Newspaper Page Text
. Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Wednesday Mav 2, 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. BOCS ISLAND & MESSES CO . S. B. . Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 13:45 p. m. Arriving at Kock Island at 8:30. m., and 8:00 p. m. K. R. CABLH, General Manager. PEOEIA & S3:s:iSLAND RAILWAY. SHORTEST BOCTB To TUB EAST AMD SOUTH. LEAVE AKB1VE. KrhUtq Es.. 5 50 a.m. Mail & Ex. 1:0)2 p,m Mail Ex. 1 '40 p.m. Western Kx. 5:!5p. m. Way Freight 6 ;90 a. m. Way Freight 3:25 p.m. The 6:00 a.m. train makes close connection at alva with C B & Q, for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with PP&J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Louis and all points sooth and southwest, arriving In 8t Louis at 7:00 p m. The 1 :fi0 train makes close connection at Galva with C B & O, R R, for the west; arriving atQuincy at 9:45 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T PA W., for points east and southeast, J. R. Hilmabd, Receiver. Ji. V. Mahonbt, Qen'l. Tk't. AgX C31SA90, BOSS ISLANB ft PACITIC fi. s. eOIXS BAST TBA1J8 U1T1 At 8 .85 a. m. : 4 :S0 p, m. ; and 10 :00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. OOIXO WIST T BAINS LEAVE? At 6:25 a. m.: 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST. L07XS. BOCK ISLAND ft CHICAGO B. B. OIKS SOUTH TBAIUS LEAVE At 8:05 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, ABRIVB rROD ST. LOUIS At 9 :20 a.m. dally, and :50p. m. STtSLINO TEAMS UATX At 5:10 p.m. ABRIVB 7 BOM STBBLIX0 At 10:40 a.m. COAL VALLEY ItTOXKQ CC.'S TBAIXI. LEAYE. 7:05 A. M. 12:00 M . ABRIVB. 10:80 a. 8:80 r. m. WZSTERE TOION BAILBOAX). LEAVE ARBITB Day Btpross and Mall 8:85 am 0:00 pm NK'ht Express 10:15 pm 5:50 am The nlirht express leaving Rock Icland every Sunday niht at 19:15 connects with the train arri ving in uuicaffo eariy moiiuny muruiuic . my over checks given on through tickets from Rock Inland to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this tiam. Totaoco EOSSS NAILS T-ELEaHAPHIC. HAMMERED AND FINISHED! IN I Telegraphed to the Rock Island Argue. 6 6 7 8 9 10 V O Q ' I J The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Malting Nails by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. Fo sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, S5 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the World is the Oreat Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. . FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ASABIAN LINIMENT, HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFIUGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBACCO. COVISTOTOMT XT. Our brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth ot Uold, Old Congress and Fornm. The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, nnctions and Jjwneiratlng properties it is, when applied, amused TrTrreuKh the whole nervous sys em, allaying the most intense pain in a few minutes. Try it, when you will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so high a degree, its perfect anodyne qualities. Itsaction is p-ompt and effective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.rcHtoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and wher the Hi'hIi has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new flesh to grow out and till up the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it has been so successful in dis eases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it in a specific, For any internal inflammation, yon will find it. gives great relief, it nas no equal in tne world lor Kheuma THE RUSSIAN-TURKO; WAR. Corfu, May 2. Pour iron clada of the British Mediterranean squadron have ar rived here. Bucharest, May 2. The Russian ad vance guard has reached Buzo on the rail way between Bucharest and Galatz. The Russians continue their movements in a leisurely manner, being retarded by floods and insufficient transports. The Turks are persecuting the Christ ians in villages opposite Ibrail and Galatz, and fugitives are arriving in the latter place. Cossack patrols are being put over the river. The Russians in Roumania are estimated at 60,000. New York, May 2. Cable dispatches say the Caucasus Russian army crossed the frontier at three different poiots. The corps under Gen. Oklobicco, a Georgian by birth, encountered a body of Turkish troops