Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Fifth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Monday, July 3, 1876. Established' Oct' 18, 1851. 1 I 5 f I MEDICAL. THE MILD P0WE2 CURES iimpintETS' nOMEOrATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, n entire iraocesa. Simple, Prompt, Efficient aud Reliable. They are the only mediuuioa perfectly adupted to popular use so simple thnt nilstn ItlUtl :ea cannot be made in tuimr -.-- t '-. im im w ft&w iiuiuunugci mhi do efficient as to be always reliable. They have the highest commendation lrota all, and will always ruudcr satisfaction. No- Cures.. Cent. 1. Fevers, Cnnirration, Inflammations, . . J J 4. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, . . JS 5. Cryinsr-ColICjOrTeethingof Infants, . Si 4. IMarrliera, of Children or Adults, . . 55 6. lysenter y, Oripiug, Pilious Colic, . . 2 . Cholera-Morbns, Vomiting, . . . Vt 7. Coughs, Colds, ISronchiti.i, . . , . lb 8. Neuralirla, Toothache, Faeeachs, , . JJ 9. If ea1a lir, Hick Headache, Vertigo, . SS 10. ltyspepsla, Bilious Stomach, .... 25 11. Nnpprcssed. or Painful Periods, . . 25 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, .... 25 X Croup, Couch, J )illioult ltrenthin?, . . 25 14. ralt llheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 25 15. lthenmnt Ism, lthctiniatic Puins, . . 25 in. l-'evrr and Agar, Chill fever, Agues, 50 17. I'lles, Mind or Lleedinir, 50 IS. Ophthftlmy, nud Soreor WcaV Eyes, . 50 19. 'nnrrli, neut or chronic, Influenza, . So 20. WhoopiMg-t'OUKh, violent coughs, . 40 21. Asthma, oppressed Breathing, ... 50 22. J-lar IlclinrKs. impaired henrimr, . SO 24. Nrrofula, vulaixod Khids, r-wellinfrs, . 50 21. 4-rneral Debility, physical Weakness. . SO 25. Itropay and scunty Secretions, . ... SO 26. Nra-Nicfcness, eicknew from riding, . SO 27. lildiiey-lMseasc, Gravel, 50 23. Iiervou Debility Seminal Weakness or involuntary discharges, ..... 1 00 21. Sore Month, Canker, ... .50 30. I'rlnary WenknesStWCttinprthebcd, . 50 31. Iainful Periods, with Spasms, . . 50 52. IHsrase of Heart, palpitations, etc.,. 1 00 53. Kpilepsey, Bpiisms, St. Vitus' Dance, . 1 00 54. Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, . . 50 SJ. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, 50 Vials, SO cents, (except 2S, 82 and 33), . $100 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with aboyo 35 large vials and Manual of directions, . . . $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 lnrge vials and Book, 6 00 rtintfle Boxes and Viuls as above. -These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HuPome?opathlc Medicine Co., Office and Depot, No. 562 Bboadwat, Nkw Yob. for Sale by all Druggists. Sold In Rock Island by Benser & Thomas, Otlo Grojiin, C Speidel, and E. Breunert raw! MISCELLANEOUS. Invaluable Hand-Book for the Citizen, Indispensitie Guide to Visiters. HUNT'S Philadelphia Guide and Cen tennial Directory! This 'multutn In Pnrvo" gives more practical in formulloii In a comprrheusive form than ail the ephemeral works gotten up for the occasion com bined. It is the Standard (iuid-' published before any of the others were thought of. It has stood the test of .line and i conceded to he all that is wanted at this time, tilh Edition, revised and cor rected to date, iu both English and German lan guages, has besides much other valuable matter, the most complete, reliable and latest MAP OV PHILADELPHIA published, showing f'sirmount Park entire, with its vV'issohh-on extension, the Centennial grounds, etc., from olllcial snrve8. beautifully colored, worth of itself live times the price of the book. It has a Complete Citv Railroad Directory, giving the routes of all tbc railways and other in formation, it bus a Stiikkt Directory, giving the names of the streets, alleys, laoes, etc. where they are and where they run to, with expla nation of i ho moi'e of numbering t he houses, ena bling one wlUi the name and number to find the place without difficulty uixl loss of time or other annoyance. It bus an Amusement Pirectory. a Flotcl Directo ry, u Zoological (iiirilen Dirertory. It has A Centennial Exiiiiution Directory, with illustrations, description of buildings, etc it embraces a. graphic description of r'u'rmouut Park with illustrations. An Historical Sketch op Philadelphia, and illustration of ull the most prominent hnild lni'" In fuel, all objects and places of interest in the city, the park, the zoological gardens and the cvn'einiial exhibition grounds are very fully de scribed and illustrated. 