Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. (Rock Island, Illinois, Saturday, April 28, 1877. Established Oct' 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. SOCK ISLAND k ME-CIS CO . S. E. Leave Rock Island at KB a. m., and 4 :00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 UO a. m., and A:QO p. m. Leave Cable at 6:80 a. m., and 13:45 p. m. Arriving at Rock Ialand at 8;S0 a. m., and 8:00 p. tn. R. K. CABLU, General Manager. FEOSIA B05S:iSLANS RAILWAY. SH0RT18T BOUTS TO IBB BAST AND SOUTH. LI1VI ABRIVB. BsHtern Ki. B 50 a. tn. Mall & Ex. 1:02 p,m Mall A Ex. 1 '40 p. m. Western Ex. 5:55 p. m. Way Freight ;40 a. m. Way Freight 8 :25 p. m. The 8:00 a.m. train makes close connection at alva with-C B & O. t or Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with P F A J, for Jacksonville, Spring . eld, St Louis and all points south and southwest, arriving tn St Louts at 7:00 p m. Tho 1:50 train makes close connection atOalva with C B A i K K, for the -west ; arriving at yulncy at 9:45 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T PA W., for points east and southeast, J. B. Hiujabd, Receiver. J.. V. Mahonby, Qen'l. Tit. Agt, 61I0ASO,SQ8S XSLAStli FACI7IC S. B.I SOIXa BAST TBAIKS XiBATB At 8.35a. m.; 4:80 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. MIX) WBST TRAINS LBAVb! At 8:25 a "m.: 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST. LOOTS. BOCK ISLAND 4 C2Z5A90 B.B. HTW9 SOUTH TBAIUS LBAVB At 8 :05 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. dally,. ARBIVB FROM ST. LOUIS At 9 :W a. m. daily, and 8:50 p. m. 8TIELIN3 TSAIHS IXiTX At 5:10 p. m. ABBIVB rBOM STBBLTBa At 10:40 a. m. OOAL VALLIT Kim 3 CO.'S TBAXXI. SOESE NAILS ORBLUEOw HAMMERED AND FINISHED TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to tht Bock Island Argue. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q Q Q t) Q The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot and the Finishing and Pointing are aone void, thus imitating the Process of Making Nails by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y 35 Chambers St., New York. - -SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the World w the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S ' CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. LSAVB. 7:05 a.m. IS :00 m. ARBIVB. 10:30 A. M' THE RUSSIAN-TURK0 WAR. London, April 28. A special from Athens reports that the Greek govern ments while actively arming, intends for the present, to (maintain an attitude of reserved neutrality. The Czar has sent Prince Nicholas the military order of St George. Gen. Vukavitz, Montinegrin leader, has been ordered to Grahavo where a strong advanced guard of Montinegrins is sta tioned; another leader has been sent to Drobniak with 1.600 men to assume the offensive, and a third, yesterday, occupied Sistave Albania. London, April 28, The Pall Mall Gazette says the Danube is declared closed to navigation by the Russian com mander. Lloyds says neutral vessels must leave as soon as loaded: no inward vessel will be allowed to pass after Sunday. The reported as favorable to the neutralization ot the Suez canal, Jnegotia- iions ior wnicu are progressing, tie is willing to sell his 1,500 founders' shares. rlOME, April 28. The powers have answered ,the porte's claim for mediation of the powers in virtue of article eight, treaty of Paris, by informing the Turkibh government that negotiations so long car ried on fulfilled this article and the porte's claim is untounded. Manchester, April 28. The Guar dian says it is rumored that there is WESTERK UNION BAILSOAD. LBAVB Day Express and Mall 8:35 a m Nlebt Express 10:15 p ARBIVB 6:00 r 5:50 am The niirht finrcss leaving Rock Island every Sunday night at 19:15 connects with the train arri ving in Chicago early Monday morninr. No lay over checks given on throng n tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this tiam. The beautiful and fertile retrion skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare olants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic conflict of opinion between Lord Beacons- KUUll CU1U ifnlcttliio ui n uiuu iu is liiutmcu id v'm Totaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXP0S1TIUN AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGT01T, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBACCO. COVXKOTOH XT. are the Fountain, Cloth l Forum. Onr brands of Chewing ot Gold. Old Congress and MAQIC OIL, USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL! Van Schaack, Stevenson & Rolrt, Wlmleeale