and took possession of .their strongly fortified camp, ine itussian loss was thirty killed and a captain of a battery wounded. The corps of Gen. Lorionielicki, a native of Armenia, in marching on Kars attacked .l m i-i . , ine jurKisn cavalry, taking prisoners a colonel and six other officers. Two squadrons of the Karrapapas tribe brought into submission bv the Turks. laid down their arms, offering their services to the Russian army. Fifty men were received and the others disbanded. X v ... Liondon, may z. L.eeds millers, yes terday, advanced flour four shillings per bag an advance ot seventeen shillings .in one week. Tiflis, May 2, An official Russian despatch announces that the Turkish garrison, numbering 100, abandoned Mysterious Disappearance. New York, Mav 2. John T. Dally. the ireputed mitlionare and proprietor of tne Windsor Hotel is missing and it m feared he has committed suicide, owing to the depreciation in real estate and the determination ot the rark Commission to obtain from him a lare amount of money. Arrests for Fraud in Railroad Tickets. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2. J. V Knapp. of Jersey City, and Y. C, White, of Baltimore, haye been arrested at Wil mington charged with dealing in railroad tickets taken up by conductors without punching. Nine arrests at other points are reported. - - Gold .Going to'. Europe New York, May 2. Three hundred thousand dollars of gold com was shipped for Europe to-day, and one hundred thousand is beingjpacked for to-morrow's steamer. Death of a Well Known Minstrel Actor. New York, May 2. W. W, New comb, the well known negro minstrel, is dead. Gen. Crook in Chicago. Chicago, May 2. General Crook ar rived here last night and will hold a con sultation with General Sheridan on some matters relating to-Indian affairs. Fire in New York. New York, May 2. A fire in neur Square this morning burned number of business places. G over out a Desperate Encounter with Burglars The Thieves Stab and Bob an Old Man. Aurora, 111., May 1. Two burglars entered the residence of Ira Fitch last night aud robbed him of about $75. He was aroused by the presence of the burg lars and attempted to defend bis posses sions by an onslaught on the robbers with a handle "hotel beats" so that landlords could have some protection. To the Editors of The ArguB. "One of Ahe board," in last evening's Argus, evidently does not relish the hard hits of "'Justice," and rushes to the rescue of the finance committee and endeavors o defend the action of the library board. "Justice" has investigated, as suggested by "One of the Board," and finds that the amount deducted was $11,10 instead, of $5.33. This being admitted by "One of the Board" renders the matter only the more contemptible, and when he under takes to smooth it over it shows him to be in active sympathy with Gould and Start, and willingly aiding the scheme. It is a noticeable fact that when a man does any thing that he is ashamed of. or does not it a a a want me puouc to Know, ne Deco es highly indignant at just criticism and al ways wants to be "let alone." So with "One of the Board." who disnlavs some bad temper when he advises "Justice" not to meddle with matters in which he has no concern. Well, this is consoling, but the intellectual gentleman who penned that communication will plcate understand that is does concern "Justice;" that, in fact, it concerns every citizen ot Mohne, "One of the Board" will please remember that he does not own the library; that be U only a member of the board, placed there by the people, and that his acts are subject at all times to the criticism of any citizen. Alter a feeble attempt to wipe out the stain of the affair by mentionine one or two trifling errors. hi actually ad mits there was an agreement, by which the entire rent teas to be paid to April 1st, and he believes that the board, had it known of the agreement, would have lowed the billl The fact is that "One of the Board" All..i .i a. a lecis Keenly tne aritt or public opinion in this matter and tries to crawl out of hi Will positively afford relief by external application. It cures on the instant Neu ralgia, Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, oothache. Earache, and all nervous pains, SO AS BY MAGIC. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. and $1 per bottle. For sale in Rock Island by John Bengston. share of the transaction by absenting him- knife. In the melee the burglars self from the meeting. As for the finance and J. C. Starr, that thev acted ammunition. The Russians occupied the town, London, May 2. A dispatch from a Russian source announces the Russians troops have taken fortress of Bayazid, Armenia. A Vienna correspondent, commenting Usui also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak I on Roumania troops returning to Kalafat Bayazid. Monday, withdrawing to Altaday wrenched the knife from him, cutting him committee Judge Gould heights carrvintr a lar nnantifr of i at tne same time very Daily m tne lace, w wen Known laci joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains. burns, sore taroat. Dues or inserts ana reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, manee. and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly Denetmea Dy it. it is nsca exterr al'y witn great success in goitre, or swelled neck. Scrofula or King s kvh, Liver complaint, nervous diseases, c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will enre any case of Sweeney in existence ; also. Spavin, Splint, Ring bone, Big-head, Kistula.Farcy. Pol" Evil, Wlndgalls Strains, Bruises, &c. MAGIC OIL, USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING VIAGIO Oil Van Schiack, Stevenson ,t Reid. Wholesale Acrt's Chicago. 111. old lu Kock leluu.l by Jol.n Bengs ton and F. H. Thomas. Wny let aches aufl pains your temper spoil? A cure is sure by using llemie's Magic Oil ! RENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KENNK'fi MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, RENNE'S MAOIC OIL cures Spraini, KENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, RENNE'S ..AGIO OIL cures Coughs. RENTE'S MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat. "It Works uki a caabm. Dayton, Ohio, August 27, 1875. Mchnrr. Wm. Rknne & Sons. Gekts Please send me at once by express one dozzen bottles large size Matric Oil. The Magic Oil does indeed work, like a charm. Six years ago mother had a fall which came very near resulting fatally. She recovered her health in some degree during the year following, but she sustained such severe injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nd ehouldwr, that she was almost helpless. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fail she went to Ltica.K. Y., to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of vour Magic Oil ; it relieved her almost immediately , so much so tn t she came home very much improved in health and strength, and by the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enjoying better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother haB so much confidence in your Magic Oil that she will not be without it. Kespectfnlly yours, Joseph E. Dixson. Anmp fnlka seem in be nrnnfl of telline how "lame their shoulders are" of -mv crick in the back" or "I have p..t the Sciatica" and delight in bragging hnt "nnthinf can cure me!" bnt when we Bnch .wfnl folks" tome KENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL. faithfully, we not only cure their lumcneM and charm awav their pains, but we ac tnall v take all teat kind of "bras out of them I" and thev frankly cwn no and say. "Jt works like a charm." Sold by all Druggists, Merchants and Grocers. Call for Renne's Magic Oil where you usually trade. TO ALL, PARTICUXARY INVALIDS. Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ness should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain in a disor dered condition, rntil the disorder has time to de velop liself. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound "of cure, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the eomplaints now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nansea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Schenck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy so harm less and decisive in its action. It at once strikes at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellant medicine vhen they feel the flft Indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost instancnus effect. They will relieve the patient of headache in one or ! t hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will tffectnally prevent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. says it appears as if Roumania considered the