Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island,, Illinois, Saturday, A.pril 31. 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. B0C2 ISLAND CO . S. B. leave Rock Island at 9:00 a.m., tod 4:00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 .10 a. m., and S :00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:90 a. m., and 1!:45 p. m. Arriving at Rock Island at ;au a. m., and 8:00 p. m. K. R. CABLl), General Manager. PEOBIA & BOCSIISLAND BAILWAY. SHORTEST ROCTE TO 1 HE EAST AND SOUTH. LEAVE ABR1VB. Raxtern Ei. 5 50 a. m. Mail Ex. 1:02 p, m Mail A Ei. 140 p.m. Western Ex. 5:M p.m. Way Freight 0;)a. m. way Freight 3: p.m. The 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at alva with C B Sj O, for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with PP4 J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld, St Louis and all points south and southwest, arriving tn t Lonls at 70 p m. The 1 :!S0 train makes close connection at Oalva with CKt(i RR, for the west; arriving at Quincy at 9:45 pra., also at Peoria with IB A W, and T PAW., for points east and southeast, J. H. Hilliard, Receiver. Js. V. Mahoney, Oen'l. Tk'l. Ag't. 02ICA3Q, fiOCS ISLAND & PACIHC B. S. eOIHS EAST TRAINS LEAVE At 9.35 a. m.:4:80 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west aa above. OOIHO WEST TRAINS LSAVB At 6.25 a m.; fl:5S a. m., and 6:00 p. m. arrive from the east aa above. HOESS NAILS POUSHED . ,i- , OR BLUED. E; HAMMER ED AND FINISHED!- t f 9 If f t " I I J I TWEED. Backless Statements of Irresoonsibla Eeporters. With Several Biff "Ifs" therein, Train ST. LCwis, bosk islam) & chicaso b. b. TWa SOUTH TRAINS LEAVE At 8 :05 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. dally, ARRIVE T80M ST. LOUIS At9:i0 a. m. daily, and 8:30 p.m. STISLINO T2ADT3 LZATX At 5:10 p. m. ARRIVE FROM STERLIMS At 8:00 a. m. COAL VALLEY CO.'S TBAtNS. LEAVE. 7 :0f A. a. li:00. The Ausablo Nails are Hammered Hot, an the Finishing and Pointing are done' Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Nails by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware bouses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, S5 Chambers St., New York, SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the World tht Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast II. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. ARRIVE. 10:80 A. H 8:80 p. x. WESTERS UNION BAILEOAD. LEAVE ARRIVB Day Express and Mall 8:85 am 6:00 m Nteht Express 111:15 r M 5:50 am The night express leaving Rock Inland every Sunday night at 19:15 connects wilh the train arri ving in Clncaeo early Monday morning. No lay over checks given on through tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this nam. Tobacco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXP0S1TIUN AWARDED LOVELL L BUFFINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBA.CCO. covmoToir, it. Our brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth of Gold. Old Congress and Forum. MAGIC OIL, The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert oi Arabia, abounds witn rare plants ana odor ons woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, nnctious and penetratine properties it is. when applied, diffused through the whole nervous system, allaying the most intense pain in a few minutes. Try It, when yon will becouvinced that no preparation possesses in so men a decree, its peneet anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt andeffectlve. It penetrates the tlesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.rcstoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the tlesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a bealtby action , causing new tlesh to crowi out and till up the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and thi is the reason why it has been so successful in dis eases of the joints. In affections of the Spine Liver, Langs and Kidneys, thi great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal inflammation, you will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints. Spine and Chest, paniB, wounds, chilblains, hums, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all disease which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exten al y witn great success in goitre, or swelled neck. Scrofula or King's Evil, Liver Complaint. nervous diseases, c. For Horses or i attie, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case oi Sweeney in existence ; also. Spavin, Splint, Ring bone, Big-head, Fistula,Fnrcy. Pol! Evil, Wlndgalls