Newspaper Page Text
CI Did you Sup- wse Mustang Liniment only good or horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. ilIOIKSSlONAI. CAIMIS. WILLIAM JACKSON, ,,-n,,;l'.V AT LAW. office in Kink Maud !' i. n il l' 'llk, Kock Island, il'. j. BEAltDSLEY, .SKY AT I.AW-otlice with J. T. Ken t,v l7"- s'canlavfm. an!-1-riittim pi'n H. C. CONNELLY, T , ijsKY AND 'IH'NSKMaHt AT LAW, L i-lm.l. Office in Post Oft'ici itutM ll,fli;rlr!U mli' Blink, Itooms Mo S '. nnvtl-lwiv r. L. WALKER. 5! y HEN E Y fe-W ALKER, ri'..i:N!:YS ANDCOHNSKlJ.OliS AT LAW 111 II' m'-ion's lil k. Nock Island. II). m. 1 !"' E. W. fctURST,'M Y ANIH'IM NsRI.I.OK AT LAW. .i.ii.r in vi-couic Teiiinle Mock, over Kock ta- , v . .,. ;i i: mi k. i;oi k i -I'.nii, in. 1. m. COUBETT, 'Hi; KV AT LAW. Sobi-ilitr in( nam-pry und rv ruli'ir. Arftr:i i-, I.omiih and n.ll.T , t Men. I'lifo .1 Kiork, yt avcnne, ovei GUIDO BECK, y'.rT .-- Second Avenue, over IVnptfi il IWitW, K.ick 1-I:ttid, Hliimw. i;l MMNS 01 im TOUY. I i. , II! .SeVt'uli'CHltt ktr.'fl i l- At'TI tiKliS. .1 iiiii !t' 'evtite.-nih ir-'i.' r" M.nii'-e.m n r imi.okv Mld HVeiclC. li. ;. A t i i ; ii(iiiii!!tM cverv 1 -l 4 1 11 AlVUtt I tl. W k. Ill) In IllM' il I'lnitH UL 111 COmitC id- i-Ulih-diiucnt. U N i'S AMM'nN KiH I'll N E lis. 'n t . l'd'.l mCullrt :iVtMill. ii.i.n. l-i" cnnd uveuiie. ESCAPED FROM THE ASYLUM. to the Asylum Superintendent and Skin,. Chicaoo, 8ept tL-Otto Funk, alias J . ialbot. alias tin-,, i .i wj notorious ublic library thief and university tunnel .rank, who was adiiidfel to tho Elgin asylum, ha. made hia escape r.niat institution. Hi. apartment u located on the ground A h uf the asylum. nor, uemg reganlad dangerous or violent, his window was not Itarred. He cautioinlc rated the lowor saau and nm,..l ..f leaving behind a letter to Dr. Kilhoiirmi. lie medical superintendent. Funk announced his aiTival in this cift, . the ofil.-o of his former attorney, Mr. Frank 0. Turner. To his lawyer he profited Kaln t returning to the asylum, and de- lurst he was n.'t insnne and neeer i.,! wen. He boldly a-erre.l lie would prefer the jHiltottie Sol) that he must ae incarcerate,! axain Tlwn ht. st. rt. tu rn 1 iiilii-td a long epistle to Lr. Kil- ! ourne expre sine his ,.ii,ujn f tle nilin. igoinent o. tne Ki-in iiiatilniinn, rererriu-; llHI l.rulftriv tn 111 (ihii trttl ,,,..t Huk. l?I oinplainud of havine U,i hulhiozeJ l.v Hut, vth t dfbiiiin I l,lm simnlv on (he S11"! that there ws "s. nntiuni2 invst tri lls about him; ond iviiidsts that liis ills iturge itn. I ppr.nul ellVcw Iw forwardod to nm. in answ. r to iiion ries. Funk said ho had nevt-r liemi insiiw, but was a little nfr-ubar IHi-hap . The p.lea of imanitv, h sai 1. was etup liy Ins Uwyr, in sp.lo of his prot ests it the sur,t t iiititU.Hl ,if seciiriui innuiiiiit v ir-ni piiuisiini..,,,, i, trill tIh) o.fc.ti from tlie public library, he says, h.t merely uoi rowed li.-aufy Iim o issionfor b.arnin ind iiit.ii In! t.t r.tiurii every on i if tit im. rue tui.iiitiin; at th.t .'uiu.igo university he txpluiiis i,y saving it was done to sulHtanti. te the plifi of insanity set up by nis lawyer. runk in npar. q:ute rational imw. ALAf M NG INCREASE OF SMALL-POX. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, fever snirs, run cers, piles, ebilhlains, eorup, teller, -n.p ped h:imls, ami all skin enijiiions. tiiaRin teetl bi cure in every insliince, or inonry refiiiiiloil. 25 cen!s (ier box For tle iy Hart?, t !!:,hneii WIST In atiSL SAVINGS BAH -i t.vfh: '.l?lf liri-t UtiliOl.) ,,i.M. - - ILItlNOK- h.u.i s t M. tti . p. M..nntl oil Tiitt -t -u. ;i " Vl-lint front Tin '. "Y IH'ft .Usue'' ti C'opcslt at the rate s pov Saat. 5r iTinuisi. ix::. r.'Ptvetl in amviirit SI aivl Upwards. i;.'l'i:iTY AND ADVANTAUItf . t iv i! , 'eis'rlv ol tin' 'l'riisi.Ls-8 lit rtiition .. : -l. (nn-1tn.H. I'tif nlnctrMire . ri ttnif ;in ot iu nitint'yt. Minor, null , ..iiii-:. ,ir.jli'i U -1 liysprrml law. ;ii:i;s! - M. W . V nKKl.oOK, t'ri-sMelll 1ell . V ;. , 1-ri'fOnViii : t". K. IIkvknwa i. i nAl- r -i'-:-S . liffltM k. Purli-r SkilMHir Mi'.l.