Newspaper Page Text
mi R OCK ISLAND GLUME XXX111 NO 269 ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, THUKSDAY. SEl'TEHBEl. 10, 18S5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 13, 1851 HE li is lie Tine lo Secure Bargains. THE LAST CHANCE. All Summer Goods are being slaughtered at THE GOLDEN EAGLE IHKI TTTTT II ii O T H n i T II ( T I ) ll T II ll T II ll T 1,1.1.1,1, ono H II NN II II N N II 11 II N N II II UN IIIIHII II N II M II N H 11 UN II 11 UN II HUN K i:i;o no n N li N N ii N Ml N k r. ; N N li li km. r. NN cm. SSSS TTTTT OOll KRKK RKKR S S T OR K K, S T I) II U ! R S T O OR RF SSSS T O I1RRKR K.R S T O OR RR S T O OR RK. S S T O OR RK SSS T IMHI K KKKK.K 111 01(1 r to make room for our immense stock of WAR TO THE KNIFE. CHAMBERLAIN WILL OPPOSE PAR- NELL TO THE BITTER END. The Kadlcat Matfor The mfflcalty Be tween Spain and Germany Col lision at Sea Items of Inter eat from the Old World. Eall and Winter Hats, Caps, Etc Clothing, Etc. "Cal early and secure bargains. he G olden Eagle Clothing Store jKH, Mang'r. Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. J. B. ZIMMER, tin nit r,i:i:i! ervr mi ! i: i: o i w v v t; It o v m rr.K o m m K i: li s ( i; en 1 M !'( I I' It K 111! H II II II II 11 II M II 1 1 S I H II II A HA A A A A A A A AAA NN Ki N N N N N N N k ttttt N I A N AN NN NN TTTTT T T A AA A A A II I. II I. II I. II I. AAA II I. A A 1 1 I, OOO RRRR O OR R O OR R O OKltliU London, Sept ! Mr. Chamberlain, in speech at Warrington Tuesday, gave the full Radical platform, lie said the Radicals now formed a groat majority of the Liberal party, and they would oppose Mr. Parnell tooth and nail. This declaration was with prolonged cheering. Continu ing, he Raid the grantiug of home rule to Ireland would mean the destruction of the lirilish empire. He bail prepared a moderate scheme of domestic government for Ireland which iittd in 't witu I lie a) proral of the Na tional leader. U t!ie LulwrnU did not like tue Radical platform they must sever tbeir connection witii tile It idicnis. The Radical platform, besides the local government and land plioiks, advocate free schools, a re vision of tne taxaiiuu aal game laws and mineral royalties an I declares that if the appropriation of cortaiu land is neces sary for the public good the rights of property mu-t go to the walL Mr. Chamberlain tuouted the idea that Lord Harrington would accept lxird Randolph Churchill s itiTii&tiori to join the Conserva tive party. Liberalism was broad enough to settle its own differences. The Radical demands were moderate enough to sati-fy all sensible Liberals, Churchill's resistance about Ireland was ominous, l'arncirs policy was, in lnuny respects, worthy one, but separation meant another foreign country thirty miles from England's shores animated at the outset with enmity toward England. It was the duty of any government to avert such a calamity. If those were ParnU's only terms the Radicals would never enter uito a compact with him. T. be Standard says it is willing to forget much of Mr. Chamberlain' socialism in consideration of the merciless way in whirh be castigate.! l'arnoll in his siieech at War rington. The Daily News says: At the present moment there is less reason than ever for the Whirrs t join the Conservatives. w hether the Liberal majority be large or small it will consist of the advanced section of the party, and a Lilwral failing to Sledge hlmselt to changes in t::o laud laws and tax ation has no chance of lining heard. The Standard say : "The rejection of Mr. Parnell's demaud: y responsible Con servatives will be as i uinct as that of Mr. Chamberlain in his s, ch at Warrington Tuesday. More itcan.iot be. The nation owes much to Mr. Chi.iuberlain for his op portune frankness in dealing with the Irish question. Duhlin, Sept 10. The