Newspaper Page Text
Tiie Daily Argus. MONDAY, SEPT., 14. 1885. Only llumocretlr Daily in the Klevtntli Oon greloual Dintricl. j. I'OTTBK . KniTOR ani Pulibib. ROOK ISLAND DAILY ARGUS. 1M'K ISLAND WKBK1.Y ARtiUS. smoui fafiss or ion isutrs cm ass cotott Aniar lilnck. - (PP. I0' OWce. HUBHOBIPTlOW RATKBl DAILY l'-"4 writ per week, or ISO ctntu r nnntb. ilolivercd by carriers to any prt o( ttie My WRRK I. Y-S-'.rti tier y ear. noslage paid. It looks as if Hon. JohnKclly had nol ltiililf n a long farewell to public affairs. Pkkiiaps Bismarck thinks the Span iards will coax him out of the Carolines by olTi'ting to give him Cuba. John Sullivan's brother says John J9 Kiu(! to the dogs. The popular impres sion seems to be that he has already got there. Oovkhnok Uoadlky says prohibition is a failure and presents figures to prove it. Thiit is the kind of frank and mauly fighter Governor Hoadly is. Enoland has at last formally invited Turkey to resume her military eonlrol of Knvnt. Ioubtless the Sullan will creel a handsome monument to el Maluli. Tiik president is at work airain. and Colonel Lainont, with his rotundity vis ibly increased, is lit his old desk. What' ever may lie said of the president's luck it aiiiiears to be a fart that the colonel eituubt no tisb. Is it ln-cause of his pe' use of the English language? Ai'TMta brief reign, the "king of the dudes" bus been dethroned. His name is K. IVrry Wall, and his abode New York City. Three years ago he inherited a for tune of ;;mMHH, and blossomed out in the flood tide of the dude craze. He be gun to devote himself to the specialty of dress. Willi li im. clothes were every thin", and he donned a new suit on the slightest provocation. Oa certain ocea sions he changed his duds every hour in the day. If he started from home for a promenade, his dress matched the weath er. If it was warm, genial and sunny, he appeared in gay garments. If a cloud sailed across the sun fifteen minutes later Berry would auible hack home and don a somber suit, which would lie removed in turu for a darker suit if the sky became overcast, or a lighter one if the clouds dispersed. It was customary for him to ehange his entire wardroble once a mouth and sometimes he had as many as three hundred suits on hand. His o!d extrava gimcies prevaded all departments of his living, and it has taken him only three years to fool away lib fortuue. Last Fri day his check for 25 went to protest, and it is said that he is financially flat tened out. Tlic ympathic world has but one cxprcsMon of coiidoleuee, and that is "Poor fool!" The Woala-ba ''Conning Old File " Andalusia, Sept. 11. Editor Argus : Ihinfortb is so used to have his kiud of bogus smartness pass current with his simpletons, that he tries to pass it off on us. We are not that sort. He jauntily says "come on with your money aud your copy," etc. Now that is nol accepting our proposition at all. We proposed to pay him for three months' inset tion of the resolutions of Alfred Bing Post. We meant business: we do still; as by the general public voice, he is absolutely bankrupt in honor, honesty or veracity, we are not verdant enough to pay him money until he has earned it. When he earns it, as we proposed, plenty of as good men as Uock Island or ltock Island county can produce, are willing to back us, and guarantee our part. So go in Jo, and enjoy that rare luxury to you the honest earning of an honest dollar. The novel sensation doubtless would surprise you. It would surprise the public. It might revive the old surprise "can any thing good come out" of such a conglom eration of festering putridities as the 1 slan-der sink hole? E. II. Bowman, Late Surgeon 27lh III. Vol. Since New Years' lav 150 inventions have been filed in the i'atent office rela tive to roller skates. Boxwood, of which Hie wheels are generally made, has dou bled in price. Contracts for li).(KK) tons of steel for the skates have been given out. Conaompuon. Notwithstanding the great number w ho yearly succumb to this terrible and fatal diseases, which is daily winding its fatal coils around thousands who are uncon scious of its deadly presence, Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" will cleanse and purify the blood of scrofulous impur ities, and cure tubercular consumption (which is only scrofulous disease of the lungs.) Send 10 cents in stamps and get Dr. Pierce's complete treatise on con sumption and kindred atTections, with numerous testimonials of cures. Address, World's Dispensary Medical association, N. Y. A citizen of ISurnegat, N. J., has three acres in sunflowers, which are roughly estimated to number between 5(1, (KKI and UXVIHHI. IIOUHHIKirS AI III l HOSniATtt In Liver anil Kidnev Troubles Dt. O. G. Cilly, Boston, says, "I have used it with the most remarkable success in dyspedsia, and derangement of the liv er aud kidneys." It cost fl.OtM) to raise a slave on corn meal and luieon, regardless of such set vices as he could render before his major- 'ty. Anybody can catch a cold now. The trouble is to let go, like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to keep a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Sy rup handy. In Great Britain there are 15, 0(H) tem perance organizations, aud it is estimated that 5,tl00.