Newspaper Page Text
Iv- Rock Island Daily Argus. ROCK ISLAND, FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 2G. 18S6. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XllV. NO, 33. 3 ft- COMPETITION DEFIED. PRICES WARRANTED -to be 20 to SO per cent cheaper at the- HARPER HOUSE DRUG STORE Than atny other Dru? store ia Western Illinois. Not. only on Patent Medicines but on all Standard Druszs, Fancy Goods and Mis cellaneous articles. Read the cut rates: Pozzoni's Powder ' .90 1 Sail Mascalille $ -TO .32 .B5 .30 .28 .70 .70 .90 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 70 Pierce's Discovery 70 Trak's Magnetic Ointment 16 Ymeht's Extracts 25 Warner's Safe Cure -80 Ithlr.nVtnrrillft 72 Pond's Extracts Hunt's Remedy Ransom's Hive Syrup Husband's Magnesia Xictaols' Bark aud Iron. . . Kennedy's Prairie Weed. . Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer Seller's Cough Syrup 18 Shaker Extract 45 Simmons Regulator 70 Smith's Tonic 70 PRMCRIPTfOKS. Onr Prescription department!. "j 'are market and all prescription, .re compound.- by experienced an4rMu.b e pb.raac.Me. rrtc.a are P" ""rer 50 ' lbm etoe'"5md Aven" A.d Sine'tetn X! Remand. Milk Magnesia. . Hamburg Drops. Himhat" Breast Te-i Bucklin's Arnica Salve Electric Bitters King's New Discovery Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Eve and Skin Ointment. Colic and Cholera Kern. 4 i SPECIAL I JJIfUWH. NOT A PARALLEL CASE. ANOTHER EXECUTIVE LESSON CIVIL SERVICE REFORM IN California Syrup Figs 35 MOST PERFECT MADE Ptwred with rtrioi rtsrard to Purity, Strength and Healthftilnt-. Or. IVi.f'n Tlukiritr Powder cunt-atns no Aiiimonin.I-tnie.AIiim or Phoptmte. Pr. Hri.-i- s Extract, Vanilla. Ltsuiuo, etc., flavor deliciouaiy. PPtCE BAKING fiCWDH CO. Chicago aid St lm HALF-CENT A W0KH. HOPE FOR THE REDS. Second Avenue corner of sss Eighteenth st 7 4jyS comparison in our ' SV line of Hats and Men's Furnishing Goods generally. Clothing Emporium, 115 and 117 AVest 2nd St., DAVENPORT, I A. I have now opened the most complete stock of FINE CLOTH ING and GENTS' FURNISHING G00I.S that was ever shown in this market, and OTJBISTTEE PRICES ': 'aftinst all other dealers. bbert Krause. I have also opened a Special Department for closing ont Odds and Ends, wherein you can find good wearing goods for Men, Boys and Children, in all sizes. All these goods are re duced one-fourth to one-half of the original price, and marked in plain figures. Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, IN ENDLKSS VARIETY. The kgits hereafter will publish in thir col umn all a vertisementt of Loci, Fonnd, For Rent For Sale. Komi or Rooms. Wanted, and similar notices, at the low rate of one-half a cent a word, mecd figure a word, hat no advertisement leu than ten renin 7 PER CKNT MORTGAGES Improved lows Farm. Security 3 to 5 times the loan, and Inspected In eacn case. Completed loans always on hand for sale. Sizes of loans $200 to $10,000 Time uf loans t yesrs. Only cluneal loans handled. References and details given on application either in person or letter. H. M. BENI.BY. lw. SH Main St., 'avenport, Iowa. DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS Steam fitters, A compiete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, 5tc. Deeee's Block, Moline,Ill. Telephone VWt. --Sole a ente (or Deane Steam Pumps, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, We guarantee every one perfect, and will send Cupa, twenty da e" triel, to responsible parties. fcTv i-'t Sq ff u TTta tinrr "Rriilora qt.i1 Pnn tror. tors for furnishing and Laying tytSir Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 First Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1148. R sidence Telephone 1007 -FALL '86.- -WINTER '87.- HOPPE, e TAILOR, (Successor to and late Cutter for I. Liberman.) 