Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Tear. Rock Island, Illinois, Fridav, May 11, 1877. Established Oct 18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. . &0CS ISLAHS & 1I3C3 CO . B. B. Leave Bock Island at 9:00 a.m., and 4 :00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Leave Cable at 6:80 a. m and U:45 p. m. Arriving at Rock Island at 8:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. R. K. CAB LB, General Manager. PECSIA & S3:z:iSLAlTS BAILWAY. BHOBTB8T KOCTB TO IBS. CAST AUD SOUTH. LSAV1 AKHJVS. Kantern Es 5 B0 a.m. Mall ft Ex. 1:08 p, m Mail Ex. 1-40 p.m. Western Kx. 6:M p.m. Way Freight 6 ;) . m. Way Freight S:5 p. m. Tbe 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at alva with C B & Q, for Aledo and Keitbsbnrg, also at Peoria with PPAJ, tor Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Louis and all points south and southwest, arriving in St Louis at 7:00 p m. The 1 :50 train makes close connection at Galva with C B & Q R R, for the west; arriving atQuincy at 9:45 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T Pk W., for points east and southeast, J. R. Hiixiabd, Receiver. J.s. V. Mahonst, Gen'l. Tkl. AgX 0II0AQ0, BOCK ISLAND PACITIC S. & OIXS) BAST TBAIDS LXAVS At 8.35 a. m.;4:80 p.m.; and 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive from west as above. OOIKO WIST TBAntS LBAVB At 6:85 a..m.; 9:55 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. Train arrive from the east as above. ST. L07IS. SOCZ ISLAND ft CHICASO B. S. 0tWQ SOUTH TBAIKS LBAVS At S :05 a. m. and 1 :00 p. m. dally, ABRIVB TBOB ST. LOUIS At 9 :90 a.m. daily, and 8:50 p. m. STZSLIHO TSAXK3 UA7Z ' At 5:10 p. m. 4 ABBIVB VBOX STXKLlMa At 10:40 a.m. OOAL VALLEY TOOTO CGS TSAIKS. MtAVB. 7:05 A. M. U:00m. KBITS. 10:80 a. : 8:30 P.m. WESTE5X UNION SAILSOAS. . HAVB ABRIVB Day Express and Mai? 8:40 a x 6:00 am NisrhtExpress 10:15 r m 5:55 pa The niL'tit express leaving Rock lt-land every Suuday night at 10:15 connects with the train arri ving in Clucatro early Monday morning. No la over checks eiven on through tickets from Roci hland to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this train. Tofcaoco HOBSE NAILS w 'HAMMERED AND FINISHED 6 6 7 8 9 10 III oo o ' .1 1 The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done' Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Naih by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'j, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL L BUFFINGT01T, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TOBA.CCO. covnroToir,. ky Oar brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth of Gold, Old Congress and Forum. MAGIC OIL, USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MGSG OIL I Van Schack, Stevenson & Ruid, NYboloia!e Agt's Chicago III. Sold lu tiucK island by John tJeuyu ton and F. II. I hiimi. Wtiy let aches auQ paius yunr temper spoil ? A cure is sure by using lienne's Magic Oil ! The most extraordinary discovery in the World is the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast n. G. FARRELL'S " . CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The beautiful and fertile recion skirting the deS' ertof Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gums and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, nnctions and penetrating properties it is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous sys'em, allating the most intense pain in a few minutes. Try it, when you convinced thatno preparation possesses in so nign a degree, us penect anoayne qualities. Its action is prompt and effective. It penetrates the fteBh to tbe bone, relaxes contracted cords.rcstoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the ttesh has wasted away, leaving nothing bnt skin and bone, excites a healthy action , causing new Been to grow out and fill up the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this Is the reason why it has been so successful in dis eases of the joints. In affections of the Suine Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specinc. For any internal inflammation, you will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints, hpine and Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains. burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It Is used exteri al y witn great success in goitre, or swelled neck, scrotals or tun" s -fc-vn, uver compiainr. nervous diseases, c. For Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure any case of Sweeney in existence: also. Spavin, Mlint, King- bone, Big-head, Fistula,Frcy. Poll Evil. Windfalls Strains, ttruues, c. RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, KENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL enres Sprains, UENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, liENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, RENNE'S .