Newspaper Page Text
!R6ck Island Amgus. THE FME XXX11I NO 278 UOCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, MONDAY. SEPTEUBEK 21, 18S5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18. 1851 UNDERSELL ie all Meaning Word in the Commercial World Reaily Cash and Large Quantities enables the GOLDEN EAGLE ii i. II. i. L III. f; Id. " 1 ,,,11.111.1. OC T T T T T T T T H H II NN N UOU 8S8S TTTTT OOO KRP.R RKBK II HIINN MO U 8 8 T O OK KK II HIINN N I, 8 T O OR KK H HUN N NO 8 4TOORRK HBHHIIN N NO SSS8 T O O RRRR KB H U II N N N O OA 8TOOK Rk H M II N N N li O 8TOOR RR H HilN NNG U S S T O OK R K U HUN M.N 41GG SSS 1' OOO H KKKFR -TO BUY AND SELL- TIIE PUBLIC DOMAIN. INTERESTING STATISTICS PERTAIN ING TO UNCLE SAM'S ESTATE. Piece Kpial In Six to Ireland Hliced Off Farh Year Two Hundred Thnu dand Square Mile llHpoHd of In the Ijtst l-lleven Year. Cheaper than any Competing House. ir Mimnioth Store is literally packed with the Latest Styles iew Fall Goods, consisting of Men's, Boy's and Childrens hin" Hats, Cans and Furnishings, and if onr Low Prices jcciimiHisu onr object, we snail succeed. v nue oilier wer- s generally mark JNew lioods up ana reduce tnem oniy near 1 1 .1... .-. . . r-. ,-. ma hni;.i -r lr cA oil rv'f riTIl TCtiW H Is ui the lowest rock -bottom prices Irom whicti there will rbe any deviation or reduction. M'l.F.MKN We c all your attention to our Merchant Tailoring Department. m rarry Hie Largest Assortment, ana f re mtiKing L'liiiuing to omi r to per irn-r than oilier Tailors chuuge. Ladies and Gentlemen are welcome to ,v,r our hew sloes, wueiner you purcuase or uoi, we suou ik' j he Golden Eagle Clothing Store Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. huKB, Mang'r. J. B. ZIMMER, IIIFKPEHURH CCCO H H Ml- li Kll CH H .1 UK K K C H H UMH'K KKKK C HHHH -I M V R .1 v r K um-r. K R II H r i; c h K l.l'CO H NN N N Hi N N N N N HAitl N N HA AN K N HA AN NN A AA A A A A N TTTTT N T TTTTT T T T T T T II L II L II I. II L AAA II L A A II I. A AA A A OOO RRRR O OR R O OR R 11 l RRRK O OR R O O K R A U I.I I.I.I. OOO R Has received his Stock of FALL A1STD WINTF.E iISUlTINGS,SB A ND OVERCOATINGS, A larger and liner stock than ever. No. 1810 Second Avenue. Hock Island, 111. NEW i;kkk H K K R K K I.KKK II R k K o H K 0 O U K OOO KK O O O (1 coco frisk rrrk (J OK R R OOF. R R W F R K O KK RRRR I! K M O " K K II t' K K WH O KKKK U Y V T V T V Y YY Y Y Y Y ssss 8 8 8 8 8SS8 S K 8 8 8S8H ' OOO RRRR F.RKB O OK R F O OR R K O OR RE O O KRRR KK O O R R K O O R R K O OR R K OOO U K FKF.K. (!li(,i. e Brands of Minnesota and Winter Wheat Flour, I llnirv and Creamery Butter, Cotton Mops, Minu., Potatoes, Vegetables, fcc, at Cor C. J. LONG'S, Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue. THOS. IF- CABY, Winter zinc! Oramer la p-epari-d In do all kinds ol work in lain and Decorative Paper Hanging and Kalsoruining. A complete stock of Curtain Fixtures, Cornice Poles and Room Moulding Puints always on band. r.H. a full line of Art ood and Artists' Material Lemons mven in rainiine ana renew HiiiliMidcry Work. Embroidery Silks, Cords and Fancy Woods wmcu are sola ai clone agnrca; call and tent prices of work. 1313 fiecoud Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. Washinoton City, 8pt. 21. For the past four yeirs the United Ktates ha given aw.iy or wild olT it public domain, and of Course tins means almost entirely given away, one Ireland per annum. The area of Ireland is between a,UiH),IO0 and 25 000,000 acres, and that is almost exactly tbe amount of public domain Uiapose.1 of in the year and 18S5 It. is greater than the amount disposed o( in lSJ and considerably lea than the disposeii of in lH8t. A compared with the previous year the dispo.als of public lands in tbe fiscal year just closed show a decideil tailing oft, but there i' a small inerea-e ovsr the enor mous figures for tlieyear 1HS3. The dnposals of public l.tnds in 1SS4 wre elitctw. by propositions torp,al the pre emption, timber-culture and desert land