Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Wednesday, March 21, 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 n It mi Railroad Timo Table. BOCK ISLAND & CO . 2. B. Lcuve Rock IslHiii at !f:0O a. in., and 4:0) p. in. Ar- riviug at Cable ai 11: 1U a. m , aud 6:00 p. m. Leave Cab.e at 6:30 a. m., and 12:45 p m. Arriving at Kock Islauu at B:So a. in., and 3:00 p. m. K. K. OABLL General Manager. FEOBIA & S3 32 ISLAND BAILTAY. 8IIOUTEST BOUTB TO TUB EAST AND SOUTH. I.CAVR ARRIVE. Eastern Bi. 5 V) a. m. Mail & Ex. 1:02 p, ntf Mail En. 140 p.m. Western Ex. 5:r5 p. m. Way Freight 6;20 a. m. Way Freight : p. m. TheB:00a. m, tram makes close connection at alva with C B A Q, for Aledo aud Keithsbnrg, also at I'eoria with P P & J, (or Jacksonville, Spring , old, St Louis and all points south and southwest, arriving in St Louis at 7:00 D m. The 1 :50 train makes close connection at Qalva with CUiUKIC for the west; arriving atQulncy at !f:45 p in., also at Peoria with I B 4 W, and T & W'., for points east and southeast, J. It. Hilliakd, Receiver. J-. V. Mahonbt, Geti'l. Tk'l. Ag't. Q2ICA30, BOSK ISLAND & PACIflC B. B. OOIHG BAST TRAINS LEAVH At 8.85 a. m.:4:30 p.m.: and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above, sotvn nlT TRAINS lsavb' At 6:25 a m.; 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. ro. Train arrive from the east ae above. ST. LOUIS. E032 ISLAND ft C2I3A30 B. S. C"INO SOUTH TRAINS LI AVI At 8 05 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. dally, ABKIVB THOU ST. LOUIS At 9:90 a. m. dally, and 9:20 p. m. STmiHS TBAIH3 LIATt At 5:10 p. m. ' AkHIVB FBOM STBRL1NO At 9:00 a. m. HOSSE NAILS Alt' POUCHED , . OR SLUED. MjL! nv0 .. - t"w. I. i . -f 4Si HAMMERED AND FINISHED V --.jr-jy 6 6 7 ' 8 9 10 TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to the Rockltland Argus. COAL VALLEY 111171179 008 TBA1NS. LEAVE. 7:u5 a. h. li:00 M. ABBIVB. 10:30 A. H 8:30 P. WESTERETOIQH BAILBOAD. LEAVE Ar.RIVB Day Express and Mai: 8:85 a m 6:00 p Night Express 10:05 r m 5:55 ah AETISTIO TAILORING ZiMMER & STE6EMANN, No. 1,903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, Merchant Tailors ! AVE .ICST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted Block of The Ausable Nails w-w -m -wr - 1 .1. are jianirnerea jiot, ana me Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Naih by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron ami hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York, LOCAL COLUMN. DR. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REMEDIES. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck's See Weed Tonic, and Scuenck s M anprake Pill,s aud if taken before the lunge are destroyed, a speedy cure is i Acted. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled succss in the treatment of pulmonary disease. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matters In the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a plight cough will throw it tT, the patient has rest and the lungs begiu to heal. To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this. Scheuk's Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schencks Man drake Pills acton the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax the gail bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver Is soon recieved. Kcheuck's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative; the alkali of which it is composed mixes with the food anil prevents souring. sists the uigwHtutn by toning healthy condition, so that "Washing-ton Gossip. Washinuton, March 21. It ws de cided at the cabinet meetine to-dav to send a committee or prominent public men to Louisiana before taking final action in the affairs of that state. The comptroller of the currency has declared a dividend of 10 per cent, in favor of the creditors of the City National Bank of Chicago. Washington, March 21. The cabinet took a recpss, after which the discussion of southern affairs was continued. There is an expression of anxiety on the part cf the government to reach a final decision as quick ly as possible and it is believed a Louisi ana commission will be decided upon. Affairs in South Carolina will be speedily settled. Washington, March 21. The cabi net held a long session to day. The southern question was long under consideration The question of calling an extra session ot congress will be considered, Numerous telegrams from prominent persons iu INew Orleans, Charleston and other southern cities have been received at tne executive mansion and by private citizens asking early inform ut'on as to the decision of the government in the southern question. rred Douglass was at the executive mansion io-aay with a delegation or color ed people, paying their respects to the president. A delegation of Irish citizens are at the executive mansion awaiting the adjourn nient of the cabinet to present their claims to