Newspaper Page Text
Twenty-Sixth Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Thursday, June 28, 1877. Established Oct 18, 185) i to Railroad Time Table. caicASO.socs xslaxs PACinc s. s. eoiwa bast tbaiks uiti - At 9 m.;4:S0 p, m.; and :35p. m. Trains HOBSE NAILS arrive from west as above. OINS WIST T BATHS IUH it 8 49 e 'en.; 10:10 a. m., and 6 :i0 p. n. arrive from the east as above. Train wusheo j or blued: 1 HAMMERED AND FINISHEDr wistim? uinoar bailsoad. FOB RACINE & MILWAUCEE. I.I ATI ARRIVB n Express and Mall :05 a x :0O am Mi?ht Express.. ...... ,..10;lS?i 5:50m The night express leaving Rock Inland every Sunday nlht at 10:15 connects with the train arrt vine in Chicago cany Monday roorniiiir. an lay ever check given on throng tickets from Rock Hand to Chicago. Tnrongh tickets only good on thutiam. ST. LOUIS ft S05K ISLAND S. E. SOUTH TBAIUS L1ATI It 8:00 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. dally, abrivi ran sr. louis it 9:50 a. m. dally, and 9:15 p. m. StXlLHta LIATt it 4.S) p. m. ARRIVI TROM STIBLIKQ A.t 10:40 a. m. fec&ia & mczIsiaxs sailwat. NHORTEST ROUTS TO IBB BAST AND SOUTH. LCAVB ABR1VB. Pattern Ei. 5 50 a.m. Mail A Ex. 1:02 p, Man x El. l '40 p.m. western Kx. 6:5 p.m. Way Freight 6;20a.m. Way Freight 3:25 p.m. The 6:00 a.m. train makes close connection at alva with CBtU, for Aledo and Keithsbnrg, a'so at Peoria with P V 4 J, for Jacksonville, Spring eld, St Lonii) and all points south and southwest. arriving in at Louis at t:cu p ra. The 1 :50 train makes close connection at Galva with O B & i K R. for the west; arriving atQuiocj si :45 p m., also at Peoria with I B & W, and 1 V fc W., for points east and soatheaet. I f f f f If The Ausablc Nails are Hammered Hot, ami the Finishing and Pointing are done Cold, thus Imitating the Process of Making JVaik Ly Hand. Quality h fully Guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron ami hard ware Louses. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sec'y, 35 Chambers St., New York. TELEGRAPHIC. Telegraphed to the Rockleland Argut. SPECIAL NOTICES. BOSS ISLAND & CO.. B. B. Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a.m.. and 4:00 p. m. Ar riving at Cable at 11 :10 a. m., and 6:00 p. in. Leave Cable at 6:30 a. m., and 13:45 p. m. Arriving ai Kock Island at 8:30 a. m., and 3 :00 p. m. AETISTIC TAILORING ZSMMER & STEGEMANN, So. i.9m Second Ave N. side Union Square, Merchant Tailors ! j AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL assorted stock of H English EVERY FAMILY should at once procure a bot- ue oi me great Araman remedy lor man ana oeasi, called 11. G. Faiikkll's Arabian Liniment. It al lays the most intense pains in a few minutes, re stores the synovial fluid or ioint water, and thus cures stiff joints ; it penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords, cures rheumatism and pal sied limbs of 30 years' standing; also tumors, swell ed neck, enlargement or the glands, and Is the best medicine for ailments of cattte ever discovered, cu ring sweeny, spavins, splint, and all diseases which require an external application. Sun Pain ot 10 tiahs" standing cured by H. Q. Fakbell's Arabian Liniment. Mr. n. G. Farrell, Dear Sir: I had beon afflicted with the "Sun Pain" for the last ten years, I could never get relief except by bleeding: but bv the use of II. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, applied over the temples about three or four times a day, it -as entirely removed, and I have felt noth ng of It tincc, I went into the stable cue night to apply it to a norse's sore leg, and Doing very lame ne slummed and fell against my legs, crushing and bruising hem so badly that they turned black as my hat rendering them powerless. 1 applied yonr Lini ment, ai'd was well enough in a few days to go aonut asatn as usual, xaisocrusneo my nncer in a shocking manner, by letting a back log f nil upon it : yonr Unimem soon neaiea it np, inougn and Trench Cassimeres,,m John B. M'gek. FOREIGN 1ST JEWS. London, June 28. The Times says the neutral states are painfully interested by the report that the Russians have been violating the laws of war, by the infliction of wanton injury. If they deliberately di- i rected their guns against the consulates and defenceless parts of Rustchuck their guilt is surpassed only by their tolly, and that folly would be all the more glaring because, if as reported, they continued to .fire on the English consulate after the con sul hoisted the American flag. It is strange they would haye gone out of their way to assail a power peculiarly friendly to themselves, it is difficult to believe the Russians would have deliberately in- niciea sucn