nob. Ln brrlies r lliun, Rterinty c-r Barrenness, aad a:l complaints its. i dent tu the set, whett-r irtslnj t'rora mdi.ere llun. haoits of dissipaiiun, c-r in t' e deoliae oi eneoge ol life sseintas-.ts's Htcnt- is an e.tojl!ed by any remedy kn.ien. It il prescrib ed b) Itl most einioent physicians al! over the world, to bett ed sl'nr coi.fineiurnt, and al! eD. feebled eoesi!in:i?ris o' h.,ti, seies end aliases v arsntiA on i 'i.jatrt no;. . hea-iaohe in tin- tin! -ler.,cod,hs, d-Minits, sour it . pal: ai:U'e, ru.:tti'ias. rtt,l tat. j0 tf,e munra ol t'le hrt, p.iu in ina rii .u .if sli i a thuusau i ...:b-r i:l; sirmp -.atpriCi; ol l. st ejs a. Heidirs V tt lil'CHI isrionns Ihe si..ii:i-li, t.muia'es ibo tcr, Li I, IV T, Uu eels a. id K !n,, lo hi-al-lira.- in e nisi .. t!.e klood ot a i i,u nrith ... and im partie;: pea lif- and tigor to the wtV! ssurw. It if ih- Ureal Life tfi.ln Prir.cifi ;e. i'i, Tai'it ash othi.k H uks, iy wLich thou-sso-is of Jon and old. are afTrrted. are-ffeett,al!T ramor.-i irom tbe svsteni bi llaw'n III -so Worms eiut" npoa the dis eased humor, a-.d not upon tbe nenltbr element oftuobudy. ?.'o eermiiaes, a.ithetinintiei or sv.leiii of medicine will so tT,ctaie free the system from there mtaiurt diseat iik Btt. DitmoB'g New Hnl Improved Kitraet Eoinr. Prepared br S05 Weet rake Street, SOLD BY A Is I. DRUGGISTS A DEALERS j V ittn A W I T TBE PROVIDESfE MR!X(itR, rrovidence S'ool Company, U Warren tit N. Y. and Providence, K OSADALIS THE GREAT SOUTHERN n mtdy fortbecura nf Soro liila, tirrofuloua Taint, Eheuraa- usiii, nnite rswelling, tiont, tloitro, Consumption, l.ronchi lis, Nervous Debility and nil dis- "W'eg arising from an impure con- jiiiuh or ii.e itiooa . Tn Bieritsotthi. Taliiablenrersar. rttlun aro ., we. 1 k iiown that a paisins, notice ia but necesaary to remind the readi r of tliiM j.iunial of the necessi ty of always bavin,; a bottle of this medicine among tbeir itock of family ueceasitiea. C'ertnicatei can be present, il from many leaduur PhvMcian. flilntisier. and beadsol families throiithout the .South, endorsinginthehishetttermt '"id A 'trtirl of .ft.uutits. Or. K.1A'llonCarrofBal:lmnTe sayt '-he has used it in css-snl .Vrnf. u a and otuer disease, with much aat tsc.ion. Itr. r. C. Puch of Baltimore, re ramnaeiids it to ell person. autteriuK wi.n diseased Bliwd, taying it is ,u. r ior lo auy preparation he hat ever M' I"rnejr nnH of (h. more AI. K. Conierence South aavs ho has been m much beneliiie.l h. ",';ltv'?e.,'her,ullJr "eommendi it to all his rrieuds and a.-quiiiUiicea . ra.r'ts te., Dni-eia.,, at (?or. Ionvllle, Vs ,sav ltnever h.s f.lll Us ftive tatislei-li'.n. sn;i U. AicFwdflen. Murfreen horo, 1 enneaaee, aj s it Cme,l him ol Uhetimatism when all els tailed. Hoaadalia isnotaaerretoiiai-k rwn aration. tit incrediems are published pakase. Hhow t to yku Physt.