Newspaper Page Text
Mi ' Twenty-Sixth. Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Fridav, April 27,. 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. . B0CZ ISLAJffD & HES5ZS CO , E. B. Leave Sock Island at 9 :00 a. m., and 4 K p. m. Ar-1 riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. in. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 13:45 p. in. Arriving at Rock Island at 8:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. R. R. CABLB, General Manager. FSOSXA&SOCXnSLAHS BAILWAY. SHORTEST ROUTE TO IBB BAST AHP SOUTH. LBAVI ARRIVE. EFtern Bv.. 5 60 a.m. Mall & Ex. 1:08 p,m MailAEi. 140 p.m. Western Ex. 8:f5p. m. Way Freight ;20a. m. Way Freight 8:25 p. m. The 6:00 a.m. train makes close connection at alva with C B 4 O. for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with PF4J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Loots and all points south and southwest, arriving in St Louli at 7 :00 o m. - The 1:50 train makes close connection atOalva with CBtQRK, for the west; arriving atQuincy at 9:45 p m., also at Peoria with IB AW, and T PA W., for points east and southeast, J. R. Hilliabd, Receiver. J. V. Mahonbt, Gen'l. Tk't. Ag'U . csismsooz ISLAND & IACITIC s. s. OOIM0 BAST nu.rBS LEAVE At 8.35 a. m.; 4:80 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. EOBSE KAILS BQ3SB OK BLUED. HAMMERED AND FINISHED 6 6 7 8 9 10 O Q O I M I SOIK8 WEST TRAINS LEAVE, At 8:25 a.Im. ; 9:65 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. arrive from the east as above. Train ST. L07IS. BOCI ISLAND ft CSICAQO S. S. UC3 SOOTH TRAIB8 LBATB At 8 :05 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. daily, ABRIVB FROM ST. LOUIS At 9:30 a m. daily, and :) p. m. STttLIXa TBAI8S UATX At 5:10 p. m. ABRIVB FROM STB LI MS At 9:00 a.m. SOAL VALLEY lEttM CC.'S TSAIXI. LBATB. ABRIVB. 7:05 A. M. 10:80 A. 1-2:00 b. -:S0. m. WESTER UNION BA1LB0AD. LEAVE ARRITB Day Express and Mall 8:85 am 6:00 pm Nieht Express 10:15 t m 5:50 am The night express leaving Rock Island every Sunday night at 19:15 connects with the train arri ving in Chicago early Monday morning. No lay over checks given on through tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this nam. The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Nails by Hand. Quality te fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Scc'y, 35 Chambers St., New York, SPECIAL NOTICES. Totaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL L BUFFIUGTON, MANTJFACTURERS OP Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBA.CCO. The most extraordinary discovery in the World ts thi Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beantlf nl and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic eums and balsams of which this Liniment is com nosed, and bv whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous system, allaying the mont tuteuse pain in a lew minutes. Try li, wnen you will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so high a decree, us perfect anodyne qualities. It action is promot andeffective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.restoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and hone, excites a healthv action . causing new flesh to grow out and nil no the shrivelled parts, it restores the evnovial flnid or joint water, and thi is the reason way it has neen so successiui in ais- t ases of the Joints, in affections oi tne spine Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal inflammation, yon will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, nnmbness. weak joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains. burns, sore throat, bites oi insects ana repines, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly Denenttea oy it. it is usea exten al'y witn great success in goitre, or sweueu neck. Scrofula or Kings Evil, uver uompiaim. nervous diseases. c. For Horses or t attle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney In existence; also, Spavin, splint, King boue. Big-head, Kistula.Farcy. Poll Evil, Wlndgalls Strains, Bruises, Sc. TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to the Roek Island Argue. SB. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REMEDIES. COVUTOTOJT,. XT. Our brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth of Gold. Old Congress and Forum. MAGIC OIL, USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING . MAGIC OIL i Van Schsack, Stevenson & Reld, Wholesale Agfa Chicago. 