Newspaper Page Text
V as.-"- --- - v Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Thursday, May 10 L877. Established Oct 18, 1851 mi- j j- . a,..tW';-a .W Railroad Time Table. SOCZ ISLAND & CO., E. S. Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. in. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 15:45 p. in. Arriving at Kock Island at 8:80 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. B. R. CABLB, General Manager. PE5BIA & SOCSZISLASD SAILWAT. SHORTEST ROUTS TO IBB BAST AKD SOUTH. LZATB AKRITk. Rastern Ei. S SO a.m. Mall A Ex. 1:02 p,m Mail Ei. 140 p.m. Western Ex. B:55p. m. Way Freight 6; a.m. Way Freight S:25p. m.1 The 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at alva with C B & 3. fr Alerto and Keitbsbnrg, also at Peoria with PP4J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Louis and all points sooth and southwest. arriving in St Louis at 7:00 p m. The 1 :50 train makes close connection at Galva with C B ft Q, R R, for the west; arriving atQnincy at 9:45 p ra., also at Peoria with I B ft W, and T P ft W., for point east ana southeast, J. R. Hiluard, Receiver. J.. V. Mahokbt, Gen'L Tkt. Ag't. C1ISA30. BOOS ISLASTO ft rACXTX. S. 8. eOUIS BAST TSAIKS LBATB At S .85 a. m. : 4 :S0 p, m. ; and 10 :00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above, aoiK wist Tumi liati' Atcai m.: 55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST. L07IS. SOCK ISLAND ft CSICASO S. S. OTKO SOUTH TBA1BS X1ATB At 8 :05 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. daily, asaiva riOM rt. loots At:0a. m. dally, and 8:50 p.m. 8TX2UK9 TUXSi LXaTX At 5:10 p. m. AKRIVB FBOM STBSLTM At 10:40 a.m. SOAL VALLIT MMS CO8 TSAX1TI. LBATB. 7 :0b a. a. 14:00 m. HOESS NAILS Sm m er e dan d fin iSHEofl 6 6 7 8 9 10 . I l I The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Nails by Hand. Quality hfuUy Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. ABS1VB. 10:30 A. i 8:60 r.i WESTIWPTOXOST BAILSOAD. LBAVB AltBITB Day E press and Mall 8:40 am 6:00 ax Nluht Express 10:15 p K 5:55 m The night express leaving Rtck Inland every Sunday night at 10:15 connects with the train arri ving in Chicago early Monday morning. No lay over checks given on throng'i tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this bain. Tofcaoco HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUFFINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing &. Smoking TOBACCO. The most extraordinary discovery in the World ts the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odor one woods, whence are procured those aromatic sruma and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, unctions and penetrating properties it is. when applied, diffused throneh the whole nervous sys cm, allaying the niont luteuse pain in a few minutes. Try it, wlien yon will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so men a degree, its penect anoayne quaiuies. Itsactiou is p'ompt andeffective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords,retoring nse to limbs paralysed lor years, ana wnere tne flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing bnt skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new tleeh to grow oat and till up the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and thin is the reason why it has been so successful in dis- i ases ol tne Joints, in affections or tne hpine Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any otberever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal inflammation, you will find it gives great relief, it bas no equal in tne world lor Kneuma tism also, cramps, swelling, nambness. weak joints. Spine and Chest, pains, wonnds, chilblains. burns, sore throat, bites or insects ana reptiles, salt rhenm. warts, corns, manga, ana maeea nearly an diseases which ream re an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exten al'y witn great success in goitre, or swelled neck, scrotula or s Jivu, uver i;ompiaini. nervous diseases, c. For Horses or cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweenev in existence: also, t-pavio, spllnt. King bone. Big-head, Fistnla,Frcy. Poll Evil, Windfalls Strains, Bruises, &c COVINGTOHV Our brands of Chewing of Gold, Old Congress and XT. are the Fountain, Cloth Forum. MAGIC OIL, USE EEHHE'S PAIN-KILLING uiL "It Works like a Charm." If you have got Rheumatism, VsU KtCNN'E'S MAGIC OIL. If yon have got Neuralgia, UK KEXNE'S MAGIC