Newspaper Page Text
BOCK ISLAND ILLINOIS, Wednesday. March 21. 1877. Scheme to Dam the Won't Win. Mississippi The fact that the Molina Water Power Co. failed to obtain its usual appropriation this year, uoder the specious plea of devel oping a water power for government use at Rock Island Arsenal, has induced the wily manager of that company to mak p. cat's paw of the innocent Board of Trade, of Davenport, in a scheme to dam the Mississippi so as to use the water of tlt wholo river to wash tho sand out of its pond. This of course will ruin river navi gation and the foxy Charley does not ap pear as advocate of the dam project, but allows our old railroad friend Holmes, of Gilbert, to father the nondescript. That congress has been beautifully humbugged into appropriating largo sums f money for the Moline Water Power Co. with nothing but a canal, a stone wall and a pond of sand to show for it, except for a limited time du ring the year, is a well known fact. That congress will not be further humbugged in this direction begins to bo apparent, and that it will never allow river navigation to be ruined by dams across the Mississippi is also a pretty well grounded belief. It would be siugular indeed, if congress, after spending money to deepen the channel, should then spend more money to dam it up again! Does Not Want to be Recognised. Gov. Hampton of South Carolina is re ported as saying he "does not wish to be recognized; all that he desires is that the United States troops be withdrawn from the state-house." This shows that the question in South Carolina is a very sinip plo one, and that Hampton thoroughly understands it. Why should he wish to bo recognized by the federal government? Has Gov. Phelps of Missouri ever asked Mr. Hayes to recognize him? Has Gov. Culloui of Illinois ever sought a federal recognition? Did Mr, Hayes, when gov ernor of Ohio, solicit a recognition from President Grant? Is it necessary that the president, or the de facto president of the L'nited States, should recognize each ot the thirty-eight state governors before they can boast a clear title? It is not the presidential recognition that makes lawful governors of states; it is not the voice of the people. Hampton would fare just as well without being recognized by Mr. Hayes as if he were recoguized every day of the year. But there are federal troops in the South Carolina state-house an'i this is the trouble. It is Mr. Hayes' fault that they are there. Grant placed them theri, and Hayes keeps them there. They ought to be removed, for they de bar the lawfully chosen government from the building. If they were out of the way, the Hampton government would walk into tho state-hous, the Chamberlain pretence of a government would quietly walk out and that would bo the end of the matter. From that time forth South Carolina would be as qaiet and tranquil as Mis souri or Illinois. The federal army in Louisiana and South Carolina is a disturb ing agent. If it had never been employ ed to put in oflice and maintain uuelected governors there would have been no trouble. Send the same army to Boston to put a pretender in the executive chair of Massachusetts, and there would be a Massachusetts question, just like the South Carolina question only teu times worse. There is but one rightful solution of the trouble in South Carolina and Louis iana tho removal of tho cause of it. Take away the troops f rom Columbia and New Origan and the trouble will dUap-pear.--.S7. Imix Hep'dtUcan. From the Ihuly UrajMe, Miirrh :', 177. Restoring tlte Portraits. A South Carolina gentleman, after the war.t Mik a half dozen crooked and grimy pictures to a well known artist to bu re stori d- "These are my ancestors," he ex plained; "they have come through the war uninjured. You seo we took the best care to make tliem seem worthless, ana they were lot alone, and with a little pains will look as good as new." Now that our presidential war is over, a good deal ot restoring will have to be done iu the national port! ait gallery. It 1 as been too much the custom of late years to earn political warfare beyond the legitimate lines ot principles unu measures, ami admitted public acts into the domain ol private life, and assaults on character have taken the placo of argument, and discus sions of public questions have been varied by mud throwing. The heat of the excite tuent of the passions aroused by the inter ests at stake carries even well tueauing uieu turther than they intend to go in this direction, and they doubtless sincerely regret statements and charges agaiust opponents if they lack the courage to make the honorable amende. .John