Newspaper Page Text
Ijlf lis pid you Sup- ,f..cMnr Liniment only good . :fl . (horscs? " ls lul "-'"" jn of all flesh. nriLUAM JACKSON, ,,., (TLi' ,ffl',! '" Ko,'k Inland ,.,1,:,! Call! p.iid.linir. Hock island, 111. J. BEARDSLEY. J. T. a. C. CONNELLY, .NI fOI NSK1.I.OU AT LAW. "', .., , "dice ii Post Oflic. Build- ". u'li'iii tl A' Lntte's Hank, Knoml No H Ilov-l-wly (1. L. WAt.KKR. XKENSY & WALKER, ,,vi.-vs SlxlH'NSRM.ORa AT LAW. .block. Hock- Island, 111. E W. HURST, i'DI NhKM.OH AT LAW. Tcnudc block, over Fiock ln- in k. Kock 1 Miami, III. M. M. CORBETT, tiM'V v'Fl.AW. Solii'itor inti.rtiH-fry mid ,. t Cijt'lN'. Miftriirts, Lou tin and collec 'inf' .1 V lilo' k, 2;1 avenue , ovei GUIDO BECK, j.', 'i' s.Tond Avenue, over ,i iiiinU, Mum.., Illinois. i;i'SiM-:sS lUKECTOKY. , i- i 1! Svv.-nt"eiiih st ret-t. uM t'Ai'Tl UK.HS. .iii'Mt. -It -M'riMiitfcnl-h street. t M M'l: 'iiiii-rv, .mseroiitl ft veil tie. nveiine. i;;mi Hailv Au)lit; juiltii-hetl .u t'.xi'i-pteii i iii Ariru hUwh In l :iilvt:i-Iii'lHii verf miMlium in the 'I. ' ,'.;, hi-iml vki:ki.V Akuits; UihliMlied ,l,v. AilIU',ioh (U.p.ili uient ill coitnec- i i;aNT ASIH'DNrUi'TloNEkS. (i., li.l: secomt avenue. iih. 1.l'Js comi avenue. '., V (ri t 1 t- J k. i i : liyllo l,vlltiilrc of Illinois.) ILLINOIS Mining In Michigan. MaBOUETTK. Uinh b . r.u. present than it baa bean for some time pa t. " uy no means as immuii- i, ... red but to say that it in better even in a Might degree is tnounnurin, The brightening np ot busing generally has bad its effect merchant and business men here, a-il they anticipate better trate soon, if u has not already lieinn ti. ...4 resumption of work at tiw MichicHmme imiie is noted with satislaction u;i. sunerintendentB says that Ulimm ....i killed miners are hard tn fin.i . r,...... None ot the mines are lettinit unv of their men go, and some are increa-ing tlwir force, so that the winter nrisiKvt f, n,n lalHjring man is ratlier better tuan last fali. Failed to titan the Hills. Cleveland Ohio, S..i,t ai-Ijiryo "'""u'i ril'tzms anil i.crikw flLui,..t.,ui ;.. me vicu.ity of the Cleveland r.illiti-mius. tue day immm' to witnuss tlie 'iu.l t tempt by the company to start tlie mills. ... a i . .-1. i im kept in im nulls all nigui. to kep up the Hres and tose- tliattlie f iiinuov were kept heated. About 7 o'ciook a fw men in each brunch of the mill coninunce 1 work. ThHireff irU, however, were futue, not enough hands l-einu present to accom plish anything. Aooiit twenty-five li.r mans went into tlie mill at 7;30 a. m., but soon came out again and joined the strikers, who cheered lu tily. All those now on a strike declare that tuey at e fully determined to remain out until the comsiany gives m. An Agreement on the Whisky Price. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8ipt. 2:i. -Monday the whisky men showed a little Lack bone. Kear wre expressed freely lat tSaiur.lay that they would fall all to pieces Monday, but tlie contrary was the ca-e. . Aiur thiukitu the matter ovar for a day they determine i to hold Another luiwtins, and iu tha after noon all except the Mill Creek folks h are bound to stay out, got together in the committee-room on 'Change, and, after a long talk, agreed to make a market price of jd.US, this price to last for twenty -fout hours only, the meeting being adjourned for the day only. An Iron Company in Trouble. Hahkishnburu, Va., Sept. 2:i The Shenandoah Iron company. Millies, ha defaulted on the payment ot some of its in delib'dne 8 and a bill was tiled in the circuit Court of the United States Tuesday. o.ikiD!; tor an injunction and a receiver The par lies to the actiou are the Seventh National lunk the Union 'trust Snie fteposit and In surance company, tho iiiihtii R:;! bank, and John M lines, all of I'hilmleip'.ii t. Tue liabilities of ttie conioany are about ;!IJO,iKM, of which foJOOiKl is first inorl ,;ae hoiids. The remainder is ilontiiig io ilehlednes. Of Inlerist to llrewers. Washington City, Spt. ii. The treas iry comiuission who was inve-tiatiu tiie broken rice question has reported continu ing the decision of A-sisttint Secretary Faivchild that rife which is broken by ma chinery for the purpose of avoiding the pay ment of the ordinary