outrages, and it is well to re mem tier that similar charges invariably accompany every bombardment. LONDON, June 28. After Ex-President Grant's return from Liverpool he has no pecial engagement until Julv So. On th 4th of July Minister Pierrepont will eive reception at his residence exclusively to Americans in London, when Gen. Grant will be present. Next day ho will go to aris. Bucharest, June 28. Grand Duke Nicholas, at the head of the 8th army corps, crossed the Danube near Simnitza yesterday, at daybreak, driving the Turks trora their positions. Boats filled with troops continued to cross all vesterdav The Russian official account, dated vester- day, says the engagement witn the lurks is still proceeding. Nickopolis has been burned by the bombardment. LRZEROUM, June 28. Mukhtar Pasha was at i enikoe on the 25th and was ex pected with the centre at Lcwein on the 26th. The Russians were cmssiotr the Danube last night near Sistova, not far from 1 antra, assisted by the inlands be tween the banks. A terrible fighting is going on. The Turks are doiug their ut most to resist the enemy. Another cross ing is confidently expected at Hemunda, opposite Nickopolis. The bombardment ot Rustchuck continues. All the troops of Gen, Limmerivan have crossed the Dan be at Galatz. NOT FOR HAYES. That's What the Republicans of Iowa Decided. Every Attempt to Endorse Him was Voted down Amid "Protests and Hisses." Jolin H. Gear Nominated for Governor, and rrank T. Campbell for Lieut. Governor. Diagonals, Worsted Suitings, Beavers, AioesKins, etc., etc. Pwork guaranteed and prices reasonable. EES ALIAS. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, ' manufacturer or E GALIA AND LOD&E SUPPLIES, For Odd-Fellows, Masons, Druids, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Temperance, and all other SocielWs. DEALER IN- - Gold and Silver Laces, Fringes, STARS, BRAIDS, ETC. S; Maia Street. WORCESTER, MASS. ROOT BEER. KNAPP'S .Extract ofRoots FOR MAKING ROOT BEER. The attention of Drngg'sts and Beer Makers is called to the above named preparation. One of the healthiest und pleasantest beverages known is Trade from this Extract.the repntatlon-of which has Ueu well established 'r over J0 years, and tbe ui c'reaaed f&lea for it in those localities where it has been used fully indor?c lis mcrites. This Extract, from which the popular Beverage known as KXAFPS HOOT BEER is made, is put up in bottles at 25c., 50c., $3, and in half gallon and gallon cans $5 and J10 each, which makes respectively, 10. 25, 200, 4!0 and SOO gallons of Beer. General Depot. , hudbon btrwt -W YOKK And sold by all Wholesale Druggists and Patent Medicine Denier at manufacturer prices. For sale in Rock Island by John Bengeton. riKA"IAI SPECULATION In Wall Street. 500,000 has been made in a single investment tlUti. This of course is au axtraordlnary occur rence; but ordinarily $5 can realize say fAr,oi0. Even sums as low as f 1 can be safely invested,when favorable result can show a profit of $."i.WKl. Circulars giving full Information sent free by ad dressing TAYLOR & CO, Bankers, No. 11 Wall St ,N. Y. TEsa. Barter, of Canton, 111., says:l Mr. H. G. Farreira Arabian Liniment has cured some bad cases here, which every other remedy had failed In; one was a wnite 6weiung and coniraciea cords in the lee of a bov 13 vears old. The leg had withered awav. and was so contracted inai ne naa no use of it. Three doctors had tried their still UP' on it m vain, and he was fast sinking to the grave when the hov's father was induced to try H. G. i ar- rell'e Arabian Liniment. Beforethe first bottle was used hd he came to Mr. B.'s store, and the first words he said were, '-Mr. Barker, I want all that Liniment you have in the store; the one bottle I got did my boy more good than all that had ever been dona before." That bov is now well and hear ty, and has free nse of his ugs. It is good for brul ses, sprains, cuts, burns and swellings. LOOK OCT FOB COUNTEBFEIT5! The public are cautioned against another coun terA lt, which has lately made its appcarancexalled w. B. Farreirs Arabian Liniment, the most danger ous of all the counterfeits, because his having the name of Fanell, many will buy it in good faith without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists. and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil ef fects. The genuine article is manufactured only by PI, d. Farrel. sole inventor and proprietor, and whole sale druggist. No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois. to whom all applications for Agencies must oe ad dressed. Be sure vou cet it with the letters 11. G before Farrell's thas-U. G. FAR HELL'S and his signature