Newspaper Page Text
' ! i' Twenty-Sixth Year. Hock Island, Illinois, Thursday, May cS. LS77; Estaftisliea Oct. 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. -CCE ISLAND & mCZ& CO . B. B. Leave Ruck Island at 9:00 ft. m., and 4:00 p. m. Ar-1 riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 14:45 p. in. Arriving t Kock Island at 8:90 a. in., and 8:00 p. m. It. K. CABL1J, General Meager. peoeia bo:e:island eailway. SUOHTKST KOCT1 To 1B1 SAST AND BOUTB. I.BAVK AHK1VK. ctryii Ei. 5 V) a.m. Mail A Ex. l:02p,m Mull A Ek. 1'40 p. m. Western Es. 6:!5 p. m. Way Freight 6;Wa. m. WayFreltfut 8:Mp. m. Tin; 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at ttiva with C B& Q, for Aledo and Kelthsburg, i'ro at Peoria with P P & J, for Jacksonville, Spring rl4. St Lonls and all points aonth and southwest, ..riving in 8t Lonla at 7:00 d m. The 1 :S0 train makes close connection at Qalva with CUtKS, tor the west; arriving atQuincy t i:45 d in., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T PA W., for points east and southeast, J. R. Himjabd, Receiver. J. V. Mahohit, Geu'l. Tk'l. Agt. caicAao, bock island pacific b. b. soma Hast tbaix uiti At s. 35 a. m.:4:30 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. SOWS) Wlf TRAINS L1AVK ' At (1:25 a 'm.; : a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST. LCUIS. BSCS ISLAND & CHICAGO B. B. ima SOUTH TBAIH8 LIAVI At 9:03 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, &BRIVB TBOli ST. LOUIS At 9:0 a m. daily, and 8:50 p. m.. STIBLINa miSS tXAVl At 5:10 p. id. ABBIVl TBOM 1T1HLIN8 At 10:40 a.m. COAL VALLEY CCS T8ADJI. HOESE KAILS HOESE POU3MEO , A- - BLUED. E HAMMERED AND FINISHED 5U 6 10 The Ausablc Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Xaih by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. t.SAVS. 7:05 a. a. H:00 . ABB1VB. 10:80 a. M 8:80 r. . The most extraordinary discovery in the World ts th Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Burnt H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. WZSTEEE UNION BAILBOAD. IJAVI AKKIVB Day Esnross and Mall 8:85 am 6:00 pm Ni rht Express 1(1:15 p x ' 5:50 am The nltrht express leaving Rock Island every Sunday nitfht at lt: 15 connects wiih the train arrl vlntr in Chicago early Monday morning. No lay over checks given on throngh tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on thisttam. Totaooo HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGTOU, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking T033A.CCO. The beautiful and fertile rcsrton skirting the ds ert of Arabia, abouuds with rare plants and odor uns woods, whence are procured those aromatic L'tims and balsams of which this Liniment is coin posed, and by whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it is, when applied, diffused tbrourh the whole nervous ss em, Bllaiu; tbe most Intense pain in a Xew minutes. Try it, when you will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so bleb a degree, its perlect anodyne qnamies. He action is p'ompt audeffective. It penetrates the ilesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cord,restoring nseto limbs paralysed for years, and where the flesh has wasted awav, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a healthv action . causing new flesh to crow out and till up the shrivelled parts It restores the svnovial fluid or joint water, and thl is the reason why it has been so succei-sful in diS' ases of the joints. In affections of the Koine Liver. Lnnirs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any Internal inflammation, you will find it give great relief. It nas no canal in the world for Kuetima tisin also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains. hums, sore throat, bites of insects ana rentiles, sal rheum, warts, corns, mange, and Indeed nearly all iliwura which reuuire an external application, and manv others, are irreatlv benefitted by it. It is used exteri al'v witn trroat success in goitre, or swellei neck. Scrofula or King's Evil. Liver Complaint. nervous diseases, c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence ; also. Spavin, Spliut, Ring bone, Big-head, Fistula,F..rcy. Pol' Evil, Wludgalls Strains, Bruises, &c. I Tultgraphed to the Rock Island Argut. THE W00DIN-TWEED INVESTIGATION. ADDS RICHNESS TO THE REVELATIONS. But