Newspaper Page Text
i .. Q . THE HOCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURHAV, NOVEMBER 27, 186. This Daily Argus. JOHN W- POTTER. Saturday, Xovember 27, 1886. A rOiJ-MSLE STORY. A Boy Tells How a Familr Wan HarrtrrM) and TIiq CtcmRted. LOPIRVILU!, Ky., Nov. 27. A spwial to Th? tvening P.Tst irtm H llli.timhur; wys: It it develop. tl,r th f a roily of eight per sons suppose-i to h.v i bui'n vi m tlnth in Knox county a inmtti since, were mur-' aiirft, their throats briiv,' mt from :ir to . Th- (wii'ticniHr are as foliow-t; The family, who name was Poa, seem tr. ha vp h'td two n-i;!rUrs wh reputation w&" lial, thfy tiHvin; an ill'itimate son fifc-xi 10 yearn. Brins refuse! aimittauce to Joe' a . i tit, they t letame en rag I and planned th' horrible murder. The boy, suffering tiwW t vcr.' chastLsfinent fi-om bis repute I fat It -r now t-Ils the whole story. H says th nn.'.fmr wa- talking a i unit the matter for -wv-.-ral iay and it ruiminated during id-- !;ih; ln Mr, Pot? w;i nlitt. vh-'.! Uu i:. ther and mother l-ft home for I'oV h is- tfwv fori u It hiN srotnr with thiMii, but that slntiv i aloni; without their knowl"l;Tt- Hit. sinv tii'-ni enter the house. The family wviv ail al ep in o!i room and hi- father with a r ior ?.' the throat of each from ear to ear whil hU toother k"kd the bo-iies up. pl?uid thi'io la the middle of the floor, piled fieddiny; on them and then set tire to them and the hou and that the baby srr.'anted until the flames smothered it. Thi-Jltoytotd In .stovy ia nh a straightfor ward maimer as to lead to an investigation, and arrests were at once made. A swini Tnarhitimi)id othe- articles b-lo:!iiii to the IWs uviv ff-ntd in the tvl'jir of tht aeensed pnrti-'s, Th- v were at om-e pinv-il hi jail at tariou!Sv;tie. I here is no doubt of th-ir jiii tit athl x iTt-iiv-nt ha" raciit an inten sity t'!diTiti; on frenzy. The couple will im kniO'.e Uy r lynch d. A CHINESE FUNERAL. Hurl 1 o "! r . Nkv. : x. tin 'iin w- h J'ark K.t'.v. i uoiiit-n ahv ii day. i h a a : i'i'tin "Ihiii 'i !i n :u ting Hi J.vil .v'uv ?. Mrs. Chin Shim, d;"d of coiisuniption at 17V .in; only three other rhiivt.' tne eity, whs btine-1 Thurs i'tt then was i beaw trunk. overl with Chinese ehnrncter and expr tag and fided with clotW keepsakes and bric-a-brac. Tbere was the spring mat tress, h husk mattress, the tv.Ueui and bl lot neb on which Mrs. Shun pa.ised away nnd there were other things enough to give i ne wagon a jvi arnjay appearance. l.ast of all Chin Shun brought down a boar . on which was a be wildering sorawL The twenty "mourn ws," all men. got into carriages and the lnu moved slowly up Park Row toward the frrKhr- Out of every a mage at frequent intervals n w bite of noe paper, which the occupants kept tearing up As the Chinese devd, to keep up his reputation for thor oughness, is compelled to pick up every scrap paper thiw scattered, his chances of catch ing the soifl of the dead are supposed to be spoiled. The line finally reached the bridge in g.wi order and proceeded on its way to Evergreens cemetery. There the usual Thine services were performed. Mrs. Shim's effects ct buried, anl after it was H over the board was set up at the head of ii-r Ust resti'tg-plae;. Tore 1 the Track. Ci?!i INnati, Nov. i-i. Thuriay night at ifi o'clock a sang of laiorers under the direc-, turn of T. C. Campbell and three guards,; armed with Viticii-s;er riflea, tre up the Hee IJne railvoa i trak acrn-w Spring throve j avenue at Iv.n vdaie. ix mile? from this city, j Campit'distheatronnv of the Avenue com pany, and the pro.-ecdii nuited from his I failure to prevent legally the building of th track arnMs;the L Tours iay t'atupbell wtnire-l from the common pleas court a tem porary restraining order against the railway cmuuiy, tiu- purpose of which was to delay th work of laying the tracks, which was going on under order of the pr -hit cour:. until the rase could le heard t.v rhn court on ifsmeri:s. The work, however, had u- ri comj)!etei -,forc notice was serve i. nn i tit restraining ord-r was issue 1 to,, ;at t ;4 coinpiish its purpose Th Fnian ItrollierliotMl. NnvYi-RK, Nov. ST. Tn Kenian Hroih JrhrMwl which ha ben in secr-'t conwution here four days, com iu lei its ions TiTurs day. Hen.i cenf-r ljw.p,'- Smirh. reported the order fs rtotjrishir.g I',-.tri"k Narsrt :! wjnt suv-Ui i'atrick J-.yce. iios s:t ii. iiti-hruit. as s. ,-,. -tary, nwl h: report He ci"mtirm".i Mr. Smith's s:;ittments and said the ortaiiiation wojild ;i rtsuiR' "work" in Knland. It is said ft. a' I'.o-sa isx. signe.1 his Hill.- j,s x-.uiveoi tie F ni-m Broth.. rh.j..i and that Lr. iiamiiton U ill iams, or lireenpoiut, who t,- cie lite-i wi,ti having carried from G-rnwny the knivps with which Cavendi-h and Burke were rut to ptces. wc- appoirtted hi hjs place. The trouhie with Kossa is said to be hat he wa too ready hims-lf in the politi-ai crtnt-sts of this co'iutrv. f'hrtnr" Atrnint a New Orleans .Ttid. Nkw rj.eaxs. Nov. A petition for the lemovnl from the bench of District Judge H -nry L. Lazarus was filefi v.ith th( attorney general Wednesday, ft is signed by thirty lawyers and fifty citj.-us, and charges the jude with maifeasan'-r in f.fti e, misconduct and iucojupftjn -y. Lusranceiof irregular pr.Citjimgs in important cases are given. . Laz trus s a nativa of New ork and a v.e: -rei 1 1 i wyer. He has lived here fifteen years, married jmto one of the les; families of the city, was a partner of Senator Kustis. and was appoint" ! by the iate jrovrnnr U'dtz. His friends c;aim thtt the charges grow out of personal and can easily lie disproved. OfMild LeitKPH M Tran.fRr Lin. St. Louis. Nov. ST. Th St. Imis Trans fer railway. whi'.'b was th.