Newspaper Page Text
'Rock Am it LAND JUS. fOHJME XXXIII NO 177. KOCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1885. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18, 1851 THE UNDERSELL ii r : txr i: mit ii -he all Meaning uium uic commercial woria -Ready Cash and Large Quantities enables tae- GOLDEN EAGLE CI. I- I. (II. II. V I.U.U fHM (I o o ( o (I (I o o a i o MK T T T T T T T T H H (I NN II HIINN H HIINN H HUN N HHUHIIN N U II N HilN HUN HI1N N Oli NO O N Ci N O ft ti ssss t-ittt ooo krkk kkkk N N G OG N S t (i NN O NN UGO 8 8 T O OR R K 8 TO OR KR S 1 T O OR R K SAftf TOO KRRR KK S T O OR R K 8 T O OR KR S 8 T O OR R K SSS T OOO K HICK UK -TO BUY AND SELL- Cheaper than any Competing House. . l .tli iQirkva iii lifrillv irir'l:iit with tlm T,!i tpt Stvlts liill :i(iiiinM'iii j ....... ... ... ....... .... .NVw Fall Goods, consisting ot Men a, Hoy's and Cluldrens 'rhim;, ITats, Caps and Furnishings, and if ouv Low Pkices ii iccoini'lish our object, we shall succeed. While other Mer- 11 - . . . I - 1 . . . . "1.1 . , . I 1 11. I 1 111 t I 1 1 1 1 II ."l 1 1 1 t- Tl . . 1 1 T" II, IS I'ellfrilllJ luaiiv vjuuua uj auuirumx iiirni mj nai end of the season, we have marked all ol our iNew jaii ii. mi t tit lowest rock -bottom unces irom which 1 here will .mil' I- -- --- - - - vrt he any deviation or reduction. iFNTI.KMEN We chII vour attention to our Merchant Tailoring Department jiiis I'urry llie Largest Assortmeut, unil i re making Clothing lo order 15 per lpr limn oilier Tailors cbaage. Ladies and Uenlleiuen are welcome 10 u oiirehase or not, we snail receive you wuu : I'kitpi sever out new stock, whether yn sty he Golden Eagle Clothing Store A. Mang'r. Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. J. 33. ZIMM EB. i KM KKKE RRHR COOT H H A i! M V K R O ( H H AA l M K R R f II H A A illMvUKU KKKK II iinnn A ! HI V V K l,M u f II U M Kr.Kr K KO H I'H R UITO H NN N N N K N N N N 11 AAA N N N HA AN N M II A AN NN N TTT'l'T N T ttttt T T T T T T A AA A A A A AAA A A All I. All 1. 1. 1.1. OOO RRRR O o K O O It t) O RRRR O OK O O It i, OOO K. Has received his Stock of FALL WINTER 1SU1TINGS,! A OVKRCOATINGS, A larger and liner stock than ever. No. 1810 Second Avenue, Rock Islaud, 111. UGIIT ON THE GROUND QUESTION THAT WILL MEET CON GRESS VERY PROMPTLY, And Probably Enter Into the Organization of the House Warner 8iy a Word About Hia Solution of tha Sil ver Questioa. THE PRAIRIES ON FIRE. NEW RRKK OOO COW KFKK RHRR R R O O is OK R R K ROOD OK. R R K R O O - K. R R ItKRR O o O KK RRRR H R O O O r. It R K K O O O It K K R K H (I li nr. K tv U K OOO OCI O F.KKE K R V Y V Y V Y YY V Y V Y HSSS TTTt l1 S 8 T S T S T MSSS T S T 8 T R 8 T BSSS T OOO RRRR UK KB f OR R K O OR Ht O OR R F O O KRRR KK O O R R K O O R R V, ( OK K K OOO K K KKKK. Choice Brands of Minnesota and Winter Wheat Flour, il D iiry and CreimR-ry Butter, Cotton Mops, Minn., Potatoes. Vegetables, &c, i C. J". LOINTG-'S, Cor. Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue. Washington City, Sept 19. Congress man Warner arriveil hare lliursday morn inc. He spent KorD" time in conferene with Treasurer Jortiau,and the amendments proposed by the latter to the Warner bill were discu-eed. Respecting the pi-orisions uf his bill, as well as the proposed modifica tions and the discussions between himself and Mr. Jordan. Gen. Warner is dis- piwed to be reticant lie said, however, that he (eels hopeful tbut a com promise bill oan be presented which will receive the assent of a maj rity of con gress and the approval of the president. In conversaliou with a correspondent Thurs day night Oeu. Warner said: The contest will be a trianzular one be tween the Mono-Mi'tallists, tlie parli-Hns oi the present coinage law, and the friends of a eompromi e measure lik the one 1 ad v c.tte. It is clear that if anvthinir is effected it must, tin in the nature ot a compromise. -Any attempt to advo.