(H)0 persons are total abstain ers. Dr. lilcckon, of Minneapolis, says: "I shall use Hunt's Kidney and Liver lieniedy in dropsy aud kidney disease hereafter." Forty one dsily newspapers have died in New York city within the last twenty five years. Fall Stvlei for Hen. The fall overcoat this year will have a fly breast and be of soft goods, lined with silk. The Venetian corkscrew, melton and pincheck worsted cloths with all figure upon the backs of stylish young men. The fashionable coat will scarcely touch the knee, but the real fast young man's will probably end three or four inches above where his trousers' legs get bagged. The dizzy little jacket overcoat, which frequently revealed the tails of the dude's ilress coat m New lork last winter, has been turned down and labeled "unpopu lar." What the clothing men expect to take in the line of winter overcoats is a long, straight garment of moderately heavy clotb, with a cape for the shouldars. This coat buttons up close to the neck and reaches within six inches of the heel. It was brought out last season, but was not generally known. The Jncwm&rket coat will remain in style for long, slim men, and the straight, snu'le breasted, heavy coat of medium length is always good. A new style winter overcoat is being gotten up, out it hasn't been given a name yet. "We will call it something "Eng lish, Vou know, said a clothing dealer. In undercoats the four button cutaway will be usd on semkdress occasions; the Prince Albert will always be used where swallow tails are nol quite the thing. while for business the single and double breasted jackets with "patch" pocket, will be word. Many of the jackets will be made of plaids. The new full silk hat will lie lighter and straighter in the cro vn than its spring forerunner, with a narrow brim, having a lint curve, technically called a "1) Orsay roll. Derbys will lie high, with rounder crowns and less brim than for merly, ai d in color black will be more worn than brown, which is the only other permissible shade. I he tailors nave much to trouble them, as the styles of meu s clothes have not been altered to any crent extent. Four bntlon cutaways nnd one tuition cuta ways will lie chiefly worn, lliu neck open ing being cut a trille lower than former' Trousers are steadily, but gradually on the increase in width, and are cut straight instead of licing shaped to the calf. No new materials seem to have been introduced, (.'lin ks will still hold their place, while a broad, wide spaced diagonal seems likely to lie fashionable. In neckwear the folded scarf has been largely replaced by the simple sailor's knot. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Four criminal annar) 1 Friday night from .lie new juil at Aluiiuin, lii.L, l"nu Ihomp-on Iowai-s.1 his 3-year-old "ecorJ (tiKI) ai New Haven Friday, trot- uiiC Uie mile in '.i:$. or Maxwell, rhargixi with the murditr of rVeller, was continued at St Uiuis Friday until IVt. HI. I-Hidiie ball games Friday resulted: Ci- aK.i2, St. L mis O; NrfW York 9, Provi dence 1; llirttulu 3, Dotroit 1. Utie of the K.v. Dr. S. W. Duncan's most intinmto friends says that the doctor will incline the presidency of Vassal- college. freparatious are nearly coruDleted at if rami, Mich., for the reunion, next W ednesday and Thursday, of the Ai or of uumiiuriana. An appeal li. made from the evclone- annctea town of Washington Court House, Ohio, lor funds to rolu,Te the sulferiuus of uie uunou-e.i poor. Mrs. Dr. Marshall and two other ladies wero drowned In Lake Traverse, Miun. Thursday evening, the boat hating been capsizfvi la a storm. The YYicon in state fair at Madison, which chaed Friday, was a financial I hi lure, owing to rainy wuatber. but all premiums ana cinim- will Le promptly p.tid. The Union depot at Huntington, Pa., was aamagxd I5,W0 Friday by a train whioh dashed into the Wohtern end over a cloned switch. No person was hurt At Koek Kridge, Ills., Friday moraine Jacob Keeley, a bu-iness man, was found dead in his store with two ballet-holes in his body. There is no clew to the murderers. The wires of the Bankers1 & Merchants' Telegraph crmiianv in Ohio were purcba-ed Friday by "Ed" Stokes, who slew 'Jim" Fisk, for $u5,35U tJ7,uTu Jess than the appraised value. The Lithia Springs distillery, at Beard town, Ilia., owned by Mayor W. H. Mo- Cormick, was de-troyed by fire Thursday night 'ihe loss u, put at 1 10,000; insurance, fUl.uwu. Owing to the continuance of bad weather the director! of the Iowa state fair, at Den Moines, Friday declared the exposition closed. The receipts will not cover ex penses. It is said that if Mike McDonald will set tle tni,IKJ0 on Joe Murkin's wife Joseph will serenely consent to serve a speechless term in the ienitentiary, otherwise he may be in clined to talk. The