acts to amend the houwstea.1 act, and to forfeit some of the railroad grants. The fear that changes would be made in the land law that w,ul.l make it more dirhcult to get iiosei ioti of land for nothintr imwdle 1 every b.slv who was think insr of claimii;any iiart of tbe national estate to do so at once. Thus some of the disposals which would ordinarily bava been made I hi vear were made last, and the total amount of public lands disposed of in 1S84 was run up to i!4.lW Kl.lWO. or alout ,- UM.OOO or 7.00IUKW more than in the pre- ceeding or succeeding year. It is only Viy compuri'-oii w it h some known areas of territory that one can get any idea of the way the national estate passing into the hands of private persons. mostly, of course, settlers. Dakota con tains Cj,0oO,lkld acres. Oi this, 35 MV.I.MM acres, omul to the slat of Illinois, have tieen disposed of in the past nine year. Taking in two years more, tho investiga tion will tint! that the amouutof pnblic land disposed of by tho government in eleven yaurs is creator than the area of Siiain, but a trifle less than the a run of France r Germany, and one-fourth as great a Itritish India with its 2011,000,001) liihahitanls. The amount of land disposed of in ilia la t eleven year is 'JOO.OOO square mitos, an ana eighteen times as great as Bidgium, which sustain over S,0u0,000 inhabitants. The area dup isel of in some of tbe states, givnu approximately. during the pa-d nine years am as follows Wisconsin, over 3,000 .uod acre Michigan, nearly a,5iM).00; California. nearly ti,.rKH),000: Kansas. 14.500,0011 Minnesota, over 9 0.K) 000; Nebraska, over 18 000,000; Oregon, over 3,000,000, and Washington territory, nearly 5,000,000 acres; Alabama, nearly 3,000,000; Arkau sas, nearly 3,000,0il; Louisiana, over 8 000,000; Mississippi, 1.500.IK10, and Florida, a,rIO,000 acres. Both last year and the year before, more land was disposed of in Dak ita than in any other state or terri tory, but in the Empire territory di. not stand so far ahoad of her sisters as she did in 1SS4. Tbe table appended shows that in tbe las! year 4 5J0.0O0 acres were disposed of in Da kota, over 3,500,000 ui Nebraska, and over KOOd.OOO in Kansas. In California more land was disnognd of in 18S5 than in 1HS4. lu Dakota the dispo-als for 1M4 were nearl three-fold those uf ISH5. In Kansas there was au enormous increase from 1.3-'!0,0)0 acres in ISM to over 3,0OO,uou lHSA The disMisals in Minnesota show falling-off of 1.0iK),iKK) acres, whi le there is an increase of 500,000 acres in Nubraska. Of the 20,112 663 acres of government land disposed oi la.t year, 7,415.K85 acres were disposed of under tbe homestead act, 4,755, 005 under the timber-culture act, 3,558,914 acre were taken as railroad selections and HU12.450 acres were sold for cash. The houie-dsftd entrie-: show but very small fall iug off from 1KH4 The timber-culture eutnuH also show but. a small diminution Tho cash sales show a reduction of 2,50J,00: acres. For the government lands disused there was received I7.CS0, 114 and for the ludiau land sold t'.U'i -IM i The land sold at cash sales brought au avorage of $1,111 per acre, and the land di-posed of at public sale brought 14.41 pfr acre. The home stead entries in lssj nunitierei 50,877, tailing on of 4, ItiS from Ma The tiuilwr-L-uiliire entries show an in crease of about 4 .000 in number. Mineral land show a decrease of 344 entries and ai increase of 5,900 acres, and there is a de crease i f 16 entries and U'i.3110 acres in coal lands. 