Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island Daily Argus. V' l t i - j til 4 XXXIV. NO. 291. ROCK ISLAND, MONDAY. OCTOBER 4. 18S6. PRICE FIVE CENTS Second Avenue corner, L y- Eighteenth St. w , We challenge x comparison y XV X lint? of Hats and Men's rurnishirig Goods generally i ; 1 'V I l ml- DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS AM) Steam Fitters. A complete i((ck of I'lpe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Etc. Holt- a ents for Deanc Steam Pumps, MIIT FEED LUBRICATORS, Deeke's Bi-ock, Moline, 111. TelpptKmc J'."... ."M . ...... a;. --J-J , o -;iljr mice cv.:ry i!!- porti".:!. rlit wilt send Ullpi, e t. -my dv s' uii:l, to responsible psrtit-s. t Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac j t tors jnr I iii iiislnrifx and baying ice Watnr, Gas and Sewn Pipe. 1712 First Ave., Kock Island, Illinois. Trkvtvme IMS. If nilrnri! TrfephMW WW fr I .3.' hi AND OTIIKK" FIKHT-CLAS8 MACHINES. S. H. MOORE'S ewing Machine Room --i: d Ave., and Twentieth St., Rock Island, 111., and 320 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa. JSPTerms and prices defy competition. All kinds of Machines Repiired and Warranted. Oil. : ! U m 1 1 1 j,),ili for all km Is if ! i-'iw ),: in Hook. New Hardware Store, W. m SECOND AY LNUE, MOTT & LI DOERS, Proprietors. J3?A general line of Hardware. A specialty of Shelf goods and Carpenter's supplies. Telephone No. 11 42 BOEHLER, Ice Cream Parlors, Bakery, CONKECTIONEItV, CIGARS, Etc., No. 110J Third Avenue, Rock Island. J- T. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealci in Mens' Fine Woolens, 1706 Second avenue. A Great Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter cf lsra I was attacked will Scrofula in one of tl: e most aggravating forms. At one time I had no less than thirteen largo abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It is impossible to fully describe my sufferings, as the case was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worse than ever. Finally, on the recommendation of W. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport. I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve monlh, the pcrofHlons eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have alt disappeared, except, the unsightly scars, which are d;nlv becoming ' smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know what it may have done for others, but I do know thnt in niv case. Hood s K,trsauril!a has proved an effective specific indeed. As an evidence of my gratitude I send tbese facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verify the authenticity of this cure, by personal convsnondenru with any one who doubts it." CUAKLKS A. Kok EKTS. East Wilson, N. T. This statement is confirmed by W. ,T. Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport. N. Y., who calls the cure a great rutmy for Hood s Sarsapanlla. Send for book giv ing statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for S5. Madd only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. THE MOLINE SAVINGS BANK (Chartered by tnebeirielhtnrt-of Illinois.) BOLLtK - - ILLINOIS pcn flatly from 14 A M. to .'5 P. M . SDd on Too. dM and rttttnrdny Kvcntug from 7 to S o'c'ork nterss sllcwsd on Dapoitti tt ths ra.ii oi i par Cant, vtr Annua. Oeposite received in amounts oi $i nd Cpwarcls. 