Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Tuesday, April 24, 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. SCCS ISLAOT & MESSES CO.. E. B. Leave Rock Island at :00 a. m., and 4 :00 p. va. Ar riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 18:45 p. in. Arriving at Bock Island at 8:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. It. K. CABLB, General Manager. PECEIA & EOCZZISLAND EAILWAT. SHORTEST ROUTS TO 1 HB BAST AMD SOUTH. LIAVB ABRIVB. Rarteru Bi. 5 50 a.m. Hall & Ex. 1:02 p, m Mail & Ex. 1'40 p.m. Western Ex. 8:55 p. m. Way Freight 6;90 a. m. Way Freight 3:26 p. m. The 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at alva with CBtO, for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with PP&J, tor Jacksonville, Spring eld, St Louis and all points tooth and southwest, arriving In St Lonl at 7:00 p m. The 1:50 train makes close connection at Oalva with C B fc Q R R, for the west; arriving atQuincy at 9:45 p ia., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T P & W"., for points east and southeast, J. R. Hiluabo, Receiver. Jit. V. Mahonsy, Qen'l. Tk't. Ag't. CaiCASO. &0CS ISLAND & PACIFIC S. B. SOISQ IABT TRAINS LI AVI At 8.35 a. m.: 4:30 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. OIH WMBT TRAINS LIAV! At 6:25 a. m.; 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST.LCwIS.E3CS ISLAM) CHICAGO.. SOTWO SOUTH TBAIKS IBAVB At 8:06 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, ABRIVB FBOI ST. LOUIS At 9 :3 a. m. daily, and 9 :) p. m. 8TXSLIa TSAIK3 tlLTt At 5:10 p. m At 9:00 a. m. ABRIVB TBOM STBKLIMO COAL VALLEY HUgJX9 CO.'S TEAIX8. LSAVB. 7 :u5 A. M. li:00M. ABRIVB 10:80 a. M 8:80 P. M WESTERS UNION EAILSCAD. LBAVB ARRITB Day Express and Half 8:85 am 6:00 ri NK'ht Express 10:15 r M 5:50 am The night express leaving Rock Inland every Sunday night at 19:15 connects wiiti the train am vmg in Chicago early Monday morning, rso ia; over checks triven ou through tickets from Rod Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this tram. Totaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGTON MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBA.CCO. COVIHOTOH, XT Our brands of Chew-in, ot Gold, Old Congress anc HOESE NAILS BI HAMMERED AND FINISHED V1 ftfcaaw 1 1 6 6 7 8 9 10 I f V) l it RUSSIA DPENS THE WAR. The Emperor's mation. Procla- The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Nail by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'r, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the World t tht Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile reeion skirting the des ert of Arabia, aboundB with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums ana oaisams or wmcn mis liniment i com i u , j , posed, ana by whose stimulating, nnctious aoo """"""'""J uuu" wuiumuu penetrating properties it Is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous system, allaying the rvi nul tat, ituin in a f.'Mf in itnit..B If u'hi.ft . . ... - i . i i ,-. . .. j i j . . j : . . on will be convinced that no preparation possesses I j ieiu iu iurec auu uas uirtxteu lis yo In so high a degree, its perfect anodyne unaliiies. lis action is p-ompt and effective. It pnetratesthe flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.restoring nse to limbs paralysed for years, and where the flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new flesh to grow ont and nil np the shrivelled parts it restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it has been so successful in dis eases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liver, Lnngs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific, For any internal inflammation, you will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, nnmbness. weak joints, Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exten al.'y with great success in goitre, or swelled neck. Scrofula or King's Evil. Liver Complaint, nervous diseases, c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence; also, Spavin, Splint, Ring- . Poll Evil, windgaw Ronmania Does not Kesistths Passage of Russian Troops Over Her Territory. St. Petersburg, April 24. The Czar'8 manifest to the Russian army and people was promulgated to-day. The emperor declares that in view of the rejection of the protocol and the obstinate refusal of the Porte to yield to the just demands of Europe, the moment haa arrived for Rus sia to act independently. ; Bucharest, April 24, The Rouman ian government, in reply to the Turkish Grand Vizier's despatch requesting the Prince to make arrangements with Abdul Kurrim, commander-in-chief of the Tuskish army, to prevent the passage of the Russian army has declared that