Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island Daily. Argus. VOL. UXV. NO. 34. ROCK ISLAND, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1SS6. PRICE FIVE CENTS COMPETITION DEFIED. PRICES WARRANTED to be 20 to 3.0 per cent cheaper at the HARPER HOUSE DRUG STORE Thn tn other Dm!? store in Western Illinois. Not only on Patent Medicines but ..n 11 Sundsrd Druas, Fancy Goons and Mis cellaneous articles. Poftzoni's Powder $ -80 Read the cut rates Sail Mascalille t .70 WrWhfs Extrac'B 25 Milk Magnesia aa Wright s Mirac b Piv v.vorite Prescrintion 70 .73 i Iierce's Discovery 70 Warner's Safe Cure Athlophorous Pond's Extracts Hunt's Remedy Ransom's Hive Syrup Husband's Magnesia Nichols' Berk and Iron . . . Kennedy's Prairie Weed . . Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer Seller's Cough Syrup .83 .65 .20 TrasVs Matrnetic Ointment. Hamburg Drops Hamburg Breast Tea .28 , Buckltn's Arnica Salve .70 Electric Bitters .70 King's New Discovery .90 Chamberlain's Coush Remedy 18 ' Eye and Skin Ointment. .16 .30 :13 .13 .33 .63 .30 .15 ,15 .35 Shaker Extract 45 " Colic and Cholera Rem Bimmons Regulator 70 California Syrup Figs Smith's Tonic I PRBSCRIPTtONS- Onr Prescription department is etoi ked with the purest and best goods in the market and .11 prescriptions are compound..! by experienced ana reliable pharmacists. I rices are ruarmteed to be lower by 60 per cent than elsewhere. MARSHALL 1 1-" rrop ' luowinc r Second Avenue and Nineteenth St., Rock Island. Second Avenue ! f 4jy comparison m our s line of Hat8 and Men s " - Furnishing Goods generally. Clothing !mpormm 115 and 117 West 2nd St., DAVENPORT, IA.. I have now opened the most complete stock of FINE CLOTH ING and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS that was ever shown in this market, and GUAEANTEK PRICES against all other dealers. Robert Krause. I have also opened a' Special Department for closing ont Odds and Ends, wherein you can find good wearing goods for Men, Boys and Children, in all sizes. All these goods are re duced one-fourth to one-half of the original price, and marked in plain figures. Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. rn DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS Steam Fitters, -A complete stock of- Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, tc. Dkehs's Block, Moling, 111. TetepDoo IW. FALL '86.- Sole a ents for Deane Steam Pumps, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, We guarantee every one perfect, and will send Cops, twenty da 6' triel, to responsible parties. Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac tors for furnishing and Laying Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 First Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Telephone 1148. R sidence Telephone 10"? "WINTER '87. HOPPE, the TAILOR, (Successor to and late Cutter for I. Liberman,) 1803 Second Ave., Rock. Island. FINE WOOLENS, -CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. ("Largest and most complete stock at the Lowest Prices. Paricular Attention given to Good Work. J. T. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, 1706 Second avenue. A CRFRiCES: SPECIAL Mil NATURAL FRIOT I ffi FLAVORS 1 THE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. BY A COUP D'ETAT THE DEMOCRATS MAY GAIN CONTROL. MOST PERFECT MADE PrCTwrwJwIthirtrirt mrard to Purity, Strcnfrth anfl HeaUhfulnt-sw. 1'r. I'rK'- niikinir 1'owdtr contains no Ammonia... 