Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Akgus. THURSDAY, SEPT., 10, 1885. ) my Deinaomtir Dally in the Kleventh Oon frresfloiiil District. i. MiTTBR , KniToB Ann Pcburhik. WWK ISLAND DAILY ARGUS, ROCK ISLAND WEEKLY AROUS, J.TUIAL FATIES OF BOCX tSUVt CIT7 ASS COBHTT Ami Block, - Opp. Post Office. MIBHCRlPTIO HATHA I OAII Y 1H cnt per week, or BO cent per luinlh. delivered by carrier to any part of the :'ty WKK MY $1,00 per y ear, posuure paid. The impression in London seems to be Hint in the great moral crusade which has recently been inaugurated there the reformers have themie'.vcs resorted to criminal practices in order to supply themselves with frightful examples for the edification of the public. It is prob able that the traffic in young girls is bad enough without any adventures io that line by well meaning enthusiasts of the Mme. Jarrett type. Nearly all great scan dals of this character have produced such instances of reckless zeal on somebody's part. One of the most memorable affairs of the kind that ever occurred in America was the case of Eliza Pinkston, of Louis iana, who, having suffered a severe beat inij at the hands of her husband just at the right time, was hired to apiear be. fore a congressional committee and swear that her injuries were inflicted by bull dozers. Fanaticism, even in a good cause, generally reacts upon itself. KkuM the following it is evident that the 1. iwa Stale Hoard of Health propose In uifuiro the proper method for the pre venlioTi of small post, hwI that it pays little attention lo the fatmlii al .mli vaccination isw in il D.mfurtli prates about in his 0 pi.Miinn lo Health Commissioner Craig's policy : Tiie ate board of health, through its seeroliiry. Dr. J. F. Kennedy, M. P., has soumlei! the note of warning to all per sons concerned throughout the 9taU?, to adopt the necessary pretaill ions and avoid an ouihicak of small pox, such as is now allecling Canada. The board suggests tdal the strictest vigilance be everywhere ohsi rveil lhal all suspicious cases simil iiling small pox lie promptly isolated that measures In; taken that will enable local boards of heal Hi to promptly take cnie of all cases that may iccur within the stale, ami esecially that they and the physicians of the stage urge vaccination and revaccination be as generally prac ticed as possible. A fruitful source of the food of this and other contagious diseas es is the custom of city marshals and others of sending icrsous susected of having such diseases to ncigbboriii!! towns will) a view of avoiding the ex pense and inconvenience of taking care of them. The legislature as its last ses sion very justly enacted a law severely punishing such willful exposure. Pu biiijiic Time. A pkw country louts, believed on their first npitcarunce to the railroad hands to be tramps, went through a Chicago and Alton train near Illue springs, and with the aid of revolvers terrorized Hie passen girs sufficiently to secure about thirty dollars. The dispalcnes intimate that they were more frightened than the er. sons lliey roblied were. They worked but a i-ni;.l 1 portion of the tiivn and took whatever the passengers were pleased to hand them, and left the train with great and apparently nervous and apprehensive haste. But they have learned some thing. Tlic cowardice of the train bands and tiie passengers wi'l develop every ore of tliem iuto a genuine robber. The next lime they slop a train they will work it thoroughly, and it will he strange if everyone of them does not turn out to he a vei itable Jesse James, whose memory is doubtless revered in all the Blue Springs section of the country. One brave man and one revolver would have taught tliem a lesson that might have saved the most of them from the prison or the gallows; but the man and the re volver are strangely missing in all these tases. The train roblter and the stage robber have tcrroiized the western coun try to such an extent that one scoundrel is the equal of any dozen average men The papers recall the case of a desperado who "stood up" fifteen men of three dif ferent conveyances long enough to "go through" theui, and who did it by virtue of a flashing eye and a single revolver The story may be easily liel-eved. The average traveler is a coward, however much he may have seen of life and how ever numerous and dangerous his adven tures mav have been. "Yes; I shall break the engagement, she said, folding her arms and looking defiant; "it is really too much trouble to converse wilh him; he g as deaf as a post, and talks like he had a moulhful of mush. Besides, the way he hawks and spits is disgusting. "Pont break the engage ment tor thai; tell him to take Pr. Sagei Catarrh Ileiiieriv. It will cure him com pletoly ." "Well, I'll tell him. I do hate lo break it. off, for in all other respects lies quite too charming., cured his catarrh. A novelty of the drill in the Russian army is a race between cavalry officers anil a railway train. In a run of sixty seven miles the horsemen won. AN ANSWER