Newspaper Page Text
Rock Island Daily Argus. if PRICE FIVE CENTS ROCK ISLAND, SATURDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1886. VOL. XXXV. NO. 50. The Most Attractive Display h h oo L I' aaa a HHOOL IlaaAA huh o o i. iiaaAA h h a o I. II n n AAA u u oo llll ii aaa a -OF- Y Y Y Y YY A Y A Y GGC. OO OO n g o o o o o o o o o GC.RO o o o GGG OO OO mD ssbss n Kssss r t -AT THE- HARPER HOUSE DRUG STORE Fine Toilet Sets, Oder Sets, WorkBask ets, Jewel Cases, Opera Glasses, Manicure Sets, Thermometers, Wisp Broom Holders, Art Goods for Decorating, . Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses. EgpAll leading and staple Perfumes at the Harper House Drug Store. MARSHALL & FISHER. DISASTER ON THE DEEP. TWENTY-FIVE LIVES LOST OFF THE PACIFIC COAST. The Beach Strewn with the Wreck ol the Whaler Atlantic Man and Boy Killed by an Express Train Two Glrla Smothered to Death roisoned by "Kough on Hats." San Francisco, Dec. 18. At H-M o'clock Friday morning the whaling bark Atlantic was driven ashore a mile and a half below the Cliff bouse, and went to pieces in a few minutes, not a spar remaining ttanding. The wreck was strewn along the beach for thro or four miles. About twenty-five men are believed to be lost. The captain and mate, with eight or ten men, were saved. At the time of the disaster a dense fog and a heavy sea prevailed. The Atlantic left here Thursday afternoon for a cruise in the south Pacific, after which she was to proceed to the north. The Atlantic was an old ves sel, having been built in 1851. She was owned by J. & W. R. Wing, of New Bed ford, Mass., and was commanded by Capt McGregor. It is not yet possible to ascertain the names of the lost and saved. Clothing "Kough on Kate" in the Oatmeal. Chicago, Pec 18. The family of J. A. Yates, a sleeping-car porter, who Olives at South Evanston, were poisoned Thursday morning by 'Uough on Kats," which in some inexplicable manner became mixed in a dish o oatmeal which was served for breakfast Alt were placed out of danger except a a 4-year-old child, who grew worse and worse, and finally died in terrible agony at an eariy hour Friday morning. mpormm Struck by an Eipres Train. New York, Dec. 1H. The Philadelphia express, which passes New Brunswick, N. J., station, at tt:;30 a m , Friday morning struck a buggy containing a man and boy who were both instantly killed, Ihe horse aud buggy were smashed to pieces. The name of the man is ascertained to be Moses Ryno, an ex -policeman, aud the father of a I large faimlr. lbo boy who was driving the buggy was Terence Hickey. rrob;ibly Lost with All on Board. Bangor, Me., Dec. IS. Between Nov. 11 and 11 the schooners Kedondo, Diadem Alpine, and Annette, left here with lumber for Massachusetts ports. The Rendondo is p robably Kt with all on board, as a vessel answering her description is reported to have been seen off Thatchef island deserted. I be other vessels named have not been heard f roin and are thoug ht to be lost. Two Women Suffocated. Cincinnati, Dee, IS. Frances Hagerman, aged H t and her friend Leonora Johnson, an orphan, retired Thursday night leaving 8 fire burning in the grate. Friday morning about 7 o'clock, a meralier of the family buind the room filled with smoke, Frances dead and her friend dying. The Hagermans ore a distinguished family of colored people living at W Carlisle avenue. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. ! The statement that John Roach, the ship builder, was dying, is without foundation. The National Wagon Manufacturers' as sociation decided to advance prites 10 per cent. Gen. Hancock's friends have raised money to buy a home in Washington City, for bis widow. The overdue steamer La Bourgoyne, hav ing TOO passengers on board, arrived Thurs day at New York. The remains of ex-Governor Charles M. Croswell were interred Thursday in Oak- wood cemetery, at Adrain, Mich. The Hon. Marshall F. Wilder, the well- known pomologist and horticulturist, expired Thursday morning at his Boston residence. aged 88. Dr. Davidson, an eminent physician