Newspaper Page Text
Thandiy, Hovsmber 7, 1I7S. CITY BULLETIN. 0UI0A40 KOCI IdLAMD A PAOIPIO X. ft. Trsias lease K-'ih laleud eotse ease. Day Kaprsssend Mail, UlSe-ra Hoes lal.ed Asse-aiaodatiee, 4.0U p. m. Nla-ha Jtspress, 10:30 p.m. oia wT Day Biprws aed Mail, 6:4ft ft. a. Nigbl, 4t p. a. Hock lalaad Aaeommodatloa. r. Jaaat.oa. Laavea llureaa Jaoetion. B.UUp. m. ilea. ss. Tbe Day Kipress tad Mail leaving here el I j a. ia., oiimu el Bureae Jaueliee at 10:14 l. ra., for Haiti i a. Tub Nignt tfipreBsleartag hare at 10:10 p. a. aoaneataal Bareaa at I,i0 p, a for l'.oria. us mm PMoa k. ioim OKta iiiii. aaaiva Biprssa A Mail, 10 a. a. On a. wiled Passes er, :i.a. 10:Ju a. leuoeets with all road far tbe seal aed wast. ROCKfOKD, H. IdLASD 81. LOUIS R. B Leave R. I. far Ar. fram thioage. OhioAfo. Kail ..... ...... It 10 f. it. 7:IAM- Fast Kiptes, 7:1)0 A. M (l .'O f. M. Leave H I. lor Ar from bl Laau. Loan FAal Elpraai .. 7 u P. M. " M- Mail 10 ill) A. M. 0 ' V. Thai trims (oiDigl al Hk Ialeod with tba .raias aa tba Chicago. Hork l-ljinl A Paaifio K K; tba Paeria A K...-S l.-land K K: tba Wsatera Vnioe K K; tba ;iih'( A ;vul.ieeisra R K ths tlersaperl A 8' I an K r. At Moainouth with the t aicj. lerin,tou A tjjiacy K K at Itii.hna'l eiia ri'J), l'oria A Warsaw K H: at Ba irJat. a with :pria gneid A Illtouis3oute saatera K It: aod al tbsp u with to, IVal.aau A vt, ,i,,n K U PBUMIA A KuCk lalANb K. B. eous iilihii to rsoaia. Arriia ft: 1 & p. a U:.,Ja a rl l r.a 7 .". a. u. t'laviuuatl I ipTtia, raid ae ihjii ij coat, vallbt. l.eavs. ArriTa H .rk lalaad i I" a la 1 a mop a I I) pai No. A M til laa. mf b..r. at mee.selose noc'iioa at fvona with tba I. H A W . fur all poiuta aasl aaA aouib. A larueu aoaeu for t'btao la Klpraia laaTiu 4 btra at t.ait ia aiia.had lo BC aLHU ro.N, w AlAK KAPlD A M I Hi A li;U K. H Paaaara tariatt ttuob lalanU al A.44 a. a. tia Ilia t . It. i . aV V. !u 4, 41 ale cioa i-oauai-tloua turu tj ll.rl i a l on larriTiu thara al li..'i:) anj lo kaoaaa. A'ao ii leaT-nfvu aaoi tr-tia, paaaa4r aaa rouLt-el at iiraunil lur lk. looaa awj 1 Tiliv. tu in e-,alb ; inil r M ar ihaliown, a..a. Mian.iaaol bl. ram lo in airia. bOUrUWtiTtltS K'Ub. I'a-euira )aiu K . Iiiaa-l u I ia C. H. 1 . A P. roal .t p. a. J ricllr br.iugh to LHArauirlli, iiaataa, arriTla taar- at 11 a. m. OflBIBH ABD0a.0A.atw Dt HAll roav jreiua, OiTll-a l!'Jl'Ks - - P. (aa rfaii, ttaai'ajaiic , LK lad at ri!K. 7"U a. "T p. a p. a. A on . 1 tout " ' iaaaarai Uai lTr alaaar a oaoaa Urrlar Oiaoa utiaaa al ' ' al Opt ; fr a a.liu a a. la 10. Ou a . a. aaatT 7 io a. 7. CO f 7:4J a. 10 4t' p. I't B.I K 110 p. 7" B. OLvass W HO a. a. 1)0 f. m. ID'OO a. a. 10 p. a. Ii a m in p.m. a a. a. .t a. tu oaicaaoaenaaaraaa ST. Liciaaip inrraaaa Tsai.ine a i.iiTiiai mi 1. a .riiia A ...arewssT f un p BY 87AI18 I A 'ado and 0'i'i.vaa, p. m. I mi a. a 1 Hes i .aa end New WiQ.lar, arrival T nadTs ia 1 1'iar.isi- at s p aa Uif.arli Wejnea J.ivt aad Saturdaaa at s ttO a. m. CARRY I! (3 THE United States Mail bKfWLh.N NEW YORK. CORX & LIVERPOOL ZiTew &. rnll-7owerd Bteaoshlp. Oi'K A N f ;. CBI.TIC. HKPC BLIP BA C A 1L4NT1C. ADHIMlr. UdKMsMC BIUTAMC. Bailing fr..n New Y .rk on SATt'RUAYS, frora Liverpool en TBI KSIiAYH, and Lark H'0..r aach way. Frem tbe White Star loak, ' Pareaia ft'arrT.Jeraey City. I Paa.aOf evaeeemia idail.DS for allslsasaa ; un- riTalad. coini.ioiBi; SAKKTY, CPKKD A.VD COMFORT. j Baloona, ststa roa.ns, stnikiai- rooca, and hstti-rnoaiB in aiidaliip sssttoo, wbsre least mo tion ia fell. I ir'..oa and II -war Janai accuaa paoy lhaa- siaamsrs kAlK4 Saleou, $.0 j-o'J. fftersjtc, $0 sarrsasy, I., I. ,o las, LtTerpo .l. ti.aif w. Lon- Sin,la.-a .n.l U......I T I . - i -,w..- .. i ..iw.wwianiua uaaon, for fnaa la tu rn tli 014 Coaatry eaa a .w oil la a aleeraaspre paid certta. ataa, Jl.l earreney Peaeesffvra boka4 lo ar from all parts of A Bier lea. to Pari., llambor-r. Norway, Dwadaa, India Australia. Cbiaa, riu. I'raTla fr..m 1 apwarda. For laap-elian el plaaa and other infirmati B apply at tbe Ceinpaay'a (irtise. No Iu llrnadway I"" i"l. J. H. MPARKs. Arvni. Or lo Oeneral W.alarn Offlee, Vj Kouth Market Strasjl, Chiaafo. A LFRKD LAORK3RI1T, Ak'i. Afaats In Roek lalaad Joss llisn.Tu. Ura jfni, . N Jaavis. siaata eai A'l. dwly IMA. LIVE! OusAN STEAMSHIPS Cirrjlm ihe UritUb aad C. S.MaiU ICAIL TWICK A WKAK betwaen New Yorl JJ aad Utv.rp.ol, via (4a..aaten. Ireland Turoub li-Ksi. i or I roc Ysrk and Llv. p ..... U jeso.t owe, Paria, liamliarg. R ,tter.ia-a. Ojnauura;, slaliai, aaiwarp. Uavra. Chris, t;ip,ri!aaB, t. b r latieoB, iliaaguw, I. an I .a J.rrr. I.m l ia. and all principal points 'be Lau. I Staiei aa I Ka-ape. Toe attentioa l psrtie. wiimog to bna out their frlsads Ir .tn ill i old jouoiry, ia lavitad to this advsr II. SIUCOt t'a.tMH c. B10HX, Cen. Wl lt. H'i Sniiih Markat street. Chicwffo. MITCIKi. I.T1DK Roek lalaad. 