Newspaper Page Text
Til AlOUS. OCK LAND fOLiuiK mm no m KOCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 18S5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18. 1851 UNDERSELL tie a Meaning Word in the Commercial World Ready Cash and Large Quantities enables the .7 . -wy - Nt ly r0 GOLDEN EAGLE THE LAW WILL STAND. CIVIL SERVICE CASE ON TRIAL IN NEW YORK CITY. Tha Application for Quo Warranto Pro ceeding Dwnlert Discussing the Pres ident's Letter tu Commissioner Eaton Annual Message. MM. TTVTTH i O T H l' I. ill. I O lK T r T T T T T HI1NN IIIINN H II II N N H HUN N HHHH1IN N H II N H UN II II N II II N N (an: NO i N ; N I! k u .; N N U N Mi N N 11 KN tJTUi II SSSS TTTPT OOO KRRR FRKK S 8 T O OR RK T O OB H K T O OR RK TOO RRRK KR T O OR RK. T O OR R R T O OR RK T OOO K RKRKU S tiSSS S s s s sss -TO BUY AND f KLL- Cheaper than any Competing House. ihii Mmnnioth Stove is literally parked with the Latest Styles New F;ill Goods, consisting of Men's, Boy's and Childrens ithiiiu'. Hats. Ca;s and Furnistiiiigs, and if our Low Prices il ;ii- ttiiHsli our object, we shall succeed. While other Mer i, t iii'ially mark' New Goods up and reduce them only near . iiiddf the season, we have marked all of our New Fall m at I lie lowest rock -bottom prices from which there will ,vi hf any deviation or reduction. iULKMKN -We call votir attention to our Merchant lsiloririj,' iJcparlment .......niri'V I he Larwsl Assortment, and re makin. i in' ih r loan ,.vi-r our in1 ' illier Tailors c h.ific. Ladies and stink, whether you purchase or mil, Clothing to order 13 per (iriitli'ineii art; welcome to we shall receive you with Solden Eagle Clothing Store l'ost Office Klock, Rock Island, Illinois. LOi'.B. Manafr. J. B. ZIMME'R, FLOWER DECLINES mm in i:uiii: ivrr h ii MM! R RC I'H II 1MIK i: KC II II V M I Kl, lililik O IIHHII IIVMK li .! K II . II IT K i: i ' H Ki! I'M li eivu ii H II A II A A A A A A A A AAA N N N N N N N N N V N N N A N A N N N N TTITT T T T 1' T tittt 1 T T T " T T A AA A A A II I. II 1, II I. II 1. AAA II I. A II I. OOO RRRK O OR R O O R R O O KRRli O O R R O K Nkw York. Sept 28. The or,lor to show cause, obtained by James IL Hinckley against O M Hini B. Eatxi, Loroy D. Toll man and John M. tiregory, rivil service commissioners, in which the relator petitions for leave to continence quo warranto pro ceedings to have the ollieers removed ami the oltice aliolished on the ground (,f tlie un constiiutionality of the act creating it, came up for a h armg Saturday, beture Ju Vailace in the Uniwd Suites Circuit Cinirt Long betore the open ing ',f the court a lare gathering of the friends and enemies of tlie civil jiervii-e reform were in attendance, anxious to hear the arguments of the conn el en Raa;!. Uuitd Slates District Attorney Durslieuner and lvrmati U Katou apieare,l for the coinnu-siuners and Morris 8. Millr for Air. Hinckley. Mr. Dorsbei iner nr?'.t a lply hearing of the cas. heu tlie case was tiniiUr callnl, alMr the call nf the revtnlar calendar, Mr. Miller demanded to know who nppeared f,ir the itciendant- Air. lorsheiuier replied that lie had Un directed by the president td the t,'nit,nl ist.ate. to d.Iend the commis-sinn. Mr. Miller objected to the deiendnnts apiiearing hy a reiresoutative of the government, claiming that the government had no real .status in the case. Tile objection was not sust-ainel and Mr. Il.irsheiuier at once l,egan his argu in. .lit. He brietly reviewed the history rf the case. II" ctuime l the petitioner had no st&ndtu.; in tiie cuurt because the