Newspaper Page Text
''if The Rock Islantd Argu fOLUHE XXXIII NO 279 KOCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBE1I 22, 18S5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18. 1851 s. UNDERSELL the all Meaning Word in the Commercial World . Ready Cash and Large Quantities enables the GOLDEN 0O VPl'IT H o o r h HI1KN H II N N N NO N u N O NO D u 0 o o o o o o H H II N N H Hill H HHHHIIN N H MIIN H HUN SHUN HIIN UNO OO N N 11 . N N O i NN GOG OO'IJ uxu. ooo -TO BUY AND Cheaper than any Competing House. Oar Mammoth Store is literally New Fall Goods, consisting of thins;, Hats, Caps and furnishings, and if our Low Prices I accomplish onr object, we shall succeed. While other Mer- aiits generally mark New Goods end of the season, we have ids at the lowest rock-bottom ver be any deviation or redaction. EVTLEMEN We call vour attention to ilsuvs carry the Largest Assortmeul, ami re making; Clothing to order l. per rlifsptr than other Tailors cbaage. Ladies and Oeutlemen are welcome to our our new stock, whether you purchase or not, we shall receive you with iurlfV- me Golden Eagle Post Office A. LOEB, Mang'r. J. B. ZIMMER, MM F.KKE RRItR OCOO H H A NN N ll M F K K U HUMF K RO :MERK RRRR O CH HAANNNT T H HAAWWf.1 J. HHHH A A N S N T T II M K R 1,11 K 11 Rf) H HAAANNNT T RO OH HA ANNNT T R COCO H HA A N NN T T 1 M H KKKK R Has received his Stock of FA.LL, A-ISTD WINTER 1SU1TINGS,! ANT) OVERCOAriNQS, A larger and liner stock than ever. Nro. 1810 Second Avenue, Rook Island, 111. NEW '(ill CRRR OOO OOUO UK KB RRRK S Y y y v v Y Y V Y . V Y OK HO O O o o o e O K K R R K II K t K R O HIIRR O Mi K R O OK BO O R K ICR R K K RRRR K K R K o o o o o 0 o o l K (! R u R B W K K W k K OOO OOI'O KICKS R Choice Brands of Minnesota i1 Ihiiry and Creamery Butter, Cotton Mops, Minn., Potatoes, Vegetables, &c.. at C. Cor. Nineteenth nl,IGui THOS. 3T- Pttiixtor ctnci Gramer li p-epared In do all kinds of work in Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging and Kalsoruiniiig. A complete stock of Wall Paper. Curtain Fixtures, Cornice Poles atd Room Mouldings. Mixed Paints always on hand. WAImi a full lino of Art Goods and Artists' Materials Lessons vWeu iu Painting and French Kiiihroidnry Work. Embroidery Silk, Cords and Fancy Goods wlmn are sol 1 at close figures ; call and left prices of work. 1813 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., KETAU. UKAT.IB IU- Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 309 Twentieth Street. tfTtm l.ncb every morning and every 8aturdy evening. may 7 dl, rA v is ! Is is & r 3 1 jsSS5s ine Dare's Block, Moline, 111. Telephone 8068. urn I -v Us- A mm A few EAGLE (Mill G SSS9 TTTTT OOO RRRH KKKK 8 8 T O OH RK. OR RK OR St O RRRK KK OR RK OR RK S s.s 8 8 S 8 SWSS OK RK OOO R RGUKM SELL- packed with the Latest Styles Men s, Boy s and Childrens up and reduce them only near marked all 01 our iNew fall prices from which there will our Merchant Tailoring Department. Clothing Store Block, Rock Island, Illinois. TTTTT TTTTT A II I. AA H L A A ML A A 11 L AAA 11 I. A A II I. OOO RRRR O OR R O OR R O O RRRR O OK R O OR R AI1LI.I.I.L OOO K 8SSS TTTi r OOO RRIIR FKKB 8 8 T OOK KK 8 8 OR K K OK KB O RRRR KK OR R R OR II OK RE Mi K K l.KKS 88S8 8 8 8 8SS8 and Winter Wheat Flour, J". LONG'S, Street and Second Avenue. OABY, & co.. PLUMBERS AND aieaiu riiicia. A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Sole agent for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., Deane Steam Pumps, Novelty Force Pumps, Safety Heating Boilers, and Con- 1 tractors for furnishing and Lay Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe 1712 Fiest Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1148. Residence Telephone 1071 THE EMPIRE STATE. IMPOSSIBLE TO PROGNOSTICATE THE OUTCOME OF THE Hew York Kepnnllean Convention Plenty of Timber and Nobody Moon Ahead Fted Grant's Friends at Work Other Political News. Saratoga, n. Y.. SoDt 2i The citr is full of Republican poliUcians. Among them are Qen. Joseph E Carr, Joseph