-il. Nt'imii. (MiifU-r. II W . I'andett. r. iri . -1. s. UritM, I K. IIi-iudwhv .li-hli I. Al. t'li'i-ly 1 l Sloililitrrt. "'in' n'.v ''fi'.:ii'r.'ii :irint'e llaiikm K'l l tiiio i -iinfdwy Sniierstltiitiis IVnt1e Who llelieve SainU Not In Yareinatlitn. MoNTitt'.M., Ntpt. iil. Some ilea of the iliiT.tase .if x may tie gather.!.! from tin- faot that this week tilers hsve teil l.i) ileiiths, or two nmru than diirnu; the whileflast week, with tw.t d.iy.s Uy run, wlni'li will hriiur no total death rale U 150. There were tw..iity-nine ileaths 'thursihy. Saturday tll(t Ibnnan (..'ntholie bih.ip of M -iitreal h id a m with tl.e -uprvi-oi- i.l tlielirav nun. and the Si-t.-st.i 1 r. v I n. v. ant j;ave them III anil... I lly ti nil.iv. lli.iir nun. to assist Lh . b.iar.1 t.f lieallh in their w..rk l.v n 'i..u-e tt h -ipo iiisti'ti..n. S iiiie i.l..a ..f ill. sit'i r lition of I ii.. lotv.-r elas. of l-i or -t ' iii.t.ii hi . tn it b.-t .iih-'i-el II. e ta,-l pu-itiro uf St, ll s'lin, Willi a prayer o.i the lick. are laving a tap. I ale as a prout-'ior ir.un Kiii'ill jkix. They wear them at. their w.nk, firmly llieviu iu the eninavy of the protection, though they have no I ait li in VAiH'ifini.ion. When they pass a placarded hou e the pii'ture-taivl Is hnld up and the grayer luntMnttt. Th.-y ratoh thesniall-iox ill the same. There are some hundrel cases in St C' and several in tlrirtin iown. The tirav rums have discovered over ifly ca es duri.ig ttin last four or five data NEV.EtlKNO.WRl t,ToFAIL?;c liiliViViiTOfirt . -i Ktn'iS 30 YEARS RECORD. it.-. H. ('. t!LKAVRLAN ic-tm;i.isHki isiib. Cleaveland, IJRMJIi.M.- durance Agents r . Ml 5 . AocidcDt TnBnranco, i .fl-'lt'.-lir;Ni,sToi r.lM'K. ,Xi ISLAND, ILL. I..--. r-tMiuity Adhmtrd nd Paid thin A l'hreHt4uinfi I ire Subilned. Jkhskv (fTV, N J., Sfpt 21. Fire hrokt nt 8tiut s o'citx-t S'ltur-lny lmtrninc nmir itiH ri.ioriiii; uf tii pitr of th llttyal Nt.nir-Ihihi-Hteftui-liip liti." Ht thn tHt of York trmt. It learhnd ttin r-if from the out it. h, flti'l huriiftl furiously Un an hour, wht, it was got undr I'ontroL Tha stam t it'tioltttrt, whicU wis ti ifave at 2 p. m., wus lymjj at the pir, hnt wai banlnrl out m snfty. KHrn tcs each throw ing a stream f wrttnr, and werul rti) nn i i t t h (i r a t idrtr con tr i fit tf tVIick. TUb danmfl to frnilit is slight Uih .oiitMit uf tl; yntr hfivhit; na:,rly all vtm ladtd on tU S'lioltn. Tti pi. r l-tiup: !!iTijely of iron ih not maoli damatii iJurin-f tba fit IVJ srrn Unnm, IN IVrm vlvjinia ainl 54 tt'lHph m wire-s Wrr hnikfn. The r.iMe ojpwit tlw it vra- also brukfiL The only te!trra(luc olhii "imnit'ftt.i .n at present from Ntw J-4r-v to Ne-w York via AVittawkcu. Tn h i italvd to be f.iU.tHH). WHEAT fl (GOLD MEDAL AT O ORLEANS.) l.ndorHml hf the ladinjr Hotel In ihv i on li try. 4itrod by thr C.orernment 'he in i ! r ilir Indian 4 oiuniiMn. iitn kti itn i isdr sos, Kt.-.l.liicH. NFW YOHK llMC4n in A Kepii hi trait. WashinoT(n ( itt. Su.t. 21. Tne I'.xt :avs: Mr. lincitn, ihr irf-idi'HL's who was appointed siiirinti!d".t t th ToUhI i, Ohio, piiblii- LmiUin Kridnv h a rHpuUicaik H wm oiw of several ait-n-i- anU for the ptai and was troiiIy in ior-d. but it i-- st.iUnl that all tut othnr (-antli.Lattfs armni that h wotiM Im the tat. man for the iKMitiou if . would afct'pt. it Tw ynars ago R.'pr HHittativ Hurd rtHHminiudiHi him on at unt of Ins caj.uUlity for tlie iHisitiou to wfiiirh he ban iirttn apiohita 1. dnspttM thp ial that he was of oppo ite (tolitics. Wtinu name was trouht, some two or thrive mtitUo a . to the aMitti tn of the pr-ii- l-'iit, the Utr iiOsitiVHiv reTue.l to appiuu iii I iut until he was r-'nviue-l that Mr. h u m wan ItM U'-st until for Lha plai'P Aid !m ui. .rtiit to the fipoonit m Mit. PHOSACID. I'm s.ile hy all Leading iho- fe-lS. Sris anil Hemes !ii:!M!;r('Kvs dkikj store, . r f Thiril Avei.neand Tenth street, llm li I -Li nit . ;y r. .. r.iiiiiins carefully comiiinih ll hy teg- "iriTnnielf llly-'iS-C 1 V WATKINS & HILL, ffcalers In l!.v and iireen Wood. '. hi iil-.t mi. nd to Hsnlhur of all ninils oin.'.ti ttin. r.tirncr of itMh street on Molinc o.i...... 'Icii'iih.iiie Nn I!I7; lIl.T 1 ,( onh'Tf may hi nl-2-lttf Executor's Notice. ..( Kli.alicth Htaiulieriipr, deceased. 'I'll.- iiiiili-rsi.'tie't. hsviier heen annnintird Exec '' "I Hi- last will and testament of tllinabrtk ' '" rj.