Agt's Chicago. III. Sold in KocK Island by John Beuga ton and F. H. Thomas. Wny let aches and pamB yonr temper spoil T A cure is sure by using Henne's Magic Oil 1 REN SB'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KKNNK'SJ MAGIC OIU cures iNeuraigia, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Hprains, RENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, KESNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, KENN'E'S MAGIC OIL. cures Cholera Morbus, REXNE'8 AGIC OIL cures Coughs. RENK'8 MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat "It Works likb a caarm. Datton, Ohio, August 27, 1875. Mibhrb. Wm. Rennk & Sons, Gekts Please send me at once by express one dozzun bottles large size Magic Oil. The Magic Oil does Indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother bad a fall which came very near resulting fatally. She reaovered her health in some degree during the year followine, but she sustained such severe Injuries, especially In her spine and left arm nd shoulder, that sue was a I morn neipie.s. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to L tlca.N. Y., to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of vour Magic Oil ; it relieved ber almost immediately , so much so th t she came home very much improved in health and strength, and fey the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enjoying better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother has so much confidence In yonr Magic Oil that she will not be without it. Respectfully yours, Josei-h E. Dimoh. Some folks seem o be prond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of "mv crick in the back" or "1 have sot the Sciatica" and delight in bragging that "nothing can cure me!" but when we such ,'awful folks" to nee RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we not only cure their lameness and charm away their pains, but we ac tually take ail teat kind of -brag out of them 1" and they frankly cwn np and say, "It works like a charm." Sold by all Drnggifts. Merchants and Grocere. Call for Renne s Magic Oil where you usually trade. FINANCIAL posed, and by whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it Is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous system, allaying the most iutcute pain in a few minutes. Try it. wnun yon will De convinced tnatno preparation possesses in so high a degree, its perfect anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt and effective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords,restoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the tlesh has wasted away, leaving nothing bnt tkin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new flesh to grow out and nil np the shrivelled parts, it restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it hSB been so successful in dis eases of the joints, m anections oi me tiptoe, Liver. Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever prortneed. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal lnnammauon. you will una it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains. burns, sore tnroat, bites oi insects ana reptiles, sail rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used eJtten al'y witn great success in goitre, or swelled uect, bcroiuia or lung s avn, Liver ompiaiui, nervous diseases. c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence ; also. Spavin, Splint, King bone, Big-head, Fistula,Farcy. Poll Evil, Wlndgalls ; Strains, Bruises, &c. DR. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REMEDIES. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schbnck's Pulmonic Strtjp, Schenck's SE Wkbd Tonic, and Schenck s Manpraki Pill,b and if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is effcted. To these three medicines Dr. J. H.' Schenk, of Philadelphia, owes bis unrivalled sncess In the treatment of pulmonary disease. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matters in the lungs; nature throws it off by easy expect oration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw It off, the patient has rtst and the longs begin to heal. To enable the pulmonic pymp to do this, Schenk's Sea Weed Tonic must be freely nsetl to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck's Man drake Pills act on the liver, removing all obstruc tions, relax the ga' i. bladder, the bile starts freely and the liver is soon recieved. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative; the alkali or which it is composed mixes wl:h the food and prevents souring. It as sists the digestion by toning up the stomach to a healthy condition, so that the food and the Pul monic Syrup will make good blood; then the lnngs heal, and the patient will surely get well if care is taken to prevent fresn cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenk, either per sonally or by letter, can do so at his principal office corner of Sixth and arch Sts., Philadelphia, every Monday. Scheuk's medicines are sold by all drnggists throughout the country. of Louisiana for past years have.under the merciful dispensation of the providence of God, been brought to a happy end; -and, VV hereas, It is meet that in the hour of their deliyerance and union the people should return thanks for the dangers past and seek strength to fulfill the promises held out by the dawning of an auspicious future; therefore, I, Francis T. Nicholls, governor of tha state of Louisiana, do issue his myproclamation fixing Thursday, the 10th day of May! as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and do invite all good people of this state on said day to abstain from their several avocations and to resort to their wonted plaoes of public worship, there to offer up their hearts in thanksgiv ing to that divine and merciful Providence who has vouchsafed to guide them to a haven of peace and union, and to ask at his hands tor the future the blessing of his divine guidance, so that all the people of the state, forgetting past dissensions and bitterness, may unite in the fulfillment of a common and happy destiny. THE SOTJTHEBH HOTEL. Verdict of the Coroner's Jury. field and some of his colleagues as to the part England shall immediately take in tne eastern question. This however is certain an army corps of 30.000 or 40,000 men is being rapidly prepared for dis patch to any points where English inter able this corps will rendezvous at Malta j?ept for ;a few minutes, or uriDraitar. j ne enmmann is onerea to. - - Lord Napier. St. Petersburg, April 28. It is stated that Russians captured Turkish camp at Weitkasder, Wednesday and alter wards advanced to Kisittock. O Advices from Turkish sources report that a battle at Batorene raged throughout yesterday. The Russians were command ed by Grand Duke Michael and were re pulsed with heavy loss. The Turks under Ilarron pasha suffered slight losses. The Russians resumed attack last night and were again defeated and driven across the frontier. Other despatches say the Turks crossed the Danube to day near Mlestna and a severe engagement is ex pected. The Italian government has issued a declaration of neutrality. A MOB IN QUEBEC. The City Council Driven Out by the People. Quebec, April 28, At a meeting of the city council last night the resolutions adopted at a public meeting the previous evening were presented condemning the different committees of the corporation for extravagance and also for a determination to reduce the police force. The passages of the city hall and galleries were packed with people who began a disturbance and the police becoming powerless the militia were called out. The mob forced its way into the council chamber compelling the mayor to adjourn the meeting hastily.- The rioters then took complete possession, upsetting stoves and chair9, aod doing all the mischief in their power. a double aiarm ot hre was sounded and tne nre apparatus was run out to divide the attention of the mob, but without effect, btone throwing was then commenced, and the windows demolished, after which the mob dispersed. St. Louis, April 27. The coroner's jury in the inquest on the victims of the south ern Hotel closed their labors this afternoon and rendered a verdict The jury reached the conclusion that the nre originated in the basement ot the hotel, in their opinion in the store room, but possibly in the wine cellar,but in either case neir the bottom of the baggage elevator. As to the cause of the fire the jury say that they have not testimony sufficient to base an opinion upon. As to the appliances of the hotel ex tinguishing nres they say they were com plete, with the exception of pipes and nozzels being wanted on the floors above the parlor floor, but from a lack of system and want of men to use the appliances,and of rules for their guidance, they were not i put into service on the night of the fire.ex- 1 he lessees ot the are censurable in several particulars, rirst, While providing the necessary materials for extinguishing fire they had provided no means for their use. feecond. In keeping in the store room large amount of inflamable material without adequate