Quiney Adams repented more than anything hib bitter personal assaults on his antagonists. Mr. Ogle on his deatU bed confessed that his tales against President V an Huron were untrue, and regretted making them. Now that the Republic, ins have gained the goal and thir candidate is iu the lute House, justice no les.s than magnamity requires them to acknowledge that at least three quarters ol Hie charges made against Governor Til Jon were not supported by fads. There is no question that he was falsely accused of a great many thiugs and in terms which no well-bred person or well conducted paper should employ. And the portrait of this distinguished citizen and civilian is now undergoicg a process of restoration.. The stains are fading out The blotches are going. Tho American people mean to be just. His nephew, Col one! Pelton, suffered in the same way The exigencies of the campaign seemed to make it necessary to throw suspicion ou his connection with the Oregon affair, to make that contemptible case look as badly as possible. A great quautity of telegrams were unearthed, dispatches in cipher were found, and their contents guessed at, There wero sugiastious of money wanted. and some of the despatches were directed to Mr Iildcn s private, residence I hose who knew Mr. Pelton personally needed no assurance that he had engaged in no iui proper transaction, lie went before the senate committee, and at his own request made a full and explicit statement of his connection with the Oregou business, and one that ought to have satisfied, and prob ably did satisfy, all who heard it. It is sell consistent and reasonable. Col. Pel ton acted with the Democratic Committee. A great many telegrams were received.aod many were not delivered. Somo of them wero answered by himself, and others by other gentlemen, end most of them were forgotten in the crowd of other matters requiriug attention. People sometime addressed dispatches to his resi dence in Gramercy Park, but Done were delivered there, the officers having expli cit ord. rs o deliver them at the office in Libeity street durum the day, and at the headquarters in the Everett House dur lug the eyeniug. Most of the dispatches put in evidence he never saw, and many of thorn had no signature, and the order V,.""!" waa changed so that dispatches ftua bad do couutictiou were read aa question and answer. As tor proposing or considering the purchase of one of the Republican electors, the subject was not thought of, and would have been spurned if it had been suggested, and neither of the Republican eleotors, admits that he was ever approached. Money was asked for to be used in paying lawyers' fees, which was a perfectly legitimate transac tion, but it was never used end never left this city; and when asked lor was empha tically refused. The whole thing fell through the day it was thoroughly exam ined. There was no real bottom for the tub to stand upon. The senate Las shown its views on the general subject by admit ting Governor Groyer to a seat, and the people will gladly see that Col. Pelton's good name is restored. And it is to be hoped that in the next presidential can vass the soiling of reputations will not be included in the tactics of either party. LFTTER FROM HON. B.G.WRIGHT. Call for a Greenback Clnb in Rural. Rural, 111., March 20, 1877. To tho Editors of The Argus: Gentlemen: I copy, and 6end you for publication, a call for a greenback club in Rural township. From your lately published view of the currency question you agree, in the main points, with the greenback advocates, unless I am mistaken in the language you use. You oppose the federal bank system and banks of circulation both have been a system of legalized "spoliation" as proved by the able French political econo mist, Bastiat. The treasury note system was very ably advocated by Jefferson, Jackson, and other anti-bank statesmen of early times. If the views you express had been promulgated in the Democratic platform at St. Louis, instead of that indefinite word "reform," the Democratic party would to day have the administra tion of the federal government. The people begin to see that the money power and its combination with every form of monopoly, is tho curse of down trodden humanity. They have the numerical power and will right the wrongs which oppress them. B. G. Wright. CALL FOR A GREENBACK CLUB. We, the undersigned, believing that the pecuniary interest of the farmers, mechanics, merchants, laborers, and other producers and distributers of the products of industry, require the continuance, by the federal government, of the legal tender treasury note, or greenback currency. 