ruht to a quo warrautii writ miiy aypiied ti tiie usur; ation of sover 'iii rii;Uu and t he United Stato.s nloue could tn-io such action in the United States courts an.l then only through its apiMuntel ofticers. To brim-' the action properly. he fiutinlaine t that the retitir si,ui.i have applied to the executive and to the judicial authority. I i reply Cuiinselloi Miller conton ;e 1 on b"hall of (be relator, Hinckley, that his ciienl had the slattit-iry rignt appiy for Uim writ for the cili!i crentel the constitulion and a; a citizen he had the riht to avail himself of all it. benefits. He demanded the riht to be heard and as erted thai if his client wn, not entitled to a m il of quo warranto then it m, the iMisiness of th- court to tind a rente ly. 1-t-'orn said he, "my client is en titled to a p. tit on for";e Wallace interrupting said: "It is conceded that you have tlie right to pe-i- tiuti. Cietitne yourself to giving me authorities." Mr. Miller was unable to quot any au thorities and J ndge Walhioe ruled that he must deny the application. CLEVELAND'S LETTER The Democratic Nomination for Lieuten ant Governor of Mew Tork. Rous, N. Y., Sept 28 A special to The Sentinel from Watertown says: Roswell P. Flower, Democratic nominee (or lieuten ant governor, arrived in this city on the late train 11 may night ns was in consultation with friends all Saturday morning. In the afternoon he wrote a letter positively declining the nom ination He ays the place wan given him without his consent and much against his wi-hes. He does not think bis withdrawal will affect the interests of the Democratic party in the least The letter waa sent to Goorge Raines chairman of the Democratic atale convention, Saturday afternoon. THE EXTRADITION LAW. THE UriAftKETS. All L.I.I.LI. Ot K Has received his Stock of FALL AlsrX) WINTER ISU1TINGS,S A NT OVERCOATINGS, larger and finer stock than ever. til 1111 Secoiiil Avenue, Kock isiann. in. A 1: No N E W KRiii: ooo R li O O It R O o li K II O KRRR o o R R O O R R O O i li KM K K OOO oni'4! KKEK RRII1! i: OH R It e i: K tl It ' K R R II KK RRRK 0 K R R 1 K R R I! (I K K It OtJCO KERB H R r v v v YV V V V V SSSS TIT.' S S T S T S T SSSS T S T f T 8 T SSSS T OOO KKI1K KKRB O O R R K. O OR R K O O R R K O O RRRR EK O OR R K O OR R K O O R R R OOO It R h V f.B. Choice Brands of iMin-iesota and Winter Wheat Flour, I Ihirv and (ireamcry liutu-r, Cotton Mops, Minn., Potatoes, Vegetalilcs, &c, at Oor C. CT. LOTG-'S, Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue. THOS. OABY, inter and Grainer Ii i-t'imrtl to do till Limit nf 'rk in Haiti and Decorative Paper Hanging and Kalsomiuing. A complete stuck of Wall I'apcr, Curtain Fixtures, Cornice Poles and Room Mouldinjs. Mixed l'ninlH always on Iminl & M- a full line f Art and Arti-ts" Muteriuls l-csons tlven in l-aintiiig and French f'.iiii.mnl.'ry Work. Kuiliroi.l. rv silk-. and Fancy linmla which arc solo at rinse tfeiirun ; cull and test uriccsi of work. 1S13 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., -BKTAIL IBAI EB IN- Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 30!) Twentieth Street. I'r. o l.,n,rl, every nmrnihi: and ery suturdiiT evenins. n"11 ' " DVIS & CO.. jfl AND Steam Fitters. pt J.. s' ij.rr- ill OTP'S- "ill i t- vaS A couiplett; rttw:k of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Hole agent for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Etc., Deane Steam Pumps, Novelty Force Pumps l9MW Safety Heating Boilers, and Con :m-W4 traetora for furnishing and Lay- Here's Block. Moline. 