W. Drexel, and Chairman James D. Warren, all can d Mates for the gubernatorial nomina tion. A delegation headed by James Tan. ner, of Brooklyn, is here in the interest of Col. Fred Grant for secretary of state. delegates to tbe Knpiinheau state conven tion are arriving in large numbers, and the quiet of Saturday and Sunday has been changed to one of bustle and activity and political "booming." Tbe good material in the field from which to select a candidate for gubernatorial honors is commented upon on every hand. There have been twenty- live or twenty -seven names mentioned fir the first plaoe on tbe ticket, but. of course, the greater number of these will not receive and do not expect anything more than a complimentary vote in the convention. Ibe standing of the various candidates at tlie present time, based upon a careful canvass made Monday afternoon, appears to run in ordar about as follows: A. K Cor nell, Corueiius N. Blia-i, Ira D. Daven port, J. W. Drexel, Joseph B. Carr, vi F. Morton. James D. Warren, William H. He ward and James Wadsworth. with Messrs Andrew D. White. Noah Iavis, Dr. Swinburne, B. F. Tracy, Senator Htinry R. Low and nearly as many others commanding more or less strength. There i no denying the fact that Uen. Carr, who me days ago stood foremost in tbe list of names for the first place, is rapidly losing strength. His friends claim, however, that before the gas is lighted again his boom will be the strongest in Saratoga. New York county holds the kev, and the city delegates are hard at work endeavoring to harmonize upon a good man. Mr. (Sew ard's name is frequently mentioned for second place, and it is believed that be is very strong. Davenport has many friends for tbe lieutenant governorship. A quiet movement n on foot to make Col. Fred Grant the nominee for secretary of state. Tbe uncertainty of the gubernator ial candidates, hower, leaves the minor places on tbe ticket still very much clouded. They have not been sufficiently discuised to warrant any statement regarding them. Tbe best politics at tbe present time are those of ex-governor Cornell His friends have been playing a shrewd game, and it has worked admirably. Had tbe nomina tion been made Monday be would surely have been chosen. Even those who are bitterly opposed to his selection admit this. In conversation with a very Intimate friend of Senat r Miller, a correspondent ascertained that in his opinion the probabili ties were that if New York city oould con centrate their forces upon any one man it was Bliss, and that in the event of failure on the nart of citr delegates to act as a nnit James D. Warren, of Buffalo, would de velop a surprising amount of strength. The oity delegates appear to take but little stock In Warren, and rather lean toward Seward as their choice outside of tbe city. "But," tbey xay very emphatically, "the candidate for governor must and will come from New York city. New York, Sept 2a In an interview with Hon. Levi P. Morton Monday after noon at the Fifth Avenue hotel, that gentle man stated that he had no idea how the state ticket nominations were going, but that if he was nominated of course he would accept Gen. Carr, be said, seems to bave tbe greatest slrengtb at present, he bung tbe only one who has worked actively to pet tbe nomination. Musle In the Iakota Convention. Sioux FAIXS, D. T., Sept. HA -There was quite an excited discussion in the con stitutional convention Saturday over the resolution introduced Friday by Campbell, of Yankton, declaring that people have the inherent right to alter, reform, or abolish their forms of government It was looked upon as a sort of seces sion move by many of tbe members of the convention, and the chairman, Judge Edgerton, left hi? seat ami made an earnest argument against it The matter was finally d isposed of y reference to a commit tee of five, t be appointed by the chair. The particular part of tbe clause objected to was the word "aboil -h." Later Tbe threatened trouble in the constitutional convention was