111. J ! ti. dsnur, Ale las. III. JelXI.Iss Harraated Chemically Pare 1 D. B. DeLAKD & CO.'S oazaszoAx. BAKING POWDER I Universally Conceded to be unequalled for the immedi ate production of B'4. B ilaeult, Cake aad. Paitr) Of every description, in the highest perfection. Always full weight, and Yeeps in any climate. t. DflLlSD & CO., TsUrport Ohemloal Works. Talr r art, XVtv York. avll-lwif New Livery Stable I THE ClfDER-tlOflD HAS JCRT 0PB5 KD a LI ery Stable, aear the eoraar ef OrUani and Sa?U itraati. e.iH'."""'' a " sleek, aad fair ar,e. a. .'" " A share ef p.bii, pair...,. r.,M,.fa, M,,w yi.724u C- "0WH- tTEABCSniPt. H ii a aa a, r;t. ''l- -" 0m" CITY Ollloial X.idoi. HEW JOB TTFS. Ths Aaotr. offica ha. just received a large variety of new Job Type, aad ia prepared to do all kind of Job Printing prompt, neat and cheap. Four presses, by .team, all run al the aana lime. aVjyKacililiaa for Killing nod Bioding. Nervous headache it Instantly rlieved by a pincb of Durno's Snuff. Beer', olotliing boose, tbraa doora below Benttiton'a ilag ttore. l'"uir dea!iar. ao7 dlw Fraah Ofltart, fraita, eouf cuoauj, warm maala, eto., al Weir'a rei""". Wa.hing ton atraat. Wair'A new rsatmiraot, on VVaabiojton straet, i bfoooior a popuiar plara of resort for tboaa who wiah a Dice meal. Ifoaae containing iefen rooms, (rood eel lar and eiatern, for rent. Enquire of Halcb & Frailer. oov'2-eodlt 1'ienmtura I. ess ot the Uair, wbieh ao common oowadati, nier lo entirely pre veoted bf tba oaf of Burnett's Cocoaine. XoTlcii. Marksrtitii Shootinu Society nwnthW meotioi t )-nubt Not. 7 iS. al r o'olook, sharp. K. ffoT.Tiiis, Secy. We ar a p-trt ff intllignc. Rrk Ulnmi tVtlM. 'I bal'a what tbe ! to the appiaa, when both were lloalinn down the river. I'mstiNAt., Mr. 8. V. Towna, some years sjro I . S. Eipress a.-ent in this city, but bow a resident of Sc'nii, AU., was itt lli llarper Houaa to dny. Tim WiiTUia. fha (oi'.owin-r ia the record ol' Uiuperatute as indieate! iu the hade on the oorlh side ot Thk 0,-rim, Io-Jkt : . 3 II a. .f4l 1 M. '.i . I 'Ira :-- Til ai Tiuathk. 1 hi.i fvbio, lajlor'a IruaalioDal drama, ''Tiokiit ot Leave Man," wi.l Li' i.vtr:i '. V...4 !'.; ia wi'l appear as liibnl ll usv,;- r. .h '.aujaahire la 1. lli:a''rTed seata r,n be s-riirr il at Voni wari's ! " it"Ti . le rtrta'a ptopieti-a- r'atura, in. liraa'. farunU taro; v i'.l ii, bu a repetition, ol nt tral. lA-Tyv '...f ,,. c-f 4 J-t,tri '..: j a.i'iti- Ii ) 1 Tha-'s j-i.t what iff l.ili-"fil c'eirnf!. and !r tbat rr-aann thT c iu! i out ti rt i hill). KkVvVaL. -- e l . it':i., J' Malo'aolJ S'.ai tl, and ere rfadr t j i. It'. r to trie trttde a ' t'uii it . ol Dry li.i U and NuI'.orm. We hfj--t rmtJ aa aiirtr.n ul of Ilia S,i. b'sra sila ltei, iriah l'opiins. ('nab j iiifre ar,d Km.raaa Clotbs; aiao a complete ! fli'i.a of I'ura. 'e cannot b urii-raold come and jnd'e f r r..uraeil 11 av linn's. Tim Votl t' 7111. Coi'STv has cot jet been olliciahv cat !rd, lh.' liffilo l'r-iiric olhriiil belLg iaa la 1 i f, ur s tearlj cutu Tc. IU) Vote of l!. s C-junty will u ia)uul oil) lea iu the are- ; fratr tnau f-ur joaru ao. each far y tailing ! orT to abcut the samo proportiu.. Tbti ma j j riiv will K ali iui the tame betwe n 0U , IHOO SV botie t tuorrow. him- tbe official to- Il.ii.n. l.,..' r,( Nkw Pstsvt.- Maj. ' ' this city, has secured a pali-at on a piece of i tnech.ioiam whii h has ?o-sed bia atiention : foraiotzie jfiiri. It is a uiacbina which cuts I tbe corn from the hill, strips the ears from ! lha stalls, husks ihni. and buajies the : shocks, all at one time, as it travels over the 1 fie ill If it proves a succeis, and he seeira j ooiifiileot thst it will, Qjinot's fortune is made. We hops his expectations rosy be realized. A.t'A pRKMir-4 I'o.TrI'KiNTiNo.-Na.! ,he "rrisbrid.o, aad tnaitastb. loilo.iog enti, new bordert, new type, aod cw ado . . . . . Keaily we truat tot Uadau.e La Kard la not an!MudefioMoffariouikindibaercDt-iuifllDgwllhlhfiini,tf ltllJ vtQ whteh y been added to Tui Anr.r.s job department re very tuader un .hi point, and the ee- -pec.allj for ro.ter prioiio, mad the office Jir't""M to,,iJhh': 10 l "fct" r J l r ,ter. I ae sooner tbe bridge la wale publio aaa has every facility for executing; poster work, ine upstart paaa aystem ka eked bi,liar than a I listrated and displaTsil in tbe most attract- k"' th h.iter Tn-re may have tsn great I ivr manner. With four presses ronnio- al lha same time, by steam, and with the most accomplished workmen to bu found, and wib the very bast materials. The Aauraj elites .resenta superior inducements to get your work done there. I " " " ' f'p to tlis o-tober elections, aad area sinee, tnaoy ef oar moat fer-njrated penile aaaa bad doubts ss to tbe result. There was a peaalbility thai tbe coalmen might via. terra "as fear that Ih.of. repeated slandera agaiaat the Praai- dent mijbl aexompliah his defeat. Soma of the mail Iruatsil leaders at tna party wsct into ths sppssltisn movsBsat ls( Kefore eleotion yon laid tbare waa do doubt aSoot it whatever, and 'hat the men who left yon were everything bad wh cli words could express. Now they were "ills trotted JeadtTS of the party," aud yonr "rung far-sifihud public men had doubts as lo the result." Aluir.sT ok a Fohi;kr. A man named Usory N. Childi was arrested in this city yesterday afternoon, on the cbarjr a of for. (ery. Il is claiinad lhat on the fith of last May he drew a note of liO, payable at Ihe CmZ 'ns' N.i ionai baok in Davenport, and placed tbe siiioaliire of Mr. W. Heath, of Uarysville, Iowa, upon it. A groeer of Dav euport named Asoberraan indoraed it. Tbe note was payable in three months and npon the expiration of Itat time went to pro tea I, and Aschercnan was called upon lo attend to ine mailer iieatb declares that he sever siasd a note for Cailda and knows nothing about it. Childi has been a rfudent of Dev. enport for several years anil has always noma a good reputation." lie was taken before Justice Peters, jssterdav afternoon and held 10 baiiiu ihe sum of O'JO for ap pearance for examination at two o'clock thia altsrooon It looks as though he was wanted at the penitentiary. Tui Niw Pcnuc Liihakt. The work of mcvirg the publrc library from ill tuar era on Buffalo airset, to the new library and reading room in Mitchell t Lyn lie's new block, oa Eagle street, commenced llns moraiog. The new Library room ia situa ted in Ihe northeast corner of Mitchell at Lynda's