111. Rock Island, Tlinois. Telephone 68.: Telephone 118. Residence Telephone 10 )7. ,..fT Z-:i ivntr flan nnrl Swer Pin . 1712 Fikst Ave., To ('outmissit.ner l'.atou the Snliject ol Much C'otiversation. Washington City, Serit 'JS. Wherever tw i i-r three lleniiM-rats have lieen gathered together the recent hater of the president to the civil servtre conutiissiouer has bien the ubj-ct of conversation. There are now sven l-iuocr.itic senators and about twenty 1 leniocr.'tt ic memliers nf congress io the city, and tiiey have hail their beads to gether irequouti v on the subject Senator tuirht'es, oi Indiana, who is as able as any of the LVniocratie senators, and as much oi .eader. says that he is not prepared to tilk on the subject, but will take an opportunity to expre-s himself at. some future tiuie in a manner that will have more force than a mere nev-paier interview. He mids that m seeking appointment he ha simply performed a duty to his constituents- and, if this is impudence" or con trary to the Const, lutliei ot t'.:e L e.lta l tstate , he is willing .i u tier the biaiiiH. Ex-Senator Mcllonai'l says that he tins -thing whatever t sy, as he is not a civil service reioriner an.i naturally does not agr with the president's position. Senator Kiusom. oi rvorth Car hna, says that it will lie all right alter a while; Uiat the president ha ; f'ot to curry out tin. de clarations of the .iicag i plaf-l.-rin, but that toe Democrats need not worry, that they will all be taken care of in time. It. was impossible to secure any impression from cx-Saker Rtndxll, farther than a general indorsement of the pred.leuCs position. The I'resldnitt's Anunal MesagA. Washington Oitv, Sept. 'JS. A cir-ro-poiideiit of The Cincinn ati Enquirer tele graphs his paper as follows in regard to ru mors concerning the pre-ideut'a annual me-s-aage: From the inner circle there are rumors that Mr. Cleveland's message will be a sur prise to uiany Democrats on the silver question- 1 hear he will not yiuid an iotit Iron) the views expressed in nis letter to Gon. Warner la-t winter. In this letter he said plainly that the continuance of the com pulsory coinage of the bland dollar would in tiin. bring on a financial crisis. There is evidence going to show that h is ju-t as firmly in favor of the re )ieal of the law now as then. It is hinted, tio, that the president will unequivocally favor a revision of the tariff. Tloise who ought to know aver that he w ill favor free raw material and a faithrnl revision ol the exietunr tanf! so as to materially re duce duties which were imposed growing out of the necessities i f the war He i, said, also, to heve been stiidvuig the statis tics of our shipping, with a view to niHkm iirqiorlaut recommend stions lookui; to a revival of the ship-building intret. A Michigan Judge Makes a Decision Criticising the Supreme Court. Detroit, Sept. as. Judge Speed, of the Way no circuit court, Saturday atternoon reudei,l an imKirtant decision in tne case oi lid Rice, a notorious burglar recently brought here on extradition from Syracuse, N. Y., who wa3 charged with roblery, dis charged, and then held on a requisition from the governor of Ohio. Judge Speed held thai Rice must b; discharged. The stato had no right to hold him on any other charge than the one from which he had been extradited from New Yorlc The law ot extr.