8SCVK1TT AND ADVANTAUKS The otlweproiwrlvot the Trust i ?lble to the d,'pottorB. The omerpsrc prohibited roiD oorrowinir Bnv o( ltp Elnnrv. M Inura married wnmv !. protected by special law. 0ries -l. W. Wiiimvi, Freedom ,Ion loon. Vice Prifiil. nt; K Ucumxwtv.l'iuihier Tri t- -N W". WhtH-'l.tck, r,,rl4r ktnnr . W.l)hdell. N.'l.on t ticMcr. H ' I'inl. c r.tiranli, A. S. Wright, C. K. Hemnwav. Johr WooJ. J M Chrll. C. 11 Slod.lard. laTThi onlychaiteri-.'. Savlntu Hank In Kock Innd County FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE.! J. E. Loosley & Co., -OKNEKAL- Insurance Agents eLotsre.rominlyadjatfdand paid at thit agency. (Succcssoi of Haves & ClcavcUnd ) Atrcney f-ftahliplifd OlUcc in Bonnston s Block. WAS SHHS FOlSOXKDf SENSATIONAL STORY SENT ABROAD BY A ST. PAUL PAPER, A lifting Tli at the Oreat Lawyer Man Poisoned Kecaue He Knew Too Mut'h About the (hirapo Flection Crookfd imss A Terrible Clime Committed hy a Texas Negrro Other Cussed nest. St. Tal l, Miim , Oct. 4. The Ol'ibe pulv lbihos a stoiy slio-ivl's that Emory A. Storrs was de!ii.rat'!y aauasinate-J wiiile at Ot tiwn, UN., prHiitinp the ca of Jowi-h C Mfi'-kin to the supreme cotnf. Th gang Uadcrs, thestcry gt, who drrailfd Wat kin, f on ml mt'nns t vo his month and makt1 way with Storrs. The lawyer was settled with digitalis, not. in a hum v, but t bo drug was administeretl day after day in tin It quor which Storrs drunk. Ma kin had, it b stateil. gave away f-ompletely the secret of the eket ion frauds 1o Mtorrs, and th" fear of following the little bos to JoM was what prompteflthe attempt to gt St'irrs ntid the way. It isassertnl that tho diintnlis was put in Starrs' liiiuor. nf whi. h Im tiscl t stimulate him. am) that one uf tho avsain. hasmadea pirtial confession, aiid L Ix-mg sh;vlow(yl drNttives. W. V. Klhot. fi r seven years the partner of Mr. Sti-i iT-. says lie does mt believe the wns story. tn- two reasims: First, that his Jif toi voiuahK- to Ma-'krn ut the time for anv ol the lattrV trends to have desired. Ins re! moval; and, iu the second, that anv seirets' that Storrs was possed of Maekiti must have known, and would have l-en more liable to tell if left, without the prtvtinnnf his chum pim iti eonrr, Mr. Klliott. saw Mr. St on is in hi; ootlln. and thir was no traee of enta- ia tion, or the ifiwt if sickne;s. In i!m' nan vears Ttiev 11-1 itn nvwu-moM tie never any mdieations of organic dLsewse. Siron; drink did not kill hint, N-eause he had !- lvfore had ti mionnee it. A V on ,in lIji from It'un. New Youk. O.-t. 4. Margatvt M.di.'t, conhini-d imbthte, Miis found deal Knda afternoon 111 her rxiniat tl-i Fort v-first sttwl, where she also kept a jit'owry. Hi liusuaml Inuid im-e't in Joveiiiln:r, ls.M, on accuuni 01 hr drunken luihits, and Ke' rather louu.-ilv, id St. Mi-'hael's ehmvli tKk charge of the two ltys and Maher's liauk which showed deposit of thousand dollars. About the end ot ?tst Mrs. MaliTWie, aneste-1 in the hlle nibixieat)'!. and ulnle ean htntr h- room the police found the dead bo-lv of h infant daughter, w ho htl dieil from net1 Rev. Father Kwn, another nnet. iKi-,ii:nlt.t her to pive up tn him the liank books to k.p iorineoittei rtnliltvn Mi" then sank low than ever, ainl Sjitur-iav was f.'und de;id UMwitha nun l)tHe dasin-l close ti h. osont. lift l;.ok sev stiv' Buford & Loosley, -OKNEfiAL Insurance Agents. The old Fire and Time-Tried companie pnented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. lalctiflp low a? an Relihle Comp-my can afford . 