Newspaper Page Text
.it. - s ... . Sup you pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. I'RWF.SSIONAli CAKIS. WILL IAM JACKSON, . .-Tn'iNKY AT LAW. Otteo in Rock ' ;1 Satii'iml Hunk HnildinK, Work Island, r J. . BEARDSLET AT J.A W Office wit 1 wt,r:tiv IT" II. C. CONNP TTOIiMCV NU OOrSF l KlMli.l.lll. oifW , r Miti'i'll . I.yn.le' 1 in. o. W FUNKY. SWEENET TToKSKY! . LAW. ,111. litre 111 Kent's 1-llWV .IT. il .Hi! itii;n U AT ta ck, over Rock ln .il. III. RBETT, . Nolieltor nt hanccry :tnd jt rafts. Irfmlis nilll tHrC V tUtw k, 'Jii UVftiiiP, nv-i riov-'.ll-dlV i jIDO BECK. T -Si-rmiil Avenue, over Peoples ;il l;tllK. i.M'k -lu!l1.lllll.OIS. -l-.ll V utMNKss iii;wtoi:v. SsMlTllS Ml I'M? .Ill SeT. i;hs liAM l''A iit.-enlli street. TUIIKKS. i-rtt hi, .Mm. 'iV c-nt'nih street. IP SI. Sl.-W'f' V. MOttl '.(Hitler , ,biHi second avenue. U NT TAIUH.N. i N t, tl. I-".' --'uit :i ijnK I-lnnl lMl.Y An.ius; published ever i,:'. iMitiiUt rt' iicil in Ar'ut bbwk, o;i- I'ti-U'tlit t. I!il .utw-rti-iuu niccliiini in the j'ii,- K.nk Wkkklv Awn's; puhliMht'd i vri Y . mriv. Aiim.ittli tU ;irinn'Ut in ronntM: htHi Miili ttic ctiiil'-iinu''il.. I K A 1' U K N TS A N U t 'ON F KtT I ON K US. u Kr.-ll. Krt-rf.. Hili wtoim. avonne. AlAoN. W vi't ill Turin. 1. cmid avenue. m mum savings bank (Clifir.rett by theLepilhtartof UHnotP.) WOLINK - - IIXINOIS 'M.. ., lini y IiMni A. M. to 3 P. M.,niid on Tnei 1' null Sitiurdtiy liVfiiinirH from 7 to S oY. oct. it.V .npd on Deposit it iht rt o! i?$T Cant, per Annim. ii)crtits rooeived in amountnot $1 a ad upwards. sutWIftTY AND ADVANTAGKS. Tt, i..ivtiici"-oiKTtvo( the Trustee IP rc9i.n iiii- u.ilifficjMWil.nrf. The oflicerf-are prohlhlted 'ntiii liOT-rowwii' any of itn mmicyw. Minor and mn rifi! wimii'i. protected bynpi'Cial law. otu'KK:-S. W. Whbklock, t'res'deitl ..Tonii il.n. t. Vine lr-iiciil ; !. P. HaiiRNWv,:a(h. "I'm tkm.--h W. Whet'lock, K fter Skimmr C W. ..(ltMiifll. Nftain 1'heotor. r. T". CttTultw. O, r ,, A. S. Wrlirht, P. HfmnwHy, John i .1. M. : irirtv i. li. wioflnara. :" f'hf tn!v rhrtrtiTil Htavliifc'P Haiikiu Ilori l':.iOi-'. iSVi)US0ri5H.ITT JLLAh!i..JLJ I I I '.M-tiJ-.kjit;iu.'-iliiUI ? !, l.if. !,fc-- cO- r.' t t:.'' i.u. ,4-,"t,J' ' It'...,., ' (Tninork. Avoid -. iiupcititii'fi o rrt-:n-. '.m irimwliif firr tln -w vii'ilfd. titt our Fnt in-ii'.ur find Fatk- - Bi.rl I.Mirn mimiFti ikl : V V PHYSIC rjU taanutwul. 0 1LbAlt t A.3:l i.i: Ktcuuiv thai HAM ' f-a : i'l Mn. I i' n-rf with aitrn. -5".!2Lwu Lk-v' n U bufin4-w. or cti TrrrrnFOv. r.vr". Tt"'1' inmvpnMnfin fcnsnvi.nM Af'V'irjH. , m.r.r mi.i prin.-i- WVl Tftrj. i 1 IhlHlli.lilll f fl:. hn- fior.'.riiKm i iri'.rcil. ff iitiiriBtiiiZ -lriiifiiH T7?F.fT'.: P.TT. f. - ' r :Tvv.'fit nt(.ei-(ini.'arti.'t r yr.itMni r pullvitam.' imejj-nrn, - 'I' A O MnnltlB, - I -oii w, ii-nifi s: r.'i'. 1.6"", no. R I! 5? r .ci pks s : wt,i W(,( Trues. niii-'i-.hvn BELMKE nu iiut i r iDrni A written marantce ol cure (rlren In eery W.,i..i . .'""' el. nral.H Bai au der-SiIiy W. H 1IAVKS. H. C. CLSAVKLAN KrtTAIIMSHKU lStlS.. Hayes & Cleaveland. J -URN KRAI Insurance Agents iro, Lite & Accident Insurance. OfflCE IlKHWrro Hl.en. A ISLAND, ILL. iii Uwaea I'mmiiily AdinsU'd and Paida thla Acenrr. WHEAT Baking Powder. (COLD MEDAL AT HEW ORLEANS.) il.T.'.'.:ib ",e " Mtel. in u.t. t,,, 'Onrannt I he. A.. . 'iri!v KAi.BrLKistii'M sows. : " NFW YORK. W ATKINS & HILL, y Dealers in Dry and Green Wood Will aim attend to Hauling of all ainda '' eorner of tth atreet on Molnie mi . .i,k nnM No m! orrtera mav he oet.dif FREE! ''X RELIABLE SELF CORE cgtt tivonle prcscri,,tK-.n of one of Ihe most (. . T" il "iccesstul rwcnluu in the U. S. l'Tun,,?l!,,MM, w'k"" '.1 Aleey. beu't irij a.vaoi: rrec utubruu can tiU it AWress DR. WARD A CO., Louisiana, Mo. Did tip DOURLY DISTRESSED. MONTREAL AFFLICTED WITH TURBU LENCE A3 WELL AS EPIDEMIC. - ' - ;i . ., Rioting Antl Vaccinator, Tk Poaaealon of Her Street and Wreck a Few Itulld Inga A' Ham War Feared " , ' Traupa Cnllod Out. Mopjtreau Sept 80. The oppoition of the French-Canadian resident of a city to; vaccination or other physics' to stay the progren of the amif t la-itire'ultel in riot Coinjr tion was dotoriniue i upon nouncm; the same put r 'town ami a mob ga M'ndny proceeded Xn heiiUb olli -o. wrlss an.i IiiS .ty ' Jii- are. , jngtb .J oitioa alarm had of con Imt Hollfh ole woro aviir no who J rove tUtJiit out Ai t.ii l liti mob mu LliAy turned tiie.r ut u. KJict station, ati.l m u; ID tuitk buii.llii'4 br K n. u were uvoly Hn.i at tun tiHfn Uie ptflit lir ovo? tame htVa. to bfl ' rHcoivtxl with jrs un-1 lim Things uow hy kel . ba i th-tt tiio .Hill. wrtfe ariiwil with rirt ait I l bay .nwts. but happily it w ih not. .. tiU n.w)-.Miy t- ! ue t'tm. Tlii constivi it nw rtmigt t i tue in. .b, olub'.i.i lUnm r.jr'it nu.i I UMt an.l sui-ivt-tjf. in itp- r-iui-? Liieui but not bebr ilifvl hrvl wrvkti th ;rrtntir jumc-n of tiie o.-urt iiousn mnjows, hi(h nro opff silo the oily hall. Too mob bn ti iuto tlw tlitFront.J bliAs, ami prtv ctJ).t t.i wr ''k the n .n-.w-i .( Trirt H r.tld ollice mid tiie window, of th otHcn of the ni'idu rtn .ltu 'tti- Hr.i'bi.irniiiii of the finance 'siiiiiu ii-w ui I pubti v.-aiTMiMtorv A nnm lKro. hi rest, hvm mwU .tad ttw city is in Tun uiaiyor btt-. uke t that tf.iO nton of the Fi rib uoli Uiiy d iin-L I, plnred umlnr arm-, it. bis la uMtTed dHtiCtlVOs to Mi.ur tli'i city t) find miirlmidrs of tha t. Tht rut.M Al'-iitlny uil.t wore wtl orurii.l anl btadd by nroe meu a; wh. 1tr.i,-t'd th-ir mov- ii it n ts. ("Iiiet rohc J'anidifi, who was sovorrtly han Ul bv the mob, rjcttivai nit; very itonual um ot Tht mtynr ays if thu altlr;i-1 vilt not a-ist iu this matter ho will proUitlivoi and property of ift.sis ni his own r-v (Kiasil .lity. Au un- in 'Xi th Hud iturs Are entcrtaitieti u a T' uUiimuH o. fsi-r.otinc. TulV ' roeiiiMnL. it iiiiantry. a troop f avajry nod n b.-vU.TV of artillery uave lpeii; caled iut To? programme ol the . rii-tHTs is (o ?rk and burn all the iclish newniniiMf -tli.-e; aiid lia.Fatrie. the mayor's iia.ier. T.;ey t lirottan to hang thoinayor of St. JMm Kaptiito, who in en- forrini; napul-or vacriuation There. They also t re it-'U to bifn down the house of the chairman of tha board. Great excitomeiit xi-ls and business is at a fctMid till Tliplwhole of the bri trade of tha Fifth niiiitarr distT.ot has ben called ut. The l.D r'.uif nunilmrs anout 1,500 ot all arms. A(wp the rioters Mon lay night were many ot the Hixty-tith French- Canadian rMiinent. Six hundred quarry- men from Cm -nn r. liui- promise to join thu riotors. T4 niiyor has Issued a focla- in a tit hi calling upon all uod citizens to as sist the authori'itts in keeping the jao. WILL JJNfjOUBTiDLY RESUME But ,lllt "Nir They are In Financial Breakers (:h'lrter Oak Tronlllo. Nkw YuiKi' :W. Tho wsll-kuown banking and rnk:nipe houe of H. uttcr & K UIU, 111 CI I''.. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. mi 1U. I I. ' . u... ...i...,.. . .a u Miller, with greferoiicvw of GS,lKHI. Mr. X. K. S .utter nJM) malios a p.Twnial assign ment. Tim Ueuei ul impression is that the Asaiemnetit (rows out of the legal contest over the will of Mr. Souttcr'a father, but this is deniei at the office of the firm, where it is stated (hat the llrm has no outstand ing contTHcfc on the exchange. A stale- ment is mm beint prepared and wdl be given for phlication in a short time. It is probable lUfit the su-)'N3ion will be only temporary L.ATita-fTtte following u the statement eiven out t v rsnitter fV Ox: Uur k. stuipiv cansea oy tue failure el ru- t.niers to dfiiosit inartjiH as called, iair buHiues has oeen a large one and the amount due ll- in the aggregate l lame. IV lien colleeteil we shall have a lariro aurlilu We h iv a no unsettled ac counts aid none of own stocks will lie clo-e.1 otlt. undor the rule. We shall un doubtedly reiuma Cliartrr Oak OnViata Object. HAKTfoitn, Ciu, ad. The oflieials of the