such a step is too serious to be determined by the executive power alone and the Roumanian chambers will be assembled on the 26th inst. to examine the question. The first Russian detachment, consist ing of 40 sappers and an officer, crossed the Roumanian frontier yesterday at Bet tinak. A thousand men are expected to cross to-day. The Grand Duke Nicholas has issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Rou manian announcing the passage of the toward the Danube. Roumania having received no preliminary notification declared that it troops to fall back to avoid conflict. St. Petelsburg, April 24 from Kischeneff dated -A despatch New Orleans by both parties and appear to be perfectly satisfied with the result of their mission. General Harlan leaves for Kentucky to night. The Louisiana com mission bad an informal conversation to day with the cabinet respecting their mis sion. They furnished their final report to the president who thanked them for the satisfactory character of their work. Bayonets Moving- Oat of the South . Washington, April 24. Orders have been issued to remove a Co. of 2d artil lery, from Morgantown, N. C, and another company, same regiment, from Raleigh to Washington, L. v., to take the place of two companies of the third artillery, re cently ordered to New York harbor. But one company is left in North Carolina, and that is at rort Johnson. No other com panies will be sent to North Carolina. Weather Probabilities. Wa shington, Apr. 24, The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: Slowly rising temperature, northerly winds, shift ing to westerly and southerly, stationary or slowly falling barometer and partly cloudy weather. MOLINE. FLUID LI3HTNIN3. Failed and can Pay 40 Cents. New York, April 24. Barden, Malley & Co. hat jobbers, Broadway, offer 40 cents on .he dollar to their creditors and proceedings in bankruptcy for composition hnve been commenced. Liabilities $93,000. bone. Big-head, Fistula.Farcy Strains, Bruises, c. Evil, Wlndgalls ; are the Fountain, Cloth , Forum. MAGIC OIL, USE BENHE'3 pain-killing MAGIC OIL "It "Works like a Charm," If you have got Ithcnmatism, USE KSNNE'S MAGIC OIL. If von have cot Neuralgia. lk-K KEN'XE'S MAGIC OIL. If you have got Colic or Cramps, USE KLNNE'S MAGIC OIL. If you have eot any kind uf Ache or Pain, 1TSK HkNVK'S PAIN -KILLING MAilC OIL. Tn H mirt vim will bu surprised at the lwneflcial f ttt-rt fl.-rWd from a thorough and faithful nse of this popular remedy. It is purely ve actable ; safe and clean to use internally ar externally. Syracuse, N, July 25th, 1875. Wm TJitvvi! A Sons. Pittsfleld. .vass. Sirs As a duty, as well as a privilege, I wish to commend to those unacquainted with its healing qualities you r "Paiu-Killin;,' Mafic Oil," to be kept in readiness for EMKiwEFciE. us severe at tacks ot bowel difficulties, to bo applied exter nally, as a counter irritant, and as an anodyne and healer. Also for fresh wounds, having tested it, especially on the cuts, bruises and strain I received in the terrible calamity at the Central Kautist Church. June 23. 1n74. Iu behalf of all tntiiL'S which are pood, and truly unuful. 1 subscribe myself. Fraturually yours, llev. 11. A. mzeb. DR. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REMEDIES. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schenck's Pulmonic Syrvp, Schenck's See Weed Tonic, and Scbenck. s Mandrake Pill,b and if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is effcted. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled sncess in the treatment of pulmonary disease. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matters In the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight congh will throw it off, the patient has nst and the lungs begin to heal. To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this. Schenk'seaWeed Tonic must be freely nsed to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck's Man drake Pills act on the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax the ha' t bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is soon recieved. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic is a rentle stimulant and alterative; the alkali of which it is composed mixes with the loon ana prevents souring, it as sists the digestion by toniug up the stomach to a tu-aitny condition, so mat tne ioou ana tue i-ui-uionic Syrup will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the patient will surely get well if care is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wiwn 10 consult ur. scneni;, euner per sonally or by letter, can do so at his principal ollice corner or aixtn ana arch fta., I'nilaaeipma. every Monday. schenk a medicines are sola by a'l aruirgiets throughout the country. IINOSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, la the crenteat Blood remedT of the moe. Ttm, Scrofula, ricTst Boil, Pimple, aud all! BlOOa dla Tiia to its wonaerrui powers. Vam Blood Is the amaranth of health. Read t " it oared mr aon of scrotum- J. nmona, . PainBiU. O. " It cured my child of Ervalpe- 4 Y: -MTM.R.3mltMcr, Larimtn.P. Price 1. ft. I. RKLLEKH ft CO.. Prou s. Pittsburgh. Pa. The iroQine has our name on bottom of wrappers- renne's magic oil Camplioriiie ! Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy KeeD it in the house to use in case of emergency. Try It internally. It cures Cholera Morbus, Diar rhoea, Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, Sore Throat, Colas, sc. Use It externally. It cures. Cattarh, Spralns.Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and in fact almost all the aches and patnB flesh is heir to. Sold bv all dealers in Medicine. WM. KENNK & SONS, Prop're, Pittsfleld, Mass USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLING MAGIC OIL All ye Hen, Women and Children, Van Schaack, Stevenson!. Held, Wholesale Ag'te Chicago, Ills. Far sale lnjliock Island by U. urot- an, and H. Ureunert. - FINANCIAL THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois.) MOLINE - ILLINOIS Open dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and on Tuesday and Saturday evening irom i iu o u win... Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of 1 to 6 per Cent, per Annnm. Deposits received in amounts ol$l ana upwards. SECURITY ANIVATVANTAGES. The private property of theTrnsteesisresponstble to the depositors. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of its moneys. Minors and married women protected o yjspeclal law Orncim : S. W. Whbbi.ock, President: Jnnu Good, Vice President; C. F. Uemeitwat. Cashier. Trustees: t). w. wneeiocc, sorter Skinner, c. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, II W. Candee, C. T. Grantz, A. S. Wrght, C. F. Hemingway. John 4no) .T. M. Christ. O n. Stoddard. wr-The nnlv chartered Savings Hank in Rock Island County. yesterday officially published to-day, announces that t nf o Ori Cx ttt rtP rtAOra V r-r trtA frnw n 'P irno i pol yesterday, his maiesty, addressing the officers, said: "I felt grief at sending you to the field of battle and therefore delayed aotion as long as possible, hesitating to shed your blood, but now that the honor of Russia is attacked I am convinced you will all, to the last mac, know how to vindicate it. 31 ay God be with you. 1 wish you complete suocess. Farewell until your return." St, Fetersbcrg, April 24. The fol lowing is the Czar manifest: Our faithful and beloved subjects know the strong interest we have con stantly felt in the destinies ot the oppressed Christian population of Turkey and our desire to ameliorate and assure them that their lot has been shared by the whole Russian nation which now shows itself ready to bear lresh sacrifices to alleviate the position of the Christians in the Bal kan peninsula. The blood and property of our faithful subjects have always been dear to us and our whole reign attests our constant solicitude to preserve to Russsia the benefits of peace. This solicitude never failed to actuate us during the de plorable events -which occurred in Herse eovinia, Bosnia and Bulgaria. Our ob ject before all was to effect an amelioration in the position of the Christians in the east by means of Pacific negotiations and in concert with the great European pow era, our allies and mends, ror two years we have made incessant cnorts to induce the Porto to effect such reforms us would protect the Christians in Basnia, Herstgovinia and Bulgaria from (he arbit rary measure ot the local authorities lhe accomplishment ol these returms was absolutely stipulated by anterior engage ment contracted by tin lVrte toward the whole of Europe. Our efforts sup ported by diplomatic . representations made in common with other governments have not, however, attained their obii-ct. The Porte has remained un shaken in its formal refusal of any effective guarantee for the security of its Christian subjects and has not respected the conclu sions ot the Constantinople conlerence W ishing to essay every possible means of conciliation in order to persuade the Porte we proposed to the other cabinets to draw up a special protocol comprising the most essential conditions of the Con stanticoiile conference, and to invite the Turkish povcrnruent to adhere to this in ternational act which states the extreme limits of our peaceful demands, but our expectation was not fulfilled. The Porte did not defer to this unanimous wish of Christian