watching. Third. In removing from their office the gong necessary to alarm the inmates of the hotel in case of hre. Fourth, In employing only one watch man and he a very inefficient man, and sup plcmenting his duties as such with othe matters. Fifth, In a lack of rules and instructions to their employes as to their conduct and duties in case of fire. Sixth. In their making no efficient efforts on the night of the fire to awaken the guests and employes. In conclusion the jury made some sug gestions looking to the avoidance ot such calamities in the future. Mox.iisric. VHow about that board of health? Q BuCandidates for the marshalship are still coming in. BrB-Don't forget the turkey at Epp's to morrow, alt i"Is the "Calkins muddle" to be left over for the new council? t-Seven tramps kept last night and started on their journey this morning. l-Services at all the churches as usual to-morrow. At the Baptist by the pastor Rev. Lin field. The morning text: Luke 22.31,32. Evening, "Three fear nots.,' BMr. Hunt, of Iowa, is in town with plow which he thinks will walk away witn auytning or its Kind, iiad it not rained to-day, a trial was to have been made with it. 465-1 ur key feast at linn s to morrow for dinner. Hawthorn, the caterer, stands at the head of his profession, as every one knows; and he will spare no pains on these cunday dinners, uome out and get a square meal once a week, at least. 28dlt 8eSlt. was stated a few days since, that the Gilbertown ferry boat would not be ready for use for several weeks, but that was a mistake. It did its first service night before last and to all appearances answered the purpose for which it was in tended to the entire satisfaction of the par ties concerned. t BSyllaller's butcher shop was burglari ousiy entered last nigtit, and the money drawer Durst open aud roboed ot its con tents, between 8 and $15. It is not known just how the thieves, or thief gained an outrance, but Mr. Haller thinks that tray went in through the cellar, an outside dcor of which has always been left un locked, The loss was not great, but should be sufficient to be a warning to him and to others to be on their guard .for these crib crackers. sar A respectable young lady ot lb or 17 years, suddenly disappeared from home, edncsday night, taking with her but one extra dress, and leaving no word behind to explain her mysterious depar ture. It is not known that any one ac companied her, nor can it be imagined where or for what purpose she has gone Her parents are very solicitous for her welfare, and anxious to learn her where abouts, Jfiia?A largo and select company o people gathered at Odd Fellows' hal last evening to participate in, and witness the exercises of the celebration of the Odd Fellows' 58th anniversary. An elo quent and highly appreciated address by the lvev. w . n. uoiiins, or Aledo; music by the Glee club, a synoptical history o the order by the officers, and la9t, but not eat, was the Dounteous and magnifisen collation to which fall justice was dene at lea3t by the invited guests. The affair was a complete success, and every one expressed themselves as highly pleased; HEAVY STOEM IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS XUNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER k. Iff tbe irre&wit Blood remedy of the age. m Tetter, Sarofula, Ulcere, Bolla. Pimple, and alj. Jn Blood diseases yield to Its wonderful powers. ETt 1 Pure Blood is the fnmrantee of health. Bead ? I " it eursd my son of Scrofula." J- K. Bnokt, tjr Ik AuneJvUie, O. H cured mj child of Errstpe- W MitM-" Mrt.K Smellier. Larimcn.P. Prioe Sl. M B. B. BK.l.LERS 4 CO.. Frop s. Pltuhurab, Pa. Jf The geoutDe has our Dame on bottom of wrappers. A Sensible'States Rights Man. IV York, April 28. Col. Thomas worth Higginson, one of the old of abolitionism, writes a letter to fribune from Newport, It. L, and Camphorine I Is the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not crease or stain the moet delicate fabric. has a plbasaut and refreshing olor. It will Irame diately relieve and cure Kheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, He2dache and Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Brumes, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. r'or sale by all Drnggtsto. MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS! Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them whiter and clearer than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put np in 4-oa bottles, price 15c. JSold by Gro cers aPd Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St, N. Y. "I wish to be counted as one who ap proves heartily, cordially and unreservedly the action of the president in withdrawing the garrisons f rom the state houses of South Carolina and Louisiana. For him to keep troops in any Btate house in order to determine disputed claims to governor ship 13 a stretch ot power so great that no state in tbe union ought to tolerate it; so great that it ought to be resisted by every peaceful means of nil tbe people in the republic. The colored men of the south can least afford to benefit by any arbitrary stretch of power which may, in other hands, be used to crush them. THE MOLINE SAVIN6S BANK (Chartered by the Legislature ol Illinois.) MO LINE - ILLINOIS Open daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.,and on Tuesday Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of 4 to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts ot$l and Upwards. SECURITY AN DAD VANTAGES. The private property of tbeTrnsteesisresponsible to the depositors. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of its moneys. Minors and married 'Women protected byspecial law. m Ofwcbbs: 8. W. Whbblock, President; Johh Good, Vice President; C. F. Hexbn way. Cashier. Tbcstms: 8 W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Caudee, C. T. Grantz, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway, John Good. J. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. ryThe only cuariored Savings Hank In Rock Island County. Concentrated SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER! ' Th Orpatest Blood Pnrlfler known, everywhere TWlimPHANTt A PERFECT SUCCESS I Curing Cancers. Sfrofula. Humors, weaitness, eic. in iact i ail Rinnd. l.lvr. skin and Uterine diseases. Sold , ' . : - by druitKists everywnere. rnce or six uuium for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. l) , seneca rails, r. x . Weather Probabilities. Washington, Apr- 28, The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and fo ment: Indications for the northwest: Ham and snow, with northeast to northwest inds, and decidedly low barometer in southern portions, followed by rising ba rometer, and stationary or slight fall in temperature! except slight rise in tempera ture in northern and western portions. The N. W. Press Association. Chicago. April 28. The annual meet ing of the Northwestern Press Association has been called by President Treynor for Wednesday, May 2, at the Grand Pacific Hotel in this city. Cold SnoW and. Ball Storm In the West Omaha, April 28. A heavy rain storm set in about 11 o clock last night, soon turning into snow. At daylight this morn- a m - . 1 ing tbe ground was covered nere witn a depth of i an inch, lbe storm has sub sided, Reports from the northern part of the 8tau show heavy sleet and hail storm Hever Failing SPECULATION flGUE QyR! In Wall Street. 500,000 has been made in a single investment 100. This of course is au extraordinary occur rence; but ordinarily $6 can realize say $25,000. Even sums as low as 1 can be safely tnveated.when favorablu result can show profit of fS.OOO. Circulars trivine full information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOR CO, Bankers, 8 No. 11 Wall St ,N. Y. AKU tuic Biii Kus. it win cure ie ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all nervous and kidney diseases. Every bottle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Piic$l, or six bottles ena emmp ior vnromo tree. j. u how K. M. u . rroorieior cinecs r bus, . i. Sold by John Bengston and T H Thomas, drag glsta. Rock island. AUTISTIC TAiLoraa PUTSILII liiUCALLSI STRADDLES! ! ZIMMER STEGEMAHN, No. 1,903 Second Ave TS. side Union Square, S25,S50,SiB0,SZB0,S450. Merchant Tailors ALEX&KDEB FSCTStSQlUtf & CO., Bankers and Brokers, No 13 Wall street. New York, make for customers Investments in Cotton Privl- Ipiroa In it raw in nt.i t"i sill it frnm 10 bales upwsrds, in 7 davs.15 davs. one month, two .months, three months, and six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times the amount invea tA viiti, hnnclit and sold on a mar gin' of c. Explanatory Circular and Dally Report oi tne votwn market sent ires. I AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of and French Cassimeres. Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, fVAll work guaranteed and prices reasonable, Li n English Wind, Hail, Lightning- and Much Damagfe Done. Springfield, 111., April 27. A terrific thunder, lightning and hail storm visited this vicinity this afternoon. 