- on-tmiw r an attompr, I s.jh -.-z-. Ity the Vis'iiri Pri.-ili.-and the Iron Mountain railroad; in switching cliargfls two vers ;lgo. and whicli was ex pi'ted to bt a riviT front hit'iiwaj- wm-re all railroatls d.irmg an entrance, exit or paie thnmsru tlie i i y. rai-ht rim trains on eq.Ml fo.:in;, has Wn secured hv Mr. Jay (roulii on a I -an,. zwinuiUvnnz 1" P'T cent oti thf slock for tinrty y,ars i'hf terms of th" If t aUo iuipiy a o.o:i ny ;tr raiii'iiint b?tween tl- St. iyiii, bridjrt; aoC the VV'igin's Ferry comivinir-s. lion. ErwAtns ltronk4 Head. New York, ' ,t. 27. H-m. Erasto' Broots died al 8 o oloni Tnurl:ty morning, at h ia home on Sfnlwi Island. Tni- nintM-a of Ir. itroo'.s will take piare o-i Sn Unlay afternoon from tho FrolosUnt E;.is,-oal Church of tile AH "ension, at West N 'M Brighton, Sfaten inland. The interm-nt will be at tiie Moravian c Tneiery at .N'ewdorp. There will he no pall bar.'i-s an 1 no Bowers. At the reijlesf of t ho vt iran editor there will lie no unnecnaiary disp:av. Freak of an Jnane n'nm n. Jamestowt. N. Y., Nov. 27. Mm. W. K. Carnahan. the tntane wife of a prominent merchant, broke oien a trunk Thure-lay morning, took from it a can comtininar nine pounds of powder, went to an outhouse, and holding the powder in her lap dropped a lighted inifh into it. The explosion de stroyed the outhouse, ruined one of Mr. Caraoan's eyes, and burned her aeve.-ely. but she is alive, and, it ia beli ved, will itttrviTe the shock. Catarrh Is a very prevak'Di atid exceedingly diss agreeable disciuic, liable, if neglected, to develop into serious consumption. Be ing a constitutional disease, it n quires a constiluiional remedy like Hood's Sarsa. parilla. which, acting through the blood, reaches every part of the system, effect ing a radical and permanent cure of ca. tarrh in even its most severe forms Made only by C I- Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The Rice Coil is the simplest and most billowy spring iu the world. It adjusts itself to varying loads perfectly. Three people are carried with as much ease as Tt fftvufl hotter satisfaction lbnn any spring made. All carriage dealers have it, or you can -order of the Hwe Carrias-spriner company, Pittston, Pa. ' THE SWAMP SKIiPKXT. The "Fetulleton," which has swi long been a feature of the nowspajiers Of Paris, is rapidly lieing engrafted uion the strong stock of American journal ism, and iww the daily ttory is Jonhed for bv many reader as eagerly as are the stock reports by others. Kecau of this fact, I put tha following matter in the form of a story, instead of the stereotyped style of a newspaper letter, and in genuine story fashion open with a few wonis of talk from the lips of one of the characters. In this cas. she is Mary,' the well-known Chovtsw peddlprof roots and herbs, whose station is n nr tiie down town entrance of the famous J'reti'-h niasier. in New Orleans. Hear her: "Eh, Men. sent y mans! it istrne. I am no banan thi morning not a one. He is stole, (hat banan. Two hunch Iwinan stole, and the thief the thief he is snake." Seeing The doubtful look upon our faces, Mary tainted a copjier colonvl forefinger toward her tiek in trade spread out uponth pavement aiit;nd her. "j'.h hi - n. ir'-ntyinan?" she said in her un nioiliilu -d vojtv. "It is tn.e. See, 1 am no U:.'i:i tins mortiinff. Stii-c eii'niu'h. the iiodle bunt-h of liaii.inas whi'-h hwi t-c-'U her pride and priiumil onree of ivvenue, as well as the envy of every other Cho- taw vender in the market, for lo these, ma:iy days, was couspii-uous by its a hsei n-, and Mary's stock like that of her compatriots was-made up soMy of some pitiful bark canoes, bonded moccasins, buni-hes of dried herls and roots Hnd about t wo miaitrt of swaiup bla-kl jerries. fcAnd the thief;' asked my companion. Gtistave a niemler of the New Orleans police force after taking thnv lazy pulls at his ciaretf nitdejeetinu' the smoke in slander stiraui-. h"i;i liis no-tnls. "Is he urW ; as he one of voiir nighb-.i.'' -He i- ii"t h re; no. He is not man he. lie i Sliak Like all other Indians, the Choctaw berry venders, v h githcr in a little tfrm;p each morning at the end of the French market in New ( !r''ais, are i"t voluble. "How much" you will a--t, ointi-i: at a square piei-e of clan Itaik iituji which a handful of berries is piled, and the Indian will hold up two f ugets ii' li'-ating cents or three or four a the esse may ! Sometimes h will put th price into words: but his conversation is, in general, reserved for his own pe)ple hi the privacy of b;s native swamps. The enter prize whi.-h hail induced Mary to arid a bunch of bananas to her home gathered roots and herbs had Jed to her a -quiring a more ex ten.led vocabulary than that of any of her relatives, and the excitement vmswpient upon her givat loss made her tise it moi-e freely, this morning, than ever before in th pi'esence of white men. '"Yon are not believe that thief is snake?" She pushed her coarse black hair behind her ears and scowled at us from benath her wiry eycbmws. Then she beltM the hxwe calico wrapppf which she wore with her out stretched fiuuers, and jerked her had toward the smooth circumference of her waist thu? displayeii. '"That snake is big ihrough like I am. His liead is little, like my two fist., and be is loner eh. bien he is longr like a ship. You know that Tchoupitoulas road Yes I' am live, there. Two miles front theret where th river lerds in and comes near my wigwam. 