Spanish Admiral Tnpeti. under secre tary of the marine, has resigned bis office nu account nt the friendly terms embodied in the Spanish reply to Germany respecting toe Carolines allair. bx-Suator Creswell, counsel for the United States before the court of Alabama claims replying to Senator Bayard's a tion that a salury of to.uiH) would be . uftl cient for his services, nays that under the fee sy-teru hi-, conimuation for the hut three years would have tieen I7:i,Ko0, and be would get f-ii.diM mure for the canes yet to im ueai o. tie claims bis salary of itt.uuu u not excessive. It is now believed that tloO.IKX! worth of the fraudulent Indiana township bonds are held in tv ashiugtou. Civil Service Com- mi-sioner Tnouian, who placed large lots of them, i held to be blumelesK, aa Vice I're-ident ilen.ti'iuks and Senator Vooruees both vouched for the. legitimate character of the securitie.. Mr. A. K Davis, of Chi cago, guarantees tue full value of every bond dispo-ed of by bun in V ashlngton. Keceptlon at. the White limiaa. Wahhinoton City, Spt 11 The presi dent received a larger number of visitors Friday than on any day since hia return. Among the prominent callers were Secre tary llayard. Assistant Secretary Porter. and ex-oeiintor McDonald. The president held a public rei-cpr.ion in the east room in the afternoon, lasting nearly an hour, Mr. Keiley I'oi'lnalljr Regions. Washington Cn v. Sept 14. Mr. A. M. Keiley was at Mid diartuient of statu Sat urday, tlx ha- t'.rmally tendered hisreiig- natiou as Unitud Slates minister to Austria, and the resignation has been accepted. ADVICS TO M0THEBB. Are you disturbed at uight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering nnd crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Depend upon it mothers. there is no mistake shout it. It cures dysentery, diarrhoeu, regulates the stom ach and bowelB, cures wind colic, soft ens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teethin" is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and puy sicians in the United States, and is foi sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents per bottle. feb-28-m-w-a tn 1-y EMERY STORllS DEAD. DISCOVERED IN A LIFELESS CONDI TION BY HIS WIFE. Th Maw Kecntoed with Profound Kfr (ret HI Illness of Only a Faw Vny' Duration Lire of the Great Man. Ottawa, Ilk, Rapt, U.--This city was thrown into great exciteinetit Saturday morning by the remark on the street that Emery A. Storrs, tlio great Chicago lawyer. and counsel for Jtiseph C. Mackin tn the suit now before the supreme court, had died very suddenly at his room in the Clifton hotel in this city. Investigation prove! the report to lie true. Mr. Storrs is dead. For two days he bad been sulTering a slight in lispo-ition. but no seriou-i consequence had bwn even thought of. Ho had the of medical services, and at no time w.ig he couihied to his room. His wiie came from Chicago Tuesday eve ning. During the night It WA4 necessary to administer medicine, which was d ne by Mrs. Storrs her-elf. Saturday morning upon awakpnin; sh.i found him in a dying condition and b.-yon 1 medical nlii His death took place at 7:111 o'clock and was without sutfirinj, the cause being paralysis of the heart Mr. Storrs has Lieen in the city about ten days in the interest of his client, Mackin, laboring siduously for success, and to tnis end hail maiie an argument on Wednesday in behalf of remanding the cau-e for a new trial. It was also believed he was preparing to move before the court that Ma- kin should be released from the Cook county jail ution bail, but this latter motion had not yet lieen made. Mrs. Storrs is prist rn tod with grief. The profoundest synuiathy of the people is ex tended to her. Many of our prominent ieo ple have called on her to offer sympathy and condolence. The remains left at 1 1 :.ri5 o'clock Saturday morning by the Chicago, Rock Island At l'n cific railroad, and arrived in Chicago aUu 2:30 p. ni. A meeting of the LaKnllecounty bar was held at in the morning, and the following gentlemen atuioinUni to ac company the remains: Hon. lv F. Bull, II Mayo, J. H. bckels, W. lieiitlouian, Capt T. C. Fullerton, Hon. J. W. Duncau and D. McDougalL Mr. Storrs has beau ill for several days. and his physicians have be,m ojiite anxious regarding bun. tMr. Storri was born in Cataraugu county. New ork, Aug. 12, lSi:. lie studied law with his father and Hon. M. K. lhamphun at I'utia, Allegany county, N. l. louug 3urrs uiuu weui, uj nuimio, where, after diligently pursuing his legal studies in the olbce of Austin & Scroggs, tie was admitted to practice In Iom. lu l.v. be went to New ork city, remaining there but two years, tie came uience to cuicao in ltiftv. Iievoted to his profession, he has never been an otiice-seeker or office-holder. aud yet, as a conspicuous citizsu or tin- republic, he has ever taken a profound, intelligent, and elticient interest in political affairs. Politically a decided Bt-publican, to that party he has cou;-tantly dedicated his great talent In 