1 he wind tore up trees, unroofed house? and barns, leveled fences and drove the large hail stones through plate glass windows, inflict ing damages to the amount of many thoasands of dollars. Over 100 panes ot glass were broken in the state bouse, Out side the damage is also said to be considerable. The War on Hayesism Will Begin Early and Last Long-. From the N. T, Herald. Washington, April 26. The approach ing extra session of congress, ot wbieh there is now little or no question, is the subjeci of fresh discussion here. It ex cites widespread speculation as to its character, the ceneral impression being that it will be attended with a most lively political contest, which will throw the ap propriation bills in the shade, aod precipi tate the fight with the aflministnitioa which the Republican barons have been threatening to make. In calling the extra session so soon, instead of deferring it un til the next fiscal year has begun, or say until August or September, the president is likened to tbe Swiss peasant in the gorge of the Alps who insisted on whistling, and thereby brought down upon himself the dreaded avalanche. The wildest predic tioos are made as to the course the anti administration Republicans will take. It is even said that they will go so far as to endorse a resolution questioning the pres idents title, and that they will give what help they can to facilitate proceeding under a writ of quo warranto, should Mr. ruden choose to revive and try the issue in that shape. Report has it that another conspicuous and influential senater has thrown down the gauntlet to the president. and will range himself with Senator Blaine in the expected battle on the floor of the senate. On the other band, Mr. Hayes is assured that for every defection of this kind, on account of his policy toward the south, he gams five adherents from among conservative democrats. Court Records and books for county offices made in the best manner at The Arguh Office. EE3ALIAS. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, XAHUVACTCBEB OF R E G-ALIA -AHD- For LODGE SUPPLIES, Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids, Knights Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other Societiis. of DEALEB IS - Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, 8TARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 386 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. Show Cases. LTJTKE & MEHAH, (Successors to J, R. ZEIGLKR.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CASES! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 15 Hamilton Street, PEOFIA.ILL Correspondence solicited and order promptj filled. LCTKE & MEHAN. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. HELICAL. MANUTACTUEEEal in cony MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED CATARRH. A Case of Siz Tears' Standing, accom panied by Distressing Symptoms, Cnrea by the Use of Two Bottles of SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Messrs. Wbekb & Potter: Gentlemen. Please allow me to testify to the gieat merits of Sanford's Radical Curb fob Ca tarrh. For six years I have Buffered ereatly, par ticularly wh'le troubled with a cold. Tbe accumu lation of mucus in my head and throat kept me constantly hawking and spitting, rend ring my presence in company extremely embarrassing 10 mysalf and friends . Six moDths ago 1 was induced to try Sanford's Radical Ccre. After usini; two bottles I find myself nearly, if not quite, perma nent y cured. 1 have since recommended over one nundred bottles with the greatest success. Ream clfuliv vours. WM. W. ARMSTRONG. December 25, 1874. 159 Harrison Ave., Boetod. CATARRH. New Yorl Market. New York, April 28. FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 Money -2i4. Government Dull. U. S. Bonds 6 cent 5-J's 1881 1.141 1865 old 1.11 " 18n.w 1.10 1867 l.ias 1868 1.14?, U. S. Kts New 5's 1.117b Currency 6's l.4H COMMERCIAL. WheatQniet and Brm; S25c hisher: No 2 Mil waukee held 4 05. Corn Bxcited : 3K4c higher; new mixed wes tern 70Vl. uatf lc better; mixed western 4361. Pork Dull; 18 50. Lard Stead v; 10 32HS. Whisky 1 13, Helped Eer the most of any Medicine She ever Used. Sirs Enclos d please find three dollars, for which send me three bottles of SANFonD's Radical Cvrb for Catarrb. The last helped me the most of any medicine I ever used . l ours in respect. Mrs. LORA.S CHASE. July 5, 1875. Hardwick, Mass. CATARRH. Chicago Marliet. Chicago. April 28. Wheat-Nominally higher: 1 09KO1 70 May; 1 Tivg .3 oune. Corn Strong and higher tnt unsettled : 67 May 59 bid June. Oats Firm and higher; 4154 cash ; 