Don't Help Woo din a Bit. How the 'Boss" was Induced to "Squeal." Where the Bing Used to Lunch and Rob the People, KOW CLAIMS WERE SWELLED TO ENORMOUS AMOUNTS. Tweed'3 Safe full of Cash in Albany. How It Was Guarded. And how Tweed Placed Honey Between the Leaves of a Legislator's Bible. tions from the British miuister it is ex pected that (Jhefket fraha, one-of the Turks responsible for the Bulgarian mas- cres, will be removed from his iniportai t military command and 8ent to Bagdad. The Turkish official journal states that uo important battle has been fought in Arme nia Russian ;the vanguard has only made an appearance at Batouin. Ke ports are cut rent of a Turkish defeat at Kars and cap itulation of a Turkish corps, but the minister of war is understood to have contradicted the rumors. Bucharest. May 3. On April 30th fire was opened at 10 o'clock in the morn ing between the Russian batteries Dear Ibrail and three Turkish monitors. The latter began to bombard Ibrail but were compelled tc wards noon to withdraw before the Russian tire. Loss or lite and damage in Ibrail unknown. St. Petersburg, May 3. The Journal de St. Petersburg contradicts Turkish re ports of Russian losses in engagemetts near Batourn. Constantinople, May 3. The British steamer Wallachia has arrived here hav ing been ordered to leave Galatz. The blockade of the Black Sea may be declared at any moment. Several British steamers therefore are staying here. A Russian prize has been brought here with a cargo ot salt. JB"No morning. IKSrDr. Vitzthutn has torn down the old fence around his residence and will replace it with a new iron one. flTempe ranee meeting at the Congre national churcii this eveniDg. Itev f. Findley aud Hench will address tbe meeting. a; a tt j rr. 3-Everybody in Moline ought to ketp MSul olzes r nauu USi3 their nose clean now. lhe Chicago auc tion man has sold over 400 dozen pocket COVIWOTOJI Our brands of Chewiui of Gold, Old Congress ant .XT. ; are the Fountain, Cloth Forum. 1.IAGIC OIL, USE RENNE'S I-AIX-KILLING Van Schiack, Stevenson & 1U-UI. Wholea'e Agfs Chicago 111. Sold lu Rock island by John Bongs tou aud F. II. Thomas. Wny let aches and pains your temper spoil? A cure is sure by using Keime's Magic Oil ! KENSE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KENNfc'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, RESNE'W MAGIC OIL cures Sprain-t, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, KKSNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, KKNNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, RENNE'S ... AGiC OIL cures Coughs. REN.NE'S MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat. "It Works like a caakm. Dayton, Ohio, August 27, 1875. Mkhbh. Wm. Rbnne & Sons, GijjTuplease send me at once by express one do.zen bottles large size Magic Oil. The Magic Oil does indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother had a full which came very near rsnlting fatally. She recovered her health iu some degree during the year following, but she sustained such seven; injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nd suouldar, that sue was aimoer ueipieos. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the secoud year after her fall she went to I. tica. N. V.. to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of vour Magic Oil ; it relieved her almost Immediately , so much ' th t she came home very much improved in health and strength, and by the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enjoying better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother has so much confidence in yonr Magic Oil that she will not be without it. Respectfully yours, Jossru E. Dixson. Some folks seem lobeprond or telling bow "lame their shoulders ure" of "mv crick in the back" or I have pot the Sciatica" and delight in bragging that "nothing can cure me!" but when we such ,'awful folks" to use RKNNE'S I'AIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we nm only cure their lameuess and charm away their pains, but we ac tually take all teat kind of -brag out of them I" and they frankly cwn np and say, "It works like a charm." Sold by all Druggists. Merchants and Grocers. Call for Renne's Magic Oil where you usually trade. TO AIL, PARTICTJLART INVALIDS. Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ucss should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain In a dior- dered condition, rntil the disorder bag time to de- raloD Iiself. An ounce of prevention is worth a ponnd of cure, is an o'.d and truthful saying Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the eomplaints now very prevalent -headache, indigi tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nansoa, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Schenck's Mandrake Tills. We know of no r.-medy so barm. less and decisive in its action. It at once strikes at the root of the disease aud produc-s a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver If they would take this exccllant medicine hen they feel the fi'st indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or fonr boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost instauuons tticct. They will relieve the patient of headache in one or t hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will iffectually pievent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. New York, May 3. The Woodin investigation is refreshing Tweed's mem ory and the prisoner ot Ludlow street promises to supplement his confession, now in the hands of the attorney, general of the state; with additional revelations showing how political battles were won and legislative triumphs achieved. To one prominent politician whose Dame has not heretofore been printed.he remem bered having paid $10,000 and he will be prepared to give the nama and details when called upon to do so. Carolin O'Briwi Bryant, who managed to persuade Tweed that he was acting as Chas. O'Connor's messenger, induced Tweed to make the statement, supported by affidavit sworn to before Wm. D. Gardner, book keeper at Ludlow street jail, accompanied bv 32 checks and 4 notes signed by lvichard B. Connelly, aggregat ing $265,000 and endorsed by lweed. These documents Bryant said were de sired by O Connor who had sent bmi for them and upon which O'Conner had promistd that the prisoner should be re leased. Seven of the thirty-two checks Hot that Man, bat 'Hotter Man. New York, Mav 3. A dispatch from Philadelphia says the announcement that Johob. Clarke, commedian, had failed in London, and that a receiver had been an pointed to take charge ot his estate, causes treat surprise. Geo. K. Goodwiu, man ager of the Walnut street theatre and Clarke's partner, states that he had re eeived - no intimation of anything being wrong, and is of opinion that it is another Clarke one John Clarke, an American commedian, now in London, who is meant Goodwin received yesterday a letter from his partner, dated two weeks ago. It said I nothing concerning finrncial embarrass ment. Clarke s last season at the Hat- Market Theatre was not profitable, and at least $3,000 was lost, but then the comme dian is reported worth all the way from $300,000 to $700,000, Weather Probabilities. Washington, May 3. The Fienal Set viee observations taken at lo o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for lower Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys: Northeast to north west winds, falling temperature, partly cloudy weather with rain areas and gener ally rising barometer. MOLINE. TO-DAYS' ADVERTISEMENTS. 1IAITUFACTUKEH3 : 1 it I I i n r l!. I police cases or tramps this MneaQ OT ail UOmpeilllOn I Lawn SELLERS LIVER PILLS RUr Ltvr PtU have urnod lor Thirty yeti a B Standard KemMy for the cura of Liver Complalat, m Coativenms. Hik Mtmdacbt and all Ilerauge- M menu of the Liver. m - Heller Verratfuce. th frent Worm 1e- H m atroyeir "expelttKl 400 large, live worm from aiy m M child. S rears old- Wm. Harver, Hi. Louis, Mo. Pncp m ach 25o. It vour drugeint don't keep them, aead for W g fhm R K HKI.I.KHS 4t CO . Pnr.'. PifTHh.irgh, Fa Camplioriiie ! fs the most effectual remedy sold, is luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not grease or stain the mod delicate fabric, ha a pleasant and refreshing o-lor. It will imme diately relieve and enre Hheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, Headache and dwelled Face, Sore Throat. Sprains and Bruises, Biin.ons and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. Vor sale by all Druggists. fiitait::al MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS! Gives a sploudld gloss aud finish to all starched goods, making them whiter and clearer than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Pnt np !n 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers aPd Druggiflta. A. I. MATHEWS & CO.. 85 Murray St., N. Y. THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK HOWS'S ,unitcicu uj iu. uvidiv w. i . nroTT . . ttjois Concentrated. Open dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M..and on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 1 to 8 o ciock. Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of 1 to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l and Upwards. SECURITY AND ADVANTAGES. The private property of theTrusteesisresponslble to the depositors. Tbe officers are prohibited from borrowing any of Its moneys. Minors and married women protected byispeciallaw. Officers: S.W. Wheelock, President: Johh Good. Vice President; C. F. Uemcnwat. Cashier. Trustees : H W. Wheelock. Porter Skinner. O. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Candee, C. T. Grantz, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway. John Good. .1. M. Christy, '. II. Stoddard. f3TThe only chattered Savings Bank in Rock Island Connty. -lly SYBUP BLOOD PURIFIER were.given to Peter B. Sweeney, Hugh Smith, and Abraai Van Yechten, the Albany lobbyist, aggregating oyer $700,- OtiO. The checks were all dated Nov 1 S70. The legislation upon Tweed's charter was in marcn li0. the re mainder of the checks were dated in 1S6S and 6 were given to the persons above named and to E. I Barber; one check to the latter being for $60,000. The four Connelly notes were dated iti 1870 and negotiated through tLe tenth National a:;d Central National banks. They were taken up by Tweed on Connelly s failure to pay and will doubtless be turned over to the city, as part of Tweed'!' assets in cai-e In- proposition is tccepteu, as now appears that it will be. The statements in the hands of the attorney .-general would occupy not less than 12 coiuiuns oi sui:i!l close type. It gives an exact narrative of how the ring was formed. The statements begin with the mauner in which Tweed, Jno. T. Hoff man, Geo. W. McLean and Connolly, back iu IStiS or 1SCG, were accustomed to meet danv at luuch in a Uttle room attached to the kitchen of the old coart house to dis cuss political matters. This coterie fiualiy dissolved ut:d then the corrupt ring was lormed consisting of Tweed, Connolly, Sweeney, Hall and Woodward with other minor allies which also met daily in the ame room, and, later, in Tweed's office in )uane street. Hall, the statement de- lares, at first received 10 per cent, of all he proceeds, but when tbe receipts began to come in not ouitc so briskly his snare as cut down to 5 per cent, with which he i , i i i., was aissatisnea ana oecause or wnicn ne frequently threatened to break up the combination. The statement also shows, in detail, the manuer in which bills were doctored by the ring. fter comine from the board of supervisors and afterwards from the board oi audit. Already fraudulent in many of the items new charges would be iuterlined between original items and totals changed to cor respond, so that a bill ot $100,000 as certified to by the clerks of the boards named would be sent to Auditor Watson raised to $400,000 or $500,000, and thus be duly certified to by bim. i he state ment also mentions a legislator whose rooms Tweed f'reauently visited. To h'm Tweed never directly paid any money, but opening a bible which lay on his host's table Tweed would place between the leaves a nile of bank bills and "then go. That person always voted for Tweed's measures. Tweed says he kept his money in a special safe in one of his rooms and that a large amount was there, and that either he, his wife, or trusted friends was alwavs 'on guard over it. Two Boys Arrested for Murder, Buffalo, May 3. Two boys, ages 17 and IS, have been arrested here, supposed to have been concerned in the murder at Enclidc, Ohio, of Charles Schmirk, a youth of this city. Tha Planters in Cuba Will Employ Chinamen. Havana, May 3. The planters have decided to introduce Chinamen as laborers. The capital required is fixed at two million dollars, half or which has been subscribed. mndkerchiefs during the past week fiSonie of the parents are petting interested about the obscene communica tions