Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island Daily Argus. VOL. XXXV. NO. 32. KOCK ISLAND, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1SS6. PRICE FIVE CENTS COMPETITION DEFIED. PRICES WARRANTED to be 20 to 30 per cent cheaper at the HARPER HOUSE DRUG STORE Than at any otlitr Dru store in Western Illinois. Not uly ur I atent Medii-inm but on all Standard DruL's. Fancy Goods and Mis cellaneous articles. Head the cut rates: Po.zooi's Towiter Wriphl's Extracts Warner's Sate Cure Atblopborous Pond's Extracts Hunt's Ilemedy K insoin's Hive Syrup Husband's Magnesia Nichols' Bark and Imu Kennedy's Prairie Weed . . . Mrs. Allen's Huir Restorer. Seller's Cough Syrup Shaker hxtract. .$ .80 Sail Musealille .25 Milk Masnesia .80 Pierce's Favorite Prescription .73 Pierce's Discovery .33 Trask's Magnetic Ointment . .H!i Hamburg Drops . .30 Hamburg Breast Tea .38 Bucklin's Arnica Salve . .70 Electric Hitters . .70 ! King's New Discovery . .90 j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . IS " Eve and Skin Ointment. . .45 " Colic and Cholera Rem Simmons Regulator 70 California Syrup Figs ,.7(t .33 .70 .70 .30 .1 .13 .; .30 .15 ,15 .35 Smith's Tonic. .70 I I'liKSCKtPTIONS- Onr Pn wriptlon department In rtm-ked nti I lie ll Hint KP"H in ! market and Rtl prectTinOons are compmtittfl bv.-xiturieDL-t-'tl ami rt hshle i)harnia'ist. Prices arc cuaranteed to be lower hy Miner cent than elniwhre. HAKHAU. A r IM1KK, Vro( IK Seimd Av. ntie and Nineteenth St., I(ck island. Second Avenue corner c Eighteenth i J tT, x challenge i f ykSp comparison in our j Furnishing Goods generally. j Slothing SPECIAL I NATURAL ntUIT j fLA"0RS Emporium, 115 and 117 AVet 2nd St., DYA K N J? O I1T, IY. I have now opened the most complete slock of FINE CLOTH ING and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS that was ever shown in this market, and &UARANTKE PRICES against all other dealers. Robert Kraus e. I have also opened a Special Department for closing out Odds and Ends, wherein you can lind good wearing goods for Men, Boys and Children, in all sizes. All these goods are re duced one-fourth to one-half of the original price, and marked in plain figures. Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, IN ENDLESS YAK1ETY. - t ' ; r ilaEiP.Es:' I lJ DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS Steam Fitters, A complete atock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, tc. -Sole a entK lor Dkerk'b Block, Moline, 111. Teleohone iflfia. Deane Steam Pumps, SK1HT FEED LUBRICATORS, We tjn tr intee everr "m tn-rfert. and will send Caps, twenty da t' trtei, to responsible partiea. Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac tors for furnishing and Laying Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 First Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1148. Ittaidence Telephone 11X17 FALL "86. WINTER '87. HOPPE, the TAILOR, (successor to and late Cutter for I. Liberman,) 1803 Second Ave., Rock Island. FINE WOOLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. Largest and most complete stock at the Lowest Prices. Paricular Attention given to Good Work. J. T. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, MOST PERFECT MADE frr-parM with strii-t rttrini to Purity. Ttremrth nt Hf.tlthf'iliifx. Iir.l'ricfV p .Kim; rowih r runt:, mm Amniom i.l.inir.Al timer l'tt- phir,-. IT. I 'net s i.iracl-, Viiniltu, Lt'iuun, uU. lUvor tkliiMomdy PffiCE BAKING POWDER CO. Chicago and St Loai. HALF-CENT A WOKH. Tor Afters hnresrier will inihlitih in this roi mon all a tvertintimni or Lout, Pound, For Rent I'or Sale, Ito.rl or Itf Minis, Waiitil. nnd iniilrir notirvp, at the low rat- of m- hdf a ctnt a word, wieh figure a word, but uu ailvcrliefinent ie( than tvn ci'iitn. J PER CKNT MORTGAGES Imiiroved Iowa Farms. Security 3 to 5 timvs the liaD, and iiiBriectini in taen cant-. Completed loans always on hand for pale. Sizes of loans (200 to HO, 000 Time of loams 6 years. Only ekoiASt loans handled. References and details given on application ci 1 her in person or letter. -H. M. BKNLEY, Attorney at Law. 2U Main St., Davenport, Iowa. VoR SALE, OLI PAPERS IN ANY quantity at t hi office, tlieap. PGR SALE. A NKW HOWKSEW-- int; m.ictiine w ith all the inmUrn improve mt nt. Etni'iire at Ai:ii' office. tfioiH-'iaii oflire in this city a (, 'm.rnl AL'enr' for our ffoods, ' Mtno(M)lj." .mali cap iwl required : atidrt's K ANSAS C IT l TOILET MANF'U CO., Kuuia t'ity . Mo. W A N I K O . FO r R iU H I K N E R petic men to eanva-t) for fine line of Holi ti.HV L'otwl ; pood piiv to riffht mm; referrncf reijuired. I'.'F. hKWESU. MunLer. ll'. Mum M. luv np.irt, fa. pOR SALE, SIXTY LOTS IN MY" AD ditioiii the city of itoek Island on fonr vear- !y ptyment!. with interest at su jier rent per an- nam o UA Br('KT. s m mm. 1 rT iltl 1 fill 3 1 Lr-J I;ii ; mi am 51 oh pit Jill!? i; L aJ iJIii lilifl rfoci mm AUCTION AND COMMISSION W. H. LUNDY, AUCTIONEER WILL Attend Sales IK EITHER CITY OR COUNTRY, ml motif rtt cnartes, or Receive Consignments and make prompt returns, taeond Avenna BOCS ISLAVD ILL- 1706 Second avenue. Bulbrd & Loosley, GENERAL Insurance Agents. The old Fire and Time-Tried companies Ko pnjf enled LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. later aft low as an Reliable Compaity can afford Yonr Patron aire if SoliciUM? VOQfr.e in Arcn Biock.. O. E. MILES Engrayer 01 ffoai. EXECUTES CUTS OF Buildings, Machinery, Por traits, Animals, &c. Also Electrotype Plates fumifilied in any nrnnK't. Ofllcc and Jfrnidcncp rear of f'hriitlan Chapel, Brady street, between 4th and Sth, DAVENPORT IA S. T. WATKINS, fSoccewsor to WATKINS & HILL,) Dealer in Dry aud Green Wood. Will also attend to Hauling of all cinde Office at vaniw; corner of 27rn street on Mollre avrnne. Telephone No. 107; order may he left at either piuce. oct-in-dtf Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. SrOUT IN SAN FRANCISCO. BURK5L AND DEMPSEY PUMMEL EACH OTHER TEN ROUNDS. Both Willing to Continue the Fight Itut the UWvrevs Declare It a lraw Kight Thousand lVople Witneaa the Sport It ratal Muggins; Hatch of Kleven Uounda at New York. Ban Francisco, CaL, Kuv. t Kiht thousand people gathered ill tbo Pavilion Monday niht to witness the glove light lw tween Jack Burke and Jack Dempsey. The crowd began gathering at 4:) p. m., al though the fight was not to Iwin until 10 p. m., and it was not until 10: i4 that the "starV1 appearexl in the ring. They were greetwl with loud applause. The condition!; of the tight wvro ton rounds, Marquis of Queen: berry rules, small gluvea, winner to take 75 and Ihe loser per cent, of the gate money. Burke scaled 1(4 pounds and Demiwey l.Vt. iSt;ve Taylor, of New York secondtnl Burbo and Iemus Costigan, of Kew York, IVnirwey. Frank Crockett of this city was rlnteeii referve for Burke and Jack Holligan tor lenis'y after a loug wrangle. In the fint round Ut-mey stni k Burke in the ribs, add both fought warily. Lft hand blows wore, exchanged and a round of fighting f Unwed wlm-h rtsulU-d slightly in favor of Burke. A clinch followed, and after some more sjwirring tim was called. In the eenond round Dempsey ll w ith his loft twice on Burke's stomach, and the men clinchel but broke away, Dempsey landing heavy right handvr on Burke's wind. Burke got in two right-hauders on Dempsey's mouth, Burke forcing the lighting