1st, We believe that the principle and in terest of thi United States bonds shall be paid in greenbacks. 2nd, We believe that the states should not charter banks of circulation. 3d. We believe that the National banks should be discontinued, and their notes, which cost the industrial classes some twenty millions of dollars annually, shall be replaced by greenbacks. 4th, We believe that the federal government should re ceive greenbacks for duties, taxes, and all other claims; and, 5th, We believe that the bondholders shall be taxed as other property holders,for federal aud state pur poses. To aid in securing the adoption of these measures we agree to form a political asso ciation to be called the "Rural Township State Sovereign Greenback Club" under such a constitution as the members mav adopt. And we pledge ourselves to each other. and to the advocates of these measures, to vote for no man for president, vice presi dent, member of eontrress, governor, lieu tenant governor of Illinois, or members of our state legislalure.not pledged to support these essential measures of reform. Tho "Iron Trails." A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over the Atchison, fopeka and Santa Fe rail road and of the beauties, sceuery aud plea sure resorts ot the hocky mountains, by "Nym Crinkle," the musical and dramatic critic of the New York World, sent free on application, together with the San Juan Owiie, tiiai and timo tables of this new and popular route from Kansas City and Atchison to Pueblo, Denver and all points in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the San Juan mines. The finest line of Pull man Sleepers on the continent between the Missouri river aud the Rocky mouutaius without change. Address, T. J. Anderson, Gen. Passenger Agent, 2 OdwCm Topeka, Kan. NEitvors ii;bii,ity. Adpreurtl, irrltaMe state of mind) wek, nervous, rihaustcf feeling, no energy or animation ; 8 confuted bead, weak memory, often with de bilitating, Involuntary discharges. Tha eonsequpnre of emcew.s, mental overwork or indiscretions. This IVI.ItVOCS DKniT,ITT finds a sovereign cure in HriTPriRKY.S IIOMKOI'ATHIC SPECIFIC, No. 2S. It tones up the system, arrests d''chv"Nf dispels the mental gloom and despondent., f nu rojuve. nates the entire system. It is penectly harm less and always efficient. - Trice 5, for a packajre of Ore boxes and a larpe f 2 rial of powder, which In important in old, serious cases ; or )1 per single box. Bold by ALL Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' BPECI1TC HOMEOPATHIC MCVCTNK CO Ko. 503 i:ao.i)t7AY, 1!. Y. t'tf Nee lark's advertisement. SPECIAL IwTICES. MARRIED LADIES tamp for rnufldcniinl circular ot creatvulue. Dr. V. 1). CLAUKK. lNi H. Clark St.. Chicago. VICTIMS of Self Abuse or Indiscretion ohk" on Nervou i and Private Diseases. Address Chicago Mkdical Institltr, lSti S. Clark St., Chicago. .A. CiRD. To all who are sufferim? from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de coy, los of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will euro you, FREE OK CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Sonth America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman Station D, Bible House New York City, SOAP. ESTABLISHED 183'J. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. MAKERS OF Standard and Reliable CHICAGO. No so-called Urease enters into the manufacture of their different brandj of Soap. Only Pure Ke nned Taliow and Vegetable Oils are used. Pull Weight. Always Reliable, ADULTERATIONS.' ' GUARANTIED TUB Best & Most Perfect Soap Made Sold lu all the States and Territories. For sale by Henry Dart's Sons, Kock Island, and VanPatien & Marks, and Belderbeck & Miller, Day. aport, low. MELICAL. rvKTY 1 EARS BEXOiLE THE PUBLIC. DH.C.MeiiANrS Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. fPHE countenance is pale and leaden J colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swell ing of the upper lip ; occasional head ache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ap petite variable, sometimes voracious, with agnawmg sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vomiting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occa sionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. M?LANE'S VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Du. MVLane's Vermi fuge bears the signatures of C. MVLane anil Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. : o : DR. C. MLANE'S LIVER PILLS. 'lnee lMi.