Charter Uak Life In-urance company willonh-iHe the c itnm for a receiver ship. President Ilartholoinew denies that the iiipairment of the company's capital U of nn extant to warrant the granting of theimi'lication. He attributes theexistin iini.iirineiit phieflr U the low appraisal of tlie cmiMUiy's real estate aivl a-srtci tliat (ho eoniiiaiiy is solvent and that a re ceirership could work only di aster. It suid that cerlaiu wealthv jioliry hidden of tbil Cuarter Oak have formed a pcad to gi NHsssii of the c.impauy'e building, which eost $S0l),0oil. It is now rated at. H.)ii,o;ii, aial at a forced sale mi 'ht g'i lor murli le, niouey. " ! ' Koine Slore ApilntHienla. AMiiis.iruN Uirv, 3d. Too i dent, mad the following npja.intinetit! Trldnv af tern. am: Klwarl .V !Sl.iv-ti-.on, of ilol e Citv. Idaho, to I of Hi u.rnt,,rv uf Idaho: William II. Vlil ot I'llluiga, M. T., to l jwmtary ot the tern I iry of Montana. The president lh following namel 1-iStinn Vis: Walter W. M. Urnw .t KiireUa. Kan : John C I rieu.l, 'it Kn lin,;, Wy.T.; Arthur P. Cl.ivr, -I Olymi V. T. li rd tla.d'a inplitliit. Niw VoKK, ). J. S. Htvis, re ceiver of the lirin of iirant & Ward, say; there i little or notion iu War.t'a -tate inent Thf imrtles nun A in Wal l's list ol Uio involved ill the n. rn.t ligure rery largely in thenffjir, aul tueir oonuec tion with it. will not make it either worse or huttnr for War I. M'ior tfraee kava he itill holds 7d,(l.Mi of Griuit & Ward's pap-r. and had never been benalited by ny trun ai'tioiM with th.. tlrub- There'll Be llir't. uf Cranberrlea. ' BoBDKNtoWN. M. J.. Sept. 80. -Dr. Jom H Urakeler. resident of. toii city, and nresideut of tha New Jersey Cranberry as aocuiUoti, rep .rt tlie crop uiiircdented. One bog iu Hurliujcton t'ounty.1 dwutainiiig alx acres, yielded 1.S04 bushels.;- Tliern have been slight fro ts, but none ib injure tba berrieti. i . The Viaible Kupply. . ' Chicago. 30. VUible suptjr of gram in the United States and Canada; Wheat" bnnela, -eora 43.t7A busheU, oU, 4,S1.749 bushels, rye UtiU-iC bu&heia, barley MSfiiA bushels. . WhXISlT That the sale of Hood's SarsapsrilU cpn tinues at such a rapidly incujasiug rate it is. . 1st: Because of the positive enratire value of Hood's riarsapanlla itself. 2d: Because of ihe conclusive evidenet of remarkable cures effected by it, unsu osssert and seldom equalled by any o!ne medicine. Bend to U. 1. lioou a ui roweN, Mass., for book containing many statemen is of c u res. "O. mv back!" The man wilh weak back, sore loins, has kidney disease, which Hunt Kidney and Liver Keinedy always cures. Kef p sweet your breath if maid or wife, Or old or young, or large or email. If yon have any hope in '.ie, If yon hare any friends at all. Keep sweet your breath and heed the w.irnii.g, Use 80ZODSST each night and morning! Like the Perfume Wafted from bed 8 of flowers is the breath that has been rendered agreeably odorous with I SOZODONT, which communicates lo the I teeth a marhle whiteness, and lo the nums 1 a roseate lint, list1 it, ami beautify your I mouth. "Spalding's bouse. Glue." useful in every I Truth is mighty, and wiil limit's Itemed v eureH like main. prevail, all dis eases of kidneys, liver, nnd urinary or trans. Mr Bayard is honored in die naming I of the new town of linyard, f loriila. Catarrh ELY'S i 3 A. , ...... T-1. E 3 ?-' 'i Cii Hnses the head "... r, I Alkys Inti -iiuma- 2fi Jr js j Ufsliircs iho sen scs of taste, hear oOfeing nnd Smell. A HAY-FEVER i'- ilive Cure. Crfam Rftlra hs Lr;iii:ed in embM. rt'OutHiiot) mrvViT kmw n.uistt?mnLiill 4tih r inp rations particle is Hhplit-d into em u iiotil rHiews rmin hI once, is atrrfcii!t lo ri-e I'ric !V)c. at riniTi-ts, or hv innil. semi wr circular. KLY m.oTllM.