Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Fridav, May .1877. EstafcH&ea Oct. 18,11851 Railroad Time Table., SOCS ISLAND ft CO.. E. ft. Leave Bock Island at 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11:10 a.m., and :00p.m. - Leave Cable at 0:80 a. tn., and 19:45 p. m. Arriving at Hock Island at 8:90 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. K. R. CABLH, General Manager. fEOBU ft BOCSIISLANl) RAILWAY.' SHOaTIST HOOTC TO IBB BAST AMD BOOTH. LBAVB ABBIVB. Eastern Ik 5 SO a.m. Mail A Ex. 1:02 p, m Mail A Ei. 1-40 p.m. Western Ex. S:W p.m. Way Freight 6 ;) a. n. Way Freight 8 :S6 p. m. The 6:00 a. m,' train makes close connection at alva with O B O, for Aledo and Keithwburg, also at Peoria with P P A J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Loots and all points south and southwest, arriving In St Louis at 7:00 p m. The 1 :60 train makes close connection at Galva with C B A Q R It, for the west; arriving atQulncy at 9:45 p m., also at Peoria with I B A W, and T P A W., for points east and southeast, - J. R. Hiujabd, Receiver. Js. V. Mahonbt, Gen'l. Tk't. Ag't. 0SXCAQ0.K0Ct ISLAND ft PACUM S. S. 001X0 BAST TBAitMS LB ATI At 8 .85 a. m. ; 4 :80 p, m. ; and 10 :00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. OOIMO WBKT TBAIXa LBAVB' At 8:25 a.. m.; :55 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. 8T. LOSIS. SOCZ ISLAXB ft C2KA80 S. fi. OtBTS SOUTH TRAIKS LBAVB At 8:05 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, abrivb rsoM sr. loots At9:0a. m. dally, and 8:50 p.m. ranusa wants UA7X At 5:10 p. m. ABBIVB tUOM 8TBKLIMS At 10:40 a.m. COAL VALLEY Hliiia CO.'S T2AIXI. LBAVB. 7:05 a. m. 11:00 B. ABBIVB, 10:80 A. 8:80 p.m. WESTERKTOION EAILE0A5. LBAVB ABBIVB Day Express snd Mai? 8:85 am 6:00 m Nitrht Express 10:15 r 5:50 am The night express leaving Rock Island every Sunday night at 19:15 connects with the train arri- vine In Chicago earlv iMondav moraine. No lay over checks given on through tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Tnrough tickets only good on this t am. Tobaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED EOSSS NAILS jL.yuayujiWAaViLUW OR BLUED. ft HAMMERED AND FINISHED ' v I Telegraphed to the Soet Island Argue. S 6 7 8 i.m i 10 Q The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold thus Imitating the Process of Making Naih by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'j, 35 Chamber St, New York, SPECIAL NOTICES. LOVELL & BUFFI1TGT01T, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBACCO. The most extraordinary discovery in the World u the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, aboundB with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous sys em, allaying the most intense pain in a few minutes. Try it, when yon will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so high a degree, its perfect anodyne -qualities. I tB action is p'oiupt and effect! ve . 1 1 pe netrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords,rettring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the licsh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new flesh to grow out and fill np the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this Is the reason why it has been so successful in dis eases of the joints. In affections of the spine, Liver, Langs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal inflammation, you will find it gives great relief. It has do equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints, Spine snd Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains, hunts, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exterr ally with great success in goitre, or swelled neck. Scrofula or King's Evil, Liver Complaint, nervous diseases, c. For Borses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Win cure any case of Sweeney in existence ; also. Spavin, Splint, Ring bone, Big-head, Fistula,Farcy. Poll Evil, Wlndgalls Strains, Bruises, fcc. THE RUSSIAN-TURKO WAR. .London, May 4. A despatch from Berlin Bays the Turkish circular, (fated May 2d, was presented to this government yeiterday. In reference to the Russo Romanian convention the porte protests against the convention as an illegal act, principality the facilitating invasion, and furthermore declares that the prince an thorizes Romania to be in the