-ian ami be win ,,1 you it a cr.miose. of the .trunirest allerattvet thate. 1st, md Is an excellent Blood further. Dul our enact artmtt we could giv yon testimonial, from every Slat in the South and from persona known to ever; nun, woman and child either personally or by rep- Kasadalii is told by all Druggists. CLEUEXTSst Co., BatnsioaK, Sole Proprietor!. JOHIT F. HEUBT. fi-: le7-j. CIO MOfLTOV foT 1; Sr RdLLf (. -. Zli a Mo., bur.hle OVMNCt j Double Snir.l HWKn,; "-, Sisiest work- -4 . ' Qs nR Cnrrni N ;T. Hold, r Pjie.t TT-dll 11 X Jomn"1 Che hf' i)at aw' o I t li.t II. OIilL,L, aigcricTuita er PAPER BOXES, 41 Wait Xtk Street, Chicigo. Order! promptly attended to. apH-dly FAIEBANKS' 8TANDJ HD SCALES, Of all Sizet. P4lJtBA?IE, & fO., S West WashingtoB Street, apr9dwly CIllCACiO. . W. BCK1R10. J. h. air:ig, ECrtEESO" ft H'OKTUIXC, Manufacturen of SHOW OASES, No. 6-i Lake flreet, CHIC4CO, il. 1 JJlT HALL & BEOTEEE, 5fnufcf 'irera cf ' Horse aad Wagoa Covers, Water-Pro f Coal, and Ore-alls. Awning aad Tent Makers Ho. IS South HaltUd ttreet,, .CHlfJAG0 Orders h. mail promptly attended to. leptit.Uui MAXWELL, WIIEELEE & 0. 5i -auf.ieturern and Dcak-r iij i.AILSO.49 m Luhncattiij, Burning, Machines y unit Lard Oil.i, Ituilromi Paint. Jcc. 323 acd S9S Illmol t street, ( IMiiGO. ILL. NORTE-WESTSRH ri-is "eaass .iii aud til touth C.Mia! slretet, CHICAGO H,L. All kind! 01 r ni., urn;, t , ri;t,r at shun no Kuod frja: cism-s a sptiyialitv. 1" (I Em jj. Send for Price i.i: t. janL'.Sdly SXCELsioE No. JS i.i'e !'reet. CHICAGO, 13. E3RKr, Proprietor. Thi K-t a ptH!itTflv i!ishra-nt it (r V '-oriHTig known iba aht-apea; pitr ib th- city for of e.i-rv di'sci .tii.n. V- T.rie It.,. I guar aniee to ha fa!lv lj,.r c.rt. tie nw an. .,ih Manufacturer ta the citv .'Live aad let live " is tae woiu. ead furi.rice lists. sep'Jtttly MAiMUrACTURERS, 6 South Caca': Street, ctitt: t.t j , aui-14-Llv I'-.iC'" li Iii.-i ILLAiU.A. is liie V V O.s Ll i.-rni a maie in tins couiiln bv tbt dol.a a pr-.c.-si. i Oil lu..- Ot llirl is, 1.1 a..:! lUe pr: up U meUicnjl io quaiitv. Put . d njsrri'i t.'iif?, ua in ca rrr-ls, 11 :i ses. r j.-b o j. ill siv-irf. o..rr,'l t-A has uu r i-iHiili th retsn, : rid k revenue t int. Our full untr.c o.u..t tn. ,.r-: cr- i x ilatiom. II U ol.l r ..1. Li T l.'. l., I ; t A uf, i , shet 1..7. L lCMjO. te ju I v Ksta it ii Kana ' t naa n c tv . mm Engraver Tie Sinker, Medals, Seal Presses. teel -t .mi s Kns,t., ap. rtook'Jinder,s li-ulff, Ac .. 1 V. KAMI !..;.. pr2IMI.v I II It Af;l w-ng-raving on Wood of every de scription as before tha Firs janlj n y Vceerisar? Shccssg Shop ! a Jefferson Street, Vji Bet. lllinoi, Btroet, and Levee' Opposite Harper House. Via. VYK THOROUHLY CSDER8TANDS t-'A tbeanatomv of a hn,u'. .