adjusted, Monday, by the adoptiou of a substitute for Campbell's bdl of right. The substitute declares that all political power is inherent in the people: all free government founded on tneir authority ; and that tbey have the right to alter the forms of government; de clares tbe stats of Dakota an inseparable part of tbe union, and tbe r ederal constitu tion tbe supreme law of the land. Senator Barnum's Tlews. Chicaoo, Sept 22. Hon. William H Barnum was at the Grand Pacific Sunday. To a reporter be expressed his opinion that the civil service law was nonsense; that bone-it administration was tbe only issue at present, but that the silver question was going to take up a large part of oongres sioual time. He believed that Cleveland would in bis message take the same position that he had in his famous silver letter. He thought there ought to be at least 30,0(10 bayonets not shoulder-straps in tbe army. Garrisons of from 500 to 3,000 meu should ba permanently stationed at cities like New York, Brooklyn, Chicago. Cleveland, Omaha, etc: Then there would be no likelihood of a repetion of tbe terrible riots which have disgraced tbe annals of these cities in the past. Logan Can Not Go to Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, Sept ii There is some di-appoin tment among Republicans that John A. jLmgan can not come to Ohio for this campaign. He has written a letter to Cbauucey Andrews, of Yonngstown, that he is laid op with rheumatism and can not get into the state in time. Many Visitors to Grant's Tomb. New York, bept 82. There were more visitors than usual on a buuday at the tomb of Gen. Grant, not less than 40,000 people visiting tbe park. Mrs. Grant, ao ompanied by U. S. Grant, Jr., and a little girl, drove up to the tomb in the morning and remained a few minutes. Later in tbe day Secretary Endicott called and looked over Camp Grant with evident interest It na been decided that the guard of regular troops will be maintained at the tomb until January, if not longer. Activity af Knights er Labor. Chattanooga, Tenn., Bept 82. The Knights of Labor are organising throughout the state on a very extensive scale. Fully a doseu lodges bave been formed in the past ten days, two being tormea nere, ah ine lodges in the state are arranging for a meet ing iu this city next month to devise pti to further xteod the order in the south. Tire and Accident Insurance in reliable companies at lowest rates, apply to . Lieberknecbt, real es tate, loan and insurance agent and nota ry public. Collections made. Office 171 'v Second avenue. eodtf The Cleveland Istbor Troubles. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept 23. -Nearly S00 of the rolling-mill men, who struck twelve weeks ago against a reduction, went to work Saturday without opposition, and It was thought the backbone of the strike was broken, but tbe rolliag-mills did not start up Monday morning as expected. It tran spires that the rolling-mill company bad made preparations to start the fires in the hope of misleading the strikers into the be lief that tbey had enough to start the mills. The plan has proven a complete failure and the starting of the mills has for the;preaent been abandoned A large force of police men is on the grounds to prevent trouble. Paymaster Hmlth's Case. Washington City, Sept 22. The court martial of Paymaster General Smith re convened Monday by order of Secretary W hitney, and held a long session with closed doors. tSoon after the assembly of the court, notice was served on Secretary Whitney and the president of the court that Messrs. Chandler and Hunton, couu'el for Gen. Smith, will apply on Wednesday for a writ of prohibition, to prevent further pro ceedings with closed doors, and nullify whatever action was taken Monday. The court immediately adjourned for two weeks with Secretary Whitney's assent Official Appointments. Washington City, Sept. 22. The presi dent has appointed James T. Giffer, assist ant appraiser of merchandise, in tbe New Orleans district The president also appointed