Newspaper Page Text
o ... Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Monday,-March 12, 1877. Established (0ct. 18, 1851 !i S Railroad Time Tabta. " BCCZ ISLAND & mCES CO , &. . . j Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a.m.. and 4:00 p. m. Ar rtving at Cable at 11:10 a. m , and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable a 8:80 a. m. and 18:45 p. m. Arriving at Hock Island at 8:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. It. K, CABLU, General Manager. PECBlA'fcBOck ISLAND RAILWAY. SHOKTI8T BOUT! TO TUB BAST AMD SOUTH. LKAVB AKBIVB. K astern Bv. 5 B0 a. m. , Mail A Ex. 1 -Mi p, ml Mail & Ei. 1 '40 p.m. Western Ex. 55 p.m. Way Freight rtta.m. Way Freight 8:S5 p.m. The 6 :00 a. in. train makes close connection at alva with C Bt O, (or Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with P P & J, for Jacksonville, Spring ' field. St Loo In and all points south and southwest, arriving In St Louis at 7:0 p m. The 1 :50 train makes clone connection at Qalva with C B & tj R R. for the west; arriving alQulncy at 0:45 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T r W., for points east and southeast, J. It. Hilliahd, Receiver. Js. V. Mahoiy, Gcn'l. Tk't. Ag't. CHICASO. BOSK ISLAND at PACIFIC S. B. OOIl BAST TBAIKS LIAVC At 8.35 . m. :4:80 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. SOIKfl W1KT TBAINS LliVl' At 8:25 a m.; 9:55 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. Train arrive from .he east as above. ST. L07IS. E93S ISLAND .C2XCAS0 S. fi. ting SOUTH TRAIWB LBAVa At 8 :05 a. m. and 1 :00 p. m. dally, ABRIVK FBOM ST. LOUIS At 9:50 a m. daily, and 9:90 p. m. STISUB0 TBAIS3 XXiVS . At 5:10 p. m. ABBIVB rUOB 8TBKLIMO AtSrOOa,. - COAL VALLEY UININ3 CO.'S TEAM'S. LKAVB. 7:05 a. M. 14:00 M. ABBIVB, 10:so a. ii 8:30 p. tested: UNION BAILEOAD. LBAVB AKRIVB Day Express and Mai? 8:85 ah 0:00 rv NtirhtExprcss 10:05 pm 5:55 am AETISTIC TAILOSIITS ZIMMER & STEGEMAHH, No. 1,903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, Merchant Tailors AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of H English HOUSE NAILS HAMMERED AND FINlSHEp 6 6 7 8 9 " t W Si Sl S! Si III- The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making .Nails by Hand. Quality is fully ; Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSIXG, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. LOCAL COLUMN. and French Cassimeres, Diagonals, Worsted Snitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc., etc. fy"All work guaranteed and prices reasonable. A.rtistic Tailoring! J. T. DIXON, MeichantTailor No. 20 East Illinois St., ROCK ISLAND, - ILL Mens Fine Woolens A SPECIALTY. Publications HE. SCHENCX'S STANDARD REMEDIES. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schbnck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sciibnck's Seb Wbed Tokio, and Schbnck s Mandrake Piix,s and if taken before the lungs are destroyed speedy cure is effcted. To these three medicines Dr. J. n. Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled succse in lhc treatment of pulmonary disease. The Pulmonic Svrup ripens the morbid matters in the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it ff, the patient has rtst and the lungs begin to heal. To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this. Schenk's Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck'9 Man drake Pills act on the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax thecal 1 bladder, the bile starts freely ana tne liver is soon recievea. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative; the alkali or which it is composed mixes wkii tne rood ana preems souring. It as sists the digestion by toning up the stomach to healtny couauion. so that the food and the Pul monic tyrup will make good blood; then the long neal, and tne patient will surely get well if car taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenk, either per sonally or by letter, can do so at his principal office corner of Sixth and arch Sts., Philadelphia, every Monday. Schenk's medicines are sold by all druggists mrougaont the country. USE BENHE'S ' PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL "It "Works like a Charm." TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to tht Bock Tt land Argut. udl- us- LOVERS' GUIDES j..t r Tttm-d Art of fralninLT love and mar- rving who and wheB you please-How to tie hand some Cures for hundreds of diseases: also many new secrets, urts, mysteries, money-making meth . ,i,, .i,,,n1ft know . Mnilrd tree to any address" by the UNION PUBLISHING CO., New ark, N . J. Tctaoco If vou have not Rheumatism USE KBNNE'S MAGIC OIL If von have cot