1 am hang my banan in that livoi oak tree, where the wind can keep him fresh, j nnd when l am come np from the nver, be fore yester nirht, with water for lioil in the pot, that sn:ike is come down out of the live oak. He is black, and he is crawl, and crawl, and c-r-a-w-l:" She imk'iteu the serpent's slow, gliding mo tion with her skinny hand and arm. And then, when I am stifT with 'fraid, he jumps Ikv h ind 'jumped' and clutched a bunch of wild ginr. And snap toes my banan-slem, and he is prone. I'll, lii.-n, gentry man. He is gone off in the swamp with my banan. Thatisone. I buy mc sonic more banan. That snake is pone in the swamp. I hang my banan in the live oak, anl Uiat uiher ni'ht the l.tst night he is here again, and this morning I am no banan." She v .avrfl her hand with a tragic gesture iNv,-f i .: m.-i. t !y spread pavement, as i'V, -ii. :( is orof "f my wrls r her.' i -I r- Ihrlv. ora cu- li. ir-w lit-, ,i-nd lm -k utvi hi" r ;i: 1 sent tiiii'teeu perfe ( rings of one after another, fm;n U'twet-u his Wi; wii! go cut tli-re thi eveniuK and ihat sn ikr. whatdoyoa sitvf" a n:' k' can i ftve no posible use for s fi-rKnr.i nn n s frariv" irons." -.:'t ' -ire v. h-!t tht-y are. Marv iia no !T Win;;- to us. and I U ii.-ve her T-.e t're-ent aud the I nt l.'iru itrig-i-fi' i-siyiii;,' down liwre in the 'w t -- ;i -f.'iiTn.-r ii"T;:ig up l'-r run aTos he ;:u'.f : t'entra! Anii-ri ;i. Tw chaniesi arc th;ii tiie se-rp-nt ha. e-acd from it, and if thnt the ra-, and we till it, it wi.i make an itnin tor you; eh, my boyT Tims it was that ft S o'clock that aft'-rnoon Gustave and myself , wit h a bunch of fresh bananas, were perched among the br?incbe? of the liveoak tree which sh-'lt'Ted th rough bark hut in which Mary Jived. Tht bananas were banirhitf from the lowest limt of the tree, &tout m'x feet above the swamr. grass, and I was lying immediately over tuem in a nest of Spanwh motw which ef- fectunllv cushioned the branch on which I rested, and at the same time shielded me from observation from below, (iustave oc cupied a similar position on the opposite side of the massive trunk, and with a repealing ntle beside us and koen-edKcd knivea with curving blades such knives as the field hands use for cutting sugar -cane we awaited the r:;tproaehf twilight and the serpent. The uppr pait of the tree had been thor oughly explored in the bright sunlight of the afternoon, and we were conhrk'iit that noth ing iargcr than a tne toad lurked in itsgreen- The hut was built on a hummo'lc of solid ground rising out of thecypressswamp, above the surface oi wbii.h ail around us were thrust, he sharp point.-! leaves of th al;n tto and variou - scarlet flowers, aa well as the ragged tiTinkaof th'-cypress. Imagination peopled the slimy ooze with all manner of foul things, shaped after the general image of the water moccaMns, which moved about in plain sight until twilight hi I them. I was wiping ihe mist from my eye glasses with .1 linn handkerchief whn soniethliig ; 'u hel me on the shoulder and made, me 'art so violently that the glasses slipperl from i:iv hands nnd fell into a clump of wild roses growing aiout the rorjtsof the tree. "Never mind them." hissed Gustave in an iiitense wliisier, ''look toward the river." But without the glasses I was almost blind and eou Id not see more than ten feet before me. 1 heard the crashing of twigs, however, as though some large body was moving to ward us. along the road over which we had come, and then Gustave swung himself into my nest "It is coming," he whispered, "and from the commotion nmong the rotfonwoods it nm-t Ie a big aronnd as a horse. Yon fire at tho hed. I will aim at the spine, and if the riil. ' -ot stop it give it the knife at "lose ; " W crackling continue, and prw fntlr- -half Wind as I was t saw 6h tops ol the young cottonwoods growing in a thicket shout the base of the hummock tremble vio lent It, as though a party ef horsemen were passing through it Instead of coming di ret'y toward o, the agitatioB panned through the thinkt to the opposite side of the live oak. where we h d no outlook. Wh.if I w shifting bit positirm and peer ing through the serai-darkness in the direc tion which the agiration had taken, a slimy, black shape Blid about the trunk of the tree, passed arrow the limited field of my vision and graiped the bananas. At the widest j point visible it was as large around ae a ! man's body, and In the indistinct view which ! ! caught it seemed to taper rapidly to a head j no larger than an orange. ' whipped toe rifle to my shoulder and ; nulled the trigger, just ae Gustave knocked up the barrel of my gun with his own. There was a pause of a second's duration, and then j the shape came sliding up to our nest, and before fit-stave could use his knife it had grasped him about the middle and lifted him from the perch. I heard it for some seconds ftT eni.gth. dry twigs that floored the nre "1 was afraid to risk a shot in the direction oi' the noise for fear of wounding Gmtave, and at once swung myself to the ground, whence I box np my glasses and set off at a harp run down the road. It was almost dark now, hut after passing Out of the thicket about th hut t heard the Toi'vs of men, and my nam-'.wis shouted with all the strength of Gustave's t$ong lungs. "ttold you Mary was rilit.",s.