-s, r Heists, Oweifo, N. Y jn !tv dwty Vtrir l or Hoatini; Public or Irivafoiundiags. NEW GOODS I Furnaces for all Fuels. CORRERPONDFNCE SOLICITED. SlND FOR CATALOGUE. RICHARDSON & BOTNTON CO., CHICAGO. For Snle bv JOHN T. NOFTSKER. mav iVdla-s:U (KiUlUNlTYfrGni ANNOYANCE Made onlrof Hie Unevf nn.l tct)nnl. ily ol tdlaw. for il.lanliii( beat. Every (rood thing is Counter feited, and consumers are CAU TIONED apain8t IMITATIONS of these Chimneys mado of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top ia always clear and bright Glass. GEO. A. E3ACBETH & CO. PlttHbnnrli ld UIkhm Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. pept-tt-.l.-odwlv The Acme Ledger BILL HOLDER. A device for keemnsr pinall ami tr.insi'iit ac- cnnt-; the iatestuml best: a necessity to every bnsineii mim; unexcelled for mreutilh, beauty and convenience. Some of the advantaaes to be derived from the use of this 1-eitKer are: f . AH the tftnal. ncconnf' tre by themselves in a safe pluce and mudeout iu bill form, with one to Luree writings savett. 2. For coll. -etion thi-ljMik may he carried in the wM-het. If the bill i- pauUt iotorn out: if not it is ready for the nest time. S. When parties call to pay, mch time is sav d a trie bill ia re.-uty to he receipted. The ledirer is not 'imited to iny iMctal buM ue-. but can He used to advantage in any retail 1)-iueiw. AnybuHinesa man who N wi the lookout for mar 1 teat mt time-savuii' inventions cannot a) ford iu pass this w ithonf a trial, rhicd involve UV4.aH tl bills furnished are alone worth the limney Joe me t.urioes 01 oiu uea-ii or wiaw meufcs. County Rights for Sale. 1 All orders promptly filled. Price of I.edj;er, ilb l.ikai bill beads, neatly printed. fVtli A II orders for Hie lsiaer, and all request for taiuity nj;hlB, mast be addressed to J. W. POTT Kit, Anavs Ornui. Kock Island, 11L fi HP La iCt iilS K v-'" 4nt the house: my lungs wre very weak, and Li Em fc wa ti pt M R J pauiett e a tfood ileal, and f4ir a year and a half f E " P' fcH gjj 1 irid etmirhid and raised a aeal of matter. M V fi Si lt F'Ck f I hd no H(petiteand a weak sttma h with hhrnt - m -sr a in. u m Wr. a 1 mL nnd mm h et jrtv- , v - s 2"' .-'",r'V J improvement very pient nmier 4iur trentment ; ( ;T 3''.!" V -j, '-j.? yi my former doctor snid I eonlit live but a very few Pr t.J -i-4-.. " tt?'"1 all ihnnuht. hut vou have helped nie very rapidly fTi'ii V'1 -'r" ;vft,r-VVi i t ami 'ery way. oiir friui d, h V y,1 ANNA Al,A,R- z ,x t - ?f: IS r-r-S) r I'M ' i a fef, Pat. OsL 30th, 1883. Uj Second Letterrom Setmoor, Champaign Co., ID., June, 1885. I want the public to'know bow I have improved nnder the treatment and by the advice ot Mrs. Dr. Keck. To the eurptee of friends and neighbors I am up and doing a purt of my house work, after so many years of inability to do anything and so much suffering. Can be up all day without lying down to rest even; those terrible had feelings have nearly all left me; I am fleshier than ever in my life before, have a good appetite, and feel as though life is worth the living; I am not troubled any more with that cold clammy sweat an.l have no more long, sleep less nights, hut can go to sleep as soon as I retire, and sleep well all night. I took the trian at rtt-yirour and went to Champaign lo Bee Dr. Keck, a short time ago, returning home the same nay, and walked from the depot an eiglHh of a mile lo our house; this was a great thing for one who bail for years been pronounced hopelessly incurable, Mrs. Keek being the only one who gave me hope. People whom I have not seen during the years that I was confined to my bed now stare at me as they weuld one from thedesd. I earnestly advise the afflicted to go to Mrs. Keck, and by following her advise implicitly, as 1 have done, i hey will, without doubt, be greatly benefitted. Respectfully, . Mrs. Wm. Anderson. MRS. DR. KECK Corner Sixth and Brady Con-mllations and Kxatni nations Free Deafness, Throat and Lung Troubles, Diseases of ihe Livei and Kidneys and all Female Complaints. The Dm'tor'R UrniHrkalth Success warranu format ion, wtitcn will w. cnwriully jrivcn ; in Ine frcfttmeni or nearly is.imhi pal pthh in rne pad ear, our rt-cord i-howe agrvatcr ptrcciiWKe