with a ter rific left-har.dcr on Denijwey's neck, aud followed it vith another on Dempsey's ribs. In the third round Dempsey Knt with a body Mow. and there were quick exchanges. In the fourth body blows were exchanged, Burke following his tip with a heavy right hander on Dcmjisey's neck and Dempsey fol lowed with his left, reaching Burkf's wind. Dempsey was forced against th ropes and -lipped. Burke struck D.msi'y on the throat and niaiutainnd , the aggressive throughout the round. The fifth round ended without advantage to either. Quick blows were exchanged, Bnrke was frebh in the sixth, and I)empsey worried and winded. Burke Uuided another heavy right on Dempsey's head, followed closely by an pier cut with his loft. Demp sey landed a straight left hander on Burkes month, again getting inrf right-hander on Burke's tdy. Burke ended the round by getting his right in heavily on Dempsey's jaw. Both men were fatigued in tbn seventh. Dempsey hit Burke a light body blow, and Burke succeeded in getting in two heavy body blows. Dempsey led short in tlw eigiith, and was countered by Burke, Dempsey again, and was met by Burke with a heavy right hander on tle throat. Burke from this point led the lighting. Thre was close and heavy fighting in the ninth, both men get ting in one or two blows, but the honors were easy. "Hie tenth round was a repeti tion of the otliers. At its close Burke drew off the gloves and declared " the fight ended. Itcmpsey being w illing to continue. Burke put the mittens on again, but the- refer closed the fight by declaring it a draw Bloody Battle In w York. New York. Nov. 24. Domimck McC af frey and James Golden fought eleven bloody rounds with kid gloves. Marquis of Queens berry rules, for .5tK) a side and f ljiuu added. Golden was terribly beaten and suc cumbed in the eleventh round. Md'affrey scakd 1W i KHi ii' Is and (iuldeii l.ii Jure Dunn acted as referee. Nearly ev ery round was a terrific and bloody ttattle. In the first Ooiden was struck five times and McCaffrey one. Golden cbeuk was split open as if by a knife. In the second trolden was struck three times, and dazed from a terrible blow on the jaw. In the third (rolden was struck three tunes and the blood was again drawn by McCaffrey. In the fourth, fifth, aud sixth rounds McCaffrey harl the best of the fighting. In the seventh and eighth Golden staggered McCaffrey, but was too weak to follow his success. In the succeeding rounds McCaffrey pounded Golden as he pleased, and finally, in the last, felled his i.j.j.uiient senseless by a blow on the jugular. Ingemoll and the Anarchist. New Yokk, Nov. 2. A dispatch from Chicago to The Times says that CoL lnger soll has accepted a retainer for the defense of the condemned Anarchists, and will argue their case before the supreme court in March. Iugersoli ha had another ofieration per formed on his throat, but he persists in mak ing light of the trouble. He smokes still, and taiks.freelv, only occasionally sinking his voice to a whisper to rust the vo-.-al chords. Hts friends, n i tli other bnnd, ex press grave fears that the silver-tongued orator has the deadly ejiet hileoma, tho dread diseasi tliat carried oft Ifeii. Grant. Ben Hill and a hot of tumor men who were n:etei ate smokers. (.Chicago, Nov. 24. TuestLty Leoured Swett, Capt. Black, and Attorney Siilomon we at to Bloomiugton and laid before Justice Scott the application for a siif-erstiltas fur the condemned Anarchists. THE NEW3 IN BRIEF. Reuner Bras., dry goods and millinery dealers at Creston, Iowa, have failed. Baldwin Gardiner, president of the Pacific stock board at San Francisco, has disap peared. He owes ftxyXtO, mainly to cus