-r. late "f the comity of Kock Island, Hlii.ins ri. i i si il. herehv aive notice that '' "ill . .j..-ar ii -fnri: the comity court of Bock 1 1 naif, at the otttce of the clerk of said ' " hi i:u city of Bock Island, at the llelober " ... .mi in,- Thin! vtonnay in ucuioer nexi. ai ii inn.; nil persons having claims against said ' ''-'I.1 nr.: iii.tiii.-il anil reauusleii to alie lid lor the "'Twin hat tin; the same aaj uted. Allperwin, ""i.'i-i ml tn suiii estate are requested to make 'niui. !(,- payment, to the iinilersiiciied. "''-.I tins Mil day of Am-ust. A. U., IB. '"'hi IOUN ASTER. Kieciltor. FREES ;-;;nELIASLE SELF CURE ,v""te prwtripth of one of the moat . ni'tt-d and successful s etiahsts in the t . S. y " r'.irtrl) ffir the cure of ervH Hvbtliitr & MuiihoiMl. U'fNkneu nnrj iemv Sent ' i ' 'in .tiud cnvtloi Krs. Jjrusists cut fill it Address DR. WARD ft CO., Louisiana, Mo. , S,'MMKRLAW l.EPTnRFfl .nine weeklv. ii inii .Inly. and end ttUi Keitemher; have Mr.!(if.r HiLriial nuK. tut, to utadontu who de in (mrs)u. ,hirsindWiatthi! or other Law , Ttiw. to tlite who urnnoM to read urivate Iu l"'',titioner who have not had the niML'e of nvHiematic intttruction Him n ' Liuivernuy oi va.; , i ru loiu. ana Stat. law. For circa to Job B d-w-lm. I'tie ew ICU'd in Uw. Uttav. A 111 , SepL J 1. I he siiprfiiw onrt is a on tho ouetions ruised in tlie iu-te up to dt'termina the const.- tution-ihtv of the new election law. an I whether the coming ele.-tii 11 was a jrrii.-r:il etectioii. u.irl nodeciinn can I reane ( un- t l Jude Oickey's nuccew-or is elected. Tu& iav 'his fact iiecam known w:;ru . n.lpt Mulkey anuouiKted tha c.miirtuti.' f tne f-ase, which 14 an agTwd ono which J id re Prendenrast heard and d'iled at .'tii'T'- ami which was ap(eale.l by th C tif ms1 assoi'iation of that city. Pli!r.rinna TcMlioony. A. W. Bnwn, M.D.,of rrovidence. R, I. says: I have nwd Hunt's Kidney and Liver Rtiukpy in my practice for the part mxlccn yrs, and cheerfully recommend it as being a $aj'e and relUiMe remedy." A nother prominent do'ter of Proidince wiy that 'l am frc- iiiuMillv nriroil to iiseothiT iM'-nra- lhtniHtiHiih!l.ilHtcH for Hiint's Kid ney hint iiver hi Mfipv. I Milt on try i nc them Unit t loy ure worlliiets iu cmtimriM)u to it.'1 An Old l.idy. 'My n:othcrt 7 ycnrH old, has chronic kidney rout,) tint ami dtop sy. Nolltinn lis cut heiik'd her like Hcnt'h (Kidney and Liver Ukmfi'V. She h:ifl received preat henefit from 8 hotlh' and we think it. will cure her." W. V. Sunder hind, Guilder, lanhury, t'onn. A'9 M He. liev. Anthony A 1 wend, of rinla ih Itthia. nyf : "Hi s I Knim y Hini Liver h'KVKi), hiin cured my wile of l'nsy in ir woil fri. All say thai it in a intra fe." I.enerur 'Imce. General 'h(iee of lihodc !sl;md siiys: 'l ftluayft kei ji ili'NT's (Kid ney and Liverl IiMKOY in my lion ne. Taken in email dofes nera Hiiii:il!y at liilit il prevr ills head- Irtvtil-tH ;U'he, nd n nl:ilct the kidlieya. I r4tJini;iett mid elln'roriiiiH." Ht " niease !;tn shaken, hy IH NT's Tf.m dv tiken.' I'. S. riil'l IKMON, ti. ., .fin ml Aft nt, BOLSRKE CURES ALL T1ISKASK3 OP THE KIDNEYS UVEB TILATIPEB AND rmofABT 0E0AN9 DltOPSY OEAVEL MAiiETJ. HRIQHT'8 DISEA8B FAINs IN TUB BACK LOINS OR SIDE NBRVOns DlrlEARKS itETPNTJON OB NON- RETKNTtON OP tntiNE. P1UCE at. as. Bond for rampliltt or Tt-stt- raomalB. m Nf-a , .,LkKi":?ni-' .sPi k-.i.' i-r.-v-1 n u rtt.: uiniil luhcu: Jlte-A written KUarantee of cure riven tn : case lin.tvrtakcn. 4tf-All Ci.iis.iltali.ini. I rs ftiarnMl. Jir. Clarke's 4't-lrtlrat.t 1 M rillii.'s tm plain t-iivt-iopt-M flw li.iipa . 11. i LtSklt, . BIS S. i LlKkST. ir.ll ,11 rlec-S-ttly Tlie Great Enplator PURELY VEGETABLE. Are Yon Bilious t The I'Kiin.AToli m-er fnil- tt cure. I H'"1 rlnerliitl n-euiiiiiii'iMl il tn :ill who MtfTer icur KiiioiiM :ill-.ek or nv tlict :ee r:ut!-4-d ly a d' r;ihi.e(l slrilc of the Livrr. Kmi riiv. Mo. w. w. r.i-:i;NAKi. Io you want (3mh1 lieslitui ( 1 MiflVred il.leneh' Willi Full SltHieieli. lli :nl ttelie, ete. A neiirlih'tr. who toid Ijtkt ti .sinmi-'iiy Liver (u L'uIrthir. toid tm-ii w !is a --lire cure for ii tmlihlf. The lir-t ii.M I lock relir.eil Die nn in ne It. himI in ine wei ' time 1 w.