1803 Second Ave., Rock Island. FINE WOOLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. "Largest and most complete stock at the Lowest Prices. Paricular Attention given to Good Work. .57 T. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, 1706 Second avenue. FOR SALE. OLD PAPERS IN" ANY quantity at thin office, cheap. IfOR SALE. A NEW HOWE 8EW- - ing machine with all the modern improve menu. Enquire at A uses office. Wanted a reliable person " to open an office in this city ae "General Agent' for our goods, "Monopoly." mall cap iial reqtilred; address KANSAS CITY TOJLST MANF'O CO.. Kansas Cit , Mo. Wanted four good ener eetic men to canvass for a fine line of Boli day good ;s good iay to rieht men : reference 3S-lm 11 Main St. Davenport, a. That Sheds a I-lttle More Ught on a Itinieult Subject Uistrirt Attorney Stone Told That His Cate lias Nothing to lo with Itenton'a The Oiticial Cor- respoitdeace. AV ash 1 nutok City. Nov. 't. The fol lowing i-oiTesondence relative lu thocase of William A, Stone, the suspended district at torney for the Western district of Pennsyl vania, whs maUe public Wednesday aiter uoon: Xittsburq, Not. IS, i8s(i. Hon. A. H. (Oakland, Attornky Oknehau Sir: I have real the t'orrttiixntru -e preideu'i, and Hon, M. E. Beutou, United Stat-a aitoruey, funneete! with his restora tion to Ulice, in wbu-h it appears that be was suspendf-d Irom olfte for his apjmrent neglect of ortkial duties in making campaign speeches. Presumably my susienion was ordered for tlu aauie reason. 1 uesire there fore to state tim tacts in my caae. 1 made but two MKciic prior to the receipt of the order ot suspension one at cutler in an ad joining county on the evening of Oct. 1, and oue at Kit tanning, a town near to ritta- burg, on the evening ox uci s. i ma not leave Pittsbm,; for Jlutier until nearly 4 o'clock Out. I, and return 4 on the morning oftheiiud of Oct abm t o'clock. I left Pibtbburg for Kjtuuuitii, Saturday, Oct. a, about 5 o'clock p. m., hij returned the same night, l pon txxn oi ine above nates vne United States courts hero were not in session except a fhort tune in the morning of each day tor ordinary nto-ions. 1 was in at tendance npou me courts auruig vueir sittings, and ilid not leave the city upon either occasion until long after the courts had adjourned. On Oct. istii, me umieu piaiw uinii court beuran its session t ittsurg lor the trial of jury ca s, I" tit an . -rand jury being in attenda ice. From Oct. 2 until Oct. 18 1 was engage-1 m prejiaranon ox United Slatea cauwtt tor trim, and from Oct Itt until Oct Uw dauj ot the receipt of the order of sus, jhi dou, 1 w aa enlaced in the trial of these causes. Neither during this period from Oct 2 to Oct 7, nor at any other time, did 1 in auy particualr neglect the dntien oi mv ofhtw. Ttuwe atAtmnnta may be venned 6y inquiry of any officer of our conrta. , I feel it my duty, after reading the cor respondence between ttie nMeut and Mr. Benton, to state these ..ids m jusiice to my self, and respectluliy u qut thU i-u mumcation be ri fermi to the president I may also add that I dui iuL think that mak ing an occasional amutgn speech to my neighbors, while not neglecting the duties of my tinice. would be a violation ot the presi dent's order of July 10, iJvsfi. Very respect- ruuy, your ooeuieiii, William A. Stone. l?OR SALE, SIXTY LOTS IN MY AD -1- dittnTif o the city of Kock Ifiand or fonr year ly payment i , with iiiterr (i at mix jwr cent per an 'i DDI H .lAVGSPoKT. i-- feu) m : m It S3 lili HCTHIN AMMJOMMISSIti W. H. LTJNDY, 4 y u I luncit Attend falen IN SITHIB CITY ORCCUNTRY, at iiiotieraie cksrecs, or Receive Oonsig'n.m en ts tuid BiaKc tirrmi)-! reiiirn- ODd eni 9x :T.avn ILL Buford & Loosley, . -GKN'KRM.