tomers. Saturday at midnight, at Mindeu, La., a masked mob broke into the house of Elia Simmons (colored) aud shot him to death as he lay sleeping. The main and three annexed buildings of the Newburg, N. Y., Woolen mills were de stroyed by fire Monday morning, the loss amounting to 1WI,000. The propeller NatStickney, with a scow in tow, left Georgian Bay on the 16th for Bay City, and has not since been heard of. It Is Reared that she foundered in the gale. The visible supply of wheat and corn is, resiwetively, 51,N51,351 and li?,2S0,4)8 bush els. Since last report wheat increased 1,228, 801 bushels, while corn decreased H07.305 bushels. A black bear weighing over 300 pounds was killed, last week, in the woods near Eau Claire, Wis., by a lad of 13 years, named Wiihe Smith. The carcass was shipped to Chicago. J.weph Kerr, having closed his fifth term nt the Jolii-t penitentiary, was seized at the door by a deputy sheriff from Petersburg. Kerr is wanted in eighteen counties of Illi uois for stealing horses. Judge Anthony, of Chicago, has sentenced to three years in the penitentiary a handtome young rV-otehnian, a graduate of the Uni versity of Edinburgh, who has lieno robbing fashionable boarding-houses in New York and Chicago. The directors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road are carefully considering the scheme of extending northward to Chicago. The surveyed routes range from 4: to 4H0 miles. Thy bonds to be issued will run fitty years a 5 jiercent. A cyclone struck Girard, Kan., Monday morning, wrecking all light structures and demolishing tho lYesbyterian church. A number of persons were injured, and some may not survive their injuries. The financial loss will not exceed $,0w). Alfred Eubanks, who died thirty years ago at Madison, Ga., left a plantation valued at 'M,00o. Fight brothers who claimed fcthe property have ever since kept up litigation. Three survivors have just been paid f 3UU eu' h, the nest having gone to the lawyers. In th1 circuit court at St Louis Monday, E. D. Coleman, ot Topeka, Kan., entered suit for fiO.ihKi aginst the Ajl'1 Express conip'tny for placing him under arrest, whde oick with fever, and searching hu niom, oil suspicion that he was the express rubber In the supreme court at New York Mon day. the receiver of the Franco-A men can Trading company obtained judgment for Jtvr;i.2to against the Panama Canal com panv for work performed. Although Comit de Less;) was recently served with a snra uiiHis, his coiK'iTH m:ide no dyfens. AuseU' l of a n-cent meeting to protest agam-t mittmal labor on Sunday, wmrrante were isvi.-d Monday at St Catharine. Ont.. fot the arrest of .twenty lock -tenders ot the Weliand eai'il for working and jeissin ves sels through on Sii!td;iv. Tiv? govern uimt wVii ie k p.:t;l.! $ ttoi Op-n the Wei- land ta:i;d oil Sunday. 1 it iii HamlS ict a ttaie. Pitt::i mi. Nov. 24 The result of the d liberal ion-, ol tin? Cleveland & PiUsburgraUV luail in reference to the recent demand for an advance jp wag-3 from the freight em p ryes, w as posted M- mi la v at Cleveland, Wellsville and Bella) re. Freight conductors wlio tiae received $2 oil per tr p will now receive $2 M Braketncn are raised from fi To to J.!M, and an allowance for over time in ex. of twelve hours. It i thought ths m-n will accet this scale. ri-Iie.Hl nt Arthnr'r. M'ilL New Yoke, Nov. 24. Ex-Pmsideut Ar thur's will was made last spring, and pro vides for his family and relative only The properly to be distributed amouuts to MM -tiHiinreal estate and abont the same in s--cunties The luldmi ot Gen. Arthur were each left a snug sum at the death of thoir grandmother, Mrs. Hendron, several years