1 no.Ahi in or rhnphatin. Dr. I'ni-e's Extract. Vanilla, Loinoo, etc., flavor dvlicioualy. PftfCE BAKING POWDOt CO. Chicago ontf St Lauk. HALF-CENT A W0KH. The ARGirs hereafter will publish hi this col umn all a vertisemtntp of Lost, Found, For Rent ForSaie, Bord or Kooras, Wanted, and limilar notices, at the low rate of one-half a cent a utrrt, each figure a word, but no advert ice mt-nt leap than ten cent J PER CENT MORTGAGES Improved Iowa Farms. Security 8 to 5 times the loan, and inspected In eecn case. Completer loans always on hand for sale. Sizes of loam $200 to 910,000- Time of loans 6 year. Only choicest loan handled. Reference and detail given on application either in penwn or letter II. M. HENLEY, Attorney at Law. 514 Main St., Davenport, Iowa. UOR SALE. OLD PAPERS IN ANY - quantity at this office, cheap. VOR SALE. A NEW HOWE BEW- Ing machine with all the modern improve memo Enquire at Abgus office. WANTED A RELIABLE PERSON to open an office in thi city an "General Agent"' for our oot, "Monopoly." Small cap ital required; address KANSAS 1'ITY TOILKT MANF'G CO.; Kansas Citj , Mo. WANTED FOUR GOOD ENER retic men to canvn-- for a fine line of Hli day pood ;p Kood pay to richt men; reference n-uuirvd. f. F. rr F.ND. Manairer lS-lm "U9 Mfiiii St. Dfiinrt, Ta. VOH SALE, SIXTY LOTS IN MY AD dition otiie city of Kork Kami on four year ly payments, wito interest at mi percent perm i ill 3 1 Lr-J iff i l ii siFi-5) mi mm CO? iF.'.t;'-:..; t aaL E tr p The Scheme I .lea In Admitting Wftahlng toD Territory to the I'nlou and leav ing the Dukota Hill on th C'alentiar Kv. lr. Newman's fienaational Ser monNote from the Capital. Washington, City, Nov. 27. A slirewd Democratic observer of events sait Thursday : 4'Thre is a chani'e for tlie Democrats to get control of the Fiftieth congress by a coup d' e'tat which is perfectly legitimate. Last win ter the Republicans in the seiiate wore so anxious to have Dakota a Imitttii as a state that they made overtures to Senator Voor heett, wliusti son is a delegate from Washing ton territory. The purp;1 was to win over Democratic opposition to Dakota by conced ing Washington territory's claim to admis sion at the same time. Dakota is overwhelm ingly Republican while Washington h was believed could be eventually wrested from the Democrats. Acting on this belief the Republican senate passed bills admit-; ting Loth Dakota and Washington. ! The state of Washington would send two Democratic senators here at once. The sen ate bills admitting both are now on the bouse calendar. A Democratic house would only follow precedents in taking party ad vantage of the situation by passing the Washington bill in the coming short session and finding a pretext to leave the Dakota bill on the calendar. The territory which Republican shrewdness reckoned as at least debatable ground has ben carried for the Democrat and Delegate Voorhees by an in creased majority. The machinery necessary for forming the state government and elect ing the United (States senators can be pit into operation very soon. By the time the next congress meets two Democratic sena tors from the state of Washington can be in the city of Washington to vote with their party. The senate would then stand: Dem ocrats KepublUnus 'J tnat is, if Riddle berger and Van Wyck can be kept in the Republican lines." "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." Sanitation at Polltlral Sermon lel1vervd by the Kev. Dr. New man. Washington City, Nov. 27. The Rev. Dr. Newman delivered a sensational political ermon Thanksgiving Day on "America for Americans. " He disclaimed kno wuot h ing ism, but set up a very high and exclusive standard of American citizenship. He said he would make every foreigner live at least fifteen years here to learn the estential at tributes of an American before obtaining a voter's privilege. He would make everv priest and everv Roman t'nt holic renunc before God and the holy