Newspaper Page Text
Pid you Sup- Mustang Liniment only good T. Ze f i"w infl -a min o horses r 19 of all flesh- l-KOFKSSIOMAL CAM'S. WILLIAM JACKSON, VFf T LAW. Offlce in Rock Island J. ,1 frmk liinitim, not k imnuM, hi, m. beardsleyT" 'I'- ' .'') cnmUv-'niie. with J. T. Ken unftf -dwtim H. C. CONNELLY. .,vfv 1NP AT LAW. I H. i Mil iti umi i 'iiiut HIIIIU . irlH-Ii.t Lnde Bunk, Rooms No 8 nov-34' O. L. WAI.KKK. SWEENEY & WALKER,'NKYS ANlM'(lTSKIXOKS AT LAW. ,i, f h-."-l" " 'M'H-k, l.ocli isiami, in. ;. 1 'wV E. W. HURST, -..:AKV ANI1'(M'NSKI.I,1) AT LAW . t .,, ... Mi-onli' Ti'inple I.Lrk, over ftoek U- , vwv I'm' I.. H''l I "bind, III. ... ' . .l.Tf M. M. CORBETT, VI' I.AVV. Solicitor inCtmueprv and ililtr, A !itri -t. ti-Oi- tin I roll, -... v.itt't ) ittMk, vr Hv nm, ovt'i GUIDO BECK, :lv:T. ,,, ! I ; . i .is mtoihI Avenue, over l'eotlef , fi-K-k 1-lHlMl. INIIIHl. i:i-mm-:ss ii:m'oi:i. i .- , 1 1 ; s v V A I ' Hi-Tilth Miri't't. i l i:ki:s. :i i .t'vri.itN'iiili -ireei. THE CHOLERA GERM. tXiSTENCE OF THIS DIMINUTIVE PEST POSITIVELY DENIED. Another Physlcla Ian Who nu . in.- it... . . - -j Next Vrar May Come in Handy -What Is Claimed for tho liicorry. in his Kiview," fc Iih tiinorv enre o. Asiatic Chicago, Sept .A .... Hty racaiT,!, M.rodav, from Dr. Jhn Cu. nmu, th8 emmmit physician of Paris "r TO Join. Mt.iirt Mill ....nucuiia witu tlie-Weitinni tv an important letter relative re, Biuing the oinsia.ii ....,. ii, na? ieii nniap.ti . l.e:i..v.4 that obler i ,.t.r.iy due to a K-i in or living iMvuuni wllU. ,m ls itll Int . the system,' roiu mt.oil .,r throuli l-i ' :t.r. 1 ..l, or at-r, tue of the mi: leror j1r.1v1.lin4; nn Mm.wl uiiliintai ,.f i.i so..i-;;4i,i.m, imjrkiti( U Ju an p ui o'l;.-r. F..r ...n., years Dr. Cmpmsn I s .lPVote.l mudi t.mi ; ,i ive..,t;! .,r tim tn--cry. aim cii.iiii tli.a in 8u.'v,le.l 1,1 Hci.'Utibciliy deii'l..iitraliug thiit it is mm. tue aiHwiH, U., no sen- a Umkl it Oiit.-i'ioiK lie ImMh clioiera ih . 'I -i. n.!.ut chi. ll ft i'S is in li on; nor i. on t..a co.itia'y purely nervous dih 11 tiiornial an 1 ..Iap. trie inftn.ncps. sil l th IU. tmt "11,0 l,s i f nii.tiou" are 10 il n .1 iJetiticul iln s tho raUNHt.iou an 1 jihi.noiin'iia of wliicli mo th.. saiu i. M.i a-sumos nu.l rlaiinn tlmt l.y much ful trrtal.iu.iiil he lias jirovea Ih.-it .h..l,.ra ,l:-i n lH Ujioi a simult meous hv ..a. condition of tiie ji;ii:il cord and tli i.yiiiMit.iChy U-ui of m-rvrts, the for mer coiilrulliug tue leoretins K'a'iJ" nd lar voluntary 11111 olw of tlio while Hie liittrr coutrolsthn Voluiuary liiuscien in the cais o: the arti-ries the lironcliial tube , and alwwhain in the system. This ultimately Win to tlie symjitoiiw moxt not.i.vnirle in tiiediea e. Dr. Oinpiiinn nay- that he will shortly ; ive his theory to the uie.lieal orl l, an. I,. it ca4TiH.-t.HiMi by the most io.ii al it?. I consistent known to (,'r. He ad'is that in h:s hyjKitheiis iio aim 111 pr ictici) to roduee the sujier- iil.un Imih-b t,t blood in the Kpinid and syni- iath-.tic unrve a-eutHr , accnijilisJiin tins DV llin aoollci.tlou 01 :.v to Ihe nine. in tuf -oulii a.f ne ua I'n, utnmi r ii In. tha,ry to t!a i.t Tie ra-su!t.s iv.v.- -in v.sU.'.ii.h 114; (ij'y four out of 11 riv-inii.a .'ii i . 1. 1 ciinre nboiit a nt. hllVa- .!- .V1 iaaj. U.i.ler fv, i.odnot' tr.-vii .il--. it ti. ori.uary ' 'f t iiaj .liieit is trom S 1 to 7i mr A Eamarkable Escape- 1 Mrs. Mary A.Dailev. of Tunkhannavk was afflicted for six years with Asth ma and Bronchitis, during which lime the best physicians could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in laat October she procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for a short time she was completely cured, gaining in flesh 50 pounds, in a few months. tree Trial Bottles of this cerlatn cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases at Uartz a& Bahnsen's Drug Store. Large Bottles $1.00. A brickmaker in one of the small cities of Wisconsin pays his hands Saturday in checks on the bank. The banker tells a reporter that nine-tenths of those checks are brought in by saloon keepers. A CAXD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervmis weak ness, early decay, loss ol manhood, a&c, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF C1IAUGK. This great remedy discovered by a missionary in Smith America. Senil a self addressed enveloiie to the Ukv. .Toski'h T. Inman, Station D Sew York City A'?Af9n!i! ELYS S534S&Creamlklm 7Mr.TTtlJ Cleanses the f K 1 Allas Iu!lHriim;i ..ft. UVLK ff-K(.s,r(.8 lne ,. ' i?Ot'Sr gses..f h.le l.eur gAjQ',K'k ili('f-A f J AY-FEVER Positive Cure. Cream Balm hai cainod an rnvinlile rcntnlion wtu'rrvtM know n.