and insanity expert, has become insane in tin Black Hills, and will be removed to the Yankton asylum. Mr. and Mrs. Hanvlcoa Fish gave a re ception Wednesday night at their New York residence, the occasion being the fit tit th an niversary of thir wedding. The law forbidding bull fights in the fed eral district was repealed by the Mexican congress, which adjourned Thursday w ithout taking action on the silver crisis bill. In attempting to evade arrest at Vara wan. Utah, Thursday, Edward Daltou was shot dead by Deputy Marshal William Thomp son. Dal ton bad been indicted in March, 1885, for unlawful co habitat on. The New York State Dairymen's associa tion itassed resolutions Wednesday night thanking state and national officers who had aided in securing and enforcing the anti-oleo margarine law, and requesting congress to increase the tax to 10 cento a pound. The ordinance of the Dukota constitution forbidding officers elect tlf the state to as sume their offices until the territory wa regularly admitted as a state, was abrogated and declared null and void, Thursday, by tb constitutional convention iu &esiiui at Hu- SUBURBAN SIFTINGS. Hillsdale, Dec. 15. Wallace Merrman was in town Sunday. John Burkwood has moved into Thos, Quirk's house. D. M. Martin went down to Rock Island todav. G.W. McMurpbv received a car of feed from Sterling today. J. V. Kothschild, traveling salesman for H. B. Glover & Co.. Dubuque, Iowa, was in town Tuesday. A. K. Walker has been under the weather for some lime, but is recovering The literary to be held at Enterprise last Saturday evening was postponed one I. - I -r ufl.tka. WecK Ull HUUUi Ul uau . niIW: IUWIflIUB, nut., jrnuw aj Mrs. Kelly has been quite poorly for of the skin and eyes; a dry conph; teve i.... .1. i.i .n .limit ' . : . . . .. some uuie, uui sue 10 aun, w uu. now. Conrad Granlz, of Moline, is having the Haubcrg grain shipped to that point. Mr. Wadded is doing the hauling. There is talk of a glass ball and pigeon match at this place about Christmas or Jfe w Ytaxs. ' Johnny Butcher has been hauling wood to this place for shipment, but the recent thaw has stopped his crossing the river. The C. B. & Q. will sell tickets for the holidays at one end one-third fare to all points on their line, not over one hundred and fifty miles distant, on the following named dates: Dec. 24, 25 and 31, 1S80, aud Jan. 1, 1887. 115 and 117 AVest 2nd St., DAVENPOET, IA. t i,a.7o nno,- ivrwnwr) the most comDlete stock of FINE CLOTH ING and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS that was ever 6hovrn in this market, and GUARANTEE PRICES against all other dealers. Robert Erause. I have also opened a Special Department for closing out Odds and Ends, wherein yon can find good wearing goods for Men, Boys and Children, in all sizes. All these goods are re duced one-fourth to one-half of the original price, and marked in plain figures. Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Hanged for a lirutal Crime. Texakkaxa, Ark., Dec. 1H A mob of muskeJ men stormed the jail of Bowie county and took out James Howard, 'who was mi- prisoned for branding his child-wife with a red-hot iron, and strung htm up on tne tres tie of the Texas & Pacific railroad. The both was found dangling, by the sheriff, with a bullet-hole in his head and a placard around its neck on which was written 'We will protect our mothers, wives, sisters. and daughters under any and all circum stances." Last Jul v Howard, who was 35 reai-s old, married Mary Minrhen, aged 13. She and her mother swore that Howard whipped her, hung her up by her feet naked, and that he branded the letter H" on her person in two places. Caused by Promiscuous Indorsing. Boston, Dee. IS. It has just become known that Charles Winchester, the capital ist of Ashburnbam, Mass., has suspended, chiefly through indorsements and unfortun ate in vestments. The International Trust company is reported to have a large amount o his paper. An Ashburnbam dispatch places the liabilities at foUu.UUU, and says that several national banks