1 our t-aironaee 1 solicited VOtPce iu Aren Block. AUCTION ANIMJ0MM1SS10JI W. H. LUNDY, AUCTIONEER WTM. Attf-nd iSale IN IITHKR CITY OH COUNTRY, at moderate chartes, or ReceiveConsignments and make prompt reUinw. Mona ATenna HOV. I8LA1D ILL. LOANS Ox Promissory Notes. W A NTED Nnlf.u of u.,.ll rt..,l Kii.,uda ruronr nimith to iwnlrr monllH. Am.Mnit il.lMN) ci."" rsirictly c"llll.1ionl and safe. bnmls jriveii, lettlrnivntK miu-. (,'orr(.i.ndenti U. W FflBTRR. Rank.. WBtoadway. New Vork. HAWTHORNE'S OYSTER PARLOR RESTAURANT AND BAKERY ' to t,mK :ci, 1011 Sw0n(J Avenue- WESTERN INVESTMENT ! 1 wnnitory brick tuiHinefe hoiiDt'. fniat two main mvew. crowlns County Seat. Kan Sas. 3 OOO IHipiilnliou Will fell liHrdwarc ami linpliiivnt lnmine! Fsrt c-h. iurt lone ioii. r.xinnun,'n iMlit vrari. Annual pftlef "lill IBUUJiBU Krqmi k. KARSA8 HARDWABK. " ST. JOSEPH. MO. E. WILCOX, KKALKIl IN- FLOUR AND PEED S. T. WAIk'ISS fSnccestwr to WaTKINS & HILL,) Dealer tn Dry and Green Wood. Will also attend to Quilling of all cindn Oitice at rani-, corner of 7lh tret on Woln enue. Toleiihune No m- orders may h "' ""r nlare nrl-Jk-dtt tMlTMONEY fortim.-P are yenrly mailc b micceeidul oin'ra- torj in stocVs, grain and o'l. Thew iiiveslniHii Ir enily p,v frm fHKIto fv.tMXI or more on eieli film invented. Reliable corretioiHli'iitH wauled ' Addr -. for circulars, .WILLIAM E ItlCHAKUS, Banker ami Broker, Jim -S-.iw 3S, 40 Jt 42 Broadway. New York. Dra p H r c c cadses ...! cure, i.y.m,c lHIRkVdli' us ileaf iweuiy itt,l yearf; ire lied hy miwl of the nott'd .(H'eiali.lii of the day with no benent. Citrtti himntlr in three mofitliii, and since then htindredp of other, hy same proeefs; a plain. simMle and tucceetdul home treatment ; adilress T. S. VkUV., 13H Kaet th .. New York fltr. mSU-t-a-Tim Horrible .Crimea in Tea- " ro, ttx.tvt, 4 - The Mnv of a tt ihI ish iloiililetniirderhaslHrn rrreivcl her..! Thn.' ooimtv Tlio viilims m uriiBT nnmii l l iwv nn.1 nis L'nmn in ii.-tnfj:irr jizzio. in,, inthr. wtm h;i,i l.1 kssowi and .lr:mK1 smiie ilist.tmi. fr,mi li lionie was found with bis thro:it i nt.. Tlw flaiiRhter had lioen .issnnltnt and then miir tereil hy umtiliitioii A h-wwt tnfks won. discovered in th yani. whieh, on tu ine f 'l lowl, led to tho ainst ..f a negro mwlmy n saia ne nan sroppii at t:mey s hons. tv a annk and anw two white men enter the yr.m as be left. The norm's lariat was miss lug and he was taken into custody. Fearin lynching, the ofticers left Thrw kmorton with tne prisoner. onng ftlrl Ontraffril. New YoRK.Oct 4. -The people of Breslan Lone island, are Kreatly eieitl over brutal outrage cimmittil by nepro upon Clara Lierow, aged 1. while sho was retuniing from school t Habylon to ber father's residence nt Breslon tnurslav alternoon. siome hours later man driving along the turnpike sai the girl j i ne roau apparently dt ad. H im ner iu nis wagon to the nearest farm house, where she revived under medical treat mentandwas able to say that a bla. knian nan attacked ner; she then rclapH'd int. eolisciousness and rs m a critical 'Tmdition t rowds are hunting for tlh- negro. Not Horn To He Hanged. Fort Worbh. Tei , (li t 4 I). S rnrtis, age" . has laid tiefore County Attorni Bow en the details of a tragody in which i,0 was prin-iial. He says that two months ato ne w as cnaiveit by pwple in the Dear creek neigiii.orls.i.j.1 nub liemg the inu of the lir- ftliation of slaislrous reports about a yonng oiiian, ami inai it was demati'lcil that he many her in reparation, lie refuse-), when a young man hit him on the head with an as uanille. crushing