(ltsil;u miill oth. rprt'itariittoiiri A (mniclr ii applifd into en it iiotil rfluvcs fiain Ht tmcfi, i airrt'caftlc to n;e Prico 5-1K.. ai lrnK!;itt. or liv nifiii. s-nt) fur circular. Ki.V lilJOTIIKliS, PruirifK. (hcl'o, N. V. ! . t. 1 11..: 1 v ; 1. v .ttfi:i; (nib!iftit'tl t-vtM y . : !!: 1 . l" .'.-plt'll i It) ArriiH httM'U. OJI- .,.1 .1I1. I.. -1 .Mlvi-ittiuL' iiMditim in tLr W: ll:ul Wkkki.t Auwiih; jHihli-hcii 'n.i iv, A line Mil) lit'itr'tnt'iit iu connec- Vi fl 'lit- fr..;hh-iiim'f,. TA I i; A NTS AND C N Y R TIONKKS. !1 Krt il . It'll'1 ?rcnnd avt-iine. ifi.ii. lTJs cnitti avenue. The Proh-tMy )mi SAVIKSS 8AHK jv it.- ..eiel'-iiin uf UllnoirO - - ILLIKOlh 1: " . M. f. M. anrt iu Tu t v i.!li:v i'.'v ninyf from 7 t -ih poooivocl in amounts 01 Sj 'n iTpwards. 'ITiTV NTn AI V ANT AG Kh . ;. j o.n i ly (f lUv TrusUHjp IP rtimn m u ,iorf. Tin otiiccrfturp prahiblifd i.ri-i.wi; tttij of It ra'ineyp. Mimtrt and ... Hc : i. i. it(-ci d hypn'ciftl law. " -kiis:- S, v'. vv"heki.o'k, Prcs'iicM ,.liMh '.Vice I'rt-fi.i. lit ; C. K. ilKMENWAV I'liiiT it.--: -h s , w'htrloru, I'.trti-r Skunmr f.-wiii.-U, Ncl(.ii 'hetnT. il W.(!nnd.-. t 'i!.i,, A. S. Wri;h1., f. Homriwny. -Ti.hv -I . M thrifty il. H. rttoddnrd. " "in Mrt y cnailtirt-d Snvtmr flunk in Kict .'i'iv mcv'rtwy OELMKE iFrtL'lCy3,HB'2-. NO FLLl UNTIL. LUKtu 3 A ajrrltti'n miariinti-e of cure alven In c-very -nilurti.kt!U. -AU conKultAtionn f rt-tf au? a. nr. ciarKc'i i;i.irai...i i-eoai. .uni'i. (In plain anivcloriajs) lee MtamiM. LlkCUKKII. D..IS8 Ito. f LAKk ST. lUU VlO T-MIll IHOP. i.KEBVflllSnEBILITy R TTTTwo.H4JiiM.ANU'tt n.UM..-a . Xtil.lS. I jj; :'r i Hwiiyjim! imm. ro.M . . . . t, 2 S'll'lnrtMlisw-.-.. (..f. Vl(yyfl(n' ;j AiwtlertilW 1.1.7 V JhlCV--.. . 1 ; -':..i:. rf-.lll fr..m KRAI)mI.CURE H.S ?.. . f-i-..ii, .,. ,' V"f"";'r.l 4 , o...rhrniri ajanrlt .-r-n-l .VL. . .o l.i-...-....f 1...I:.. II- I . IJ ii"..ti. 1, (Itl niir Vr t zw ft aSr:r.,t'-:-!r'' --' C 1-'"4S i""li I'iiJhit::',!! -Ci" , ne A a-i':! " r'- . 'r' 'I.. "Ii ri ; "Vr.xhi,:; " 1l!ltfc, - l.iK.1... 'r.-i... a i t: ei I l.l.I II....' :i..l:. .1. ... I i'.f. rf.Tf. ki.Ii oi:,. I. L V lir. . ' ...-it ii ;.,.ik-u: . p., flu. tn-i in li It it fl lay. Tlif ijbU t ti.J Int. .r.n fi."-M!;-m i..r: -f..r.. n ti.ini'ti t.e eiriiifiiu f I , w.'nr!t have ht-rrt 'rn-rivrnl'iin'fc.fin.t i - 1 1 nuf'-i'iim ("t;i ' vi.: .ItaJ.eXiuU viJut F;eiE.D v c., msCviti ' & i 0(?r.O Pf:KS0MS ! Wot a Tru 7.' A" ; J .ri' r . ' .v.- AmiUf.:,, ;.. 'I 'l-ihl lv Truan. H C. CI.KA VKI.AM K.s'l'M'.l.lsHKK W. s&Cleaveland, -14 R KR M. urauce -v r.-f Agents DKKIrK liltlfliaTok K'.MTt. ESSE ISLLSX, ILL. 1 '"H-fn I'mmptly Adjimtecl nd Paid thl AccncT. 28 . WHEAT Baking Powder. (GOLD MEUaL AT NEW ORLEANS.) '.Klorawl by the ladinr Hotela In Al.nrni.H .- .... . k. ------- j .am r... lltr tiie Indittn t'wiHinlfwioii. ''KTIJI KAI.BIXKIMC'H SONS. "wilini lust. NEW OKK. PHOSACID. WATKINS fc HILL, Dealers In . ry and Green Wood. W'H al-o attend to Hauling of all Mind 4t VanlM rnrniir nf Wth nn Milin J . . luiephdiie Nn 1H7; orders maar h 11 gutter pi a.-i nrUW-dtf fWSRS M MB H RELIABLE SELF CURE L-V favorite prescription of one of the most "ncn ana surresslul eciahsts in tne u. 3 A.I "I niv Lure 01 crwni urniiiiji ,K VnnhlMMl. WMbM4nH llnrav. Sen ress DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. I1' FLOWERS' VX4.T PLACi. nn with 11:11. S'pt. . Tim Who Will Nrw Yoiik, S'pt. . Tiiw iVmnoratic sttt -n:i-al cumm iifpi will oriruuiz) at tii i H Hint vij itniiNt in tliB rHniis nich they ovu.ii.-ti In i full. T ie most iiutortiit hu-iinc-s t b-i tru n-acted at Hit; flist iiiohCu wiii Im the wii otiou of a caudiitatfl U till t.Ue vfifaiii'y cauil by tae wuhdrMwa! of RhWe!l P. Klouar from th saooui p;ae on tl)A tiokot. Mo;nlr)rsof tho coiumilt-i nra arriving from every iart of tim si-jit . Tba m.wt pro;nitnnr. canitlate at jtreent is Air. AVilIiuni IL. Smith, of CUuton, St. iaw renca county, ana it is very likttly that h will b.' selpctp-i. Governor Hill, with 'J rJi-urt r Muxwi-ll an.l J. C. Htiatl, have arrived and tnkon no tlwir tinartors at the I ott i n ;in hi uax 1 1 his arrival at tliis tho purportrt of aiivi mij of hi wi-li.'