WANTED- Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that the Eletric Bitters will not sjieedily cure? We say that they can not, as thousands of cases already per manently cured and and who are daily re commending Electric Bitters, will prove Brighl's Disease, Diabetes, week Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured; they purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on tiie diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed, f or sale at 511c. a hot tie by llarlz & Bahnsen. Ia San Francisco there are 300 Chinese laundries employing 3,0110 men, the value of which is roughly estimated at f 250, 000. Seventy five London maidens, many of tliem hearing titles, gave a ball. Each subscribed (25, and had Jthe privilege of inviting hve eligible bachelors. Mrs Navior Leyland gave the use of her mag nifiuent Hyde Park house. As each guest ascended the staircase the. girls grouped together as the top and showered roses upon them. SUBURIUX SIFTINtiS. Southeastern Whiteside, Tajctico, Sept. 5. J Small fruit was very good. Frank Freeby has an heir; he seems very well pleased over his boy. Mr. Stilson is baling and shipping straw. John Fee still teaches at Deer Grove; he commenced last Monday. The Reeves' school, in District So. 3. commences next Monday. Mr. Thomas Cooney is building a new barn. Mr. Cunningham is building a new house. ' J. W. Glassburn is building a new two story brick house, thirtysix by thirtysix, near his old residence. Willie Sapp, of Wyanct, is working for his brother inslaw, James McBride, after spending the summer in Delaware visit ing friends and relatives. Our schools oocn next Monday with Mr. Johnson. Miss McNamara and Miss Maxfleld as teachers, all of whom bear good reputations as teachers. Prairie chickens are quite plentiful. Some ot the boys are hunting and ship ping, and are doing very well at $3.50 per dozen. Theodore Jarvis paid us a visit this week, lie moved from this place last spring to southwestern Kansas, where he has been farming. He is very well pleased with the country. The old Hughes' residence, two miles southeast of Tampico, is claimed to be haunted by a man who appears in one room every nigutwilu a long kmtc in his hand. Ills perhaps a brother of the Tis- kilwa spook. Wm. H.imblock, who was struck by ghtninsr in July is in a very poor con dition. It affected one whole side, mak- it iliHieult for him to get around. The doctor sas he can do nothing for at ust a year, and will probaMv never en tirely recover. His so i .Insie was struck at the same lime, lint it only alTeetetl bis hand and he has w holly recovered. Superintendent Hendricks has sent let rs of invitation to the schools of the county, to attend the Sterling fair on net W ednesday. The schools are to meet ai Central 1'nrk and then march in double tile to Hie fair grounds, where they are to be admitted free. That will, perhaps, be made the most protuablc day of the term, in the way of teaching the little folks. Crops will be vei v good this full, pro vided the trust slays oil an 1 we have ih vorable weather. Some of the corn, ow ing to so much rain, has licconic quite weedv. lliresbing is nearlv over and most, of the farmers realized a goad crop of oats and rye. I here is considerable wild hay lo be made yet; some of the low land is loo soft to mow at present. Ap' pies are almost a failure, many of the trees are dying, probably from the severe winters we have had. Illinois City, Sept. 7 The Ilev. Mr. Smith, of the U. B. church, has gone to attend the annual conference which convenes at I'iaiiilieM. The fall term of the city schools opened up this morning under the siiK'rvisiou of the Misses Jennie Lind and Kendall, who arj engaged for Oolh the tall and winter terms. TheRcv. II. Brink delivered a grand in the M. E. church on Sabbath evening, from the words "Hold r asL lie drew the line closely. The new church oran gives satisfaction and ma terially aids in the song services. A little boy belongin" to Wm. Smith, of this place.receivcd severe injuries in being trampled upon by a horse the other even ing. Dr. Tyler was quickly summoned and found the blood flowing freely from two wounds in the bead the impress of the shoe corks. The wounds were dressed and the hoy is now doing well. The Sabbath school picnic at Essex Grove, which occurred on the 5lb iust., was not as much of a success as it would have been if the different committees had lierformcd the work assigned tliem in due time the principal discrepancy being the failure of the committee of arrangements in preparing the ground. Stand and seats had to be erected after the arrival of the large concourse of people, which delayed the proceedings to so late an hour that the programme had to be materially ehamreii, which partially defeated the ex- pectalions of those present. Three schools were represented by large deles gations. Other unorganized schools were present. Taken as a whole it presented a nne array of children who are growing up under the benign influence of Sabbath school instruction. After asongbysev era! of