111. Sold in Rock Island by John Bengs ton and F. H. Thomas. Wny let aches and pains your temper spoil? A cure is sure by using liemie's Magic Oil! RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL, cures tpraiu, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL. cures Cholera Morbus, RENNE'S .-AGIO OIL cures Coughs. KENK'S MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat "It Works like a Caakx. Dayton, Ohio, August 37, 1S75. Messrs. Wm. Rennk & Sons, Oknts Please send me at once by express one doEzen bottles large size Magic Oil. The MagicOil does indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother bad a fall which came very near rtsultiug fatally. She recovered her health in some degree riui-inir the rear following, but she sustained such severe injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nd shouldvr, that she was almost helpless. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to Vtica, N. Y., to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of your Magic Oil; it relieved her almost immediately , so much so th t she came home very much Improved In health and strength, and by the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enjoying better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother has so mnch confidence in your Matric Oil that she will not be without it. Respectfully yours, Joseph E. DIXboh. Some folks seem o be prond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of "mv crick in the back" or "I have got the Sciatica" and delight in bragging that "nothing can cure me!" but when we such ,'awful folks" to use RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we not only cure their lameness and charm away their pains, but we ac tually take all teat kind ol "brag out. of them 1" and they frankly cwn up and say, "It works like a charm." bold by all Druggists. Merchants and Grocers. Call for Renne's Magic Oil where yon nsually trade. FINANCIAL The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schenck's Pulmonic Stbup, Schenck's See Weed Tokic, and Schenck s ManprakbPili and if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is effcted. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes Ms unrivalled sncess in the treatment of pulmonary disease. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matters in the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off, the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this, Scbcnk's Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck a Man drake Pills act on the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax the sra' j -bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is boob recieved. Schenck's Sga Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative; the alkali or which it is composed mixes with the food and prevents souring. It as sists the digsstion by toning up the Btomach to a healthy condition, so that the food and the Pul monic Syrnp will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the patieut will surely get well if cars is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenk, either ter soually or by letter, can do so at his principal office corner of Sixth and arch Sta., Philadelphia, every Monday. Schenk's medicines are sold by all druggists throughout the country. THE RUSSIAN-TURK0 WAR. London, April 27. Foreign officers haye received intimation not to leave Ser via. All administrative officers in the last war have been ordered to place themselves at tho disposal of Servia. The war misiter's permanent committee of the Skuptschioa has been summoned to Bel grade. Abdul Kerim wishes Servians to occupy all important points on the Danube, regarding bervia as an integral part of the Uttoman empire and bound to support the interests of the Forte. Italy intends to occupy Albania as soon as Austria enters Bosnia. One-third of the ref ueees who crossed the frontier during 1875 and 1876 are now dead or have returned home. Unly the protection of Austrian bayonets can induce the bulk of the refusees to return. Without it they will rather die of starvation, lhe l urks, it is reported, are making arrangements to destroy the road trom itagussa to Trebmie. The Turkish torces are very weak at the camp of Du- brawa, four hundred men having died wumn two montns. At Trebmie there is a garrison of 2,000 healthy men 800 sick, About half of the troops are Asiatics, who tail very rapidly. London, April 27. The stock exchange opened comparatively steady but becani auu and very nat, business quiet and no excitement. Consols first showed an