Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Akgus. MONDAY. SEPT.. 21. 1885. Only Democratic Di1r in tne KleveathCon gressional District. J. W. POTTBR Kditok Aim Publish in. ROCK ISLAND DAILY ARGUS, ROCK ISLAND WEEKLY ARGCS, ornoiAi tana or tocx iolais cm aho ootnm ArgtfeBloca, - - Opp. Host Office. lOBHiimm suns I DAILY 1SS4 cents per week, or 80 ceuta per nouth, aoliverea by oarrkrs to ny prt of the ;ty- WE KKLY 12,00 per y ear, posture paid. Woman, lovely woman, has at last made up her mind to clean out the Chi nese wasbeeswashee business. At a meeting of .the Woman's Iuilustrial League, bold at Washington, D. C, the other night, resolutions were adopted, declaring, "That the good of the public and the health of the country demand that the Chinese laundries shall go, and calling upon the administration to rec ommend to congress to pass such laws that will protect the industries of this country from further encroachment of these heathen barbarians, and tbe com munity from the introduction by them ot that hideous disease known as leprosy, which has hitherto been unknown in our land." and denouncing Secretaries Man ning and Lamar for "the encouragement given these Chinese laundries in letting out the washing of the towels of their departments by contract.'' A copy of the resolutions was ordered sent to the presi dent of the United States, monitors of the cabinet, speaker of the house and presis dent of the senate. One of the most useful yet neglected of all the arts is that of lying in bed. The damage that is done by persons get tin'' up is past all reckoning. All the mischief and crime, the counterfeiting and forwry, the murder and theft, are perpetrated by parties who persist in getting up. Not only indivduals do wrongly by leaving their beds, but rivers as well do an immense amount of damage. What man was ever dunned by a creditor, had his eye put in mourning by a too close proximity with some one's first, broke his leg on a slippery pavement, was run over by an omnibus who lay in bed? What great achievements have been accomplished in war, iu poetry, in literature, by genius abed! "Coming events cast their shadows before" one of tbe most memorable lines in tbe English language originated with the gin loving poet, Tom Campbell, one morning before he had risen. Longfellow thought out that exquisite poem, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," after he had retired. Bon Franklin ssid, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" There is the fatal mistake People who rise early are catch the malaria. The is full of half-hutched sure to ground poisou ous germs; the sun is not up and had not warmed them into life, given them wings and set them adrift. Poor, mistaken man he arises, inhales them all, they fructify and poison his entire system; hence chill? fever, malaria, and half the ills that hii' man flesh is heir to. Rise before tbe sun. And make a hreakfasl of ibe morning1 dew, Starved up by nature on some grassy bill; , You'U nud It nectar. Was ever more arrant nonsense writ ten? Fancy a man getting up on a cold rainy morning and climbing high hills on an empty stomach, and leaving his coffee and hot rolls, and poached eggs to eat what? Why, dew! How long would that fellow last? Wouldn't he be a fit candidate for Jacksonville, and no ques tions asked? But the early bird catches the worm. Yes, but the sharp boy knock ed the delusion on the head forever and eternally when he said: "Father, thcre'i the point; what in thunder did the worm get up so early for?" He trifled with destiny; he tempted fate; be should not have done it. That boy was a benefac tor to the human race. lie was sound on tbe lie-a-bed question. THE HIHDRICXI EPISODE. It is somewhat amusing to observe tbe serious attempts of the icpublicans to create a disturbance over Vice President Hendricks' recent speech on Irish affairs delivered in Masonic hull, Indianapolis, says the New York Star. To have the English journals, most of which applaud ed the result of our last presidential elec tion, now come out and relieve their wounded national dignity by pronouncin the Indianapolis speech "a breach of neu trality," is like the dropping of heavenly dews upon the worn and jaded partisan! of the bloody shirt. Their happiness would be complete if by some means the British lion could be so thoroughly in f uriated by Mr. Hendricks' kind words for Ireland and his deserved eulogism of Parnell as to demand an official explana tion or apology from Washington. This teapot tempest is all the more ridiculous, as iu serves to show the utter hollow ness of the loud republican professions made a year ago to catch the votes of oar citizens of Irish birth and desceut. If it was possible to "pander a little to the moral sense of the community," Senator Evarts once wittily ob' served, vjthe republican leaders im proved the hint and pandered to tbe home patriotism of the Irish to an extent that must have disgusted every iu tolligent citizen who read their appeals A distinguished democrat, who happens to be vice president, speaking in a purely unofficial capacity, and