Strains, Bruises, Ac. TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to the Rock Island Argus. New York, April 21. The Herald's Albany corrrspondent telegrapes that the attorney-general has not and never had in his possession, at Albany, an original confession of Tweed's or any ot the vouchers required to substantiate it. The only docu ments he has are abstracts of intended con fesions to be made in case an arrange ment for Tweed's release was concluded. which included references, partly from memory and partly from documents im mediately under control of Tweed, in Lndlow street, to a sufficient extent to sub stantiate the allegations generally, but not to tarnish specific proot ot each particular transaction. The supplemental confession relative to the court of appeals judges is of the same nature and the original data for both to be delivered only when terms and date of Tweed's release is finally agreed upon. Ihe abstracts are not very bulky and were made out at the suggestion of Charles O'Conor as a basis upon which the attorney general could form his opinion upon the advisability of recommending pardon of Tweed. The Tribune says: 'The fact that iweed is indisposed to testify at this time, is all the more to be regretted because or the evident disposition on the part of some persons in authority, or having great influence oyer those in othce, to suppress Crop Prospects. Cincinnati, April 21. The commer cial has advices as to crop prospects from 68 points in Ohio as follows: Wheat. 8 report fair crop. 4v good. 29 unusually good, As to peaches 15 report fair crop. 3- good, 5 unusually good, 31 failure. rromTl points in Indiana, as to wheat. 6 report prospect fair crop. 37 good. 28 unusually good. As to peaches 11 fair crop, 19 good crop, 5 unusually good, 36 failure or par tial failure assurance that no resort to violence is con templated, but that on the contrary the disputes in question are to be settled by peaceful methods, under and in accordance with the principles announced when I entered upon the duties of the presidency, you are therefore directed to see that proper orders are issued for the removal of said troops, at an early date, from their present position to such regular barracks in the vicinity as may be selected for their occupation. R. B. Hayes. The secretary of war, after the ad- From 64poiots in Kentucky as to wheat journment f the cabinet, addressed the 20 report prospects fair crop, 34 good, 7 unusually good. 2 failure or partial fail ure, 1 none sown. Peaches 4 fair crop, 5 good, 53 failure. 2 not raised. From Si points in Illinois, mostly mid dle and southern portions of the state, 7 report wheat fair prospect, 55 good, 21 unusually good, 1 failure, 7 no wheat sown. Peaches 10 fair, 27 good. 37 failure, 15 none raised. Chicago, April 21. The Times has nearly seven columns of crop reports from the great wheit growing section of Miss issippi and Ohio valleys, concerning the condition of winter wheat, of which the following brief analysis may be made: A larger average than usual has been sown in all quarters, with fine prospects of abundant harvests. The southwest is especially hopeful, and the northwest has no fears except from grasshoppers, which, it is thought, will be less destructive than heretofore. The Kansas farmers think they have hatched so early they will not be able to await the coming crops. The report which the Times publishes from California is to the effect that the average wheat crop is about 1,000,000 tons, which was the crop of 1874, but the prediction is, this year, not more than one half a million tons will ba raised and that the effect, together with the bad condition following letter to Gen. Sherman: General: I have the honor to enclose herewith the copy of a communication from the President of the United States, in which he directed that the department of United States troop now stationed in the vicinity of Mechanics' Institute, in the ci:y ot New Orleans, be withdrawn to such con venient barracks as may be selected for their occupation. You are hereby charged with the execution of this order, and will cause the withdrawal to take place on Tuesday next, 24th of April, at 12 o'clock meridian. Geo. V. McCrary. Sec. of War. Gen. Sherman, having left his office ear Iy this afternoon, did not become acquaint ed with the action of the cabinet until evening. The letter of the secretary of war, above mentioned, will be transmitted to him early in the morning and he will then telegraph it to Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, commanding the