1SI1S, 1ST-, and ItiMO be was dele-gate-at-large from Illinois to the national Republican conventions, being on each oc casion one ox tne loreuinet in snapuig tue policy, characterizing the resolutions, and formulating the platforms of the party. He drafted the constitution aud by-law i of the Citizens' association, and was in terested in the Historical society, the lrews club, and other institutions of kindred character. "Action!" is his motto, as l,a- leeu instanced by ht connection with the Citizens' league for the suppression of th sale of liquor to minors. As sulistantial monument- of his varied accomplishments general literature, attention might be called to his numerous lectures, nota bly those on 'English Constitution," "Culture," "Patriotism," "Meu of Actual," "Municipal (Govern ment, and lectures before the Chicago Historical societw. His Garfield funeral orations before the Union League club and nt, the great lake-front meeting were of noble quality and lustered phrase. Of ttie important cases in which be figured as couuwl it will suftice to enumer ate the great BnlKiicU conspiracy case in St Louis; the contested election cases for the incorioration of the city under the general law. the famou-i Michigan univer sity case, the case involving Mie duty of railroads to deliver grHin to elevators to wnicn it was consigned, tne unttormity or taxation case, and those cases involving the constitutionality of the law providing for the erection of the new state hone, and also of the Lincoln nnd South jiark i-tatutes. involving a question as to the power of municipalities to imiiose tatxas with consent. His fine abilities as a criminal lawyer were amply demonstrated in the famous Sullivan, Hansome. and Cochrane murder rases, as well as hi- masterly defend of Storey and Belvidere, indicted for conspiracy. In this connection it i-i well to note his de fense of The Chicago Times in the Higgins libel suit. Hi- familiarity with political history political philosophy and tiolitical economy has been revealed again and again." In 1WM Mr. Storrs friends suggested him for the office of attorney general under Pres ident Arthur, but without success. Nothing dispirited, Mr. Storrs engaged actively in the campaign of 1884 and Ktumoed several of the eastern states. His practice mffered considerably from his neglect occasioned by his interest in litics nnd those who know of his affairs intimatelv were not surprised when pecuniary considerations led bim to espouse the cause of Meek in, the ballot box stuffer. It was while in Ottawa In attendance limn the miireme court in this case that he broke down and died. He leaves a charming wife nnd a married con, whs resides in New York. What Mackin Kuy. tJHTCAOO. tjopt, 14 Joe Mackin was greatly sunwised when informed of the death of Mr. Storrs. He milogiEel him rery highly as a lawyer. He said his case would be disarranged by Mr. Storr's death, but it could easily be picked up by Judge i urpie. Passenger Kates Advanced. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 14 Passeuger rules Mt ween n re aim Minnesota w hich I ara i uiea very low tor a goo I while pas', were restored to nearly original prices Friday, nnlimiUd ticket to Nt Paul beitg f.xei at lilou. and round -trio tickets a' t'lo. The Motion Express Kohhery. Bloominoton Ind., Sept. 14. The grand jury has just returned three indictments against Chesley Chambers for committing the famous Monon express robbery last May. One is for assaulting I'eter Webber, bag gageman. one for assaulting George K. Davis, expressmau, and one for mbliery. The trial is set for Monday. Sept. 21, when both aides announced t uy would tie ready. A Valuable Hiatnrtanl niunnn. f ATVv Si,. 1 A Tl 11 I ) . L. : , aarcning tor material for the conclusion of his history of prices, found in the library of Kibgn college, Cambridge, a set of accounts I tend ing liiJ years, from the year 1583. gitriat; besides prices aoine curious deteila of oolaJ Ufa. fa3 NO RACE YET. Beth Yacht Becalmed Tha Wind Vnr) Light and Southeast. Chicago, Sept 14. The following dig- patches have been received here: Sanpy Hook, N. J., Sopt la, 10 a. m. The weather is cloudy aud the wind west, blowing five miles tier hour. The Puritan in tow and the (reuesta under sail are now passing out to the starting point, the Scot land light-ship. The sigual service ofilcer predicts for to-day very light, generally southerly, wind-. It is not thought likely that the race can be sailed to-day la the stipulated seven hours. 10:05 a, ni. The Puritan has Just dropid the tug, and is now proceeding under saiL lll:3ii a. in. The judges' boat has taken the lieneita in tow, while the tug Scan dinavian has tak,tii the Puritan, and all are i iving toward tne light-ship. As tne Oeiiost neared tb Hook the little .-loop Vixen, that walked away from the Ma Ige last year, drew up under matiisail-jib and gaff top sail. The Oenesta carried mainsail and jib. The V7ixen lapped the Genesta's stern and then stepped along in stately fa loon until -lie ha 1 kft-aiie Oenesta astern. The Gene ta then t her club topsails, but kept nstoru of the I ttie flyer. 