Sock AND ARiKU VOLUME XHlll NO 280 ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1885. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18. 151 The UNDERSELL Is the all Meaning Word in the Commercial World Ready Cash and Large Quantities enables the GOLDEN EAGLE IKVH 1. 0 II. , I, I. IM. HC. 11 I.I.I 00 TTTTTH HIINN N (ilit! SSSS TTTTT OOO RRRR F.KKK fl O T H HUSK KO t S 8 T O 'OR KK O O T H HUSK M; T O ) R KK O O T 11 II Ml s T O OR R K (I O T HHIIHIIN N M) SSSS T O O RRRR KK O O T H HIIS N NO (JO S T O OR RK, O O T H HUN N Mr i S T O OR KK OOTH H II N N Mi Ci S STOOR RP OOO T U HIIN NN ;:C SSS T OOO R RKftKR -TO TilJY AND SF.LL SENSATIONAL FACTS. GREAT FRAUDS UNEARTHED IN RAIL WAY CONSTRUCTION. The Canadian Pacific Beaten Out of Ball a Million An Octogenarian In Dir fioulties Rtrmig Vp Suddenly Other Snrprisea. Cheaper than any Competing House. Our Mam moth Store is literally packed with the Latest Styles f New Fall Goods, consisting of Men's, Boy's and Ohildrens cintliin". Hats. Cans and Furuistiinsrs, and if our Low Prices will accomplish our object, we shall succeed. While other Mer- 1 - . 1 1 -tr tn.tvL- IViiiir 4rir.1j 111". Ollil -.. 1 II L tf.Oir. AtllpllOflP the e i i 1 1 of the season, we have marked all of our New Fall Goods at. the lowest rock-bottom prices from which there will mvcr he any deviation or reduction. (JENTIjKMEN We cull your atlention to our Mi-reliant Tailoring Department. V always earry the Lnreest Assortment, ami re luskins; Clothing to order 15 per ,-i-ni i li("i r than other Tailors change. Ladies anil Gentlemen are weli-mne to Imk over our new slock, whether you purchase or not, we shall receive you with fmirtcf)' The Golden Eagle Clothing Store Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. A. LOKB, Mansfr. Montreal, Sept a3. The Canadian Pacific authorities have for some time en tertained suspicions that they were being victimized by their civil engineers and con tractor!) in the section north of Lake Superior. About a month ago all payments to contractors were stoppe.1, and a remeas ureuient of the different sections ordered. This lias just been completed, and it shows that by blunder or fraud the company has paid to its contractors hundreds of thou. sands of dollars in excess of the amount of work done. One contractor alone us been paid more than $100, 000 too much, and another (50,01)0, the full amount aggregating tiOO, OOO. Detectives have discovered that engineers who were receiving salaries ot $100 a month were wealthy landed proprietors, and were engaged in ex tensive building pursuits, some of them be ing worth iroiu t;l,(HM to 140,000, which had been accumulated in a wonderfully short time. It is stated that criminal and civil proceedings will lie instituted. Many of the contractors implicated have already rntained leading counsel to defend thein, who will plead that the remeasuremente are incon ect. TOO OLD TO MARRY. J. B. ZIMMER, MM MM I I KK 1,'RKR IWOII H A HMMMK II RC OH H A A II MM NIK K Kl' II H A A MVMMr'KF RliRR O HHHH A A u ul u I.' II Rl II II AAA II M M V K Ri' ' H HA AN M U MI'KKF. R II l)('i:C H II A AN NN NTTITT N N N T IS N N T N N N T N N N T ITTTT T T T A A A A A A A II 1. II I. II I. II r. N N N.N AAA III. A AIM. OOO RRRR O O R R O OK R (I O HRRR (l O It R OR K All LLI.l.I. OOO K K Has received his Stock of FALL A. NT) WINTER SSU1TINGS,B A ND OVERCOATINGS, A larger and liner stock than ever. No. 1810 Second Avenue, Rock Island, 111. N E W A Prominent New Knglauder Who Wanted to lo the December and May Husiness. New