-t a- I r mil.' ind henr! ,H--eier I v:i-. Ittsthti ht xt innlnii" rrr fiik ,'ttr ftKHt, Kirhitiond, Va. H. 4'. iil.'KNSlLWV. I you sutler from Const. ation TeMiltiiO'V of tllK1 W lNFC. hief .1 ll-i ire of ;i : ! tnoe tj-etl Miiiiinin- I.iier 1,'eiruhiiur foj t 'me-tti;iitoli nf ni lioWel?-. e;m- d hv a 1 it'mi';l- drraitL't-nieiit of Hie l.ner for the hll three ol ft lit tr-. ;iml ;ilw.n trtfh tliroin h -init " Have You Malaria 1 irte tuiti exin rie' ee w iih Sinmion Liver ttei'' nl.'U'tr miii e lsr.:. and reLMid it n the irrcalest lueilii ine ef the tunes tiT tliea-es peenhar t mnhtml reL''uii- ( mmil a medieiiu- deerve lini ersal reeoiiimetiiiauon, U:. M. It. WllAlITON. . Cor See'v Sm'lit rn Itaplis TheloL'ieHl Seniinurv t '2'' T - ( TImmv is hnl line' iSinmions j Liver Ji'irnl:tl(r. iee tliiit ti-t the ePnUtnf with the r.-il 7 on foil. I uf u r:i.i..-r, .r.-iiiii tl only hy J. H. ZEILIN & CO., .I Proprietor. PM ILA OKLI'lll A. PA. ai:ir :l etinw 1 CA7ARR6. What ti''"A.v rtiD? ., "t' 1 .tS- c? A Malettliu flay Iu a Critical Condition. riTTSI-l'ltii. Sept "1. Mnloolm Uiv, ex t'ir .1 assistant postmaster Reueral, is lyiiu his home in Allepheny City, in a pr.lrated inuiition. He arrived on a special trniu Friday iiit.'lit from C -ss..n springs, where be has tsten for several WiM.ks. A ear Kociallv ineiiarod lur Iih acoommisiation Lrouzht, him hmne. He was curried from the hotel to the car on a stretcher mil! placed in a lied. On arrival here he was airain placed on a stretcher and tenderly cared for by his ne.ids. His couditiou regarded as critical. MIII Hands VTeakening. Norwich. Conn., Sept. 21. Tha m Jontv of the weavers of the Fall null, now thai the niiHs have shut down, ha v. petitioned the company to take thetu buck and have igned a paper to tne eff ot that they will cause no nore troubb. The company will therefore start up the weaver-room Mon day morning, aud if they lind the weavers acting in ifood faith they will start all tin mill on Tuesday. 'residential Appointments. WaSHlNOTOK CTtv, Sept. it The piusi dent has appointed the following post masters: Tnomas Uandenian, at Macon, (,-ia. ; Charles B. Draier, at Ocoiiomowac, Wis.; B. D Meek, at Eureka, 111 s. The president has also appointed Anthony F. Heaherer, collector of cu-toins at fihicago. Tliait. l AM.I IIt. IM I I. Exactly expresses the coudilion of tUous- nrls of neonle at this season. Tlie de pressive effects of warm weather, und Ihe weak condillon or Ihe body, can ouly be corrected by the use of a reliable Ionic and blood purifier like Hood's Sarshpittil la. Why suffer loutfer wheo a remedy is so close at hand? Take Hood's Sarsapas rilla now. It will fjivpyuu tinlold wealth in health, slreDglh, and energy. AY-fever oth r prepa rations t-neii iiu-til r Hew- I'Nin at one, n-e Il i 'leanses tlie II ejlt1. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mrs. Dr. Keck will be in personal attendance at her Medical Infirmary Sept. 3d, ,and for the following ten days. Second Letter from an Illinois Lady, CONFIRMING A 1JEMARKABI.E RECOVERY. Seymour, Champaign Co., III., Jane, 188."). 1 want Ihe public to know how I have improved nnder the treatment and by the advice of Mrs Dr. Keck. To Ihe sunrise of friends and neighbors 1 am tip'and doing a part of my house work, after so many years of inability to do anything aud so tniieh suffering. Can be up all day without lying down to rest even; those terrible bad feelings have nearly all left" rue: I am fleshier than ever in my life before, have a good npieiiif , and feel as though hie is worth the living; I am not troubled any more wiib that cold clammy sweat and have do more long, sleep less ni"llK, Inii cau go to sleep as soon as I retire, and sleep well all night. 