OCR Interpretation

The Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1877-1885, June 29, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053943/1877-06-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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xocx xsivaun, xurvoia.
FrMty. Jul 29, 1877.:
Compound Fluid Extract
Compound Fluid Extract
Great Blood Purifier.
Ali Druggists Everywhere.
Ask for Helmbold's.
Take Ho Other,
Price SI per Bottle.
or Six for $5.
Beware of Counterfeits.
None genuine unless in
Steel Engraved White
wrappers, facsimile of
chemical warehouse, and
zny preparatory stamp
Successor to and Manufacturer of
Geonine Preparations !
Ad floe gratia
Ktidlctl 4ept, M Month Tenth Street, below
Chestnut, PhlUdolpuift.
The Weatlier--To-Pay.
The following shows the temperature
at The Argus Umca to-day as in
dicated bv thermometer:
7 a. v. 76 above cero! It v. M9 above sere
9 A. M, 809
IP. H. Die
It will pay to keep your Ilarness in good to
condition. Use Frank Miller s Prepared
larness Oil.
Odd dishes of all kinds at a sacrifice as
Mav Bros. Everytbinr marked in plain
figures and, now selling at wholesale price
at retail 29dlt
Furnished Rooms for rent, in Murphy's
block,corner Fourth avenue and 23d street-
nauire at Murphy s musio store, in tbe
block. 19-deod2w.
'My Dear." said Mr. S- , to his
blooming helpmate, "I must congratulate
you on your improvement in cakes, biscmt.
bread .rolls ever t kind ot pastry in short.
"Oh: ' said thewite, lye solved the
secret bv useins the ereatest thing in the
market lor bakine Dooley s ieast
'owdir. Ilenceforth I'll use no other.
Tire Glory of Woman is a fine set of
teeth as well as a fine head of hair. How
the enamel glistens after a good brushing
with fragrant Sozodontl Nothing destruc
tive to the teeth can exist on the surface
or at the roots, if this vegetable antidote
to corrosion is duly applied.
bpaldmg s (jrlue will mend anything ex
cept a broken heart.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
beon issued during the week ending June
1. Henry Battcrsby, Celesta Sinclair.
Philip 8. Turner, Maria Mortier.
John Fanand, Mary Van I u vane,
John Pete rson, Ida Metton.
Henry Wald, Sarah E. Gallagher.
Attention, Artillery!
A meeting of the Light Artillery will
be held at their hall, over Donaldson's saw
factory, this (Friday) evening, to arrange
for the soldiers' grand reunion, on the
2d, 3d, and 4th of July.
At the same time a company of escorts
will be organized. All old soldiers wishing
to unite in the demonstration are urged to
be present.
- Rock Island Arsenal III.
Week ending Judo 21, 3 p. m.
June Barometer.
1877. 7a.m. S p.m. p.m
7a in. 4. p.m. Up.m.
Thursday. Si.
Friday, 23. 0.4O
Saturday 33. SU.30
Sunday, 24. sw.20
Monday, 25. 29.10
Tuesday, 2l. S9.90
Wednesday 27.29.30
Thursday, 28. 29.40
Mi 77 B5
63 79 63
67 81 r.O
73 78 70
68 77 WJ
6ii 77 8
67 82
Km arks. On the 2ith,'and 25th, insts.. rain ; to
tal lor weeK 2 1-1U inches.
In tbe city ot London the streets are sometimes
liL'bti'd'with pas all day on account ot the denee
togs, that occur. Loomin't Meteorology.
J. McIlvain, H. a. U. S. A.
Tbe Assessment for Each Township.
Up to to-day the 29th the following
assessors books have been returned to the
county clerk s office, and we give the
amounts of the assessment in each town
Town. Assessor. Total Assessment,
Cordova, Gcoree Marshall 214.7H8.44
Bowling, KL Vance 2-.643.00
Coe, H McCall 28fi.935.00
Rural, John Warnock S18.512.00
Kdgington, James Taylor 451,190.00
Breakfast and dinner sets, vases, chan
deliers, lamps, chimneys, etc., at net
wholesale prices, at retail. May Bros.,
cor. 19th street and 2d avenue. 29dlt
A Big Contract.