- Insurance Agents. f h old K re and Time-Tried companies Re ureBented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAH) taie f low o an tie liable Cnmyjiuv car tffor Yoir Patron ace ir Solicit Hf V&Wce tr Arsrnii Block. O, E. MILES Eipyeroiffoofl. EXBCTJTES CUTS OF Buildings, Machinery, Por traits, Animals, &c. Also Electrotype Plates fnrnighed in any nnrohet. Office and Residence rear of Chrifttian Chapel, Brady street, between 4th and 5th, DAVENPORT IA S. T. W ATKINS, fSnceeisor to WaTKINS & HILL,) Dealer in and Green Wood, Will also attend to Baulhiu of all iad Office at yards, comer of 7h e m-et on Molii e avenae. Telephone No. 197; ordern may be left at either place. octiis-dtf Dry Many a Lady Is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Executive Mansion. Kov. lSSi. Hon, A. h. GaRUMJ, ATToKNKV tiE.NhHAL. DeaA iSiR: 1 have rid the letter oi the isth mst. written to vou bv Wilitean jV. Stone, lately susptndeii trum 'fhce as district attorney for the Wfsteni district of Pennsylvania, aud the subject niattx-r to which it raters has rixtjived my caretui i-on-idei-ation. I shall not impute to the writer ai.y mischievous motive m hts plainly erroneous assumption that his case and that of 3d. 1 Benton, recently susjiended and reinstated, rest upon the same stale if racT-s. t,u: pr.-iw l. regard ins r lu-r a.-, con- taintuj;; i h-L- bcM. tate:nc.;i. insible uptn the quesuou oi ni iet.!statiii-nL . You reniber. ot ctmrst mat xin aftr the present administration was mstai.eiiand 1 think nearly a year and a ha.1 as-o 1 con- auiered witn you certain charges which had tteen preierred against Air. itone as a mi- crai otlicial. You remember, too, that the action we then contemplated was withheld by reason of the ercuses and explanations of Lis tr tends. These excuses and explanations mi.uced me to tteiieve tiiat Mr. Stone's reten tion would insure a faithful performance of official duty; and that whatever offensive artisi-nship he had deemed justifiable in other circumstances, he would during his continuance in office at his request, unuer an administration opposed to him in political creed and policy, content himself with a quiet and uuobtrusive enjoyment of his po litical pi ivuVges. 1 ertaii:iy suoixjsei ttiat his-sene ot propriety would V.-ui-v h;m to re frain from pursuing sucha partem -ourscas would wantonly offend and n n:;i i he f ricn is of ttie ctlunnistration who that he should ni l.e retaineil m t-i'i , ,ih. r te cause t,f his feraoual merit vr t.i a.ihercntv to the metbtkls wbichfora ,.;ng tune had prevailed in the di.stribuu.tu oi lederal t)lficvs. In the liht of a better system, and w ith out considering his poetical attiua uons, Mr. Stone, when "ernutTe-i to reman; in ottice, became a part of the bu-int-s orgamKiiLupn of the present administration. iund bv every obligation oi hoiw.r toa-sisL THiisu his sphere in its su --cessful operation. Tins obligation involvetl tii.touly the proper jj formanc of omciai duty, but a ceri'im g.-ti faith and fidelity w hich, yhde not es u .i.ig the hast sacntH-e of jtoliticai iriucipl . lor bade active participation in puieiy pait.san demonstra tions ot a pronouns d t;c. undertaken foi the purpose of advancing jiartjsiin in. crests, and conducted upon th- avowed tln-ory that the administration of the government was not entitled to the conft lemv and resp.vt oi the people. There is no dispute whatever concerning the fact that Mr Stone did join others who were campaigning the state of TennsyJvania in opposition to the attminis tration. It appears, too, that he was active and prominent with noisy enthusiasm in at tendance ujon at least two targe public meet ings; that the sK?echeiat such meetings were largely dev. -ted to the abuse and misrepre sentation ut the administration; that he approved a'l tins and actually ad dressed tie meetings himself in" some what the same strun; that he a' ten ted such meetings away from his home (or the purpose of making such address; and that he was advertised as one of the si makers at each of said meeting f shall aovpt as true the statement of Mr. Stone thit the time spent by