OIL. If you have got Colic or Cra i p, USE KEXNE'S MAGIC OIL. If you have got any kind if Ache or Pain, USE RLNNE'S PAIN-K1LUNG MAGIC OIL. Try it, and you will be surprised at ttie beneficial effect derived from a thorough and faithful use of this popular remedy. It is purely vegetable; safe and clean to use internally ar externally. Syraotsk. N, V., July 45th, 1875. Ww Rzkwie A Sons. Pittsfleld. .V:ass. Sins As a duty, as well as a privilege, I wish to commend t" those unacquainted' with its healing qualities you r "Paln-Kiiling Magic Oil," to bb kipt in readiness f ok BMEKGE FciBS, as severe at tacks of bowel difficulties, to be applied bxteb kallt, as a counter irritant, and internally as an anodyne and healer. Also for fresh wounds, having tested it, especially on the cuts, bruises and strains 1 received in the terrible calamity at the Central baptist Church, June 23, K.74. In behalf of all tnlngs which are good, and truly nseful. I subscribe myself, Fraturnally yours. Rev. U. A. Sizes. BENNE'S MAGIC OIL In a purely vegetable and general family remedy. Keen it in the house to use in case of emergency. Trr it internal! v. It cures Cholera Morbus, Diar rhoea, Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, Sore Throat. Colds. &c. Use it externally. It cures, Cattarh, Sprains,Cnts, Bruises. Old Sores. Headache, Toothache, and In fact almost all the aches and pains flesh Is heir to. Sold by all dealers in Medicine. WM. RENME & SONS, Prop'ra, Pittofield, Mass USE RENNE'S PAIN.KILLING MAGIC OIL All ye Hen, Women and Children, Van Schaack, Stevcnson'& Reid, Wholesale Ag'te TO ALL, PARTICTJLARY INVALIDS Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ness should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain In a disor dered condition, r ntil the disorder has time to de velop iiself. An ounce of prevention is worth pound of cure, is an old and truthful saying Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with ihe complaints now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Schenck' Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy so harm less and decisive in its action. It at once strikes at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from anv disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellant medicine when they feel the fif!t indications of the malady Families leaving TELEGRAPHIC. I Telegraphed to the Kockltland Argui. home for the summer months should take three or four boxes bf these pills with them. They have an almost instaneous effect They will relieve the patient or headache in one or t hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will tffectually prevent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist HE RUSSIAN-TURKO WAR. Vienna, May 10. Th official Gazetto again puousnes a fct. fetersburg letter descanting on the entire absence of war- ike enthusiasm in St. Petersburg. Bucharest, May 10. A ereat manv Russian officers are here. About 6,000 troops pass daily in the direction of Gine gevo and Budesti. liusTCHUK, M ay 10 The Turkish Com mander in chief is at Shumla. VIENNA, May 10. It is renorted that the Roumanian army is to form the right wing of the Russian armv and will bo in creased by one Russian division. A ma jority of the Roumanian senate are still opposed to the war. LONEON. May 10. A second edition of the Times has a despatch from Athens which says the Greek Iron Clad. Olea. captured a vessel which clandestinely left iraens. The crew are pirates and notor ious criminals from Asia Minor. Athens. Mav 10. A vessel which clandestinely left Piraens was pursued by the authorities and caDtured. The crew of 21, found on board, were all armed. he vessel was broucht back and an inves- i?ation continued. London. Mav 10 The Reuter has a dispatch from Erzeroum, Wednesday, at 11 p. m , which makes no mention of any fighting. It reports that the Russian col umn which wa going down the line of the Turco on the Persian fmutier io the direc- -a r . . ion ot V aunas, stopped at liay&zid on account of the impracticability of the coun try and lack of forage. London, May 10. The Standard s Bailin special reports from Vienna that a meeting of Polish agitators was held at Lumberg. May 4, to determine the policy of the Poles. An organization of the Polish legion was decided upon. Count Plater will shortly publish a proclamation to the Poles in the name of the secret national committee. Polish leaders have