Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island Daily Argus. ROCK ISLAND, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30, 18S6. PKICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXV. NO. U. Second Avenue corner of y Eighteenth StX f 2r x comparison in our S line of Hats and Men'8 Furnishing'Goods generally rr VMS rxM V i,''i:ir tntvc cvitt on- perfuft. imil will tend Cnp., L... tw.ntvda trie!, to resKn.ihle parties. i f Vf Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac (t tors for furnishing; and Laying Dkeke's Block, Moline, 111. Telephone FALL '80. HOPPE, TAILOR, (successor to and lute Cutter for I. I-iberman ) 1803 Second Ave., Rock Island. FINE WOOLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. Largest nm most complete stuck '. the Lowest 1'rircs. Particular Attention given to Good Work. AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS MACHINES. S. H. MOORE'S ewing Machine Room 7ji:d Are., and Twentieth St., Rock Island, 111., and 326 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa. jgFTerms and prices defy competition. All kinds of Machines Repaired and Warranted. Oil, V ll'M 11 1 ii.i;ilie. fir all kiii u of H i- jin-;. . V . fCv.' ' j 4 y i: 4 II ' .; First-Glass rfr fwk BENNETT'S STOCK Sigh Big Glove. J. T. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, 1706 Second avenue. HAWTHORNE'S OYSTER PARLOR, RESTAURANT AND BAKERY, No. 1611 Second Avenue. tSpecial attention paidjto furnishing picnic?, partle., etc. E. WILCOX, DEALER FLOUR AND FEED, DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS Steam Fitters. A complete torfc of Pipe. Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, Stc. Sole a en!, for- Vl Deane Steam Pumps, -ii SICHT PEER r.HRRK'ATORS. Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 Fiest Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. TulwDhone 1148. Hi eideoce Telephone 11.17 -WINTER '87.- kciit in ntoctc. PATRONIZE W. P. Tindall's SALE AND FEED 1 ji vfirv ;smh ft J ' 1013 and 1615 Tliird avsnue, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. Turn-Outs. Gloves I Gloves! Fur alt kimis of Gloves and SliMcns call and in8ie!t Over 5U0 different styles, warranted to fit and will cot rip; glomes for everybody, and no shoddy. tSlnvea cut to order mid repaired. GKORUE BENNETT, No. Iflflj Second avpiiu, Hock lalnnd. IN SPECIAL IPS' iwnmM.Fwn 1 FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE PrprM with irr4"t rptmrt tTnrltT.mTtt(rth and Hcalthfiilnwtt. Dr. priN Ilnkinir Powder rontntnn nr Ammonl,Lime,Alnm or Phospnnte! Hr Prirr'a Ertracto, Vamlia, Luioon, etc., flavor deliriously. PRKX BAKIHG POWDER CO. Chkmja art SI LmUL A Great Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tue winter ot 187S I was attacked with Scrofula in one of tlie most aggravating forms. At one time I had no less than thirteen large abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It Is Impossible to fully describe my sufferings, as the case was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worse than ever. Finally, on the recommendation of W. ,T. Huntley, drurgist, of Lockport, I was induced to try flood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have all disappeared. except the unsightly Ream, which are daily Iwcomiug ' smaller by degrees, and beantiliilly less.