improvemeut but are now lower. Foreign securities generally steady, Russians better. , A telegram trom Hassan pasha, com mandant of division at Batoum, announces that the battle at Tshurukson which be gan Wednesday continued Thursday. Liverpool, April 27. Courier's Lon don correspondent telegraphs that the British government has resolved to inter fere between Russia and Turkey. I have the highest authority for stating that her majesty's government has just been called upon by Austria to fulfill her engagements under the tripartite treaty of 1856 for protecting the integrity of the Ottoman empire, and that a decision has been come to by the cabinet council I he cabinet resolved as a first step to make a formal request to the Russian government to state the object of the military operations now being undertaken against the Ottoman government, and define the extent to which it is proposed to crry these oper ations. The correspondent also learns that the Austrian government will address an en quiry of the same purport to Russia. trance, the third party to the tripartite alliance, has not been required to take ac tion in consideration of strained relations of France and Germany. The treaty en ables any ODe of the three powers to act separately in fulfilling its terms or to call npon either or both of the other powers to fulfill the treaty by joint action. Austria has obvious reasons for not embroiling France, yet Austria cannot longer hesitate for resisting the Russian invasion. Though Fari Derby was able to confidently state a week ago that this country was not likely to be called on to tulhll the tripartite treaty, yet wit bin six davs the British government actually has been required to fulfill its undertaking and it is ouite anticipated that the momentous alternative of declaring against Russia urill arise shortly. The situation is regarded at Vienna as far more urgent than British statesmen seem willing to admit. The Beconclllnff New York. April 27. Ex-confederate soldiers resident here have formed a cc m- niittee to comunicate with southerners in this city and secure their attendance at the graves ot federal and confederate dead on decoration day, May 30th. Grave. THE WAR UPON HATESISM. A Cannonade all Along the old Repub lican Iiine. A GROWL ALONG THE ENTIRE LINE. From the Newark Journal. The growl from "the ground teir," as Wendell Phillips would say, rumbles along the entire Radical line. The men who counted Mr. Hayes in and the others who approved the infamy are beinning to murmur loudly because the tree they planted doesn't bear the sort of fruit they anticipated. That the growl is as loud as it is, and gives early promiso of being still louder, is Mr. Hayes's own fault, It is the result of his policy of dicker and decay. Had be removed his troops a month ago lroui Columbia and New Orleans, instead of dawdling and bargaining, and pretending to be solicitous only about the late ot the poor (African, he would have stood fifty per cent better with the people than he stands to day. BLAINE, THE REPCB- IINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, Ik Um trreateat Blood rrmedr of the ace. A Tettw. Hcroful. t icern, Boiia. Pimj'lei, Mid all! Blood dnUM Tie Id to its wonderful powers. Fare Blood tne (ruarfttuee or neaitD. uema : ' it eured mv won or HcroiuiA. j. m. arooK, k Painmnrilie. O. It cured child of Kryripa- 4 Vlm'-Mr.E.Smeltztir. Larimer. Pa. Price Sl.l ft. K. BKLLKRS A CO.. Prop -, PitUburt, Pa. The rename haa our name en bottom of wrapper. Camplaoriiie ! HEAVY SHOW STORM IK THE WEST Hard on the 'Hoppers. Omaha, April 27 A heavy snow storm, reported in the mountains night before last, passed oyer the entire line ot the Union Pacific road, reaching here this inornlosi in the shane of a severe and heavy cold rain. At Kearney Junction it is t-nowme hard. lhe thermometer ranees remarkably low for this season The most sauguine hopes are indulged that this cold storm will entirely destroy the grasshoppers. REPRESENTATIVE LICAN. From the Boston Traveller. Nobody needed the assurance contained in Senator Blaine's note, printed elsewhere in the Traveller, to know that his heart was enlisted on the right side in the cam paign to demolish the Republican party and equal rights in the south. The senti ments he writes find a response in the breasts of nine-tenths of the Republican voters of New England, and, although it may take many long month: and many 1 humiliations tq arouse the true spirit, it is as sure to be aroused ia all its might it was aroused