between the school children which have recently been brought to light. Ever parent should enquire into it aud see that their children are not implicated. &lle wearied oi her a short time ago and tried to shake hjr, but she would ntt have it and sought him out at his room. Being unable to gam admittance she took her stand beneath his window and there poured out the story of her wrongs ming ling it with tears and entreaties, but all in vain; he remained unmoved. Last night he returned to her all her letters and in formed her that he did not want to hear from her again, and this morning she sent nm word that lite was all vanity acd vex ationcf spirit to her and that she was going to suicide. To be continued. J5s?The Union rushes to the rescue ol Prof, Gregory this morning, and says: Considerable bitterness is felt in thif community relative to undeserved snarling in a certain quarter aguinst Prof- Gre gory. The facts in the case are that the boar 1 feared Mr, Gregory was trying to lo too much, instead of too little." Let that community, who feels so bitter, un derstand that there has been uo "unde served snarling." A few extracts from the conversation which took place at the last board meeting, were published in THE ARGUS, the other day, in which Mr. Gregory was let down very easy. That article briefly sketched the proceed ings, without com mer.ts, so far as Mr. Gregory was concerned. No one censures him for getting as large salary as possible, or for not doing work which he is not instructjd is his duty to do. The iuterest of The Argus was to inform the people that the bo&rd, or part of it, was not satis fied with what Mr. Gregory was doing and had af last took courage and told him of it, What was said was this, by 11. H. Grover: 'i consider that the duties ot a superintendent should occupy his eutire time, 10 hours per day, 6 days per week, and II months per year. Now if this looks as though the board were afraid that .Mr. Gregory was doing too much work, and wished to lighten his duties, then are appearances deceivins and Mr. Gregory has been misrepresented. The probabilities are, however, that the people will take the action of the board as evidence of approval or disapproval of Mr. Gregory's official course, in prsference to statements made by the Union, Weighing from 28 to 55 lbs. Three Sizes for HORSE POWEE. MIL COUP 1 These unrivalled Machines completely distanced I all competition in the great six months' trial on the Centennial Grounds, at Philadelphia, in 1870. In that memorable coutest the leading Lawn Mowers of the Unite . States were represented, bnt so mark ed was the superiority of the Philadelphia, in point of ease of management, lightness of draft, non-liahilitv to get out of repair, durability, and l excellence of work performed, that the highest awards were unanimously given them. Tbe amount f work performed by them during that trial was equal to ten years' ordinary wear, and yet at the ciose, tbe Machines use were in as good working i ondition as at the commencement. GRAHAM, EMLEN & PASSEORE, Patentees and Manufacturers. PHILADELPHIA .PA. Send for Descriptive Catalogue w ith prices. MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, BT BABBITTS ?,rad from the purest vegetable oils. tne Toilet ana tue If nth. Original and Standard Manufactures. OFFICE Afl FACTORY! Nos. 64, 66, 68,70,72,74,76, 80 & 82 Washington St, N.Y. Babbitt's BEST SOAP. The most nlMiqunt nnd effective Hoan for the Iinun- dry or for Family Washing- inirposes ever offered. A, trial package sent iree ou leceu.t oi zu cents. iabbitt's TOILET SOAP. table oils. Unrivaled for For use in the Nursery t has no euual. Sample box. containing three cakes. sent free on receipt of 75 cents. Babbitt's SOAP POWDER. From this Powder a beautiful and serviceable white soft fonp, of any desired strength, can be made in ten minutes without the ue of urease or potash. Trial package Bent tree on receipt of 3 cents. Babbitt's YEAST POWDER. Absolutely pure. Bread, cakes, puddintf, etc., made in a short hpace of time, keep louirer, and are more di wtible than when made of common and cheap imita tion. A trial package sent free on receipt ot 7a cents. SALERATUS. POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS AH Nails are made oi the bet-t NORWAY IRON. A standard article. receipt of isa cents. A Bamile package scut free on and Warranted pe rfect and ready for driving. f&" Orders filled promptly and at tha lowe rates by A Dishonest Bank President Arrested. Q Philadelphia, May 3. N. C. Mussel man, president of the Union Hanking Co.. has been arrested on affidavit of .James A, Hill, cashier, charging him with embez zling moneys of the bank and using them in speculation. Cellar Caved in and. Buried. Workmen. Fall River, Mass. May 3. Four'men were'.buried here to day by the caving in of a cellar. 