Haves. Conn., Sept 23. Ex-Gov ernor James . Lnglish, an octogenarian. whose ban isouie residence on Chapall ,-tieet, is one of the finest in the Kim city, who has be-n the richest and most popular Democrat in Coimeoticut for twtmty-tive veal's, and who has twice been urged as a Democratic presidential candidaie, is u jw said to be mixed up in a lamily broil. He recently engaged himself to a young woman named Morris of Brook lyn, while stopping at Saratoga for the sauimer. roe story came out that mum Morris, of Brooklyn, daughter of John T. Morris, of the Southern express company, a yonng woman of 30 and an acknowledged nulla, was to be the wife of the Connecticut Oruswa, Ex-Goveinar Eaglih isTOyearaof age. His family has brought a strong pressure tetw&r ou the old man to induce bim to change his mind, and the last report current is that the engagement is off and that the governor has been threatened w.tu a suit for bM&cu of pr oniise. FORD WAS FINALLY EJECTED. ii;i; KltKK ooo 11 ic R o O U It o o It R O I) RRRR O o I GO R R O O UK R O O OR R O l.llll It U OOO OOt'd V.V.V.V, KKHK I' I! K R R C II K K K V. K. i! R (' KK IIKRR t! v. n R I! f! K R K II () V. K It (!i O I'.KFK U R V V V V V V Y VY V Y SSSS TTVl C S 8 T T T T T T T r s s ssss s f s s SSSS OOO RRRR KP.F.B O OR R K O O R H B O O R R K O O RRRR KK l O R R V. O OR RK DOR UK OOO K R F.F.KB Choice Brands of Minnesota and Winter Wheat Flour, Ono.l D.iry and Creamery Butler, Cotton Mops. Minn.. Potatoes. Vegetables, kfcc, i C. J. LOTnTG'S, Cor. Nineteentli Street and Second Avenue. The Muscular Kdltor Seems To He Nu merously Present In Some Offices. Kkw York, Seft S43. A man giving the name of Ford wa-i kicked out of the office of The Sun Monday morning. He had read an article in The Sun which fired his bloed wilii Indiguation. He visited the office and asked for the responsible man. The city editor was at that moment talking to a lot of reporters. Just as Ford uttered an oath and made a pass at the city editor he was suddenly sent sprawling on the ftoir, and the editor and six reporters Iwgan playing polo with his body. Ford was finally kic ked out luto the ball, and then he rolled down stairs onto the sidewalk. Three of his teeth were knocked out, bis right jaw was swol len, and hii head was bloedii g. He picked him-elf up and rau into the counting room ot the riaper threatening to smash every- thing. When t is oountiug-room men had finished pounding Ford he was an awful looking object, and meekly hobbled over to lue city hull police station in charge of the janitor. Her liilflren Knasteil lierore ITer Eyes Sr. Louis Si'iiU Ci. Richard Anderson, a lariiKtr living uoar Feuton, St. Im.uis l ouaiv, went to Clayton Monday, leaving f:is woe, two children and tirother-iu-ldw, CraiUHr, at home, sshortly ieare no u Mr;. An.lcron Wr.nt into the garden to pirt cucunuiers wit.t hnr brother aad left lie1 c.iMr.-n aslenp m a rtsim over the ;.i:ci)Oll. While t Ml- cn.iro 1 she srt w smok is u nit; troin t ie uuner sto-y '-oil tiei'ore she rarhd the l;ons tie ui jier part in flaiiM-. L'raiue; atieriif'ttd to elto; t an cnTraiu-e to tue room where the cliildr.n sU'pt, but he was drivel back by smoke and llainps. TliO entire house and the children were consilium!, nt truce of their bones btnn lound anions th' ruins. Tne motner was frantic and ri quired the etTorts of two neightMirs to piv v nt lier Irom rushing luto tho burnm building. THE NEW3 IN BRIEF. At Springfield, Ms, Monday, Richard Howell covered a mile on a bicycle to 3:33 2-5, beatijig the world's record by l-5lh