Fred. Hass returned home from pes
Moines this morning, where he has been
for the past week. During his absence he
was awarded the contract for doing the
copper work on the new Btate house there.
lhejobisa big one, and will amount to
$15,000 or $20,000. Among his compe
titors for the job were many large and well
known firms from St Louis, Chicago and
other places. Rock Island rejoices in
having such an enterprising business man
as Mr. Hass, who has already woo a repu'
(ation second to Dons in the country for
doing first class work in this Hoe.
Barber Shop for Rent, Located on
Gth ave. 2d door from 15th street, newly
papered and painted throughout, a very de-
dirable location for a baibcr ehop. tor
terms, &c. apply to Henry Siemon, cor. 6th
Ave. and 15th. 29-dtt
McGhee, tlie Murderer.
MoGhee, was last Wednesday escorted
to Joliet and there lodged in the peniten
tiary by bherifl ilills, ol Lee county, to
scrye out his Bentenoe of fourteen years
imprisonment Tbe sheriff kept the time
of his departure as secretly as possible, as
some fears were entertained that tbe in
dignant people of Ashton would mob the
train and lynch the prisoner. Oq arriviog
at Joliet, McGhee entered his name on tbe
prison record as a Methodist minister of
18 years standing; thereby practicing a
fraud which could serve him no good pur
pose, and ia this' sustaining his previous
reputation of habitually lying when the
truth would have served his purpose
better, and of committing crime without
an apparently reasonably motive. When
shaven and arrayed in prison garb, he was
unrecognizable by the sheriff who accom
panied him there. There being no call for
undertakers and but an indifferent field for
his miuisterial labors, he was immediately
set to work at the harness business. If
on his bckt behavior during his residence
in Joliet, he will receive a reduction of one
mouths lime on his first year, two on his
second, aud so on in like ratio to the sixth,
after which each year will be reduced six
months. Thus he may in eight years and
three months, be again a free man, still in
the prime of life about 45 years of age,
and possibly a more than ever dangerous
member of society. The boys who were
1m companions in jail here suy that on
their release they can divulge things per
taining to his conduct while there that will
be astonishing.
The Dixon bun says:
Sheriff Hill informs cs that the appear
ance of Elder McGhee was very mueh
altered after the penitentiary authorities
cut those long, silky, black whiskers from
his chin, and the hair from his head.
Neither did the Zebra clothing in which
he wat dressed become the elder, or im
press the beholder that such was a suita
ble suit for a man accustomed to running
camp meetings and "sich."
That the jury did not do its duty ia the
McGhee case, is the all but universal com
plaint of the press. Ho was either inno
cent or guilty; if innocent, be should have
gone free; if guilty, h9 should be hanged,
or at leaat imprisoaed for life.
Republican Judicial Convention.
W. C. Bennett, chairman of the Repub
lican county committee, aot'iLg under the
pressure of party influence or perhaps "at
tho request of two or Ihree friends." has
called a county convention to be held at the
court house in this city, at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of July 16th, to choose delegates
the Republican district convention, to fce
elect a third candidate for circuit judge.
The basis of representation will be one
delegate for every 50 Republican votes
cast at the last Presidential election, and
one delegate for every fraction of 25 votes
or over which gives tho followiog number
of de legates :
Drury 3
Buffalo Prairie 2
Andalusia - 2
Rural.......... 1
JIampton 5
Zama 2
Kdgington 2
Bowling 2
Coe 3
Canoe Creek 1
Cordova 2
Port Byron. 3
Black Hawk 3
Coal Valley 3
Carbon Cliff 1
Molioe 21
Rock Island 22
Total ..78
Outside ot the more pronounced and
zealous radical Republicans there appears
to be a desire among the people of both
parties to call a convention without regard
to politics. If a mere party convention is
held it is probable that some person more
noted for his love of party than for his
qualifications for judgeship would be likely
to be selected for the position. We would
therefore suggest to all such people as
desire to have a judge elected without
regard to his political opinions to refuse to
have anything to do with the Republican
convention iust called bv Mr. Bennett.
Thor I.. Wn mnpfl op IaS9 ralk that
the lawyers in this
.. , , . i.. i
awyers in this (the tenth) judicial
district intend to issue an address to the
people in regard to this matter, and until
we know how that is to be, let us wait.