upon an unofficial occasion, has openly advocated for Ire' land the same local self government which every state of the Union today enjoys. He has spoken well of the great Irish par liamentary leader, who is the apostle of his reform in Irish affairs. He has ex pressed not only the geoerous sentiments of bis party, but of a vast majority of the American people on this question. For these reasons he has incurred the aui madversions of a portion of tbe English press, which would gladly apply Carlyle remedy of utter extermination to Ireland. And the republicans, by their present at tack, have given the lie to all tbesr late professions to Irish American voters, and have exposed their parly to well earned ridicule. Mr. Hendricks transgressed no rule of international policy for which this gov ernment will ever be questioned . He did not represent the administration, but himself alone, and his able and fearless arraignment of British misrule in Ireland cannot fail to command approval where ever the elements of human sympathy and justice exist. THE NfcWS IN BRIEF. Mother Huhbardville" hi the name of a Georgia railway station. " Th Canadian Pacific roe, 1 will be opened for traffic Co British Columbia Oct 5. Rainy weatl er, fogs and cold weather have reduced the Egyptian cotton crop 50 par oent Owing to raids on pool-sellers, the closing trots at Beacon park, Boston, Friday we re declared i ff. Tha ten-hour lu'wr law and the act mak ing central sttndard time local went into effect Friday in Michigan. Mlver medala will be bestowed bv the Canadian government on troops engaged in suppressing the northwestern rebellion. A compromise ba been effected between coal miner aud operators in the Belleville, ilia, region, and no further trouble Is appre hended. A coal harp was wrecked near Galves ton, Tex., Friday, two of the lifeboat' crew Mid the crew of five on board the barge perishing. The extensive manufactory of the Smith American Organ company, at Boston, was lestroyed by lire Friday night, entailing neavy losses. A boat containing Louis Mover, of Mil waukee, and William Kittmueller, of Phila- ilelp'iiii, cap izrt.l in Lite Muskegon, Ititt- muellor heing drowned. A race for $1,000 each, with $2,000 added. 1 miles, will be contorted at Brighton ivacn next tvednesfiav by Bersan. Alta. and olaiiua, the flyers to carry weight for age. A snohel containing cartridges enough to npply a regiment whs found stored away in me furnace of at Mark's church, Mtiino apoli-, the other day when the janitor was about to kindle a ore. The brass tablet kto perpetuate the mem ory of Uiytes S. Oraut," given by the drain Monument association of York, reached Galena Fri lay. a id in a few days wui ue pi area in me city hall. There wns on exhibition in Toledo. Ohio. Inst week the large t steer in the world. weighing pounds, and the smallest cow the world, woigiuu Xio pounds and thirty-four inches, and giving three gallons of milk par, ley. An eiplrwiun of easel tue resulted in a ffra Friday night at lit Hope. Kaiu, whioL de- troy ed property valued at $20,000. The postofnee mid ail the mull matter were ona turn I Hush & Suramin's flouring -mill at LSHVenworth, Kan., was also destroyed. cue UKu ueiug llio.o. id, with $00,000 Insur ance. The streets of Oalveston, Tex., are sub merged, tbe result of heavy rains, which nave 'alien alinu-t mrnssantly since Sent 1, the rain-gaiiL-e since that date indicating a fall of nnurly eighteen inches one-third of the averagu total for tbe year. All dav Friday a heavy storm prevailed, the sea making seri..u encroachment a the island n wnich the city stands. News at disasters along the coast is expected. Near fiiion. I;is., Friday morning, the body of Fred Th inl was found Dartlr con cealed under a bridge, with his threat cut and a mortal wound on the bead. It is not known how long the remains lay cdticealed, but a young man named Jacob Mosse wai arre tod on suspicion of having committed tlie murder, certain circumstances pointing strongly in his direction. Trie murdered man was a bo k cuivusser for Messrs. Oat- ley & Co., of Chicago. Howard Craaby Favors High Linens. Roohestkr, N. Y.,, 2l.-Rev. How ard Crosby writes to The PostrKinresa ioiiows: -i am in favor or the insertioa of a high-license plank in tbe platform of the Republican mnventien, linearise the Repub lican party has made, and will make, all it reel gains by the advocacy of practical moral reform." Imports at New Tors. New Yokk, Kept -L The total im aorta of mercuaudise at this port daring the past week were valued at W,li,0yi, and of dry goods $,:am,20o. During tbe summer and autumn mouth the greatest care needs to be exercised for it is just at this time that cholera mor bus is most liable to manifest itself. 