on the wrapper, all other are cxc,nte feits. Sold by all drusgists and by Tegular authorise atrent" throughout tue tnuea &taies. s"Priee ir mid So rents, and 1 uer nottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United Ktatss, in wuicn one is not in r..,lv-tliliticrt Address 11. G. Farrell as abov accompanied with good character, responsibility, etc. DesMoines, Iowa, June 27. The com mittee on resolutions agreed on a unani mous report at three o clock, and -were ready to report. The convention postponed its reception until the nomination ot the ticket had been concluded. The platform as agreed upon by the committee has on national questions the first three plaaks of the Cincinnati platform with a few modi fications, none of them less radically Re publican than the portion changed. No mention is made in the platform of the policy of the president, or of the adminis tration, nor of the civil service. After the resolutions were read Riseiv offered a resolution indorsing the president and his policy as an amendment to the first resolution. This created indescribable uproar and was received with a tumult in which were mingled cheers, vociferous protests and hisses. The chair ruled the resolution as not being germain to the sub ject. An amendeuient indorsing the policy and saying it would secure the results asked for in the resolution of the report of the committee was then offered to that resolu tion and met the same fate The third resolution as presented by the committee was then adopted. After this MOLINE. AEQTJS HEADQUAETEB3 -M0LIHE, Richards & Sohrbrck's Drag and Book Store opposite First National Bank, where all orders can be left for the Arotjs, and where all Moline business is transacted by O. J. Beardslee. Busi ness notices should be handed in by noon to en sure publication the same day. meeting Monday evening Education meeting tCouncil next. gThe Board of next monaay evening. J5Dimock, Gould & Co. sawed 117,000 feet of lumber yesterday. They claim the blue ribbon now. BayThe Plow City Jrs. wish us to say that they accept the challenge of the Plow City Srs., to play next Monday. tS?Well8 street is receiving the atten International Review. July August 1877 copy, will present the following con tents: The Turks tn Europe, an article that maintains that the only remedy for existing evils in the east is that the Turks must be driven from Europe. Another article entitled, OugJtf Russia to prevail? Also articles entitled, the Old JJutcfi and Flemish Masters: The late world syfair; Barrv Cornwall and some of his Content' i porarys) The feasibility of a code of Jn- ternational law- 1 his last is an able dis cussion of the subject by the late ex Gov. Emory Washburn, and especially inter ior to men ot letters, as well as to au in telligent public generally. TO-DAYS' ADVEETISELIENTS. MANUFACTURERS,. tion of Superintendent Kerns to-day. Our T)inriirt onrl T7oafiTrol strata TOPrn never Upnr in rir-ttpronnilitinn A IUIVJ llU.ll. A VOUTU1 aJ-The excursion car was up this morn- down a load ot children to pic nic. A large party mg.and took the Baptist attended. JfeST'Meinbers of the Zouave company were exhibiting themselves on the street last evening. Those red pants and white stockings, sashes, etc., are quite flashy. sGpo. Loulh.the Wells street jeweler, is raising and repairing the house occupied by him and Charley Peal. New windows will be put in the front and a new color given tLe wood work. J5"Binding of every description done at close figures at Tue Argus bindery. All kinds of printing cheaper than else where in the three cities. First class work guaranteed. tf. JBSaP'Grand opeuing nd free lunch at Charlie Warren's new saloon, Smott'a addition, on Saturday night. Music by the Light Guard band. Everybody invi ted. d3t fcGeo. Gould, the boy who was placed MILCflllPl MANUFACTURERS OP POINTED, POLISHED AND CATHOLIC ST. MARY'S SCHOOL i liUOU Wednesday, July 4th, '77, Horse Shoe Nails GRAND FOR TUE BENEFIT OF TTIE all the rest of the resolutions of the com--under bonds to appear before tue U. mitt wprA arW.tP.I I S. coart, Chicago, for robbing Deere & the a. st ix. Reduction of W,srea on S.E.R. Cleveland. June, 28. The following circular explains itself. New iork, June 27th. To officers and employes of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. Co: On and after July 1st, 1S77, a reduction of 10 per cent, will be made iu the present compensation of all ofiicers and employes of every grade in the service of the com pany, where the amount received exceeds ten cents per hour, $1 per day or $30 per month. But where the 10 per cent, would reduce the pay of hour men below 10 cents per hour, daily men 1 per day, or em ployes of other classes below $30 per month, the pay of all such shall be fixed at 10 cents per hour, $1 per day and $30 per month respectively. (biened) W. II. Vasderbilt, President. in S25,S50,SlJSl,S5t TIip reliable bouse of ALEX. FROTHINGBAM t'o . Vn 12 Wsll street. New Y'ork publish a haudsome eight page weekly paper, called the I Weekly Financial Keport, which tttey send free to sriT ailir.