'The value of which, especially to strangers mu-t be great."--Forney's Press. K'"A perfect guide to our city." Commercial List. "Ii coutuins a splendid map on a good seal", so It can be readily rend." Peterson's Reporter. "A valuable little volume." Herald. PKICKS: English Edition 2:c: when mailed :10c : in flexible cloth !Vk;; in pocket tucks ,:,c; morocco, full gilt G- rmaii Kd'tion. fv: in flexible cloth Wlc; in tucks 7.V: morocco, full gilt. SI no. ti"Aeiits Wanted -Liberal Iinliicenicnts. JuilN I'. 11 L NT, Publisher. 2't South dlh Street PHILADELPHIA. (Opp. site of new I'. O. THE ENEMY QF DISEASE! THE FOE OF FAIN TO MAN AND BEAST I Is the Grand Old MUSTANG LI NIMENT "Which has stoud the test of 40 yours There is no Sore it will not heal, no Lameness it will not cure, no Ache, no IVm, that aiilicts the human, body, or the body of a horse or other domestic animal, that does not yield to its magic touch. A bottle costing iioc., 50c, or 1.00, lias often saved the life of a human being, and restored to lite and use fulness many a valuable horse. lEANUFACTUKEES. TATE XT STEAM MORE than 9 O O O IX USE. Factory, Causeway St., - - lutoB, feat Warkkooms-70 Liberty St. New York 215 A 217 Lake Street, Cn icago A GUARANTEED TO DO 6 ATISF S CTORU.Y TUB WOKS FOB WHICH THEY AliSSOD IP U IP 2 1 i. til Tii'l"" HOSSE NAILS AUSABLB nflREB MIL CO. Mannficturers of PATENT HAMMERED, POINTED & POLISHED, POINTED & BLUED, FROM "BENZON IRON" EXCLUSIVELY, We offer our IIammr Pointed Nails to the trade knowing that they are far superior to any "CfT Points". The "AUSABLK" is THi IUvmrked Nail Pointed in market. Quality mny guaranteed. ABRAHAM BUSSING, SECRETARY, 35 Chambers Street, NEW YORK. LOCAL COLUMN. Consumption Can be Cured. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic. Souenck's Mandrake Pills. Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Consumption. Frequently medicines that will stop a congh will occasion the death of the patient: thev lock ud the llver.stop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage iouows, auu in iact,mey ciog me action ox tne very i or.-anK ttmt rnnsed ti,. v-nmrT.. Liver Complaint and DypepMa are the causes of two thirds of the cases of Consumption. Many persons complain ol a tuil pain in the Hide, con stipation, coated tongue, pain in the shonlderblade leuiiOKS oi uroweiuess ana restlessness, tne looa. lying heavily on tbe.ftomach, accompanied with acidity and Dulculug up oi wina. itea irom a uixor- dered condition of the stomaeu or a torpid liver. Persons so affected. If they take one or two heavy colds, and if the eolith iu tbese cases he suddenly checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, remaininsr torpid, and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and u oersted, the result ot wtucn is aeain. Schenck'e Pulmonic Svrup is an expectorant which does not contain opium or anythinir calculated to check a couirh snddenlv. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food, mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids digestion and creates a ravenous BDOulite. When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the symptom ot herwise of a bilious tendency ,Schenck'B Mandrake mis are required. These medicines are prepared only hy J. H. Si'Henck & Son N.K . comer Sixth and Arch .Sts. Phlla. And are for cale by all druggists and dealers. Why let ache and painB your temper spoil? A cure is sure by using Ronne's Maic Oil I RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KENXK'S 1SIAUIC OIL cures Neuralgia, KEN N K S MAGIC OIL cures Sprains, KENXK'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, HESSE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, KEXXE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, KEXNK'S ...AGIC OIL cures Coughs. KEX.NE'S MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat. "It Works like a Caarm." Dayton, Ohio, August 27, 1S75. Messrs. Wm. Renne Sons, Gknts Please send me at once bv express one dozzeu botileB large size MaL'ic Oil. The Magicoil does indeed work like a charm. Six years, ago mother had a fall which came very near r.eultliu fatally. She recovered her health in some degree during the year following, but she sustained such severe injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nu snoulUbr, that she was almost uoipiees. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to t tica, J. ., to visit some relatives. vy uue mere she obtained and used some of vour Mngic Oil ; it relieved her almost immediately, so much bo th t she came home very mnch improved In health and strength, and bv the free use of the Magic Oil she is now euioving better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother has so much confidence in your Magic Oil that she will not be without it. Respectfully yours, Joseph E. Dixson. Some folks seem lobeprond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of -mv crick in the back" or "I have cot the Sciatica" and delight in braggiug that "nothing can cure me!" but when we such awful folks" to use KENXE S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL. faithfully, we not only cure their lameness and charm awav their rains, but we ac tually take ail teat kind of "brag out of them!" and thev frankly cwu up and say, "It works like a charm." Sold hy all Druggists, Merchants and Grocers. Call for Keune's Magic Oil where you usually trade. USE RENNE'S PAIX-KILLIXG Van Schiiick, Stevenson & Reid, Wholesale Agt'e Chicago 111. Sold In Hock Island by John Bengs ton ami r . 11. I nomas. ASTHMA. V and Proprietors of Dr. It. W. Read's Celebrated Asthma Relief, which is undoubtedly the best asthma remedy yet discovered. INSTANT KE I.IEK IS GUARANTEED OR PURCHASE PRICE KEKUX DEI). We put np the medicine In boxes of three sizes, which retail for 2." cents, 50 cents and tl. Persons remitting retail price will have th medicine promptly forwarded by mail, post-paid Also samples scut free to any who desire. Prices r doz. 1.75; fS.Wl and 7.00: gro-s price, $13 f7i. ETUU1DGE, TULLER & CO., Rome, N. Y. Forsale in Rock Island b? John Ilengston, Enii frehlcr, and E. Breunert Clothing House ! UNDER DART'S HALL. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO. HOUSTOM TURBINE 3 WATERWHEEL atnu tow ntw cRCv)yK, DR: WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. (KORVrHLV SANITARY OIHET ) Will SKirt Supporter Sell-Afljastini Pais. 5ernrc II"iltl ail (nnitait of Body, witU tiriicc an:l Rcauty of form Three garments in one. Approved bj till phyAiciaus. Price in London Cord, f 3 .00: Satteen, $1.75. Aobnts Vaktei. Samnles bv mnll to ntrents at cents less man tne retail price. Give si.e of waist, and state whether long or short front is desired. W AKN EK BRO S. T03 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale ! THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL CHEAP FOR Cash, all the stock and fixtures ef a Hardware Store. doing a good business, situated in LYNDON. w liueMUe Co., Ills. The stock is complete and well assorted, consisting of hardware, stoves, lin ware, puns, cutlery, &c. The only hardware store in the place. Reasons for aclliiijr, the Proprietor's ill health. This is a rare chance. Address B. DECKER. 6-ldlm Lyndon, Whiteside Co., 111. GET THE GENUINE. SHIEEELL'S KULLIYUK WASHING CRYSTAL SOIRRELL & CO., Proprietors. 47 Pearl Street, BUFFALO, N, Y. OIL 7 1 J1R TELEGRAPHIC. 1 Telegraphed to the Rock Tiland Argui. THE CENTENNIAL IN PHILA- DELPHIA. OBEAT PROCESSIONS AND DISPLAY Gov. Tilden and Got. Hayes and Many Distinguished Men Present. Philadelphia, July 3. The weather is warm but a good breeze is stirring. The principal parade to-day was that of the Grand Army of the Republic. It is estimated that fully 5,000 were in line. The city is brilliant with flags and patriot ic decorations and the streets everywhere are densely crowded, and there arc con stantly arrivals of strangers from all parts of the country. Governor's Tilden and Hayes are both ia the city, together with crowds of other newly arrived celebrities. The celebration proper will be ushered iu luis cvcuiiig uy a giituu iuau uiu juvj- cession ot workingmen, political clubs, and civil societies, and it is expected from 10,000 to 15,000 men will participate, and the line of march will be marked by ilium inations and fare works. 1 lie procession will be formed in four divisious. file j;ne will CSCOrt the governor of Pentt , . .. r ii ,i J sylvama. the mayor ot riiiladelphia and loreien commissioners to the exposition The emperor of Brazil. Prince Uscar of Sweden, the Marquis Rochambeau, Gov ernors Hayes, TildcD, luce, 1'eck, Liippit, Carroll, Cochrane and Bagley, and other distinguished eruests will be present, As the procession reaches the venerable state hout the formal ceremony of usher ing in the Centennial iourth will be ob served, including the ringing, for the first time, of New Liberty Bell and grand chorus ot 600 voices, under direction of V m. Wii seffer, assisted by the first regiment band. Io-morrow will be ushered in by the ringing of all the bells in the city and the tiring ot a uationa! salute in bairmount Park. At 10 A. m. an elaborate programme of serviees will Le observed in lndepend ence Sauare extension. Union church services will bo held mornirw and evening. The day will conclude with what will un doubtedly be the finest phyrotechnic dis play ever witnessed in this city, u not in this country. Weather Probabilities. Washington, July 3. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o cioct this forenoon indicate the following weath er probabilities for this afternoon and to night: For the northwest, risins and stationary barometer generally higher temperature, winds mostly irom southwest to northwest, clear or partly cloudy weather, probably local rains. THE TRAMP NUISAKCE. Further Outrages in Illinois --The Matter Becoming Serious. Jacksonville, Ills., J une 30. About two hundred tramps boarded a freight train on the Joledo, Wabash and estern road at Chapin, some sixteen miles of here to-day, and attempted to beat the officers out of a ride. The conductor with a shot gun and the brakemen with re voivcrs nreu among tnem, causing them to disperse. As the train moved away the tramps returned the fire with revolv ore, wounding a brakeman named Edward McKcon. ot hpncgucld, dangerously. A man, giving his name as IMone, was arrested tor the shooting of McKeon, and is in jail In this city. A short time after this depredation was committed one hun dred and fifty of these men boarded a train on the Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis railroad and compelled the officers to take them to Beardstown. They are moving northward, begging and stealing their victuals and clothes and forcing rides on railroads. Beardstown, 111., June 30. This even ing the northern bound way-freight on the southern division of the St. Louis, Rock Island and Chicago railroad stopped st Winchester and Chapin. About 2oo har vest tramps boarded, and took charge of the train, in spite of Conductor Bostock, who brought them into Beardstown. As soon as the train was ready to proceed, they deliberately knocked off the locks and boarded it, saying they were going to go in spite of Conductor Keating. The city marshal, Thomas Doyle, was summoned. who called to his assistance a squad ot men. After a short fight with railroad- Dins. y.c., the train was rid 01 mese nuisances, several tramps being hurt in the melee. severely GB.EAT CEHTENITIAX PREPARATIONS XS STEW YOSK. Unheard of Enthusiasm Everywhere. New York. July 3. To-day has opened as a general holiday, business being left to the fire works and nag establishments. Banners and bunting out everywhere: there is scarcely a building in town but bears some evidence that the Centennial fourth is at hand. I he procession to night promises to be an exceptionally grand affair; 25,000 men at least are expected to be iu line, and their route will be lllunnna ted by 15,000 torches, and many calcium lights. An electric light on top of the lofty Western L'nion Telegraph Co s. build ing, will make down town bngnt as day murder, right, rtc. Sew York, JdIv 3. John McCarthy. aged 25. during: a quarrel last night with his wife aped 35. in their rooui,465 Eighth Avenue, fatally cut her throat. James St.Clair, of 47th street and West Avenue, was fatally shot last evening, while walkme in the isowery Dy an un known insane man. Thos. Phillips, of 81 south Fifth Avenue was seriously stabbed by the same person THE LEFEVER GUN. THE GUN THAT TOOK MORE PRIZES AT I the late New York State Sportsmen's Convention than any other gun used. Double and S nele Barrel Breech Loading Shot Guns and Hides. Muzzle Loaders altered to Breeca Loaders. Every Gun fully warranted. These Guns are conceded to have the strongest fastening, the best action, to be the best handling and closest and hardest shooting Guua before the puonc. We, the undersigned, having purchased the ma chinerv and tools of tne Ute'L. Barber & Co., and added largely to the same, with a heavy increase of stock, and with several valuable improvements in the manufacture and action of this celebrated Gun, are now prepared to fill orders with the greatest dispatch, for catalogues address NICHOLS & LEFEVER, Syracuse, N. Y. molhste. No police cases to-day. There will be several Sunday school and other pic nics on the bluff to-morrow. fioy-Our firemen were out practicing on Saturday evening, preparing for work to morrow, If rou co to Rock Island to-morrow fasten up your houses well as there are plenty of thieyes around. iST" Look out for thieves to-morrow as over three hundred Gipsies are camped on the bluff near Mr. Heck's residence. JBSy-Uuion services at the Congregational church to-morrow morning at 8:30 o' clockin accordance with the president's proclamation. All are invited. KaTThe Dost office, banks, and nearly all our business houses and manufacturing establishments will be closed to-morrow after 9 o'clock and until 5 in the evening. "Finest stock of cigars, tobacco and smokers' articles in the city at II. Hen- necke's tobacco store on Main street, sec- omi door west of Lynde. 