Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME XXXI. M). 52. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1882. ESTABLISHED OCT, 18, 1851. STgTgiaeiLioflvs "Anticipation is as sweet as savory odors to hungry man," said a writer of olden time. There is a large sum of anticipation in many hearts as the Holiday Season draws near. The pleasure both of giving and receiving tokens of love and friendship is a delight of the imagination long before the hour for pre sentation arrives. THERE ARE THOUSANDS of pretty things that bring happiness to the recipient, but there is nothing that prolomgs the delight of anticipation so much as a book ; there it lies on the Christmas table, and is evidently a bonk which the loving friend or parent has bestowed. But now a new form of anticipation springs up immediately, one which will last a long time, for nntil those beautiful, mysterious pages are opened ancKread from begin ning to end there is still some new delight in store. Even then much has been read hastily, and one turns back, and gbes over the pages again and again. Were the question asked : What presents of for mer years are now most valued in the household? The answer "Would be almost invariably, the books, for they never become out of fashion, and never grow old. The NEXT QUESTION is where can a good stock of Books be found? We answer unhesitatingly, at the celebrated whole sale and retail book house of R. GRAMPTON, in this city, where all the standard new books can be had in complete sets or single volumes, suita ble for children, youths, middle aged and old people. f5rDo not fail to examine this mammoth stock, and you will be satisfied. fSThe prices are within the reach of all, as his large purchases enables him to discount from 20 to su per cent on regular prices. BUY THE BEST! THE WB&TMBSS& IFOR SO PT COAL. Will' not Gas nor choke tip with Tar and Soot, and will give MORE HEAT, with less Fuel, than any Stove made. SOLD ONLY BY- JOHN T. NOFTSKER, Eock Island, 111., Sole Agent for Early Breakfast Stoves, corner 3rd avenne and 20th streets. 26-d3m CALL AND SEE The immense stock of Pianos and Organs, and get onr prices before pur chasing, if you wish to save money. We have something new to show you for the Holiday trade W. W. KIMBALL'S Branch, D. ROY BOWLBY, Manager. THE DAY'S NEWS. T. B. DAVIS. 8. S. DAVIS. DAVIS &d CO., Plumbers,Gas I Steam Fitters A Complete Stoci of Pipe and Fittings uv to 3-Inch. "I ALL KINDS OF Brass Goods, Packing, Hose. PUMPS, SEWER PIPE, FIRE BRICK, ETC. WLX AOEKT8 FOB, Deane Steam Pumps COPE & MAXWELL BOILER FEEDERS. GOLD'S SAFETY BOILERS. Mariott sjBoiler Compound. Contractors for furnishing and laying Water, Gas and Seti Pipe, Deere's Block, MOLIKB,Itt,. ugldwtf. 1712 Second Avenue. Rok Islanb, III. Foreign arid Domestic. JDubltn, Dec. 19. la the police court to-day West Gate was charged with partici pauon in me fnoenix f ark murders and remanded at Longrea. Yesterday a number of laborers paraded the streets demanding work or food and declaring that they were starving. They surrounded the residence of Bishop Dug gan wno distributed money to them Great distress prevails in the towns. Berlin, Dec. 19. The preliminary preparations for rendering the Weser nayi- gable for sea going vessels from Bremer haven to Bremen have been finished. The work is estimated to cost thirty million marks and will occupy six weeks. "When completed it will give an immenseimpetus to trade between Bremen and JSew lork. Cobk, Dec. 19. Parnell's reception was lukewarm compared with the enthusiasm exhibited, on the occasion of his visit year ago. Dublin, Dec. 18. A meeting was held in Mulhgar last night for the purpose of torminga branch of the Irish Hat 1 League, Harrington in a speech said the. more pros perous farmers must be told if they did not throw themselves into the new move ment they would have the full force of the laborers, agitation directed asainst them. CHICAGO SEWS NOTES EXPOSITION RENTAL. Chicago, Dec. 19. The city