Freeman's Jour nal denounces Mr. Chaiulierlain for his speech at Warrington Tuesday, and says that henceforth he is Ireland's foe. O K OR Alll.Ll.l.L OOO It lias received his Stock of PALL AND WINTER ISU1TINGS,! AND OVERCOATINGS, A larger and tiner stock than ever. No. 1810 Second Avenue. Hock Island, 111. NEW u:i:t: lino r I. li n O i: K I: ii n ! I: U ii li u I. HUH ii hi: l: K ii ii o t: k ii ii t: tt i UK UK KIIKK K. It R K K 11 K. it K K.K I I! lilt K K K ' K R B R K K OOO OOt't! KKKR It V V Y V Y V V Y"V V V V T SSSS TTTI r s s ssss s 9 000 itnitu KKKR 1 O It R K 1 OK UK I OK UK 1 (1 ltRRK K.K 1 OK It K l OR R K I OR K V. (Mill 11 R KKKR. ChoirH Brands of Min-iesota and Winter Wheat Flour, I li.irv and Cri-ium ry Hiiller, ( Mops. Minn.. Potalucs. Vegetables, &.c, C. T. LOUG'S, Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue. Hi Cor. THCS. CART, In p-i-iiarcd lo do all fciniip of work in J'ljiin and Decorative Taper Hanging and Kalsomining. A coMpli-lc stock of Wall Riper, Curtain Fixlures. Cornice Poles anil Hoom Moulding. Mixed I'uitils always on hand. '.". rull line of Art Ihmils and Artints' Materials. Lessons l ivcii in falnlhiC l French K r,.,,,-ry ..rk K.iilhroiilerv Silks. ( 'onls and Fancy lii.Mls which are Willi at close li"iires ; call anil test prices of work. 1813 Second Avenue. ROCK ISLAND. ILL. JACOH OHLWEILER, Jr., KKTAII- UEAtKK IN Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, l.nm-li every ninrning and every Haturday evemne. No. 300 Twentieth Street. may 7 illr DVIS & CO. mm - V2 -r its i '-I m h 'i rj PLUMBERS Steam Fitters. A complete stock of Pipe, BraBS Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Sole agents fur Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., IrftSSI Deane Steam Pumps, pi Novelty Force Pumps, J Safety Heating Boilers, and Con- 'lmm tractors for fa 'I eERK'8 Block, Moline, 111. furnishing and Lay Y- itri nn .1 Qairoii Pitui ZafflTZi ing auor, viao uu ucw, 1712 First Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. yelephone 1H8. Kejidence Telephone 1007. Still rreparlug; for War. Madrid, Sept 10. Although ispain ha- ADA SWEET KESIXS. Mrs. Col. Mulligan Appointed Pension Agent at fliit'Bgo. WAsnixnTON, Sept. 10. The appoints ment of Mrs. Maria Mulligan to be pen sion ajrent at Chicago fell like a bomb shell in the camp of the Illinois republi cans here yesterday. After Miss Sweet re fused to resiim m answer to commission er Black's request the general impression was that she would be allowed to retain her position for the present at least. This was the situation of 8 Hairs until lien. Mack sent a special examiner to look ins to the manner in which business was cons ducted in the Chicago office. His report disclosed an iuterestin"; condition of af fairs, but the commissioner even then was gallant enough not to pursue a woman. It appears, however, that the president had watched vhe course of events with unusual inlerest. Somehow Mits Sweet found it best lo resign. At the white house but utile informa tion can be gleaned. Col. Lamont said that Miss Sweet had tendered her resign ation, and that the president had merely filled the vacancy by the appointment of Mrs. Mulligan, whose appointment had been urged all along by (Jen. lilack. Mrs. Mulligan is the wile ot (Jol .lames A. Mulligan, who died of wounds re ceived near Winchester. Va., July 2G. 1801. Col. Mulligan was brcvelted brig general for gallantly ami bravery only three (lays before his death, lie commanded the 2lld Illinois regiment. THE MARKETS. apologized humbly to Emperor William for the recent mobbing of tne German embassy, preparations for war continue to be pushed forward with great energy. AU military commanders have been ordered to report at once the number of available troops at tbeir disiiosai The bitter feeling