resolved to abstain from exciting aDy trou ble with Austria. Halifax, May 10. Three hundred soldiers are on the way from England to fill up the 20th and 97th regiments to their full strength. Bucharest. Mav 10. The nrince of RoumaDia to day assumed control of the Roumanian army designating chief of staff and commanders of first corps at Crakova, and second at Bucharest and uiurgevo and appointed members of staff and command ers of divisions and brigades. LONDON. May 10. Prince Milan and ministers have lormally assured Uount Andrassy that Servia will not disturb the peace- Constantinople,. May 10 It is re ported that the Russians before Kars and Ardahan have retreated toward the fron tier. LoNDON.May 10. In the house of com mons Mr. Sullivan withdrew the questions concerning Secretary Cross s intimation that England would defend Egypt It was stated that no steps had been- taken to send a naval force to the Danube, which ac tion would lead to a Dji-iinterpretation. The eastern Question was then considered- London. Mav 20. The Times says of the advance which the Russian government obtained from Paris and Berlin bankers with a view to insure punotual paymeut of the counons on the Russian debt next fall- ins due the probable assumption w an ad vance of 15,000,000 and the syndicate re tain the right of makinc a further advance of naif as u.uch again. The syndicate get 8 per c:nt commission and as security an hold Russian bonds of "5 loan at 5 per cent f their nominal value. The syndicate has the call of this stock ct 70 for periods va riously stated at 6 or 12 months. Weather Probabilities. Washington, May 10 The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: Partly cloudy weather with rain areas, southeast winds, nearly stationary temperature and falling barometer during the day. in Blaine Marshalling: the Malecontents Washington. Washington, May 8. Blaine is here encouraging the malecontents. tie is at the head of the army bill in the senate, having reported it from the committee. He says that the means by which the army is to be tided over are illegal in the extreme. Praying: Against the Grasshoppers. Omaha. May 10, The Catholic bishop of this diocese has issued a circular letter to the clergy calling for special Masses during May and June that the people 6? Nebraska may be relieved from loss on account of the grasshoppers, Explosion, Fire and Loss of Life. Boston. May 10. The establishment of W. E. Dunham, in the Kendrick Loom factory, was destroyed last night by an explosion, II. L. Hamilton was killed. Lo83 about $30,000, partially insured. Whitewashed by his Political Chums. New York. May 10. The senate committee to investigate Tweed's charges, against Woodin, unanimously report charges utterly unfounded. Obituary. TERRE llAUTE, May 10. Dr. iizra Read, a leading physician here, died this morning, aged 66 years, Counterfeit national Bank Fifties. New York, May 10. Counterfeit flf- ties on the Central National bank, of this city, have been discovered. VlNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER g the grestent Blood rcnMdr of the ae. ff Jf Truer. ftcTorulfc, Ckwn, Botla, Flmplei. ud all. jfW Blood dtmum yield to tta wonderful power.. SV I Pure Blood U the guarantee or health. Read : I m " 11 "" "J on of SorofuU. " J. S. Brookt, Hr PatnerrllU. O. " It corrd IUT child of Irrilpfr W W:- Mrt.t.Smtiutr. Ienaun.ra Prio Sl. M E. . 8KI.LKRS ft CO., Prop . PitUhonrh. Pa. Jr The irenatne hat our uaeoe on bottom of wrapper. Steamer Dakota Ashore. London, May 10. The steamer Dakota jm Liverpool yesterday lor Mew lork ashore on mainland, inside Isle of Aug ry. lhe crew and passengers were fely landed. A tug boat has gone to the ene of the disaster. New lORK, May 10. uispatches re ived at the offices of the Williams & Guion steamship company state that the steamer Dakota was ashore on Poin Lima". 45 miles from Liverpool. The passengers and crew were all saved and most of the baggage, but the vessel ana enrgo wouia prooaDiy prove a ioiai mss. The Dakota is valued at f 750,000. lhe ship and cargo are supposed to be fully insured. London, May 10. Reinsurances are being effected in the over-due steamer City of Brussels for fifteen guineas per cent, premium. 'I'l,, Tt.ilrAln'a nncantiirnrQ Tiritt coil Sat I Oil D STARCH GLOSS urday in the steamer WisconBin. It is Camplaorine ! Is the mo effectual remedy eold, is a lnxary to tme. trive the beet satisfaction, trives instant relief. will not greaBe or ttain the moot delicate fabric has a pleasant and refreshing oior. It will imme riiatelv nHv enrp Khenmatistn. Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, He2dache and Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains and Brnisee, Bud inns and Chilblaino, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chenu Back or Limbs, Burns- and Scalds. For sale by all Druggists. MATHEWS Fire. Omaha, May 10. A fire at Bannocks ast nieht destroyed some fifty tons of hay, situation was freely discussed by the latter. Mr. Cowles told the president that the dissatisfaction among the Ohio Republi cans at the southern policy is so great as to probably result to the state being lost to the Republicans in October next by Republicans refusing to vote. MOLINE. The Coal Mine Explosion. . k w m 1'iiiLADELPHiA, may y. xnree more bodi?s have been recovered, leaving two men in the mine. Thomas Connors, among the last of the men brought out, had his head and both legs blown off. Herbert Moore.another of the victims, presented a frightful appear ance, bis lace and body being dreadtully burned and disfigured. John Durkin was thrown with great violence against the props and walls and instantly killed. Ed ward Weaklin, who escaped, describes the gas, after igniting, as flying through the mines with lightning rapidity, destroying everything in its passage. Weaklin hear ing the first report quickly laid down and the gas passed over him. It soon became necessary to fan fresh air into the mine. So foul had the gas become that those sent to rescue the men could only work at short - T . 1 11 1 intervals, uames jjeatty was Daaiy Durn- ed. and it is doubtful if he can recover. Two miners haye irst come up and re port that a large quantity of coal has fallen on Ben). Moseiy, and it will be impossible to get at rum lor some time. iV uopes are entertained for his recovery alive. The latest information indi ates that Chicago, Ills. For sale inHock Island by O. an, aim a. itrcunert. FINANCIAL Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all Btarched goods, making them whiter asd clearer than wax or anything else, and prevent the iron from Grot- sticking. Trial bottle free. Pot up in 4-oz bottles, price lBc. Sold by Gro cers apd Drugglsta. A. I. MATHEWS A CO., 85 Murray St., N. T. THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK rhartorpil v.? the LittIhI attire of Illinois.) moline - - . Illinois Concentrated Open dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. and on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 1 to 8 o'clock. Interest allowed on Lenesits at the rate o! 4 to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received izr amounts o$l and Upwards. SECURITY ANiTaD VANTAGES. The private property of theTrusteesieresponBlble to the depositor. The officers are prohibited from borrowing any of its moneys. Minors and married women protected byispecial law. OrriFiM:-8.W. Whlook, President: Johh Good, Vice President; C. F. Hsmkbwat, Cashier. Trusties: 8 W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell, Nelson Chester, H W. Candee, C. T. GranU, A. 8. Wright, C F. Hemingway. John Good, J. M. Christy, C. H. Stoddard. raTTne only chartered Savings ISank In Rock Island County. -Hy SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER! The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere (TRIUMPHANT! A PERFKCT SUCCESS ! Curing Cancers. Srrofula, Humors, Weakness, etc. in iaci all Blood, Liver, Skin and Uterine diseases. 8old by drnzgisto everywhere. Price f l, or six Domes for $5. C. B. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. Y. ITever Failing In Wall Street. 500,000 baa been made in a single investment $100. This of course is an aztraordinary occur rence; but ordiuarily $5 can realize eay $23,000. Even sums as low as $1 can be safely inveeted.when f avrabla result can show a profit of $5,000. Circu ors elating full information sent free by ad dressing ' TAYLOB & CO, Bankers, 15 No. 11 Wall St , N. Y. ! AND TONIC BITTKK8. It will cure permanent- Iv Chills. Aeue, Sciatica, Neuralgia, DeMlitv. all nervous anrt kidney diseases, ivery battle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. P ic $1, or tlx bottles $5. fctena lump iorvoromo-iiT. v. a HOWE, M. V , Proprietor Seneca Falls, N. Y. Sold by John Bengston ana i a. i nomas, urng nstA, Kock island. feared the Dakota will prove a total