military division of Mi: souri, who will give the necessary order for th ? removal of troops, as above, to Gen. Aiuur, in command at New Orleans. TO-DAYS' ADVERTISEMENTS. atent OBTAINED ON EASY TERMS BY Parker H. Sweet Jr., & Co., SOLICITORS OF American & Foreign PATENTS, S, E. Cor. 7th and F Streets, WASHINGTON D.C. P. O. Box 2T)l. Correspondence invited from persons interested Advice MA1TUTACTTJEEESL in Patent ma'.ters. out charge. aud consultation with AMUSEMENTS. MIL C1PI MANUFACTURERS OP Goes The Best Man in the Packard Honse Over to Nicholls. New Orleans, La.. April 20. -Gen. n. Li, lUCAiuian, oi uarroii. was sworn in the statement as a whole and use such of tbe stoct market, will be disastrous to as a member of the legislature at Odd USE REHHE'S FAIN KILLING MAGIC L "It "Works like a Charm." If jou have got Riienmattsm. UsE KBNNE'S MAGIC OIL. If yon have got Neuralgia. IE REN XL'S MAGIC OIL. If you have got Colic or Cramp. USE UKNNE'S MAGIC OIL. If you have irot any kind nf Ache or fain, USK RUNNE'S FAIN-KILLINU MAGIC OIL. Try it, and you will be surprised at the beneficial effect derived from a thorough nnd faithful use of this popular remedy. It is purely vegetable ; safe and cluau to use internally ar externally. Syracuse, N, V., July 2T)th, 1875. W. Rennb Sons, inttsfleld, iVass. Wins As a duty, as well as a privilege, I wish to commend t those unacquainted with its healing qualities you r -rain-Killing Magic Oil." to be kept in readiness foii EMEiiuEFi iEs, as severe at tacks of bowel difficulties, to be applied exteh-Nali-T, as a counter irritant, and internally as an anodyne and healer. Also ior fresh wounds, having tested it, especially on the cms, bruises and strains I received in the terrible calamity at the Central .baptist Church, June 23, 1-.74. In behalf of all tnings which are good, and truly useful. I subscribe m.VBclf, Ifratnrually yours. Rev. U. A. Sizeh. SB. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REMEDIES. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck's See Weed Tonic, and Scuenck s Majjdkake Pilis and if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is effcted. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled sncess in the treatment of pulmonary disease. The Tulinonic Svrup ripens the morbid .matters in the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off, the patient has rtet and the lungs begin to heal. To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this Schenks Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the siomach nnd liver. Schenck's Man drake Pills art on the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax the ga' i bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is soon recieved. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative; Ihe alkali or which it is composed mixes with the food and prevents souring. It as sists the digestion by toning np the stomach to a healthy condition, so that the food and the Pul monic Syrup will make good blood; then the lungs Deal, and tne patient win snreiy get wen u cure is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenk, cither per sonally or by letter, can dn so at his principal office corner of Sixth and arch Sts., Philadelphia, every Monday. Schenk's medicines are sold by a'l druggists throughout the country. SELLERS LIVER PILLS Sftliera LWer Plll bmve mood fur Thirty year a M Standard RemlT Tor the cure of Liver Complaint. M tA ConttreoeM, Hick Hadacb, and all Derange- M 9 mentR of the Liver. m - Kellers' Vermlfnae. the great Worm Pe- M atfoyer." expelled 40O large, live wornin Iron) my W m child. 8 yean old. VTm. Server, St. LouiH. Mo. Prloe M each 2ftc. If vour driiKgiHt don't keep them, aead for A J them. B- E. HELLfcKS ft (ill.. Prop Pltmt.unrh, Pa fractions as are necessary to expose those whom it is desired to crush, and to sup press other portions affecting persons who may be profitably used for political or other purposes. A large part of the ma terial collected by H. T. Tainter in exam ining the bank accounts ot the ring men, years ago, has never seen the light, but, carefully arranged, lies safely deposited in the drawers ot feamuel J. lilden 8 library in Gram mercy Square where it is prob able iweed s statement and evidence will go if not speedily published. Tilden kept this material that he might draw on it from time to time for political purposes, and to a similar use Tweed's hundreds of checks may yet go if, as reported, Tilden has already begun the canvass for nom ination tor president in 1880. Among those shown by Tainter's in