Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Aegtjs. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 30. 1885. :i ; Muaieal. Mrs. 0; Swan will give ft vocal and ins strumcntal concert with her pupils from Genesee-, October 1st, in the American Baptist church. Admission 25 cents. Improving. The vestibule at the Ilarper house is hems newly frescoed and painted, and other improvements about the, hotel are in progress, preparatory to the winter season. Mr. Ilarper believes in keeping his hotel in the best possible style. Police Points. The police made 49 arrests under the slate law, and 14 under the city ordi nances during September. During the month which ends today MiiistrHU! Bennett collected $02 in fines, and $10.:lt in poiice fees. A mittimus was issued this morning hy MiiijistriiteRi'nnett for John Roachs arrest fined f "0 and costs last May for keeping an ooen saloon on Sunday, and who has failed to pay as the law required. The Ilurucston trial was terminated iti Justice llswes' court last even in g. Mrs. Fannie. Rurneaton and Fred Burneston being discharged and Miss Nellie Buruess ton was held in bonds of $3tX) to keep the peace for four months. In com pi i ance therewith Nellie furnished the rei j Hired bond, agreeing to keep ber tongue in proper bounds for the next four moons. BEH'H AMD BAB. SHOE STORE SCENES. A Mean Trick. The .'o(l Milo Ix-e, of the Argillo works at Carbon Cliff, has been in a state of much portiirliatiim the past week or two, over a dastardly act committed by some son of sin. The engine at the works eol, out i.f gear anil made more noise than a ltwi. motive in a snow dritt, and the trouble was finally located in the cylin der, w lu re a large chisel was found. Of course some sneak placed it there in the ho(H's of breaking the machinery and causiiu; geueral havoc. Nothing serious happened, however, but still Lee would give a giHid di'al to know why the ornery cuss is that so conliived to injure him. The Prisoners Indicted Arralsnea- Pleas and SentenceeInterest ins Legal Points. At the opening of the circuit court this morning, the prisoners connnea in we county jail upon indictments returned by the grand jury, were brought to the court room and arraigned, and the following is the substance of entries made by Judge Smith, upon the criminal docket James Riley, murder; copy of indict ment furnished; plea of not guilty; pris oner discharged. Conrad Ward, larceny; copy of indict ment furnished; prisoner arraigned; plea of not cuiltv; discharged. Wcstlv Ued.lic. burglary; copy oi in. dictment; prisoner arraigned; plea of not iruiltv. l'erry Cosley, burglary; copy oi ins d!etmeot furnished; prisoner arraigned; plea of not guilty Stephen Williams and Edward Case, burglary, three indictments; copy oi in dictments furnished, plea "f guilty in each case; sentenced to one year in the penitentiary on each charge three years aoicce in all. John T. Case and Nancy Van, receiving stolen goods, two indictments; detenu ants arraiened. copies of indictments. etc.. furnished; pica not euilty. Albert Ambers, assault to murder; copy of indictments, etc., furnished, pris oner arraigned; plea not guilty. W. L. Coyne and the others indicted, who are out on bail, coulil not be Tound and will be allowed to plead at a future day A Corpnle'nt Lady's Experience In Buy ing Foot-wear The Qaeer Pre dicaments of Clerks. "Yes," said a Second avenue shoe store clerk to an inquisitive customer this morning, "we see all sorts of socks and tnckinca in our business, from silk to none at all." None at all f 'Well, I don't mean by that that many people come in here without any swell ings, but It sometimes happens that nakek feet are exposed to our gaze, and women s feet at that." , t "How does that happen?" 