-AGIO OIL cures Coughs. RKNiE'S MAGIC OIL cureB Sore Throat. "It Works likb a Caaum. Dayton, Ohio, August 87, 1875. Missus. Wm. Rekne & Sods, Uemts Please send me at once by express one dozzen bottles large size Magic Oil. The MagicOil does indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother bad a fall which came very near r suiting fatally. She recovered her health In some degree durimr the vear following, but she sustained such severe injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nd shouldur, that she was almost helpless. Ho ping a change of climate might be beneficial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to Ltica. N. Y., to visit sume relative. While there she obtained and used some of your Magic Oil ; it relieved her almost immediately . so much st tu t he came home very much improved in health and strength, and by the free use of the Magic Oil she is now enjoying better health than she has known for ten years, and has recovered entirely from her injnrles. Mother has so much confidence in your Magic Oil that she win not be without it. Respectfully yours, Joseph E. Dixsoh Some folks seem io be prond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of "mv crick in tbe back" or "I have got the Sciatica" and delight m bragging that "nothing can cure me !" but when we such .'awful folks" to use RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL. faithfully, we not only cure their Inmf nt'sH anil charm awav their Dains. but we ac tuallv take all teat kind of "brai; ont of them!" and they frankly cwn up and say, '"It works like a ctiarra." Sold by all Druggists. Merchants and Grocers. Call for Renne'a Magic Oil where yon usually trade. FINANCIAL THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois. ) MOTJKK - - - IXTJlffOIS Open dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and on Tuesday and Saturday isvemngs irom nuo u tiuea.. Interest iHoweft on Deposits at the rate of 4 to 6 per Cent, per Annum. Deposits received in amounts o$l ana up war as. TO ALL, PAB.TICTJXARY INVALIDS. Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ness Bhould at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain in a disor dered condition, rntil tbe disorder has time to de velop iiself. An ounce of prevention is worth pound of cure, is an old and truthful saying Therefore, we advue all who are trotfbled with the complaints now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Seheock Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy so barn less and decisive in its action. It at ouce strikes at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tune to the system. People never need suffer from ny disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellent medicine hen they feel the fi'tt indications of the malady Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost lustaneous effect They will relieve the patient of headache in one or twe hours, and will rapidly cleause the liver of surrounding bile, and will effectually pievent bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. TELEGEAPHIC. Telegraphedtothe Root Island Argus. FOREIGN NEWS. St. Petersburg. Mav 11. Th wi authorities have reported to the tminininnl council that in consequence of sickness and poverty as well as sacrifices already made they are unable to provide the million rou bles demanded by the government as a voluntary offering. They offer to pay the sum by installments. London, May 11. Volunteers from mil itia regiments have been asked for hospital and transportation service. 