Newspaper Page Text
FT! The Sock km XXX1I1 NO 285 ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1SS5. ESTABLISHED OCT. 18. 1851 slamb UNDERSELL Le all Meaning Word in the Commercial World -Ready Cash and Large Quantities enables the GOLDEN EAGLE mill. (XX TTTTr H HUNK H Gliti SSSS TTTTT OOO KRKR KKKK r lit o O T II IIIINN NG U 8 8TOOR RK ;. T H HIINN NO S T O OR RK t , o O T H HIIS N Nil S T O OR RK f h O O T HHH1IIIN N NO SSSS T O O RRRR RK S I) T H Kim UNO lili S T O O R RK ,. 01, O l T H HIIN NNO i S T O OR RK ,. m. l O T II HIIN KMI O S 8 T O OR RK ii ii I 1 1 .1.1. 0. T U HIIN NN GMi SSS T OOO K RKKKR -TO EFT AND SELL- Cheaper than any Competing House. Uir Mammoth Store is literally packed with the Latest Styles Yw Kail Goods, consisting ot Mens, 15oy s and Umidrens itliinir. Hats, Caps and Furnishings, and if our Low Prices I iii ri'iniilisli our object, we shall succeed. While other Mer- ' 11 l' XT , 1 - J . 1 .1 1 Lihts ;t'iicraiiy mam new uoous up iinureuure lueni uiiiy near einl of the season, we have marked all ol our iNew vail I lti-nft T-ia.tL' litill lM'liiO fViilii fc'ltifll tilt'A Will t KH If ill III " ' " I' 1 X.9K i-iriMiliriu ' iii'iu " mv 11 mvt v ui rei lt' any deviation or reduction. liFNTI.HMKN W" call V"ur attention ti our Merchant Tailririni? Depart men t. .';ivs carry tlie Largest Assortment, mid i re innkino Clothing to order 15 per i.lii iiiir Ihim oilier Tailors elniitiiu. Ladies and Gentlemen are welcome to 1 1 nvrr inir new stock, w neuter you iiurcnase or not, we suau ret-eive you nu irti's) he Golden Eagle Clothing Store Post Office Block, Rock Island, Illinois. A. 1.0KB, Mang'r. J. B. ZIMMER, I ! I I I K KHKK CO I H H A KW K TTTTT SMViK K KO 'H H A NN a T II UK K Kl! H II A A N N N T liMMII'.l- l: Kill! C HIIHH A A N N N T Hill.' K Bl! II II A A A N N N T l,llllr K 1(1' I'll HA AN N S M M H I T K I'OCO 11 II A AN NN TTTTT T T T T T T A III. A A II L A A II I. A A III. AAA ML A II I. OOO KRRK I Olt R J OR K I O KRRK OR R OR R A II lull OOO K Has received his Stock of KALL AND WJ.NTJ5E 1ISU1TINGS, A N I) OVJfiROO ATINGS, A larger and titter stock than ever. No 1S10 Second Avenue, Rock Island. 111. NEW KKltK OOO rmu) KKKK KKKR .11 OR K O R K O R It O KRRK O no i: r o OR R O OR KM O 0 o o O I' o o o O I! C, I! ! R K KK K B K O K K OOO Ol VI! KKRR Ii K R R H R R RRRR K R R R R K r t V V Y Y YY V V V T SSSS S 8 s s ssas s Si 8 a SSSS T T T T T T T T O 000 KRRK PKKK t OR R K 1 OR R K O R R K O RRRR K.K O OR R K O OR R K O OR RK OOO B R KKFB Uhoiort Brands of Minnesota aud Winter Wheat Flour, 'end Dairy and Creamery Butter, Cotton Mops, Minn., Potatoes, Vegetables, &c, at C. 0". LONG'S, Cor. Nineteenth Street and Second Avenne. In i-eprril U do aV, kirnlf ot work in Plain and Uectuative Paper Hanging and Kalsomiuing. A compu te stock of Wall PaMT, Curtain Fixtures, Coruice Poles and Itnom Mouldings. Mixed Paints always on band. "AIi, a full line of Art wh1k unit Artistii' Mau-risls LeiwonK iev in Puinling and French liiiihmiilrry Work. Knilir-.inli'ry Silks Cord nod Fancy Hood whicu are wdJ at close linri ; cull and tee! orices of work. 1813 Second Avenue, KOCK I.SLANI), ILL. JACOB OHLWEILER, Jr., BKTAIL 1A1.BB IB- Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 309 Twentieth Street. IVKnc Lunch every momiiia and every Biitor.lay evening. may 7 dly DVV IS & CO Ll'Vve , Hi ; Li CIO. 4 Z IA1 If - iff - "i -41 W II WW I . :r. I I rt-c n . I