- I do not know what it may have done for others, hut I do know that In my case, Hood s Sarsaparilla has proved an effective specific indeed. As an evidence of ?ny gratitude 1 send these facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verify the authenticity of this cure, by personal correspondence with any one who doubts it." Ciiaulks A. ltoa KRTB, East Wilson, N. Y. This statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport. N. Y., w ho calls the rure a grcnt vietory for Hood s Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements ot many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $ ; six for $5. Mado only by C. I. IHHio & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO "Doses One Dollar. c o 4-1 .2 ' u o to c3 o a a O w H H O CO w 53 O E 0- oc O IX, S3 W o 53 03 C o CQ o Maverick National Bank, BOSTON, MASS. Capital - - f 400,000 Surplus - hOOfiOO Accounts of Daokc. Bankers and Corporations collated. Our facilities forCOlXFCTIONS are excellent and we re-dlecount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston Is a Reserve Oirr. and balances with ns from Hanks mot located m otber Reserve cities) count an reserve. We draw our own Eschanire on London and the vnntwent, ana miiKe uso e trinrerit nan place money by tt'legraph tbroiiKbout the United States and Canada. 4;overnmint BondB n uirht and sold, and Kx chnnfos in Wanhington nutdc for Banks without extra cnarpe. we nave a marKCi ior prime nrai-cinss invest ment 6cciiritlc, and invite proriottaln from states. ijimntiesand ;ities wnen issumtz oonus. f do a cencral Banking bumuess, and ittvttc correspondence, ASA TV POTTER, Trwldcn. -?OH. W. WOBK, rashier. ort-) dw&stim Buiord & Loosley, GENERAL Insurance Agents. The old Fire and Tltne-Trlvd com pan iw Re lr;entcU LOSSES PROMPTLY PA III. ales ns lew an an Relmhle tVmivinv (Tunt Your Patron spe- ts 8-ilicit W?omre n Arcns Ulk. AUCTION AND COMMISSION W. H. LUNDY, AUCTIONEER W1J.L Attend Sales tM KITBRR CITY OR COUNTRY, at moderate chnrsce, or Receive'Consignments and make prompt returns weondAvenoa SOCK ILL. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lie imeht. Few dc. Not to know is P9t to he?; THE COMING ELECTIONS. THIHTY-FIVE STATES TO VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Tbe Standing of tbe Forty-Ninth Con irresa 1 be Mayoralty Content in New York A Petition to CoTernov Hill O'Donovan Rosams Little fkheme to KalM Boodle Xlilch Did Hot Work. Washivoton City, Oct. 10 On Tuesrlay next, Nov. 2, election, will he held for TTVTTi bers of the Fiftieth con press in thirty -five statps, in which 813 members of the lower house will be chosen. The bouse of represen tatives is composed of 32 members, of which seven have already been chosen, viz., four in Maine, two in Vermont and one in Oregon, all Republicans, As tbe present representa tives from these states are Republican, there will be no ehanpe in their political represen tation. The Forty-ninth wnpmw is com posed of 184 Democrat and 141 Republicans; hence, in order to secure a majority of 1 the latter party will have to make a net gain of twenty -two members. Seven states Rhode Island, Oregon, Aln bama, Arkansas, Vermont, Maine and Georgia have already elected governora this year, of whom four are Democrats and three Republican. Seventeen states will choose gowwwors next. Tneaday. Of these nirw have Republican governors, vit: Colorado. Con necticut. Kansas. MasnachuKPttR, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin. The eight states having Demo cratic governors are California, Deleware. Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas Besides electing state onVers, several states will vote on constitutional amendments. NEW YORK MAYORALTY CONTEST. Petition ot the Central Labor Union to Ctov. Rill Mr. Hewitt's WorVm-n. New York, Oi-t . The Central Ibor union campaign rommit tee Thursday sent a ietition to Oovernor Hill, setting forth that it is reported that laie sums of money have on.n c-dlccted for tjie pnrpe of corruptly titfliincing votes at the coming election, an praying that he issue a pronlnmation wan . ing all persons ngainst such practices, auu calling attention to the provisions of law governing such offences, namely, partyi, arti cle lft3, title 4, stxrtion .'t, revised statutes. In a speech at the 'fraud opera hon$e Thursday night Mr. Uonevelt iid that k thought Henry (jeorgewoii Id i will 7.ii HI votes. The mayoralty contest developed no new f as rure Friday. A Knight of Labor news paper at Trenton ak'vl permission to have the workmen as they passed into the iron works of Mr. Hewitt's at Trenton, give a ballot Saturday, so as to sw how many wtp in favor of Hewitt an! how many of George, MHewitt replied that the firm had for forty years refused to allow any interfer ence in the politics of tbe workmen, and that iule would be rigidly adhered to under all circumstnaees, for the pnrpose of protecting the workmen from any intimidation from owners, managers, or outsiders. A number f mwtings were held ii the various dis tri'ts Friday evening by all the parties. Kohmi's Overtures to Koosevelt. New York, Oct Tbe Commercial Advertiser Friiiiy afternoon says: The fol lowing story, fT the truth of which Mr. Roosevelt will vouch, is in circulation : On last Friday O'Donovan Rossa called upon Mr. Roosevelt and offored to furnish him the hearty support of his paper and tbe vote of the secret societies under his control if Mr. Roosevelt would give him two checks, a small one for the cause of Ireland, and a much larger one for the personal use of Mr. Rokw. The check for the catise was to be dated after eloetton, si that Mr. Roosevelt might cancel it if be were not elected, but the check for Rossa, on the contrary, was to be dated properly, so that it could be used at once. Mr. Rcssa was shown the door. Blaine to Visit New Jersey. New York, Oct a Mr. Blaine has en gaged to speak Saturday evening at Newark and Monday evening at Camden, N. J. A Modern Tton Tnmn. Londos, Oct SO It is now whispered, and the story finds many believers, that the rxar's reason for killing his ai'.te, Count Reu tern, was that he supecjed the count of maintaining a liason with a female member of the imperial family. Count Routurn had earned the reputation of possessing in a high degree the era tic propensities of Don Juan, and the cur's suspicions t hat his aide had not held the household of his imperial master in violate are said to have be so well founded. ttaptlned a Read Woman. Khoxviixk, Tenn., Oct Sit Rev. J. F. Austin was put on trial Thursday before the Holston conference of the M. E. church (south) for baptising a woman. after she was dead. It was proved th at the ceremony was performed over the dead holy. Dr. Austin claimed that it was doue at the request of the woman's relatives, and merely to soothe their feelings. The conference, however, suspect him of heretical notions on the subject The matter was finally referred to a committal A Hollow Mockery. New York, Oct . Eighteen of the thirty-six compositors ot Tue Tribune struck Thursday night by ordsrof Typographical Union No. 1. Thmeu claim tint though The Tribune pi ys more nor em for couiiiosi tion than any ofch-jr paper in the city 50 instead of the union rut;, 41. cents per l,0vM), yet by renwi of not-b in continuously cm ployed, they can not mkj oo much as under the common system. Tbuy say th; .V) cent rate is a hollow mockery. The Iwportnnee of lnnbfii. Sofia. O-t. Kaulbars has snnt n fresh note to the F-nlnmn for'ign iiiittistt r in which he says: "in view of the f net of the arrival t Varna of cmissm w-s of tl piovisional government of Rulgnrii. a id tlw Hpiradmg r pjrlH that the amval of Kus jai