1 he following table gives tbe aggre gate ntimlier of acres disposed of in each btate and teintory in 18S4-5: Acre'. Acre- 27.1,90 1 IMi-isissippi. . j 1 1 l,o 27s.l74lMiouri 291.27 244..r.H2i Vl,in ana 1.112.1 1,295,9 i9i Nebraska.. .3,B98,:;S 1102 till Nevada 171.4 4,547,7491 New Mexico. lt,9S Tho PoBDlace Arise and I el are o Alle giance to tho King of Bnlgarlaw London, Hept 21. The populace of P'uilippopolis, the capital of eastern Rou- melia, almost to a Biau, rose in rebellion riday. seized the governor-general, daposod the government, and proclaimed a union with Bulgaria. A provisional government was established. The revolt was so well planned that no disorder or bloodshed oc curred, everybody being in sympathy with the inovemeut except the government of- naials. the foreigners in the city are per fectly safe from barm, as is also tho prop erty of foreign residents. Immediately after the organization of tbe provincial government the militia wre worn in, taking the tiath of allegiance to Prince Alexander, of Bulgaria. It is generally believed in diplomatic dr ies that Russia arranged tho programme if the rising and suggested tho union with Bulgaria. No definite statement can be made at present as to what action the signatory powers to tbe treaty of Berlin will take respecting the matter. Eastern Koumelia was created by the congress ox Berlin in ISik, and was given an autonomic government though forming an ntegral part of tho Turkish empire. Tta governor general was appointed by the porta, subject to the approval of the treaty powers. Wall 1' Mixed Alalmini.. Arizoiui . . . Arkausi .. California . Colorado .. Dakota.... Florida. .. REBELLION IN ROUMELIA. THE MARKETS. Chicago, Sopt 111 The market quotations on the board e f trade, to-aay, were asti.Uowi: Wheat No, 2 Heotemtaer, opened Hila, olowd lo; October, opened IH closed &t'c; Novem ber, opened SHc, closed 4a. Oa'o Nu, it .SeptetBBer.opeued 25c, ulid SUa; Ootn ber, opened and closed 25c; May, opened aad chMoa Wic Pork October, opened. S.H7)i. closed 9.00; November, opened 4S.75, uloaod .824; January, omnea $9.39, oloasd (9.35. Lard October, opened 6.2i, closed fG.25. Livestock Ih Union Mock yards report tho lollowmg range ot priooa: riogs The market opeuod rather slow with packer buying sparingly; ugut lots are itaaay, but heavy and mixed grades do lower. Light trades, $3.75(44.50; rough Docking, (3.700 90; heavy packing, d.9'J4.39. Cattle- Natives nomiaaily steady; ahlnning, $sV90 6.00; butchers, l. 50(43.75; Texac, (2.50 (J5.1..S0. aheep fcrteady; common. $2.0 ut .011; medium to goou, jj joai io. rroduoo: Butter Kirst-class craamerv. 19ig21c; fancy dairy, 15 ilric; packing, 6(ft3c per lb. Kggs lSwlOsjc perdoz. Potatoes ilfll.lOper bbL Poultry .Spring chicken, 7(g7!c; old bens, 7n Yi-; roostors, 55o; turkeys, lie, ana spring uucks, Mijas,o per lb; prairie chickens, iu0(2.7i er do. Appias l. avgt'ioo par bin lor choice. CHICAGO. Opening. Cloaimr, Bane Ball Controversy. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept HI. When the ar rangement between the Buifalo and Detroit base ball managers for th transfer ot the former's club to the latter had been com plated the result was announced to Presi- dent Young, of the Natioual Ban Ball league, Washington. President Young immediately telegraphed to the officers ot both organizations that their action was. contrary to the Saratoga agreement.iwhich was that both the American and League clubs should not negotiate or con tract with players under engage, ment in either association' before the close of the season. This agreement stands in the way of the tran .fer of the Buffalo player to the Dstroit club, and it is doubtful if tbe four players taken from here to reinferce the Detroits will be permitted to play. A dispatch from Detroit says Manager Mutrie, of the New York club, refuses to play against the Uetroits if the Buffalo acquis! Uon is used, and also that Mutrie will ob ject to playing schedule games in Buffalo against an amateur team, as it will not draw attendance enough to pay expenses. The outcome of the deal is eagerly awaited beta. Winners on the Race-Course New York, Sept 21. Races at Coney Island, .Saturday, resulted: First race, mdes; Tom Martin first. Heel-aud-Toe second, East Lynne third; time, 2:24. Second race, Ji' mile; Sam Brown first Decoy Duck second. Parole third; time, 1:29 V. Tti nd race, 2 mils heats; Mis Woodford first, Binnette seoond; time, 3:37j'. Fourth raos, mile; Walter