Europe and did not adhere to the conclusions of the protoc d. Having exhausted pacific efforts we are compelled by the haughty obstinacy of the Porte to proceed to more decisive acts. feeling that our equity and our own dig- ity enjoin it. oy her refusal lurkey aces us under the necessity of having recource to arms. Profoundly convinced of the justice of our cause and humbly committing our selves to the grace and help of the Most Death of a Well Known and Honorable Banker. New York. April 24. Luther Clark, senior member of the firm of Clark, Dodge, & Co., bankers, died yesterday. aged 62. About 35 years ago he founded, with others, the banking house of Clark and 'Bros., in St. Louis, CITY COUNCIL. Is the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives Instant relief, will not grease or stain the moet delicate fabric, hiu a nlmsnnt and ref reshins odor. It will lmme I diatcly relieve and cure Kheuuiatism, Chronic and Acute; iseuraieia ann vaturru, hmubiuc buu iwli-i1 Kap- Sore Throat. Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of tne Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. b'or sale by all Druggists. MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS ! jj Gives a splendid gloss aud finish to all starched goods, making them whitck and clearer than wax or anything else, and prevent the iron from tinirlncr Trial hnttle free. Putnp in 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro- High we make known to our faithful SUD- cers and Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO.. Special Meeting Official Report. City Council Room, April 23, 1877. 30 P. M. Council met in special session. Present: Mayor Butler, and Aldermen Carse, Lundy, Davis, Wood, Schlemmer, luber, fcimmou. Brooks, and W arnock. Alderman O ien absent. The Mayor stated the object of the meet ing was to consider the petition of the St Louis, Rock Island & Chicago Railroad Company, which is as follows: Rock Island. 111.. April 23, 1877 To Ills Honor, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of Kock island : lhe undersigned petitioner would re spectfully ask permission to re-lay its rail road track, which now lies north of rirst avenue and east of Seventeenth street, to the east line of Eighteenth street, and that he may have the privilege of moving said track from time to time so as to accom modate it to the dmerent stages ot water in the river, on the condition that your petitioner shall so grade said track and provide the same with crossings, that travel to and from the river shall not be inter fered with, and subject to such further conditions and restrictions as the City Council by ordinance may deem fit to lm pose. N. J. T. Dana. Sup't St. L. & R. I. Division C, B. & Q Railroad. Alderman Carse moved that the petition be granteu. Amended ly Alderman Lundy so as to give the railroad company said privilege on condition that the track shall not extend further than fifty feet east of the east line of Eighteenth street Carried, The bill of I. S. Burton, for work, etc repairing iron bridge, $ 204.44, on motion of Alderman Carse, was allowed, an order to be drawn on the Treasurer for tht amount. Petitions of A. L. Lowe and II. Toen niges asking for the opening of a street beginning at the end of Arsenal street, at Indian Boundary line, thence east to the corner of out lots 9 and 10, thence south through out-lots 11 and 12, and curving with the ravine there through out-lots 13 and 14, to old Fifth avenue, that they may have access to thoir property, was referred. on motion of Alderman Lundy, to the Strflflr nnrl Allptr Pnmmittpp. On motion of Alderman Carse the Street Commissioner was instructed to clean out the bridges on Fifth avenue. Adjourned. JonN L. Reed, City Clerk. jBTwo ttamps were lodged in the calaboose last night. flrhe post office is undergoing some improvements, which will be appreciated by every one. "aThere was a break down at Keator's mill this morning, but it was repaired and work resumed at-noon. Ur3L.Tb.ere was a small attendance to hear N.J.McConnell lecture at the Baptist church last night.but those who were there say they were well entertained, lie lec turesfagain to-night. SSLThe old sidewalk in front of Miller's drug store was torn up to-day, and a new one is being put down. There will also be new walks built in front of Vrierich Bros. Ralsey's and Bourne's in a few days. fi3LThere is a dead-beat and loafer lvine around town, refusing any job that is offered him, and beating any one who alljws him to goto the table. It he don t go to work soon bis .name will be published in this column. JJohn L. Bristow was arrested by Officer Wells, last night, for being druuk aud disturbing the peace. Ibis morning he came before Magistrate Swander and got $15, assessed against him, and lacking just f ia oi having any change he was re turned to the calaboose to diet upon bread and water.and reflect upon the uncertanity ot defying the laws. Richards & Sohrbeck are in re ceipt ot a fin) stock of paints, oils, wall paper, etc., which they offer at prices as low as can be obtained anywhere else iu tl o three cities. The stock is complete in as; itepartments and embraces ?ine ec- tir !y new styles of wall paper at very low prices. Call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. 