the schools, the Bev. Mr. Brink delivered one of his characteristic ad dresses for the children, at the conclusion of which the association proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. This done they voted to adjourn to meet again on the hrst !aturday in September, lSSIi. It was decided that the place ot holding the next picnic would be at Illi nois (Jity. Co a I, Vai.i.ev, Sept. 8. There was quite a rush for the Cam bridge fair on Thursday. Sliss Minnie Martin returned lo Knox college, (Jalesburg, on Friday. Miss Maggie Lewis was here to see her folks last week. Charles Litke and family were visiting relatives on Saturday. The bridges arc all passable now. The last one has lieen built and trains are crossing on it. The Ilev, Carson, of Milan, preached to a large congregation on Sabbath aftcr noon in the Presbyterian church. The smokestack made by Schillinger & Trumble, of Moline, arrived at the county bouse on 1 uursilay. Miss Mary F. Harris has returned from Emporia, Kan., where she has been visit ing. Also Miss Marv Leer, of Cable, who had been at that place visiting friends and relatives. Capt. Longdike, who formerly cum manded Park & Ilillier's tow boat on Hock river, but now a cattle operator in Kansas, was the guest of George Ilillier last week. The rain and storm was quite steady Monday night, but did not flood the creek. The wind blew over some of the corn. The temperature of the weather has become much warmer. This will start the fall pasture, the rains and cool weather having destroyed the greater part of the grassbopers. "Diseased nature oftimimes breaks forth in strange eruptions," and the re sult of it all is pain. Now Salvation Oil will send this very pain to the right about at the trifling cost of only 25 cents. One of the curiosities at the White Sul phur springs is a poet who wears buttons on his vest which cost 16 each. Dr. Gilbert Clark, of Warren, R. I. says: "Hunt's Remedy for dropsy and kidney diseases, is a standard remedy. KAfiJNG ELEMENTS CASE Dii ATM A"lfJ DESTRUCTION THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. A PUlwfrMi ,yrl.nft l'l.-r Flaroe 1 Ohio fifteen IVrsonn Killed A Oil) en IaTe Michigan-?-Many Uvea taippmted To 1 Lost. Bprtnoftrlti, Ohk 8pt. 10. Fifteen dead bodies bave item recovered from the debris of the buildings wmekmi by the ter rible cyclone which ftrn"k Wa.-hinston Court House, a town of about 4,000 inhabit ants, twenty-five miles we-t of here, at o'clock Tuesday evening. The cellar et hounes and every sort of refuse are titled with terror-striekan people hnJillmg to frether in a vain attemnt to keep warm. One bahe in armi has died f roni exnosure. The morning trains brought assistance to the pnnio-stricken people. The tornado came from the northwest. and broke uimmi the town without a mo ment's wurninsr, sweeping away everything In its path It whirled up Court street, the principal business thoroughfare, mil com pletely ruined the forty or fifty business blocks lining the way. Very few private residences in the town escap'ii. Fully 400 buildings wore blown down, the Presbyterian, Baptist. and Catholic churches sharing the common fa'. The Ohio Southern. Fanhandlo, Narrow-Gauge & Mi Hand railwav stations were blown to atoms and every bmldnvr in the vicinity was earriel away, bloc ' ail ife the track so that train were delayed for hours. Every telegraph wire within a circle of two mile ts down an l details of the catastrophe ars har t to jet. The early reports were sent out by nn enturrNin? operator who tapped a wire two miles wnt of the town, and sat in the hoavv rainstorm which came npon the heels of ttt eyeio-ie, to do his work. The whirlwind lasted about ten minutes. The frightened (loonlace fld from th tumbling build ings in a panic Tiiey went hither and thither in the murky darkness complet ty ill-l.r.irfcel is-arehie parties were organised and th work of Wkin; f or the dead hy the faint crlimm-r of ln!it..rns was begun. Two or three bull is were .tum bled upon in the mi bile of th street lieee they had len stricken down by living tim bers. The damage cannot now liee-tipi:it'.. Nearly the whole htwinegi part of the toivn. including the Gardner an l Cherry hot , .is. the establishments of Melvin .t H-.ker. ihl .t Baer, White & Ballou. an l the Old Fal lows anl ftluckey Ll.vks, have been de stroyed Comiwny B, of the National guards, has bean ordered oat to protect property. Cincinnati rVpf.ia The terrible tor nado of Tuesday nh;ht appears lo have created havoc in the old cyclone belt through Montgomery, Clark, Green and Fayette man tie. Brief disps'clies state that the town of IHooininsrbiiry is in ruins, ani that several lives have ben lost. The electrical display was f-infaticnorth of Cin cinnati, but the storm here was not heavy. Owing to the wretched condition of tile tel egraph wires details of the inland disasters cannot be given. l,oft of a Hrluienflr nn.1 Crew. Chicago, 10. The stnn of Monday evening and Tuesday morning was do-trno!