All Babies are diminutive Caesars, since
tney come, they see, tney conquct, some
times by their gentle stillness but oftener
by continued and uproarious crying induc
ed by Colic, leethmg, flatulence, etc.
Dr. bull s Baby oyrup by its gentle yet
spocfic influence quiets the little ones with
out ever producing the least injurious et-
fccL Price 25 cents per bottle.
China tea sets a nnees 40 per cent.
lower than usuil retail rates at May
Uro 29dlt
Tamer Festival.
The 22d annual festival of the Turner
Societies of the United States will be held
in Milwaukee from July 18th to the 23d,
Uo the loth there will be a grand re'
ception of the guests by the president of
the executive committee; a speech by the
mayor; a meet'iDg of teachers of gymnastics I
onrl a crwiial onUrtsinmfint in flip pvpninff 1
On the 19th there will be a grand pro-
;coiuu vi iuc suuhm Mum an yaiw vi tuc
United States through the principal
strfiets nf the ritv. to Oaentin's Hark,
where will be mass exercises in calisthenics,
participated in by all active members;
general class turning; prize competition
by classes in calisthenics and marching ex-
excises; juvenile class exercises by 1,2U0
boys and girls ot the Milwaukee schools, !
and closing in the evening by a grand mid
sutninernieht's festival, at which there
will be chours of 200 voices.
On the 20th Till follow competitive class
turning; prize rme practice; declamations,
procession; to close in the evening with a
grand gymnastic exhibition by the Mil
waukee Society.
On the 21st continuation of prize turn
ing; turning by boys 14 and 1C years of
age; leaping; climbing; foot racing; throw
ing lances; putting stones; procession to
close with two grand balls and a supper.
On the 22d meeting of teachers; prize
swimming; procestion; pic nic; foil prac
tice; club swinging; gymnastic exhibition
by the juveniles 34 classes of boys and 18
classes of girls.and to close by two sociables
in the evening.
On the 23d excursions about the city
tinder the auspices of the Milwaukee
Turners and farewell escorts.
All the railroad and steamboat lines
have reduced the rate of fare for the oc
casion, and there will probably be a large
party of Turners attend tbe festival from
this city, Molioe and Davenport.
Taxsa Paid on tbe P. & R. I. EL. R.
Yesterday afternoon. R. R. Cable, Esq.,
President of the Peoria & Rock Island
Railway, paid County Treasurer Porter
$7,543 35 being theamonut of delinquent
taxes of that road due this county for the
years 1873-4 -5, except the capital stock
tax of 1373 This amount also includes
the interest due for the years 1874-5-6.
Mr. Porter is the first officer, for the
counties through which the roads run, to
get his money from the road and the
promptness of Mr. Cable in settling with
him shows that he intends to manage the
road in a straight-forward and business
like manner.
The taxes due the other counties on the
line of the road will be paid in a few days.
Table cutlery, spoons, castors, etc,
lower than elsewhere in the three cities
at May Rrus. 2UdU
A beautiful complexion depends upon
the purity of the blood. To keep the blood
pure and healthy use Dr. Bull's Blood
. - . , . .
End of a. Strike.
After an obstinate contest with the
fouudery-owuers, the molders of Troy N.
V., have practically abondoned theirgor-ganization-
At a meeting held a night or
two ago they resolved that members shall
be allowed to sell their labor to any employ
er on the best terms they can obtain. The
strike has lasted for eight months, and the
union, being one of the strongest in the
country, Las to that time had ample oppor
tunity to test the practicability of regu
lating the laws of trade by tbe by-laws of
trade societies it is to be interred that
the long experiment has resulted unsat
isfactorily. ' The loss to the strikers them
selves from this fruitless contest must
have been enormous, while the injury
inflicted upon the town through the partial
paralysis of one of its chiet industries, is
beyond computation.
The star of the Sherman House, Chica
go, is still in the ascendant, shedding its
eweet influence on all the way-worn trave
lers who turn in thither, at the reduced
price of 3.00 per day, for all rooms with
out baths abofe the parlor floor.
The firecracker season is near at hand.
Prairie schooners are still sailiDe west
ward. , I nf
-Teacbrs Institute opens at Geneseo, in
Jnly 9th.