-idition was just the same between the states ol the Cnion as between this coun try and foreign countries. Rice will be given a reasonable time to get out of the state, and the I ih:o otheerv will try to arrest bun as soon as he leaves the bonier. Judge Ciiipmau, in the course of a suit in the sUfsirior court denounced from the bench the practice of the Michigan supreme Court in giving decisions. He said that if the supreme juigos would talk less and de , hie more, it would be better for the public. They system of saying, "My brother So an I-So deci les this or that" is a sort of li kie me and I'd tickle you" businesa Judge t'hipinan denounced the supreme court at length, aud his remarks have eauswd a decided sell-atioll. C'oiiii.iitld For Trial. LoNiio.N, Sip:. 'JS. iilitor Stead, Mrs. Jarrett, lo-omwell Honth, Mr. Jacques and the otuers ,mp!:c!iie l in t'le abduction ol the girl I '.liza Armstrong, lor Humoral pur poses have been iuiiy committed for trial. Dili in.; the proisedings Mr. Stead, acting as his own counsel, read a document con taining his line of defense. lie claimed that the end which he had in view in carry ing out his scheme justiti'l the means he h:d resorted to. He admitted that he might 1 ave been misled by the statement of Mrs. J arret t who, if she procured the girl, Eliza, by false pre en-e-, as testiGed toby iirs. Aimstrong, had obtained money from him fraudulently. The nugistrate fre quent.;)' protested against portions of the d'icaiiient, stating that the matter wa--nreievaut The magistrate summed up the case strongly against the ilelendauts and said that nothing could justify their doings nor the publication uf the nauseous articles in The l'all M.dl Cas-ttu. He acquitted Mr. ilraniwell ltoot.i and Mrs. toouibe uf thx charge of indecent, assault but coniDiitktd them, as well as the rest of tha prisoners. ou the other charges. Ir. Walsh Dabbles In I'.ililii s. BrnUN, Sept. Too Rv. Dr. Walsh, archbishop of Dublin, has sent circular let. ters to the priests admonishing them to use all the means at fieir command to prevent any urprises by tlie opponents of the i'.-ir-nell jsdicy in the coming icklow conven tion, lie contends that it is the duty of all interested to support the old and tried candidal and oppose the overthrow of known for unknown men. In hts circular the archbishop goes to the extreme of advising tbe priests to withdraw nr bring about an adjournment rather than allow the results aimed at to betiwartwl. Dr. Walsh, whea questioned as to the pr pnsty of hit action, replied that he must admit tlie step is a bol 1 one, but to his mind the occasion fully warranted it, and al though his action incurred serious responsi bility he was willing ti assume it Odd Fellows' Convention Adjourned. Baltimore. Sejit. 28. The closing session of the sovereign grand lodge, i. O. U. K. was held Saturday, adjourning sine die at 1 u m. Ex-(iovernor James D. Under wood. f Kentucky, was elected lieuteuaut genera' of the new degree establisbei the patriarchs militant King Kuutliert ta Tislt tha Chulera Section. Roue, fsepi. SIS. King Humbert accom tianied by the ministers of wtx and justice. left Saturday tor Palermo whore they in tend visiung the various hospitals for cholara ( Ithll t . yira and Accident Insurance in reliable companies at lowest rates, apply to E. Lteberknecht, real eg tate. loan and insurance agent, and nota rf public. Collections made. Office 171 f Second avenue. eodtf Chicago, Sept 2A. Tha market quotationi on the board of traue, to-day, were as tollows: Wheat No. il bepMmber, opened otic, closed 85; October, opened otic, cioel iWc; Novem ber, opened 88se ciossd t)ija Corn No. 2 SaDtember. opened 4iiia. closed 425s.c: October, opened 41o, closed HX: Nevem- ber, opened S'.lc, oiosed Mc Oats Na 'i September, opened iWc, closed 2c; Octo ber, opened 2o''o, close! 