-ive to both life anl ta- ip-rty. Oi l lake navigators gay it was th- mo t ieient ever known at this time of y- ar. Th" equinoctial gales have wt in fully fifteen days eiriier than u--ual, and in con-ctpienee have cauuht craft not prepare! to ene.enter them. The only disaster invulvia: loss of life, as yet reported, was that, to the schooner Advance, which became water-log and mnk off Onntharg, nine miles south of She boygan. A telecram, received b7 Capt. David DalL her former i wrier mid present agent, aavs she went down alsmt three miles off the beach, and her crew took to the yawl The latter struck an i was capdzl on the sandbar whieh extends al-uu the entire port frontage. The only one of the crew of s ven men who gained the shore wis Seaman Jr.k-j Itmm, a resident of this city. Those lost are Capt. Mons I'aulson, who resUod on Ohio street, this citv. George 1'a ulson, his son, Martin lherson. an l Harry Holt. Capt. Paulson was about 4o years ohi, and lravi a wife and three daughter. He w- the owner of tin Advance, hfivin bo iht her early kkst season. Ge wge PauUoo. his son. who acted as cook, was to have shipped in the Cora, Capt Jim TW L but preferred the hl-fated vessel. He was a single man. aved about .15 years, and wjis very popular among hli) shipmates. During Tuesday night and Wmtnes'nv morning many bntterel craft made this port The canaler G.ora N. Css, caught the full benefit of the gal aid was slriptw.l of everything flush to the decks. Her d -ck lead of lumber was ent rciy gone. The steam barge l'.irt of ("iamb-r um nKo lost the major portion of her deck 1 nl cf bim lier, and evidence of the sever ,tv of the gale (in the lake is hourly accumulating as un fortunate vessels .ire leing towd into harbor from the nortii. It is expected that many more serious mishaps will c uio to light before the day is ovor, and it is fear:! that there has been a great loss of life from the gale. In Favor of Mrs. 1V;klkup. Emporia, Kan., Sept la iVhon Mr. Walkup visited Kansas City la-it Decern! ,cr and consulted Dr. ,Scott, of that p'ace. rt? arding the elTects of arsenic, he w.-ls ai--compauieil by a man whom the doctor did not know. This man was sear -hoi for far and wide until a day or two ago, when a letter was received from Louisiana by Mrs. Walkup. This was rea I to several ladies, but was at once poll nee-1 upon by the lady's attorney, who refuses to give the name of the writer. It is positively known, however, that the man is the e,i ltor of a papor in ly.misiana called The Sentinel. From the la lies to whom the let ter was read it has boeii learned that, the writer declared that he was with Walkup last Ilecember; that the dead man had arsenic in pellets and in solution, and bad used both constantly, and that he was with him in the steamer when Walkup wits so sick. The writer volunteered to come and testify, and will undoubtedly bo eaile 1. His testimony wilt lieyond doubt, clear Mrs. Walkup, as no one will lielievo but that the deceased died from tin effects of arsenic ad mini tore ! by himself. Silver Certificates Destroyed. Washington Citv, Spt 1(1. It. is slntwl at the treasury department that the on!y siirnitlcance of the recent cancellation of sil ver certificates to the amount of nltout f 15. 000,000 lies in the fact, shown by experi ence, that the certificates of large denomi nation are practically worthless as a circu lating medium. The notes destroyed were fSOV and f 1,000 certificaies, and it is pro posed to replnoa them with $10, $'J), ii1) aud $100 certificate if tb.y are needed. Ward Iiauialm- Admission. Nw Vokk, Sept 10 During the ei amination ot Ferdinand Ward Tuesday he admitted that the money paid Warner on the contract was never earned, but was "money raoeivad fnun other parties." Hopport for Irish Memlni of Parliament. Lincoln, Neb.,' Si-pt. 10. Patrick Etn president of the Irish National league, re ceived a telegram from New Orleans Tues day stating that the local league had raised 12,000 for the salary and expenses of a mem ber of parliament New Y'ork has promised to raise a fund sufficient to maintain four members, and other promises are coining in from all over the country. Five-Dollar Bill In Demand. Nw Yokk. Hept 10. United States Treasurer Jordan returned to Washington Tuesday night after conferring with several bankers about the silver question. The banks are unable to get all the $5 bills they want, and such bills are expeeted to com mand a premium soob. HENDRICKS ON PARNELL. i; 2rophse a ftpeedr Overthrow of r Ty ran lite. IxiUAKAroLia, Kept In. A larj- ei . iit oi" citizfng was held Vu day -i Mas.tnie bail to indorse Sir, I'a-n i,,s )vi3 pot piitical iosit:ou. John K. Iantb. h lWro Haute, preside I, an t spwehe were m-ide by Vice President Hea.iriCKs and l:y Alsy .r Moilast ir, ot tb.g city, the latter a lie ut. 1e. ui. Mr. Hendricks, in teiiin? u speech, said tnat he atteudei a suediing ot Germans wluexressd t.yinpatny for Lhr many during the Franco-Frus-ian war, an.l lolt it to be right to do . lie also teit it to be right to sympathise with Iri-hmen in the same manner. 