ratification of thr. convention with Russia as a declaration of war against Turkey. Vienna. May 2, The convention between Russia and Roumania for the transit of the Czar's army is considered by Austro Ilungaria as a breach of neutrality. From the aspect of affairs it Seems doubt ful whether the government will be able to resist much longer the manfestation of public opinion in lavor of intervention. The press has never been so violent in its language towaraa tvussia, Vienna, May 2. The Presse believes should the porte persist in expelling Kussians from lurkey, the government will not send an ambassador to Constanti nople. DEMOCRATS PSAISINQ THE AOT INB PRESIDENT. one deep gash being over the eye. The robbers succeeded in obtaining what money Mr. .bitch had about him, and decamped without giving any clue to their identity. Late in the evening Mr. Fitch was paid this money at his office down town, which transaction, it is supposed, was observed, aftor which he was followed to his home and the robbery committed. The St. Louis Hotel Fire-Remains Found St. Louis, May 1. A piece of the skull and the thiuh boue of a body were found in the Southern Hotel ruins yesterday, which are believed to be all that remains of Charles Kerfricht, the head-waiter, as he is the only person known to have been in orconLected with the hotel on the nicht of the fire, who has not been accounted for. deliberately; especially Starr who ins'gted on the deduction. I his matter is one that win not soon ne torgotten and will live on , a a . i tne records as the meanest, most narrow minded and contemptible piece of finau ceeriDg ever done by a board of public omcers, who, according to the written ad mission of "One of the Board,as published in The Argus, actually violated their own contract and insulted a generous promoter of the public good. Justice. BOTH PARTIES SATISFIED THE SOUTH. IN Seller. Liver PilH bare nux'd Thirty yemrs Standard Remertv for the cure or Liver Complaint. M m CoetiveneM, 8lek Headache, and all beraug- M menu of the Liver. m " Krller' Vennlfutre. the rreat Worm Be- M troyer." expelled 4O0 larffe, llv worms from my fleblld. 3yearsold. Wm. Server, St. Louis, Mo. Price w. m earn fto. If vour druggist dna'l keep them, seed for M them. K. K. HKI.l.FRS A CO.. Prop's. Pittshorgh. Pa The Negroes Better Treated than Ever. W ashington, May 2. The Democratic Jackson Association unanimously passed resiiluuons commendatory oi tne presi dent's policy. One sneaker said the presi dent did as much to harmonize the inter ests of the country and to promote its prosperity as could have been expected from a Democratic president, (ientlemen of both parties from New Orleans speak in enthusiastic terms of the good feeling and conduct of all produced by the recent pacification. Republicans say the colored people are treated better than ever. Damaging Frosts. Des Moines, Iowa. May 1. There was a heavy frost here last night, which settles all prospect of fruit, large or small, except grapes, which are probably uninjured. Ottawa, 111., May 1. A heavy, blight ing, black frost occurred in this region last night, totally destroying early small fruits and all the tenderer sorts of uarden vegetables. Early cherries, pears, etc.. have suffered creatly. The extent of the damage cannot yet be correctly estimated. New YorJLt Market. Nkw York, May 2, FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 07. .Mouey-a&s. Governmente Steady. U. S. Bonus ti$i cent 5-40 s 1S1 1.14A 1S65 old LOTS lv n. w 1.1", 1X67 1.13 1808 M5 U. S. 10.4(V J is JtW 5 s l.ili Cnrreucy 6's 124; COMMERCIAL. No Chicago 1 751 80; No 2 Mil mixed wrctern 65!J0S; old Wheat Dull waukee 1 85. Corn Better; new ao 7i(3i 4. Oats Fair; mixed western 5067. Pork Heavy: 16 00. Lard Lower; 10 0010 124. Whisky 1 12'4. Chicago Election of Directors in tlio Lake Shore B B Cleveland, Ohio, May 2. The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway held in this city to day elected tho following directory: Wm. H. Vanderbilt, August Schell, Samuel F. Barker, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Win K. Vanderbilt. John E. Burrell. FraDcis Freeman, New York; Henry H. I'ayne, Amasa Stone, Cleveland; Albert Keep, Chicago; Wm. L. Scott, CharLs M. Reed, Erie, Pa.; Rasselos Brown, Warren, Pa. This election result ed in three new men being added to the board they being Cornelius