block direct y opposite- Tba Au nt's oRice. Jl is foriy-eigbt feel in length by twenty-four in width, aad ia lighted by "vegood sized windows. A little work ye remaias lo be done on it but a few dayi w it j probably see everything completed aad the library fairly established io its new qoar tars. Il waa Ihe iatantioo of lha director to real aaother lsre front room adjoining Ihe 1 1 brury, to be nsed exclusively ai a read in? room. Unfortunately tba room had bean rented before their application waa made and the idea waa essari!y aband oned for a lime. Tba library room will be fitted ap with the eonvenieneea of a reading room, however, aid will answer th purpose Twj well, N0TE3, HEEE AND THESE. Tba Congressional rota in Scott county, Iowa, gives LatTiofrwell (Lib.) a majority of 572, over Cotton. A pigeon shooting match for a sweep. stakes purse is expected lo eome off on tbe i Bock Island Fair Groonds nel Satoroar. Hope Hose Co. gie b. t Turner Hall o-nighl. The boys ooaerstnoo. now id make sucb an afra"' pleasant, and are de serving of patronage. Thk Akiu7 office is now heated by steam. Pipes kT been laid in every apartment and a'l hands tlstter themselves thai they are well prepared for eold weather. Tbe Cambridge (Henry Co.) CkronirU claims that over one thousand bnaheia. o grain have bsfn shipped from that place for every workirg day sines the 6rst of Jao- 0ry. The o'd railroad bridg i now in the hands of the despoilers. False work has been put up under the Island sbore spun and in few days that pars of the bridge will be no more. The Sociable at lha lecture room of the Methodist Church thin evening, will un doubtedly be p!e.saot affair. Tbe pro ceeds will be osed to increase the Sabbath School library. A good sapper will bt; fur nished. Father Sheeny, of Limerick, Ireland, lectures in the Burl is Opera Uiuav, Dneo- port, this evening. Suhjtct: ''Irish ditcon teut ; iu apology and remedy.' The pro ceeds of lh lecture will be devoted to char' j liable purposes. The Spiritualists had it daocc at Negus' Hall laat nihi. A goodly numbi-r were in attendance and all appeared to erj it it. They axorc, to hiM a aimilar ps.r;y oti.e v twj wica in t'ue tui. re Tiie proid go fjr tue bine fn of the aooieiy. The eaacriija that some womeu are luilv cotnpeutul to take tare of t jetnselvea was doinoaairated teiterdav by a young woman ! ecjagttl as a servant in a family on Orleat.s I street. Sue thrrw her mistress down au,i I aiziug b. r by the bair aiclatuied : ''Take j that bejk, or by I II kill y-m." She tiaa cuauged her real -en. e. ! Ri.Poar us 1'oivlin.a.T l.xrLtisioss. Mi-s-ra (rrdon and 11 l' Mi rely, Kov.rnuieut ' iuap-ci"rs -jt !eauboats oo the Matasipp' river, have uindo their report upon t&c ex . pio.-iu lit' tbe low-boal Jaiitrs Mil born, ' w:;i. h i csnrre-i in July Us:, fr McGregor, 1 a .-l i.jrarJt-U ii tu the l,aury I'-pari ai :t. uy itia ."i j'rrv,aor ol ine o.airio;. 1 be ri'por:, Al'ter reviewiug the which ' eitrljl uvea were Um. eaiii: ' I'ao rtr'Uttaoaa woi-'b enirafftarixs,! this epio-io, with tn eatdanca ot tViltiain Boa. ' b al eoineirr, toother i: b that of albrra, la i aurao.aiil to aouviace us oi'faraieaaoe-a and rek I laaioeaa on tba part of W. barneT l'lcri'i" a-'j-: onJ D,ciDer, wbo waa ou at tbe lima ol tba elpio-iua, iu carTloa eaer-pn-aaura ol alearo ao-l ailowlag Ihe w.itar to foaa iu Ihe briler. koo-iatT ; aoil we sai'e rr fatad to renew bia i llranao ai fOiiaer." They baac also made their report on the ; oxpIotioD of tba rafi-towiQ ateacner I A . Mcl'ooal-J, which alvo occurred near McGre t or. hf w&.iM 9. gat hfei w,?rw loat. Thie ; ia tbe boat in which two uf our ci-zens, j Kiifineer II ib?ri SjI ku jo, and L'apt. Wm. ! H. 1'ieroe were tat the titiis of lha exnlos.on. iub ivsbiiri otir'it, sars: "a eaeleaaaeas wna proved iatbia sae, and tbe f anting by whiii t.i. on imeer waadeceiva.t la reardail aa lec.aae. Tba boiiera oa betbof th-se boata were new. and bad re-aotlv bsrne ai 1 tae tata of tba inspeetora. $.eerly ailltis ! "eers of bo.h boats w-re ktileel. and the in- speclora in each caaa attribute the cauae of the 1 aaci lent In fonmiofi, tlioagh in lha Ural ', direet earsieasnvas w a. nii.,ed." ' r ease (If (tailS. d n,r.!lin.i. ati.ta.l in 1)1 coune oareleainess caaes, bu. the MoOonaiii existed in h f.U , . , people jrel because "no carniesaness was proved."' Tbat it elislei, no impartial man can doubt, it: ourfht lo have ben JiroT. J. and tbe guilty j party pun abed, whoever he was. Of Lk Naan, Tiib lis , am. Tuk I'aksk-i. -Tae lareup.ri iKmnrat pjblisli. , es La .Sard's ' letter lo Tim Ariivm to re lation lbs pass system, aod lha opening of .,.,,., ol ,ut te.nb e law,eaaeaa aad leroci.v i in people, whs mlgbt at any time hive ta tfea tria latent bodily and earrird it away but tninga eredltlarent now that eieetioa a over. Tna Davenport (iazrtte also puh lshes tbe letter, prefacing it as follows : The R .ck Ialani Sarins has a e irreannndan I al Haabina;too whose sirnalare is I.e N'ard, and jwh or as Taa Aauus aay., .sr. in aliudipn tu the letter is a lady, f.'oder date of Oetober 3t. , Ie N ard aaya aha called upon the Aeeretary of j War that day and waa tr.a'ed with the irreatest i conrtes and kindness." rbe relates tiae aature i of toe interview and its teauli in the loilowia ! sssnner Then follows the letter, a il appeared in Tub Aaacs of Tuesday evening. Ui.hhkky. & youn girl employed aa a servant in the family of Mr. M A. Swiler. wai passing alotuoo Ituc'i Kiver street this forenoon, when abe was seized by estrange man, and a wa'let held iu her hand wronche-1 away. The robber then ran into the alley aod thnce down tbe