. Mr. A. i. Uie that time i fo tho eornmittw Fliiwnr. Iiruther of U.wrtil P. Flor, said that n conimu meat ion hal btnn rfc.iv.1 frotu hi, brother. t denied a nun r tiiiblislmd tn a morn ing pfirr r tii" eiieft H(iir- he ua I witu- drawn ills Ititrr ox declination. INSURANCE COMPANY BADLY OFF. Th Charter ihtk Shows a Capital Im- liairninut of 35 par cent. Haktivoku, Coiiu., tpt 2W. Tho inveti- puti m by iho sUii in-suraiice ctniitm si ntr t the t. linn's oi th LliarUT Oak hife liwnrauce company ahow that tiw affairs nf the Ci-mpaiiy are in a verv bad way, thet'e beinp; an inipairmeiil of 5 per cpnt . tue (Minloi-viKMnr s&v , making the liabilities mexre-s of llm as- 'U. Tue ajh pliitatioa for a reediver will lie heard in the fliiftrTiur court in this city on iuiiraay m'XL Tronhlo li" t n Two TrlfHtta. Syhai'I'sk, N. Y Sept. Another aen- Rational rhattr i. aitded to the hNtory of the quarml that threaten to swamp tue (.Catholic cUur.-u in Camilla. Sunday Father Kvnn. t (ieJde , appointed in the place of 6'Suil.Tan. drove to C'amillus. Aftr rerulmt; nDrtion-i f tne Spnpture he hluiumc i the kiuok up m the flo.r.aml waikini; to the altar. Ikuii m arraian hw prede cetwor. wh im he ctiaraienzea as a won ui sheep's clothing. He mtimateJ that Ir. O'S.iil.van had no re peat Tor law and nr.Wf.nd wan destitute of Veracity. The Mibiectof I his tiryrt nt in hu paw api rently obbvjous of all that paeJ. Sevra! suit-t are ueiidin; in c-nsequeiico of these and other u ni -ultis. C VM PTPM C li"rri.r h:ul tavii in hkhmIi . 0 I III I I U Jfi W I tOI:LIU- nnU d u hilt- -r CUV d wiih a I n mn fur; pain in h;irk. u oflcn inii.-ikrn for litniiiiittr!!ii ; sii i; t)Mach; I-n?s or A rPK'riTK ; s inii-Iinics naiifi-ii r wan-rhra.-li, or indigestion '- tlnltilt iicy and ac'ul nictatMnij ; lo ids alt crmtiHv ciwi im- and lax : Hrapacmr: Ins- of nit'tniirv. w ith a p?tiufi.l hcn- iation of ha iiiir failed to do tMitiH-tlutiif wtiu b otiL'hT to have ln-trn done; Dkhiijty: low spiriti?; thick YKl.l.ow jii pearanci -of tti f:in and vyvn; drv conirh: frvrr; rest it's such? ; the urine is cantv and hitrhlv colored, aid, if allowed to stand. ih-posi: sediim lit. Simmons Liver Regulator, PURELY VEGETABLE, An effectual specific for Miliaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation. rSiiliotisnv.'w, Sick Hemlachc, Jaundicr, XatisoH, (-oiic. Mental Depression, llowel Cotutlainls, Ktc, Etc , Etc. eenerallv used in the xouth to arouse the Tor pid l.ivt-r to a ht'.ilihy action. it acts wtinoiit (lisiurh.ince t Tne Hysu-m, oiet or oceupat on. It Kkhclatkh thk Livkc.. and auses i he title tt act as Ihe purine. 1 1 e excess l liile heintr removed, a Tonic kffkct is ito- Jticed and h alth is perfectly restored. 1 lie Regulator isirivenwitn safktt and the aoidest n i-uiif to I lie most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a i.axativk. Alterative or :oATi'K if iiee'ird it will tfive the most u-rf sail sf action. 1 he ('heaprxt. I't'rmf aiul ISt'ttT t'umiiy Afr-ttirtn? in ttu: World. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Si.lePn.i.ricl.,, rmi.ADEl.rtUA, PA. l-t't.dwly Ilmivv lnl-. on (hit Allautiat. Boston. tVjt All ve ri arriving at this ikirt. ra-i-ort u-iriMe hIh-. at -,. a, aul most of thfiu bavo siill.Ti-fl ui -i o . r le damatp. Tn Urk K c' I. (-'apt, l:r nUiw, irnni Hobokfii, rciioi W tnat .11 r-:ipt 'Si, ..if the -i.uili !ioal J-"l t- hi)., nbe c u i-.uit- lr.l a rv iinavy "11 Iroin lap -ouuieua lastiiifi thirty-six liuuni, during wli'i ii tiie liHary lalioring of tiin vrawl rau ui .br i-aro t..kliilt, Hiving tii" l.arl- a Imavy list L ...rL Kclii)oii.r Alirud ijral.ri.iA, from IJaUimoie, iirrn'8.1 uiuiu. Iwr fore-iojiina-t, irrie.l away m a u.-avy mTibWHil gale (Sjjt. 2 off t,'io No Villi Oration of 111 ant. ItEAMNU, '., S'P'u II. All MCltlUg -ceiie occurred in tiie lii-iuililii-an comity c.invauiiun IwlJ ur lust ha.Uir.liiy aflr- 11 Kin, wiien it was annMUiweil that Dr. k iti-lien in tlia oi.niniitl-na.iu liii'l tue ninraory of Uon. (ir.iut. IiiiiiimJ to tlieir foul szi-ilally an l c-ruw ltd aruun.l the uiM-tor meiiac-inely. The incite ment w ih qiieitud l.y a .Mocato jini).v ing thr chai'id lor Ufunt, wuii-a were Rin routing atyl'.. Exploaiii4 CaaKrd by a Meteor. Frrrsni'lMi, B.ipt 2!l. It ianow aer tained Wt i ujiiii enrtliquaka exjwri- nced im Hatuniay to- th atiock pro dui-ed lJ tnB falling of an immense meteor near MuMlelnn, on the line of the Fittsburn & Like Erie railroad. The