-aH th? plicy advo catel tothepr.'si lent and HecretHry Manuinj a lew months bro, tua hire suspension of the silver coined and tlie practical de niouetnuitiou ill s.lver. except tn. amount already ciii.ied, niut re nit m a .lisasiroui failure in congress. I think tlie president and Secretary Manning will r-altz this iftct before the asseiuMin; of coures, if tliev have not already don 3 so. My plan, I lielieve. ofl'ers the only practical soluti m of t!ie ditli -ully. Tin ef- l,ict of the measure, if adopt-M, will lie to establish hiinetitllism on a sound liais. The certiorates i-sued will represent Mirer bullion at its true value as compared with gold. There will bn 110 influx of siiv-r tiultion from abroad for conversion into cor tilicats, liecnusi they will be Im-ed upon the market value of hull ion in London and New York, which governs prices everywhere. I worn t not object to Riving the cerlini-ates the full tender tiudity, hut in order to aroid ooustitutional ohiu-ijons which would be raised against that, 1 propose thai, they shnll be legal tenJer tor dues to an I from the government, except in rasas where coin is expressly required; that they may c insti tute the lawful money reserve and redemp tion fund of nuttoual banks, and that the secretary of the treasury shall have the option to redeem tliem either with bullion or lawful monev. The bill will provide necessary safeguards against the bulling of silver by the private holders or syndicates and the certificates of any date will represent the market value of the bullion deposited at that date. Tliev are 1 1 be redeemed at the market rale ou the date of redemption. By these means the true ratio of silver to gold will always be main tamed. It will be actually an international ratio, established and easily understood. "The bill will also provide for the redemp tion and recoinage of the trade dollars and for fixing the weight ot silver hall-dollars at ona-half the weight of the standard sil ver dollar, and increasing its leeal tender quality in a corresponding degree." ' Geu. Warner expects to submit, bis views to the president and secretary of the treas ury this week. While he decliues to muke any statement of his impressions as to what modifications his views have under gone in the last six mouths, it is apparent that he regards the prospect of a coinpro-rai-e as excellent From other sources wl ich are regarded as trustworthy, it is learned that Treasurer Jordan and several of his most influential advisers in New York are strongly disposed to favor the Warner plan with some modifications. It is believe I that the silver question will enter quite as largely into the organization of the house of representatives a the tartu. tu th the silver and the anti-silver fac tions will wiiut to control the committee on coinage. It is conceded that Carlisle will lie smaller; in fact there will be no candidate again l nun, out 11 ue shall refuse to place island, ol Missouri, at the head of the committee., where be has bean for mauy years, it would be considered a blow in the face of the silver men and they will resent it Mr. Carlisle's views on the question are kuowr to lie moderate and not radical, bu: whether he believes in the repeal of the coinage act is a question. Mr. Warner will remain in V ashington Beveral days doing missionary work. Farmers Losing a Large Amount of 1'rop- ertj Blazing Wheat. Ktkkus, I. T., Sept 19. A terrible prai rie tire was raging west and north of hare all Thursday. Reports from Bterling, eighteen miles west, are that farmers in that region lost everything. lassenera on Thursday nights east- bound train report seeing ten to fifteen stacks of wheat on fire at the same time near here. The losses in grain range from 100 to 8,000 bushels to each farmer. Mrs. VY. L. Bedford, seven miles from here, in bale, i the flames while fighting the lire, and is in a critical condition. kui-Mw The lire is still racing and will probably cause still greater damage before it is ex tinguished, m Buffalo. D. T., Sept 1. J prairie flra north of here Thursday afternoon destrovei iH) stacks of wheat on William V. How- lieu's farm, 150 acre of wheat belonging to W illiam Vt ylie, three harvesters and bind ers of 1). A.i trus, and did lesa serious dam age to many other farnu in tun vicinity. THK KARKKTS. CHICAGO. Article. Opening. closing, Wb't Angus! .... .... Sept. .... 