-Geneseo will celebrate the fourth bv a I i
picnic in the park.
ru.w t m
released from iail to-morrow
wuuu uiiuaui, luc vuUUHU TUUKU. Will I .
. .... I ' t
Geneseo has 11 churches, and onlv 8
saloons. Rock Island has 18 churches and
7C saloons.
-The Central Illinois Fair will be held
at Peoria, from the llth to the 14th of
Mrs. Alice Carr was released from
jail to-day, her term of imprisonment, at
changed by the court, having expired.
John A. King, of the Western Brew
ery bus sold halt his interest in that in
stitutionto a 10 pound boy, who arriyed
this morning.
An interesting incident at the recep
tion given t) Packard at DesMoines was
the call for Eliza Pinkston, the mother ot
the Republican part?.
Notices are being served upon all
water takers to drop into the city clerk's
office by July 1st, and pay up their water
rent six months in advance.
The lawyers of this new judicial dis
trict should hold a convention and nomi
nate a judge. The people would endorse
the lawyers nomination, at the election.
JJix. Tel.
The Island City boys "scooped" the
High school boys, ot Davenport, m a
matched game of ball in Davenport's pas
ture, this city, Thursday afternoon the
score standing 17 to 22.
Of all tho bores who have thrust their
oratorial acquirements upon the republi
cans ot this state Stephen B. Packard, of
Louisiana, is entitled to the first premium
JJes Moines iSlate Leader.
The Aledo Banner publishes, this
week, a list of the premiums for the 24th
annual fair r,f tho TnrAot I liinntn A rri
cultural Society, which will be held in
Aledo on Sept. 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th
Packard has been in DesMoines.and the
Leader says: "Any man who could shoot at
f acKara ana nic mm m tne knee wouia, it
us was aiming at a oarn nit a cow in a
hundred acre r,astnr nn his nehhor's
- "Sunday
is the golilen clasp that
binds together the volume of the week,"
says a writer. It is also a good time to
pull on your boots and try what bunion
remedies you have accumulated during
the preceeding six days,
At one of the recent races at Grand
Rapids, Mich., 19 horses started, and
among them was Little Wonder, driven by
farter ineman, of this city. During the
race Mr. ineman was cut down his
sulky being smashed to kindling wood and
his mare somewhat miured, though he
escaped without injury.
The Republican papers in this vicinity
are busy "puffing" Packard's speech in
DesMoines but the Leader says of it:
"The and Policy men, who, it is reported,
paid Packard $500 to come out bore were
disgusted with his straddling speech lost
night. All agree that it was flat."
O. Li. 1 ocuui s store on t ront street.
Gaiva was entered by burglars iast Sunday
night. They gained admittance by break
ing out iane of glass in one of the back
windows. It is supposed that some ready
made clothing was taken; nothing else was
it tne new civil service rales concern
inc HflflrTal nthfpa rntinir nnrr in pan.
cuses ana manmu atinff conventions are
enforced it 19 feared that Iowa will be en
tiaely bereft ot officials since the close of
the state convention. Nine-tenths of the
delegates and tbe spectators were office
In speaking of the Iowa state Repub
liean convention the Des Moines Leader
says: "A large proportion of tbe mem
bers of the convection to-day have attend
ed every convention in the State since the
organization ot the party over a score of
years ago. Being office holders, "lew die
and none resign.
John Raymond, a Sweed lately from
Keckford, while grinding plows in the
Grand Detour works, Grand Detour, was
caugnt oy ana earned around a snatt sev
eral times so rapidly that every stitch of
his clothiug. except his boots, was torn off.
and then he dropped to the floor not serious
ly injured.
Ice JUarned Woman s association
proposes to erect a statue in honor of the
husband who empties the water out of tbe
basin alter he washes bis hands. But the
association has not found him yet. Ex.
And now, how would it do to erect a stat ue
in honor of the gentlemen who so ably ad
vocated the selection of women ou tbe
board of education at tbe citizen's meeting
at the court house, last Monday evening?
"Shall woman be denied the right to
vote because she can t tight, when a dar
key, who cuts off his right little toe with a
hatchet to keep him from being drafted,
enjoys the mestimable privilege ot the bal
lot? asks Mrs. Gage. And she might
have added, And are they to be denied
the right to hold positions on the board of
education, when men have been elected to
those positions who did not have a common
school education?' etc.