8dtf. J8Qf Fireworks, oranges, lemons, nuts, candies, and everything desirable for pic- uies on the fourth, and also dishes and glassware to loan, at Margraf & Epp's grocery store, Main street. Hive them a call now. 29d4t Regular monthly meeting of the city council to night. The city attorney should be instructed to replevin the fire men s trumpets now m the hands ot pri vate parties. fi"Turm" Young will have his candy and peanut stand moved from the post of fice to the corner of Main street aad Rod man avenue, to-morrow, lie has flags, Chinese lanterns. The Argus, and mauv other good things for sale. The -members of the Svlvan Boat Club who are to take part in the regatta at reona to-morrow, went down to Rock Island and remained at the Harper House last night, and lett on the reona tram this morning tor tnat city. Quite a number of people in this city intend to go and witness the race to-morrow. JS The following tramps were picked up by the police since Friday night: Chris. Gahagau, aged 23, Penn. John Schofield, aged 21, England. Henry Eckhart, aged 33, Germany. John Valley, agd 20, Illinois. James Randall, aged 19, New York. Bfe A Gipsy called at Sauire Swander's residence last night and wanted to "rent a room" but more likely to steal something. The 'Squire had no rooms to rent, but he laid on his old Uueen Ann musket all night watching for (he scamp to return. Several other people cotmdaia that they have been visited by this Gipsy gang. Report of Magistrate Swauder. The following is the report of Police Magistrate Swanderfor the month of June: Robert Kentch, 20 days in jail. John Murphy, " " John llemersteiu, Cue and costs t 9.00 Annie Boumier, " ' 2tj,75 J B Brown, ' 4.00 Alonzo McDcrmott, " " " 4.00 Win Grier, " " " 6.50 Mike Bums, discharged. Junet Applequist arid wife, fine and costs. s.oo Mrs. yy eicu, costs against complainant 3.SO L Johnson, fine and costs 4.00 Wm Johnson, fisc and costs.. 5.85 I John Bowman. ' " Henry Brotlan, " " " Sam'l Linberjr. " " " August Suderquist, fine and costs secured... Thomas Latt'ev, 2 days on street. Pat Halfln, Audrew Miller, discharged. Total fines collected , 4.00 I fi.50 I .;J I i.(W I S0.10 A War Fourth of July Beniiaiscsuca A Presentiment Verified. To the Editors of The Argus. On the night of the old nf July 1SG4, Mulligan with his brigade and some other troops lay at Leetown, V. Va. We had been ordered down the valley to reinforce Hunter, advancing on Lynchburg. Hunt er was compelled to retreat, and Early, who was opposed to hiui being relieved thereby, turned his attention to Sieel, who was at Martinsburg with an inferior force. Sigel evacuated .Martinsburg and marched down on the bank of the Potomac to a fording point, and sent an urgent request to Mulligan to protect his flank at nil lazards. Early, anticipating this, sent a heavy detachment to overwhelm Mulliean. With my two assistants, Taylor and Stin- son, l was lounging in my tent when 6 or 4 officers of the brigade made a call. Among them was Lieutenant Pillion. He lay down in a corner of the tent, and as he was usually very jocular his reticence and sober demeanor attracted our attention. 'Pillion what is the matter?" asked one of the party. He hesitated a moment and said. uentiemen J snail never see another 4th of J uly. If we fight tc-mor-row I shall fall." We bantered hiui for his superstitition. He wa3 silent and soon left. At daylight next morning (the 4th.') the enemy opened fire. Pillion was on the .skirmish line with his company, and bore the brunt or the first onset, and at the first volley poor Pillion, as brave a soldier as ever with his blood crimsoned the ver dure of a battle field, fell dead ere yet the sun had risen. Many years have been added to the muster roll of time since then, but a 4th of July never dawns that memory does not recall that sad event, and in meDtal vision 1 see the pale countenance of that brave boy,aface ot