- . bit nclusive attention to treating it' and tiiio. Bgnpoa bcientifie Principle., li... .i, pri.torofth. ' "" Eoliing Eocker Corse hee! Th bait thiae ont in thia line n. m . v any hone from btinc frtt-htaned k. ,h hat haean b.dr,r. with with t.f.ty any wh.r. He is ia xprtnctd j . tpwi.lty of treatint: di.-f'i. - TV Hon Hoof Oiatmeo, foe a j . l , - 'wsai.BVsa H tilil a, I QCB lha Huaaia of the M;Mi j ;V " 7 .ndtpun, b.f,h r. eeratches. woond. and br.i.e.. "tii'iaetion guaranteed. mch?7dtf CABS J. BIXOU & CO., fA iw: Ta,l!wi.i3ifc SHOW CASE 381 HIM r. e al.BAaM&aU-.a?'-V " s7T-TTPpa Mlitil. PI4K0 UIKUFACTlBIXtt CO. No. 10 Mail Street, Davenport Zowie Planoi at prioa.. A frit class, New rteeen Octae, Boaewood Piano $275. H'arr acted For Fire Years. THfi tame Piano ii fuU goo 1 aa one that eotts $500, becattra wa eiuplo no Afut and allow no diseouatf io oy on. Piaaoitont on trim, tu responfibU partial, i!eo ienoral Agtafor Taylor A WrUy P rami am Organf tha Battaad Cheapest ever mala. Addrata or Apply to J. ilMMl. aMA B l'iaaa Maoarctunog (,'., LraTcnport, iowb Piano Repair.Df and Tuning nor. H-dtf .Melnotte's Trasscrlpticn oa "Nobody's Child," AND "Goldan Spray,' by t"r uuubeitts-r, are tbe most bri. Han tend puju- Ijt Piacu iiutit x!hi. "t9hut tha door to itiv, tor SUthar it a!oPi' a Lnuj,; exfUiiitQ. palbbltc baU&d. 'Kuowest thou tbe land," from Migncn, leitur fur ma,'1 ouj( and duett, and '(i'jod-bye. Eva, dariiuf,' Ara the late.t rocal gtrs from K I. M KR l W fclitK's Pre". Vbjy are all good. Pt. -joui. IS7-. mhiy It VuJ2ke LSh&x-itJ Express Line I 'om. 1,3 afe 3. RLN Tl SINi,K TKAM AND s eat1 l.o hartrlBHia for tnetrnnaiiortatiuB of tr grit and btg.:i?e to atil from the cepota, or to ai,j-prr ol i.iw-,. Our wajroui are well adapted for mi'viii pro' sea. which we will do st reasonable rats IVe will charge you bo more than a Cray, acd wiil d i it quicker and ietier. Leave order? at L't'drke's houre, Copp's livery st,h!e .r Harper ffouce. rrldlv Htsmiia i'. sacoa. BACON HK-JBI K. B4COW BROTHER?, re t a. Vi M And K'anuf'aktureri of Oak Leather Belting, Ztace. IMSoceacm aai Factory ieatner. AN BEil.ER . J fee, kt. PAWTt lkKT,.. h. I Agercy 5S Pou'h Cana! street. Chleign, III jane t ad ly A Soft & RfHEtifnl Skin! J. A. POZZO; Complexittn i'njjrts :lic Skin a iH-Mit ifci, trant :ir.k -e lie s'';in it-jt t'-jt.t a niiot-tb. re- V. k,I.frerk!-f, t.j .h a! fcU ir rifniitin. Tot vain al rojnjr'MC ran thr mrj wb tbe rfat. st onnii.irr fifty nt8 aad il pr boi i aoiCii' (.qj retai. FU'rh yt rt . 8t. l.'