Ncuralcia, U?E REXNE'S MAGIC OIL If you have cot Colic or Cramps, USE RENNE'S MAGIC OIL If you have cot an v kind of Ache or Pun. USE RLNNE'S PAIN -KILLING MAGIC OIL Try it. and vou will be surprised at the beneficial edect derived from a thorongh and faithful use of this popular remedy. It is part ly vegetable; Bafe and cluan to use internally ur externally. Btracuse, N, V., July 25th, 18T5. wi. Kennb & sons, iiitstieid, wass. sum As a dutv. as well as commend to those unacquainted with its healing qualities you r 'Taiu-Kiliug Magic Oil, to be kept in readiness roB BMEU0EPC1E4. as severe at tacks of bowel difficulties, to be applied exter nally, as a counter irritant, and internally us an anodyne and healer. Also for fresh wounds, having tested it, es;ecially on the cuts, bruises and strains I received in the terrible calamity at the Central Baptist Church, June 23, 1S74. In behalf of all tuiugs which are good, and truly nsuf ul. I subscribe myself, Fraturnally yours. Rev. U. A. SiztK. RENNE'S MAGIC OIL Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy. Keep it in the house to use in case of emergency. Try It internally. It cures Cholera Morbus. Diar rhoea, Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, Sor'i '1 hroat. Colds, &c. Use tt externally. It cures. Cattarh, Spralns,Cnts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and iu fact almost all the aches and pains flesh is heir to. Sold bv all dealers in Medicine. WM. RENNK & SONS, Prop'rs, Plttsficld, Mass Washing-ton Gossip. Washington, March 12. The i of the supreme court, to-day paid their respects , to the president The only member ? absent was Judge V ield who la in New York. The visit was merely social and courteous It was nar- ticulariy noticeable that Justice Clifford andr the president were on most agreeable terms, ine justices upon retiring ex pressed themselves much pleased with the brief but decidedly friendly interview. With the company wasSenator and ex-Supreme Justice Davis, of Ills. ' t-aoinet members who had not already taken the oath of office were sworn in to day, except Secretary Thompson, who has not yet arrived. After members qualified a session, lasting an hour and a half, followed for the Durnose of becom ing acquainted. At the same time there waj some taik upon the policy of the ad ministration, but it was onlv a reiteration of sentiments contained in the inaugural address- The president eavc generally to his cabinet the conditions of depart ments as related to him on Tuesday. liie cabinet omcers afterwards went to their respective departments where they were congratulated. Many senators called upon the president to-day and had private conversation. Ex-Senator Logan, also called on the p.-esicfit secretary bherman s first act has been to assign W. K. Upton, chief of independ ent treasury department, to duty as chief clerk in the treasury department. the senate privileges and elections com mittee, by a party vote, authorized their chairman to report to morrow that Kel logg has prima facie right to admission as senator irom .Louisiana. The whole committee were pres sent, except tJameron, of Y isconsin who is sick. Aftei several hours of de bate Mr. Mitchell submitted a motion authorizing the chairman to report to morrow a resolution that Kellogg is prima facie entitled to a seat as senator from Louisiana and that the oath bo now admin istered. Agreed to yeas, Morton, Mit chell, Wadleigh, McMillan, Hoar; nays, Saulsbury, Merrimon and Hill. Mr. Salisbury's motion, to consider the case of Eastis .claiming to be a senator iroiu Louisana, Yas reiected by the same vote. Mr. Morton will, to morrow, make a re- i port according to action and the minority will also present a report. Sec'y Fish having to-day installed his successor left the department of state. The tx-secretary says he retires in good heaith and after 8 years continuous service rej Vices that he is a sovereign free from the cares of office. Scc'y McCrary shortly! after taking his seat in the war department to-day was waited upon by various officers in charge of divisions. The other secretaries and the postmaster general were waited on by assistants and other officers in their respective depart ments. Tiie supreme court after hearing a few motions, adjourned until to morrow. Fraud on Friends of tne Ashtabula Dead. Erie, Pa., March 11. Thos.W. Thomp son, au,ed iu years, was arrested last night at Westfield, N. J., for attempting to de fraud various parties by representing him self asin possession of valuables left by victims of the Ashtabula disaster, who had died of their injuries while under hia care, and who had left instructions that valua bles should be forwarded to the parties whom Thompson addressed through the mails. J he case was worked up by Special Agent McDonalds, of the postoffiee depart ment, and the boy taken to Buffalo for a hearing. -'.'