Newspaper Page Text
W .1 ;i iLANB i.. ...i 0U VX HI NO 270 ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FllIDAY, SEPTE3IBEK 11, 1SS5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18, 1851 1 V,l ,s 'r I ! ROCK Kir is He Time to Secure Bargains. THIS LAST CHANCK. .Ml Summer Goods are Inking slaughtered at TI IE J. .."A.rr'Wtf'S iA GOLDEN EAGLE TTITTll HII1S N :il! SSSS TTT1T (K KUKI! VK.KR 1 T II 11 II N N N (I li S S T O OR KK T II II II N N Ml X -' T O OK KK l T II llim SSI! S TOOK KK T HHilllllN M) SSSS T l 1 KliRK KK T II M 1 1 N N Nil li". S T l OR KK. T H HUN N N ; i ST O OR RK T II II UN NNIi U S S T O OR KK T II II II N NN liIKi SSS T OOO U KKKKK CROP ItEPORTS FROM THE LENGTH AND BREADTH OF THE UNION. The Ilrouelit and Worm llnvr Canned Much Damage t the Coturfi Oii Spring Wheat Impaired The Com Crop Cteneral Average. li 11 OltO ili'V to make room for our immense stock of Kill and Winter Hats, C;ips, lac, Clothing, Ktc. ;u ! :iinl se-ut bargains. Men Eagle Clothing Store Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. Maiiir'r. ,F. 13. Z1MM KU, :i:i:i: err :i:ui:' i; li n ii li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I H it li A A A A A A N A A A N A AN A A N NN S N N n rm-r T N N N N N N ITI-IT A III. OOO R II U II T AA 111, O OR R T A A II I, O OR R !' A A III, O ORItRK T A A A 111, O OK K T A AIM. O OR K T A All I.I.LI.I, l)(M K K lias ret eived his Stock of 'ALL AND WTNTKE Wakwnoton City. 8np& 11. The Sm teutlMir cotton re port of the doiiartmflnt of agriculture hows th prnvalenw of hot an I dry waihrr il uring A ugii"t xpt in Luisiumt, iMis-is-ippt a..d K.ori la. SIkhI dnt of Wills and ilt'creae of vitality have resulted quite geimrally. Irouht ha- 1-wn serums in Texas and Arkansas and quite general in western TViine-soe, souliiirn Alabama, Georgia and the Carolina. Tli caterpillar has causal much dainai in southern Texas. Arkansas ami in centr&iand southern Alabama, lis prevalence in tinted throughout central and H.uthorn iicrjj;iM with small etl'oct as yet Tno boll worm is causing much damage in the black le't of Alabama, and in Arkansas and Texas. Tlw coulition has declined in every xLU The avevage is h7, against 11' in August . Ist year it was 82 in Sept' tuner, aud 7 in Au gust The irrcent averao is two points alove the S.'ptHmlor avcra of tu yars. Te tigures f the several state- are a ful Virginia, HS; North Carolina, South Carolina, SS; Ceoria, Florida, 'A); Alabama, 8S; Mississippi, S'.t; ltiisiana, IK.'; Texas, 8i; Arkansas, 8 ; Temiessoe, 8. Utmerally plants are vigorous and capa ble, with favorable autumn weather, of m ample growth and UtU Unveloi uncut In listru-ta most, infested with cotton worm the loss Is irreparable and still threatening. The condition of spring wheat has been impaired since the 1-1 of August in the northwest, the district or principal produc tion. Heavy rains were followed by extreme heat between the 1st and the middle of Au gust, just lief ore harvest.shrtvollin the grain and cansin-' rust Heavy windstorm- prostrated and injure I Inre ares. In Ne- brwsku thore is son 13 complaint of smut, and a little in Dakota. Chinch-bns hav; done some damage in Wi-coiisin and Min nesota. The injury wn- grent-ir in August th.m in Jul v. The averages are For Wi-c nsin77. a bw of 8 plaints; Minn-ota 7S a bws of 5; Da kota, Ui a loss of 4; Iowa NS, a loss of 7; northern New England, Colorado and the territories are nearly or qu.te up t 1H(. The general average fur all sp"iii wheat is SHij. against U5 in August The crop of last yar was l.Vi,OH,o.h bush.ds. The