Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island, Illm6is Saturdav, :'Mav-12; 1B77. Twenty rSixtli Year. Established Oct.-18, 1851 Railroad Time Table. SOCZ I2LASD b tfEHSD. CO Y B. fi. Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a. m,, and 4 :00 p. m. Ar riving at Cabls at IX :10 a. il, aad :00 p. m. Leave Cable at 8:80 a. m., and 1:46 p. m. Arriving at Hock Island at 8:90 a. m.t and 8:00 p. m. - R. R. UABLU, General Manager. . PE02IA St EOCSirSLAKD BAILWAT. SHORTSST BOUT! TO IBB SAST AMD SOUTH. HAVE ARKIVTB. Easterns. 5 50 a.m. Mall & Ex. 1:02 p,m Mail A Ei. . 1 '40 p. m. Western Kx. 6:55 p.m. Way Freight 6j90a. m. Way Freight 8:25 p.m. The 6:00 a. m, train makes close connection at alva with C B A Q, for Aledo and Keithsburg, also at Peoria with PP4J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld. St Lout and all points aouth and southwest, arriving In 8t Louis at 7:00 p"ta. - The 1 :50 train makes close connection at Oalva with C B & Q R R, for the west ; arriving at Quincy at :46 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and T A W., for point east and southeast, . J. B. Hiuoabd, Receiver. J-. V. JUbomt, Gen'L Tkt. Ag't, . 0210.180. KOCI ISLASrD It P1CITI3 S. S. noma iast tbaiss uin At 8 .35 a. m. : 4 :30 p. m. : and 10 :00 p. m. Train arrive from west as above. OIKOAWBT TRAINS LBAVB At8:25.;m.; 9:55 a. m., and 9:00 p. m. arrive from the east as above. Train 87. LOTUS. SOCK ISLAX2 & CHIC A3 0 S. B. SOCTH TRAINS LBAVB At 8 :05 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. dally, ' ABRIVB T&OT ST. LOUTS At 9: a. m. dally, and 8:50 p. m. 8TXBLXS9 TEAISS LIaVI At 5:10 p. m. abbjvs raoa tTssune At 10:40 a.m. COAL V ALLEY VMKSV OO.'S TSAXH1. LBAVB. 7:05 A. 1:00M. ABBIVB. 10:80 A. M' 8:80 F. . wzstzkk union sailsoad. LBAVB ABBIVB Day Express and Ma!? 8:40 am :00 ah NichtExpress 10:15 pm 5:55 pm The night express lravjng Rock Island ever Sunday nieht at 10:15 conuecta w ith the train arrl ving in Chicatro early Monday morning. No lay over checks given on through tickets from Rock Island to Chicago. Through tickets only good on this tiam. Tobacco HOBSE NAILS m . --ay TELEGEAPHIC. 4k HAMMERED AND FINISHEDl' I Telegraphed to the Rock Island Argus. 7 ? 8 , 9 10 The Ausable Nails are Hammered Hot, and the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making Kaih by Hand. Quality is fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and hard ware houses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. The most extraordinary discovery in the Wdrld the Great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast H. G. FARRELL'S CKLSBKATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. HIGHEST PREMIUM. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED LOVELL & BUPPINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut Chewing & Smoking TCXBA.CCO. COVIWOTOM- XT. Oar brands of Chewing are the Fountain, Cloth ol Gold. Old Congress and Forum. , MAGIC OIL, USE RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC GiU Van Schaack, Stcveueou t Rulil. Wholesale Agfs Chicago III. Sold lu Koc Island by John Bengs ton and F. 11. Thomas. Wny let aches and pains yonr temper spoilt - A cure is sure by using . .-, Reiine's " Magic Oil ! The beautiful and fertile region skirting the des ert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odor ous woods, whence are procured those aromatic gams and balsams of which this Liniment is com posed, and by whose stimulating, nnctions and penetrating properties it Is, when applied, diffused through the whole nervous sys em, aliasing the most intense pain in a few minutes. Try it, when you will becouvinced that no preparation possesses In so high a degree, its perfect anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt and effective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords.restoring use to limbs paralysed for years, and where the flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but skin and boue, excites a healthy action , causing new flesh to grow out and till np the shrivelled parts. It restores the synovial fluid or joint water, and this is the reason why it has been so succet-sful in dig rases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen. It is a specific, For any internal iullammation. you will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Kheuma tism also, cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joints, bpine snd Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, salt