Tbje Daily Abgus.
JOHN w potter.
Fbidai, November 26, 18S6.
One locality of South Carolina, has bad
a shower of shot, the shot having the
precise apneiranre of the lead of that
name which is sold over the counter.
We shall lo-'k anxiously f'r the remaind
cr of the pbsnotneoon. The guns, we
take it, oiihi to dime along as early as
next week .
The male portion of the human rare
should unite in a grind testimonial to
Mrs. John Biirelow, of New York. An
exchange siateslh-it "Mrs John Bitreiow.
of New York, bus started the fashion of
wearing low hatsatttieoperaati'l theatre.
3t is now considered vulvar to wear ten
story hats at a place of aoi'isemen'.
A story is gmn around that Mr.
Joseph Pulitz-r has f-iSS.iXM) worth of
Government hoods registered in his name.
Geortre VV. Chilrts says that he thinksthe
New York Wurtd is making over (500.
000 and can be made to clear over $1.
000,000 per annum if Mr. Pulitzer should
continue to boom it aud somewhat cur
tail its expenses.
The draft of a new extradition treaty
between the United Stales and England
has been received at Ottawa, and it i
said to be acceptable to Canada as pro
posed. In the list of extraditable offen
ces, emtx'zzi' oient of any sum and lar
ceny of ov.T 920 are named Should
thi- trca'y la- ralifi. d the uopiilarity of
Canada as a r-'-orf for American invalids
will be seriously impaired.
After their bushwhacking tight upon
Col. Morrison, the Pennsylvania monoj
oly protitiontsts are trying, it seems, to
escape the odi nn of their cowardly war
fare by puuirjg forth a'l sorts of fantastic
explanations to aceo'int for Morrison's
defeat. It is even gravely asserted by cor
respondents of republican papers that
citizen J'li n Jarret and his tinpla'e bar'l
did not influence 100 votes in the dis
trict, and that the tariff reformer was
beaten because the democrats over there
nearly all bated him and went to the polls
eager for revenue. This is too absurd!
Perhaps these same correspondents will
be good enough to explain, with siraiiiar
reasons, the n m irkabie coincidence by
which free trade Frank Hurd. in the
Toledo ii-triel of O.tio, was also ambuh-
td, SU' prised an 1 r ui!ed, while free trader
C'arii-V in Kentucky, was ambushed and
Vr-y near'y r..ur-d. all on the s-tme day.
Th'' H-u-mt't ol monopoly organs to ex
plilin ' f S:sr- irjifirure of the?..- thlee dem
ocratic cniiilatrs liy falsely iissertinu
llstff :i .rj .n tlu- p-in ol ttieir constiiu
ent , i- ju-t a lniie ni-ire cowardl) til in
the tiu-Mos u-ed aai;il theni in the election-.
Tney wen- s.uifly the victims of a
protecti it c-iu-iurjcy with tieaduuar
ters in Pitt-burs;.
All the little mails in a Brooklyn stra
inary have pledged themselves to resist,
htncefor:h. the temptation to buy, or to
U-.;e their fond parents into buying any
"iove of a b n net" tha is decorated with
bird feathers . S iciety young men who
annually svearoS from cigarettes and fifteen-ball
p-ioi may make light of this
solemn act of self-denial on '.he part of
the youn la lies, but its moral heroism
"wii! be re-i i appreciated by anyone wh
has seen a woman go into ecstasies over
a humming bird bonnet. The pledger, n
oil; excludes stuffed birds of all colors
and sizes, tint distinctly forbids the "use
of the feathers of any wild birds as orna
ments of dress or household furniture "
Not even an ostrich plume nor the tail
feather of a bird of ps-"adire is permitted
to add piquancy to the beauty of the little
neophytes in this Brooklyn branch of the
Audubon Bird Protection Society. The
need for such a check is shown by the
statistics of the trade in birdskins. From
a small district on Ling Island 70,000
birdskins were brought to New York in
four months. On the first of February
last, one New York firm had 20,),(MK of
these skins for gale. One auction room
in London so5diu three months 404,464
West Indian and Brazilian birdskins. and
856,389 East Indian birds. A single
Parisian dealer sold in one year 100.000
African birds. If any birds at all are to
le. Is'-t to sing in the fields and to hiuit
the matutinal worm, it is evident from
these figures that the Audubon society
must push its reformatory work ener
getically. .ain and I,omi.
The Philadelphia Pre says in New
England, with one district the Second
Rhode Island vacant, the democrats
have gained five distiicts from the repub
licans and lost one district to thesn, a net
democratic gain of four districts. In the
middle states the republicans have gain
ed seven districts from the democrats and
lost four of them, a net gain of three dis
tricts. In the western states the repub
licans have gained seventeen districts
from the democrats and lost five districts
of them, as well as one district to the
labor men. t net republican gain of eleven
districts. In the Pacific states the dem
ocrats have gained one district from the
republicans. In the southern states the
republicans have gained eight districts
from the deinocrats and lost four to them,
while the democrats, in addition to mak
ing a net loss of four districts to the re
publicans, have been stripped of two dis
tricts by the labt r men. Taking the
country together the republicans have
gained thirty-three districts from the
democrats and lost nineteen districts to
the democrats, one district to the labor
men and one district vacant, a net repub
lican gain of twelve districts, while the
democrats have made a 'net loss of six
teen districts -fourteen lo the republi
cans and two to the labor men.
Th First Keen Twinge.
As the season advances, the pains and
aches by which rheumatism makes itself
known, are experienced after every ex
posure. It is not claimed that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is a specific for rheumatism
we doubt if there is. Or can be, such a
remedy. But the thousands benefited by
Hood a Sarsaparilla, warrant us in urging
others who suffer from rhenmatism to
take :t before the first keen twin .
