Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, THURSDAY, ; OCTOBER 28, 1886. AT THE ALTAR. 'he Calliag-H4FrMa Kapttels Teg. terday Afternoon. At the bride's borne on Eighteenth ;reet at 4 o'clock yesterday, a quiet iou?h Drominent wedilioe occurred, in ic joining of the hearts and fortunes f Mr. W. C. Collins, of .Rush Centre, Can., and Miss Anna J. Henderson, of lis city. The ceremony was performed y Re. G. J. Luckey of the First M. E. hurch, in the presence of a very few near (ilatives of the contracting parties. The ouple were driren to the home of Mrs. fury Collins, mother of thegreoni, itn lediately following the ceremony, where liey will remain until the bride has re ovcred sufficiently from her present reak condition resulting from illness, to lake the journey to her future home in Cansas. Mr. and Mrs. CoHinsare both very well nown in Rock Island, which has been he home of each from infancy. Mr. Jolliis was for many years one of Stew rt & Montgottjpry's most successful raveling salcsnteolmpd during his period cal returns 10 th'e5y, he was a promi nent member of Rock Island society and . singer of no dfAnt merit. Ten nonths ago he went cst. locating at iush Centre, in e jf Kansas, where le has already builii flourishing bus' ness. The bride has alwnvs moved in he best circles of Rack Island, her many .ccomplishments and womanly qualities jiving her a host of admiring friends. Juice last September she has been quite eriously wJisposcd. but being fortunate a having the constant care of Dr. Cow ten, whose home was in the same bouse, be soon recovered and her complete re urn to health is now only a matter of a cry thort lime. Mr. and Mrs. Collins lave the congratulations and best wishes f mint friends. Mr. 's past record is such thai he should V iti:rried to th- h'lll or congress to continue the rorti m The interest or tins cornmencea. Vtitr for honest, tried and true 'Bill'' AWft, the Hup!' friend. Theatrical. SALSM.HVS TROfBADOCRS. The sale ot seals for Salsbury's Trou badours opened this morning at C. G Knell's. The indications point to a very big bouse, and those desiring choice seats should make early application. Thi merits of this company "are, too well known to need much of an introduction lo our readers "The Brook" has been entirely rewritten this season, new songs. graceful dances, and many new situations added to make this already verv popular piece more famous than ever, if that were possible. I.Kr-TKK ALLEN'S MINSTRELS. Oa Snurday evening the kings of burnt cork specialties will hold forth at Har per's theatre. They come to us fresh from laurels won in Chicgo. New Tork, Phila delphia and Cleveland, and with the ens tire press of the country singing their praisea The company includes among its members artists famous for their vari ous abilities. Some enchanting music and excem specialties are promised. The sale of seats opens tomorrow morn ing at C. C. Knell's. Manager Knell telegraphs to lie AtGt's from Chicago, that he has jast closed a contract with the Tyctih opa company for November 10, at Harper's theatre, and adds "it is the largest company on the road. " The sale of seats for the Lester fc Allen minctrf.1 pntprtAinmpnt nnpnpd ftt. Hrtr per's theatre this morning. TV county nuances wilt te safe tn the hfffu -ptf.-A a man as John Schafcr for ttu nerl iorm e years. Many republican mil rote .tor turn. Do likewise, ami your vote wtli be instrumental en tirr-uking tie "court house ring." He W ax Still Head The other day when Morgan was down in Drury be met ao intelligent looking young man whom he thought might have t-jine influence, walked up to him and shook him warmly by the hand with the inqoiry: "How is your father?'' The young man answered; 1 My fath er lias been de;id three years " "Indeed. " replied Morgan; "I had not heard of it I knew na intimately; he was one of my liest friends and I regret to hear it; he was one of the best and purest men I ever knew; you have my sym pathy." The same evening he met the same per son in the church and having forgotten his face accosted him the second time with How is your Father?" The young man looked at him for a moment and said "He i3 still dead," and walked off thinking that he bad struck the greatest crank in the Hate of Illinois. Moraine Fire. An alarm of fire in the Second ward at 