gunUwts at that yrt is without importance, I am cuniiielit-d to inl'm u t-mt the sai l Hun In wis will tigorousli iillimi thiir import ance U event should reu i.Tsuchm tiun neoes sn ry. Catling the Rate nt Ht. Lonta. St. Lotis, O- t '. -First-class tickets to Washrnxtoii and Biltim-ir winv sold o H-niy ben; Thurs lay by the Vandal h, and perhaps bv oth.Tronds, tir !4.'it, which is a rcluc tion of tft.Tri fiom the tegular rate. Tickets to Fhilaiielphia were also sold Ht lti, a reduc tion of 1."5. No Civ. I Kervlee onnine In llls'n. Bitfalo, N. Y., lct ;K. Hon. Daniel Lock wood, when ask" J Thnrsday if he in tendo l to subje ct his apfmintoes in the dis trict attorney's office to a civil service ex amination replied. "Not much. There's going to Ik no civil service nonsense about my office.' Hale of a Railway. Chicago, Oct :). The Toledo, Peoria & Western railroad was sold Friday by Master in Chancery Henry W. Bishop, of tbe United States court, for $4,790,0011. The road van bid in by the mortgage bondboldera Public Anyone having busioeM with tbe Argus office after 6 p. m. (in tbe event that the office is ciosed) will please call at WiK mans a uait newt stand in the poctofflce building, who are authorized to transact buaineaa of cvott nature for the ARsca. Cheap KaU The Sheet mail and paper box ever In vented la for aale at tha A antra nfflr t be te f tin trf li wh. Tbe etttt bnt THE NEWS IN BRIEF. One hotel in Washington is entertaining ten bridal couples, and another has twenty in charge. The notion firm of Meyers, Thieman & Co., of Cincinnnti, failed Thnrsday, owing Darling, the phenomenal catcher of the Toroiitoclub, has been signed by the Chicago management for next season. At Rock ford. Ills., Thnrwlay, the widow of Professor Arnoli was married to Rev. E. K. Chandler, of Cambridge, Mass. Maurice, a son of Sarah Bernhardt, fought a due! with M. Langlois for exhibiting a painting of the actress, and gave him a slight wound. A man who registered Wednesday night in a St Paul hotel as D. L. Blackstone, of Adrian, Mich., cut his throat after retiring to his room. Jy the caving in of a tunnel along the new Croton aqueduct, near New York, the Chi cago firm of Brown, Howard & Co., suffered a loss of fso,000. For the last fiscal year there were 14.4-1-1,-153 money-orders issued, reprewntin'r 13i, 717,317, for which fees aggregating f 1,214, 50ft were received. It is estimate! that the expenses of the postal service for the next fiscal year will aggregate f.-l-V). an increase of y7n,33tt over the current year. Thomas "Walsh, the lay delegate from northern California to the Episcopal general convention, died at the Palmer house, Chi cago, Thursday of heart diseas?. The Illinois Association of ex-Prisoners ol War closed its reunion at Centralis Thurs day, and decided to meet next year at Ptvria. Gen. C. W. Pavey, of Mt Nemon, was re elected president. Tbe French vice consul at Montreal, having Irst heavily by the absconding of Kothsrhild ot Toi onto, is an active advocate of reform ui the extradition system between Canada and the United States. Maj. William L Hunter, who served in th" patriot army of Texas in IK 6, died Thurs day. He was tbe father of ex-Post master Huuter, of Elgin, Ills., and wa3 well known throughout the northwest. Two druggists hi Guafetnila were re-ntly put to death tor giving poiwtn and a briK oi f&ooo toa servant of the president to 'It-pi's-of that official. The servant h-mdM the vial and the money .tojiis ro:?ter. The operations of the Salvation Army in Chiiago have d-ehpc! insanity in Mr. C. L. Clnnr-ey, of MS West Van liuren streeet. who d-'sei-t-d her and children. She is contind in the county jnil