loss. London, May 10. Messrs. lnmaa be lieve the Bteatnship City of Brussels has broken a shaft. She might not arrive ior ten davs vet on account of the prevailing winds, which would also drive her out of her course. The Philadelphia Show Company. Philadelphia, Fa., May 10. Bunting is displayed everywhere ou account of the permanent exposition aod interested much the same cs last year. The reception to President Hayes and cabinet and General Grant today are cordial. Boti parties started to the exposition grounds together, Philadelphia, May 10. The city has put on holliday attire, and the streets are crowded with people bent upon assisting at tbe opening ceremonies of the perma nent exhibition, steam and horse cars are ail filled going to Fairmount Park. The programme or exercises at the i opening was made up Dy music, prayer address and benedictoa. During tbe performance of the prelude. Gov. Hart- raft aod staff entered upon the platlorm. followed bv President Hayes, the organ laving. Hail to the Uhiet. After a fes tive overture the lugnt Key. mstiop Stimson, offered prayer, and addresses were delivered by Clement M. Biddle, president of the exhibition, the company introducing the choral angel of peace, when President Hayes made pro clamation, "I now declare the internation al exhibition of the season of 1877 open After other musical and oratorical exer cises the inaugural ceremonies concluded. men have been killed ind 6 scriouslv in jured by the explosion. latest. Pottsville. May 10. The last of the victims of the Wadesville disaster, Benj Moseiy, was found at midnight in a breast about one hundred yards from where the miners had been searching. His body was neither burned nor scarred, and it is supposed he was smothered by choke damp. What Array Offlcera Thin of It. Washington, May 9. It is the opinion of prominent army officers that the presi dent in modifying Major Reno's sentence of dismissal to suspension from duty for 2 years, has let that officer off too easily, aod that it will produce an unfavorable effect in the army. Tin opinion here among army officers was universally in favor of Reno's dismissal from the service. A few days ago Mr- Newell had a final interview with Gen. Sherman to try and get him to revoke his approval of Reno's dismissal, "lean do nothing," said Sherman. "An officer of the army must be above doubt or suspicion. You officers of the civil law (referring to Mr. Newell) would rather have ninety-nine guilty men escape than have one innocent man punished. You talk of giving Maj. Reno the benefit of every doubt. Again I repeat, ac officer of the army must ce above doubt. Here Mr. Newell interposed something about the gallant record of Maj. Reno and asked whether this should not be taken into con sideration. Said Gen. Sherman: "I am as proud of Maj Reno's record as a soldier as any officer in the army, but the higher and brighter the record the greater tbe offence." J8Go 6low, George fi-Mrs, E. Cady Stanton, at the Con gregational church, this evening. j J6SFThe C. B. & Q. pay car passed through here this morning and gladdened the hearts of the boys. B.Every third woman you meet now- a days has something lor you to sign, A pledge to abstain from the use of slang is the latest thing out. 2? An old billiard table belonging to A. P. Fish was sold this morning at con stable sale for $105. Esquire Manes was the purchaser. J8The new Gilberttown ferry boat. ' Lilly," will run between Moline and Gil berttown Sunday next and carry passen gers free of charge. I0d3t BThe fire engine was taken out last evening for exercise. She came very near getting stalled in the clay at tbe loot of Lynde street That place must be macad amised or it will be impassable for fire purposes. Charles Deere's cow valued at $250 was taken sick this morning and Dr. Bokman was called, but before he arrived she was dead. Mr. Bokman made a post mortem examination and pronounced I t-cause of death to be puerperal lever. Mi. Liokuian, besides his drug business, is pitting quite an extensive practice in the veterinary line. ZSsayCharles Effland, will open a tem perance billiard hall in Conzleman's build ing, (William Schrader'a old stand) this evening. A place where a social game could be played, free from the smell of whiskey, is what has long been wanted in this city, Charley is a jovial whole souled fellow and knows how to manage such a place to the satisfaction ot his