rate of duty on rice, must pay the full rate, as though it was not broken. This ends a long controversy on the iart of brewers who have been stru glin 'toget their rice at a reduced rale of duty under this plan. What Yon Say. ''There are so many frauils advertised for tbe hair," you say. So there are, but Parker's Hair Balsam is not one of them. It will not work miracles, but ii will do better service for jour hair than anything e'se yon can find. Restores original eoi or, cons dandruff, trives new L'rowtli. Elegantly perfumed. Not a dye. hoi; -Hoars At in t nosrim K Asa Refrigerant Drink in Fevers. Dr. 0. H. S. Ilavis, Meriilen. Conn., says: "I have used it as a pleasant ami cooling drink in fevers, and bave been very much pleased with it." mm NO FEE! UNTIL CURED! A written imarRntpe of enre plven in cvory CH' nndurtnlien. o' AII vonsnimileu; w ree m SartV4l. lr. Clarke's i'lerratitl T 3Ui' ritmr-s (tn lalu envelopes) two ftlampn. F.D.CHRHK,. D,t88fcl'LKlk8T.t'HIt 10. l4 dec-H-itly Remedy ai':i!iiii!:m W 3C SO YEARS KECCKO. CTTBES ALL riRBlSJS OF THE KIDNEYS LIVER BLADPEB AMD TTRTKARY ORGANS DltorsT 6BAVEL I:IAEET8 IiISEASE FAINS IN THE HACK LOINS CK SIDE KiiiiVOUS j'iiEA8T.3 iii"TNTION OR OP TTTIINE. PKICE $1.6. Pend for Pamphlet of TesU ciomals. it r NT's KK.UKItr to.. U. I. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mrs. Dr! Keek will be in personal attendance at her Medical Infirmary Sept. 3d, ,and for the following ten day9. Second Letter from an Illinois Lady, CONFIRMING A REMARKABLE RECOVERY. Seymour, Champaign Co., 111., Jane, 1885. I want the public to know how I have improved under the treatment and by tbe advice of Mrs. Dr. Keck. To the surpise of friends and neighbors I am up and doing a part of my house work, after so many years of inability to do anything and so much suffering. Can be up all day without lving down to rest even; those terrible bad feelings have neatly all left'me; I am fleshier than ever in my life before, Uavea d appetite, and feel as though life is worth the living; I am not troubled any more with that cold clammy sweat and have no more long, sleep lens niulits, but can go to sleep as soon as I retire, and sleep well all night.' 1 took tbe triau t Seymour and went to Champaign to see Lr. Keck, a short time aio, reluming home the same uay, and walked Horn the depot an eighth of a mile to our house; this was a great thin", for one who had for years, been pronounced hopelessly incurable. Mrs. Keck being the only one who gave me hope. People whom I have not seen during the vears thai 1 was confined toniy bed now stare at me as they weuld one from the dead. I earnestly advise the afflicted to go in Mrs Keck, and by following her advise implicitly, as I have done, they will, without doubt, be greatly benefitted. Respectfully, Mils. Wm. Anukrson. IRS. DR. KECK S INFIRMARY, Corner Sixth ami Brady Sts., DAVENPORT, 10. Consultations and Examinations Free Chronic Diseases Specialties. Catarrh, Deafness, Throat and Lung Troubles, Diseases of the Livei and Kidiievs and all Female Oomplaiuts. , ') A. M. I ) I'. M.,aiul on Tin , i, 'ourilny l;viMiitii! Irons 7 tn oV'oek. .iUow i c.e Eepoelts t ttu rU of . ar.r Cant, per Annas. i:- reived in amounts ot $1 -,ad Jp wards. i'i i;:TV AND ADVANTAGES, v..'. ;i-o;k riyof the Triwttt is rosuon :m- ii. !." itors. I'he ollictirare jirohlhlteil Tnm any ol iis moneys. Minors and .. i.e:. irou cleft by special law. :n-:-S.W. V !ki::.ouk, Prcdent ;Jou ri lr.;-lli. lll ; 11. I'. llRMRNWHT.aslliel '-:-.". w . V'heelork, porter Skinner t.-ii-il, S' lsoe i.'h'ster. H W. I'amlee. C. .. A. Wrorlil, l'. K. Hemnwny. .lohri M I'hrWy H. loitflard. e e;il v cl-.srlereit Hovill'l Hank in Uor. rhysicians' Testimony. A. W. Brown,M.D.,of rrovidetiCC, Ii. I., says: "1 have used Hi nt's Kidney and Liver Kejieiiy hi my praetiee for the past sixteen years, and cheerfully recommend it as being a ifle and reliable remedy. Another prominent t'ortor of Pni'iilenee says that "1 am fre quently urjred io use olher prep:e-a-l ions us suhstiniles for Hi: NT's j Kid nev inid l.iverl l.'i iinl'Y. 1 lim! on tryint: them that they are worlniess in comparison to it."' An Old Lady. 