him in thus demonstxatru his wili iugness U bold a profitable t -llice at tlte bands of an a .ministration winch he en deavored to disiTedit with the p -ole, and which had kindly overlooked h.s previous offrtnses, did not resurt in the negjtit of or dinary olhcial duty. But his conduct h:is brought to 1 ght such au unfhendiines txward the administration which preiiias 10 Tve, ana o: wtiu ti tie is nom inally a irt, aid such a cnnsequeiiT lack of loyal in tere-t in its su -cess, ha ti;c surest and surest guaranty of his faith. tit service us in my opinion entirely wanting. I Us course, in itself such as should not faav-'tn-n en tered upm w liile maintaining o8L-t:w rela tions to the administration, ab rn- s mi l revives, with unmistakable interpretation 'of their character and interest, the charges of offensive partisanship heretofore made, and up to this time held m alteyance. Mr. Stone and others of like disposition are not U suppose that party lines are so far obliterated that the adniiiiistratioii of the government is to be trusted, in plas high and low, to those who aggressively and con stantly endeavor, nnfai: ly, to destroy the con fidence of the peopi- in tne party resjKwwibl for such administration. While vicious par tisan rnetuods should not he allowed for par tisan purposes to degrade or injure the pub lic service, it is my benef that noihing tenth to discredit our efforts, in the interest of such service, to treat fairly and generously the official incumbency oi political oppf nents, as conduct such as ishre dis-losed. The people of this countrr certainlv do not require the best results of administrative en deavor to he reched wit h such agei tcies as these. Upon b full cons i.ic ration of alt I have le fore me, I am constrained to decline the ap Flication of Mr. Ston" for his reinstatement, enclose his letter with this, awl devre you to acquaint him with my decision. Yours truly, ft rover Cm vlland. Where The ltn1a Are lwm-d. Washington Cttv, Nov. -in bis an nttal report Gen. K'secramt, register of the tnwsurj', says that of the entire aimnmt of registered 1 ids ... $1,01 . . ..j. i " only 100 are held abroad: rMiJtfy- 2K) are owned by national banks; f4H,84, 7i2 by individuals, trustees, etc; $178,517, 000 by savings banks, trust compan es, etc., and $1,.'i07,0"u by insurance companies. Not Our John A. Logan. "Washington City, Nov. 26. On the rec ommenduLiua ot Senator Harris, John A. Logan was appointed postmaster at a village in Tennessee Wednesday where the annual coxupensation is about ISO. Mr. Stevenson suggested to Senator Harris that as he had to easily disposed of John A. Logan ha might be able to find some small jobs for George F. Edmunds and John Sherman. o AnarchlHts Hans; this Vear---A Writ of Krror Granted by t'lticT Jnntlce Hrott. Bloomingtok, Nov. 26. The attor neys for anarchists wcreKinnng the earli est risers yeblerday morning. Mr. Swelt was unquestionably a little anxious about the result of the application for a Super sidcas, while Black and Solomon were very confident they would win their point. Justice Scoit arrived at bis office id the court house a little before 9 o'clock, aud resumed the examination of the rec ord and brief. It being a holiday, the of fices in the court house were closed. One of the basement doors, however, tiirmsued means of inuress and egress. between the Tin- nf the huildinp- Whs stationed at the foot of the main stairway, and stopped all interlopers. At 10 o'clock Messrs. Swett and Black made their way to Judge Scott's room. The Kriti-rju'n weie informed by the ludge that he deemed the cuse worthy of review by a full bench, and would therefore order the issuing of a writ of supersedeas upon the tiling at Ottawa of the record in the case. Mr. Swett was prepared for this contin gency, and at once produced a draft of the order to he made of record. Judge Scott examined the document and, ap proving its phraseology, indorsed the rec ord as follows: After inspecting the foregoing manu script of the record, the undersigned, one of the justices of the supreme court of the state, is of the opinion that there is reasonable ground for granting the writ of error applied for in the cause. It is therefore ordered that a writ of error be granted in this cause, and it is further ordered that the writ of error herein or dered to be issued be a supersedeas as to each and every one of the plaintiffs error viz , August Spies. Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden, Albert R. Pr sons, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Louis Lingg, and Oscar W. Neebe, and shall take effect as provided in sec tion 1, division 15, criminal code. Be vis i-d Statutes, 1874, page 414, to slay the execution of the judgement pronounced ty the criminal court of Cook county against each of the aforesaid plaintiffs iu error until the further order of the au preme court in this cause. It is further ordered that the clerk of the supreme court in the Northern division, upon the filing of this transcript of the record in his office, shall immediately issue the writ of error as a supersedeas as heroin ordered, in accordance with the piovision of the section of the statute above or lined. Done at Bloomingt on this 25th day of November, A I) 1886. John M. Scott, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The case will be docketed at Ottawa nd taken on call at the March term 'he supreme court at Ottawa. CnicAGO, Nov. 26. The news of th granting of the suwTsedea was receiv with great joy by the condemmca aoar chists. i hev hud ft rovt! least, am many called duriug the day. Want?; Over Seven Millions. Washington City, Nov. 2ri. Commo dore liiTrmony, chief of the bu eau of yards ami docks, 1. ivv dctr:men', in bis annual report, calls for fl, tNi,0JU to defray the ex pensfs (or repairs and pre.-ervation and gen eral maintenance of navy yards and docks and navai stations for the next fiscal year. ltu&tR of Vice Presidents. Washington City, Nov. 20. The busts of Vice 1'reii ients Hamlin, W heeler. Art ur, Adorns and Jefferson will be the tirst five piacM in tlr Kict-cs uf the north wail of the senate chaiidi.T, :s provided lor in the resolu tion passed by the seiiat.i. MALARIA. "If people could only know what a splendid medicine Simmons Liver Regulator is there would be many a phy sician without a pati-nt and many an interminable doc tor bill saved. 1 consider it infallible in malarial infec tion. I had for many yeara been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the out growth of malaria in my system, and even under the skillful hand of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had de spaired of ever being a well woman again. Simmons Siver Regulator was recom mended to me. I tried it; it helped me, and it is the only thing that ever did me any good. I persevered in its use, and I am now in per fect health. I know the medicine cured me, and I always keep it as a reliable 'standby' in my family." Respectfully, Mrs. Mary Rat, Cnmcli D, A In. ONLY CENUINE ha, our If tier Z atam In red on front of wrapper. COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES, -AT- WILIARD BAKER & CO.'S, Rock Island, Opposite Harper Bonne. Illinois. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PHK'E 11.00. .iveu Internal Revenue Places. Washington City, Nov. jti Juhn C. Ca batan h;is I en appointed ganr at Wyan dotte, and Byron W. Sever has been appoint s! idorekeeper and ga tiger at Otkd koa. Ion a. THE BLAINE-EDMUNDS EPISODE. Robert Lincoln Declines to Say Much About 1U Chk a( o.Nov. Hon, Robert T. Lin coln an i Judge Gresham have returned from ."MwVt i k where they went to attend ex-rre-d, at Arthur's funeral, but both decline to !' interviewed. "1 ameaihvly out of politics," said Mr. Lincoln. "I: d -od. I performed my last offi cial act on Monday last, aud I do not care to be interviewed on occurrence referred to. I am on friendly terms with both Mr. Blaine and Mr. Edmunds, and I regret deeply that per sonal differences ould have been brought into the hous- of mourning. I do not of my own know ledge know that Mr. Blaine re fused to siiae hands with Mr. Edmunds, but I was informed that such was the fact, and have no doubt of it. If I had known tiiat there was any likelihood of such a dis agreeable affair, I am sure tliat I and others would have endeavored to prevent it. As to the propriety of Mr. Blaine's action, however, I have nothing to say. All I heard was that Mr. Blaire and Mr. Elrnunds met at the late Mr. Arthur's residence and an old quarrel was revived" Judffe (res ham greeted the reporter in his characteristically courteous manner, and ex claimed: 'Oh, I don't want to taik politics 1 am out of poutios,,' "H ive vou heard of the presidential boom .nitiTurated by several influential men in y. ur 1 -teivstr "Vi'M Un the new-ipnpers. Such a move men . ii it ens s, is InMtig cotidti -ted without my knowledge, and all my friends ought to kno.v that it is f k1isIl" Ilufl'alo Bill's Distinguished Andlenee. New York, Nov. 16. Among the dis tinguished persons at Madison Squire gar den Wednesday night to see Buffalo Bill and his company in thcr unique representation of scenes in western and Indian life, were Gen. W T. Sherman, Gen. P. H. Sheridan, Henry Ward Beerhr, Henry B ;rh, Pierre Ijoril.ard, Gen. Marritt, Angii-a Belmont, Col. Mills, Col. Anderson (late of Gsn. Han cock's staffl, and scores of mn eminent m military and civil hie. The. vast au ittoriutu was packed with an enthusiastic auti mv. The part of the programme mint npplaude i was the reproduction in realistic style of the battle of the Little R'Wcbu d, in which Cu -d.r'8 gd a it cnviiry leu and sout fi s; with the Indians. Buffalo Bill, jO play d an important p?trl in the o;itrinai b,,itt !tucceedei in creating a faithful and sU'iking imitation of the historic tragedy. Mayor Hewitt Takes the Oath. New York, Nov. 26 Mayor-elect Abram S. Hewitt walked into Mayor Grace's ofli -e Wednesday for the purpose of takbtg the oath of oflioft, The mayor'i iffice was crowded at the time, but to very few of those present v. as the mayor-elect known. He quietly waikei to t lie desk of tiie mayor, where he was joined by Secretary Turner. The becretai-y presenteii the book in which the signatures of the officials are entered, and Mr. Hewitt wrote his name in a bold, business-like hand. Mayor Grace left the table, where a railway hearing was gouigon, and administered the usual oa:h to lus suc cessor, w hom he then congratulate 1. Secre tary Turner handed Mr. Hewitt n.. certifi cate. The latter, after pleasantly greeting those present, quietly withdrew. Catarrh is a constitutional disease-. Hood's Sarsapariila, is a constitutional icuicuy. a uuie-i unarm, uive it a trial. cr3 o z o O c o u o wo 03 o CO a o 2 M S 7- O xn s 50 C o CQ I have just received my first installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FALL AND WINTER WEAR, And extend a cordial invitation to my patx ns for an inspection cf the same. Very finest work, Lowest pitces, and perfect fit guaranteed. J. B. ZIMMER, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Rock Island, 111. O FIRST-CLASS SHOTS SHOP (Erphtemth Street under Kock Maud Sat. Bank. JOHN O. FREED, Proprietor. tSpecial attention paid to fine Custom Work . Repairing done neatly and promptly. Ac JOHN T. NOFTSKER. this is an entirely New Pattern of Soft Coal Stove. , ITS SUCCESS Has gone far beyond our expectations. Oyer Twelve HnU Have been put out this season, an d it has been all the Foundry could do to fill orders. On exhibition and for sale by David Don, . HI 7 Second Avenue. Rock Island " t : 1 , . -' vr - .) "v .I i - I ( ! ' ,1 !l