; VAiilED but VEitACiors:
&. "Had Man's" Strange Application
Two Girls Disappear with Their In
tended Husbands' Cash Startling
Legislative Proposition In Georgia A
Horrible Suspicion Novel Wedding
Selected Items.
COLrMBcs, Ind., Nov. 26 There are few
insta!H)4 wh -re men have asked to b? ad
mitted to the penitentiary. Tniscity furnishes
cue. Thirty years ago Buck McKumey muf
ti, i-'.il on thesirttet here, in coll hl.xhl, a man
ne.mjHi Kutavent. He was sent up lor life,
'nit after serving twenty years G vernor
Hen.lriek.-, as Ins inst tiheial act as governor,
rMrtl.iued huii. Suiea then he has been a
terror to southern Indiana, three
men bavitur been tr!ti for attempting to kill
him. two or" the attempts proving nearly suc
cessful, luit no jury eouid be found that
wout i C'nvict either of them. Som-mouths
Hgo hi- w lie, who owns a good farm, was di
vorcul from hiru. Since then he has lived
by foreimr loans from men whom he kept in
deadly terror by threats. A few days ago
blood-iioisoning set in from a wound, and
Tu.slny he went to Jeffersonville and ap
plied to the warden of the prison to be ad
mitted and allowed to serve out his lite sen
tence, lie was refused.
Georgia Reformers Propose to Posh a
Atlanta, 6a., Nov. Sri McGee, the mem
ber of the leprislHture from Murray, is in a
fair way to aelueve fame. He is opp 8ed to
monopolies and big cities. He was elected as
the special repivsemativ" of the farmers, with
a little adnu.vture of tlie Knights of Labor.
Alter hi- election he called a meetintr of
his const ituent& It was held while the Henrv
George ramoaign was raging in Sew York
city. The meeting came to the conclusion
that there were too many rich folks, and
wuti rneir increase should be cut off.
Tue result has iust been made clear hv a
bili intiojuiud in the legislature to limit the
profits on "store goods." It is provided that
merchants shall not charge a profit of over 15
per cent, on the necessaries of life such as
corn, flour, hacon. aud coffee. Penalties are
provided for the man who dares to speculate
outside of these figures.
The friends of the bill claim that it will
bring ido:it a revival of industry among the
poor; that the state has as much right to reg
ulate mercantile profits as it has railroad
rates, and that laws should be mad for the
poor entirely. The serious part of the mat
ter is that the bill stands a chance of passing
the bouse.
And So Is the Money Given Thein to
Start Housekeeping.
Lafayette, Ind., Nov. Jf. Kor some time
Miss Mnfipe Pixiey an.i hr cousin Minnie,
two very pr tty young la'lirs o: this city,
have bvn th ' jtronuseil b; i ies of David
BNwltt. e-:-maii carrier, ani a well-known
niiisif tir-ait-r of thus place, and the druUe
w;Miiig whs srr for tlie early mrt of Drvem-
ner. me brMes t(wu wero iven svt; a!
hundred dollars hy their aitiiticel. wun
which to T't-nre the ne.essary articlrs of
h n;s hold furniture, an 1 the wedding invita
tions, had l.f-a ordered. The young ladies,
h .w.-vcr. m-on-id. ivd the matter, and Tiws
iay with thy mony purchased tl k-ts for
Kfina.s Citv and kif.;ed, J.'.i.-:n two v-rv
f.triui-.i-l'nrii.-i but wisrr iove;ts. TheaiFair
h is er ate 1 a re'it sensation.
Too Itu-h Like firpfiibark.
New ViiKfv, Nov. lit) Theodore Stewart
ha hid on i-xu.I.ition at hi John street sa
Imn for &nv t;: no past an oil painting of a
bill. It was paintfd oa Mr. Stewart's order
by William M. llartnett, the well-known
artist., at: 1 is valued at $.,MKi by Mr. St w
art. Tne picture has decwived bankers and
experts by its fidelity to detail. Many b--l.'-ve
1 th;it it was a f-Vnote past.'d to the
K .-ird. Taes hty af UtiiOoii Sjeciai Agent
in;m:uo:!d, of tlie treasury,
.-iik-e.i inro Mr. S i-w.irf.s place. "I have
i-.!ue f r this picture," said Mr. Drummond,
;i.)iutln to the pictmv. Mr. Drummoad
iii i it v-:i? a viola ion of the law to nivk' m
any way a f ac sunde of a b ink nore, ainl tli it
it wr.ii id be n C'ssary for him to send the
iai:i:iiig to W i-ihinto.i for the opinion o
the se T.iry of the treasury. Mr. S;ewart
a'-.(iii s-ed. I ti- painting wis rut frm the
frame an 1 forward! to rashinjrton tiie
ijlile I'fler il hm.
NfW Ki-ilnrf in the AViNon-Morn ('ate.
New York. N v. t;. A Providence sinTial
to The Wori lsiyth it the en i of the Wiison
Moencaw is not yet reachei, audit is bwiieved
that ! h t o prnu ipaLs thoroughly understood
each o;h . Une of the counsel on the case is
kno .n to have re larked when ht heard the
verdict: "Uh. that don't make a particle of
difference. Wijon will continue to get his
money from Moen just the .sam-j." Among
the theories to account for the mystorious
secret is one that Wilson is a legitimate son
of Moeii, and it i even said that WiNon has
in his wession the niarriajye certitieatp of
Monto Wilson's mother, dated before 1S.S7,
when he married Miss Washburne. th da'igb
ter of the heai of ths great wiit uianufa'tur
ing firm. Many plausible fa -tt are cited to
prove this theory, jiot thadeast of which is
the remarkable resemblance letweea tli two
Frank W. Tracy's Million.