by the shameless doughface compromises of the slave holders era. senator Blaine is conspicu ously a representative Republican, and there can be no doubt tha',when President layes hears trom the whole country, his policy of discouracing and abandoning the southern Republicans, and of weakening his own title to office will be amended very materially. Senator Blaine s letter has had its effect already. It has "touched the raw," as the words of Phillips and Garrison used to in that other surrender peiiod when the slave master dictated terms to the northern people. THE VOICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RE PUBLICANS. From the Delaware County Republican. It is too soon to speak freely of the pres ident's policy, for it is being developed so slowly that no one can guess wnat a month will bring forth. Our disappointment at the result iu South Carolina is tempered by the fact that all parties admitted that Hayes had fairly carried its electoral vote. The legal authorities said Chamberlain had likewise carried the slate, but this return was disputed by the Democratic congressional committee. A like policy pursued in liouisiaua will be latal to Pres ident ria)es's title to his own office, for no one ever contended that Packard ran be hind the presidential ticket. We believe that Hayes was fairly elect ed, and claim that his title to the office cannot be fairly disputed. So holding, we are more than ever anxious that neither he nor any of his cabinet 6hall weaken that title in any way, and that those ot them who haye a penchant for playing MQLINE. JgsrCharley Aswage feels as proud as a boy with a new velocipede this morning. He says its a 11-pound girl. 651 1 is rumored that the new mayor his his slate made out tor city officers.and that there is to be an entirely new deal. Se&'A Good Temdars lodge was organ ized and installed Wednesday night by N. J. McConnell in the Swedish Olive L O. O. F. lodge room meetings to be Satur day night of each week. It started with 38 charter members. JSgfLast night there was a cry of murder, police, Jtelp, up towards Sugar Hollow,and the police started up that way, looked through all the alleys and enquired ot every one they saw, but tailed to hnd anything of the parties who were screaming. It was probably boys fooling the police, but if they should happen to get caught the tools would probably be the boys. ISyThere ar some men, or boys, in almost any community who will stoop to do certain little tncka for amusement, but when they get so full of this love of amusement as to walk the streets and kick and pull good fences down, for no other reason than to satisfy a morbid de sire to destroy something, it is time they were taught better. 1 his thing has been carried on in this city for some time, and the people who own the property think the police ought to watch and catch these hilarious youths. But how can they expect this when there are only two night policemen r It is an impossibility for them to be all over town at the same time. Let those who suffer from the depredations of tho yillians watch for them and report their names to the authorities and they will be summarily dealt with. BEGrALX&S. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, t MANCPACTtTBER OF E E & ALIA LODGE SUPPLIES, For Odd Fellows. Mason, Druids, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other Societies. DEALER IN - Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 380 Main Street WORCESTER, MASS. Show Cases, LTJTKE & HEHA1T, (.Successors to J, R. ZEIGL.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CASES! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. tin Hamilton Street, PEOFIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt Ailed. LUTKE A MEHAN. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. MEDICAL, THE PILSSIM P0XS0NIN& CASS. Is the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not grease or utatn the moct delicate fabric, has a pkasaut and refreshing olor. It will imme diately relieve and cure Rheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, He2dache and Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Sealda. For sale by all Drngt'ists. MATHEWS' HAlTUTACTUIiSSi ML 11 P! MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED CATARRH. A Case of Six Tears' Standing, accom panied I37 Distressing Symptoms, Cured by the Use of Two Bottles of SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, Messrs. Weeks & Potter: Gentlemen. Please allow me to testify to the great merits of Sanpord's Radical Ccbk fob Ca tarrh. For six years l have sutierea ereauy. par ticularly wh'le troubled with a cold. The accumu lation of mucus in my head and throat kept me constantly hawking and spitting, rend ring my presence in company exiremeiy emnarrassiug iu mvgalf and friends. Six months ago 1 was induced to try Sanford's Radical Cihe. After using two bottles I find myself nearly, if not qnite, perma nently cured. I have since recommended over one nnndred Dottles witn tne greatest success. Respectfully yours, WM. W. ARMSTRONG. December 25, 1874. 