I 3 DURE'B BlA)CK. Moline, 111. Telephoue 8XS. PLUMBERS AND- Steam Fitters. A complete Block of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Sole agents for Water Motors for Sewing Ma chines, Eta, Deane Steam Pumps, Novelty Force Pumps, Safety Heating Boilers, and Con tractors for furnishing and Lay ing Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 Fibst Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone U48. . Beeidancc Telephone 1CWT TRAGIC AND TEARFUL PROMINENT ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN SHOT DOWN ON THE STREET. A Quarrel and Ita Awful Kmnlt Political AMaaainatioa Attempted Talk of Lynching at Oshkoah Man's la humanity In Various Phage. FLOoMiNiiTON, Ilia. Sent 29. At Ray- brcHik, twenty-five miles from here, Mouitay morning, Dr. Ilwvfy L. Harris shot and kiliei Or. Genre Ba'n. ou the prineipal street of tlie village. Both men wore lead ing phvmoians in tlie locality and, as th nuirder tok place in a crowded part of th. t.iwn in ..ton day and tn the pre-enee of lifiy did rent people, the tragedy is a most seliNal.onnl one. Ihre ba lieon very hitter feelins bfitw.Mn the two meu on several tsores. There was professional jealousy between them for one reason, and ii is also thuu'ht that a lady in the village who a of very clmrmim; faee and figure has something to do with the quarrel Pr. I'.urton was much the turner and Cner-lookins man of the tw.x Tiey niot, Monday morning, and as has alwaj'-lieen the ease whenovr they liave met. face To faee a sivne rsnl1ed. There were lir t words and tiwn Mows. Within two in niiies after the quarrel began, and oeiore hy-stander were al.b to interfere. lr. H'-.rris drew a pistol and fired thrv shots at hi opponent, ono 'jf tue balls paS'.iii throa;'h his head and anotlier through hii stotnacti. He fell and exoired al- moKt instantly. Dr. Ilarrts sur rendered himself at once to a con-table anil a. knowledd the killing. He claimed that it wa- jntitiaUle; that Dr. Barton was beat ing him with & mile, an l that his life wa in jieril. Tl:e tooling aain.-t tlie pri onr is i'liter lerause it is lhee.l that the kill ing wa uniieeeary. loihmonaro known ov. r a lere rwirt or Hie central portion ol the state. They wi re both nimher of the Mimo school of nirtilieiu'.;, both of middlo afe, loth nmrried, and loth p.tssessdd of families. The IxOy of the dead man was tnkn to his homo, and there a heartronduii; seene Ka-nrre.l when Id. wife and children saw h:s lifeless form. The prisoner will prob ably be taken to Biounviit-on. HAiR RAJSINQ ALL AROUND. Aa Apparent Prospect for a Gory liana frera M iasourl. St. Lows, Spt. 29. Some time afro Tie lOi V'e,a Optic pn,blisheii a statement that Mr. H,. hi aim R hiving, consel general of the Unite t HMtis to Mexico, hal bean frightened from assuming the duties of his i. Mice by hair-rai-ing st Ties of the dangers of Mexican life told him whilst he was sojouring at the Hot Springs of New Mbxico by mischievous traveling men. Ewing went as far as El Paso, thence re turning hoiiu to JetTarson City. Uf-ul learoia; of the publications Mr. Ewing wrote M r. Ki tier, the editor of The Optic, as follows: Sir: My attention has been called to a libelous reference to myself in your issue of !S.-pu 10. 1 demand of you an editorial re traction and repudiation of every word con taiii'd therein. I shall wait a reasonable lunth .if time for your replv. I am. very resiwctliilly, K. fi. twist). To this Kiftler responds, by publishing the letter in his paper, an ! adding editor ially: "Wo regret to say that we cannot comply wittt Mr. Ewing's request. 