1 took the Irian at Seymour and went to Champaign to see Dr. Keck, a short lime ao, reluming home the same nay. and walked from Ihe dcmt an eighth of a mile to our house: this whs a great thin for one who hail for years beeu pronounced hopelessly inc urable, Mrs. Ki ck being the only one who gave me hope. People whom I have not seen during the years that I was routined toniy bed now Blare at me as (bey would one from (he dcul. 1 earnestly advise the affticted to go to Mrs 'Keck, and by following her advise implicitly, as I have done. I hey will, without doubt, be greatly betielittcd. Kesiiecifully, Mkm. Wm. Anukkson. iiiBS. DR. KECK S INFIRMARY, Corner Sixth and Brady Sts., DAVENPORT, 10. Consiilialioiis and Examinations Free Chronic Diseases Spiciallies, Catarrh,' Deafness. Throat and Lung Troubles, Diseases of Ihe Livei and Kidneys ami all Female Complaints. The Doctor's Ucuiai kahle Success warranls the most skeptical in applying lor infer ion, ttliirti tt ill lie cheerfully given; In the treatment nf nearly 2,111) paiients in the past ear, our record slums a greater per rentage of Ite.ii-lils tlisn the fame number under any oilier system of medicine. Kememher this fact. The Pi iiiiancncv of Her Cures are Proved by the following Letlers, and many Similar Letters could be Given, did Space Permit; is uiafrar lorif of Iu no ini.r.itit Leiier.itlv orcinai toi li Hie n:tMtl (in-sTi'ei nd ni:nnf(iinili it. f miifimm in tie I. Knmi th tun iulf fnrtii a ie otioiis irHr-wil'inr It iiifinliriiiiitiis Iiiiiii'M IL- ' ,1! I'lnl tiiroitL'h the m fer5j.'efUve en- r."-7 ' C'iV TS .............. i.i -..I K ' Ui J uriidtH iii' other Inm oo-Moiue lino o:iiiLTer r- s tnplonis. Cream Baim ivif i?;inied an eiooihle oiltation wherevel D4iv n. itptaeitu' hH narliele i- apjilied into i'iMe 4. llv ail Two IM-Urrs From (ne Ludy. K1HT I.K.TTKR, PKisoTrm, Cham pail! n Comdv, 111., Aimunt 17, If!, f lh :ir Mis. Or. Keek: liavin.' rtaen four months miller y r ttviilmeitt and U-mtr very much im proed, I will tell the pt.hhe Hhoul my ease. I was very we.-ik nml thin inlh sn. Wawohlit'ed to lie down through Hie la. ami c nuld eir( ety W:dk ainml the turns' ; niv loti-jri were very weak, Hnd pained a LToaid deal, and ter a year and a half I had e..HL'h. d and raised a .mm) deal of matter. I Ind no teiii- am a we:tk stoinai'l) with hloal in.' ainl nineh p:im iu my h .ii aud d ramr erne tit oi Ikiwth. I am now mnt'h slrtm-jer. have tam rd over lh it let ii ptiniiOf in tlesli. ean walk a mile Hii.l n h:dl i -a-iH w iili-Mil taiti'iie, und feH well in e ei y w ay ; my cnnL;ti has left me. and 1 nave no pain at al! in niv lntiL's hack or anywhere; I have a ihHl appei ile and dilution, atul ronitler my ii.tpn. iiient wry L'otl miner your tr atuilit ; in ..rnit i' d.M itii kumI I eoiild lic hnt a very few iiion , ; my e:ie war- eoh-iiuiplion. and o we iht'u: hi. hm v"ii tia.- helped nn; very ra, idly iid in evi iy w.-t . our tri.'i d, Anna Ausiii. MICOMI 1. 1SS'. 1'Kt-M'ri a. Champaign roiinty. 111., I AuLriittt 4. lSKi. ) To thk I'l Ki H" I wet- to iHte that in the sum mer i tS. 1 wi. Irealed hy Mis. Or. Keek for HiiMiitiptioti ann wa" cured sound and well. My treatment occupied aUmt eii;lit months. Since m recovery 1 have heroine very ritcd and ii(tiiLr. and 1 now enjoy yood heollli lop rtfilllyi ASA AltAlR. Secoml Letter from an Iowa Lady. Coiitirininu' a Remarkable Hecovery. To th r 1'i Ki ic : The henellt 1 received at the tiiiiul of in. Ur. Keek lar year ft ill remain with me. And other permanent hem'tir? have also hreii aihled to itiem hy further following her ad vice. 1 now enjoy tM.tter health than I have known in many year-. There ir no return of the trouhlen from which lor. Keck resent -d me. and which were iitiiner;ited in my card of last lcuder. Nor is ilu r.' of theiunior -he removed in March, ISM. I m doiiiir all :nv htnework, aud on .Inly loth 1 look up my earjiet, "icriiljhed two fl-i-or. I'hnrie-d, L'oi three meals with all other household duties iui felt no had resull. And most thankful to kind I'ii". i pence who hart male Mrs. Keck IJii poweiial in-triuneiit for ihk1. Kepectfullv, Mrs K. Uai:k, w ife of A. J. Barr. WeliMieri ity, la., .1 uly -Jl. lsT. A Late Witness. I have been treated h Dr. Mrs. Keck and the hen r lit I have received from her advice and treatment are onderful; I had suffered fn in ca tarrh for over twenty years; it h d effected my w hole system very nauiy. I nan iroiypua in my uo.