'HI tell you of an instance. Yester day a very stout lady came in here and wanted to got a pair of shoes. After looking at several pairs she selected one to try on. I unbuttoned her shoe for her and tried to put on the one she had picked nut. hiiL although evidently the size she wore, I found it impossible to pull it on The difficulty was easily seen. Her stockings were damp, and I told her that it would be imnossible to fit her foot while she bad on those stockings." O. I thonsht of that.' she said, 'and provided myself with an extra pair, at the same time displaying a small parcel she held in her hand . I told her she had better put them on and retired to the hack part of the store to give her a chance. Hearing nothing from her. after a few minutes had (TILL THBLUSHIHGLY BTEAUHO 'i AsDALCsiA, Sept. 29. Editor Ahous: The old Plag'rist Is at his work. We compared him to the sepia or cuttle fish, that darkens , the water around it by the emission ot an ob scuring fluid when pursued . He thinks 'cuttle hah is good, and appropriates it for himself, . relying on the ignorance of his satellites to pass bis theft as genu ine original coin. Ho be hurls it back to the tune of you are another, which be thinks smart; if he has to steal it. well. poor old kleptomaniac we suppose you could not help it. It must be natural for you to obey your predominant instinct The misfortune for you was, when a commander in the navy disagreed with you, and to vindicate the honor of the naval service preicrreo, main tained, and proved charges of theft against you. Don't dream for a moment that if we don't think your mendaeiou copperhead drivel worth answering, that we acknowledge its truth. 1 lie simple fact and truth is, the public has known you for forty years, known you as a thief, kicked out ot partnership wan an honest man, kicked ignominioiiRly out of the oulv government position you ever occupied, as an incorrigible thief, and let loose on the democratic party as an edi tor. The result is hopeful for democracy for honestv. for good government. You have been" cut off as a "putrid remmis cence" from the democratic party. Your imbecile conceit that you ruu and coutrol the democratic party, only makes the gamins of the the street "thrust their tongues into their cheeks," when your name is spoken of as a democrat. E- II. Bowman, Late Surgeon 27lh III. Vol sriSlBBAJi SlITlMiS. Tlw. ft ihft nnnrt in llift Aran .... , Mr,...n,l anil mentsofthe attorneys in the case of b - - saw mat sne was in au iu piumm- ment. The fact was she was too fat and too tightly laced to put on her own stock- Well, sir, it was a comical sight to see her ineffectual plunges in her endeav- Frey Bros, vs Kelii ker this morning in volved two INTERESTING IYHNTS OF LAW, points that are of especial significance '"S8- and importance to the legal fraternity, One was that judgments which were sought to be set aside here, operate as preferences in the general assignment, and under our law preferences are for bidden. The other point shown was that where judgments are confessed before the court in term time, the court overruling the demurrer thereby sustains the bill, Something Superior to Brandy. Tvmperanee eople who think it wrong for doctors to prescribe alcohol, will be in terested to know thai a medicine has been found which may. in many diseases, lie substituted for it. Dr. Burrough, in the Theraeutic (hiitlh, slates that nitro glyeerine as a heart stimulant is far su perior to brandy, and may lie given with confidence whenever the administration of brandy is indicated. Two drops of a 1 per cent solution are eqiiivalint loan ounce of brandy, and the effects of the drus: are felt immediately. It creates no unnatural cravinir. The doctor gives detailed account of the cases in which he has employed it, and finds, after an ex tensive experience, that it is of great val ue in shock from accidents, fuinlness af ter surgical operations, failure of the heart's action due tochloforin. for opium poisoning, asthma, and the collapse of fevers. The Planet in October. According to Mensillthe earth disturb ing positions of the planets for (Molar are as follows: Mercury in a longitudinal line with Jupiter, 7th, and a similar line with Uranus, 11th; it is in superior con junction w'.th the sun, 15th, and in de scending node the 23d. Venus in aphe lion, lGth, and Saturn in perihelion, 19lb. The piincipal planetary stoim and earth disturbing dates for October apiiesr to lie located about from the 4th to the 8th; on the lltb; lfith to 19th; 23d to 28th The U. S. signal service wi'l probably order hoisted the most justifiable cau tionary marine stoim signals for the fol lowing dates: 4th to 8th. 11th, 16th to l!)tb. 24th to 2.r.lh. and 28th. The tarns peralure may go a little below the mean of the season, both in the