.nii 1 frncii"'t. e BLiLSE & CO 7 ?7'. f?,-I T f .V' II' r; o v Aa-J ! wrrt oat ' rlvm I'ol; rot IO. td3m a . s ; tsntij, j. .UaicofiheBrntif Scaeulii. A Ickkct, noocfi tbat far ia p'rprii to do HOCi.. bliiS ASV aryi.i COAT PAINT IK G, i'APER HANG IN" rt, CALC0M1S TNO. Ao., Ap All arortr prctaetiT eieroted. ta ifcablgbaat tyioJ tb-ivrt. it gtor! f otic Shop . d fcai Pa,:" :rt tnroit tha Qai TEE MEDICAL miiMM .MB! ijij' aU uwd ta u itst.rossEssr A1 la r A L l.l b LK PTECIHC HlK Ille eaa.t of tb 1.1 VI- . IiLOOD: Klf)KKt e D0WKL8, and great corrective f all femal, erangementt. It ai.Btaint no ale. bolicsprit and wi rt ueinote sut,stifurr in raomct. Read This : n sJomrLimaniAKt TEfcTIkiOKI't TO ""im. J v MAUL'IKR, ,st. Loni., Mo. .tmiemen 1 he known j-ou ai.., aa reiiini cnemi.u ana Pnar snaccutist.. and observing iheiHeotive tction ol your remeniet tor wbateverrecommede .wi.hto wear voluntary evidence to the emoaey of y u: laet'enri, ia our opinion, beat nrsnsminn "MAQl'IRE'S ClKDl'RAMJO P.ITt ERS." It ia an mat job claim Tor it at an alteraiiva. por gative, depuratnr and dinretic. artieg specially upoB the liver, biood kidaey'a and bowelt. J0KPH ERO W N.M.yor, who add. : 1 1 bare loan thia Ihe moat and effective meet Bill aro a . r nted." U 1 Lb s fell LLeV.f tale In.oranre Commit lon w. who adds : "I ndoiie th. Mavnr. opinion " THO. RIOUESOS, 8. 11 L.tPLIX. Pes Collier It bit. LeidofL Han A hand Tow A Oil To. d-0o. B. K. HOTEK R, CHA8. tl. OONTER, Prop St. l,ni. (iloba. Ch 'man Iem "ent.Com W.E. WAG.VER, p. Q. FESliCSOX. Olerk P ohate Ocnrt. 'JeTkt"fMe Dim wRITTAIN A. HILL HENRY T. MIBD, Attorney at Law let CirpA County Asa'r 1. BLOOD FR ASK V A LLK, lata Pre. Boatman' Cl'k CoartCrim Carree' SaTiaee Ait'n. B af CHAallttTita KORMANJ. COI MIlf Pre. But A Drov Bank Pah. Rnral Home. E. S. GRFEN" WOOD M. J. HARTNSTT, Pre, Y M C A lata Cliy Callecio, K. a. fiHY0rK. TH08. WALSH. f f hryock A 0. Architret. W. T. OAY. M T.ASBMwti, ofo,y(BaiBkaB of Moody. MIchl A C. C. -THEEOH BAXNt'H, JAIfES ARCHER, of Barmen'. Hotel OrBTrCot. Aad many others to aamerows ta mentioa J. AC. MAGMRE, a- -X i A, h . Dr.O.BIG-BJLOW COJiflUBiiTIAL PHV61C1AN, Hbas reiuored from No. 171 Boulb Clark sl.,cor uer of Monro, te Ho. 464 60U1H BlA'lt iXKltstT, CB1CAUO. It i. well knuwa toy all reader, of the .apart that Ur. t;. Uigilow ia the oldest ettabluhed phy.iotan in Ctsicagof who hat mad th treat. ent of all enronto and sexaat aiieate. a .l. vialty. beiene ansi ej-pertene bar B-so . lr. B. tlsu most renowned fcflLLlAislbX r the age. honored by the pre.., esteemed of the feighi-st meaicai attainment! ty all tu sncatcai intti tuttt ol the day, bar'inj derottd IVttMTY YKAKS OP Hlb Lli'S in perfettinj reni.dics that will cure positively in worst, cases ot CUkOMC -Nl PRIVATE DISEASES of th. GtMTO I'KINAKY 0KGAS8 la tooth sens, Seminal rV'eakna.t, predaoing' Narraninesi. Areraion to Booiety, Impaired Vision, Loss o Memory and Manhood, perfectly eared. It it rident tbat on who eonfinct bimteli to tha atndy of eertaio ditaset, trotting thou.ind. ot cases erery year, mast bar greater .kill than physician ta a geDeral practio. Read hit M bd irit. TiKATlli for ladie. and gentlemen, gent free to any address ia lealed en r elope. Cunsul tition Fre. Tne finett rooast ta tb city, with Separate Parlore for ladies and gentlemen. Call: yua see only th Doctor. Correspondence Cr edential. Addresa all letter, to I'r. C. BIG E LOW, No. iH Htate tt timet honr. trnni t A M. t . S f. M ; 8nudayi I V. M. to S. N. B. Ladies, send for a descriptive citcnlar of FtHarle Ke.