11:30 a. m. Itotii ya lits are still be calmed off the S,i t.biid light-ship. There is no sign of -tarti i. The wind is very light and s utiiea-k Highland. N. J., Sept. 12, 2:16 p. m. The jud ;es' boat ass left the Giiasta and gone towards S i dy ll-nk. The race i-i off. More of the 1 liarles Kiver Mystery. rsosTON, rwpt u. - som queer rumors have been in circulati.ia Thursday concern big the Mitt hell murder citse. Thursday f iioightHir and relative of Mitchell received a not) from the ullei I murderer, written in jail, in which the writer i quo led her U at once put his hou-e in order, liecaiis.) he snould return home oil Monday next It i riorted that Mitchell's counsel, two of the ablest lawyers in the cily, have succeeded in tracing the supposed murdered woman. It is that, instead of being the victim of a murder, she has lieen tc England, whence she returned a few dayi ago, and that she is being kept out of sight by the lawyers, a dramatic denouement i- said to be arranged for the hearing, when, after the government witnesses have told their story, it is proiKwed to produce the supposed victim in the flesh. The polio have been unable to fin 1 any foundation for these report-, and iielieve tliey ar circu lated in order to intimidate government witnesses. List of ely Admitted val Cadet. Annapolis, M l., Sept 14. The following persons have lioen admitted to ttie naval academy a cadet: Thomas V. Magruder, Mississippi; John S. Cohen, Georgia; C:iarles F. Preston, In diana; R M. Dal ton. Colorado; H. J. High ton, Loui-ia' a; George It. Kradshaw, Texas; Nathan C. Finuey, Wisconsin; C. W. Olll-y, Indiana; George H. Nenklo, Jr., California; W. C. Cole, Illinois; Alfred P Krunihanr Iiouisiann ; George R. Fife, at large; Alfred 'I'. Thi nips in. Wisconsin; Charles M B nk r, Wisconsm; luy T. John on, Texas; Churl " l,on", Massachn e'ts: Julius Praebst; i W s n ; A lolph Schu '- r, Illinois; (Jjr e VV. 1) nforfi, Viicin.j. tVilliam W. Itayinoii, Massachuett-. Ge,iige . K'rk, Missoii i; OiorgeG. Mitch- ell, luuiatia; J hn H. H lnnl, I'ennsylvaiiiH: G.'orje II. f nl. U iscoiism; A. S. lIcl,eiioie, Tennessee; O. O. Fnck, Georgia, and lwb C. Lucas, Ouio. Another Resident of Canada rapture,!. KCKFAI.0, N. Y., Spt. 14. Joseph H Wilkins, who while aontot the Michigan Central the Erie street depop i i July, 1SS: def iu to 1 in the sum of fo.(sJ and fled to Canada, was arrested eirlv rsuurany morning, ine guarantee 6 ra iny who furnished his bond tia had a rinkerton officer shallow ing v ll k ins and Friday the ufhmr iiiducnl Wilkins to join a Hshin; party down the river. Wilkins has been living in Fort Erie since his flight The party had a good time, and Wilkins was thrown entirely off his guard. On ret urn lug ahout 1 o'cl.ick in the mornmj; the purty lauded at Grant' .iaitd, where au nflicer from this ciry ivai, Ai waiting with a warrant, and Wilkin was arrested. He was brought here and ooaunitte l to await an examination. Tlio Trial Lonkon, he it Mr. Stead, e-lti.-i-Mr . Jurrutt, Mr r I rtltor Stead. 4 The exaiiiiiiHtion ot ... I all Mull Gazette liraiuwell H.sith, Mrs. C lomli-, Mr. J i. iiu nod Mr-. Maurv. the ler.uidnnU in the Elixa Armstrong aUluc- tj n r-e, was re-iiined nt the Itow str,et police court Snturdny. Mr. Jfussidl, roun -el for the defense, continued the cross-ex umiuation of the mother of Eliza Arm strong. Mrs. Arm-trong adhered to her r-ent denial thai she had sold her child t. Mr. Stea l or any one else for immoral pur- iio-e-. Counsel for the defense then asked a few questions tending to prove that the selling ot the child was not known to the father that the witness kept, the matter a secret from her budiauiL IWeiider of Itattlmnre in ISI2. I ALriMnitK, Sept. la It is seveiitr-ne year-t '-dny silica the li -itish were driven ou id Baltimore. Saturday the remuiniii lew wiio Helen leii tne city on that mem orntile ocim hi are ts- n; entertained hv Mr. Rolarl Hi hi rt at dinner. Two of them only are ali e io he tue-eut nam dv. .lame Moil ford, of this city, ar"I 0,1, an I Elijih Gl. n i, of Newark, N. J , aged The nr hut four defenders living and they are to oufe dd d t leeve tlieir honi-s. Tliey are: tl-nr;e Hi--, rd !1; Nathaniel aVtt,agp Hi; John Pel Herd, aged h8 and Samu d Jenn i g . H'V The 11 III nil v Sellleil. Miiktrral S pt. 14 The little dillicul ty lietween the K- gli h mil French irr whic i ntone t me tlnentc-ned serious con , iair to lie settle! at last The mayor ullislies n apology for the article which nponre,) in l,i Pa trie, uni' the e.litor of The II -raid lia. sent an apolo. to the Frenrli press. l!isho ralre, w hivte p iper was the most, blood tnirsty oi t he lot. has not deemed it neces: sary lo retract anyt ing. Lord Ct.rnttrvnn Tour. DtiHl IN, K'pt. 14 Tee earl of Carnar von, lotd lieutenant of Ireland, aud L-idy t;urnarviu I ave nrrivcl nt Iondomlerry and nn entiiusiastic recejition has been corded them The t ity