power of the hostile usurping government. The Montenegrins hold Duga Pass, blockading GoranBko and Nicsics. ouieimau, rasna, wun zu,UUU men is advancing to relieve Goransko. Severe fighting expected. it is stated that the Turks have persuad ed 20,000 South Albanians to take arms, on condition of Montenegro being given up to plunder. AH northern Albanian clans favor Montenegrin. Cairo, Egypt, May 4. A committee of trie assembly ot notables having decided upon the imposition of an extraordinary war tax of 480,000, the Khedive has telegraphed to Constantinople that the Egyptian contingent now in Turkey, num bering 9,000 men. will be raised to 12.000. The remainder of the Egyptian contingent will be kept in hgypt for protection oi the Suez canal. Bucharest, May 4. An official journal publishes the Prince's assent totheconven- tian with Russia.- It is reported that the bombardment of Ibrail and Rarboshi was recommenced yesterday evening. London, May 4. In the Austrian, Keicharaph and Hungarian interests to day the ministers made identical replies to the interpellation about the eastern ques tion to the following effect: Austria It appears that Mrs. McAuhss had been visiting two eick friends, and while re turning home about dusk, accompanied by her little daughter, six years old. Graves sprang upon her from behind a fence corner, forced her to the ground and accomplished his diabolical design. Graves then fled but was pursued and captured two hours later and brought to Jefferson for safe keeping. This morning whilst Graves was being conveyed to jail at Canton, McAuliss, the husband ot the lady, stepped into the car and shot the negro dead. Graves was an ex-convict, and had served a term in the penitentiary for rape and larceny, and had been out ot prison but a few months. San Francisco, May 3. Last Saturday night Henri DeForest whs murdered and robbed at Santa Cruz. On Tuesday last two Mexicans were arrested in the vicinity of the town on suspicion, and on examina tion, confessed to having committed the murder. A Santa Cruz dispatch to-day says that the prisoners were forcibly taken from the jail last night by a band of men, driven to the bridge over a creek near town, and hanged to the cross beams, where they were found this morning. Both were ex-convicts and desperate characters. Chamalis confessed that the murder was committed for the purpose of obtaining tunds to attend a circus. Tha Mew Catholic Bishop of the Peoria Diocese. New York, May 4. Rjv. A. J. Don nelly, pastor of St. Michael's church, gave a dinner yesterday in honor of the eleva tion to the episcopacy of Bishop Spaulding, his former colaborer. All the pastors and higher dignitaries of the church in this city and neighborhood were present M. W, Childs, proprietor of the Star Clothing House, has determined to quit the clothing business, and in a short time will leave for the Black Hills, where he intends going into the wholesale tobacco trade. In order to close out his stock he I jr . I : - - . rr-i maintains an at.titnrl r,f WipW infr-everyiiuug ai, net cost. 1U1S win a Buieuuiu opportunity u uei covxvaTonv Our brands of Chewini Of Gold. Old Congress ant XT. ; are the Fountain, Cloth Forum. MAGIC OIL, USE RENTE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL "It Works like a Charm." If yon have got Rheumatism, UaK KKN'NE'S MAGIC OIL. If yon have got Neuralgia, U-K KENNK'S MAGIC OIL. If you have got Colic or Cramps, USE KENNE'S MAGIC OIL. If vnn have trnt in, Vlnfl if Achf or Pain. USE Rh.NNK'8 PAIN-KILUNU MAU1C OIL. Try it, and you will be surprised at the beneticial effect derived from a thorough and faithful use of this popular remedy. It IB purely vegetable; safe nd clean to use internally ar externally. Svhaoitsk, N. V., July 25th, 1875. Wn. Rknnk Soas, I'iunfleld, ftiass. Sirs As a duty, as well as a privilege, I wish to commend to those unacquainted with its healing qualities you r'Taln-Kiling Magic Oil," to bk kept in rkadinks fok (mehoepciks, as severe at tacks of bowel difficulties, to be applied xxtsb kali.t, as a connier irritant, and ihternalxy as an anodyne and Dealer. Also for fresh wounds, having tested it, especially on the cuts, bruises and strains I received iu the terrible calamity at the Central Baptist Church, Jane 23, lt.74. In behalf of all tninga which are good, and truly nsef ul. I subscribe myself, Fraturnauy yours, nev. 11. a. bi2ek. RENNE'S MAGIC OLL Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy. Keep it in the house touts in case of emergency. Try it internally. It cures Cnolera Morbus, lMar rhoea. Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, Sore Throat, Cords, tc. Use it externally. It cures, Cattarh, Spralns.Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and in fact almost all the aches and pains fleih is heir to. Sold by all dealers in Medicine. WM. EENNE A SONS, Prop'rs, Pittsfleld, Mass USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLINO MAGIC OIL M1 ye lien, Women and Children, Van Schaack, StevensonIA Reid; Wholesale Ag'ta Chicago, Ills. For sale inJUock Island by O. Grot au, and E. Ureunert. FINANCIAL TO ALL, PABTICULAEY INVALIDS. Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ness should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain in a disor dered condition, r ntil the disorder bas time to de ve'.oo itself. An ounce of prevention is worth a ponnd of cure, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the complaints now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want ot appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Scheuck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy o harm less and decisive in its action. It at once strikes at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellant medicine when they feel the fint indications of the malady Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost instaueous effect. They will relieve the patient of headache in one or twe hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surounding bile, and will iffectually prevent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. .SELLERS' LIVER PILLSi 1 RWWrV Ller Pill hv ftlood far Thirty jer 1 i standard uemeay iw toe cure ot L.ivar uompuuui, l Goatlvectaa, Hick MtadactM, aaa ul! uraug I ktdu of the Liver. 1 " Bellera' V emiruc the great Worm 1 1 r trorvr.' explled 400 large, live warms from bit 9 rear old. wm. Server. Si. Lout. Mo. Prioe 1 r each 2&c. If Tiwr rlrimtst doa't keep them, eead for i . K. K BKI.l.ERS Oil., Pmp'i, Plttahnrfri. Pa est in Christian subjects of the porte, and, while observing strict neutrality, reserves the right to protect its own interests or intervene with efforts for cessation or localizing of conflict. The ministers rec ognize tho empire's intimate connection with the interests and affairs of European Turkey, but deem resort to warlike measures for their protection unnecessary, in view f the attitude of other powers and the cordial support wheih the government can o imrnand from representatives "f the people whmver action becomes necessary. Constantinople, May 4. -The press law ot oo has Deen suspended and news papers are placed together under admin istrative control. The chamber of deputies are discussicg ministerial bills for proclaiming a state of of seige here. The porte notified representatives of powers yesterday, that it had declared the blockade of the whole of the Russian coast of the Black sea. A delay of 3 days would be granted vessels wishing to enter, and five days to those intending to leave the Black sea. A despatch from Monkletar, Pasha, April 30. announces the Russians having advanced in gteat force toward Kars, in a westerly direction, with tho object of inter cepting the Turkish communications with Erzeroum. The Turkish commander leaving sufficient force at Kars marched out with 5) baltations and occupied th village of Ichilakle, near Yoadin, and west of Kars. A subsequent telegram from Monkletor, Pasha, dated May 1st, announces that the inhabitants of Kars brought nun reports that the Russians bad attacked Kars but were repulsed with loss. According to a telegram from the Turkish commander at Batoum the Rus sian military operations were arrested by rainy weather, bargains as the goods will be sold at prices lower than ever before offered in Rock Island. Gents furnishing goods. hats and caps, etc., at bed rock figures Clothing, new styles and all qualities, at 40 per cent less than eisewhere. bale posi tive and prices actual cost, as the goods must be sold. The opportunity does not otten occur and those looking tor genuine bargains are invited to call and examine the stock and prices. M. V Childs, Star Clothing House. Rock island. wtfdlt COZrOKESS WOH'T UEET EEB. TILL OCTO Witb no Stealing- the Army will be All Kiffht. Real Estate Sales. S. K. W. and J. R. C. Field to Roswel Kichmond, 1 acre in lot 13, sec 2, town ship 17, range 2 w Rock Island dated Jan. 25, 1877, for $500. Roswell Richmond to S, K. W. ami J, R C. Field. 