11U de mand appears unreasonable and if he watts as long in making a veeond one, as the admin istration has waited tor him to get to Mex ico, it is a fair presumption that it will be tune before we shall be compelled to ru tract," Hard Coal Market. Pea coal, $7.00: grate and egg, $7.75; range, nut and jno. 4, (3.00 per ton; screened and delivered all best quality of anthracite. Extra cartage charged on orders of less than one ton. Blacksmith's caol, Connellsville coke and charcoal. 1903 Second avenue. E. G. Frazkr. An of the t.rcinl Flections. LVM'HHI IUi, V., Kept "9. A special from Aoiiigdon savs: Judgu George W. Ward, e.iitTof The Examiner and the commonwealth attorney for Washington county, w'.nie alattit U enter the (Ailonude hotel iinlsv, nlKint 4 p. m., wa fired upon by Dr. W. M. While, the lmlendeu'' (candidate fr state senator, who had been concealed m a store- nxim nearly opposite the hotel- White stepped out of the door and discharged one barrel ot a .hotrgun loaded with buckshot at Word, who fell luce foremo t, but recovering on his knees, drew Lis pistol and lired three shot at a youn relative of Vturdswuo ws on i he opp .si te side of the street behind a tree. Wh,t had stoppi in-ddo the store, hut hearing tiring came (Hit again, and fired the second barrel at Ward. who fell. While he was lying on the ground, two of White's relatives lone of whom Ward bad already shot at. and whom he thought bad shot at him,) walked up and tired ei-oral shots at mm (Ward), all of which tnok enact Ward in a very critical conditio and it is thought he can not live. Dr. White and his two relalives have beeu arre t.i-d, and were bailed in the sum of $7,000 each. Great excitement exi ts, but. no fear ot further violence is entertained. Al:nost Ton Horrible To Be True. MaiukoN, Wis., Sept 2ft A report is current here unit a iieculiarly sh.icking tragedy Barneveld.lowa'count.y, Thur-day. It is to Uif effect that a boy who wa curling the bands of grain sheaves for a man tee ling a thrashing machine acci- dcttl-aMc lacerated the hands of the man wh.rh s enraged the latter that, ho in staully :eiz.-.l liie boy aud thrust him into the cylinder of the machine, riinumg at full spee i. The Imy is snid t. have been'round toalio'rihl uias-. l.anievel.l is a remote station and tlie free use of the telegraph fails to produce the names of the parties or the details of the alleged trage ly. Tbe ra porl is souMwuat discrlittsl here. I.yr.clt iik Tlk at IKHkosh. Chicaoo Ssp:, i The Jviurnal has the following s(s ciai: !Hll. At kek W.s.. Sopt 3D. An Osli kosh siienal sny, ttinre is great excitement in that city over the outrage and suicide of a pretty young woman named Dol lie La Grang It is claimed the young lady, who lives at Neenao. was criminally assaulted by a prominent young lawyer nam'! J hn Kerwin. Tt.e leetiii 13 Neenah was o intense that Kcrwin, wncn arre-ted, had to tie taken to (Mikosh to prevent lvucliing. The particulars of the oiKrage are too indecent for publication, an it is said Ostikosh is in a fair way of witnessing a lynching. A Modern lar. PlTTSBl'mi, Pa,, Sejt. 2t Benjamin Powers, aged 70, was pickel up dying of exposure and starvation Saturday night and taken to the central station in Alleghany City, where he died