23d2t t&A number of people are complainins 1 mdly atout Marshal Wells to-day. They say that last night he was notified that there was a drunken rough blockading the street and using the most vulgar and pro fane language he could commaud, and that the marshal was repeatedly urged by shop keepers in the vicinity to come and remove the nuisance, but that he made no move to do so for nearly an h iur afterwards. If this is true, it is hightime the new council were looking up a suitable man for the position. Jfta?" 1. Epstein don t fear competition from any dealer in the three cities. Com petitors may endeavot to hoodwink thtir customers inio paving old time rates from force of habit, but once you visit Epstein the difference in cost ot everything from a gold watch to a silver thimble becomes apparent- lhe throngs that daily crowd his marutuoth jewelry emporium fully attest the sincerity ot his statements. Gold and silver watches, plain gold and set rings, plain and lancy sets of jewelry and everything in this line at net cost to close out. Epstein is also in receipt of his spring stock of silver plated ware i i nought at lowest wholesale prices for cash, which he offers to customers at same rates at retail, lhis stock is the finest ever offered in Rock Island and was made especially for Epstein before he de termined to go into the musical instrument and merchandise exclusively. It you want first class goods at net cost of manu ficturers' call and examine Epstein's stock, ft tar Uloek, Kock Island. lSdtt LV1D lbl!TlG Will positively afford relief by external application. It cures on the instant Neu ralgia. Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, Toothache, Earache, and all nervous pains, SO AS Br MAGIC. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. and SI per bottle. For sale in Rock Island by John Bengston. EEC? ALIAS. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, MANUFACTURER op E CtALIA AND LODGE SUPPLIES, For Odd Fellows. Maeon, Drnids. Knights of Pythias, Red Men. Temperance, and all othr Societiis. DEALER 1N- Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes. STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 380 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. Show Cases. LTTTKE & MEHAff, (Successors to J, R. ZEIGLKS.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CASLS! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 413 Hamilton Street, PEOFIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and order? prompt; filled. LUTKE A MEHAN. FIELD BROS., Apenta. Rock Island. MANUFACTURERS MIL COUP' MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED SASSAPAU1LLA FEB IONS AHIO PAID JMicr disabled in line ol duty, n by accident or otherwise. A WOI.M) of any kind. th loss ot" a Flnsrr or Toe, or th e loss cf aa Ky. a Kl l. I'llE, if hut slight, gives a pension. Disease of Langs or Varlcono Vein give a pension. BOl'MI.- If discharged for wound, injuriei or rupture, you get full boun ty. CS-Send a stamp for copy of Pension and Bounty Acts. Address all letters to P.E.FIT23ZSALD. TJ. S. Claim A gent, Indiantp CliS, Ind. -On all letter marie P. O. Box 54.Ml LIVES P.S3ULAT0E 80 Murray St., N. Y. Concentrated SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS ! Coring Cancera. Scrofula, Humore, Weakness, etc. in tact all Blood, Liver, Skin and Uterine diseases. Sold by druggists eyerywnere. rriee $i, or six Domes for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falle, N. Y. Kever Failing speculation AGUE GURE. In Wall Street. $500,000 has been made in a single investment tioo. This of course is an xtraordjnary occur- rence; bnt ordinarily fa can reauae-8ay faa,ww. Even sums a low as $1 can be aafely tnvested.when favorable result can show a prom ot Circulars giving full information sent free by ao uresBinir xAiin v h No. 11 Wall St., N.Y. AND TONIC BITTEIiS. It will cure permanent ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all nervous ann money aiaeaaes. Avery dottle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Pic l, or six bottles $5. Send stamp for Chromo f ree. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Proprietor Seneca Falla, N. Y. Sold bv John Benetton ana i a. u nomas, arng gists. Rock Island. puts mmm calls i STRADDLES ! ! ARTISTIC TAILORING ZIMMER & STE6EMANN, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, iects that the movement foreseen when we pronounced the words to which all Russia responded with complete UDaniuiity has now arrived. We expressed our intention to act independently when we deemed it necessary, and when Russia's honor should demand if. In now invoking the blessing of God upon our valiant armies we give them the order to cross the lurkish iron- tier. I Signed 1 Alexander. Given at Kischeneff this 12th day of April, old style, in the year of Grace 1877. and in the twenty-third year of our reicn. Jabsy. April 24, A detachment of Russian troops crossed the frontier near Uneheid at 5 o'clock this morning London. Apiil 24, In the house of lords this af ternoon Earl Derby stated that 17.000 Rusnian troops crossed the frontier last night Uouut bchonvalon, the Ivussian ambas sador, in communicating the Russian circular to Lord Derby, stated that the general order to cross the frontier had been given. LOUISIANA. The End of Bavonet Rulei No Excitement. THE TROOPS MOVED BELOW TOWN. The Square Truth. From the AVw I'ort Times, New Orleans, April 11. Packard's title to the governorship is as good as. if not better than, -Hayes's to the presidency. Hayes's Democratic Policy. From the New Tort Herald, President Hayes is disappointing the ex pectations of his own party by doing pre cisely what Mr. Tilden promised. The latest telegraphic news can alwavs be to&.td in the Daily Arotjs. If you feci dull, drowsv. debilitated, have fre- ciuent headache, mouth tasti-s badly, poor appetite and tongue coated, yon are eufferins from torpid liver, or "biliousness, and noihintr will cure von so speedi'y ana pe-niaueniiy as to S25,S50,SiBfl,S200,S450. Merchant Tailors! ALmsrcsa fucteiuquam & co.. Bankers and Brokers, No W Wall street. New York, make fur customers Investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amounU to suit, from 10 bales npwsrds, in 1 days, Ji davs. one month, two months, three uionins, una H AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGS AND WELL assorted stock of fflJTwffiK SntflUi ana French Cassuneres. ly return from ten to forty -times the amount Invea-1 TJtamnalH. Worsted Snitiues. Beavers. Wd. Future i:nntrot hnnfht and sold on mar gin of )4c. Explanatory Circular and Dally Keport vi vie. voiion market tent free. Tnn1ia At A Ai 1 par All work guaranteed and prices reasonable. New Orleans, April 24. At 12 a. m. the United .states troops moved out the St. Louis hotel going in the direction o: their barracks. ANOTHER DESPATCH. New Orleans, April 24. The troops are moving out of their old quarters and taking ud their hoe ot march to the bar racks three miles below. They etarted at 12 o'clock. Very little excitement. Washington. April 24. The Louisiana commission have returned to VV ashingtoo, i They speak in warm terms of the kind manner in which they were received at New York Market. Nw Yoek, April 84. FINANCIAL. Gold 1 07!. Money 94 bid. Governments Active and lower. . S. Bonds cent 5 SO's 1S1 1.14 iws old 1.11 H " " 1806 niw 1.10V4 17 1.13 " 186S 1.14? V. b. 1U.4U'S 1.13 NewS'i" v.... 1.12'i Currency 68 1.24- COMMERCIAL. Wheat Feverish: unsettled : SCi5c hicher: no sale. Corn Fairly active : higher: new mixed western DH&D4; old ao w, . Oats r inner; lnixea western 47j0. Pork Firm; 16 lU1613Vi. Lard Firm; 10 74. Whisky-i 11. Chicago MarJzet. Chicago. April 24. Wheat Excited at times; strong; about 8 c high' S ; 1 64 casb ; 1 tuft May; 1 Did .J une active; 214 c higher; : 39 May; 89 Jnne. Corn Excited ; very active; 854 c higher; 50 May; 61 bid June. oats wrong; nigner Ky Higher; 85. Barley -7314. Pork Very unsettled; strong; higher; closing easy; 16 W) casn; 10 la June. Lrd stronger; unsettled; luuacasn; iu isjune Whisky iiigtter;l o. LIVE STOCK. Hoes Receipts 14,000; market active; firm ; shade higher; light 6 S06 40; heavy 6 306 75; quality ftr. Cuttle Medium to exta to shippers 4 506 00 good to choice 4 655 60; medium 4S04 50; stock cattie a i-tUtt J St. Louis Market. St. Locis, April 84. Wheat Advanced sharply; No 8 fall 8 00; No 8, 1 91SM tw Corn Opened firm ; closed lower; No 2 mixed 445 caeh ; 45&46X June ; closed 46 bid June, Oats Inactive; w Did. Kye-Higher;83. Whisky -1 06. Pork Better; 16 00 asked cash. Lard-Firm; summer 9 75. LIVESTOCK. Hojrs Receipts 4,300; stronger; 4 755 40. Milwaukee Market. H'WiWH. April 84 Wheat aaTc higher: closing ttronx; No 1 178 No 8, 169 cash; 1 68 May ;1 66 June; No 8, 1 65 Corn-Firm; 60. Oats -87. Rye-81. Barley 81. For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach, and Spleen. The Cheapest, Purest and Best r amity Medicine in the orldi Ask the recovered dvsDeptics. Bilious sufferes. victims of Fever and At;ue, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spiriu and (rood appetite they will tell you by Simmon s uver Kefrulaior. GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never nulled in the same happy proportion in any other prepar ation, viz: A gentle ('athartic. a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alu-rative and certain Correc tive of all iinporities of the body. Such signal suc cess has attended its use, that it is now regsrded as the EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For all dieetses of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. AS A REMEDY IN Malarious Fevers. Bowel Complaints, Dyepepnla, Mental Depression, Kestlessness, Jaundice, Nil- sea, sick ucadacne, iouc, constipation, and Bili ousness V0 IT HAS NO EQUAL. Sold by all Druggists. Liver Disease and Indigestion prevail to a greater extent than probably any other malady.and relief is always anxiously sought after. II the Liver is Ki'gulated in ltd action, health health is almost invariably se cured. Indigestion or want of action in the Liver causes Headache, Constipation, Jaundice. Pain iu the bhouluers. Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the momn, biliocs attacks, palpitation of the heart, depression of spirits or ihe blues, and a hundred other symptoms. SIMMONS' LIVE It RKGULATOK is the best remedy that has ever been discovered fur these ailments. It acts mildly. enectuaiiy. and, oeing a simple vegetable com pound, can do no injury in auy Quantities that it may be taken. It is harmless iu every way ; it has been for forty years, aud hundreds of Room and great from all parts of the country will vouch for its virtues, viz: Hon Alexander U. Stephens, of Georgia; Bishop Pierce, of Georgia; John Gill Shorter, of Alabama; Gen. John B. Gordon, R. L. Mott, or (.oiumlius, lm., are are among the hundreds to whom we can refer. Extract of a letter from Hon. Alexan der II. Stephens, dated March 8. 1872: 4-I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Liver Regulator, with good effect. suits me better man more active Q70 CTCQVEJECEBIa TABIT. THE FAVOSITE HOjVIjE remedy, "Evidence Vnparallelled in the history of Medi cine" Over two thousand testimonials given lot the wonderful cures made by SARSA PARILLA, Or Matchless Liver BLOOD AND KIDNEY SYRUP. Three thousand bottles sold each year hy one store in Cleveland Now receiving or ders by mail every day from tail parts ot the country. Herewith are a few of the many certiflcaies and letters received hundreds of which we could print, if necessary. to show Kenton's Matchless Liver, Blood and Kidney Sy rup is appreciated at home, and extending over the whole country, upon lU merit only." And we claim without fear or favor it is the jest family medicine in the world, and auarantee it the best blood and liver and kidnev syrup ever produced. Send for circulars, read and judge for yourself. We will be pleased to send a circular to any person who writes tor one. HOME EVIDENCE. Extracts from letters received. RHEUM AMISM Some six months could not walk without the help of a crutch: tried physi cians and many kinds of advertised cures without benefit, six bottles of renton s Matchless Syrup cured me. Capt Geo Hand. SALT RHEUM- Eight bottles made a perfect and permanent cure. CAPT 1HOMA8 1'ENNISQTOJi. SCROFULA From infancy was treated bv the best physicians and took everybody's cure. Two bottles Matchless Syrup cured ine. Mas J3.liza Jones, SCROFULOUS NECK Eight years cured bv Fentou's Sarsaparilla. after trying nearly everv other known remedy. John McGinity, conductor s L f M S It K, Cleveland, C SALT RHEUM eleven years all over my body: took alltuei'i. a emedies advertised, and in the hospital. New o a, twenty weeks: could not get cured; six of Kent ii's Mat, bless S irup cured me. oeorgeu own, Cleveland, o. FEMALE WEAKNESS som .six years; used ev ery alterative known ; tried the climato from Min nesota to Texas ; could get no relief; alter a few month's nse of Fenton's Matchless Sarsaparilla was cured completely. Mus att ll , Ohio;st, Cleveland. O RHEUMATISM Dr. Fenton : Having been laid up five weeks with Rheumatism, and spent dollar alter dollar, my physician told me it must wear off; got np and on crutches as many acre weeks; was advised to get six bottles of Fen tot's s" rapa- rilla. Five bottles cured me completely. 