prominent representation in the admin istration of national affairs. Daniel Sinclair has been reappoint d postmaster at Y inona. Minn. quarters and to drive her out ot the reg iment. Fourth. That he tfst reflections on her character in speaking to the chaplain o! the garrison aud had insisted on his noi st..img at his place or hoiuitig religious services there. The fifth and sixth specifications cover ubstantially the same ground. Seventh, Heno said to Lieut. v allaee that Mrs. Hell had better cease fighting him; her character was vulnerable and he could easily blast it. Lichth, Afterwards he publicly humil iated Mrs. Bell by giving orders that she hould not play the organ at divine service, and threatening to stop service if she were llowed to play. The prosecution called Mrs. Bell, Chap- am w ainwrignt, uapt. uenteen, Laeut. Wallace and others, and clearly estab lished each specification. The defense had ittle evidence to offer, the accused not being allowed to testify nor to produce witnesses against Mrs. Bell's character. jX Gov. Davis summed up the case for veno and was answered by lsarr, alter which the case was taken under advise ment and the verdict will be forwarded to army head quarters. The general opiuion is that Reno will be found guilty and dis missed the service. It as- ur the stomach to a the food and the 1'ul- AN IOWA CITY MAN PALLS. AND BUSTS AWAY WITH A CHICAGO CYPRIAN. Detratidinff His Creditors and Abandoning a Wife and Twelve Children. Iowa Cm', March 21. There is much Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc., etc. t3Th work guaranteed and prices reasonable. H t-H-V, nmA Prenrri Ca!:iTneres monic yyrup willmake pood blood; then the lnngs feeling here over the absconding of Chris- EnglxsH ana i rencn tassimeres, , K d tUe , t , ly gel well lf Phi ton d ago to sell a laree lot of cattle. Not re turning and not having been heard from, djttctives was put on his search and infor mation received to day leaves no doubt that he has gone south with a Chicago cyprian. lie leaves here a wile and twelve children tie has lived nere many years, and so won the confidence of all the community that he was enabled to secure large credit. So far, to day, nearly $2U.OlO of attachments have been filed against his property, which is not worth oyer sU2,GU0. It is believed his liabilities will reach $25,000. A.rtistic Tailoring; ! J. T. DIXON, MeicliantTailor No. 20 East Illinois St., ROCK ISLAND. - ILL. Mens Fine Woolens A SPECIALTY. Publications heal, and the patient will surely get well if taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenk, either per sonally or by letter, cuu (in no at his principal office corner of Sixth and arch Sta., Philadelphia, every Mondav. Scheuk's medicines are sold by all druggists throughout the country. USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAOiD 0 L LOVERS' GUIDE (new edi tion) illus trate d Model Love Letters-Art of gaining love and mar rying who and when you please How to be liana- Borne Uures ior iiuimreu ui ura..., .. - . new secrets, arts, mysteries, money-making metn od, Ac, that all should know. .Mailed free to any address by the UNION PUBLISHING CO., New ark, N. J. Tcbaoco Van Schiack, Stevenson & Reid, Wholesale Agfs Chicago III. Sold iu Hock island by John Bengs ton and F. U. Thonius. Why let aches and pains yotir temper spoil? A cure is sure by using Reime's Magic Oil ! RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KliSNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, KENNE'S MAuIC OIL cures Sprain-., KENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, KENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, RENNE'S . AGIO OIL cures Coughs. RENE'S MAGIC OIL enres Sore Throat. "It Works like a Caarm. Dayton, Ohio, August 27, 175. "Messrs. Wm. Resne & Sons. Gents Pl'-ase send me at once bv express one dozzcu bottles large size Magic Oil. The Magic oil does indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother hart a full wincu came very near n Bulling dually. She recovered her health in some degree during the year following, but she sustained such severe injuries, especially iu her spine and left arm lid shoulder, that she was almost helpless. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to t tlca. N. Y., to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of your Magic Oil ; it relieved her almost immediately , so much so th t she came home very much improved in health and strength, aud hy the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enioviug "better health than she has known for ten years, aiid has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother lias so A Murderer Augusta, Ga,, March 21. Edward Weils, the negro who murdered Wm O'Brien in Burke Co., was taken from jail at Waynesboro, last night and lynch ed bv a crowd of unknown men. H ell confessed that he murdered O'Brien t obtain possession of his goods. Hayes's Declared Elected Columbus. March 21, The general assembly in j int session to d?y declared Stan! -y Matthews duly elected U. senator. Tire and Deatli in Washington. Washington, March 21. A fire in tl coufi ctiotiary store on D street last night dais-aged the building considerably an of Wm caused tho death, by suffocation, Grupe, the proprietor. Xney uon c iiive m isrury v ownsnip. To the Edirors of The Argus: You will please wtic that the bull I Zers, Dau'z and Iv.pping. are not itizens ,.f Drury towuship. but live in Buffalo Prairie towmhin. I he land in .. t 1 h ft 1 f " dispute also lies in nunaio riairie town ship. Yours. Silas Drury. JSi-The board of highway commission ers met yesterday at J. p. m. I resent: Jenson, Harwood and Heck. The reports f the overseers of highways were pre- ented and placed oa file, their accounts udited, and orders drawn for balances as follows: J. G. Heck, district No. 2, balaute i.0; u. Jj. Hunter, district :no. 4, bal ance $21; J. W , Dewrose, district No. 5. balance $14 50; Geo. W. Heck, district .So. 3, balance S 13.50. lhe bills of Q Cinfeldt for $152, for labor on roads iii lames Brit'.on, $9, for The Argus obtained oni Justice Pinkley. its information TO-DAYS' ADVEBTISEMENTS. The Bon Steps into His Father's Shoes. IIaruishukg, March 21. In joint con vention of the legislature to-day DonCamer on was declared fully elected U. S, senator. HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGTOU, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBACCO. Mai'ic Oil that she will not be without It Respectfully yours, JosKi'U E. Dixson. Some folks seem lobeprond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of "mv crick in the back" or 'I have got the Sciatica'' and delight iu bragging that "nothing can cure me!" hut when we such ,'awful folks" to use KENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC tHL, fuitufully, we not only cure their lameness and charm away their pains, but we ac tually take all teat kind of "brag out of them !" and they frankiy cwn up and sav, "It works like a charm." Sold by all Druggists, Merchants and Grocers. Call for ltenne'a Mugic Oil where you usually trade. The Grasshopper to be Enquired About. Washington, March 21. Prof. C V. much confidence in your Rilry, f t:ite entomologist of Missouri, Prof. Cyrus Thomas, state eutomologist of Il!i, acd Dr. A. P. Packard, of the Amer ican Naturalist. Mass.. have been appointed U. !. entomological commissioners, to enquire into the character aud habits of the grasshoppers and other destructive insects, which have created tor several years so much ravage in agricultural districts in the west. district No. 3., Mrs district io. o, were allowed and orders drawu on treasury for the same. Th being all the busines, the board adjourned until Saturday, March 31st, at 2 p. ui. Wm. Turner, Town Clerk. fiDeruty G. M. W., Gregory. P. M. W., Morris, G P., J. II. Porter and D. O. leid, Guide, went up to Hampton last night aud installed a new lodge of the A. O. II. W. Riverside No. 02 is the came of the lodge. There are 48 names on the charter, 2G of whom were installed last night, and the ba'ance will be at the next meeiing of the lodge, hollowing are the tficers: P. M. W. S. S. Crompton; M W. Henry Albrecht; G. F. Job Su.- ton; O 11. C. Fullerton; 11.--C. C. Cox; r. J. H. lhomas; liec. hamuel llcagy; J. W. Julius Skinner; O. W. Geo. Mo Nubuey. Meetings will fie held Tuesdav of each week at Odd Fellows' Hall, over Heagy & Stoddard's store. After th initiation exercises tl;e new lodge gave surper at the Cook House, in which thirty or iortv participated. Messrs. Gregorv .Horns, rorier and lveia had quire au eventtui ride coming home, several time entiling very near going over the bank into the river, on account of tiou ot the road by the heavy snow. fiiefThis city has for several years en joyed the luxury of a "board of health," but the negligence of said board of late, has led to an inquiry into their duties and au thority. which discovers the f'aot that uo or dinance was ever passed creating such an office; hence they have no acknowledged authoritj or specific duties, and cannot be censured it they relume (which they do) to act. The attention of Mayor Wheclock has been directed to this matter and he has requested Dr. Morey to draft a code of ruhs for the government of such a board, and defining their duties. A very import ant feature ot this plan, as projected by the a system ot registration ot deaths, marriages and births. Under the present management a person may die aud be bur ied iu Riverside cemetery and the authori ties know nothing, comparatively, about it, leaving an opening for the easy disposal ot the results of ciiu;e. If a certificate cf death lrom a practicing physician were re quired before interment in Riverside, there would doubtless be less deaths registered as "sutumcT complaint" and "chronic dia rhoea." A Card from Deacon Richards. To the Editors cf the Rock Island Argus. Messrs. B, C. Keator and W m. Moore of tho Sylvan Boat Club complain that Deacon Richards ordered the bills of the hoiuia Abbott entertainment torn down. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. THE citizens, legal voters of the town of Rock Is land, in the county of Rock Island and State of Illinois, are hereby notified that the Annual Town Meeting for said town will be hvld at the following places, to wit : For that portion of said town situate within the limits of the First Ward of the city of Rock Island, in eid county, at the Hose House in said Mrst Ward. For tht portion of said town eitnate within the limits of the Second Ward of the city of Rock Isl and, in said county, at the Court House in said Secoud Ward. For that portion of said town Esiluate within the limits of the Third Ward of the city of Kock Island, in said county, at tne liose House in said 1 turd Ward. For that portion of said town situate within the limits of the Fourth Ward of the city of Rock Isl and, in said county, at the Hose House in saul Fourth Ward. For that portion of said town situate within the limits of the Fifth Ward of the city of Kock Island. n said county, at the Hose House in said lifth Ward. And for the remainder of said town and all that portion of said town situate without the limits ot said city of Kock Island, at the School House in Districi N'nmber Two, in Township Number Seven teen, north of Range Number Two, wert of the 4th M,. n the TH1KD D AY OF APRIL, A. D.. 1S77. being the FIRST TUKSDAY in said rr onth, for the purpose, among otherthings. of elecling the follow ing oltlcers for saiu town: One Supervisor, Two Asistant;Supcrisors. One Town Clerk, One Asset-sor, One Collector. Five .1 unices of the Peace. One Commissioner of Highways, I wo Overseers of Highways. Also, to vote on the que.-tion of changing 1he place ot holding 1 own Meetings, and lor transaci i g the nii-cel!;oieous business of said town, to the Court House, in sai l town, a request for that pur pose by twenty-five (25) electors having bt r. tiled with the Town Clerk of said tow n. Aud for the transaction of such other business ae may, in pursuance of law. come before said meeting wneu convened : whic i meeting w ill be called to order between the hours of nine an- ten o'clock in the forenoon and be kept open until six o'clock In the afternoon. Bv order of the Board of Supervisors of said Kock Is and county, all miscellaneoee business f ir said town win n : transacted at sail eciiooi non-e in D strict number two. Given undermv ban at the Town of Rock Island, this 21st dav of March, A, I).. 1S77. d2wl "THOS. A. JOHNSTON. Town Ch rk. FLUID LI3HTNI1T3. LUID ma mmm Will positively afford relief by external application. It cures on the instant Neu ralgia, Nervous Headache, Rheumatilm, Toothache, Earache, and all nervous pains, SO AS HY MAGIC. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. and $1 per bottle. For sale in Rock Island by John Bengston. REGALIAS. WILLIAM M. ROBINSON, manufacturer or R E G-ALI A AND LODGE SUPPLIES, For Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other Societies. DEALER IN- Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. aS6 Main Street WORCESTER, MASS. Show Cases. LTJTKE & MEHAH, (Successors to J, R. ZEIGLBE.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD 24ANUPACTUKES2. NAIL il 111 SHOW CASLS! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. il5 Hamilton Street, PEGFIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt; fj'.led. LUTKE A MKHAN. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Hoise Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS AU Nails are made ot the lest NORWAY IRON. and Warranted p: rfect and ready fordr.ving. Ej?" Orders filled promptly and at th lowe rates by GLOBE IV AIL COM'Y BOSTON. SASSAPA1ILLA FOR COLLECTOR. At the request of many friends, I hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for the office of Town ship Collector, suVject to the decision of the Re. publican Township Conveu'ion. 17dtf FOREY FOLSOM. QUO CUXCIUSJESESXa TABIT. M COUGH SYRUP COVINGTON Our brands of Chewing are the Fountain, of Uold. Old Congress and Forum. IT. Cloth FOR SALE COUCH SYRUP. i Heller t ouch Syrup i ih Mot and most J l iot,ular Keiurir for Uit' tjtirw ni tonana, v-oioi. i Crone H utriMMt , and l.uiis I ruumi i It huvfd the Lives oi two cunurea. E Vrtiiman Ivinr P. O. IU. "It CUfJ BIT wife rafatrihi ooid when verr thlnir Ue full- A w K MiurhcfT. AheEbanr CUv, Pa. Price 50 d Si. I' y,ir 'Iruggia dou keep It, oA tor T f u r PKI.l.KHS ft n. Pmpfl. Plttqrgh, P ' 3 S I? Weatlior Probabilities. Washington, Mar.2l. The Signal Ser- vice observations tasen at iu o ciock inis forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: South erly to westerly winds with nlwly falling barometer, stationary or slight rise id temperature and partly cloudy weather. A GREAT BARGAIN ! TO AN f PERSON WISHING TO COMMENCE I n,.iw.Ueeiiiii.'