5:25 this morning was occasioned by the discovery of flames on the roof of a small house, owned and occupied by -John Rleainocber, on Eighteenth street and Ninth avenue. The fire was the result of a defective chimney flue, and the entire roof was demolished, entailing a loss of aliout S300. Tbe Phrenix, Holly and Franklin companies responded promptly, and under the supervision of Assistant Chief Sullivan, the rite was soon under control. The nearest hydrant was three bhcks away, and Assistant Chief Sullivan was obliged to borrow hose from the Franklins and lay it across lots to reach the scene of the fire. The lMt Token. The last sacred office that the living c in pay to the dead was paid Ihis after noon, when the body of the late Miss A'inc L. Osborn was tenderly consigmd to its eternal resting place at Chippian.- n K.k cemetery. Tbe services at the res ilience of Col. Henry Curtis, on Second avenue, were strictly private, and were conducted by Rev. Ray, of Chicago. The family performed every service themselves, there being no pall bearers in the ordinary sense of the word. The l aloa'a "Hameriat," The Moline Chimtt aptly remarks; The Davenport Gaiette is now running Muline department Moline people will welcome a morning paper which does not Inflict upon them tbe alleged jukea of a man wboiij only claim td wit rit IB the mot mat no. soars w ur barns U t nor!ft p( PM!"nl mptU BUTTERFLY BENNETT. ! Bobby's Idea r His Bmty to the Ordtr ho Kereaeaa.FoBtiea ft' trot. It is one of the fundamental principles of the Knights of Labor organization, that politics shall play no part in the carrying forth of the object of the order, and that the elevation and protection of labor shall be the one end sought At this very moment there are matters requiring the immediate attention of the state master workman, but the; must wait nntil that gentleman has finished bis political wire working before he can give his attention to the Knights of Labor interests. Bennett at one time had a conscience this was before he went actively into politics for he once said that he bad no right to use his office fur political pur poses, and that under no circumstances would be do so. But all these personal convictions as to principle have appar ently fled from Bennett's mind; he has within the past week not only gone into politics, but he has taken the office of state master workman of the Knights of Labor with him, and is using an office imposed upon him as a sacred trust, to gain political and personal ends. Further (ban this, he is working boldly against the man whose nomination he sought in the interests of the Knights of Labor, and who has been formally endorsed by the greenback labor convention in this congressional district m which Bennett was indirectly represented. Bennett was an ardent snpporter of Mr. Neece until less than a week ago, when be changed as suddenly and as unexpectedly as a flash of lightning would come from a cloudless sky, and today.he is laboring tooth and toenail for Gest, while the office of police magistrate which the people have intrusted to him, and his exalted position as state master workman and t numerous duties, are left for the present to take care of themselves. Bennett should pose in a dime museum as an ex ample of the manliness and virtue and dignity of labor be claims to be. Those who have placed him where be is, would then be ashamed of themselves. Mrhoflrltl. T.J. Schofield, Esq., a brilliant young lawyer, and prominent democrat of Car thage, Hancock county, is in the city to day, and tonight be will address a demo cratic and people's meeting at Muline. Mr. Schofield is a member of the law firm of Schofield & O Hara. formerly Schofield, O Hara Jfc Schofield, but which was dissolved by the election of the sen ior member, a brother to Mr. T. J. Scho field to the circuit bench. Mr. ' Schoieta is at toe nock Island bouse. Hesas en thusiastic for Mr. Neece's reelection. and his remarks tonight will be on the congressional ticket mainly. It was he who rcade Mr. Neece's nominating speech in the Monmouth convention. ef A Good Investment Anvone w ho has ever dealt in lands. knows that no investment of money will so surely and quickly yield a return, as such a venture if carefully made. To the absolute safety of a government bond, is added a profit far in excess