his skull. While in lied suf fering from Ins wounds a nnrtv of seven t.x.fcj nun out and hanged hmi to a tree. He savs toon bis Unite from his Docket and cut himself down. A Hunk I'resident'a refutations. t)UTH l-lUMlXOrlAM, MltSi., (Ill s a result of the reevnt examination into the affaini of tiie Franklin I'ountr National bank ., i ..!.! W TL :, n,i,i. jresiuent Mimnionds n- ilgned 1 hursday and Director Snnd-rson w eltrte.1 pro tern. About fCM.imu woithnf qutsiHinauiu pap-r. mostly of the late uresi jcm. nas come mtn t le wissc-Kion .,1 th.. 011I1K. w uich is still solvent. Examiner tint .iH'ii stays it will be able to (untinue tmsiiwss or the loss of dividends. The directors claim to nave inen ignorant of .s;iimicnda' icula tons. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. ' Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Hie I'hlCRfto AnurrliiaU. nr. Auu. 4. J lKt ekdit f,vi. ll 4naixrhists will not know what d-ii,,r, Judge iTiirvwill render on the motion of their Jounsel tor n new trial until next Tuesday or neilliesitav. 1 he ti ine ,,f s,, n.....v 31 a coiiti-ndictory and lmneachinu tiatnn. las delnve.1 the progress of the arguments in l w ivn court adioumed Frirtav ev,,,,!.,.. I ruacK snia ir would take turn the i,..i n joontlny forenoon to timsli his arnuuieiit A Farmer Short Fifteen Hundred. MllXERSBfUO, Ohio, Oct. 4 iMae Hri k- inghani. an old farmer, was tlxed out of H.iihi on the fair ei-ounds bv two .wi. rhy were not running an open tmsiuess, but uey represented to the old man that thev were Bible agents, and talked about the icnrcity of money, and would tier that tie Buckingham, could not show ?!,.'. W h,.,! he money was shown tbey snatched It and or awav. : ape or a I'cmvirU Atlanta. 5a.,(X't. 4. -Charlie lio the tioiis wife-murderer and pay-car robber inn escaiied trjnn the Dade coal inino i,. e w as working as a twentv-vear , n...... large reward is offered for his ciptuiv. Ilisastroua Flra at Neymonr, Ind. Srvuoi R, Ind., Oct. 4 -Th most dis astrous fire that has visited Seymour for rears burned the iilaning-mili of Trnvi. Carter & Co., the largest in southeru Indiana, on Wednesday night The building was it new twtHitory brick, and the machinery of the most modern make. This is the fourth time the firm baa been burned out, the second lime on the same sput Low. fctnono. j. i ranee. n una Chssp Mall Boxai. The finest mail and paper box ever in Tented is for sale at the .A nous office at the low price of $1 each. The same box la Bold everywhere at $ 1 . 50. Call ami ex -amine them Offarmaa Island Picnic Grounds Churches and Societies deairintr rates or transportation, should .cni. arlytoltliJ. Frankland, P, 0. drawer Si Rosk blMdi 111,, or .ill at Uw inland, INDORSING HENRY GEORGE. An lntbnHfastic Meeting at 1'hlrkcring Hall, New York. New York. Oct. 4. It is not possible f or g-atlierinij of men and women to be muc more enthusiastic than was the meeting ( 'bickering hall Friday night to indorse the nomination of Henry Goonre for mavor. F.very seat was filled and over BOO peopk smr-j in rows mat extended as far back the cauacity of the lobbies would alio' The gathering had a quiet and refined ah that has not been seen at any previous moor meeting. Many women were present By the time the hand had played "Columbia, me uem ol the ttecan, 1 z,:wu people were present. Augustus Levy nominated Rev. Dr. John W. Kramer, of Heber Newton' church, for chairman. Rev. Heber New ton was introduced amid great cheering. Hi speech was frequently interrupted by shouts anit cneers. 