unsurpassed beauty even in death. From dawn to darkness Mulligan constested every inch of ground and saved eigel Irom annihilation, x was old enough to be the father of my assistants and yet, alas! they are both gone and I am here, Stinson died of cholera in Chicago on the day fixed for his wedding; Taylor in an iusane asylum, brave and talented both. Taylor was Scotch, Stinson English, and I was Emerald, the shamrock, the rose and the thistle around the stars and stripes. Stinson was our rose.he deserved the epithet, he was preeminently hand some, but The pride of heraldry, the pomp of power. And all thnt beauty, ali thai wealth e'er gave. Await alike the inevitublehour, The paths of elory lead but to the gnve. Poor Taylor had an indomitable, impul' suve love of fight, and if he saw two dogs fighting he wauted to be one of the dogs, and on this occasion, at Leetown, when a rebel brigade suddenly emerged irom a wood with a terrific yell and made a rush at our battery Taylor dropped his instru ments, picked up a musket from the side of a wounded soldier and went in on a bayonet charge and drove them. No rebjcould outyell him, and that reb brig ade thought the "Campbells were com ing," and "lit out." Morejnoise to-morrow than at Leetown, but, thank Ood. safer. G. Jiock Island, July 3, 1876. rOR BOOK UINDING Or liulin, goto The Argus Biodery. No betier work can be done in this vicinity. Prices reason able, Work done quick. Leave orders at The Argus Counting Room, opposite the rost ouioe. tf toes Ruling don at The Argus liiNDERY, Lieaye orcers at the counting room, tl WANTED. Agents "Wanted Now is the Time to Sell THE GREAT NOVELTY, Bishop's Patent Long-Wool DUSTERS. Agents are makine f-25.00 to $40.00 per week sell- tner them. Kleeant in appearance and an ornament in the room Although out bat ten months, 60,000 have oeen sold, tme sizes as ostrich feather dus ters for one-half the price. Ladies and gentlemen, if von want a respectable and profitable business. try them. Send for circulars and price list at once. Sample Xo. 2, bv express, charges paid. fi. W. W. BISHOP, 131 South Green Street, Chicago, 111 COMING! Mondav, July 3rd. THE SENSATION OP THE AGE. MINNIE CLIPTEN'S GIGANTIC FEMALE US ! AND THE GREAT PARISIAN CANCAN TROUPE I THE ACME OP EXCELLENCE SCENES FROM THE ILLUM INATED GARDENS OP PARIS The Beautiful Paradise Scene ENTITLED THE BATH OF THE INNOCENTS Introducing the Great Lvaruies FRANK and CARRIE Whose Matchless performances are a theme of universal Wonder and admiration. Admission 50 ents ; reserved seats 75 cents. JOHN ROOT'S TT $100 EE WARD I will pay one hundred dollars to any person who will make proof th?.t John Root's Bi'.ters fail to im prove the condition of such person if suffering from tlie effects of either of the following diseases, viz rover suid Ague, lJuinl) Ague Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver or Kid; nev Complaint, Loss of Appetite ml l li'iv t i i, I jadachO, HullOnS Attacks, L rain, , Billions Attach i -rt . t I phoid, Keimttcnt or In- bcarlet, Typhoid, Remittent or In termitieiit revers, when takeu ac cording to the directions accom panying each bottle of the same. I do not claim that these Bitters nossess anv an perhuman virtue, but what I do claim, is that when relief can be had in the cases specified, or in fact any case which arines from an impure state of the Blood, or deranged condition of the Stomach. Live or Kidneys, the use of these Bitters will insure such relief, and it is upon this frank and fair condition that I offer this reward in candor and good faith. JOHN ROOTS. Manufacturer. No. 2M Seneca Street. Buffalo. N.Y.: VAN SCHAACK. STEVEN - SON & REID, Agents for John lioot's Bitten- 92 & 91 Lake Street, Chicago. For sale by all Druggists in R-.k Is'.and uiid cinity Corset 5 t ROBY'S CF.I.KBRA ted Patent Docbi.b Uvk Corset is the leading Corset in tbc market. It satisfies the pood senfe, taste and judgment of dis eliminating ladies. and issellinsr rauidlv It saves unnovauce of broken clasps, i: graceful iittiiijr and easy to wear, aiding vt an erect ana healthy form. Samples sent bv mail on receipt of $ll FAY A REYNOLDS, l Hoylston t.. Boston, Mass. C A.PIT Ali CITY Show Case Works! FRANK IiIEBRAND, Manufacturer of Show Cases, Aquariums BRACKETS, GLASS COUNTERS, Sash Mouldirg, Wardian Cases, Etc. Store Fix tures a Specialty. 