i- gavly decorated flags and unLn;-. and crowds of peo ple throng the streets. A nuuiber of ad dresses i f wel ome havs been presented bis lordship ly the municipal authoritiej and tli-' various organisations of the citv. A l ael with Knives. DiiAMBViLLK Gi., S;pr. 14 N-arBoll Mill, William Whitley and C.tiu B.dl were suitors of the s i me woman. To settle the question they retired to a grove and clasped eAch other by the lef t band and fuuirut a terrible duel with knives held in their right nanus, iwii was uisemDowiet by bis opuo iwui Buu w uvtw, i uiuejt is ayia. , A white as pearls her dainty teeth ; . Her ruby lips with roses vie ; iler mouth quite kissahlc; her hreath As sweet as gales from A ruby. " But nothing strange in this appears. For she's usedSOZODOXT for years. When the Lips of Beauty are parted in a smile . they disclose a row of peulg rivaling in puritv those which the diver hiings up from the bottom of the I'ersmn Sea. What will best preserve these gems ot the mouth? SOZODONT the celebrated beantifier and preservative of the teetn. There are ten new bells that cost 000 a chime at Chautauqua. f5, HAEE0W ESCAPE. liocHKsTKR, June 1, 1SS2. "Ten Years aeo I was attacked with the most I Intense and dentldy pahis .n my back and h'uliityt. ' "Extending to the end of my toes and to my brain! "Which made me delirious! "From agony! ! !,! "It took three men to hold me on my bed at limes! "The doctors tried in vain to relieve me, but to no purpose. Morphine and other opiatex! "Had no effect! "After two mouths I was given up to die ! ! ! 1 "When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Mop Hitlers had done tor her, she at once got and gave me some. The first dose eased my brain and seemed to go bunting through my system for the pain. The second dose eased me so much I slept two hours, somelliin"; 1 had not dene tor two nioiitlis. Ili forc 1 hsil li-. il live hollies. I well unl at work as hunt vn tiny man could, for over three weeks: hut I worked bsi hard for my sireimih,aiul taking a haul cold. I was taken with the mo t acute and painful rheumatism nil through my system that ever was known. - called the dot tors auain. mid after several weeks I hey left me a cripiile on cruMies for life. As lliev said. I met a friend and tehl him mvease, ami lie said Hep Ititlers had cured him and wonhi cure me. I ssiheit at him. hut he was so earnest I was induced to iiselhem auain, lu less than four w eeks 1 ilirew away my crutch esaudwenl to work liululy anil kepi on ii-inllic hilters for live weeks, until 1 liecMme as well as .-lit) man living, and have been so for six years since. It, tuts also cured my wife, who hud been sick for years; and has kept her and my children well and healthy with from two lo three bottles crycar. There is no need to be sick at all if these bitters are used. J.J. Bkuk. Ex-Supervisor. "That poor invalid w ife. Sister, Mother, "Oritaughter ! ! ! ! ' Can be made the picture of health! "ivith a few bottles of Hop Hitters! ' Will you Id them miff rr !.'!!" Prosecute the Swindlers. If W hen yell call for Hop Hitlers (r, IY ii cn frr of HnftK on Itw if'liiU Ittlilf I the lrut;:is! hands outaiiy slufl called '.!. Warner's 10-nnali Hop Kitlersor w illi oilier '-Hop" name, refuse it and shun llcil ilnu'irisl as yon would a vim-r. and if lie has cikcii your money for the sitilV indict lii-n lor the traiitl anil sue hun lor the uamaires lor in sw mule and we will reward you Ills-rally fertile com Ictlt.n It cosls 50 cents in Inili- nnpolis In hav barrell of Hour taken from the null to the dwelling of a citizen. Thirty five ceuls more would l:iilil it on the wh irl at l.iveriu ml. Out of the fullness of the ln:,it I ! . i- nioutb s'akctb." licv. Chnrlcs 11. Hard of llion, N. Y., writes: "My heart is Idled with gratitude to you for the re lief I have received from a longnlainlitio affc.lion of the kidneys by the u.-e of your invaluable compound Mishle.r's Herb Bitters. I had Itcrn treated by a number of pin sicians of this place, all to no effect. A member of my congregation urged me lo try your excellent prepara tion. 1 did so, with some misgiving I con fess, but am happy to ssy all my iloubls have been sot at rest. 1 was quickly re lieved and have had no return lo the Iron hie siuce." A prominent physician of Alliens, lia., who had many eases of sore throat, lately nnide an invcstiL'ulion, and found nenilv very one of them was eaused by eii"ar tte smokiiio VKEY BKMARABLE KKC0VF.BI . Mr. leo. V. WilliiiL'. of Maiielu stir. Mich., writes: "My w ile bus lu-en ulinost helpless for live years, so helpless that be could not turn over in liedidotie. She used two bottles of Electric Hitlers, anil is so much improved, that she is mm able to do her own work.'' Electric Hitters will do all that is laimed for them. Hundreds of test t- monials attest their oreat curative powers. Only tilleeu cent-a linllle at Hurl. A. Haliiisen s The disinclination for the .It-wish min istry, says a hcl.rcw weekly, is due to tne simple ltd that this is a