1 he Duke of Ldinburg is on his way to the Suez canal via Crete. lhe bark Sir Robert Sale, from New 1 ork for Aujier. jettisoned 320 cases of re- troloum during a hurricane. Paris, May 11, Major D. Schiller, grandson and the last male descendant of poet, 18 dead. Courbit, painter, consents to nav a fine of $60,000 for his share in the destruction of the Vendome column. The court takes the fine in annual installments of 2.000. Frankfort. Mav 11. Two thousand colliers of Dartmund district, Prussia,have struck and the strike threatens to assume serious proportions. LONDON, May 11. The Dakota and rgo are heavily injured in London. The ship was valued at 90.000. London. May 11. Intelligence is received from Salina that Wednesday the Russians attempted to croes the Danube at Reni. They threw a bridge oyer the river but were met by the Turkish infant ry and artillery assisted by three gunboats. The bridge was broken and a number ol Russians were killed and captured and the Russians com piety defeated. Constantinople, May 11. Chief ket Pasha will go to Kars. Some papers an nounce that the Russians have withdrawn A Swindler Comes to tbe Ibid of Ma Rope. New York. May ll. Augustus Seelev. late secretary of the Goodcnough Horse Shoe Co. has been declared a voluntary bankrupt Liabilities $118,000; assets nominal. ratal Fight. Cleveland. Ohio. Mav 11. A number of Polish laborers engaged in a fight at Berea, Ohio, last evening, in which Fredk. Lucas was instantly killed and John S. Karry fatally injured. SEVERELY SARCA3T1C TSLEORAH FBOM PACKARD TO BLAIZTE. MOHjHSTE. MISCELLANEOUS. Very Bitter Allusions to Hayes and Commission. His New Orleans. May 10. Ex-Governor Packard to-night sent the following dis patch to benator Blaine: To non. J. G. Blaine, U. S. Senator. 1 ho overthrow of the lawful state gov ernment was appropriately celebrated to day. Detachments of the army and navy of the U. S. participated with the White League of Alabama and Louisiana in this celebration of Democratio success. Did poetic justice require that the honors of this achievement should be thus equally divided in the absence of the commission? The Gray accorded the post of honor to the Blue, and asked no apology. The eustom house and post office were closed in admiration of the event. It is probable that United States interference will not be required hereafter. A FREE PEOPLE GIVE THANES. Or eat Rejoicings in Louisiana. New Orleans, May 10- In resronse to a proclamation by Gov.Nicholls,to-day iscele crated as a day of thanksgiving. There are services in all the churches and a gen eral holiday is observed. Flags are dis- nlaved th roilfhoilfc till fifv nnrl fn-niirhfr trom txars, Ardahan, tiayazid and tvage- juaany Duuaiugs are illuminated. Visiting man. LUNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, Ii the crcftteat Blood remedT of Uie age. Tetwr, Scrofula, fleers, BUa, Pimples, and Blood diaeasaa Tieia to tu wonderful powers. i Pure Blood Is the KUaraotee of health. Bea4 : " it cured my son or tKrroiul- J. m. vtook, a PainiMvills. O. " It eared ur child of ErTiitte- 4 'im.' Mra.g.SmelUer. Larimer. Pa. Price ftl.l H. B. SKLLKRS 4 CO., Prop . Pituburrh. Pm. Tbe tteouine has our name on bottom of wrappers. Camphorine ! U the most effectual remedy Bold, 1b a luxury to use, given the best satisfaction, gives Inittant relief, will not grease or etain tbe mo."t delicate fabric has a pleagant and refreshing oior. It will lmme diatelv relieve and enre Rheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuraltria and Catarrh, He2dacbe and Swelled Face. Sore Throat. Sprains and Brninee, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions ol the bKin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. For sale by all Druggists. MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS I Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them wuitib and cleabeb than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put np In 4-oz bottles, price 15c. Sold l)y Gro- cers and Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO.. 85 Murray St, N. Y. 3EH G "s77" E5 9 SI Concentrated SYBUP BLOOD PURIFIER I London, May 11. In the house of com mons this afternoon Gladstone presented a petition signed by a majority of junior fel lows ot lnnity college, Uam bridge univer sity, deprecating the calamity ot war and saying the peace of Europe cannot be maintained so long as the Ottoman empire exists in its present form. 1 he debate on the eastern question was then resumed. Bourke said that Glad stone's attack on the government was un- lusUnable. lhe government wishes to maintain a strict neutrality but cannot countenance the views of extremists about tbe dismemberment of Turkey or a policy ot coercion. There