Vanderbilt, W. K. Vanderbilt and Albert Keep. TKa Itnnilrl flpht nf Ha nnmnnnir Trfirv LI0UID STARCH GLOSS ! sist, 1875, was $36,250,000: Dec. 3ist, Camplioriiie ! U the mo cffectnsl remedy uold, is a lnxnry to use, give the best eatiafaction, pivee instant relief, will not preane or etain the mwt delicate fabric has a pleasant and refreshine olor. It will inline diately relieve and cure Kheumatipm, Chronic and Acute; Neuralffta and aiarrn, nezuncue suu Swelled Face, Sore Throat. Sprains and Bruised, Bud ions and Chilblains, ptions or me Mcin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Barns and Scalds. for sale by all Drngpisto. MATHEWS' FINANCIAL Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched t'oodH, making them whiter and cleaber ttan wax or anything else, and prevent the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Pnt np in 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers and Drnggrists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St., N. Y. 1876, $36,000,000. As compared with 1875 the net earnings show a decrease of $485,000, while there was an increase in tonage of 20 per cent., showing a deficit in the earnings caused by the low rates of freight which prevailed during the last year. THE MOLINE SAVIN6S BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois.) MO LINE - ILLINOIS Open dally from 9 A.M. to 8 P. M.,and on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 to S o'ciock. Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of 4 to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l ana upwards. SECURITY AND ADVANTAGES. The private property of theTrnsteesisresponslble to the depositors, me omcers are proniuitea irom borrowing any of its moneys. Minora and married women protected byjspeciallaw. OJTimtRS'. 8.W. Whbilock, President; John Good, Vice President; C. F. Uehenwat, Cashier, Tkusties: B w. Whnclock, Porter Skinner, C W. Lobdeil. Nelson Chester, II W. Candee, C. T Grantz. A. 8. Wrijrht, C. F. Hemingway. John Oood. J. M. Christv. C. H. Stoddard. raThe only chattered Savings Hank In Rock Island County. S-lly Some JTonaense Stopped for Want of Monty to Squander. Washington, May 2. The work o 11 .nn-a n.aSa'.t LV. IKVOSaa V fn k S V . - I CUUVOI HUE X X 1 Ulwii OUJUUUI UU1 r-B 1U.U (011.CIlUl?aXeCl inch rifle bores, has been suspended for want ot tunas. It congress votes the needed money the ships ot war fitted for sea this year will be armed with these approved guns. SYBUP BLOOD PURIFIER ! The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PEKFKCT 8UCCKSS I Curing Cancers. Scrofula, Humors, Weakness, etc. In fact ill Blood. Liver. Skin ana uterine diseases, doiu by druggists everywhere. Price $1, or six botlles for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , beneca Fails, I, i. Never Failing SPECULATION Afiy E CURE ! In Wall Street. 500,000 has been made In a single investment $1U0. This of course is an extraordinary occur Tiinci: hut nrrtiimrtlv tl can realise say S25.0GO. Even sums as low as $ 1 can be safely invevted.waen favorable result can show proni oi fj.uv. Clr:u nrs giving full Information sent free by ad Uresijing lalWU CSV vu, uDiisciii, No. 11 Wall St., N.T. 1 AND TONIC BITTEI S. ly Chills, Ague. Sciatica, Neuralgia, It will cure permanent- ague, sciatica, nenraigia, uenuity, an nervous ana Klaney aiseasea. nvery ixniie war ranted to give perfect satisfaction, rue 1, or six bottles fn. Sena stamp ior vuruiuu-irec. v. a. HOWE, M. 1) , Proprietor. Soneca Falls, N. Y. Sold by John Bungeton ana l u xnomas, drug gists. Rock Island. mmm, ARTISTIC ' TAILOSIIsQ ZIM7.1ER & STE6EMANN, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. aide Union Square, PUTS ! ml CALLS 1 STRADDLES! ! Sffi, S5Q.S1G0, S200, S450. Merchant Tailors I Bankers and Brokers, No 12 Wall street. New York, make fur cuxtomers Investments in Cotton Privi leges, in nmnunU to suit, from 10 bales upwards. In 7 days, 13 days, one month, two monlha, three months, and six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times the amount Inves ted. Future Contractu hnnffht and sold on a mar tin of 4c. Explanatory Circular and Daily Keport vi we uoiton market cent free, AVE JUST RECEIVED A LAEGE AND WELL assorted stock of H English and French Cassimeres, Diagonals. Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc., etc tTAll work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Fire in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, May 2. Emerson & Fish er's carriage factory and ware rooms on Findley St., near John, was destroyed by fire lust night Less on machinery and stock will probably reach $60,000. In sured tor $35,000. Ako.the brick factory building belonged to Procter & (ramble, 8oaD and candle manufacturers. Their loss is about $10,000. Fully insured. In surance on stock $15,000, on building and oils $31,000. Bow the People Pay Political Profilg-ates New York, May 2, Auditor Ogden testified before the custom house investi eatine committee to day that there were 99 men in his department, most of whom knew nothing about their duties when annotated. It competent and well paid x a ai . t A men were employed tne department could be managed with 20 per cent less help. -Weather Frobabilltlea. Washington. Mav 2. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o clock this forenoon indicate the following weather Di-obabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: East to south wind, partly cloudy or cloudy weather, occasional areas of light rain and falling barometer at south stations: Indiana Hailroad War. ' Indianopolis. May 2. The railroad fight has been transferred to the U. S rlintriflt ennrt in this cits where a motion was made by the bondholders at noon for the appointment of a temporary receiver of rr. T. M. & B road from Lafayette to the Illinois state line, be heard at 2 o'clock, which motion will j&aT'A temperance billiard hall will le started here next week. Bjt. A bed spring manufactory is the latest enterprise in this town. BguT. B. Fargo, superintendent of the Western division ot the American Express (Jo's lines, was in the city this morning. attending to business for the company. fissT'No small amount of anxiety is mani fested by the present incumbents of offices under the coDtro! of the city counci'. Good nu-n need have no apprehension as to the result. fi Strayed or Stolen, from the residence of Fred. Valentine, on Park street, April 24th, a small, light colored or gray cow, horns turned downward, and heavy with calf. Five dollars will be paid for information as to her wherea bouts. 2d It JBH. T. Skiff, advance agent for the llyers Sisters, was in the city to day making arrangements for the appearance of that excellent troupe at Timm's hall, Friday. May ISth, This combination has acquired a world-wide reputation tor their delinea tions of plantation characteristics. flia?B. J. Orton, of Cambridge, Henry county, was in town yesterday looking for his son aged 1 . years, who started out together with John Tracy, a boy about the same age, whose parents are near neighbors to Mr. Urton, ran away from home on Monday. Orton's son has been writing to a young man in this city for some time and talked much of going to the Black Hills. Mr. Orton has searched Hock Island and this place but has not succeeded in getting aoy trace of the run aways, loung Norton had about $ m money, and Tracy had none; so they will not travel far. flgyLasl Saturday, Miss Dela Mvers, who has been cook at the Uault house for some time, and Frank D-vis, an employee of Deere & Go's., were united in marriage and started out with as fair prospects for the future as could be wished for; but they were doomed to feel the stings of connubial infelicity. The '"green eyed monster" made his appearance before 48 hours had elapsed, and the pair, feeling that they could not enjoy the full measure of love's blessing under the shadow of the Moline bluffs, put their things together, secured passage toUmaha, and this morn ing, in the language of the poet, exclaimed: Dear, damned, distracting town fare well." Ba,Last evenisgi about 8:30 o clock, ten or fifteen of the irresponsible hood lums ranging from ten to fifteen years of age were enjoying themselves immensely. They were in the lot west of Wm. Schra- der s saloon, where they formed a ling which two of them entered and com menced scratching, biting, and pulling hair in a way which would put to shame many of the dogs of the present day. It was not, strictly speaking, a pantomimic per formance; such exclamations, interjections and epithets as would not look well in print accompanied and embellished the sceue. t he names or tne combatants were B. Conzleman, aged about 15, and Gust. Peterson, aged 11 or 12. S3 A boy