80)4 Oct. 81 ) Nov. 80 C'OnN Augnst Sept. 49( 42 Oct. i M Nov. SV 40 Oats Angust .... Sept Oct. 25 5)4 Nov. .... Port August .... Sept .... 8 1 Oct. 8 8?K 8 85 Nov. 8 85 8 71 Lard -Augnst Sept. .... IS Oct 2T 25 Nov. 6 17 85 Ribs Augutt .... .... 8ept Oct. 6 OT 5 95 Nov Hogs -17,0110; light, 4 40n4 75: mixed, 3 95s4 30 h av, 4 304 110 R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. n S5e ROCK ISLAND. 00. GOVERNOR CURTIN DENOUNCED Uecanse tie Had No Good Word to Say of den. (arant. Pitt-iHURU, Pa., .Sept HI A sensation was caused at the reunion of the One Hun dred and First and One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania volunteers Thursday at 8-iltt- l.urg. L. M. Truxell, oi Dubois, in respond ing to an address ot welcome, denounced ex-Oover or Cunin as the only public man in the land who did not have a good ord to say for our old commander. Gen. Grant." J lie speaker added: "This man. C'urtm, is on tha list of speakers for to-day reunion. 1 consider it as an insult to us all '' The ex-governor who had been fcn 11 lUiiced to peak, failed to 111 a kj his ap pearance. Land Decision for Michigan. Washington City, Mept 19. The secre tary ot the interior has inade a decision in what are known as tlie Ontonagou land cases, reverin;X the decision of the commis- ioiiur of the land utli.. The parties to tha case, which is said to involve the possession ol several million dollars' worth of laud in tiie Mai qiiette district Michigan, arePicard vs. i'auinii--, Waketield vs. Longou,and Spies vs. Moiiring, and the question at issue was the right 01 pie-enipton to locate upon lands covei'isl by private entries. In his decision the secretary holds that the private entries and 1 'cations are not void, but voidable only for the want of restoration; that the pre-emptors are not admissible upon the lands; and that the private entries may be submitted to the board of equable ad judica tion upon the filing within sixty days of pe titions by the parties interested. Hay-Wtld- Kye-45c. Oorn - -44c. Potaioes tic. Onions 4oc. Oo Sofi 11 ; haid S 50. Uild aood f 1 00. o raw ii 00 If it were possible to get the testimony of the multitude who have used Hood's Sarrapabilla for de bility, languor, lassitude, and that general feeling of stupidity, weariness and exhaus tion which every one feels during this season. we should be able to present to our readers such an overwhelming mass of commend atory messages, that the few who have not tried it would do so at once. It is a positive fact, and has been so effestually demon strated that no one to-day denies it, that Hood's Sarsaparllla contains more real med. cinal value than any article before the people. We do PLUMBING of all kinds, including Sewer Work. Gall and see us, What a Man TiRAcn, Mass. Mkssrs. C.I. Hood COm Lowell, Mass.: Dear Sirs I have suf from kidncv mm. J)i(l plaint and biliousness for fifteen vears. Have tried .i4 1. everything and never got Willi any good. Last January, before I commenced tafc JTiiJnpu ing Hoon'a Sarhaparid Ji lit 11 1 f la. everything 1 ate bloat- Co Itt TO I a l lit chest and arms, headache and dizzv. 1 could not pet up without feeling weary and all fagged out. Many mornings I was obliged to lie down 011 the lounge. To do any work seem ed almost impossune. iimc uwm v w ,..,. ties. The backache, dizziness, pain in my chest and arms, and that feeling of intense weariness are all gone. I can eat anything and it does not press me at all. Feel Just like work; in fact, like a new man. Can lirartilv recommend Hood's Sab-saparilla, and hope all who desire to know anything about it will come 10 me auu asa wuav a thiukofit. Very truly yours, JOAlUAA HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Works through the blood, regulating, toning and invigorating all the functions of the body. Sold by druggists. Price $ I, or six for f. 5. C. I. HOOD St CO., Lowell, Mass. HASPER'S TIIEATKE. WILLARD Rock Island, BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper Houan. Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S MM MMU M M M M U MHHMO MNMHO M MH MIT M MM MU U SSSS II flOCO 118 8UC O V W II u v ssss no it s 11 o us SIIO OA A L AA L A A L A A I. AAA L M M M VW SSSS II COOU A A L ALLIXL ssss 0000 H H OOO OOO h S SO OH HO OO OL S O 11 HO OO OL SSSS O IIHHHO OO O I. SO H HO OO OL S SO OH HO OO OI. SSSS 0000 H H OOO OOO LLI.I.L No. 1608 Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island. ONE NIGHT ONLY. THOS. IT- CABY, Painter zxxidL Orixxoir Is p-eiiared to do all kinds of work in Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging and Kalsomining. A complete jtnek of Wall Paper, Curtain Fixtures. Cornice Poles and Room Mouldings. Mixed Puiuts always on linuil. WAIsn f iie of A,t (iooil ami Artists' Materials Lessons ti.ei, in I'ainting and French tiiiliroiilery Work. Embroidery Silk". and Fancy wlnca are soli) at close ligiire; cull anil test prices of work. 1813 Secoud Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., Wines - RETAIL DEAIBB IH- Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 309 Twentieth Street. Lunch every morning and every Saturday evening. ma? 7 dly DjVLS & CO., driwil AIiD Steam Fitters. A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. - Sole agents for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., H Deane Steam Pumps, Novelty Force Pumps, Safety Heating Boilers, and Con tractors for furnishing and Lay r? ing Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe, 1712 Fikst Ave., Rock Island, Hlinois. Telephone 1148, Residence Telephone 1037. Here's Block, Moline. 111. Telephone aus.. :. jrr- . - i't-' anan " 1 IT ,LAX:G ' Ksa?8 lriTiJCSI 6?:. 13 Northern TaclUc Statlstioa. Nkw Yokk, Sept 1st. The annual report of the finances of the Northern Pacific rail way presented at the directors' meeting Thursday shows the gloss earnings to be $ll,3.'k5.150, the operating expanses 6,191, 301. leaving $5,0:C,849 net earnings. In terest and dividends bring this up to J3.2U, 071. Out of this disbursmnnts amounting to r.lftH, 1VJ were paid, leaving a surplus of !l.'J!'ii) over all. The principal decrease from last year was in passenger earnings, caused by the siihiJenca of the t'eeur d'Alene mining excitement the opening ot me union raciuc to uregou, auu tun snow 1 , - f"t 1 nni lilix-kades in Oregon last winter. Freight WeUlieSllay LiVB., O&pt. Z0Q. V. .IS 1 1 1 1 I n-i . 1 , 1 m auomT . 1.... u m piipulaiioiL How Juinlxi lMt His Ufa. Pii-FFALo, N. A., twpt 19. A Haight, of Barnum'.s show said Thur-day that Jumbo was kill"! liiie trying t save Tom Thumh from iiiiieudiuz death. As Jumbo saw the train, wuu'h was only when it was clos iiiion him, he made a ru.ti for his proteg' and. crasuing him 111 his trunk, threw h.ui whv across tiie tracks as if ha hal been killed. Tbe little te'low landed again. t a Isix-iar, whininj l.k) a wuippad puppy Juiulio tlien tried to get out of the way liimsnlf, but it was tm late, and he w i crushe t ihitwaen the engine and the cars He r med tnrriblv, bur hn agony was short Terms: Twenty Lessons, in advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. JdgPMrs. Swan is also dealer in the famous Bauer Piano. Hoedly ttcpHeft Again to Sherman. Canton, Ohio, Kept lit. Governor Hoadlv addressed several thou an 1 people at the llink Vendonie TTursday mgbt. Ki- cursion trains were run here from all neigh boring towns. In his speech Governor Hoadly replied to the Massilou speech uf bieuator John Sherman, devoting about half an hour to this task, lief re the meet ing he gave a reception to the public at tl Harnett bouse, and after the meeting re sponded to a serenadu tendered him at the resideuce of John .C V elty, a prominent Democrat, whose guest Uovoruor Hoadly was while in the city Sent Tp lor Thirty Years. Wakhaw, N. Y., Sept 