'My TiT'lher, 71; years old, h:is e.hroiiie tidui y coiiipl.iint and drop sy. Kolliiiiff ieis ever helped le-r like Kidney and Liver Hi.mi:'..v. She h;is received 'rent. Iteuelit from 8 Isiitles mid we think it. will cure her."' W. W. Rinuler hiud, t'uiltler, llanbury, Coini. A ."llinister'a Wife. l?ev. AnUionv Atwivsl. of ?liila dcll'hia. siiys:' "Hi nt s Kidney iietl l.iverl lii:MFni has enrtd my uiie ot hroi-y in its worst form. All say thai il is a naniele." (general I'hnce. General Chare of Hhndc Island says: 'i always keep IU'nt's Kid ney and l.iver Kemedt in my house. Taken in smail dofes occa sionally at liiyht, it prevents liead aclie. and rtarulates the kidneys, stomai h and other organs." 10 Disease soon shaken, by Hi nt's Remebt taken." The Doctor's Uemai kalile Success warrants the most skeptical in applying lor infor formation, whi.-h will he cheerfully (riven ; in the treatment of nearly !i,tm patterns m tne past year, our recent shows a greater vr ceiuace in nem-ms m any oilier system ot medicine. Kemcuiber this facl. The I'ciiiiunciH v of Her Cures are Proved by the following Letters, and many Similar Letters could be Given, did Space Permit;. Head Two lictlers From One Lady. KIliST 1.BTTKK, 18S2. 1'EsoTi'M, 1'haniimien t'ountv. 111., I Aiurnst 17, 1S8J. i Hear Mrs. Pr. Keek: llavini: heen tour months under yo r lifMlmi nl and heim: very much im proved, 1 w ill tell Hie puhlir. atout my ease. I was very weak and I hiu in rlcsn. Was obliged to he iIiivmi throiluli the day. and could scarcely walk aholil the house; my hints were very weak, and jianieil e a Hood deal, and for ft year and a half t uad coiiL'lh-d and raised a ood deal of mailer. I no aom-iite and a weak slomach w ith hloat inc and nun h nain in niy h .ck ami d raniiement ol Is.wt l-. I am now nun h stroi t,'er. have yaoi rd ii- ii lhi: teeli I'ounils in, ean walk a mile and a halt easily w ilhoiil latiiiiie, and feel well in i-iny ":iv; niv coiiL'h has lell me. and I have no pan: at all in liiv In. s Uack or anyw here ; I ha'e a : .M'd appi-1 in and ilL'- slion. and eensiiier my n pn.v , ieei'l very ixu' -.1 iiieiei your Ircalment; mv fortner ds-o,r said 1 conul live !.ut a very few inun s. a-lliv ca-e wa-coi!Milll).tioil. aiai so wi ll HioiilIii. hut vou have helped mi very rapiniy !ld Ml eM l V Vill i . OUT Irh-. ll, Anna Aoaiii. Ttow manv terrible aches one's poor head "Fnr the ffirlefinlte che ml mint of nnrmos now mauy vtrrinie , ., ,, ,.,... patienln. Tonuauke is aulwnnr to liny other anu rias, and what sunermg is caiieu ny intse dyn(, j, r Nu, Hndehe at MuscuIk Bum beadaehes. Relief mav be had fromKcirous, nianani, it is aliwiet a MUH-ihc." Neuralgic, or bilk Headache by the use of. Paek Riichie, M. D, St. Panl, Minn. js. . Which is not a cure-iiU, but ; " TTnv used TosoAi.rsi: in mawi of Nenndeio W'AvXa, whll.n j, a Cure for Nervous Ite.i.l lie with in lUmoi even iniitiiuce. j wuu.ui. v ui Binctll-NeuraU-'lc forms it w unexcelled." Headache, Neuralftiu, Kheumatism, Kiatu a: o. D Nobtos. M. D, CineinMtt Ohio, andiiout. No proprietary medicine has ever; ..TnynrhjirtgoodsBrTioeintno obtained such strong endorsement lrom the casus .n hai.itnal Hendache." medical profession. ! Theo. FIkkmass. M.D.. St.Thoouui, Ma FOR 8AI.E BY ALL nrtOOCIRTS. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. A. A. MELLIER, M Prucrietor. And 711 WASHfSOTOM AVENUE. ST. LOUIS DUFFY'S WHISEI :f? It'll Pneumonia, Consumption, Dyspepsia ana Wasting Diseases. fositiveitf lttlieved antl Afttwre usie in rentoriiiy Vittil jiowers PURE THIS WHISKET SHOULD SS FOUND CN THE EIIEEOAED Cf EVEET fAXiiX IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO NOT BE DliC'KIVEO.-Many IiniKtrlsts and Urocirs who no net. nnvo i.uii) n Malt Wlllhry In atoek, attempt to palm off on customers, winskeyoi iiieirowuoouiii., wuicc being of an inferior grade and adulterated, pays them a larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, AND TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUCCISTS AND GROCERS. Send us your address and wi will mail ikiok containing vniiiaiue mionnauon. wn"j- sent to any address in the United SiatsiKast of the Kocky Mouiiuiins), securely in v,u,n case, KxprenH ehonis prrpnul on receipt of J.ii or ix iKilues seui lor DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Baltimore. Kd.. U. S. may-4 deodwty lili'lUMON. Burning Clitnft Houses. Seattle, V. T.. twit. 