provoked against Germany has not abated a jot, and there are grave fears that instead of dying out it will be further in' tensitied by the secret agents of the revolu tionary party. King Alfonso still insists, in the face of popular clamor, in keeping his old ministry in power; but if the d iscontent continues it is quite likely be will be com pelled to call Isenor Haga-ta to the direction f affairs. And in that event a rupture with Germany can hardly be averted. It is rumored that the government has received information from the man-of-war Velasco showing that the report that the Pelew lsland-s have lieen occupied by Oer- luauv is not true. Military men here insist that their comrades at Yap acted under orders from Madrid and Manila in order to aToid a conflict with the Germans. The campaign against the press is active. Thirtv-four iiaiiers if Madrid have been prosei-uteX Caricature journals are being iced by the wholesale. Ihe ceusorship also prevents true accounts being received of the expreions of popuiar wrath against Germany at Suragossa, alencia, Barce lona, Orauada and twenty other places. King Alfonso drove through the streets of Madrid Tuesdav without au escort He was greeted respectf ully by the people. BERLIN, Sept 10. Much uneasiness is felt here owing to the possibility that other German vessels in the Pacific under orders to annex the Carolines may come into col lision with Spanish men-of-war. Boston, Sept If. A Washington special to The Herald says: "It is reported among the members of the diplomatic corps that the United States will be invited to arbi trate between Germany and Spain. An Illinois Appointment. Wasiiimiton, 1). C, Sept HI. Spec ial. The president today appointed Rensselaer Stone collector of internal revenue for the first district of Illinois, in place of .loel Harvey, suspended. THE DISABLED YACHT3 Making a Sew;t ler Hie C- anil liciitirtn Iho l'orit.;!'-. so. . Nkw York tsept. 10. The Geo -s... 1 y anchor near Ises w.inlmk.-i U-aihous. i !. Tompkinsvillo Wednesday tu-TiiMi. hundred yards distant, near the St-a; .iVoi. landing, was th9 Puritan. A d- i'ii sct:K.i, ers, sloops, cullers and steam were in the lain. Many of li. yachts disci--.d their ma--l8 at tiie Atlantic Yacht club's anchorage at Ray Rid-ft. The remainder hal remained at Sandy H--ok landing, looking forward to an early continuance of the coutest le(ween the two big yachts. Mr. J. Malcolm Forbes left this city at V o'cl-ick to visit his yacht His brother, Mr. William Ksrlws, remained at the Rrevoort house. He said he did not see the accident lie re gretted sincerely that it had occurred, tut did not care to give an opinion on the causes that led to it He said the Puritan's mainsail would be gewnd and used in the coming race on Friday. A new sail will not be substituted. The G-n-esta's broken bowsprit lay near the river's edge at Foillou's shipyard. It was an oh ject of great interest to a crowd of people who cut off little pieces and hid them in their pockets tie prou 1 of in the future. Near the spar, sitting on a broken anchor was a sailor whittling a piece of the broken spar into a model of the English yacht In another part of the yard a gang of ship-carpenters were at work upon a long piece of timber which was sup ported on blocks. This will be the new bow sprit It will be fifty-four feet long and will taper gradually from thirteen inches in diameter to six inches at the tip. The tim ber is yellow pine and has been well sea soned. AN INFURIATED HUSBAND Chicago, Sept 8. The market quotations on the board ot trade, to-day. were as follows: Wheat No. ii September, opened and closed 7'JJ,t; October, opetind iVe, closed SOJfc; Novem ber, opened 81c, clo-ed Hto. Corn Ho. 2 September, opened ific, closed 44J4; October, opened 4Xa, close. I 42c; Novem ber, opened 404'c, closed 4oc. Date No. 