-tiil iiustave, coolly, when I stopped beside him in the road a few seconds later. My fright and the sharp run made me pant like a tired dog; but be was cool and s rene. The end of bis freshly lighted ciirarette burned ml in thedarknem "She toM ii the truth a she understood it. She tho'ijht it was a gerent. ihit corned off ier Iwuiai'as. and s do you. 'You tvmemljer wi; u 1 k-m -nM up your rifle imiT- i hist as y ou wi re a i .out to shoot? W.-ll. 1 saw thn that the thinu was no sunk, but the trunk of an elephant. 1 kww it could fte nothing but a tame elephant belonging to the cir u-', end it would not do for us to kill it. Hut I mn mnfess I did not expert him to ,--i' me He scared me so for a minute that I con id not oven crj out; but he did not lni-t me in the least, and down liri-e in the roftd we iLvt tlte cv-us m;'il eoniing m pursuit of Ijim, and he rut me down. "And tit-?- liananas;" -O, the i ir- us roii.ponv will make it rbrht with Mary, or I will jug the whole lot." I am inch hi 1 to believe that the circus com pany ma i- it all riht wirh Gustave, also, in consider-m-M of his services in saving their elephiint from my rifle bullet, as he was play tmr an unnsiKiiiv hijih hand when I met him oif duty th - next nisht in a Iioval stnvt gam bling hall. Henry Newport in Cincinnati Eo qtir. Heecher on Anarchists. New York, Nov. 27. During the delivery of his Thanksgiving sermon the Rev. Henry v him needier said: Amrchists sav: "De stroy (ubiety nitriy, top and bottom; over throw the expjrim-nts of thousands of years." 1 don't know whether it would not l tenevolent to catch and imprison them. Ihey are crazy, and as much outside the pale of humanity as the wolf, the bear, and una. io exterminate them w no more culpable than to exterminate rattlesnakes. Th.-y try to poison the lab r movement, but they can not do it. Te workingmen may accept a momentary service, but ultimately tney win he msinixted. The idea of Social ism is absolutely the radical idea of the worst form of monarchy. Sympathy for the hlcgo Anarchist. Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 7. The Ohio trades and labor assembly adjourned Thursday night after a three days session. Resolu tions were adopted favoring international armtrauon, opposing a standing army, and protesting against the execution of the Chi capo Anarchists whose conviction was "se cured by a partial an i inflamed public act ing on a prejudiced jury. X R, Hvsel, of Corning, was re-eierted president; J F. Mc I Donald, of Springfield, secretary, and 1. P. Boyer, of Columbus, trea-nrer. THE HENRY GEORGE PARTY. Whoever .loine the Tarty Mnut Tliroiiqh a Swearing-in I'mrem. ew ork. ov. 27.--The Henry George Progressive Ieinocratic irty is requiring every one wiat joins ine i-artv in Boston and New Haven to make the following fi-.i;t-. i ne inuip nrmnia win oe used in ail cities where the party effects an organi sation: Article IS, obligation, section 1 Everv person admitted as a nusnber of this organi zation nhAll he introdueed to the president and fc raise his right hand while repealing th.M 1 giving native have read, or have heard readTand .lo approve of the declaration of principles upon whieh this Progressive Demo cratic parr v iolitieal organization has been founded. I pe-dpf my word f honor that winle a meTiiber t the (-arty, in anv assem bly ditrict or .n any p-iri. ot the United States, 1 wii" abide by the decision of the ma jority; that 1 uj do faithful w.-rk on anv committee to whi. h I may be appoint; that 1 promise, if jssihe. on eIe'tion day to devote ai leat four hours to tiie duty of manning the polk; thai 1 will use all legiti mate means to procure vnts for our candi dates; that I will report to the committee on organization any evidences of treacherv that may appear in our rallies; that mv personal conduct will le such is to add dinitv to th political party which I ?his night join. I will attend il ine.'tjngs of tiii-. org iniz i'ion. un it pn-v-ntetl by sirkm--. or oth'-r c-iuse over winch 1 have no control. All those thincs I i -ie ig. nivseif to do, in belief tnat ry the su-coMic e.rabhh- nii'iu, oi ine principles reprfs-'ir-; lv u;ir I -arty wf,! come the elevsfion oi nl wi:o Ih t)or and f he downfall of th.- corrupt ,litii-al Irfirties who. U-tween tthi.i, now rul the f'Mintrv. 1irioi;s I TdRiiNTM. pleading- m a court of jus it usual interest. 'lfa in a Sedin tton i int.. v . . T he strange -.iuetio:i cftse U-t.-iv rhe high have i-n aled more limn im-Th- case, is th. r of vs. liohn-s. t girl ot ah. do parent-. onto. Th i;e plaintiff U-iug an attractive uf and the danirliu-r of wed-to-nt (Villi, a Sown north of Tor defendans, ;r vownz man. ad- mittei the offense, but ple.t ivT that Mrs. Lee s mother had allowed he:- io make use of a grossiv ols.ene 1k k. whh-h had poisoned her morals, led her on. and n -s le her more than a willing party to the deed. The crim inal neylect of the mother in eonsenting to her daughter's perusal of This ltrnk. the de fendant pleaded, made the woman a part v to the crime. Justice Prou.lfoot reiusel to al low the book to be rad in court, but has taken the extraordinary pleadings of the de fendant into consideration, and his judgment is anticiftate I with interest. Kee4, the Defaulter. Boston, Mass.. Nov. t-T. Thp condition of Wjiiiem-Keed, the defaulter, whs reported lbursday evening as rrMng MUr than at any time since hi-, arres. Wh'n first im prisoncl he could si.