Newspaper Page Text
7 Rock Island Daily Argus. VOL. XXXV. NO. 51. ROCK ISLAND, MONDAY. DECE3IBEK 20. 1S86. PRICE FIVE CENTS The Most Attractive -Display H H H H HHH H H H H oo i, ji aaa a o o i. H a a aa o o 1. II a u A A O O J. II u a AAA OO 1.LLL II uaa A A -OF- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I.GO OO OO PPD KSSJv, O GOOOOD DS s O O O O D D "BSS, (- i'u' null w "SSS" -AT THE- HARPER HOUSE DRUG STORE Fine Toilet Sets, WorkBask ets, Opera Glasses, Thermometers, Oder Sets, Jewel Cases, Manicure Sets, Wisp Broom Holders, Art Goods for Decorating, Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses. 5fAll leading and staple Perfotes at the Harper House Drug Store. MARSHALL & FISHER. WRECK OF THE ATLANTIC. THIRTY-TWO LIVES LOST BY TERRIBLE DISASTER. THE P9 A y Clothing Emporium, 115 and 117 AVest 2nd St., DAVENPORT, IA. I have now opened the most complete stock of FINE CLOTH ING and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS that was ever shown in this market, and GUARANTEE PRICES against all other dealers. The Vessel Itecoinvs Unmanageable in the Heavy Swell and Uook lu Pieces Among the Breakers The Crew Half Drunk Story of the Captain List o the Vic tims. San Francisco, t'al, Dec. 20. K very one was amazed Frit lay to bear that the whaling bark Atluntie liati txvn wrecked on the ocean beach souk six miles to the west of this city, ami most of tho crew drowned. The night bad been wonderfully calm, and this, it appears, was the cause of the disaster, which ocvurcvd within a few hundred yards of the United States live-savins station, on a smooth, shelving beach. The bark was towed out to sea at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon on the flood tide. Not a bit of wind was then stirring. When given what appeared suffi cient sea room, she was cast off. The sea, as often happens on the Pacific, was running very hih, though tut ir was calm, and the long swell broke on the sand beach in a heavy surf. After rolling around disobedi ent to the helm for many hours the bark floated in on the flood tide. An almost im penetrable mist ohscurrod the vision of the balf-drmikeu crew, and they wore only made aware of their perils by the thunder of the surf. Both anchor were let go in seven fathoms of water, but the sandy bottom afforded no hold and the bark was in a few moments among the breakers. The re mainder of the story as told by the captain, is as follows: '"The sea commenced sweeping over Ihe vessel's deck at 1:30 a. m. The bark was struck by a wave and immediately a heavy sea boarded her, staving in her starboard side and sweeping off three or four men. I told the first officer to trv and clear away the boats. The officer succeeded, and he and a dozen meu cot into one boat, T ne twt was cleared awav and shot under tho counter the vessel and capsixed. That was the last we saw of the men. Just then another boat was made ready and into it the second mate, s.x men, and myself jumped and cleared away. A heavy swell came rolling over the deck of the vessel, and, tailing into the boat I was in, swnmiod it. W e all struggled in the water, and 1 tried to gi-t a hold on the boat or some other pi.xre of timber, but I faded, nndthe swell carried m away. As 1 waf; beng carried along iu the water 1 went to 'Jje bottom once under a havy sell and v is roiled along in the sand." T ie captain, like the other survivors of the wreck, was finally rolled m half dead on thfi beach, where all would have perished but fov thetiiuelv assistance of a ha'. kinan and a party of early morning revelers, who were: Ui-iving along the beaeh to the CliiY house. The men wrapped the exhausted sailors in their overcoats and the wouwi gave them their wrap-i. Meantime the life saving offi cials found their services vera in demand, and moving on the scene they shot a line over the wreck, but without any results, and Itefore daybreak the bark went to pieces, l hose left on her being drowned. The only I tody washed ashore was that of Joseph StedSey, a seaman. The other vie tinis were: Anton Perry, Peter Nelson, L. A. I je J line, Edgar liee, Antvmn Gonzales, William Thomas, Thomas Rvan, tharhs lierdan, W. Mansfield, iWi.ts, Ed Tracy, John Sloorv, Tom Brown, E. J. llrown, (i. M. Ket anos, Pet-T Miller, Uiarlr Shnlley, J. Header on, John J. Nye, ('harl.