The last number of the Kewanee
T t 7 1 . .1
iiiaepenaeiu completes tne seventn year
of its existence. The Independent ia one
of the best papers on our exchange list; is
devoted to the interests of the people of
tlenry county, and should be heartily sup
ported by them; is always opposed to
f anaticism wherever found ; is independent
in every sense of the word, and The
A rous wishes Bro. Bassett success in the
A verdict was rendered Wednesday
at Law bridge on a case which has been
some time in court. The widow .of Geo,
II. Gleason, an engineer who was killed
by the explosion of a boiler at J. A, Niles
& Co's flour mill and distillery, at Ke-
wanee, in 1873, recovered $5,000 from the
company. J. A. McKenzie made a two
and a half hour's speech for the plrintiff.
C. K, Ladd managed the case tor the de
feudents. In Mendota there is a question of ju
risdiction between Alderman Coleman and
Policeman O'Kane. The former found
the latter in a fight, seperated the belei
gerants, and disarmed the policeman, claim
ing that the officer wa3 drunk. Then the
policeia arrested the Alderman and put
him in the lock up, thereby clearly indica
ting that the "star" was the "best man,"
if not the ranking official.
There was a key in the kiss of a
young girl at Springfield tbe other day,
and she inserted the key between the lips
of her lover as the was biddiug him fare
well as he was going to the penitentiary.
With the key he unlocked tbe handcuffs
thut bound him and made a leap for
liberty from the car. He waa overtaken
and caught, however, and languishes in
"durance vile" just the same as if be hadn't
been kissed at all.
There is trouble at tho glass factory
at Buffalo, just opposite Andalusia. A
correspondent writes: Our glass factory
has come to a stand-still. The operatives
were compelled to strike. They worked
bard, trade lots of glass, but the glass
was handled by incompetent hands and
produced no money for the laborer. That
there is a necessity for Messrs. Kid & Co.,
who furnished tbe coal to pocket $600 or
$800 loss and the laborers in proportion,
no oue can accept as correct The glass
market has never been better. There is
an investigation going on, and a grim
visaged fellow sitting at the factory door,
, placed there by tho sheriff,
"Making Old Bonea.
People who neglect their minor ailments
rarely lire to make old bones. The secret J
iisla ami vicorona old ace. lies not only
taking care of one's health in early life.
by the observation of sanitary rules, but
t a
lS0 J8 ' r u """""
monitory .symptoms oi uuuuy uiouiuci iuu-
. . -r T l , 1
- i .1 1 . I jvna,,MV hnnrof anil
liver complaints, are fruitful causes of in
jury to the constitution, lnese diseases
should be, therefore, checked without de
lay. The best medicine for, the purpose
is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This stan
dard preparation disciplines the digestive
oreans. b'wps renewed impetus to the bil
ious senretlvn function, and exerts a bene
ficial influence upon the organs ot urination.
It has no rival as a remedy tor ana preven
tive of chill and fWpr and bilious remit
tents, infuses vieor into the debilitated
frame, ana it an excellent appetizer
HEDERSON FITZGERALD . At the residence
of the bride's mother, Bedford, Iowa. June 28, 1877,
Marcus L. Henderson, (ot Rock Island, and Mies
nv iiev. weo. uiammer. or the M. a. tjunrcu, ir.
uaueua r nzgeraia, late ol Albany, . i.
Ask your
druggist for Cram's Fluid
Dr. J. S. Pemberton of Atlanta, Ga
was cured ot rheumatism, by using
Durang's Rheumatic Remedy, after failing
to get reliet at the Hot Springs, Arkansas.
bold by John Bengeston.
A Sure Thing. Dr. King's Syphilitic
Remedy is warranted to cure Syphilis in
the primary, secondary and tertiary stages,
and in all its varied and complicated forms.
and will cure the worst cases of venerial
diseases, cases which have resisted the
treatment of the most eminent physicians
of America. It cures the first stage and
heals the ulcers in a tew days. It cures
ulcers in the mouth, nose, throat, head,
arms and legs : also, hard pains in the
bones and joints, swelling of joints, syphi
litic rheumatism, etc.. in a short time.