-ss. In addition tn a lare number of edi torials on llnancial and other topics, it contains ! vjry full and accurate reports of the sales and iuiLiiinn of ir.rk bond and security dealt in at the Stock Exchange. Messrs. Fuothinoham & Co., are extensive brokers of large experience and tried Integrity. In addition to their stock broker age business, they sell what are termed "PrivUlges' nr "pnt nri r-ntin " now one of the favorite meth ods of legitimate speculation. Their advice is yal- nable, and by following it many haye made lor unes. New York. Metropolis. DR. SCKENCg'S PyLMONJC SYS-TJPi Sea Weed Tonic and Manheake Pills. These medicines have undoubtedly performed more cures of Consumption than any other remedy known to the American public. They are compounded of vegetable ingredients, and contain nothing which can be injurious to the human constitution. Otbsr remedies advertised aj tnrt for Consumption, probably contain opium, w hich U a somewhat dan gerous drug in ail cases, and if taken freely by con sumptive patients, it must do great injury; for its tendency is to confine the morbid mattering; systam, which, of course, mns. make a cure impos sible. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrnp is warranted not to contain a particle or opium; it is composed of powerful but harmless herbs, which act on the lungs, liver, stomach and blood, and thus corrects all morbid secretions, and expel all the diseased matter from the bod . These are the only means hyj wUch Cgnjnmp'tian can be cured, and as Schencks Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the only medic'.nes which ope. rate in this way, it is obvious that they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonary Consumption. Lacn bottle of this invaluable medicine is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Schenck is professionally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Ar. h S;a., Philadelphia, evsry Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. Another Daring1 CoaciC. Robbery Wyouunff Territory. HAT Creek, N. J. June 2$. There was another coach robbery last nieht. The stage from Deadwood was stopped near the Cheyenne river and both treasure boxes were t?ken. The passencers were not molested. The road agents sent word by the driver to the managers of the stage line tc 3end them a pair of gold scales, as dividing dust with a spoon was not always satisfactory. A detachment of 20 cavalry men, under Lt. ReyuolJs.leit Ft.Lawrence this morning in search of the robber3., Mr. Cutts.of Mahaska,oflered thelfollow- ing resolution: jitsolved, lhat the so called southern policy which has been inaugurated and pursued by the present national adminis tration is in accord with the principles of the Republican party. Ihis was received amid general tumult. Dr. Beardsley, of Des Moines county, moved that it be referred to the commit tee on resolutions. Merriam, of Keokuk county, moved amid great excitement, that the resolution be tattled. Adopted by about a three fourths vote. The oommittee on resolutions, to whom the amendment to the first resolution was submitted, at this stage returned with a recommendation that the amendments be indefinitely postponed. Jno. II. Gear was nominated for gov ernor on the second ballot. lion. Frank T. Cam bell, of Jasper county, was nomi nated for lieutenant governor on the second ballot. The convention then adjourned sine die Gold Award. New York, June 2S. The $ 1,003,000 treasury gold, to-day. was awarded at 05Q1 to 10514 per cent. AT DAVENPORT'S GROVE, 9th Avenue and 20th Street, "Arrangements for good music, refreshments. etc., nave Deen made. Strict order will be observed. All are cordially invited. 