street. The girl was much frightened and hurried towards home Nuar the old Presbyterian Church on IMi niis street she met Mr. J. II. Reeves, and as the was It-llmg him of the circumstance the man was seen approaching and the girl axnlauned : "there he is." Mr Ksevel im- j mediately started for h im. Around one en- lire block tbey went, when, as he waa passing the jail building a aeeuid lime Major Iieardsley ran out and seized him, and be was p u-ied in j til. lie gave his name as Wm. Johnson, pretended lhat he was deaf aad dumb and asserted thai ''he wasn't the fellow they wanted at all " On his person waa found the conlenta of tile pocket book, as deacribed by Mrs. Bwiler. Be had papers wite him showing that he relied on the cred ulity and charity of tbe people for subsist ence, and his general appearance is thai of an-eseaped "jail bird " THE OESKANS THREATENED. Mr. Grant'i postmaster here, and editor o' the L'nion. now lhat the election it over' threatens oor German fellow-citizeni as fol lows : Ojlaaby runs soaswhat behind, showing that seme or ear Herman fallow eitiseas voted far Koetaerea the simple bssis of natlenalltv, They forsot that grand Aaierieaa idea whieh pals tiii above birth, aad thrast into oar politics sn element of kaoonothingism whieh will hurt 'heir people for years te cme, Which aimply means that every time the Grant ring gets a chance to punish a Ger man tbey mean to do it. The Republican party is not the property of any ssan or aay et of wen. If any league of pelitioiana ahoald beaadaoions ensus-h or .... aad saltish eaoaeh to try ts harneaa ihla -rr.j party ta tbair personal fortunes, to humiliate it aa i mass 11 us sieve at beir wblms, thsir soa e.u, tbetr aaiaaoaity, their venaeaaoe. eto. Ukienyo Pott and Roc Uland Union (after eleo tion.) That'a what 8umner, Sehnri, Trumbull and all Ihe Liberals aaid, before election- Botyoo Hid il was the property of Grant and hi. ..I, and that', th. reason th.j left KOCK ISLAND COUNTY, 1S72. President Goveraor Congress. vensa distsictb. "i m Cordova 1 Caaoe Oraek 82 "si so 12 y 179 I Kit liS 158 ft7 107 70 46 2:; Sf s l 6'J 106 6 aft . 47 ii 131 43, 704 24 1 lttj 214 9j 171 117 4(1 10i 100 101 84 13 107 7 4S , 82 7, 13:ii 4' 93 243 1A 20 84 IBs 117 47 105 101 100 04 13$ 87' "l 40 M 129 b 2K4I 103 97 to i t7 12 40 0 8 61 "i'f :.i 12J 4j 2H4' 1V4 lr 180 fi4 0 bl 1 42 100 4 H2 Co. : Zuaa Port Byron..w, uaaplon : Carbon Cliff. ; Uolina K. I. 1st Ward... 20! 231 lj 158 17 100 ' 2d War 4 ... 1 d Ward... 1 4th Ward .. CO 132 si tl 23 53 102 05 t-2 5 165 117 51 10.. Blaok Hawk Coal ValUy .... Karal bowling. Andahiaia Edgiagton Buftalo Prairi.... Ururjr . Total t7i ss 03 136 Senator. Bepreaeatative Votiag Distriets. i a ; E Cordova, Csnoe Creek :' Coe.. .atna i Port BTroa Huapton... 10ft 87 2ft ii 13i; rt 225 .... 60 241 .... 51' 4S 61 124 24 isa 10 li7 5T 120 10 S'.' 141 J 1ISJ .. 07 R'J i3SJ .. 131 37? 216 I0:ij .. . ... 136 72 70J . 005 855 131 1044 ., 247 i59i 367j 375 .. 1B3 401 224 25.S, . 215 sii 307J 31S ., Csrboa Cliff Molin. K 1 1st Ward ' 24 Ward.... " 3d Ward ... 4th W,d.,.. Blackhawk... Coal Vallaj Rural ... Rowitng Asdainaia ... KJinlon Bail. o Prairie brury T .1.1 S 174 1 J 130j loO 387 263J 2:34 ., 117 210 17 172 . 47 714 711 . Ill1) 231 I78J 178J . IPO, 12ti lit 14H1 . ItlO 3 U 14s 14 . 01 i2 O'-'t . 13 ;i;: 204 201 . loo 01 81 St'a Alt Cirs'tCl'k T'p Org'e Voting Di.trictti. w a c S 8 o ' e - - ttt i z. a - &'-. : CurdoTi si'. M7 87 10.'. 1-i'i j CiiJ -e Creek j !7 51 97 111 I foe Zulu 47 82 47 2 1) I Port Brin 51 117 61 07 j HBi(.lou r.'t 134 1-4 134 'arbun Ciiflf 4i 4" 4 44 ' J;i l'.!i 594 6Sii t B 1. I t Ward.... 11 27 1 87 . it 34 2,1 .. lift I-: I :.o Itil !' l :i. " ... 17 2 IS. 175 210 4.. J2 ! 4th ... 6s V 5 V) - i Hlai-k Hawk 1 I'M l 129 l7 17 Coai Vaili'J. 77 117 .V" 117 ll I Rural 75 4H 5.s 47 US' I Knwling ?' 15 2:1 M4 Aadalaaia ( 7 4.,1 tul 137 I KddBgloB i"7 lul li'i. ltui l!M II j HoS.iU. Prairie... 84 07 04 112 2;. Drurr . .. si 1:16 8l 1;: Total ... i-;j. An imjil? at l.irje. Shei'ff. Cotobct. Voting Distrlflts. Cordova - . .... SO 47 4ti 47 122 41 S1 1-1 li'i Ho .in l : 7 I 113 101 61 4 101 la"! al At 'J.I 20 3 2 14 !"t 17.1 120 s in: 41 " 07 . 47 Si . SI, 7 12. M 4.V 4s 2s0 0i It-j, ee P.rt tiyron H.miBtvl Carl.on Cliff Moline R I. 1st Ward... 5d Ward... " .11 Ward... ' 4lh Ward... lsk Hawk Col Valley 1 I 1 1 :tl Mil 04 . 1(10 117 4? ll'o . 10! . 100 0 1 , 137 . Hi ! Kura' I B..wlin 31 ins 111! 100 05 141 .1 A 1110 Ot hi An-laluaia 44 E liring-oo 10ii i - , ... ., no Drury... 7; Total . i Grant to be President for Life. i Before eitction Mr. Wendell rlnliips, in . hi, tpfe(h Ilo,.un Mft , ,aid . : i .t . it - r,, f:u.v. i M,iu Ac rnttnui to fcs 1'rexidiut of the Unit- . f ' J'f " until trtry vliite tii r.ivr forty ynr nj my, who itcejt foui't oj jiuxftn ani ltirnii's Line, ha Item forerer put into th ground . Since Loud aod cootioued app rtata." election Mr. Graat'g pattnoatter here ssts : li rant is re elected e hoee ba'l! keep bia ; plaee unil Ihe lit domoostration of reset spirit has eeaied I aloe. "A demonstration of rjbel spirit" means aocirdios- to their diot.oaary, voting for any body tut Grant. CllRlSTMas Pkeskktss. The most accept able are those excellent Itembrandt photos, taken at Gayford'a gallery. Leave your orders at once, so that they may be ready bv the holidays. Tluis-lw. Always examine every page of this pa per, for von will find reading matter on ev ery page which deserves attention. Thonsands Have already handed in their testimony to the superiority of Dudley's Yeast Pownia over any in use, and thousands will yet tes tify to its worth after giving it a trial. It recommends itself. Ask for it at yonr Grocei'a. Temple ef Honorl Roek Island Tsapla ef Honor Is. 17, meet evrry Tburada. evening, and Social Temple Ho. 8, every Taeaday evening at 7 o'eloek, at Odd Tallows Hall, QUO. L. CARLTON, W.O.T. O. M. Bsi.niso, W. R. deo22 dlf ASST7I SaSSST S. X3,xxs Sail. IMPORTANT NOTICE! Enggaement for three nights only of MISS SUSAN DENIN HCPPOliTEI) BY THE N. Y. City Combination. Thursday Eve'g, Nov. 7, be presented llnlwer's beantltul and ever welcome play, entitled the Will TICKET-DF-1EAVE MAN. t-Reserved Seats can lie secured at Gates & V. oodwsrit s Book Store. novldtt GRAND BALL TO BE GIVK.V BY Hope Hose Co, No. 3, AT TURNER HAXIa, on Thnrsdty Erening, Kor. 7th, J2. Mnsic by Bie hl's Band. J.