19 West Was'iinsriou St.. INDIANAPOLIS. IN O NEW LEGACY Best Stove Made 10,000 SOLD. ESrAH give entire satisfaction. DAVID DON, V Vest IilinoistStreet, RQCKJSLANfj. ARTISTIC TAILORING IMPOETING v Wedding Garments a Specials Servants' Livery Made to Crda CLERGYMEN TEN FEB CENT DISCOUNT Wabash Ave. Cor. Monroe, CHICAGO. Established 1854. ILLINOIS FLUID LI3HTNIN3. 9 Instantly cures Iseuralula, nervous and sick beau ache, and all nervous plns. Sent bv mail or ex press, charges prepaid, ou receipt of price. 50 cents ana f 1 per Dome, xaoerai terms to rename men or women as agents. Send lor circulars ana terms. CKAM & MELCHER. 115 E. Randolph street, CHICAGO. QUO CUXQUSJECESIESSTABIT. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. "Evidence Unparallelled in the history of Med! cine" Over two thousand testimonials given lor tne wonaenui cures maue oy ITB21NTOIVS SARS APARI LLA, Or Matchless Liver BLOOD AND KIDNEY SYRUP i ... Three thousand bottles sold V each year by one store i f ' 1 a,, r, .,.r ..... ... t-S-? ev ders by mall every day from VmW lC'all parts of the country. I lierewun are a lew oi tne many and letters received hundreds of which we could print, if necessary, to show Kenton's Matchless Liver, Blood and Kidney Sy rup is appreciated at home, and extending over the whole country, upon its merit only." And we claim without fear or favor it is the best family medicine in the world, and guarantee it the best blood and liver and kidney rr .i . . .i . i i , . pjrup ever uuutru. ocuu ur circulars, reao una judge for yourself. Wewillbe pleased to send a circular to any person who writes ior one. home evidence. Extracts from letters received. RUEUMAM ISM Some six months could not walk without the help of a crutch: tried nhvsi- cians and many kinds of advertited cuies without benefit. Ssix bottles of Fentou s Matchless Syrup cured me. CxrT Geo Hand. SALT RHEUM Eight bottles made a perfect and permanent cure. Capt i homas Pennington. SCROFULA From infancy was treated bv the best physicians aud took everybody's cure, Two bottles Matchless Syrup cured me. Mrs Eliza Jongs, SCROFULOUS NECK Eiirht years cured bv remyais !arsaparina, alter trying nearly every other known remedy. John McGinitt. Conductor S L f- M S U K, Cleveland, C SALT RHEUM eleven years a;l over uiyboiv: took an tne Diooa remedies auvertisen, and In the hospital. New York, twenty weeks: could not get cured; six bottles if Kenton's Man-bless S;rup cured me. ueokoe bkown, Cleveland, o. FEMALE WEAKNESS some sis years: uecd ev ery alterative known; tried the climate from Min nesota to Texas; could get no relief; after a few month s use of euton s Matchless Sareaparilla was cured completely. .mks atv 11 , Ohio ht, Cleveland. O. RHEUMATISM- Dr. Fenton : Having been laid up five weeks with Rheumatism, and spent dollar alter uoiiar, my physician told me it must wear off; got up and on crutches as many more weeks; was advised to get six bottles of Kenton's Sarsapa rilla. Five bottles cured me completely. I freely recommend the Matchless Syruu as a sure cure for Rheumatism. Yours truly, . II Bates, Cleveland, O. "Thousands Bear Testimony." SCROFULOUS SORE LEG twelve years, cured by Feuton's Sarsapaiilla.after trying various noted blood remedies. Capt. Henry Palmer, Akron, O. SCROFULA, five larsre absceBses on body, could not turn iu bed for weeks, cured by Kenton's Sar Sarsiparilla; had expended over one hundred dol lars previous to using tue Acme of Medicine, "Fen ton's Matchless." C. Field. Sodus Point, New York. SCROFULOUS N KCK, a number of ulcers, open ior nine moutus; nau tne nest medical advice in Cleveland. U. A i.-ien-i sent me t enton's Saisapa riila. Twelve bottits uia'ie a perfect and perma nent cure, w. II. M EARS. North Bloomtii Id, O, Camp I'rown, Wvniini.', Dec. 2rt, 18T4. RHEUMATISM ur C K Kenton : The six hot tlas Sarsapanlla sent me in Jnly lu.i t, cured me of Kneumatssm, and only used hve, (.one got broken.) i nao. it tor lour years, ixna spent nearly one thous aud dollars, wsth the best doctors iu Montana Ter ritory previous I have got two more customers. Pleaoe express me eighteen more bottles to South Pass. Enclosed find the greenbacks. Write me to Camp lirown, as before. ours truly, J D. Woodruff. CONSUMPTiON.