of hem-lilrt than th fame nnmlifr under any oilier nytem of meUicinc. Ifenieniher thin fart. The PcruiuncDcy of Her Cures are Proved Similar Letters could beCiven, did Space Permit; Ut'ad Two Letters From Out? Lady. fihst LErrKit, 18S2. I k hot u w, t'hainpHiirn Connty, 111., ) Aiii;nKt IT, isSrf. lear Mrs. Tr. Kirt : llavini; tw-en tonr months muter t)vr treatment ami tn-in very much im proved,, I HilHell the public atiout my cane. I Was very weak anil thin innVsn. Was obliged to ln tUiwu tliroiiL'h Ihe Mav. ami could scarcely wlk pnin m my h. k and d- ranement i howt ls. I am now much fttroiiL'cr. have tram I over thirteen pounds inllesh, cn walk a mile ami a hull easily without fatigue, and feel well in every way; my couh has left me, and 1 have no prim at all in my lunys back or anywhere; I have a tMd appetite and digestion, and rounder my I'Kw'Ti'S, I'liampHiini i'ounty. II Aili;ut4, ISHd, T41 thf PrKi io: 1 wi'h to state that in the dim mer ot IHxI. I wits treated by Mis. lr. Keek fr onsumptioii and w;i cured sound and well. My treatmeut iK'c.pieti aiHmt eiht immth!. Since my recuvery i have lHeonie verv ruytjed and irittii. ami I now enjoy good beolth. HespeCIIUllV, ANNA ABA1K. Seroml LftttT from an Iowa Lady. Continuing a Heinarkable Iierovery. To thk Prnur: The hem fits 1 received at the bands of Mrt. Dr. Keck la?-r year still remain wilh me. Ani 4ther periiiatient benefits have also b t n added Ut them by further following her ad vice. 1 now enjoy bcitcr health titan 1 have known in many years. There is no return if the t roubles from which lir. Keck renened nte, and which wer liuine'att'd in my card of last October. Nor is there of the tumor she removed iu fcarrh, 1HS4. I am doim; ail my housework, and on July 18th 1 took up my carjK't, scrnbled two tioorti. churn- d, ;;oi three me.tls with all other household duties and felt no bad result. And most, thankful to kind Provipence who has made Mrs. Keck His powerful instrument for pood. Bespectfully, Mrs. t B.. 1.4HB, wife of A. J. Barr. Webster City, la., July 41, lNt5. See the Doctor, FREE OF CIUKflE, JsL. YBBBURY, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Kuowles' Steam Pumps, Inspirators and Ejectors, Wrtnisht, Cast and Lead Pine. Pine Fitting and Rrass Hoods uf verv desr.rintinn: Knhtuir ami l'a aim' of all kinds; Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe. Office and Sliop 1314 i illy 17-dlv HENRY STRUVE'S SAMPLE ROOM, In the room formerly occupied a a Confectionery by Frank Math tThe best of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Clears UTHE ATLANTIC BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR, No. 1812 Second Avenue, Rock Island. rI'ilsener, Kulmharher and the lineni domelr I st any hour. Telephone, THE "VERANDA," FKEJ) APPELQUIST, - - Proprietor Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, KAsTXUMC UK MARKET HrARK JOHN SCHAFER, Proprietor Centennial Hall, Dealer Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, No. This place lias heen refitted and refurnished and -4'Lnnch every morning EXCHANGE HALL. RUDOLPH SCHWECKE. SALOON And BILLIARD HALL, liclow the C. H. I. & Imi-orted nnd nomewtic B--er and Wine, Fine Sherifl's Sale. if virtue of an Exec tion and Fee Bill No. tiMM, issued out of thi clerk'H froce of the cir cuit court of Kock Island connty. and fdaie of Illinois. nd to me directed, whereby I am com manded to make the amount of a certain Judg ment recently obtained against H. ti. Terry iu favorof Krank ill. out of the Innds, tenements, uoods and chattels of the paid defendant, H. B. Terry, I have levied upon the folio wine proper ty, to-wit: j ne east nfi ft) tne nonn-wen quru r tu, of section nineteen (It), In township No. sixteen (hit. north range Np five (5) west of the fourth i4i.ii principal tneridian. in the county or Kock Island find state of Ulinoig. Ttierefore,accitrdincto e-aid command. I fhall expose for sale, at publio auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named