43$ June. Rye Steady. Barley -Firmer; 8085. Pork Unsettled and irregular; firmer ; 16 00 cash ; 16 15 June. Lard Unsettled ; firmer; 10 10 cash ; 10 20 June. Whisky-Higher; 1 10. LIVE STOCK. Hosrs-Bcceipts 10.000: quiet: light 5 35a5 40; common to choice heavy 5 355 70. Cattle-Dull ; receipts WW. From George "W. Shattuck, Esq., late Foreign Entry Clerk, Boston Custom House. Gentlemen. I have been troubled with Catarrh ! for several years, but by the use of your remedy it has been greatly relieved. This summer I have been entirely free from it. I make UBe ot it In my family for colds in the head, and find it an effectual remedy. I can cou9dently recommend it to all who I are similarly afflicted. ery tmly yours, October, 1874. GEO. W. SHATTUvii. Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made of the best NORWAY IRON, and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. i-Orders filled promptly and at tha lowe rates by GLOBE KAIL C01TY BOSTON. L1ND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL ill wrights 1 St. jLouis Slarket. St. Lotris. April 23. Wheat Lower ; No 2 fall 2 17 bid each ; sales 2 15 May; No 3, 2 10. Corn Excited ; higher; 5253. Oats Higher; 43 bid. Rye Higher; 96 bid. Whisky -1 09. Pork-Higher; 16 801S80 Lard Firm ; summer 10 00. LIVE STOCK. SHogs Receipts 800 ; unchanged. ScoTcniNG Malaria. It is a fact wide ly and amply attested that where the powj erful and pernicious drop, quinine, and other mineral poisons, administered remedies for fever and ague and bilious re mittents, fail to yield more than temporary relief to the sufferer. Ilostetter's Sto mach Bitters scotches those tremendous epidemics most thoroughly.and by strength ening the system and regulating its func tions, protects it against malarial attacks, No resident ot a locality where the above maladies prevail, or where they are likely to break out in consequence ol the poison iniE of the atmosphere by noxions exhala- and hard frosts. tions. should lailto take practical cogni- Fort Dodge, Kansas, April 28. Two Eance of the above important truth, and by inches of snow here last omht; damage to a timely use of the Bitters avoid the rava Milwaukee Market. Mt. waukee. April 28 Wheat H2!4 lower; closing quiet; No 1, 1 95; jmo3, l fa caen; l oune; ro a, i soft. Corn -Firm; 66. Oats-40V4. Rve 1 00. Barley 84. vegetation feared. Banged for Murder. St. Louis, April 28. Wm. Rentz was hanged at Marb'e Hill, Mo., yesterday for murdering a 9 year old child in 1875. He confessed the crime and also to hav- in.? for $10 pay murdered a man named Wm. Gray, 5 years ago and to doing other criminal acts. ' ias j" ' . failure . Boston. Arril 28. --May & Co., the largest house in metals and hardware. have suspended. Liabilities $600,000 failure was occasioned by bad debts and general shrink dec of the past tour years. Their own indebtedness is principally in Pennsylvania and abroad. ges of maladies so disastrous to the physi cal constitution. 1 here is not in existence a finer tonic, corrective and defensive cordial. Armed to the Teeth. Is a yery com- mon expression, but we tmoK armed to embellish and preserve them to a ripe old age is decidedly more beneficial and ap propriate this caa only be done by the fragrant SozodonL For cleansing, beautifying and preserving the teeth, sweeteniDz and purifying the breath, it has do equal. Printine. Binding and. Blank-Book work specialities at The Argus Office. No )ams wnl be spared to please customers. Satisfaction aruaranteed. u THAHXSGIVUTG XZT LOTJISIAJf A." Proclamation of Got. Blcnolls to People. ' : t - Toledo Market. Toledo, April 28, Wheat Strong; higher: No 2 red spot 2 00 May held 8 05; Ko 3 red l stl. Corn Strong; high; mixed spot and May 61 ft No 2 spet aud May M) ; June 6. AMUSSMEKTS. The Ferry Boat will run af ter Performance. OPERA. HOUSE I One Night Onlv! Saturday Eve'g, April 28. The Management announces, w:th extreme gratifl. canon the perfection ol arrangements wnere by the Charming Actrt as, MISS KATE CLAXTON, Is enabled to appear in her Famous Original Crea lion as "IjOUISBI," The Blind Girl. A played by her at the' Union Sauare Theatre, N. Y., over 400 times, in that most saccesrful dra matic work, THE TWO Dr. Harter's Elixir of Wild Cherry acts Pree I as a Tonic strengthenmng the digestive s . . powers, restoring tne appetite; as an skKZnA MnAtiliasIn All! t A Vila Bk tvAntla 11 New Orleans. April 28 .Gov. Nich- itrPfTr mmf the flnids of the bodv. oils has issued the following proclamation: and neutralizing in the blood the active Whereas. The political