. SeverefWinteriin Europe. St. Petersburg. March 12. The past winter was the severest tr many years. The thermometer Sunday night was nearly privilege, I wish to 20 degrees below zero. Pestii, Marcii 12. It has been snowing her for 48 hours; railways blocked and traffic stopped: snow is from ti.ree to twelve fct't deep in the streets. Packard's Lies Refuted. Washington, March 10. The follow- telegram was received by Senator Bayard to-day, and will probably be laid before the senate when the Louisiana Question comes up for further debate: Shreveport. La.. March 9. Hon. Thos. F. Bayard, U. S, senate : Packard's dispatch yesterday to Senator Blaine, that in every parish oustide of New Orleans,except what he terms the five bull dozed parishes, his government is recog nized by all except a tew Nicholls officials, is untrue. The peorle of this parish spurn Packard's pretensions and render hearty allegiance to Gov. Nioholis. The Republi can police jury of this parish has by a for mal resolution recogaizedthe.mcholls gov ernment. (Signed) NathanGkkog, Pres. Shreveport Cotton Exchange. Sam'l C. Head. Pres. Police Jury Caddo Pari-h. N C. Blanchakd, Pres. Dem Com. Caddo P:irihh. Ben. Johnson, Banter, POLICE COURT. Before Justice Hay den. Monday, 4iarcn iz. Several days ago feupt. ('ramer made complaint against Mi chael Kane because he refused to take out a plumber's license, lie was arrested by Marshal Uawes but the suit was with drawn on his taking out a license. Last night Deputy Marshal Miller and Polieem in Rogers made a raid on George Griffin's tenement houu in the . lower part of the city, and arrested two liail creatures and lodged them in jail. One of them is named Mrs. t ranees N elch, the wife of an lociian doctor, and she lately came from Muscatine where the had been indicted lor keeping a house of ill-fame. The other oue is au old offender she now says her name is May Jane Brown. but she is one of the Andaluia gunboat "prairie chickens, and was hned at the last term ot circuit couit under the name ef Annie Wilson. This morning they employed P. O'Mara to defend them and their examina tion waj postponed until 2 o'clock this af ternoon. At 2 o'clock the trial came off and the defendants were fined $10 each and costs for keeping a disorderly house. They wi!i probably pay up some time to-day. More G-i-eer. Tanners "Sucked ia." Hamlet, Murch 10, 1ST7. Two young men visited this place last week selling goods for gfiitiemtu's wear. They solo to three prominent farmers here, taking their notes tor $10 each repre senting mat tney uu uot uare to receive the cash. They then altered the uotes to $11U eacn and sold tnem at a. iu. isyers & iVs bank in Aledo. The names of thy . .... II 1 1 XT a parties giviug tne notes were t red etei, Ovren Tulbert and Leonerd Gaucr- The bank officers are now iu pursuit of the swindlers. Wells. MQJLIjSTI. Deere & Co. whose name has been upon the black list over a year, and becu pub lished in the papers several times, after an interval of a few weeks is again neg lecting his family and lying beastly drunk in the saloons. Saturday noon, when his wife brought his dinner down for him he was not at the shop, but " after consider-1 able search she found him at the Western House saloon drank as a fool, and could do nothing with him. Thin had occurred ! so often that, in her despair the poor woman came toMagistrate Swander to find out if anything could be done about the matter, where our reporter met her. She seemed to feel deeply the neglect of her husband and almost despaired of be ing able to reclaim him. Why arc such libels on mankind allowed to run at large? When a man gets so besotted and lost to all sense of shame or regard for his family, who are dependent upon his daily labor for sustenance, as to leave his work, which seems to be so pressing that his dinner must needs be brought to him, and spend h time and money guzzling whiskey nntil hi? wife, unable to persuade him. appeals to the authorities for help, he ought to be placed in a straight jacket. Would'nt it be a good idea for the authorities to see that their commauds were obeyed? iQ"Another boarding house thief was before Magistrate Swander this morning. The facts in the case are as follows: Sun day morning about 3 a- m-, a tramp by the name of John Burke.was'admitted into the Gault House office, by John Downey, a young man who works there and sleeps in the office. It was shown this morning that Downey had been around the