6ic; November, oine,i Sic," oiosed (. Pork Ootober, opened A.tH closed fa.5l; November, oneiied JstWs,'. closed SS.52K: January. opened W.ifi'.'. cloied Lard Oc tober, opened aud closed $o.02W. Lave stock The Umou Stock yards repjrt tlie tollowiug range of prices: Hogs The market opened weak and do lower ou heavy and mixed graiies. but unchanged on choice hrrht grades; light I erade;. fd..'W(44.'Jo; rougn packing. fd.4544.70; heavy packing, $3.i504.uo. Cattle Hull; shipping, 4 00 (415. 00; outcb rs, i00( i.); stockers, $J d0(i9d; Tex- ans. lits' Sheei Steady; common, 2 40(ii.x J.., goo.1, f;4 iidJl.OO. Produce: Butter Extra creamery, 1!J 20c; go 1 dairy, 12(gt4o, and packing, tinj So oer lb. r.ggs perdoxs rota toes tl 0H((t I. Jo per 1,01. Poultry Spring chickens, a: old ben, sc; rooster, oc turkeys, 11412.:, and spring ducks, 91uc tier lb: prairie chickens. le.MJ-t.7o per dox. Apples Ksir to good, T.Vfl.od, aud choice to fancy, Il.'ixJtl. 5 per bbl. New York. New York, Sept 20. W heat - rod October. SIS lie; uo November,; do December, 1.U1. Corn . - mixed. October, 4b;4c; uo November. 4'.',,; .lo Decemtier, 4SUc OaU Na il iiiixej, Ocnwer. 3Ua Rye Dull and uncnanireit. Rarlev Dull. Pork Dull; mess, U7.ilo.'i'.. Larii $&&S October; $6.40 Novemour. su Louis. Sr. Louis, Sspt 28. Wheat Active and sharply higher until after the uoon call, wiien most of the al-vaui-e was lost and prices closisl )y'' above ye teruav; N ). 2 red cash, Vi'JtjS ilitc; Ociolier, W.,;',' ; November, V&; De oeintmr, tisc O -r;i A shade ou and alow; cash, inif 111,'.-; Septemb-r, 41c; Oc tober, :atc; N vemor, ;t"iB'c. Oats Inact ive; cash. 2l'(tf'-4li ; September, 24;'!y; No venils.r, 214 l-ive-i'tiot; 54.1chid. Wnisky Steady; l.0. Provisions Pork, dull; $ tl. 2f a .ked. liarJ, noiuiiially lower; t5.9o 0ri.UU. Toledo. Toledo, Ohio, Sspt 2ft Wheat Active and higher; Na 3 red. 9S-, so 1 tvish. SKk'.OWc; October. Ssic; November. Disc; Deceuilier, Hita Corn Duil an 1 linn; ua h and October, 44o: year, MT'c bid, ta a-ked; May, S&o bid, iis'c aske 1. Oat Strong, with light business; cash, ale; October, she; Novem ber, 2toc; Mav, Slc Clover Ea-y; ca-h or October, $.3.. asked; November, (.5 40 asked; December, to. 45 asked. Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Sept 25. Wheat Unsettled; cash, ttlc; Octa ber, SttV" Nuvemlr, SSH- Com Steady; Na 2, 44 . Oats-Firm; Na 2, 2rtc Rye firm; .No. I, a.c BarUy Uigtier; Ha. Detroit. -Dktkjit, Mloh., Sept 9d W heat Steady; No. 1 white, cask and October, Vic; November, Wtc; Deoember, Wc; N. 2 red cas;i, 4c; October, W4C asked; November, tftic; Deueuber, 97!o; Na H red cash. Vc bid. Cera Cash, 45Jc. oats mo. j wmi ca.n, sujtc; ria a, aaah. c; uoi uvr, Kc CHICAGO. R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. We do PLUMBING kinds, including Sewer Call and see us. of all Work. WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, - Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S IMIUSICAL SCHOOL. No. 1608 Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island. Terms: Twenty Lessons, in advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. jiivirs. swan is also aeaier in tue iamous isauer riano. eept-21-diy LAND AND LOAN OFFICE Medill & Whitehead, li. Krju!"4lritN l.trt Ntff York, ?it. UraJstrwet's Jour- nfil, in its emmiweial summary h&v: Hie irnveni",nt f general niari-'handi'e hrouguout tli i-Muiitry during th pat .