'ZA A body ol masked ai'iiusi men visited the quarters ot the Chinese workmen at the lilaek 11. anion, i mine Monday night The Chinese tied and tueir houses were burned. The. Chiiiftiaeii had been disehnrend from the miues, and expected to go to Seat! la. A convention ot delegates from ail psrt- of I'uset Hound country has bee u caliel to niet here rVpL 28 to devise means of nd- diii2 the country of t'hiuese. 4.pneral Airent. ELY'S Cream Eii in ('li anses She licr.o Hi lis. H. C. OLEAVELAN sluTABLItsHKTJ 1S68. s&Cleaveland, 4i KN KKAl nuraiice Agents ., fjira i; Aonidrat Insnranco. 'IKKU'R Hr.NOST'iM HUH'U. .l6l!S ISLAND, ILL. t I'romiitlv Adinsted and Paida ttds Aaenry. WHEAT Baking Powder. (GOLD MEDAL AT HEW ORLEANS.) InilorM-d bribe lttndlnir Motrin in diet oiintry. Aiiroved ljr 1h fTJcuvemmeiit Che- iiiiniN lor me muiaa ihbhuimiwii. n.tRTI! RALBIXEISCH'Sl HONS. t-ta,lidied l29. NF'W YHUK. Si PHOSACID. ! s.ilc Vy all Leading Grocers. The Sliply of rlu. CnicAOO. Sept. -i. Grain in siht i the linked States and Canada: Wheat 4:i,S:iil,- 204 bushels, corn 4.&3.I74 bushels, oats Xl bu hels, rye 4i0.0iiJ bushel-, bni ie- M.l'six: bushels. Ai compared ivita trie ani:.uut in sight a week aj;o there i-. an in crease of t'id.U21 blLsiiels of wheat, tai..M busuels of oat- and 4.tW7 bnshels of barley. and a decrease of 007, 74d hushelsof corn ami 4,7(KJ bushels of rye. Struck a lialaiice in Strikes. C'JXOINNATl, Ohio, 8epL i. At the iiioriiing ses-ion of tue cigarinakers ronven- tion the president and secretary s r 'ports were real. It was shown that in the pa-i two years IJOO.OOO had been disbuid in suatatnins strikes. Buriua that period sixty-nine strikes, or lock-outs had bean successful and sixty-nine woredi a trous. ,f . .'-.- Cir,-ti"' ii Allays lnllaiiiiiia-- S-fffi-I,v' Ho". Heals -res. M l.ii, C. I;l,,rt.s,be se;!- :'.' si s of laslc. liciii- 1 .-ri .'"SOsVV ? "i!I and Smell. A Tar va-u'k'u lirf "A AV-FE. VE Positive euro. ji' lt;- tlwiy f A Lnte Witnes?. I have been treated hy Dr. Mrs. Keek and tbe benefit I bave received from tier advice and mmfnifTtt are onderftil: I bad sniftered f r ra ca tarrh fur over twenty Venn-; it bid effected ray whole Hvctemverj badly. 1 had iwlypuM in my nostril m 1 coiiltt not breathe through mv notc tht'se phe removed bymedioine not having per formed any operation, 1 can now breathe freely through mynoet?. . wy ceiie oc piiiou j now re inrniiiiT. which left me twenty year atro; the hji done more toward rcn ovini,' my tlHarrh than '1 tlie phyctriiinM 1 ever hod; my brain wa- difeaed and 1 had bveu insane; w;is ar ljidepentience hf lnm for eiirht mnniht. and I feet cure I wo'il i be ttu-re no if it wen- no! fur til:1 iK-netiln ( receiv ed from her; I do not imw iiav i tie a-th-iwi that hnvc Huffemi witli for four ye:iri: neither do I HHtTer with the miNer.v mi pain in niy lef" Hiir and-pleeu. Mv ki ln'ys v-:ie ha-iiy di-ea,s-J; 1 wa blo'tt d :nid my liver w:if alleeted ; coiih"d h treat de 1 and now tho-e .vnll'UMll have niotiy dnppeart'd; 1 c:n highly 'eeoin.i'eiid thi- ;nly itf a i h v siti .in. William W Fcsk. eb'uo l'iiy. Mr.y 2i lsS'. DAVEIIP ORT BOILE R WORKS. GHTJPE & MURRAY, P oprietors. SKIllMi I.KTTBB. 185. Pl soTI 1M , l'll:lllip:ilL11 (.'Olllltv. 111., I Aiifiust 4, I1"), t To Tin- T'mi ic: 1 wi-h to shite thnt in rhe stim-iin-r of lss. 1 v::s tres'ed hy Mis. Ur. Keek for .o!!-iituiiioii mei was enri d sound and well. My in mini nl ncT'.picd nlionl eisnl months. Sine, m reeovery 1 have heroine very rus;ed and "Iroej:, and 1 now eniov uood heollh. Ue-IM-iliUllv, ANNA AllAIll. ftl.CE i'iKass, Seott County low:!, i Novell! her is. 1HH. ( For tin- heiicflt of the pnh'dc 1 sin willing to n-ake known an Hceoutit of my louir sickness. 