159 Harmon Ave., Bostod. THE JURY FIND THAT PILGRIM WAS FOISONED WITH ARSENIC. Aud tliat Mrs. Pilgrim Administered the Poison lhe jury, in the Pilgrim inquest cat 6 assembled at the engine house at 11 o' clock to day. opened the report from Chi cago, and examined Mrs. Hager and one or two other unimportant witnesses. The following resolutions were then voted upon by the jury and unanimously carried: Resolved. That the late G. W. Pilsrim came to his ueath bv the agency of arsenic poisor. 1 P.on;M.ff That th. Int.. 1 1 W rmi.n . his death by the nse of arsenic poion, administered by are. aaran rugrim, witu oi aeceasea. following is the report Irom W. S. Haines, Chicago Laboratory liush Medical College: Chicago, April 21st, 1877. A portion ot tue stomacn witn its con tents, and apart of the liver, of the late G. W. Filarial have been subjected to careful chemical examination and arsenic has been found in both organs in well marked, although not large Quantity. In making this analysis, only (he pur psr. phpmipnlta vhraafrituHnm frnm fkatirtia- onous metals was previously assured, were Helped Her the most of any Medicine employed. I he aparatus used was. CATARRH. J Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Kails are made oi the bet-t NORWAY IRON, and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. tT Orders filled promptly and at tha lowe rates by GLOBE NklL COM'Y chiefly, entirely cew. thus assuring per fect accuracy of results. lhe exact quantity of arsenic in the organs examined has not yet been deter- miued, nor have the intestines and kid neys been analyzed. This portion of the work will be completed in the course of two weeks, when my final and complete report win be handed in. W. S, Haines, M. D. Prot. Chemistry Rush Medical College. She ever Used. in Printing, Binding and Blank-Book work specialities at The Arous Office. No mem wno naye u-xul .or tuayiug ins wiU be ed tQ leJue CU8t)mer8 with edged tools should be checked in good Jutisfaction guaranteed. tf ume. From present indications, the southern question will not be settled before the meeting of congress, and many believe that the conciliatory policy of Hayes is only designed to capture tho organization of the house. This we doubt, for, with South Carolina and Louisiana given over to rebel control, the United States senate New Weather Probabilities WASHiNGTON.Apr. 27. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon mdicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: Generally cloudy weather and rain during reft ot Fridav; falling barometer, followed in the last district by rising barometer; north to . . 1 t -VI. J i irtnin nTinPU nl flPC i east wiaas, Decomine yanaoie uunog nigut, LIUUIU Olrtnun ULUOO 1 and slight changes in temperature, THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois.) MOLINE ... ILLINOIS Open daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.,and on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of 1 to 6 per Cent, per Annnm. Deposits received in amounts oi$l and Upwards. SECURITY AND ADVANTAGES. The private property of theTrnsteesisresnonsible to the depositors. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of its moneys. Minora and married women protected byjepecial law. rpicKRg: S. W. Whksi,ock, President; Johs Good, Vice President; C. F. Hemkmwat, Cashier. Tbu8Ts: 8 W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Candee, C. T. Orantz, A. 8. Wripht, C. F. Hemingway, John Good. S. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. VBThe Only chariered Savings Rank in Rock Island County. Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched 1 goods, making them whitbh and cleakeb than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put up in 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers and Druggist. ! A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Marray St.. N. Y. Concentrated SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER! The Greatest Blood Pnrifler known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT I A PERFECT SUCCESS 1 Curing Cancers. Scrofula, Humors, weakness, etc. in laci ail Blood, Liver, Skin and Uterine diseases. Sold by druKists everywhere. Price $1, or six bottles for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. Y. Heavy Sain and High Water in the South. Memphis, April 27. The rain storm last night was unusually severe. During the last 24 hours 31 inches of water fell. and the signal service reports show that the rain fall during the present month has been nearly 14 inches, which i unpre cedented and excites tears ot a serious overflow. Owing to present high water travel on the Memphis & Charleston railroad is interrupted by washouts. Htavy Torgexj. New Ipswich. N. II., April 27.Forged checks and uotes amounting to $12,000, purporting to have been signed by Ilenry W. Carter, and endorsed by Ste phen Thayer & Bon, have beeu discovered here, and it is expected the fabricated paper will aggregate $25,000. Samuel A. Thayer writes his family that he issued the false tokens. will be lost. Tho Republican majority tbere is but four, and these changes will give the Democrats two majority, and with it the power to cripple the adminis tration and practically dictate its appoint ments. So that any such programme, if it involved such a yielding in Louisiana as was manifested in the case of South Caro lina, would be a fatal mistake a political mistake like to that which ' is worse than a crime." HAYES A TRAITOR TO HIS PARTY. From the Paterson Press. It is very certain that matters have not worked since the inauguration of President Hayes in accoid with the prevailing spirit of the Republican party. Put it in this way, to illustrate: Does any one for a moment believe that if, when the name ol Rutherford B. Hayes was presented at Cincinnati as a candidate for the presi dency, in competition with those of Blaine, Morton, Conkling, and others, he would haye had the ghost of a chance of setting the nomination, had it been then declared that he would give the control of his ad ministration if elected, into the hands of the "Liberal" element, as represented by Mr. Evarts and Carl Schurz? York Siarlret. New York, April a' FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 7. Dull. U. 8. Bonds cent 6-90's 1881 1865 old... " " 1805 n.w.. 1867 " 1868 U. S. 10.40's Sirs Enclos d please find three dollars, for which send me three bottles of Sanjohd's Radical j L'vhe for Catarrh, lhe last helped me the most of any medicine I ever used, lours in respect. Mia. LUKIl CHAMt. July 5, 18T5. Hard wick, Mass. CATARRH. Prom George W. Shattuck, Esq., late Foreign Entry Clerk, Boston Custom House. Gentlemen.--1 have been troubled with Catarrh for several years, but by the use of your remedy It has been greatly relieved. This summer 1 have I been entirelyifree from it. I make nse of it in my ! family for colds in the head, and find it an effectual remedy. I can confidently recommend it to all who are similarly amicted. very truly yours. OCtODer SK), 1874. tttitj. v. buanucik.. BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights I Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of ..1.14 ..l.UH ..1.104 1.15 NewB's 1.107. Currency 6's IMH COMMERCIAL. Wheat Strong and higher; quiet; no sales. Corn Active and higher; new mixed western 67V469; olddo6972 Oats Advancing; mixed western 4GC1. Pork-Heavy ; 16 50. Lard Steady; 10 J). Whisky 1 13. Chicago MarRet. Chicago. April ST. Wheat-Dull; unsettfed; higher; 1 8cash; 1 71 bid June. Corn Unsettled ; firmer; 55 cash; 57 askel June Oats Firm and higher; 405 May; 41?4 June. Rye Lower; 92. Barley Unchanged. Pork Weak and lower; 15 SO cash; 16 10 June, Lard Easier; 10 05 cash; 10 17V4 June Whisky Active ; stronger; 1 Oi)'! 10. LIVE STOCK. Hogg Receipts 16.000; market very quiet; light 5 3JK&5 45; heavy 5 305 65. Cattle Very quiet ; easy; receipts 5,000. Hever Failing SPECULATION gy QUR Explosion and Three Ken Killed. Toronto, April 27. By an explosion of a boiler iu Longen colliery three men were killed. SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. THE VIEWS OP THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. From the Hudson Republican. Id bis published card Senator Blaine expresses the views of many men ia the Republican party, in bis declaration of sympathy for the men of the south who have made such heroic and unsuccessful efforts for the maintenance of civil liberty and a government of the majority. Mr. Blaine evidently puts but little faith m the magnanimity and profuse promises ot jus tice made by southern Democrats. Specimen Republican Larceny Breach of Trait and In Wall Street. 