was not the slightest reason to suppose thet Austria and Ger many would join in such an undertaking. Burke denied that England had destroyed Europen concert. Constantinople. May 11. The Sultan is much pleased with Earl Derby's reply to Prince GurtschakofF s circular, and has ordered the porte to thank the English government. He has also sent tSaid Pasha, his aid de camp, to thank Layard. Works for defence at Constantinople will be constructed by the inhabitants. The Wreck of tbe Dakota. London, May 11. The passengers and crew of the stranded steamer Dakota reached Liverpool at midnight lhe Dakota had got ten miles out of her course, either through thickness of weather or some miscalculation. She was in charge of the captain, but had a pnot on board cooperating. The error of position had been discovered before the vessel struck, and was distinctly siuht"d when he en gines were reversed and the vessel simply glided in upon a smooth rock where she lay with her bow considerably elevated ihe sea was toleraoly calm at the time so there was very little commotion on board. rassencers, baeeage, and kit9 of the crew mostly saved. The captain and rome of the officers remain by the ship but as the water covers a portion ot the after part the nopeot saving the vessel aud cargo is not great. As soon as the Dakota struck distress rockets were fired and the coast guard promptly responded. Prosently a boat waslauuehed from the ship, then the shrieks of women and children were heard. The passengers were handed down one by one from the bow of the steamer to the boat. Coniinjr towards shore the current setting around the pro lecting head land was tound very strong lhe boat was borne on tbe breast ot a huge billow and dashed violently against the rock, lhe screams of the women as the boat struck were awful to hear. All supposed tbe boats' party was lost but the little cratt drifted back from the shore a few moments until it was finally thing high and dry from the crest of a wave on top of a high, broad and solitary cliff. companieo lrom Mobile, Ala., were enter tained at the St Charles at.d City Hotels. A reception ball was given them at Pat rick s Hall to-night, which was largely attended. OHIO REPUBLICANS HAYES. REPUDIATE Prediction as to Their State Convention. Special Dispatch to the Chicago Journal. Washington, V. C, May 10. The reports received from Ohio indicating great Hostility to the president s southern policy among the Republicans, are creating a great deal of comment in administration circles. A letter from a professional cen tiemen, now in Cleveland, received here to-aay. says that the dissent is so strong in mat section ot the state that theKepub lican state convention, in August will not indorse the president's southern poticy. ssxrars again. They Usually Call It Periodical Neuralgia PniLAEELPniA. May 10. Gen. Grant was taken sick on leaving the exhibition to day, and arriving at the Union League House was taken with a chill and lay in blankets for nearly three-quarters of an hour. He was taken thence to Mr. Paul's residence, but was unable to attend the President's reception to-night. THE CENTENNIAL GRAB. One Mi.lion Recovered The Coming', Balanca Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune. Wamhnuton, D. C , Mav 8. Secre'ary Sherman received notice to day $1,000,000 ot the cen en nlal fund, whi t. the r-uprtme court decided should be relumed t the government, has been paid into the treasury, half at New York and the rest at Phil adelplua. The remaining t:00,000 will be paid this month. And the people of the United States are indebted solely to Hon. Wm. M. Springer. an Illinois bov, a Democratic member of congress, for the recovery of this money. It was his shrewdness and .ability and hun esty that secured a proviso to the 1 an re quiring it to be repaid before any dividend should be made and it was his persist ence and arguments belore tbe supreme court that secured it. Mr. Springer is en titled to the thanks of the whole people. REnnRlTY AND ADVANTAGES. The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere Th. nri..t. n.nnrrt. of t.hTmteeBiBreBDoniible TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS 1 Curing - - , r-J - . ., ,5 j . I " . it ir l !(., uancerd, orromia, xinniure, wbbuiwb, ciu a" i all Klnnd. l.ivr. Skin and Uterine diseases. Bold hv rim'Uts everywhere. Price CI. or six bottlei lor $5. C. V. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. Y. to the denoiiitora. The officers are Drohibited from borrowing any of lta moneys. Minors and married women protected byjepecial law. Ofpicbbs: B. W. Whklock, President; Johh I Good, Vice President ; C. F. Hembnway, Cashier. Trustcbs : B W. Waeelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell. Nelson Chester, H W. Candee. C. T. Grantt, A. 8. Wright, C. F. Hemingway. John Onod .T M (!hriHtv. I!. H. Stoddard. rBTheonlv chartered Savings Uank In Rock Island Coantjr. S-lly SPECULATION In Wall Street. $500,000 has been made in a tingle investment fiuu. This 01 course is an exiraoruinary occur rence! hut ordinarily 5 can reaUae say 25,000. Even sums as low as $ 1 can be safely lnvettted.when Iavrabl4 result can show a prom or fa.ouo. Clrcu.ars giving full Information sent free by ad .1 : ITIVItU V. rvi SanlrAN No. 11 Wall St., N.Y, Hever Failing AGUE GU ! AND TONIC BITTBI-8. It wl',1 enre permanent ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Debility, all nervous ana Kianev aiBeaaea. arery ihvuu war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Pic $1, or six bottles 5. Send swmp lor enromo tree. u. JB nowH. M. D . Proorietor Seneca Faun, N. Y. gists, iiocc lBiann. PUTS ! CALLS 1 AETISTIC TAIL0SI1TS STRADDLES ! ! S25, S50.SI00, S2G0, S450J ALEXANDES FS0T2IK3EAU & CO.. Bankers and Brokers. No 13 Wall street. Newt York. make fur customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amounts to suit, from 10 bales upwards, in 7 day, 15 days, one month, two months, three months, and six month contracts, which frennent- ly return from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold on a mar gin of !4c. Explanatory Circular and Daily Keport vi mo vuiion market sent free, ' imiM h ST EG ELI AH N( No. 1.903 Second Ave. N. side Union Square, Coal Competition in New Tori. New Yokk, May 11, The Delaware & Hudson Company has issued a circular stating that on account of unusual compe tition the prices for coal would be made from day to day. This is understood amonir coal men to mean wai. The Dela ware & Hudson Co's coal was offered yes terday by middle men at $3.10 for stove, $3 for ce2. and $2.95 for broken; and the Chestnut Company's schedule of prices for May are $d.4a tor stove, fi.10 ior eee. $3.05 for broken and lump and $3.35 for Chestnut. Hystericus Disappearance. New York, May 11. Conrad Boiler, furniture manufacturer, is missinir and creditors are endeavoring to ascertain the amount of assets, which they think will not exceed 20 per cent of liabilities. Bol ler had many lucrative contracts under tbe Tweed ring. The Trunk Lines. New i ork, May 11. lhe executive officers of trunk lines are endeavoring to devise some means to remove present difficulties and prevent futura violations of compact. ' Suicide of a Clergyman New Yokk, May 1 1. Prof. John Graeff Barton, ot the College of the City or INew York, committed suicide at Hamburg, Sussex county, N, J., Wednesday. More than a year ago his mind was in a troubled condition lrom over study, ana some time in 1,873 he stepped from the Brooklyn ferrv boat but was rescued, rrot. liar ton leaves a wife, son and two daughters, He was a clereyu'an of the Protestant Episcopal church and had been an instruc-i tor' in the College of the City of New York for a long time. Weather Prons.billtie. Washington, 'May 11 The Hignal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: . . "' Indications for tbe northwest: jast to CoLPatterson's Escape from Drowning'. Uol. J. li. fatterson, many years ago a resident ol this place, and for mauy years past editor of the Oquawka Spectator, copying The Argus account of the big land suit in Davenport, between the heirs of Lieut. E. G. Mitchell, formerly an officer at old Fort Armstrong, and the residents on 90 blocks of ground in "Mitchell's Place," in that city, adds: "We knew these gentlemen well. Ham- baugh was acting sutler and Mitchell Lieutenant, at Fort Armstrong, Rack Island, in 1S32. In the spring of 1833 Liieut. N. and ourselt attempted to cross the slough, above the Fort, on the ice. which was about 16 inches thick, but very rotten. When near the middle of the stream we broke through the ice where the water was 10 or 12 teet deep and was hauled ont by Lieut. M. by the art of his cane." Tuesday night, at Freeport. Mr. E. C Fitch was awakened by a noise io his house. He eot up for the purpose of ascertaining the cause, and on going into a room next to his sleeping apartment found three burglars. They attacked Mr. Fitch, firing three shots at him, each of which took effect. During the struggle one of the burglars was shot, and in attempting to escape with his companions, imme diately after the firing, he was caught and beaten with a club by neighbors attracted to the house by the noise, and thus secured. It is thought that Mr. Fitch cannot recover. JtST'High ay commissioners' meeting to morrow. 