-TICKKT8 ONE O OLLAE. cUWtd Br OuuOsnmn. I.OO All Oala17tvXr. Temaleweaknesses. TIIADK KABK. There le no clatui of diseases known to Medics Science of more frequent occurrence or so little cared for as those pecnliar to the female orgsntau. A slight derangement of health from delicacy or eome other canae Is often allowed to continue until the whole eysteni suiters, and constitutional dletur banceu of a grave and werious character are often established. MISHLm EEBB BITTESS Ih ov-rtngn remedy for, and preventive of, all unch complaiutx. Wold everywlieie. Price, Oue Dollar per Bottle. SOSUJALIS . llieters, leaiding in Ourdonavtlla, Va., W. II wrllea : 1 herewith giro lha facts in the ease ef my wile, eared by you Kosadslts. Abvnl fuar years aio there appeared on her ears, red swollen plaeea or aorea, attended with itabing and burning ; f.r a while t remained much the ssaia. tban rapidly grew worae ; appearing soo eeaiTaly ou bar hand, faee, aboatders and eras, in the 1'ora of scaly blotches or aores, and com pletely incspaoitatins: her tor any duty. Al this time her head was so eoapletely covered with a Saab that It wan impoasiole for bar to dreaa her hair witb the coarsest comb. Oa January i th, i procured one bot'le of Kosadalis nf Messrs. Craeea A: CO , and being convinced the use of it waa beai-ficial. I persisted in its nae antil aba bad taken ssvec to'.tlee, irAr-u ht promnttiretl j Atrtrlf riirrd, im ae. it now Deifeotiv irwi from i " 1018 !iS EK M.MEV.Kr.t'. If you mrt tUiftd with Tatiarons. ion oi th K duef , I'iaMtp.o, Uravl, Catarrh of the 6 lad dwr, Bricadim Deposit, Lyippiia, Pa'pitatioo f tli Uart, Female CompUlnt, uo'en joq fct iniruediale relief tUs grav wUl ocn cltvi'si au other vieiim FORTY DROPd 0OSSTITCTI0N WATKH, three ttmes a dsr, in four times the quaotitv of water, wilt care von. It it Dot a prii! witer, but a preparation Ijv an eminent ph ficio. For Sale bv all Irogr!?tt medical ! Atteai?B is iraMed t& the aiTertiieirnu! oj fr. Bohi8Q.t&r of ift. Lou Mo. II in reputation i; that of one o t t be dto'l Ut-5eiful j-ic:to tc ki tpetalitj. i a tbe Weat. . lie wVj) nro 'tf-rin; :'r m -flra! rim falcta, k oowa -uly ti f!Ui'ei, nhould al uoct ,;el Dr. V'olii'j Fe4ii!e PilJs. Th3y prolu-e a BDoti .'hartatj,; tflfect. 8aii1 by all Dragjfita Ull A Chi. wco-e aarer- ; tineui-'iit ftpp' son ff hi j;h r i:: t. - lay't insae is a gSQtle Mf.1i:ii ra:?K. h" bl wtD dtfiU'S- ttoa by ca 5 $ -3 at of ilia taoi. JitS.-uU ant -ompHaitt.d i Tne iit!l e d wi'i find hi.n wo; thy (t all e-nit.1eoce. Manhood! Womanhood! Marriage ! ta-es. tin." pl .trs, sent -Hist-pntd for . t ut, by Ir. U liiui'.r, 1.17 l. t'harl--s Str.t-1. Sc !..-,. .Mi... tbi great bp--iIit. Uead his curd. Jacksea's 'Catarrh SleII And Troche Powder. A d'-liiititfu! ami pk-rt-aiil rem.'dy in 1 Cutarrh, .i ''.'!, Jljil Unath, Asthma. 7iF..irs-'o''.s. Hronrhiti, Cotojfis, , j Df'Vnun, if-.-., ' an '. :i'! di-.M-os rotllrini' friini CuliU in i Mfail, 'ikroal asd Vocal OririB-.. 'lU r-MtH'.W dm- not 'IHY l i" a rn'arrtj, t-ui , It(tt.N ii ; fiYs- u.e i an ortVn-iv- mmier. i 1M'i K: r"ni'iv iiji; hmt Pr; tu 11:1 1 h lit:. n in t , and tnrti - i!i- liiirninL h. il In r I'.i.-rli . i- uu unKl and arvvH.tie in its t-if, tts lhat ii po-iiively Cares wiUioiit Sneezing. ) A a TIMK'IIK I'OWDICU p:ia-ant to the tAt j .lli.l n.'vr i!jU"-,shT vtn-u ?wjtv('d. iii'-tai lly u" vci lo the tnr-tai and vtM'dl oriritin- 1 -lit i'm- Sii-rtiUu ! of ioohicai- tiiiti comiori lo 1 tic lvt voicy lon e in j ol-l hy fruii-. or m.Hii-'d frv. Ai!drt!!i I tKi.'hK, WiLUA A CO , Proprietor-. i'hi.ri'ieiphU. Van Sfha.nk. St-vennn aW Ittv'd. VVh( pal- Air-uMr l'hiOA'o Kor file in iin-jk l-l:iiul ty J.ui Bfii un. h,. iip-uut-rt, llarier ilimc lri,r smrt;, and hy SniUli & Htmtty. U'lTU itt gloomy attandanta, Xov spirits depression, ittYo:atary cmissiofts, loss df smu, sjermairrlioea, lost of pow r, disiy head, loss of memory, aad thra&tMed tmpou&et and iicbocilitT, find a sorerMrn cure Id HUMPHREYS' HOJffEOriTHIC 5PCICIC Ho- TWEKTT EIGHT. Com-poe-i of tho wo valaable id ltd and patent CaratiTea, tbey atrikaat one at tba root of tha matter, looa ap tbe tyitoaj, arreai the dia-j obargt, and toapart vigor aad ecarfy, life aod ? italuj to id aatir man. Tboy hare eured ho-s.nd.of ease,. Price. 