vestigations to have profited by ring transact ons was Joseph B. Young, clerk board of supervisors for years,but Young's name never came out. Controller Greene one day refused to sign a warrant for Young's pay. Young in retaliation declin ed to ceriify,as required by law, a warrant tor Ureene s pay as deputy controller, This threw Green into treat rage and he applied to Tilden for advice. Tilden went quietly to his library and from large numbers ol yeliow packages took one marked Joseph IS. loung. In it was found a record of loung s transactions with the ring. Next morning this ap Deared in tne newspapers and that was the last ever heard of Mr. Young. He found he was to be indicted, New York. April 20. Tweed ap peared before the Woodin committee wilh a state-men t disavowing responsibility for the publication of the W orld s alleged fvnonsis or bu confession and declining to answer any questions based thereon, He answered several questions, but when the question of bribery was touched he relused to say whether he ever paid Hastings money, stating that he might criminate himself, and that it was against public policy. He declined to answer any questions about paying money or bribery He said, however, that there was a pot made up in New York to put the charter through the state. No Certainty of War Yet. London, April 21. A Daily Telegraph special from Pera says it is reported that iussiahas decided to send a second circu ar note to the Powers and wait for a reply before she'deelares war. It is considered hat the bad condition of the roads in Asia Minor is the causo of this apparent hesitation. PARis.Apnl 21. A correspondent says. contrary to the idea that there is a break in the clouds, 1 hear on huh authority that in St. Petersburg, Constantinople and London the most authoritative diplomatists have a firm conviction that war must come. INo govern Jint action is being taken in either city with a view to averting the catastrophe. '1 he circular note ot Gortschakoli may arrive any day. benne's magic oil Camplaoriiie ! THE OKDSE I3SU2D FOB BEMOVINO THE TEOOPS rEOM HEW ORLEANS. Ke' log-g-Thinks Packard Will Lie Down. Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy. Keep It in the bourie to use in case of emergency. Trv it internally. It cures Cholera Morbus, .Diar rhoea, Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Conghs, bore Throat, Colds, &c. Use it externally. It cures. Cattarh, Rprains.Cnts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and in fact almost all the aches and painB flesh is heir to. Sold by all dealers in Medicine. WM. KENN'K & SONS, Prop're, Pittafleld, Mass USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLING MAGIC OIL 11 79 Hen, Women ani Chlldrea, Van Schaack, Steveuson:& Reid, Wholesale Ag'te Chicago, lils. Fsr sale inJKock Island by O. Grot an, and E. Breunert. FINANCIAL THE MINE SAVINGS BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois.) MO LINE ... ILLINOIS Open daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M..and on Tuesday ana aaturaay jsveningsiroiu iu o " t".. j Interest allowed on Sejoslts at the rate of i to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l and Upwards. SECURITY ANDAD VANTAGES. The private property of theTrnsteesisresponslble to the depositors. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of Its moneys. Minors and married women protected byspeciallaw. OrnciBs:-8.W. Whkelock, President: John Good. Vice President; C. F. Uemenway. Cashier. Trustees: 8 W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, c. W. Lobdcll, Nelson Chester, H W. Candee, C. T. Grantz, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway. John Good, J. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. f3TThe only chartered Savings Hank In Rock Island County. '-"T ts the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to UBe, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief. will not grease or stain the most delicate lanric. has a Dleasant and refreshing oior. It will lmme liat.'lv relieve and cure Rheumatism. Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, Headache and Swelled Face. Sore Throat. Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest. Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. For sale by all Drnggists. MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS! Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them whitkh and cleabeb than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put up in 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers and Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St., N. Y, FOREIGN NEWS. Another Life Insurance Company Goes Under. New York, April 21. The Farmers' Joint Stock Insurance Company.of Merid ian, has been placed in the hands of a reeeiver, and the Albany Argus says it learns that this popular life insurauce company will be wound up. Fellows' Hall, Being accorded the floor, Gen. McMillan made a short speech, con eluding as follows: "The solemn declaration of this legisla ture to abide by the constitutional amend ments, to protect life and property, and further school interests, is all that the most ardent Republican could desire. The whole people await the fulfillment of these promises, and if they are carried out order will be restored- 1 come here with no ani mosity, but from a strict sense of duty, and will work shoulder to shoulder to carry out every measure inaugurated tor the prosperity of our people. You 3a n ask no more and I can promise no less." Ap plause. Christians Going1 to Come. rsEW 10HK, Anrii zu, a grand recep tion was tendered the Irish Canadian Pil grims to-night at the St. Nicholls Hotel by the Catholic societies ot the city, Vicar General Quinn made an address on behalf of ; Cardinal McClosky and the clergy. Father Dowd, of Montreal, responded. The Pilgrims will attend mass at the Cath edral to-morrow morning and sail for Eu rope on the City ot Brussels. JOS. Dart's Hall, Kock Is'and. One Nigh Only! Saturday Ev'g, April 21st. Timm's Hall, Moline, Friday, 20th MUP.PIJY THE Eminent Comedian and Vocalist, In his Greatest New York Success, entitled KEEEY GOW Supported by THF TALENTED YOUNG ARTIST. Miss Blanche De Bar, AND HIS OWN Superb Dramatic Company Admission, SO and 75 cents ; reserved seats f 1 . Box heet now open at Wylie & McCune's book store ltidTil POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER MEDICAL. railed. New Ycrk, April 21. Adolph E. Godfrey, dealer in railroad irou, has made n assignment in bankruptcy. Liabilities $200,000. Obituary. New York, April 21. Judge hm mons, of Florida and tor a long time attor ney general of Michigan, died at Jack sonville yesterday. Miss E. . Proudfoot, actress, died here of the heart disease. Real Estate Sales. J. C. Sperry to C. Dillon and M. C. Ward, lot 2, block 3, sec. 29, in Canoe Creek dated April 19. 1877, for 1,400. M. C. Ward to J. O, Sperry, same de scription as above, dated Nov. 3, 1875, for $1,600. A. F. Russell to Nelson Wells, part of sections 4 and 5. township 18, range 2 e Zuma-dated March 10, 1877, for $3,000. Fred. Judd to Wm. McConnell, Jr., part of sec. 1. township 16, range 2 w Bowling dated April 14, 1877, for $1. MOLIISTK. SPECULATION In Wall Street. 500,000 has been made in a single investment S1UU. ThlS OI COlinWS I axuauivnuai ' hnt orrlinarllT R can realize say 25,000. Even sums as low as 1 can be safely invested.when lavnrabla result can show a prom oi fo.wv. Circulars giving full Information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, B No. 11 Wall St , N. Y. PUTS IkMllUM CALLS! STRADDLES!! S25, S50, S400, S200, S450. ALES AND E2 FSOTEIHQSaU & CO., Bankets nnd Brokers, No 12 Wall street. New York, make tor customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amount lo suit, from 10 bales npwsrds, in i riavx 1-, d.v. nnu month, two months, three months. Mid six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold oo a mar gin of He Explanatory Circular andDally Report me cotton market sent iree. New Yorli Market. New York, April 81: FINANCIAL. Gold 1 flfii,. MoDey-24. Governments Dull and strong. 0. 8. Bonds tif cent 5-20's lMSi 1.13 " " 1HU5 oia J.IO " lHt n. w 1.10 " " 18T 1.19S " " 1868 1.14 U.S. 10.40's 1X New B's . 1.1 Currency 6's l.S4 COMMERCIAL. Wheat l2c higher; quiet: Milwaukee 1 66 1 7. Corn Dull; unsettled; snaae easier; w-iiw for new mixed western ; wsmVt for old. Oats Firm; mixed western ana state 44i(&&8, Pork Firm; 10 00. Lard Firmer; 10 30. Whisky -1 10. Chicago. April 21. The following wa sent from headquarters Military division, Missouri, to Gen. Angur to-day: Chicago. April 21. Gen. C. C. Angur. New Orleans, La.: By direction ot the Lieut, Gen'l, the fol lowing telegraphic order, from the general of the army, is forwarded for your action anl guidance. Please report by telegraph the execution of the order: Washington, April 21. Gen'l P. H. Sheridan, Commanding Division of Mrssoun, Chicago, III.; You will please order the troops now posted at or in the immediate vicinity of the state bouse in New Orleans to the U. S. barracks on Tuesday, April 24tb, at 12 ni. precisely, aDd report