-s ladies, James Antone, John Gardner, Patrick La vilK Clutrlt, Kerdwrger, John Anthony, J. C. Carroll, W. V. Linn. William J. Colbert, William Hanigan, C H. (."heater Nm. Tlte survivoj-s are: 1'apt. Thomas Warren, Third Mate Junies King, Nanien Andrew W. lAJOk, lmi-i lahiti, huinuutl Kiilin, .in tonio Slargnrt'tiu, John I.u;iitTt., Joseph Antoiue, Marue fi la Fi-ja, U H. Wail A BIG RACE ARRANGED. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Diedeutscheliterarist'hegetieHsciiaft is th name of a Hocoa (D. T.) German society. Govern or-e!et Luce, of Michigan, was Friday unanimously re-elected master of the state grange. Thursday night at Oweusboro, Ky., Lha Welch Distilling company's warehouse, witl 1,800 barrels of whisky, was destroyed b? tire. Eipht local National banks began suit Fri day in the United States court at Cleveland, Ohio, to restrain the county treasurer from collecting tuxes on bank shares. The last feat of Krupp, the famous manu facturer of heavy guns, is a cannon that will throw a bu I neighing two to: is through thirty-eight inches of solid irou. Charles Hamilton, a wealthy farmer liv ing near Lynn Station, lud, went to Con nersville Inst Tuesday, drew a large sum ol money troi.i Ihe bank, and has not since Insen seen. William Kcvtl, h- Bfc n embezzler, whs sent- iit-M Pi'i.'uy to seven years' imprison ment Hi; car'h defalcation aggregate Jl-'tO,')??. and his over is.ue of stock is i.xi sha:v. Tiie Cloi-ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road is making a"i"tngtment to distribute, gratis, the dadv w ailiT preilictions, and tor the dislay of si;:;nat service llags at the princiital stations on its system. At ies Moines, Iowa, Friday, the Demo cratic stat.- central committee held a meet ing. Chairman Kinne and Secretary Charles resignid, mvI K I 11. Hunter, of Corning, and A. P. M. (jn k, were elected to nil tb cancK's. Four avres in the northwestern section of i. Pa., settletl two to four fi-et pj-iday, lartiolly wrecking fifty dwellings and causing the wildest alarm amotig Hit pptipK The tinancial hss is between $oO,(hH and (75,000. fieorge Kiv, of Marietta, Ohio, began suit Friday, at Louisville, against the Standard Od comany and the louisvilte & NashviUe railway, claiming $iiiMfcd damages, and alleging Uiat the ticfeudanu couspireil to se coie freight diserinmrtiioiis against him. The engine of an exurew train on the lVu ver & Kiu Grande uani sttxtck a cow Fridav morning near the bridge sMtining tho Gun nison river, and rolled down the precipice in tlie river, the engineer ami mviiu'U bein; killed. Tho coaches remained upon the Uaek and uoue of Uu passeugjra were injured. A stake of (.ii,Utht, to be run tor on the Louisville Jockey club's track, has lieen ar ranged for the spring of I !. Entries are to clu-e. Jan. V next, and JiOO must enter or the race may be declared void at the option of the club. Ihe distance is to leamilv and a quarter, weight for age, aad the first horse is to get $40,000; the second f4,U0d, and the third J..