-i arc not recommended a a remedy for the ills that lh?sh i heir to," lint in ttiu'etions of the Liver, ami in all 1 5 i 1 i - Coruplaints.Dyspepsia and .Sick H aduhe, or diseases of that clianiPttT, they :t.:nd without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better c.tliartie can be used pre paratory to, ( r after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un epialed. BEWARE OP MUTATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Du. M?Lane's Livkji Pills. Ea.-h wrapper bears the signatures of ( M'.'TjANK aml Fleming Bros. Sulci by all respectable druggists and , Mu-!ry storekeepers generally. MARK THESE FACTS! The ter-timony of the wholo World. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. 'I had no appetite; Holloways Pi!ls gave me a hearty nne.'' " Your l'llis are marvellous.'1 "I st'iul for another box. and keen them iu the hounr ." "!r. llolloway has cured my headache that wae chronic." "I tfave on- of your pills to my babe for cholera moHniw. I lie dear little thing irot well in a day.' "My nausea of a niorniui; is cow cured. "Your bottle of llollowav's Oiiitaiont cured me of no'ses in I lie head. I rnhbed om'.' of your Oint men! behind my ear and the now- hay left." "Send nic two boxes; I want one for a poor f ini ily." '"I vncliwe a dollar; your price i- 25 cents, but the medicine to me worth u dollar." "Send me five boxes of your pills." "IaI nie have t. ree hoxes of jour pills by return mail, for ( hills and Fever." 1 have over S O such testimonials as, these, but want of space coinpe s me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, and all eruptions of the skill, the Ointment is most Invaluable, it does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the nuiit searching effects to the very root cf the evil HOLLOW AY'S PILLS Invariably cure the following diseases: D ISO It D Eli OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too litile water; or whether they be alilicled with stoi.e or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions ot the kidney, these pills should be taken according to the printed dinctioi.s, and the Oint ment should be well rubbed into the small of the iac at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when ail other means have failed. For Stomachs Out of Orders. No medicine so effectually improves the tone of the stomach as those pills; they remove all acidity occasioned either by or Im proper diet. They reaeh the liver and reduce it to a healthy condition; they are wonderfully eftlca hious iu cases of spasm in fact Ihey never fail ill curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. HOLI.OWAY'S, PILLS are the best known in the world for the following diseases: Agne, Asthma, Bilious Complaints. Blotches on the Skin, Bowels, Consumption, J)elnjity, Diopsy, Dvsentery, Ery sipelas, Female Irregularities, Fever -of all kinds, Kits, (Jont, Headache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice. Liver 'omplaiuts. Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of the urine. Scrofula or King's hvll, hore I hroats. Stone and Gravel, Tic D: tilonreux. Tumors, Ulcers, W orms of all kinds, weaiuiess irom any cause, etc. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are irennlnc unless the signature of J. Ilav- docfc, as agsnt for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills, and Ointment. A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering such in formation as may lead to the detec ion of any par ty or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vend ing the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Prof . llolloway & Co., New York, and by all respectable druggists and dea'ers m medicine throughout trie civilized world, in boxes at 'ir cents, t2 cents and 1 each J'fy'Thcre is considerable saving by taking the larger size. N. H Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are amxea to each Dox Office, 113 Libirty St NEW YORK, Insurance Company, OF NEW TORE. CHARTERED 1325. SAMFFT, T. SEIDMORE, President. I1KXBI A. OAKLLT, Vice President. Insures Against Lc:s or Damaj toy Firs. FOR POLICrEH APl'LY t HAVES & CLEAVELAND, Agents. Kock Island Ills. SCALES FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES J OF A IX KINDS. FAIRBANKS. MORSE CO. fcJ&S HI & 113 Lake St., Chicajro. Be careful to Day only the Ucnuine. STAINED GLASS S. S. MARSHALL & BRO. Manufacturers of STAINED GLASS ! 63 Cedar Ave., cor. Second Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, .PA. V SIL7ZS PLATED WLRi WILCOX MI PLATE COff Y. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, JV. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. Manufacturers of Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITEKS, Coffee and Ice Water Urns, EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons Ac Forks, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C, &C, &C. tThese Goods can he found at all First Class Ueaiers id l'lated Ware. In purchasing call for Isar wiLcox'8 quadruple iplatb.j II! ILL, MILLER k CO., Broadway and Bond Sts. NEW YORK A General Assortment of Nickel German ALSO THE SAME PLATED WITH Tea Sets, Cake and Fruit B iskets, Butter Dishes and Stands, Spoon Holders, Castors, Tea Trays, Ice and Water Pitchers and Coolers, Cups, Goblets, Castors, Wine and Pickle Stands, (with Fine Cut Bottles.1 HOTEL SETS! Of the most substantial kind. Also a great variety of FANCY MTICLiS! AS WELL AS USEFUL, FOR Holiday Bridal 1 i. H K IB :K I All of which can bo found at as ahce, and at al retailjewelry Stores throughout the roui.t'y. Factokibs: WALLING FOKI). CONN WATES WHEELS. SI MTERWKEEL SIHO TOM HEW OWCVJWR. KOH WORKS. MATCHES; Safety Matches. TIIEKE AKE MANY ACCILENTY AND FIRES I which occur from the use of the ordinary sul phur and purlor matches. Either kind of these matches iiruite readily upon any urface. To pre vent tire or accidents, which lire liable to occur from their careless use Ei'HUAI.U SMITH. UK) St. John St., Philadelphia, invented a match known as "Pennsylvania Safety Match," which neede only one trial for the public to know its importance. Its peculiarity is that it cannot be ianited except on the special preparation furnished with each box. They do not emii, any disagreeable odor or make a.iy startling, crackling sound ou b"lng ignited. They contain ueither sulphur nor phosphorus, neither are they poisonous. Another Important point is that they are perfectly safe iu the hands of children : and the ratB and mice carry ing them off can do no damage. Mr. Smith also manufacturers a special rubber 10 be placed near maic ii sates, tuereby making these maicnes as con venient as ttiose which igrnile on any surface. With these improvements they are very desirable for pnvaie uweiiiii?s janu nusmess nouses in wnitn combustible matter is kept. In case one should be dropped on the floor there would be no danger of its ourning tne carpet or igniting I by auy acciden tal means. Orocers have them for sale. Also man ufactnrer of Parlor and Sulphur matches. EDUCATIONAL. ROCK ISLAND e T. A. FUEY, Principal. P TniS ? COLLEGE AIMS TO GIVE CS I thorough aud complete course in AB 09 .C SHORTHAND. BOOK-KEEPING AKITHMhTIU, COMMERCIAL LAW. M BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, d O . J .1. . r- . ?L anu iuc repnraiury jLiigiisu oruncnes. r-r Term m noil h h i Xluhf H.hnnl tnm f- 4 tfl obertoMav 11-18dt ir.J Jelegrch Special Advantages. Right eminent Professors as Instructors. The Best and most Elegant. Rooms in the West. Boarding Club. Good board $1.50 to $3 a week' Three First-class Penmen constantly employed Superior individual instruction in Book-keeping. Commercial Law. Invaluable to business men. Commercial Arithmetic, thorough and practical. Vnequaled advantages for learning Telegraphy. Scholarships good in Forty Colleges. 10. These advantages are possessed by no othe School. Address MONTAGUE & LTLLIBEIDGK Davenport, Iowa Jty Please statu where Ton uw this card. 4T S t 'H'iiifc., , J SI S S St r . r COMMISSION WORK & DROUIN, GRAIN ommission Merchants, PHILADELPHIA PA UfiaNBMUNDT & CO., GENERAL No. 117 S. Main Street, sr. LOUIS,..., MO. Solicit ShiDmcnts of Grain. Hides. Tallow. Wool, Feathers, Butter, Eggs, and other Country Produce. Lioerai casn advances made on Bills oi uiuing Orders for Cement and Merchandise of all kinds promptly attended to. F1. HOPP & OO., 817 Washington Street, IN EW YORK. -FOR THE SALE OF Butter. Cheese, Eggs. Poultry, Game, &c. W GOOD SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. Full Market PnceB guaranteed. Send for Price current ana Marking Plate. Hotels' AMERICAN HOTEL CbestL at Street, opposite Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA PA S. M. IIEULINGS,ProprieHr. Dally Arucs kept on file. BARNUikrs HOTEL. ST. LOUIS MO "TN order to meet the wants of the transient pat I rous of this Hotel, rates have been reduced to fi.N) and $2.00 per day, according to location of rooms. Its eminent standing will be fully main- lamea in every particular. L. A. PRATT, Proprietor NEWHALL HOUSE MILWAUKEE .Wife J. F. ANTISDEL Proprietor. Thft TRitit nrnritnr nf tMu "PU.riit TTrt have Ntmrcd iicifhcr monev nr nHini in fnrntahino and improving thu house; and with the improveo ' J " - v. for convenience and comfort to the traveling public FRENCH'S HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Opposite City Hall, Park, Court House, and New fost umce. NEW YORK. All Modern Improvements, including Elevator Rooms, $1 per day and upwards. 