angels all allegiance to every foreign prince or pontiff, whether spiritual or temjiorai. The pope, he said' should have no sovereignty here. He vehe mently denounced the Irish vote, the Car man vote, an 1 every vote that was not thor oughly American. At the end an excited pari-ihioner rv and made a sieech, in which he declared that the preacher had expressed the sentiments of the congregation. tSuch an excitement has not before lieen witnessed in any church in this city. The I'renliient's VSrwn on the Tariff. Washington City, Nov. aT. The presi dent, in n recent conversation with a friend, gnvp an outline of his position on the tariff. "My views on the tariff have been very much misunderstood. I am not a free trader, nor am I what some call a high pro tective tariff man. 1 believe that there is a middle ground upon which we can all stand with perfect regard for the interests of in dustry and a sufficient revenue. Tnere is no doubt that the system of raising revenue for the sup port of the goverment from the duties on foreign merchandise imported into the c u it try is the simplest and least burdensome of all methods for the object in view. W know that the income tax was not popular, and thnt a land tax would affect the agricul tural class. These are the methods resorted to when the customs plan is not used. A sys tem of duties based on the idea of revenue with incidental protection seems to be the proper middle ground." AUCTION AND'JOMMISSION W. H. LTJNDY, AUCTIONEER WILL Attend Salet CITY OR COUNTRY, at moderate cbareen, or ReceiveConsignments and make prompt retoms. teoad (tnni BOCK TIL&VD ILL But brd & Loosley, GENERAL Insurance Agents. The old Ftc mA Time-Tried companies h presented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID tamii ni low aw an Reliable Company cn Your Patwmare is Solicitec KVoffl." tn Ariros Block. O. E. MILES Enirayer on Wood. EXECUTES CUTS OF Buildings, Machinery, Por traits, Animals, &c. Also Electrotype Plates faniUhed In any numbei. Office and Residence rear of Christian Cbapel. Brady street, between 4th and 5th, DAVENPORT IA Klew with Their Election Certificate. Washington City, Nov. i'V. Gen. Clark, clerk of the house of representative, has. up to date, received but two full sens of election certificates from the proper state authorities. Maryland and !ulsiana alone have been prompt in notifying the clerk officially who are the representative elect from those states entitled to seat in the -Fiftieth con gress. No notice of contest have been' placed on file with the clerk as yeL, although it fs probable that ttie committee on elec tions will have several catjes to consider after the organizitton of the new hous? is com pleted. Up to date Oen. Clark has been note to figure out a Democratic majority of 15 in the next house, and . members, one each from North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin and Kansas, who are not classed. witn eitner or tite leaning parties. 0 A Colored Belle Klope. Washington City, Nov. 27. A sensa tion has been causal ih higli-ton5 colored society by the eloiemut of Miss Lulu Francis, one of Washington's nnwt fashiona ble colored lielles. with Cassius HaiTison, of Virginia. The young lady was to hae neon married; to George M. Sinee.1, t lie swell waiter at tin Arlington, ou Wednesday next. She fll with her first love, and was married to him in New York. The girl is the daugh ter of Richard Francis, proprietor of the .restaurant iu the senate end of the caniM, and one of tlte wealthiest colored men in Washington. lay at the White Hoiim. City. Nov. i V 1 'resilient Thanksgiving av ifuiutlv at the White Housa, entertaining no one. JtSeveral of the cabinet officers entertained a few personal friends, but there was no formal dining. Rain, snow, and slush char acterized t he weather. ;.r an J Thanksgiving In nff.S Washington C '?r!t;lev,eland spent ' S. T. WATKINS. (Snceessor to WATKINS 4 II ILL,) Dealer tn Dry and Green Wood. Will atw attend to Hanlfi.