-ik tin Uu ttUut to tlie voliun if preteJin w. eks, tliouU diStributaJ somowijat tliifoienLl. At various trsie eu- ters west and smlliwit, where tlie activity re (rt tj-trttl has net lu pr piVtiuu ata to thai rHCordtenl atMtHru points of distribu tion, thprn has l-a n a lwre inquiry and a huavier Wtwk'.s l-u -.tte, but at various cities th ea-t l it in vdinat of goo.l t tha interior smallt-r. illu-itr.iting tuis it nmy leJMciii tli ti :;t 1Umi the scales of try piMKls hKV- tnli!i..iT from tbe bit beavy volume, ami that tlit eKitinff di'innn i then i losi titan lial t-eti p X (hm'W i. I ae st tualioii is therefore considered oiir it critical oxam inauou and thrt sUi'ceodirfcr few wtwks will t. clcwoly oberv.. t o dwter min whtiir ibt result, as has ttn alleged, is to be a dull tra It dnriii Mia wintrrr 8uc'el ing an autumn si-urt fiuv. The M.Minn" Traia Kohher. PtLnoMiN'tiTON, Ind.. Sept. During tht? trial of Chttt-'r Oharnbers charged with the robbery of the oxpi-js. safe on Ihd M- 1 tie niontbs a(?, Webber, tht baamar who was nearly killed by the rubier, tt'st-ri.i positively that Chain bers was the man win "ommittd the crime. The trial i- till pivicepdiiu. Tbe prosecu tion rested with Weblter's tetim my, and the defence iiit.rHlutvl atxmtftirty witnas to prove CbainU-rn' gO"l chariictor. SlitM-kiuj; t'rtmi- at Cham palcn. f'HAMf'AIi.N, IJU, S-spt -H. Jamos C. TbiMiijh.. n, of C-itut twi-ihip. entered the hiu-e whem ios wif; and lS-yer -old dauh- tr were livuij;. in ibis citv, a"d out their ibroats with a l"n;; knil'e Friday flight. He lied through au aliev and made good his m . A larr mis4 f men are in pursuit Mix Thf-mr'n had tfft her husi'aitt. .. a.- t'4.uut of hiN tiruiikenoe-s. Article. Opening. Closioi; Wb't AnguH Sent. Oct. R5 5 Nov. 874 L't UiN Atuin t ti-pt. tkt. 4U4 41S N.v. 3iw a1 Oath Aumist .... iSepl .... Oft. 25J 5 iv .... Piti.F Auirn-t .... Jept. ( t t. R 45 8 W Nuv. 8 47H 85 -AmruM f,-lit .... i H I. 6 (6 ; 0T Nov. .... 6 "17 KiBe A OiTtl -t .... .... He lit 5 At 1 1( t. fr 40 5 87 4 N,.v Ho U' iio,v. itshi. 3 Mli4 W; mixed. 1 40 3 55 ti h v 3 ,(t A t!5 POST OFFICE BLOCK, . Land for sale on Six to Twenty Years lime. rF$250000 00 TO LOAN in amount to suit on Farm property, 6-4 to 7 percent. it-dwiy THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - Opp- Harper House. "?f The -Ttvoli" has lately been transfiirmcd Into a Palace equaling In every respect tlie Bnes saloons m unicasro aim snrpassui); aiiyiiiing in me inrerc lief A nuiutver or Kans operated by niactiinery for ti-epitic Hie air cool in one of the leading features of the place. Tbe Liquid Refreshments dis)iensed at this extahliehnicnt ie hi keepini; with Its fraud improvs metit. Au elegant hi neh scn'ed every moniini'. All kinds of Sandwiches jnn-7 il6ra served on short notice. 1st, -iM jy Tiui,illi' !ly Willi JT Kye -40 . orii -40U 'el-noes i'M- IriiiMI! 3ll . -S-i'i II : I KOt'K ISLAND. son 'I was all run down, and Hood's Bar- g!tiirilla provci) just the medicine I need til," write hundreds of people. Take it now. 100 doses ftl. TIIE WONDER Is becoming universal as to how such an im mense sale could be created in Lowell for Hood's Sahsaprii.i.a. But, my friend, if you cotild stand behind our counter a week and hear what those say who are using it, the reason would appear as clear as the noon-d,-iy sun. The real curative power ot Hood's Saesaparilla demonstrates itself in every case where tnir dirvclions are faith fully regarded. We would that we might get before the people a fractional part of the conttdence that is