United States and northern Europe. October is not ex peeled to lie as stormy a month as Sep tember. About T. K. C A- Societies- There are now 2,931 Young Men's Christian Associations in this country and Europe. About !)IK) of these are iu this country. Eighty of the American asso ciations own the buildings they occupy. A few of these buildings are palatial, as for instance in Philadelphia, Brooklyn and BnUimrre. Some have been encum bered with heavy debt3. Some have rvmnasiums and base bal' clubs. Almost all have libraries, a few of which are large; but many have suffered from do nations of old and valueless books. Some associations confine their good work to keeping open reading rooms and holding prayer meetings. Some have educational courses and popular leclures. A difflcnl tv in some of the associations bus been that many of the managers who a quar fer r.f a rpiit.iitv were "vonnff men and are now becoming gray haired afid bald, retsrn their places to the exclusion of men who are rea'ly young, and who are quite as competent to manage as these elderly gentlemen ever were. It would be well if some of these old gentlemen would step down and out and let the younger ones in. If the old ones want to do something, let them give money tor the young ones to do work with. Lawyer's Opinion of Interest to All, J. A. Tawney. Esq., a leading attorney - of Winona, Miun., writes: "After using it for more than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regard Dr. King New Discovery for Consumption, as the beet remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It has never failed to cure the most severe colds I have had, and invari ably relieves the pain in my chest.1 Trial Bottles of this sure cure for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had Free at Hartz & Bahnsen s Drug Store Large size, $1.00. Social anil Ball. Laurel Lodge, No. 4, Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W.. will give a social and ball on Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, to which nil brethren and their ladies are invited Social and supper in Workmen'a Hall dancing in Armory ball. Music by Biehl'i Hew Bute. Moline has adopted an innovation in the management of its high school. Here after only one session will be held each day, extending from 9 a. m. to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Several months ago this plan was suggested to the Davens riort hoard of education, but it was not accepted on the ground that it would disarrange the domestic economy and was lne politest tone I could master ors to reach her feet, and the ludicrous sidelong glances she cast around to see if anyone was watching her. I couldn't help standing and looking at her for a minute or so, although my duty in the case was clear enough. You see, I was there to sell this lady a pair of shoes, and if she boucht them she would have to have a pair of dry stockings, and it was plain that if she wore dry stockings someone would have to put them on for her. So like a hero I marched up to where she was sitting. What with her exertions and the mortification she felt, her face was the color of a well boiled lobster, and I have no doubt my own beautiful phiz was no faint reflex of that tint " 'Can I assist you, madam?' said I, in to not regarded as desirable. The principal of the Moline school in approving of the one session system session says: "At this day, when all city high schools of the best standing pursue this plan it would be useless to extol it. We have experienced the same advantages among which may tip 'mentioned, increased nercentace of regular attendance upon enrollment, a very much reduced aggregate of excusals before the school session closes, a mini. mum of tardiness, more hours devoted to home study and increased interest in and fficiency of class work which appears to characterize the policy everywhere. I am persuaded that the advantages have not s'l been cn the side of scholarship, but that the homes of the puoils have been likewise benefi tted. There has been given increased time for household duties without the usual interference in study hours. I trust that the policy will De a permanent one." Unlet to the Bescne. A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse," was a'l right in its day, but at the