- of all jinrt? orHoe at vtirdu, comer of 'i7;h street on Wolue avenue. Telephone No. 19T; .orders may he left atettherplac-. oct-Bs-dtf Many a Lady is beauiiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her l)jpw easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the' skin is Magnolia Balm. . I Mimnuient to a Irnminer Hoy. Nkw Yiirk. Nov. 27. A hailsnme monu ment erected in Greenwood cemetery, Brook lyn, by the Thirteenth regiment, to Clar ence D. McKennie, a 12-year-old drummer boy who was killed at Annapolis, Md., June 11, 1801, was unveiled Thursday afternoon in the presence ol the regiment and a great as semblage of citizens. Postmaster J. C. Hen drix delivered the oration. The l hirOljiyman In 25a Years. Hinuham. Mass., Nov. 27. Congressman John IX Long preached Thursday in the Old First church. This is the third time in 252 years of the church's ex istence that a lay man has occupied the pulpit. On the other occasitins the preachers were John Quincy Adams and Jtqh Richardson. INMtiitasteni Appointed. Washington Citt, Nov. T The post master geuaral appointed Friday, among others, the following named fourth-class postmasters: Ohio G. GoiMiuan, Jenera; C. V. Whitehick, Mortimer, lllmoia B. H. Heimiiaim, Avistou; T. K. Bra fee, May-Rower. Public notice. Anyone having business with the Akuus office after 6 p. m. (m the event that the office i closed) will please call at WiN mans & Gait's Dews stand in the postoftice huuaiDg, who are authorized to transact business of every nature for the Annua. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. C. A. Iavis, of Nevada, Mo., sneesed o violently the other day that he brok one of his ribi. At Bucyrus, Ohio, on Thursday, the Silver Planing works were destroyed by fire, caus ing a losi of :tO,(WU; insurance, 10,000. An Armenian fired a revolver at Djemil, the governor of Aleppo, in Asiatic Turkey. Djemil disarmed and airest-ed his assailant. A check for 1 cent was receuUy drawn in New York by the government in favor of au importer who had paid excess of duty to that extent. Onnhi parti s, while boring fur natural imis near the Union Pacific bridge, stm -k a vein of b.tummous seven fet thick at a depth of 511 feet. William Joni Sargeant, who died at lv i -amazoo last M m lay, was one of the ckm noted bigamists this country ever saw. ? married twenty -six women, and wa- divorce I from none. The U. P. hot.d at Cheyenne, Wy. T, was de-fti'oyeJ by ti -e Thursday afternoon, creat ing a loss of $ .'., 000. An employe wris killed by a falling orcti, and several tircmeu were severe) v woundcL Johii Bright, in a letter approving of the erection ot a statue to Coodeii at Stockport, denies that free trade is imperilnd, and says Hint protection will not return in England until the United Slat restores s'.avery. 'Near Paris, Mo., Wedncslay niglit. Owen Moore, a colore! mail, was shot twice by an unknown person, who next bent Moore's head to a pulp, cut his throat from ear to fjtr, ati-t sla.hed him on the face aud lu-ad with his knife. John P. Knggio's furniture factory, at Philadelphia, and two dwellings were burned Tl ursdav afternoon. A dozen other small dwellings were damage'.i and tlie people of the district for a time were panic-stricken. The total h is about 70,'HR). Monday night the cloth curtain whieh cov ered the electric-light lenses on the stat ue of Liberty caught fire and fell on the wooden