Newspaper Page Text
wenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois Wednesday, May 9. 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 7 Railroad Time Table. EOCZ ISLAND k MESGES CO . B. B. Leave Rock Wand at 9 :00 a. in., and 4 :00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11:10 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 12:45 p. m. Arriving tit Kock Island at 8:90 a. m., and 3:00 p. m. R. It. CABL1J, General Manager. ?S0BIA & BO:K:tSIAND RAILWAY. SHORTEST BOUTB TO 1SI KA9T AND SOUTH. LXAVB AKIV. Eastern Bs. 5 50 a. m. Mail A Ex. 1 :02 p, m Mail K. 1 -40 p. m. Western Ex. 5:55 p.m. Way Freight 6 ;S0 a. m. Way Freight 8:25 p. m. The 6:00 a.m. train make close connection at alva with C B & Q, for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, also at Peoria with P P & 3, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Louts and all .points loath and Bouth west, arriving in St Louis at 1 :00 p m. Th l :tsO train makes close connection at Galva with C B & Q R R, for the west; arriving atQuincy t 9:45 pm., also at Peoria with IB &W, and T P& W., lor points east ana soauieasi, J. R. HiLLiARD, Receiver J. V. Mahonit, Gen'l. Tk't. Ag't. CSISASO. BOCK ISLAND ?ACIT!S B. B. SOIXO BAST TRAINS LIAVB At 8.35 a. m.: 4:30 p.m.: and 10:00p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. 0010 WM8T TRAINS LI AVE, At 6:25 a. m.; 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. arrive from the east as above. Train ST. LOUIS. BOSS ISLAM) & CHIC AS 0 B. B. 9tVO SOUTH TRAINS LSAVB At 8:05 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, ABRIVB FROM ST. LOUIS At9:?0a. m. daily, and 8:50 p.m. siiBLisa miss liavs At 5:10 p. m. ABRIVB FBOM STIRLING At 10:40 a. m. COAL VALLEY stXKXVQ CC.'S TBAIKS. LSAVB. 7:05 a. m. 13:00 m. ABRIVB. 10:30 a. h 8 :30 P. m WZSTESJTTOIOH BA1LE0AD. Day Express and Ma!? Nk'ht Express The night express LB AVE ...8:40 a m . .10:15 r M leaving Rock ARRIVB 6:00 am 5:55 m Island every Knndav niL'ht at 10:15 connects with the train arn in Chicae-o earlv Monday morning. No lav- over checks eiven on through tickets from Kock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only geid on this nam. ToTaaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. HOUSE NAILS miGrEAFHIC. HOUSE OR BLUED. "INISHED SJfJg POUSHED 0 LUEPT"! HAM M ERED AND FINISHED! 5 6 7 8 9 " v m y e f Telegraphed to the Rock Island Argue. THE RUSSIAN-TURKO WAR. The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Nails by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the World u the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H.G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare plant and odor ous woods, whence are those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous sys em, allainjr the most "intense pain in a few minutes. Try it, when vou will be convinced that no preparation possesses In so high a degree, its perfect anodyne qualities. Its action is p-onipt andeffectlve. It penetrates the llesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.restoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the tlesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new tlesh to irrow out and till nu the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it has been so successful in dis i asB of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For acne cake or PPNTFMNIAI FY PflNlTI I IN internal iutlamuiation. you will find it gives great I LIlllinL L.M KJxJl I IUI1 relief. It has no equal in the world for Khenma- tisin also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints, Spine and Chest, pams, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rhenm. warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exteri al'y witn great success in goitre, or swelled neck. Scrofula or Kine's Evil, Liver Complaint, nervous diseases, ftc. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence : also. Spavin, Splint, King hone, Big-head, Fistula.F.ircy. Poll Evil, Windfalls Strains, Bruises, &c. AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TCXBCCO. COVIKGTON XT Our brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth of Gold. Old Congress and Forum. MAGIC OIL, US SENSE'S TAIN-KILLING u It Works like a Charm.' MAGIC L If you have got UE KKNNE'S MAGIC OIL. If yon have got Neuralgia, UsK RENNE'S MAGIC OIL. If yon have got Colic or Cr.i i p, USE KENNE'S MAGIC OI!.. If you have i?ot any kind off Ache or Piiin, USE RbSSE'S PAIN-K1LLINU MAGIC OIL. Try it, and you will be surprised at the beneficial effect derived from a thorough mid faithful use of this popular remedy. It Is purely vegetauic ; saie and cluan to use internally ar externally. Syracusk. N, V., July 25th, 1875. Wi. Rbnse & Sons, 1'ittsfleld, sr. ass. Sins As a duty, as well as a privilege, I wish to commend to those unacquainted with iw healing qualities you r '-Paiu-Klilin;; Magic Oil," to be kept in readiness for BMKitoEPCiKs, as severe at tacks of bowel difficulties, to be applied exter nally, as a counter irritant, and internally as an anodyne and healer. Also for fresh wounds, having tested it, espegiully on the cuts, bruises and strains I received in the terrible calamity at the Central .Baptist Church, June 23, lt.74. In behalf of all tnings which are good, and truly useful. I subscribe myself, Fraturnally yours, Rev. H. A. Sizer. BENNE'S MAGIC OIL. Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy. Keep it In the house to use in case of emergency. Try it internally. It cures Cholera Morbus, Diar rhoea, Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, fcore Throat, Colds, Ac. Use it externally. It cures, Cattarh, Sprains.Cnts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and in tact almost all the aches and pains fle.h is heir to. Sold by all dealers in Medicine. WM. HENNE & SONS, Prop'rs, Plttsfleld, Mass USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLINQ MAGIC OIL' All je Hen, Woman &nd Children, Van Schaack, Stcvenson'A Reid, Wholesale Ag'ts Chicago, Ills. Fr sale inJKock Islanu Dy J. uroi sn, and K. Wreunert. FINANCIAL THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK TO ALL, PARTICTJLARY INVALIDS. Spring is a tr"ing season. Indiciftions of sick ness should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain In a disor dered condition, rnti! the disorder has time to de ve!oo iiself. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the complaints now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Schenck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no r.-medy so harm less and It at once strikes i at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a 'disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellant medicine when they fee! the fl'st indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost lnstancous effect. They will relicv the patient of headache in one or t hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will effectually pievent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. London. May 9. The Times's special says Gen. Vxtkovitch reports from Krust aze everything io readiness for Turkish attack and that his forces are sufficient for defence. Gen. Vukovitch holds the ap proaches to this fortress as well as Nicsics. Turkish troops in Albania are reconcen- trating at Padgoutza. Montenegro artillery commands the city. A Vienna correspondent, discussing the military situation in Asia, says a simulta nious advance by the caravan road from Bayazid towards Erziroum on the left, aod from Aleqandro pol to Kars in the center, and on the right towards Batouni. leaves little doubt, that the object of Russian operations is Erziroum. Moukhtar pasha command the iunction of the two roads leading from Kars through the passes of Soghante and Dagh. A Roumanian circular complains that the proceedings of the Turks makes Rou mania's abstination from hostilities almost impossible. A Servian artillery engagement is ex pected at Abrail. Five Turkish monitors are near by, evidently bent on attack. Turkey permits neutral vessels to enter blockaded ports of Rlack Sea until the 15th inst., and, the 17th to depart. Cologne, May 9. The Gazotte learns that British officers have been sent to select an entrenched camp at the entrance of Sutz. BUCHAREST, May 9. A dispatcu says the Cossacks have crossed the Danube at Braila and burued a Turkish block house. The shelling of Matchin, Bulgaria, has been renewed. London, May 9 Large amounts of Russian bonds are going from hero to Holland, owing to sale of U. S. drawn bonds arid investment in Kussiau securities. Bucharest. May 9. The Turkish bat teries at Widin ceased firing yesterday afternoon. Their shells did not reach Kalsfat. The Roumanian shells only reached the Turkish