are embarrassed bv the failure. It continues: "Mr. Win chester was a man very oasily approaclied, and his misfortune seems to have been caused by promiscuous indorsing. Among those thus lefriended are Monroe Bros., of Cleveland. Ohio, for $100,000, and Golden Bros,, of Marlboro, Mass., dealers in waste material, for $7t',SO0. John J. Fox, of St. Paul, jumpr-d from tram as it was rushing through Allegheny, I Pa. earlv Thurwiav morning, and was-1 dragged several feet and badly cut. Ht tlien rushed into a house m which wns a corpse, frightened the watchers out of theu wits. He was taken to a hoila! ana had I his wounds diessed. A pretentious swindler, representing him self as a scientist, who borrows books, money. ! and specimens, which he never returns, aud I arranges dates for lectures, which are never 1 given, has been victimizing people thuugbout I tne country for four years, ne represents 1 himself as Capt Clarence E luttou, tht famous geologist and writer, who is mort I than anxious that the'bwitiUiesr should n-cem I hi jufct deserts. Witfcuuftiu fcludent In Trouble. Appi.eton, Wis., Dec. 1 8. Ellsworth Mc- Kinnie. of Iancaster; T H. Walker, ofXil- bcurn Cirv; lavid Walker. Silas Randall. id tieorge Olmsted were suspended Iron Ijawreoce universitv Thursday, and Robert Joyce, of Appleton, was expelled. The boy broke into tlie room of uie tiasmusnen brota- ers, students, took them to the basement and gave them a cold bath, because they wen considered unclean, i he student exeiir belong to high elases and were considered amoiiK the best in colleire. The senior t-lasM tin etttens to leave. Tlie action of ilie lac uiiy is rtunmeuded by citizens. IKFA1L1NG SPECIFIC for L1VFE DISEASE wllfirivinvi moQth ; tongue mated while or covered wilh a bnmn fur; pia in the back, eide, or jointe often mistaken for Rheumatism ; BOUT Stomach: low of appetite; sometimes itauea and wttU-r-Draf-h, or indisieption ; flattilen cy and acid eructotions; bowels alternately cos tive and lax: headache: lose of memory. with a painful sensation of having failed to do KomethiDgwhicboogbttohave br-en done; do bitity; low tpirits; a thick, yellow appearance colored. and, if allowed to stand, depoifts a sediment. sun liver mmm. PURELY VEGETABLE, Ipj'enerally used In the Ponth to arouee the Tor pid Miverto a healthy action. It acts with cxtraordinary'efficacy on tlie T IVER, - KIDNEYS and BOWELS, An effectual ?jM-cIfic for Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biiliousness. Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Endorsed by the ot-c of 7 MILLIONS of bot tles, as ILe BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children and Adults and for the Aged. ONLY CENUINE I has our letter Z stamp In red nn front of wrapper. COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES, -AT- WILLARD BAKER & CO.'S, Opposite Harper Hons. Rock Island, Illinois. DRPRICES! SPECIAL fUQKW J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sole Proprietor!. PHILADELPHIA, rA. 1'KlCfi H.tlO. 1 NATURAL FUIT i fLAVORS I MOST PERFECT MADE tKii-jt'ls. VanilU, Umn. t,te., tl ivor diiu-i PRICE BIKING POWDER CO. Chhago cvt St Lata. HALF-CENT A W08H The Akuus hf reafter will puWich in this col umn ail a vtriiM.-ru'ntt ol iiosi, romm, ror nnu PorSa e. liotrdor l(o.u(. w atium. sna aimnaT notitfin, at iticl.'W rote ol one-half a cunt a word, sacUntrure a word, but no advert icfment lew than ten cents Three UotlieM Kcovrrt-tl. Kew Okxjcans, I-a-, lHc. IS. A petJlaJ to the Picavune from Bnyou Sara says; il tuc Bevrlv Harris with her crew was al work Thursday at the wnn k of ttie W tatt with dia The body of Berry illiaius, the second Stewart, was brought up. Mi Lizzie J Foster of Natchez is here, using everv etideavor to recover the bodies ot Cant. Stafford, his wife, and child. Th charred remains of two bodies were found Friday on the wreck of the White. ritMr George Wing Iad. Jacksonville. I11&, Iec. IS. Profs&r Gwin; Wmc, a member of the faculty ol the Illinois institution fordeuf mutes, dtetl in this city Thursday. Ho