(O0. Nominators of the place horses a iv also to receive a certain sum, PLSTILXNCE, POVERTY AND DEATH liiMovi-rrd In a l'trit Tenement 1'it table Seeue. ItETHiilT, lec. CO. A horrible scene ot pcstneuce, iwverty and death has lvn dis covered in the dilapitated frame house, 4.Vi H ood bridge street, in this city. The house- was occupied bv a stonecutter named Thomas G rears, with his wife anl live children. Mrs. Grears died last Sunday, and was buried Wednesday, her babe lieing cared for by the neighbors. Since the funeral the house has been closed, and nothing was seen of G rears or his ehddi eu. llecommg suspi cious that something was w rong, a neighUir Fndav morning broke in the d-w and found the children on the same bed on which lay the father, who was crazy drunk. All tin children were down with a virulent attack of scarlet fever. A girl, :i yt-ars old, wa: dead, a boy, J years old, was Wrangling a:u! dying, and the other ehilareu were so ill the ton Id not move. There w as neither tire, in liMl ui the house. T iwor commission v.i 1 do everything pJj)e to relieve tli ci.iidrcu. THE USE OF EYE GLASSES. Characteristics of People UTio Wear Sne taeiles t'raze or Neeessity? "Is it a craze or a necessity F w as tho ques tion asked of a leading optician in regard to the use of eye glasses by the youth of tho day. UA necessity always. There are lew people vrhodonot haveaome defect of tho eyes. Either it is uearsight or farsight or one eye larger than the other, or some visual imper fection exists that renders the wearing of spectacles imperative," blnoid times young people and acmi children were not accustomed to wearing eye glasses P Sol tlicy bent double over tbeu desks and brought on consumption and diseases of tho bnuu by wmn .repositions and overapplication to their stmlirVf4a:vuts and physicians ere iser now inTniiake a study of the eyes. All this Urn? the o -ulLst was fitting a pair of steel bowed si-e tacles to the prominent nose of a v.'ctj tan who sat bolt, upright and with an expression a: if she were in a dentist's chair. lie had an alnhabrtical card with letters ring i n m mjj Jnman men to orumary print. He was a-king her if she could read the smallest line, which be said was "normal int.7' "I don't know anything about normal print,"' she said, '"but we have a normal scnot 1 ui our town. Say, can 1 sew with tuoso specs t If vou uh the lens that you do for read ing, ma'am. 11 i don't know nothing about lens, but 1 can sew with the lest, and I want to piece a quilt for our minister's wife. What I want to know is can I sew with them:' '"If you use your needle about the same dis- tam-e fiYmi y mr eyes that you would a book, UkethU" Young man, I don't h;mg my sew ing on the end my nose. I cxjieet tosee to thread a ncslleniid s w withoutsqumtingallaround, I y-.-t want you to answer me yes or eau I sr-w with them specs;" We have any immiT of patients like that," said tlrt optician. "They want to bo fitted without anv MvliuiinarHs; Mue of them get verv nervoiix1 What class of patients' do you like to ve lest r" Business men. They have no time to wait Thev have faith that 1 understand their needs luttcr than they do ami they offer no resistance when I measure the cyo and fit tho lasses."' uiM men o women their eyesight oar- hest'-' Women. Their work is not so steady, but Itismoi-e complicated. However, ttn-y do not take kiudiy to pectacles, ami few of them willing to admit that they m-ed them lor old age. It is usually some other excuse. "What about colored "lasses? Well, there js the "Arundel tint,' the rose- color, th viol-t. Hie blue glass, and the nnok'il. T'i'-se an1 all n-d. bur t ho clear glass loriisidio-i and tin-seaok.-d glass to protect t'vevt . I li-'e an1 th.-: taitond styles." I)o vou : ell the oM.'-cyt-i glass '."mziing glass r t Inly to r.uglT!!u ii and - t"iv r weiis. t ts hatdiv af.' ! u' th-m i: tlm -"unlrv. I ri licve N -w Y.irU oc- o'f"ct them some- wmt IV'tn r Tribune Fans VI I have ulso opened a Special Department fur closing out Odds and Ends, wherein you can find good wearing goods for Men, Boys and Children, in all sizes. All these goods are re duced one-fotuth to one half of the original price, and marked in plain figures. Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. WW Pi 1 ; - DAVIS & CO., PLUMBERS Steam Fitters, A complete stock of Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing, Hose, Fire Brick, tc. -Sole agents for- Deane Steam Pumps, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, A Stake uf -".0.tMM To lf.u d for at Louisville. I Lot ivri.LE, Uc. The Louisville , Jockey ciuh has Min,.ict-d arrangements '. where ty in the spring of lv-.' there will be run at its course a race of a mile and a quar ter for a stake of "it!,oiM terh;tps the richest ever run in America. The . editions are modeled after iho-.e of the gi-'-at Kiulish Eclutsc stakes. It will require a great many entries to till a slake of this value, hut the terms of entry are such that owners and breeders can well afford to nne nomma tions, the ftrfeits 1'ing enmparatively light w hen the od iU Jire taken into consideration. For the first year aftT the entry is made the forfeit! is only The oilds therefore an t-". Mo .V.rJti (or that time. Even the place money for second and third places is greater than th- value of th great majority of stakes. Should a horse, cliange hands before tin event the nominator still has hi-t chance of a large winning, since a part of t'.ie take go s to the nomiuutors of the three placed horses. A Veteran l'u!lif.her Ied. BrFFALo, N. Y., lVc.30 . Jiimes I. War ren, the veteran publisher of The Commercial Advertiser, and a leader of the Republican party iu this state, died tk his homo m North street iu ttiLs city Friday night after an ill ness of several weeks. Afut ten dnys ago an aliscess tonnexl on Him inner side of t he left thigh. It was dcured to open this, which was done Friday. In half an hour a violent chill was experienced, followed by a high fever. At I olK-k he laiwl into un consciousness and remaned so until lie dieii His family were all present having Iteon in formed at 4VcKck tliat they must pivpai'e for the worst. MTe: ;;iarantee every mie perfect, and will nerd O.p twenty da s' irieU to respoiwible parties. Deere's Block, Moline,Ill. Telephonw 20&3. Safety Heating Boilers, and Contrac tors for famishing and Laying Water, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 First Ate., Rock Island, Illinois. TeleDhone 1148. E t ideace Telephone 101 -F"ALL '86.- - WINTER '87.- HOPPE, e TAILOR, (successor to and late Cutter for I. Liberman,) 1803 Second Ave., Rock Island. FINE WOOLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Worsteds, London Suiting and Trouserings. (Largest anil most complete stock at the Lowest Prices. Particular Attention given to Good Work. J. T.DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealei in Mens' Fine Woolens, 1706 Second avenue. A Child Saved from the M'reek. Nfw Okl FANS, Doc. A special dis patch from ii'iy-m Kj4ra to Tlie INcayune, ays: "A liltle wliitu hoy '.i years old who wa'in hoard ihe ill fated steamboat J. M. White, wassiived Lv :i ' ulorcl woman who wjls f irtuitate ,imi to get hold of a float ing log, n nd landed about a mile Ik-Iow the wreck. Although the woman very endeavor to ascertain who he nn, her efforts were uhmh cesstul. He was undoubtedly a rleck passenger, and the remauder cf his fam ily were lost. The child is too young to give Ins rtiuie. When aked: "Whoas isvy are youT he replied; "MaimnaV Trnlile Among lCae liallisi. PrrrsMt Hr,, TJec. 21 The refasal of tl American jlase Jtall association to refund JU to tii I'lttsburg club is followed by some disclosures not complimentary to the officials at the American assotriation. The latter organization is angered because the hittshurg dub recently joinel the league and now repudiate the ?-10U obligation which thtr legal r-presentative assumed in connec tion with the heavy hue imposed cn liarklcv. of the Fittsburg team. Unless a settlement is made by the American association the I'ittshurg club will institute legal proceedings. Old Knonli to Know ! letter. HrLLSRORO, Ills.. Dec. '4ML Mr. Hugh Mo Caslin, one of the pioneers of this county, toi years old, is having uu second expenencv with the whooping -couyh He had itoinety one years ago Public Kotlce. AnyoDe hav'iDg business with the Ahuus office after 6 p. to. (in the event that the office is nosed) will please call at Wu macs & Gait's news stand in the postoffice