11 r. Hendricks then proplieied a speedy overthrow of all tyran nies. He said i hat the object of Mr. Par nail was to wrest from the British parlia ment the right of fael-.'ovornment for Ire land. .Speaking of the coining election, Mr. Hendricks continue.;: Jlr. I'arneil is a very groat leader, and I lietieve he u going t l;ui bis country meu t triumph aud It is proper that 1 should i-ay to you thai tho friends of your country iu Ireland rely iihii the dilferenees of tne two great Kngb-h parties. Whig asid Tory, or lUe iiiidical and LiberaL Not g eiitiy difTerout are they in numbers and luree. ami Mr. I'urnell relies upon this. 1 think tiiiB cause wilt go further than has been yet mentioned. it will result in just what we have iu Indiana, a written consti tution. Ah, that i-, what I hope to see Ire land to 1 governed by a written constitu tion, in which parliament will be restricted as our legislature is, by the constitution of tne siato. Will it not lie a grand sight when in the city of Hublin there will meet a constitutional convention to form a con stitution for Ireland i do not know of any thing that would give me greater pleasure than to attend that constitutional conven tion in Dublin. I want to live until that time. ' The following cablegram was forwarded to i.r. I'arneil after the close of the meet- iiifr:- Stkwakt Parnei.i,, I'Tt'i.iN: At an immense mass meeting hel 1 here tonight, addresse 1 by Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, viee presi liit of the Unite! Suuos, re.selnl.ions were adopted Indorsing y..;ir a ldmss of Aug. 'JJ, and pledging you in 1, moral aud finaneiil. Jot!! K. n, A FEMALE HERMIT. tVisiirMtoitUeri in lve She f.lvAs tho Life f a Keel use Thirty- Kive Years. Xbwuav, Gi., Sept, lo. In a little cabin cear Kivettcvi le live a female hermit, Sarah Isndre.iu, with a uirious lus t . She is over 00 ye irs of agi, an l for tnl.-ty-fivo year has tsvupi,! ber present ab.,do, refusing nil a--ooiation wilt; people arouai ier. ;ml living i,i ttu rudest manner. S le belongs to one of the richest families in souu Georgia, and thirty-tive years ag was on if the tielles who Savannah society. Si.e was soiignt in m image by a youn gentleman ot that city, an.l the arrange ments for the wedding were elaborate. Her toilets were ordered from New York. On the appointed uigiil sh was diKiuied to dir-apiioiutm-'nt, for the gnnim came not Whea news was rdcoived licit day that be had eloped with a lady who was visiting at his lather's house it found tiie disappointed on lo at the point of death. Se recovered, however, and, with the strong will which had characterized her life, declared her pur pose to livj a rcclu-o. Thus sue has lived "ver since, stoutly re: using aid or comfort thdy once did she hear of her recreant lover, that he had entered a Georgia regi ment during the war, and was shot dead tmiore Petersburg, in his coat (tocket was lonnd a picture of t le girl whom he hail so w rouged. Contests tit Thoroughbreds. w Yohk, Sent 10. The races at Brighton Iteacii Welncsilay resulted: F'.rst race, 1 mile-; Change lirst, D17..C ltloude seconil, Glemior thir l; time, "J:. to "4. SeiMnii race, - mile.; Una 11. tirst. (iir- oila second, Cliimticleer third; time, litC'ls. Third race, mile; Joe S. llrst, lrt AVarren iconii, Joe Murray third; time. Fourth race, mile; H itachimie first Mls.- Goislncb sewiii, llnltkar third; tim, 1:"A. if t ft race, 1 mill ; Ij:i!e Minch Cr-t, Vuily Foro second, Musk Uurd; 11111.', 1 V T. I-oi'ts, Sept 10. fiaeee here Wfrlues doy were as follows: Kir-t race, 1 mile ; Monarch first, Ki'ie tL seoond. Mission llede tnird; tim l:lf.1sj. Second lace, 2 miles; Troubndour tirst, Gnydetta second, lloottdaek third; t me, ;;-is. Tnird raoo, niiie; 11 d Girl iirst Adruoi secon-i ; time, l:Jtc;4. The mukin C'se. Ottawa. Ills., sept a John C. Itich ticrg. associate conn-el for t ie plair.liif 111 error, in the Mackin case, ovnod the argu ment in the ju.sti.-e chnrnbe- of the supreme court Weuoesilay niorniii'-;. The nsim was filled tt overflowing, 11 otuith tandmg the threatening rain and c:sd weetlter. Among those pretient were eminent, jurists and politicians from C.iicag 1 and this city and points surrounding, including the presence of forty ladies. Mr. Kiehberg sjiiike for an hour and a half, when he was followed by State's Attorney Grinnell, of Cook, who gave way to Attorney General Hunt, who then began addressing the court Mr. St ires' central point seem- to be that a man can r.ot criminate himself by remain ing nit-tit Mr. Storrs closed at 3 o'clock -p. m,, .y saying that from ail this record it i; clear that not only one but a nittitieie ot fundamental legal principle-' h-ive been vio li.teil. Itan into a Huge lLock- Tuny. N. Y.. S'pt D -laware ifc Iiudson train !N.t. 7, male up of two passen ger coachei, twft sleeping-cars, a baggage and an express cur, bound f ir Montreal, left here at 11:20 Ta-sdny night At a p -in tiotween Csim-focl; and Whitehall, Washington county, the locomotive dashed uin a rock f seven tons weight that ha t rolle 1 from the wail made by a deep cut at thnt jiotrit and was d;jhp 1 to pieces Tne train was partially wrecked. Kugitieer Frank Brown was ulmo-t instantly killtvL aud the express mes-s'iiger, Winslow Ste vens, of this city, together with liaggage tiiBD John Hurt and Fremiti Thoma. Docker, W( re seriously injured. Nime o the passengers were si'tiously hurt Invited to Kctnrtt to the Fold. .w Yoit"i. Sept 10. The Republican gouenil commit tee of Kings ooimty Tuesilay night adopt! tiie ioilowmg: luisoived, That it is t'ie sease of this gen eral committee that it sti.