-triis twi i coum not nreattte inroui'ii mv nose these she removed hy uiedioine not havltn: per formed any operation, lean now breathe freely through my nose. My fciiM1 nf smell in now re turuim;, which left me twenty years ajro, she has done more tow ard reinovnej my ttHarrh than d th physician 1 ever hod; my brain wa- diseased and 1 hau tn-en insane; was at iuilenenlenee i lum for eiidii immth, and T feel sure wind t he there now if it were not for the In-iiefUs I rec ed from her; 1 do noi now have tin- asthma ibat have sudeietl mill fof four eirs, neither do I fniilTer w ilh ihe mis rv mi . p un in my lefi nutt aiidspleea. My kidue- wete badly di-aned wa- bloat, d and mv hvtr waf alL-eied; I coU ;h a treat de 1 mid uoi Uio-c -vdiiiomu h.t e m-ily disapjwured : 1 c mhij-'hlv lecmiuteiiii ltd koiy as a i liytLi-iii Sii.livm r'i'NK H t hvter ( ii, My .U ISs . itRAic, tx-tt t'onnty. Iowa. ( NovemlK-r It&i. , For the Iknefil of the p:ih:ic lam willing tit make known an nciouui ol iuv Ion-' siekne-t. t sutl ed for many Years from catarrh, also from the mot-t severe h. adaches. iliziness and ear troubles ami also daily rlulls, ai d ca arrU fever and last Hitf cold cvveals. and these arnt occurring every niiiht w thai 1 became so nervous I could not sleep. 1 suffered fnrni chronic dyspepsia, ami stomach complaint; u-y liwr and kidneys Wi re disordered ; my litres so weak thul my hi tat h was short and tiiifuL ami my heart also greatly troubled me. 1 had no appetite and was constant lv suffering from flatulency and from a hitter taste in the mouth, and ll this tinw my hands and feet Were covered wlte a cold sweat. When I placed myself in your eaie 1 had been for nine weeks hed-riddeu aud fornix month unable to go to town; and for two years t-o weak to do any work. 1 had employed a niiuitar of the best phy sician?. but crew constantly weaker. My fainer-n-law (Mr. NhlirhtiiiL'i called on von on liecem her -t. Nfil, and you viitc d me at my home. You asserted that you could cure me if 1 followed your directions; 1 ilid so, and in ciirht weeks I Has able to call on you iu Paveii)ort, aud you have visited me only once AH the aboe named sysptom have entirely dis appeared, and with joy aud gratitude i acknowl edge theareat good you have done me. 1 feel like a new man, strong and sound, am aide to go out and work daily, even in the coldest weather, and for all this i a in indebted to Mrs. lr. Keck, fiver your friend. John Roe nnkeeit. How many terrible aches one's poor head "F Uie Initeftnit aches nd pains f nermni has sn.l ht sileriii is canall hv these ! Tonoausk is supers to n other anre nag, sua surieniig is taiueu oy inii l))llt( pir Nh,8 Heartache or MukuIu Kiieu bmlachca, Keltef may ts; bad mim Nervous, uiausos it u almuM son, .tic." Neuralgic, or Sick Heatlaehe by the use of 1'akk Kitcbik. II. D., 8t. Paul, Mina. Nrt p. c-t n Which is nota nire-nll. buti "tfnvs niwsl Tosoalisk In cases of Nenniljrio v tVVt n-liuh is a cure Nervous rififli'.-ties with wuecess in aunont every instance. -i j i. vt ui; iti...,.n.,;. ii,.; .n, lu strictty NeurnUric forms it is unexcelled." feadaehe. Neuralgia, l.heiiniatisui, K-iaticu , " o. 1 Noaros M D CincinnatJ, Ohio, amliitsit. No pn-prictary nieiiicine has ever, TnmA,mr l1,Aim,t,A,mmrwio,iniKO obtained, such strong einlorsenn iil from the , CKW ,rf bsl.ouiU IIbimIiuIh. ." medical pmlession. I Theo. Hekhanh. M. T.. Rt.ThoQus, Mo, FORHAI.E BY ALb DnnOOISTS. PRICE ONK IH1LI.AR PKR BOTTLE. A. A. MELLIER, Pruvrieter. KM! and 111 WAKHIKOTON AVKSUK. ST. LOUIS DUFFY'S PURE 'HISK MA nenmoma. Consumption, Dyspepsia a IVantinff Disrates, 7'ff Jrey ItrlUntl and JV'nMire osstsferl in rmtnritig I tt al imiprrt THI3 WHISKEY SHOULD EE FOUND CN THE SIDEEOAXD OF EVEET FA3CILY IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. I0 NOT ItK IKI'I3IVFD.-Jlany Druirirists and iri-ers who do not have IMill)'. 1-nre fllall Wliiwkpy In aftn-k, aUeinot to ialni otT on customei-s, whiskey of thHromilH.ttliiu;, el.t.'b being of an inferior grade and adulterated, pais lln-m a l.-irirer tirijlit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, AND TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUCCISTS AND CROCERS. Send us your add reus ami we will mail book containing valuable information. Sum pi:- ijuurt lUtttU'B Sent to any address in the United SLib-NlKasfcnf the Kocky Mountains), wvurt ly jmrkrd im plain ease, llj-prt-nit rAarfea pwptthl on receipt of S 1.23 f or Six Hot ties wnt for k t.C! DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Baltimore. Kd.. U. S. k iiiaj-S deodwly DAVENPORT BOILER IORKS. GRUPE & MURRAY, Pi-oprietors. mm M:ilnifsi'tiirers of all kimU of P.oi ern. l.anl :iml W.