commercial iu;e. nut il does not. puv, in the common meuiiiiio of the word, lo become a minis ter. H HVKI! Ely's (.'ream Halm was recommended to uie by my dnifjirist as a preventive to Hay Fever. Have ticeti usin it as direct eil since the 1Mb of Auu'tist nnd have found it a siccilie tor that much dreaded and loathsome disease. For ten years or more I have been a great sufferer each year, from August iltb till frost, and have tried many alleged remedies for its cut but lily's Cream Halm is the only pieven live 1 have ever found. Hay fever suf ¬ ferers oiifiht to know of its iflirm v. Kruiik A. Ainsworlh, of F. II. Ainsnorlh ,V Co., P.iliiisbers, Indianapolis, 1ml. Hotting tike it. No medicine has ever tx-en known so effectual in the cure of all those diseases unsinii from on impure condition of the blood as Scovils Sjursaparillu, or iliioo.l and liver syrup, the universal remedy for the cure of .Scrofula, while swellmus, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, eruptions, venernal sores, and diseases, consump tion, ;roitre, boils, cancers, and all kins Ired diseases. There is no belter means of sea urine; a tu aiililul com ilcxion than by usino N'ovill's Marsuparilbi, or Ulood ami Liver fSyrup, wbich idealises ihe blood and "ives pertiuineiit beauty to the kin. Statistics furnished by the Cincinnati Chamltcr of Commerce lor Ihe past fifty years show that the average rainfall is Uiadually decreasinif. . Baciklen'M Arnica Salve. The Greatest medical ivondcrof the world Warranted to siH cilily cure burns, bruises, cuts, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, can cers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter, chap ped bunds, and all skin ei u ptiouft, uuar in teed to cure in every instuix e, or iiumey refunded. 25 rents per bo For sale by Huilz .V. KnhiiHi-n An order for live ostriches lias beeti mat from California t i Africa. Hi v. Authoiiy Atwood. of Philadei phia, says: "Hunt's Kidney end Liverl Remedy has cured my wife of dropsy iu its worst form A railway is being built to the summit of Lookout mountain, where was fought the "Battle Above the Clouds," and there is likelihood at lust that die link couuect- mo Mammoth Cave, in Keiiluckv. with the rest of the world will be welded. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Lots of People Say, "OH MT BACK." KIDNEY IVtH'' Koro is Solid A 1 TESTIMONY from Hard Working Men. Mnrhinist nnd Itulbler. "I have been troubled years with kidney and bladder difficulty. After using four bottles of lIcMT's Kidney and Liver Khkut I have been completely cured." William C. Clark, Mason arid Builder, Aubnm, N.T. "Health Is bettor than wealth." machinist. Mr. Ceorre Karp;. Machinist. 11.-S nidire Ave., Philadelphia, Vs.. savs : "M y ilis.'ase si arlcd when 1 was auite a young hid by having weak kidneys. I have used just six Imttlesof lltmr's Kidney and l.iver) ItKKvnr, and 1 tsileuinly proclaim, 'I feel like a new num.'" "Good counsel has no price, obey it." N, Mechanic. Mr. Henry Williams, Mechanic, East Bridge port, t'oiin., says: "About two months ago 1 caiipht a heavy cold, which settled in my kidneys. I got a bottle of Hunt s (Kidney and Liver KEMKny and with the first dose began to get well." "Lithtsuppersmakcs long lives." Kailroad Man. Prank Tt. T,cc. office N. Y. C. A II. R. R. Little Falls, N. Y., June 8, lKS-'t, says: "My father, IW years old, had severe kidney and bladder disease for ay curs, urination causing acute pain. The. weakness was ho gnat he was obliged to wears rnhlicr hug. Twelve bottles of Hunt's Kidney ltKMnnv complelelv cured him. and we consider it remarkable. We cheerfully recommend it" "needs arc better than words." llt'NT's Kidney anil l.iver ItmiFny has stood the lest of time. It lias been before I he public for twenly years, and has cured evcrv year thousands of people suffering from varum diseasesof the Kiilucysand l.iver. and kindred disorders, who had fil,ri'lof,i. relief from doctors and who expected never to lie cured. Thousands of testimonials from such tcrsoiis attest its value. Send for book. "Alls well that ends well." Fold by all druggists, rrice $1.35. 9 HUNT'S ItEMEDY CO., Providence, K. I. C. X. f'ltlTTKSTOJI. Ooneral Aeeiit, . V. Indigestion Cured. 1 sniTcred lor more llian foe years w il li imlu'es liolt, scarsely able lo rctitin Ihe simple-! I'MmI oil aiy stomach. Tlic bnniiiiL -ciisntiini was almost iulolcralilc. and in) whole sj.-lcin wa.s der.'iiiL'ed. t a-wakeful ard coulit luU sleep, and conse Clienliy tnore ol less nervous all the time. 1 lle i-lini',1 ill iL-sli. and sullcrcd all the llsn:il depress alleiid.-iul iiion this terrible disease. In a word, I was miserable. At last, falluifr to tiiul re lief in aiiylhiu else, I commence,! the use of Swifrs Specific. 1 beiran to iinpiove atonce. The medicine tone-i lip tin- stomach, streimtheued the liestive organs, au.l s,si i all thai burnilli.' ceas ed, aud I could retain f.s.d without ililhiiiity. Now my lieallli is Lr,s)l . and can cat aiiitliiliu' in tile shape of fissl. and diu'et it without t he slu-lilesl ililllrully. I niosl i Inert idly bear tills !es!itiioi;y, becansf lie rc ic liiiuur. its snlTerinc as 1 mis, ami 1 am sure tliey can be as readily healed. '1 ;ik Hie prescribed do.e after cat uu.'