H. first, B.9- second, Chatfitr third; time. 1:17. Fifth race. 1 V mile-; Farewell fir-t, Rica St-cood. Enigma third; time, 2: 1111,'. Lexington, ky.. Sept 21. Saturday' races resulted as follows: First race, mile; Winona first Mav Lady second, Triukitat third; time, l:!"1;. Second race, 1' mil,; Anna Wooduock first, A thlone second, Walter A. third; time. 2:09;. Third race, mile beats; allium first, Lead second; time, l:4n. l::dj&. Fourth race, mile; L ird Clifton Urst, Lilly C. second, Sparlaud third; time. 1 rlilna en lleiiiand Indemnity. RoCK SPRINUS, Wy., S ipt 21. The gov ernment directors oi tae Union Pacific who have been here two days looking iuto the causes of the labor riot, leit for the west Fri day evening, after an exhaustive examina tion of the Chinese miners and citizen. Mr. Bromley, representing president Adams, i- -till her.), ani the Cni ieJ con-ul. Col. A. F. Bee, of San Francisi-o, is still examining th.tsa of tbe chines w!io were run out by the notriri, with a vrntv to ascertain the ..umlir of lives List a.i i the amount ot tn-oiiT v dnlxoye. Twenty-dve bodies h- n rocoverel so far, and fr-ou i!. to i tony of Cr nese who survive. I Ih.- . is believed at least tilteeti m-'re ojo lying somewhere in the surround ing bids, where they died fn-m wt unds ot exiiaustion. A reward ot $15 each has been offered for the recovery of tsese tsidiei l y the consul, and an organized aearoh is being made for them. In an interview gmnled a correspondent to!, tfos stated that toe present in vestigation w.ll continue for a week or ten days. It is certain that tbe Chinese govern ment will demand indemnity from the United States, but can not yet even gusss at tlie amount. Article. Wh't- A insist Sept. OCI. Nov. cor.N An mist 8ept. Oct. Nov. Oats Angust Sept Oct. Nov. Pop.f Auii-d Sept. Oct. Nov. Lako -August Kept Itct. Nov. Ribs Al!iMl?t Sept IV t. Nov Hotts 17.0011 ll av, i Son 4 4-i Si;1. 8 itlhi s sr. li 27 i ITsj W4 4t 40?, sU s'fii 8 85 8 77 ti 2i H SS S 25 R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. li !7 livln, 4 4UU 75; tmxetl, 3 K5.4 1 '0 ROCK ISLAND. Mm. 94c I ay Timothy 9 00 Hay Wild f7 oil Rve 4,V. Corn 4ti:. Potaioes 25c . OLious 40C. Sin II : haul fs so. ioid viisid f On. o r fr iHi HOODS SARSAPARILLA Has "decided" claims upon tlie public. This is positively proven by the immense good it has done to those who have been cured of diseases from which they have suffered in tensely for years, as verified by the publish ed testimonials, every one ot which is a pos itive fact CHFI.SKA, Vt., Feb. !4. 1879. MFSRS.C. I.llisil't Co., Umell. Mass.: Tliefctlniay of last June I was taken sick vdthapwelliiitrou my ritrlit fool. and with an awful pain. The swelling went all over me. My lace was swelled so ihat 1 could ttilhdif fu ully see nut ol mv eyes, and 1 broke out oer ihe whole surface ol my bodv; my rinlit loot up to my knee was one raw. liming mass, and mv ankle and fisit so lame and sore I could not slep on il. and it would run so as to wet a bandage lliroutdi in an hour. In this condition Mi. V. F. llood (of ihe turn of A. It. llood it Son, druggists, of this towio. banded uie a botlle ot Hnoo s SahsaI aril- i a. and lold me to la ke it i aid so. ana by the time 1 hod taken one noil le I lounu mat it was doing me good, i nave since tasen live Is.iiles more. After 1 had taken three bottles my soreness began to leave me. and nave ncen growing inner m-i, that to-day lean alk wilhout going lame. 1 have no soreness in mv ankle and it lias healed all up, and does not nin at all. i oo mv recsivery In your Sarsanarilla. I write this to let you know that 1 think i deserves the confidence of the ptililic. efiieciall) those woo are trouuieu wun numors. lours most frmv. -JOSIAII 1TTKIS. P. S. Fvervnerson that saw me said Ihat I never would gel over luy lameness wilhout having a iiinniiiE Bore ou uiy ankle; but tliank God 1 hac. J '- NootherSarsap;irilla has such a sharpening effect upon the appetite. No other prepa ration tones and strengthens the