86 p., package of u.. luin hu m i... e iiai, wuiub ia eery im p.rtant tooostinate oroti casea, or $ I per ain--ie boi. Bold by AM. lree;a:ists, asd sent by mail on receipt of prioe. Address, HUMPH REYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC SitDI- OIKE CO., 6tl BaoanwaT, New Toaa. " unas a. oanaer aaa j, epiaai. agents for (look Island, TO THE LADIES. iirown's Freath Dressing Will make Ladies' and Children's Boots aad oboes that hare beeoine roagb aud rsd, and La dies' lrevallug liag-, whioL look so old aud rasty tba.t lne are aahaiaed to earry them, look just as good as aew. It will not rub oil, or smut wiiee wot. 8 fiens ihslsatber. So lady wili be without it after one trial. B.wareol imitation, anil ojunterieita. Also aianutaiturers of lila-Sing and Draas m tor all kinds of Leather, for sale every where ti. I. UKUU M A CO., Proprietors, auldwj-a Uoston. Iu naaabera there is salety. it was upon tnis priaclt.le mat toe torumia of Jodriun s Atoi B raiN Uaaa Pilui was prepared. Dr. Jadsoa, mtendibg to spend a t'or.uae in aaverttaing uia iinls, suoaaitted hta recotpe to tba revi.ioa ot tne moat '.ulelitent aud learned pbyaiciana of the ae, ud tba result ia a simple bat moat effi aacious medi. ins lha Jcakos'a Muiibtaib bi'.a Pills. Tbey pu'iir tne blood, remove all bstractions, elaa .ae tbe sain of ail pimples and blouue., and are perfectly sare aad sate in their operation. Tne Ji'a M.,i'NTais Uaaa Pills ours dilliousneasr irregularities, Seadaoba, aad many of tne diseases arising from impare bloed and a dorangnd digestion. Use the Jndson's Moaataiu Uerb Pills, and bes you have proved Ibeir virtue recommend them to your friends. They are both sugar eoatedand plain. For sa.e everywhere. If yon do not feel wsll yon send for a doetor be calls upon yon, looks wisa, aerawla soaae bisroglyphies apon a pieoe of paper which yon take to a drug store and there pay 60 con la to i l.Ol., hesines tha doctor's fee, for a remedy aiae times eat of ten not half ss good aa iir. Al one's ladian Keot Pills, which sosts bat 25 cents pel box. llo you think the for-aerthe bast, beoauae you pay ths most for it? If you do, we advise yon to use, juat as an experiment, the Morse's Indian Hoot Pills. They are prepared trom a formula, proaounoed by the mostlearnsd physi oiana of onr eoantry, to be the best and most universal of famfty medicines. The Morse', fndiia Ro t Pills cure lioadaohe, Liver Cora plaint. Indigestion, byapepaia. Female irrega arities, Ae.,anJ are pat up both augar-eoated and plain. Hive them atrial. Bold by all deal, srs. A bright, hoalthy child is a perennial spring of joy ia every well regulated family, aad wnere is that fa bar, who after the strife and turmoil of baaineaa. on retiring to his home, is not be guiled of care by the iaaoeent prattle of his shild' Perhaps this fatnar is a worldly ease, and asakes gold his idol, he may have been a successful man, aad amassed riobes. Tat plaes bis et..d oa the siek bed, aad all his gold Is at the disposal of the physicians, and tha only return ha asks is the restoratisa of health to his child. Fathers! Mothers! would yaa pra aerve your eh Id in heal h? Thea listen teas. There is one prevailing eaase of the disease in ehildroa, aad that eaase is worms. If this cause of disease is not ramorad. your child will Bi'ksa aad die, er linger a suffering invalid far life. We present te yoa aa infallible remedy tor worms ; it is Sr. Jndson'i Dead Shot Worm Candy, and ia pat up in the fores of a stick of candy, aad so plsa-ant to the taste, that children greedily tease for it It is pueely vegetable, aad laanot hurt the smallest child. Ask fer Dr Jadson's Dead Shot Worm Candy. For aale everywhere at 20 cents per packers. V. H.OOHSTniK.BoiePreariatai. laUSeataA-s SeXsaib a Orncx or Renne's Pais Kit linb Maoic Oil, I PirrsriiiLO, Mass., October 1, 1872. ( To Patrone Kespectfully : Iu order to equalize lue price, aim uiaac ii an im- ducrment for liioee located at tbe most remote points to handle M aoic Oil, we have re srrsnsred the scale of prices, to take effect from and sf ler this date, ss follows : ' Trial Size, or Its equivsleot In other sizes, per gross.) -. Five to Ten gross, per gross 41.00. Twenty Gross, per grose 20.00. A discount will he made on pnrchascs of five gross and over, or a anttk-ieut amount lo coTer freigliL. The goods will be delivered at tbe point ol transpor tation In Plttsfleld. in good order, lifter whicn they will he at the risk of tbe purchaser. TKTiMS.Net Cash. Current Funds In Sew York. Please give fall shipping directions wi:h your orders. Kkhks's Hain-Kh.i.ino Maoic OtL Is packed for ( the trarte as follows : i nai-iz : : ' oni. &rose in a asc 6 iloi. Medium Slse, equivalent to " " 3 doz. Large Size, "k We also pack what Is known as an "Assorted tiroes," as follows : do.. Trial Hiz.: ; 'I doz. Medi um Siz'.; H do,. LarL'e Size; whKb equals one rross in a case, aud makea a jood aaficrtiueut ol' sizes for a retail -tore. On all toode mamifsctured after January l, 173, Ihe ri'taii price will b. printed upon the label ol each bottle, as follows : Trial bize, 3 center Medium Size, 50 cents ; Ijirge size . Your orders r-ieliectluliy solicited. We have the houor to be. rcpecltullv, vour obedi ent servauls. V M. KENNIi SO.VS. Notick, Tho name "MAGIC OIL" ia our l-e;al Traile Marie. Use Renne's Pain Killing ILdSio Oil. !( V?orks like a Charm." Sure, cTean hti1 dtrlicions to nnc. tlf clean and delicious to use. Snrn, clean and delicious to Ut-e. sale, cl-san and dtdkious to um Salte, clean and u.-licious to uw. Salt, oilman aud df lie to us to uw. fur.' prifti as vater epienclH ftr. -'' wa,,jr H""' re 1 lire nam as waler tniem hee fire t'un'8 paiiA at unier uueuoties tin I'urf? pain a wnier qii- ncher- tin1. .'urt'a pain a-? water qut;iic.iei- lire. T-e Rfiim'V Kifii-KHKng Ma- Oil fairhfnllr. l e HtMim ! i'diu-Killin Maic Oil fret-iy. l !e ti-'iiuf s ram ni iiii-i .vta'ic Udiir. V?o Hi'iine'- Kim-kiPiug MhiU: i 1 chfTfully. , r?Hr H.Minc's Pfiiu-h-illlHAf ila'ic Oil hone-rly. i I to U'.uiisj ' i'aiu-Kihtiu; Matc Oil hopetuliy. Kviry i-rr t-lxniid hn it to supply rtmomen--. It dtte- tint ov !i- virtue! bv ap tr txpofitru. '1 ti'mr-and;. teti of its ;rod tfilecm alter ttyiui; ir. I WM. RFNNK & SONS. Sole? M-in.faft.trvT-.. PKtr.