twenty n.'mits later. Friday he called on Mayor Wyman and re ported that his children hal taken his farm in Pine township and then turned him adrift He was given a letter to the humane agent, and that was the last seen of him until found. VERY SATISFACTORY IF TRUE. H I'retty Kailwny Ktnry That Parties la Interest Deny. Pnu.AnKi.pniA, Sept i!). It is stated by wwil informed railroad officials that the Pennsylvania Railroad company and the Baltimore A. Ohio are nearitig an end of the warfare tietw'-n them. Wheu the Pennsyl vania purchased the Philadelphia, Wilming ton oi B:ilimore railroad the Baltimore & Onio immediately resolved to build a line ot its own to Peiladolphia and secure a con nection to Now York with the Heading. Since i urn the elder Garrett lias died and the a-pirities have somewhat cooled doan. Tue I'-a.ttniore & O iio lias reached Phila delphia, anl the Pennsylvania has made a prop e.iti )n that if it will build no further it wul give it as favorable rates to N.iw York as the Pennsylvania gives it-elf in the tr-uiortation of freight and pa seugers. The prevalent feeling is that the lialttmore & Ohio will accept the oil or of the Pennsylvania and not build beyond this city. A rt ot' the agn-ementisunder--1o,kI to be iliat t'.e Heading Hailroad cora- luiny shall siirre.ider is contract with the Baltimore & Ohi , ai d that in considera tion ol this, the Pennsylvania will give the Heading an amount of bu-iness equaling that, which it would receive under the oiierations of the contract Wheu the above statement was brought to the attention of Prenidents Keim and Roberts Monday both deuinl it and said it was the first they ev.!r heard of the matter. TROUBLE BREWiNQ AT CLEVELAND. No Poles or itoheuiians Allowed to Go to Work Dynamite on Hand., Ohio, Sept 29. At 7 o'clock Monday morning ttie plate and ro 1 depart ments of tlie I levolaii'l roliiug-mills were started up with the strikers ou band. Other department will start up Wednes day. In the wire -mill all the llo rs were working, but uu Poles or Bohemians were allowed inside the uiilL, and they are wild with anger. Shortly lfore noon it wa.- ruraorud that a rai l would b- made on t wire mill. It i known that the strikers are in lK'Ssession of considerable dynamite and a feeling of terror prevails in the vicinity of the uiilL A large torce of police aro oi dutv at the mill., aud details are held in rsadine.s to march to the Eighteenth ward at any minute. The Kaee to the Swift. New Yokk Sep:. -V. The following are the running event- Mondcy on Brighton Beaoh course: First race, mile; Waukesha first; Ru b brook secon d Hurgund.a third; time, 1:174 Second race, 1 miles; Valley r.rgi first Cardinal "lui'losty sacond. Punka third; Hi me, 1:57. Third race, 'jl mil; PuMtless first, Bessie Is 'econtl. Grand Duk. tbini; tune, 1:1' Eourth race. 1 mite; Little Minch first Pericles second, Joe S. third; tiraa, 1:4' Fifth race, mile; Battazar first ChoC' taw second. Pu t third; time, 1:S1. Ixiiusvii.i.K, Ky.. -Spt. 29. The first race here Monday, mile, was won by Sis ll'iiiyar. Marv Pavue secoud, Katriua third; time, 1 :ltitf. selsmd raiv, lg miles; Hope:la1e first Kiciusko second. Gold Bar third; time, 1 :.'