rheum, warts, corns, mange, and indeed nearly all diases which require an external application, and many others, are greatly benefitted by it. It is used exteri al'y with great success In goitre, or swelled neck, Hcrofula or King's Evil, Liver Complaint, nervous diseases, c. For Horses or rattle, it is as effectual as in diseases of man. Will cure anv raee f Sweeney in existence : also, Spavin, Splint, Ring' bone. Bic-beaa, nstuia-trurcy. roi: Strains, Bruises, &c. What Ha Says about It. New York, May 12. Geonre ILBoker. Uuitsd States minister to Russia, says, in an interview: - Germany to-day is one vast camn. She is stronger than ever before and better fit ted for war but this has been accoinrjiished at the cost of prosperity. The artov is therefore an object and that object is to see thoroughly crushed all idea ot revenge bv Le Grana Nation." - That will be thor oughly out of the question for a generation or two. Germauy could not carrv out this plan had Russia been at neace. for the Emperor Alexander, when the subject was oroached to mm would not hear of it and but for his firmness and decision Germany would have declared war long ago. Hence in order to effectually dispose of Russia Germany was obliged to wait until that power became involved with Turkey and to effect this the German ambassador spar led no pains by urging upon Russians the the tact that Germany would not inierfere with any programme the czar would carry ut. A Race Postponed. JNEW 1 ORK, May 12. The Herald says turt men throughout the country will re gret to learn there are very serious doubts of Aristides and Teubroeck coming togeth er at Louisville, the 24th instant. Toe country looked fur a grand struggle on the day named. That it will not take place must prove particularly annoying not only to the .Louisville Jockey club but to tbous ands of turfmen who had made up their minds to witness the race. The Times says: "Turfmen in all parts of the coun try were deeply interested in the race The following letter, received in this city. is the inciting canse of the foregoing: McGrathiana, May 8. When 1 wrote you Sunday, it was full of hope about Aristides, but in his exercise on Monday he met with an accident and this morning I am in a great deal of trouble and fear he will not be able to start at Louisville. Your friend, Henry P. McGratu. FOREIGN 3STEW8. Kischeneff, May 12. -It is officially confirmed that the Russians sank a large Turkish monitor on the Danube yesterday. A8heh exploded the magazine, the moni tor sunk and the whole crew 200 soldiers perished. London. May 12. A Russian official despatch from Tiflis says the Russians have occupied Dyadin unopposed. News from Kars to the 6th inst., announces that the Russians are encamped three hours march from Lonbatan and Yoehanilar. There has been only unimportant outpost skirmishes since the first of May. Com munications betweens Kars and Erzermin are unfrequent and difficult. The dear ness and scarcity of provisions increases. The Russians find great difficulty in pro curing supplies. Weather Probabilities. W A shinoton.'M ay 12 The .Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri Valleys: Northeast to southeast winds.cloudy and rainy weath er, stationary temperature and falling barometer in Missouri and Iowa. Bank Reserve. New York. May 12 Bank statements reserve increase $711,150. ReceWerlAppointed. Indianapolis, May 12. The court appointed General George II. Chapman, f this city, receiver lor the Layfayctte, Muncie & Bloomiogton R. R., from Mun cie to the state line. Both parties agreed. Suicide of an Unfortunate Woman. Clinton, Iowa, May 11. A woman named Mead committed suicide, by swal lowing laudanum, last night. She de serted her husband and children near JBServices at all the churches to mor row, at the usual hours. JB"A Christian temperance meetine at the M. E. church to-morrow, at 3 P. M Prof. Gregory and W. G. Morris went up to Cordova to organize a lodge of the A. O. U. W. yesterday. Bob Benell says it was not his band that was out serenading the other evening; that he has no band, nor does he play for dances. aSfThe rush of work at Deere & Go's is over, and many of the blacksmiths and moulders araidle; some of them will leave town next week in search of work. Considerable complaiut is being made about the street sprinkler. The streets for a half a day at a time, usually in the afternoon, are left unsprinkled. Preaching at the Baptist church to morrow by the pastor, Rev. Linfield. Morning subject: 'Buy the truth and sell it not." Evening: "Jehu and his his'ory." $a?Large and attractive bills were put up yesterday advertising the Ilyers sis ters, at Timm's Hall, Friday next. This is a firfet class troupe, and will draw a full house. A large and select party assembled at the Sylvan Boat Club's house last eve ning and a very enjoyable time was had. Dancing was the principal feature ol the evening. JKayln dry weather the street crossings in Moline are excelleut, but whenever there comes a rain they are almost iuipa-s.