1J acres in sec 2, township 17 range 2 w R. I. dated Jan, 25, 1877, for $500. I, Li. King to u ledenmann. the n 50 feet of lot 9, block 6, in Osborn's 2d add to Mohne, dated April 15, 1877, for $soo. Gideon M. Tomlinson to John W. New ton, lot 5, block 2, in Sinnet's add to R. dated May 3, 1877, for $450. Pozzooi's Chemical Hair Restorative, to preserve and bcautity the i.uman hair. VV hat it will do: Prevents the hair falling out, increases the growth and beauty of the hair, retains the hair in any desired form, prevents the hair from turning grey, prevents and entirely eradicates dandruff, heals pimples and keeps the head delightfully cool. The hair becomes rich, soft and glossy. Perfectly clean and will not soil the hat, possests an exquisite fragrance and as a dressing has no equal. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle, Sold by all druggists. MOLINE. TO-DAYS' ADVERTISEMENTS. SSThe Chicago auction store on Main street will positively make their last sale to mot row evening. 4dlt eBusiness looks brisk at Huey's brickyard. "Sheriff Perkins was in town this morning serving notices. gJ. 0. Starr ia having new paint and blinds added to his house. jHenry liar wood ia erecting an ad dition to the north side of bis residence. BST-Great banaios will be offered at the Chicago auctiou store, To-morrow is the last day. 4dlt SUS. K- Pershing is fitting up the room next to Knell's furniture store for his soa Frank's barber shoo. l6?The old Pirn mock house on Main street is being repaired, and Mr. Carson, of the Moline Plow Co., will occupy it when completed. w&i our last chance to buy goods eo cheap. Go to the Chicago auction room. baturday is the last day. 4dlt XFThat sewer which Is being put across Main street below Calentzky's makes a dangerous place to be left open after night and should be finished at once. B$uThere will be an auction sale of car nages and phaetons at Rasley a to-mor-1 row. 4H1t I'; fgpThe meeting at the Congregational church last evening was well attended. The speaker, Rev- Mr. Findley, told about the Murphy movement in Penn. lie says that they have given up trying to legislate th whisky business out of existence and! aie now trying the persuasive plan. SSiT'She did not bid farewell to this world 8 sorrows and joys as she had threat ened, but called again at his room and plead for admittance; she would not die now if she could; the whole current of her lite is changed; she has discovered that she has a rival, and will live hereafter to I be revenged upon that woman who has dared to come between her and her idol. She says to the girl's mother: "Yoar daughter has been the cause of this, my untold anguish, and 1 will be avenged. Mineral Springs Ark., March 9, '76. Shallenberger'a Pills are the most effect ual Ague medicine we ever sold; we could name several cures after all other remedies failed. Miilner & Parker. 4-22d&w New Rclinq Macuink at The Arqds Bindery. Paper ruled in any style or any colored lines. Leave orders at The Argus Counting Rooms, opposite the Post officrt. tf CO RDETT te rms mum FIVE CENTS WORTH Ii sufficient for a washing of three to four dozen pieces, and with one-third the time and labor, since, by soaking clothes with a solution, of it, very little rubbing Is required. THE CHEAPEST 80AP IN THE WORLD. ASK TOUR GROCER. C0RBETT, B0YNT0N & CO., Sot. 3t 36 WMt WuUsgta St, CUetgo,lU. BABBITT'3 TOILET SOAP ! HANUFACTUEESS. VIII, C1P1 MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, Bock Island iSarkat. Rock Island, May 5 FLOUR AND GRAIN. Winter Wheat flour, bbl. wholesale.flO 4- 10 60 Family brands, " " ..9 609 80 Second quality " " . . 8 HO Coromeal. " ' .. 