of a second. Mr. J. 3 A. Ward says his Garfield monu ment for the Army ot the Cumberland will be ready for dedication at Washington next September. Rossini's widow, who died two years ago, has left 800,000 francs for the erection of a home for superannuated artists, especially musicians, in Paris. The will of the late Chauncy Hurlbut, of Detroit, leaves (50,000 to improve and beautify the park about the waterworks and keep up the library there. Statements having been published in Pitt-burg that the Pennsylvania company had purchased the New York Central road, President Depew of the latter line, enters a positive denial. Lawrence E. Moons of Cincinnati, and Miss Cora Lennox, of Dayton, Ouio, were recently married, their acquaintance and courtship having all been by telegraph. Both were ojierators. A distemper among hogs in the district of Shirland and Kockton, Ills., and Newark, Wis., bas resulted in heavy lossss to farm ers. The disease swept away 2,000 hogs in the past two weeks. Two men seated themselves on large blocks of ice in Aniericus, Ga., a few days aeo, on a "freeze out One of them bunted warmed quarter; after sitting it out forty eight minutes, and the other contestant got the belt Senator Palmer, of Michigan, has shipped from bis old homestead at Ashford, Conn., where he was born, a large assortment of old household relics, etc., for the furnishing of a log cabin erected on his Detroit grounds. Small-pox has broken out in a tenement in Grand street J"ew ork, four cases hav ing already developed. The source of the malady is unknown. For the week ended Sunday night there were "10 deaths from small-pox in Montreal. He vera1 lumber mills in northern Michigan have bebu closed owing to the teu-hour law, the men refusing to work more than the statutory number of hours unless wages are proportionately increased. At Manistee alone 1,000 men are idle. While in a drunken rage, Sunday night, at Silver Creek, a Pennsylvania mining vil lage, Mrs. Sarah O'Neill dragged Betty Keufe, her hu'band's aged aunt, from bed and beheaded her withan ax. Mrs. O'Neill charged her victim with fomenting quar rels in the household. The centennial anniversary of the publi cation by Dr. Kusb ci his essay on "The Ef fects of Ardent Spirits on the Human Mind and System" is being celebrated in Boston by a temperance conference. Several die tinguishel divines delivered addressee at Monday's session. The Inca-ter Examiner has discovered two Bibles dating back to the middle el the nf Wenth century, but it is surpassed by Tne Ilarrisburg Call, which has found in the possession ef Mr. Joseph Miller, of Flhr vi lie. a copy of Luther's translation of the Scriptures, published in 1.123. Mr. Kitz, trustee of Indianapolis town ship, Monday pronounced to be forgeries $3,500 of township warrants held by the Cincinnati National hank. The warrants bad been indorsed by the f ugitive. Pollard. Thw puts a uew phase on the township frauds, as it is thought probable tbasVother forgeries will be unearthed. THOS. IF- CARY, Is p-cpareil to do all kind oi work in Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging and Kalsomining. Wall Paper, A complete stock of Curtain Fixtures, Cornice Poles and Komu wmiiuinB. Btixeu Paints always on hand. tf AWn fall line of Art (ionils and Artists' Materials Lessons t iven in Painting and Krench Kmlim rv Work. Klliliriiulcry Miss, i.onis iiiiu run. ..n -..... - - - : call anil test prices of work. 1813 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND. ILL. JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., -RETAIL DEA1.KK IN Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 309 Twentieth Street. ch every mnrniup and every Saturday evening. T-'p l.iincti may 7 dly OA.VIS mi r-;rs": & CO., PLUMBERS AND Steam Fitters. -A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods. Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Sole agents for Water Motors for Sewing Ma- IRwT1 chines,, MLLIifc Heane Steam Pumps, Kt W.. T? TJ c U.l.l.l'-M - - fe&st' WirM ('' ''B-tliJS.AiV. mWr Novelty Force P jJtiiJiy Safety Heating Boilers, a Sr. VZ, dkerk,8 Block, Moline, 111. Telephone 8358. and Con tractors for furnishing and Lay "jg-P inS Water, Was ana ewer ripe 1712 FiE9T Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1148. Residence Telephone 107J. A West Virginia L.yiii'h ii'.jr. Cf.VCINSATI. Olno, S-ipL St A -V to Tne IC-yiiing Post li-om 1'ai VV. j. . . i.y s; John, a Iri: pimt 'gi ap'tsr from Pen .i ylvauia. i-xnihitin a pauoratua in a euuivii Welz d connry, Sunday lngiit, vri' t'Kn audiyiii3iiel by a haul oi tns in 1 uumi, i the fssJiit'tmn of Miss E:iie Mts' n i ; proinisH of niarriugo. two year.i ago. 'i' i led him thr. ii-li tlin terror . -t:ic-fii . uieoco, au 1 wuile two men wt.ioi..v revolvers guarded the do -r a rp" placed arouud his nck and hewa'hi:.; irom the limb of a lurgj o.ik tree, lu. euadowel toe churcu. THE MARKETS. Chicago, Sept 2i The market quotation i on the board ef traue, to-day, were as follows: Wheat Np, it September, opened -,"-. e, closed Hc; October, opened 83c, cieued So3c; Novem ber, opened eoc, closed Bic. corn -to. , September, opened and closed VZa October, opened 4lc, closed 41c; Nevem- ber, opened mc, close t B-sjc, uaw no. z Sepiember, npeuexl and closed 25c; Octo ber, oponed 'A'ic, closed 253sjc; May, opened ; closed Pork October, opened tW.uJsj.closed f -i.tfo; November, opened (H.80, i'l--e. January, opened and cleead Itt.oT. Lard October, opened fo.25 closed Live stock The Union Stock yards report the loiiowtug range of prices: tiogs Mar ket active and tirui, at an advance of 10c; packers and shippers kuying freely; light trrsda-, -"7.r).rf l.s); rough packing, fd.n54 S 5; heavy packing and snipping lots, ti.OO t4.oM. Caitle Strong; shipping, HUiNS oonsund mixed, l.tio1.?i; stielurs, lJinutlK; Texan-, fmhlil.i.'.ia Sheep rVesn; c liniion, 2.00(iio.0il; good, $.'i.25 1. Ii'. IVsiuce: Butter Extra creamery, SitfJc; lamy dairy, 14c; packing, BsJSo i.ei iU Kg loiiAliic perdoz. PotatMs luill.ioper t'bl. Kuitry Spring chickens, ''" rcsMters. 5c; spring ducks, Ue) U:c: lui-keys, ileper lb; pra.rie cbtckens, i.NMK3J r dis. Ai'oles Fair to good, 75o gJ l.'.'S an l ctaoiea, f 1.3ii(i$l. iuper bbt New York. New York, Sept 21. Wheat No. a, red winter, October 9ti do NovemberWSc; do December, Hitito, inirn No. 2. mixed, Ootoher and November. 49 -; ilo De-oiiiher, 4Sc. Oats No. a, mixed Se(.t; uiler. a.c; Octuber, c. Rye (Ju."i; state ali-iat, 4c. Fork Dull; msas, 10.mi(10.5i). Lar.l October, 6.:14; Novem oor, o.4l ; lleeeinUr, SG.4'-!. St Lnuis. Sr. Louis, Sept Ui Wheat Active and higher, but unsettled; No. 2 red cash, blid'.Uc bid; October, 92r; November, a c; itscemoer, yiic orn Firm, but very slow; ca h, tiVZtilc; tsentomtier, 41c; Uctober, JHc; JNuvemoer ST:i5c. Oats Slow and unchanged; casu, S4(i-'4,:c; Uctober, B4Wc Ivy L iwer; 5dc. V hisky Steady; $1.03. Pro visions Pork quiet; i'Ai'K Lard, quiet; (r oo bid. Toted o. Toleih), Ohio, Sept. 2& Wheat Active and higher; No. 2 cash and October, VUe asked; November, Hio isked; Itecernlier, Wl" asked; No. & soft. ckru, '.Hf'.Hlc; Uctober. 