Buffalo, Nov. St. - Surrogate Stern
Wednesday morning han l-d down a de
cision de -taring that there h id b j in a con
test of the will of the late Frans W. Tracy,
and n decree was entered accordingly. Ap
plica lo i aa 1 been made to thrj Hurrogate
forthns rtcci-tfon in View or'tha "fact that a
clause in the will provided thit in the event
of a contest the contestant forfaited his or
her logacy under the wilL The derision is to
the effect thit a contest had been made by
Harriet Tracy, daughter of the testator, who
was bequeathed I0U,0J0. Mrs, Tracy, who
n the sole residuary legatee, however, will
not take advantage of the forfeiture clause,
provided that no appeal be taken from this
decree. Mrs. Tracy was the a(tri Agnes
A Hunter Loat In the Wood.
Ashland, Wis., Nov. 26. Sunday morn
ing last two men William Gould and
Aivh'e Hishop left this city for a deer hunt
ii i alrout tit! miles from here they parted
njth the inteiuon of meeting again at a
short distance. Bishop states that he was
uuable to find his companion after he left
him. and returned here that evening, since
which time nothing has been seen of Gould.
A party has been out searching for him, but
owing to the recent snowstorm the trail
could not be found. His friends here think
he has wandered to some lumber camp, and
may yet turn up alive. Mr. Gould's home is
in Indianapolis, Ind., where he has a father
and mother. He was unmarried.
Did They Bury Him Alive.
Wabash, Ind., Nov. afi. Th friends and
relative of Jiisp-T L. Eastus, of Rochester,
Fulton county, gathered Monday to at
tend the funeral of his bright litth cos
Earl, who died Sunday night of congestion
of the lungs. The officiating clergyman had
just begun bis prayer when a movement of
the corpse attracted attention. An examin
ation was mad and a faint fluttering of the
heart was felt. The mourner were dismissed
and the funeral postponed. Foot of the best
physicians hi the place examined the child
Tuesday an t a majority pronounced him
dead, but one declared the boy still alive
and protested up to the time of burial Tues
day night
Wedded In Show Window.
Providence. N it. 26. Ihe most largely
attended wedding ever held in this city came
off Wednesday night in the large show win
dow of a house furnishing establishment in
High street The contra ting parties were
Leonard D. Jilouatney and Isabella Kortdina.
The ceremonv was performed by He v. Frank
A. Potter, of the Reorganized Church of
Latter-Day taints, ot this city. Tlte induce
ment far the couple marrying in this novel
itanner in full gaze of the public was the
offer ox a black wtlnut bed-room set. wnicn
has been on exhibition several weeks at the
Mf m hi tah tiMtn t
Governor Gordon of Georgia is going to
review ihc carvel troop of the stRtc
The longest Pullman line in ojvhj i b
from 8t Paid to Portlmd, Orego d
tancof 1,913 m:i-.
The body of a w oman, suppose 1 to e
wife of the captain of tbes-ow FM n -waa
found on the beach nea- I'orr S' n i,
J. P. Phillips & dx, dealers in arieui. ural
implements at Milwaukee, failed "Wednes
day. The bond of the a&aiit ad fixed at
$70,000. - .. . 4
Ex-Governor Cheney of Manchester has
been appointed United Stat'-s senator from
New Hampshire to succeed Au tin F. Pike,
Car;;. it's grain wart'h' uw at riia'-k River
F;is, Wis., was dst.'o.ei by tire W.dnes
lav. (aiis:u. a loss of cJ.o.K), f l0,iR)0
Al ri Tayl r, of Wtnor, Cma., now
veu-.s ot , w 11 c-d-t.rdi ta seveaty
fifty anniv r- ry - f hi iuirrii ;i A ird ffiL
l-vt, if lie liv s.
Fire early Tntirs lav moraing sw -ptaway
JU;.U' K -is Lo. s vim- ar iac. y at Cin
cinnati, in los-i i 4, an.i ih" mises
we-e well insu e;i.
A W c iit i. Kvj.. W.dmdar, Jefferson
Brond y, an aged ma i, shot liis wiie, who is
al-.o advanced m years, mfli tng a d.mer-
0,ir wonn l, and laeii ki.led h.ras -If.
I lie rl.ioa (,'iry Missonnrv society
W ines lay d.-trdniU' i to representatives of
por faiaiiia- iour ton of turkeys, tons
Ot groceries, ah'l hay 1-arrels of vegetable
Weinj-siav, at Paw Paw, MiHi.. fl E.
Stevens, foimerly cashier of the First Na
tional bank at that place, was arre ted for
smtzzlin the funds, and held in $5t0n0
Two brothers named Sims and two chil-
iron of Mr. Meisal were frozen to death ntar
Maa.lan. IV T., dnnns the rec?nt buzzard.
M.s. Joseph Hazeltine, living near Sanborn,
D. i., and her two children narrowiy es
caped dea'h.
The eajinders and brakemun of the South
am I'.ic.ri- road have grievances which, if
not sertkni, may result in a strike The brake
men a-wert that the agreement of last winter
is violated, whiie the engineers com
plain of the unjust discharge of two of their
au .ib-r.
Ixrd S disbury, replying to the Socialists1
m?mrial, says the proposals contained
therein, and which wouid involve extensive
legislativa changes, will wiihout" drubt Im
inly cousid,nd by parliament if thev are
laid before it. The premier, however, savs
he is unable to support the schemes.
The retimins of Adriaa B. Ormbea, an em
ploye of the A iams hxj.ress comnanv at
Chicago, were interred Wedntsdayat Beaver
lam, 13. rie as a witness of the shooting
by Burrus of Mrs. Ray lioode ami her sister,
the shock giviag him a hemurrhae of the
lungs, which was followed by consumption
that proved fatal in a short time.