23 30 MEDICAL. JAMAICA GER RECOMMENDED by over 20,000 HORSE SHOERS All Nails are made of the best NORWAY IRON. , and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. S Orders filled promptly and at tha lowest rates by GLOBE NAIL C0MT BOSTON. LIND, HAGERTY & CO,, Co.'s post office box, has taken himself out of town. lie takes a philosophical view of the matter, choosing to let hU father pay $200, rather than . pine in durance vile for a few months. jScJohn Stein, a man living on Lincoln avenue in Hilt's addition, applied to over seer Hissch yesterday for assistance from the county. He has been confined to bis bed with hin ioint disease for several weeks I Cramps, Pains, Diarrhoea and Dysentery are in and will be lor some time to come. lie PRACTICAL This elegant preparation is prepared from the TBt'E Jamaica Gineer, combined with choice aro tnatics andeenuine French brandy, and is vastly superior to every other Extract or Essence of Gin ger before the public all of which are prepared with alcohol by tne old process. Cholera Morbus. CARD. To all who arc suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, &C-, I will send a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South imcrirA. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Josipb T. Issian Station D, Bible House New Y'ork City, MATHEWS' SAE2XTQ POWDEE THEMOST PERFECT MADE. i j? "wis )k 9 QNETH1RD1S saved LIQUID STARCH Q LOSS I Gives a splendid gloss and finish to all starched goods, making them whitkb and clearer than wax or anything else, and prevent the iron from sticking. Trial bottle free. Put ud in 4-oz bottles, price l&c. soio uy uru ccrs and Druggist. A. I. MATHEWS & CO., 8r. Murray St., K. Y fects of errors and abuses in early life.! Impediments to joar- 3 i nuge removed. New method of trrat- g Hooks and circulars em irec m - . i . .1. ill- . ,JT. AO - a (envelopes. Address mj v nnu a-sj- , S 2 IMITATION, AWN.Xinth &t.,Phiia-!H 03 S'delphia, Pa. Ah Institution having a;" r3 high reputation for honorable conduct O Oi... ...,.t,m..UL!ll iuu iuierDiifiw -" FILERS LiVER PILLSj Slerl' LivT r.ll 0v looa lor i airvj jc.r. . i SlAD'lunl ReniMy for tneeureoi raipiiui. CoNUveneM, Sick ueaaaeac, w an veraugw- j vrailfnm. tbe rrat Worm De-1 . . ..iu aoo larve. live worm from BIT 1 a ..n ..w Wm. ftarver. Bl- Louts. So. rnce l (Mb 15c it your drugniu Ana' I r tlwm. m thm. B C. SF.l.l.F.HS k OO , TOP" l-moorrn. r St. John's Coieg Alumni Society- Tbe C K I. Pacific B. E. Mortgage Bonds. New York, June 28. Bishop Rose crans was elected yesterday president of the society of the Alurtmi ot iSt. Johns college. I'ordhaiii, governing commissioner of the stock exchanee, recommends that the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific R. R, mortgage bonds, 6's of 1917 coupon and registered, and the stock of the Brewers' & Grocers' bank, of this city, be placed on the regular list. A Sharp Confidence Man. New York, June 28. John Alfred Thircetts, late of 23o west 14th st., is the name of the society man charged recently with robbing those who made him their guest. It turns out now that Thircetts' confidence qualities had a good deal to do with his admission into tne houses ot tne wealthy. He has fled from the city, but tot before confessing his guilt. Sale of Blooded Horses. Cincinnati, June 28. There was a very large attenaance yesteruay ac o. Alexander s sale ot blooded horses at .Lex ington, Ky. The great feature of the sale was 5 Yearlings, the get ot the celehrated horse Lexincton. W. II. Johnson, of Nashville, purchasing one at $3,100. The total amount realized by the sale is $lb, 500. NOTES H1EE AND THERE. Conklicg, of New York, is advertisirg that he intends to oppose Hayes, but n g body knows, yet, what othce he wants. J It is said the reason Hayes want-t to keep the office-holders out of politics,is the fear that if they go in, they will go in against him. A farmer in the vicinity of Muscatine sold his crops iu the field for the large sum of nino dollars. It had "passed under the rod" of Monday's storm. Swindler is the name of a Kansas City tailor. Few tailor are so appropri ately named, ii-.t. And that s the name of a Davenport musician. How about him? The Philadelphia papers are advocat ins the introduction of "the needle in pub lic schools." The boys who prrctice with bent pin have beeu preparing the way for this innovation. Women type-setters are not so good at deciphering manuscript as men, it is said, because they wiil not apply them selves so closely to it. Ex. But that's no reason why they would not make good has a wife and child, the wife is nearly worn out with caring lor him and they arc indeed deserving of county care. The Plow City; The steam yacht Plow City is now in perfect trim for excursions. Pains will bo taken to insure the comforts of passen gers. Liberal discount to Sunday schools and societies. 