tbe following postmasters: John T. Cottrell at Fort Scott Kan. ; F. S. Reefy, at Elyria, Ohio; Oliver J. Dale, at Monticello. Ind. The po-ition of chief postofrice inspector, salary $:,0OO per annum, has been tendered to William A. West, of Mississippi Mr, West has not yot signified his acceptance, but probably will soon. Texas Fever iu Illinois. Duyi'oiN, I1U, Sept 22. There are a number of cases of Txas fever among the cattle in this locality. Great excitement prevails among the cattlemen, as some of the most valuable imported herds in south ern Illinois are located in this vicinity. Prompt measures have been taken to purify tbe stock-yards, but it is feared that the dread disea-e has already obtained such a hold on the cattle that it can not be eradi cated w ithout great loss to tbe cattlemen. Funeral of Bishop Lay. Baltimore, Sept 22. The funeral of the late Bishop Lay, of tbe Protestant Episco pal church, took place from Christ church at Kaston, Md., Monday afternoon. Inter rnent will be made at Spring Hill cemetry. The remains of the deceased bishop left thn city over tbe Pennsylvania railway at 6:40 Monday morning, accompanied by the members of his family and a number of Episcopal clergymen. Do Mores Acquitted. Bismarck. D. T., Sept 22. After the de livery of a fair and impartial charge by Judge Francis the case of the Marquis de Moras was given to the jury, and in five minutes it brought in a verdict of not guilty. Not a word was spoken in the jury room, and but one vote was taken. . The jury was camp. wed of leading business men of this city, and the verdict is regarded as Just The Latest Child Murderer. OwiNosviLUt, Ky., Sept 22. Sunday night at Sprout's school bouse, five miles east of this place, a little boy named Grant Purvis became enraged at a little son of Mr. Alder Sprodt and walked up behind him, dealing the little fellow a blow on the head which knocked him senseless. There is little hope of the boy's recovery. Slilrt Factory Burned. Tbov. N. Y., Sept 23. Herman Aucka- aiand Cos. 's shirt factory was burned Sun day night Tin loss is estimated at f 75,000 cvvema ttr insurance. A Coal Company Falls. Bhaidwood, 111., Sept. 22. The sen sation of the day here is the failure of the Eureka company, of which A. B. Meeker is president. Last Saturday was tbe monthly payday, when about $4.(HK) was to bave beeu paid out for work in Au gust. Payment was not made, however, nd tbe employes soon became alarmed. Shortlv after midnight Monday morning several attachments were executed, and tbe merchandise in tbe Eureka "truck store" was levied upon. Then parties from Morris attached ibe mines and material In them, such as engines, pit cars, and machinery generally. The said mine is located just across the Will county honn dsry line. Dozens of other attachments were issued, and a large quantity of goods wascarled away in custody of constables. Sheriff Ueitz, of this county, arrived at 3 o'clock with seven or eight more attach tnents, aggregating $2,50(1, aside from those previously mentioned. Soon there after a placard appeared at the front door of tbe store, reading as follows: I have taken possession of all the prop' erly of tbe Eureka Coal company as re ceiver of the United States court. C. P. WllKELKR. It appears that C. P. Wheeler is secre tary of the Eureka Coal company, and has his office on Dearborn street, Chica go. It is impossible to get at an estimate of tbe company's liabilities, though in this city it is known that tbey will aggre gate all of 7,000. A large iuvoice of dry goods was bought by tbe company last week in Chicago. Kumois are afloat that the company will pay all the indebted ness, but few believe such statements. Executor's Notice. Estate of SlUa Sweet, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Execn tor of the last will and testament of lilir.a Sweet, late of the countv of Kock Island, stale of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear befoie the county court cf Kock Island county, at the office sf the clerk of said court iu the city of Kock Island, at uie NoveniDer term, en Ike second Monday in November next, at which time all per sons havine: claims aeainsl said estate are notified and requested to atteud for the purpose of having the same adjusted. AO .arsons lnneotca to said estate are requested tc aiake immediate payment to me nnaeisifrnea. Dated this 22nd day of September. A. D., 1885. 