-ili'r Tanks. Heaters, I.ard 'o.lery, Hninke tt:lck, ttreeetilliiT. Iron Slmilcr V an It ISk.v anil Iron Work for .tails. Particular attention given to rcpairiui.'. Or.ler liy Mail tr t'eler:iili ui.iiu.ll alteuilett n. 'rele)llon,' Mo. :t'ti. Ant. Sl-ilhni 31" E. SECOND 8T . near loivcrnlueiil liriilue, DAVENPORT, IOWA See the Dorlor, FHEE OF CHAHGE, at her Medical Infirmary, Davenport. OXYGEN TREATMENT, DR. FOSGATE, 309 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa, 20 years practice, makes all private diseases a specialty, such as Syphilis, Oonorrliaa, Gleet, Stricture, Impolency, Spermatorrhea, all urinary troubles and mercurial affections of the throat, skin and bones. Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Catarrh and all chronic diseases treat ed successfully. Consultation and correspondence free. t-All letters promptly answered mar 18-dly The Moline Wagon Comp'y rvr o rx rvr ix.h. tivto x Vor the relief and cure of roNsi-MrTios. Asthma, Itaoto hitis. Hat KhVfca. -ataiirh, NKttvnt!s Pbostkatios. Ktc. E.c. tend stamp for Meiiii-iil IsH.k of over 100 panes on "HOME TKKATMENT," contain i'''.!,'"TdTe-!.B" Kasiista JlodifalsnJ uracal iufirraarv. 461 and 463 BKOADW AT, M1LW AUKEa' WIS The mot extensive in-tilntion in the I lilted Mates fertile trcatnii-nl of PUDnlllP ItlCCHCCC W- rrUT-h permission, to a few ol tlilrlUlllIU UIOCHOCOi our Kiln,ii: li... L nt. niaoauer ol Heck s Miii. Milwaukee; liev. B. De Well, Western I'nion, Wis.; Mrs.J 38 P. Mor-e, iit-hko-h. W is.: !eo. B Pratt. Meliasha, Wis ; W. II Rllis. M .. liriKtktield, Mo.; C. t . Mackenzie, e lncaL-o. III.; Mrs s. K. bllawortn, vtstlii.n. Wis : Mrs. Klizslteth tst.l. Evan-viile. Ind. . p iMr 0X.KN is safely sent anywhere in the United Mates, c iininia or Europe, hy ex press. Plain. ey, complete directions with each treatment. mar lT-u Iy JsAL. YEBBUBY, " Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Knowles' Steam Pumps, Inspirators and Ejectors, W'ronuhl, I a-l and bead Pipe. Pipe Kitlln? and brass tloods of every description: Knblier Ibis ai.d PaekuiL' ot all kiuii-; PrainTile and Sewer Pits'. J uly-17 -illy Olliee and Shou lu14 Third Ave., UOCK ISLAND, 1L.I . HENRY STRUVE'S SAMPLE ROOM, In the room formeili occupied as a M TWfntioth StrCt't I ..lift! Iionery l.y Frank Math. J- .1 1 ,S Nv t.t IL It. Ill vlicil. t"The Is-st ot B.-er. Wine". I.iiinirs ami Cers ronstantlv on hsnrK .-'Jil--1 Allavf "iuT IMIllldtl. llt'ttll'S I III' fMtl't'S. He-Slft-S lilt I'lise-S (if Taste. Smell, lleaiiu.,. Tlioro'ioli Tivaiine'iit w ill .11 r-. Ad! hj'l-"'! wit nil' . Appl- nt" T have been nttiieted with Hay Fever for seven years Ely's Cream Balm cured me entirely. ' II. D- Callihari, baEirage master, I. & St. L. R. R , Terre Haute, Ind. Nostrils. Price Talc, at druirj-ii-ts. or by mail. Send for e ir i-lllar. Kl.v itKKTIIKIts. Krntryisis, iiwcirii. .-v. i . jn Ijit- dti ly "CANDEE Rubber BOO DQUBLC TK.CK BALL. Ordinary Rubls-r Boota always w.r out Brut on the lull. The OM't.B Boot s are it ttu Wc r ft' oa the ball) and giro DOUBLE WEAE. Jf7f eoomfcf rilb. lr Hoot in the market. JUsta loncer thin any other boot, and tin) PRICE NO HICrtCRi E ,1t7iP. illl.U mm r 'ifTlCii mm t"lulJ UXHE ATLANTIC!" BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR, N. 1 8 1 2 Second Avenue, Kock Island. rwl'iWincr, Kuhnhiichcr and she ftntrst domestic Be nu draught. All kinds of Sandwiches rv t miv tiimr. 1 elflitione nit .iiv JOHN WFSTPHAI. Ornnrtrtnr THE "VERAISTD," KREh APPELQUJST, Proprietor. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, EASTSIIKHMARKBTSgUAHK, Rock Ishlfld ill el-.-dl. JOHN SCHAFER, -DEALER IN- mi jSj r0R SALE BY Call and ex amine tho goods. CARSE&CO., Rock Island, ' une l-eod6m Wines, Liquors, Beer and cigars, No. 1316 Third Avenue. H.M-k Island, Ills Tins place has heen nifitted and refurnished and is now one of tne best Saloon? in the city. J-?" I.nit. li every innnilTtif. nine ,1 t. .y exchahall. RUDOLPH SCHWECKE. SALOON And BILLIARD HALL Below the C. li. I. & P. Depot, Moline Are., Hock Island, III. Imported and Domestic Br-er and Wi n, Fine t.ihtior and Cfusr aWtjrn on hand. jmi i-ly Dr. E. F. FISH, 92 Wisconsin St., MILWAUKEE, : WISCONSIN. 