returns of winter wheat are almost identical in result with those of July. There is a slight advance in Michigan, Texas, Maryland and some othur states, and a point or two of decrease in sevend. The general average is IVYS against C m July. Except a- the re-ult vf threshing may change present exoictAMons, the win W wheat area may te placed at -17.000,0011 busbels, and tlift remainm area ab ut K14,- 000,000. If injuries reporteiin the st-ack hould prove ti be greater Mian ut pre ent apparent & miibons of reduction might still accrue. The condition of corn still continues high, ranging from 90 to 300 in stat averages. The general average is tl5 against lt in Au gusU H was last year lM in September. Frosts have wrought very little injury and will be capable of little if deferred ten days. The prosject is still favorable for a crop slightly above the average. 1ISU1TINGS,B AND OVERCOATINGS, A larp-r ;ml iiucr stock than ever. N. il;lo Second Avenue, Rock Island, HI. NEW .i:l: IMMI COI-" I'lJ'K Kit It K C K I: :i: 0 K o I', o K M li OOO O K K R R l;KRR K K II K R K KF.r.K l: U K K IK K. K V V V V V V vv Y V Y Y SSSS TIT. I S S T s SSSS s s R H SSSS OOfl RliKR o OR R o OR R O OR R O o KRRR O OK R O OR K V II 1) K K K MMI li K 1K.KK. I'IfKK V. IK K Oolns to lloltl Tlieir Wheat. St. Paci,, Sinpt. 11. Spring trlimt has just liejun tit move in the northwest Farmer are not thrashing as early as Inst year. In the Northern l'acifio: district farmers are borrowing money to builil (rraiuarien in onler to h ilil their wheat until they fiini it advantageous sell. Thrash ing has not aiivanceil far enough to give a rurret't iilea of the yield. Choi I II il'v i- Hiands of Miri'icsora mill ( 'rciuin-ry tnlli r, ('ollmi Mi and Winter Wheat Flour, ips, Winn.. T'nliitoi's. Vi'gctiilili-s, &c. at C. J". LONG'S, Nineteenth street, and Second Avenue. THOS. IF1- CABY, 1 i.ijo.toir rLd Qrrainer Is iri i:ir , lo 1I0 nil kiluls "I work in in and Decorative Taper Hanging and Kalsoiuining. A ooiiilili'-lf st"il k of r.iii r, ('urtaiti Fixtures. Ci.rnict: MORE TROUBLE ANTICIPATED. ICeturn of Chinese ftlinen. to Hock Spring. Tlie Mhite Infuriate.!. IlOCK Sl-KtXOS. H'y. T., !-i'pt. 1L Seven or eig it huinlr.iit Chiit'se miners h;tvo alreaily roturne l, mi l it i . rejKirt, -il that as many more. will s.nni arrive, (irave feat's are entertained of another massacie nt n early tl:iy. The white miners are iniui i.ile 1 .vnr the return of the Mongolians, nn. tiireaten tn destroy the ooinpuitv's liuililings. Four ckmpanies of t!tiiteit Stales t.r opsaie on the prouml, jirotei-tuij jin jieriy and guard ing tho lives of the t'luuesa. Kven with the military on guard the Ote' are hardly safe, butshonld the tro., li withdrawn liefore the white miners have srafWed, or liefore their passions have cooled ihovn, much blood will tie shed. ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE. ! The rxerrie nt t'entrl Mimic Hall Niiim f IIHeerH for the Next Year. CiiH'AfKi Stfpt 11. Th exercises at Central .Music hall Wednesday evening, held by the survivors of the Army of the Tennessee, were es wlingly inlereding, and were prtirijatel in by an immense audience which completely tilled tbe audi torium. fien. Sherman presided, ami, after prayer by Bishop Faliowa, the address of welcome was delivered by Muvernor Ogle-by, who delivered one of his characteristic im promptu orations. This was followed by (ten. Sherman, who, nftor acknowledging the welcome of the governor, read from manuscript some "thoughts about our first, commander," as he styled it The paper was a