-ril not be a grouui of challenge of any membr of a lpiil lican wani or t-iwu ass, n-.iatioa who is regu lar on the roll, thnt he did not vole at the last pp'sidiMi'ial election the Republican electoral ticket This rescinds t he committee's action of last fait ia striking from the rolls tnoee who re fused to vote for IHaine and Logan. Maxwell WaiveN Kxauiination. Kt. Lovi.-i, Sept. 10. Mhzwb'J'i case wa called at .3 o'clock iu omrt of criminal cor reetion. His attorney waived examination, ami t' goes to the regular docket of f conrt, while Maxwall is renaitdad to jail We euaranlee that no woman or child, however pule or emaciated, can use Mish ler'a Herb Pollers regularly for twenty one days without a return of the rosy cheeks and clear complexion characteris. tic of good health. It is the only medi cine thnt really purifies the blood and has never been known to fad when used in the most stubborn casts of dyspepsia. fever and ague, and those diseases of the liver that are the prolific of early decay and premature death. Dr. W. II. Wilsou, of Springfield, Georgia, says: ''iluut's Remedy is the best medicine for dropsy and kidney diss cases that I every used." TEXAN OUTLAWS KILLED. I The Lee Ttrothers, Attar a Desperate Straggle, Are Shot by Detectives. Gainksviixk, Toi., Sept. 10. The dead bivliosol' the not irious ond iws, Jim Lee and Pink Lee, wore I rought into this biwn Tuositay on a farmer's wagon, the men hav ing been overt-iken and shot in Harris township by Detectives Taylor, Thomas and Settles, of Fort Worth. There was a dusperato fight between the outlaws and the officers, the former being armed wilh revolvers and Tne latter with Winchester rllliw. Though about forty shots were fired the officers were unhurt The rewards outstanding for the produc tion of th4 Lee brothers dead or alive, amount to over 7,0O( and the three detectives "-ill receive this imount Tne fjees have long been the ter rors of northern Tox -s. They were con cerned in the brutal massacre of the two Reff brothers and their companions last April in the Indian territory and it is be lieved that in the last two years they and the gang of desperadoes headed by them have committed forty-two murders on the border in connection with tho innumerable cattle-stealing raids. Army of the Tennessee. Chicago, Sept 10. The annual reunion of the Army of the Tennesi ae began its session at Haverly's Minstrel theatre Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Over DUO members wer in attendance. Most of tho "memiiors from other points than Chi cago slopiol at the Grand Pacific hotel. The oflice of the hotel at U o'clock presented a lively scene. Hand-linking and congratu lations were the order of the uour. Grizzled looking men, with the look of the soldier i-tamped on their features, shook hands w it h sieek-lo, iking gentlemen who had the appearance of solid merchants, but Isith kinds hail fought side by side in the wa r. Among the number there were Gen. llelk nap, Goil Fisk and Muj. l'lummir. Col. Sexton, of this city, circulated about, greet ing old comrade.. War balk was indulged in and old .battles were foiightover. At the theatre nothing had lieen done in the way of decoration, as tho prini iwl bu iuess of tt e occasion is to take place at Central Millie hall, and after that com -s the grand bampiet Shot Ills Mother by Mistake. Pirrsni'Ui;. Pa, Sept 10. Alton t S o'clock, Wednesday morning, Mrs. James T. Mcl.itosh called her son John from hi room to shoot a cat iu the garden. He so- a revolver aim find at the animal. wt.iea w;is partly concealed in the grape vines some distance away. While her son was securing another pist il Mrs. Melnto-h had gone into the grajs artier. Iter presence there was unknown to her son. and it was only after he had tired tho second shot that ho realized that be had shot bis mother. The ball entered the liack of her head and rami out at the forehead, assing through the brain. She is still nlive but will un dobtedcy die. Mr. Mclnttsh, who is sec retary and treasurer of the Cleveland and Pittsburg as txtal company, is in ill health and it is thought that tiie shock may prove fatal to him. Rervout Debilitated Men. You are allowed i frit trial of thirl. (. of the use of Dr. Dye's CYlehrntcd Voltaic Hi It with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedv reln'f and per maiienl cure fif Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for nianv oilier diseases Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood L'uaraiiteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, wilh full informa lion, icrms. etc.. mailed tree nv aihlicsss tug ollatc Gelt t o., .tlarsliall, itlicli. di'ixl & w. An Italian doctor recommends the in ternal administration of borax for cholera i i doses of seventy seven grains each day. He believes that it not only destroys the ni'nooes in the intestinal canal, but siso in the blood. An 3Snterprt 5e:, Reliable House. Hurt 7. &. IJ.uiinseii can always be relic upon, not only to carry in stock the best ot cvet v thins, hut to secure the AtreiiCY for Midi articles as have well known mer it, and are popular with the people thereby sustaining n. reputation of belli: always cnlerpiising, and ever reliable Having secured the Agency for the cele brated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive tuaiimleer. It will surely cure any am: ( very iiffciiion of Throat. Luniks, aud Chest, jind to show our confidence, we invite you to call and L'el a Trul Hottle Free. A girl in Northern Indiana was outlier ryiii!.', when a rattlesnake struck at he and caught his fans in her dress. Her, lover, who had always wanted to die made a skip for home, and she drageei the reptile half a mile lafore a taavelc came to her relief. HAY KM' KB. Elj's Cream Halm was rccomnii nib to ice by in v diip'oist as a preventive to Hay Fever. Have been lisin it as direct I since the !Hh of August and have found it a specific tor that, much dreaded mi loathsome disease, ror ten years or more 1 have been a great sufferer each year, from August SHU till frost, and have tried many nllccd remedies lor its cure but Ely s Cream Halm is the only proven live I have ever found. Hay fever suf ferers oiiejbt, to know of its ellicacv Frank A. Ainsworlh, of V. II. Ainsworth V Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, Ind. Ten thousand dollars is (he size of the lump nf gold paid to Kmile llichcliouri; for a Kciial story now running in the 'lit Journal, Paris. Kneliien'H Arnica Salve. The greatest medical Womierof the world Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, sail rheum, fever sores, can cers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter, chap ped binds, and all skin eruptions, guaran teed to cure iu every instance, or money rcfiiedcd. io cents per box Fi ir sale by Hartz A. Hahnsen J bin Kite, Hie old circus clown, has set up acluim lo tiie whole island on which stands the city of Ualveston, Tex. Mr. Rice has in his possession and old Mexi can land grant, obtained from Daniel McLaren, an original Spanish settler, which covets the claim. IKMlSHMtll'S ACIII l llOsrilATIC . Tonic for Overwniked Hen I. C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Pa., "I have used it as a general tonic, Dr. says: and in particular in the debility and dys (M'psia of overworked men, with satisfac tory results." A Clear Skin IS only a part of beauty: but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. V-Al Xvt,- A-iJy vS. For llfaiint? Public cr Private Jiuihlings. NEW GOODS! GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! Fonsaces kt all FneSs. CORRESPONDrNCE S0LICI1ED. SCNO TOR tATALOGUC. RICHARDSON I WlWm C0.5 CHSCACO. For Sale hv JOHN T. NOFTSKEK. Indigestion Cured. 1 snlTercil ler itton- llciii live years w iili iiiili'.rcs- tion, sr.-irsely uhle lo ret'iin the templest fooa on my titoiiiitch. The burning sensation was alnlosl intolerable, ainl my whole system was iteianced. was w.-ikcful ami could not sleep, anil ennse- ijiienlly more or less nervous all lite time. 1 de clined in llesh. and sutlered all the usual ilejiress- on sttenihtiit uiHin this terrilile ilisi-:lse. In & wnr.l, 1 was miserable. At last, fuiliitf.' to IIimI re- lii-f in anything else, I commenced t he use of Swift's Sjiccilic. I Iteiran to improve at once, The nieilii ine loneil up tlic stomach, strengthened the iliitestive erjan?, anil sist.i all that hurniuj; ceas eil, ami I could relain food Hithniit. ililliciilly. Now my healih is isiil , anil ran eat anything in the shape of food, sml diitest it williout the sliL-htesI illtlUlllty. I most cheerfully bear this testimony, because lliere ate liiimtreds stllTeritL' as 1 was, ami I am sure they can lie as n aililj le-aleil. Take Itie ireseribeil ilusc after eatilt ins-lead of I cfnro . JAMES MANN, No. 1.1 Ivy St. Attait'ja, Ca., May 13, 1SS.V Free from Malaria. In ttie fall of ISM I was taken with n rase of malarial fever wliii h prnptrHlcil me both Isaly and mind. I was ilrui:i;i'tl af er the old fashion with mercury ami other mineral mixtures, tun with no irtHn! n-siiH-s. Stv In aim was sliatlereit anil my i ncri:v L'one. M V h-l's ami feet weilld swe'l. unii I haii wlial everyliisiy tllnuvht was dresy. These simtttonis alaniiisl me. ami I was reaily lo tfmsn al am rene dy tiiirjeten. a iticitd advised nie u lrv Swift'sSiieclic. I iinx-uteil three luiltle ami comn'.emeil its use. Tin swelling soiin sub sieeii. 1 have t.