1 . J. fKJi CU & BROS,, Proprietors. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Corner of Chambers Street, and West Broadway, xsr-w iokk. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. First-clRR KrrnmnmilHtinni) fordim i.i,otB Trea ted conveniently to business and places of amuse- luenut. Lure irom an nepois pus? tne aoor. Koome from ft to $5 per day. Newlyaud handsomely fur- inBiicuanu decorated. N. A S. .1. nUOGINS. Proprietors. N. Huirtrins. former! v of Manila ten Hntr.l. S .T Hugiue. formerly of Loveiov's Hotel. ASHLAND HOUSE, Fourth Ave. Cor. 94th St., New York Citv American and European Plan. The central location of ihc "Ashland1 makes it a verv desirable plate for MruntrerK. beintr one block from Madison i'uk. also Hroa ! way. mid only ashoit distance from any of the principal places of amuse men t. By taking either 'J!'! St.. cross town, or Fourth Avenue Street i'ar-. access m ly he had direct from the door, to any ,rt ol the eiiy. MB. KDW AliO A. JOHNSON, will be f. u nd iu i hnre of the ofHiv. where he bas presided for eighi years, and will not fail to give satisfaction to quests. Room and Boaiid $2.00, ?2.0 and $3 per Day. Booms $1 per Hay and Upwards. H. H. B BOCK WAY, Proprietor. ANVILS. Centennial Exhibition Prize Medal Awarded. Eagle Anvil Works! Established 1843 Made at the oldest Anvil manufactory in this emiiiiry. ah rnjiisn Anvils, alter a time, become hollowing on the lace by continued hammering in use, on account of the fllirous nature of the wrought iron enuMiie 11.10 seme, unoer lue steel. But the body of the hairle Anvil beiim of r.rvs tal'ized iron, such settlini; cannot occur; aud the steel face therefore remains perfectly true. Also, it has the pn-at advantage, that bcinjr of a more solid material, and, consequently, with lets re bound, the piece forced receives the FULL effect of the hammer, instead of a part of it being wasted Dy inu reoounu. as wltli a wrouiit iron Anvil. More work can therefore be done on this Anvil with a hammer one-fifth lighter than required for a wrought iron Anvil which is more elastic. The working surface is in one piece of Jessoc's oept looi, UA8T STBti.. accurately ground, hard ened and given the proper temper for the heaviest woik. The horn is ol touch untemnered steel. The cast steel surface is warranted to be thor oughly welded and not to come off. I'KICE LIST, October 1st, 1S70. Anvils welfirhint; 100 lbs. to 800 lbs. 9 cts ner lb Smaller Anvils, ("M'nims.11) from $2.75 to $8 each. HED3E TSIMMEE SAMUEL McELHANEY'S COMBINED Praiiiiiia; Shears AND HEDGE TRIMMER, Manufactured by .A: S: TODD, STERLING ILLS. Sterlino, Juke 19, 1874. Mr. A. S. Todd : I have used the No 1 Pruning Shear I purchased of you for forty days in succes sion, trimming both trees and hedges and in some of the worst places I ever saw a trimmer put I take pleasure in saying it is the best thing of the kind I ever saw, and If I could not get another I would not part with it for twenty dollars. JOiN BUTTON, Pracllcal gardner and tree trimmer. San Fbancisco, Cal. These are the best Pruning Tools In the world. BAKiiK & HAMILTON. Commission Merchants General Purchasing Agent I 121 DEARBORN ST., Make purchases of all descriptions of Merchandise expeie io lue pu rr.uturer. REFERENCES: H. E. LOWE. Assistant Cashier Merchant's Savings Loan aud Trust Co Chicago G. P. UPTON, Associate Editor "Tribune" G. B. KANE & CO., Manufacturers of Printing Ink B. SCAERMERMORN, Ass't Agent U. n. tspress W ... wm bfiwh. President Bank of North America, 44 Wail st , New York COOKE & COLTON, Baukers and brokers, 40 Broad st Subscriptions rectived for ell fapcre, t-erioaicais Correspondence solicited on any point pertaining For the Laundry or Toilet is EQl'AL to White Castile Soap, for it is mRde of !PlRE VEO ET4BLE OILS, and l.y the same process, which retain all the natural healing Qualities of the oils. It costs MO WITH I. EMM than the imported article that it is rapidly coming into general household use. The use of Colobed Soaps i condemned by Physicians as liable to produce skin diseases. The Pl'KITY or the White Sop renders it nw perfectly barmleM. Matlu only by Peocteu & (4amblk, Cincinnati, bold by all wholesale uud retail grocers. Only Distillers Still enjoy the reputation of luaruiacturing tne Best Kum m me fiaies. iuuiy auioonzeu vy mm license. The superior quality i.n:i purity of Lawrence's Medford Bum for the past fifty one years. Luv made it everywhere known as the siandurd Kum. "No pains will be spared to maintain its purity uw: TIB LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD. Of the finest and choicest grades and of all ages. The public Is cautioned ifafn imitations aud counterfeits. Order direct from ue, and we warrant perfect satisfaction. Please acdre orders to MEDKOKD. MASS., or 131 Broad St., Boston, Mass., and they will receive prompt atteniio Send for circular. DANIEL LAWRENCE SONb. ASTIFI3AL LIMES (fi EGBERT BATY, I Manufacturer of Ji ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Office for the Northwest of Dr. B!yV Celebrated Patent Limbs, as the following will show: Kochebteii, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1874. Robkkt Batv, Ksq.. Milwaukee, Wis. Iieak Sin: Vou are the only party authorized to make my Patent Legs in the Northwest, there be ing no one iu Chicago authorized to manufacture any of my patents. Yours &c, DR. BLY. Bly's Limbs manufactnred on Government orders. Apparatus for Shortened Limbs and all Dcformi lies. For particulars address ROBERT BATY, 105 Wisconsin Street.Milwankee Wis. JOLIET STONE WM. A. STEEL, PROPRIETOR OP THE Joliet Stone Quarries. Dealer in the Best Quality of Dimension, Flagging, Rubble and every kind of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL STONE. These are the most extensive Quarries in this section of country, shipping more stone than all the others put together, of all thicknesses, from two inches to fifty-two inches thick; and jhe quau tity quarried is so great that almost any order can be filled on the spot. EYE WATE3. THOMPSON'S This well-known and thoroughly efficient Reme dy for Diseases of the Eyes has acquired a world wide reputation during the past eighty ond enrs anil it is a remark hie fnct l!'t this reputation has been sustained biiuply by the MERITS OF THE MEDICINS itself, and not by nny puffing or extensive advertis ing. 1 iie many thousands who have used it will bear testimony to the truth of this Htatement. Manufactured only bv JOHN L. THOMPSON. SONS A '0., Troy, New rk. The manufacture of the ' Bridgeport Eye Water 11 has be n discon tinued. Price. ar cents. Sold by all Drugplsts. Washing Crystal GET THE GENUINE. SHIKRELL'S KULLIYUN WASHING CRYSTAL SBIRRELL CO., Proprietors. 47 Pearl Street, BUFFALO. N. Y WIEE GOODS. J. MANEY & CO,, Manufacturers of Patent Wire Signs ! Wire Stands and Frames for Cloaks, Shawls, ( apes. Dresses. Coats, Vests, Jackets. Pants, Umbrel las, Parasols and Canes. Branches for Hats, Bonnets and Millinery Goods, Also, a large assortment of FANCY BIRD CAGES. 154 Second St. Factory. 168 Second St. MILWAUKEE WIS Agents Wanted GREEN'S PATENT SHIRT-BOSOM Stretcher aud Ironino- BoARn. Most perfect, dura ble and cheapest ironing-board in the world. Al ways realy for use: needs no adjusting; fits any shirt; never out of order. Agents Wanted. G REEN & CRAZIER, Manufacturers, 58 & B5 S. Jefferson street,. . CHICAGO. We are A cents for Lyman fc Frazier's Pat. Lamp Wick Trimmer. WANTED. We will give energetic men aud womeu Business that will Pay from f4 to f S per day, can be pursued In your own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particu lare free, or samples worth several dollars that w ill enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of 50 cents. Address J. LATEAU & CO., Box 2,154. 419 Washlngtop St.. Boston. Mass. AGENTS WANTED. Goodyear's Pocket Gymnasium. SNDOBSXO BY THE HCST XU IKBNT FBTSICIU'S. Sis Ksst Cc&plstt fyjtem or physical rxritcisa Eer Denied for Home Practice. 100,000 In sue by men, wemvn and children. V:ed standing, ittingor reclining. Hundreds of (tracefol movements. For hnme, offiee, schools, huspitsls. Price LUL-N'o 1 . for Chil- dreu4tut,vrs. 01-00. No. 2. fur Children fi in 8. 1 10. No. 3, for Children f to 10, f I 20. No. 4. for Children lOtnH, ijaj. ptn o, ior liiiates anu t;iiuarcn years ana npvrartis, 1.40. No. 6, fur (lentlemen of moderate strencth. f M. 0. 7. tmed hv Ladies. Children i-r Onti. 12.00. No. S. for (aeHtlemon of extra strenpth. $- 50. Foil set, familv uee. 1 ea-h, i to 5) Two T and TSV, Ki."and8 are fitted with a scrcwve ar.d luxik to nttbcli to the wall or Boor. A nalr of No. 7. 