stairway in the interior of the statue, causing a tire which was only subdued after the hard est work, and threatened Bartholdi great work with total ruin. Fierce storms swept over sections of New l ork, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania 1 burs day. In Gloucester county, New Jersey, the thunder, lightning, and hail were ter rific; and tree m Philadelphia, the branches of which were in contact with electric light wires, were set on fire by t.ic strong current In his speech at the opening of the German reichstug ihursday, femerorer William an noui'.ced that a measure would ij introduced to raise the effective strength of the Ger man army, which, he said, was justified by the increase of the armies of neighbor ing Ktatec and was indispensable to German security. Forty Iwrivls of beer were sent aa Thanks giving treat to the soldiers in the home at Oaytoii, Onio. About 400 veterans took pos session of the hall where the liquid had been place! for distribution, aud refused to vacate and give their comrades on the outside a chane to get a drink A riot biing muni nent. t he ohVors ordered the hall cleared, and tliedtiors were then closed on the t hirst v crowd. A Keiiliu-ky -:itipement. F'ahis. Kv.. Nov. 27. Miss Alma Thomas, daughter of a tobacco merchant, was to hav been married in a few days to Jei Sari, i t wealthy voting man of this place. On Wednesday, however, she elovMivfore day break with Albert Adair, manager of the V eslern L nioii telegraph onice here. I hi couple drove thirty miles to ( ynthiania, thinking it unsafe to take a train from here. At Cynthia ma they Warded a tr iu and went to Cincinnati, where thev were mar ried at the Gibson house by Rev. Dr. Pearne. The affuir has caused a great sensation in local social c ivies, all the being ol high standing and wide acquaintance. Camming Writes Another letter. MoBKKLY, Mo., Nov. 27. The Headlight tvivivetl Thursday a characteristic letter from the alleged Jim Cuinmiugs, the notorious ex press robb.-r The jiersonal destrription and the handwriting correspond with that of man whoswimlled several persons during the fair here last autumn. I be lett-r is dated Omaha and was mailed at Council Bluffs. "Cuinmings" says he is having a good time and still has most of the stolen express money. THE MARKETS. hu A(;o. N'.'V. SO. !i the Umi.1 n! u.itle to-dav tin quotations Inllow-: S Uvhi -No. - !e.emler. H'ic. clocrti l4Lar: JttMiHt-. opened i.h'. icsrt Mav, ouene-l aim c oeu PlVi' C rn No. 2 Iecember, tiened ;HrC' closed X'v"; .Inn nary, o(ned 8rc, clcwxil 37; May, opened 41-V', chisetl 4"Jj. thtts o. X IHveni- Iter, oiiened SRtC, cIomi! 5Sisc; May, oened 1:, closed 54-. Pork lecember. opened f'J.x, closc'i '.t'1: .Hnuar. oifemxi lu.aj, t hwed $1(V4 Mf. r ebruai, otned $1U.; f dosed iHO.fiJf1-. I aid December, upeaed Live Stock Tlie Union stock yards tvpirt the to lowing ranee of prices: Hoys -Market otM'ned active and prices 10c loner mi li;!it and common lots; heavy lots iiiioih . ed. light ara-tea, rouyb p-kii.K. M.9 i.(i.7t: he pa king and chipping Jots. 1.1 I'ntlle-Strmiicer; 5hk- higher: iwe? t-ttit'igeii: inienov, t.-Wii,-;.tw; gowi t h i , PrinliK-e: nu r Kaney creamery, -v(t.7v jt'i-!h; go ( dairy. l .ftit ; pa ii 11.. iH-. Sirict i f resli, iv&i t ! 1 ii-.--h mse l.rl3i, I 'mil try -Chickens btiT- it-r IrT: tliukj ;m. ire 'e. .S'-t,.i turkeys, ojt-3,-. 