. we have for sale a whole set ot HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE I j:-.. .ii,irr rrnm the narlor to the kitch- en, all complete aud nearly new, having been used hut a tew monius. i ne irane uuu. will be sold for less than onb-hai.f tiibib valoe. as the owner is going to California In May. and the prooerty must tae sold. For particulars inquire at this office. CAMPEORINE a-adtf BRASS BAND. BLEUER'S BRSSBEUD&ORCHESTR& JOHN BLEUER, Leader. A XX. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and at reasonable terms. inHtructions criven on all kinds of Iustrnmenta. Head-quarters at National fcaloou, on 18th street, I between First and Second vennes. Orders may be also sent to Post Office box 1.413. la-iauam STJSTLES THE STAN3AUD LOTTA AND Stitched Skeleton Lotta BUSTLEb! Tour attention Is respectfully solicited to my new novelty iu a Stitched Skeleton Bustle, now ready, without Clasps, making a Bustle or Hoop Skirt, a finer arilcUi that At the fancies and wants of the trade, in their nuperb stitch wire cover, finish, avoidance ot clap and iiausii surface, which cut and wear the underwear resting thereon, and ad joining. 'I hey are radically new, and strike every ve with their superior excellence, at prices which Him ilium i l 1SS Camph.orine I Is the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric, has a pleasant and refreshing o lor. It will imme diately relieve aud cure Uheumatism, Chronic and Acute; jjeuralgla and Catarrh, Ue2dache and Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. For sale by all Drnggista. SPECIAL NOTICES. MATHEWS LIQUID STARCH GLOSS 1 Gives a splendid gloss aud finish to all starched goods, making them whiter and cleaher than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put np 'n 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers aDd Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St., N. Y. SPECULATION Preparing' for City Election in St. Louis St. Louis, March 21. The Democrats and ltenublicacs held conventions this a in. to nominate candidates for mayor and citv officers. lioth conventions endorsed lleury Overstatz, the Independent candi date for mayor, by large majorities. It is not unlikely however that this action will be renudiated bv larce numbers both lie publicans and Democrats both of whom wil probably nominate tickets, .'his is not true. 1 did not order them torn down but n 1 had done so 1 had a perfect richt to do so, the control of the fence having been accorded to Richards & Sohrbeck, from the time it was bu It uutil now, with the express understanding that no bills should be posted on it, not even their own, which rule they have strictly adhered to. When the tills were remov ed, (not by tne,) Mr. Klmsted did not give them permission to put the blTls there. Deacon Richards feels go malice towards the Boat Club or any ot its members, not even the impetuous youths who have as sailed him with threats and maligned him. thinking that on reflection they will be ashamed ot the part they have played. Leaviug the public to judge where the spirit ot meanness and mahc2, rests, I am yours &c. J. S. Richards. P. S. The fence is still under the con trol of li. & S. Another South Carolina Conrt Decides in Tavor of Hampton, Charleston, S. C. March 20. Judge Reed, in the circuit court, to-day rendered his decision in the habeas corpus case, re leasing ITynn ou the ground that Cham berlain lias no authority as governor l he decision concludes as tollows; l am ot the opinion that W ade Hampton was made governor in the state otlSouth Caro lina through the ballot box, in accordance with the constitutional election held on the Till of November last: that he quali fied. if tnt followed in letter the spirit and intent of the constitution ou the 14th o December last; that he has been since that time and is now tho lawtul governor of South Carolina, and should be obeyed and respected accordingly. It follow from these views that D. H. Chamberlain was not governor on the 3d of January 1877. the date of the commission of V T. Dover as a trial justice for the city of Charleston, and that his appointment and In Wall Street. 