ago. The will is In (n. Arthur's safe in the otlieeof Knevals& Random, and will U'hled in the surrogate's office witliout delav. Iowa Butfr anil i heewe ANHrciation. Cedar Bapius, Iowa, Nov 2 -The tenth annual convention of the lown Butter and Cheese association will h held in this city Iec. S, and J. A pnigrammeof sKN-ial in terr.t t the farmer and dairyman w ill be presented an I discussed. As the oleo law has given renewed life to the dairy mlerest, which was steadily and sur.dy being de stroyed, a lare attendance is ex e-unl Klopm 'apture(t. Patebsok, N J., Nw. 24.F. S. KH-k-well, the tea clerk, who elojied from here with Mrs. West, Oct. 22, has tamn eaptund by detectives in Kansas City, and will be brought back here with Mrs. West and her two children. Hock well is also accuse. (,f embezzling $:,200 froin his employer. Kx-Jmlgr Hnry Alker Itftad. New York, Nov. 24. Ex-Jude Henry Alker died ut his residence in this city at 11 n'clock Thursday. He had lieen unconscious from aprilectic strokes, several of which h. suffered .since Sunday. Ho served three terms as marine court judge, and at one time was public administrator. A Minnesota Mttn Appointed. W AHKIItdTHM ClTV Nnv U TUa dent Tuesday appointed BUtiop Gordon, of Minnesota, to ) receiver of public money Vt. Bed wood Fails, Miuu. Public Fotice. Anyone having business with the Aueus ofiice after 6 p. m. (in the event that the office is closed) will please call at Wil mans & Gait's news stand in thepostofflce building, who are authorized to transact business of every nature for tbe Argus. Cheap Halt Boxes. Tbe finest mail and paper box ever in. Tented is lor sale at the Argus office at tbe low price ot tl each. Tbe same box la told eyerywhert it 11. 00. Call and ex attise thttt. The Crank, whaler. Nkw York. Nov. U Shuler, the crank w ho tried to get to President Cleveland's car riage Monday, showed a rnporttr Monday night a letter that he says h-i is goiug to seii'1 to the president It wtravs great Ulit eracy and ev ident insanity. It is a piteous appeal a place where he can 'earn a hon est hvmi; ami sou; tort his parents.' HesaTS he n:i be ia-'.pol Mr. Cleveland by getting ievtiui vilesior nim. THE MARKETS. t'HK ago, Nov. 23. On the hi i.i !il of trade to-day the quo;atious were a fellows: Wheat Nip. 2 November, otene; ""(,' nomimll, closed W'-V: fle-eeinlM-r. 'it-neil closed 74-$-aw.; January. oji-nei je.rlufrt-d 7o'4c ashed. iVrn No. 1 Noveiii ht, ojened ; t-4e nemiiini, cloet-d -a . I i - in Int. ope net! iStew; cloel fr'Aix- J.oiuarv. upette! 37-$e, closed ytc. Oats-No. 1 November, epvued- ud tlotl -fiW uominah iMi emher. opened lc aked. e ked 2rUjc. January, cpened 'J'v asked, tlnsed :Cf. Pork -NovemlH-r. opened $i.3t ncmiuaL cloven 4, ni-mnnaa; Pecenitier. tjeued ZV.: eloe-l fit. 4V--: Year, oiieiiei Si'.jll nomi nal. Hosed Lard Novemlier. cjneil iinucicseti ;,:i numinJ. Live Miw k-The lliiun stock xaid lepin the loUeuiim luae of prke: llo .Market opeiieu i,uri active; ugnt hirs were scarce itnrl M'llinir l higher at the !-!art, bt:t laler wh n yesterday's tigurea; heavy hugs were .V h.wen liyht gra-les. Jio..4.J: rough pack -iim. i-l ."iu,i(;i (ii, beavv packing and shippint: iihn :.. ."i.wi. afiie Vuiet aim iu ioer; ineves. .)i.',4.Ml; butehers, Si.To.ja.o): ato. k- rs $iMj:;."tJ. Mieep-romiuou. liac iuwei; IMeri.i le ini! , i2.CU.y,-. jo; now! to ex! ra. . 2Tiic H-j-l-k. 'U-iP, I'iihIu. t r.;i' icr Fancy irca'uer jh'T lb; g... I liiory, lSAlj; paekiiu;. Ktres Mi i nv fre-ti, IttfdiK ier d iz; i- ls - IM. P-.uhi v -t ln kens. ;iTc per lb: flut kt. and Ke-M!. Si-t't,-. tutkey. KaHr, I'olHt.M-s-Huri'aiikr.. ttiwufc- Vr b. on traik; Larly loc iluM'; Beauty of Hebron. 