Newspaper Page Text
r ; - t .1 ALEXANDER STEEL, (FORMERLY OF HARPER t STEEL.) obaiei xur HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, MEO HjjSTICS' TOOLS, AND "V7Cr,soxa.-3Ea,i5Lors tools.. Wot. a A 3 ArgTis Boildlnr, -Bait Baffle Street, (0PP08ITI POST 0FFI01,) KOCKlSLilD, - - . ILI.W0I8 iSff I am now offerinc ropoctfully call the attention of my old trienda and the general public to the same, and shall endovour to merit your patronage iwspecttully, au-lil-wtf Agricultural Steam Engines I GiiriLLEB BF NOJia II COMBINED MERITS OP C1PUIT1, ECONOMY, DIT.UBILITY, SIMPLICITY, AND PERFECTION. ADAPTKD EXPRBSSLY TO irais Tarsials;. Wd aal Salngle Sawing, Joon tinning Vi?"J .VJ"!""' . U "4rm "J -"'"1- re In ow.aoMa.pli.hiDf .or. ..i witt r..t.r.a.ute-tioa eM eeoaoo-y then .4a t. .Ited with any otser power N,s. I til JULfUaU. not.. B'iperitaeat, BUT A SUOC.SS of many year, Trial aad Proof-lite r..uli af m.ny year.' perfection. Aaoag their ,ixt merito are SIMPLICITY AID STRENGTH OF COHTBICTIO ; VTkrJ.Vi.ri.r.f""Pr'""4 1,,i09" 10BM'mor tk Po.f .machinist to ,.- Oae of tnsss Batinss Tarsshsd 41,000 Bushels ofOraia U 83 Bay, last Season, earning; Sl,986. J..-ript,v.C,,e!er.o;tho.e..I.l,o of STATIONERY E0INH8, . !l . Uro..bed ,n appct,o. i. -0OD TABKR M MoaSB, ' Oae of these Eagiaes can be ...q at thit PHIL1DELPHU. ROBERT WOOD. PHILADELPHIA IlllUlinill. Ill WORKS ROBEET "WOOD & CO., MANUI ACTUBEKS OF Fountains, Vases, Statuary, Verandahs, Saainer Houses, Arbors, Chairs, SETTEES, Aco. iCAST AND WROUGHMRON HAILING S, Vit ?j!t Bjiliias eal Serei. Cemeterr Lit,,(J,J,B K.eoas, Balconies, Roof Cresting!, ete., la g rui variety of p altera.. IRON STAIRS, ij r: .i i 4t.-tiai, of veri- patterns aal styles, dpacial alteattou givoa tlii. class of work. LA. VI' POSTS. Fir Froot. of Pa'.lio Bs.Uinji, Hstsls aad City Streets of Pl.ia and Elaborate Designs. S TA 11 L K-FimSGS. 1 axtaad wrjajbtiros of aew improved styles, cash a hay rasas, .-.all divlsioas,, aaraess erastels. (alters, traps, ventilators, Ac. WISE WORE. j; 'ft-f o.nrlp'.i.a. Wire guards of crimped wire, galvaaised or paiatad. ia plain or ornaaaen u ;;tsr-i, for store dosrs enl einOet. factory, werouoase wiadows. Railiags for oDces, aaaka, oaaler raiiiegsa beleeoiee, lawn aai farm faaeea, Ac. GA TES i irniM to C. as'.eriea, pa'jllo aad (eotlemen'seoaalry seats, of ft taiiajr or wroaght .rv iit ia;o aal ol.wata ai 1 tiaala datia.. A o, aat. torUTATT'H PAT :;r HI ),i f IL C Hi VlULr UIlHTi. mill Ur Brounr., Oaisago. ..1 t.'-fii . i- t'ijj, Eiiatti,et&". of wirk do.ired. SBT K ore fa Me r a my relj oa nri t i! i-tt.!. o..-jf) 6xl a t aaiprii to tie plaoo of do.tinattoa. BROXZE WORK, rROM ARTISTS' il'tEL, Colossal, Heroic or Life Size, Miataai daiifajj is tbe btQA.t .t,!e of art. j. '): w irk oiii. by u i .aan.rato tho foilowinjr V V!'. ri ISIIW IICVTKH anl 0 J. C,itri !'r. New Vorit. Cin.SH SOLDIER. Central Park, Now Vork Hil'i C') dOOirll PailRY, .VnwporJ, R. I. TI KPUJ'J i&g. dKHiBWlSK Wan p.,:t. airataii'i r-t ii . i; . BRiUVN", J VJ. WlRI). L. THOMPSON". J v.BUL.av, l. w.vol::. horatio tone. AM pr imiaaQt artuti. fur th, fiiility and finiah of our work. Orosneata! Bronze Sailings for Hanks and Insurance Offices. t'.rtualar atleatioa givoa to tki. hariag Iliad op .OToral ol tho moat promia.nt oGea in thi. oitj and Now Tork DlilNKIN'G FOUNTAINS, FOR STREET USES. A .-r liro ' rtaant ot da.igoa, oipra.alj for thi. parpo.o ' B c:iot. J. H. CHOATE & CO., 0ENEHAL mmn merchants IK Hour, Wheat, Corn, Oats Uy Aad all klnda of W.ttorn Prod nee. N . 