troubles which principles of disease.' For sale by T. H. Lave weighed upon tbe people of the state I Thomas. Its production baa, at all times. Invoked an in tense interest as being the Graudest Picture of the Passions actuating the human heart ever placed upon tne stage, to insure proper ne the Drama, the Entire Company and Grand Scenic Effects, from the Olympic Theatre PERSEVERE in th9 Use of this Remedy until Cored. It contains the Great Healing Ele ments of Plants in their es sential form as Obtained by Distillation. Catarrh, in its extent and destructive force, stands next to Consumption, and is closely allied to it; for in certain constitutions the transitions from one to the other is only a question of time. It is there fore a singular thing that those afflicted with it should not make it the object o; their lives to rid themselves of it. A single bottle ot any remedy cannot, in the chronic 'tage, effect a cure, nor even nring tne system nnder its influence fully. In many such cases tbe bones and cartilage of the nose are eaten away, the organs of bearing, of see ing, and of las' ing, so affeced as to be rendered useless, ine nvuiva so elongated and inflamed as to produce a constant and distressing coueh. The re turn to neaitn must necessarily be slow, under the most favorable circumstances, when so serioutily af flicted; but as the evidence of its great value daily comes to nana, we Decome more ana more satisned tnat there does not exist a case of Catarrb that can not be cured by a judicious and persistent nse of Sanfokd's Radical Curb run Catarrh The re lief in every case obtained from the first dose is an indication of what it will do when the system is brought constitutionally under its influence. Samporo's Radical, Cube is sold by all whole sale and retail druggists throughout the United States. Price 11. Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of fill Maoliiiier . Diar rats and Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Gram Elevators n ade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and machim tj, and give pr rson al attention to a., he details of construction. Ke pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to whether or dered by mail or in person. At tne oia stand or u Brooks, (new S0..1 525 No 16 S. Washington street, PEORIA. ILL Aflrtro.a Jxvk Bri.Jiri4 WILCOX SILVER PLATE COMP'Y. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, iV. Y. Factories, Wat Meriden, Conn. 111 COLLINS' Manufacturers of VOLTAIC PLASTERS Hated Tea Sets Afford the most Grateful Re lief in all Affections of the Chest and Lungs, CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITEES, lerea witn a very tame side, caned oy my pnysician 1 r rp J 1 111, 1 Chronic r"Knoisy, caused by a former injury and t0lte6 311(1 IC8 WHlBr UmS. strain and for which I ned many prescriptions and I itaioi UIIIO; Messrs. Wxkks & Potteik Gentlemen. Having for many months past suf fered with a very lame side, called by my physician beatre, et. Ixule, will be brought into requisition, which will serve to make this an event 1 iig to be remembered.. Beaerred Beat $1 OO. Admission SO fc75o Reserved seats can be secured of Wylie tt Mc Cnne. The Ferry Boat will ran af ter Performance. linlmenut, as weli as the so-called rheumatic cures, Btl t la n thai lunaf Vui 4i t m nrtvatiisn NiAnniman A ed one o( yourCoixiKS1 V0LT410 Plasteus, which I KirrililjrirjS. w - J 0 - V - ja-aas.u .SUM SVI W neae 1 lmo?t immediately, and I have been able to attend to my household atfaira ever since with per, feet ease aud comfort, whereas before the aDDlica tion of your invaluable plaster I was scarcely able to do anything. I consider them inestimable, and shall with pleasure recommend them to the aftlict- ea. xonrs respectrully, Mrs. FRANCES UARRIMAN. usUBD, sie April zi, 188. There is no medical or protective appliance that will prove to grattf l and effective in Tickling Conghs, Irritation and Soreness of the Chest and Longs. We believe them capable of preventing se- huui uiiKam ui iuw urgsua. 1 Said by all druggists for 25 cents. Sentoa re ceipt of 25 cents for one, 1 25 far six, or $S-5 for iwetve, careiuny wrapped, and warranted perteci py w xjihj a rui 1 rropnetoro, Boston, Mass. 1 1 FRUIT STANDS. CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons Sc Ivories, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C., &C., tfcC. tJTTtiese Goods can be found at all First Class Dealers In Plated Ware. la purchasing call for nr WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE PLATE. 4-xidJ-