1 et er Itaczcn, of Oordcnville, Fa., writes "A few days ago I had a severe attack of cholera morbus. Your agent told me if Mishler's Herb Bitters did not cure me he would refund the money. I am happy to state that one bottle not only cured me but also my wife, who was taken ill with a severe attack of diarrlura. Taking morphine leaves, in a short time leaves tbe head bare. Many persons are nearly bald from this cause. Morphine also loosens the tevili. so that it is as Corn! for the dentists as for the capillary artists. Mothing like it. No medicine has ever been known so effectual in the cure of all those diseases arising from on impure condition of tbe blood as Scovils Siirsiiparilla, or blood and liver syrup, the universal remedy for the cure of crofiiln. white swellings, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, eruptions, venernal sores, ana diseases, consump tion, groitre, boils, cancers, and all kin dred diseases. There is no better means of securing a beautiful complexion than by using Scovill's Harsaparilla, or Blood and Liver Syrup, which cleanses the blood and gives permanent beauty to the skin. The White house letter paper is of the first quality, with lieautifully printed beading. Jefferson beaded his own fools cap with a quil pen. HOBSKOKII'N si ll) rilONPHAI E Ai a Refrigerant Drink m Fevers. Dr. C. II. 8. Davis, Meriden, Conn says: "I bnve used it as a pleasant and cooling drink in fevers, and have been very much pleased with it. Out in Yuma, A. T., tbe people, a few weeks ago, panted for life under a tern' perature of the Sahara variety 110 de' grees at midnight being tne recora. "A Crick in the Back" is many times symptom of kidney disease. Hunt's Kid ney and Liverj Remedy will cure It. VERY HEUABABLE KEC0VERY. Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has been almost helpless for five years, so helpless that she could not turn over in bed alone She used two bottles of Electric Bitters, and is so much improved, that she is now able to do her own work. Electric Bitters will do all that claimed for them. Hundreds of testi monials attest their great curative powers. Only fifteen cents a bottle at Hartz & Balmsen's SHERMAN'S OPINION OF THE WARNER :SILVER COMPRO MISE BILL. He aya the Schema la Absolutely Ira. practicable Thlnki Thar If No Dan ger la loaning silver Dollar If Their Weight la Increased. Clivxland, Ohio, Kept 21. Senator John Sherman, who is stopping at the Ken nard house, was called upon by a reporter Saturday morning and asked to give his pinion of the Warner silver compromise bill, as reported in these dispatches. What is your opinion of the compromise silver scheme P was asked. It is absolutely Impracticable. The dis patches represent Warner as claiming to be able by his plan to prevent the bulling of the silver marsat by producers and speculator.. It fa no mora possible prevent this in J?the case of silver than it is in the case of grain or cot ton." "Is it practicable to give certificates for silver bullion circulating power when these certificates are is ue I for silver at the market price on the day of issue and re deemable at tbe market price of silver on some other day f It is not practicable, it is simply prepos terous, so much so. In fact, that I can hardly believe that Warner or any other intelligent man would advocate it, although it is so represented in public prints. Such cirtitlcates could never become a part of the currency. Their value would fluctuate from day to day with the price of silver. They could not constitutionally be made legal tender, therefore banks would not receive thum. The government would be the only party that woukt receive them, and the govern meat would have to take them for dues as f i t as th.ty were is sued or re.lem thorn in lawful money, not bullionfollowing th provisions of War ners plan. Ihe g.n'.irn until, would in that way become the op.Nitory of all the certilioatas as welt as all the silver and the whole thing would Is) a farce so far as it as sumed to provide currency for the people. Certihcatea ot tlie kind Warner proposed would be as unstable in value as the 'nsl dog' money of anet-Hllum day. They would not be money iu any true sense of tlie term." When asked if congress had power to make suoh certificates receivable for public and private dues, the sen it or replied that it bad not "The pre -ant gold and silver cer- titioates, he conliiiumi, "which are not, as many suppose, legal tenders, hut being re oeivable for public duos at a fixed value. have great credibility a,id circulating power. and are, in my Ju lgmont, as near as the government can get what the people want In this regard, excepting always that 111. silver dollars at the l : of the silver certiii eates ahould contain ilver enough to make thean Intrinsically equil to gold." He says tha goverumr -t will have to as sume tbe risk in the v -viation of the value in coin. He also thinks there is no danger of issuing too many silver dollars providing tbe dollar was strengthened by increaswl weight, a he advocates, Tlie re would be 10.000,0u0 suoh dollari hoarded instead of gold as la now the case. He thinks the policy of suspending payment on the public debt since Secretary Folger's death mistaken one. Ihe requirements of tbe sinking fund should have at least beon k'ipt up. He infers that there is $ral,ia.- 000 now in tlie treasury that should go toward reducing the pub lie debt "The all -ged sale of true tlonal silver in New York for gold was a silly piece ot business. 