-iken the tttree hotttes, wftveh liave made a tt, Tfrct cure, and I feel tike a new mas to-i!ay Ttti-re mo er was a mere meritorious nn-dteine iilTereii to vtitTerilij: humanity. It has wriniL'hl wonders fur me. .losrs, lA-i'shnri:, Lee I'eiitny, (la., March II, lK'i. Selii ttyall Pruirnists. Treatise on lOniiit ami Skin llise ises miiled fne I'all nn our I'tiysician, Nil. ir7 V.iit St., N. y I ensullal iim fn-i'. TlIK SWIfT Sl'KCIFlC Co., llt.twei ;i. AllMi.a. C:l. rather, Uoiuer, and Three Suiters Dead. Mr. David Clavpool, formerly Scrgeant-at-AniLsof the New Jersey Senate, and now Notary Public at Cedarville, CumlK:rlaiiil Co., K. J., makes the tidlowing ebirtling statement : "3Iy father, mother, and three sisters all died with consumption, and my bingsweresotteak I raised blood. Noliody 1 could live. My work (ship unit hins; Hvas very straining on me wit h my weak constitution, and i was rapidly going to the grave. While in this condition 1 commenceil using Mishlcr's Herb Litters, and it saved my life. Leeaiise it was so difficult to get it in this little place, and I had improved so much, I stopped taking it for a time, and the result is that 1 have commenced going rapidly down hill again. Somehow, MUlder's Herb Hitlers gives appetite and strengthens and builds me up ns nothing else iIikss, and 1 must have a down Imttlcs at once. Use this commu nication as you plcnae, and if any one wants to bo convinced of its truth, let them write me and I will make nflidavit to it, for I owe my life lo Mishlcr's Herb Hitlers." Tliesecrctof the almost inv.-irial'lc relief and cure of consumption, dysentery, diar rlnea, dyspepsia, indigestion, kidney and liver complaints, when Mbdiler's Herb Hitlers ia used, is that it contains aimplo, harmless, and yet jMiwerful ingredients, that net on the Mood, kidneys, and liver, and through them strengthens and invigor ates the whole system. Purely vegetable in itseomiMisition; prepared by a regular physician ; a standard medicinal prepara tion; endorsed by physicians anil drug gists. Thesearcfoiirstrong jstints in favor of Mishlcr's Herb Hil tors. M isli ler's ) lerb Hitters is sold by all druggists, price $1.00 per large bottle. ( bottles for $5.00. Auk yoir Anurcin fer Mism.m's Hfhb BrmrRs If It diiw mil k,f fww1 A iMwitji i-nnl I k.fii it., on n4. UliP mnthine irs, tut I run! te MtsHt Hi IlKliU BlTTEHH 4Hi fc& Cimtmeree Kt.itwt. Piiilmleliiliia. mm I'H.OS'. C7,f;I5yOUSoEBLITY 1 NiotT.Hliti numi'mtui 'Iintf the Rki d iihr. A flADiCALCOHE FOG jouthtti! iri'H-H-rHinn, ovHrtirtunirorir. Amii XE3?IjjT3rZr. '(.'-ua mncii-cB fur th.-w e--..-' vrr t"4 tr;.i:!W. (t mir f mac nEikne.tX'HH"';;1"! v"'1 r" S-... '"Mvilr.flMl Ii-ant ittMiniifil rVFKTSICJj i,i1c.:-"-: b-r-'t. Ukiiytit- R A -V- '.F2nt rtvwtuTe. Take InYoimR Km Jlo-u ,,lt,1 p '"" Aaeit IWen. r. ''. " u itm- ma- .n to luiri Trcrro roil ovrn ' ': .H; VFilRP nv USP IH MAW j. t ?i I lilt JSl.t-HTHfr in Thousand Casi.. rili:. ty tivinMcatum , G wittrt Jiii.'ncf ts frit TiliitS te-A taiwating . '-"Gstc finnitria iajUiJ VHJuT HARRIS PFMEDY CO.. H'raCHEKIST aotis, . avemh lit., ST. iflUIU. MO. Kit f ' H"y "Hnii'Ki! woi n Truce wii liivi : j-i.x:i-j vuiaIi. nl-t-il1y C. P. SW ANSON, Contractor and BuiMe: No. 21 2 1 4th Ave., Be'idence, No. ail8 Seventh Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILUN0I3. "WUU71, if CLIMAX- aIf! Tnn. A mm. Btreetl. wlwre adver- ' tiaiu rontniats may 91 uiult tui it ui j 1805 Sectitiil H Venn, Is well stocked with a fu r,r,,l,ls for n Gfliiemens u 1 eoiniirising nil ii. Novelties of the 8r AND AS l.oiv As tlicv run luissililv l. 1..,.., B01D MEDAL, Fn BAKZr f ahtahl, Vocortf from v):k & (HI hits Iwn removw. ;. thiifs the gtrntfjtk oft,, wilh Btiircli, .rroKr-j,. H cal, acting hit (!.is, 11 clip. It li ii:i i.,ij, I j fStri'iiirthfciliiL',. va-jiy :;. fi twitiiinihly rw! (;!. f -well .ifi fur i-r"! m f. EAEER & COJortlisiii A Slock Invcstnu THAT WILL PAY Tile l'eople's ()tior!!i; Tit sll:ire in tin- :1 lltcii J.r Large Cattle 1 Par Vahn f Sluir The It.xikK nf tbo Mi-tini I.; Stm k Company" art- ni' tun-ii f . r of a hiniti'd iiuihIh r f r-li;in - o1 i-i 1 he iuiiuui t iDv titit'M-ti in I!i i'XCi'fil If.VMtBl. Apl'lifiil1.'!! f- -Ii mmle at ilu1 utlUo oi tlic Mir tjr;.. r02 Main St., Daveiij" or timing Ii tin- fcllewii: ir, 1 1 ; K t-. i : IJllVlTit SWi-i'lli'V. 'i k 1-1:11'.!. J. It. Kiiitar. fa- liii r Kurt N: -i eliiiei't. llee K. M:imvi1I. IVsliu-r Iwi.- Bun1.-, ltaxi npt.rl. ,i-ntl.'ili S:l Mil's Itjliik. It'll, tp"' Hr. Kiii)., hiTi. Jelm .1. shni. lis k, - !,,v,: y V. K. Ileitieliniiv. 1' -liiei N"!'H' ' Mn.iiie. lii. .1 I,. lUYMI I'l fin- 3-t-ilti '.Jw TJnnv tct O-L-ri-' IBOH 101 Pu'.riit CuM iitnl W'r"' Iron Fenc niinsl. Fence m I If for Residence or M Lots. .T .1 , Tr.slrrl.t fill tff"All kimls ef IKON -i"'1 MA"" tutu' mt s.'ilisf.i. noli Wuie fin iirirei. noiirt'ivn I'Plh Rot K I HI. AS IV l'-rnl1y W. H. LUND Will' in rrrHTR CITTORCOUJiJ HI mo.tei-il-i'n.'.rL'e. ReceiveConsi?r and itml"- iiTiMiif1 , NEW 3AKB AN" " Confectioned No. HOD Tluril Ave., iTBref J delivered )' P" uK-T-dly FX ...i THIS MMoT M. M a mm m if.-n 11 u .I a, 1 1 lite i ft Uf44 4 4 -!