1 sniler ed for iimny years from euurrh, also from the mosl severe hVadiiches.uizziiiessand ear trouh'es and also daily chills, ard ea arrB fever and last ma old sweats, and these same nccurriiMf every nii;ht so that 1 berame so nervous 1 could not sleep. I suffered from chronic dispepsia and slomach complaint; my liver and kidneys were disordered; my lings so weak that my hieath was short and painful, and my heart also greatly trotih'ed me. I had no aiJK-tlle and was constant ly suffering from Untitle nev and from a hitler taste in the inoiilh. and i ll this time niy hands and feel were covered wite a cold sweat When I placed niyseH in your fare 1 had been for nine weeks bed-ridden and for six mouth unable to go to iia'idsof Mrs. r. Keek lasr year -nil remamwitn ! town; ana ir iwo years s e io uu i e And other permanent bi nelits have also j work. 1 had employed a number of the best phy beeii n.iiied Io lliein hv flintier following I er au- si i .hill grew constantly weaker. My falin'r-vi- i now eniov heip r health than 1 have known ; .n-law (Mr. fchlirhtingi called on you on Wecem in ni.-iiiv year-.' 'Their i.- no return of the troubles ! ts-1, and yon visited me al my home Vm 1 1 mi, w'hi'i li lr. Keek n-eeed me. and w hich wi re ! asserted thnt you could cure me if I followed yollr eniimeinied in mv card of last tleiolK-r. Nor is , directions; 1 did so, and in eiglil weeks f was able ol the liiino'r she removed in leareh. Te. ; to call on yon in Davenport, and you havevisited I sin done.' h-1 mv Housework, andon.lulv l:lth I ; nie onlyonce. . , n.k no my cHr,iet. s,ruhhed two Moors, chum-d, All the above named sysptoms have entirely dis- niter tiieals wilh all other household duties appe:m-d, and with joy and gratitude i aekiiowl- aiid fi ll no bad resull. And most thankful to edge the great enod you have done me. 1 feel like i ii..... : - n.a.i.. m Keii His nfw man. strone and sound, am able logo out ,'.....rfl o,-ir,i.,,ei,i f.,r eissl H, snect f nil v. and work daily, even in the coldest weather, and Mrs r E It Mill, wife or A. J. riarr. for all this 1 am indebted to Mrs. llr. Keck, hv, WVWM'ity. la.. July tSl. 1SH5. 1 your friend. Jobs Koenseeedt. Second Letter f rmi an Iowa Lady. I'ontinuii-g a Keuiarkahle lieeovery. To thk Pi Ttie benefits 1 received at the See the Doctor. FHEK OF CHAKGE, at ber Medical Infirmary, Davenport. Cveam Ba:m has I' In-level known. iii- A tiiiriicle is iipiin tmin l ome. I- a-n-t Urui!i-I". or hv mad A. lllil'l ilKI.'.- k'a iviahle ri' ion ille : iirri.ll:ilio:i d llilo ese . Iio-I li reliio aide Ii, u e I'riee 'sk. semi for r in nlar. . Uriigglsls. liner.'. N. V. The Yacht Kace. New York, Snt -i The Oonesto and Dauntless suirled at & p. in. Al in. lay ou their race for tlie Bienton's Reef cup. To. distance is alxnit 3 HJ uules and the cup i. a lioautiful trophy worth t- old. Tne llriti h cutter lod from the start and when list seen wa. altout two mil--'S aiiea l. A kite- irraiii Tuesday afternixai from Newport status that the racers had not beou sV.bte.l there. The wind was very li'jht. The CfiHlera. Fai.kkm i Sopr. .During the jst tweniy-lttir hours ended lue'iday nisi; there have bieu ai4 new cases of cooler , and 175 deaths. w lElMUECK'slffiDG STORE, 'lurof Third Avet.ue and Tenth street, -HlH'k lslaB(t... -i i ' rreriiiitions carefully ionfwoitnded by reg- ' I'liaruiiir.ists. ' , . iity-tK-d ty ; W ATKINS & HILL, Dealers in and Green Wood. ill also attend to Hauling of all ainds i ii vanls, corner of afith street on Molina I'elephone la-r miiee No ; orders may he rt.2R-rttr Executor's Notice. Il1' I'lliziibetli Hlumhcrgcr, deceased. ''lie H'id.-eiw.l hnein" Iwen aonninted Exec- '"''if ilie Ust will and testament of KlizBbeth '"" ' .'r. lale of the ciiimly of Kock Island, 11 "i Illinois. deceased, herchv give notice that " ia aivciir betore the county court, o' Kock ' "" 1 - -ii nt v. at the office of the clerk or said " la l'ie city of Kock Island, at the October a , ill.. Third Monday iu October next, at "i'1! lime nil persons having claims against said we iioiitted and reiiiested tn attend for the of lin ing ttie same adj listed. All person s ''""I-' 1 to said estate are requested to make '"""linn- iiaruient to the nndersiirned. "''-I ih.sOlli day of August. A. !)., tH5. "'HI JOHN ASTER. Executor. Five Men llrowned. Fbankfobt, Ky., Sept. all A torril le isAuir took nlaee iioudav evening it lock No. 5, in the Kentucky river, a few uuie.