113 N Ooaaaereial Hu, ST. L0CIS. Vi(l7d.llll TJLVBSS, eke. J. W. WIRTEL, )jorOTca.a or TRUNKS, VALISES. TftlFELI.lU BIOS, 4C, tCiX OLE. ALB RETAIL. a. 60 Bradj It., AVRSPORT, IOWA H.p.iriaa ooaMj doae. CKCIWITI. M lijLi M. 11. Kac.a CIMCINM ATI SHOW CASE BivcricToar, tut Hide WalaatSl., 4 -e'.s below Foarlb. S"0W CIGAR OA'B'j ..n.taatly oa - bi i, and nado la order at abort aotiee. a BOS C. DO . frfis'n. s.rU-dlja fi'JoCEtlKS. JiBES KELLY, iu Stasia aad Faaey wreeeriaa, Proviaiena, Uaxasware. Illaaaware. Wooden aad Willow "sr., Ae- 0roer Orleaas and Ohio streets, 'CK ISLAND, .... ItL. Pr mailt of goads aad priee., I defy eom itiea aablSdly 1 s I r(MWi ALEX. STEEL. Kato, Madisob, Co., N. T. jsl OrJoe TIIOS. S. ROOT. ii E H ERA L 1CCT10HEEB. OSee ia Polio. Migi.trate'a Offiea, ROCK I ALA 5b, - - - ILMK01IS a Will proaiptljr atlaad to all bo.n.aa aa f meoU to hi. earo. doalldwtf. SBBI.Y'S Standard preparation. are warranted .triottj pare and nliablr. "I10C1URT ILLINOIS' a very frsirrant and del icate perfume for the handkerehief. "Ftavoaiso EiTRarTs; Oar Leeon and Vanilla are fraaranteed strictly pure aad of great strength. All (rocsr. ell Ikea. "Poasna Oiu'tkemoat ax.iai.itelT aerfaaed bair diessing in Aaeri ca free froa injurious iagredients. "Vicwau Rsoi" a" kaowleHged the most fraeraet and penisteat odor for tke haadker ebief the world ever produced. belt's Staalard oods are for sale y all Srst-slass dealers ia tbe Hurth West " Rook I. lead by L. L. LANS, ana JOHN BKNOSTOH. a.bJd-awfAwly 1 kia.UUl.tta, IriT'i. HPHI5U TatAUH. Merchant Tailoring ! A8PJR VOLK annonneet to tke trade that V be ka. opened anew Tailor Sbop, ander 100 manageaent or Mr. B. aaaaiALL, oa Illinois St., opp. Union Iqnare, Oattiag aad ailing doae ia the latoa atyle, and Torythiag doae In a aaperiar aaaner. A fall Una ot Broadelotb., Treeo., Caaaiaerei, alao voae.lioand laportea Clokb., kept eon. taatry oa haad. The trade inr.tad to oall and eao ino priee. and It J lea. kprSdtf AT HOME I W wonld Inform onr friends and easterners that we are now pre. pared to exhibit the CHOICEST STOCK FIXE IMPORTED GOODS Cor XtSen's wear to be foand In the city. Onr parlors are replete with everythtnr nsnally fonnd In a first class establishment. E. J. WALSHE, Draper & Tailor, BXeVicker's Theatre. SSadlson Street, Chicago. a.hl-dly 1). IS. MIUCKER, MEBCHAT TAILOR ! S7o. 517 Olive Ptreet, T, 1.01111 mo 18 THE LBADINU LITE T4IL0R OF TOE WEST! And rier to bit oaitoBri all Tr th oouotr? The ehoiest roods II A DK are kept In took t all & tvmpfei with plaa of matar- vdi io may taaroii on appltctioD. "WEDDING OUTFITS A SPECIALITY." Pavrtioi denriof a olegant DKES rUIT, A hadin Or lubitantial RITSI M ESS HUIT, Will eon itlt thair iatrit by laoding an ordai tu D. R. SMrCKEal, Tailarand I port? of Cloths, Casairatrai.Ac. for Man's waar. So. 517 Oliva street, 6t K li'ttar! -titaoont to OlafrTmaa. Loais. o4-dly Watch Beyers Attettion ! The oi dor I if ti ed reipeetfnllv call th attention persoaa eoa- teuplatio; the purchase oil vi tones to tne so- , .'.TabraSd Kickl. ! Moreaststs, maa a facta red by Mestri Bi'EBL A COURVOIS- IIR, of Neachatel, Uenti aad Ladiat' liioi, Key and sun Winders, quarter-plat. These watch es bae E'tiilioriain eseapemeata, caroaoroetr baian-es, exposal ruby pallets, Bergnet hair springs, and fall roby-jewiied, an-i combine all modern improvements in wtteh making. These Watches vet awarded the Urand Prixe at the Parts Exposition of 167, for the best per formance and greatest aeaarac? la adjustment, and ean be warranted to perform with the same degree of retuiarity ae those made by the best ajaoataetarars ot Bo rope and America. A tnt! assortment coastaotty on hn4 for sale by QUINCHH A KRl 'iLKR. b Maiden Lane, up stairs Few York. Only Wholesale A?ntt for the Msnnfaetarrrs jnnelSdly iGEO.RRQWELLCO M PARK HOW ( NEW YORK o VERYBODY WANTS TO KNOW IVIIK'II IH TUG KJEiST aiACIIIXET THE "LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC" Answers this question, and presents a re cord of saccesa unparalleled in the history of the invention. Ann ts wasted everywhere. Address "DOMESTIC" S. M. Co., New York. and 74 State St.. Chicago. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL is aooo FOR Burns and Scalds, H -aorrnolds or Piles, Chilblains, KhoBmalisa, Sprains and Droiies, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Caked Breasts, Floss Wonnds, Fistula, Maage, Prest Bites, 8pavins, Sweeney, Exteraal Poison, Scratches, or Greate, Sead Oraeks,, Windgalls. Galls af all kinds, foundered Feet, Sitfast. Ringbone, Cracked Heels, Poll Evil, Foot Hot In Sheep, Bites of Animals A Insects Roup ia Poultry n Toothache, etc., etc. Lame Back, etc., etc. Larije Size $ 1 ; Medium 60c; Small 25c. The Oarsrllne OH hat been in nse ae a Liniment Antx 1S33. All we ask l a fsir trial, but be sure nd follow directions. Ask your nearest Uruir- irHte or dealer In Patent Medicines for one of our Almanacs and road what the people asy about tbe oil. Tbe GarffHnsr OH i. Tor sle he all rcpectable dealer llirous-'boiil the Uilted Stale, and other n...,n,pa loir lentitnonislH date from IrVtl to ihe present, and are unsolicited Tec th- tiar- ITHnir Oil. ann leu your oeiuiioiim .uu ftowi . hiudoiie. We also manufacture "MERCHANT'S WORM TABLETS." We deal (air and liberal with all, and dcTy con tradiction. Write for an Almanac Manufactured at Lockport, N. Yn by the Kf rf hunt'i Garglinf Oil Co'. oct4wm JOHN UODOE, Secretary. BY MAIU 25 CENTS K at. - iM 8ECEET SOCIE- What a Universalis!; Clergyman Has to Say About It. Most of our readera will remember tbat at annuel moatitig of the Weaiero Tract and Book Society of thia eity, on last Monday, a proposition was introduced to atoatbrma ti.e, ao far as they ooald, all aacret soc.oiiea, whether they be tor tooial, charitable, politi cal, or o'.ber purposes. After creating quite a hubbub in that usually decorous body ol Christians, the resolution was smothered under a substitute, which, like the parlia mentary substitutes, evaded tbe question and loft both eonieatiug parlies in the otjjj ment of ihoir opinions until tbe next meet ing when it should come np again and hare to be fought over ones more. In view of the attitude that was then taken by some of ihs most ultra reformera, the Rev. Mr. Spauldiag, pa.lor of the First Umveiaalia Church, last aij;ht preached a aeroiou, an uouncmg aa the aubjuot of big diaoouras, "Our 8erei Societies Better than our Ex cluaire Cauroties." The Kererend gentleman cli se for Iiib text the somewhat trite oue from St. Paui on Charity : ' Faith, Hope and Chant, these throe, and the greatest of all is Chari ty." After reciting something of the cir oamstatiCes under which the ducussion took place, and the way in which it had its tor miuatioo, the Keverend gentleman said that of tbe many secret organizations that had Ibeir existence in the world lie would only elect tho three whiob were most promin ently known to us here, naoiely, the olasooa the Udd I ellows and the sous of lemper- ance. tie believed that wblie the rituals ot these Orders min'bt be unknown to tbe pub lic, their Sims and objoois were well known aad were scarce less important to the world than tbe Uhuroh ttaell. 1 be first of these principles was charity, and charit, in its broadest Sense, ile first spoxe of Masonry. The objects of that institution were charita ble, and he believed ilia world was better tor as existence. Maaoorv bad dried mure lear. than it ever produced, albeit the tears that it hd produced were usually those ot gratitude and joy. I ba charities ot this Order were free aod voluntary. They were bestowed without belog blazoned torth to the world. The, remembered the aick, and sootbed tbe atHioted. They buried tbe dead, and that ofien supported the widow and the orphan. When lmng in the hast, a cse had cunie