. iic-lcail of l'i lore ,1AM KS M AN N, No. IT, Ivy St. Atlanta, (ia.. May M, ISS:,. Free from Malaria. tu Ihe fall of ls'M I was Liken willi a rase of llialaiial fevcrwhirh pro.-liand me IsiiIiUhIv atul in il1 . I w as di tii-eii af er the ui,t fa-hioii w ith luercurv ami olhcr iiinuTal uiitiires. but with m i:.sid resiills. My In nltuwMs slialtercd and mv eiierL'y L'one. My Icl's and fct woiilil swell. anl 1 lunl wlial cm.Ih,,! Ihou'dll wasiltopsy. 'I'liese s.mploms alarm,1,! inc. anil I was re.-uly to i:rasi al any rem, itv siiL't'estcd. fiiend advised mi to I iy Sv ill's Spei- It,-. 1 proem,-,! llin-e Uutlcs anil i oiu iitelice,! i. us,-. ''he swciluc; s,sm suit siileu. 1 have Llto-li the three tailllcs, whicli have made a )i, rlrcl cure, and I feel like a new man lo tiny I here In- t i w as a more meritorious medicine olTcrei! to siltTciiiu: lotncooly . II lias wroiu-lii wonders for me. Will. is Josks. Lcesbilre. Lee i'oimlv. lia , Mao h 11 Iss:,. Sold by all Urnvclsls. Trealiseoti llhsu! an,i skin iise;ises mailed frei fall on our Ho - u-ian. No. l.'.T W. St., N V L oll-lllLC iol, fo e. TlIC Silil'T CK. II-'IC I'll, Hi.iwe. .1. Ca. HOLER A is rapidly mov jing west ward and will stxin in this country. In onlt r to prevent disastrous effects from its ravages every preventive should lie cm ployed, and the system should be in perfect condi tion. At this se.iMui ol the year (he system is in a weak state and easily susrcpliMe to dangerous disease. I'.Ln in the back, wcarines--, las situde, headache, dy pi'psi i, indigestion, kidney and livi i complaints are but th i, nit of neglect. During tin: la: t visitation of holera ti- iii' ; country no medicine was found equal to M ',,!, rV 1 lerb Tiittcrs, both as a pie ventive and cure, and il lias been equally siiccessttil in all the tliseases above men tioned. It renews and in vigorates the Mood, tc- tur ing to health and stnnglh, and thus shielding the system from disease. Ask your dniryist for Misiiifti llro-.n p?i-iir;s. ti iieno, n.s h-i n ,1.. u,,i inke umilin.F seroi n ciisisi ram n. n Oo.. b't CmiiH-ri C Str.s: .i-SNERvnitsnrRii itv KARRIS" VFSullii'JS I S -t'-.r-uf; n- nit fruia :ouil,ttjt indi rwtnm A ' i 1 ( i 11 i ,- c n.'t, t i y c-.:t l-rj:iii it. irk. Avoid iiuia rliou, A RAOtCALCune rot, " rVUif( m M.u..iot to, ii. Organic im' A m i M.rt. f-' VV- .r n. re win: ai- I iv ot c. VCAKSBV USF IN fiAfV CHI, I. 1 tin IltOURArinrAi - mtm. al iiriiK i- NAM tid L" IU t, It L "f3A, S'-T' wwensa. ;',S i. n'-i'i'.:.iMii l ;rtsi, rt-t. ..,i.. uaiviJ fLi.:,ii . 4 iri.'u. k,i.d . Ll.! h In... Ki O.k lionth, - fi,:i (H . U'iA Jloutii, V .In iiL5:a;rt. ,i al tuki CLar 30fj N. Tnth P-t., fl 1AriS. HO S?UPTtn -:fe!OMii!Hiua Tt-uas. f,VrL- Au,t ''"'''iTiioutr Ar.nli tr.H. C. V. SW ANSON, Contractor and BuiMcT, No. 21 2i 4th Ave., Ec iiicucc. No. -iSd Seventh Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. THIAPERSA KiwspaPKa Advibtuuno Hreetli whn adver- 1 tuuuff rautraots may Im iuaua wc a u 1 lSlCi Nreniul vt- niie. Is Well rttorkt'd will, ;l fun of fronds for Gentlemen's We; i nmiHisin h1! tin- NovcltK's ol the St-: I Sui; AM AS I.(iV As thev ran ixisnibly be i GOLD MEDAL, l'i KiH. BAItERs ft' f-'oron, fnmi wlii.h iU,-. Oil htm Imvii rciutimt. ItU time n the atr,t,tith uMif....h, witli Ht;iri-li, .Xrritftrmiit,'. ami in thTt linv f:triiiuiri cat, (wfni li. limn cup. II if tl. li 'imirt, it m il MrenitiMiiiiiL, (li.-. K' hJ by liMfw furrwtw W. BAKER & CO. A Stock Invcstnuii THAT WILL PAY Thf 1 oilj,s lll'MllHil) Tn sh-ll,' in the .'is -nrt-.i n-,,lil- ,,1 Large Cattle Par Yaliif of Siiaivs shm Tdf IttHiKs i.f the -V.M.-ri. l.a..l SitK'k ('Hiiniiy" arc nou tiit h t-r ;ti.' : uf ii liiiiitt il ihiuiIh-i of r-hrtr " ( it-t " e 'I'll.' ttiiioitt't rttw ittlrri il in Uu roiiinii.i.m n xr'Otl : mm AplM :tlh'ii 'Inn- n.. mailt' :tt Hit- ollliftit ihr Hit l:n. 802 Main St., Iaveii'uvt. h. or Hirmi?)) thr fnlUiwiirj niil, nn h (iuyr Swci iH v. !" k l-l:iinl I.H. FiUur. V ;i-hiT r nct !:.i.k. ; t'UHirl. ; K Mxwi ll C.-liitT I' . :t 11:111' , Dat iij.i.ri. lr. W. O. huin, it.ort -I 1 .Inn-, 1-iS K-isl Tl-inl Si . h.- f. V. Ilt-aictm-av. ' -U'wt M.-Lim- .Nin-i.t'i-' Mn'ino. III. .1 I,. JtAY.Ml HI '.Ni' 'Tart ROCK ISLAND IRON WORKS intenl Cust anil Wnuu-hl Iron Fence Clif'ajtr'st FviHr' ill tlie for ItHidfiife or (Vni t -iy Lots. Made any Height U-ir-1 tAII kiu.U of Ih'itS milt VAi Hi ' nut' irt.lnitly iut Hlt-fiiclmii j,'iiii!in'' 1 i,te lur iii-i. howMNii lilies. IJlIl K ISLANP. ll'- AUCTION AND COMMIT W, H. LUNDV. v-lIX Attoinl iSale- IN tlTHHK CITY OUCOUNTBli. ReceiveGonsignn1 nJ umKf inimtil reiiii'i' cond Afoann RIM! M1' NEW BAKERY N Confectionerv No. 110SI Tlnril Ave., WM. SEIDW- " tWBreil di! nj put "f c", ttg-Tilly nUHEin '''1S2 I (. NickersDii i ml 1 1 n M Ul M ul-JLXi