-ne.e, the beet prevention ot con ception knewo. Sent to any address ; enclose stamp. janlO dAit I v COSHHEMUL PH1MC1AA, itijJ 2id.tts S.rtat, the 1' ftgtfl engiged and xsiott -Jit:cttui I'bjfcicinu it. tLc HvKt, id tba trt at -in t tit t: all i'rirate, Chronic ami Lrinury Dittw tc uf bttb textit, without UJtrcurj. hit t, kill as a fecial it ia uusurpacfctti iu tbieagu or anj other citj, having devtted in-eriiy Tears to it tuciy abd trratBsiDt ol all HtlYAlt I1SKA itlS autt IS LK V Ol'S DKB1L1XT; tba affictea maTctiDtuIt bint with an aisarance oi relief, Nij mailer who baft failed, tell him your privatt trcubluv, be eurot case giTen op bj- others. bcd.ii.kl wakLe.'-i' tbu vesait ut early Uaitcrt; tioa? or ocber catKta. prodaciog BrrosED... blotches, ptmpiei ca the ff.-e, av-rion to socie ty, ioijjjiired viii&n. lout of mtmorj, acd tuan-bfto-j, t (..era.B.iit.y currd. It is sell eTidti-t that ii by?icta'. Uakii,g a certain class cf dit caes bis stady, atd tri hoDftands of eaiet yearly, ma t aruiie e grthti r k til in bis spe ciality use on? in gfuersl praetic. fcany pbysiciaD rceogi.iE!Dg tbis fact, iatiodBce ,a tiei;ls 'o St. Olio for treatmect. All ncd:cices prepareu in bis owe Laboratory, aad sect eTry wl.t-re fret from obierration. Seed SUmp for circular. TRIE MARUUGB GrjII'K -Full infor matioD on mental and physical incapacity, im pediments to marriaee, etcfr. relied plain en velope. Price 6U orntt. All (en-ale diftcultiet and irregularities treated with perfect sttcce... Ladies, seed for circular on prevention. Con- nltation free tad strictly eonedtmial. Call on or address r r. A. fl. OLIN. 56S State Street Chicago, 111. Office honrt from a. m. to P n m. Sunday s 9 to ! 2 a. m. jsb.udw iy LOST THE OLD WKS TKRN MftDirai Tm IMAN400D..:3S nati. 0 , 1. the only place in tbe country where youn men have been and can be restored from tbe effects of Self Al ese, by the onlv known sure rt tefce v. NO PAT required of reirrnniblc persons until curtt fend two stamps for Circulars cf A.ItIco or delicate natten to both icxet. Ail!: tin. ian24dwl v tttS prHi'Vne t'lirii.'.-s nt.i I'll. 1 I-r-l-. 1 K.Klr.t.-r. . ,,, Al.l. . 1 t 1 -.; A 1.1. ill J" ,.t. ! a I'Iiivats: ATVirt:. l'. ri.Mii- f,.V,.;-Vl,.r.t. 3,, n-,;.,. ir,, (li . ...... r ... T THK I li-vtf K . hv lliriii ; " f V: 'rliMiV SV,TI TIU'aTI J l :k I v.- tivt urd V T.