most interesting commentary ou the military carur of (ien. Grant Uen. Sanborn, who had been chosen as the orator of tbe evening, then read a care fully prewired and well-writ ten addreissou the 1 1 io aud aervicus of the great com mander. ' The adj.mmed business meeting of the society was held Thur-day evening. The committer named to select the time and place f.,r holding the next annual meet ing reporUxl in favor of Itock Island as the place, and Sept 15 ami 10, ISSti, as the time. Ihe committee apiintd to select an orator for tlw) next annual meeting re ported in favorof ch.Kising (ien. A. L. Chet lain, with (Jen. M. K Force as alternate in case of accident The commithw to name oOicers for the ensuing year presented the following names in their report, which was adopted unan imously: l'l-esident (JeiL VV. T. Sherman. 'n presidents M i j. Heorge W. Colby, of Alaliama; Oil. W. S. Oliver, of Arkansas; I'apt Kichiinl S. Tuthill, of Illinois; Lieut CViL J. Al. IresMr. of Indiana; Maj. Charles K. 1'iilimni, of Iowa; Col A. J. Ijnay, of Missouri; ('apt. W. Mc( 'rory, of Minnesota; Capt W. S. Hums, of New York; (Jen. K. H. Murray, of Kentucky; (Jan. George H Wells, of Ohio; Gen. J. M. Uusk. of Wiscon sin; Maj. W. M. Dunn, of the United States army. Corresponding secretary Uen. A. Hickeulooper. lleCordiug secretary Cot Ii M. Jiayton. Treasurer Uen. M. F. Force. A CONVICT'S DESPERATE DEED. lie Cuts a Warden with a Kuire and Is Shot in Ihe TMkIi. Jefkkiusux City, Ma, Sept 11. Wednes day forenoon tietirge S. Tutton, a convict, who was sent up fur four years in Septem ber, 1SSI, from JiL-jhir county, for hnr.-e- stealiug, tecame insuliordinate and unruly while in tlie shop. He refused to work, and, seizing a shoo-kiiife, nourished it threaten ingly, warning the foreman und guards not to come noar him. (.'apt W. H. Bradbury, tlie deputy warden, was sent for, and Fat Um was induced by Lim to agree to goto the olliiw. I stton still retjiinel possession the knife, and as Capt lir.idl.ury and lie were passing out of Ihe shop he liia lj a lunge with it at the captain. This was dodged, and another effort was made by I'.ittiin to stab hiin. In dodging this blow Capt Hrad bury stum bled and felL As he attempted to rise Vatt u succeeded incut- ting him across the liack of the neck, in flicting a wound one inch deep and three inches long. A ciiar.1 then struck ration ver the head witn a heavy cane, but not withstanding he received three heavy blows he succeded in runuing out of the shop into the yard. Here he was fired upon bv the y:irdmnster, and his right thigh bone broken by the ball. r:ilton has been trouble some ami insuliordmatc ever since his ar rival in the prison, dipt Bradbury's wound is serio-js, but not neces sarily d.mgerous or fatal. There were ol0 con v ids in the shop where the affair t,ok plai-e, but none of them manifested any ill- po-itioii to aid or side with FuUim. SPAIN IS SILENT. St Iteply Vet l;eeeivr.l hv Germany for ftepnration ol Ihe Insult. S-pt. 11 It is seini-ofiieialiv an noumvd that Sjisiu ha not yet replieil to i inaiiy's sot-gestioii t refer the Caroline esiiou 1 1 a fri -ii II;,- p.wer for arbitrati ni. Nor has Spain r.iid.ed to (I i iii-inv1s demand r n piralion fur tlie insult to the (wri.iau iil, is-v .-it Ma.lri I i n Siiurdiy last. M Mi nn. S,,ii. 11 pitrolicd-Miion-tra- tioii lias U-en held nt M.J.i'a. Twelve thou- S.