2 U0 Retail one dollar above these prices. Good Minnesota XXX Wajner's Mill, retail 9 40 Wheat 1 651 68 2540 4U45 7075 1 10 2 S3 8 18(220 15I&18 Washington, May 4. The cabinet wa3 in session nearly three hours torday, and it was decided to postpone the extra session of congress until the loth of October. This change of the original programme was made upon careful consideration of th 3 general interests of the country, and with almost a unanimous desire of the business community as well as of members of congress themselves as far as they could be consulted, that there should be no ses sion ot congress this summer. It was ascertained that without any immediate appropriation of money the army could be clothed and supported with ail its neces saries, and that until the 15th of rV.f . tliof nnltr nnA rptmlur rnir lav ftnfl I inilin STARHH GLOSS ! to be parsed. It was also considered that Camplioriiie ! Ia the moor effectual remedy sold, is luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric bas a pleasant and refresbine oior. It will Imme d lately relieve and cure Rheumatism, Chronic and Acute; rteuraieia ana uaiarrn, maauare uu Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions or tne hkio, Pain in Chesi, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. Kor sale by all Urngetsts. MATHEWS' Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them wbitbr and cleakeb than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put up 5n 4-oz bottles, price 16c. Pold by Gro cers aid Druggists. A. L MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St., N. if congress meets in October, it may re I main in continual session and finish its business before next summer, so as to avoid the inconvenience of the hot season next yeer as well as this, THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK SYBUP BLOOD PURIFIER The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS I Curing Cancers. Scrofula. Humors. Weakness, etc. in iaci all Blood. Liver, Skin and Utenne abases bo a nn rif ih niBn(.rMr nf t,pi- br drujreists everywhere, rnce si, or bix Domes vv.- " " r - -HO.WB'S I fnhnrtnrnfl hv the Le?islatnre of Illinois.) MOLINE - - - 1XLIITOIS GOIlCeiltlated. fetary Open dally from A. M. to 8 P. M., and on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 to B o'Cioct. Interest alia wad en Cenosltt at the rate of i to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l and Upwards. SECURITY ANDAD VANTAGES. The private property of theTrusteesis responsible to the depositors. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of ita moneys. Minors and married women protected byspecial law. Orncjns : S.W. Whiilook, President; Jobs Good, Vice President; C. F. HnnnriT, Cashier. Trubtms: 8 W. Whselock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Candee, C. T. Grantz, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway. John Oood, J. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. taTThe only chattered Savings Hank in Rock Island County. S-lly SPECULATION In Wall Street. $500,000 has been made in a single investment $100. This of course is an extraordinary occur rence; but ordinarily $5 can realize say $25,000. Even sums as low as fl can be safely in vented, when favorabtd result can show a profit of $5,000. Clrcu'ars giving full information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOtt & CO, Bankers, No. 11 Wall St., N. Y. The Sew York Custom House Frauds New York. May 4. The custom house investigating committee held a short.secret session. At the opening ot tne meeting J no. Jay read a letter from Samuel Welch & Co.. Boston, addresssd tt tne sec Ot the treasury asking him to direct the custom hout-e commission to enquire why bills of sale of vessel property that have been registered at a home "port should be compelled to pay the lee over again there, which is not re quired at any . other custom house. Also whv clerks should De allowed to receive fees for furnishing prompt returns of car- toes landed at the city. Deputy Collector Wyokoop stated that no such fee is requir ed, except where re-registration takes The American House, Boston, has been long and favorably known as one of the best hotels in the east Its central loca tion, only a few rods from new Washington street, Faneuil Uall, the old State House and City Hall, makes it equally desirable for business or pleasure. It was the first hotel in Boston to introduce the greatest of modern conveniences, a passenger ele vator, and the proprietors have ever been rcadv to adort any improvements that might add to the comfort ot their guests. The latest change, and one that will be appreciated by all is the reduction in prices, which are now placed at $3 aad $3,50 per day. 1 he large number of Us apartments,its long snd spacious corridors. general convenience of arrangement, liber ality of management and unttorm excel- ence of its table, have eiven it a wide spread reputatation, and enable its mana gers to oner inducements to be found at but few other INew England Hotels. The Hotel Devonshire, of New York. This is a spick and span bran-new first-class hotel, Every room is bright and cheerful, well ventilated, and elegantly furnished. It is located iust across the street from the Grand Central Depot, where every traveler may stop without having to hire a carriage. It is kept on the European Plan, and the scale of prices u very moderate, juoq t tail to give it a trial ou your next visit to the city. for $5. 5. B. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. Y. Hever Failing AGUE OU ! AND TONIC BITTERS. It will cure ermanent- ebility, all Iv Chills. Aene, Sciatica, Neuralgia, nervous and kidnev diseases. Kvery bottle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction, file CI, or six bottles $5. Send stamp for Chromo free. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Proprietor Seneca Falls, N. Y. Sold by John Bengeton and T H Thomas, drug etsts. Rock Island. PUTS! a t 1 -ii I .A I I N I STRADDLES! ! S25,S5Q,Si00,S2DO,S45O. ALEZAN2E3 FROTHING SAM CO.. Bankers snd Brokers. No 13 Wall street. New York. make fur customers iuvestments in Cotton Privi leges, In amounts to suit, from 10 bales npwsrds, in ? days, 1 j days, one month, two months, three months, snd six months enntracta. which frennent- ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold oo a mar gin ot c. Explanatory Circular and Dally Kcport v iu vuuuu luarirci sent iree. ABTISTIC TAILOSPTO ZIUUER & STEEEMAHH, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, sel changing or where her marine docu menta were changed. Destructive lire in Akron, Ohio, Cleveland. May, 4. Akron, Ohio was visited by a disasterous conflagation last nkht. totally destroying L. Ii. Lam best a furniture ware rooms; Brown & Bob's plumbing establishment; Gorman's saloon; .Berry 8 tailor shop; UoQman 8 saloon, and two barns, lotal insurance about S14.000. Total loss, f40,000. The companies interested are tne Mercan tile, of Cleveland.iBritish America, of Cin cinnati, Franklin of Columbus, 0.,aod the Ohio & Dayton Insurance Uo., ot JJayton, O. The fire was caused by the overturn , ing of a coal oil lamp. Weather Probabilities. Washington. May 4. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: Falling barometer, rising temperature, east to Barley Oats, Corn. Rye THE GROCERY. Potatoes White Beans (navy) Eggs doz cutter t noice Dairy, fi n Cheese, Bib uoney aoc lb Apples , . 60T5 $ bu. Cabbage 1 00 $ doz uuu-ry 4WSUU MEATS. Cattle Common, per cwt. 4 004 50 Uogs Live, per cwt . 4 505 00 lressed , 6 00 Calves Live, per cwt. 5 00 Sheep Live, per cwt 450 Lard 19H15 POULTRY. Chickens, dressed 8fitl0c $ lb turseys, - lix&ixe Dncks. " 8c Chickens, live S 00 5 $! doz lurneyg, - i w ducks, " a Mallard Durks 2503 50 Quail 1 25 Grouse... 2 5Caa 00 Wild Turkies 1 50 each HIDES. Green Cured 77V4 Dry Flint 12 Green Country 7 Green Calf 1&11 Damaged, scored or grubby price. Branded, 10 $c off. 39 mi 66 WOOD. 5 855 50 4 505 00 COAL. 18 10 FJtollet sni bath. o artificial and deceptive odors to cover common and deleterious Ingredients. Af ter years of scien title experiment, tbe mannfacturer of B. T. Babbitt's Best Soap bas penecieu ana now oners to lae puoiic Th9 Finest Toilet Saoo in the' Wcrld. Only the purest vegetable oils used in its niann facture. For Use in the Nursery it has no Equal. Worth ten times its cost to every mother and fam ily ia Christendom. Sample box, containing i cakes of b zs. eacn, sent free to any address on receipt of 75 cents - Address a. i: MBBirf, new xoiic city, 9For sale by all Druggists, A Perfect Toilet Soap. First amone the requisites of the toilet Is a pood article of Soap, but to procure it is not always an eaiy matter. Many of the most expensive Soaps in the market are made from coarse and deleterious materials, and their delicate coloring and fragrant penume too oitcn conceal tne roost repulsive im purities. The disclosures receutly made public regarding this subject are positively startling, and deserve serious ronsideration. Scented Soaps