15d3m Hodman Avenue. Yesterday, Surveyor Gordon, the mayor, and street committee, surveyed and staked off Rodman avenue in accordance with the ordinance passed at the last council meet ing. Commencing at the corner of Park and Rodman, taking in the whole of the lot on which stands the old Holt store building; thu? straightening the street and making it 80 feet in width. It is hoped that this will be pushed rapidly to comple tion, but if exhorbitant prices are asked for the land needed, it may yet prove a failure; a9 the city will not ray more than a fair valuation lor the property. stantlv relieved by it. It will render an attack of Cholera Morbus impossible, if taken when the symp-1 toms of this dangerous complaint nrst manifest tneniseives. Cramps and Fains whether produe3d by indigestion, impropper food. change oi water or diet, too free indulgence oi Ice water, exposure to sudden changes of temperature. are immediately relieved by it. One ounce added to a gallon of Ice Water and sweetened, forms a mixture wh"ch, as a cool ing, healthv and refreshing Summer Beverage, has no equal. Barrels of ice watc, prepared in this way, may bo drank without the slightest injury ; and happy is the man who finds in this a substitute for spirituous liquors. Its value to the Farmer, the Mechanic and Laborer cannot be over-estimated. It is so cheap as to be within the reach of all; so finely flavored as to be enjoyed by lovers of the finest liquors. Millwrights I Contractors & Builders Of all descriptions of Dyspepsia, AXill IVTo-oliinery . DrattSfitsand Specifications for Flouring Mills Saw Mills, Distilleries and Grain Elevators rj ade out on short notice. Are prepared to take con tracts for building and machinery, and give person al attention to a., he details of construction. Re pairs of all kinds .omptly attended to whether or dered by mail or in person. At tne old stand oi u moots, (new no.,) sw ro t8 S. Washington street, PEORIA, ILL Address Lork-Bnx.S04 WILCOX Interesting Letter from Kapids City. Special Correspondence to The Argus. Rapids City, III, June 27. T. YiHiams had a horse killed by lightning during the storm, of Monday. J. v, Doremus, proprietor ot the fine floating photocraphic gallery "Success" took a view r f the Williams' coal shaft to-day, with the Flatulency. Sluciish Diststion, want of Tone and Activity in th Stomach and Bowels, Oppression after eating, are sure to be relieved by a single dose taken alter each meal. A great want exists for a Bestcrative Stimulant free from serious objections, yet palatable, even in-1 viting to the sensitive palate, which will create no mofoid appetite lor itself, and operate as an assis tant to digestion, as well as perform the functions of a stimulant. Such we confidently believe is to be found in SANFQRD'S JAMAICA GINGER, SILVER PLATE COMFY. Show Rooms, 21 Maiden Lane, X. Y. Factories, West Meriden, Conn. an Uegar.t combinition of theTrue Jamaica Ginger with the Choicest Aromatics. It is beyond all com ... . . . l uuiiFuu luc luuat li 1 . i n , , iuvii;ui(iu iuuh; auu . engine putting in 1 stimulant befo.e the public. It is earnestly recom cars, lie takes one ol uuehnst s store, dumps, boat and house, and also on.e of the village. He has been three years on the river, starting from Minneapolis, Minn. The Gulf of Mexico is his ending point. lhe crops are recovering somewhat from the heavy rain storm of Monday, and unless we get more rain, will not be materially damaged. Corn, though small, looks well, and if it will only get dry enough so it can be worked out will be a fair crop. The Methodists commenced a basket meeting, camping out on the bluffs near Gilchrist & Co's coal shaft, on Friday next, extending, tor the precent, over mended to the weak and nervous, to those recover ing from debilitating diseases, and to the aged, to wnom it imparts warmtn ana vigor. SAMPLES FEEE CRfif REWARD will be paid for a bottle of any vbvJUU other Extract or Essence of Jamaica Giu ner if found to equal it in fine flavor, purity and prompt medicinal effect. Largest. Cheapest and ' Best. Take no other until you have given it a trial. sold Dy ail nolesaie and Retail Druggists, uro- cers. and Dealers In Medicines. Fnce, 50 cents. Dealers should purchase original packages of one dozen to obtain the trial bottles for free distribu tion. WEEKS & POTTER, Ueneral Agents and W holes-ale Druggists, Boston. (f CSM) Manufacturers of Plated Tea Sets members of the board of education. Mr. Blaine is said to have made up Sundav. his mind that the Republican party does We will soon have a hotel here, the not like the policy o; the president. Mr. want of which has long been felt. Mr. Blaine makes up his mind without suthciect Frank Jones, who owns a nice lame house date possibly; for it grows less clear every in a convenient location will open in a few day that the president has a policy. days. "Boy," said one of our citizens to a R. Fitzgerald who has a bad rose cancer la who had iust emerged froni a hair- on his cheek, and who was in Rock Island