of rate of interest which can be obtained on any safe loan. In Kansas and Neb raska especially lands are raising in value very rapidly and with a steady growth which gives assurance of stability. The good season and the great tide of immis gralion into these slates has made invest ment there doubly safe and desirable. Tbe climate of Southern Nebraska and of Kansas, free as it is from tbe long ngen'ruus cold winter, added to a soil uaaopi9ed for richness and productive cf psaify, has made possible the wonderful drejopment of these slates. To the far- T tjiey noiu ciui special luuuceiuruus. uja land, easy term of purchase, good markets amXvaried products enable him to own his isq2m Amallercost and with less labor t6 is required to pay rent. for the landThWyJijaes here, or the interest on the toqjwtJ has invested in it. If joirSre looking for a safe place to invest money, where it will pay you a large and sure profit, or if you are a farm er and want a farm of your own, call on me and see what 1 have lo offer. I will make the visit profitable to yon. Office over American Express office. Rock Is land. 111. Saville Johnston. Renumber tin. Oranue picnic, and he who es pouiud the cause of tteiwitnctng the freedom of ri-iiijiovts princiAe. won uerutitnceu. t.ui.iivuasn, arid aloileii over the oppressions wut:U haee of- fltrAtd Ireland for a quarter of a century. .r w t'aat L,iae to Nt. Pawl aaa" Miaaeapolia. Beginning Sunday, October 31, 18S6, a ccw fast line to St. Paul and Minneap olis will be opened from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, via the "Burlington route," -Chicago, Burlington & (juincy rail road. in connection with tbe newly completed Chicago, Burlington & North ern railroad. Over it a Oouole service ot through trains will be run, making a fast time as is made over any otber line be tween the same points. Tbe new and elegant equipment com posing these trains, which are construct ed especially for service on this new line. will include fullman sleepers, "liurnng ton route" dining cars and comf ortab le passenger coaches. From both Chicago and St. Louis through coaches, dining cars and sleeping cars will be run; and from Peoria, through coaches connectine at Rio with the tbrongh equipment from St. Louis. For tickets, rates, and general infor mation concerning the "'new fast line to St. Paul Minneapolis, via the Burlington route, call on or address any railroad ticket agent, or Paul Morton. G. P. and T. A., B. & Q. K. R., Chicago. Male your next count clerk out of an inlettl- gyrit. hard-working man, who has by his own merit andinitiistry, matte himself what he it. Let your vttte be for honest Jim Uapannugh, t onatr Baildias. TRANSFERS. 26-J. C. O'Haver to W. N. Crothcrs, si, nwj. net. 30. 15. aw, $225. Tbos. U. Ptfgnm to J. H. Maucker, lot 9. Heinrich's sub-division of pt lot 12, 3, 17, 2w, 150. P. L. McKinnie to Sullivan M. Hill, pt lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Wm A. Nourse's ad dition, Moline, known as Terrace hill, $9,000. LICENSED TO WED. 27 William C. Collins, Rush Centre, Kan., Hiss Anna J. Henderson, Reck Island: William D. Taylor, Elk county, Kan., Miss Harriet D. Clark. Hampton; Gustaf F. Widerquist, Miss Ingeburg Roberts, Moline; Swan G. Nelson, Hiss Lotta Olson, Moline; William Boehme, Miss Kate Dovle, Rock Island; Gustaf Herngren, Miss Christina Carlson, Mo line; Oliver Livingston, Miss Amelia Web ber, Moline. Cant three votes for John T. Kenworthy, for member of the tegidatvrt. Sock Island county's mtertst aemena inai ru oe sent w opnngjieta. Barin Bsrflbtrdt spelle tbl plftbi,l BRIEFLETS.. Knox and Dunlnp bats, at Li German's Moneyjto loan by the Building associa tioa, Tuesday, Nov. 2. Caps, caps of all kinds, at Lloyd & Stewart's. Remember (he great blanket sale this week at McCabe Bros'. Bon. thas. Dunham ot ueneseo, was in the city this morning. All kinds and qualities of underwear, at Libcrman's. Special flour sale i Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Streckfus A Sckaab: Underwear, underwear, underwear at Lloyd & Stewart's. Be sure and see Streckfus & Schaab before buying your flour. All kinds of driving and dress gloves, at Libcrman's. Jonathon Space of Bowling township, was in the city to-day. And still tbey come; fresh goods every dav at theCentral shoe store. Save ft per barrel by buying your flour of Streckfus & Schaab. Heavy Jersey jackets at $2.83. The same witb wide Hercules brain trimming at $2 90 and $3 50. at McCabe's. Col. D. W. Flagler is expected on an official visit to Col. Baylor on tbe island tomorrow night. If you like oysters, drop in and try a dish of tbe best New York counts kept in the city, at Krell & Math's. The wholesale flour store of Streckfus & Schaab is retailing flour at wholesafe prices. Stamp Deputy Huckslaedt has received orders to forward ull his stamps to Quincy tomorrow, that they may be counted. 