present time a mule is more preferable to a horse, at least so mints Mr. nam Ileagy, of the Northern Mining and Rail way "compsny. The coal miners' strike is at last at an end, and the much abused mule poses as the white winged dove of harmonv. At a recent meeting of the miners it was decided by a majority vote to return to work at three cents per bush el, provided that the company use mule power to haul the coal through the mine. The request was acceded to by the com pany, and it is the intention of the men to return to work ou Monday. The for mer price paid was 3J cents per bushel, but the miners had to do their own haul The present difficulty is to find a mule suitable for the purpose, but as Ileagy is using a'l his energy in that di rection, it is predicted that the long eared animal will be soon forthcoming. The present case demonstrates that the mule should be given a higher place in animal society than it now enjoys ' "You can assist me. Pull off those stockings and put on this pair, and lie quick about it." she ordered, speaking quite savagelike. "Well, I got her stockings off and man aged to get her feet into a dry pair; then I left her again. When I came back 1 got on the shoe we had tried before without any trouble. Well, she took the shoes they were a 6 pair paid for them, and flounced out of the store as though we were to blame for the display she had made." "Yes." concluded the narrator, reflect ively, "shoe clerks have queer experienc es. Coal Valley, Sept. 20. The past peek was splendid for matur ing the corn crop. The brick work at the county faun the boiler and coal house is all completed Walter llowarth has gone back to Eng land. He sailed on Saturday. Mrs. John Caughey, of Poweshiek county. Iowa, was here visiting friend last week. The heirs of the late Uola-rt Thompson have sold the old family residence David Anderson. Peter Sehroeder, of Cable, was here on Saturday. Mr. S. recently relumed from a trip to "Fatherla nd." Mrs. Wm. Cleland and a cousin, Mrs Grant, were the guests of Wm. Moore last week. They left for their homes in Iowa rnday last. The Homestead Uuited Presbyterian church has voted to call the Ilev. Wnitla, of Minn. Dr. Reynolds, of Rock Island will be out here this week to moderate the call. F. C. Killing, Jr., has a mill for crusl mg sugar cane, ana one oi me most com plete apparatus for boiling the puce, and turning it into syrup that has ever been in this vicinity. He turns out from sixty to seventy five gallons per day Miss Amelia Timm died on the morn ing ot the "Jilh at tue residence oi .ion Moross. of consumption. She was about 23 years of age and a native of Prussia, The deceased leaves a brother and some distant relatives. The remains were in terred in the cemetery. Rev. Todd oftl dating. Subjects of Charity and Pity Last evening Sheriff Reticker returned from the county poor farm accompanied by Steward Robertson, with the follow ing patients, who were sect to the state asylum at Jacksonville as insane subject! on the date appearing after their names but since have been assigned to the poor farm as incurable, and are now taken back to the asylum again. Axell Appell, February 10, 1883 .Math ias Steffes, September 11, 1882; Elijah Scott, April 18, 1881: Johanna Johnson, May 18, 1880; Louiwt C. Peterson, June 20, 1872. Emma Mclnlire was also returned, but she had not been adjudged insane, but in quiry being made into her mental condi tion, Judge Adams empanelled a jury composed of Dr. G. L. Eyster, L. F. Har son, M. W. Burgh, Joseph Miller, Julius Utke, and Quiccy McNeil. , lnai was had last evening, resulting in verdict of insane. The patient was accordingly commended to Jacksonville. Sheriff Reticker left for that city last evening with the unfortunates named, and with Carl Bock, who will be committed to the blind asylum there. The latter was also an Inmate of the poor farm. Your system is now more susceptible to the benefits of a reliable medicine than at any other season. Take Hood's Sarsa- purilla. B&llroad Racket. P. H. Honlahan, train master, and W . Brown, division superintendent ot the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road, are in the citv. Conductor Marshall, of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific road, is in the city checking up the accounts of A. W. Bru- ner. ticket aL'ent at the Rock Island & Peoria as far as the "Great Ruck Island is concerned. Engineer Lou McQovern, of the C, M. Sl St. P. road, has a new iron horse, the 255, which is just out of the shops. It, is one of the best engines on the road and it is proper that it has fallen into good hands. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway has issued the following impor tant instructions to its agents: Cars containing bonded goods must al ways be secured by custom locks and seals, or brass tags and seals, which can be removed only by a custom officer. Any unauthorized person removing or tam pering with such fastening is guilty of felony and is punishable by imprisonment not exceeding tlve years or nnen noi ex- ceedin" $1,000. or both at the discretion of the court. ! Each car containing bonded goods must be provided with a manifest, certified by a customs omciai, wmcu iimuues. uiui always be in the possession of the con ductor having charge of such cars, and must be attached to and transmitted with the way bills. Conductors on receiving cnarge oi sucn cars and manifests must examine the cus toms seals to determine whether or not all fastenings are intact. In case they are found broken or tampered with, such fact must at once be reported to a cus toms officer, who will compare the con tents of the car rvllh manifest and indorse bis action on said manifest In case of accident, necessitating trans shipment of eoods, or in case of trans shipment for any cause, a customs officer must be notified who will take action as provided in rule 4. Cars arriving at any port, particularly ports of destination, without a manifest, seals or fastenings broken, or with mani fest showing a transfer to have been made without supervision and indorse ment of a customs officer, are liable to detention. To avoid delays from any of these causes the foregeiug rules must be strictly observed. County Building TRANSFERS. 28 Thos. J. Robinson, et al. to AxeU Stroiubeck, lot 11. Sweeney & Jackson's first addition. Moline, $i.M. Eliza Hawley to William Endlisch, nj n, lots 7 and 8, block 62. lower addition. Rock Island, ? . John Taylor to Horlense Field, pt sej, 17, 2w, ?;G4. United States to George Davenport, e sej. 3, 17, 2w. United States to Davenport V. rarn- ham. s. 2, 17, 2w. F. C. Grable to .lames W SinuM, pt sej. 3, 17, 2w, $5,000, and pt nw. on Big Island w of railway 23. 17, 2w, $10,000, and pt swj, 2, 17, 2w, $11,000. LICENSED TO WKl. 29 August A. Rarepp, Moline; Miss Ilenileikn Bruns. Roek Island. John Seitz, Miss Anna E. Wou.d, Rock Island. A X'erf Narrow Ktrapr. ICbireiKo Herald. Thme or four tug men were relating some of their exprriemvs. All the ghost,, nuinler and explosion sWicshad Immmi btd, and then a grizzly old captain Unit a fresh chew of tobacco and olNei-ved: "The narrowest escajje I ever see was tliat of a mau who came hem ill the hold of a ves sel loaded with pig iron. He cropt into the boot when she was empty and went to sleep, and when tliey caiue to load her they covered him up with the iron. I suppose there r-osn't less than 5U0 tons of the Ho IT on top of him, am) he was in that pusi- tiou for seven or pistil days witli nothing to eal or drink. hen they got, down to htm they tik him out, and a more surprised kit of dix-k wollojiein you never see " "How did be work itf" was asked. "Work whatr "Why, how did he esrope being cnisheiir "He was crushed. Ha as as Hat anil thin as that there sail" 1 don't see w lie re Uie narrow escape conies in then," said the lineman. Well, 1 do," continued the narrator, "and no would you if you had seen them just take him out throuifh a seam in the side of the Poet." Then the meeting broke lip. New York Tid-Eits: Young hojiefiil (who has been reprimanded for not washing his facet Boo-h-oil 1 wish I was a nigger boy t Manuua A negro boy I Wliat for Goor- geyf Young hopeful hy, 1 I should n 't have . to w- anh then, 'cause the d-dirt wouldn't snow t BR1EFLETS. Decidedly wet. ! . Council next Monday evening. Nice Michigan peaches at Lamp's. Tbe grand jury is in special session. Girl wanted, 619 Twenty-third street. This is said to be a tardy equinoctial storm. Will R. Johnson, jeweler, No. 1725 Second avenue. Watkins & Hill have 40 cords of hard wood for