.?. Third rare, IV mile-; Expert first Volo second. Ultimatum third; tune, 2:1L Fouith race, f's mile; Bonnie Blue first, Cuban (J een second, Rioi e third; time, 1:02. Shot nis Wife In a Itagnln. BALTtHUKK Sept. 28. Thomas Hanec shot and instantly killed his wife Annie at the bagnio at 22 Spring street Sunday evening. They were married three years ago when the woman was an inmate of a house of ill-fame. Tuey weut to Virginia to live, but the wife, it seems, longed for her old life and returned to this city six months ago and again entered upon a career of shame. The Ha" Ball Champion. Chicauo, Sept 29. The base ball contest for this year is drawin-j to a close, and as the end gets nearer the interest increases. The New York club is here for this week to play the final four games witb the Chicago club, aud the result of the games will de cide in all probability which club takes the prize. The schedule of the two clubs shows Chicago to have won 83 games and New York fL Alleged Failure In the Lighting Business. London, Sept 20. Messrs. Oppermann, carrying on an electric-lighting business in London and Chicago, have gone into bank ruptcy. Chicago, Sept 28. The Chicago office of the Messrs. Opptrmaun is at room 7, 8u Market street The Chicago members stoutly deny the reported failure, and as sert that they an in goad financial condi tion, both here and in London. The Fop Will Mediate. Roue, Kept 2 The pope has consented to mediate in the Caroliawa affair if the di rect parteyiogs between Germany and 8nain ahail nrwve frnitjem v Vire and Accident Insurance in reliable companies at lowest rates, apply to E. Lieberknecht, real es tate, loan and insurance aarent, and nota ry public. Collections made. Office 171 Second avenue. eodtf Hewe Sewing-Machine Company Tied Vp. BmiMiKPORT, Con i., Sept i. On petition of several of the principal stockholders ol the Howe Sewing-Murhine company. Judge Andrews, of the uwior court at Danbury, apimmed E. Parmdey. secretary and general manager of the company, as re- reiver thereof. The company bas outstand ing obligations to the amount of Ii'hW.uOO, secured by bond and mortgage. There au un ecnred floating debt of $150,00 ). The comiuuiy bus nominal asset, of $1,110 000 and is i SO 000 iu arrears to employes Tb corpttrntioa has voted to wind up its affairs as oon as jiossiMe. Spililu! Temple Iledicatetl. Boston, S-pt 29. The new spiritual tem ple, cor.iar of Exeter aud Newbury streets, was d"Ji.'ated Sunday evening. It cost Ju.i.iskI, an I is a gift l'i the First Spiritual Teuinie society. Irom M. 1. Ayres. The building is the most ei-gant structure dedi cated tu yiriiual w t hip iu N England, if not iu tue world. 0ie of tue exercises ui de.licnton was the reading of a poem allege 1 to have been oomuiunicated e-pe cially for the x-cauon by tiie -pint of Henry . Longfellow. Attorney (leneral larland Makes a ! ten I at Kew Ori.eakm, Sept. 2K. Attorney Gen. eral Garland, in reatonse t.. a telegram of inquiry concerning his connection with the suit about to te brought against the Bell Telejibnne compauy, telegraphs Tue Timas- Dein icrut from his home, near Little Koek, as follow : "I was not aware until youi telegram was- received that the use of tue name of the United States had been given to the Fan-Electric company. I have not granted any such use." Settled a Wleeonsin Strike. Makinzttb Wis., Sept 29. The strike on the Me ouiiuee river, caused by the ten hour law, has ended in a compromise, the men getting (1.25 per day and le a, to work bat Uu hours fur it, an 1 those getting more to stand a reduction of 9 per cent in wagei for the legal day. Tlie ienesta Gets Aaether