vessels off V ldm. Senators and deputies privately consid ered the expediency of Roumania partic ipating iu the war. The deputies appear to favor but senators are doubtful. I'esth, May 9. The government's course will depend upon the result of representations made by it at St. Peters burg and Constantinople. Protesting aeainst restrictions of navigation of the Danube is uot indispensably necessary. London, May 9, The army clothing factory at Pioilico is worked without inter mission and numerous shifts are being employed. There is a general conviction in military and naval olhcial circles that we are on the brink of war. Arrange ments have been made for the embarka tion ot some 25.000 men within 6 days it necessary and 20,000 t 25,000 more within a fortnight after. A dispatch from Erzermin dated the 9th, Tuesday uight,says Russians are surround in Sochaule and concentrating for an attack on Monkhtar pasha's position at Burbidiz and Teuikero. The Russian force which occupied Bayazu is now ad vancin" iu the direction of Khomama and Autob, leaving Karakalisa and Alasbkirt on their right. Bavazid has now been placed under control of the Russian pre feet of noliee. The Globe publishes the foUowing,dated Peru. Tuesday night: The Russians have gained an important victory between Kars and Erzermin. The Turks retreated upon Erzermin. It is supposed that 14,000 Turks were captured. Rutuitrs of an arm istice come from Bulgaria. NEW YORK'S CENTENJTIAI.. A Plan to Avoid the Corrupting Influence ' of Election. Mew York, May 9. The Academy of' Music was thronged last night on the occa sion cf the meeting of the New York His torical Society to commemorate the hun dredth anniversary-of the state's political birth of a free and independent sovereignty, and also to signalize with appropriate forms her eutrance upon a second century j of her organized existence. Charles 0'- opening of the presidential question after the organization of congress, and said the matter would never be definitely settled until de facto is ended. The Ella Barrett Murderers Des Moines, May 8. Yesterday the missing link in the evidence against Henry Veed, Andy Smith and Doc. Graves, as murderers of Ella Barrett, last August, was supplied in the recovery of her gold watch aud chain in Indiana, and her jewelry in Missouri, which have all been identified and traced to these parties. The Conor was the orator, and iu Lis address, jewelry was pawned for railroad fare, and Corn Firmer for cash: lower ffor futures : S2H 53 cash ; 51?53 June. Oats 42M44-K bid. Rye-Steady; 994 bid. Whisky-108. Porfc-Lower; 15 26SS15 50 Lard Firm ; summer 10 00. LIVE STOCK. Hogs Receipts 6,000 ; lower ; 4 905 40. Milwaukee Market. M".viCEll. May 9 Wheat l9c lower: closing firm; No?, 1 76V4 cash ; 1 78'-4 June : No 8, 1 59. Corn -Firm; 55. Oats -43. Rve- 90. Barley 80. he said he woula abolish the system of legislative representation by districts; would reduce the legislatures to one house an ! would take a new governor by lot each .1 i' -i 1 t . . rri - muntn irom ine legislature, x ne presi dential term and office he would modify on the same plan. Mormons Preparing1 tor War. New York, May 9 A Salt Lake City dispatch says: In the Tabernacle, Sunday, Brigham ioung arose at an unexpected moment and bioke forth in an address to the saints and sinners, which gave the latter to understand that if they wanted blood they could have plenty of it, and, iudeed, that they were likely to have more of it let out of their veins than they could pare, at an early period. Many discreet Gentiles are quietly arranging for the removal of their families at the first sign of an outbreak. The Nauvoo legion is drilling in meeting-houses, barns, stables and coirals in Salt Lake City and minor towns. Breech-loading rifles have been shipped in great numbers the last fortnight from the East to this place. Weather Probabilities. Washington, May 9. The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to-uiizht: Indications for the northwest: Falling barometer, cast to south winds; partly loudy and cloudv weather, with rain areas and nearly stationary or rising tempera ture. the watch wa9 sold. An conviction is now certain, indictment and TO-DAYS' ADVEBTISEMENTS. Universally Admired. Dr. Price's American Perfumes are now universally admired. U is truly remarkable to see how like the tresnly gathered tlowers are all