4. The headquarters of Col. Baylor on the Island have been supplied with telephone communication with Rock Island. The telephone number is 1119. McCabe Bros, opened the season w ith elegant fitting double-breasted New Mar kets and well made for $3.63. and have not beard of as good a garment anywhere for less than $.". N. P. F. Nelson has removed to No. 1805 Secoud avenue, where be has put in a new stick of ready made men's boots and shoes. Custom work and repairiog a specially. Heavy bouele j.iikets veiy l:its;t shape and superior tailor make, $ o 6S at Mc Cabe's. Others ak a mueh hitrher price for the same goods. Other lighter bouc- !e jackets at $3; black only. St. Joseph's fair at Turner ball is at tracting a large attendance nightly, und people are taking a liberal interest in the prizes contested. Tbe gold headed cane contest between Congressman Neece and Mr. Gest, is to be decided at 10 o'clock might. Among those who are in the cily for tbe purpose of attending the funeral of the' late Miss Osborn. are the Mis-cs Woodward and Miss Hessie of IYori, who are at the Harper, and Rev. Ray of Chicagei, who is the guest of Judge Lynde. Tit. rpinlitun party tint Ktioira Helton in 1l ror of tli maintthuiut ot tMr "rourt Am,, ring." Lvt voumtlf no oil rryonl hy four IhUUU nt tttr polls one trefk from mjrl Tatsdilit. an oppostii to tt county gorrramfttt of io- t Jxlilmt m':a agd by any click of ton sTauiimg. TALK FROM A MINER. A hoand fetatemeat from One Who Kaow s Whereof he Sipeaks. Editor Aras . Cakimin Cmkk, Oet. 25. The Akois representative here has interviewed one of Silvia Bros', miners ami gleans tbe fol lowing: The article published in the Moline Disptttri a few days ago is a pack of political bosh, and gained lrom a po litical opponent, if il was ev-r given by a miner at all. Minerscannot be treated better by any operator on Ihis blutf ttan by Silvis Bros. I have mined for them ever since they have been in the business and cannot better myself anywhere. 1 can refer you to a number of men who have come to turns for work, destitute with no tools to work with and nothing to get them with, and also nothing to keep there families with, and have been furnished tools and everything necessary to begin witb, and also money in advance to live on until they had earned some thing. I for one and I think they all feel as I do am satisfied with my em ployes, for, if I was not, I would not stay here. We get the general prices for min ing as the times demand, and I am satis fied we get the steadiest work of any mine on tbe blun. We make good wages, I will show up wages with any of those kickers that the Dispatch speaks of for the Tear, and I am satisfied I will come out best. Silvis Bros, gave us the first advance this fall. That does not look as if tbey pay tbe lowest wages, and never refuse their men money whether they have it coming to them or not. I have known men ( owe them $75, money over drawn, and they keep no truck store. We are paid oS in cash and buy the necessaries of life where we like. Art there any oiera tors who can do more? I have been working for Silvis Bros , for Jour years and have drove entry two thirds of that time, and never got less than 51 cents per bmhel nnd have often bad seven cents. Does any onc pay more? We got 3) cents for room's all summer, and there has lieen lots of coal lug on the bluff for 3 cents. We do not hxve five huudrcd yards, to wheel as the Visputch claims for 250 yards is the farthest wheel, and we do not all wheel that distance. I have mined coal for a long time and can say we have the best mining coal on the Mull, and can make the most money . Wc get cash for pay and get pay for all we do, and as far as strikes arc concerned we arc not of a striking nature. We get