Th Miner' Amalgamated AtMoclatlon,
9.000 Strong.
PiTTSBi n-i. Fa.. Nov. 3H. An important
labor movejneat was consummated Whines
lay It consists of the romp ete dis
' of the Miners' and Mine-Latjorers'
Amaigai.uile 1 association of the Monona
leta vailey and the ra Iroad mines in the
i-irtshur distri-.-ts, Mm-h supply ali the lake
nd s.uinern rv.-r p.irts with f-oal. As a re
sult, the organization of the KinjhrsofLa
tr has an aavsMon t-T its. ranks at one fell
-wotp of it,uoo men. Tht whole matter was
iecided upvm in a hail m the lirtle mining
own of Buaksvid. ne-jir city. Wednes
lay nig' t. A m.-itin; ot tne n oners" organi
fflition was i i pro-sr,, a d in th- presence of
aUiut fitly n theuiikersof the organiza
tion b-ndertnl their re-'-nations, s;nr.-ndered
Uie char.t-r . I the or ..amaation, aitu .ltvided to
at on-.einvi;e;he K.n.g.tof Labor author. tics
to-ni lltiir oramz rs ai:io.i? i:v iiiin.-rs.
There will n .t. be tlie slil:h .ppirio.i
onVred by the miners, and they wul soon oe
unrolled iu Knights of Labor assemblies.
More Trouble lor Heading.
rHiLADKi.i'HiA, Nov. Tlie aiuiounce-
ruent of the R-a ling raiUad recviwrs that
ttiey wi 1 del m!t on Hi interest on me nm
solidatetl morigagc bou b, due W 1 has cre
RtM consi.ierabie talk m financial ( ij.-les. It .lemiud re
dress fnm the court in anoihtrway than
that of joining in the foreclosure suit. There
is also soni'i prospect that the court will be
Finked to restrain the payment of further in
terest on the limiting tii-bt. It is said that
thediffefeneesin the board of reai-.truction
tru.-t.-e iiave increiLse-i, and a report piv
vniU tliat thv have com - to a dea V.o k on
the r.oriun.atiou piaa.
May Hp lave
Leavenwmkth. Kan.,
ditioii of Lieut. .!. S 1'
ami Hi Happy.
Nov. The con
tui, Kir.,t iiifantrv.
is iru-b w 1. Hi. widiaj- wit i Mis
Beiiai fcjimi'p. dautriiter of Maj. Alexander
Sharp, paynin? ter United States army, which
was summarily che. k .1 by the a:nmp; of an
assassin, Uk pi at at 4 tM-locK W e.mesday
al'terao- ru iw reason for tne,ae
before L-eat. f'ttit's entire recovery is that
Lieut. A. Sharp, of tlte navy, has been
ordered to repor- ia Wasi.i ig a. a i ear y day
and desired to t- pr '--nt at the ceremonies.
Eplsi-itpl ( lereyman I-Mned.
Baltimokk.. Nov. B.shopl'ajet, of the
Protestant Episcopal church, acting for ihf
I'cclesiastical au-noriths of the diocese of
Eastan, LasforiHAiiy pmnounc d sent-jice of
leposition fnv the Ofhty oi pjesbyt-r
(priest) and Irom timexerci-te a.I autiior.iy
in the B iseal church, i.gMist the Rev
ti-orge W. .wne, .f Sl. i' ei's church,
8alidu:y. Ml, who f w eks ago, pro
claimed hi ie.i -I i i ih -1 K-t iiiei anil teacn-uig-oi
Hie B Mi'in (. I if i'hu,"ch.
It ihi-r K.-ukIi oh lire.ttliead.
RrniM.F t..D, 1.1... .Nov. :;r. i : me casp
3f BrneS' K. tJiejlOiea I; of ,Vu;a.iy I; , First
infantry, charged with .1eseriin am aim,
pany aud reg inent while on't daty dur
ing the ic nt st'i; -yar is ?trdi , the court
mart.:! retur iela V,rdtci. wuic.i ,i.ts beea
ippron 'l by ihvi coimnauder-in-ch.ef. (ireatr
ieHd i siiteinvd U forf -it aH jhiv due, to be
lisr hn. rtiro.u Lhii service, a. id v-o- .(.-
ha. ic i .roiii hoi Img any military )-,, t on in'
r,h- sLiiie f r (K-iio-l of three e,ti.from
Nov 1, is-....
I'tutiili on 1'roliibil Ion.
CHICA'i . N v ,ii. -Sena: t P u. :b was ii
th" city m -lav. r-iMirt-r
that prohib in n has come hi slay u Kansa,-.
Already its influent i niJely f.-it, and :hf
:-orisunmtitii of liquors as a b-'verag haf
ben ruiuceti, tn Ins opiui n, ,r'.. 50 t fit)
ptr (t-nt.. ie the J rohilutioi. si - inm
tbitbe rdui toii amount- to luiiy 'h fcr
Supposed To lie fjont.
JJ f w Haven. Coi m. , No --fi . The
whooTier Ai.tiie Hop; wtin a crew of six
left Mobile forty -..even ilays an i(h lum-b-r
for this port. Mi has uo leti snfke,i
Kinoe, and is thought to b1 foundered
Offer to Hn Kntate.
l)i BUS. Nov. iaV-Lur i. l)nnoughomort
affors to sfll his extensiv estate under th
AsliboiiriH act. Hie tenant offer of six
teen years' vircbase will probably b
The Rice Coil is the simplest and most
billowy spring in the world. It adjusts
itself to varying loads perfectly. Three
people are carried with as much ease as
one. It gives better satisfaction than
any spring made. AU carriage dealers
have it, or you can order of the Rice
Carriage-sprine company, PitUton, Pa.
Dr. Henry A. Holmes, the librarian of
the statp library at Albany, is so seriously
ill that bis recovery is doubtful.
In the. treatment of all nervous and
muscular diseases, such as rheumatism,
neuralgia, sciatica, titc douloureux, semi
craBia, &c, the value of Salvation oil
cannot be overestimated. It kills pain.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle.
Disappointment in matters of pleasure is
bard to be borne, in matters affecting
health it becomes cruel. Dr. Bull's
cough syrup never disappoints those who
use it for obstinate coughs, coiue, irrita
tion of the throat and lungs etc.