pulling match with another boy, "do you recently under Dr. Plummer's care, has T7" I 1 PORCELAIN LINED raiHrlGIZ Ice Pitchers, Castors, FOR THE TRIC BATTERY 25 CENTS. FOR Weather Probabilities. Washington, June 28 The Signal Ser vice observations taken at 10 o'clock this forenoon indicate the following weather probabilities for this afternoon and to night: Indications for the northwest: statJoLary or lower pressure, winds generally shifting to southeast, warmer, partly cloudy weather and rain areas. Kayea and. Party Still on tbe 'Wing'. Providence. June 28. President Hayes and party left Boston, in a special train at eight o'clock This morning, for Providence' At Mansfield the train was met by a committee of the Rhode Island emslature. and alter exchange ot trees nps Mr. Ti hnehast, ot tha committee, made a speech of welcome to the president and party, A Kobner Shot Dead. Washington, N. J-. Jane 28. A far mer named uranston. living near. Ilackettstown, yesterday, shot dead Bur ton Mitchell, who was attempting to rob Cranston s house. in quantity by their perfect purity and great strength; the onlv Kinaa maue tical Chemist and Physician, with scientific care to insure uniformity, healUifulness, deU: caev and freedom from all injurious substan ces.' They are far mincrior to the common ialtcrated hinds. Obtain the genuine, Ob-m-e onr Trade Marks as above, "Cream faking Powder, u Hand 1 and Cornucopia, liuv the Baking Powder only in cans securely labelled. Many have been deceived in loose or bulk Powder sold as Dr. Price's. Manufactured onlv by STEEtE & PRICE. aicoflo. . Lmia and C'mcwwai. Camplaoriiie ! la the most effectual remedy sold. Is a luxury to use, gives the best satisfaction, gives Instant reliei. will not grease or stain the most delicate iaoric kj . ni,..unt r..f reahincr olor. lt will imme diately relieve and cure Khenmatism, Chronic and A-ut. Ken roJcia and Catarrh. Headache and Swelled ace, bore Throat, sprains auu oruisw, Bupions and Uhliulams, Jtruptions vi me o.iu, Pmn in Chest, Back or Limbs, Burns and Scalds. OX sale oy an itui;eiwii. 'b': - irmi Tiff fc the safmt sad the bent, to lnatantaneorts In i te aetton M ttprodwmtbe met natural hadesot "black the akin, and la anly applWd. Itlaji. ataraterd Separation, and a f avon W npoa wery well-appointed to. ffietor B " "' One Honest Man Anyhow. New York. June 28. The -$15,000 U. S. coupon bonds lost yesterday by the messenger of Stout & Co. have been "re stored to tbe owner by the under ot the package. Arbitrator Appointed to Sett'e a Religions Xipute. Rome, June 28. Archbishop Wood, of Philadelphia.h&s been appointed arbttiator in the deputed cases ot the diocese of Pittsburg and the ancient order Hibernians. expect to rove hereafter in aland of pure delight?" "No," said the lad, "Iv'e busted another button off n my pauts, and I expect to get licked for it." A r&w recruit in a Sunday school, when asked What became of Elijah? elec trified evrybody within hearing by Jshout ing, in a shrill voioe, "He went to heaven like a hovjse-a fare, you bet. All bets i were aeciarea on, nowever, ana me con gregation sung a hymn. I. N. Basset, of Mercer; Jno. J.Glen, f Warren; and Hiram Bigelow, of Henry are ail prominently spoken ot aa candi dates for the nomination for circuit judge. Douglass, of Knox; Rico, of Henderson; and Dunham, of Henry, have each been casually memtioned as probable candi dates. Aledo Record. When a man jumps out of bed ia the dark at midnight to fling a toot at an ectoral commission of eats in the back vard. and places his bare foot on an eight cornered piece ot coal, his wite must stick her fingers tightly in her ears if she would escape bearing several pages ot protane history in less thun, two minutes A St. Louis dispatch says the assets of the National bank of the state of Mis souri will not at this time pay ten oents on the dollar, lt will be six months belore fiftv oentaia realized, and three jears be fore tbe depositors are paid in full, if ever: vet this is one ot those banks that arc quarterly examined by a "bank examiner,' under lui national banking law. A beautiful Moline girl was recently describing her E3sta upon a certain oc casion, and eaidr "I assure you I did not aliow the grass to grow under my teet. Her auditors gazed thoughtfully at her feet.and thought inwardly that if the grass couldn't grow under the same it wasn't because it hadn't room to,and it must be a pretty poor seasoa So? grass, rlr. John McArthur, lately post master in Chicago, has been brought to an admission, in a court of bankruptcy, that he took $35,000 from the postal service and converted it to his cwa use. Y ben a Dostoffice clerk or