ti. 1). Terry in and to the above deacribed property, or Saturday t he loth day of ictober, IHHa, at o'clock p. ni., at the north dooi of the court lion so In the. city of Rock I?hind, in tiie connty of Kock Isl- ami and state 01 iuidoi. tor casn iu nana, to sat isf y said execution and fee bill Pated at Kock island, this lwh day of Septem ber, A J)., !8h5. JOHN M. RBTH KRK, hhcrit. of Rock island County, Illinois . TlrimrCC" CA U8EB and CURE, byone I ICKi IICww who ww deaf twemy-eitht U years; trealea ny ino-i ol tne noted 8peclaoa)a of the day with no benefit. Cured kumeif in three month-, and since then hundreds of others by farae proce-s; a plain, Dimple and successful hnmA tnitmnt ' ailfirofiii T U P&lC Kat th et.. Mew Vork City. sept-t-dlm an Illinois Lady, S INFIRMARY, Sts., DAVE N POUT, 10. Chronic Diseases Specialties, Catarrh, lh most nkepiioal in plyiny tor infor bv the following Letters, and manv A LmU; WitiioHi. 1 have been treated by Vr. Mrs. Keck and the iH'iietitH 1 have received from hT advice ami treatment are otid'rfii); I hndsuilcrcrt fr m v tnrrh for over twenly years; it h d effected my whole system very badly. I bad ixdypun In my imsirns so 1 cmim nm nreniue mniuirn my nsc fhene she renuved by medioine not havhitr mt- lormeu any operanou. lean now itreattie rreelv thnti;h my nose. My nense of smell is now re tunifiiir, which left me twenty yeurs ajjf; she has done more toward renHwitiij mv lOtarrh than the physicians I ever hMt; my bniin wan dieaseil and 1 had been ntsnne; w as at independence af-v linn for eiirht months, ami I feel sure I would be there now if it were not for the benefits 1 receiv ed from her; I do net now have the asthma that ' have suffered with for four yeiirs ; neither do 1 suffer w ith the misery sn.t in mv left Hide and spleen. Mv ki4lneys were hndly diseased; I was bioatt u ant my liver waf alleeted ; I couched a L'reat dc; 1 and nmv tho-e symptoms have mostly disappeared; 1 u ti hipnly tecomitren! thi us a i hvsictnn. William W. Fi nk. Websu r City, M'.y 'Jo. IKS'. ItLtiK t.uAss, Scot I Cimnly Iowa, ( Novt inner SH, ( Kr the beiii tii if the peb'ie I mn wilhuirto make known an :icemnt of mv imur sickness. I ou tier ed fo many years from catarrh, also from the unsl severe h- ad?i4-he?',1tiz.iiiess and ear troult'es and also daily chills, m tt ca-arrh feer ami hist intr cold sweats, ami ihese same weurrim; every niu'bt so that I iH-came eo nervous I could not sleep. 1 suffered from ciiroiiic itjspepsia and stomach complaint; my liver and kitlm-ys were dis.rdered ; my limits so weak that my breath wjih short and painful, and my heart also greatly troubled me. I had i. appetite and wan cont.uit Iv sutleriusr fnm flatulency and from a bitter taste in the mouth, am! air this time my hnds and feci werp covered wile a t.dd sweat. When I placed myself in your chic 1 had been for nine weeks bed-riddeit and for i is month unable to o to town; ami for two years too weak to d4 any vork. 1 had emj loyed a mimler of t be hest phy sicians. but ;rew constantly weaker. My faine'r - n-law ( Mr. rchHchtiit!;r called on you on Decem ber lfil, and you visited me atmy home. You asserted that you could cure me if I followed your directions; I (lid so, nnd in eiyhf weeks I was able to call on you in bavenintrt, and you have visited nie only once. All the above named nysptoms have entirely dis appeared, ami with joy and gratitude l acknowl edge theirrat ffimd you have done me. 1 fetUike a new man, ttromi and sound, am able toiroout and work dailv, even in the coldest weather, and for all this I am indebted to Mrs. lr. Keck. Kver your fnenu. John Koennkekot. at her Medic. Tnfirmarv, Dnvenporl. Ho? Third Ave., ROCK ISLAND, ILL. No. 315 Twentieth Street. constantly on hand. aui-ttMlv Bee nn draught. All kinds of Sandwiches serveu JOHN WESTPMAl Pronriotor Rock Island ii IN I.11C Third Avenue. Roek Island, Ills is now one of tne best Sal'Kius In Ihe city. imie ;l i