are now known to be extremely objectionable, especial ly if applied to the head: injuring the hair, irrita ting tue scalp, and inducing severe headaches. The character of the ingredients may be inferred from tne f taiemtnt or a gentlemen who makes the scent- ing of Soaps his business; he recently declared that persons engaged in this employment were short uvea; irom seven to ten years being the longest penoa uuring wnicn tne occupation could be fol iowea. The difficulty of procuring a perfectly onre arti cle of toilet eosp is at last obviated, however. thanks to the enterprise and chemical skill of Mr. u. t. uabtmt, or Hew lorK, the world-renowned Soap Manufacturer, whose immense establishment is by iar the greatest of the kind iu the United states, rue renown cr air. lianoitt s various pro- auctions nas tor many yeais ocen wiae:y aisecm iuated, but this latest success is the appropriate crown to ine numerous victories already achieved. After years of patient labor and scieutiSc expert ment. Mr. Babbitt Las succeeded in uerfectini. tbe composition of the finest toilet soap ver intro- uuceu. ine principal ingredients are the purest vegetable oils; the manufacturing processes are cnureiy new ana original, ana tne result is simply uupara.ieieu in in is department oi industry. a. l. DBDOiivs luiiet soaD" is tne trade mark by which this elegant toilet luxurv is designated, and for applications to the delicate skin of infants. children and ladies, it is altogether nneqnaled in its unml 1 tun fr .na mti ..a II ki. . . . . f 1 the Ingredients being of such absolute nuritv a to require no aid from chtniietry to disguise inferior materials. The most refined taste considers the absence of artificial perfume Ihe perfection of sweetness, and this peculiar characteristic of B. T Babbitt's Toilet Soau renders it the most healthful and agreeable article of the kind ever manufac- tnrea. Though specially desirable for the use at ladies and children, this Soap is equally appropriate for tT.,. i . i. ... .1- . . . uuvwtu d .du f ,i uwiaes a ueavy lamer n is hiso one oi tne nnest soaps or harber s nsc It is lust being placed nnon the marker, but the demand for it will soon become general. N. Y, i riuuue. POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OYER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made oi the bett NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. t3T" Orders filled promptly and at the lowe rates by GLOBE KAIL C0MT BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL ill wrights ! B. T.BAB3ITT, New York City. Show CaSdS. SHOW CASES. Timothy, $ ton.... frame, " ... Slough, " Hickory cord.. Oak, " .. Market Square.... At Yards ALL STYLES. Bright eyee, regular features and a grace ul figure, fail to procure their due effect if the complexion is defaced with pimples or blotches, or tbe skin is rough or harsh To remedy these defects use Glenn's Sut phnr soap. Depot. Lrittenton s, INo. t Sixth avenue. Hall s Hair Dye restores the tinge of youth to gray locks. Helmbold's Buchu. Helmbold's Buchu has long been known as one of the most valuable medicines attainable in cer tain classes of diseases, such as dyspepsia, chronic meumatism, dropsy, cutaneous affections, and especially affections of the urinary organs. As a diuretic, it is supe rior to almost any other medicine in use, and the great care with which it ia pre pared, the absolute purity ot the prepara tion, and the diligence used in the selection of the crude material, have made it known far and wide as a reliable and effective preparation, and one that can always be used with safety and benefit. The great success f Helmbold's Buchu has led to the Droduction ot many spurious prepara tions, which are made cheaply and placed upon the market to be sold on the reputa tion acauired by Helmbold's original pre- paration. Parties who desire a really good medicine should be careful and use Helm hold's only. Court Records and books for county offices made ia the best manner at Thx A&OU8 Office. , Printing and binding -executed neat quick and cheap at Ths Agcs Offgk. New York Market. Niw Yobk, Hay 4. FINANCIAL. Gold-106. Money S2(4. Governments Steady. U.S. Bonds 6W cent 5-Srs 1881 1.1434 liS5 old ....1.08 " lnw 1-lOH " " 1867 1.1 SH " 1868 1.15 U.S. 10.40's. 1.13 New 5's 1.11 Currency 6's 1.S4H COMMERCIAL. Wheat 35c better; No 2 Milwaukee 1 90. Kye Dull. Corn l4c better: new western mixed K3M: old do 72575. Oats Firmer: mixed western 59TS; white 5946 73. Poik Steady; 16 00. Laad Steady ; 10 85. Wn.isky-1 12. CHEAPEST PLAGE In the City. Send for Price List . J. E. BERRY, Prop., 90 State Street, Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Mill Xaoliinery . Diet-Cats and Specifications for Floor! ne Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators nr ade ont on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for bnildlng and machlnr ry, and give pr .