sale very reasonable. C. Wolff has lost a Gordon setter pup, for which he offers a reward. New goods arriving every day at the new 5 and 10 cent store. Mr. George Crawford, of Carbon Cliff, was in the city today. Dr. J. W. Stark, Dentist, 1722 Secon venue. . dlvr. Miss Belle Ruby is visiting friends at Steele City, Nebraska. The melodious tunes of the organ grinder's instrument of torment are heard upon the street. Ladies' rubbers, 30c. a pair, at Carse & Co. Dr. McCsndless, dentist, corner Third avenue and Twentieth street. tf Mrs. D. Schmid and her daughter, Miss Laura Schmid, have returned from their visit to St. Louis. You can be pleased in boots, shoes and rubbers, at Carse & Co. . Laurel lodge No. 4, Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., will give their sociable and hall this evening. Closing out sale of boots, shoes and slippers at and below cost, at Krull & Pfoh's, No. 319 Seventeenth street, dim The St. Louis board of education has iensioned all disabled teachers who have ven thirty years' service to the schools. No word from the Soldiers' home com mission yet. isut it no word is good news, we are all right yet. Rubbers cheap for everybody at Carse &Co. John Crighton and wife, of Chicago, are at the Harper. Mr. Crighton repre sents one of the largest commission firms in the United States. Michael O'Connor, the affable steward at the Ilarjier house, is visiting relatives at Keithshurg, 111.,, accompanied by his wife. Try the Strap rubbers, for ladies, misses, and children, at Carse & Co. T. II. Thomas, Couuty Treasurer J. E. Fleming. Charles Fleming, County Clerk R. A. Donaldson and others left for Chi cago lasteveniug to attend the exposition, and baseball games of the week The special delivery fystem goes into effect tomorrow morning. A special ten cent stamp attached to a letter insures immediate delivery upon ils arrival in any city in tbe United States covered by the system. Postmaster llawes will have a messenger in readiness for tbe perform ance of duty in Rock Island in the morn mc. lwo railroaders, claiming to oe en route to Rock Island, tarried loo long in Monmouth last night, making an cxhibi on of themselves, unbecoming the dig- ly of a no-license city. Justice Hutch ison secured f 4.80 from one and the other as remanded to await word from friend and the cash. Monmouth Aliiu. Mr. Samuel Stocum, of Coidova, re ived a dispatch troiu i ulia, JN. in foiming him that Miss Kdith Wynkoop lied yesterday morning, that the body occompanied by friends, would arrive at Cordova Thursday night, aud the fuueral ill take place on Friday, Oct. 2. Houfckecpers throughout the country have been using Dr. Prim's Cream Bak ing Powder for a generation, and have ever found it as pure and good as the heat it raises so splendidly. House keepers do not care to experiment when exiierience has proven that they have found a good article as Dr. Price's Cream 'owder, they will stand by it. JUST RECEIVED We have just received direct from tbe importer a very fine wide-angle Rectilinear Lens. This class of instrument embraces an angle of about 100 degrees and is especially constructed for making views in confined situations. As it is tbe ONLY LENS of its kind in the three cities, we can unhesitatingly say that we are the ONLY ONE IN THIS VICINITY FULLY PREPARED to Photograph interiors or Stores, llalls, rarlors, libraries, Etc., Etc. Pull particp lars regarding prices, Ac, upon application. RASMUSSEN, -thotographer, , N. E. Corner 18th St., and Second avenue. mar-fl-dwly JS. K. R. V. C. ami H. K. New York Sun. 'What il'ies time stand torf eaid one Oroker to another, exhibiting a pieee ot baiwr on which was written "N. T. C aid IL R. R R" 'Why, New York Central & Hudson Rivr railroad, of cour. 'Yes, l!ut that is what beat Blaine." "Howr "New York, Cleveland and Hendricks, Rum, Romanism and Rebellion. 