He Re'Hftr to Work, Threaten to Fire
th Ship, and Wages m Woody Mattle
in the Uuid with the Whole Crew,
Winning rp by Cutting His Own
New Yoifte, Nov. 96. The American ship
Granite State arrived hare after a juissage
ol KiO days from Manilla aud an experience
that has rarely lien equaled on the high
seas The story told bv her skipp -r, Cipt
Frits, is a recital of desperate deeds which
would ap';ear fxtraordn-ary ev n in the
pa.'. of a dim- novel. The subject of the
ti was a Spanish sailor named Icon
Sal ires. it was in the middle of Novemlter
that the man commenced his murderous
work, i hi jr xaiit of squally weather much
ca e was r -quired in the handling of the
cr lit, h il i je crew had to re ma n eonx'antly
on i k. ilares Was askl ono nurniu ' to in s-mia work. He turned to Oar-t
ritiz and t.d:
"I'll be if I do. This is a floating hlt.
an i 1 won t allow you to kdl me by work.'
ine captm spoke to several of his own
men and ased them to advise iSalares to
obey instructions. Thev were going for
ward to try i -er-uiasion when Salaries stepinnl
forward to the fore-hatch, which was irtiy
open, ana -tv'mwyi:
"If you com new in I swear by all that's
good I'll set fir to the cargo in the hold. I
am well prepared for this attack, and will
stand no non -ense."
The men did not heed his threats, but con
tinual to move forward. They had just
readied the after end of the forecastle when
Salares pidle-1 a bo? of ma-t.-a. fiom his
pocket, an 1, alter igu.tmg one, held it al-; t
to show he w.aii l carry out his designs. The
men stopjied short, aiul Cap:. Friiz cailed
out: "For God -i sake, conu back; th linn
is mad.''
The vessel was loaded with oil. The en
raged Spaniard then lowered himteif down
through tlie harch on to t ie top tier of ca-e-oil,
and craw i;i g up forward into the eyes (f
the ship secr-'Led himself in the cargo. The
wife and daught r of Capt. Fritz were on
board, and rhe-, fearing the man would set
fire to the ship, b?ggd the officers to go for
ward and promise him immunity from pun
bdiment if he would return t work. Tlie
captain indorsed the order, but though l hv'
matos callwi to the Span ard though the
hatch he ivfin d to coma back to the deck.
All that night the captain's wife and daugii
ter paced ih caoia, expectin something to
happen every minute. On the early miming
of the following day the crew ar.-ej t o
below an 1 try to capture Salares. Their last
order from Capt Frits was to take him alive,
if possible, and not harm htm. Capt Fria
led the dw.i. It was very dark between
decks, a-id thit they might not have astruj
gle m the dark lanterns were procured. They
had cr!ed al on the case-oil for oulv a
few acconds wh u the of Salares mde
them h ilt.
"Go Iwck," h sh-.uted, "..r I'll kill you!''
Capt Fritz was the i:eare.t to him. and
naturally proved the obj f his wrath
W ith a sheath-knife which 1;-had fastened
to fhe handle of a shovel h- made a luudge
ai the cai)tain. Tlie kn fe iand-d on the
wrist of the hand wlpchheld the lantern. It
was almost severed from the arm hv the
blow, and tlie lantern fell to pieces oa the oil
eastis. The Haines from it burst up, and but
for the captains presence of n:md a fright
ful disaster would have occurred. The enp
tni.i, woun It-1 as he was succeeded m extin
guihing the fl;i;:ies. wbil" in dism.-.y tl.e men
retrerded to tl:e ! 1;. Thecajitain ;iuue,
how- ver, and u.sstl that lb - man snould
betaken. A few hours afu-rthisa se tnd
attemjt to captir-e" the Sjwalar.l was
made. Two of iii sailors now carrii
pistois. but tiio'i-h :Uev lire 1 uarlv thirtv
hot m ail due -liaiLs the Sjuiiard ts aiied
Ait.r the rhargws had been exhniste-1 Sa
lares began his work. He crawled sil-utlv
up to the men, an 1 with the slnat:i-bnif on
the shovl handle, nearly cut in twain the
lek of one of the banish sailors Following
up t -e onshtu ;ht, h stabb M Sun Rttb-rt iu
the left eye, an t Alexander Crinr in the
ngM arm. He th-n move further forwani
J he he-tod was tnri:i from the wouintetl
men, but th-y det' rmiiie.l!otakeSalarMs. He
firt inel l I n-nk the lanterns hv tinn
quoins wi i''h wece used to stow th'i cargo,
but when that bad failed he lieranv nuiet.
Kor an hour ih. erew .s;-an'lie.l ahnnt th
carco wr.h'nt fHitini acrs- s I ires, but they
TiT'ai v f-nitid him v lg-1 o 't e.-n tn bor-s
Hv was ding. i.avmg ait hts throiit. Ten
m inites ait-T tteing brought on de-.-k he diei.
Tne Imdy was buried ut sri.
Items from Citlia.
-New York, iov. The foil .wing ieii..-
ihs been reeivil from Havana, under d n
4 Nov. 20.
S-. nitr Casanova, a wealthy proprietor, w lw
was kiflnaiie l bv liandu-;. h is b -en reie:v d
n p ivnicnt of th1 ransoiu a-ked.
The great event of the week was th- ar
rival of Luis Maranntini, th bu-i-ii 'titer.
who will give fourteen exhibit ions in Cuba,
ilazzantini brought with him from Siiain a
nunilcr of can fully selectil bu: Is, as the
Cuban bull i not sufficiently fierce to make
an intofvsti tg fight. For his fourteen exhi
bitions Mazzantini will receive the sum of
l.'-,00). The price of admission to the fights
i extremel hih, and greatiy in excess of
any ever itefore ctiarged. Tne attendance
will biorm- u.