2I-d4v R. F. BWEKT, Executor. HARPER'S THEATRE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday Eve., Sept. 23d. BARLOW, WILSON & RANKING MINSTRELS! Representing High Art in Minstreleey. , All the Former Favorites Retained I And ttie Latest Novelties added to The already Complete Boeter? Barlow, Wilson, Rankin, Dougherty, Hall, Goodyear, Teirny, Wayne. Adams, Casej, Thomas, Dixon, Fox and Woods, Together with the Largest and Finest Brass Band and Orchestra ! Mow traveling. Beserved seats for sale at Harper Boose Brag store at usual prices. THE MARKETS. Chicaoo, Sept 2L The market quotation on the board o t trade, to-day, were as follows: Wheat Ne, Sentember. opened SVAe. closed 82Xc: October, opened s2'c, closed WJsjo; Novem ber, opened Mc, uiosed soxe. iwn-na Ueotember. opened ixxa, closed 42c: October, opened 4lc, closea 4le; Novem ber, opened closed 81) if a Oats No. t rjeptember, opened 2.".Jc, closed 25c; Octo ber, opened 25c, closed 24o; May, opened Mc, closed 28c Pork October, opened ana closed t9.0u; November, owned ts.80, closed 1185; January, opened tU&X, closed $R;i7). Lard October, opened and closed to. livestock ins union ntocx yarns report the following range of prices: Hogs The market opened weak; light and heavy grades 10c lower; light t3.6oQ4.40; rougn packing, so.oDgio.3o; neavy packing and suippiug lots t&yig4.h Cattle Stronger; shipping, 4.0ut.U0; butchers, tl.75dtXt0; stockers 2.5u4.U0; Texans, t2.T5vJ4.O0. Sheep Stoady; common, ti00 j2.7o; good. eUO034.00. Produce: Butter Extra creamery. 21vJ22c; fancy dairy, 14c; packing, o0a per lb. r.ggs UMdioxe psraoz. rotatoes isjl.ioper urn. i ouitry .-spring emexsns, ttti ke; spring ducks VueT.itfc; turkeys, 11c, per lb; prairie chickeas, :(.oo((j;t. 23 per dor. Apples r air togoou, tiMciou; cuoiou, i.ij Acs lork. New York, Sept 21. Wheat St 2. red winter, September Hoc; do October Ko.-; do November 9tt,c Corn JNo. 2. mixeu, 4S'tc October ana Novem ber; 475ic Decern iwr. Oats No. 2, mixed, October 2054c; do November 30,a Rye Nominal. Barlev Dull. Pork Quiet; family mess fit. 25. Lurd October io.35; November to 40. St. Loaiiw Sr. Louis, Sept 2L Wheat Fairly active and higher, closing Jiwlcabove Maturdav; No. 2 red cash, KO il Vc; Octotier, SMc; November, 4,sjc. Corn Lower and low, closing Jc below Saturday for nesr-by options: cash. 41c, regulsr; fceptimur, 41o; uctoiier, jsc Oats Verv inactive; e&ih, 'M(S'i4e; Io options -old. Kye V'liet; 54c Provisions Pork slow: '..40MiJ..iO asKed. Ijura nomi nal; frt.25. Whisky Steady; fl.08. lolfHlO. Tolkoo, Ohio, Sept 21. Wheat Firmer but dud; N 1. 2casa, 8sWa; October, Sajtfc; November. 91c: May, iWa; No. 2 .soft, csli, ic; October, 02Wc; No vember, 91.: a ked; December, 9.')Jc; May, tl .imV a-kel. On-ii Easy and quart; cash, 44 Ouober, 44''c a-ked; year, 37c; May, .vl ru rirm, Iut in light request; as i,; druuier, .'-; November, syc; Mav, SiV.c Clover Nominal: cash. V.4U bid; Oclo'or. 5 i; Novnuar, $$.50; De cember, fo ri I. Milwaukee Milwaukee, Sept 21. Wheat Wik; cash. SSc; October. 83Wo: Xovemisjr. o.v,-. Corn Tain.-: No. 2. 44. O.tUs St-ad v; No i. 2"?4c. Rye Firm; No. 1. 50.isic" Uariey Quiet; No. 3, ;Uc CHICAGO. Article. 0eiiiiiff. dosing, Wh"t- Anffnst Sept. .... M Oct. ?!"4 Hli Nov. SO Ch:n August Sept 44V 42 Oct. 4--'aH 4(l?i Nov. 3!)!, i0 Oats Au2u?t Sept .... Oil. 25'4 ib Nov. Hor.F Aucusl .... Sept. .... 8 84 Oct. 8 s:(sj 8 85 Nov. 8 85 8 77 Lahd-AuiisI .... .... Sept .... 6 ct. 6 27 25 Nov. , 1T14 a 25 KlBs Auinut .... Hcpt ... Oct. 6 97 5 Ti Nov Hwri lT.lUKl; lit'la, 4 40 it 75; mixed, :(5i4 30 h sv, I 4(ts4 'J ROCK ISLAND. ML 94c t jy Tiiiuillo. 