of Dr. Price's Udors for the handker chief. They are fast becoming the fash ionable perrmes, as they are the sweetest j and most lasting oo"ors in the market. Try Dr. Price's Floral Riches, Pet Rose, Alista Bouquet, or any other of his perfumes, and you will be delighted. The Hotel Devonshire, of New York. This is a spick and span bran-new first-class hotel. Every room is bright ana cheerlul.well ventilated, and elegantly furnished. It is located just across the street from the Grand Central Depot, where every traveler may stop without having to hire a carnage. It is Kept on the European Plan, and the scale of prices is very mouerate. jLon i iau to give it a trial ou your next visit to the city. TERRY'S SALICYLIC for constant use in the family. Absolutely pura aud the most agreeable to use. na nas ttie additional advantage of being impregnated with the greatest Known auti-eeDttc ana aistuitctant tsancvue acia Its Daily use prevenN contrac ion of contagicus diseases and the baneful effects of sewer gas, mlas matlc ana mslsnal exhalations It is a special boon to School Children who are constantly exposed and to infants. Prevents contrac ion of skin diseases. Keeps the Skin Soft and White and Prevents Chapping. Indorsed by the medical profession Most economical. 2U cents a cake; 3 cases lor 50 cents. Sample cake sent postpaid fos 25 cents. For sala by Druggists and Groctrs. The Beveiily Co., Agents, Chicago. HANUFACTUHEB2 ilL HIP! Fire in Sauk Co., Wis. Milwaukee, May 9. A fire at Reeds- ourg yesterday morning destroyed the stores of S. J. Aerholt, Fretsman P. Bi h op, N. W. Salade, C. E. Ryan. Cummins, O.H. Perry, and one or two others. Loss estimated at $40,000; insurance $20,000. Arrived in Some. Quebec, May 9. The French Canadian pilgrims have arrived at Heme. Decoration Day in Washington. Washington, May 9. The departments will be closed rn decoration day. Protection for Quebec Harbor. QUEBEC, May 9. Ten 64-pounders and munitions of war have been received at the citadel. THE SENO CCTJKT MARTIAL. What a Pair of Shoulder Straps Qeis Instil ting a Woman. for Washington, May 8 -Following is the result ol the proceedings of the court uiar- recentiy having wife of 4 Fatal Coal Mine Explosion In Pennsylvania. Pottsville. Pa., May 9. A great ex plosion of gas occurred this morning in VVadesvile mines near St. Ciair. A num ber of men are imprisoned. It seems im possible to save them. SECOND DISPATCH. Potts ville, Pa., May 9 It is reported from St, Clair that 30 men are imprisoned io the Wadesville uiiue. Their cries for assistance can be plaiuly heard. Six bodies have already been recovered. still lateo. St. Clair. Pa.. May 9. A terrible ex plosion ot gas occurred in Wadesville mine near St. Clair at 10 this morning, killing an.l wniinrlinrr 9 men and imprisoning 5 others. The Wadesville shaft is 800 feet deep and between Pottsville and St. Clait, and operated by the Philadelphia & Reading Coal Co. The first warning ot accident was a sudden alarm sent up to the bosses for aid. Descending immedi ately they recovered the bodies of John 1. n,l Wn, Tfirl- L-ii'.prl nnrritrht.imd nninn STARHH GLOSS ! hoisted them to the surface. Seven more UNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, 1 the irrtet Blood rpmedv of the He. A rtter. Scrofula. I'lcera. BU, Piinpit?. suJ alj! Blood dlaeasea yield to its wonderful power. Thir Blnod is the arnarmntee of health. Remd I 'H cured my ton of Scrofula. ' J. K Brooks, ratntumiiA. u. it curea iut cnnu oi i.rrip-1 Mlra.K.Smettxer. Lrimr. Pa. Price $1 I. R. SELLERS ft CO., Prop's, Pittsburgh, Pa. be femiine ha our name on bottom of wrapper. OamptLorine ! (s the most effectual remedy sold, is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives instant relief, will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric has a pleasant and ref reshine o'ior. It will imme diately relieve and cure Rheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuralcla and Catarrh, Headache and dwelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, abruptions oi me ssin. Pain in Chesi, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. For sale by all urnggisis. ljlATHEWS' tial at Fort Abercrombie. which tried Maj. Reno on the charge ol made improper overtures to the Capt. iA: War Department, May 8. The pro ceedings in this case having been forwarded to the secretary of war, have