- Himnijf Pom hj m Wlnri-Morm.
t.MtRA. Y , N -v. -Jfi.A ternlic wind
and- rain storm vii ierl t he tt) n of Hor e-
laLs, n-ar here, Wednevlaj night. W. J.
rw' carriag.' lactory was badly wrecked.
Theroofs of Rrnnt house and Reynolds'
.store wfre partially ol jwnoff. Tiie sniokn
stack and part of the roof of Tomlmson'i
fwindry were demolished. Many chimnys
were blown down and other damug - douy.
Will Probably iet Sn peraedean.
Bi-nowiNOTON, Ills., Nov. ati. Judge
Scott has still under consideration tlie ap
plication for n sup -rsedpas for the condemned
Chicago Anarchists, It is generally con
reded th.rt a supie'leas will lie granted, as
Judge S-oit is stud to have frequently ex-
prettsed Umiieir as being opposed to capital
A Conffrenre of Iliplotii-ita.
LONDftS, Nov. att. Baron DoHtaal. the
Kussinn ambassador, and Count Von Hat.-
feldt, the German ambassador. Wednesday
had long and important interviews with the
uiatqute or of Salisbury.
Ketone to Sell to His Tenant.
Losrnnft, Nov . iifi. Lord Templemore has
refused the meiiiitnai of the teuiut on his
U. negal estates praying that they m al-
k)wed to purcnax: their holdings undei the
Tirovisioris of to AshiKninie
A Monument to the French Kevolntion.
Fakir, Nov 36. The municipal coun U
hasia-.-ed a reo.ution in favor of erect. ug a
monument in commemoration of the Frii ti
revoiu. on on the site of the palace ol tbt
TuilJer es
In the pursuit of the good things of
his world wc anticipate too much; we
eat out the heart and sweetness of world
ly pleasures by delightful forethought of
them. The results obtained from the use
of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic far exceed
all claims. Il cures dyspepsia, and all
stomach, liver, kidney and bladder
troubles. It is a perfect tonic, appetizer,
blood purifier, a sure cure for ague and
malarial diseases. Price, 50 cents, of
During a smart snow storm at Modoc,
Cal-. a rancher was in town trying to sell
a load of watermelons.
Who of us are without trouble be the;
small or large? The blessings of health
are best appreciated when we are sick
and in pain. A backlog cough, a severe
cold, or. any throat or lung disease are
very troublesome; hut all ot these may be
quickly ana permanently cured by ir
Bigelow's Cure. Safe and pleasant for
children. Fnce oil cents.
An Arifiimatit for WonM Suffrag
Buffalo, N. T., Nov." . "Larry 'Don
ovan, the famous bridge jumper, fcaviag
failed to find a woman who will go through
the whirlpool rapids in a barrel with him has
concluded to l-ave Buffalo and enter a dime
museum, Professor Haley, a local, pugilist
will act as m?. ii ger for Donovan, and has
contracted to exhibit his man in the New
York Dime museum at $5tK a week for two
weeks. Larry says he is deeply in debt, and
was torcea to adopt this method of getting
A "Tired" Manufacturer.
Philadelphia, Nov. 3d. Loui3 Jones, of
tins.'.,, l a., itas lal so much trouble with
the ciup r of bin ho.-: i v mill that he has
tin illy ivqi:esied them 10 lake the property
off his ban Is and run it themselves. He of-
j f erml to sell it to them tor $30,01)0. The
. K'iight3of laltor here, want to acoept the
j li' r and n the mill on the co-operative
j plan. They have as-.eii the advice of tlie
general co-oj era i ve -ard of t he order,
i The mill has employed from 300 to 350
Miockingly Injured by an Elevator.
Chicago, Nov. Lti. Louis Bedowky, a
you ig l'o.ander, met with a shocking acci
dent Vedii sii v morn in-; at 11 o'clock. He
a.s on a lo.u-i II or of a iaetory looking up
the shaft lor lue elevator wlucu was at
the third floor, ire he was aware
the machine .ies ended and its edge catching
him on the foj-.-iVad, iit-r uly sera jied off his
nose and tortious of his mouth and forehead.
He was biKea to tlie o uuty hospital. His
injuries are not fatal.
A New Cruiser Missing.
New York, Nov. 36. The latest addi
tion to Uncle Sam's navy, that new and un
developed terror of the seas, the Atlanta, has
not beea hard from since 7 o'clock Friday
morning:, Nov. l!, hen she set out on atrial
trial trip down th-- sound. The test of speed
was to ia,i on'y six hours. The impression is
that she ha got out to sea and became disa
Prominent lititnei Men Charged with
Whtlele Wheat Stealing.
BrFFAi), Nov. A tremendous sensa
tion was ctvat d Wed iesd.ty by the publica
tion of th h s'orv of a conspiracy on the
part of prominent citizens to stU grain in
canal boat I U fron th Richm tad elevator.
The story is as follows; Henrv P. Em-die,
manager of the elevator, en tared into three
separate conspiracies to rob his employer. He
had a distinct understanding with each
conspirator w tuout the knowle lge of any
mo otners. a;s partners m
crime were John A. Campbell, of the firm of
Campbell 6c Katcliiro; Jofin Kennedy, f
th nrm ot r o il. aerman & Jhns a:nl An-
lnw hralli-T, of the forwarding and com
mission linn of Andrew Egath-T & Co. It
loos not yet appear how the elevator associa
tion learne t of tha st.';U, but they did, and
imployM IVtective John BjTiie to investi
gate. The result was that the four men
tioned have been indicted by the grand jury
for gran 1 larce -y.
lheci-ia i..ars w-r run under the ele
vator an 1 i 'id'1 wrh wheat by Euislie;.
Mien the wheat was sold by one of the others,
v.h.t gave K a l wo tairds tf the monev
ivenived and k p- the Ualance himself.
ISInhop IV hippie Ite wards a Hero.