- below here- Eight men were attempting to cross in a canoe, when the boat was swauiMu and tive of the occupants wore drowned. The names of the men drowned are Jam. Sttaut (white), and Frank Turner, bum Hall. Dan Robinson, and Levy ilaker, uil colored. ' He Burled His Treasure. Washington City, Sept. a3. There was ret'Bivnd at ihe treasury de(iariiiieiit Mon day for i-eileniption a package of about imO.UOO ia United States notes, which are badly mutilated and almost beyond recogni tion. It ia said their owner, an Ohio farmer. had buried the notes in the earth in prefer ence to placing them iu a bauk or other depository. Ford Ward Kefusas to Testify. New York. Sept. 2B. Ferdinand Ward relues to testify regarding the connection of William 8. Warner with his swindling operations until be is assured of immunity from punishment. The creditors of the nrm of Grant & Ward are making great efforts to have thocrinihial proceed injrs against Ward delayed. Death of a Prominent Nw Yorker. KliMU. JNew xora, oepu. o. uou. onni- -j uel Caiubell, state aenatorin lttti,;iell from a . chair in hia offlce in JNew york mills lues- dav moriiinc and died of appoplexy, aire.! . j 78 vears. tie was one ot ne urin oi ai- cott & Campbell, Known uu-ouguoui country-sheeting. To Regulate s FAVOV1TK UOMR liK.MKttV w:ir ranteil not lotoiit.iii a snide pan -tie fc '''errury "r iiuv in.nitton mihmjiih, i$i ion is ih ouroiv vegetable. Il will ctiri all Diseases ratisnl hy THTfini-nictil of the l.iver. K hitu ys iiud Stomach. If vonr 1 iver tf out of order, then your whole sysicni is drrnnLred. The blood n iiiipwrt-.' the brt-nih oiTcufit; you hav iva uHie, fe 1 lanirhiij. t.tspih'ed ami nervous. To present a more m-mohs eon ditiuii, take at onee Sinniions KK(il I .A TON. hurt a w f'J ilr'ii';trv lift or f-MtTt;f with Kiini;v rft ta-ke r'HniiMUis Ijver hiei.n ator, I Mir to at lieve. Tf you have eatfti anylhinir ban) of di L''it ion. or fcrl tni vy afler nit !il- or 'n''p loss at iolMiI, take dof and you will ferl relieved and slct-p jMrai-ani !y. If you are a mist rable MiiTVrer with Constipation, Dyspepsia biliousness, r. 1 ef al oimt in Miiinioi.s LiuT Ke:rulator; it do's not re quire coiitimnil dt'-M L', cud -o.-Ss but a trifle; it will cure you. If yon wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad laste ia yonr mouth, OXYGEN PiEATMENT, V,.- .1. ...l:.,f enra nt I -rtVUCMT'TlON. AsTllMA. f-ilONCH ITIS. IlAT Kkvek! t'ATAKKii. Nfhvov Pkostkation. Etc.. E c tend stauif for .Medical h.s)k of over WO pages on "HOME 1 Kt AIMEKT," contain i. g valuable prescrin- p,, MetliCul SGfl htSttA lyfilW. .a, h sat mmimviY. UtTI.WATJKEe' WIS. Tlie mo-t evtensiva insiituiiou in the tinted statis for ttie ireaimem in w e ri'l'T. I'J perillissioii, m a i ' our patrons: lieo u rn, manager ol ....l .. l. w Kev. K lie won. esiern I uiou, up.. I p. Morse, (isiikosh. Wis.: lieo. B. Pratt. Menaslia. Wis. ; W.H Ellis. M . , Hrookrield, Mo.; I'. O. Baetenzie, 1 nicago. in.; sirs. 3. i. I Madison. Wis.: Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, hvansvnie. lira. 11 Our oXVi.KN is salelv sent anywhere in tne i nuea Maies, uunu. ....o,. .., Plain, ewy, complete directions with each treatineuL mar-li-uwiy 2CKR0HIG0ISEASfS. 11 Manufacturers of al) kind-, oi Hoi ers. burn and Water Tanks. U Stacks, lireel -Iling. Iron Mililler- V 01, i ooors I no. . nit loi JM. rejiainng. orders by .Mail or lei. -rapii nroin.'i iy .0 o iioe.i 10. 1 e 1 p.i Aug. ai-dilm 317 E. EKtOKD ST.. near U..v. rnuieiil hriiiue le"-, sinoke olt ,leli t" iMlers, I.ard ('1 I'-iriM itlar .il v me o. rial. . IlaVKHPOdT, IOWA DR ITOSG-A.TE, 309 Brad' Street, Bavesport, Iowa, Ho years practice, makes all private diseases a specialty, such as Sipkilis, Giriiuriltaa, Gleet, Stricture, lmpotcuoj, ijjefitatorrnr.a, all urinary troubles ami mercurial attVctiuiia oi" tiie tluou.1. ?kiu and bones. Cancers, Tumors, Filrs, Catarrh and all chronic diseases treat ed successfully. Consultation ami correspondence tree. iWAl letters promptly answered mar 18-dly " THE MOLT !N K VAGQN. The Moline Wagon Coinp'y ..vio...xis5"ns.: tx, -?rr--;-y 0 Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Knowles' Steam rumps, lnsjiirators and Ejectors, Wnui.'ht, fast and Lead Pipe, Pipe Pitting and P.rasa tioods of every description: Rubber Ho and I'lickine of all kinds; Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe. oilieeuml Shop 13U Third Ave... ROCK I8LAND, ILL. Inlv-IT.llv HENRY STRUVE'S SAMPLE ROOM, , x p ... 