-ep o:dv un h-r the influ ence of opiates, but ha- jatb-riy slept with out them He is rn luailv r-M-ivermg from his prost-ation and i istle-uhi wd! lie able to stand his trie'. He has, hov.'i-tr. bivn terribly shnken by tiie xpotiure 4 it a acts and his emory is somewliat mipaii'Hd, bu? tht-re are strojp reasons for b 'dt-vni that he will recover it nnd in time tn fcltid his (.rom iw to mafceevervMmn; cf 'ar. Bonud to (iu to the Penifentiwrv. Columbi s. Ind., K v. 2t. The inloned murderer and notorious ciiar-vfer, Hui k Ab Kinney, was turn., i out of tiie house U'lnes lay where he hn' i-n Nar.iin, th pro prietor using a ch-avcr. MKiiuvy threw a bowlder thrrugh the win iow of the house and jumped on the train just leaving. The bowlder struek the nmn's wif.-, seriously in juring her. McKi utiey's oSj-ct is to force his admission to the p. nitentiai v, Rot Vp lo th Kef1ulr"n-nf. New Yohk, Nov. 27. The steel cruiser Atlanta, under command of '.'apt. Francis M. Bunce, U. S. K, returned Thurstlay from a trial trip a failure. She does not come up to the requirements of the government's eon tract with her builder, John Roach, in any respect except as to speed. She broke down iix times during her six flays' absence from Ihe Brooklyn navy yard. Wants to "Buy tfynl one. Nfw York, Nov. 36. It is un lerstood by Mr. William Rockefeller's friends here that he is nego-ialinsr for the purchase of Gov ernor Tiklen's late residence, known as Grey fitone. Mr. Rockefeller has long ten a rreat admirer of the tireystone property, and re gards it as the ideal country seat. It is be lieved that the property will before lone become hts, and that be has bean wdlinjr to y a good sum for it New KsMwbt Enterprise In TTteh. Salt Lake City, Nov. The TTtah Midland Railroad company was incorporated Wednesday. Capital stock f5,00&,iM. The proposed line is from this city to a connec tion with the Colorado Midland. Among the incorporators are Governor West, ex-Governor Murray and John A. Grosbeek. Regret for Manager Holie s Heath. Galvestos, Nov. S6. Meetings of em ployee of the Missouri Pacific Railway com pany were held at San Antonio and this city Wednesday, at which resolutions of regret for the death of Mx. Hoxia were passed. Major Phinney, of Barnstable. Mass.. shook hands with Jackson, and last week he went to Washington to feel the fat band of Mr. Cleveland. BLOWN TO ETERNITY. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION OF A TUG ON i EAST RIVER, NEW YORK. ; Every One on Board Killed hy the Kk plottnn or Irowued Narrow Escape from a Holocaust at the Continental Ho 11, Chicago Many Miners Injured by an Kxplosfon of New York, Nov. 27 The little tug Sun beam was blown to atoms Thursday after noon at the fool of Fifty-ninth street, Eust river, by the '-xplositm of her boiler. She carried a crew of thre men, all of whom are Miptvtted to have bt'ii on board at. the time. Edward Hradshaw. a sailor, and Will iain Hodgkim. the steward of the Hehonner James H. IV puty, whieh lay alongside thi ill - f i'ed tu, were in the act of iiMinij their arms with latii-titl tin time uf the explosion, an t were hurled ov-riioard by the shock I.r.i-ifhnw mitiHed to sive himself, but the mangled body of th steward went to the boitoni. The captain and crew of the barge Frank Jones, whieh lay two blocks below the scene of the exid'Sion, were Imdly shaken up by its force. Immediately aftr it they saw a man's oody strike the water about fifty yarduaway, snd they secured it with, a small boat. It was mangled in a most horrible manner. There was nothing about the body to identify it. Later in the day another bo-ly was washed ashore on Vt ard s island. It wan that of i man about :t years of age, and was chthed in a white flannel shirt and red undershirt. The body was m angle-1, and there were scars ou it which looked as if they weiv the result oi ourns. A tax bill m the dead man s pocket bore the nnine of Margaret I linahan. All of the tug let i to the sight is a lot of snatrercd spiint'Tn mid a large, ragged piev ot boiler iron, whi'h as blown a si tore. Tti loat was owned by Christopher Parks and it is believed he was m command of the ves sel at the time of the disaster. Thi cause of the explosion is unknown. TERRIFIC GAS EXPLOSION. Itetween Forty and Fifty Miners RevereH Injured, Some Fatally. H 11.KF.8BAHKE, Pa., Nov. .-Shortly aiur tne miners and laborers entered tli Conynghain shaft Friday morning an ex plosion of gas took place. Between twenty and thirty miners are said to be burned ami seriously injure.! but none are reported .lead. The explosion occurred in a shanty at the foot of the shaft, which was occupied by the fire boss. No work was done Thursday aud consequently there was a larger quantity of gas man usual in tne shaft. J he men re moved from the pit were taken to their h mesorto the. hospital in ambulances and wagons. It is thought that all of them will recover. Later The accident in the Conynghain snail occurred at 7:10 o'clock Fndav morn ing while the men were getting ready to go ) wore. ADom nrty men, miners and la borers, were mi Ling at the foot of tiie shaft wa ting for the inside boss, when the terrible explosion took place, and only three or four men, so far as can he ascertained. escap?d without injury. Most of the men were sent tn their homes at once, and as they are scat tered far and near, lone diftances from the shaft, no account of the result of their injur ies can at mis writing be obtained. It