all of our grievances arbitrated, which is tlie best way I think ANisek. Tote far the man for congress who bilktie In giving tlte widows of privates as large a pension as the widows of commissioned office rs. Rork Inland Moeial t'lua. The Rock Island Social Quadrille club will be held at Turner hall every Wednes day night. Instructive class from 7 to 8 p. m.; social class, from B to 12 p. m. Admission 25 cents. Dancing school for children will open Wednesday, Oct. 27, at Rock Island Tur ner ball at 5 p. m. sharp. Tuition, f 1 per month. Otto Schnoor, Teacher. Kotics. The members of Rock Island lodge No. 18. I. O. O. F. and all members of the order, are hereby requested to attend a special meeting of Rock Island lodge No. 18, I. O. O. F. at their ball on Thursday evening October 28, for the purpose of making arrangements for the funeral of our deceased tiro. Unurcnili. a run ai tcndince !i (ttnecttd. By order of th SUBURBAN SIFTLNG8. '",'" Hamptoh Oct. 27. 210 voters registered in this precinct. Thomas Bailey is home on the sick list. Mrs. M. L. Vincent and Mrs. Sibley are visiting in Princeton, III. - -Mrs. Kate Pomcroy, of Baltimore, Md., is visiting at Samuel lleagy's. No services at either of the churches last Sunday. Jos. Thomas is putting a new roof over tlanewacker s residence. Mrs. Susan Conklin of Princeton, Ills is visiting friends in town. Mr. Isaac Miller, formerly of this place, now of Rockford, was in town today on a flying visit. Mrs. Ira Graham and Mrs. Arthur Wells, of Chicago, arc visilim; relatives in towu. Mr. Isaac Keller went to Des Moines lowa, yesteniav morning io work in a pottery at that city. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Oilman left for their home in Kingsiey, la., Tuesday morning. Mr. SamArndt spent Sunday in town. He represents Fels & Oppenhcimcr, of Chicago, and is a genial fellow, and rattling salesman. It is rumored that one of our promi nent young ladies is to be united in mar riage this evening with a young Kansas farmer. Hillsdale. III., Oct. 28. Politics ate very quiet in these parts. Henry Wiegins is making preparations for a trip to tbe west. Mr. Julius Carlson is very low with ty phoid fever. The Osborne hois have their contract on the ditch almost completed. Mrs. Bell Taggart, who has been quite low for some time, is showing very little improvement. On Monday next will occur the sale of David Uauberg's farm. It will be sold at the court house in Rock Island. People have begun hovering around the stoves again and hunting up their overcoats. Dr. C. E. llugins It ft here yesterday for Chicago, where he intends to locate permanently and continue tors practice. ' There was a pari v. at Mr. Thomas Quirk's last Tuesday evening. "Quite a large number of young iivoplc were in at tendance and all had a good time. Pleasant Valley, Oct. 26. Mtss Mable Porter returned home to day. She has been making, her friend. Miss Mary Fipcr.'of Moline, a visit. The potatoes are pretty well harvested and do not turn out very well. We have to dig them out, and do not get very many at tbat. Corn picking is the order of the day. It has commenced in good earnest. Some has blown down and it is tedious work uuder the circumstances; hence cora pickers are in great demand. Our enterprising horseman. John Mc Donald, has added femr more horses to h is already large herd. He has them at all ages and styles and prices, and terms to suit tbe purchaser. Mr. Reynolds is adding a largo bain to his many improvements on his bcautilul stock farm. Mr. R. Leleb is the success f ul manager of the concern, and his herds are numbered among the finest in the neighborhood. The parson's big gun is silent. We are wondering if the hot shots of tbe last week have silenced his big guns. Oil, well, Eli. there i no dishonor in ge'ling whipped, especially if you cannot belp it. Mr. Edward Stoebr came to the mine this morning very early with a pleasant smile on his countenance, expecting to do a big day's work. He went down the shaft and behold he bad nothing to work witb but his oil jug. His place hail fallen iu during Sunday and covered up his tools, put the work of a few hours recovered them. Not OterefttimateJ liy Disraeli. Gladstone, as a youn man. was mr estimated by IHsraWi, who wrote in h-tt- tn February, l-"i. and now first puilLshed. tbat