'J c-;--35'.!-,' ' i-j-, - ils - tf ' Manufacturers of Farm, Spriug aud Freight Vagoiifci A full anil ccmijiletc line of ri.AWnKM ami other Spuing Wahons, e.siiecinlly ailaptei! Id the. Western Trailer, of superior workmanship am) finish. pHTIllnstraled Price List free on application. See the Moline W agon before purchasing other. mar-ir-iiwly mfri Simmons Liver Kegnlator: itcorreiis il S H ii f1'1'"11" Slouiai li. sweetens Hie i ll R ll 1 r,',1lh, cleanses the Furred tongue, JLliUU I'hildren ofleli need some safe P a tharl ic and 'Ionic 10 avert, approaching sickness. Simmons l.iver Ki'SOlhitor will relieve colic. Ilea ache, s ek stomach. uidirest on, dysenter, and the c.ompfyinls inciilenl to ctiilitinssi. A I any time vou feel your system needs cleansing. I iinig. reguhding wilhoiit vio lenl purging, or slimiilalilig vi;lent ililex caling.lake SIIIIS LIVER BIEELATCa. PP.KI'AHKO rir J. II. ZEILIX & CO., PhilwU Ifhia, T.i. COOK'S In the room formerly occupied a a -. i otifcclioiierv by Frank Math. Wines. l,iiiirs and Cigsrs constantly on liann I'd,, best of I!" No. 315 Twentieth Street. api-'JMl 44 No. The ATLANTIC! BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR, 1S17 Second Avenue. Kock lslanc y0tifrFM a i'v 1 irS s'-?.r(lr1 WHO 15 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOORAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE 1. "Pilsener, Kiilniharher and the ttneat domestic Bis at any hour. Telephone nii';--dv ' on draught. All kinds of Sandwiches servec JOHN WESTPHAI. Prortrlwtcie. PPPP! RleiELELE SELF CORE A favorite prestripuon of one of the most , ii.ilsd and successful S'tecialists in the U. ii- . r,,,.,) r ttir tme ( BeWH'y. ""' Munhond. Wenanvu and lerjr. Sent "I "" wakil enveli t'rae. JJruggHts cut fill it iress DR. WARD CO., Louisiana. Mo. m vneuii. pa in ..'HKMER LAW LECTIIRIIS (nine weekly) "in J1I1 .Inly, irMo, and end nth September; have 1 signal use 1st. to students who de -'1 til llllr.llM ll,ui. U1.,,1IUD a f. nil, aP I , JI '""i. '4ml. to Hume who urouose to read private nil :ui, t practitioners who have not had the u se in systematic ir.strnction. ror cireu- w 111), . , u , . .... . , t I) Iy t . i.i. university 01 va.j 10 eoee 0 """KiPto Com. and Sii. Law. a-w-lm. extensive manufacturers of CD Union I'aclflo and Faeific SlaiL Va8BISOTON City, 8epL 23. Secretary Lamar authorulas the utatetueut that no action has bean taken by the interior de triment looking to the auaueipiouof pay .ooni.s l.v tbe Union Pacitic railroad of nioiwy to the PaoiHc Mail Stei tuship com- puuy. 5 V, 1 i 1 v " v j I J-f I . . "ffij' ' i r-f''k t ' - On the topof fhe '10? is an inclined envrr which rain from entering; allliched to the civen,oil lop anil 001.10m, re spr,t: w In. h keep ,i,e, lwnv closed. W Sen the top cmer closes it strikes a hell to let you know that yur paper has come. It is the finest invention of the age. The Abops is the awut in the city for these box es. Tnoj are supplied to the Aaues subscriber!, at a very 'low pree. m) APPELQU1ST, - Proprietor. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Rock Island BAST SlUtt OF M A KKBT SU A KE, el"-d.: 111. I JOHN SCHAFER. 'roprif.tor Centennial Hall, Dealfr Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, I OrWi L t I WO I Sr i -V'f -y'-.j - - - - - - - ... ' , IN No. 1316 Third Avenue. Rock Island, Ills l-ijis place has been refitted and refurnished aud is now one of tne beat Saloons in the ity. ." I.uiieli every morning. - . - --' EXCHANGE TTAJLjL. RUDOLPH SCHWECKE SALOON And BilLIARD JJALL, ISelow the C. Ii. I. & P. Depot, Moline Ave., Umik Inland, 111. Imported and Domestic B 'er and Wine, Fine t.ihnoin and Pigrs always on hand. jnp-3n-lT flBKO. LAWiPlB, lIH'. Exactly expresses the condition ofUioua amls of people at this season. Tus lies pressive effects of warm weauier, aim me weak condition of the body, can ooly be enrre:ted bv the use of a relialile tonic and Mood puritier like Hood's Sarsapanl- I VWf- treated by mo-t of the noted special s's ?u Wh atifler loiiuer wbeu a remedy is JJ01 the day with no ben-tit. rvd Iwwlf xn la. Uliy SlUUr wm, ei ' three mootlis. and since then honrireds of other. so cLise at lianar uw 1 hv same urocele ; a plain, simple aim Micceesiui t. ill ni.A trnn untold wea ill hf.m treatment: address T. S. PAOK, VM Kast K Str;Dgtu,fcand energy. New Vork o.y. "nrriirCOl(pC & USES CV SK, by one Dr. E. F. FISH, 92 Wisponsin St., AULWACKEE. : WISCONSIN. , SPEC IAL ATTENTION (1 ivB to Twroat and Lime t'oniplaintii. Difeae (leenliar io Women. Private Diseases of bold Sexes: all Skiu Hisordein. 