digestive orgaus like Hm.u's Sa rs t r aki i. l. . Price one dollar, or ?iv bottles (or fiTe dol lars. Prepared onlv by '. I. HOOD & CO. Apolhecaiics, Lowell. Jilass. We do PLUMBING kinds, including Sewer Gall and see us. of all Work. WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, - Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S MUSICAL SCHOOL. No. 160S Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island. Tkrms: Twenty Lessous, in advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $ 12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. jTiMrs. Swan is also dealer in tbe famous Bauer Piano. sepf-21-dly LAND AND LOAN OFFICE. Medill & Whitehead, Post OFFICE BUMJK, ROCK ISLAND, ll.l. Land for sale on Six to Twenty Years time. f4P" (250. 000 00 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on Farm property. 64 to 7 per cent. dwiy THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - - Gpp. Harper House. fWTtae -"rivou" ha? lately beon trflnrf.irroed into a Palace equaling in every rrepert the fines palootiriin Chirajro and Hurvming anyttnue in the three c ties A numhrof Kant opemtd by machinery for keeping the air col it one of the leading features of the place. The Liquid Kefr!hnienti dtcpeuned at thi? efUblinhment in keeping with iin grand improve ment. An elegant lunch served every morning. AU kinds of Sandwiches juu-7 d6m served on short notice. ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY J. W. W1RTEL, Prop'tr. Idaho 9-4WW1 Jowa 1 l.fsT.tij Kansas j.nlid h4i Ijouisiana . . . lHi.P4.-t Mlchlirsn HM 51 1 Minnosots... IK4:i7M Tho aggregate Ifivan 3J..'lfMOrogoii 7HS.DH7 Utah J(H,M Washingloii.l,0lti. 117 W isconsiu ... 21S 4:i VVyomini;... &5'J,9('i7 This is the best season in which to pur ify tbe Wood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best Mood purifier. WO Doses One Dollar. Total..... 'Ml, 113, a above iuciudas frac tion of an aero iu the case of each state aud territory omitt! in the table, outdoes not inelude 8sI,h,." of Indian lands soliL JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., -RETAIL DKAL1B IS- w - ri l i r' ines, Liquors, Deer anu ais, No. 309 Twentieth Street. may 7 dly ri'ris- Lunch every morning and every Saturday evening. DiVI & CO- PLUMBERS AND Steam Fitters. 'EERE'8 Block, Moline, 111. A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. - Sole agent for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., Deane Steam Pumps, Novelty Force Pumps, Safety Heating Boilers, and Con tractors for furnishing and Lay- p ing Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe 1712 Fiest Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1U8. Residence Telephone HOT. The Tool and Punished. New York. Sept 81. New York swin dlers picked out Horace Jackson Rsverancs, of Adfims, Mower county, JH.nn., us a good man to practice on, and so ent him a loiter stgiied John Kallerban. 391 East Tooth treet, telling how to (ret fi.'KXl in money "a good as real" for f-'iOO, and asking him to come to New York. Mr. Severance made copies of the letter, came to New York and notified the city detectives, who cap tured a negro who carried a letter to Mr. Severance's room. The prisoner was iden tified as William Curtis, a runner for Barney McOulre, a notorious counterfeiter, and wa tent up to the island for seven months. Two Miraouloa Faith Cure. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept 21. Miss Ella Betts, aged 18, tbe beautiful daughter of on of the most prominent families of Ne vada. Ohio, was dying, it was auppoaed, of consumption, when she suddenly arose from her bed and announced that the jjoni baa cured her. She is gaining in strength every dav. an-', is apparently cared of tbe disease. A similar oaso is reported from Boyloa county, Ky. Mis Sallie McDonald, afflicted with suinal disease, was visited by the Rev. Mr. Burchfiold, at this city, and was cured, it is said, by the laying on of hands. Indignant Democrat. Cmveland, Ohio, Sept 2L The cemo crate