1 lion) is no troubl in getting plenty of gold for silver certifi cates if desired or neces.ary." He con tinued that while secretary, he gave large amounts of silver certificates to foreigners. who came bare to buy our products. Mill ions of gold came into the treasury In thi way. Manning be says is opposed to the silver uaues and so ran short of gold for time. An Ohio Elensation. Toledo, Ohio, Sept 2L A remarkable story comes from from Monclova, this county. It is in substance that about thir teen years ago Thomas Hubbell, then a prosperous farmer, died and was buried in the village graveyard. He left a wife, who has since married, and an estate which was divided among eight children. Hubbell wa iearly forgotten, when a few years ago the wife received a letter from a Michigan asylum, signed in the dead mau's name, but no notice was taken, friends supposing it a freak of a lunatic. This week another let ter was received, and, to quiet sus picions, the grave was opened, when, to tbe surprise ot all, the casket was there, but emptv. It has caused great excitement Since then brothers of Hubbell have been following up the clew in Michi gan, and now believe the solution of the my.story is that whenv Hublstll was buried the body was stolon by robiiers for the Ann Arbor medical college. It is supposed that life returned on the dissecting table. HtihMI had lieen af flicted with disease of the head. The ter rible shock awoke him and proving to le a lunatic he was placed in an axylum. The return of the brothers from their investiga tion is eagerly watched for. The affair has created a profound sensation here about. More Good rswn for Worklngmen. W OODS KON, l a., Npt. 121. J he price has been conceded at the American mine and the eighty men employed there will re sume on Monday. They will also have a check weighman. This is the third mine running in the fourth pool at the S-cent rate. La whence, Mass., Sept 21. Frederick Ayer, of Lowell, the purchaser of tlie Wash ington mills' property here, announces thai he will at once begin to put the mills in op eration. Tbe mills stopped a year ago, siiu e which time there has been much depression in local business, as they gave employment to 2,700 operatives. Cannon-Bali Terforiuer Dead. NlW YORK, Hept 21. News lias been received in this city of the death of Johu Conklin, who was once well known to tlie public as a cannon-ball performer in vari ous circuses. He died on Tuesday at the residence of his brother Fetor, the famou' clown, in St Louis. He was the first per former to catch a cannon ball tired from a cannon and ha performed this feat with nearly all the leading circuses of th s conn tvy and Europe. He was 47 years old. The Caroline Islands. Madbiu, Bept 2L It is reianrtod that It was announced at tbe cabinet council Fri day that the Spaniards bad occupied Yap, and that the Spanish man-of-war Valient was to replace the Vateaco, which had been selected for the service of carrying store to that station. Insurrection In Onatemala. Wasuinoton City, Sept 21. The state department is informed that insurrection has broken out in Guatemala, and a state ot siege been declared. Prominent military oflioers have bean arrested au4 two formei ministers banished. Collapse of a Must hhure Kanbankmeat. Glen Kkie, N. Y., Sept HI. On the New York, West Shore & Buffalo railway, just east of this point, upward ot 700 feut of an embankmont thirty foet high suddenly and mysteriously sank, takiug down both rail way tracks. A temporary roadbed about a quarter of a mile in length, was marked out around the hole, and in a short time the track was in readiness for trains. All sorts of theories have been made aa to the cause of the sinking, the most tenable one being the existence of a subterranean cavern. A Tillage Destroyed fcy Fire. Pbaihib Du Chiex, Wis., Bept 81. In telligence has been received that the village of Soldier's Grove was almost entirely de stroyed by fire FrUav night Full reports nave not yet been raeei ved, but tbe leas will reach (30,000. . Transfer of Gold and Silver. Washington City, Sept 21. The trans fer of gold and silver cin from the over crowded vaults at Ban Francisco and Carson City to the sub-treasuries in theea tern cities continues. The total amount of gold coin already shipped from San Franci-co to New York is about $13.4)0,000. Tne shipments, from Carson City hv been almost entirely of silver coin, hi view of the large amount of coin which hn accumulated at the New York sub-treasury. by reason of heavy shipment! from tne weit, it has been best to briu future shipments to the treasury at Wash ington instead, and the first assign meat nrrived here Friday morning. It consist si of $500,000 in gold coin from San Frnnei o an t $JOO,000 in silver coin from ( nr on City. The $10,400,(100 shipped from N w Orleans in two naval vessels is exfiectcd t. arrive here next wtek. Ia Kngland Mad About It T London, 21. Tile morning paper preserve the same Bi lence nn the sui.jort ot the Genesta's winning Vice Coinm .lor. Douglas' cup Friday that tiny coiitiniio u do respecting its defeat. The Field is the only 8iorting paper with a leader on the l'uriljin's victory, an I this is mainly a re view of the history of the race, witnoui ce res ,ing any views. Tr Saturday Unview mingles bilge-water with the wavs over whieh the Puritan sailed, and blames Sir Richard Suttwn for ab.urd c .n ditions and taking a sea-geing. stench yacht aoross the Atlantic to contest with a racing machine. A0V1CKTO B0THKKS. Arc you disturlied at nieht ami broken of your rest by a sick child siiuYnmr and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children tecthino;. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pour little sufferer im mediately. Depend upon it mothers. there is no mistake aliout it. It Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, regulates Ihe slum aeh and bowels, cures wind colic, soft ens the "UiiiK, reduces inllitiitni.-ition. ml give lone and energy to the whole sys tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is ploiMint to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best feni.ile nurses ami phy siciims in the (Tnited States, and i foi sale by ail druggists throughout ll, e world, l'riee 2.1 irnts ier buttle. feb m w-s m t y Small Mediterranean oysters, consid ered bv "ormands as the most delicate nt all bivalves, ate now ramus! fur exporla lion from Italy. Bervons Debilitated Men You are allowed a fnr trial of ttiirl. iIiiih of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic licit with Electric Suseusory Appliances, for the speedy relief and per maiicnt. cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full informa tion, terms, etc., mailed friT by address ing Voltaic Bell Co., Marshall, Mich. ileod fc w IVter the limit's boots, the original model of the "Wellingtons." are still ex hihiled as curious relics in St. IVtersburg A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mechaiiicshurg, l a., writes: "1 was alllicted with lung fever and abscess on Iiidss. and red lie to i milking krlt1nn. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, winch did me so much good thai I bought ilol' ir bottle After usini; three hollies, found myself oik more a man, compk'lclv restored to health, with a hearty apix'lite, and a "uin in flesh of 4S lbs." Call at ll.niz A lfahnsen's drug store anil "i t a free tri.i bottle of this certain cure fur all Lnn Diseases. Lare hollies $1 mi. 1 here is hardly a village in l.ussia in which there is not to b,' found a bottle of water from the famous river .Ionian. THOTJgAKOS EAT 80. Mr. T. W. Atkins, (iirard. Kan., wntcs 1 never hesitate to reeotiuieiul your Llectric Hitters to my customers, tney give en I ire salishMtiou and arc rapitl sellers. .Llectnc Hitters are tlie pure and best medicine known and will posi lively cure Kidney and Liver complaints 1 only the blood and rr:ulslc the bowels No family can afford to la- without lliein Iliey will save hundreds ot dollars iu doctor's bills every year. Sold at fifty rents a hoi lie by Hart lialinsi'ti. The first woolens for autumn are light, very light Thiliil cloth stuffs as fine mid soft as if woven of down. HO Kt V Kit. Ely's Cream P.nlm was recommended to me by my druggist as a preventive to Hay Fever. Have bei-n usinj: it us direct ed since the 1Mb of August and have found it a specific tor that much dreaded and loathsome disease. Fur ten years or more I have been a orcat sufferer each year, from August !llh till frost, and have tried many alleged remedies lor its cure, but Kly's Cream Halm is the only preven tive I have ever found. Ilav fever suf ferers ought, to know of its efficacy. Frank A. Ainswortli, of F. B Ainsworih A Co., P.ihlishers, Inilianapolis, lnd. Two hundred mid .seventy five thous and pounds of dynamite arelo he e.vplod ed in Hell Gate Oct. 1. Don't! -If a dealer offers you a bottle of Salvation Oil w ithout labels, or w rap iers, or in a mutilated or defaced pack age, don't linieh it don't buy it at itny price, you can rest assured that there is something wrong it may tie a dangerous and worthless counterfeit. Insist upon gelling a ptrffrt. vubroh n. gr 11 nine pack age. Count Cavoiu'a love letters are soon to be published, according to a Turiu cor respondent. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is a most powerful restorative tonic, and combines Hie most valuable nervine prop erties; especially adapted lo the wants of debilitated ladies suffering from weak back, inward fever, congestion, inflam mation, or ulceration, or from nervous ness or neuralgic pains. l!y druggists. Krupp ia at present chiefly manufactur ing guns for China, Turkey, Japan, und Egypt. A CARD. To all who uresuflcnng from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood. &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FliEE OF CIIAHG E. This great remedy w discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self addressed euveloiie to the Kkv. .liiSKl'u T. Inman, Station D Mew York Citv A th;ng to boast of in Maine is a horsn upon which ten governors have ridden. For woman in delicate health, no med icine equals Hunt's Remedy. All female