the tact to these headquarters. Copies or the order ot th? President and Secretary of War will come to you by mail, and another copy will be sent to Gen. Angur, direct (Signed) W. T. Sherman, Gen 1, II. C. Drum. Asst. Adj. Gen. Washington, April 21. Ex-Governor Kelloeg, in reply to this qujstion: "Ad mitting that Packard is the legal governor as you maintain, can he any longer bold?" said: No, 1 think not, the force against him is too great, and, besides, he is much exhausted after ins long continued efforts. Question: What then will be his course ?" Answer: Under the circumstances it is possible for him to do many things, but unless I am greatly disappointed in the man I think he will quietly withdraw, at the proper time, without any provocation of battle or bloodshed, but this is only my opiniou; i know nothing positive. Hung. Cleveland, April 21. Chas. M, Sher lins, the Youugstown murderer, was hung at 12:40 to-day, at Youngstown, protesting his itinoeence. The seeue at the scaffola was horrible. The fall failed to break the victim's nec-k and his pitious movements sickened the spectators. His attorney wept and was carried into the jail almost in hysterics. Weather Probabilities. WASHiNUTON.Apr. 21. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: Easter ly to southerly winds and slightly warmer. partly cloudy weather with slowly falling barometer. all the churches to- 20,000 HORSE SHOERS The Committee on Woodin. New York. April 21. The committee appointed by the state senate to investi gate charges against Senator Woodin held a secret session at the 5th Avenue Hotel, this morning, at the conclusion of which they proceeded to Ludlow btreet Jail to see Tweed. Chicago Marnet. Chicago. April 21. Wheat Excited : moderately active : about 6c higher; 1 49; 1 51 Mav: 1 M asked June. Corn Strong and higher ; 47& asked May i 48V4 dune. Oats Firm; He higher; 87 May; 38 June. Hye 80, Barley 76. Pork-Strong and hieher; quiet ; 15 70 cash : 15 85 June. Lard Strong ana bigher; 1U 10 cash; 10 80 June. Wb.isky.-lU7. LIVE STOCK. ttom Receints 16 000: market active ; light 5 80 5 40; heavy to packers 5 j&5 50; to shippers 5 50 G5 70. Cattle Jrirm; lairuemanuj ro iw. St. XiOnis Market. St. Lot is. April 81. Wheat-Higher ; No 2 red fall 1 90 cash ; No 3, 1 881 85. C rn Higher; i5 cash. Oats Better; 854. Rye SO bid. Wliisky-l 06. Pork-Lower; 15 75 bid cash ; 16 50 May. Lard-10 05. THE END OF PACKARD'S TUBE. X.EOISX.A. Milwaukee Market. H'twituii. April 81 Wheat 2 5c higher; closing firm; No 1 175; No 3. 161K cash; 161 May; 160)6 Jane; No 8, 160. Com -48. Oas-36Hi Kye 87. Barley-1. Everything Going on Well, New Orleans, April 21. The Nicholls legislature was reinforced by Senators Cage and Dunas and the latter explained thellcauses which led to his desertion, Messrs. Demerais and Uault, ot St. Liau dry; Cole, of St. John; fcimmes and Dick- inson.of St. James, and bnover, of lbena, were sworn in, making li returning Doara members in the house. Several returning board members who were not elected by the election com mis sioners returns have resigned their claims, Murray, serg t at-arms of the Packard bouse, was at Odd Fellows Hall this a. m where at noon about 500 people gathered in the lobbies and the street. Some of the Republicans who went over say they hold the balance of power in the matter of electing U. ft- senators. Bobbin? tne People. Trenton. April 21. The U. S. grand jury have indicted Thos. P. Somerville, the Washington sate burglar, ana vrottieio Ens-el, on the charge of conspiracy to de fraud the goyernment out of $250,000 by utilizing canaelled bonds. ervices in morrow. J6Services at the M. E, church to morrow morning, 'Subject: "The only name." Evening: "Woman's mission in the nineteenth century." apAll the children in the high school building were assmbled in the east yard yesterday afternoon, to witness the exer cise, of the planting of the graduating class tree. S Go to Rock Island, and get prices at that establishment which is blowing itself out of business; then call and sal- isiy yourseir that severance s prices are from 10 to 25 per cent, lower. 