-iUe. Why not have some good plank crossings put in? ti5"A green youDg man, who shoves a plauo at Deere & Go's, aud who is always apeiug tho customs of his superiors, telegraphed to Chicago for a pair of kid gloves yesterday to wear at the boat club party last evening, but failing to get them RE Gr ALIAS. WILLIAM Ii. ROBINSON, M4NCFACTCRER OF R E GrALIA - AND- LODGE SUPPLIES, For of Odd Fellows. Masons, Druids, Knights Pythias, Ked Men, Temperance, and all otner socieu8. DEALER IN- - Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. 386 Main Street WORCESTER. MASS. ROOT BEER. KNAPP'S Extract of Hoots FOR MAKING ROOT BEER. The attention of Drngg'sts and Beer Makers is called to the above named preparation. One of the healthiest and pleasantet bevetam-s known is made from tbis Exiract.the reputation of which bag oecn well estaonshea for over 30 ears, ana the in creased sales f; r it in thoe localities where it has been need fully Indorse its merites. This Extract, iroin wnicti toe popular Beverage known as KNAPP S ROOT BEER is made, is pnt np In bottles at 80c , 60c., f 3, snd in nan gallon and gallon cans S3 and 10 each. which makes respectively. 10. 35. 200. 4U0 and SOU trail on 9 ol Meer. U'-neral Depot, SHi Hudson Street NEW TOKK And sold bv all Wholesale Drnzeipts and Patent Medicine Dealers at manufacturers prices. Wauscon, O., last summer, and ran away iO;time he was compelled to take up with ! Evil, Wlndgalls RENNE'S MAGIC OTL cures Rheumatism, KENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, AENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Sprain, KKSSE'S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, KENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, ItENNE'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, RKNNE'S ...AGiC OIL cures Coughs. KENnE'S MAGIC OIL cures Sore Throat. "It Works like a caaum. Dayton, Ohio, August 97, 1875. Mcssns. Wx. Rinks & Sons, GtNTs Please send me at once by express one dozzen bottles large size Majric Oil. The Magic Oil does indeed work like a charm. Six years ago mother had a fall which came very near r suiting fatally. She recovered her health in some degree during the year following, but she sustained such severe Injuries, especially in her spine and left arm nd shouldwr, that Bhe was almost helpless. Ho ping a change of climate might be benehcial, the spring of the second year after her fall she went to Ltica.N. Y., to visit some relatives. While there she obtained and used some of y our Magic Oil ; it relieved her almost immediately , so much so th t she came home very much improved in health and strength, and by the free nse of the Magic Oil she is now enlovinc better health than she has known for ten years, aud has recovered entirely from her injuries. Mother has bo much confidence In your Magic Oil that she will not be without It. Respectfully yours, Joseph E. Dixbok. Some folks seem 10 he prond of telling how "lame their shoulders are" of "mv crick in tbe back" or "I have got the Sciatica" and delight in bragging that "nothing can cure me!" but when we such awful folks" tottse RENNE'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we not only cure tneir lameness and charm away their pains, but we ac tually take ail teat kiud of "brag out of them 1" and they frankly cwn up and say, "It works like a charm." old by all Druggists, Merchants and Grocers. Call for Renne's Magic Oil where you usually trade. nNASSIAl THE MOLINE SAVIN6S BANK (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois.) MOUNTS - ILLINOIS Open dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and on Tuesday snd Saturday Evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Interest allowed on leposlts at the rate of i to 6 per Cent, per Annam. Deposits received in amounts o$l and Upwards. SECURITY AND ADVANTAGES. Tbe private property of theTrusteesisresponslble to the depositors. Tbe officers are prohibited from borrowing any of its moneys. Minors