P. Depot, Moline Ave., Rock I!nd, 111. ibtion and fi?os nlnTfi rn hand. Jnn tlO-ly J.M. BorotiD, O. M, Looslky, J. K. (xkwi.kt. Rufurd & Loosley Bros. ' , GENKRAb Insurance Agents. The old Fire and Time Tried coiopanies Re presimtcd LOSSES 'P80MPTLV PAID. Hatea low n Reliable f'ompntiy can affor.1 Yonr Patron nee b Soliciiif trP 1n Arpn Hlork. Executor's Notice. Estate of Eliza Sweet, deceased. The nndervlemed havfntr been appointed Rxecn torof the last will and testament of Klixa hwtet, lute of the county of Kock Island, state of Illinois. deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear befo e tiie county court of Kock Island county, at the office sf the clerk of aaid court, iu the city of Rock Inland, at the November term, on the Second Monday m November next, at which tune all per sons having claims aeainnt said estate are not in d and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjosted. All persons indebted to aaid estate are reuuested to make immediate payment ui uie uuueiviirneu. Dated tais ind day of September. A. B., IRHtV. ttt-Uv R. F. bWIT, Executor. CAN BC CURED WITHOUT THE USE OF Mrrtiral Brief, published at Pt Louis, says lie June. 18S4. issue : ' Many have benmie E?V tiina to the use of opium or morphine. Inim i 1 " use of those dmirs iorthe relief of Neural jujed . l It is gratifying to observe thai such dan . i ms conseuiiencea may be averted hy the of Tongalink, whii h is almost a sjafilk! ilie acute ftirra of Neuralgia." FOR SALE BY ALL DRU;(.LSTS. PRICK . A. MELUER, Sule Pnor. 701 and 711 DUFFY'S PURE WHISKEY. THIS WHISKEY SHOULD EE FOUND CN IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO NOT BE DM'KI VED. Many Prurists and (iroccrs who do not have Dofl'y'a Pure Malt WhlMkcy iu alork. attempt to palm off oncustomers. whiskey of ..hoirown Isittling, uhicb being of an inferior grade and adulterated, pays them a lnryer profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, AND TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS. DRUCCISTS AND CROCERS. Send us your address and we wiflmail rMXK containing valuable information. Ramplzyuurt Jtotltea gent Ui any address in the United StnUR(Kast of the Rocky Mountains.!, securely jnirhed in plain ease, Express charge prepaid on receipt of ftl.SG. or Six Bottles sent for iGaCDCl) DUFFY HALT WHISKEY CO.. Baltimore. Md.. U. S. may-3 deodwly DAVENPORT GltUPE & MLTRR M.-mufai'turrs ot all k'r.i.N of iini it-, h-hI Stacks. Hri-erhinU. Iron Shu tiers Vaiill Imars an.l r..iairin;. Urdors ly Mnil or Telegraph unninly Aim. il -diim 817 E. SECOND ST.. near DR ITOSGrA-TE, S09 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa, 20 years practice, makes all private diseases a specialty, sncli as Syphilis, Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Stricture, Impotency, Spermatorrhea, all urinary troubles and mercurial affections of the throat, skin and bones. Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Catarrh ed successfully. Consultation and "Vts promptly answered rHE MOLTNE WAGON. The Moline Wagon Coinp'y Tvror.airsm.:xxaii.iirc3i Manufacturers of Farm, Spring and Freight Wagons. A full and complete line of Pi.atkoiim and oilier Si'itiNa Wagons, especially adapUrf to the Western Tr:idc, of stiM-rior wnrkmansltip and finish. t-llnstrated Price List free on application. See the Mol'.no Waon before purrlniHini; OLbera. mar-15-dwly WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE SEE BV EXAMINING toKANSAS cXV ejL. cJAl V; jl . , .-T-v -.:;. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of Its central position and closo relation to nil principal lines Fast ana West, at Initial and terminal poinui, constitutes tho most important mlfl-contl-nental linlc In that system of through trnnportatiot which invitea end facili tates travel nnd traffic between cities of the Atlantic and Pacific Coafts. It Is also the favorite and best route to and from point-i EBSt, Northeaut and Bout heast, and corresponding points W est, Northwest and Southwest. The Roclc Island system Includes In its rruiin line and branches, Chicago Joliet, Ottawa, La Balle, Peorin. Geneseo, Moline and Boclc Island, Jn Illinois" Davenport, Muscatine, Washlniton, Fairhelrt, Ottumwa, Oskoloosa, Wt'st Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Moines Indinnoltv, wlnterset, Atlantic, Knoxvllle. Audubon, Hurlan, Guthrie Contre and (Jtiuncil Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin. Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison In Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and Kt. Paul, In Misnesota; Watertown In Dakota, and hundreds of intermediate cities, towns, villages and stations. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees lta patrons that sense of personal security afforded by a solid thoroughly bnllasived road-bod; smootn tracks of continuous steel rail; sub stantially built culverts und bridires; roliinir stock as near perfection as human skill cm make it; the safety appliances of patent buffers, platforms ana air-brakes: and that exacting discipline which governs the practical oporation of all lta trains. Other spociaiiAes of tills route are Transfers at all connecting points in Union Depots, and the unsurpassed comlorta and luxuries of Its Passenirer Equipment. The Fast Express Trnins between Chicago and the Missouri River are com posed of well ventilated, finely upholstered Day Ojaches, Magnificent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest design, and sumptuous Dining Cars In which elaborately cooked meals are leisurely eaten, "good Digestion waiting on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas Citv and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated Reclining Choir Curs. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE la the direct and favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. whJe??JXtlna5.tlon9 are Dlaa in Union Depots for all points in the Territories and British Provinces. Over this route, Fast Express Trains are run to tho watering places, summer resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and Cub ing grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most desirable route to tha rich, wheat fields and pastoral lands of Interior Dakota. Still another DIRECT LINE, via Seneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News. Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Lafayette and Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul and intermediate points m EF d!"fd information see Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well as Ttekets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada,: or R. R. CABLE. President and General Manager, Chicago, MORPHINEI Used Tnnjrallnelnaeaseof Heeraljnaof IS or 15 atandina, which had imiated aU treatment. ,WM "r1' " the Pnt ha perfect fieediim rrtn bcr complaint." eeOniD man ner complaint. ' K U Howe, M. II., fjentrrrm Mo. " TTrTe arivpn Tdniralinti a fafr trial in NmirftjVi OPIUM OR To iifw my wtiftnt' own aiprnwira, "It's thu medi cine (or that diMMiHe." J. P. KiNKEIa, Brichtuo, 11), I cnnpidPT Tonfralin the bmt prapaimUon tot Kimr&lfoa ) have vtr tTid." U V. Iuval. 11. D., Puasville, Mo. ONK DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. WAHUINUTUN AVKNUK, 8T. LOU IB Pneumonia, Consumption, Dyspepsia ana IV asting Diseases. l'oiitiveltf Krlieved atul Aatw ana it erf I reaf nritiQ Ylt-al powers THE SIDEBOARD CP EVEEY PAEIIY Y. Proprietors. Wal.-r Tanks, ll.'ftlcrs, T.ard t'oiik-rs. Smoke Iron Work for .li.ils. I'urncmur .il Iflition iven lo lo. Telephone JJo. (I .vernmenl I.i i.lir.-. DAVENPORT, IOWA. and all chronic diseases treat correspondence free. mar 18-dly CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THIS MAP, THAT THE E. ST. JOHN. General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago. BOILER iORKS. ii p if ii4 b r j1' V I J b r 9? t r a. 6 ft 1 ;Ws'3rVr--' aw-.-rry f! ' ' ' r "Pj iii.ii.'.npiiw