expressed to us every day in this medicine by those who have carefully noted (without prejudice) Its effects upon tha blood and through that upon tlie whole sys tem, stimulating all the functions of the body to perform the duties nature requires of them. Try a bottle aud satisfy yourself. - Cold Hands and Feet Lowell, Feb. 3, 187 Mhksks. C. 1. nonnACo.: lientlemen AIkiiii nne year ago my daughter commenced taking your UarsaparilU. At that time she had very little apiKdite; could take no long walks, and her fare v. as badly broken out witiiahunior. She was low-spirited; troubled with cold hands and feet; ber blood seemed to be poor, and she was in a condition which mused us great anxiety. After taking one bottle of your barsananlla she began to im prove; and she now lias a good appetite and can take much longer walks. Her humor Is nothing compared with what tt was one year at. She Is in better spirits, is not troubled wilh cold hands and feet as previously. And I attribute this improvement in ber condi tion largely to your Sarsaparilla. She has taken six bottles, and intends to continue its use. I was inclined to oppose the trial of it at first. I now have great faith in it as a blood purifier. Very truly yours, A. L. HINCKLEY, No. XA Broadway, Lowell, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla, Bold by all druggists. Price $1; or six for S Prepared by C, I. HOOD & CO., Apoth ccarles, LowuM, Mask. rszi Injuroamij Bratcr ' lEMOH SPECIAL 0t EXTRACT ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY J. W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr, No. 1S09 Second Avenue. Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Sample Cases. Lgr REPAIRING DQNE.3 PAKE & ELLIS, Now is the time to secure bargains. We have marked our Summer Goods down to cost in order to clear ourselves before Fall Goods come in. PARK. & ELLIS. Wn-. . .i. . naiT i sj A J.'J'iaUSxTUWm 11 .. ..- I tatta tCome and pee ns. 1 704 Second Avenue. MOST PERFECT MADE PnrtMt and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla. !mon. Orange, Almond, Rose, etc. Savor at delicately and naturally j tbe IrulL PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., 0HICAOO. ST. LOCI3. -F1. S. SOUTHARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Slirrors, Cornish Poles, Curtain Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc.. igrl'rict.s lower than tin; lowest. Trenmir? Block, opp. Commercial Hotel. HALF-CENT A WOKD. Thk a mi I'm hereafter wt lpohliih in thin col iimn t k v. rtiM mrntt of l-ont. foimu. ror Kt-iu For iWr-nt or K(tm-. W'auti'd. and nimilfir notht-h. t ittelow rute of da half a cnt a ivor, cat h flpire a word, hut n i advert inenieut tew tha ten rnt FuH RENT Honre with four ronn8 cheap rent ; al fnnnihed ronm-J, 8tH Fifteenth hi. 1-tf KOK SALK Old paper9 for aale m any quantity hi tniMOintf , cueay. Ft)kn LB Sixty IoImii my addiliona ro he itv of Ktx k Inland on fonr yearly uayoienta, wittt tnitr it ai mx iter cent per aonnin. JOJH HUBEE'S i CENTER STATION! No. 3MC Moline Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Fine Stock of Wines, Beer, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. A!wa on hand. aept-14 dly NicKerson 1805 Second Avenue, Has just received his Poll Wvrtl rail iiuv;irju., consistiu of SUITINGS and ' OVERCOATINGS, The best to be found in the Market, comprising all the Novelties of the Season And prices the lowest for first class work. This space is reserved for -JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. aug 38-dtt f - fBmp " '