and married women protected by,speciallaw. OmoBBs: S. W. Whcblock, President: Johm Good, Vice President; C. F. Uicmikwit. Cashier. Tkustesb: S W. Wheelock, Porter Skinner, C. W. Lobdell. Nelson Chester, H W. Caudee, C. T. Grantz. A. 8. Wright, C. F. JJeuiingway. John ood. 3. M. Christv. C. H. Stoddard. rVThe onlv cliuuured Savings Bank in Rock Wand County. -lly TO ALL, PARTICDXARY IHVALIDS. Spring is a trying season. Indications of sick ness should at once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain In a duor dered condition, rati! . the disorder has time to de- veloo iiself. An ounce of prevention is worth s ponnd of cure, is sa old snd truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the eomplalnts now very prevalent -headache, indiges tion, disordered liver, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay, Schenck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy so harm less and decisive in its actiou. It at once strikes at the root of the disease aud produces a healthy lone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver If they would take this excellant medicine hen they feel the fl'tt indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost ' instaneons effect. They will relieve the patient of headache in one or tws hours, and will rapidly cleanse tbe liver of surrounding bile, and will effectually pievent a bilious attack. They are sold by all Druggist. VlNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER li the frreatt Blood ranedv or the age. m Jp Tetter, Scrofuta, L'ieera, Botlt, Simple, aud allk S Blood diaeaana yield t ita wonderful powere. 4T; I Tur Blood ta tbe guarantee of bealth. Read ' I it cured my eon ot Borofula." J. M. Brook. JJr PainvUU, O. 'It cured my child or Errilpe- r Mi:-Mrt,K.9mtUMer.Limmr.P. Pnoa Sl. M B. B. KKLLERS A CO.. Prop a, Ptttaburgo, Pa. j(r The frenuiD has our name on bottom or wrapper. The Disaster at the; Bockford Court House. Chicago. May 12. A special to the Evening Journal fiotn Rocktord, says iu bodies have beem taken out since Warren was extricated last night. Chief Larkin and the fire department did efficient service and worked by relays all bight. A donkey engine is expected hourly to lift the heavy blocks. Architect Gay came last night. The coroner's jury this morning viewed two additional bodies. They have taken no steps toward fixing the responsibility but have sent to Chicago for two engineer experts and to secure the plans and specifications to hoM un til the examination was complete. They meet again at four this afternoon. Richardson has long been dissatisfied with the speculations for the roof and now blames himself for not throwing up the contract eutire'y. The feeling here is deep but a general disposition is manfesti ed to await investigation before pasnog judgment. A shock was felt in the building an hour before the iall but it did not cause any alarm. Chicago, May 12. Architect Gay, who designed the Rockford, Illinois, court house, wbich tell yesterday, left last night for Uockford in response to telegrams sent hiui by. the officials there, tnd his statement cannot be obtained. The papers, however, are publishing accounts ot mishaps to tjlncago buildings, 01 wnicn he has been the architect, and they make a formidable list, l'rominpnt architects express ureat doubt as to his fitness to make plans and specifications. The feel ine both here and in Rockford seems to be that Contractor Richardson is cotnpara lively blameless, he havine, at bis own exDense. placed strong works in what he considered weak places, and having plead ed with the building committee for stronger materiul.but in vain. The work men were largely irom mat city. SHII'MESTS OF PROVISIONS FOB ETJKOPE. with a man named Contleberry. The atter deserted her in this city and left her pennilesss. SiDce then she has ob tained a living by washing and sewing. She has been leading rather a fast life. The coroner did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest, as all the tacts were ap parent. She left no letter, but she is sup posed to have quarreled with the man who has kept her company here, The War on the at Musca tine. Muscatine, May 11. Mrs. J. Ellen 'oster, the lady lawyer of Clinton, an ! the champion of prohibition in Iowa, ad dressed a very large temperance meeting here last night, making a strong appeal tor the enforcement ot the liquor laws. At the close of the address a committee. composed of one representative ot each church in the city, was