-III.I person; were present. Iisiiiin. S,,pr. 11. IViucw Jiisnmrck, arter a lonu diseu-sion wit.'i the memliers ,u Oeuitfin hun-e having a large faeiliclrn-le. i -r 1 plans: s,,nie nientli- ago for the nc- i-iii-.;i-a iiy ,.'rmnny of the principal i-dam! of the Mar-.lial, I'-lew, Culliert and Caroline gr-'U;iw The Spaiii h viceroy and officers nt Ma nila, ti e ..ipit.-ii city of the island of Luzon and of all the I'hilippinc islandsand atother places in t'ie I'arihc nceiin, have for many vears called tne attention of the h'-mn i-ov- eriunent to the increasing German intlueni in tin- Facitic. l'l; Mixed 1 'oil's anil Kniiin Mmililiiiijs. Paints always on liiiiul. t- , fn of Art Gnoils ami Artists- Material- U-ssmi" liven in t'aiiiling and French ,'.!,.!, ;., l- , Work. Ki.ihroi li-rv Silks, ( 'nnls and Fancy tlooils wlncu are suhi at close lifiircs: call anil Icsl nriccsi't work. 1813 Scitoml Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. JACOB' OHLWEILER, Jr., BBTAIl. HEAI.KI1 IN Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, ( v.-ry iii'triiiitL' No, ovnry S:tiiiniHy rvnuing. ;0i) Twentieth Street. may 7 Uly DAVIS & CO.. PLUMBERS Steam Fitters. A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Ilose, Fire Brick, Etc. Sole agents for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., Mj- Deane Steam Pumps, ll Novelty Force Pumps, . .Vfitr-W ' o. e . II . TJ,,;i,is and f!nn. tractors for furnishing and Lay- vA v m"- Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1 j' U 3 1- Block. iloline, 111. 1712 Fiest Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1H8. BMideace Telephone 10)7- llisaster in a Coal Mine. Po T1SVH.1.E, I'll., Sept. II. Iv (l gas CI plosion which took plai-e Wednesilay in the Oito colliery, operated by the l'hiladelphia & rUading Cial and Iron company, John Lynn, a loy. was killed and tiveni'Mi fatally injured. About 4.V.I men were employed in and about the mine. In the new level, UKn which a gang was at, work, the coal had beeu throwing oil sulphur, which roie to the upiier level and cau-ed the ex;lodou. The fatally injured were: Thomas Lvnu, Ilobert Lynn, John Graham, Alexaul Fi-ew, and John Smith. All were badlv burned on different parts of the body. Eleven others ware mora or luss severely in jured. lindeveloped Kesmi-ces in Ireland. Eklkakt, Sept 11. The harbor commis sioners gave a banimet IVednesilay night to the earl of Carnarvon. The earl made long speech, in the course of which he said it was time to reject sentiment and institute an impartial and searching inquiry iuto the relative merits ot free trade and protection He bad been struck by the vast natural re- sources of the west of Ireland that remained iindeveloiied owing to the alisencs of rail ways and markets. It was a delicate ques. tion whether the government should aid in the development of these resources, but the circumstances of Ireland were similar t tho of colonies where such aid had been given with advantage. Mo Small-l'ox iu Toronto. Buffalo, Sept IL Acting Mavor Calla han has received a letter from Mayor Man ning, of Toronto, in reference to the small pox scare. Mr. Manning says there is not a single case ot small-pox at tbe preseut time in Toronto, and the only small-pox Uiat ua existed in Canada to any extent has beei in Montreal, over JUO miles distant from Toronto, Mr. Manning requests that his letter be given wide publication to correct the erroneous impression that has go'je Abroad as to tbe small-pox situation in bis city. A Distinguished Irishman Coming. Lo.toos, Sept 11. Justin McCarthy, ties distinguished Irish parliamentarian and au Uior, has entered iuto a contract with au American lyceiim bureau for a lectui tour i the United States, He will leave ug ukd late