fall was witnelsed; by 1 several jiersona, and their st rv ii corroborated by an & aistaiit "I ProfaiMor lniley, at the AUe gueuy observatory. Death of an Old Manufacturer. HAUTroRD, Conn., Sejt. Luoius Parker, the olieet outtan clotu muliufao turer in Cunnecticat, died in Man-Md Kun day of ajftenine vt M brain, aged 77. he leuvea 1. e-Ute of 4509.000. TIIK VOH'K (IF THE PMII'I.K. Tlie pcoplw, as a whole, seldom make mistnkes, and the unanimous voice of praise wliinlj comes from those who have used Hoods Barsaparilla, tully justifies the oluinis of the proprietors of this great medicine. Indeed, these very claims are bused entirely on what the people say Hood's Sarsapanlla has done for Uiera Read the abundant evidence of its cura tive Dowers, and cive it a fair, honest trial. Truth is miality, and will prevail, Hunt's Remedy cures like magic all dis eases of kidnevs, liver, and urinary .or gang. THE 6REAT Unfailing Specific IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mrs. Dr. Keck will be in personal attendance at her Medical Infirmary Sept. 3d, and for the following ten days. Second Letter from an Illinois Lady, CONFIRMING A REMARKABLE RECOVERT. Seymour, Champaign Co., 111., June, 1885. I want the public to know how I have improved under the treatment and by the advice of Mrs. Dr. Keck. To the surpise of friends and neighbors I am up and doing 4 part of my house work, after go many years of inability to do anything and so much suffering. Can be up all day without lying down to rest even; those terrible bad feelings have nearly all left me; I am fleshier than ever in my life before, have a good appetite, and feel as though life is worth the living; I am not troubled any more with that cold clammy sweat and have no more long, sleep less niulits, but can go to sleep as soon as 1 retire, and sleep well all night. I took the trian at Seymour and went to Champaign to see Dr. Keck, a short time ano, returning home tlie same nay, and walked trom the depot an eighth of a mile to our .house; this was a great thing fur one who had for years lieen pronounced hopelessly incurable, Mrs. Kerk being the only one who gave me hope. People whom I have not seen during the years that I was confined to my bed now stare nt me as tliey weuld one from the de-.d. I earnestly advise the afflicted to goto Mrs Keck, and by following her advise implicitly, as I have done, they will, without doubt, be greatly benefitted. Respectfully, Mks. Wm. Anderson. MRS. DR. KECK S INFIRMARY, Corner Sixth and Brady Sts., DAVENPORT, 10. Consultations and Examinations Free Chronic Diseases Specialties, Catarrh, Deafness, Throat and Lung Troubles, Diseases of the Livei and Kidneys and all Female Complaints. The Doctor's Remarkable Success warrants the most skeptical in applying tor infor formation, which will he checrfnlly (riven ; in the treatment of nearly 2.000 patients in the pant year, our rccoid hown a preater per ccntapc of benefit! than the tame numln-r under any oilier system of medicine. Kememher this facl. The Permanency of Her Cures are Proved by the following Letters, and many Similar Letters could be Given, did Space Permit; It Read Two Letters From One Lady. FIRST LETTER, 1882. Pksotum, Champaign Conntv, HI,, i August 17, 1882. f FVar Mrs. Dr. Keek : UnTim? been four months under yovr treatment and bring very much im proved, I will tell the public alont my case. 1 U'as very weak and thin in flesn. Was obliged to lie down through the day. and could scarcely walk about the house; my lumjs were very weak, and pained e a good deal, and for a year and a half 1 tiiol couched and raised a good deal of matter. 1 had no umieTite and a weak stomach with bloat ing and mm h pain in my bick and d rangement l dowcis. i am now mucn stronger, nave yatn il over thirteen pounds in flesh, can walk a mile ml a hull easily wii bout fatigue, and feci well in ory way; nn cough has left tne. and I have no pain, it all in uiyltoigs hack or anywhere; I have rood appetite and mgt-Mion. and consider my pno eiiitMit very great under your treatment; my lormcr doc1 or said I could live hut a very few limn 1 s, as my case was con-uinptiou, and so we il thought, but you have helped mc. very rapidly ;o!ti in every way. lour Irh-i-d, Anna Aiair. ETTKK. PrsoTim. Champaign Conntv. II.., ( August 4, 1SS5. t To thk Public: 1 wi-b to siate that in the sum mer of lsS'. I was treated by Mis. lr. Keck for msiintptmii and