17dtf J8"A serenading company was roam ing the streets last night making night hideous with their bellowing. They might be looked upon with some degree of allowance if they would learn a new piece, but "You've got the belle of the ball, Charley," is worn threadbare, and has long since ceased to calm the savage breast. HfCharley Harson was before Magis trate bwander again this morning. He hid complained to the police last night that John II. Kelly was disturbing the peace of him and his wife, andj he and Kelly were locked up; but this morning Charley said he was only in fun and that there was nothing ot it, so be was fined $5, and in default of payment sent to the calaboose. BffLLast evening a number of small boys were engaged in throwing stones at the Baptist church, the roof of which they have literally covered with gravel. It seems that the punishment inflicted by Magistrate Swander on the boys a few weeks ago, for stoning Mr Hun toon's house, has been no warning to others. A night's sojourn in the calaboose would probably make a more lasting impression on them. 46?" I. Epstein don't fear competition . . . . . . from any dealer in the three cities. Com aaa iitafe tug mrais w uuuwge aucu . - , . i,j:i, i,: customers into paving old time rates from force of habit, but once you visit Epstein tho difference in cost ot everything from a gold watch to a silver thimble becomes apparent. The throngs that daily crowd his mammoth jewelry emporium fully attest the sincerity ot bis statements. .CATARRH. A Case of Six Tears' Standing, accom panied by Distressing Tymptoms, Cured by the Use of Two Bottles of SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Mere Weeks & Potter: Gentlemen. Please allow me to testify to the great merits of Sakfokd's Radical Cms for Ca tarrh. For six years I have suffered ureatly, par ticularly wh'le troubled with a cold. The accumu lation of mucus in my head and throat kept me constantly hawking and spitting, rend ring my presence in company extremely embarrassing lo mysalf and friend;'. Six months ago 1 was induced to try Sanford'h Radical Ci're. After usmt; two bottles I find myself nearly, if not quite, perma nently cured. I have since recommended over one Hundred bottles with the greatest success. Respectfully yours, WM W. ARMSTRONG. December 25, 1S74. 15U Harrison Ave., Bostod. CATARRH. Helped Her the most of any Medicine She ever Used. Sirs Enclos d please find three dollars, for which send me three bottle of Sasford's Radical Ccre for Catarrh. The last helped me the most of any medicine I ever used. Yours in respect. Mrs. LoR. S CHASE. July 5, 1875. Hardwick, Mass. All Nails are made ol the beM NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. Orders filled promptly and at the lowe rates by GLOBE iiAlL C0MT BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights ! Three Young Ladies Drowned Derby Line, Vt, A pril21 . T hree young 1 1 . 1 -m " A . t .1 acnes were arownea on tneivin in tne St. Francis river, at Sherbrooke, Province of Quebec. THE LAST OF THE CARPET- BAbBERS, " Packard's Crowd Dropped. THE ORDEB GIVEN TO TAKE AWAY THE BAYONETS. CATARRH. Prom George W. Shattuck, Esq., late Foreign Entry Clerk, Boston Custom House. Gentlemen.- -I have been troubled with Catarrh for ecveral years, but by the use of your remedy it has been greatly relieved. This summer 1 have been entirelvtfree from it. I make UBe of it in mv family for colds in the bead, and find it an effectual remedy. I cau confidently recommend It to all who are similarly amicica. ery truly yours. October 2i, 1874. UKO. W. SHATTUCK PERSEVERE In the Use of this Eemedy until Cured. It contains the Great Healing Ele ments of Plants in their es sential form as Obtained by Distillation. Catarrh, in its extent and destructive force, stands ' next to Consumption, and is closely allied to it: for in certain constitutions the transitions from one to the other is only a question of time. It is there fore a singular thing that those afflicted with itl should not make it the object o; their lives to rid icemseives of it. A slnirle bottle of any remedy cannot, in the chronic ftage, effect a cure, nor even bring the system rnder its influence fully. In many such cases the bones and cartilage of the nose are eaten away, tne organs of bearing, or see ing, and of tas'iug, soalfec'ed as to be rendered useless, Ihe nvulva so nlongated and inflamed aa to Droducea constant and distressing cough. The re turn to health must necessarily be slow, under the most lavoraoie circumstances, when so seriously ar fi.cted : but as the eviden :e of ltd treat value oailv comes to baud, we become more aud more satisfi' d that there does not exist a case of Catarrh that can not be cured by a Judicious and persistent nsc of Sanfobd's Radical Cure for Cataruu The re lief in every case obtained from the first dose is an indication of what it will do when the system is Drought constitutionally under its influence. Sakford's Radical Curb is sold by all whole sale and retail druglsta