8500,000 has been made in a single investment 100 This of course is an extraordinary occur rence; but ordinarily $5 can realise say $25,000. Even sums as low as 1 can be safely inveted,when f avorabls result can show a profit of $5,000. Circulars civine full Information sent free by aa dressing TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, b No. 11 Wall St., N. Y. anu tuhil; BiTisiin. it will enre d !y Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all nervous and kidney diseases. Every bnttle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction, p.ic $1, or six bottles f 6. ena smmp ior vnromo iree. v. a. HOWE, M. D , Proprietor. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Sold bv John uengeton ana x a. i nomas, orne- gists, Rock Island. AUTISTIC TAILORING PUTS 111 1111 CALLS! STRADDLES ! ! SZ5,S50,S100,S200,S450. ALEZASTCEB FSOTHIXGBAX ft CO.. Bankers and Brokers, No 13 Wall street New York, maku fur (MiKtnmAi-a Investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amounts to suit, from 10 balea upwards, in 7 days, 15 days, one month, two months, three monthB, uud six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times' the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold oo a mar gin of Kc Explanatory Circular and Daily Report of the Cotton market aent free. ' ' ZIMMER & STEGEMAHH, No. 1.803 Second Ave N. aide Union Square, Merchant Tailors ! UAVK JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL II assorted stock of English and French Cassimeres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc, etc. 3T" All work g wan teed and prices reasonable. Columeia. S. C, April 2C Io the senate to day D. F. Walker, the Republi can senator from Chester, under indict for larcenv and breach ot trust, sent io his resignation. 1 his leaves the senate 16 Democrats, 16 ttepuDlicans, ana l inae pendent. Iu the house twenty-one contumacious members, who refused to recognize the constitutional bouse, were admitted to seats and sworn in, after first being brought to the bar and made to apologize for contempt. There are still about thirty Republicans in contempt LOUISIANA. EverTthinrfLoveiy and tne G-ooae Hangs Hiffn. New Orleans. April 26. The Icgisla ture has adjourned sine die. A 11 the state officers elected withllov. JNicholls are now in undieruted possession of their offices and records. The city is quiet. TO-DAYS' ADVERTISEMENT S. BINGHAM HOUSE, Eleventh and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. PA. First & 2nd Floors, $3.00 per day; 8rd A 4th Ccnus Davis, Proprietor. PERSEVERE In the Uss of this Remedy until Cured. It contains tho Great Healing Ele ments of Plants in their es sential form as Obtained by Distillation. Catarrh, in its extent and destructive force, stands next to Consumption, and is closely allied to it; for in certain constitutions the transitions from one to the other is only a qnestion of time. It la there fore a singular thing that those afflicted with it should not make it the object oj their lives to rid themselves of it. A single bottle of any remedy cannot, in the cn route etage, effect a cure, nor even bring the system under its influence fully. In mauy such cases the bones and cartilage of the nose are eaten away, the organs of hearing, of see ing, and of tas'ing, so affeced as to be rendered useless, lhe uvnlva sonlongated and inflamed as to nroducea constant and distressing cough. The re turn to health must necessarily be slow, nnder .the most fsvoraDte circumstances, when so seriously at- mctea; out as tue evidence 01 its great value daily comes to hand, we become more and more satisfied that there does not exist a case of Catarrh that can not be cured by a judicious and persistent nse of Sanford's Radical Cubs won Catarhu The re lief in every case obtained from the flret dose is an indication of what it will do when the system is brought constitutionally under Its influence. Samford's Radical Cube is sold by all whole sale and retail druggists thronghout the United States. Price $1. lVIn.otiinoi-y . Ditc.nts and Specifications for Flouring Mills baw Mills, Distilleries and Oram Elevators n ade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con- tracts for building and machint ry, and give p r on- ai aiienuon io a., ne aetaua oi construction, ite I pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to whether or dered by mail or in person. At the old stand of 11 Brooks, (new No.,) 5S5No 16 S. Washington street PEORIA, ILL AdrtrcI,nrk Fftv.