appointed to col- ect means and aid in the immediate and rigid prosecution of all saloon-keepers. There are about forty saloon-keepers in Muscatine who have already been heavilv fined, but who will probably go through the mill again. The Interest Created in Xondon by Shipments Sneh NEW York, Mvy 12 The four Eteam- Camphorine ! Is the most effectual remedy sold, is s luxury to use, gives the best satlsiaction, gives inttani renei, i - - . . , - , fr,r v will not crease or stain the moet delicate fabric ships sailing to-day and to morrow lor & U ba a pleasant and refreshing olor. It will imme diately relieve and cure Rheumatism, Chronic and Acute; Neuralgia and Catarrh, HeSdache and Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Sprains arid Bruises, Bunions and Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. For sale by all Drngtrists. MATHEWS' LIQUID STARCH GLOSS! Qives a splendid gloss aud finish to all starched goods, making them wuitbb and cleaheb than wax or anything else, and prevents the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put np in 4-os bottles, price 15c. Sold by Gro cers and Druggists. A. I. MATHEWS & CO.. 85 Murray St., N. Y. rone will take nearly 100.000 bushels of grain, and fresh beef not far short of 1,000.000 pounds. The British people have become so anxious relative to these shipments ot food that the mere sighting of a vessel so loaded, at any point along the coast, is made the subject of a special telegram to the London newspapers. No iutelligenoe has been received in this city yet concerning the steamers City of Brussels of the Inman Line and theTedo nian of the Anchor Line. Circuit Court. Saturday, May 12. George P. Velie. indicted tor keeping a house of ill fame and also for keeping a disorderly house, was brought before Judge I'leasants last evening, and his wi.e, Mary M., signed his bond, of $300 aud, he was reU ased. Mrs. V ehe remained in jail over nitrht. and this forenoon she appeared before Judge Pleasant and plead guilty to keep ing a house ot :ll fame, bhe was fined i5 and costs. She also plead guilty to keeping a dis orderly house, and was fined $75 and costs. She was then arrested for selling liquor without a license, and her bail fixed at $400. Her husband became security for tb.3 amount, and she was released. She also became security in the same amount for her husband, indicted for the same offence. The grand jury was discharged this forenom, without reporting any more indictments. Henry Wilson and Marshall Ronev were indicted ftr the burglary of Mrs. Lucy BickuiOre's house, near Milan, a few weeks ago. Divorce cases were disposed of to-day, as follows: John M. Kikadden vs. Harriet Rlskadden cer tificate ot publication snd mailing tiled; defendant called and defaulted, and bill taken pro conftsso. ixoiiuy v;roxen vs. William vjroxen, defendant called and defaulted, and bill taken pro conftsso. The Carey-railroad case cccupied tho attention of court all forenoon, and then the consideration of the case was postponed until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. The time of court this afternoon was occupied by other civil business. a pair bought in Davenport. is generally supposed that the matter of Prof. Gregory's salary will be disposed of this evening at a special meet ing of the board of education; although it is not the people's business, (so the beard say) and they can only surmise. But, it that matter is to be settled, and Mr. Gre gory is going to work for the city, would it not be a good idea to make the lodges and book agencies, for which ho spends so much of his time, pay at least half of that $1800? This is merely suggested, at the request ol a Dumber of citizens. B4-Adoltih Meyers, the lunatic, who wanders listlessly about the streets, talkiug to himself, went into Blombergson & Nor liug's, t h morning, took a fine oil paiDtios portrait and walked out with it. Officer Olson was sent for, and started in pursuit fiudiuii him at Dunn's, exhibiting the pic turo and asking who it was. The officer took the picture to the owDer aud Myers went along; but when they started away, Meyers refused to go without the picture and kicked up quite a disturbance, and irous had to be pluced on bis wrists before he could be quieted. lie should be confined. Jetayine new council is commencing rtgu iu repairing and arranging desks in tbe council room. That has been tbe poorest excuse of a room, with the worst accommodations for transacting official ousiness imaginable. liut