awaiting exam ination. At lltapon, Ky.. Thursday afternoon, Capt. N. H. Ouitie and William Mill quarreled and bgan firing at each oih-T. A Iwill from Christie's revolver hit and in stantly killed William . Turner, a u innocent spt-tatr of th difficulty. FmtirlH, Hie Olilo C onvict. OnxMm-s, Oiuo, tnt. . The further tesiimmyof Convict Fraiuis in t lie cele brated election foivery uih; prove conclu sively that h? was as-'isted in his flight U Sain Crouch, a nottnicoiun'iln an and alon kecT of Columbus, t.'roueh drove Francis from a Ijaguto to a plact or refuse in the country. Crotn-h promise 1 to get Francis a revolver, and U bring out sjme of the de fendants to make terms for escaiie. This confession was made in the cross -exaiuina-tiou. Crouch is to be prosecuted forabbetting the escape of a prisoner, for which the law pT-eacril severe penultius. Other corrolwr ative testimony was given Thursday impli cating ex-Representative Young with the forgery, he being a candidate for re-election. Subpoenas have been issued for Oovernor Foraker and his clerks to give t-stmvny re lat ve to a sworn statement by Fraucis John I- SollIvans Hon Dead. Providence, R, I., Oct 30 John L. Sullivan, Jr., the 2-year-old son of the Bos ton pugilist, died here Thursday ai Mrs. Sullivan's horn-- in North Centcrville. H s mother attended his illnes and death, al though a hotel register in Milwaukee lit other day read: "John L. Sulliven snd WltiJ." Mmrk HI In New York. WntTNEVs Point. N. Y., Oct SO. There is great excitement h- rc over the fact that oii ha Wen struck a hort distance from thi village. Drilling has t-oon in progress in the well for some time, and was finally struck at a depth of 1,675 feet Whitney's Point is sixteen miles north of Pinghamton. Ituatiiet Tatlure. New York, Oct to. The busin failures throughout the United Statos and Canada re lented by telegraph during the seven day; number 215. A Cull for 1 ,0 O.OOO. Washington Citv, .so. Secretary Man wire Frifiay afternoon issnod a call for 10, 0lH),vUXt a per cent bonds to maturt3 Iec. 1. THE MARKETS. Chicago, Or;t. 9. Onthelvarlof (rule to-day tUTin:is in priiin Bii.i pIo iwous w. re n-; lollown Wheat - No. ( toiler, ejH-ned '.:1H)C iiominal, floned 78-Vji'' non-.ina'; Nov jubvr. eiened t-'l1;, cloel r'-H"; D-'cemhtT, oH'nvl 7.V. clv i 75y h'rt. Co n-Ni.2ivnN.-r, enfd nuininal. i Ute 1 :iV.; nomi-tal: Nowm. tT oer.' i .m c.i lowt; lw'iiih r, ojK-m-d tl'H-tl :7tau at (k'UtVr, 1h'.eli-V n uiii-iH', o--l :.,V- noninul. Novemb-r. vyv i d ', cl-isd .; lw-m-U-r i-,.. and -Imiel 7c. Porl; OrtoVr. ie'n I S nomiiia-. HiHd no!.iMi; .N-M-. 'nh T. r.p-Mi-i dosed f!MKt; It- ce-iilter. ni,i -.1 IV i, r-l'wed VW.iKi. Ird Mo'i-'i-. o-entl aii. ,-lue 1 ei.H nominal. Lve Mm -The to! ovtinj itrte werj r. eeived fro n t!i t ,i ij sl-vk y ir fi-lav; i-irk-f a henn.1 rirm. with vai-kei , :?. i : ,iip.i.'is hnyiiu-. and 1'ii-e 5 rl- bibber, drill g--i... in ronjrh pack in :t.fn .i;'.7; !tvnvv f'fcm? .oil 'npIt'l t t-i. "i f" t'ntil - M ; i:..! i ii,1. sH-aily m -4 .'t; i!vm-i,i:i.(-;ik, ;Jt 40 . 4Ti, stockero. l-rv:, :ri.!.H w;i-M4d; cutu-iij-ii!. if ! r. :d. HIT "i.'W. rimlUfU. liUtw ii.-: ir.MI-'!)-, Ui-ii; lTh; gjiht da ry. ' .:, pv:ki'u, .ati-. 1-Kt STrMty .V,J. l' ; !;; ;er d it. i'jul try - t'hM ! H. 7c p,v lh; ducks. Hv; turkeys. p-ere, ST.AKi.Sl ner do PntaUiea- K-rly Kw and Ikuly ot HehTon, ii&!n; ie: 1m. on track; Burtmiik. 44Hj. New Vork. Nfw YofiK.Ort. Wheat- No. I red state., do No. 2, HC4C; No. !? do rwi winter, N-'Vi-mV-r, fit'-; d' IV-teml-er. tftw. for 11 - No. 2 mijun coi-U. 4f. NoveiiOvf, 4'-; do lttv(nil.r, 47 ihiU No. 1 white stat. 7c: do No. 2. no k live -Dull. H-irley - Nominal. Fork t,'uit: new mess, 9iO.iKMMll.rni. Kurd Still N'ovnnWr; Si,17 Ikembur. Ht. Ixiuia. St. IrfHTis, fVt. XT. Wheat-Weak and 4(3.; lower: No. red rttflh, 744t Novemlier, ior; TteLomber. J'.!: May. wV- fom Weak; No. 2 mixed ca-ti. !Tl4(l,;t4c; Novc'ldier, ;4; lie ember. 