Cap. Nxw York. Sept 29. A telegram from Sandy Hook statea that the ftenavda parsed that paint at 11 a. m. Monday on bra; turn from the raoa to Cap May, which she started in on Saturday with til Danutiat. The weather waa a maggy that do time could be taken aa aha crossed the Una, THE MARKETS, Chicago, Sept aa The market quotations on the board of trade, to-day, were as follows: Wheat No. ii September, doted. Mj; Octeaier, opened tSVt'c ciod &5bC; isorembar, opened Bic, doted Corn JMoi t ciepteia- bar, opened 4-c, closed 42e; October, opened 4ls, ciosed 41 v; Noyember, opened 'A'Ja, closed ec. Oats No. 2 September, ripened 2Uc, closed 2itc; October, opened ana closed i tc; Novem ber, opened close.1 45!jc Perk Oc tober, opeued tH.50, closed te.36; No vember, opened ts.i0. closed $.40; Jan nary, ooaned $9.20, closed $9.15. Lard October, opened to.05, closed $&u7. Live stock Tne Union Stock yards report the lollowing range of prices: Uog The market opened active on packing aud ship ping account with prices about 5c lower; light grades, &i.50420; rough packing, $440(; heavy packing, $8.701.05. Produce: Butter Extra creamery, 190 20c; dairy, 12iI4c; packing, liSo per lb. rggs losiiAl.cperdoa. Potatoes Early rose, 32C 7o, aud Burbanks, 45c per bu. Poultry Spring chickens, Sc; roosters. 5c; turkeys, Hal 12c, and spring ducks, 9$lUo per lb; prairie chickens, $t,50ij:t.7." par dot. Apples Fair t,ogis.l, 7 (jf boo, and choice to fancy, $1.2o1.50 per bbl. iew Verk. Nkw Yon. Sept 28l Wheat No. 2 red winter. Ha October: do November, ,,.; du December, H.00. Com No. 2 mixed Octolier, 4ec; do No vember, 4rtjc. Oat Na 2, mixed Hep teuiber, 2Ho; do Oc.ober, 29Xc Rye- Dull. Barley NominaL Pork Dull; mea, $9.75(210.00. Lard W.10 October; $a21 Novetuuer. St Loals. St. Loots. Sept 'ii. Wheat Fairly active hut unsettled, and cl.ised 'tititc Iwlow Saturday; No. 2 red cash, B.'io: Scptember,93c bid October, U3)c; noveuaoer, vo,'ie. Cirn ijower and slow; cash, 4ol44 1c; Siplember, 40; Qctouer, Oau ttiguer; casii aud September, 25(a2.',1c; Oc'ober, ".fc; no other sales. Kye Dull; 54c bid. Whteky Steady; II. 00. I' Pork, dull and lower; t'.l. Lard, nominally lower; $5.90 fur small lots. Toledo. Toi.too, Ohio, Sspt 2(1 Wheat Essier and active; Mo. 2 red, 91c; sott cash, y-lwtm!;.:; October, 94c; Novem ber, 95c; liocenilior, 96'c; May, $1.04. Corn Inactive; cash and October, 44,-sje; year, 37..'; May, SSXc. Oats Neglected; October, 2y; Novamber, S8o; May, Slsje; No. 2 wlnU., 31 Clover Aetive aud ea-y; cash, Octotr or November, $5.$9; December, $5.35. Detroit. DxTRoIT, Mich., Sept 24 Wheat-Weak; No. 1 white, cash and Oe- tobar. 92c: Noveaiber. ViiUc aakedi Decem ber, 5c; No. 2 red casu and October, 3o; AovemlMr, ihc; Deoemtwr, 93a;HA 3 red cash, 89UU a ked. Corn Casu, 4-Ve asked. Oab No. white cash. Sow Ne. k caan, zijto; ucteuer, Jbnc BKL CHlCAilO. OiHiniiig. Closin: Article. Wi t- Angnsi Sept. Oct. 84S Wi Nov. MiH mi Cork Angntt 8ept, 44S Oct. 4l4i 41 Nov. SsV 3H' Oats August Sept .... Oct. sr.i, Nov. H V5i Por.F Angnt .... Sept. Oct. 8 30 8 ai Nov. 8 34 B 40 Lahd-Aoeiist Sept Oct. 6 05 or Nov. 5 !IT HiBs Allknt Hent h 4i Oct i 40 5 S7 Nov .... Hoes 13.WK1; light, 3 60il 25; mixed. 8 60 .3 7S h sr. 8 S0.