- j fl'-lti. Mjv. iit-ndt-r. call for it where you u?na!ly traue, b thf lull ue. " j ft. ii4 lt Jubn Itienr-tt u, Koi-k Ifla&d. I - tUreckS Savin h Ital. iraui;hi Keguiafor" eaa bs I tnrt ol ht'.va or heater i-pUsd tu nut tnvs.-i (rim i to i uf the Coal by util'HOfy all the ht.i4 prtiducfd, H.n.i t.-i"ures a ctustaiit, veu ; teuiperaturo, with Je thau half the trouble in ! aeepin? Hrea 1)n exhibit V'ti and for saH at i Ham' T?i Htore. Tea at reduced triee, free j of duly - dtt rw.-,'f' 5 -to" W ol I lanniaTuer Machini&ts ;iools; Vi'oi ka. f'or. l iii jo an i iCi;lianj(e Sit., WORCESTER MASS. Wartiooma 68 Liberty ft., Hw York. j ai.g ce L,iiu, riaer. iirtr, t prigot and ftaipeniion If ri Sis. (icnr mod Bat: Cotters and index Maehirei. AUo. tola Maoafactorr of Taft'a eelhratd Hand Puce baa end Sheart i fvC7a tU-ly UP.?M.,'1fIG ! SIAiilFBE (kith tOaH'Y, -PKISI.i -IKLI5 Mii-ufa t mm. m cloth g Of 11 df Rrtpiii for c-'iioe ar.d woolen ma-cbiti-ary ; .Np, in Carda, irotn mm a. round, p'aied nr 4Ai'4u:ind wirt A! aw t-ipping auu N... IP Cvii- n Cf-rof w51. M -N r Ar I E ft-4.t itj -Hb i -. . a reurar. dm SI Pay lol.WaE! The Hiirlfcrd Fire Its. Co. Hat d tn Mi"trt( d tfcis qa9ticn to upvardi of 1 7, of its ptroB, In tbe reonitioa and pnjuu'bt bi tbair claims to th - ctte-at of o?er $15,000,000.00 r-- j purEi fef a prafica S(,C.ti6n tf II lo 610 sufferers bj the Great Chicago Fire i u ho AEiiUU f crir'.j $1,800,000.00. Xae-afErmed to atiefaetion of Hun dred, of Mercantile nouses, saved from Sankrajptcy tbroa?h prompt tnd t pnder HARTFORD Xolioies. Wisdom cf it Mlsstr&ted. ia thousands of STomss B.e-habili-tated and refa-nisked by timely provision of tt r. uait 1 1 Fo!lj of IXeglediag it, SEEK I POVESTT AS1 StFFEPIXG 0? MlLTItTDE OVEttTAKES BT 1AL MITT. CHARTERED 1810. Cash Capital $1,000,009. Sarin; S:xty years of aventfnl ex perience, has shown ability to meet every conceivable disaster. kept. 1, 1872. Caih on hand aad Cash Items,. (Itll lfS A6 Premium In coora. of transmission... 125,000 00 Loans ee Bond and Mortgage, (1st Lien), 5.9,429 13 Real Estate 448 175 6n fitoeks and Bond! as Market Value, (61,964 39 $2,156,695.68 Lift Brums. Losses in proces. of Adjustment, $185,684 81 Business derived from Rational sources. Stability nnaffscted by Xocal Si asters. Average Cash Income $7,000 09 PES DAY ! AU business trsnsaolions condncted on of prudence, safety, and Commer cial Honor. ENQUIRE FOR Hartford Policies Of Agents in all town, and cities. BIF0BD & EEED, Ag'ts Fr Roek Island aad riciaitj. aett3ded2v 1 Aj la ij Jflk A fit im INSURANCE ! BUFORD I REED FIRE, MARINE, Accident aSc Hjire, TBS 0I,DKT 4Gl;St ! AND THF Oldest aad Strongest Companies. sffitna Insurance Gom'y (Of Hartford,) AHWET1, ! (HHXHIO. "Old Ilni-tloi-a," Of HarIror, a;:t"s, 3ve,isj.fi5, Homa Insurance Co., Of New York, A--l.T-, $l.(,'on,t;(lii. Franklia icsuraaee Co. Of Philadelphia, "OLD SOUTH ASKRIC1," Of Philadelphia. j North Stilish and ScrtauUIe, Of Lo jfso, UOYAI EoglantJ, I If Imperial Fire iaso Co., La&don, COLD A-ii-iitrg. 4IO.Oil),KvO. lUTiOSAL lCUiEC, 01 Hartford, ASFT, S.-.S7.OO0. Amrrican Ceai'I las. (., Of . Loois, ilfOMill. 1 n - t j ""WJ ! PasiseEg6rs' Ins, ft., Of Hartford, AKSEiS, 1,'0,.ll)l). CNtfTItT ir.rTiAL LIFE. Of Hertford, .AfcS- K !', f 'i7.l',O0O. f ostieental Ltf?, Sew Terk. S--if'.TS, S.OIKl.oo.l. Aggregate Uwls, $80,000,000. i PoI;eit ai ! b!c proTerty at enrrt-ri App'y fo rates un i ii intnr- EUrORD i 2LLI-, Jgi's. OrFICK Be. S, Argus Bnildtcg, Ojpo.its Post OUca. jTp tair. jINSURANGE i Ithe aST IS XHZi NEAREST. HAYES & CLEVELAND , Agent, for the following oU aud reliable Insur ance Compsutes, which have paid all Chicago ; losses in full : j I cdfrwrilers Agency, 5fw York. Cash Asaete t4.0(iu,fl)0. I norctx, . i. Cash Atsetef 2,Ot)0.tHiO. ContineGtal, N. 1. Caab Assets $:,0C0,0(l(l. IKTES.SmaSAL. MM VOfcK. Cash Areets $l,non.dCO. LIVEBPO0L & LOXOOS & GLOBE, Ca.h Aaaeta JSO, 000,000. Sirard cf PhiUdeiphia, Assets $?iOO,000. uvm: 6F ok m, Assets f9'i0,f00. Erewers' Milwaukee, Cash Assets CSO.OUO. GEO. W. C0IT, ASSKT I0R TfiE LEACiNO HARTFORD & M Ml FISE, MARINE AND Insurance Co.'s BJIPRSSBHTIXS S25,000,000 in Capital. AT EOfK ISLtltD, ILLINOIS. Alllessesadjaslsdaad peomptly paidattkii Ageaey. ayl7dtf. 3 trainees Ma M. 8TriGECK, Attorney and Oonnselor t Xiaw, KUCK ISLAND ll.l Offise ia Mitchell A Lynde'a Blacl . IRdwtf r. t. ILBBHIB. TRIO. ABBon. MeKLEERSE 4 ABBO'T, A.ttorneys and Counsellors it law AHD SOLICITORS IN CBABC 5KT. Of Sssoppo-ite Kock Island Boase, ROCK ISLAND ILL aagSO dwly AISIl a. ALLKB. 11SI B.IISSSItl A TTORJIITS AFP COFVSBLORS AI rV LAW. Reek 'e'.-' " in Bnferd's Sleek. sap!3dly. g. Pa rVonToMli Attorney and Oannselor at Zaaw, 10 Dearborn street CHICAGO, ILL. Prompt attention given to oolleeting and all other basiaess Charge, moderate. Cerrespoa denee solicited. Refers te Kditoref tba Aaecs. deeT-dtf PET EH FRIES, RBCTIVIIK AHD MASCFACTCEl OF Demestie Lieaors, Importer aad Dealer ia Veseiga Wiaes and Liqaora. F.ront street, oppe lie Perry Lsadiag, ak Islaad, 111. ECC50 CTER. YOUR slethiag aaa beeleaaedaad beaad.aae Brassed svsr, se that It will leek aa well aa eaw, by I.WILCOX Tailor, he are removed te Vest lagle Street, aadsi I e Back Island Baas' assMU XBBlW a&1 VB.JxVlfcA.Asul.xajXe LANDS IN IOWA. I'pon application to the undersigned, there wn; ... sent by mail t any address, postpaid, a new Rail KOAIi MAP OF 1IW A, corrected to date, and a descriptive pamphlet, containing a Sectional M it. o thai part ot the Slate In which is situated the Umj Grant of the Chicago, Kock Island aud Pacitic H. h Co.. and giving full and detailed li. formation as to the location, quality, proiitcts, terms ol sale, rtr , f,i more than 50n.0llu aores of land now for sale near in line of the railroad. The lauds are the cheapest aint best Farming Lands now tn tbe market In lo a, th. most productive and progressive agricultural auk iu tbe L'nion, and are bi-lnf offered at low price- aril most favorable terms to actual settlers. J L. UKKW Lind Com'r, O. B. 1. r. K. K. Co., Davenport. a Aurora Commercial Collie JENNINGS' SEMINARY Otl'errt superior uidacements to all branch.