Gladstone's oddrvss was dull and merTeet- e, and that he nuht come to be somebody, but he did not tbmk so. He alo wnt of a dull dinner party a w hieh yoiuu; Giadatoue" waspreneait; but tlre was ait extvuenuy cooked swan stuffed with truffles, which, ac cording to Disrueli, was "ihe best company there. Exchange. FrlRtitrned Away t v lh Wires. In Norway it is believed that wolves aro friphtened aw-ay by t!?raph lines. It is aid 'that however hungry a vrolf may lie he will never po into a si-ot that is inclined by ropes stretehed nn ports, Suiee the rint te( graphic hnc was eta!lisbed. twenty yean a?o, wolves ltave never appeared in its neiD borhood. Chicaeo Herald. A Dictionary for theGypftlra, The leaiThsi K7sy, Fran Sztoka. wtn lives in Us2xl, ma just cim4ltl a diction ary of the languacf) of tb? Hnnpariaii fTvpsies. Tbe Archduke -Jccrph has undertak! to print the -work, and a ho a volume of Stzoj -ka's dialevt poems, at bis own cost. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Out) Way to Keep Th-ra Away. There is but one way to kwj t the prls a waj from the skating rinks. Just start the stiry tb;tt skating makes tbe fft prew big. aiui not a solitary fomele will ever be seen at n. rink. Philadelihia Herald. The groatest rtpth off the owi is w!d tfl he 7,706 fathoms. Abraiu S. Hevltt for Mayor of New York. New Yoke, iH 1m. Th Tammany county convention brought forth a penumo surprise Monday evening. II. nnmimitfd A. S. Hewitt for mayor, appointed a conference comnurt!e, and postpono l action on The other Dominations Wbentho convention met in the evening theatiim of tin tmmttte wa3 ratified amid re-it applause. 'orkiitfimm. Tfnumher thuf Voiiffrtxhimti Xrcr gerttrrfl the en foremtent. of tlu iinhL-houi flw on the inioti't. anri w fining nil in hi iwipr fo secure w men jxty nut you jor ejfra tevrk. Notice- All members of Hock Island Encamp ment, No. 12, 1. ). U. F.t are requested to meet at the hall at 1 p. in. sharp on Friday, to Attend the funeral of the late patriarch, Cyrus Churchill. By order of the C. P. J- F. Van Hohn, Scribe. Call cn John Warner & Co. for your bnrd coal, pure Lehigh, nil grades at the lowest market prices. Give them a call. Office at 1808 Second ave nue, and Kroner's old utand on Twenty- fourth street Cail and seethe sample! Telephone 1196. .- Bemoved. Dr. Cowdeo has removed from hiskle residence on Kightecnth street to the room's over Lundy & Bailei's crock ery store opposite the Harper house, and boards at the Uarper bouse. . w"ovMcEniry, Attorney at law, Ivans money on good security, mattes collections. Reference, Mitchell & Lynde,' banker's, .Office in , m. Yyts for the friend cftrbnr-a mm who has been a tiof-Mnjmas tomsttr art irtt t(IM mvkt MOLINE, - t. Frank Schraeder ib improving, but-wii be conflned to bis room for Jwo weeks jet by the doctor's orders. i Mr. George Hoffman, ot Cfc'ela'nd,was in the city yesterday.purchaslng potatoes for bis store, and selling us;. He Start ed for borne via Oeneseo, . . . f , Tbe Congregational church spire, tor a long time considered unsareis' being taken down to the brick work. A new 'one will be put up next spring. Mr. ant) Mrs. Louis Weckel were viBiU ed on Wednesday ereaing by a larue number of friends from this city and Knck Island and presented witb a beauti ful banging lamp to take witb them to their new home at Morris. ' " Miss Ellen Vitzthum was surprised tfi a visit from all ber pupils last evening at ber home. 1 tie children had a very hap py time, which was participated in by Miss v ltztnum ana laniily. James Robinson, foreman of Dimock, Gould & Co., who bas had typhoid fever for three weeks, is gettiog better, bat may not be able to leave the house for two more weeks. ' On Saturday evening Mr. Olson, of lialva, wilt address tbe people of Moline on the political topics of the times past and present. He expects to give part of his address in the nwedisb language and would like .0 have as many of his coun try people out to hear him as can con veniently come. The fire at 4 o'clock this morning was a large barn and the coal sheds belonging to 1'. JN. Wbetsal, 420 Eleventh street, and were totally consumed. No insur ance. There were several tool chests and trunks of clothing belonging to him self and others, in tbe barn: nothing was saved. The whole loss is estimated at about $S00. It