-Dr. C F Fenton, Dear Slr:- M y wile was sick two vears with c jEsnmntioi). n Caid out over one thousand dollars aud received no euefits; I sent for six bottles ot your Matchless yrup: sne took it np and supposed herself cured. One year from this time she felt it coming ot:. I sent to Capt. Varner, of Cleveland, to send me six more bottles, which completed the cure, for which we thank you. and wish to say to all, we be lieve it the best Renovator and Blood Purifier in the world. Truly, your friend. Capt. IIe.skv Huock, Port Burwell, Ont. FEMALE WEAKNESS, of seven years standing cured by the use of one aud a half bottles Fenton 's .Matchless !arsapanlla. Mki. vm. Sims, Port Hope, Mich. SALT RnEUM eighteen years: used all the lis ted humor cures without effect ; six bottles Kenton's Matchless Sarsapariila cured me; It is a dead sure cure. K C Gooo, liuilulo. N Y. Every person should read this carefully. Dr Fenton. Cleveland, O. Dear Sir: Five years ago, then in Brazil, totith America, 1 there contrac ted a disease that nearly cost me my life. I was seven months in hospitals Spanish Bra.ilian and rueno Ayres out to no puroose. 1 then went to Cienfuegos, Cuba, and spent fixty-four days In the military hospital. The doctors told me if I had any friends 1 Lad better make my way to them. The consul sent me to .cw iork. Last Spring it came on me sgsiu. rest in the night was out of the question. A friend in the St Charles Hotel here (Detroit) advised Fentou's Matchless Syrup; I sent for six bottles I have only t.ken four ai il in perfectly well. I must say it surprised me. and aU tli at knew the condition I was in for live yewis. 1 freely recommend Keutou's Matchless Syriio above any blood purll.T in tne catalogue of medicines. Yours respectfully. Detroit, Mich. E. McKltterlck. We intend to publish more wonderful evidences Sold in Rock Island by John Beugston, H Breu nert, T U Thomas and E Kahler. Western Agents, Van Schaack, Stevenson Jt Reid, Chicago. Kenton M'Xg Co , Proprietors, Cleveland, O. 4th JULY 1876. -JEJ FIBE WORKS -AND- Exhibition Goods ! For CITY and TOWN Display. The at ention of Dealer and Committees is called to our lare asoor ment of superior quality Fir Works. X'laffs. Centennial Banners. Illu mination Laments and other goods suitable for cel- eDrattons. Orders filled from our Store at Eastern Manufac tnrera Prices. Send for Catalogue. Discount to vue irauo. SCHWEITZER & BEES, IMPORTERS OF 'lOYi AND FANCY GOODS Afftnts Eagle Flra Works, 184190 State Street, CHICAGO Dr. CRAM'S CLEARANCE SALE. GrEEAT Clearance Sale! -AT- H. Crampton's Attractions Hitherto Unheard Of ! Designing to make extensive additions and im provements to my store, I find it necessary to largely REDUCE THE STOCK of goods on hand preparatory thereto, and will accordingly offer all goods FOR CASH AT COST and Less Than Cost FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY! c The Stock Includes an Immense variety of Standard, Miscellaneous, Juvenile and Gift Bibles and Prayer Books! Persons wishing to replenish their Libaries find this a SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Public and Sabbath School Libraries can be added to with advantage. Dollar Books for 65 cts $1,50 Books for $1. $2 Books for $1.35. A Discount on all Books of from 25 to 40 Per Cent! WILL OF THE 30 Tons Received THIS SPRING, A few tons remain, which will lie closed out at UN USUALLY LOW RATES. LOOK AT THE PRICES ! Brown Blanks, 6 to 8 Cents, Regular price 10 to 12. Buff Blanks 8 to 10 Cents. Regular price 12!i to 15. White Blanks, 10 to 12 l-2c, Regular price 15 to 20. Satin Paper, 18 to 20 Cents, Regular price 25 to 80. Finest Papers, the Largest Stock in the West, AT PROPORTIONALLY LOW RATES. Window Curtains ! A Very Extensive Slock. . AMERICAN HOLLANDS at 14 cents a yard, all colors; OILED SHADE CLOTHS, 25 cents ajard. A Rare Opportunity FOR ALL DESIRING TO BEAUTIFY THEIR HOMES! Chromos, Engravings, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND PICTURE FRAMES. v AT GREAT BARGAINS. Rustic Frames fov 25 Cts. 8x10 and nnder. On Larger Frames A Discount of Z?.)4 per cent A Three Dollar Frame for Two Collars Flu'es, Violins, Guitars AJTD ACCOBDEOH3, MUSIC BOOKS Jt SHEET MUSIC VERY CHEAP. STATIONERY OOOD BUFF ENVELOPES, 5 packages for 25 Cts NOTE PAPER, 3 quires for 15 ceuts. FINER GRADES, greatly reduced in pries. PAPETEKIES. LUCERNE, 18 cents per box, regular price 85 cts; BELLE, 25 cents, usual price 50; MODEL including ink, 30 ceuts; CRESCtNT, 35 , cents; Gentlemen's Century, 85 cts. Traveling Baskets, Hand 8c Work Baskets, MOROCCO SATCHEL", CROQUET SETS ! VASES AND PARIAN ORNAMENTS, WALNUT BRACKETS, Photograph Albums, CHILDREN'S TOYS, And Fancy Goods Generally, at . SWEEFXKO BEDTJCTIOHS. Parties at a distance can have goods sent therab express. All orders by mail will receive ctiefu attention, aud satisfaction guaranteed. R. CRAMPTON. 29 East Illinois Street,.. ....EOCK ISLASD, ILL. PAPER