while pro viding tor tneir own cotutoit and accom modation, let them not neglect other mat tersof equal importance. There has long been a demand tor a police headquarters where information for them could be left, and where they might be found when not on the streets; where notices and desciip lions or outlaws ueeing trom justice in other places could be left and the whole force have access thereto. As it now is if an officer is wanted and happens to be in another part of the ciry than his usua beat, as is often the case, (necessarily so where there are so few for so large a ter ritory) there is no place where notice can be left and one may look for an hour at a time before finding him. This statement of things can bo bettered with a trifling expense, and there is no reasonable excuse for lurther delay. PATENTS. tent OBTAINED OS EASY TERMS BY Pa:k:r H. Sweet Jr., & Co., SOLICITOUS OF American & Foreign S, E. Cor. 7th and T Streets, WASHINGTON D. C. P. O. Box 251. Correspondence invited from persons Interested in Patent matters. Advice and consultation with out charge. 1IANUPACTUKEESL IMII1 MANUFACTXJKEES OP POINTED, POLISHED AND FINISHED Horse Shoe Nails RECOMMENDED BY OVER 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made ol the bett NORWAY IRON. and Warranted perfect snd resdy for driving. Cf" Orders filled promptly, and at the lowe , rates by GLOBE NAIL COMT BOSTON. LIND.HAGERTY & CO., MEDICAL. CATARRH. A Case of Six Years' Standing, accom panied by Distressing Fymptoms, Cured by the Use cf Two Bottles of SANFQRD'S RADICAL CURE. Mesers. Weeks & Pottfr: GentUmen. I'lease allow me to testify to the great merits of Sanfokd's Radical Cube fob Ca tarrh, for six years i nave sunerea trreatiy, par ticularly wh'Ie troubled with a cold. The acciunu iation of mucus In my bead ana throat kept me constantly hawking and spitting, rend ring my presence in company extremely embarrassing to mysalf and friend. Six mouths ago 1 wan induced to try Sanpord's Radical Ccbe. After nsm two bottles I find myself nearly, if not quite, perma nently cured. I have since recommended over one nuudred bottles with the greatest success. Respectfully yours. WM V. ARMSTRONG. December 25, 1874. 159 Harrison Ave., Boetod. PRACTICAL Mill wrights ! Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of iJill jVXaoliirior'y . Dr Splits and Specification for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators irade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building snd machine ry, snd give pr -tonal attention to a he details of construction. Re pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to wheth.r or dered by mail or in person. At the old stand of H Brooks, (new No.,)525No 16 S. Washington street PEORIA, ILL AiMree fsw-lr mm PLATE COIf Y. TO-DAYS' ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! One Night Only! CATARRH. Helped Her the most of any Medicine She ever Used. Sirs Enclos d please find three dollars, for which send me three bottles of Sanford's Radical .'vbe for Catarrh. The last helped me the most oi any meaicine 1 ever used, xours iu respect. - Mrs. LORAS CHASE. Julys, 1875. .... Hard wick, Mass. ! CATARRH. From George W. Shattuck,Esq., late Foreign Entry Clerk, Boston Custom House. GentUmen.- -I have been troubled with Catarrh for several years, but by the use of iyour remedy it nas oeen greaiiy reuevea. 'lnie summer l nave been entirelv free Ifrom it. I make use of it in mv family for colds in the head, and find it an effectual remedy. I can conyatnily recommend it to all who are similarly amicted. ery truly yours. October Stt, 1874. UKO. W. SUATTUt'S. PERSEVERE STioio Rufnit, 21 Maiden Lane, 2f. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. Manufacturers of Plated Tea Sets PORCELAIN LINED Monday, May 21st, 1877. IntheUseofthisEemedytintilCnred. it contains tna Great sealing le- liew THE CELEBRATED RICHINGSBERNARD GRAND Concentrated. SYEUP BLOOD PURIFIER! The Greatest Blood Purifier known, everywhere TRIUMPHANT! A PERFECT SUCCESS 1 Curing Cancers. Scrofula, Humors, weakness, etc. in laci all Blood, Liver, Skin scd Uterine diseases. Sold by druggists everywhere. Price 1, or six douicb for $5. C. P. HOWE, M. D , Seneca Falls, N. . Hever Failing SPECULATION Agy E Qy In Wall Street. 