'M May, atfi.' hi l. t'a!h Firm: No. 2 intxl cn-th. November. hid: 1wendier, 27c bid; May. 81c. Kye Firnier; 4M,r(M Whiskv 91.UL Poik- Kasy; Ird--M M v. ?ff.H0 Miinaukee. MlfjWAITKRE, Oct. 2P. Vlient-I'ull; cNh,7J'c; N-v moer. 71" tic: December, T-bc. Com !i or-1 ; N.. t'aus-V'iirt; ah. a, s5,. Nominal. No. 1. foe. Barley - Lower; No, ftifuc. ROCK ISLAND. 0w- ?nr H jy Ti motny f 10 . ff Hay Wild Jw.ilit Rye-46-. Com -Old 42c: New 88c. Potatoes S&43e. Onkms fYk". o,Mii-Moi liic : ha.d as an Cord Wood -fc4.00. mraw-95 09. Offemai Islaafl Plcnw Grounds Chun ancltiira riesiHnff ij?dl MALARIA. ,lIf people could only know . what a splendid medicine Simmons Liver Regulator is there would be many a phy sician without a patient and many an interminable doc tor bill saved. 1 consider it infallible in malarial infec tion. I had for many years been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the out growth of malaria in my system, and even under the ' skillful hand of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had de spaired of ever beinK a well woman again. Simmons Siver Regulator was recom mended to me. I tried it; it helped me, and it is the only thing that ever did me any good. I persevered in its use, and I am now in per fect health. I know the medicine cured me, and I always keep it as a reliable 'standby' in my family." Respectfully, Mrs. Makv Kay, Ciinvlm, Ala. ONLY CENUINE hap our letter Z stamp In red on front of wraiX't J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sole Proprietor., PIUt.ADm.rillA, PA. MUCK J! (W. LOANS On Promlssokv Notks. WANTEi Nole of well rami b--n- ' nu n for ne month to twelve month--. Amount- Jl.i'OO to 91,uki.()oj. fcisriuly tnii'butiil ami ki(c. Bondf jriven, Ffttlcmfnln n-:" - i',irr' -iu,ivni-wanled. 0 W FORTH K. Hanker. sepft-Srn !' ttrMi(vv;i . Nt vuk. WESTERN INVESTMENT ! T wo -ftory brick biii-hn1 bou-i-. f:.nt; two main ttnets. Crowfnt? County Soat. Kan gas. 5 OOO tomlli)ii Will f 11 hardware anil imp mrnt bin-ineHt i'-trt cu.-h. j-nrt l-'iif time. Kf-tabll-b'i -ii:ht mts. Ami'i:.! nv SIXTY THOUSANO H. qiiKk. KANSAS HARPWsHKt Box 654 ST. Jo.sEril, mo. MAKE MONEY Fortnnc an yesrlv mn1' by "nrri-sfiftil oi-era- tor in stocks, grain and ol. Th'PV UlVfBtiL.iUle fr .il. liilj p- liom $"iHlto or more on each fuu) invited. Keliahle correiiondrntt war.ietl. Allr? for circular, WILLIAM K KK'H AliUS, Bunker ami Broker, lnn-3-(tw SI, 40 A 43 Broiwav. Nt w Tndt. JOHN r ----- ST,'. . COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME - HARD COAL STOVES, AT WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S, Opposite Hwrjier Hour Rock Island, - Illinois. I lmv just received my tirst installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, And extend a cordial invitation to my patr ns for an inspection of the same. Veiy finest work, Lowest piices, and perfect tit guaranteed. J. 33. ZIMMEE, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Koek IsliD, ID. tLW"Sn-c!al attention paid to fine Custom Work. T. NOFTSKEB. his On exhibition and for sole by David Don, FIRST-GLASS SHOTS SHOP (E hte i-nlh gircM J&i" IWck fttrad KM. Bnk. JOHN 0. FREED, Proprietor. Repairing done neatly and yromptry . is an entirely New Pattern of oft Coal Stove. -ITS SUCCKSS- Ilas gone far beyond our expectations. Over Seven Biiirei Have been put out this Beason, and it has been all the Fonndrj could do to till ordeis.