1 he body of the audience would stand, and, waving their hats, shout again and again until'some of the phraws were re- peaici. i rotessor le lsir, of C olumbia col lege, ol-o made a lively sech. Sanitary t'.ngmeer Charles F. VV jugate said: "V aie calleil clanks, an-1 Henry lleorge has iwn called the km; of the cranks. Anv man who has worked about nia-hlnerv kno that a ci ank is a piece of metal that effei revolutions. Yells and cheers. Henry In-orge w-ill Im the head of our revolution. 1'rol'esscir l. It S. -oil, of tho College of tlie t lty of ii'w York was the next sneaker. hiiihlnf 1 of the students had gathered in the gallery, and gave their college cheer time after time while he spoke, although tb noise was drowned in the roar ol applause. He said: "Knr the first time in forty years I have left my study to go to a political meeting. I asl yon that yen vote tor Henry Wenrge."' Rev Dr. MctJIynn said: "We are creating a S' ond and with all reverence for the fit st a Is-tter declaration of indeiiendem-e." Itesolu tions were adopted indorsing tisi-te and a1 pointing a coiiinntUv to meet with the lal organisations and prepare an addns to the citizens. I he meeting did not close until :-'A and the hundreds of iicoplewhowt standing stood and chevred till the euiL The Itemains of "hlcf Justice Chase. tol.l Mm s. tmio. Oct. 4 An intimate friend cf the late Chief Justice Chase and his liinuiyto nhom was intrusted the arrange ment.-, tor the i-emova! of ih. remains of th late secretory from W a-liingtun to Spring tri-ove o'liietery at Cini-innati, arrivefl here Friday on his return from the east, an 1 made a reort to l ,vei nor Foraker as t the pro gramme win. ti will ls followed. He went e.-1-.t at the ieou,-t of the governor and the familv ot tlie decnsrsl, and it has tioeu di eiood lliat tls- removal shall take pla-e on n i-f. i:,ni i-n,K Hi" , lay on which the n- niaili. shall ! a -h Cohiinbus by sHS-ial trail and wliere the foimal ceninonics will t ik. place. 1 lie criiniony will take plniv in the loioooaoi nie caUKH, aiKI tlie allresM4S will l. deliven.l bv Mr. Justii-e Matthew an-i ex tJoveinor Hoadl. v. l'owderly's Letter to Coal Operators. Nfw York. Oct. 4.-TI... Woild s Haz. ton. l a . di.pit h sjiys that Oneral Masti norklllitll l'owderly foi waidisl on Weilnes day a new ileiiian.1 to Coxe Brothers. He ringer ,v lomen. and Ario, rard.-e. Sons & t o.. ioal o-.-ai(.r. in this as fi lows: i iiu.iiess yon lor the putKseo inaKing ;i lin-ii risjnst tliai tlie men rei-elv an mlvaii-e of wages. I k,iow that it is im- possibk' to longer check the ardor of the men. A strike is inevitable unk'ss some thing is done to aveit it. The men have, nctmgonom- advise, refrniin-d from strik mg tor some tune, imt that patience is being exhausted, and we ca:i nf longer prevent iis'm ii-om making aneitort to adjust wages. ineoiaai.irs ri'iuse to lalk about the cir cular or as to what they will do. rienro- I'Keumonta In New Jersey. ekona. j . im. 4 iDe cases of pleuro-pneumonia have lxsn discovered among the entile on -the farm of William Chase. Throe eows have died, three are living, and three more were taken sick Fri day. H hen the disease was tirst discovered two days ago. notice was sent to Dr. William In-e, the state electuary snrosm. who made an lns tloii of the cattle. He be came salwlvsl that the disease w i,l.,r, pneumonia mid placed ihe farm under onar- amine, i no l.irm I. surrounded by other liiems on which then are droves of cattle, a large supply of milk lieing s, ut to Nei Yoit. ticu. Stiles' Sitateinevt Contradlcteil. tonn.. (let. 4 The state mem in treii. allies official reiwrt of the .