-tonal attention to a., be details of construction. Re pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to whether or aerea oy man or in person. At tne oia stand or u 16 S. Washington street... ititrrMlwk Box.804 Brooks, (new No.,) SS5 No .. fKUKlA, ILL Chicago Maruet. Chicaso. May 4 Wheat Strong; 10llc higher; 171 cash; 173 bid Jane. Cora Strong and active; Sc higher; B43 eaeh; 56 June. Oats Strong; lainy active and higher; 45!; casb; 46 dane. Rye Unchanged. Itartav Ijiichaneed. Pork Active; firm and higher; 1S37K cash; 15 45 Jnne. Lard- Firmer ; 9 85 cash ; 9 95 Jane. Whisky 1 10- LIVE STOCK. Hoes Keccip'g 18,000; active and firm; light 8elUnis5 8S5 40; packers paying 6 805 60; ship- rwra f MKJ4 7S for fair to be?t. Cattle Steady; receipts 4,500; stockers 8 S54 35; butchers 8 004 60; medium 4 20&4 50; good to choice 4 655 50. " AMUSSHENTS. Morchfint Tsilors 1 800111 win8,c,ear r part,yciQiJ wttw. ATE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of H English and French Cassimsres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, -. - Doeskins, etc., etc. : 3rAJl work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Summary Justica St. Louis. May 3. A special from Jef ferson City says: The little town of Cedar City, across the rmr, was thrown into a ;t.lA aiarn f T!iamiit Ijiwf evening- by tbe raping cf Mrs. Henry McAuliss of WMMii&W1 that place, by a negro named Jack Gray es.1 tf tlTUl0 m mAIBj ITE tho mIM and ths bout. I InrtnaUnjyms fa its aettso, saft cpnaooMUemastBtwaina(Maoi cacK or urewa, u. otMaiBtBeskia,andi sentr applied, itts asuMara ivaiats One NiglitlOnly! , FRIDAY EVEUI1TG MAY 4 GSASS WESTERS TOCB OF KELLEY & LEDH'S MINSTRELS Burlesque Opera Troupe From their Opera Honse, S3d SU. TSew York. Presenting a Programme replete with Gems ot Minsuretey ana urana epeewity acw. mazeney-s Superb Orchestra aodaQnintet of disllupuLtbed Vocalists. tSfObserve A Double Entertainment. This elegant performance wilt conclude with Le cocq Romantic Opera, THE ISLAND OF BACH ELOR3." A4in'ugioit 50 and 75 cents. Reserved Seats with I out extra charge-, at Wylie & McCane'a Bookstore. CniCAQO, ILLINOIS. LTTTKE & MEHAH, (Successors to J, R. ZEIQUfE.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD "WILCOX sum pmte wm. j Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lam, 2f. Y. Factories, Wat Meriden, Conn. SHOW CASLS! OF ALL DESCRIPTIOKB. 215 Hamilton Street, PEOPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt". Blled. LCTEE A MKUAN. FIELD BROS.. A genu. Rock Island. EEGALIAS. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON", MaxcPACTi'BEa or REGALIA For LODGE SUPPLIES, Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids, Knights Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all Other Societies. of DBALEB IS- Gold - and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 886 Main Street, .WORCESTER, MASS JOLIET STOSTC WM. A. STEEL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Joliet Stone Quarries. Dealer In tbe Beat Quality of Dimension, Flagging, Rubble and every kind of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL STONE. These are ihe mot extensive Quarries in thi section of country, lupine more stone than all the other pnt together, of all thicknesses, from two mencs to nrty-two inches thick; and he qnan tity quarried is so great that almost any order can i oe ouea on we Bpou - . - Manufacturertof Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, WATTEES, ' Coffee and Ice Water Urns- EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, . V , BERRY DISHES, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Bandied KNIVES. lC.9 ScC. 3T"Thee Goods can be found at all First Class Dealers in Plated Ware. In purchasing call for Ifjr WILUX QUADRUPLE PLATE- i