in November, and will remain io Aj for some month E. W. Hurst represents tlie leadine Americup and Foreipn Inmirance Co's Policies carefully written at current rate?. Agency established 1874. Office over Rock Island National Bank . THE MAKKETS. Chicago, Sept 10. The market quotations ou the board of trade, Ueday. were aslollows; Wheat .No. 4 September, opened ckwed llc; October, opened bdic, clo-ed Novem ber, opened B-y cio e,i oac. txirn .so. 2 Septcinlier, oned 41c, closed 4,t?ic; October, opened 42c, clnnet 42?c; Novem ber, opened 4-i7i,c. io- ic. uais mj .September, opened '; cliwi "JSi!; OttoUur. oiieiied closed iBkc; May, oiienwl iUScf'I.Med -'.''.', Pork Septem ber, otwne-i fs.s-.'i, closed ucmoer, opened S.tsi dosed S.Sii; November one,l cll .7. Jjird September, otwaed $'.'!& clo-eil i Al; October, opened 4;ii 'J5 clo-e-i ill.'J(); November, opened o. 15, closed (U2'i. Live slock 1 he Union Stock yards report the lollowiug rane ot prices: Hogs due market opened stow nu t easy, with (wckei s and sbiptiers buying cautiously at Hii,(l.ic lower, n -ept tor cuoi.e light grades; light grades. .-S.'4 r); rough packing, t-i.loitS i'Jft; heavy packing, (4.lNi4.;in. Cattle- Stronger; shipping, 4.Uii(ii. Io; butchers, 1.7"w4.()'-l; sUn-ker., tinned, 75; Texans i'7on6.l..'sl. Sheep- Sieady; common, -'i,00 (gtt.iW; goo.1, t-d tixit .'. Ppsluce: Hutier Hancy creamery, -lita 2tic; fancy dairy, lotlH. and packing, 0 68c per lb. Kggs laioeio.1Ve Ir dox. I'o- taus f l.miAtl. la per wl. l ou'try prlng chickens, i tut Sic- old hens, 8c; ro-wtors, 5CfS o,jc; turkeys, lt(i$lle; and siirinji uucks, r lu; prairie cuieKens, ..ini(.i.:si per nos, iierries lllueberries, $1.50(41. IU per lti-qt case;blackl)erries. H.ViiiiOO per l(i-qt case; whortleberries. $j.oi) per bu; cran berries, i 1. 00(d) 1. ii iwr lli-it case. 0I1H MiO. thCllillLr. Article. .Ir 'l-'ii:Tnsl Selt. (VI. Nov. Cdr.N Amnisl Kept. on. Nov. -ATS August Ncl(. tilt. Nov. 1'oc.K Angiisl Sept Oct. Nov. I. ni- August Sept Ocl. Nov. AllUllrl .-lt Oct. Nov 7' 4 wis i-H l-'S, 1V.I-, (dosing sin4 HIS, R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. 4S 4il'i 111 S Si s sr 77 II ','7 K IT1., -tins- Ilous h :tv, 17 ii: lijil.i. 1 4H 1 1 7a; iniseil, 4 '-r. .4 :!U in..! 'Hi WICK ISLAND. liils :ltV I av 't'llilelliv fill lav- Wllil-JT S Ityt 4!lc. I'om -Inc. Pol.-iiis-s- Wi lli, ions '.Inc. iviti Sofi u : Iniui ts M. c out v ishI H i ini. s ni-v s-, in. We do PLUMBING of all kinds, including Sewer Work, Call and see us. WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, - Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S MM Mllll M M M M 11 M M M M H M M M M l ,M M M Ml! M HI M .11 U r ssss ii (nice I' S KIM! O I ' IS lit! II SSSS II l 11 Slid US Slid OA A I, AA L A A I. A A I AAA 1, M M M lUitl SSSS 11 CCIXJA A I A 1,1.1,1,1, ' SSSS OOOT) H H OOO OOO L t S 80 till HO OO OL I S 0 H HO OO OL SSSS O HHHHl) OO OL 80 H HO OO OL 8 SO OH HO OO OL SSSS OUOO H H OOO OOO LI.LLL No. 1 60S Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island, Opens Sept. 7. AN ORDINANCE Autliorizini; the KU'siou of Certain Water Mains of u, City of R.xk Island. lit if Ofhiiiiftt by 1h City Councilor' tin Citit of Jiock Isiuiid: Skit ion 1. Tint the SiiptTinit'iifliMiI of Water Works t,-ami litTi'lty n.uUori.eti and dirvr.fd to l.iy a writer iimin of m in h i'i'. in a iro "1 ;mr workir.iiii-lik' nmiin.-r, l-r!.. froi line, alotm 1 1n foHowiiii' liiu. lo wit : Ct-imnctu iim o Si-vi-nlli lui'iiiit-nl 1'wt liih Irl. iftciKv rtntiiiu soulh :iloni.r r-aid Twi-lMh Mrrt'l, tht' i'cnit'nTV" nwd. and t tit ''inu-rv nmd prtMlurcil fotiihrrly, Nint 't'honand juc 1 1 umirttl 1 .i.'