was cured sound and well. My treatment occupied atmut eight mouths. Muce my recovery 1 have become verv rugged and 'troijg, and 1 now enjoy good ttcolth. liespeitfully, ANNA AllAlR. Second Letter from an Iowa Lady. Confirming a Kemarkahle Recovery. To the: Public: The benefits I received at the hand of Mrs. Dr. Keck last year still remain with tne. And other permanent benefits have also iH-en adiJed to ihcm by further following her ad vice. 1 now enjov belter health than l have knowu n many vears. There is no return of the troubiep from w hich lr. Keck rescued me. and which were numerated in mv card of last (K'tober. or l there of the tumor she removed in Warch, 1H84. am doing all my housework, and on July 18th 1 k up my carpet, scrubbed two floors, churm d. jo' three meals with all other household duties :tnd felt no bad result. And most thankful to kind Provipeitee who has made Mrs. Keck II is powerful instrument for good. Kespectfnlly. Mrs. i E. Uahk. wife of A. J. Burr. WelwterCity, la., July il, 1SS5. t Lots of People Say, 'MM BACK." mm .'KlDNEV-c-5;i . - - - ti r r 1 T. fA li.V.' I -10 TiMll-r &4 from Here is Soli'J A 1 TESTIMONY Hard Working Men Machinist and Builder. I have been troubled years wilh kidney and bladder diflknlty. After using rour m.ttiee or rii-NT'e IKidneyand Liver Ukmeiit I have been completely enred." William C. Clark, Manon and iinilder, Anhuni, "N. Y. "Health is better than wenllh." Marhiniat. Mr. neorre Karz. Machinist, ll.ts RidfieAve., ?hiladel(ilna, Pa., says: "My disease swrnawi l umb it vmim' inn nv nnviiii: wcuk ...u... h.,. ., I 1t l.lili-sof Hunt's I Kidney and Liverl Hmrnit, and 1 eolemuly proclaim, 'I feel like a new nlau.,,, i "Good counsel hns no price, obey it." mechanic. Mr. Henry Williams, Mechanic, East Bridge port, t'onn.. says: '"A DOM two mourns ago i canht a heavy cold, which settled in my kidneyB. 1 pot a bottle of IluKT's Kiducy and Liver Kr.WF.nY and ith the first, dose began to pet welL "Light Buppere makes long lives." Railroad Man. Frank B. Lee, office N. T. C. & TT Tt. B. IJttle Falls, N.Y.. Junes, 1HHS, says: "My father, tB years old, had severe kidney and bladder disease for 20 years, urination causing acute pain. The weakness was so creat he was obliged to wear a riihlwr hue. Twelve bottles of Hitnt's Kidney ItKMBriT completely cured him, and we consider it remarkable. We cheerfnlly recommend IL" "Deeds are better than words." ' Htot'b Kidney and Liverl RhwktiT has stood th. tt-si. nf time. It has been before the nni.lic f.ii twenty years, and has cured every year thousands of iieople suffering from various diseases of the Kidneys and Liver, and kindred disordera, who had f,.ii.H io n..i relief fn.m doctors and who exnected never to lie curea. i nnusanus oi w;-. ...a.. from snch jiersons attest its value. Send for boot. "Alls well that ends well." Sold by all druggists. Price 11.25. HUNTS REMEDY CO.. Providence, E. t r. H. CKITTKNTOH. Heaentl scsai, n. i. The Acme Ledger BILL HOLDER. A device for keeping small and transient ac rimi.t- the iatedtand itest : aueeesrot y to every business man; nnexceiiea tor mn'ngin, wumy and convenience. Sime of the advantage to be derived from the nvcof tbie Ledger are: 1. All the small account re by themselves in a safe place and madeout iu bill form, with one to three writings saved. 2 For collection th hook may he carried In the iMiekeL If the bill it it iid it istiirn out ; if not it, is ready for the next time. :1. When parties call to pay, mteb time is sav ed as the bill is remly to ne. recviptea. The ledger ts not .imited to any special hui ness. but can be used to advantage in any retai: bnsiuess. Any biisiness man who is n the lookout for ptaclicai ami tinie-Haviiif: iuvnnnq ih ford touaas this without a trial, which involve? no risk, as tit bills furnished are alone worth the money fur the purposes of bill beads or state nieiits. County Rights for Sal. All orders promptly filled. Price of Ledger, .Hi. 1 noti hill heads, neatly urHiteri. fLT6. All orders for the Ledner, and all requests for county riRbia. mut be auaressea w J. W. POTTER, Abods Orrn . Rock Island, ill. A Late Witness. I have been treated by Dr. Mrs. Keck and Ihe benefits I have received from hpr advice and treatment are onderfnl; I had suffered frim ca tarrh for over twenty years; it htd effected mv w hole Kvstem very badly. I had polypus in my nostrils so I could not breathe through mv nose: these