saloons drinking with Burke on Saturday night, and had been so favorably impressed with him that he presented him with a coat and shirt; bat this was not enough for Burke, so be left before it was light Sunday morn ing, aud took a hat belonging to Downey, and an overcoat belonging to Louis Hadden and went to Davenport. Downev missed the coat and hat iu the morniug'and follow ed Lurk over the river, had him arrested, found the things with him and brought them back. This morning Marshal Wells, being informed of the matter, went to Dav enport and had the police scare him out of town, and as he left the bridge on the Illi nois side, gobbled and brought him to Mo lina, lie professed his innocence of any intent to steal; said it was all a mistake; that he thought he was taking the coat which was given him; and managed to force a few tears. The court said that a strict construction of the law would compel him to bind the prisoner over, but taking into consideration the value of the goods stolen, which was almost nothing, and the expense it would be to the county be would discharge him. He thanked Magistrate Swander for his kindness and skipped, ev idently feeling that be hd a narrow escape A dirtier, more forbidding looking custom er has seldom appeared before our police court and how anv oue with any sort of awledge of physiognomy could be im pressed with a story from such a vagabond is a mystery. Magistrate Swander, bow ever, knowing how the rule has been with our county court thought it best to anlici- i ate the atiou of Uuyer, Ik nee the dis charge of Burke. FLUID U3mn?3. ilGUTiWNG Will positively afford relief by external application. It cures on the instant Neu ralgia, Nervoua Headache, Rheumatism, Toothache, Earache, and all nervous pains, SO AS. BFr MAGIC. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. and $1 per bottle. For sale in Rock Island by John Bengston. EE G ALIAS. WILLIAM M. ROBINSON, MANUFACTUEER of E Gr A L I A AND LODGE SUPPLIES, For Odd Fellows'. Macon, Drrtds. Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all othr Societi.. DEALER IN Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 380 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. Shew Cases. LUTKE & MEKAH, (Successors to J, R. ZEIGLKB.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD HANUFACTUftEESl SALCOlPli MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER . i 20,000 HORSE SHOERS. AH Nails are made ol the bett NORWAY IRON, SHOW CASES! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 215 Hamilton Street, PECPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt; filled. FIELD BROS.. LUTKE MKQAN. Acents. Rock Island. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. n" Orders filled promptly and at tha lowe rates by GLOBE IVAIL COMT BOSTON. SASSAPAUILLA QUO CUlTQUZJSCESIxi TABU. HIGHEST PREMIUM. USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLING CENTENNIAL - EXPOSITION M Gf-1 C O 111, AWARDED LOVELL L BUFFINGT01T, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBACCO. All ye Hen, Women and Children, Van Schaack, Stevenson & Reid, Wholesale Ag'ts Chicago. Ills. For sale ln'Kuck lsiana oy u. uroi- an, and E. Brennert. COUGH SYEUP covnrGTOir,. Our brands of Chewin; of Gold. Old Congress ant XT. ate the Fountain, Cloth Forum. : POS SALE V Croa ft Yi Kd" K a ,.i fT A Cargo of Silks and Teas Wrecked. Cape May. March 12. The ship Bethany from Hong Kong, is ashore near here, and will be a total wreck. 1 he cargo, silks, teas, fcc, valued at $50,000. is insured in New York. Weatisr Protabilltles. VAsmsuTON,Mar.l2. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following - weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest' Falling followed by rising barometer, colder north east to northwest winds, cloudy and snowy weather. Fatal Komestic Difficulty. Elmiha, N. Y., March 12. Peter II. Penwtllaod wile, owing to domestic disa greements, took arsenic, yesterday, with the view of suicide, lhe poison lailing to , .,11 ,1 . , t -1, - 3 cause, deatii renweii, witu an axe, K.meu bis wife aud then cut his own throat but not sufficiently to keep him out of jail. A GREAT BARGAIN ! -rv atcv TTrpn-M WlfiHINfl TO COMMKNC I House-keepinc, we hav; for sale a whole net of HOUSEHOLD FUHNITURB !; avorvtMrifr frnni the Ttarlor to the kitch- pn Ail rnmnlete and nearly new, haying boen used hut a few months. The above household goods H fni i va TUiK YN K H Al.r THSlK VALUE, uu me :i. linariMfti aiul LuiiK Y route J. t kavd ih I .Ivm tit ai v two children." J. )Uiuu, Lone P. O. 111. "Ii curwt my wife; RtMrrthi oid wheu every tufnuelftc lull- aurbotr. Aiiesbtby luv, ra. rnoe tout drugg-at doat kMp tt, tend I .l.KKrt ' O. rrfrrm r-ttTsnnri SPECIAL ?iT0TIC5S. S25,S50,SiGQ, SZQQ, S5QQ. as the property this office 1 crnine to California In May. -tv must be sold. For particulars inquire at 3-2dtf EBASS BAUD. BLEUER'S BMSSBMID&QRCHESTRA I JOHN BLEUER, Leader. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO f and at reasonable terms. Instructions given on all kinds of Instruments. Head-quarters at National Saloon, on lsth street, between First and Second avenues. Orders may be also sent to Post Office box 1.413. 12-lttd8m The reliable house of ALEX FROTHINGHAM & CO.. No 12 Wall St.. New York, publish a hand some eight-pu?e weekly paper, cailed the Weekly Financial Report, which they feena true to any ad dress. In audiiion to a large number of editorials on financial and other tonics. 1 Contains very full and accurate reports of toe sales and standing of every stock, bond aud security dealt in at the Stock Exchange. Messra. FROTHINGHAM & CO., are ; extensive brokers of large experience and tried in tHcritv. In addition to their stock brokerage busi- nese, they sell what is termed -Pnvllf or "Puts j and Calls," now one of the favorite methods of le- ltimate speculation. Their advice is vaiuaoie.ano followinc it many save maae ionunes. iew ork Metropolis.! Death of Edward Wtuduat, a Favorite Pub lic Caterer In New Tork, New York. March 12, Edward Win- dust, who kept the saloon in Park How i where the editors, actors, artists, lawyers, &c, of the past generation loved to dine, died at his house in Uayvule, Long Island. Saturdav. aired 79. His motto was "Num- quaui non raratus." RTJKOS THAT OLD SlME RESIGNS. To ffet hia Sou in hia Place. Harrisburq, March 12. It ia current lv reported that Simon Cameron has ten dered bis resignation as United States senator. A caucus ot Republican mem bers of the legislature has been called for to niabt for the tmroose, it is suonosed. of n amine his successor. Ex-Secretarv of War J. D. Cameron is prominently men tioned as the choice for the position. FEIKTEE.3 ATTEMPTING TO COXT20X. OTEEB PEOPLE'S BTJ312TES3. ; They Make a Pailuro of it. M ' - BUSTLES THE STANDARD LOTTA and ' Stitched Skeleton Lotta Your attention is respectfollv solicited to my new novelty in a Stitch bd Skeleton Bustle, now ready, without Clasps, making a Buotle or Hoop Skirt a finer article that fit the fancies and wants of the trade. In their superb stitch wire coveb, finish, avoidance of claips and harsh surface, which cut and weak the underwear reetint: thereon, and ad joining. They are radically new, and strike every eve with their superior excellence, at prices which cannot fall to attract the attention ul buvers. They are made in all correct size, stylcs-aud lengths. These, and all past makes of Lotta BuaTLE, in clndiut! the stanoakd Ni mbkhs 8s and 6s, arc now ready, In superior workmanship, forming a com plete line oi styles and sizes iu Pnnier, Trail and short lengths, which will compare favorably with those of airv other manufacturer. ? Diplomas have been awarded my goods each year Since tneir mirouucuoii, uy tuu n uientou mautiue ofN.Y.,and Modal ana Diploma ty tne uenten nial Exhibition. . . t A . W. THOMAS, 91 White street. New York ; 801 Race street, Philadelphia., . Concentrated SYRUP OBia BLOOD PURIFIER! Bdffalo, March 12. About 7 o'clock Saturday evening, twenty compositors left the Courier office by order ot the president of the typographical union, owing to the refusal of the Courier to accept the scale of prices prepared ty the union. The movement caused but slight inconvenience as tne vacant places were soon filled by non society men.tnd now the Courier company has ordered that no striker shall be re engaged. Ef ln3re is a nuisance, clad in petti coats, that perambulates our streets, (ur nisluug incalculable amusement tor the urchins. Either her or the gamins ought to he banished lor the good ot society. 3""A sliooting match took placs Satui day afternoon in Davenport s pasture, m which 11. A. Stewart and W ui. Kobiosou were the contestants. Stewart killed six bird 3 at six consi-cutive shots, and Ivobin- son kiikd five out of his six. This is ex cellent markmanship for amateurf. STo-niorrow evening the 5th enter tainment of the Sylvau Club course will 'ecur at the Congregational church on which occasion Miss Rena Runner will appear in a choice selection of readings, recitations, and music assisted by the celebrated "Holcombe Quartette." This will be one of the best entertainments ol the course. !SaFSaui Conor, one of Mo'iue's incor risiiblos, son of the Irishman comumnly called "01d Sod" was calaboosed by officer Olsen yesterday. This boy is but 15 years old, but he is 