about 17 years of age, giving hia name as Frank Will, and hailing from Bloommgton, has been stopping at the Reese house a short time without money, and when Mr. Reese told him he must pay or "skip out," said he was working at Keator'a and would pay in a few days; but yesterday he told one of the other boarders that he was going to get $10 last evening, and Reese should have none of it This coming to the ears of the landlord, exasper ated him and he had the lad taken before Magistrate Swander this morning, charging him with being a "dead beat," but as no legal process could enforce payment of the money, he was given a severe reprimand, some wholesome advice, and allowed to go his way. There ought to be & law to FLUID LX3ET1TCT3. LI ID I!.I1TMG Show Cases. LTJTKE & MEHAH, (Successors to J, R. ZEIOLBS.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CASUS! OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 215 Hamilton Street, PEOPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt! filled. LCTKE A MEHAN. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. MEDICAL. HANUFACTUSEESL in con MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Mar&et. Chicago. Hay 3. Wheat TTnsmtled; easier; 1 5S cash : 1 58 Jnne Corn Unsettled and lower; ju cash; 52!4 June jais r inner: 11 easn; TCtiune. Rye Lower; 85. harley Unchanged, Pork Firm; ehade higher; 14 510 cash; 15 07 June. Lard Firmer; 9 65 cash; 9 SO Jane. Whibky 1 10. LIVE STOCK. Hope Receipts 14.000; market very dull and lower; liht 5 25(3,5 55; common to choice heavy 3!k45 60. Cattle Pull: lame: receipt 4.000; good to choice 4 65 50 ; medium 4 20- 50. St. IiOnis Market. St. Louis. May 2. Wheat Higher; No 2 fall 2 11 osh; 2 08 bid Mav: No 3, l ses bid cush. Corn Lower; 49494 cash: 4ft&50H June.' Oata Parties apart; 40 bid; 47 aeked. Rvc Steady ;90H bid. Whisky-l 09. Pork-Lower; 15 2515 50 Lard Firm ; summer 10 00. LIVE STOCK. Hogs Beceipts 4,600; unchanged. CATARRH. A Case of Sis Years' Standing, accom panied by Distressing Eymptoms, Cured by the Use of Two Bottles of SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Messrs. Wheks & Potter: Gentlemen Please allow me to testify to the great merits of Sanfokd's Radical Cuke pok Ca tarrh. For six years I have suffered ereatly, par ticularly wh'le troubled with a cold. The accumu lation of mucus in my head ana mroai aepi me constantly hawking and spitting, rend ring' my prrsenee In company extremely eniDarrassiug 10 mysalf and friends. Six months ago 1 was induced to try Sanpord's Radical C i rk. After ustns: two bottles I find niyeelf nearly, if not quite, perma nently cured. I have ciuce recommended over one nundred bottles witn tne greatest success. Respectfully yours, WM W. ARMSTRONG. December2o. 1S74. lSUHarrieon Ave , BoBtod. CATARRH. Helped Her the most of any Medicine She ever Used Sirs Enclos d please find three dollars, for which send me three bottles of Saspobd's Radical Cvbb fob Catarrh. The last belped me the most of any medicine I ever need, lours lu respect. Mrs. LOKV S CHASE. July5, 1875. Hard wick, Mass. Horse Shoe Wails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Kails are made oi the bet-t NORWAY IRON, and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. IT Orders filled promptly and at the lowe rates hy GLOBE InaIL COM'Y BOSTON. Milwaukee Market. Mvwatkeb. May 2 Wheat 2c lower; 1 G5!4 cash; 1 68 June; Jso3. 151. Corn -Finn; 53. Oats -41. Rvc x93. Barleys- 84. TO-DAYS' ADVEBTISEMEXITS. HENRY ORTH, United States, Canadian and General Patent Solicitor, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Office. Federal Buildings, WASHINGTON, D. C, Branches in Toronto and Ottawa. Canada; London, Paris, Berlin, etc. All Patent matter promptly attended to on rea sonable terms. Correspondence conducted either in the English, French, German or the Scandina vian languages. SHOW GASESi CATARRH. From George "W. Shattuck, Esq., late Foreign Entry Clerk, Boston Custom House. Gentlemen. I have been troubled with Catarrh for several years, bnt hy the use of your remedy it has been greatly relieved. This summer 1 have been entirelyf free from it. I make use of It in my family for colds in the head, and find it an effectual remedy. I can con9deutly recenmend it to all who are similarly afflicted. Very truly yours, October 20, 1874. GEO. W. SHATTUCK. PERSEVERE In the Use of this Remedy