is Mr. Whetsal's opinion that tbe tire was the act of an incendiary. His dwelling was saved by the efforts of the fire department, which was not noti fied in lime to fhvc the barn, but did save by hard and earnest work all the ad joining buildings. Mr. Whetsal was for merW a bhirksmith at Deere & (Vs. When honest Mr. Neece spoke in Peal's ball a few evenings ao, did the working men of Moline notice that he was not surrounded on the platform by a galaxy of purse proud accidents of fortune, men who by partial good luck and a parsi monious spirit have ac)uirtd enough ttitby lucre to cause them to imagine they are made of superior clay, to those who have by sweat like blood contributed to their piles of gold. Yes, Ihey did, and on next Tuesday the "horny banded sons ot to: I, Btiall prove at the polls that the shackles whicb have bound them are broken, and that the spell uadcr which the have labored for centuries has been driven awav. H.VLLY, DKMOCKATS! Do not fonret the meeting tuniuht at Peal's hall.' T. J. Scholield. Esu., of Car tilage, a genuine orator, and other peakers will be there to tell tou a few wholesome truths. PUBLIC SALE. The uudsrsi'ned will offer for sale at hi? farm three-fourths of a mile souili of school house No. 1, in South Moline. hay. corn, horses, cattle, farming im plements, wagons, carriages. bu"sies and other articles, on Thursday, the lSlh lay ot .Nov., 18tt. AD-.rH l KCKLE- II. C. Han Is auctioneer. dlw-wat ANOTHER LIE NAILED. Mr. Sharp Silvis found out the pirtier yesterday to whom he was indebted for the accusation that he, during the time of the workmen's strike on the Central street railway, bad pushed a man off tbe sidewalk. The parties were mistaken, and on being brought face to face with Silvis, said be was not the man. Mr. Silvis was not here at all at any time dur- g that strike, on duty or otherwise. SiMotntlan Botlce. To whom it may concern: On the 22d of September. A. D , 186. the firm ef Sehillinger & Trumble, boiler makers of Moline. dissolved partnership, Thomas Trumble assuming all liabilities and is au thorized to collect all outstanding debts martin schiu.inoer, Thoma8 Trumble. Mouse, 111., Sept. 27, 1886. Thomns Trumble will carry on the boil er making business at tbe same place. and hopes to a ent a continuance of the patronage heretofore given the firm. Barta ft Bakcock, DantuU. No. 1724 Second avenue. Special atten tion paid t saving the natural teeth and inserting teeth without plates. Hard Coal ktarkat Crate and e?2 $7.75: ration Vr, a .n.4 nut $7.00 per ton, screened and delivered or uesi quamy oi aninraciie coal. E. G. Frazer. Insure in the Boylston Insurance Co. of Boston. Mass.. crganized 1872. Assclts nearly $1,000,000. E. W. Hurst, agent. Office over Rock Island National Bank You can get cut rales over any railroad at Blake's ticket office 1808 Second avenue. dlv HARPER'S THEATRE. C. C. KNELL, - Manager, ONE SIGHT ONLY, Friday, October 29th. The Greatest Fun Makers Extant! Salsliury's . Troubadours Neltae McHenky, Kate SALsnrKY, In a Magnificent Revival of "The Brook," Depict iuc tbe Pleasures of A SOLLY PICNIC. Laughter oitteraH lnrpsant t New Company! New Music! Gram! HcaliBtic Rain Effect! Sfnmer of Real Water. HARPER'S THEATRE. C. C. KNELL, - - - - Manager. Saturday Oct., 30th. Third Annual Toor Lester & Allen's Big Minstrels ! . , Direct from Wallack's Theatre, N. 1. Billy Lester, Paul Allen. . Larger, Brighter and Better than ever. Blbett ukirll Minatrel Oompaajr in tbe World. 4:" Musical Kings 4 Fred C. Bryant, Got arvgaer. Wood and Beaeley, Fox and WanLtjam WHod. Braham Broth tn, B. H. Talbot, McShane Mldgeta, Little Dixie. Muter Hi ran. THE LONDON SEXTETTE. ' From St. Same Tfalf. London. England. J. Iff Woods, C. 11. C north. D. Cnriatte. Mark Mentor. Jo Bratirai, Aiimso mil mud Uar 91U.UU0 Chai- lentee. . . , . f v Brass Band and Orchestra. The finest tfi-Vic worl bar none. Leatf A Al. lcn a great aftarplaca, taMicif the M$hiao ,c. School Books, School Books. Jnat rewired a large aBaortment of School Supplies - consisting of Slates. Pencils, Ink, Tabletfl, Blank Books, Satcbels, Book Straps, Lunch Baskets, Etc. "Oltl Books taken In exchange for new ones. C C TAYLOR, 1625 Skcond Ave., CALL EVERYBODY, UNPER ROCK ISLAND HOUSE. Only those who mean BUSINESS should read this column.