council decided to charge the managers of the Exposition ten thousand dollars annual rental. LAKE MARINE ICE BOUSD. beverpl vessels and steam oareres are ice bound in the lake; no disasters reported harbor foil of ice. THE SCOVILLE INFELICITY. I he case of Mrs. bcoville adjudged in sane recently and then granted a new trial has been stricken from the docket by agree ment. It is reported that the; unhappy couple have been reunited and it is hoped this win end the domestic t-oubles of the Scoville's in the courts. BAJLROAD MEN TRTJSG TO AGREE. The general managers and general passeDgtr and freight agents ot the lately waiving northwestern roads were busy arranging the details of the eastbound business from Minneapolis and bt. Paul. JiothiDg has yet been accom pJished, and may not be to-day. The main features of the ae.-eement are understood to have been fully stated in the recent au thorzed statement of Mr. Cable. The penalty for a violation of the agreement is sp-d to be from $500 to f 1,000. TEXAS Sin.T?GS. Corticana, Texas, special says: Loss by fire, $100,000 to f 200, 000. Incendiary work. WASHINGTON FACTS ASD BIMOBS. MEXICAN HENSIONERS. Washington. Dec. 19. The pensions commUtee has agreed upon and will report ' a substitute for all pending Mexican service pension bills. THE STAR ROUTE LUDA8. Nothing new in the Dickson case to day. WHOLESOME TELEGRAPH LEGISLATION. Joyce In the house and Logan in the Senate to-day introduced a bill requiring every telegraph and cable company to re ceive and forward the business ot any otn er company whether relating to the busi ness of the company offering it or not, and makinsr it a misdemeanor lor any other than the person transmitting to send nd examine the same. MISSISSIPPI E1VEB IMPROVEMENT. The Mississippi river committee" this morning examined iienry iticnarason, state engineer otj Louisiana. He thought that the levees protected the land from overflowing; had never considered them as improing navigation, though they might incidentally make aa improvement. CONGRESSIONAL. HOUSE. - - . . WARfrTKGTON. Dee: 19.- Butterworth re ported the army appropriation bill and will ask its consideration after the postoffice bill is disposed of. The Speaker presented requests for leave of absence. Many ob jections were raised but several were granted. Brown thereupon denounced yesterday s proceedings as a iarce. SENATE. Washington. Dec. 19. The bill by Har ris r pealing the tenth section 01 tne act u nrcvent the introduction of contagious dis eases into the United States was referred and the consideration of the Indian appro nriatin hill was resumed. Plumb obiect- ing to Sherman's attempt to get the bended spirits ma up. DISASTROUS FIBE. fipmn Forks. D. T.. Dec. 19. A fire broke out about midnight in Caswsll's photograph gallery on Third street be twwn Nllson and Demers avenues. The Ottawa saloon, Boston clothing store, Mersted, Christopherson & Go's, clothing Malonev's barber shoD. Dr. Johnson's dental office, M. Rueth's grocery store, the Union drug store, ana ine iwo reai esune offices of Webster & McGilway and Bur- row & Burrowi and St. Julien Cox of fices are destroyed. L. . Baker's grocery stc re on the corner is now burning. The water works are hot finished and the fire department is helpless. Considerable goods were saved. Baker's loss is $2,000 on stock; insured for $8,000. Morsted's loss is $1,500. The fire is now under control. By hard work Necht's bank was saved, Baker'a grocery being the last building burned. The entire loss will approximate f 100,000 on stocks and buildings, about half cov ered by insurance, though several lost their entire possessions. ALLEGED BBIBEBT NOT PBOTEN. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 19. The legisla tive bribery cases were finally disposed of today. Representative Wright was ac quitted and a noble pros was entered in the case of Representative Block. ' The state completely oroke down. These members have been the victims of unfounded rumors and speculations. New York Market. m New York, Dec. 19. Money Governments 6'b ......;...:... i 01 . S's... 1 0314. 