0;veu Il'-illy was killed and the other seriously, perhaps fatally hurt. The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS ! Curing Cancers. Scrofula, Humors, weakness, eic. in ibcj Skin and Uterine diseases. Sold hv dm nrlstH evervwnere. rnce i, or six uuiuca for f5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. Y. Never Failing SPECULATION jgy gy In Wall Street. 8500,000 has been made in a single investment $100. This of course is an extraordinary occur rence; bnt ordiuarily $5 can realize say $25,000. Even sums as low as 1 1 can be safely invested.wnen favorabN rcsnlt can show a profit of $5.0D0. Circti ars civing full information sent free by ad dressin- TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, No. 11 Wall St., N.T. AND TONIC BITTEf S. It will cure permanent ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dehility, all ktdnev diseases. Every bottle war. ranted to Rive perfect satisfaction. Piic Si, or sis hntt e 13. Menu b'miuu mr v-uiuuiu-h. ,. u HOWE, M. D , Proprietor. Suneca Falls, N. Y. Sold by John Beugston ana i 11 i nomas, urujf ifista. Rock Island. rive Persons Sun Over by a Railroad Train and Killed. I'ateuson, N. J.. May 3. A carriage containing uve persons was struck by a railroad train near Pom plus last night. Susan Demarest, Miss Taylor of Paterson and a young man were killed, and the other two fatally iujured. His Purpose. A policeman, says M. Quad. discovered a boy in Justice alley yesterday,in close prox imity to a carnage and buffalo robe, and he called out: "Boy! what are you doing here?" '"Resting," replied the lad. "Was it youi pur' ose to steal that buffalo robe?"' demauded the officer. "Xo, sir; it wasu't. There's a feller out there who wants to lick me, and it's my purpose to wait here till he goes away, and then l'il purpose up homo and get mv brother and our dog. and we'll come back and raise the awfulest tragedy around here you ever seen off the gilded stage!" lie was permited to wait. labbitt's OREAH TARTAR. F0BE IL C0M Y Saw MiU Burned. Burlington, Iowa. May 2. Dickey's large saw mili, below the railroad bridce, burned this morning, together with a large amount of lumber. Loss $50,000; insur ance $9,000. Fifty or sixty meu are thrown out of employment. The fire probably incendiary. was They Begin to LoveBen Hill. Augcsta, May 2. The Chronicle will publish, to-morrow, a letter from Senator Christiancy, of Michigan, to Senator Hill, congratulating the latter upon, and warmly com plimenting.bis recent letter, and saying that to secure complete reconstruction, restoration of confidence and fraternal feeling, men can afford to forget party names. A Bold Bank Bobbery in Iowa. IOWA CITY, Iowa, May 2. -On Friday night last, four masked men broke into a building in South Amana, Iowa county. awakened a boy sleeping in the bank room, and with revolvers at his head made him open tbe sate, from which they took $1,686 in cash, and made good their escape. Iso arrests yet Piles-Itching Piles Positively cured also Blind and Bleeding Piles, Fistula, Salt Rheum, and all dis eases ef the Skin, by the use of ROSSMAN'S CURE. Itching Piles is generally preceded by a moisture like perspiration producing a ery disagreeable and distressing itching. particularly at night, after getting warm n bed. rso humbug as a trial will prove. or sale by all respectable druggists. Rossman & McKinstry, Hudson, N.Y., 'roprietors. Sent by mail for 50 cents. IF YOU HAVE A COUGH, Cold, Asthma, raising of Blood or any af fections of the Breast or Lungs, leading to Consumption, use DR. HOUSEMAN'S GERMAN COUGH DROPS, as prepared for over thirty year by J. J. Davislnow deceased) and you v J be sure to hnd relief. Address liOSSMAr & McKINSTRY, who have succeeded to the Proprietorship, and sold by all druggists and dealers in Medicines. For