4.-; November, 8oV ; lieceiuuei-. WiJ.'c; May. tLOSW. Coin kittle doing; 'a-u and Otitober, 44c year, 37c; May, .Ise. Oats Quiet; cisb. 'i)ic October, 2;?fc; November, 3S. May, 31c. Clover Dull; cah, .40; Oi-lo lor, .)4i; November, S50; December, to. 55 niilwaukee. MiLWAPKRlt, Sept aa Wheat Kxciied; cash, 84Vc; Oetotier tofiot November, 87V. Corn Firm: Ka 4o!'c. Oats Pull; Na 3, 85c Rye- rt-aiiy; ino. i, otc Barley iusier; flu 2, 6dc Detroit. Detroit, Mich., Sept i Wheat Lssier; No, 1 white, tHo eask and October; '.rjisio November; 4c Deeem tier; No. 2 red, V(c cai.j and Lfcteber; 4Vc November; 9")J4c Dtn-einber; Na 3 reii, (Sic. Corn-47.-. ot.-N 3 white, 31)o bid Na 3, 27c cash; lidtfc bid October. CI1ICAHO. (rood lteasnn for Stopping. PHlLAOKi.rHiA, Pa., Sept. ffl. All that remained of Ctil. Johu W. Forney's journal istic Ventures, the weekly called Progress, bas pissed away. John w. rurney Jr., the editor, says The Progress stopped be cause it didn't pay. Official Appointments. Wasuinuton City, Sept 23. The presi dent has apHinted the following postmas ters: John . Morris, at Troy, Ohio; Henry Bews, at Harlcy, Idaho; Lewis S. Fowler, at Cliestei towii, Md.; W. T Weaver, at Asbeville, N. C. JIEniiniTARY A scrofula: KE ynu aware that In your blood the Arlirle. 01111112. CUisinc. WH'T- Alljillsl Sept. .... Siu Oct Ti4 1 Nov. SO', toiia Ainrusl Sept. 4-JV i Oct. Ai W Nov. -iUt SO Oats Anrusi .... Sept Oct. , -.'B1 Nov. .... Por.F Aiiipi-I Sept. .... S Oct. S STH S S5 Nov. 8 S5 b 77 LAnti-AiiL'nsl Sept .... 6 41 I let. 6 S7 h 5 Nov. ' ti 17sj 6 45 RiBs Allil-t .... Seil Oct. S 97 5 95 Nov .... Hogs 17H00: lial.i, 4 40il 75: m'scd, :p?, 1 h nv, t 4U..4 'H) ROCK ISLAND. i late Sir I jv TnnolllS fS 511 !lav rTihl-t" Ml Rye-45'. i'om -:J7c. Potsim:s 2'iC l ii ions 3ik:. Ous Snfl II : h.tol tS 5rt. place? This is true of every one. It is lia ble at any time, on the slightest provocation, to develop itself in some insidious disease. Consumption and many other diseases are outgrowths of this Impurity of the blood. Hood's arsacarii.i.a has a wonderful power over all scrofulous troubles, as the re markable testimonials we have received unmistakably prove. 'Messrs. C. I. Hooi & Co.: Ontlemen My vountrcst son lias always been troubled wiih Scrofulous Humor; sores in his head discharging from Ids ears, and a run ning sore on the back of his ear for two years; his eyelids would fester and ulcerate, discharging so that 1 was obliged to wash them mien every morning, bis eyelashes j:lew His Own Heart Out. Skuin.ut, It I., Nept ''. William rulgu, a young soc ety Kit- genllmuin f ae, wenl out into tue swamp, by P r.t beach Mondav eveuing with a gun ou his nhouid.-r. Eldrido had not gone more than 200 yards when he took off his right shoe, placed the muzzle of the fowling piece to his left side, pulled the trigger with his toes and literally blew his heart out Tem porary insanity is given as the cause of the determined suioide, which has caused a great sensation. Thought They Were British Ideas, Fro bablT. Baltimore, Sept 2a. The lions guarding the Calvert ttroet bridge near Union station were despoiled of their tails about a year ago. Thesw appendages were replaced with new onei. The statues have again suffered. Tuesday morning they wore fonud to have been defaced in many places by chipping the stone, and it was disoevered that she act ot vandalism had been committed by Larry Finnegan, who la noted about town as crank. Ha is now locked up at the central station. It is suspected that it was Larry