was an excellent scholar, and ahtL-hlv ir;zed instructor. Ht leaver a family. THE MARKETS. J PER CENT MORTGAGES Improved Iowa Farm. Security S to 5 timeMhe loan, anrt inspected In eacn cae. Completed loan always on hand for talc, t'lze of loan? $200 to f 10,000 Time of loant 5 years. Only choicest loats handled. Referencef and dt-UUa given on application either in person ot letter. H. M. BKNLEY. Attorney at Law. SH Main St., Davenport. Iowa. OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS c O ft C3 ! o .2 g Cm I Sien Big Glove. HIBBLY IMPORTANT TO GEHTLEMEN. I have just received my first installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FALL ASD WINTER WEAR, And extend a cordial invitation to my patrons for an inspection of th" same. Very finest work, Lowest prices, and perfect fit guaranteed. 33. ZIMMER, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Rock Island, 111. Gloves! Gloves! Fur all kinds of Gloves and Mi' tens call and inspect BENNETT'S STOCK Over 500 different styles, warranted to fit and will not rip; gloves for every bod-, and no shoddy. Gloves cut to order and repuired. GEORGE BENNETT, No. 1C05 Second aveoue. Rock Island. iih or with, lit board. Third avenue, oppos ite court bone;. l.M(KhfcLL. Wasted at once a eelia- ' b'f van to wtl choice iiursi-ry stock; good pay, teai!y work, outtit' me. 4-jm NurMtryinaD, RoctirUT. N. Y. WANTED. FOCR GOOD ENER "c'ic men to riiiivas for a lino line of Ho!i ilavc':'i:s ood vay to riirhtmeii: refon-nce I ri-Miiin-d. C. F. liEWEND, Manner 1,-1-1 ID ilf WIJUU 1". La.iuril( . DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS AND Steam Fitters, A coujplete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, tc. Sole a gcnt tor Deane Steam Pumps, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, We guarantee every one I twenty da a' trie! erfect. and will send Cups, to responsible partlee. Deere'b Block, Moline.IH. Telephone 9US3. Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrao tors for furnishing and Laying Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 First Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Taleohone 1U8. Bf aidence Tolephooe 1Q -FALL '86, -WINTER '87.- HOPPE, TAILOR, (successor to and late Cutter for I. Liberman,) 1803 Second Ave., Rock Island. FINE WOOLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. Largest and most complete stock at the Lowest Prices. Particular Attention given to Good Work. A Scbem to Purchase the Cherokee Strip. Kansas City. Dec. 18. A local paper had an interview with a gentleman Irom Colorado as the representative of Colorado capitalists interested with ew iork, Chi cago, and St. Louis parties in a scheme to purchase or lease for a long term of yean the Cherokee strip in Indian territory, con taining 6.)0,0t)0 acres, with the intention of oneninir it to settlement The price men tioned is per acre. The scheme also in cludes the acquisition of T,(HW,(HIU acres in No Man's Land, extoudins to Mexico, claimed bv the Cherokees. It is asserted that t.tKH) has been spent already in look ing up tlie records of the interior depart ment and negotiating with tlie Indians. To Benin I'roceetlliiff Against ir. I'al mer. Jackhon. Mich. , Dec. 1 H. Ex-Governor and Prosecuting Attorney Illair Thursdayre- ceived a copy of the testimony taiten Dy tne prison inspectors who have been inxestigat inc Ir. Palmer's conduct, who is accused of taking monpy to furnish false certificates to allow convicts to get out of the state prison here. Governor Alger orders tlie prosecut ing attorney 'to begin proceedings at once against Dr. J 'aimer auu otuers, wuo area disgrace to the state." The Stale Asatttiies the Liability. Boston. Mass., Pec, 18. The state finally assumed the liability for the accident upon the Frey & Greenfield road at Bards- weirs ferry last spring, as it was obliged to do under its contract with the Fitchburg Railroad company. Out of the tolls due tlie state by the railroad is drawn the sum of f 1)5,8711 to reimburse the company for pay ments made on account