- If you waut to own real estate. H you waut to own a farm, If yon want to buy land, and If tou want it on a small cash payineut.. If you want ono on long time, If you want it on easy terms. If you want clear, straight title?, CALL AT THE Land Office In Postotfice Block, If you want lo borrow m ncy. If you w ant to return it on ea;y payments If you want it for a short time, If you want it for a long time,, CALL. If gou want to invent your money, If yon want to loan larw amounts, If you want to loan small amounts. If you w jnt straight t-ibt p-.rcent. If Tou warn absolute Mifety. CALL. If you want to sell city property. If you waut to buy city properly, If you wnnt to exchange city property I CALL. If you want to buy country properly, If you want to sill country properly. If you want to exchange couniry prop'i v CALL. If you want to do business with a live firm, If you want to do business with a pro gressive firm. If tou want to do business with a firm that will look after your interests, CALL. Our numerous putrens and customers re our best references. Medill, Whitehead & Matthewsi Post Office Block, ROCK ISLAND. Telephone No. 1180. HALF-CENT A W0S!. The Aiwrs hereafter will publish in thi? col umn all an-ert iiaent of Lout. Found. For Rent For Sale. Bo'rd or lioom?. Wanted, aud similar notice, at the low rate of ont-hulf u ar( a uord, iscft figure a word, but no advertisement leas than ten ceoio PER CENT MORTGAGES Improved IOWA Farm. ,Wn-ilv 9 to it ttmi-xtlm loan, and inspected tn tacn case. Completed loam always on hand for sale. Sizes of loans $200 to (10,000 - Time ef loans 5 jears. Ouly cAouwt loans handled. Referenced and details given od application either in person or letter. il. M. HJi.NLfcy. Attorney at Law. 414 Main St., Davenport, lowa. UoR SALE, OLD PAPERS IN ANT quantity at thi? ofitoe, cheap. WOR RENT A DWELLING HOUSE of six rooms, in jood order. 27-lw J. D. TAYLOR. L)R RENT A SUITE OF ROOMS -- on E'chteenth street, between Scc?ud and Third avenue. ST-lw J. U. TAYLOR. Wanted three or four good reliable men with nlentv of cner"v. to start n lmtine8 for themselves : no capital reouired : bic profit.; call on or address . C. F DEWENT). oet 21-1 w IIS Main S'.. Uavuport. IjW BALK, SIXTY LOTS IN MY AD ditions jo the city of Rock lfand on four year ly payments, with Interest al six per rent per an num 1 UAVBNPOKT. CD - s 55 m . -a w 14 o Q w t P a w s P3 CO z H Ph uf H CQ cd T3 c o u CeO hi o t1- Is GASH; CENTRAL SHOE STORE. I f.' ' 'I I OUR GREETING FOR FALL AND WINTER: Bargains of Great Value ; FOR EVERY ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS. The moat complete assortment of Boota and Shoes in the west. G. L. WYNES, Hakper House Block. JACKETS. MCINT IRE & CO.. MONDAY morning will show the FINEST and LARGEST line of JACKETS, lined and uulined, that has ever been their pleasure to offer. Iu connec tion with the above Sffering they will show a complete and elegant assortment of SHORT WRAPS in astrachan, ji!uli. boue'e, fringe, etc. To emphasize the above fact they will offer Heavy Boucle Jackets, nicely made, at - - $3.98 Heavy Jackets in plain cloths?, at - - - 2.95 Long Newmarkets, just received, at - - - 3.98 and other bargains equally as glen'. McINTIRE & CO., Ask for Carse -ALL WIDTHS IN Butt BEST For the Tur CARSE in. BOTTOH IEVXD, CO D3 -i l CO CO o c3 s CD S3 CD CO o i t -c -tr o o - m C '5 3 o L -STANDS Low Prices S on, H.,1 or Congiess. j&fc.X" n 'hem a no bk Convin kd Jr. fml &co., J'T-fyQ and 15it Thud Ave . , J Sfe . 1 -1N- Hats, Caps and LLOYD 33. BIIIKIIEnsnF'IELID, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, COXFECTIONERY, CIGARS, ETC. The cheapest place in the eitjr to purchase. Light e.vpences in running my business is the secret of my low prices. No. 319 TWENTIETH STREET. THE LATEST NOVELTIES, THE NEWEST DESIGNS, AND THE FINEST SELECTION OF SILVERWARE IN THE CITY, IN SOLID and PL ATED-W AllE, AT Will R. Johnson's Tea Spoons, Fish Knives, Coffee Spooan, Salt Peppers, Sugar-Tonga, Pie-Kuives, Olive Dish Tongs, Cream Ladles, Butter-Knives, all cnei iu handsome Plush, Decorated Glass, iu Castors, Celery," Pickle Spooner (tnd Teas. & Co.'s $3 Shoe. WARRANTED. CO m H o iA r I Q "A 31 -a c - 8 o P5 Pi O i-l o o S c ra c ei ec e CO o 5c FOR- Square Dealing Furnishing Goods. & STEWART, 1S04 Second Avenue. airi 91 ugmsY ?Mi