'i September, opened ':, closed XHo; October, opened and Closed 'J6V. May, opened ill'c, closed Wr. Pork Septem ber, opened $8.s), closed $8.75; Ooisiber, opened W.80 closed 8.75; November opened and closed f.75. LardSeptember, opened and cloned tt iW. "Livestock ihe Union Stock yards repert the lollowing range of prices: Hogs Toe market opened fairly active en pauking and shipping account with prices on light grades about 5c hihr. sivt on heavy about 5c lower; light grades, -I.DU(4,rt0; rouifh pack ing, H tvtf-LlO; heavy packing, 4. lAitf-l-lS. Cattle Stow; shipping, -4.0-iJct) oil; butch ers, tl T.ijSi-OO; sUii-k-.ii . dull; -'.lV)( 4.0; Texan, linn; tZ6 00 Sheep- Sieady; $2.00,.M 00; bulk, tAi.uc:U'5. IVsluce: Butter Firm creamery, 22(9 -c; fancy dairy, 17u l!ic. and packing, o ifSTu per lb. Kijgs l-iniH'c par dot Po tahxM tl-'K0l. lo st iilil. Poultry Spring chickens, 7c; old bens, Sc; ro sters, fi(0 0c; turkeys, lie; and siiriu nucUs, HilUu per lb. Harries tJlueu.mes, Sl..ij(l.oj lo-qt ase; whortleoernes, -iOi) per, n .soiiiioii per Io-qt case; crau berries, l.o0(nl.ii jwr lti-qt case. New Y ork. ISk' York, Sopt 9. Wheat Very strong, and loilii'e higher, wj:h more doing; An. 1 nun. Domiual; Nu. 2 led .Sej.t. moor. imJi'iu;:!! -c; Ocloiwr, lie&Xe; November, 'ii4SMjc; l)e ceiuoer. Wt'iitilWUe; January. UTWidiiks-o. .'orn ii ic loelier; very quivi; mixed eiom sp.t -t-HJ'-si.'te; do future, 4ityl 5i:c. Oats- yLa '- itigher; western, 'As Mf-);i'; io. 2 SepvmlMr, iWJj'c; October, Si'c. Provisions Beef dull; new extra, flood. I' rk. steady: new muss, $l'J.lh)i4 lU.oil. Ijard A shade better; steam-ren- dei-eil, $(io. HI Lou it Wt. Louis, Spt 9. Wheat Very active and higher, but un settled; closed IJtfc'c above yesterday; No. 2 ml ca-.ii, 74(j,-c; October, SWJic; Hio vember, 9-Jc; iJeeeuilier, y4-ic. Corn Higher but slow; cash, 41ui4'JIWc; tv-ptera- ber, -Wr.e; Octolier, o'.IJc; November, 37c Oats A fraction higher, but slow; cesh.'4ic; iSetitemlier, "5ic; October, fc. live Dull; fti'ca.WVc. Whisky rt-adv; $1.0S. Provisions Pork, quiet ( 'J.4II3'.I.50. Lard, firm; ftl.STiiaS.80. Toledo. Toi-koo, Ohio, Sopt 0. Wheat Firm and inactive; No. 3 casa aud September, soie; lictober. STJljir; ISc vember. SS;vc; Oecemtier, Stifi'c; May, 7Xc; Na a nX 87V,(itstf. Com O iieti S . 2 cash and Sopteuiuer, 4.5c sskei; Oc- ber, 4.j; Tear. SSc bid: Mav. 40c Oats F.rm, little doing; cash and Keptera- r ai'Vo: October, iWc; May. 31c, Clover Quiet; Octolier, 3 :W bid; No vember f5.45; December, $5.50 asked. Milwaukee. Mn.WAi kr.K, Sept 9. Higher; cash, ?Jc; October, s; Novemiier. 8Jc Com Easier; No. 40.V -. 0.tts Steady; No. i, 35-c. Rye Sti-adv; No. 1, Soc Barley Nominai; Na 4 o7V.i. Octroi'. pKTamr, Mieh., Sept 6 Wheat Film; No. J re.1, 8si,'c etui ind September; -S O. t..ier; alsei November; No. 1 whita. fi'ic cosn an i Sptuibr; StMe OcUur; hi'c bil Sj- foiuber; No. H red, ti4c: Col u 4tiVj Hi JKts No. 2 while, i-'li s: N i 2, Z'.c cakh toic bid Scp.m'1 Cholera on the Wane, Marseiixkn, Sept 10. The cholera epi demic is decreasing here. Only eight deaths were reported Tuesday, and only thirty- seven patient; remain under treatment in the Pharo hospital Toulon, Sept. 10. One death from chol era was reported Tuesday, and 117 patients are under treatment in the various hi pitals. Several are reported in a critical condition. Rove, Sept. 10. There are itili several cases of cholera at Parma and Caserta. Tne remainder of Italy is healthy. Confidence is returning. Ma Kin li. Sept 10. Throughout Swin Taesday 1,735 new cases of cholera and fli'4 deaths were reported. Settlement of the Afghan Question. St. Pktkksbi'RU, Sept 10. The settle ment of the Russian-Afghan question will be speedily embodied in a protest denning the main points of the frontier. The