8500,000 has been made in a single investment $ Hit). This oi course is an exiraoroinary occur rence: but ordinarily $5 can realize say 25.000. Even sums as low as i cun no sateiy investea.when commission were with iut lawful authority Circulars giving full information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, Have you risen fora your bed after a short sleep to find yourseif nearly snrtocated with Catarrhal matter in jour nose head and throat? Have you noticed what a oepressing influence it exercise on the mind, blunting its faculties, besides tnera mg imay as well? How niniculi to i id the head o: tins foul matter all can testify who are Htilicleri with Catairh. How difficult to protect the systi against u- further i rogress towards the lungs am! hronch'al tubes, all j hysicmns can testify. It is a terrible disease, and cries out for relief. To be freed from the danger of suffocation while lying down: to breathe freely, sleep soundly aid undis turbed: to know that uo poisonous, putrid matter denies the breath and jndermines the sstem; to know that ibe body does not, through i's ry tne poison that Is sure to destroy. Is Indeed a blessing To purchase immunity from such a fat should be tl e object of ail afflicted. But those w ho have tried mauy rmedi. s aud physicians despair of rei ii or cure, i ney become incredulous. With such the p.iig array of testimonials from our best citizens, physici.iiis aud druggists in favor t f Sanford'B Eadical Cure Must convince them that it possesses great merit. while the new and original method of iis prepara tion when studied with the disease satisfies U.e mind of any rcusouab.e person that its method of cure is the true one. Sanford's Radical Cure Im-tantly relieves and permanently cures every form of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the ulcera tive stage, together with all its sympathetic dis eases. Sanford's Hadical Care Relieves in a short time the very worst forms of Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, 1 lghtness across the Temples, Kinging Noises in the Head, and Wake fulness. Sanford's Hadical Cure Cleanses the nasal passages iu a sin jle application with the admirable Imialet, w inch accompanies ca; h package lree ol charge, and is more sci vicable bau any other lorm ot Inhaler. New York Market. New Yokk, March fel FINANCIAL. Gold-1 Money 2;. Governments Shade lower. 0. S. Bonds tiJ cent 5-20's ltHl 1M5 old 18b5 UiW. 1KH7 Ih(i8 V. S. 10.40's New 5's Currency Ca COMMERCIAL. Wheat Firm: No 2 Milwaukee 1 45: No 1 Minn- in store 1 48; No 2 Chicago 1 43. corn Firm ; new western mixed ekkqjs. ; old MS (3.58. Cuts Firm; western mixed and state 8954. Pork Firm; 14 75&14 80. Lard Firmer; 9 9u. Sanford's Sadical Cure Removes by a single application the bard, encrust ed matter from tne nose, opens up the naal pas sages, allows the sufferer to breathe freely aud en joy for tne nrst time the pleasure of a full hreatn. Sanford's Hadical Cure Allave pain, inflammation, and soreness of the mu cous membrane of lhe nasal passages. It is the most soothing, healing and grateful preparation j ever apptiea 10 inese innameu sunactB. Sanford's Radical Cure Is al-o taken Internally, where, by its action on the blood in eliminating from the svstem the acid poi son always present in Catarrh, 't affects the whole constitution. i Sanford's Hadical Cure Thus becomes a powerful purifying agent Id over coming tne poisonous action ol tne rotten matier that has during sleep, dropped into the throat and mingled with the contents of the stomach, to be ab sorbed into tne system. Sanford's Radical Cure Is a local and constitutional remedy. It strength- ens the system by internal use, while endeavoring to throw off the disease, and soothes and heals the nasal surfaces by direct application. Sanford's Radical Cure Is a great and reliable medicine, and when every other remedy Is tried and found wanting, this, by Ita immediate beneficial effect. Dasses at once into .1.134 favor, which it retains forever afterwards. .1.079. ....1.08V4 I Each package contains Dr. Sanford's Improved ...l.llfn I inhaling Tube, with full directions frr nee iu all . . .1.13l.g 1 cuses. Pr.ce, (1. For sale by all wholesale aud i-Hr retail druggist throughout the United States. -1.10 WEEKS & POTTER. General Agents, and Whole 1-23'i ile llrutreist. boston. THE FAVOBITE HOME REMEDY. 'Evidence Uncarallelled in the history of Medi cine" Over two moueana testimonials given ior the wonderful cures made by FBNTOIX'S SARSAPARiLLA Or Matchless Liver BLOOD AND KIDNEY SYRUP. Three thousand bottles sold " -yX each year by one store in t'leveliiTin nu P.iivinn nr. sr.Tf Qers oy man every day from .all parts ol the country Herewith are a tew of the many certificates and letters receivedhundreds of which we con id print, if itecessary to show Fenton s Matchless Liver, Blood aud Kidney Sy rup is appreciated at home and extending over the whole country, noon iu- "merit only." Aud we claim without fear or favor it is the best ftimlly medicine in the wor.d, and enarantee it the best blood and liver acd kidney syrup ever produced. Send for circulars, read and judge for yourself. We will be pleased to send a circular to auy person w ho writes ur one. HOME EVIDENCE. Extracts from letters received. RHEtTMAM ISM Some six months could not walk without the telp of a cruteh; tried physi cians and many kinds of advertised cures without benefit. Mx bottles of teuton s Matchless Svrur cured me. Capt Geo Hand. SALT RHEUM- Eight bottles made a