who rubbed the lions of their tails last year. CallinK Coltoctor Hedden tn Account. New York. Sept S3. It was learned at the custom house Tuesday morning that In accordance with an order issued by Secre tary Mauning, at Washington, Alderman George H. Stirling, of Brooklyn, recently appointed a weigher in th. place of Opt Eaoon, has beau suspended frn the publio service' and Collector Hedn.n has bun ordered to mak. a report upon ajl the facta in th. case. Th. action o( the etflretary if laid to be bated! on hiforioatloa that t ee ap pointment is an improper saw. If ire and Accident Insurance in reliable companies at lowest rates, apply to . Lieberkuecht, Teal eg late, loan and insurance agent, and nota ry public . Collections made. Offlc 17H Second avenue. eodtf nearly all coining out; lie was exceedingly (lailliy. mostoi me iiineaiiui; out mo siikhi meals a day. We were unable lo find any thing that had the least effect upon him till last spring. ls7r., we gave him two bottles of Hood's Saraaixirilla. Hisaiipetite improved at once. The back of his ear healed up without a scar, and not a sore in his head since. Sinceielv yours, Mrs. N. C SAUTiomf, - No. 108 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass. ' We do not as a rile allow ourselves to use our editorial columns to speak of any remedy we advertise, but we feel warranted In saying a word for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Karsapai ilia has been known as a remedial agent fur centuries and is recognized by all schools of practice as a valuable blood puri fier. It is put up in forms of almost infinite variety, but Messrs. Hood & Co., Unwell, Mass.) who are thoroughly reliable pharma cists, have hit upon a remedy of unusual value. Certainly they have vouchers of cures which we know to be most extraor uiuary." Adilors Lowell Weekly Journal. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. Sold by drntntfsts. Price $1; tx for f.v Prepared by C.X. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. Executor's Notice. E flute of Eliza Sweet, deceased. The underpinned having been amH-iniVd Kxecn tor of the lat will and tetnment of Kliza Sweet, lute of the county or Kock Inland, ttale of Illinois, dt'CHttned. hereby ifivee notice that he will amtear hef e the eonnty court of Kock Inland county, at the office nf th clerlt of said court, in the cltv of Hock Inland, at t he November term, on the Second Monday in November next, at which time all per nrt having claims again! natd etttte are not in u and re(tO"nt(d to attend for the nurpoHe of having the name urtjUKled. Ali person indebted to cisiHtf are vfnntu d to make immediate payment to the HiKieiin.'n'ii. liHted i his Wnd day of September, A. D 1KK5. at d4H K. . bWKET, Executor. Sherifl's Sale. By virtue of an Exection and Fee Bill No. fii4rt, iinued out of the clerk' h ofltce of the cir cuit court of Hock Inland county, and suite of Illinois, and lo me nireetea, wnert (y l am com manded to make the amount of a certain liidi' ment recently obtained aHinft H. B. Terrv m favor of Krank 111, out of the lande, tenement, LMiodsiand chaftelH of the natd defendant, II. B. 1'erry, I have levied upon the following proper ty, to-wit: The east half (S the north-weet quarter 04) at ttectaon nineieeu in tuwnthip So. itxteen (lrt), north range No five 5 went of the fourth v4t.h principal meridian, in the uouuty of Rock Island and state of Uliuoin. Therefore .according uttid command. I nhall eijKne for sale, at public auction, all the right. title ana mu rctii ine atv- namea 11. u