known, however, that several, possibly twelve or fifteen, will die; other will be scarred and maimed for life. The disaster was caused hy Cornelius Roy le, a mine laborer, who t-tenped into a worked out chamber, which was filled with gas, with a lighted lamp upon his hat. boyle will die. Many mule? were killed and wounded, nnd the damage to the inside work ings of the shaft aiv great Fire Rosses Wiiiin:n William and Widiam Evans are reported fnta'tv burned. There is great ex citement in and ab-mt the shaft and the full knowledge as to the exact numler o those hurt and the character of the wounds of those mjuivd can not be obtained at present. CLOSE CALL FOR A HOLOCAUST. The onttnental Hotel, ( hieitf-o. Fired hy Incendiaries. C'huwjo. Nov. 27 Ataut 2 o'clock Thurs day morning the guests and sarvant of the Continental hot-!, at th eorner of Wabash en ue aud Madison stnvt. w-re driven from their Kis bv sni'-ke nnd th- alarm of lire. hi Tht- arrival of the department small tii'fs were d vril iu all the rear portion? if th" buiidm- hut thMiim.ites had man- at;ed toesea;. without hsnn or rri-at loss, and the nVoii.-s wen extmuishrd after alwmt .V. denrnu" had lieen done to the btiiMing. Then1 can U- no doubt the fires were all ot inoendiiry o.-tin, and in expn'ssing tint opinion Tnurmlsy Inspector Shay of the tire dt-m.nm.-:it prono;iud it the mosr, dastardly a:;, inpt agimist life and property that h vi ever lwn disco veivd in this city. "Had tin -re Itrvn a delay of ten minutes, -aid h", "'in iii tliscoverj of the tire and giv ing the af'inu to the cuests, I haven't the subtest doubt that many of the u would have juuiied from th.- windows to the p'otind iu the panic or lieen lost andsmoth ere I in the siieike. The building is an old lire-trap, anvway. and it was tire.1 imiio h-ss than six placid in the three upper floors? th.-it are used for h-tel purposes. I can not say that we have any detiuite suspicions as yet, but more work will be done in the invest ga ti:jn, and 1 hope we may he able to mid the person or persons who did the work." Workmen Injured. Philadelphia, p., -0v. 2?. While workmen were engaged in tearing down the old building at the southeast corner of Fourth an.l Chestnut streets, Friday morn ing, the third floor gave way, carrying two of them, Arthur Hcgan and Jacob Iu kes, to the ground flour and burying them m th. rums of brick, piaster, etc. Hogan's left leg was broken and be was badly cut alnut the head. Iiides Siis aining serious internal in juries. Kicks was injured internally and niMi r-,-Bivei a nuinner ti curs anu nruise,s about the body. They will probably re cover. Hilled hy FaillnK Voders Train. St. Pan,. Minn.. Nov. A James C. Mil ler, a brother of Roswell Millar, manager of the Milwnuk e r a I, was killed in the yard of the IJnio.i depot here at 8:30 Thurs.1ay aflernoon failing under the wheels while attempting to board the fast mail on tht Milwaukee road wnich was just stiirting for Mmnapj.hs. He was unmarried, aped :Sd, and con:iectel with a Minneapolis bank. Terrible Deed of an Insane Man. H a YKXft vriXR. Kan. , Nov. 27. Late Wednesday night a young farmer named RhotIs Clements, while going home from prayer meeting with another farmer named Samuel Gordon, suddenly b.-cams insane and killed the latter with a club. Not returning home a search was commenced for Clements, and he was found some distance from the ro id sitting beside the body of the man he hnd murdered, eating his heart He hail cut the hen d from Gordon's body, and had torn out the hsart, lungs, and liver, and was devouring them. Clements was secured and Is now in jail, a raving maniac Fir-; fin Well in Iowa. Itfs MnivFH. Nov. 26. Over a week ago H. C. Booth, of Herndon, Guthrie county, while boring for water, at a depth of lh feet, struck a stronc flow of gas, which h s contained to flow out of the two-inch pipe so strong that a man can not stop it by pressing on the end with all hts strength. Mr. Booth is now using the gas for all hi cooking, heal ing and lighting. It is perfectly ftdorless and does nut make any soot. F. M. Gardner has also struck gas in his well, one-half mile south of here, but has not got tho tubing in yet. The gas on Mr. Booth's place is the first well of gas ever found and utilised in the state. Halstoad and Meaw$;inad . CiNCUfiNATi, Nov. 26. Judge RobertSB of tho common pleas court, has decirtetne Lit tery cases of Murat Halstead, editor of The Commercial Gazette, aud John R. McLean, proprietror of The Enquirer. The case was submitted to Judge Robertson last summer. The sentence was: "Too maximum fine is only $IIK. There is no imprisonment pro vided. Messrs. McLean and Hnistead are fined $M) ea-b, which will b su-nded as . long nsHidsterd ard McLean ririn from publishing tiie advertisements." JUDGE NOT. ana he height the stones down from the moun tain TVep ntrrnvn by rust's vvn hand. And they ef netisron the fountain, o -But how few have kept tli-ir command! Abl tb tablet earn etraijd.tfy from heaven, And th-y were t i-iv.-a hirth. But His Son still a new one hsth irivn, Tliat je love one another on earth. And no one cancer think for another 'J" Or tell how hK footsteps are led, But He wlm as humanity's brother For all of humanity bled. Ren l. Hoi m Indianapolt Herald. AN ERA OF FRAUDS. How Charily Orgattiatiotifi are I'sed by 'lliOKt loo I-azy to Work. The Chnritv Oruninlion society, which is in a qui.'t. parr, of Cnivei-sity plme, and which i ptauaged by some well known phil.inthiopie ladies, is a societ y ihat isloinc; mueii goinl in ti;e way of assisting theuiitUiy poor n nil iu pimiu th. in in pitions where f!iyc:in h"!t,lves. A riorter, who eilil ;t1 the h-dipiai"t--rs to-day, found the hiuit-s in . Iro;.' luy, as u-unl. in issuing -vvoo.1yntd", iii invesiiating apieals for assist-ill'-", and in lM'-nh.g to the ariotts tales of disjii-ss h:t were tohl bv ft small niiny of upp'i.