Price. $ 5 per package. Sent everywhere
by express. A treatise on sexual diseases
free. Sent mailed for two stamps. Sold
by Dr. J. Dinsbeer. 508 North Seventh
street, St. Louis, Mo. Cures guaranteed
or the money refunded. Dr. Dinsbeer
makes Chronic Diseases a specialty. If
you are afflicted, with no matter what, call
or write, x or sale by all druggists.
The Fame of Glenn's Sulphur Soap
as a remedy for eruptions, sores, burns.pim-
ple8, blotches and rheumatic and gouty
pains has spread far and wide. Physicians
recommend it and the demand for it con
stantly increases. Depot. Crittenton sfio.
7 Sixth Avenue.
Change Gray Hair to Black or Brown I
with Hill's U air Dye.
"Everlastinq Perfume! Murray &
Lanaian's Florida Water has often been
stvled the bver lasting t'ertume. It is
indeed true that its delightful and refresh
ing fragrance lingers tor;many days around
whatever it touches unlike the ordinary
perlumes, that leave no trace ci their mo-
mentray existence save the sickly, heavy
odor of rancid oils. Buyers should always
ask for the Honda Water prepared by
Lanman & Kemp, Isew lork.
Dunbar's Wonderful Discovery! Bethesda
Mineral Spriuff Water.
Waukesha, Wis.
This water is the acknowledged cure of
the intractable and incurable disease known
as Bright's disease, diubetes.dropsy, brick-
dust deposit, inflammation ot the neck of I
the bladder, alkali, and gouty swelling. 1
For the liver it is unsurpassed. It will al
lay all inflamation of the kidney and urinal
organs in twenty-four hours giving imme
diate reaei; also, in scarlet tever it pre
vents the kidney from congesting, and re
moves all traces of albumeneria. It will
give relief in all cases of high fever. Has
never failed to do what is claimed for it
Col. Richard Dunbar,
Waukesha, Wis.
t or sale in Davenport in any quantity
by Emeis ct Co ,and by druggists through
out the world. 5-19dwly.
Dr. Sabine's "Indian Vegetable Cough
Syrup" ia the infallible remedy for coughs.
colds, hoarseness, and all diseases of the
troncbial organs. Try a bottle. For
sale by druggists eenerally. C-4dly.
lue celebrated l'eona show cases;
cheaper than any other in the market.
quality guaraniea. worKuianstup un
surpassed. Kob t li.Lutke, manufacturer,
I'eoria, Ills., Field Bros., agents, Rock
Island, Ills. 5 lOdly
Uowe s concentrated 6yrup, the great
blood purifier, and acue cure and tonic
bitters, can be had of Bengston and
Popular illustrated book (260 pages) on
manhood! Womanhood! Marriage!
Impediments to Marriage; the cause and
cure. Sent securely sealed, oost-paid, for
50 cents, by Dr. C. VV hittier, 617 St.
Charles street, bt. Louis, Mo., the great
specialist. Kead his work.
Pozzoni's Chemical Balm Hair Restora
tive. To preserve and beautiful the hu
man hair what it will do. Prevents the
hail from falling out. Increases the
growth and beauty of the hair. Retains
the hair in any desired form, prevents the
hair from turning gray, prevents and
entirely eradicates dandruff, heals pim
ples and keeps the head delightfully cool.
The hair becomes rich, soft and glossy.
Perfectly clean and will not soil the hat,
possesses an exqusite fragrance, and as a
dressing has no equal. Price 50 cents and
$1 per bottle. Sold by J. A. Pozzoni,
St. Louis, Mo., and by E. Breunert,
Emil Koehler, C. Speidel, and by T. II.
Thomas, Rock Island.