1'mat-tes Hiir.Ktnks. A::nrt- per hu. on trak; i.;tii pli runjJo t MiM'lint. l..:,. !) pt-r htil, . New lork. Nkw VttK, Nov. 2tt. Wheat -No. ) red utate. ; 2 do. Hi V: No. 2 red wii'tc'r Dei-emh-V. Vi-; do January, . Corn Nil - niived cieh. 4tV; do Jan iih:v. 4;hc. "JtN No. 1 whit -Mate. No, ; Wi :it'K-. lie DtiU and umi iiial. Har !e V'liet. Pork-Dull: lit-W t:,;s, fHI.SO II. ut. 1-nr.l -DtTce.uber, $rta; Janiuity. $6.a; Mhj , i.44 . St. InutK. St. Um'is, Nov. a. Wheat -Chised easy, aii'l -i'Sitc lower than Wednesday; Nt. 2 red cash, 75-'4c; December e'c: January, .4-i Mav, M (JJH-1 t'orn--Steaily; No. 2 mixed ca-tli 'M -3 'Mv; lhH'emher. iitt-: January. -iVc- hid; May, Oats Firm: No. 2 mixed cash. S;wfl.'J7c: leceniiK-r. atiMH hid; May. ltnc hid. Ke Strong; AI-TiA-. Whisky - SI. 13. I'ork- Steady; $!'7--i -tdii.(. Lard -Kirm; (-Vt&tf ft.!. Tolelu. Toleuo, Ohio. Nov. 'J&. Wheat - Steady and dull: cash. 774c; De cember. 77anc: January, 7He; May. --ifc. Com - Quiet: cash H.'iyr: Ma). 4-ti- bid. 4 tats Nvtflecfvd. t'ltivcr S -e.i- Qnift: i -ash ami !' reniber. S : .hiimar. $4.4-; F. btuary 54.."i0. Iftrtit. Dutkuit. Nv. : Wheats No. 1 white cash, ;iV; cah Mh-hi gan red. 77 c; No. 2 nrd c.tsh, ".7c; Ntivnit her, 71c: Dceuiler; 'i7xn-; January. 7V' hi 1 Ma.s4Vhtd. Corn Cash. -. uu's N.. . L'K.-; No. It Whit". -4. MilMMiilter. MllW Al'KKK, NoV. lti. Wheat- Krrm; cash. 7p: Dei-ember. ',j-jc Januar WJie. C.rn Kirm: No. &t Oat s-Stid ;. :MV. Ky U-wer; No. 1 lol4( . bariey Meady.-Vo. Z, i'fc . HOCK ISLAND. E JTinivittiy W 0 . Ou . Hay 1 fW!d b.W. Rye 50 a. Corn Mid 42c; New 40c. PoUUJes 3if,40c. Otiions &(fc. Ho-l-Hoft loc : titud I8.SI) Cord WtKKJ-4.Jd6. Strsw-9t.0&. Cheic Mall Boxes. The finest mail and paper box ever in vented is for sle at the Abotjs office at the low price of $1 each. The same box Is sold everywhere at 91. &0. Call and ex- ftminttoein. Vn. McKniry, Attorney at law, loans money on good security, makes collections. Reference. Mitchell Lynde, banker's, (Office in posioTnce 0J0CK MALARIA. "If people could only know what a splendid medicine Simmons Liver Regulator is there would be many a phy sician without a patient and many an interminable doc tor bill saved. 1 consider it infallible in malarial infec tion. I had for many years been a perfect pt'j'sical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the out growth of malaria in my system, and even under the skillful hand of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had de spaired of ever being a well woman again. Simmons Siver Regulator was recom mended to me. I tried it; it helped me, and it is the only thing that ever did me any good. I persevered in its use, and I am now in per fect health. I know the medicine cured me, and I always keep it as a reliable 'standby' in my family." Respectfully, Mrs. Mary Ray, Uamden, Ala. ONLY CENUINE b&e our lertf r Z ltim, In red on front of wrapper. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Bolt Proprietor!, PHILADELPHIA. PA. PKll'8 tl.00. COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES, AT WILIARD BAKER & CO.'S, Rock Island, Opposite Harper House. Illinois. c3 o CD c o .2 2 u o 3 S I o CO 55 OS , c TO 0 S c o o ex tl i t5 a I have just received my first installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FALL AND WINTER WEAR, And extend a cordial invitation to my patrons for an inspection of:thesame. Very finest woik, Lowest prices, and perfect lit guaranteed. J. B. ZIMMEE, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Rock Island, 111. FIRST-CLASS SHOE SHOP . RiL-titr-nili Sirf t nndt-r Rock Island Nat. Bant. JOHN O. FREED, Proprietor. f4-S'-ls! iteiitioii pld to Hut t'uttoiu Work- HniairinB urate neitly mid iiromptlsL RAM JOHN T. NOFTSKEK. RIVERSIDE ait- ; -' hull this is an entirely New Pattern of Soft Coal Stove. ITS SUCCESS Has gone far beyond our expectations. Over Twelve HnM Have been put out this season, and it do to fill orders. On exhibition and for sale by David Don, If 17 Second Avenue, Rock Island