letter-carrier converts a few dollars from the mails, to his own use. it is customary, and proper, to send gone to Princeton, la., to have it taken off by Dr. Oast, who claims to be tbe only man who can do it. lime will tell, how ever. Y hat Mr. Plummer can t do not many in this vicinity can do. D. L, C. A $GO.OOO Fire. LOWELL. June 28. A bnck carriage factory .oa Middlesex street burned this morning. Loss $60,000. Partly insured. Hereafter instead of the "Grand Bounce" it will bo. the "Grand Union Bounce." Tbe outcome may be a case of the bouncer getting bounced. New York Market. New Yokk, June 28. FINANCIAL. Gold-1 Money 11H. Governments Firm. D. S. Bonds 61 cent 5-509 1881 jmo old " " iyniw 1.0W4 " 1S67 1.1214 " 185S 1.15 V. S. 10.40's 1.WS New6's 1.1154 Currency 6's 1.82Ji COMMERCIAL. Corn SliirhtlT in buyer's favor; niedera'e In quiry; &ti for new western mixed. itau-ruuiei; uncnangeo, - Eork Dull; 11 40. ard Shade easier; 9 109 13. Whiaky 1 14, WAITEKS, Coffee and Ice Water Urns. EPERGNES, FRUIT STANDS; CAKE BASKETS, BERRY DISHES, gpoona Ac Forks, Pearl, Ivory and Steel Handled KNIVES. &C., &C., &C. n 11 ' TT 11.'. Til A I These uooos can nc ioonaiiuiinn-i SjUHlila VUltiHl Jt 10.0 LU A 1 Oea.trs in navea ware, in purcnasing canior Collins' Voltaic Plaster Cures Fains and Aches. It equalizes the Circulation. It subdues Inflammatory Action. It cures ruptures and Strains. It removes pain and Soreness. It cures Kidney Complaint. It strengthens the Muscles. It cures Khenmatism and Neuralgia. It relaxes Stiffened Cords. It cures Nervous Shocks. It is invaluable in Paralysis. It cures Inflammation of the Liver. It removes Nervous Pains. It cures Spinal Weakness. It is grateful and Soothing. It cures Epilepsy or Fits. It is safe, Keliable, and Economical. It is prescribed by Physicians. lt is endorsed by electricians. Is warranted, on the reputation of Dr. Collins, its inventor, an old physician, to be the best plaster tn the world of medicine. The union of the two great medical agents, viz: Electricity and Medical Gams and Essences, fully justifies the claim, and entitles this remedy to rank foremost among all curative eoiQPOiinda for all external Achea and Pains. Price 85 cents. Sold by all Drngglsts. and sent I on receipt of 25 cents for one, or $1 25 for six, or ft I 2r for twelve, carefully wrapped and warranted by I vi ttk&s i run iK, rroprietors, .Boston, mass. ttr WILCOX'S QUADRUPLE PT.ATK. frl t Sill- SllOW Cases, HOW GASES. FLTTIB LI3HTma. ALL STILES. c Chicago Marixet. Chicago, June SS. Of him for a term of years to the state prison. What does Mr. John McArthur think it would be proper to do in his case? Appoint him to a better office, probably, as he is still one ot the laithtui, Wheat Weak and lower; 1 42 July; 1 44 Ji Aug. v;orn uncuangea ; 4. v'1 July. Oats Dull and easy; 35'4 cash ; 3354 July. Bye Unchanged. Barley Unchanged. Pork Easier ) 13 8754 cash ; 13 00 A ug. Lard- Hteady ana unchanged. Whisky 1 OS. LIVE STOCK. Cattle Receipts 18.000; moderately active: weak and lower; light 4 554 70; heavy mixed to pack ers 4 554 75; heavy to shippers 4 705 00. Cattle null ana weak; receipts ,a. , St Louis Market. . St. Locis. June 28. Wheat Better for Inferior grades; No 8 red fall 1 61 70 bid cash ; 1 S35V&1 4 -laly. Corn Higher; 40 bid cash; VxK duly. Oats Dull; 3054 bid, Kye-58. . . Wbisky-1 Oa. fork 13 10. Lard Easy; 8 60. LIVE STOCK. Hoga Receipt 3,200 ; lower i 4. 60. Milwaukee Market. M'lWAUiaa. Jane 88. Wheat Dull : lower: 1 48 cash:147K July: 1 ,30H August; No3,lB3,185. Corn Steady; 47. Oat Firm; 3554. Jtye 67. . Barley-TO. PLDID UiliTUNG Will positively afford relief by external application. It cures on the instant Neu ralgia, Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, Toothache, Earache, and all nervous pains, SO AS BF MAGIC. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. aod $1 I per bottle. For sale in Bock Island by John Bengston. HENRY ORTH, United States, Canadian and General Patent Solicitor, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Office, Federal Buildincs WASHINGTON, D. C, Branches in Toronto and Ottawa, Canada; London. All Patent matter DromDtlv lattended tn on rea sonable terms. Correspondence cond acted either in the English, French, German or the Scaudina vian languages. CHEAPEST PLAGE In the City. Send for Price List. J. E. BERRY, Prop., ; 90 State Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. EOBEET G. LTJTKE, (Successors to J, B. ZEIQLXS. Manufacturers of METAL & WOOD SHOW CASESl OF ALL DES CHIPTION8. 21b Hamilton Street, PZOFIA,IL& Correspondence solicited and orders promptl filled. ROBERT G. L.UTXE. FTELDI3ROS., Agents. Rockland.