-i,its. R. wa., a inotlry array There v. as a typical country hoy, ho, like llowi-H's I-hui--l R:;: ker, h.-itt eoni1 to grief while seeking t'.sHiue in tin metropolis. He wuutetl to y,o home tt his mother. There was an cihi'-aifl L'uglishman who had come to this iaud of promine, to find it a laud of bricks without straw. He wanted work.. There were dtMitute widows and broken- down gentl'-meil. "We do the U-st we can,'' said the sjieeial agent, win we business it is to ivceive these visitors, "but I assure you we get just a trifle hscouruxed at times, and our faith in human nature is fre.piotly aiitl violently shakeiu AVlint jhVi'eiiTAge of those whom you assist (urn out lo b deserving f Well, it may seem a sli i.nge statement, bur as a mutter of fact, 1 1-elieve that Wo per cent, of tiieui aiv frauds. No, it s not drink, although drink in many cases hss much to do with it. If 1 weiv asked what I find to be the cau of destitution in niost of the fasenthat I am '7illel uicm to inveti:-nte 1 should sav that it. is InziiieR, pure nnd unadulteraieii, have heiv now a letter from man who ought to need help from no one. We have placed him in good pmdions threo times. He has lost th m bv raMessness, Mini now becomes back to us. II.. is but a sample. There is a class that seem to think that they are entitled to he supported by public charity. Hut we must deal with all lest the deserving be over looked. The mantle of chanty is hiitnd and srvers many things," the long suiTerin laiiy contmuerl. AmMiK trther things it cover a & many who are able to cover li'-in-elves. Hut frauds will always exist tuppose." New York Mail and Kx press. Who of us are without trouble le thev sraan or larger rue blessings of heal lb are 1-eM appreciated whea we are sick nnd in pain. A hacking cough, a severe cold, or any throat or lung disease are very troublesome; but all ot these mav be imrkly snd permanently cured bv Dr. Rigelows Cure. Safe and pleasant for cniifiren . I'nce oil cents. mm i ii U to " Absolutely Pure. T)v pw.M.rnevrT vanes. A marvel of punt? Ttr.i'Ti mni w)i.liomenes): nier. economic t in.: t''o iir.lirrtry kimis, nnd r&tinot he sel.l u coni t;hor. with the mnltilude of te.-t. s nor almn or phosphate povden. Sold only Kot.l B.4R1SU I'ownsa Co.. IfW Wall 9 t Vnrk MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE ottered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARL TOP BUT THEY ARE NOT! And Ilk all Counterfeits lack K Kenuukahla LASTIXG Qualities OF THE GEXCTSE. ASK FOR THE EAflLTO CHIXXEV Pat0ct.3O,Ii83. The PEARL TOP is GtO. A. MACBETH &C0.J PITTSBUKGH, PA. WEAKIUNDEVELOPED Part of the Body Enlarged. Di.v.lnnwi tddm, EKIK MEQICAI. CO.. BUFFALO11. Maverick Baikal Bank, BOSTON, MASS. Capital - - - foOO.OOO Surjilus - - - 400,000 Arcotintsof Bankf, Banker? and Corporations solicited. Our rrilitiv fosO')LLKCTIONS are excellent and we r-ditscount for Banks when balance1 warrant It. Boston i a Rewrve Pitv. and halnnces with ns from Bank (not located in other Ittnerve cities) CO'int as reserve. We rtruw our own Exchange oti London and the Cont-ne. t. and make 'alie transfers anl place monev Hy telegraph thronifhout tht I'nited Slats and Oaim-lH. ioveninient Booti b tight ad wold, and Ex changes in W achington made for Batiks without extra charge. We have a murket tor prime flrt-clas Invest ment Secnritieri, and invito pnipntts from States, Counties ami ("iriee wh n ifuning bonds. We do a renersl Ban Mug business, and invite correspondence. ASA P TOTTER, President. JOS. W. WOKK, Cashier. oct-30 dwts6tn J W. ROSS, ARCHITECT! Snperintpndent of Builiinsrs. Eldndgc BUwk. (.'or. 3d and Perry fte., DAYENPOKT, IOWA. 0ml 8l wrtiB And Insist "iJlX&V THIS NO FEE'M r3TA8LlSlED 1881. IRA So. CHIII.BKIU.I Chicago, 111. iCiarkSt. f SS lie E'dar, Old-EEtabltcl PHISICIAX & SIKGEOJJ Ii itlll tmtisf Tltl hc SKILL AND SUCCESS -Aljlt- .YOUNG MEN-MIDDLE-AGED MEN d all ppr-inn who hy their own acts of Impru dnnceor Folly any period ot life have biougM 'pon themsHv-r-i tin- evi! cff-?rt HiDg closely upon the heels of transgress!.. n of the laws of latere, -ihoultl consult the celebrated Dr. f'larke at once. KemeinHr! Nervous disease A (with or nhnit ir?aii or dehllity and loss of nerve power treate.t stenti tica'.ly bv w methods with nier (ailing success. 6jr It mvtkes no trbat y.iti Iiavc uken or who has failed teevreyou. 3The terrilde nnkoni r,f RvnTiiltti mi .11 bad blood and hkin 1io-HH(it, cnmpleieiy eradi c tied witnout mercury. It em ember that this one horrible disease, if neglected or improperly treated, nurses the presen t and coming generauons. WW All nnnataral discharges cured promptly without hindrance to hiisinefs. No experiment R)th sexct consult confldentfallv. Aire and erprienc important. A written guarantee of cure given iu every case undertaken. 1 Sufferers from niy chronic disease write i History and rWmntomt ot vour case nlamu- Cases solicited which oiners have failed to cure. j M"Senltwo-tamD for celebrated works on Cbroilic, Nervou and leli Htf Diseases Voi; tiaean exliatiHtiw RTtitpli)matolocy by whi r 1 t stll'ly your own caste. ( nnsnJtl.on 'nennnQllt.