until Cured. It contains the Great Healing Ele ments cf Plants in their es sential form as Obtained by Distillation. Catarrh, in its extent and destructive force, stands next to Consumption, and is closely allied to it; ior in certain constitutions tne transitions irom one to the other is only a question of time. It is there fore a singular thing that those afflicted with it should not make it the object oj their lives to rid themselves oi it. A single bottle of any remedy cannot, in the chronic rlage, effect a cure, nor even bring the system under its influence fully. In mauy such cases the bones and cartilage of the nose are eaten away, the organs of hearing, of see ing, and of las'iue, so affeced as to be rendered useless, Ibe uvulva sonlongated and inflamed as to produce a constant and diBtreeeing cough. The re turn to health must necessarily be slow, under the most favorable circumstances, when so seriously af flicted ; but as t'ue evidence of its great value daily comes to hand, we become more and more satisfied that there does not exist a case of Catarrh that can not be cured by a judicious and persistent use of Santoed's Radical Ccbk pok Catabku The re lief in every case obtained from the first dose is an indication of what it will do when the system is brought constitutionally under its influence. Samfobd's Radical Ccbe is sold by all whole sale and retail druggists throughout the United States. Price f 1. Millwrights ! Contractors & Builders ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLAO E In the City. Send for Price List J. E. BERRY, Prop., 90 State Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. PYLE'S. Is The Champion FOR WASHING IIT HARD OR SOFT WATER. Ho other Soap in this country is so serviceable to Housekeepers, and so well worth their attention. Pyle's 0. K Saleratus, Is the genuine pure, healthy kind that every good pastry cook needs, to insure complete success. Try these honest articles. SoJd by Crocers Everywhere. 2anf dbyJAS. PILE, Hewlcrk, COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS Afford the most Grateful Re lief in all Affections of the Chest atid Lungs. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. Messrs. Weeks & Ponn : Gentlemen. Having for many months past sur fered with a very lame aide, called by my physician Chronic Pleuoisy, caused by a former injury and train and for which I nsed many prescriptions and liniments, as well as me eo-caiiea rneumatlc caret without the least beneflLmy physician recommend ed one of yourCoLUKs' V oltaic Plasters, which to my great surprise, relieved the pain and sore neasflmost immediately, and I have been able to attend to my household affairs ever since with per fect ease and comfort, whereas before the aDtillca tion of your inva.uable plaster I was scarcely able to do anything. I consider them inestimable, and shall with pleasure recommend them to the afflict ed, lours respectfully, Mra. FRANCES HA.RK1MAN. UBLAMD, Jfte,, April 21, 1876. There U no medical or protective appliance that will prove ao grateful and effect' ve in Tickling Coughs, Irritation and Soreness of the Chest and Lungs, we believe them capable of preventing se Sild by all druggists for 25 cents. Sentoa re ceipt of 25 cents for one, f 1 25 for six, or S2.25 for twelve, careiuiiy wrapped, and warranted perfect by WEEKS & POTl'KK, Proprietors, Boeton, Maac L1ND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Of all descriptions of Drarlntsand SDeciftcations for Flonrinv Mill. Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators irade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and machinery, and give person al attention to a., be details of construction. Re pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mail or in person. At the old stand of U Brooks, (new No.,) 525 No Id S. Washington street PEORIA. ILL AdHrPs. T-nrk Box . 104 WILCOX SUM PLATE COffY. Show Room, 21 Maiden Lane, JV. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. (i mm Manufacturers of Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITEES, Coffee and Ice Water Urns; EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES , Spoons Ac Ivories, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. fcC., sfcC., tSTTheee Goods can be found at all First Class Dealers la Plated Ware. In purchasing call for WILCOX'S OUADETJPLE PLATE.. 4-sSd) .. .