3Iours 8 to 10 A. M.. 2 to 3 P. M., ai d 7 to 8:30 P.M. rorresHMideiiti please eacloee stamp, marK-dwiy J.M. BuroaD, 0. M, Loosi.fV, 3. K.Looslky Ruford&LoosleyBros. GBNKRAL Insurance Agents. Tlie old Kir? and TimK-Tried com pant e tte frs9nted LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. Haleeas low as to Reliable Company can tS'jli Yonr PatroB see w liolicile. trOOc ia Atiiaa Block, CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of its central position and clone rcta-ticm to nil principal lines Ktst ana West, at initial and terminal point s, ronatituteH tho iuo.-,t important mtd-conM-nental link In tlmt evstem of Uiroiurri ttiinsnortiition which lnviteu and facili tates travel and traffic tMfAveeu cities of tho Atlantic and Pacific Court It is also the favorite and ho;-it route to raid from points K;ust, -Northeast and Southeast, and correspondinr no;;:ts W eet North west end Fouthweat. The Kock Island system includes m it s nmin line nnd brnnchea, Chlcairo, Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Peori i, 0.-nesert, Moline nnd Rock Iflnnd, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscattuo, Washington, Fairfield, Oltuniwa, Osknloossa, West Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Mjhihs Indinnola. Winu rset. Atlantic, Knoxvllle, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Centra end OoiincU BlnPs. iu Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron aud City, in Mfsponri; Leo venwortb end Atchison, In Kansas; Albert l,ea, Minneapolis e.nd Kt. Paul, in Minnesota; Wrtertowtt in Dakota, and liundrla ol intermediate cities, towns. Villages and stations. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantor-s Its patrons that sense of pnootl security afforded by a solid, tborouirlily biiltisteid road-bed; smootli trvtcks of continuous eteol rail; sub etitntially built culverus and bridvfi'a; rolling stock as near perfection an human skill cm make It; the snfity nppli'tnnes of patent buffers. platlorrnn and air-brakes; and tliMt. exunUnir disciplinj which (foverna the practical operation of all its trains. OMor c-pooicuUnH of this route are Transfers at all connecting points in Union ntjixits, and tlio unsurpassed comforts and luxuries of its Pas-ieniror Equipment. .... . , The Past Express Trains Ixitween CtttcnRO nnd the Mipaourl River are com- . posed of well ventilated, finely upholstered liey t;out;hcis. Mairnitlcent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest deiitrn. nnd sumptuous Dininir Curs, In -whicli elaborately cooked ineuls are leisurelv eaten, "good Difrestion waiting on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Cliicjwo and Kansas City and Atchison, ore also run too Celebrated Bochninif Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and 8t. Paul, where connections are raadi in Onion Deoocs for all points in the Territories and British Provinces. Over this route. Fast Express Trains are run to the watering phicea. summer re-sorts, picturesque localities, and huntinsr and flsh lnsr grrounds of Iowa nnd Mirmesotu, It is also the most dtusirable route to the rich wheat fields and pnatonl h-nds of interior De.kota. Still another D!Kl(Jl LiNts. via cseneca ana liiinKaKee, nas oeen openea between Nowport New:!. Richmond, Cincinniti. Indianariolis, and Lafayette and Council Bluffs. ICansaa City, Minneaoolis and St. Paul and intermediate points. For detailed information see Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well aa Tickets, at all principal Ticket Ofhoas ia the United States and Canada; or oy uaaressing R. R. CABLE, President and General Manager, Chicago. E. ST. JOHN, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, i V) 3