she removed by medio ine not having per formed any operatiou, lean now breathe freely through my nose. My sense of smell is now re turning, which left me twenty years ago; she has done more toward removing my cOtarrh than t the physicians 1 ever hod; my brain wa diseased and i had becu insane; was at independence asy lum for eight months, audi feel sure I would he there now if it were not f r the. benefits I receiv ed from her; I do not now have the athma that ' have suffered wilh for four ye ars; neither do I suffer with ihe miM-rv mm pain in my left sale and spleen. Mv kidneys v:ie badly diseased; I w&" bioat. d uud uiy liver wdf aifected: I eou ,'h d a great di'-l and now tlmr-e symptoms have mustly disapK!irt-d; I c m highly econonend this Jauy as a t hvsiciin. William W. t usk. VX elwier City. M.y 3(1. 1SH -. SKCOND 1S85 Bluk Okass, Scott Conisty. liwa, f Novemoer ifi. lMfti. ) For the benefit of thepiiMic lam willing to make known an account of my long sickness. I suffer ed for many years from c.atsrrh, alo from the most severe headnches. dizziness and ear troubVs and also daily chills, ard ca'arrh fever and last ing ctdd sweats, sud these same occurring every night so that I became so nervous I could not sleep. I suffered from chronic dyspepsia and stomach complaint; my liver and kidneys were disordered; my so weak that my hi eat h was short and painful, and my heart also greatly troubled tne. 1 httd no appetite ami was constant ly suffering from flatulency and from a bitter taste in the month, and mD this time my hmids and feet were covered wite a cold sweat. When 1 placed myself in your cate I had been for nine weeks bed-ridden and for six month unable to go to town; and for two years too weak to do any a ork. I had employed a number of the ucM phy sicians. hut grew constantly weaker. My fatiter . it-law (Mr. Mhlichtingt called on you on Decem ber L'fi. lfM, and you visit d me at my home. You asserted that you could cure me if 1 followed your directions; t did so, and in eight weeks 1 was able to call on you in Daenport, and you have visited me only once. All the above named sysptoms have entirely dis appeared, and with joy and gratitude j acknowl edge the great good you have done me. 1 feel like a new man. strong and sound, am able to go out and work daily, even in the coldest weather, and for all this I am Indebted to Mrs. lr. Keck. Kver your friend. John Roenneeeot. Sop the Toctor, FREE OF CHARGE, at her Medical Infirmary. Davenjort. im:. yerbury, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Knowles Steam ramps, Inspirators and Ejectors, tubber Wrought, Cast and Lead Pipe. Pipe Fittin1 and Pai king of all kinds; Drain Tile and Se and Brass Goods of every description: verPipe. Ho? J uly-17-dly Office and Shop 13)4 Third Ave., ROCK ISLAND, ILL. HENEY STRUVE'S SAMPLE ROOM, In the room formerly occupied as a Confectionery by Frank Math. tThe liest of Beer. Wines. No- 315 Twentieth Street. iqnor and Cigir constantlv on hnnd. api-J0-dV No. THE ATLANTIC!'' BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR, 1812 Second Avenue, Rock IK MORPHINE! CAN BE CURED WITHOUT THE USE 0T OPIUM OR n itr Mrtiral Brief, pttblisherl at Pt. Loviis, Rays ' 1 he June, lhM-, issue : Many have heeonie '-thus to the use of opium or morphine, from ase of those drugs fiirthe relief oi Neuntl--:l It is gratifying to olmcrve that such dan . -nw consequent's may be averted by tlie oof Tonga link, which is almost a se'itic i : Ihe acute form of Neuralgia." FOR BALK BY ALL DRUCOIHTS. PRICK ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. A. A. rVIELLJER, Sole IWrieUir. 70tt and 7 1 1 WAKHLNUTON AVENUE, ST. LOL'LH TJsM Tomrulf ns I n a nm of NmnlrU of 12 or IB TwirM ROindiuK, which had remnted all trt4nent. Thi watt hlx mimtlm Bine and the patient has i- juytxi puneci iraefumi inim uer complaint " K. L. Row K, M. D., GeutirvUkv Mo. " Hnvp tnven Tonftaliiw a fair trial In Nraliria. To uwi my patient's own eipmnion. "It's the medi cine, for that disease. J. P. KiNKJU, Brighton, 111. . ' f consider Tonpalin tho best preparation for Nenrmito 1 have erar tried." U. V. mvL, H. D., Pineville, Mo. DUFFY'S PURE MiLLT VHISKE Pneumonia, Consumption, Dyspepsia u IVtutting Diseases. J'oifi'r (m lleUerrd and Aoiire je, atnitlnl inrmlorivgi ilaljxurrrs THIS WHISKEY SHOULD EE FOUND CN THE SIDEEOAED OP EVEEY FA2TILY IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO "JOT BE DFCEI V ED. - Many Druggists and Grocers who do not have Dull) 'ft 1'ure ITIaH Wlilkey li atock. attempt to jialiii ofT on customers, wliiskeyof tlieir own bottling, wbiul? being of an Inferior grade and adiiltc rati), pays them a larger tiroflt. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, AND TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUCCISTS ANO CROCERS. 8cnd ns your address aud we will mail hook rontAtninc valimbb- information. lViijil.- n.-art lUitllc sent to any address in tlie United StatrsiEast of the Kooky Moontainsl, seotni'ly j.or.-eif Iw plain eanr, ErprmB charge preaUI on reeei.t of $l,23f or Six Bottle 8t;ut for SG.OO DUFFY MALT WEISHEY CO.. Baltimore, md.. U. S. 4 may-2 deodwly DAVENPORT BOILER WORKS. GRXJPE & MURRAY, Pi-oprietors. Il'fl-,! mm c. ' M an ii fact u r( n of all kiud-i ot ii.ii ers. Stacks, Kreeching. lion Sii.ilter- V.niit lom repairing, oners by Mail or i"eK-r:ip!t uro1 Aug. 2l-ir,m 017 . SKCOND S! '.ard ami Wni.T 1 s tt-id Iron Work fi ipil jielided I .. .. n-ar ;-v-rnr.i!. inks. Heaters, I.ard Coolers, Smoke it .Jails. Particular attention given to Telephone So. a-t. id bri.Ue. DAVENPUET, IflWA- DR. FOSGATE, 309 Brady Street, Davenport. Iowa. "M j ears jracdce, makes all private diseases a special t', su ii as Syphilis, Gonorrhaa, Gleet, Stricture, Jmpotency, Sjcratonhtra, all urinary troubles and mercurial affections. of tlie tliroat, skin and bones. Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Catarrh and all chronic diseases treat ed successfully. Consultation and correspondence free. THE MOLIISTTG "WAGON. The Moline Wagon Comp'y t-l'ilsi-ner, Kulnlbarher and the nnest doineKtic Be." at any Hour. t ei..(u..iie i:a. 1 I ock island. on draught . All fcimli. of handw iche; wrveo JOHN WESTPMAL Proorletor THE ,VERA.ISrDA ' FREII APPELQUIST, - - Proprietor Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Rock Island li EAST SIDE OP M AKKBT SUD 4KB, JOHN SCHAFER, Proprietor Centennial Hall, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. 1316 Third Avenue. Ruck Island, Ills Tliia- place hut. Deen refitted aud refurnished aud i now one of tue bet Salooue in tbe city. tLiincn every niorninir iuiw- II ai ,y EXCHANGE HALL. RUDOLPH SCHWECKE. SALOON And BlLLIARD HALL Below the C. R. I. & P. Depot, Moline Ave., Rock TslanJ, III. Imported ind Oomentic B"er nnd wTine. Fine i.ilmon' and Cig4r; al-ayn on hand. inn sWVJy Sherifl's Sale. By virtue of an Exec tion and Fee Bill No. Miw, itKued out of the clerk office of the cir cuit conrt of KiM'k Itdand county, and ntale of llliiiotn, and to we directed, whereby I am com manded to make the amount of a certain Judg ment recently obtained aeinnt H. B. Terry in favorof Frank 111, out of the lands, tenement f, trood and chattel? of the paid defendant, H. B. Terry, ! have levied opun the following proper ty, to-wit: Theearjt half (X) the north -we t quarter (H) of section nineteen (lttt in township No. BtxUwn (Ki), north range No. five ( west of the fourth t'lth principal meridian. In tlie county of Kocfc llttnd nd ttate of Illinois. Therefore, according said command, I ball epoM,- for nale. at public auction, all the right, title and interest cW the above nmed H. 1. Terry in aud to the above dencribed property, oi Hat unlay the 10th day of ( October. IMHi. ati o'clock p. m., at tlie north door of the conrt honae in the city of Kock I .-land, in the connty of Hock Inl and and state of Illinois, lorcaeb iu band, to aat isfy naid execntionf and fee hill. Oaled at Kock Inland, ttiif lltth day of Septem ber, A li . lr5. JoHN m. RKTICKEK, sheriff of Rock Inland Cotiuty, lliinois . DC 1 r U C C C i,e CAUBEB and CUSS, by one tRlH Lvw who wait deaf twenty-eight yean; treated by mo t of the noted cpecialiide of the day with no benefit. Cured fumetf in three month, and since then hundreds of others by game process ; a plain, simple and successful home treatment ; address T. 8. PAtiB. 