8PECML ATTENTION (iven tnTliroat and Liiotr Complaints. Discasea pecnliar to Wouien. Private Disease, of both geiee: all skin liisordera. Ilours S to 10 A. M.. 2 to 3 P. M., ai.d 7 to 8.30 P. M. Correspondeaui please eacloee stamp, mar I.-dwly J.M. UrroBu. 0 . M, l.uorur, J. K. Buford&LooslevBros -GKNKKAb Insurance Agents. The old P-re and lime-Tried ennipatf tea Ke prmacuted LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. late a low aa as Sellable Company caa afford I oar ration am hi souctua. WOUlce in Arena bwck. Manufacturers ofFaroi; Spring aud Freight Wagons. full and complete line of Plats-ohm and oilier Spkinu Waoon, esiiecially adapH-! bi the Western Trade, of superior wurkinunsliip and liuisJi. Ivllln-iirated Price I.isl free on upplicition. See tlie Moline Waon before purctiaMui: olteir mar l.-.-dtvly WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, YILI. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Sii V TsErti'' ns n $ $ f SjA"Z IMP llW 0-Wt x. iv i Jo i sK- iK--riii-vkt , - - f 'tvr,aa i , . .. . .. ( - . ,- I , J CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By rftflflon of ltacntral pofiition and rlone relntion to all principal lines Fnftnnd West, tit Initial und terminal poinui, constitutes too most important mid-conn- . nental link in that evstora of through tranHportittion which Invites and fiieiii tatea travel and tratllu between citios of tbu Atlantic bikI Pacific Cont. It la also the favorite and test rout to and from po'nta East, Nortbeuut and tioutbeaat, and corresponding; points W est. Northwest and South west. The Rock Island syauim includes in it mnin line and branches, Chicago, Jollet, Ottawa, La Sallo, Pnori. Oonoseo, Moline and Itock Inland, In Illinois; Davenport, Muanatlu, Washington, Kairtleld, Ottumwa. Oekolooan, Wm Liberty, Iowa City, Dew Moines liidiniiola, Wintert. Atlantic, Knoxvillo, Audubon, Harlmi, Giithrla Ctontre and Council lilurls, in Iowa; tiallatiti, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in MiHeouri; l,eavenwortb nnd Atclileon, In Kansas; Albert Lett, Minneapolis and tit. Paul, in Mianeeota; Writedown iu Dakota, aud hundreds of intermediate cities, towns, villager and motions. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Its patrons that sense of penvmal security afforded by n solid, thoroughly ballasted road-bod; oinootii I racks of continuous steel nul; sub stantially ouilt culverts and bnitqres; roilmu; stock as near pertectlon aa human skill can make It; the safety appliances of patent buffers, platforms and uir-brakes: and that exacting discipline wbicli govuma tlie prjicticwl operation of all Its trains Other specialties of this route are Transfers at all connecting points in Union Depots, aud the unsurpassed comforts aud luxuries of Its Passen-jer Equipment. The Fast Express Trains between Chicago and the Missouri River are com posed of well ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches, MaKmtlcent nulltnau Palace Sleepers of the latest desljrn, and sumptuous Dinlnif Cars, in which elaborately cooked meals are leisurely eaten, "(rood Digestion waiting on Appetite, end Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorite line between Chicatro and Minneapolis and St. Paul, where connections are made in Union Depots for all points In tho Territories and British Provinces. Over this route, Past ExDress Trains are run to the watering places, summer resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and fleh tng grounds of Iowa aud Minnesota. It Is also the most desirable route to tho rich wheat fields and pastoral lands of interior Dakota. Still another DIRECT LINE, via Seneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, and Lafayette and Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul and intermediate points. For detailed Information see Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket OHlcua la the United States and Canada; or by addressing R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Pratldenl and General Manager, Chicago. Canaral Tkef and FiSMnger Agent, Chicago. ! '4 ' I