- 1 or by letter, fre. Consult the old lKctcir. 1 1 Jiounan.U rur-(l. ffi:e and parlor, pri- I yatft. Thoe cntemjH:itinR Marriage serd fr.r i Dr. Clarke's celebrated t-.iMe MuU 9r,.' 1 e.ich ijc., both 35c., (stamp-1. licmre ontiding vcur ! ase consult UK.( LiRKK. A Inendly lctier real! may Save future siifferinuand shame and AA ol.n I years to l,fe fedirine cmt r -t- hr . c I efcpotmr. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Stindavs, 9 to 17. A.:dresk F. D. CLARKE, M. D.. 86 So. Clark St.. Ch'cago.llU SEND Si. Pi. S3 or fft for s psmple retail boi by ex pr'9i f the in America, put up in elegHDt Ihxc and t ict ly pure Soitable for prewnts. W Kxpress rhar?e lixht Refers to all Chi cago. Try it once. Address C. F. GUNTHER. Confection or, CHU'A(iO. Miy. I3C SOLE BY ALL SKM3STS. E The only perfect .institute for Mother TWii Jn'lliabl8 Cholera Infantum nd TeetMng. A prp-digeaux! food !or Oys peptic, Consumot'ves, Convalescents. Psrfejt nutnont la ali Waning risease, BpquiroB no cookEf.?. Our UocV. The Car. and Feeding of Infontk mailed free. COUBEaOOODALH CO.. BosKM. UlM C ATA R R IS n !LY;s , Cleanses ilie hend AUhvs InHamniH lion. Heals sores. Restnn-s the sen ses of taste, bear inp and Smell. A Quick Relief A Positive Cure Y-FEVER Cream Balm ha trained an enviable reputation wheiyvfT known, di-placine all otta r preps rat ions. particle is applied into eaci noti relieve? pain at once. i SCTecahle to ne Price 5ic. at dra(tiri"t. or hv mail. Send for circnlar. Kl. KKOTHKKS. Drufizititf. Owetm. N. T. BOLD KDAIi, PA BIB 1 lb 1. BAKER'S Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has thrtt Umtt tkt gtrmgth of Cocoa mixed with Starch, .Arrow root orcirar, and is therefore far more economi cal, costing if than one cent a nip. It m delicious, nourihinc, rti-esvtbenin?, easily digested, mud admirably adapted for invaim as well as for peraons In health. Said by Crocsra everywhere. CO., Dorciicster, M, ANCHOR LINE. TJ S. MAIL STEAMKRS. SAIL EVERY SuTVHDAY from Xew lork to (;LAS;(MV AM) LO.MMt.MlF. JKY. Rati'f of va.pM:e to or from New York. GIhshow. Liverpool, London derry or Belfast, CMni. f45 nn $55 Si-rond Clas.. $30. 8teraife, outward or prepaid, f 20. anchor Linp TrafT lnpd at low-ft rates are paid free of c. ns I. finglaod, Scotland and lrv land. For Booti-of Tonro. Tirket. or other informa tion.apply to HKNDSHSIJN BKOTHKK Chi cago, or J F.R0BINS0N. Kock !land. III. Pennyroyal Pills. "CHICHESTER'S ENCLISH." TRB OIUUtNaL AND OSLT CENUIMS. Sntc- and alwaj reliable. Beware of woBTnuaa imiui !,,!,; Indwpenal.le f,ir LADIES. Aak ronr Dnii'i(.t for "I'HiritMTra' Ks,ji.i.n.' ,i no olher. or inclnse 4r. (t:imp. lo ne for uartic oiar. i .'fr by nT.m,m:iil. Tia I'apitE. OmrHna CHtMicai, Co U3 Mvlttton Sniurt. Vhiladelphia Pa Trade "applied oruE'J. 0. (if XI t) WIN o- ' Whole.ale Ai-eoU. Burtos. Sia'ar SENNYROYAL WAFERS, 1L oasaaii a lir.. Inn.w.. 5 iT"" Pnbe.yn hiiudredj, of a, i VC W ao uu'aiirnir monthl. reinoAj. Ploasaol. aate. effect. "orPennrroTa ftafer. ttr.- SUbatitula. Sealed particulara CWriiaT I Sold In Rork Ialand br Mamhall ft FMtrer. lar p.r Uonae drug .tore. aiy OthOLGUN mFANTSNVALIDS bill Hi m W. BAKER & SANTA CLAUS m SumnrfiW resting from hir i&sir $rcat Wor-. the iivctTfi'of7oFMT(LUJbP tanu.tie.ttjLfLdoniy ty SPECIAL! -Grand Clearing MILLINERY STOCK! Hats, Fancy Feathers and Piece Goods, All marked down to insure a quick sale. . gNow is your time and don't miss it. FORWARD &, CO., No. 314 West Second St., Davenport, Iowa. For ri ? V i- - ' t- -sC Ii I! ( A HANDSOME WEDDING. fei9Ka&Y 'a MtiM;;. IHE WONDERFUL rrrni'iiring a Parlor. All fi;nii-hiHl w ith at our U1.olele Prlee. THE LUBURC MANF'CCO., J First-Olass Turn-Outs. . HAWTHORNE'S 7 OYSTER PARLOR, RESTAURANT AND BAKERY, 7 No. 1611 Second Arenue. tyspeclal attention paid to fiirnifihine picnics, parties, etc. -A.. Or. BOEHLBR, Ice Cream Parlors, Bakery, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, Etc., No. llOSTThird Avenue, Rock Island. t tueeallro' aka of ail klnda mado to order. - E. WILCOX, DEALER IN FLOUR AND FEED, . m C"r" FoUrtl1 Ave- n(1 Twenty-fourtb St., Krot'er- Old 6U. PRICKS tOW-Pood. aellrered froe loan? part of At the Davenoort Book FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. J.E. . oos!ey&Co GE.NKKAl- Insurance Agents t3PLoa8ee Drommlr adlnard anil naitl at tlii. agency. (Successoi of Hayes & Cieaveland ) lAnenereaUbllahed 18H8. Office in BcDKston's Block. Sale of all our- Gloves! Gloves! all kinds of Gloves and inspect Mi'.lens tali and BENNETT'S STOCK OverSOOdifferem stj-Jes, warranted to fit and will no't rip; gloves for everj-body, and no shod iy. Gloves cul to order and repaired. GEORGE BENNETT, "o. 16U3 Second avenue, Rock Island. PRESENT. - Uhrarr, Smokinc, Rerltnln- or Invalid nee 7AMrx.;x:? CHILDREW'S CAPRianPs ih a mnm.K. . . TV "'.T1' Send 4t .T . V,7.", '.Tl Kira 145 IS. Sth St.. Phi ada.Tpa: PATRONIZE W. P. TlND all's SALE AND FEED Livery Stable, 1618 and 1615 ThirJ avemic. ROCK ISLAND ILL. Business College, REsrtxa. Rapid ' a lc ula ti ah. ConiBurui Law. PflOKtHlRAPHT, Ttpi Wbitiwb, BuwuariiT. OUNOAN' HAWKS. Prep'M CAMDEN MILLS MILAN, ILLS. Joseph Fitzpatrick Take pleasure in asnoanMnp that he haa feAe4 the well known Camden Mill for a term of paara and uae opened them for the receipt of ooattim work and .1 nera) milling. , Rye Flour a. Specialty. "PromptneM and atl.lactioa will to tka aog-W awtf