Afghan frontier commission will then define the boundary line in detail. Russia has aban doned her claim to the whole ot Zultikar para proper. Nerucltak is also left to the Afghans. The frontier line will run east ward to Kod jasaleh, on the basis of the agreement ot 1H83. Ten Persons ftupposed To Re Lost. Dover, England, Sept 10. The bark Loch Fergus collided with the steamship Idlewild off the Deal late Tuesday night It was dark as pitch when the vessels crashed together. The bark was wrecked, and eight or ten parsons are believed to have been drowned. The steamship sufl-ired little damage. The Strike Wrs a Failure. Dckdeb, Sept 10. The strike of the 10,- 000 operatives in the jute mills here has udsd In favor of the employers. Shouts His Wife, Her Two Sister. His liaby and Himself. Panvillk,HK, SepL 10. Ferry Whitlock Tuesd.iy lurli a in tin cornliuld near the house of his fata r-in-!aw, E. G. Coa, n-ar the town of Ridg.i Farm, until he saw M:-. Coe start for Diiviile, and then went in and shot his w.te and baby and on sister-in-law fatally, a i l wounded another seriou Iv, en lia-' up with taking hi own murderous life. His wife and he had quarreled and she had gone home Ut hei lather's with her b.iby. Crainl with jial ousy, he shouted as he came to the door: 'i have come to settle this t-niubleT He drew his revolver and shot Maggie Coe in tli chin, the lll glancin ' into Imr throat The next bullet went through his wife's left lung. Linchi-3 Coe, theothersi-ter, started to run, aud he fired two shots through her foot Now thoroughly nialdeue. I bytliesihtof bloo i he fir- I at his baby, wounding it in the breast and, last of all, blew out Ins own brains. Maggie Os walkei t.iirei-tpiart.Hrs of a mile to the nearest neizhlivr, r.n I brought help,Jfatally wound -d as she was. W hitl-k was 27 years oi l, an.l had lived mo-t of bif life in the In -linn territory until four years ago when! i returned to this country to claim a share in his grandfather's property. He married Kmiiy Coo much azainst her faaulv s wishes, and their mar ried life was very unhappy. HALF-CENT A WOKO. Prince of Wlto. Vienna, 8pt 10. It U rumored hero (feat tlM prince of Wales will ooa whit th tut Un of Tur ky. E. W. Hurst represents the lead in t? American and Foreign Insurance Go's Policies carefully written at current rates. Agency established 1874. Office over Bock Island National Bank, Tub Amciita hereafter wi'l imhlirsh in this rl nnm all a ivtTlinimfiitc of Lost, Kound. For Kent, For Sale. lo ru or ItiMtnis. nntt'tt. -inn fiiniil.-Lr noticfH. at tlit low rat- of one hull a cnit a word. rh liirnre a word, out n advi-rtisniH'iit tha ten m ills WANTKI.-Twtttaitor, a1 one, at S, A. Ht haH'r, No. 2UI Twrnlieili inrct't. Mar 4 FOR KKNT A ileaHAiit fnnii.-hfd wmn, Kir- aveini, wtcoiiu d(Mr wchioi fcleventt, ntn-ft. :,-Jw KtR KKNT A fnniinhi'd rooru for one gen1i-ni'ii ; enquire a' tins uflic?. ir two FOB KENT Hoime with four ttnuni chcaj: mit; alno rurniKht'd rtom, .lis tintit iitu n. KOK SALE ld oaMrs for eaJe in any qua-ulv at t h is oflice, c a cap. FOR RENT Furnished nHniB, with or without board. Third avenue. oupoHttc t'ourt lio-iw. Mr?: A. St(M?kwt'U. JlKJt FORM A LK Sixty lotnin my addititmf ro he ity of Rock Island fonr yearly payments, witn interctst at ix per cent per ann m, flu I'AVFNPOKT HARPER'S TIIEATKE. Saturdar Eve., Sept. 12. The Original Boston Double Uncle Tom's Cal! The Only Kecoenized Double Company hi the World. 25 Performers. 25 Performers. 25 10 Colored Plantation Singers! JO 2 Marks the Lawyers! 2 Imported Irish Trick Donkeys! 6 Monster Bloodhounds! New Version! New Novelties'! GREAT PLASTATI0S FESTIVAL, And Mississippi Steamboat Scene. The JOLLY COONS Aud south Carolina Slave Sinners ! The Little Putnam Twin Sisters I A Car Load of Baggage, And Magnificent Scenery. Admission 25 and 35 cents. Reserved Seats, CO cents. Street Parade li o'clock Saturday, Cl!l('AU Article. Ojienini;. Olosiiii: .