of personal injuries received by passengers upon that occasion. This largely reduces the year's income. Col. Foracre Dead. Newark, Ohio, Dec. 18. CoL G. J. For acre, one of the best known railroad men in the country, since Jan. 1, general snper- intendent of tlie Trans-Ohio division of the Baltimore & Ohio road, died here Thursday. He was 58 year old, had served in iu the Mexican war, and was major in the Seventh Georgia during the reliellion. Ho will be buried at Atlanta, Ua. J. T.DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR. And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, J 706 Second avenue. Tl hlnky Burned. Owknhboho, Ky., Dec. IS. The warehouse of the J. T. Wih h Distilling company burned Friday nicht consuming 1,808 barrels of w hisky. 1 ucendiansm. Chii Afio. Iec. 1' On the board of mute to-day the quotations. were as ioiiows: m-ai --.. s Decem ber, oiwued T64o- nominal, clnstd .t-iic; Janu ary. openid, vumtnl ..-"nc; reu.-nary. opened TKW . i iiwa . i-o-n .o. i'o cemtier. owned 3H-ii': elosel :tV:: Janu ary, ripened W-hc. cKimhI c; tenruary. opened K. cloned 0.iU-u.3 ie ee miter, owiied -fit; nominal, clohcd JJtk- January, o'i.w. and closed, -: May, opened elosed 3b- a?ked. I'ork liecember. omned 11.40 nominal, eloheti n.r; January opened $11.50, rlotd tU.W Lid; Kebruar mientMl til. I'm. closed fil Lard -Decem ber, oiioiied t' ITVj nominal. cl-l K' "-! nnmttml Live St lira The I nion st-ck yar-ln re)rt the loilowific lahfjeol ( ikes; Hop-.Mark' t opent-d lai! ly a.tie anrl tir:n 1U1 cruden m: biuiier uud 'tht-is t-ir;nl.; iitjUt cradt. o.7-H,4.;0. ruu,;h pru-Kifis. S;).--fiy 4.111; heuvv packing and shippmu! $4.55 i'altle- Market. htwdy; lan.v active common beeves, g.S.4t"(iA.i.7.; j,''.t. 1 O 'J4-.tU ri.riM.nia. 5.'i.tM-v;i... (-.... j!.:im41.iw Btorkt-rs, f:..M" .1.411 Slice p Mnv. ihhumhi a shade iowe,i, 0, Kitud, u.,,k Ji.ltJj 4 75 I'rndti'.-c: Bntlcr- Fairv crt:nnei-v , J('.-V lr lb; uooil dairy. ltoiH:: packi;.. KPk: has -Sirn t ly ireshHe iHr dor. i e Iiiih;.Ji' Dieiwil itnltry-l'hlOKeB,6vi6T!: wi Ui.tlui- and Kew. IWi'ikii turkeys. He. l'o'attes bur- bankH. 47&iiOc imt bu on track; Kai l Ut. 46 6b4. Ht-auty of Hebron, 4(50. Applet rail to gotuj tliippuiif. il.ibdi.M per bbi. St. Louis. St. tioiys. No., ler. 1". Wheat- Firmer; No. 2 red cash. Wb" Janua, WJto; rebi-uary, ; May. l(n Corn rirra; Nv 2 mixed cash, ;ft ; .l.o.uary. Iffivw"; Febmai , &&ur; May, fat: Steady; N. S nnxfil rah. air; January. February. lify&ii'Jiwr. May, 3b:. It ye sitatly; KfHc VV hi -k - i I . M. Fork - fcus ; 1 1 .t"W 11.75. Laid-Faxy; J0.10. li'ik. New. Npw YottK. Dec. 1 Wheat No. 1 red state. it-' ; .no. -'do. ho. t red winter January, V ; rebruary BI(c. Corn -No. 2 mixed civil, 47l,-jc; d January. 4fUr; do February. VJ4: UaU-No. 1 white state, .we; No. 2 do, iJTiu; No. iiinxtHi January ic. nye-Duil and 11m handed Barley -Nominal. Pork Dull; new mest. $ll.&Ugl.UU. Lard-ltijeaiUi, tti.'.l, Junuaiy, nilvranfcee. j MitWAUKRK, Wis., Hec. 1". Wheat- Steady; cash. Sic: January. May. H41io- Corn-null: No. t. . Oats- Steady; No. J!, .Sic. K ye -Firmer; No. 1. Uic. barley Stuady. No. X aJV. Toledo. Tolkdo, (hit. Iec. 17. Wheat Active and lirm; casli (JtHc; Janu ar- p'c: May. ooytfl. iorn meaoy: ith-su, 3SM?c; May. Oats Steady; cash. Lij. Clover aeed-lluiher; tsvb. 4.si4: January. $4.ti&. February. H7b bid. lietroit. DmtOIT, Dec. 17. Wheat-No. I white cash, TW'ic; cash Michi gan red. 81c; No. t red cash and Leeem ber, WMc: January. 81 4c; February, May, 8HV4C. Corn-a. Oats-No. 2, XV4c; No. t white. 