16?" The Robert Ross came in lo-dav with a string of logs for Keator & Son. "Lumber, for boxine trees. was being placed io the high school yard this tuornine, The Lilly will not run Sunday, as advertised, as the inspector has not arrived and they vill not take the responsibility of running it uninspected. JSSFThe new Gilberttown ferry boat. "Lilly." will run between Moline and Gil berttown bunday next and carry passen gers free of charge, 10d3t JMrs. lii. Cady Stauton's lecture was well attended last evening, and was very interesting. If tbe young ladies will only give heed to her appeals, great good may result from her lecture here. -B. R. Towndrow ia negotiating with H. O. Whipple for the purchase of his grocery store, recently closed. A closed store upon Main street speaks badly for our city, and Mr. Towndrow has the en couragement of all business men in his efforts to purchase and reopen the place. B&.A young girl went into R. K. Swan's house a few days since and asked for work, She was admitted by Mr, Swan'n little daughter, who went up stairs to call her mother, leaving the girl alone in the room. VV hen Mrs. Swin came down the girl was gone, as also was a pocket book containing $5, lying on a table in the room. The Gazette of this morniog says. in reternng to the bad condition of the tisy hose. "We presume that Engineer M roy will see that every thing is kept in order, if the mayor and city council will invest him with the entire control of the fire department." Mr. Morey has entire control of the matter, and has h id ever since his appointment. Don't lay it upon the mayor and council. AS5" Officer Olson arrested two boys this morning who were playing hookey. They started from home, ostensibly to go to school, but instead got upon a passing freight train and started for Rock Island. When arrestud, they protested that they had permission from their parents to re main away from school, but upon inquiry being made at their homes the parents knew of no such permission. Their names were George Karsten and Clyde Gould There is a great deal more of this business going on than parents imagine, and some plan should be devised for stopping it. J-?A-Nine tramps, all boys from 14 to 24 years old, came into town yesterday after noon and were taken before luagistrate bwander. Among them was one, a boot black, about 14 or 15 years of age, who seemtd to be above the average tramp in intellect. He had a large, perfectly shaped head, and in general appearance was mild and gentlemanly. The court advised him to go to woric, ne nonest sna mate a man of himself This morning there were 10 more, making 19 within 24 hours. A Board of Health. An ordinance will be presented to the city council a: the next meeting, for con sideration, creating a board of health, said board to consist of four members, includ ing the mayor, with power to make by laws and rules governing their actions, not conflicting with the ordinance and looking to the safety and sanitary condition of the city. They shall hold office forne, two, three and tour years, and one shall be ap pointed each year. The city clerk will be secretary ot the board and the police an auxiliary, so that the labor will fall upon pat ties paid f.r it by the tity. The ordi nance requires that every physician, mid wile, or other person who may profes sionally assistror advise at any birth, shall make and keep a registry of every such birth, and therein state the time, place, i t ri sex ana color ol tne cnid, and the name of parents. A death register to be kept also, and a certificate ot death from tbe attending physician must be presented to the secretary ot the board before a permit to bury or remove such dead body from the city will be granted, aud no dead body shall be buried or removed from the city without such permit. The compensa tion of