19. The special grand jury convene 1 Hriday morning to consider the case of the Ultica bank robber, found three bills, one for robbery and two with assault with intent, to kill Cas-hier Bar- ross and Postmaster Lorish. He plead guilty to the first, and Judge Lewis sen tenced him to twenty years ou the first bill and ten on the second. He is 21 years of age, a cooper by trade, and his home is in Williamson, Wayne county. He plead in xtenuatiou of his crime a serious physical condition, which was excited by work. How the Attorney General Will Viaw It. Wanhinoton City, Sept 19. It is be lieved by persons interested that if the at torney general run lers a decision on the questions at issua respecting the legality of the court ot Alabama cluinu accounts he will take substantially tbe same ground contained in the decision of the United Btates supreme court in the case of Brown va, the United States, in which it was laid down that In case of ambiguity in a statute, contemporaneous and uniform executive construation for a period uf years is decisive and oonclu ivi. Burglar Shut by Woman. Whkaton, Ills., Kept. 19. Alu ut 4 o'clock Friday morning a burglar entered the resi dance of K. Haaiiuetu Mr. H&nnuett was awakeued and grappled with tne iutruder. Mrs. Hammett got a revolver, and seeing no chance to hau l It to her husband, tired a shot at tbe burglar, which took effect, as the burglar Tied "I am not,'' and broke away from Mr. H nuiueit and escaped and so tar eluded capture. Turners Moat Mind How They Vote. Milwaukee, Wia, Sept 19. The Mil waukee Turnverein ia taking steps to e-ipel Sheriff Faschen from the society because be voted for high license last Tuosday. He dej nies that b did so, but his accusers claim the can prove it The cheapest place in the three cities to have your boots and shoes repaired or made is at the Central Shoe Store. Tesliii:; I'aitiit Car-Couplers. il I-iALO. J. 1.. hept 19. lne car-couo ling tests by the lis ter Car Builders' aso- ciaii m were coiii'lnded Thursday. Tbe sue lul couplers were the litus and Bos- sm rar, .lanuiuy, Morgan an i Murpnv. me laiittee havedecl.lel upon tbe following intent for the aprTi-val of tha association Ar.her. Ames, t'owell, Dowling, Giffori, Hein, Jiumrey, llrkeMi, Perry, Mark T'tiui'.n md and Titus and Bossinger. These coupler will be placed ill actual service on railroade, and the results wul tie reported at tne next meeting' of tne a-socattmu, to be held at Niagara Kalis, in June The "Ofr-Year" ion limmerins. liisoHAMiTos, N. Y., Kept. 19 In tbe i lurtioii for school commissioners hers the milieu generally voted. This bad the ffect of bringing out a very large vote, and the total nuuilier of ballots cast was twenty times as large as Usual. Many young ladies who were neither mothers nor tax-payers, tried to vote, and their ballots were relucted. The scenes at the polls where women were electioneering. were novel 1 tie ladies generally voted for the successful candidates. BARLOW, Wll SDN THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - Opp- Harper House. pBhe -'Titoli" has lately been transformed into a Palace equaling in every respect the fines saloons in UBlcago anu surpassing anyming id me mreeciues. AuumiNroi pansopersien ny machinery for keeping the air cool is one of the leading features of the place. The Liquid J an ? 06m Kefresiuneuts dispensed at this establishment is in keeplngwith its grand improve- au ainai oi sanuwicnes An elegaut lunch served every morning. served on short notice. & RANKIN'S Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Purgative Pellets. They opers ate with out disturbance to the constitu tion, diet, or occupation. For sick head ache, constipation, impure blood, dizzi' ncss, sour eructaliona from the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious attacks, pain in Hie region of kidneys, internal fever, bloated fecials about stomach, rush f blood to head, take Dr. Pierce's "Pel lets." By druggists. MINSTRELS! Representing High Art In Minstrelscy. AH the Former