3:Hc Clover seed -Cash. $4..'7 January. U BOCK IBLASD. VOR SALE, SIXTY LOTS IN MY AD- ditions o the city of Rock Island en four year- ORDINANCE Granting ILe Hiubl to tlie Wtsli; Tekcrnnh CV and its hucccs- sors to Erect aud Maintain Poles, Sup I ports and Wires in tbe Streets, Alleys, ATeuues and Public Grounds iu the I City of Rock Island. J it ordtunM by tht City Voxncit of the IV y oj Jioct island; urrnrinn l TIihI ihe Western I'D ion Telt'Cranh,inv anrt its sun e.sors are hcrebv autuorizeu i to contnict and maintain in. along and across the I stl'etf". avenues, alleys aud public grounds of the 1 l ity of IbK'k JsUnd. liiif of tovs, supiortt and I wires for the V'.rnote or us ousinetss. ana Bionit i 1 1, f.ilL.winiT ritntet. vir' i m ih iint line nf the citv limit p. : and follow int the lince of railioada entering the j citr. v z: T ie C liirair.i, kock jsiann x, muut railway the I'hiraco. Burlincton & Qnircy rail way and the Chicago, Mi'waukec & St. Paul rail wl w..wt t Twi'niT- fonth 24t street : thence t noiitli approach of Arsenal bridge on said street I f nm 1 weniv-iounu sireei wi ienunu i-" street. Hlorg the north side or Second (2) avenue and on Twentieth 9H street to First (1) avenue. And from Twentieth 20l street on Second (2) Hvrnue to Seventeenth (171 street, and from Srcoud ttti avenue on Seventeenth (17) street to I Kirn! til avenne and Irom hovvn leenin tl. 1 siihhm on thirst it avenue alone the south side of aaid I avenue to TwelftlMlSt street to west nne oi me riiv limits, alone the Koek Island & Peoria rau- wav. with also the right to conuect said wire in I tht- usual niitiuter with aueh offices as said com- nanvorits sucneasors may from time to time I maintain in aid c'ty, and for that purpose to erect and nmintain in said street n, aveuues Hlleys and puldic grounds the usual and proper VKles, BiipiMirts, wires an4 other appliances; aud said eumpauv t siiccessortt aud assigus shall an nuallF, on tht .Mh day of May of each year, pay to the clerk of Mid city, for the use of the city the hu in of M dollars lor eacn ana every poieereci.- fit ftluri i.aid route under and bv virtue f the I ordinaii'-e, and snifi company shall within tenl dnvs after this ordinance goes Into effect, give! not ice in writ inc. to tuid clerk of said city ol its I -r( ittunni liert'of. and in caae of Ittiitire or neg lect so to do, then, in that cae all rights hereby 1 .iraiii.l Im without force or validity. I practicable bv plactd within and next to thecurb I or omer line, oi tut-iu-nBiaY, pnii r..l mn.ntaruurt in a safe, convenient ana sun- MtnuttMt n. ah hit. and so as to onpiruct ana iiiier- fere as little as prac'icaule wltho'her public use of anch streets, alleys nd putHic Erounfi, and I the prirtlegeti hen-hv crantea saau oc suroeci to i all general urdiiuvice e f tfre city roncern n the I height, rttaraeier ana saieiy oi mm po-p, -?u- Skc. S. That nothing nereiu contamco snau i bo construed to oreveut the city council from I granting to other persons or corporations tbe right 1 Ui r.riMK and re-eniM aaitl lines anu inierfeenuiiB i of streets, provided that such crossinge aball 1 bv them 'constructed in a oroner manner and with I duereyard to the afetv aud protection of said I lines auawires. Passed December 6. lKHfi. Appioved: THOW. Ml'UDOCK, Attest: Mayor. liUBKttT KtKHLKK. Cltf Ucrk. JOHN T. NOFrSKEB. AIM CL0SI1 Fifth Oil SALE OF ST0WESS Foblic Hotlce A n vone h&vintr buniness with the AuoUB office after 6 p.m. (in the event that the w!Sd-5kou onice 10 itiBtiu win iichv ton i mans & Halt b news stand in the postomce building, who are authorized to transact SoIommc. business of evcrr nature for the Argus. ooai-Hoft life : bam as. so Von wooa im.w. traw-16.0. Corn-Old 43c; Saw 40e. Fouua-Si40c. ChMvMail Boms. Thn finest mail and naDer box ever in- HoEnirr, Tented is for sale at the Asqds office at Attorney at law, loans money on good h inw nriM nf l each. The same box security, makes collections. Reference, i.,iHrrhAreatl.B0. Call and ex- Mitchell & Lynde, banker's, Office in amine them. ' post offloe block AT DAYID DON'S. To make room by January for our large stock of Refrigerators, I offi over 200 Heating Stoves for softor hard coal, all sizes and styles at from $5 to $40; 300 second hand Btoves, such aa Many a Lady Is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Brilliants, Climaxes. Victorias, Radiant Homes and Crown Jewels, ( For from $3 to $15. all in good order. Now is the titneto buy a cheap stove. David Don, Id 7 Second Avenue, Hock Island i t i.. I 1 ?