been most carefully considered and have been sub mitted to the president, who approves the hi'drig and sentence, but is pleased to mit igate the latter to suspension Irou rank and piy for two years irom the ISth of May, 1ST". Maj. Reno's conduct toward the wile of an absent officer and in u:ing the whole force of his power as command ing officer of a poft to gratify his resent ment against her cannot be too strongly condemned; but after long deliberation upon all the circumstances of the case, as show i in the iccord of the trial, it is thought that his grave offences, grave as they are, do not warrant a sentence of dis missal and all its consequences upon one who has for twenty years borne the repu tation of a brave man and an honorable officer aod has maintained that reputation upon the battle fields of rebellion and in contests with the Indians. The president has therefore modified the sentence, and it is hoped that Maj. Reno will appreciate :the clemency thus shown him, as well as Ithe very reprehensible character of the acts of which he was found guilty. (Signed,) Geo, W. McCrary. HOST. SAMUEL S. COX. He is Interviewed by a St. Xionis Repub lican Newspaper Man. Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them whitxu and cleaueb than wax or anything else, aud prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put np in 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers and DruggiBts. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 85 Murray St., N. V. f rhartonxl hv tlin I.i'ctslatnre of Illinois.) . - . Illinois (Jo n c e n tr a tea MOLLPTE Open dally from 9 A.M. to 8 P. M., and on Tuesday Interest allowed on Deposits at the rate of i to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l ana upwards. m II 1 - - men were men reacuea, an senousiy. and it is thought three cannot possibly recover. Five men are imprisoned and are behind 200 tons of coal displaced by the explosion. A large iorce ot miners urn removing the mass of coal. Some think the imprisoned men can be reached by night; some think not, as the gangway In which they are confined runs under the surface for over a mile, and getting at thfim is a slow and laborious task. The scene at the mouth of tha shaft is heart rendering. A large number of men, wo men nnd children are cathered there, anx iously awaiting the rescue of their friends and relatives. The names of four of the five men imprisoned are Benjamin Mozely, Herbert Moore, Thos. Connors, and Joseph Millwood, lietore the men can be res cued it is feared it will be too late to save their lives. They have been in since ten Special to the St. Louis Republican. Cincinnati, O., May 7, Hon, S. S. Cox has just arrived in this city from an extended tour through the south, having visited every southern state except Missis sippi. Your correspondent called on him this afternoon at the Burnet House, to earn the result of bis observations. Mr. Cox said that the people in the south were not much inclined to talk politics, being so thoroughly satisfied with disenthralment f SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER! airr'niJlTV iTiVAVTAntfS The private property of theTrusteesisresponslble I TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS! Curing 1 esCape Wre gloomy. to the depositors. The officers are nrohiblted from borrowing any of Its moneys. Minors and married women protected byiepecialluw. Opucbbs: 8. W. Whbblock, President: Joh Good, Vice President; C. F. Hkmenway, Cashier. Tbustbbs: 8 W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Caudee, C. T. Grantz, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway, John Good, J. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. tarTheonlychOitered Savings Rank in Rock Island County. 