-i Li IMi MtH. Ii...' Cm A rilPlUM ilt.1,11 . ltsu L. nv MAfiHOOD! !p2a VVOiMAfwHOOD! rii?k MARRIAGE! IVrti.trsAted lt.tAMtmnrii-.: ft pi ai nine boitrraar r. wao not wbT. Th lMPKit.jawrri to 11 auuacb ' tbtr oatpa0fiili7tir;, Lte pbv-ioiofical UltwtTlm in iff lowrwintt cttaee f .trodoruon , eta. tiwum Bwx tALScrrf.T. lu fcurtrui effects, with sndrni wveVle. ai. ant cwrmWf ia mlMl or o!d lrrwkiitvr cwt-, apt mbmi can c doo in mcb cmt. Aboat eiaua ? the fa by our r ar ptetaetrirelw tnfim all Ba.t tfcec-ubtfa, oritua-iiisiliTe itii to keew. Ttait fAi-rS rotam. iuforma-wo ibM tbe KavRRIKU. mr thorn mm. Ttwr-uTiw M.1-JA6I ahootdbc tvaicMd wrtLb. a tm .mtiA.a G-ipb mud Pf-Te CorMBitL Sect to misj JOrasa, ecumy MaMd, toi-patd for at onto by DOCTOR WHITTIER, 6H St. Charles St , St. Lonle. Mo. a .' iog tptcxAi suttniiott to t taimiu of au emt rtUori-to I, ttU oboe,, mnd tubmen lonKtr located in .V. Jut than an eihrr Chrvnic i'ii.a jZ,7,culn Wend his works and Judge for yourself. vr.iiientai eontuitntvm pemtmtult or by ma., frt an tn: itd. Frr? Uttv of inquiry wtlb ana Afawf etjretw-. THE GREAT LTJjVTGr RE1IEDY. E5 Tiile most diseases are not ohsenre tn their development, and short in their duration, that of the lunir. ineirtiows. deceit nil. and often nncertain houSriu,1"' " ra''W " "X-aoced and p Vet. with thia peculiarity in its natnre. where ttfa seasonablv and properly attended to, its pro vf"T V e"Z??nr J"t 1" the are., mjor . iL. rh' frt vequently within general observation aud eipericnce. To arrest the eiistinft irritation nf the air psve and the lunir.. speedily and effectuallv. the lotLU ! 7T """rh- h n toIen' ep eVined rard relief and euro in the first ataerea of the dis- -.H""' Wh''' 5" T1,K,T ennfer. this heneflt it S KrTW.t."n,her Prt'X'iP'eeiln.lly indtspensaM. ?r ?!Ti ,h'Jur,,U " mm " the time I o 'wnert nonrbanng. he.lior. and strenvTOl- euinc mtluence throturhont tbe whole srneta. ti. if , f"""' ,,w "rcnU'tion, wealtetn the fluids ot the entire organism, and rapidlv uud. r niliw the constitution. I, thus peqoieee a noca- xr.frptSnn-t'' " IXDIAX PULMOMC BALSAM poescaaes that rare combination. Pretausnl from veeremw, tencea. vota rlruc,c. Inal properties, it can l taken at any time aJdnn der all eimimstanesss with perfect aafetv ttT- W hile it PrimptJyandeeuallV aiTeetirTi. tation of tbe lur-paeeiuri. and the lnnfr.; aud rapidK rem.vee ruBh. it render, them further Z bv promoting a free dl-hare, of their acrumniatd S? w'h'ole P" '..i .. .n i..ia .land by JOHN BKNDSTON E BRIF.NFRT, ' SMITH A BOXSET. U AGO.V CO., xox.xx8'b, irx,.. "aaafacturert of Farm, Spring & Freight WAGONS, t 1 fZJ .. a an ta. V VJ ALL WOKE WARIiATED ! 8EXD FCB PEJfE II?T AXI, fIT8 f:rt.; W bave opened Ealeroem wa. Squat., ROCK ISLAM B, what, ., Pi-. atMtXW- -'Ii J J s s ; iantly oa bead a full of . work at Shop Priat. 8. B. STODDARD, wU Mr. Uo. 8 Comma Placi, HmTth. tTswlssaa. Jg. faUtdl Bolt Proprietor, KLitlf. frlw T& W battlti IISMdnviSWoflVu! iVMR