8 60 Usy-Wild $7 51) Kve 45-. Oorn -.Tie. Potsioes iSc. Onions Sic. One Soft 11 ; li.nd s 5. void wood f i no. a nw f5 Hi SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pirrestand stromTPst Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon. Oransre, Almond, Rose, etc, flavor as delicately and natiirallv a the fruit PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUTJU Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an Execution and Fee Bill No. MUtt, iHtiued out of thi? clerk's office of the cir cuit court of Kck island county, and mate of illinotH, and to me directed, hereby 1 am com manded to make the amount of a certain imle mMit recently obtained nyainut H. U. Terry in favor of Km nk IU, out of the lain., tenements, goods and chattel of the aid defendant, 11. B retry, I have levied upou the follow, ug projter ty. to-wit: The eat half (44) the north-wen quarter (W) of ectlon nineteen in township No. sixteen lifi., north range ro. nve i) wen or me founn (4ihi principal meridian, iu the county of Kock lelnnd nd tare of Illinois. Therefore, according to taid command, I shall ex owe for cale. at uublic and km. all the riiftit title and interest of the above named II. 0 Terry in and to the above dencribed property, o Hatiirdav the 10th davof ortoner. lwa,S o cioe p. m., t the north door of the court honae in the city of Rock Inland, in the county of Hock irl and and mate of llliuoia, forcai-h in hand, to aat. ify BHidexecutione and fee bill. Dated at Kock Inland, tliit IVtrtt day of Scnteni ber, A D., 1885. JOHN M. KKTIC'KKK, S tie riff of Rock loland County, Illinoia i G. Iteoi, 1805 Second Avenue, Has just received his Fall Woolens, consisting of SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS, The best to be found in tbe Market, comprising all the Novelties of the Season And prices the lowest for first class work. ' tneua. (UIRMINS llkst, i iEMO R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. We do PLUMBIN.G of all kinds, including Sewer Work. Gall and WILLARD Rock Island,' MBS. G. SWAN'S 3MEUSICAL SCHOOL. No. 1608 Second Ave, Terms: Twenty Lessous, in advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. UgTMrs. Swan is also dealer in the famous Bauer Piano. sept-Sl-dly LAND AND Medill & POST OFFICR BLOCK, Land for sale on Six ffTt 250. 000.00 TO LOAN in amounts to sait THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, , Second Avenue, - - Opp. Harper House. ISTThe '"TrvoLi" has lately been transformed Into a Palace equaling in every respect the Snes saloons in Chicago and surpassing anything in the three c. ties A number of Faun operated by machinery for keeping the air cool is one of the leading features of the place. Tbe Liquid Kefreshments dispensed at this establishment is in keeping with its grand improve ment. aii eiegant luucn servcu every morning, au ainua oi sandwiches Jnn-7 d6in served ROCK ISLAND J. W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr. i n 4 i PAEK & ELLIS, Now ia the time to secure bargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to t7Come and see us. S. SOUTHARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Alfo Dealer in Mirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., t tarl'ricis lower tban the lowest Tremau's Block, opp. Commercial Ilotel. JOE HUBEE'S CENTER STATION! No. 3166 Moline Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Fine Stock of Wines, Beer, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Always on baud. This space is reserved for -JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. aturtS-dsC see us. BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. - Illinois. up stairs, Rock Island. LOAN OFFICE. Whitehead, UOCK ISLAND, ll.l, to Twenty Years time. on Farm property, 6(4 to 7 per cent. du ly on short notice. TRUNK FACTORY No. 1809 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases. "REPAIRING DONE.1 cost in order to clear ourselves before Fall Goods come in. PARK. & ELLIS, 1 704 Second Avenue. aept-14-dly I i v 1 J: ft