to his notice wherein s Masonic Ludire haa buried a man who bad died io poverty, and for years taken oare of his family, and edu oaied his cbildrao, until now oue of ibem was in Harvard University. Such cassa were by no means rare either, and were in tact but the outgrowth of the principles of tne uraer. Oild-feilowship, he said, was similar in its objcts to Masonry. Its charities were as extensive and ihe good it accomplished was of a corresponding nature. Tbe attention ills! was paid to the sick and afflicted b? members of this Order was enough to put the Churches to shame- It a member was aick there was do trouble in secum g for Dim kind attention, and if poor, for his lam ily aa ample support. That support wa not stinted either, aiid as often as more kelp was required it was given freeley and with out stmt. Tbe church, on the other band, or at least tbe exclusive branches of the church, cling ing to their ritfid creede. their thirtv-tmn arllc,f8 itt'ir close-communmn, subsist ou a ' 1" ui cuariiv. ini) Dili St) lac substances ut their relig ion a shadow a milage instead of a reality. They would try to save tbe world by toreateoiogs aad bt tiiw. Tbcv make their converts by tbtse in jTiiruenlali ties Instead of practicing the mure emi uent Christian vir Ues of love aud charuv and kindcess. they ciino-e rath-r to frighten the world by tnrcts if ewrlaaiica puui.-h-ment. Th-.e he did not cioiin wns ail ibe, orached, but it was tbe most prominent part. They nd?nt fr bettor tka the prac noes of these societies whom thev denounce for an (Simple. He o Oil d wiih an el.ijuent eppeal fur reedom o! th:)ngbt in rnlisiius caller, and p'ea fur lil truth of Ibe doctrine, ot the Christ an denominations au.ois abii li he was a worker Cincinnati tSntptirer 4iii A BOOK FOR THE MIM.IO Marriage Guide. A tirlTtt" Cnnnnplfirt tfc MsrritTl i.r tliow ariui to mam- rn th- mm, rnvstptr-s rif la; i !;.. t laiest ifwfrrii in TrrAnrtn and pTsmiix oflaimf. Tttsi an isatsTCUu i.fS o ; iwc ftnndrM stsil tfttr trU. v. lorormat ,oa for uitvs wbo ar auarnj,OTCvi.tPBit'ialr mat-- nssTf, riitilitisa Ihiok that ouph ' tu Im- licit uuilrr luct aU3il KPT. aVOd am laid csfflrsily ibout the ttOUtre?. It c-Qtain itif esi'Tifni"-- ainl Hh l a fbTnlt-lan hof rvpatation Is arnrnl-wnlp. ind ihohld bein the n-Tat- dr-r o'tfrr fi au,l frrn!.:lSMj.-nr'iitili-eB::r- fyiob . t rrnnr''-s vertthiur ok ih si.t.jefi of ih- eta r rmr stutfm mat It wortb knOv.lug.aUid muchttia; is tiot rublibel ia inr ottir vnrk. JTtt i. any oar- "ri?i f rnn.iaTei Tor Fiftv Ceritt. Address lr. Bulls iJiapuiMvrj.No. 12 X. tictiUj ttwt St. Loia, Ho. Kotice to the A2ic:ed and Unfflrtiinate. BtTot-v arrl1nf to ibe no tor (no quaekn who (tteriKe m fintiiic pain?rs,or untntr an qusei rmMies pnnr Dr. Hutis t.ra no matter "Hal jwurdiseaaeis. or hw det'lor lr Butts occupies a 4f.Mf tiOD? of tweotT-wTi't reiTuSM s i ndfir-rs'il tiv Bfim'? o ' the iBostcr'le!ira:txi nu ii eaiprtircsaors nf Ulis country and Ku-op, ami cn r- m- islta.! persona: It or r.r niai i , en ifae rtira mei.'.inni il in lit wort-, tiffcer aulriailor No li fcigiLii sirt, tctwnu avlaraetua Ctemut, flu Louis, Mv. 11-tdJCwly THK NEW GAMi: OF MAGIC HOOPS For all Seror.. HOOPS For all MAGIC HOOPS For all ages. HOOPS For daT or evening. ay or ev For Gentlemen and Lsdiss, For the Lawn. For the Pia.xa. For the Hall. lie UQWB For the Parlor. MAGIC HOOPS For Rpriag. eACiC HOOPS For Bummer. moic HOOP3 For Autumn Magic Hoops For Christmas. Magic Iloors For 4th of Jolj. Magic Hoops For Pic-nict. Magic Hoops Tne best game for everewhere and everybody Try a came and yon will buy one. If you want an, gaaoa, etc., thatyoa ean not sad at yoar dealers, send a stamp for i'la.tra- ted catalogue to MILTS?! BS1DLEF & CS., SrSltCFIRID, M4Sg For sale in Keck Island by E. Craapton. THE PEOPOSED BAN ON TIES. 1 3 W fiL ! d. For any ease of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Pile., that DB BINU'8 PILB REM EDY, fail, to care. It is prepared expressly to cure the Pile, and nothins: ol.e, and ha. eared oa.e. of over twenty year, ataading. Bold by all Druggist.. Price $1. feb!3deodttawly CAUTION !', BA PKftRIN!' Worc&terkbireSaiice Barer, are ceotioned to avoid the nomerona Count. rfeita and I sanations for sale. JOHN DURCAN'8 SONS, New Tork, eotlTdttsAwly Agents for the rj. 8. -Elastic Oil Polish.