9-lly Cancera.Srrofula, Humors, Weakness, etc. In fact all Wood, Liver, Skin and Uterine diseases. Sold by druggists everywhere. Price $1, or six bottles for $3. C. . HOW fi, VL. D , Seneca r ails, IS. X. HOWE'S Never Failing In Wall Street. (500,000 has been made in a single investment $100. This of course is an extraordinary occur rence; but ordinarily $5 can realize say $35,000. Even sums as low as f i can be safely invested, when lav irabl j result can show a proflt of $5.!0. Clnu ars giving full Information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, No. 11 Wall St., N. Y. The American Tract Society New York. May 9. Receipts of the American Tract Society for the past year were 449.269. expenditures S411,ll. in the same period 209 colporteurs labored in 32 states, addressed 6.937 meetings made 152.883 family Visits and prayed with 98,378 families. During 36 years over 13.000.000 volumes have been dis tributed. PUTS I CALLS I STRADDLES! ! S25, S50,S1QQ, S20Q, S45Q. Bankers and Brokers. No 12 Wall street. New York. make for customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, iu amounts to suit, from 10 bales upwBrds, in 7 days, 15 days, one month, two months, three months, nud six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold oo a mar gin of He. Explanatory Circular and Dally Report of the Cotton market lent free. AND TONIC B1TTEKS. It will cure permanent ly Chills, Ague. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all nervous ami kidney diseases. Eveiy bttle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. P ic $1, or six bottles $5. Send I'smp for Chromo free. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Proprietor 8 meca Falls, N. Y. Sold by Jonn uengston anu i a xnomas, arng. eists. Rock Island. ARTISTIC TAXLOmQ ZIMMER & STEGEMANN, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. side Union Square, Tailors I Merchant M AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL II assorted stock of English and French Cassimeres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, etc., etc. t3ETAJ work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Movmtf the V. S. Bayonets Out of the South. Washington. May 9. -The Sixteenth infantrv is transferred irom the Dept. the Gulf to the Dept. of Dakota. The removal of these troops leaves but two regiments in the Dep't of the Gulf in Louisiana and Arkansas. In the Depart ment of Texas there are two regiments o: cavalry and three of infantry. More Indian wants 7ncleSam to reed Him Chicago. May 9. A dispatch to Gen. Sheridan from Gen. Miles, dated at the latter's headauarters on Tontrae river says 300 hostile Sioux surrendered on the 22nd of April. The rirst XTuna of tna Black Tell in the United States. NEW YORK, May 9. Bishop Spauldiog, of the new diocese of Peoria, in St. Mich ael's church, yesterday, gave the black veil to three young women, thi first io this country to eater the order of Presentation NUQ8. S Jfe5Your chances are good, Doc. "Meeting of the highway commission ers Saturday next, May 12th. EFfc,ihe Oiloert .lown ferry will run on next Sunday and carry passengers tree. 8-Wni. Schrader has closed his saloon, and Charles Effluud will open a temperance billiard hall m the old stand in a few days. fiAnolher butcher shop, Mr. Rauh's was burglarized a few evenings since. This is the third place of this kind that has been entered by thieves within two weeks. 8?t,Mrs. E. Cadv Stanton will appear at the Congregational church to-morrow eve ning in her powerful lecture: Questions of the Hour. I lckcts tor sale at Clenden nin & Martin's. E5s-EjX-tjiti Attorney .uonre niatie a report to tne ci; couucii Monday evening. which he claims is the first report eyer made to the city by the legal department. 1 he report f'avs there are eleven suits? pending agaiust the city, each for $200 making $2,200 in all. It further states that the suit of V ictor Stroinburg, vs Ciiy of Moline has been disposed of, resulting in a verdict lor tne city, in Jan uary last. BuT wo bills were presented at the last couneil meeting, charting the city, one $3, CO a f thing we losik fur is some mao to present his bill to the city for woman pounding, as there are a tew esses ol it in town One, a German, living on the river bank, is known to be an expert in this manly exercise. He thumps his wile uruunJ for amussmeut and tells her he will short her if she tells any one of it. He wants to know if man has no tights that woman is bound to respect. JSSIfNo one can tell who will be the next marshal, although many are on the anxious seat, and the question is asked by every other man you meet One thing is certain, now that the salary has been raised, none but a hrst class man will be appointed it such can be found. Sixty-five dollars per month is good wages these times and should secure a good man. nuh as the re sponsibilities of the position require, and it is enough to keep him without any other income, so that he could let collecting and other business which