Favorites Retained ! And the Latest Novelties added to The alrea ,y Complete Koster? Barlow, Wilson, Rankin, Dougherty, Hall, Goodyear, Teiiuy, Wayne, Adams, Casey, Thomas, DixoD, Fox and Woods, Together with the Largest and Finest Brass Band and Orchestra ! Now traveling. Reserved seats for sale at Harper House Drug t uirc at usual prices. Sherifl's Sale. By virtue of an Execution and Fee Bill No. rnuti, lKBUed out of th clerk's office of the cir cuit court of Kock Islaud county, and state of I llhnoiB, and to nit; directed, whereby I am com manded to make the amount of a certain judg ment recently obtained against II. B. Terry in I lavorof Krauk lit, out ut tne lauus, teuementH. goods and chattel of tbo Raid defendant, H. B. Jerry, l have levied upon the following proiter- ty, to-wit : The eat hpJf i the north-west Quarter of eecUou uhiMLefij in townnbip No. aixten !, north rar-ge No. five (5) weot of the fourth t4tb urincipai meridian, in the county of Kock Inland and atate of lllinoi. Therefore, accord in k to aaid command, I ba!l I ezpoae for Bale, at public auction, all the right., title and interest of tbe above named H. D. I Terry in and to tha above described property, oa Baturdavthe 10th day of October. IHKa. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the north door of the court houne in the city of Kock 1 eland, in the county of Hock Isl and and atate of Illinois, for cab in band, to aat- ! lef y aaid executions and fee bills. Dated at Bock Island, this Wth day of Septem ber, A !., 10H5. JOHft M- KhiTU ftftK, fcnertn oi Kock iiana county, Illinois . HALF-CENT A WOKO." ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr, 7? '-ni hi '--tl i K Jjf No. 1809 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases. tJT REPAIRING DONE.S tT-Cooie and see us. PAEK & ELLIS, Now is the time to secure bargains. Wtj have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselves before Fall Goods come in. PARK & ELLIS, 1 704 Second Avenue. What Ton Bay. ''There are so uianv frauds advertised for the hair," vou say. So there are, but Parker's Hair Balsam is not one of tbem. It will not work miracles, but it will do better service for your bair tban anything else you can find . Restores original col or, cures dandruff, gives new growth Lleguutly perfumed. .Not a dye. Thk 4 anna hereatier wi 1 nuhlish in this col- nmn all a ivertiscments of Lost. Found. For Rent, I a or oale. Boird or Jtooins. Wauteu. ana snmmr I notices, st the low rate of ob half a cmt a word. iscb figure a word, but no advertisement lisat Uia ten cents STl'HKT'S Second Hand Clothing store has re moved from Second avenue to Third avenue suntb I ijde of Union square. W-lt KOK RhNT A pleasant funiished room. First avenue, econd door west or alevenin street. FOR RENT House with fonr rooma cheap I rent; also iiunisiiea rooms, ais rmeenin st. l-tr FOR BALK Old papers for sale in any quantity ai tnisotnce.cneap. FURS A LR sixty lots m my additions co lie I Ity of Rock Island on four yearly uayments. wiUi I interest at six uer cent per annum. -e-m u uavsNFOBT If. fi. Nicteofl Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Mirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., ty Pricts lower tban the lowest. Treman's Block, opp. Commercial Hotel. GRAND OPENING OF JOE HUBER'S SALOON, No. 31C6 .... . . Moline Avenue, On Saturday Evening, Sept. 19th, 1885. A Grand Lanch will be spread. sept-14-dly ifSa SPECIAL t itxraairr U 1 II tMBI 1805 Second Avenue, Has just received his EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT WADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, ate.. flavor as delicately ana naturally as toe fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. aTC UJOtB, Fall Woolens, consisting of SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS, I The best to be found in the Market, comprising all the Novelties of the Season is reserved for -JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. And prices tba lowest for first class work. aug I 1 ,4