--- 1 PERFECT BOOT BLACKIHG ! Superior to tbe best French Blacking. TRY IT. For sale by all Dealer.. jnnolldt.tAaly AiMilur Cami'aiisN oooajb. Ajidrti GOODSPFEDS EM PIE B Pl'BUSWNG HOt'SK, riiicago, Cinciunati, si. I oui-, Mow Url:if. or New York. mch'2:iiiit&wly BY USING DaNeAMICUS. Made by F. B. BUTLER A CO.. Lowell, Mass., and sold by all druggists. Prioo 2j cents. junelldlt.Awly JiPA TK4 COSE, Japan Tea Rose I Ths Sweetest Thing- Ont 1 WILLIAM A.HXHMAN If anafaeturing Perfumer, I' Murray St., tW YORK. Bold by all Dru. g;ita and Fancy Goods Deal-mch!4d-tts-w y KENOSHA Water BeautifuUy located at Kenosha, WiJ on LAk MICKIGAK. C.issate Ipl:htful. Bummpr Cooler than in Minnesota. Has Ibe tauihties in the North west f-jr tbe treatuien of Send for circular to N. A. PESVOYEU. M. D apr27drtswtim or E. PCXX0 fcK, Prop'r WtKKAMU) A , ptr,vt curt for ali tiudpiC'V of Piles, LBi'iot-, SonnorcLi, (asckii, Salt Kbki m, Catahrh DYM'KPSIA., Ruklu T1SM. nt.U rf-'i.f, ,,; ttab BkiN ami liLuOi, ; f?t ttrrly rryetnhir. gent b S LtxpresB tu ail parts of ih toiled 8tatts. I re qust at! to seed r cail on me and Tkt back tbeir monev in nil cses of failure. l'rt-m the fact that, dnrioe 14 years out to ,jr bttlr have ne.'fr faittd to care eves in the worst forms t all the aoore -d i?ases. fce ircu'arti 8onte dtalon prefer to -ll uitviicincs that nrw fitrr because they receive ia ger pniSt and have anltmited iii $t u (,.uie. t: &old overy whvre II D. FCW'l.K, Cbemist, Boston, seal (t-dod-t,t,).t 1 ? kVU'i.S. it I! ? t " sv, s .15 if. i! AKr? CT r KERS Or' f 1 ti ii t i. . U.M.i SIGNAL AND MACHINERY OILS ! We are prepared to sapplj the trade with ! poods of our mauufacture prooaptl , niid at th owest market r.ttca, A.ldrcs rAliUtiN-w, PCCK A CO.; Oloe aid Work, iiihtpeiith au.l Hiat'kwijli Streets. CiiitAGO. jan 1 tl dBvi-;t ij JAMES RICHMOND, LO.'hlVtH if, F.e;itfe and Manufacturer of the CDisiCAL BEAN uti I t.i it : - rt j i : iV ! " ISPSOrCD S5ICT HirSHCS AND ItiJS SCPlRiTOS. &25aeSaB6!4i 4 a. e . DI41.IR I atiSa Txrx-HiT.vzy.a- oooa Of ever, description. Everv Mach Be warranted to work aatisfacto ily. ' . " Also Proprietor of Richmond's method of uansnrtting Motiv Power by means of Oflll3j. Bead for Price Lists of Mills and Mil! Fur nishing Uoous, or Price Lists and Illustration! of Wire Cables. Address JIVES RICH IDD & CO.. Xsockport, X. etxe-aaootUAw lj mmmmm 211 6l i Awnings! VYV. I !,0"r iti ar, - "TBE L11EL17 TIMES !" THE BB3T SOFT CS1L Bass Baroer AKn Base Heater l . IIS -i NOW IN THE Market. It throws ont more heat with the fame amount of fuel tb.n any other stove now ia use One of tbem ean be seen in are in Miohael Kaae's Stove Store. her all can se. it. and when seen it w.ll . be appreciated Call and examine it before our- ! ohapini; any other Stove now in tbe market. I Foi sale bv M-I'in A Ool ius. No. Stito street, fbiaatfo. We.tero Az'nt- for Sneldon, i Green A Co., Truv. N. Y . anil bv Micliv! Kane, i Rock Island IO-2Sdtf I TlRB!E IV4TER WSEEL. HOUSTON'S Turbine Water Wheel o H e Thi. Wheel gave the highest per eentage ob- I tained in tbe j Lowell Test of 181, And in oureide tests tbe higbeit percen'ageof any whec- eror weighed wr.h Emereon's l)y fin tiaiier. liutidreds of Wheels in actual usu