'fM or 8 (" (. niake a complete UrmiMium and Hsalth Lift. Keni poet-rnid on receipt of price. .Exclusive Ageucieii granted in nnccndd territorr. Exclusive riirhta to sell the PocKet irn!naiiim afford the larfrnfct pmslhle returns forsmall investments. Its sales arc nearly nniversnl w he ever it is placed belore the pub lic and Its merits fullr understood. For Illustrated deserlptWe circulars, terms, ate., address, Goodyear Robber Curler Co., r. o. Bex t.iM. 697 Broadway, New York. BCBBKK 600 DH Of KTxHI DtScmniOI. Mr Drake of the Abgus. while In New York. raep. tally inspected the above described Pocket Gymna sium, and found it to be as stated by Goodyear Rubber Curler Co., who are honorable and reliable Please state in what paper you saw this 4,vertiM CHICAGO, ILL. for Merchants and others at lowest prices, withou t ana books at rutinsners' rates. to the business. State where yon saw this adv. "J 9 of Medford Rum OF OLD MEDFORD MM Manufacturers EQIWS'W SEED Mir'SEW" Hand Cultivator sow and cultivate all kinds "egetaoiea. uo wora oi iu men. nest ana cneapest. Frice fix JO comDinea. Sted Teeth. BROOKS, BANCROFT & CO., Manufacture rs;andfCeaIers;in Jewelers' & Druggists' Boxes, TINE AXD WHITE COTTON TWISE, RIBBON, WAX ETC. 31 Hawlev Street, WOSTON. CHAS. KAESTNER & C0.f Manufacturers of PORTABLE MILLS And Ceneral Mill Machinery, Also.Portar.le Mills for Re- Gnnriing Middl ngs. Brew ery, Malt Iionse and Tittil- lery Machinery; Cat Iron - Mills lor Coffee, Spice and Farm use; Corn Sheller, it am Engines, Horse Powers, etc, 03 Sonth Canal Street. CHICAGO, txls. Send for circular. "ffly Grand Medal at Ontrnnlal. Vl't-al'i Et4Tl3lT4 Tir.rMlr Will Scourer, grinder and rfnlur. S tset long bv 4 feet hich. Ron. with belt 4 Inches wide. Flonr. 8 to bushel, per hoar. Ha double Tentil.tlnf; bulter. For flour, middling and bran. Olres every one hit own gTttt. ftlske. the bemt floor and yield. Is a reliable flourina mill. "i StaililN! flrie'ttent V; For sjl .uhstaDce. wet or dry. Bel It of burr .tone and iron.. For henry or light power. Caiaoiiy of So inch ntonev Emial to any larger tie. Thickest French burr .tones. Double discharge sponta. Adjustable bahbitt boxes. Centennial Jndres i award medal on tmo.fsr port able, vertical mil for tolMittj and good trorkman ship, economy and adaptability M . ETWARn HARRISON, NKW HAVEV, CONN. ooiia telldjtwtme tmrrt. Tf you feel doll, drowsy, debilitated, have fre quent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tonpne coated, cu are suffering from torpid liver, or "biliousness,'1 and noihlng will cure vou so speedily aud pe-marientiy as to For all Diseases of tbe Liver, Stomac6 aod Spleen. The Cheapest, Forest and Beet Family Medicine in the World ! Ask the recovered dyspeptics. Bilious suffercs,. victims of Ft ver and Acue, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and t-ood appetite they will tell you by taking Simmon's Liver Regulator. GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other prepar ation, viz: A gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an nnexceptionahle Alterative and certain Correc tive of a 1 impurities of the body. Such sipnal suc cess has at. ended its use, that it is now regsrded as U e EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC Far all dise ses of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. AS A REMEDY IN Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Dyspepsia, McntiU Depression, Bestlessness, Jaundice, Nau sea, Sick Headache, Colic, Constipation, and Bili ousness SSTIT HAS SO EQUAL. 3 Sold by all Druggists. Liver Disease and Indieestioiu prevail to a greater extent than probably any other malady, and relief is always anxiously sought after. It the Liver i lit mutated in its action, bealthi ncuilh Is almost invariably se SIMMONS cured, lndiii-ftljn or want of action in the Liver causes Headache, Constipation, Jaundice, Pain in the Slioul ;ers, Cough, Dix.iuee, Sour Stomacr;, bad taste iu the mou h, bilious attacks, palpitation of the heart, depression of spirits or ihe bines, and a hundred other symptoms, SIMMONS' LIVER RfcGCLATOR is ihe best remedy that has ever been discovered Xt,r these ailments. It acts mildly, effectually, and, being a simple vegetable com pound, can do no Injury lu any quantities that it may be taken. It is harmless in every way; it has been for forty years, and hundreds of goom aud great from ail parts of the country will vouch for its virtues, viz: Hon Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia; Bishop Pierce, of Georgia; John Gill Shorter, of Alabama; Gen. John B. Gordon, R. L. Mott, of Columbus, Go., are are among tbe hundreds t whom we can refer. Extrttt of a letter fiom Hon. Alexin der II. btephens, dated March 8, 1KT2: "I occasionally use, when my conciiioo requires it. Dr. Simmons1 Liver Regulator, with good effect. It is mild, and suits inu beiler than more active medicine. Important Caution. Bcy ko Powders o PfltPAKED SIMMONS' LIV ER REGULATOR VN- LESS IK OUK ENORAVID WKAPFSn, WITH THAU . MaBK, ttTAMF ANU SlUNA TlliB UUBBOKSN. REGULATOR- J. H. ZEILIN & CO., MACON, GAn and PRiT.Artrrr.PHfA. Price, fi. gold by all Droggiata. 9.50 K:. j LIVER