.hnu fW't nit .re or h t U the propmi d U- ot l!n- SolduTc liouic. SKi t. All KT-oiif of ihe city hunt-. Uikiiii: waTt'r fri'tn w.iitl in:nn. llu)l pay Hit- t-atiic nitt-h ami U Milijt clt d t tht satin ruh and r u illations as art: tIahlislitd fir tin rt-f-bt'iit- of aid fily . I'tttd N'UlfllllMT Tt II, 1 Apprt-vt ii : TUOMAS MriMMM'K. Attkht: Mayor. KuKitT, 'ity Clt-rk, Terms: Twenty Lessous, ia advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. 2 .Mrs. Swan is also dealer in tbe famous Bauer Piano. THE "TIVOIjI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - Opp. Harper House. fv'Tlie -'Tivoli" hai lately been transformed into a Palace eqnalinp In every respect the fines ttiloon in ('nica-jo and nri.iisiiiir anything in the three cities A number of Faux operated hy niuctniicry for kccpini; the nirrixil ii. one of the leading fc&tnres of the place. The Liquid UcfrcVhmciitti dispensed at thi? estahliHlimeiit is iu keeping with its grand improve ment . An elegant lunch served every moraine. All kinds of Sandwiches jun 7 il(in served on short notice. Ncuk from tlie llitce-i onrse. ,i-w Y..KK, N d. 11 The Coney Idaml races Ti.nrsilny nsiilt-il: First i-Hce, 4- mile; Walter 11 (irs-r, IJest s-cond. Itraiiililet.m third: tune. 1:!NH;'. See. n-I r.ti-e. I' jinil-s; Wallflower first, T,mi Merlin rscou I, Kuloy second; time Tlordriu-e. 1t mile ; Unre-t tirst. Vidante sicond. M.-iiiniee third: tune, i-lt1. Poiirtli, V'i inil; Louisette first, Eonmel seen I, Euclid third; time. 3:0H34'. Filth ra-v, ' inile; Youn-; Duke first, Joe Howell second, ltu.blirook third; time, iSixih r.n-e, shut conrsn, steeplechase; Weliin-ton lirtit, U'niil,le.lou second, King Troulile tliird. time, -i-VA. St. Liiris. Se4. II. St. Liuis races Thtir-dny Wi-re as follows: First race, 1'4' miles: (J old Ban first. ltoer h.istnmn second, Crow Wallace third; time, Second ra.-e. 1 mile; J m flray fiisit. The lln-le secoii I, Ijtiicastyr third; time, A. Th r I t mile; liudley Oaks first. Heiui iiiies-con l. J --li ui Muni; tune, l:15f. Hard Coal Market- Pea coal, $7.(KI; crate anil $7.75 range, nut uiul No. 4, fii.OO ht ton; screened and delivered- all lest quality of ntithracite. Extra cHTtajfe cbaroed on onli-rs of Icsa than one ton. Ulni ksinilli eaol, (.'onuelleville coke and cliarcoal. UK 13 Second avenue. E. O. Fkazkr. AN ORDINANCE AiKhori.ii)"; Iho Kock Ishuid Plow Coins puny Io Construct, ntnl (H.r;itc a U.iil road Switch cros nd itlonc Sixth street in snitl city . ( Onlti'tuxt by tht f'r'tf dmini! of fhf City itf lit fxhwit: SbctioN I. Tim! tin rt i- li riy praniod tht Km k Alalia Plow t oininiu'. t L-r.irui and ati!tnr- itv tocmitruit. a-nl oiKiat a riiroad switch iijkhi lh' fll,v. i n'rrris f U viy ot Ktwk ! land. Tlu i-niu-r Uu- Itifret'f rtjinnit-iK- iniT in ili-lir.p oi hock Irda.Ki Jt Pt-oria lt;.ilif.t.i mnpanyV track at a ioin: i:ty ft't at of IU al nut- of mm!i -in-ct ; 1 timet nnininir west ami nrvih ittwanif tin- poriii io a immi in Sixtii rtct, rif fci'i. t-al ot tin- i-ouUita-l rtiriivrwf lioi I, WiUt-r btiM-k li or the t'nifai or lowt-r addiiii . to tin-city of Hock 1-l:unl; thence nor) It aloirj ai.3 SiMli fiicl anil ti t ft ft v of tlie ca-t lint of aul lot 1. M It-, . iitir. i. Tlit'tnuk to In1 laid a? jn-mided by thif ordinance, clnill h laid nndt r tht- suM-rvi-ion uf lite MiiK-nnttnOt iit idti-cei'uf t-anlcily; and aid track sliall be laid uniform and ou a U vcl and proiMT tirade with wa.d Mxtli titcL, ndjaccnt to wild tiack; and