patrons. TE. Mines, justice of the peace, made a report at the last council meeting. It gives $111 as fines collected, but it is without any date, no we are unable to tell how much time is included in the report. This is the first report, as far as can be ascertained, that Mr.Mapes has ever made. None of this money has been paid to the city, so Mr. Mapes is indebted $111. fiCleanhnebS is next to godliness. but when a boy places so much stress upon this one truism as to denude himself and plunge into a duck pond beside the main thoroughtare, as was the case yes terday near the Half-way House, it would seem as if Young America was determin ed to be cleanly if not godly. The water in the mud hole is from 3 to 6 inches deep. iSrLjungberg's tailor shop, next door to Bokman & Stange's drug store, was entered by thieves last night, and a suit of clothes belonging to Capt. Kohler, a pair of pants of Dr. Swan Hanson's, and the proprietor s overcoat were taken, besides several other articles of little value, in all amounting to about $70. lhe overcoat was found this afternoon in Brooks's grove but no further trace ot the thieves has been found. Really these occurrencts are getting very irequent, entirely too much so. Rye Steady; 90 bid. wni fhiekv-108. Pork-Lower; 15 25 15 50 LardFirm ; summer 10 00. LIVE STOCK, Hogs Receipts 4,000; unchanged; 4 905 4l. Milwaukee Market. M'vwackib. May 10 Wheat -Steady but lower; No 2. 1 75 cash ; 1 T7K June; No 3, 1 6T4. Corn -Firm; 55. Oats -43. Rye 95. Barley 80. ' TO-DAYS'ADVEETISEMENTS. CARL kuehl, Attorney at law, (Dbutseher avokat, SfiennH A vpnnd rifr 17h .nil lath fir f.TnattA Cropper s office, Rock Island, 111. KNAPP'S Extract of Eoots FOR MAKING ROOT BEER. Tbe attention of Druggists and Beer Makers is called to the above named preparation. One ot the healthiest and pleasantert beverages known is made from this Exiract.tbe reputation of which bas been well established for over 30 years, and the in creased sales for it in those localities where it has been used fully indorse its merites. This Extract, from which the popular Beverage known as 'KNAPP'S ROOT BEER is made, is put up in bottles at 30e , 60c., f3, and in half gallon and gallon cans $5 and $10 each, which makes respectively, 10. 25, 200, QX) and 800 gallons of Beer. G'-neral Depot, S62 Hudson Street NEWVOKK And Bold by all Wholesale Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers at manufacturers prices. HAlTUTACTUREEa "The principle of combining English and Ameri can writers in a common literary cntcrprls-, merits all encouiageraent." J. Anthony Fboudb. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. A New York end London Beviaw. EMINENT CONTRIBUTORS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. (No articles at second hand ! All articles original ;) Contents May-June Sow Heady. The New Administration. i'ge Lite Insurance Question, Charlton T. Lewis. Disestablishment of the Church of rneland. Dr. James n. Uhrr. London. The Philadelphia Exhibition. Part I. Mechanism and Administration, Francis A. Walker, Chief of Bureau of Awards. Tennyson. A Criticism, - - Bayard Taylor, Cur Foreign Service, - - Hon. John Jay, American and European Literature. Art Letter No. 9, - Philip Gilber Ilamilton. contemporary invents. Price. Single Number, $1.00; Six Months, 3.00; Annual subscription in numbers) 5 ou NEW YORK: A. S. BARNES. & CO., Publishers. 1 C1P1 MANUFACTURERS OF POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made ol the bert NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. ty Orders filled promptly and at the lowe rates by GLOBE KAIL C0MT BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights I Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Circuit Court. Thursday, May 10. The case of W. R. md L. 11. Cary vs. the U, R. I. & P. road tor damages, was commenced before a jury yesterday aftemoou. and the first witness was still on the stand when the court adjourned at noon to da;, to allow the members of the bar to attend the funeral of W ilson G. Drury, son of Judge Drury. J. B. Hawley and Cha. W. O'Neil appear for the complainants and Kenworthy & Beardsley tor the railroad company. The Rock Island roughs, Jack Doyle, Con. Donovan and Tom O'Brien, indicted for riot, were brought before Judge Pleasants last evening and their bail was fixed at $150 each. Doyle's father and mother became security for him; O'Brien's father for him, and John Corcoran signed