'thoroughly acquainted with the ways ot iniquity; the pulice cant scare him with the jail, nor can any one wield any restraining influence over him He is a ut subject for the reform school and ouent to De sent tnere. S"A dirty, ragged, repulsive looking object, who gave his name as Edward Scylan. nativity Isle ot Man. was arrested yesterday for boistrously conducting him self upon the streets. He says that he came to Ameriea, and the United States would nt let him mako a living; then be went to Canada and they interfered agtin and drove bim out; now he is going to sink 31 states of this union. J6"Clendenin & Martin, ihe enter" prising druggists in post office block, have recently made some fine improvements about their store winch add very much to the appearance of things. Under the ex cellent management of Will Clendenin, the resident partner of the firm, the busi ness ot this concern has rapidly increased and the receut changes in the arrangement of the store are found nesessary to afford better facilities lor accommodating the in creased patronage. jrLast evening Officers OUen and Corney were called upon to visit a house on Illinois street near Roduoao avenue by one of our citizeus. who when passing the MARRIED. PING REE-KEYS. At the residence of the bride's far her, Francis Keves. E?q . Pittfleld, Pike Oouuty. Illinois, on Thursday. March Sth. by the ltev. 1. H. llauev. Captain George i.. 1'ingree, of Moline, to Miss Mary A Keys. No cards. The happy couple have our congratulations and best wishes for a successful and prosperous future. DIED. HASKfNb. At the residence of her daughter Mrs. Margaret Cobb, on Sundav, Mar.h lit h, 1877, at 8 A. M., Mrs. Margaret C. HaVkius, aged t4 years S molht- and 18 davs. a. m $ The dect asod was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and moved to Moline in 1S56, where slic has since resided. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Cobb and Mrs. Emcline S. Mower, to mourn her loss. Her funeral will take place from her late residence, corner of Bass and Illinois streets, at 10 A. K.Tucsday, and the remains will be interred in Oakdaie cemetery, Davenport. Frierds of the family are invited to attend. Kew YcriL Market. 12. New York, March FINANCIAL. Gold-1 04. JlODey 2'4 bid. Governments Duil; stead v. U. S. Bonds 0$ cent 5-2u's 1KS1 1.1154 " IMS Old 1.07?i " " IStiS n. w " W;7 1.19 IStiS 1.14 t7. 8. 10.40'a : v. New 5's 1.10j Currency 6s 1.53', COMMERCIAL. Wheat TJnchane-ed. Corn St-oug: .M'SSS. Oats Quel; '8855. Pork - Ciuiet ; 14 7j15 00 ; Lard Lower; ti;4. CiiieRgo Mamot. Chicago. March 12. -Steady; 123 casi; 124 April; 129 Wheat May. Oaia Kominal. Rye Unchaoed. Barley iower ; 48. Perk Heavy; panicky lower; 13 40 cash; 35 April 09 may. Lard Heavy; lower; 8 05 cash; 9"!4 May. Whisky 1 OS. LIVE STOCK. TUX PAVOBITE HOME EEMEDY. "Evidence TJnDarallelled In the history of Medi cine" Over two thousand testimonials given for the wonderful cures made by 'FfilNTOWS SARSA PARI LLA Or Matchless Liver BLOOD AND KIDNEY SYRUP. v Three thousand bottles sold each year bv one store iu Cleveland Now receiving or ders by mall every day from an parts oi tne country. Herewith are a few of the many certtfieaics and letters received hundreds of which we could print, if necessary to show Fcnton's Matchless Liver, Blood and Kidney Py rup is appreciated at home, and extending over the whole country, upon iu "merit only." And we claim without fear or favot it is the best family medicine in the worid, and guarantee it the bi-st hlood and liver and kidney syrup ever produci-d. Send for circjlars, read and judge for yourself. We will ha pleased to send a circular to any person wno writes ior one. HOME EVIDENCE. Extracts from Utters received. RlLEUMAMIbM Some six months could not walk without the help of a crutch; tried physi cians and many kinds of advertised cuies. without benefit. Six bottles of Fcnton's Matchless Syrup cured me. Capt Geo Hand. SALT RHEUM- Eight bottles made a perfect and permanent cure. Capt Thomas Pesninoton. SCROFULA From infancy was treated by the best physicians and took everybody's cure. Two bottles Matchless Syrup cured me. Mas Eliza J oicem. SCROFULOUS NECK Eight years cured by Fenton's Sarsaparilla, after trying nearly every other kuown remedy. John McGikity, Conductor S L M S li R, Cleveland, C SALT RHEUM eleven years all over inv body: took all ttie . u . euiedies, advertised, and in the hospital. New o k, twtnty weeks; could not gel cured; six es ; Kent n's Matchless Syrup cured me. Gsobojs'J own, Cleveland, O. FKMALE WEAKNESS som .six years; used ev ery alterative known; tried the climate from Min nesota to Texas; could get no relief; after a