belongs to the cun stables' duties, alone, and attend strictly and faithfully to the welfare of the city. Such men are to be bad, and if not for $G5 let him have $ '5 and do not take any man without proper qualifications, even though he offer to work for nothing. The Board of Education. The board of education held a meeting last evening, the proceedings of which were secret. This morning a representa tive of The Argcs called on the secretary of the board for the minutes but was refused; nor could anything be elicited concerning the action of the board last evening It is time that these self important petty officials were taught that they are accountable to the people for their action in public matters and that the meet ings of the board of education are free to the citizens of Moline at any time. The secretary of the board should bo made to understand that "Star Chamber" sessions are not legal and that all dirty work which th members of the board hope to secrete from the public will be obtained. The Argus is not easily bluffed and the intel- DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. CHICAGO SCALE CO,, 68 & TO W. Monroe Street CHICAGO, ILL. MANTJFACTUKEKS op POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made ol the best NORWAY IRON, and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. SS?" Orders filled promptly and at the lowe GLOBE IS'AIL C0MT BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL 4-ton Hay Scales, $60; old price. $160. All other sizes at a great reduction. All Scale I Warranted, t-end for circular and price list. CHICAGO WHIP SOCKET MANUFACTORY. THE PEERLEfS. t. v s t. e c a C 1 Tue Gem Millwrights Contractors & Builders mm Wi 1 511115 i i m y c c , and the other $10, lor impounding jh9 I I ws. I hey were not allowed, however, Wit I 1 - . 53 nd the cow pounders were relieved from u II eufaa . .... i v tta m m . . urther duties ot that nature. Ihe next 'iNl I I Patent Allowed. Of all descriptions ot Drttc-nta and Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators out on short nonce. Are prepared to take con tract for building and machiw ry, and give pf on- ai attention to a., ne aetaits oi construction. Ke pairs of all kinds .otnptly attended to wbeth.r or dered by mail or in person. At the old stand of II Brooks, (new No.,) 525 No in n. v ashintrton street r&OHlA. I LL WILCOX Patent Allowed. t"N. P. A fu'l line of samples sent hy express on receipt of $3.25, with privilege of returning by paying express charges both ways. Singer Sewing Machines. GREAT REDUCTION. The New Family Singer Sew'ng Machine will here afier be sold at SILVER PLATE COMFY. Shi-w Ror nis, 21 Maiden Lane, 2?. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. 3 and all other2"styles of genuine Singer Machines a' equallv reduced prices. Though these machines hae been reduced one half in price, the quality will be maintained at its highest standard. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY May IS. 1ST7. HENRY ORTH, United States, Canadian and General Manufactnrersof p.ateilt Soli.citor' Plated Tea Sets Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Office, Federal Buildings, WASHINGTON, D. C, Branches in Toronto and Ottawa. Canada; London, Parle, tferiln, etc. All Pateut matter promptly attended toon rea sonable terms. Correspondence conducted either I in the English, French, German or the Scandina vian languages. rom military bondage that they were con tent to plant and prepare for the rebuilding lectual secretary of the board, who assumes of the fortunes wasted by the past 15 dictatorial powers not eranted him bv leeal years strue. ine iaea, nowever, wtncti was being so widely spread by llepubhcans that members of the Democratic party m the south were going over to the Uepubli cans because one man in the party had at this late hour made a showing ot justice towards them was utter nonsense. The south, he said, will stand by the Detuj cratic party and members will all go intg Democratic caucus without hesitation and in full force. The idea that Hayes's policy woula draw, from the Democratic ranks was a false one, but would rather strength en the party by causing a split m the Itf publican 1 action. THE EXTRA SESSION. lie thought the postponement of the ex tra session a good thing for Pemocrats and for the country, as there were plenty of banks that would advance money' to