-. -i vnirnft .... Sept. SOU im. 7H4 W", Nov. sflli t'or.s Aiii.rnst Sept. 4ii S (let, f.'-S. 40i Nov. .I'l-i, 40 . aTS Aill-'usl .... Sept .... llet. -Ji1, l'.V Nov. .... .... I'ocF Aiurust .... Sept. .... Hit. s stisi 8 ,sr, Nov. S tfi 8 77 I. nn- August Sept .... 6 2 IVL (i -JT 6 -JT. Nov. ti 171, S IIR AllUllst ti-it (li t. i irr 5 5 Nov llous 17 turn: Ictlil. 4 4U'4 7r; tniseil, 3 5 i4 3U Ii at I in .4 ' IIOCK ISLAMI. 'IIIL 1" I av TuiioUiv 5-.SH !lay- Wild fT.ll.-. l.'vc-4-. I'orn -4'c. Polsioes 4.V . Hi, ions 'me. i'w -Soft 11 : linm s Sii. C unt v not f s Jri im w slicilL MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Prepared by a ptiysicUa with special regard to health. R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. We do .PLUMBING of all kinds, including Sewer Work. Gall and see us. WiLLARD BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, - Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S MM WMU MMMMIT M M M M tt M M M M 11 M MM M II M MM Mtl r rsss ii :n-.r, I'S SIHJ o ts no ll ssss no it s no us Kill! a r A A I A A I A A I AAA I M M M IUI0 SSSS II :COO A A 1 A 1.1.1,1 SSSS COCO II H IHW OOO I, S SO UN HO OO OL S O II MO OO OL SSSS U HII1IIIII Oil OL SO II HO OO OL S SO OH Ho OO OL SSSS O0OO II 11 OOO OOO LIJ.LL Second Auenuc, Rock Island, Opens Sept. 7. Terms: Twenty Lessons, in advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. LtSPMrs. Swan is also dealer in the famous Bauer Piano. THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, Opp. Harper House. t"Thc "Tivoli" has lately been transformril into a Palace cqnalinir in every rcsiiect the fines saloons in Cbicaso and surpassing anytliiiii: in the three dies A number of Kans operateil by machinery for keeping the air cool is one of the k-mliiiL' features of i lie place. The l.iuiiid Kefreshments disiK-nsed at this establishment is in keepinwith its ranii hninive ment. An eli-pint lunch served every morning. All kinds of Sandwiches juu-7 dlim served ou short notice. ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY J. W. WIKTEL, Prop'tr. No. 1809 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks. Traveling Hags, Sample Cases. LSTREPAIRING DONE.J PARK & ELLIS, HyCome and see us. Now is the time to secure bargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselves before Fall tJoods come in. PARK & ELLIS. 1 704 Second Avenue. :f. s. sotjtszaiid, Manufacturer anil Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Mirrors. Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixlures, Mouldings, Elc, tSri'rii-i-S lower t lmn I be lowest. Trcniuu's 15luck, opp. Ciiiiitiicrcial lintel. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL FAIR OK THE DISTRICT Agricultural Society Scott, Clinton and Musca tine Counties, MT. JOY, Sept. 8, 9. lOand 11, 1885. $2,500 in Premiums, Open to Exhibitors living in the District. New Track; Enlarged Floral Hall; Mew Am phitheatre, capscitT 1.5110 people. The V. M.&SL P. K. It. iil run eitra trains at reduced rates. tyAdmission 25 cents; Single horse and driv er, 50ccnls; Ilouhle team and driver. 75 cents: Children from tS to 11, 10 cents; Amphitheatre, 10 cents. JOHNSON MAW, President. For information apply to P. W.McMANL'S.Sec'y. ug.!M4 TAYLOR HOUSE. Cor. Fourth Avenue and Sixteenth street. ROCK ISLAND. run IP TKKNKF.NSI IH H. Proprietor. rjThis llniifc has been thoronghlr n tinvab d and re-fiirnisheil llirouchnnt and Is nn mvn m tlw, pulilic, ihuirilers at reasoua.,1.: rales, farmers wlllnnd this iolelanirr rtoiining nluce. au iCdKin This space is reserveijfor -.I0IIN T. NOPTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. aog2S-dtI u 0 ."T v. 1! i i i r