sale by all Druggists in Rock Island. Sold by Avery & Tyler, Lafayettee, In iana. Fuller it Fuller, and YanSchaack, Stevenson & Reed, Chicago, wholesale agents. John F. nenry, Curran & Co., Whole sale Agents, 8 College Place, N. Y. Warranted free from all impurities. The house- wife can rely mou it. Trial nuckah'e scut free on re ceipt of 75 cents. labbitt's POTASH. A pure concentrated alkali, donble the strength of common potash. Sample sent free on receipt of 2a cents. TIIF. PROPRIETOR will irive an onnce of (fold lor every ounce ot impurities louud in ot these preparation!.. JPor Sale by all Dealers, AMUSEMENTS. DART'S ULAIulJ BOSTON. L1ND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL ill wrigiits ! Contractors & Builders THE RUSSIAN-TURKO WAR. Tbe XTorthwestern Associated Press. Chicago, May 2. The eleventh annual meeting of the Northwestern Associated Press, was held at the Grand Pacific Hote to-day. V ice President. J. S. Clarkson was in the chair, and D. D. W. Carver was secretary. - Tbe lollowmg papers were represented t, rri : T tt ty . reoria a rausonpi, . xi. joinery; Les moines Register, J. S. Clarkson; Quincy Herald, J. r. Uaaogan; Uuncy W hig One NightlOnly! FRIDAY EVENING MAY 4 GRAND WESTERN TOUR OF Of all descriptions of 3JLill IXn,oliiii3r-y . KELLEY & LEON'S MINSTRELS! Brc-ntsand Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators n ade ont on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and marhin ry, and give pf rson- 1 toT,ttrtn tn . tm Natalia f nUTislni.tli.n IJ ,t Burlesque Opera Troupe ! tei ai me oia stana oi a srooie, (new rso., i ozs iso ! London. May 3. The Daily News says t'i,n msinhiirs nt thp Infp lihprnl calmipr. at T nrrl Gmn villfi's decider! not to sunnort Daniel Wilcox; Rock Islana Union, G. M .-clfitlafnikf'. rftinl u turns, bur vnte. for th Lufcen: uuDuque tieraia, u. v. w. Car nrvinn nnestion. which Sir John Luh- ver; LuDuque limes, jji. u. woodrutt; I .net will mover Burlington UawkLye, H. W. Hall; Dav- Piiiw Mav s Rfinnrtt ara nirmilatinp enport Gazette, Edward Russell; Daven nf r-nr. InKRRR tr thfi Russian advance port Democrat, J. J. Richardson: Keokuk throuiih fever and faticue. Constitution, H. W. Cbndenin; Spriug- ALEX4NDRLA. Mav 3. There is no field Register, E.L. Merritt; Council fanatinnl tflplinir whatever: neoole are Bluffs Nonpareil, J. v. Chapman: Bur illinf? to 6irht nor uav the SDecial hngton Gazette, W. W. Biake. The Rock tax for the support of the troops promised Island Argus and Springfield Journal were TrL-w I represented by proxy. Berlin, May 3. Reports from the j A. favorable financial showing was made interior of Germany speak of a general and a surplus pf $600 was voted to apply K0n.,i,flp of thr nnnrehended mobili- OD the May assessment. t Krpsla.i and I - Applications for membership irom sev JbCLblVSU J 1 fcJfc wjjw - I - g, . i . . t O 1-1 l..l l.-tMr.i-.i -.-kvca mora rotflfrorl t rk t t avdAMtira that corps ja even BpoKeo oi as iiKeiy to De i jico v...vM vacvui.& iio n for intiv dutv. The emteror committee. Rock Island was created a New York Market. New Yobk, May 3. FINANCIAL. Gold-106. toouey-22'i. Government Steady. D.S. Bonds OS cent 6-80's 1881 1.14 1865 old .....1.08 " " lHtifin. w -1.10'4 " " 1867 1.18H 1868 1.15 U. S. 10.40' 1.18 New 5'e ?. .1.11 Currency S'a 1.24V4 COMMERCIAL. Wheat Dull: No 2 Milwaukee held 1 88S1 90. Corn Unchanged ; new mixed western 6T68; old do 71ff6i4. Oat Firm; mixed western ana state wt&bi. Pork Firmer ; 16 00. Lard Firmer; 10 25. Whisky-113. From their Opera House. 23d M., New York. Presenting a Programme rcn'cte with Gems of Minstrelsy sn l Grand Specialty Acts. ilakency's I tsupero urcnistra ana a iumiet ot distinguished Vocalists. pgfOhserve A Double Entertainment. This elegant performance will conclude with Le cocq'a Romantic Opera, "THE ISLAND OP BACHELORS." Admission 50 and 75 cents. Reserved Seata with out extra charge, at Wylie & McCune'e ilookatore. Show Cases. SHOW GASES. ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLAO E In the City. Send for Price List. J. E. BERRY, Prop., 16 s. Washington street... . rk TtrT.SO A 9rie I.r PEORIA. ILL WILCOX SILVER PLATE COMFY. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, 2f. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. 