Important to Persons Visiting New
STork. One of the best kept and most
conveinient Hotels for Merchants and
others to stop at when in New York is the
Grand Union Hotel, pearly opposite the
Grand Central Depot, kept on the Euro
pean plau you therefore only pay for
what you get. Everything is first class,
and prices moderate, adapted to the string
ency of the times, You save the expense
of carriage hire, and by leaving your bag
gage check on the counter of the Hotel,
your baggage will be delivered in your
rooms, fifteens minutes after the arrival
of the cars, free of expense. We advise
you to give the Grand Union a trial
A Valuable Medicine. Buchu in
various forms has for many years been one
of the chief articles in the Materia Medica
for the treatment of certain diseases,
among which are chiefly those affecting
tbe urinary, digestive, and circulatory or
gans. The difficulty that was long ex
perienced in obtaining a preparation of
this valuable drug that could always be
relied upon for uniformity ia strength aod
absolute purity led to the introduction of
Helmbold's Extract of Buchu, which for
the last quarter of a century has been ex
tensively used both by phygiciaqg and in
house and family practice, and with very
gratifying success. This medicine, like
every other valuable thing, has been imi
tated, and those who have use for it will
do well to see that the obtain tho genuine
"Uelmbold Buchu,"-the only pure and
reliable preparation,
!3w u U uul9 uuuliliuul u IDii
TjBJE most
It will do the same work with one-half the
fuel required by other Stoves !
For Sale by FRED HASS,
Star Block, opposite Harper Housh.
is eh fit es a hi b m m s ii
iei ii d h ii h ta hi i is ia isii r- m - h ts
iiuiLAiiiiiMiiiy m uu.,
Red Lead, Orange Mineral,
Potters' Lead, Zinc Paint, Putty and Color
- v
""'"-as b t
Awarded 'he GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM. Nov. 1375,
tnte. over all competitors for the BEST WHITE LEAD. "Our Pnre is as low a that of am- othr
Corroder. Orders Solicited. Office, No. 4S Filth Aveuue, adioininc Exchange National Bank"
For Sale by T. H. Thomas, Rock Island;
The Best
is the Cheapest.'
Represents the following Old aud Reliable
Insurance Co.s.
And will issue Poliiies in any of them at
as LOW A RATE as tbe risk
will justify.
-Etna, Hartford
Phoenix "
Orient, "
Atlof, "
$ 7,200,000
" 2,450,0C0
" .... '. 450,000
. America, Philadelphia 6,700,000
" 3,400,000
Ins. Co. N
Fire Association,
" 8,800,000
Home, New York. 6,200,000
Niagara, " 1,500,000
Manhatten, "
Westchester, "
North Western Nat. Milwaukee, Wis.,..
American Cent. St. Louis, Mo.,
St. Louis, "
St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo
Firemen's Fund, San Francisco, (Gold)
Qneen, England, (Gold) 12,000,000
Scottish Com'l, Glasgow 11,000,000
Britieh America, Toronto 1,200,000
Royal Canadian, Montreal 830,000
Allemannia, Pittsburgh, Pa 330,000
Millville Mutual, Millvillc,N. J 1,500,000
Lycoming, Muucy, Pft 5,350,000
H . W. Paasen ger, Hartford 500,000
Conn. Mutual Life, Hartford 50,000,000
Total AetB Represented $125,840,000
"The Best is tho Cheapest."
Fire, Life and Accident.
OldiNew YorkiUnderwriters Agency... $ 3,500,000
Old Continental 8,040,000
Old Phwnix 2,792,000
Old Howard, org&nlised 1825 800,000
German-American 2,250,000
Liverpool & London & Globe 90,000,000
Royal, of London 20,000,000
Imof rial, of London 13,000,000
Northern, of London 27,000,000
Glrard, of PhiladeluhU.... , 1,000,000
St. Paul Fire and Marine 1,000,000
Traders of Chicago 950,000
Atiantlc, of Brooklyn 457,000
Amazon, of Cincinnati, Ohio 945,000
Ehode Island Association 1,500.000
Western, of Toronto 1,500,000
Fairfield, of Connecticut 305,815
Commonwealth, of Boston 435,834
Revere, of Boston , . . . 268,375
Travelers' Accident, of Hartford 8,f00,000
Z.IPE. "
Washington Life......... 5,500,000
Total" AsBeta.... $119,933,534
J Ul I 0
1 1 Jmmtr
by the Pittabnrch Tradesmen's Imlaplri.t Inti
and C Piper, Moline.
ample experience, an entire success. Simp!.',
Prompt, Elficipntnnd Unliable. They are the onl?
medicines perfectly adapted to popular use su
simple thnt misfcikes cannot be mado in uis?
tuera ; so harmless aa to he free from danger ; and
go efficient as to be always reliable. They have
the highest commendation from, nil, and will
always render satisfaction.