-.4 15 KOCK ISLAND. au -itc ay Timothy S iW :isv no Kve-40 . torn -4nc. PiHaloes 2oc Obions 3nc. One Sort 11 : h oil ts fin. v.std v,oo.l $ 00. o r' Jr. Hi SPECIAL 0i EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and atroncest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, lmon., Almond, Kose, etc, flavor aa delicately and naturally za the fruit PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Chicago. ar. tons. lil e,., 0 KAvamic EmiACT ' tEMOw HALF-CENT A WORD. We do PLUMBING of all kinds, including Sewer Work. Gall and see us, willmiD baker & co:s The ibgus hereafter wi l imhli-h in thin coh umn nil aHvertiverv?iiw of Lout, Found, For Rent For Sale, Bo-rd or Hoomn, Wanted, and aimilar nolicen. at the low rate of one half a rmt a worL rach fitrure a word, bat du advertisement lent tha ten cents FUR RENT Hooe with fonr room heap rent; alnn rurniraed room", mn Fifwenlh w. FUR SALE Old papers for sale in any quality ai tnia omce, cneap. FORS A LB Sixty lttrm my additioni e he Ityof Rock Iflrtud on four yearly payment, wltn inrereu at six per ceni peranniitn. -6-m B Datbnpobt I . G. Iteon, 1805 Second Avenue, Has just received his E. W. Hurst represent ttie leodin Amlrican and Foreign Insurance Co's Policies carefully written at current rates. xenrj established 1874. Office mtfr Bock Island National Bank. Fall Woolens, consisting of SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS, The beat to be foond in the Market, comprising all too 1 Novelties of the Season And prices the lowest for first- class work. R. CRAMPTON & COMPANY. Rock Island, Opposite Harper House. Illinois. MRS. G. SWAN'S MUSICAL SCHOOL. No. 160S Second Ave, up stairs, Rock Island. Tkrms: Twenty LeHsous, iu advance Instrumental $12. Vocal $12. Harmony $14. Graduates Students of Music. JjgPMrs. Swan is also dealer in the famous Bauer Piano. sept-21-dly LAND AND LOAN OFFICE. Medill & Whitehead, POST OFFICE BLOCK, ROCK ISLAND. II. I. Land for sale on Six to Twenty Years lime. fF"S250. 000.00 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on Farm property, to 7 per cent. ! dwiy THE "TIVOLI," M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - - Opp. Harper House. tSTThe -'Tivou" has lately been transformed into a Pslsce equaling in every respect Ihe lines saloons in Chicaso aud aiirpaMoiiK anything, in the three cities A ninnlieror Kans operated hy machinery for keeping the air cool is one of Ihe lcadinv features of the place. The Liquid Kefreshmcnte dlHieni.ed at this esiahlishmeut is in keeping with its grand improve ment. An elegant lunch scried every morning. All kinds of Sandwiches jun-7 d6m served ou short notice. ROCK ISLAND TRUNK FACTORY J. W. WIRTEL, Prop'tr. No. 1809 Second Avenue. TZrTi Manufacturers of all kinds of Trunks, Traveling Hags, Sample Cases. fiT REPAIRING DONE.l-1 PAEK & ELLIS, "Come and see as. Now is the time to secure bargains. Wvk. have marked our Summer Goods down. " v to cost in order to dear ouisejives '' before Fall Goods come in. - PARK & ELLIS. 1 704 Second Avenue. IF. S. SOTTTHZJLIRX), Manufacturer and Dealer in UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATRASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Also Dealer in Mirrors, Coruisli Poles, Curliiin Fixtures, Mouldings, Etc., tlTPriois lower than Hie lowest. Trenian's Block,' opp. Commercial Hotel. JOE HTJBER'S CENTER STATION ! No. 31C6 Moline Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Fine Stock of Wines, Beer, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Always on hand. aept-14-dly This space is reserved for -JOHN T. NOFTSKER'S Acorn Advertisement. aaf S8-dU