perfect and permanent care. CAPT 1 BOXaS f ENNISGTON. SCROFULA From infancy was treated by the bi st physicians and took everybody's cure. Two bottles Matchless Syrup cured "me. Mus Eliza Jones, SCROFULOUS NECK-Eight years cured by Fenton's Sarsatarilla, sfter trying nearly every other known remedy. John McUinitt, Conductor sLirJIMtK, Cleveland, C SALT RHKUM eleven years a'l over my body: took all the ). i: emedies advertised, aud hi the Hospital, New o k, twenty weeks ; could not get cured; six -f Fent" u's Mati bless S rrup cured me. GkokgeB own, Cleveland, O. FEMALE WEAKNESS som .six years: used ev ery alterative known; tried the climate from Min nesota co Texas; could get no relict; alter a lew month s use ot r enton s .Matchless sarsaparilla was cured completely. Mas att 13 , Uhiolt, Cleveland. O. RHEUMATISM Dr. Fcnton : Having been laid WILLIAM HOLDORF, Hanufactuier and Dealer in Tin, Ccpper & Sheet Iron Ware Roofing and Spouting a Speciality. Shop cor. R ck River and Dock Sts., Kock Island. Phoenix Manuf 'ing Co., TAUNTON, - MASS. Manufacturers cf the Celebrated PREMIUM ST1E POLISH An article excelling in Labor Saving acd Dura bility for use on Stoves, Ranges, Grates, S:c. Crucibles of all Sizes! UND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights I Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Jieriuts and Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills. Distilleries and Gram Elevators n ade e ' out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and maehini v. and give pc -son- ai attention to a., he details ol construction. Re pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mall or in person. At tne Old stand ot II isroofcs, (new No.,) 5-5 So tfi S. Washington street PEORIA. ILL I and void. No. 11 Wall St , N. Y. The reliable house of ALEX. FROTMNGHAM Afn i4w,iki Vpw York, nublish a hand cannot fail to attiact the attention of buyeis. TUey 1 some eight-page weekly paper, called the Weekly father. are made iu all correct sizes, styles and lengths, These, and all past makes of Lotta Bustle, in cluding the Standard Nvmbeks 8e and 5s, are now ready, in superior workmanship, forming a com plete line oi styles aud sizes iu Punier, Trail aud short lengths, which will compare favorably with those of any other manufacturer. Diplomas have been awarded my goods each year since their introduction, Dy the American institute The Specifications Against Beno. St. Paul, March 20. The specifications against Major Reno are as follows: First. That Reco beinc commander at Fort Abercrombie, called at the quarters of Mr3. Bell while her husband was absent in New York at the bedside of his sick and took improper liberties,; at- Financial Report, wwcir wnw"- to draw her to his person on Pnancial aud other topics, P contains very full Second, Being repelled, he Stepped m and accurate reports of the sales and standing of gl(je .l- 8t0rm door, and when Mrs. Bell every sioca. Donu auu swum j " v w, u-v Exchange. Messrs. rnuimi'tuui ai kj , .c i K-uU,u hrokers of lartre experience and tried in- tecritv. Tn addition to their stock brokerage busi ness, thev sell what is termed "Privileges" or "Put of N.Y.,and Medal and Diploma by the Centen-1 and Calle," now one of the favo'lte methods of le nlal Exhibition. 1 intimate anocnintion. Their advice is valuable.nnd A. W. THOMAS, 91 White atreet, New York; 801 h f,olJwing it manj aaye made fortunes.-lNew itace street, Philadelphia. ior metropolis.. out some time alterward caught her hand and renewed his attempts. This outrage 8he reported to ms wite. Third. Reno afterward threatened to make it hot for her, because she didn't iovite him to a social gathering at herisoa&sss Chicago Mamet. Chicago. March 81. Wheat Excited ; lc higher; 1 24 bid cash; 1 25 April ; 1 asft ma May. Corn Easier; 39 cash; iiJi May. Oats U nchanged. Pork Strong and higher; 14 10 cash ; 14 31 May, Lard Strong; fcc higher; 9 50 cash; 9 60 May. Whisky 1 05. LIVE STOCK. HogsReceipts 11,000: market active and higher light 5 255 40; puckers 5 2i05 40; heavy to ship pers 5 505 70 : Ph ladelphias 5 755 ' 0. uatt le tteceipts o,uw , milk rair- - n uu tochoice4(jOS5 75; mediam 4 124 50; inferiors 25ts2 73. St. Louis Market. St. Lotis. March 21. Wheat Higher; No 2 tall 1 f bid cab'u ; 1 53!4 May. Corn 3WS36'4. Oats Firm 35 asked ; 3314 bid. Whisky-1 05. Pork Higher; 14 50. Lard-Higher; 14 50. LIVE STOCK. Hoes Receiuts 2.400; lower: light ehippineto good Yorkers 4 35a4 90; bocon 4 655 00; butcheri Everybody CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS COLjLIlSrS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS THEY contain the grand curative e'ement. Elec tricity, compiled with the fluest cou,pouud of medicinal gums evei united togtlner. It therefore seems Impossible far them to fail in all. rding prompt relief for all pains aud aches. "lhe Best Plaster." Messrs. Weeks & Potter, Gentlemen , Please send me six Collins' Voltaic Plasters, iicud by return n an i tniuK ttiey are tne utst l'laster l ever used, Fiease hud money inclosed. HASKELL LEWIS. Milford, Del., July, 1S76. "An Excellent Plaster." Messrs. Weeks A Potter, Gentlemen, Please send me another Collins' Voltaic Plaster. 