run the army, which army might, he thought, ba dispensed with, had we a wise Indian policy tuch as that of Canada. THE SPEAKERSHIP. Regarding the speakership Mr. Cox refused to talk except to say that the reports industriously circulated to the effect that Mr. Randall had already a majority of the caucus were without the slightest foundation. He could, he said, make as good a showing for the position as any one named, but there is as yet nothing definite for any one. The members were not going to repeat the blunders of other days and were not going to Washinnton pledged to Randall or any one else. Pel ton, be said, was already io the field wri ting letters in Ratdill s interest despite the fact that his (Randall's) ratings had lost the presidency for Tilden. As to what this meant he would not venture an expression, but of its results he had noth ing to fear except the party generally. THE PRESIDENTIAL QUESTION. . . Mr. Cox hinted broadly at an early re- right, will learn that he does not possess unlimited control of the people. The course of the board last evening e hows a deter mination to act independently of the wishes of the citizens and the conduct of the sec retary in refusing to give the proceedings to the public savors strongly of a desire to avoid publication of business not strictly in accordance with the desires of a patient community, Kew York Marliet. New Youk, May 9. FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 07. Mouey-22VJ. Government Active. '.H. Bonds t$) cent 6-SU'a 1881 l.H5 1863 old l.US " im n. w;k lStS7 1.13'i ISttS .1.16 U.S. 10.40 1.13 New 5's 1.11 Currency 6's 1.S4X. COMMERCIAL. Wheat Dull: no tiles Corn tuiet; new western mixed old do Corn Declining; mixed western 4467. Pork- Heavy ; 15 90. Lard-10 10 Whisky 1 1. Chicago Market. Chicago, May 9. Wheat Dull and lower; 165!4cash; 163 June Corn Easier; fairly active; 53 & cash; 55 Jane CWs steady; nncuangea. Rye Lower; 88. Barley Unchanged. Pork Lower; 14 90 cash; 15 00 June. Lard Weak and lower; 9 62tf cash; 9 77 July lWhUky 1 IU. LIVE-STOCK. Hoes Receipts 1S.000: 'nil and rather weak; common to best selected heavy 5 255 4"; packers 5 25&5 50; shippers 5 455 70. Cattle 4uiet; receip.s ,wo. St. Louis Market. St. Louis, May 9. Wheat-Lower : No Sired tail 8 1'St 17!4 cash; KO8.S07. PORCELAIN LINED Show Cases. SHOW OASES. ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLAO E In the City. Send for Price List J. E. BERRY, Prop., ' 90 State Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Ice Pitchers, Castors, "WAITERS, Coffee and Ice Water Urnsf EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoons &z Forks, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C., &C., &C. t hese Goods can Dealers in Plated Ware EGBERT G. LUTKE, (Successors to J, R. ZEIGLkS.; Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD be found at all First Class In purchasing call for PT" WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE I PLATK.flEl JCLIZT WM. A. STEEL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Joliet Stone Quarries. SHOW CASUS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, aib Hamilton Street, PRCPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt; filled. ROBERT G. LL'TKE. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, MAHUFACTCRKB OF Dealer In the Best Quality of . Dimension, Flagging, Rubble and every kind of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL STONE. These are the most extensive Quarries in thi section of country, shipping more stone than all the others pnt together, of all thicknesses, from two inches to fifty-two inches thick; end the quan uij 4uani iu jrev ian aimosi any oroer can be filled on the spot. NU2SEEIE3. BLACKHAWK IURS ERY! EGrA.Hi I A LODGE SUPPLIES, For Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids, Knlghte of Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other bocietiis. SUIH IN Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 8SS Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. OPPOSITE THB SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. ROCK ISLAND , ' I shall have, this season, a general assortment of Fruit '& Ornamental Trees, BERRY BUSHES GRAPE VINES. Pie Plants, Asparagus, Flowering Plants A Soots. Garden and Flower Seeds, All Fresh from the Growers. Hnws Puvts ib large quantities. Arcft io, WTi.-am D. . KINNET.