90 State Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Witx AETISTIC TAILORING PUTS ! WM&m CALLS ! STRADDLES! ! Z1MMER & STEGEMANN, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, S25, S50, SI, SZOQ, $50. Merchant Tailors ! H ALES ANDES FROTHING HAM S CO. Bankers and Brokers, No 13 Wall street. New York, make for customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, iu amount to sill', from 10 bales npwsrds, in ( uays, i. uays, one monui, two raooiui, mree i v a months, and six months contracts, which frequent- fiiEgilSU SJICl ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves- , - ted. Future Contracts bought and sold oo a mar gin of c. Explanatory Circular and Daily Report of the Cotton market sent free. AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of French Cassimeres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc., etc. tar" All work guaranteed and prices reasonable. was warmly cheered while visiting various parts of btrasburg. Odessa. May 3, Czar Czarawitch and Grand Duke Vladimir arrived here at 2 o'elock this afternoou and inspected troops. The Russian flotilla has left for Kiel. PARIS, May 3. A telegram of question able trustworthiness announces Ine com mencement of the .bombardment Odessa. fitbt class town for tbe purpose of assess ment. The new board of directors are Edward Russell, J. P. Cadoganr J. W. Chapman, H. W. Clendenio, Daniel Wil cox. J. B. Clarkson, Geo. M. Luken. I he board elected as officers for the ensuing yean J. S. Olarksou, President; Daniel Wilson and J. P. Cadogan, Vice Presi of I dents; D. D. W. Carver, Secretary; D. S, axerritt, l reasurer. I ne elective mem- nomsTivnsnPLT!. Mav 8. It ia stated I bers of the executive committee are J. P, l,af frlio Vt.nfiRinriH have noptinied an island I Cadogan. J. W. Chapman, andG. M. LUCtb "" M Z 1 r-r n . . in the Danube near Ibrail and the left Luken. - V m. tlenry Smith 13 continued bank of the river aa far as the mouth of as news agent, and Col. Wilson as financial Kilea. It U expected that the Turkish agent. . sauadron will shortly be Bent to vrete. xne Association eampiesea lis laoors ana . . , ... 1 .. ! .3 n.ilA.a .jtmnvnnii 'i nririah nntnnrines nave reoeivcu uiucn auivuiu'su. to evacuate Toultcha and neighboring a ne executive committee nave a meeting - . t a - . . i - i district. In consequence ot represents-1 u morrow morning at iu o ctocit LUTEE & MEHAH, CSuccessors to J, R. ZEIGUrR.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD Manuf actn rers of Plated Tea Sets Chicago Mamet. Cbioaqo. May 3. Wheat Strong and higher; dull; 1 U0 cash; til June. Oorn Firmer; casn; o-3'8 dune. Oats Firmer; 44 cash; 43 June. Rye 85. Barley Unchansed. Pork Strong and higher; 15 10 cash; 15 90 Jane. Lara Firm aud higher: UB7V4 cash; Jane. Whisky-1 10. LIVE STOCK. Hogs Receipts 14,000; moderately active; high er; Deat 5 3M(W 40; common to cuoice beavy pack. ing 6 805 SO; heavy to shippers 5 50ji0 70. uatue aiarKet not open yet; receipts ,uuu. -eu -'ts-- ?VBirJl EZJy L PORCELAIN LINED SHOW CASES! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 15 Hamlltbn Street, PEGPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt', filled. LL'TKE A MEUAN. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. St. Louis Market. St. Louis. May 3. Wheat Higher for medium grades ; No 3 fall 3 11 but cash ; rio a. l tci tm. Corn Better; 49i&50 cash; 51451'i July. Oaw 44-2 bid. Rye Steady ; 90!4 bid. Whisky-1 6a. Pork-Lower; 15 2515 75 Lurd - Firm ; summer 10 00 . LIVESTOCK. Hogs Receipts 4,400; unchanged. EE3ALXAS. WILLIAM 1m. ROBINSON, Milwaukee Market. M'iwaubeb. May 3 Wheat 2J33b'eher; closed firm; No 1,178; Nl 2, 1 oDcash; 1 V) Jane; No 8, 1 53. Corn -Firm; 61. Oats -414. Rye SM. Barley 83. , . For IE Gr J JU I Jk. f LODGE SUPPLIES, Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids. Knights of - Pj tulas, Rea Men, Temperance, and all other bocietiw. - DKALia in Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 888 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITERS, Coffee and Ice Water Urns. EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons Ac lorli:Bv Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C, &C, &C fyThese Goods can be foand at all First Claaa Dealers in Plated Ware. In parchaaing cadi for IW WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE PLATE.1 0