attest its superiority over ail others Send for circular, price list and Lowell Test report. We guarantee cur taoles to be correct and re laabl? Manufactured by 0. E. MEHRILL k CO., BELOIT WIS augi'-d-till de:l FEiriT JiES. LCP.EKZ a WI2HTMAN, Maosfacturer. ol hh, Eoitles aad Window Glass. A!s msnurai?tnrer of the folisnnir KIiah'e. I'a- ent Seir-iealins '-:'T i FRUIT JAUS, $ S W' "XL." 1 Glass, ? i PET" All Glass, Is " y j, ft Ws Seta: & 3, ai,s To i Tbe 0 1 n ca-' 1 Jj 1 1 ieliable KiSOS, i Also, the , - , -nion and Co k Tars '-.ij1' 31 W00n 8TRBET. pir. io.t. u-obl.'iirt PA. A.. Jl. tiSl UELJ - M aticfat-t urrt of Fp r w L c. . .i i Pint, : fel.lli.i i v F12K ..;''. Til V. , Rwreh - Sr-fIiIr t. via fcAUaa.Jg,.: ,.,-.. ... . m t m. DLL bi;t!kLkiJ i I j j imot uun I The V.ti -n tt.c Wo'ld. TJlTESt ' e-idca, C-ona New York Oc. -7 lieekoiac cend for Ci-rutir me', iff MODEL mm in M A N l" F ACT C P. E D PY i'isreiaai k Wads worth, (Successors to Kihan Allen A Co.) Ik Iiig-htest asd Best Revolvers in ths Wcrld ! f 2in-h barr.l we ght only fiois. P.ose No 30 '''"k. Can be carried ;n the '; Vet Pocket. 15evcn shot !2 100 al- ibn a i $ 00. Cjiuoh barrel. 32 100 calibre Weight 13 oss Ro.ewood Stock. It lots of le-a than loo f i) 00. The workuanahipon these Pistols is notenrn paneat t y aay Baser in the eouatry. Kvery Pi.tol wananted. We make no charge for re pairing when it ia rl or r:b1 fault in the Piato) FOKEHAKD a WAD8W BTH, mohSdly WoreecUr, Mass aWA Wt ! ft I if ' If BE. BGOAmN Ofiea No. 619 North rifts street, (between Washington Are. ana streets), !aimti,ocis. MISSOURI. Established in St. tonis 1837. QCRES ALL CHRONIC AND SPECIAL Uiseases in a abort time, eitk,r in Male or Jfoaalu; cliarges low lees; naea no Aloroury. teBW DR. B0HASSAN'8"Treatiaeen Spec ial Duaasea, wkich fully explain tho nature, auses.symptoa,, e,f of "SperaaUrrhoa" or beainal waanne.,," Syphilis, reaale Coa plainta, all lapediaaots to Mrnage, and val uable ioforaation oa oth.r delicate aubiects, aent KKKK to addres. in a plain sealed enrclope,oi reeeiptof one stamp. 8ES1.UL WEilk&ESS ttEKD. DR. BOHAKNAN'8 "VEOETABLK CC- BATIVB"peraanoBtly cares ail formsof'8per. maforrhna' or "heminal Weakness" in from two tu seven weeks time. It restores "Lost Power" n brings back the Yoathfu! vigor" of those wao baveda.trojed it by sexual excesses or evil practices. Young mn suffering Irons the effeeta r taat dredfull distroctira habit ot Bclf- Acusa csa use ibis moiioioe with the assurance of speedy and Peroiiui-'Ut cure. Ttiis reaedy B,s been uiod by "Id Dr. B itiAiinan in bis pri Tate practie for ovur tuirtv veais.and has never lailea in eunug even tbe wjrsl friee per package, bent to any address il'ree from tobservation). bold only a Dr. C. A. Bohan nanaoSee, 'o 6 I a North fifth streee .St.Louis Mo. Kstabiisbed in le7. nsoh2: dvli N O W C I 15 TV : THE SPINNEYVILLE SIMERALWAIEKGI'BE. SIX MILKS BELOW DAVENPORT. WATER nnaurpaased ia Health-restoring properties. Board, batba and medical ad viee, all for $10 to $14 per week. Tboae seek ing health or pleasure are cordially invited to eome. On and after May 1st there will be a back leave the Hurtia Roue every aflerooon at 2 o'clock, for Spinney ville, nud return same eve ning r'.re onl.? 2j cents, r'or further partic ulars send sump tor eircular to Dr. A. B. KI'I.N N kY, Proprietor, b3 Perry street, Daveoport I or Capt., 0. M'lsnv, upt , Kpinneyville, M in eral tt'iiter Cure, at, Spinney villa, Iowa. JilTI0.lL DESPATCH i Fast Freight Line for I Detroit, ?.ivauke,Chirao Et. Xaoais, E.ock Island, Omaha. Qnincy, And ail points West. TVo rria,iiliipmeiit Mark Packages : NATIONAL DESPATCH. j LANSING MILLS, General Agent, I jylid No. 65 Washington St. BOSTON I PEARL'S REFINED "WHITE jGLYCEHIME. Tte osly article known to chemistry i tbat will j Penetrate ihr. Si-iu vithout Injury, Pecolvr j ise all Sj"its and Effectual!; Ennure the. Yarinvt EaiiHs cf the i Complexion. j IT RI.F.AIBES THE SKIN TO A i MiRVEIKH! WtllTKNI., j Eradicates a'.! Spota, Prefklea, Tan, Molh- l'at:bes. Klack Worms, or Grubs, Impu i rities and Di.e-'ooralioDs ! of every k ind that may he e ther Within cr upon j the rk:n. j To whatever extent used it is h- mi less ; leave tbe akin smooth, sof t, piiabie, and of i erfec ! Cle. rkvss and Prairv wbicli eonstirotea th ! REALLY EEATJTIFCL COMPLKXTOF. 