throughout the United States. Price f 1. Own Affairs. Washington. April 20. The president this afternoon addressed the following let ter to Secretary McCrary: Sir: Prior to my entering upon the duties of president there had been station- Gold nd silver watches, plain gold and ed, by order of my predecessor, in the set riogs, plain and fancy sets of jewelry immediate vicinity of the building used as and everything in this line at net cost to a state house in New Orleans, La., aud close out. Epstein is also in receipt of known as the "Mechanics' Institute," a his spring stock of silver plated ware detachment of united States infantry, bought at lowest wholesale prices Finding them in that place, 1 have thought for cash, which he offers to customers at proper to delay the decision of the ques- same rates at retail. This stock is the tion of their removal until I could deter- finest ever offered in Rock Island and was mine whether the condition of afoirs is made especially for Epstein before he de now such as to either require or justify the termined to go into the musical instrument continued military intervention ot tne na- ana merchandise exclusively, it you tional government id the affair? of that want first class goods at net cost of manu state. In my opinion there does not exist I f ictnrers' call and examine Epstein's in Louisiana such domestic violence as is stock, btar lilock, Kock Island, lsdtt contemplated by the constitution as! grounds upon which tho military power of the national government may be involved for the defense of the state. The dis putes which exists as to the right of cer tain claimants to the chief executive office of that state are to be settled and deter mined not by the executive of the United States but by such orderly and peaceable methods as may be provided by the con stitution and laws of the state. Having Rthe a&feat ssd the tost, is instantaaeoo la its aetioa, aaA piwluemthe most natural ahadeaof black or Drown, do. BotMain the skin, and is easily applied. 1 1 i standard mnntiw, ssd a f avorits bpob sverr well-appoiated tot prwtor Pe G e in 12, Hew vori sSiferi fiiiaLfi DQROS Hi W HAIBIIYE Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Mill Machinery. Drfats and Specifications for Flonrin Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators nade out on short noiice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building aud marhinty, and (five p -son- si aiwuuun iu a... oe aeiaiis oi construction. Ke pairs of all kinds .oinptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mail or in person. At the old stand of H Brooks, (new No.,) 625No 16 s. Washington street PEORIA. ILL Adriresalrvk Fmr.Wit "WILCOX Stun PLATE COMF1 Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Factories, West ileriden. Conn. m a 6V Manufacture rsof COLLINS' Tea Sets VOLTAIC PLASTERS PORCELAIN LINBD I Afford the most Grateful Re- La DilAhM.ft P 4- lief mall Affections of the ,UD 1 IHOIO, OaMUIa, Chest and Lungs. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. WAITERS, Messrs. Weeks & Potte : Gentlemen Having for many months past suf- lereu wuu m very lame siue, cauea ny my puysiciau I f ii ,. Chronic Pleuoisy, caused by a former injury and 1,01166 MCI iCe Watfir Um? strain and for which I iised many prescriptions and w 'WOICI Uilid; uniments, as wen as tne 60-cane4 rneumatic cares, without the least beueflt.niy physician recommend- ed one of your Colli' Voltaic Plastebs, which EPERGNES to my great surprise, relieved the pain and sore FRUIT STANDS or sale jit all praegiats aad TADyfty. fTO nessrlmost immediately, and I have been able to attend to my houeenold atf airs ever since with per feet ease and comfort, whereas before the applies tlon or your invamable plaster I was scarcely able to do anything. I consider them inealimahl.- anil shall with pleasure recommend them to the afflict- eu. I ours respecttully, Mm. FRANCES HARRIMAN. Oblaso, Mc April 81, W'.rj. There is no nodical or protective appliance that iiuv u Kratei"! ana eneefve in Ticklini Conghs, Irritation and Soreness of the Cheat am Langs. We believe them capable of preventing as- ola by all druggists for 25 cents. Sent on re ceipt of So cents for one, 1 25 fur six, or S2.25 for tweive, carriuuy wrapped, and warranted perfect . by WKS & POTTER, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons Sc Forkg, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. sfcC, fcC, &C. t9"These Goods can be fonnd at all Vint n.a Dealers in Plated Ware. In purchasing call for I tar ; wilcoxts quadruple . platb.3