Fohta'-.e, Wtv, ""v. 26. KnginetT
Thorn a,- Lit'l , waos heroic atu-ntion to duty
an the night oi llnst ilio disasu-r un-
loubN'illy s;iv 1 unity lives, was presented
1'ues.iay eve n i ; by Bi-hop Whipple with an
slegant gold p: d 1. The bishop was on his
wav ho;n- tr..ii- hila.lelphia, here h had the
ken sJ-mi
at t.fte UniU-d Ktat-s mint,
i te.irs the in-i-' ipiion
io Hiomas ljttle." and tlu1
Iks Ilr-.ism m Stvmi: tiit
The o!Tt-,s
Bidi .p w .
'Vers- I.-
of l'i n rs at Kio, WK, 1 1. 1. js,
Th m is plain but verv m aT,
It-dug a tr than a silver d diar.
The rfviiiieiit wa.- taken entirely bv stii pns .
inil Bi-hop Wh pole left for horn - n:he
dght train af tar having paid thech .nuing
tribute t honest" iia'rit.
A Little Affair In Texas.
Bkknham. Tex.. Nov. 6 Henry Hhihi. k
lie keeper of a gambling housv. shot an
killed John Traylor, the keeper of a i ivai
house We-in-" lav. Hancock heard Trav lor
ntendM to kill him on sight and got ashou
un. Meeting Traylor on the street heem;tiet
, ic contents into his body, killing him in
lto!ilHd a Railway Ticket Olllr.
WaBui. I .d . Nov. '-'6 Tlie ticket office
f the W tbish ma 1 t I'eru was burglarized
at an e'r!v li' iir Wednesday morning H!1d
big haul i le in money n-i tickets, 'ihe
ailway t-fiiciais wdi not give pariicuiarb.
I h-- watchman was a Jeep in the building.
Vila- f:r Vice President.
Mil. wat krk. Wis, Nov. The nomina
lion of Coi, .bvtm F. Vilas as vice presi
dent on t ie s?.:ne ti'ket with (i rover Cieve-
land in lSvs i a probability now being qui
i-ty otscu.saeo in Ltriinx'muc circles m it is
e'i few!
Absolutely Pure.
This nnwder never nnen.' A mrvi ef nnm
Ptremtth and wholesnmenew : imtr economict
than tne ordinary kind, and imnot he sold h
corap'-tition with the multltn le of low tent, ihor
wutgbt atom or phonphufe powdern. SolA only
cans. Rot At Baking CowdkCo., 10ft Wall P
Npw York
Maverick National Bank,
Capital - - - $4.00,000
Surplus - - - IfiOfm
Accounts of Baiikf. Bankers and Corporations
Our fac 1 t e forCOI.LK(TIOB re excellent
and we re-discount for Bank when balances
warrant it.
Boston i a Keierve City, anrt ba lancet with in
from Hanks l not located in other Reserve cttteto
count an remirve.
W e draw our own Exchange on London and the
Continei t. and make Cab'e transfer and place
n.oner bv teleirraub throughout the United sLatet
and Canada.
(Government Bonci b ncht atid Hold, and El-
change in Washington made for Banka without
extra charge.
w e have a market Mr prime nm-cia lovcrt-
mcot Securities, aud invite projwsal from States,
Counties and Cities when ittuing bonds.
we do a ceaeral ttauaiDK bUHiueafl, ana luvtte
A5A r rui iAit, rreeiaem.
JOS. W. Work, Cashier.
Oct-80 dwAwjm
Superintendent of Buildings,
Eldndgc Block. Cot. M and Perry 8U.,
9 jTrovaliikgi .;
a w
NO FEE!! i.s:i;:.:.-,s:.r,;s:a. i 18680.
tCSTIt, SlTtW.l Chicago. lK Clark St.
S HngJu, Cld-rtallished
Is ttUl beitlig vi'l Ox gmtiit
skill as: kckss
and all persons who by iht-r own acts of Impru
dence or Folly at any qcriod of life have brought
upon chemse'vet the evil eflecii tolluwing closely
spin the hrels of t .itisg rc;si - n of the lawi ol
aniure,4hoi!- consult ihe rao-d pr, 1arkc at
once. Kerne tu h-r! Nervomi dUan with or
without dr-ansi or ltiility pr.d loss of nerv
!tWfr 'rested scientifically bv niw methods with
n-ver failin success. 4r lt'n: !:cs no difference
what you have nktm or niio has failed tocureyou.
TheterrlhIn j.oison oi Rypliilla and all
bud blood and akin diMases, completely eradi
cited without mercury. K-meDiher that this one
horrible disease, if neglected or improperly
troaied, curaes the presen t and coming generations.
All unnatural discharges cured promptly
wuhout hindrance to business. No experiments
Huh sexei consult oon Hden tially. Age and
pxp-rlenw important. A written guarantee
of cure Riven in every aae undertaken.
ySotTerer from ntv chronlr dlaease write
History ar,d Kviupt-oiiH ,f yaT case plainly,
i ases solicited which oihcts have failed to cure.
fr-Sen-l two stamps f .r celebrated works on
Chmn! , ervoua and llelteate Diseases Von
have an exhaustive nviii ptinitilny by whirh
study your own case, f onsu.tat.mi. personally '
or by letter, free. ronnilt tie obi Porfor.
Tlmiisands cured. Ottlres an4 ntTors pri
vate. 4-Those conlemplatinp Man iii' -u'. f.,t
lr. C arke's celebrated guide, Male and Female,
etch 15c, both 2c. istamii. Before confiding ynsr
.:seconsuit IHCCLAKKK. A friendly letter or rati
may ve future sutrerins and shame an add golden
ytnr f life. Meiii-itnt-s sent ever-wh-re rurefmni
exposure. Hotm.t to 8 ; Sundays o to 12 A-idresfc
F. D. CLARKE, M. D.,
186 So. Clark St., Ch'cago, U
1. J2, $3 or $5 for a
sample retail bo by ex
presp of the
Best Candies
in America, put up fn
elegant boxei and strict
ly pure. Suitable for
tPif xpress rhanrcs
linht Refers to all Chi
cago. Try it once.