-1M. lies camimiKU. made putihc at Washine. on... ,j,L vTcrouiuio was not calv uireii oui surrendered isiiKtitionally, is con- tiadlctcd l.y ( apt. Ijiwton, who was in com. inand d tlie l'nit-d suites troojis at the time i me cainuiv. in a private teleeram tc i.lellt Alice of the Winchester armorv dated at Albuquerque. N. M . Cpt. Lawton explMlly a-nff that the surn-nder of (iero- mmo was ruupk-J with any conditions what soever. Ciould and lorosini Ara Out. ew souk. lict. 4.-Morosini's k.alonlr oi insure i.ouij hasut lnt broken out into quarrel, and when the l.-rokel at'e firm dis solved Mom-iui did not follow the (joulds to tEeir new olhee. He had Kin a contiilant ol Jay Gould lor fifteen y.-ais. and cimld not endure to s-e the tonng man craduallv n. 'bnting him. Monisini's trouble with hi- laughter has aged liim very much, and made tiliu cnw. and uglv. All his business asso laies uisciaiin any acquaintance with his family altans Lillian Kussell's Husband EW OKK. U.-t 4 The Hudson conntv .ew jers y. grand jury ITidav mdnted Ed ward Solomon, husicind of Lillian Ru5ll i.r ingniut , aiwr lu'arliig me tes linonv ol Motaiken chTgvipan w bo man nil him lo Jli-s mis li. an-i in it oi nu ivngllsn lawyer in regard to ins pivviou., mairl.-t y lit Kngtund. age to Lily In llebalf of Soldier l'liuters. ASHI.MiTOS CITY. Oct. 4 A .-ommirt,, of the Cinon Veterans' union ca)kl upon the puunc pnni. r rnoay in behalf of their com aoes w-no had been discharged from the gov- rmnent. printing ofiitv. lr. Benedict, as. sureil tli-m that tlie union soldiers in his of- ice need n .f fear discharge, if competent ai-d iiiennve i iuitv. Ueriinitiio A ruled by Sfeslrana WASHlNtiTtis City, Oct. 4 The 1'osi Sat- unlay morning published a column article in Inch it is claimed that (Wonimo. tlie Aiwhe chief, who was recently caniim.l has lieen equipissl. clotlie 1 ami armed by the Mexicans in order t hat he iniirht continue bV jilt against the Cuited States army Tlie I're.idenl to Visit a Fair. Kli llM.'M), Va . O t 4 -Mr. Koliert Hv orly. presidmt of the Virginia state Agri cultural soc iety lias telegnqied from Wnsh iugton that President Cleveland will cer tainly visit tlie fair on the s:lst inst.. and probably bring Mrs. Cleveland with hiin. The Knrtliquaka In Oermnnr. Berlih, Oct. 4 Violent earthauakesf-.ocka have Yurrod throughout Thuriugia and wwrr fKtris in eeinrai (iermany. TltKNIt IK KW.1B f.'t-rs. The best Mood nnririer and ci.m ulator ever placed aitliin flic' reach of ouvioiy uuiiiuuiiy, truiy is leucine Bit ters. Inactivity of the I.iv. r It;iii.,. Jaundice, Consumption, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or who ever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always fiud Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. Thcr act snrclv and ooiebi. every bottle guaranteed to give entire sat isfactlon or mnnn efm4wi ci fifty KstBtl fjnUJfl HtlBfchi Hfii "My Only Family Medicine." I Lave been a user of Simmon's Liver Regulator for many jeare, having made it my only family medicine. It is a pure good and reliable medicine. My motbei before me was very partial to it. I find the Regulator very safe, harm less and reliartte as a family medicine, and have used it for any disorder of