4H .-. l iS 4'B 1 20 J STOCKS, STOCKS Rock Island 1 295 Ft. Wayne 1 35 Illinois Central 1 49i C. B. & Q 127? Chicago & Alton . . . 1 Sihi New York Centrai..l31i Northwestern 1 39 . Northwestern, pfd .1 56(4 st. ram iuhh do preferred . . 1 SWf4 Wabash B4 do preferred.. 5454 Union Pacific 1 Western Union .... 82 SKAjX. WHEAT No. 8 red$109S4 Dec; $1 $1 09; Jan. $1 111 UK; Feb. HORN Mixed western spot 5574; .future 62 72 OATS. Western 4353. RYE. 59. BARLEY. 85. WHISKEY'. $1 IS. PORK. $18 50S&19 00 LARD. Firm; 10 87. Of Choice HOLIDAY GOODS and elegant : Silver Plated Ware, E. W. SPENCER S display is Magnificent, Chicago Market. Chicaso, i.ive stock. Dec, 19. HOGS Receipts 29.000; light 5 606 30; mixed pacicing s txx&o au; heavy packing ana shipping, OA'ITLB Receipts 5,600; good to choice ship ping, a uwt uo; common to rair, 3 Uj4 90 butchers 2 304 20; mockers and feeder?, 260 4 iu; xexans a u4 vj. GRAIX, WHEAT Lower; regular 92 and 9i Dee. 9292tf Jan. ; 99 May ; spring 92(4 ; winter 94 CORN Weak; 51tf cash; 49?year and Dec. 60 Jan. ; 53 May. OATS Weak and lower except cash; cash S8H November; 87)4 bid Dec. ; 36 year and Jan, 863t3S May. RYE 58. BARLEY. 80. WHISKEY 1 16. PORK Firmer; $17 12 cash and December $1717 January: 817 32 February. LARD Strong and excited; higher; $10 31 $iu sz casn ; $iu 4i t en. Milwaukee Market. Milwaukee, Dec, 19. WHEAT Firm; No 2 93 cash, and 93H Dec; KSijan. JNO a, S, JNO. 4 63, CORN Lower; 61. OATS Tame ; 35. RYE 57. BARLEY 72 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. One Hulled Dollars ! Will be given away to purchasers of Cigars, Tobacco, and Pipes, AT DMSOIJ & COWJY'S No. 1809 Second Avenue, Rock Island. taPTor particulars apply to them. Nov-4-d3m Dr. Fosgate's Dispensary, Davenport's Block, 309 Brady St., Davenport, Iowa. CONSULT THE LOCATED PHYSICIAN. The Doctor has been engaged for many years in the treatment of chronic diseases iCnd all disease i..: m i nT i l ; . ( . 1 1. vai ,-stahiiKhpd success in everv case of self-abuse and incomootenev. Sbxuai. Kxcess in mature years, producing nervousness, physical decay and loss of sexual power oermanentlv cured. Dd the patient restored to perrect 'iiror; all forms or private diseases. sypmlls.B gonorrhoea and gleet, cured in one-half the usual time, and a perfect cure guaranteed in every esse. H ill. luogau; will kubibuicc w iuiich vuc uuuureu uujiaiRiui ctcij wncc ui ecmiuai nrnKUCBB ur pri vate disease of any Kind which he undertakes and fails to cure. V7"lTT'KTri HIT "NT Who are suffering from the effects of yonthful follies and indiscretions lUUllU JjCL LjX producing night losses and hastening them on to a premature crave, should. call or write at once; the Doctor has treated over 10,000 cases without a single failure; valuable circu lars free to all who write. Dr. Fosgate prepares and furnishes his own remedies : medicines sent to any part of the world ; Dr Fosgate his treated patients from nearly every state in the Union. in all their dangerous and painful developments, has no equal in the world. Office Heurs: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. All letters promptly answered, and correspondence confidential. CLOSING SALE ! -MY ENTIRE STOCK OF- P 1 IS h " IB Gents' Furnislimg Goods ! Trunks, Valises, &c, Must be closed out by January 1. It will all be sold at and below cost, as I am determined fo engage in other business by that time. OE1 Sept. 30-dwSm Xji AMERICAN J. T. DIXON, BSfcflAIT TMLBB LENS' FINE WOOLENS A SPECIALTY, 1718 SECOND AVENTJK, ROCK ISLAND, - ILLINOIS. Wm. RamskiU, MERCHANT TAM, No. 1603 Sbcokd AvEJiXi, HOC ISLAND, - ILLOOIS. . Also, Dealer in HKEHATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Umbrellas and Valises.I AND FOREIGN WATCHES is Gold and Silver, Elegant designs iu Fine Jewelry, Newest styles in G-orham, Solid and Plated Ware, JSifClosest Possible-Prices fob rax HOLIDAYS. . -r " 1