1& Kast th at.. Mew York City. sept 44-dlm J.M. BUPOBU, 0 - M. l.oonLKY, J. K. I-iOOSI.XT Ruford & Loosley Bros -6KNEKAL insurance Agents. The old Fire aud Time-Tried companies Ke preaent4rt LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. Ules fun low as an Reliable OomrAoy can Yonr Patron see i f-r1iciteil rrvfflce in area Block. afford Executor's Notice. Estate of K list a Hweet, deceased. The midcrrljrned htvintr been Appointed Kxecn tor of the lat will and testament of Eliza Kweet. lite of the county of Kock Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appar befo e the county court of kock island county, at the office sftbe clrk of said conrt, in the city Kock Island, at the November term, mine Second Mooriav in November next, at which time all per sons haNing claims against said estate are uotifi-d and requested to attend for the purpose of bavin e the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to uake immediate payment to the andeisigned. Dated this ud day of September. A. D , 1863. -d4w K. F. bWKKT, ExecuU-r. t"AH letters promptly answered mar-18-dly -- ; izemm lajLvc.v;- yet.!--:--?'' - - Manufacturers of Farm, Spring and Freight Wagons. A. full and complete line of Platform and other Sphish Waookr, especially adapted to tlie Western I ratlc. ot su x l li ir wnrknmiiship and ry-IlhiHtriiled l-rice Licl free on .ijiitiirMtion. S.-- Ihe Moime Wai(ou before otbere. uiar-15-dwly WHO IS UK ACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE vVsT, i c,.,, .. i 1 ans-ium v hSiS iscnsi I'M mpof Let, ye 5 lrj E.ScLoui iy i ry o i s i i .oui S f CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Bv reason of Ita central position and close relation to all principal linos riistand Vvpt, at initial end terminal points, constitute:) t!:o rnoct important mid-continental Unit iu tbat system of tliroutth tnuiuportiition which invites and facili tates travel and traffic between cities of the Atlantic and Pacific Cooft. It is also the favorite and bust route to arid H orn points Knst, Northeast and Southeast, and corresponding points VV eet. Northwest end Southwest. The Rock Inland eystora incKides in its main line wd branches, Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, LaSulle, Pori:i. Goni-seo, Moline and Koclt Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Wiuiliinifton, Fairlield, Ottuntwa, Ot-kuloosa, Wesr. Liberty, Iowa City, D09 Ma'nes lndinnoia, Wintcreot, Atbintic, Knoxville. Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Centre mid Council liluJIs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and K-uisns City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, In Kansas: Albert Lea, Minneapolis and tst. I'aul, in Mmnesota: Watertown ia Dakota, and hundreds ol iuteruiedintu cities. Uiwns, viliatesand stations. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Its patrons that sonse af p"r5nal security afforded by a solid thoroughly b-illastAd roai-bnd: smootii tracks ol continuous steel rail; sub stantially built culverts and bridges; rolling stock as near perfection as human skill ci make it; the safety apulia-iices of patent buffers, platforms and air-brakes; and that exacting discipline which iroverns the Dracticail eration of all its trains. Oth-.-r spiAi'.Aiiies of this route are TrRtisfers at ooer ali connecting points in Union Deits. and the unsurpassed comforts and luxuries ot its Passentror Equipment. The Past Express Trains between Chlcafro fn the Missouri River are com posed of well ventilated, finely upholstered Dav Coaches. Magnilicent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest desiim, and sumptuous Dlninir Cars, In which ' elaborately cooked meals are leisurely eaten, "(rood Digestion waiting on Appetite, and Health, on both." Between Chicag-o and Kausas City and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated lieclining Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALQERT LEA ROUTE la the direct and favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, where connections lire mada in Union Depots for ali points in the Territories and British Provinces. Over this route. Fast Express Trains are run to tho watering places, summer resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and Bsh insf grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most desirable route to the rich wheat fields and pnutoml lands of interior Dakota. Btill another DiBECT LINE, y;a Seneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News, Richmond. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, and Lafayette and Council Bluffs. Kansas City, MinrieapoUs and St. Paul and intermediate points. For detailed information see Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices to the United States and Canada: or by addressing R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President na General Manioer, Chicag. Genera! Ticket and Fauenger Agent, Chicago, i is J S3