complaints are speedily cured by it. It never fails. OHIO POLITICS. TWO PROMINENT POLITICIANS COME TO BLOWS ON THE CARS. Ka-Fuitmt States Marshal Wright Strikes Durbia Ward In the Fare Sepa rated by Frienita llowlly on the Mistakes of Sherman. Lebanon, Ohio, Sent 21. About 5 o'clock Friday evening as Lit Wright, ex-Uaitad Sutea mars ml lor tho southern district of Ohio, an I (ten. Durhin Ward, both of Lib- n, Onio, w mm coming up on tlie Ciin in lati Northern railroad, they got into an al tercation about the mAnner in which Ward acted in the election at. Cinciunali last fall. In a speech at the City oi X'uia Thursday night the general charged that IaI Wright had Iswu cognizant of and had lurthern i a raiw on tha ballot '. H it.ii men oerupie.l tlm same seat in tue car, and t'iy bocn.iiA embroiled in a heated discus san on tne sn!.jct Ward was otttn in his charge! again -t Wright Wright warned him not to repeat the charges. This warn ing was n it heeded, and the eon-equwiee was that Ward received a terrific bl w over the loll eye, that brought blood. Ward was about to re-pond with a heavy cane, when mutual fridnds interfered and ho-tili-tios had to cease. A correspondent m.;t th of the men at their respective homes. They both havo a different version of ; he row, eispt that Ward admits that he ciinrged Wright with unbecoming conduct as a United States c.tli'-ial and wita com mitting fraud in the election at Cincinnati last fall, and reasserts the charges. Holh men ar.i resident politicians (on oppodte .ties) and are highly-resiected citiKsus. floadly at Kast Liverpool. l'.AST l.lVKltl'OOI,, Sept 21. Uovernor lloadly waswarmly welcomed at the skat ing rink Friday night by an audience of i.tMO iieople. His lir.t effort was an abso lute donial of the statements made by Sena tor Fawcett at a Republican meet ing in Mahoning County, in w.uch he (Hoadly) had ben chargnd with over talotisnes in suppressing the labor difficul ties in the Hocking vnlley, and a personal furtherance, of the interests of the coal op- Tutors. He then reviewed the situation a1 rhat time in minute detail, giving a reason for hi- every action. Ti e governor then re viewed thn mistakes of Shermsii, which, as he. aid, "oiitnuinlwre.I by an over whelming majority tht errors of any otter individual known to hi lory. Mr. Sherman's attempt, to jiaint Ohio i 'leop crimson by flaiiuting over the stnte some stained linen, came in for an exhau-t-ive rebuttal, and when tho speaker, witl' sonsiderahle force, declared that this same S iemiau who is engaged in relighting th. late war had never even smellel the smoke of battle, the audience went wild, and th large building echoed with applause. Tile governor's position on the liquor aiiostiop was also discussed at length. Concerning Senator C'harTeea TTtterances. Nrw Yokk, Sept 21. Inferring to the alleged utterances of Seuator Chaffer on the subject of Gn. Grant's resting place, I'lysses S. Grant Jr.. who was seen at the family mansion in Sixty sixth stro t Friday m rnmg, said: "I do not for a moment believe that the senator said the things at tributed to him. I have heard him talk in an entirely opp.ite way on tha subject The only rason I can see for publishing such a story is tho desire to de feat tbe monument enterprK here. know thnl the publication of what I believe lo l a false statement of Senator Cbatfee's views has made talk about town, and must of course more or less impede the work of raising subscriptions. For my own part 1 do nut fe-l authori7.M or inclined to speak on the subject of my father's burial place." 6 Mrs. Grant said that for the present she did not wish to speak up in the suttject Neither she nor Ulysses Grant, Jr., cared to go into the matter of tbe general's expressed prsfer-ince for Nw York as a place of burial. linking After the Indians. Santa Fit. New Mexico, Sept 111. Gen. Mi!e, commanding the department of the Missouri, has lieen in this territory for sev eral days looking after matters connected with the present Indian troubles; He and Gen. Bradley, local commander here, are now in consultation. During the past week a band of about ten bucks, accompanied by a doften squaws, have been in the back range and Mogollnn mountains committing deprednlions. They are a jiortion of Geronltno's band. So far five men have lieen killt-d by them one ufliir Hillshoro and four on the Miembres. There are thirteen troops of cavalry in pursuit of the band. The country is ex treimdy rough and the pursuit so close that the hostiles do the damage they want to, and can only kill tho? whom they hap pen to ma across in their line of march. A Coal Hargp ami Five Men Lost. Gai.vf.htdn, Tex., Sfii t "I. Capt Oris wo 1 and a crew of five seamen on tbe barge (rient, laden wilh coal from New (h leans, were lost in the heavy storm which prevailed here Friday night. Tlie bargj went aground and an attempt to rescue het crew was lutile. K tin has fallen here for live days and the city and island are del uped. The streets are terfect canulv. Iu ni'tlty places the water is knoe-dee)t. I he Cases To It Dismissed. ST. Lul ls, Ma, Sept -L lnformatir.11 comas from Fort Scott Kan., that United States Ihstrict Attorney Terry has beau in stnielwj to have the indictment quash! and to dismi.s tho case now in the United States court against some ninety Oklahoma bisimers, the hitter having vacate! the t.