1 tiud them to be an excellent Plaster, the beet that I ever used. I am sorry that the druggists hete do not keep them. F. M. SNIDER. Broadway, O., July. 1876. Sold by all drnggiets for 25 cents. Sent on re ceipt of 25 cents for one, f 1 25 for six, or $2.25 for twelve, carefully wrapped, and warranted perfect by V EiiiiJS S ru i ita, jrropneiore, coeton, muse, up five weeks with Rheumatism, and spent dollar after dollar, my physiciau told me it must wear off; got up and on crutches as many more weeks; was advised to get six bottles of Fenton's Sarsapa- nila. Five bottles curea me completely. 1 freely recommend the Matchless Syruo as a sure cure for liheuniati.-m. J ours truly. W . II. Bates, Cleveland, O. "Tbousauds Bear Testimony," SCROFUIXlUS SOKE LEG twelve years, cured by Feoton's Sarsaparilla.after trying various noted blood remedies. Capt. Henby Palmer, Akron, O, SCROFULA, five large abscesses on body, could not turn in Deo ior weens, curea oy renton s sar Sarsiparilla; had expended over one hundred dol lars previous to using the Acme of Medicine, "Fen ton's Matchless." C. Field. Sodua Point, New York. SCROFULOUS NECK, a number of ulcers, open for nine mouths; had the oest medical advice in Cleveland, O. A f nen-1 sent me Fenton's Sarsana- rilla. Twelve bottles made a perfect and perma nent cure. w . 11. JHBARS. North Bloomfield, O, Camp Brown, Wyoming, Dec. 2(i, 1874. RHEUMATISM DrC F Kenton: The six bot ties Sarsapanlla sent me in July last, cured me of Rheumatssm, and only used five, (one got broken.) I had It tor :our years, ana spent nearly one tnous and doiiars. wstu the best doctors in Montana Ter ritory previous I have got two more customers. Please express me eighteeu more bottles to South Pass. Enclosed find the greenbacks. Write me to Camp Brown, as btfore. ours truly. J U. OODBUPP CONSUMPTiON.-Dr. C P Fenton. Dear Si-: My wife was sick two years with coEsumption. we paid out over one thousand dollars and received no oei.enus; i sent ior six oottiee oi your Matchless syrup: sue toon n up ana supposed herself cured Oue year lrom this time she felt it coming oi.. sent to capt. John V arner, of Cleveland, to send me six more bottles, which completed the cure, for which we thank you, and wish to say to all, we be lieve it the best Renovator aud Blood Purifier in the world. Truly, your friend. Capt. Husky Brock, Fort Burwell, Out, FEMALE WEAKNESS, of seven years standing cured by the use oi one ana a nan Dottles Fenton i Match lees sarsaparina. jubs. v m. Sims, Port Hope, Mich SALT RHEUM eighteen years: used all the no ted humor cures without effect ; six bottles Fenton's Matchless Sarmaparilla cured me; it is a dead sure cure. r C Goou, Buffalo, N Y. Every person should read this carefully. Dr Fenton. Cleveland, O. Dear Sir: Five years ago, then in Brazil, South America, I there contrac ted a disease that nearly cost me my life. I was seven months in hospitals Spanish Brazilian and Buenos Avres but to no purpose. I then went to Cienf uegos, Cuba, and speut sixty-four days in the military hospital. The doctors told me if I had any friends I had belter make my way lot hem. The American Cousul Bert me to New York. Last Spring it came ou me "gain, rest iu the night was out of the question. A triend in the. St Charles Hotel here (Detroit) advised Fenton's Matchlews Syrup; leeuifor six bottles I have only t.ken roar aea am perfectly well. I must say it surprised me, ard ail to at knew the condition I was in for five yetrs. I freely recommend Fenton's Matchless 8yrno above any blood purfter in the catalogue of medicines. Yours respectfully. Detroit, Mich. B. McKitterick. BWe intend to publish more wonderful evidences. Sold in Rock Island by John Bengston, E Breu nert, T H Thomas and E Koehler. Western Agent, Van Schaack, Stevenson Beid, Chicago. , Fenton M'fg Co-, Proprietors, Cleveland, O- RELIANCE WORKS MILWAUKEE,... Poundrymen, MACHINISTS Mill Builders & Furnisher Manufacture rcof Superior Steam Engines, French Bun Millstones, Cast-iron Waiar& Gas Pipage SAW MILL WORK A 8PECIATY. rEverythh'g In oar iine mad8 and sold ITias rated Catalogue of M ichir e ry , 120 pages, sent! ro i on application Dooley's Patent Combination TOE-CALKS. 1 8 Mar Put np in boxes containing 25 lbs, each. These Toe-Calks are made from Steel converted from carefully selected brands of Norway and Swedes Iron by a special process which ensures the utmost ease in welding, together with the greatest durability in wear. For sale by all iron, eteel and hardware dealers throughout New England. Manufactured solely by c. F. DEWICK & CO., 860 Dcrchester Ave., South Boston, Mass.