Nos. Cures.. . Cents.
1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, . . 2S
2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . . Z5
3. Crytng-Colta, or Teething of Infants, . !S
4. Diarrhoea, of Children or Adults, . . 5S
5. Iyentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . .
6. Cholf ra-Morbns, Vomiting, . . . :5
7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, . . . . Si
6. Neuralgia, Tooth.ichp, Faceache, . . ii
9. Headac lies, Sick Headache, Vertigo, . H
10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Btomarh, .... 23
11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . .
12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, .... Si
13. Croup, Coimh, IMflienlt Broathin?, . . 15
14. Salt Khenm, lirysipelas, .Eruptions, . 2S
15. llheumat ism, luicuinntic Pains, . . 25
16. Kever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, SO
17. Piles, blind or bleeding, 50
18. Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, . S3
19. Catarrh , ucute or chronic, Inlluenza, . 5()
20. Whooping-CougU, violent coughs, . t
21. Asthma, oppressed Breathing, . . . W
22. liar Discharges, impaired henrinsr, . io
23. Scrofula, ilaigeU plandtt. Hvrellings, . Ml
24. Ceueral Itebility, I hys:cnl Weakness, . SO
25. Dropsy nnd scanty Secretions, .... 50
20. Kea-Sickiiess, eickness from riding, . 5"
27. Kidney-Disease, Omvel, SJ
28. Kervous Debility, fcinmal Weakness
or involuntary discharges, ..... 1 00
29. Sore Mouth, Canker, ... . 5'
SO. fTriuary Weakness, wettinu'thebej, . M
81. 1'aluftil Periods, with Spasms, . . 0
32. Disease of Heart, piilv'tations, etc.,. 100
S3. Kpliepsey, Spasms, St. Vitss' Dance, . 1 00
34. Diphtheria, ulcerntcd sorethrout, . . Su
35. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, 50
Viala, 50 oents, (except 2A, 32 and 33,, . tl GO
Cae (Morocco) with above 35 large Tials r.r
Manual of directions, . . . tin on
Cose (Morocco) of 20 liirge rirds aud Book, i 00
fcinglo Boxes and Vials as above.
4Ct-These remedies are sent by the
case or single boi to any part of the
country, free of charge, on receipt of
price. Address
Homeopathic Meaicme Co..
Office and Depot, 109 Fulton street, New York.
8oldinRock Island by Benser & Thomas. Otto
Grojan, C.;Speidel, and E. Breunert tnwf
Seal Estate.
Loan A.s;eiicv,
lOfl Acre Frra In McHenry Co. Tils. Oood m
I L U provemcnts. Price $4,700
133 1-3
Acre Farm In McXIenry Co , 111., 2:i
utiles from Woodstock.
Price $4,000
O fl Acre Farm in Story Co., Iowa.
OU Price $2,500
Acre Farm, Franklin Co., Kansas.
Price 4.ww
1 Cfl Acre Frm, Donglas Co.-, Kansas.
lUU Price f.l.SOO
17R Acre Farm, Sumner Co., Kansas.
if a
Price $1,600
Acre Farm, Lyon Co., Kansas.
Price $1,300
Acre Farm, Douglas Co., Kansas.
Price $1,000
Aflft Aero Farm,
Whiteside Co., Illinois", nar
Sterling. Price $14,000
1fi7 1 O Acre Farm, Hock Island Co , Ills.
I III I Price $4,800
01 R Acre Farm, Callaway Co., Mo. Stock Farm
0 1 3 Price $15,000
OCfl Acre Farm.Atchinaon Co., Mo. Pple"
OOU Stock Faim. rice $10,800
On Acre Farm, Kent Co., Michigan, a'""'"
QU Berlin. Price S,000
LANDS in all the Westkbh States will sell lot
Cash or part Cass, and time on the balance.
Hocses amd Lots in Rock Island and a numbeJ
01 other places for sale or exchange for lands.
yCall and get prices and location ol lands.
Kock Inland, liL, Aug. 2S, 1B".0.
fx nu I our $1.80 and ja w y-i'--
UUl I FKKE! Something JSeWl Only
one Agent in a town.
Illustrated Catalogue. Addrefs
199 West Madison "street4CAil.CA.Gw.
Ker to tU Editor ot Aiss

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