-r ritory and thus complied with the orders of t!ie president. l'.eliel Kiel Hanged In KIHcy. Kingston, Can., Sept. 21. An efligy of 1,'itiis Kiel was hanged Friday night by the volunUsvr, in camp at MdlsLon iu the pres ence ol thousands of spectators. After a inoek execution tbe figure which was stuff ed with guiitowder was fired and blown te atoms. lie Paid the line. Salt Lark Citv, Utah, Sept 21. Bishop John Sharp, tlie Utah director of the Union Pacific, iiivl a wealthy and influential Mor mon, piead 'd gjilly to the charge of unlaw ful C"ha'titatiou iu the police court Friday. He advi e I every one to live within the law or tn iDiintrv, pitid tne . "j lino, ana itsi di- charged. Admits Hie Guilt. INMANAPOUS, Illd., (S"pt 21. It IS rumored that $u5.0d0 of Jaier signed by Trusts ) Kitz is in circulation. Friday even ing Mr. Kttz made an atll iavit for pubtica tion declariug that t-t OiHI f the e warrants were forgone-. C holera Increasing in 1'alermo. IIomk, Sept 81. Ouring the past twenty four hours ending Saturday neon 224 new cases of cholera and ltO deaths from the disetse were reported ia Palermo, a large increase ovar the preeediug twenty-four beura. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may. have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Have used Tongaline in some six cases of neuralgia, besides other nervous affec lions, and am prepared to say that, so far as my experience extends, it is one of the most reliable remedies that bus ever come nlo my possession. J. A. Ward, M. D., Troy, Mo. Absolutely Pure. Cancer of Tongue. A 'A-E KKSKM I'.LINiI THAT OF iiEN. till INT. Sonic ten years ngo 1 lulu a scrofulous sore o .i my riutit leiiiit w litiii gave nic irreal trouble, ami nnili-r the olil-lilne t real ment wan lit ulcil up. Hint 1 sniipeseil 1 was well. I ronnil, however, it linil only Ih'ch driven into the system ly Hie use of sitasli ami mercury, ami in Minve. VsH!. it ln-nke oiil in my tliroitt, anil conn titrated in wiml pome of the doctor ilciiominiticii cancer, i was pluccd iiniter I rc.-it iih ill for this disease. Some six or sevenof the lii-sl pliysii i.'lns in Ihe rounlry hail meal ililTerenl. limes umlii tltrir clctrjrc, union.' tin 111 were spet'ili liil f in Ihls line; tint one after miolhci' wonlil exluoisl llit-ii skill ami drop me. for I tirew worse contiiiiinlly. 'I'lic rani-er had eaten lliroie:!' my rlieek, ilcsimyiinr the roef of my moulli anil nier lilt, llien alt.-u ked my Ioiilmu IKihile ami loivi-r lip, ile-lniyni the inlalc ami iniiiT lip entirely ami half 1113 Ioulmic, eating nul ' 11 Ihe lop of my lei I check hone 'iml up to the lefliyc. Fnan a hearty rolitlst woman of 1MI Isninils. 1 was retliiceil to a mere frame of skill Hiel Indies, almost iiuatiU- to luni mvs.'lf in Ihu. I eolilil not eat liny eoinl fetMl, hut suhsistt-il mi lniiiils, attil my lougiii-was si far irouc I could net talk. rl he anui-h of miiiil ami Ihe horrinle lllTerlm's of heii y w iiicll I experienced iieveiciill he reveal. d. i;ien up liy pto sieians Iodic. no liope of rceovi ry u(ion the pari of my friends who sal annuel my l,'ii.-iile eii-tim.f every mo n.ent le U' my last; iu fact, my liushantl wouhl place Ins hitiul on me every now .and then 10 sec whether I was alive or not, anil ill one tune a'l ile ciiltal llial life whs ev'iiifl, anil my ilea'h was re (Hirtcil all over Ihe country sncli was my wri'li iicl ami helpless condition oil Ihe lirsl of lasl lauils-r ilsSli, when my lieiuls coniiuenfeil givh.g lie Swill's Siiei-itic. In less than a month the calimr places slopeil and liealui' cnmiueiu-tid. and ihe fearlul aperture in my check lias hern cIo-smI ami firmly knitted lo irclher. A pns-c-sof .1 new under lip is progress hit,' finely, slid Ihe toiiime which was almost ile- ito.yeit is Is-ing iccowri'd, ami it seems that 1111 I it re is supplying a new tongue. 1 can talk so tlist ln friends can readily understand me, and can cat sdid food ai!aiii. I nm aide lo walk alsml wherever I (deae w it limit the assistance of any one. ami have nailed tilty isium! of Ih-sh. All this under Hie tdessiiie of a merciful Heavenly father, is due lo swiflV Spei irtc. 1 am a wonder ami .1 marvel lo all my Irirmls. hundreds of whom nave known my intense snllerint's. and have visi ted me in my aillictious. hiie 1 ani not entirely well, ye I my L'raliluile is none the less devout, and 1 am coniidenl that a h rfecl rerovt-rv is now in si'.'ht. II any douht these fuels. I'would refer litem lo Hun. .lohn H. Travor. State Senator of llns dislrii l. who is my iicij.-hr.or. Pr. T. S. Ilrad tivld, 01 I. a 1 trance (ia., or lo any ether per-niis living in the southern p trl of Tieape couulv. lot ,mi:s M.ia 1. ovkii. I.aCr.lHL'C. (in.. Vav 14. 1SS5. Sold hy all llrui'-'ists. Trealis. 011 UUss; and Skin Piscises msiled free, fall 011 our Physician, No. ITiJ V . 