8e,'1' Ypa hat is yoursr Kill Iuipeclors. Gov. Oglesby on Monday appointed the following mine inspectors: First district Alexander Honald, of Streator. Second district Thomas Hudson, of Oalva. Third district Jumes Freer, of La' Salle. Fourth district Walton KuUedge, of Alton. i . Fifth district Robert Winning, of CarterviUe. Freer, of the Third district is tbe new appointee. He succeeds John Rollas The board is now appointed for two yean. jk "Wuiu-HaDd-Jug. lxchaDge. Mr. Dolliy, in bis account of Dickens' tour iu the United States, expresses astonish ment at rinding that we call a "wash-hand jug" a pitcher, oars tu "linger" oi i n Critic, commenting: "I don't think this nearly as strange as that the English call pitcher a "wash-hand -jug f " Brevity of the lMi. The late Hark Pattiaon, ipe&king of tike deeirabi ity of condensing as much as pom bleia writing. iueesaM: "I ".kink it most have been tbe scanty supply of paper whie ua le the ruuetct wat they are A correspondent of tbe Omaha Bee wants the name of that city changed to Terrace City, or Gate Beautiful. GRAND OPENING -OF- l I 0 III W STOCK OF Mill ioji-,i!inf miio Carpets and Oil Cloths. Styles and prices never equalled. Everybody more than t- isfied. Don't fail to call and examine our stock. CORDES & KANN. Nos. 1 500 and 1508 Second Ave., Rock Islam N. B. Chamber and Parlor Sots a specialty. 8ng. 2S-d LOOKATTHEM, MCINTIRE & CO.. A EE RECEIVING THEIR NEW FALL dddo rhk v v D OK R Y V D D H K y V U D KRKIt V V D D K R V D U 1 K V llODD R R V OOU OOO OOO DDUO SSSS O O O O O O 1) I) S 8 ) O O O O D l 8 H O O D U K8SS ; no o o o o d i) s i! i: ii i) ii i) n i s s OOO OOO OOO DDDD SSSS . Brigbt, New and Desirable Selections for Fall, pronounced Critical and Economical Buyers to be Satisfactory in Qunl ity, Satisfactory in Style, Satisfactory in Price. Special attention is tailed to the following Dress Good9, Tricots, Flannels, Fre Mixtures, Stripes, Rough Effects. Elegant line of Black Goods, etc. Black Sill fine line of beat makes. Sec the following: Colored Silks, warranted. Wool Salines, all saailes. All Shades Cashmeres, 36-iu. Silk Velvet, German Worsted Yarns, Ladies Cashmere Iluse, wide. $1,(K) per Yard, former price $1,25 .25 " .:tj 1,25 ' skein " " ,25 ' pair " " .85 ... .88 .20 .25 ?tock. The above are only a few ot our bargain, aud you are cordially inTlted to tufpect our mai McINTIRE & C IB. IBIIRIECElISriFIIEILiID, Dealer in all kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Stationery, Confectioner', Choice Cigars, Toys, Etc., On Fourth Avenue between Twentieth and Twenty-first Sts., ROCK ISLA Hard Coal Market. Pea coal, $7.00; grate and egg, $ 7. 75; ance, nut ana .No. 4, fM.OO per ton; screened and delivered- all best quality of anthracite. Extra cartnee charged on orders of less than one ton. Blacksmith's caol, ('onnellsville coke and charcoal 11KI3 Second avenue. E. G. Fkhzkk. THE GREAT PANORAMA THE HOLY LAID ! Covering many Thousand Feet of Canvass, showing the jnckut cttiee and JERUSALEM! ; g-CommeRcing Saturday Eve., Sept. 26th, 1885, J' lii the PakoIjama Bdildino, On the corner of Second Avenue aud Sixteenth STeet, Knelt lisUnd. Admission, 2.rc. Children, 10c, REMEMBER That by far- The Largest ' and Finest STOCK OF- KWl! URRR KN HIITTTTU V V 15 R RUN Mil T IT if 11 U RRR N N N II T U y V UK UN n n II T UU K UN Kit II T URRR FKK I UK K K I II RRR KB ! II R H K. UU R KKKR AND- lX) A KRR PPP KKETTTT C O K RP PR T 0 A A KRR PPP KB T O O AAA R R P F. T OUGA AR KP EKE T -la to be found at- C. C. KNELL'S HARD COAL. Best Quality Egg and Grate, - - - $7,75 per tc Range, Nut, and No. 4, - ... 8,00 " 4 All the Best Quality, Screened delivered. Extra Cattage on all cnlere lca tl .in a Uw. Order taken fur Bard and Huft Wood. C. C. TRUESDALR, nept-lf-dtf At U. S.KipreasCo.VOl I JlCOB kiley, ltt-aloraiul Importer in Marble and Granite Monuments. tyWpecial Designs furnished oa application. Correspondence solicited. Works and Office on East 17th St., opposite r 0.. Rock Island, J J. T.DIXON, MERCHANT TAIL07 And Dealci in Mens' Fine Woolens, I 706 Second aveii nor '.Vedly E. H. COLLINS, ROOFER, USES Well's Fire and Water Proof Paint and V. XV Keiiairiiij! and Painting of Old Shingle Hoofs a pecially. Keidenee eor. 51 b Ave., and 20th Si.. HOCK ISLAND, anp TAYLOR HOUSE Cor. Fourth Avenue and Sixteenth street, I1ILIJH TRENKBNMHU1I. ROCK ISLAN Proprietor. ISTTliin Houte but been thoronirhly renovab-d and re-fitrnii.hd ihrourhout ana i. o- Boarder t reaoiile raiea. a armer will una una iei a nice pin" RICHARD F. WITT, Licentiate in pharmacy, SUCCESSOlt TO F. M. WHEAT0N, -DKALKK IN- "U J3j E JD Jf U C3- S , And Toilet Preparations, . . i i. r. Comer 2nd Ave., ana 17m .0. nor-lt dtf , band.