Douovan's bond. Menas Exoer, the ringleader in the riot and one of the moat dangerous roughs in the city, was released this morning, his brother-in law, J. Henry ladders, taking pity on him and signing his bond. lhe grand jury will make its final report this evening or in the morning. WSiCo F" PA F?l-5$ di inc. STARCH CO. PE0HJAJLL. s. Mill Machinery. Dictate and SDecificatlons for Flout-in? Mills Haw Hills, Distilleries and Oram Elevators rr ade oat on short notice. Are oreDared to take con tracts for building and machinf ry, and give pe .ton al attention to a., he details of construction. Re pairs of ail kinds .omptly attended to whether or dercd by mall or in person. At me oia stand 01 11 tirooKs, (new No.,) 525 No Ifi Washington street PEORIA. ILL li'HrrMlra'k Bm.UlU WILCOX mi plate man. SJn -to 7iOf7H, 21 Maiden, Lant,N. T. factories, Wert MeriJen, Conn. Show Casss. HOW OASES. ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLACE In the City. Send for Price LUt J. E. BERRY, Prop., 90 State Street, Ifli Manufacturers of Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LIKED Ice Pitchers, Castors, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SOBERT G. LTJTKE, WAITEES, (Successors to J, R. ZEIQLSS.) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD More About Bffnllett's Murders. New York, May 9. The coroner's ver diet in the post office accident is death through incompetency of the treasury officials,and that the United States govern ment is responsible for the calamity. Ice roof was overloaded with conorete- Super vising Architect Mullet and bis local em ploys are responsible for this. Civil engi neers alone are competent to supervise such construction, and have apparently no authority. Mullet is especially reprobated by uatue and the opinion is expressed that intelligence id local superintendents is requisite, and that this has not been secured by the government in this case. Transporting Presh Beef The - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad brought to this city yesterday a car load of dressed beef from Kansa3 City, which, on us arrival here, was in as good condition as on the day it was shipped, which was last Saturday. The refrigera tor-car in which this beef was brought here bas been expressly built for a shipper named Anderson, as an experiment,by the United fetates Iv-ilhne btock Company. ine construction ot una car, wnicn is called the Kansas City," is very simple, and diners but little from an ordinary box car. The ..arraugeuient inside is such as to maintain an even temperature. The -It . . m tee was renewed out once, at, Muscatine, A ami r m r r r t and on its arrival here was yet good U (I lAf I . Lx X H ! ipper.who MJ I I V w J f i w u. w t enough for another trip. The shipper had tbe car built according to bis own ootioD. thinks he has solved the problem ' of keeping fresh beef io good condition during the transport to the east. Chicago Tribune, May vth. OV ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 21b Hamilton Street, PKOPIA.ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt; filled. ROBERT O. LVJTKE. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island. 8T8IXEBS TJHDEBTAXIHO TO MAV AGE OTHEX& PEOPI.E S BI7SXHXSS. AUTISTIC TAILOHIiTC- They ara Summarily and Properly parsed. Dis puts immm calls i STRADDLES! ! S25,S50,S100,S200,S450. ALEXANDER FROTHING HAM & CO.. Bankers aurt Brokers, No 13 Wall street. New Tork, make fur customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amounts to suit, from 10 bales upwards, in 7 days, lo days, one month, two months, three months, i.uu six months contracts, which frequent ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold ou a mar gin of iic. Explanatory Circular and Dally Report ol the Cotton market sent free. ZIMMER & STE6EMANH, No. 1.903 Second Ave N. Bide Union Square, Merchant Tailors ! AVB JTJST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of H English and, French Cassimeres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, Doeskins, tc, etc. tyA-l work guaranteed and price reasona'ble. Cleavland. May 10. -This mormns the police had a 6harp encounter with about 1 600 strain coopers and 200 ot their women who bad gathered at the doors ol the Standard Oil do.'s cooper shops. The mob refused to disperse and the, police scattered them by force. Several strikers were severely injured. Past lift and Thief . Nashua. N. H.. May 10. Charles E. Collins, clerk in Nashua Iroa and Steel r,n . i8 & defaulter of from I10.00U to f),. 