Con lec tinner.
-icdy. IW SCli E7 AIL EEU33T5
The only perfect substitute Mother
milk. Invaluable in Cholera Infantum
nd Teething. A prpriigs:ed: food for Dys
peptics, .Consumptive. Convalescents.
Perfect nutrient In all Wasting Diseases.
Requires no cookinp Our Boo5, The Care
anu reeamg ot inraniSf mmea zree.
Catarrh l!Lybi
55;?.lri(.ans8 thf head
Allays lntlamma
tion. Heals sores.
Restores the sen
ses of taste, hear
ing ami Smell. A
Quick Relief A
W-FEVER Positive Cure
Cream Balm has gained an enviable reputation
wherever known, displarine all oth r preparations.
A particle is applied into ec notil relieves
patnatoftce, ( airreeable to n-e Hrice 50c. at
draacists. or by mail. Send for circnlar.
ELY BKOTHBR-i.ririicirists.Oweco. N. T.
Warranted absolutely pure
Coeoo. from which the exceaa of
OH has been removed. It has three
time the ttrmgih of Cocoa mixed
with Blare h. Arrowroot or Sugar,
and la therefore far more economi
cal, costing IfMt than one cent a
cup. Il la delicloua, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested, and
admirably adapted for invalids aa
well aa for persona in hoalth.
eM bj Croeers everywhere.
W. BAKER & !0 Doretder, Mass.
York to
lam;ow ami lomo.mK'!kv.
Rate of pawaye to or from
New York. Glasgow. Liverpool, LondoQ
derrv or Belfast,
l'Wn. t45 tiil 5S Second 11a... (30.
HteeraKi outwnrd or preaid, $20
nhorLiue Drafts Uaiird at kmert rata are
ttafdfrreof ch'trgee In England, Scotland and
For Bookaof Tonrw. Ticketi. or other informa
tlon. aimly to HKNDBKSON BKOTHKHS. Chi
cago, or J F. ROBINSON. Kock li-lsud. 111.
Pennyroyal Piils.
afe and alwavs reliable. Beware of worthless
imitaiions; Indispensable for LAIMBH. Ask your
lruggistfor 'M'hi bkstkh's Enolish" and take
no other, or inclose ic. (sUmpe) to ue for partic
Hlars i lttr rj re tarn mail. -Name
Faraa. , -Obi hweeb CHaaicai. Co.,
MIS Madison Syoare, foiladelphia. Pa.
Trade supplied hjMJEO. L.e)UWlN & '-,
. Wkoloeale tufn. Rostoa. Masr '
has had a life Ions exoerieneein-
treaUlv HiuA.iM u
beea prcsoribMl in hundreds of
Aes aa an uafailinx monthly
1- i tvmadv. Heaeant, safe, effect
ual. LAflies ask your druggiss
for Pennyroyal Wafers, take no
i substitute. Sealed particulars
S stiunrML Prtae. SI mw box.
' Address Kutuu Caaiucil. Co., 140 Howard SL
Daraorr. Ukou
Sold in Rock Island by Marshall A Fisher, Har
per House arnj store.
11 l oil
Kin aii
SrlNTA CLAUS in Summer
rejtirjc) from hi? h.5t rcatwor
t i7V?il07 of fJNlTrl (lWA?
ranu.fx.1'trt-'. ijf .
- - - :
-Grand Clearing
Hats, Fancy Feathers and Piece Goods,
All marked down to insure a quick sale.
Now is your time and don't miss it.
No. 314 West Second St., Davenport, Iowa.
Si.trb Bia Glovi-
Combining a Parlor,
21fif .Hy
All flimtuharl
"""--""i vim
AL OtirUllnlrul IW.-m.
No. 1611 Second Avenue.
t8peclal attention paid to farniahiag p:cnics. partie. etc
Ice Cream Parlors, Bakery,
No. 1109 Third Avenue, Rock Island.
fTer It v a v of tl liJivl" made to orter.
flour :and feed,
Cor. Fourth Ave., and Twenty-fourth St., Kroger. Old Stand.
PRICK. L0 W Oooda aelWered f re to any part of theelnr. '
At the Davenoort
( Book K m
" I coaiiBK'1- ''w
j ' TTP" 'aiTm,
, Trr.itOBAPaT..
Li Looslev &Co.,
Insurance Agents
tLoaaea promptly adjusted and paid at thli
agency. ... ;
(Successoi of Hayes & Cleaveltrid.)
f Agency eaUbllahed IMS.
Office in BeDgston't Block .
. ' "
Sale of all onx -
Gloves I Gloves!
For all kiads of Gloves and Mi'.teas call and
Over 500 different styles, warranted
to fit and will not rip; gloves
for everybody, and no 6hoddy.
Gloves cul to order and repaired.
No. 1605 Second venue. Rock Island.
I.lhrary, Smoktis, Rn-linlnfl: or Invalid
un i . . ., . ...... '
lilu"lu, '"i "tump I 0-HIPPKDtoall
V,A A a. a .
" -"- wn nine, ana Keiiiea,W'.,.i. j '
.... , iVuc aw wwjuacirnwei
145 N. 8th St., Philada.. Pa.
W. P. Tindall's
Livery' Stable,
1613 and 1611 Tbird avenue,
: j
Business College,
nV 'N H KS. Proptra
Joseph Fitzpatrick
Takea uieaeure ia aunouui ing that he ,lt;e
5, well known Camden Mills for a term of ear.
and haa opened them for the receipt of CU5
work and general milling.
Rye Flour a-Spucialty.
rr-promptne.1 ad aatlilactloB win h
rnle. B8