500,000 has been mads in a single investment $100. This of course is an extraordinary occur rence; but ordinarily $R can realise say $2S,UU0. Even sums as low as (1 can be safely inveted,wnen lav-rabid result can show s profit of $5,000. Clrcu nrs giving full information sent free by ad dressing . TAYLOR & CO, Baukers, No. 11 Wall St., N. Y. BE ! L CONTESTED EUBCTIOZT IK WHICH THE BALLOTS WEES COTJHTED. Tbe Jo Bradley Precedent Bepudiated. New York. May 12. The jury in the . .. it , i suit brought by ADram . u. iaiy jagaiust Walter L. Livingston, under a writ of auo warranto, ta oust the latter from the surrogateshiD of Kings county. Brooklyn, itave a verdict for the plaiutin. .ltidi?e Gilbert, in his charge to the jury, held that if they accented the ballot boxes Dalv was elected; if they adhered to the returns LiviDgston was elected. A Very Strange Sort of a Man. New York. May 12. VVm. H. Van derlitt sails lor Europe toay. Nothing definite is made public regarding the object of the i iuroev and Mr. Vanderbut will not see reporters. " An Honest Temperance Man. New York, May 12, Wm. B, Dodge, president ot the National lemperance Socieiv, has resigned as a member of the Unum League Ulub as he cannot consist ently be sonnected with any association I . - who derive their support in any part from tbe sale of intoxicating drinks. Yorlc Larlxet. Niw York, May 18. FINANCIAL. Gold 1 074. Mooey-2&2!4. Governments Stronir. U.S. Bonds it cent 5-30's 1881 1.15?4 r. 2S,w::::::::::g Caroline Richings Bernard I 1868 .1.15 1MB. HiRY DRAYTON, Mil. HARRY GATES, English Opera Comp'y. Comprising U. S. 10.10's 1.13'4 New 5's 1.117a Currency 6's ....l.S54 COMMERCIAL. Wheat Quiet: no sales: No 2 Milwaukee tore 195. Corn -S'iade lower; new mixed western 6872. Oats tui-:t ; mixed weftern 4B47. Pork Steady ; 18 50jcl5 60. Lard-Steady; 9 IS. Whisky-UK. Chicago Mamet. Chicago. May 13. dull; 169(4 cash; 1 G7;i Wheat heavy ; lower June; 1 Tu;. July. Corn Unsettled; aclive; lower; 51 cash; 55 June; 57iJuly. Oats weak: lower; : casn; 44 June. Rye Unchanged. Barlev - Unchanced. Pork Steady; earrler; 14 T& cash; 14 80 June. Lard Quiet ; easy ; 9 50. WhiBky-UO. LIVE STOCK. Hoes -Rcceints 8.500: active: strong; higher; light 5 S05 25 ; eommon to choice bevy 5 805 fiO; Cattle Firm ; fair dwmand; receipts 1.00U; Btock steers 3 754 65; good to extra prime shipping 4 (SO 6 05. . MR. W. A. MORGAN, FRANK HOWARD, MISS HAH IK MOUK . J.J. BKNITR. W. U. KURON. 30 Artists 30 Together with a full Chorus and Orchestra ! UNDER P, BERNARD IN VERDI'S CHA.KMINQ OP23A. IL TROVATOBE! Gipsies, Queens, Soldiers, a host of Auxiliaries Reserved seats tl.OO. Admission, 75 cents. Gal lery 50 cents. tSale of seals will romnrence Tuesday, May 15th, at 9 a. if . at Cvmpton's book store. CORNSTARCH. ments of Plants in their es sential form as Obtained by Distillation. Catarrh, in its extent and destructive force, stands next to Consumption, snd is closely allied to it; for in certain constitutions the transitions from one to the other is only a question of time. It is there- tore a singular tntng that those afflicted with it should not make it the object oi their lives to rid themselves ot it. A single bottle of any remedy cannot, in the chronic -tage, effect a cure, nor even trin e me system tinder its Influence fullv. in many such cases the bones and cartilage of the uose are eaten away, me orgaus oi nearing, oi see ing, ana o tas'incr. so anee'ea as to ne rendered useless, lbe uvulva sonlongated and inflamed as to nroducea constant snd distressing cough. The re turn to health must necessarily be slow, nnder the most favorable circumstances, when so seriously af flicted ; bnt as the eviden .e of iu treat value naily comes to band, we become more and more satisfied that there does not exist a case ot Catarrh that can not be cured by a Judicious snd persistent nse ot Sanpobd s Radical Cubs ron Catarkh The re lief in every case obtained from the first dose Is sn indication of what it will do when the system is brought constitutional .y under its influence. Sampordb Radical Ccbb is sold by all whole sale and retail druggists throughout tbe United States. Price tl. mmt-m-mttwd AND TONIC BITTK1 S. It will cure permanent ly Chills, Ague, Sciatica, Neurclgia, Debility, all nervous and kidney diseases. Every battle war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Pic fl, or six bottles $5. Send s'utnp for Chromo free. C. B. IIOWK, at. U , rropnetor o neca raiiH, r. x. Sold by John Bengstou and T U Thomar, drug I ritts. Rock Islsnd. PUTS I kaM ! 