000 and has fled. Fast horses and high j ! living are the cause.' a Editor Who Declined to be Bulldozed. Peoria, May 9. Today Supervisor Potts, of Kickapoo township, called at the National Democrat rmce to ad minster a thrashing to W. T. Dowdall, the editor, on account of an article in the paper reflect ing on Potts. No sooner bad the caller made the object of his visit known than Dowdall seised a heavy inkstand aod hurled it at Potts' s bead, missing him. f otts made an menectuai etiort to net a weapon from his pocket, when Dowdall drew his revolver, and before he had time to shoot, Potts ran out of the office and hid behind a carnage in an adjoiuing building, and the affray ended. Takes Back the Slander on the Catholics Roecial Diuoatch to the Chicago Journal : iSABLYILLE, llL, Way a. ine aispatcn from this place relative to the burglaries a few nights since was ia error in stating that Mr. Cox. where the burglars made their headquarters in Mcndota, was tbe n m ! 1 . 1 sexton ot tne cat none ourying grouna. We should have stated that be was the sexton of the public or American Ceo eterv. which position he has held for sev eral years. It is due to the Catholic society here to state that he has do connection whatever with their burying ground. Ohio Republicans Repudiate 2a?es 8 Denial to the Chicaizo Journal. WASHINGTON. V. J., May Mr. Cowles, the proprietor of the Cleveland Leader, had an interview with the presi dent last night, during which the political New York Market. Niw Yohk, Hay 10. FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 OTH. Money Government Active. 0. S. Bonds 0 cent 5-SO's 18S1 1.1iJ l5 oia l.UB?, " " 116 n w 1.10 " " 1867 1.18 1868 1.18 V. S. 10.40's 113H New 6' Ml Currency 6's - 1.84 COMMERCIAL. Wheat Quiet : no sales. Corn Lower; new mixed western 6ti0: old do Oats Dull; mixed western 54&C7. Fork Heavy ; 15 50, Lard -Quiet: 9 5. Woisky-1 1!. Chicago Market. Chicaso, May 10. " w,w, ,w .ru , 1 Wl June. Corn Fair ; demand easier ; 88H cash ; 54H Jane, oau easier ; 434 caen ; 43 June, ltye Ucchaoeea. Barley Unchanged. Pork W eak : lower ; 14 TO cash ; 14 92 July. Lard Dull ; lower 9 45 cash ; 9 579 60 July Whisky-1 10. LIVE STOCK. noes-Receipts 14,000: dull tweak; light: 5 20 5 45 ; common to good heavy mixed to packers 515 QxA 40 : common to cnoice shipping 5 i45 m. Cattle-Hall; Receipts 4,000; choice 5 203 75; fair to good 4 504 so. St. Louis Market. St. Lol'W. May 10. Wheat Lower; No trail 318ssked cash; .05 tW May; nos,iw. . Corn Lower; SQ2ID cash; 5S JUy. Oats 844 bid. UEGALIAS. WILLIAM Ii. BOBHTSON, MANCrACTCBEB Or E E G ALIA Coffee and Ice Water Urns- EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES , DpooiiH Ac Forks, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C. &C, 6cC. tSJ These Goods can be found at all First Clam Dealers in Plated Ware. In purchasing call (or Cw" WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE I PLATE. t-4dl- JOLIET STONE For LODGE SUPPLIES, Odd Fellows, Masons, Druids, Knights Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other Societl ta. of DUU IM Gkld and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 386 Main Street, WORCESTER. MASS. F. HOPP&30., 817 Washington Street, NEW YORK. LOMiSoi Merchants. WM. A. STEEL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Joliet Stone Quarries. Dealer In the Best Quality of . . Dimension, Flagging, Rubble and every kind of , BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL STONE. These are the most extensive Quarries In thin section of country, shipping more stone than all me open,pai logeinar, 01 an inicKaesses, irom two inches to fifty-two Inches thick; and lhe qoaa tity quarried is so great that almost any order can oe nuea on ine spob KUSSSSIES. BLACKHAWK NURSERY! -FOR THE SALE OF Butter. Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Game, &c. W GOOD SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. Full Market Price, guaranteed. Send for Price Cured and Marking Plate i . OrrOFlTB THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, ROCK ISLAND - I shall have, this season, a general assortment of Fruit & Ornamental Trees. BERRY BUSHED, GRAPE VINES. Pie Plant, Asparagus, Flowering Planta & Boot. Garden and Flower Seeds, All Fresh from tbe Growers. Hxmi Funt la large quantities. Marea 10, UTi.-lsa D. y. KINNEY.