lew mouth's ne of Fenton's Matchless Sarsaparilla was cured completely, Mbb Ati- Ii , OhiolSt, Cleveland. O. RHEUMATISM Dr. Feiiton : Having been laid WILLIAM HOLDORF, - Mannfactui cr and Dealer in Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware Roofing and Spouting a Speciality. Shop cor. R. ck River and Dock Sts., Rock Island. Pliomix Manuf 'ing Co., TAUNTON, - MASS. Manufacturers of the Celebrated" fin stove nm An article excelling in Labor Saving and Dura bility for uee on Stoves, Ranges, Grates, &c. ALSO Crucibles of all Sizes! UND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights I Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Dif3nts and Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Gram Elevators n ade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and machint ry, and give pc .-aon-al attention to a., he details of cur.suuclion. Re pairs of all kinds .oniptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mall or in person. At tne old stand of 11 lirooks, (new No..) 525 No 10 . Washington street, PKORJA, ILL Ar1r T'Tir lOT.3ilt Cattle Receipts 5,000; market ve.-y dull; com mon o choice heavy 5 2S5 40: common to choice 1UMS5 75 : sood to choice 4 W255 40 : medium ; 420 1 50. Death from. Prostration Hews. New York, March Caused by Bad Mrs. Susan 12. for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Sencc Falls, N. Y. The Greatest Bloorl Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS 1 Curing saucers, oermum, nuunnc, v.., ui..; g n.t, T Of.L i .14 all Blood, Liver, Skin and Uterine diseases, bold l j: erguson, oi o-u cat a-ulu biiei, iiau by druggists everywhere, price j i, or six ootties i comi)ieted preparations tor a journey to Missouri, to see her sister, but late last eveninir she received a aespateu announc ing the sudden death of her sister. She was utterly urostrated by the news and died in half an hour. Faneral of Matilda Seroa. New York, March 12. The remains of Matilda Heron wete laid away in Green wood yesterday in the presence of her or phaned Bijou and a few sympathetic friends, who, after sadly impressive cere' monies in the flower decorated church formed a short procession and escorted the bodv to the cemetery. I he pall bearers were Chas. Fi&her. Wm. R. Davidge, D.II. Harkio.8. Harry Watkins, Jno. Viucen and Chaa. Gayler, , , lever Failing AGUE CUR AND TONIC BITTEKS. It will cure permanent ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all iun,,ni unft kidnev diseases. Every bottle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. P'ic$l, or six bottles 5. 8end s'smp for Chromo free. u. B. HOWE, M. D , Proprietor, Soneca Falls, N. Y. Sold by John Bengston and T H Thomas, drag giats, Rock Island. . house heard the screams ana cries of a woman who appeared to be in trouble The officers quickly repaired to the place and discovered that it was a iamiiy broil. and as is the result iu almost all cases of this class, wheu the police attempted to arrest the man who bad abused the woman, she, ol courso begged for him and that was the end of it Our reporter did nut learn the names oi the parlies. t.- Kemova.1. Charles Margraf has removed to the old staud of Henry Siargraf, lately occupied by Daniel uuuld. lienry Wargrat re moved his goods to the same place, and the firm will be known- as Margraf boa They will keep on baad a f ill line ol ready-made clothing, anl carry on a gener al tailoring busiuess also; and they invite all their old customers aud ail others to give them a call before purchasing else' where, aa they can secure bargains, lhey will sell out ihe dry goods stock of Margraf & E(p at 50 per cent, below cost. Mr. Charles Margraf will reside over the btore. and he now offers hia house on the corner of Salter and Illinois streets for sale or rent, on good terms. . It has a lot 150x0. outhouses, fruit trees, cistern anl wtl! water, etc., " , 12d3t fc3"HeDry Wiese, an employee of St. IiOnia Market. St. Louis. March 13. Wheat Lower; No 2 fall 1 46 cash: No 3. 1 41 bid cash. Coin Eask-r; 86'4 bid cash and March. Oats Better; 54!. Rye 64(4. Whisky-105. Pork F'rm ; 15 05 essh. Lard Dull ; 9 75 asked. LIVE STOCK. Hos Receipts 1.600; nominal 4 70CJ5 14. Milwaukee Market. M'VWaukek. March 14 Wheat Quiet; steady; 131V cash: 1 31 Auril; 135 May: No 3, 1 20 Corn 38. Oats -30tf. R eo. Barley 6-1. , ATHLETIC CLUB! Tuesday, Wednesday & Thw:day Ev's MARCH 13, 14 & 15, 1870. Popular Scientific -in Praf. W. C. RICHARDS, A..M Ph.D Illustrated by employing Grand and Novel Ex periments and Rare aud Valuable Apparatus, im ported at treat t Xpeuse..i Matinee, Wednesday at 3:30. For the Benefit of Schoolchildren. Tuesday Evening Subject: "Matter K'.ug, or the Work of Oxygen with Cosmos. or Chemistry of Water." Thursday Evening Subject: "Fruikiiu' Kite, or Electrical Phemoinena." Matinee Wednesday afternoon Subject :"Magic in Science." Admi-sion Ticket for Single Lecture, 50 cents; Course Ticket, (three Lec ores), 1 : Matinee - Chil dren, 15 cents; Adults, 25 cents: Tickets for sale at lhe biok stores ot Wy ie & McCuue and 1. Crampton. 