0:T,ceo( Prnr:ot. J.i Bra-lwav, N. T. : eornr I-md' . stii ttt"f itreeTy. 3 A 'IT " M02TBY" 11 V THV Cr.I.ESa..TEI r.M tfJ laOaJie fcevt!2 jratijme. CUf.apest ssi Very Ecst - liaocfact red. Wi: CUAl.I VSiiF. TMK U'uia.T) T( PKOpfCK aSett:uv Mrn:i,t'. i;.'tt-r :n Mt Uaiut'il pim- rif.ic. hc:ttr in prrl (;! o;t; : ;m. or ,-ilt- that i nimie 'i tttriiHr uui:cr:al VVt esf-( roiiti; tlu- pa-rtmnt-f nf m-rrhtiiu i 'n.iitr. ur- iti-iKfr.. firrt .I'm no-uU) m.-ik.-r. l.tMtp ami every It.i'iv cl-t; hi .if a i'imm!. rt-hshii. lirvt- fi 1 k hi ia U S.-;ii Mac L tut! a; a rcii-uiiabic price. Hatch Zachice VTsrrsnted 5 year W wili s4-i it .1 V iifif-ti M.a'-hiiM ! any on', lire i f tiv.riri. on roa"..: ot U t r.-rc we iw.v,- no y m. ft. i in :rfif-int. t.rrmaii or tuiiT to --tijiluf V va,- -i i : rati ii. rillIiJ.ilU'i Oil Hpi;;i,'tit! v. V1I.S M;vi.. ; y.At U1NE to.. V- Y VaiiiiTII -!rt Lf . t lUl AtrO. 1" iitlwly The Celebrated - a is -j3 S- tv Esreka Ccscerta sr3B! Theae Organ, have all our atest improve anents ,nh as ear 5w Ccnc!o 'top., tbe Sook Closets, Octavo Coupler, Sab Bass Oap Icr, As., all of waich are pa'euted and ,ic a sively ased by nt, eabined, make the best Organ, wrick lor Daratitilj acd Exrflffcce ol Teae and Finish ! stands wlthcat a rivas. lliastraied Catalogaa sent by mail, pest paid to any addres. aoest ap plication to b. eaoarZaVOBB. & co., feb28dwly UW BATSS.COKH. IgL. -r l.L'i' ' - fc - "--3 c ' i ' i- - . --' 1 ,j LATUAM'S la a flats extract prepared from valuable med ical plants, having a knows action on the secre tion, and excretions of the system. A single bottle doe. more for the removal of disease, and preservation of health, th. a gallons of bitters. It speedily and surely removes oonstipaiiea,siek and bilious headache, indigestion, piles, impa rities of the blood and a 1 bilious eompMnts. It i. Indors.d by the profession, and approved by all who aae it. No better medicine ean be found for children or adnits. It is far superior to pills, being mild of active, pleasant to tke taste, and certain in its results. It is a medieine that should he in every household, as good of fects are sure to be experienced from the very first doae. Let every Fever and Agne svbjeot give tbia a trial. bold by all iraggists. A FEW TESTIMONIALS. Bosvoa, Jane S, 1ST1. Messrs. J. LaTiian A Co., Boston : Qontlomen-I Lave fr aime time past been uffering from a beajache and in.'ijr.s tion, and have teen advued to try your "Oa thartio stxtract." 1 took but one dose, and I fel. so relic ed that I was iuiu-ed to take an other, and since then I have f.U like a n. w maa I have recommeaded it to many of my friends, who likewise speak oi it aa tbe beet rem edy tbat waa ever introduced as a household -medicine. I would not bewiihoat it, aad would nrge ail snCrriag from the above to ksep a but tie of y our Extra t by them. Vours respectlelly, W. P. Xettlbto. Messrs. J. LiTBau & Co., Boston : Tour Cathartio Extract is the best mediciae I ever used. would sot know how to keep boose without it. F. H. Btbvbhb, Milton, Mass. Messrs. J. Lith.m A Co., Boston, Mass : I have been trosbled with piles (internal or bleeding) for many years. I now feel myself entirely cured by the use ofless thaa half a bot tle of Latbam'a