tbe system and found it to act like a charm I believe if it was used in time it would prove a great preventative of sickness. I have often recommended it to my friends and ?hall continue to do so. "Ret. Jab. M. Rollins, g'Pastor M. E. church. South Fairfield Va. "To J. li. Zeilin & Co.. Philadelphia." Eight million dollars has been paid out for pensions at the New York Sub Treasury during the past quarter. THE MARKETS. f'HH ;n, ( N t. 2. On tin- if'hpI "f tuum to-flity lite qtmtHtiima werca- f-riinw: Wfit-nt Su. (!e'obi r,oH'iie.i I'l.-Mi-ti 7-':,4-:-m-; N-tvonihr. t',K-!itil lifi, vm -tl 7-V 'kl; !' fnil i r. i im-i-cI 77-, f:l(w.l VtiW- hj-l t ,,i n - ;o( inln-r jicutii :-"1'i. No,mirj. iircni-J rUw : I ... i',..icn.'. :ai.-, , !ts l :'N:. Odi'j t u. tr-iwr. -.' I .:..'-Mt -4' au, No-ni.- '. .ftit-l :- ,.. I' s.-i :w: Ih: t'ft,i.s'r. 'I'pinM s,-, i lii- .l nt-nii'inl. I'ork Vtxth.-r, oiH-n-..! t'j.x'.V l-'-vi! N vcinbi r, ci . itcl ;!' ;... , ii.., ,( jss,'.; V.-nr, 0p,IM"t'1' l"j Ttitril . IiimiI Jf t. I.hmI ulv. v ,-i ,-,1 k" k .1. 1 1 -tl fr..,:, KrtkH. Av ytt k 'I It.- ('i)in st.H k y,H it,. iviHirt thf i"n, ( t; Tiiniii- fi i.-,'r,: Mhi kt fwned ai livt' iiful firm. n h i-rirt' '.. it Innher; Ilkltll ulil'tt s. ''' 4 4": iiHIh p.t. khiU. 41.HI..6 .!; Ii.-.v-Mi'.cl lit k i nt; and shipping tfl -. 4 I . : tii. 1' .: Unit-1 1 ln ii"i.i inn . . u-atiH i v. -' !'!) . -y-'.:t-; i,.-kini?."l ''I: HV. Kpius -Mrii ll frl,. 1i9-,(.1Ti- p.-r !,. lonUt . hi- Urn- t ti'-'is. s.'; )ring dn k-. S : n'f hii k. s; viUiiir ttitkcvsL !-.r.ln. I'ni;-.!... I-,. t r-.e.OV' ii r liu: liur- N.-M A oi k. Ni:w iift,-. o.-r. Mil-;.- - N". 1 -vd MS- No. 1 lite st:itt!. N. -J nd ljit.l' t it- It. aV; d-i V- tolwl. MV'. '.'"fi, - 'n. 'Jl !in d rash. do Di-ccn r. Cats- No. 1 Mint.- flute. SKi; Xu.M'i, :H:k; No. .' rniM'd t.-tu r, 3lt hid; Nov.-ml vr, ii!i, li. (lull .-md n.iiiiimif; ttf. -V ; wtei'vii. rtV.i.".T. I',art-v- I Mi 11 ltd, i'.ik Inill: vi w int's-. tUWifr t. I.tinis WlttMt -V,rv - i, ;Mld l-.'IVi'vr, N;. J Ittl fit - tt 74 ,4 i ; N-ti i tn'ii -r, V-V : ! tet cudnT. ; Mfiv. Ni'i,d,s. I iim i ;ik util 'i'-i-nC lower; Unlive. , a h, ;, . o tdnr. No. 2 mix,' 1 fH-h , 4,- (i, f(rtf r. s-'ac; Novciiiln'i. : M.n . . Hc V . hittuetl. Wlilskv l,'iiin r; t l:t. I;iKi tradf.T: Jo. "5. . Mtl. VI kl-K. . 4 N't. -. De. ftidfi. -. nin Pnil; No. -n Oit-.i M.-.'.-t,. N.. S. .'4't,.' Hiv St. rnlv; N'ti. 1 H:iili- - -r: No t. ma; . TI4HK 1KLAND. tatr 2tc Hay TinvHhv JltUhr. Hav-WiM-Ir.-Otl 0rn -She. OfjioDi OotlOnfi H(r : haul ffi M Cord VxxI-f.t Oil. LD0flAX COOK STOVESI RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES, AT WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S, Rock Island, Opposite Harper House. Illinois. I hate just leceivtd ruy fust installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, KoK FALL AND WINTER WEAK, And exk'iid a cordial invitation to my patrons for an inspection of tin? saint. Very finest work, Lowest juices, and perfect lit guaranteed. J. B. ZIMMER, No. 1810 Second Avenue Kock Island, 111. ROCK ISLAND HOUSE SHOTS SHOP, 4tink'rt,'l"llinis More) JOHN O. FREED, Proprietor. fjfwciat altt'iition paid to fi 4'Uf-tom Work. Hopiiirtiifrdone noally and promptly. JOHN T. NOFTSKEli, LOOK A.T OTJR NEW RANGES, -THE- FilVJJHMDE! A slight examination will con vince vou of the -0K- These Ranges OVElt ALL OTHERS, We cballenge the world to produce their equal at any pric ice. David Bon, JP.7 8ecih(J ATenfls, JRoek Jnd