-lfW WILCOX SLLVBH FLATS COMFY. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, -Ar. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. AMUSEMENT S. The Ferry Boat will run af ter Performance. OPERA HOUSE I One Night Onlv! HOW THEY VIEW IT IN MICHIGAN. From the Detroit Post. Both tne cabinet and the presidents a.. A no policy are upon trial, and will be judged MftUUrUaY .VC K, AJJili 0. according to their truits. At this moment they are neither sustained by an over whelming preponderance of public opinion, as certain journals anxious to become organs" assume: nor condemned by pub lic opinion, as other journals, desirous of leadiog the opposition party, assume. The true attitude of public opinion ia that of watchful aDa friendly expectation, accom panied by a proper suspension of final judgment. The president is sustained in so tar as that the nation approves ot ms avowed purpose to secure peace and good will throughout the union; but the nation waits to see whether the steps he takes toward that end will be right steps and successiui steps. It waits, as we said above, with friendly expectation; but not with premature judgment. It hopes and believes that the president will do no wrong, and it earnestly desires that he may be abundantly successful; but, if these hopes and desires should unhappily be disappointed, the American people are neither time servers nor man-worshippers, and will not withhold just censure if it ever becomes apparent that censure ia really deserved. The Management announces, with extreme gratifl ca:ion the perfection of arrangements where by the Charming Actress, MISS KATt CLAXT0N, la enabled to appear in her Famous Original Crea tion as 99 The Blind Girl. At played by her at the Union Square Theatre. M. Y., over 400 times, in that most successful dra matic work, THE TWO RraMIS COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS Afford the most Grateful Be lief m all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED, Messrs. Weeks & PoTTKh : Gentlemen Having for many montba past fered with a Very lame aide, called by my pnysician Chronic Pleuoisy, caused by a former injury and strain and for which I used many prescriptions and liniments, as well aa the so-called rheumatic cares, without the least physician recommend ed one of your CoLuas' Voltaic Plastebs, which to my great surprise, relieved tho pain and sore nessslmost immediately, and I have been able to attend to my household attaira ever since with per fect ease and comfort, whereas before the applica tion of yonr invaiuable plaster I was scarcely able to do anything. I consider them inestimable, and ahall with pleasure recommend them to the afflict- ea. lours respectiuuy, Mrs. FRAN CES UARRIM AN. Obland, He,, April 21, 1870. Tbere is no medical or protective appliance that will ni-Atra t. f 1 1 .t ,c. in Ti ..VI i .... Coughs, Irritation and Soreness of the Chest and I EPERGNTSS Lunga. We believe them capable of preventing se-1 ' nons diseases 01 these organs. Manufacturers of iPlated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITEES, Cofee and Ice Water Urns. , Ite production has. at all times, invoked an in tense interest as being the Grandest Picture of the Passions actuating the human heart ever placed upon the stage. To insure proper performance of tb Drama, the Entire Company and Grand bcenic Effects, from the Olympic Theatre, St. Louis, will be bronght Into requisition, which will serve to make this an event I ng to be remembered. Reaerrsd Beat $1 OO. Admission SO b 7So Reserved seats can bo secured of Wylie & Mo Cune. The Ferry Boat will run af ter Performances Sold by all druggists for 25 cents. Sent on re ceipt of 35 cents for one, $1 35 for six, or f i.25 for twelve, carefully wrapped, and warranted perfect by WEEKS A PUTTER, Proprietors. Boston, Mass. SQEOS HI Tik WM IYE V the Mfest ud the bt, h IniUnUoeooa tau metioa, sad ft produce, tbe no. (natural thutes of black or brown, doe notstain tha skin, and Is easily applied. Itis a standard tt. mnA a farorita B' prMFtor. p. pro err wei I 'appouitea to- fruit stands; CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons c XToxl:s, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C, &C., &C. tVThese Goods can be found at all Vtmt m. I Dealers In Plated Ware. In purchasing call tor tar Wilcox's quadruple plate. - t-sad) ... .zz r-'