8d6t tSTReserved Seats 15 cenU extra. up five weeks with Rheumatism, and spent dollar after dollar, my physician told me it must wear off; got up aud on crutches as many more weeks; was adviBed to get six bottles of Fenton's Sarsapa rilla. Five bottles cured me completely. I freely recommend the Matchless Syruo as a sure cure for Rheumatism. Yours truly, W. H. Bates, Cleveland, O. "Thousands Bear Testimony." SCROFULOUS SORE LEG twelve years, cured by Fenton's SarsapariUa,after trying various noted uiooa remedies. Capt. Henry Palxbu, Akron, O, SCROFULA, five large abscesses on body, could not tnrn m uea ior weeks, cured oy t cntoirs sar Sarsiparilla; had expended over one hundred dol lars previous to using the Acme of Medicine, "Fen ton's Matchless." V. Fikld. Sodus Point, New York. SCROFULOUS NECK, a number or ulcers, open for nine mouths; had the out medical advice iu Clevelund, O. A friend sent me Fenton's Sarsapa rilla, Twelve bottles made a perfect aud perma nent cure. W. II. Mcabh. North Bloomfleld, O, Camp Bbown, Wyoming, Dec. 20, 1874. RHEUMATISM Or C F Fenton: The six hot ties Sarsaparilla sent me in July latt, cured me of Rlieumatssm, and only used live, (one got broken.) 1 bad it for lour years, aud spent nearly one ibous aud dollars, wsth the oest doctors in Montana r ritorv orevious 1 have got two more customers express me eighteen more bottles to South Pass, huclosed find the greenbacks. Write me Camp Brown, as before. I ours truly. J D. Woodbuff. CONSUMPTION. Dr. C F Fenton. Dear Sir:- My wife was sick two years with consumption, we paid out over one thousand dollars and received no beceSt,; 1 sent fur els bottles of your Matchless syrup: sue took it up and supposed herself cured. One year from this time abe felt it coming oi.. I sent to Capt. Jnhn Varner, of Cleveland, to send me six more buttles, which completed the cure, for which we thank you, and wish to say to all, we be lieve It the oest Uenovaior aud lilood Porlner iu the world. Truly, your friend, Capt. Hsnbt Bkock, Pot Burwell, OnL FEMALE WEAKNESS, of seven years standing cured by the use of one and a half bottles Fenton's matcniees oanapaniiu. jiks. k. dims. Port Hope, Mich SALT RHEUM eighteen years; used all the no tail hiitrmr liritt witlwtnt ff .i. Iirittl.a Pomtut.. LPPfllTP'i. I Matchless Sarsaparilla cured me; it is a dead sure I cure. F C GooiJ. Buffalo. N Y I Every person should read this carefully. Dr Fenton, Cleveland, O. Dear Sir: Five years ago, then in Brazil, South America, I there contrac ted a disease that nearly cost me my life. I was even months in hospitals Spanish Brazilian aud Buenos Ayres but to no purpose. I then went t Cieufueiros, t.'nha, aiid spent fcixtv-four dav i II thi- miiitary hospital. The doctors told me if 1 hil any friends I had better make my wey to (hem. The Auwiican Consul aei.t me to New York. Last spring m came on me nguin. rest iu' the night was out of the question.- a friend in The St i hitrles Hotel here (Detroit) advised Fenton's Ma:cbiets Syrup; I sent Ior six bottles I have onlv t ken four Ed am perfectly well. I must ray it surj.risea me, uiu an t iai kin tne condition 1 was in f..r five yeira. I freely recommend Fenton's tatehlces Sjrijo aboVd any blood purflsr ia the catalogue ef medicines. Youra r soecttully. , Detroit, Mich. M E. McKitb rick. , We intend to publish more wonderful evidences. Sold in Rock Island by Jobn Bengston, E Breu aert, TH Thomas and EKoehler. - Western Agents, Van Schaack, Stevenson Jt- Reid, Chicago. Fenton M'lg Co Proprietors, Cleveland, O- RELIANCE WORKS. MILWAUKEE, WI? Poundrvmen. MACHINISTS, Mill Builders & Furnisher Mannfacturersof Superior u.) titeani H-ngmes, French Bux i iniUstonss. Cast-iron Wavo SAW MILL VORi A tfrrXL-MY. EPEvervthik'ein nrr'tiTio nw'; rated CaiaWua at ; :i .- v -; -". oi aiuili.-stlot! do.. Dooley's Patent Combination TOE-CALKS. Pnt np in , boxes containing 25 lbs, each. These Toe-Calks are made from 8teel converted fri.m carefully selected brands of Norway and Swedes Iron by a special process which ens-ires the utmost ease in welding, together with the greatest durabilily in wear. For sale by all iron, eteel and hardware dealers throughout New England Manufactured solely by -- CF.DEWICK&CO., 300 Dorchester Ave., South Bor ton, Mass.