caid Plow I'otnpatiy at iff ow n f I u n?c, i-oninicl ami at aii tiinc maintaiii a nro r and convenient croMi ovt-r raui irack, wncrt' the r-ainc rruM-si sixUi Mn-'l. of Mich witlth a- cuch rinji-rintciidfiit of streets h;il! di- U iv itlanktiti: tin wnnt t.tween luo rai thereof, and placing al li.t one piank on I tie out- i-r iMlf of em u ra-i . tKC. 3. Mtid lifMli Irlaltd PloW fompatiV iltii tht Railroad toniaiin-s um rnid track -jliall not at any time permit or allow carr or engines tt re- nain "tandinj; on aid track foutii ot tlie !omii line of taid A ater bUn k ti. Inii sball at all time it'fp the ranii' free and clear from fin h -tandm ar ami rnuint'K. Pai-M-il Se pleiulHT il. iss:,. Approved : THOMAS Ml'lilMM K. Attkt: laor. ItiHKi City Cl--rk. WW MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a pbyaician with special regard to health. So Ammonia, Lime or Alom. HALF-CENT A WOKO. riiB a Kmif hcruHfier w i I puldifh in iti.n col limit all a 'viTfii-cnit ntn of Lost, found, tor Kent. For Sale. Bi tint or Koint, Wanted, and niniilar notice, at 1 he low rate of on--half a nt u tront, each lirure a word, but no advertisement Ujfi tha- U'licerit-t WAXTKI-Tff tailors, at once, at S. KcnaH'. No. Twentieth utivet. A, Mar 4 FOK lit NT A pleafHtit fiimif-lted rootii, Kirt aveoue. ffcciniit dfwtr wett of beeiiltl street, fi-lw FOK KENT Hounc with four nm. tin mit; alfo furnished ntom. .tin rntemtb ct. 1 If KOli SALK Old papers for tale m any quaoty at thisotnce, etieap. FOtN! A vouiue 1 1 1111 hie Purp; owner diav have him Itv tnovini: property Hitd puvtnt: eot f tliip noiice. John Witplial, lHti Second avem FtR liKNT Fiiniifln-d roonn, withor without boartl, Third actiue, opposite Court iioue. Mr, A. Stoi kweH. m-n. Kt)Hs A I.K .Sixty lotr? in my addition w he ilvof Rtw k IrtSaml n four Vfarly uayiuenU. witu mtret at nix per cent ter annum, - m D t'h V KKIM IIXT EC A K I'E R'SJTH E ATB E. Saturday Eve., Sept. 12. The Original Boston iKiuble Uncle Tons Oaom The Only Kcctipnized Double Company in tlie World. 25 Performers. 25 Performers. 10 Colomi Plantation Singers! 10 2 Marks tuc Lawyers! 2 Imported Iritdi Trick Doukejs! 6 Monster lSlooduounds! New Yenionl New Novelties!) QKEAT FLANTATI0H FESTIVAL, And Miienippi rjlcamlxiat Scene. The JOI.T.Y COONS And South Carolina Slave Slngere ! The Little Putnam Twin Sisters! A Car Ixjad of Bill'Hai.'c, And Magnificent Scenery. Adraiesion 25 And 85 cents. It o'clock Saturday, oi-28 dt( J. W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr. ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY No. 1809 Second Avenue. Mannfactarer8 of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases, tgr REPAIRING DONE.EI t t"!!ia ,:r::--:-v.,w: :v,to,v,y.- 57"('onic and see n. PAEK & ELLIS, Now is the time to secure bargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselves liefore Fall Goods come in. PARK & ELLIS, 1 704 Second Avenue. IF1. S. SOUTHARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also IValer in Mirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., tSyi'riets lower than the lowest. Treiuau's Block, opp. Commercial Hotel. TAYLOR HOUSE. Cor. Fourth Avenue and Sixteenth street, l'l Ml. Id I' THE N KKM1HH. . R0CK ISLAND. K Thi Hoin-c ha been thorouitily renovated and re-fnniiched throutfhout nnd In dow ooen to thd piitilic, Itoarder. ui reahooa Av ratt. iirtuer will find tLis Hotel nice topping plac. hp tGd&tu This space is reserved'for -JOnN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. :; : Il S5- V I' V -, . St? :- i ' ii' 1 'V ft m ;! '.; I