1 freely recommend the Matchless Syrup as a sure core for Rheumatism. lours truly. w . II. Bates, Cleveland, O "Thousands Bear Testimony." SCROFULOUS SORE LEG twelve years, cured by Fenton's Sarsaparilla.after trying various noted blood remedies. Capt. Henry Palmer, Akron, O SCROFULA, five large abscesses on body, could not turn in bed lor weeks, cured by r entoii s Sar Sarsiparilla; had expended over one hundred dol lars previous to using tne Acme ot aieuicine, "t en ton's Matchless." C. Field. oodus 1'oint, New Xork. SCROFULOUS NECK, a number of ulcers, open for nine months; had the oest medical advice in Cleveland, O. A friend sent me Fenton's Sarsapa rilla, iweive bottles made a perfect and perma nent cure. . 11. MEAES. North Bloomfield, O, Camp Bxown, Wyoming, Dec. 26, 1874. RHEUMATISM lir C F Fentou: The six hot tls Sarsaparilla sent me in July last, cured me of Rbeumatssin, and ouly used five, (one got broken.) 1 had U lor tour years, and spent nearly one tnous aud dollars, wstb the best doctors in Montana Ter ritory previous I have got two more customers, Please express me eighteen more bottles to South Pass. Enclosed find the greenbacks. Write me to Camp Brown, as before. lours truly. J u. v ooDHurr. Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS AH Nails are made ol the best NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. fS Orders filled promptly and at the lowe rates by GLOBE InaIL C0MT BOSTON. L1ND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights I Contractors & Builders SIMMONS' LIVER Dr. Simmons' It is mild, and medicine. Important Caution. REGULATOR- But no Powders ob Pbkpared SI.MMON8' UVER REGULATOR un less IN OCR ENORAVIED wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp add Signa ture unbroken. J. H. ZEIXIN & CO., MACON, OA., and PHILADELPHIA Price, $1. Sold by all Druggists. CONSUMPTION. Dr. C F Fenton, Dear Sir: My wife was sick two years with consumption, we paid out over one thousand dollars and received no ber.ents; 1 sent for six bottles of your Matchless syrup: sne took it up and supposed nerself cured Oue year from this time she felt it coming ol.. 1 sent to Capt. John Varner, of Cleveland, to send me six more bottles, which completed the cure, for wnlcn we tnank you, and wisb to say to all, we be lieve it the best Renovator and Blood Purifier in the world. Truly, your friend, Capt. Ubnbt Brock, Port Burwell, Ont. FEMALE WEAKNESS, of seven years standing cured by the use of one and a half bottles Fenton's Matchless sarsapamia. mm. wm. Sims, Port Hope, Mich. SSALT RHEUM eighteen years; nsed all the no Wd humor cures without effect ; six bottles Fenton's Matchless Sarsaparilla cured me; it is a dead sure cure. r C Uoon, liuuaio, jn x, Every person should read this carefully. Dr Fentou. Cleveland, O. Dear Sir: Five years ago, men in urazii, soutu America, i mere coutrac ted a disease that nearly cost me my life. 1 was seven months iu hospitals Spanish Brazilian aud Buenos Ayres but to no purpose. I then went to Clenfuegos, Cuba, and spent sixty-four days in the military hospital. The doctors told me if I bad any friends I had better make my way to them. The American Consul sent me to New York. Last Spring it came on me again, rest iu the night was out of the question. A friend in the St Charles Hotel here (Detroit) advised Fenton's Matchless eyrup; isenuor bix bottles 1 have only tiken four and am perfectly well. I must say it surprised me, and all that knew the condition I was iu for five yeais. I freely recommend Fenton's Matchless Syrnn above any blood purrler in the catalogue of tucuittucB. luurs rcpueciiuuy, Detroit, Mich. E. McKittcrick. We intend to publish more wonderful evidences. boio in hock island by John Bengston, E Bren nert. T H Thomas and K Koehler. Western Agents, Van Schaack, Stevenson A Reid cmcago. Fntn H'f y Co , Proprietor?, Cleveland, Of Of all descriptions of DrtCiOts and Specifications for Flouring Mills aw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators trade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and marhini ry. and give p? ,-son- ai attention to a . neueians oi construction, tie pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mall or in person. At tne old stand of li crooks, (new So..) 555 No 16 S. Washington street PEORIA. ILL lMrr. 1 -rlr Pot. SO J WILCOX SILVER FLATS COMFY. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, 2i. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. Manufacture raof Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITERS, Coffee and Ice Water Urns; EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons ?t X-orliTB, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &0.v-tfcC., &C. tese Goods Can be found at all First Claaa Dealers In PlaUd Ware. In purchasing call for IWILCOrS QUADRUPLE : PLATS..