40tCmi A-pb- rair.topHl tdiipping, $l.?!wr-2.5'l r bW. New Tfrk. Nfw Yotiti. Nov. 2:t. W lieu No I n-d state, -; No. ; do, KVr; Nii.-red w mler Iieeemher, HTi-vc. torn No. mi.rei! ia-li. de lHi emtier. V-. Oats -No ;.' noted Ivceml).-, :fc. Kye - Firm; we-lern. .Vc'Hi,- suite. .rTH'',,'- Barley Nomirial rork-DuIl; new mess, lu.ii4 HOI I-ar-l i November; Jt.2l, IVreiu b,! Kt. Isouls. St. 1oi is Nov. W - Ka-y; No. 2 red cash, Tft.-; lHeem Iht hid. Jmnmry. THi-4r bid; May, NV iskeil Ciit-n- Kirm; No. 2 mixed rash. ;Uc; liecemlier, U'v bid: -lannary. :ir; Vln, :w-r iiid. mts Med: No. 2 mixed cah. V; IteiemtM-i. -ji ti bid: Ma.:ftiP. Bye- Meady; ''bV- v htsk; Jl.13. rork-Meal"y; iSt.K iti Hi l aid- Steady: t'i.:.V( Hetrolt. PrrnoiT. Nov. &. Wheat --No. 1. white eauh, TfiV; cash Mlehl pan nil. i:tw; Nn. i-ed. "ki rush and No vendHi; heteniber; ?Uc askwl J tin nary; t-4c, Way Corn ,. Hats X; No. X white. . Toledo. T0LKl0, Nov. Z. Wheat - yniet. easier; cash. "7 DecenitaT. 7R.-; .lanuaiy. Ti-fcr. May, $ty. Corn-Steady and guiet; tash .HUc; May, iXc Oats-Keg-lected. ( loverMietb-lowe-; cash, $4.51); Jan uary. ?4 r5; February, $4 .00. Milwaukee. Mll.WAITtr.R. Nov. si Wheat Firm, cash and Ivcember. W!c; Tmiuarv. V.Vfo. I v.rn -Steady; No. . JWp. t)ts Wuiet. Ho. 2. Hve-Ixwer; No. 1, UiVic H-uiey- Si ad rr No. t. 63i. ROCK ISLAND. oau-2tc Uay Tiiiuitny fW 00. Uav wild --I8.0U. Hve Ml-. !orQ -lld4r: New 4ec. Pouux;i 34Uc. Oiflon 50c. Om-I-Su" 10e:had 18 50 t'ord Wood i.'Jb. Straw -16.09. Wat. McKnirr. AttorneT at law. loana mnniv security, make, collectioos. Reference) nucoeu Ljnae, owker , Office ia pworaoi wools MALARIA. "If people could only know what a splendid medicine Simmons Liver Regulator is there would be many a phy sician without a patient and many an interminable doc tor bill saved. 1 consider it infallible in malarial infec tion. I had for many years been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the out growth of malaria in my system, and even under the skillful hand of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had de spaired of ever being a well woman again. Simmons Siver Regulator was recom mended to me. I tried it; it helped me, and it is the only thing that ever did me any good. I persevered in its use, and I am now in per fect health. I know the medicine cured me, and I always keep it as a reliablu 'standby' in my family." Respectfully, Mrs. Marv Kav, C'ntu) n, Aln. ONLY CENUINC hag oar letter Z mamj in rtdmi fnmt of ivuiT. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., BoleProprietora, I'lIILATJKI.I'lII A. VA. FKU.'E 11.(10. UMAX COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES, AT WILLARD BAKER & COS, o O w w o et. oi O o a3 F-4 m 'Si o i-3 u c a j c o CQ A-t o 5 's o t-i a fl- Rock Island, Opposite Harper HonRe. Illinois. L I have just received my first installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FALL AND WINTER WEAR, Aud extend a cordial invitation to my patn.ns for an inspection of the same. Very finest work, Lowest piices, and perfect tit guaranteed. J. J3. ZIMMER, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Rock Island, 111. FIRST-CLASS SHOE SHOP (K'lditctnih strett under Hock Inland Nat. Hank. JOHN Q. FREED, Proprietor. SrSpccial attention paid to fine Cue torn Work. Repairing done neatly njLl0JttpAj? JOHN T. NOFfSKER. I 0 OAK a wit this is a-i entirely New Pattern of Soft Coal Stove, ITS SUCCESS - Wud ir.HILk fill' ll'jkllil tfitlP AVIUir-t'l tlllifi Oyer Twelve Hiirefl Have been put out this season, and il has been all the Foundry could do to fill orders. On exhibition and for sale by- David Don, If 17 Second Aventie, Rock Island