the members of the board shall be $2 per day for actual service rendered the city. Ibis is a very comprehensive plan, and thing that the city has lmg felt the need of. There is little doubt but it will become a law at the next council meeting. and if competent men are appointed to the position, it will be an assurance of safety to Health ana lite, tbe value ot winch is inestimable. CA.BL KUEHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Dsutsiher Advokat, Second Avenne. bet. 17th and 18th SL Justice Cropper's office. Rock Island, 111. WORK & DROUIN, GKRAIN Commission Merchants, PHILADELPHIA, PA. KNAPP'S Extract of Hoots FOR MAKIK6 ROOT BEER. The attention of Drutrz'sts and Beer Makers is called to the above named preparation. One of the neauniesi ana pieasantet Dererages Known la made from this Extract.the reputation of which bas been well established for over 30 years, and the In creased sales for It in those localities where it has been used fully indorse it merites. This Extract, from which the popular Beverage known as KNAPP'S ROOT BEER is made, Ik put np In bottles at 30c , 60c., 3, and in half gallon and eallon cans $." aud tlO each. which makes respectively, 10. 5, 200, ) and 800 allons of ueer. u-neral Depot, i2 Hudson Street .NKWVOBK And sold by all Wholesale Drug-gists and Patent aiemcine Dealers at manuiacturers prices. TERRY'S SALICYLIC for constant use in tbe famll v. Absolutely pnra and the most agreeable to rise, and has the additional advantage of being impregnated with the greatest Known auu-eepnc ana aifiniccwui kciu. Its Dailv use nrevents coutraci ion of conlagirus diseases and the baneful effects of sewer gas, mias matic and railsnal exhalations, it l a special boon to School Children who are constantly exposed and to infants. Prevents contrac ion of skin diseases. Keeps the Skin Soft and W hlte and Prevents Chapping. Indorsed bv the medical profession. Most economical. 20 cent a cake ; 3 cakes for 50 cents. Sample cake sent postpaid fos 25 cents. For sala by Druggists and Groctrs. 1 HE BEVERLY UO., AgeniB, UUlCagO. MANUFACTUKEES, VIII, Cflll DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. CHICAGO SCALE CO.. 684 70 W.Monroe Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 4-ton Hay Scales, $60; old $160. price. All other sizes at a great reduction. All Scale Warranted. ISend for circular and price list. CHICAGO WHIP SOCKET MANUFACTORY. MANUFACTURERS OP POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Hoise Shoe Nails EBCOMMKNDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made ol the bett NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. Orders filled promptly and at tba lowe rates by GLOBE KAIL COM'Y BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO., PRACTICAL Millwrights ! Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Mill IVKaoliixiez-y . Drarauand Specifications for Flouring M'lls Saw Mills, Distilleries and Oram Elevators nade ont on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and machine rj, and jrive pr ,-son-al attention to a., he details of construction. Kb pairs or all kinds .omptly attended to whether or dered by mall or in person. At the old stand of n Brooks, (new No.,) 5S5 No IB Washington street PEORIA, ILL fHo Ter m BnT.S04 Tub Peerless. The Gem. GT in far "ok a . o- . a a f- S f m m ce i - j 3. X , I C T C S -5 .a. o - t S -So is . OS u " m ZST WILCOX Ml PLATE COMFY. w fo.'in$,2 Maiden Lane, X. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. Patent Allowed. Paient Allowed. SSN. B. A fu"l line of saranles sent bv exnres on receiptor fj.ii, witn privilege ot returning ny payiug express (.nanres Dotn ways. Manufacturers of Maior lieno should improve the two years leave ot absence pranted mm by tne war department for that Bell atiair to take a band in the eastern war. Colonel Valeutiue Baker is sick, lie might do as a substitute for the Englibh insuher. Per haps, however, Russia would be tbe most attractive field for him. The only trouble is that the higher the rank in that army tbe lower the t ay. If that is not true absolutely, it is relatively. By sending a few dozen Moslems to their liouris he could atone tor the insult offered the wife of a brother officer, and if he survived he would be forgiven. Chicago Journal. New Yorii Market. New Vobk, May 11, FINANCIAL. Gold- 1 07W. M3uey-!2. Governments Strong. I. 8. Bonds ay cent 6-HU'l JSH1 Lis 18B5 old 1.06 ' " " 1 n.w 1.11)4 " 18CT. 1.14 " 18W 1.15 U.S. 10.40'. 