Cathartic Extiact. W. W. KlIGST, BostOB Trnntcript. Wallace Para, M. D., of Salem, Maaa., says : "I used the Extract first 'a ay owe family and found it to be the best remedy I ever saw for wh.t it i. reeommende. ; and have since aied it ia ge'.y iB my own practice, it giving myself and patient, perfect satisfaction." "Aa excellent remedy for the ills ef bumaaity at this season of tke year is Latham's Cathartic Extraot. It is mile1 and effective: it eaa ba ased by tbe young, aad it aakes the old feel as if their aehoolboy daya were renewed. LisnoLl A Co , Publishers Progromme, Boston." Iditor of Worcester G :t:eitr, speakieg froa personal knowledge, sajs : Lethaiis Cathartic Ertract is an old aad standard family medicine, much prised ly all who are acquainted with it. For children it is mva. cable, an i is worth, of trial. Mr. Preeman H. Lolbrop, Mail Agent Cape Cod Railroad, sava r "My folks don't like med iciae, but they caa tike Latham'a Cathartic Ex tract, aud wonld not think ot being without It 1b the house. I recommend it to all my neigh- nora. Messrs. J. I araav f Co , Boston : "1 have esed the Cathartio Extract foa other patients besides my mother. It proved to be exoel'ect M. H. VaTVHtws, M. P , Granite 1 aiie Co., Colorado." M'Strs J. I.stb.u A Co., Boston: "I am aminos to introduce the Cm aai no Extraot, aa it ia much approved by tbt ae wbo have oed it. W. H. 1 uls. mcbM.Iwlv Scnthold B. Y." llOWlflrS' liiiatd States Saandarcl BOAIjSS. Posses? IX; t.RKAT IXPIOVa. Ksrs i r to, onitr.s Tbe iroil ft-cu-it. , djraole, reliable, aDd best uc'fbi i --sit ivi.r E.-'.ii; rT I- A K ! COAL. HAT AND S Oi' u l '!.;. ,u l; pat in fr-a. $ to i.'ii ebes p.-r i h-t. t ui : Vi. 1 r,' Iu ,, , i A'', 7 ,f i'rti lt i,j Ci'lilutltt " ; , ,.0-J. (,rewtittz. TK.'t ' -. ; A - I- .Ai ii tKCuVt ViK : V.T ISLAK avt, ' ..".: :-f -I .NO 8 U.S. Ac. ... .1 :t.- t b . --.. MiOLio J : . 1 ' A ill, foe lirners - efo e- u A T.,.c:i! A'ut fiaii.i u ,o e-r-- c vr'r aLd .own :1J l.tislv ! 1: . : 'HI... C' V . . VI : I Apple h'm3 ixi'mg aad Slicing; Macliinc, j lKI . , f?S l it ( ".till. I Patent r kilo tea tiplt FariLg Coring and PaicK $i (m Etok Pfitpst Union Apple Parcr, PKICL - fl.OP Each. PATENT PEACH PARER PRUE ?1... Ea-h I'ic:;l IVirli Huuer si:d Elalver, ir c, TS cents each. A.M.' tui: Patent Nut Cracker, Prlce !5 cms each. ftiacui'a-tered ly D. E. TZniTTETklOIJE, 570 Main t V C ti Tl M !. J'fftl.-rb ary r-t li-sied tu tf a d lor des t: r, lira cu. ula- aoH . tnayS Jtii At. I ieale r rii-s. I ox r -v..,y .. , I be larget, 1 be ( be pest. 1 In Hut WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO GIGTiONARY illMMhtll I') I a zis .iv vols x a of lj: pnyes, aal col tains ooc tideraisle tnure ihan USE Ht'SLSKi- tilcriAtilt WOStrci ui lis'ar.1 . v i.ii j rmuneiatioa, del uttion and etja.oi;y. ilblOi'liCM'ATti;!:.. "Tlie resale teed cn:y go to a sitspic Diction arv. i I'-'l e--' to a law O'.-o. i.r any work OB iaw ol :k' s, but 1 tite what I taiak is ihe KIr AlItid'ITV, 'A'orei.ler's 'i-.ic L'lolaary. 11 ..U CHAHLIk CH1fclt, ia V. 6. .-enats, Fub. 21,'UT2, ' VTe ccl.-t:r w.tii fti.ator atr in prefer-rnjio- lioer-t, ecboUrly -ad Irustworth) Worc.sicr't l' cti..ul." -w Yori World, . r'eb. -2.1, 1st 2. i An aim .i.t iu 'ispensal le aid to a correct de livery vi cur thju. lua, be her in speaking " trot Jubtrn Hiji.t ?eo,y of the mi.hGtion Institute. April 3tl, 172, ';. '-Woicester'a Dictionary has eonatantly lain on my lao.e tor daily sta, ana v, e'le t reposed oa a; sboivob tor occasional coasuitat on. Olivsb WaaDBLt. H.les. "It ahou'd be p aced oa the centra-table for daily eociultatioe and study in every feaily." ' Mac York tuJrpnHmt, Jan. 1872. For tale by BookseiLrs generally. . . BRKWLR a TlLESI0il,17 MiikBt., BosUa , ootiedtAtAwdw ' : - 1 - ------: ...