- u , BCSINTCSS EDI.'OaM'ION. Address O. W. UL fcK ICAir, A. M AU ROM A, ill. Cofflpt.uBd Syrtp of I-ppliob!tei x A new and pecaliar comhinatum t C Hyp')pnoapaHes, liivemea by an Ki: ctn.-mlrt. It contains the prominent iT-- - fn-edieiita which constitute the ivo-x: Jiraio. M nuclei and ev8 ol the tit'rtt'Nv huniaD body, and re-establibhi-?. m tts;. 5Et? old and young, vitality and pownr o: S5E durance. it ie partKumriy au ptcd fi h "c depreBcin; ' r- -i O and wafttng dtr-f'jif-f,s.. pnfl. L'tii.j&L'o. AjfvU Wanted for Colbin' Child's Commentator ON THE BIBLE, FOB THE HOME riKrj.K 1.S00 pn'jjea. eDt'rav'nP'- 1',,e tM?t enter;..-;. the year lor apeni. Every family will hve Nothii-L' like it now published. Kor circnlar-s ai!i'(;.. H. IS.tUooiM'i'EEDdt-L'o., Park How, 4ew York. GREAT CI K.OSIi'Y. A $8 Magazine of the ij eM order for fl. Ayenu wanted in every tmvn. iLCoine. Hend l'c. for Spt-ncit-tj ; Munh'a iollar Magazine,'' &l Lilwrty etreei. N y. 0iE ALL THE VEAH! .S7. Loui, Mitligan. Magnrtiu fijipii.s. The fir.-i Msj:iieLic Water dlwovered in Ato.-ri.j (lieia.) Hue been visited by over 10.MK1 persi n-. I kllkE lit I T E Bt RAILKOAD, OUREH NVunlL'ia. rarnlyI-. Rhenmatit-m. (Jout. of tue i'llnddvr utid Kidnuys. i)y-iM?i)-ia. Imi-'t'- !,. . and all di-eam'sol tin Nrvoai" Sv-tt-m. C'.n.frH-". eJoinla, rtnt.-ral lietdtiljr. Flne liATHH. Fit jsmri-jditt'i-" coni:iinini7 ricscripiion. analyi-i of wnv-r, ;-t aH oiht'r iiifnrm-tioii.artiiv MAGKTH: Si'lti.N , CU.MFANV, fet. Luja, tiratiot Co., Mitrb. (lapped Oaods and Fate, .Sre Lips, JriMHS vf thf Skin. tc . dV. Cored a! once liy HEOEMAN'S CAMI'HOR I. 1 It'll It (tYLEhlNE. It ket-pa the hlld Kift il. : westher. M'fS thut you yet HhtVh.MAN'S. Solo .-. sit lirn.jrlfte. Price ttSci-nt: wm by mail ft.i :? ci-ul. Miii.uf.ictureii only oy 1Ie.'kman & I'h.-uiiti and Uiuyittp, P. O. box Ttx, New Yur-,- ASTFMA, 'Phe e-nrwcrih-ETs ar- MimnfaetBrer-- Air-'nt- far It W. lirMd wct-l. Ormed AM'HMA KLLli- F. t(k- h-. rfmtiy fitr AThnia yet diFcoven-d. Iit-iia gii.irniitiHd 01 jiurcbat- niiiiey rtfuiidd. J i,t ;:-.;. ifine it jdii np in tbrre -izt-s, wnit b rt-iail itjr i 5k and Fen-on, remitting price will medicine i?ent fr-Be by mmlorexpn-vc. A ! kij;-. ft-rn free to any who desire. iTliJUlKiE '1 i I b ' Jt CO., Huiiie, N. V. 1 GETTS WANTF!.-A4rcmamaXe more wr.. , .... n worii, tor in- uititi at tinyniiLi.' el; Urht arid perninUc-Lt Particuiaftt frt SON i CO.. Fine Art 'uWieheis, fori at-d. 5-: Ef! Ladies, ask your for it. Grocer LMdel't DROPSY MUHTSREHEDYI Sh-i MONEY, 'lljf ttL ROT CUEE EVEEYT'ma, RCT IT WILL CUEE DROPSY, And all Instates of the Sidneys, Ela-lder AUrics. y C rpac jlsk f,.r Ht N1'. K I-1IKI1-I l,k. ti other. For sale bv all drusrc.aia. WM. E. CLARK. rr..-prier 2S Market -ouare. ............ f rn nicrcf , li . I. For jale in Roek Iiland by John l!er.ian-r.. and in Sterling, IU.. by l.iieT t J, n: lo iels.iwl. ls-stnlliliod 137. DR. STCEVE . 's toxic herb mm Have be in osed for over thirty years as a BLOOD PUK1FU.R, Uti-Pjspepiif atd Tosiic. KSYDEK & CO.. 7 o. 121 Korth third itt.. f!!llAl)Hli A... 5A. For sale by John RmgtioT., lofk Ii KA1E USlOtiK Katuit". r. - .a . a tiair iifMCicwti Warranted frfe f-e. Poisons '. Clear as Crysta ! Tr.. V aa.rk. 3as no Sediment, no Filth, no Laa Ee'phar so Eager of Lead, no Litkarfc, so Milrate ol Silver, will restore Cray, pre.ents tba Hair from Falliag Off, and is entireiy frsa fraas the Poisonous aad Health-Deairotirf IrBgs used in other Eair Preparations. Keepa the bsir in a nice, healthy eondition; if a fine Dressing, and has given tae most ataa dant satisfactiuB to thousands wbo have sn-d it. Try one bottle and be convinced. Take other. Dr. a. Smith. Patentee, Aver, Mass. Hanr. fsetured and for rale by Proctor Brothers. Sloacester, Mass. All first-class Drue g -: sell it. kA. Ssad twa three cent stamps to Procter Bros., aad receive per rotors mail a 'Valusb!s Treatise en tbeBnman Bsir." ttiarfirieed-m art arty '"Situ. "fc.' Tbe GREAT MEmCISB FOB THE SKIN, rarra wilheat fall. Hiniples sind other Erwptlona on the Faee aa well as every kieid ef Sltisa Disease wis anjr part of the peraow. It has enred a diseased acalp of foor years standinK, whicli was pronounced incurable r.y some of the beet Sew York Physicians For proof write to O R Street Barclay xt . S V- " Wt (fad al sua mtwiaoWe reaaadynr Ttw. "c write Hialev Broe.. lmsreiate. Kairfi'ld. Iowa. IS CASK OF HI KS. It Immedi ately real ore a tbe afciss and flesh to n healahy netlon. It cured J. Hollidav. ce-r. 4th and Walnut Sfa. Cincinnati. O. of Urimula Sort fc'ya, of arm a. ysara stand. Ko one will heeonae BALD tbat habtf tanlly asaes It. ALL RKD NiK8 abould nee Pahner". Lotion C.W.Daanont. Leosnlnater. flaaa., foand II an Inwwlvaable anediciaie for BAIIBKR'S IT H. dke. yUrwt awwtons perinanentiy enved Chas. T. Marshall. Ins. Aet. cor. J1 A Walnut bta . Ciwu oati. O.. of fVoat-d for, of many year etan.iii g. bend for Oirenlar. PrVe. (Sr. and Si .041. Prepared only bT OIXli PALMKH. Ko 12 Watt Street, iew iork. For sale by ProMiata generaUy. Tor sale by Jeaa fcaagasea, aoek Island fekltdwly 1