1.13H News's t 1-11 X Currency 6's . LS5 COMMERCIAL. Wheat-Quiet ; nominal ; 1 95. forn Shade firmer; new mixed western 6671 ; olddo7-74. Oats Firm; mixed western 4sei. Pork-Steady; 15 50. Lard -Steady; 9 85. WniskY-l 12. . iiiuiiiiiiiiuua Avi KMMMUnM4- TV i Im-o 1 1 nouth winds.cloudy and rainy weather with lliul LI IfJLI 11 I CilJUl O i stationary or falling barometer and temper- "The principle of combining English and Ameri can writers In a common literary enterprise, merit all encouragement. " J. Anthomt Fbouce. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, A New York &&1 London Eevlew. EMINENT CONTRIBUTORS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. (No article at second band 1 All article original;) AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of ature in Missouri and Iowa. H English and French Cassiaeres, Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, TWuMabinfl- vtr. . etc t3fAJ work guaranteed and prices reasonable.. Th9 Steamer City ofBraasl. New York, May 11. Tbe report is cir culating here that a despatch has been received announcing tbe safe arrival of the steamship Citf of Brussels. . Contents Kay-June How Ready. The New Administration. Tee Life Insurance Question, Charlton T. Lewis. Dineatablishment of the Church of Kneland. Dr. James H. higg, London. The Philadelphia Exhibition. Part L Mechanism and Administration. . Francis A. Walker, Chief of Bureau of Awards. Tennyson. A Criticism, - - Bayard Taylor, Cur Foreign Service, - ' ' lion. John Jay, American and Eurouean Literature. ' Art Letter No. , - Philip Gilber Hamilton. contemporary jKvente. s Price, Single Number, $1.00; Six Months, 8.00; Annual eutHtcripUoa to numbers) 0 ou SEW YORK: A. S. BASSES, & CO., Publishers Chicago Marftet. Caicaao, Stay 11. Wheat-Strong and higher; 1 69tf cash; lTlft 1 71 Jane. ... . ', w Corn steady ; nrmer; o c&bu; aayt uiuduue. Oata Firmer; 444 cash. Rye 87. Barley Unchanged. Pork Firmer; 14 H cash. Lard Shade higher; 9 50 cash ; 9 i June. Whieky-1 10. LIVE STOCK. 50510; shipping 5K5&u; packing 5 io5 as. Cattle if urn; receipts .uw. St. Liouis Market. St. Louis. May 11. Wheat-Lower; No 2 fall 8 1VA cash ; No 3, 8 02 Corn Higher; 5V453 cash ; 5H53tt June. Oats 4(445 cash. Rye 9$ lid. Whisky -1 . PorkLower; 15 80t5 50 Lard Firm ; summer 10 00. LIVE STOCK. Hogs-Receipts 8,000; uachanged; 4 905 4'i. Milwaukee Market. ' M'vwatjkm, May 11. Wheat 3&3V4c higher; firm; No 1,166; No 2, 17854 cash; 180 June. Corn Firm; Oats-424. - Rye 95H. Barley SO, ' ' "" STARCH CO. 1LLJ FEQH1A, Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Ice Pitchers, Castors, "WAITEES, Show Cases. SHOW CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Coffee and Ice Water Urns. EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, Spoona &t Forks, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. fcC, &C, &C, tThese Goods can be found at all First Class Dealers in PI aud Ware. In purchasing call for VW WILCOI'8 QUADRUPLE I PLATE OA WM. A. STEEL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Uoliet Stone Quarries. Dealer in the Beat Quality of Dimension, Flagging, Rubble and every kind of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL STONE. These are the most extensive Ouarnes In thik rr OnM Oh.,4 i section oi country, snipping more stone man all OVJ OliXlO DIT6GI, I the others put together, of all thicknesses, from iwo incuei u biijhwo incnea inirit , ana ins quan uty quamea is so great tnat almost any order caq be filled on tbe spot. GASES. ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLAGE In tbe City. Send for Price List. J. E. BERRY, Prop., E0BEET G. IUTKE, (Successors to J, B, ZEIGLVS. Manufacturers of METAL ;t& WOODjgi NUESEEIE3. BLACEHAWE MUBSERY! ofpositc tbs ' SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. ROCK ISLAND , I shall have, thU season, a general assortment of - qun kl P & Q 1 Q I Frllit & Ornamental Trees, O ll U VV UnO LO! BERRY BUSHES, grape vines. OP ALL DESCEIPTIOXB. ilb Hamilton Street, . PBOPIA, ILL Correspondence solicited and orders prompt! filled. ROBERT Q. LUTKE. FIELD BROS., Agenta. Rack Island. Pie Plants, Asparagus, Flowering Plants Roots. Garden and Flower Seeds, All Fresh from the Growers. ,Hkd Piajtts in I large quantities. - Iircn io, xou. am. r : if. r. uni