of Oluistead Fall, a village in Cuya hoga county, held a caucus Thursday night and deeMod to send no delegates to to county couventiou which met here Satur day. Thi action was taken because the president has not removed too E publican jKjetmaiter at Olmst si fail. y ire and Accident Insurance in reliable companies at lowest rates, apply to . Lieberknecbt, real es late, loan and insurance agent, and nota ry public. Collections made. Office 1719 Second aTenne. eodtl ml Sherifl's Sale. tfv virtue of an Execution and Fee Bill No. 5t4i, itned out of th clerk' office of the cir cuit court of Fork J -land county, and Plate of llliuoitt, and to mv direcle-d, whereby 1 am cin- nianded to make the- amount of a i-errant Judg ment recently obtained against H. B. Terry iu favor of r'raiik 111, out of the lauds, tenements, goods and chattel of the caid defendant, H. B. lerry, 1 have levied upon the following proper ty, to-wit : The eaBt half ilthf nonn-wet quarter t'4. of section nineteen (!'.) in towuhip No. sixtevu 1161. north ranee o five (ft went of ihe tourm y4ii principal oieridiau, in the county of liock it mi i a anu state or ininoin. Therefore, according to aid command, I shall cxpom: for sale, at public auction, all the rigitt, title aud i uteres of the alMe named H. D Terrv in and to the ahve deterited nroiierty, oi Haturday the 10th dayof ttrlolter 1hk, at o'clock p. ni., t the north dcr of the court honne in the citj' of KKk Island, iu the county of Kock 1h1- and aud state of Illinois lor cash in hand, to sat isfy said execntmns and fee hills. Dated at Kock Island, this m day of Septetn- oer, A D., 1HM5. JoIIN M. KKTICKKK, Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois . HALF CENT A WOKO. The ho us hereafter wi 1 nuhhh in thw col umn all a vertisemeutH of Lost, Found. For Kent, For Sale, Bo. rd or Uooms, Wanted, and similar notices, at the low rate of one half a rent a word -ach figure a word, bat m advertisement lene I tha ten cents FtK KkNT A plcasaut furnished roun, Firsi I avenue, second dor west of Eleventh street. 5-lw MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by physician with epeclsl regard to health. No Ammonia. Lime or Alum. FOR RENT Ilonse with four rooms. cheap rent; also furnished rooms, 8IK Fifteenth st. 1-tf KOK SALE old papers for sale in any quantity l sr. miBoruce. cneitp. FOKi ALK Sixty lot m my additions ro be itv of Rock Is'.und an four vearlv navnienu. wito i interest at su per cent per annum. HARPER'S THEATRE. ONE RIGHT ONLY. Wednesday Eve., Sept. 23d. BARLOW, Wll SDN & RANKIN'S MINSTRELS! Representing High Art In Minstrelsey. All the Former Favorites Retained t And the Latest Novelties added to The already Complete Roster! Barlow, Wilson, Rankin, Dougherty, Hall, Goodyear, Teirny, Wayne, Adams, Casey, Thomas, Dixon, Foi and Woods, Together with the Largest and Finest Brass Band and Orchestra ! Mow traveling. " Reserved eaw for sale at Harper House Drug store at nsual prices. I G. Iteon, 1805 Second Avenue, Has just received bis Pall Woolens, consisting of SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS, The best to be found in the Market, comprising all the Novelties of the Season And prices the lowest for first class work. 1 ""V''i it 'i 1 M I No. 1809 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases. tW REPAIRING DONE.3 IOome and nee us PAEK & ELLIS, Now is the time to secure Tjargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselves before Fall Goods come in. PARK & ELLIS, 1 704 Second Avenue. IF. S. SOUTHARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Mirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtaiu Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., t-BlJricts lower than Ihe lowest. Treiuan's Blook, opp. Commercial Hotel. GRAND OPENING OF JOE HUBER'S SALOON, No. 31K6 ' Moline Avenue, On Saturday Evening, Sept. 19th, 1885. Grand Lunch will be spread. ept-14-dly This'space is reserved for -JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. aag3o-dt(