1 LUX CALLS ! STRADDLES ! ! S25,S5B,S4G0,S200, S450. ALESAUDES FEOTEIKQEAM & CO.. Bankers an.l Brokers, No 12 Wall streetNew York, make lor customers investments in Cotton Privi leges, in amount, to suit, from 10 bales npwsrds, in 1 davs, la dys, on montb, two monihs, three months, mid six months contracts, which frequent ly rcturu from ten to forty times the amount inves ted. Future Contracts bought and sold on a mar igu of He. Explanatory Circular and Daily Report el the Cottou market sent free. AUTISTIC TAIL0SIN3 Zmi.iER & STE6EMAHN No. 1.903 Second Ave N. side Uaion Square, Merchant Tailors ! MAVB JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL II assorted stock of English aad French Cassimeres, Diag-mals , Worsted S ultiugs. Beavers, X)oi$kiii&, tsic vie (2TAJ work guaranteed aud prices reasonable. Facts Coming Oat About the Republican Bin? Safe Burglary. Washinoton. May 12. Thomas P. Soujujerville, the New York lawyer tried for complicity in . the safe burglary con sniracv. has sent a letter to Col. Wm. A. Cook and the U mtea states district attor ney trtviotr details or the whole anair, Somerville savs several who paid all ex penses of the job and for whose benefit it was planned have not suffered as.mueh as thev should, and as far as he is concerned he desires to unbosom himself as much as possible. His statement will be used in cases yet to be tried. - An Insurance Company Winds TJp. Boston. May 12. The directors of the Globe Fire Insurance Company, which be gan business 18 months ago with a capital of $200,000. voted to-day to discontinue business owiujt to shrinkage in value of investments of the company. v The stock holders may receive 90 per cent of their investment which will be the only loss sustained.- " - ': ' , . v. St. Louis Market. St. Lovib. May 1. Wheat-Dull : Nc 3 red fall S 17i4 asked ; No 8 doS0cash. Corn 52 June; 53 July; 52i!BM casn. Oats Firmer; 45H45H bid. Rye-94 bid. Whisky -1 08. Pork 15 00 bid ; 15 25 June. Lard Seminal. LIVE STOCK. Hog9 Unchanged ; receipts S,0C0, Milwaukee Market. M-mvackik. May 12 Wheat Shade higher ; closing dull ; 1 78 cah ; 181H June; 1814 July. crn bteaay ; &4J. Oats-424. Rve-91. Barley 84. ISttDQROS: 3s 11,-U tha anient and the txwt, to intataa(wn liTiw actual. 4. Hprodoees ti most nataral shades of black or Grown, rnreuta prtetors - SS"v . sV ar LV STARCH CO. -ex I PE0R1A,1LL i COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS Afford tho most Grateful Re lief in all Affections of the Chest aud Lungs, CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. Ice Pitchers, Castors, WAITEES, Coffee and Ice Water Urns. EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS CAKE -BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, poons Sc Forks, Pearl, iTory and Steel Handled KNIVES. tfeC, fcC, ttoC. ESTThese Goods can he found at all First Class Dealers ia Plated Ware. In purchasing cal 1 for &f WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE I PLATK.aS Show Cases. SHOW OASES. ALL STYLES. CHEAPEST PLAGE Iu the City. Send for P; Ice List. J. E. BERRY, Prop., 90 State Street, cniCAQO, ILLINOIS. Messrs. Wkks A Porrsk: Gentlemen. Uavini; for many months past suf fered with a very lame side, cailed by my physician Chronic hit-noisy, caused by a former injury aad strain and for which 1 used many prescriptions and liniments, as well as toe so-called rheumatic cures. without the lesst beneat my physician recommend ed one of your Colons' Voltaic Plasters, which to my creat surLrte, relieved the pain and sore nessfluiost immediately, snd I have been able to attend to my household affairs ever since with per fect ease aud comiort, wnereua before the sppllcs- tion ot your iuva.uaMe platter i was scarcely able to do anytniuz. l consider them inestimable, and shall with pleasure recommend tlu-ni to the afflict- led., I ours respectlully. Mrs. FKANCKSliARRIMAN. Obland, Me,, April 21, 1876. There Is bo nodical or protective appliance that I will prove so eruft aud eflecfve in Ticklios Coughs, Irritation and Kurcness of the Chest and l i-nuus. Vi e believe them capable oi preventing se rious diseases ot these organs. . Sold bv all druggists for 25 cents. Sent on re ceipt of i6 ceuts fur one, 1 45 1 r sir, or for twelve, carefully wrapped, aud warranted periect I by WKKRSJ POTfiiH, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. E0BERT G. LUTKE, (Successors to J, R. ZEUGLkaw) Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CAS LS! . , ' v ,OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ilh Hamilton Street, ; r : PiCPlA, ILL Correspondence solicited snd orders prompt; 61ied. ROBERT G. LUTE.R. FIELD BROS., Agents. Rock Island.