2 'si SI.. N. 1 t otisiilla, im, free. The Swivt Si'E.unc Co , lluwi'i 1'. Allan. a. liH. fIGTfiEll Used herbs indoctoring the familv.snd her simple remedies IU CI lit: in most cases. W UtioiN the use of herbs, medical acionce would bn powerless; and yet the tendency of the times is to neglect the best of all remedies lor those powerful medicines that seriously in jure the system. W (baBai 4 if .1 combination of valunble herbs, carc lully compounded from the Iciniulaof a regular J'hyKician, who used this pre scription largely iu his privatte prnctico with great success. It is w.rf a drink, hut a medicine used by many physicians. ltis invaluable tor IH'Si'frsi 4, i and Ml KK 4'OMI'l.AIKTS, st linns t:nArsTM.x, ut:jh At:ss, l mil rsnoN. r.; and while curing will not hjirt the system. Mr. C. J. Rhodes, a well-known Iron man of Safe Harbor, Pa., writes : "My son was completely prostrati-d by fever led amie. (Jiiuiiue aIl l,rlvH ,lil Ituu no ssssi. 1 then wm for MisltlerV Merit Hitters aiidiu a rhnrt tiuie the bey was iiute well." "E. A. 8cheUentratrer, Druggist, 717 Et. Clair Street, -Cleveland, O., writes : - your priters, I can eav, and do sav. are prp aenlssl by some nf t Ib oldest and most i reinineiit I'ltj htcuns in our city." . mishIjEu herb bitters co., 625 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup Never Fails 0'. ?.' j. NfrianiicrttRii itv KAURIS' yizxz MiJir.iMha tsktllnti nhv. i ttstns tvmtlt, friw A RAotcALCune Fon'l fu. indu-.-m-v.. '4 DECAY. Ji"i DECAY. tLM -sM.r. Ki mi nv tl.t it va Ir.Your till Ui MiMtit M, or i Tr-rrvo i or ovrr, tic. nor incontt nu ih-l id Yl AflSUVllKr IHtnltv'l i)' nay. t-ttuiiilid oo ivii' im- mrilu t timvf p t'y tiri-rtHii.liuiiiiil I'tr Hfil ot tiis'iMf it lHOUSAFor,A3I3 kf ,!M'i'.i.t.t il.ttiv. 'l!ifinU VKfiJIL t M 1(1111 ;Hfiflfl Hit fl 2o womha. - h..i,.L',,,,,v, ,,.".;7, ::r almlUclll..J.oclj,i'I..,,c,1,'uL;,'il':!;Jt, 600H N. lentil tii .B'i'.iiTjAH.itO, RUPT(iM P fMSCKUl Vni a Trues. apl-u-dwly C. P. bWANSUJS, Contractor and tfuil'kr, No. 21 2 1 4th Ave., Her idem, tio. ius ScveiulrAvinuc, ROCK ISLAND. IUINOIS. 1885. SICLER'S I88G. CALIFORNIA P. P. P. P'S Popular Pullman Palace Parties. Crand Exciireions . , Will leave rklt ua-o. Hi. Paul and HI. Iali fur 4m, Fraa.-lM.-a aad Munu. lulu, Muiulu) Oet. 1 Nov. I. and Jlec. 1 llaiS. rer iiartlculars aodress, U. C msL,CK, Maaaur M Clark 8b hlcao, sent-W-dlra ffioxALimsitji XI ORAM ill Us !TTEKSo New Advertisemftnts. CLIMAX I HI L.kl ', '.! . .'bi KiwsPArm ADVuarisisn Btokah i in' 2 Btreetl, where adver- ljei .,' tiiwir mntraota may f J & VI VfiV vm uiaue hk a iu BUBaeV VllV GOLD KEDftLTMiiis., BAKER'S Warranted nfmittutrl,, t'orna. trim mhwh th,.., OH has lieen rcinuvisl. In,, nmrt inc ttreugtk of Coo,, with Bbirrh, Amis-miai.. and istlterefiiri. f:irnii,rew i al, enstin; let, (, 0 I Clip. It IS dellei,,,,,, n,un I BtreinflheiitaK, easily ,iiKllllv jaumirniiiy fur jmi iwenasiur person, j (,,,i,k Sold by tinirersHrpn, . BAKER & CO., DorcliGSter, A Stock Invest llH'Ilt THAT WILT, 1ay The lVojiH-'s Ojijicii,!,,;,, To lt;tr' in Hif .'-iiri d n( Large Cattle Hi Par V.'ilu of Sli.n s slu Thi H..k of tl-o "W.-h in I n ,) , SltM'li ('tllltll.lHy'1 !trt' HW OjM-tl f..r I!:,' :i i of a Ihnilrti iiimiln'r nf li;itv- uf n- ( n,, The rtiiniiiiit tioM" ((iTririt in Hit;- f.inihuui;' fKCiTil :0.(KHl. Aih iti.ui iur -,-m- i niMiii' .it llif ollh r ol llir si-i r t in. .102 Main Si,, lavniui.! or throiiirh the fulloutic irt'iitlrin.-i,: r Srrm-y. l; rk M:n .1. II. titllnr. ;ifl i-r Khi Naiiui,.! t:.1(t en port. ifO K. Maxwell, fusilier 1 Uaii1, lf:tV' iiiort. 4. (Titian .SaiiiL'i- ItiHik, iinirt. lr. W. . Knl)!, :ifiinrt Jolm .1 . l .hiu. 1-is Kim inril M ., Inw I.'. K. Ilt'tiicuu.-iv. (,T liicr Mfhiii N:ii,..i; Mu.iiip. Ill- J ia mi in: s an f ''wIw ROCK ISLANL IRON WORKS TuU'iit ".i-l ,'in.l WrmiLM Iron Fence Clieajn'st Fi'iice in tlie W- for Rer-itleiice ir Cetnei'T Lots. Maile any Height Dun IVr.MI k,wf ef 11,'oS mill MM HI' ne , -. i ) 1 1 1 , 1 !y mel sal elie lien ii-iiiui" 1 rile fur .rti es. IKIWMNC IM.OS. K(K K Isi,.M, I' sen '. .My I H'TI 1! A !l I'iHI (ii'iiinut line -. " " W. H. LUNDV. n dc r-sT n rft as r P WILL Attend Sales IN KITH It K CITY ORCOUNTHi at mUrHtrft:;ir,',ii ReceiveConsignnui' Slid msl.e proiiipt rein"1"- amd Aveniie BOI'K l" 8' utel.ii' AT T1IK DaVKM'"'!' I 1IKIM T7CC I fll I llUOllll.t)'' yr.. f ltiHiK K mi m.. 2 i: '!. 1 1 " "v 2 I f.lKRl'IH ' w I 1'iieMti.lHlll 1. pi I TVI'K WlMIlM' t I'm n.iiAi in . jllll-S4illv III MAS ,v in"1' I!, W iOMLINSiiV Veterinary Sim AND AUCTIONrr' J i 11 attend tit all rail- fnr m n " referelK'e ifiven. AllliKsas, IIKI"-' deiil i-illf NEW JAKO:! ,-. Co'nfectionekv No. 11(1!) Thir.1 Ave. VM. SEll'H- I'" r-HreaJ deliver. .1 1" any " "' """ aue-T-fllv Ike mm fB: Are K'H-fiWiHiiif. Ilius re ieni' t ,.,. aniouiit vt attenlieii; innjiiif " 'U,M.. ami annrirw nerl.s'l uiiiI.tidiI)' " ,:' 'liter (Iu IIHawilh lie' eliH-"t a ' ( w-,i,- aut and rcuiaiarsi !' "' ' ,,,5 M nr In the"- ''' K1 , , t iru aelves by xviiw i" ''"J1 '"""i.u'u A Write t.t nr call oin i (ien'l As l'BIilrRtt' july-dlm Ma 1 si? m mm