Terry in and to the above described property Haturd&ythe 10th dayof Octolier, 1sm(. o'clock p.m., at the north door of the court houoe in the c.ty of Rock ltdand, in the county of Hock l and and state of Illinois, for cah in ttand, to eat- Dated -it Rock lttland, thi 19th day of Septem per, A 1.,1WH6. lOiln M. KKTICKEK, Bherifi ot Rock Island County, Illinois id vtKi't-$ 1 ft riw mi R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. We do PLUMBING of all kinds, including Sewer Work. Gall and see us, WIL1ARD BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, - Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S 3SUSICAL SCHOOL. No. 160S Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island. Tkkms: Twenty Lessous, iu advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. narraony $14. Graduates Students of Music. tSMrs. Swan is also dealer in the famous Bauer Piano. sept-Sl-dly LAND AND LOAN OFFICE. MEDILL & WHITEHEAD, POST OFFICE BLOCK, ROCK ISLAND. II. I. Land for sale on Six to Twenty Years time. KVS250, 000.00 TO LOAN In amonms to suit on Farm property, t to 7 per cent. n.ardwiy Tl-IJE "TIVOLT," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - Opp Harpqr House. ITThe ''TrvoLi'1 hap lately been transformed Into a Palace equaling in every renpect the fine palotmsin Chicago and ciirpanning anything in the three cities A number of .faun operated by machinery lor keeping tue air coot i one oi xne leading Teatnrea or me place. Tne Liquid MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a physician with special regard to health. No Ammonia, Lime or Alum. jun-7 dCm Kf frepbnienl dispensed at thin establishment it In keeping with its grand Improve- An elegant lunch served every morning. All kinds of Sandwiches served on short notice. ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY J. W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr, No. 1809 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases. S-REPAIRING DONE.3 tat a0f ,V i r. v.WJ, - j m W - . saw - PAEK & ELLIS, Now is the time to secure bargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselvt s before Fall Goods come in. PARK & ELLIS. SyCome and see ni. 1704 Second Avenue. jAmMTjnvjaL ThbT HMiia herenfier wi 1 uaMish in tins col- Jmn all s verliseaients of Loit, Found, For Rent For Sale. Ho-rd or Kooms. Wanted, and similar nnticve, antic low rale ot one hall a rent a icord, i h figure a word, but no advertisement less Cia-'ten cents FOH KENT House with four rooms cheap rent; also furnished rooms, 31H Kiftei-nih St. 1-tf FOR SALE Old naoers for sale in any quantity Uthtsotuce.cbesp. FOKSALE Sixty lotsin my additions to he ityof RiKk Island on four yearly payments, witn Interest at six per cent per sniimu, -fl in 1 II V R.N roiM If. I ffierson, 1S05 Second Avenue, Has just received hie Fall Woolens, consisting of SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS, The best to be found in the Market, -comprising all the Novelties of the Season Aud prices the lowest for first-. class work, " IF. S. SOUTHARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Mirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., tjjTl'ricts lower than the lowest. Treman's Block, opp. Commercial Hotel. JOE H TIBER'S CENTER STATION! No. 316 Moline Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Fine Stock of Wines, Beer, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Always on hand. ept-14-dly This space is reserved for JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S- Acorn Advertisement. ogK-dU X)