building, who are authorized to transact business of every nature for the Argup. Af-ciilviit to inventors. I'ahis, lhe. The inventors Cirven a; Buisstm were c tuiiiuetnig cxjHirimentf ;:i smad steamer 011 the N'lne Saturday petroleum engine when a nexiloiou ocec:-. tiiesteamerlK'intx b'ownto fragments. :;i -Wiis horribly mutilated and expired im di:itely. Cirven was terribly scuided 1.. fact? and will die. The .itoker hts no: i foutid and is scpi-oscd to have U-eu di i . THE MARKETS chi'Mu 1 ;.' On the tMtnrd of tia'U? tn-rta ;h- were hs follows: W'hertt . y -i..i ojiened it:Hc nominal, diut-l 7C'4i- nvn . January, opened ami ciosevi ".ti'w : l'clt. u npeued ched i'' a?ked. V i m lhMtmWr, uiieiied &''-j U'mui.u. t-hw I Jauaury, op.-ned SO'c, cheii ihr.;-"' ; Kehr a;y, oiiene-J ;fi"Vjc c ioe 1 ;I?s ( -v ". i itK-einher. opened ad c'tl mcpoi, Junuary. n; ened :m i ci-tM-d -':..: '; 01-eneil and 4-:iw-.-d I'nrk lVieu opened ? fl.-W nomirifti. t lo-d Ml.i.-y. wy. wpi'inl Jll.A ciitM-d tlL-T'-v; Keiinn ulH-lidl f-iorK'd -T-il ill ;ttic 1. i-ai'd I CfW-lcr, itpeiied ji . - 50. J M-ed. Luc t:t k- 1 Ue I tiion f.-k y;ir is reji. the lollop iiic r;iiiu-e of price, Iltv-at'i (eK-(l inuderat' h ertive, with pa-ki myiiu: biuul) aud pn- es jo-'o-" loner: li-i. iv) pa.-k in ami r-li:;e;'i toi, fat tie- 1;rk.l steel., hevvjs I. tH. t'hrMJuii-. 4 T-MiftS-h t own S1.MU.1U; stoc e?-s. f'oii'.',y... Siiwp Vui"t: poor. Si ;i.-t; ineU;ii:n. i.'t. 'JK.-'.-.'-": choice, I'l oduec: li;ittei -l auev crctiuery, per lt. uood dairy, K.rill: u;ckirm. "h V-Hii Strictly fresh. .V-!!- per tioz: ice-lr XK. l'ress:d pemttry I 'hiekn1, i-y . Itt; duckt. and jreewr, iMc; turke'n. JHfta'A rotalocb-Jturhanks. 4V;tcV pt-r bu on tr.t. titry H,: H.auty of Hebron. Apies Fair to tfwd sL'ipplug, .ju(j:i.U) 0bt Eew York. Nkwt Voi:u 1 iee. 1. Wheat o. 1 red state, o; No. 2 d . No. X red winter, 8'v' Januury: do Febrnary .ianuarj . Oats No. 1 while stale, 'AS' N do, iVtv.. live- Dull and uncjiaiud. Harh NonduHt. I'ork Dult: new mess, JU.IiiUU. Laid Ue:eiiiber, iii.W; January, $ti.i7. ht. l.-.uiti. ST. Um'IK Mo., Dec. 18. Wheal Easy; No. - red task. Wi- January 6c; rebruury, tK'-uc: May, Kc. f in n - l-.a-ler No. 2 mixed cahh X3-4"; January. eDruar". May, M-c. Oats -;.. mixed oh, 3iji; t ebrnary, SHr; May, J! Hye i irmer; !Ac. Whisky Firm; 5-1. l; Pork tiU-ady; $11,603.11.;:.. Latl-Stead Detroit. Detroit. Dee. i8. Wheat -No. 1 white, ?."4e. bid: cash Mich u-an red. 8H4t; No. 2 red cash and De-ember. Hue; January, tflc; Februarj, s-M-c, May, SSW bid. forr. ott4c askt;L Oats-No. aMf bid; No. 3 white, 31 Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wis., Dc. 18. WheatDull: cCu roV': January, Itivc; May. 4'-. f orn-Meady; No. 3. oihf; Oats Weak; No. 2, 3fic. live Firmer; N 1.67. Hai ley-Lower. a 2, ftlc. Toledo. Ti tLKIM i, De. 1. Wheat Lower and quiet; cash. Hue; Janu ary, P'c; Mav, fic. Lurn Steady; dui; cash. SHc; Mnyt 4yHc. Oais NUtPti. Clover v;ed Firm; ca"h. J:mury. 4.fJ7vfe. r-rbinrti. S-V5sked. ROCK ISLAND. Hay Tlmottij J10.00. Hsy-WIM-fli.UI. Byo Coro-ldc; New Mc Potaux J40c. Otiou 60c. rMi-on ioe : hud . , CordWooa-HOO. 8tniw-f6.09. - CbeasHill Boi. The finest mail and paper box ever in vented is lor e&le at toe Argds office at tbe low price of 91 each. The same box Is sold everywhere at $1.60. Call and ex amine them. USFAIL1SG SPECIFIC for IIVFE DISEASE CVIIDTnUCi Bi,ter or bnd tap,p ln t,,e Ollfiriwiflwi month; tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in lha hack, sidew, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; SOUr Stomach: lofnof appetite; sometime nausea and water-irah, or indirection : flftftilen cy and acid eruttotiens: bowels alternately cos tive and lax; headache; f memory, with a painful eenMitiou of having failed to do fomelhiCR whichonirht to have beeii dnne; de bility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of Hie kln and eyet: a dry cough; fever; reet lepcnecp: the urine it ncanty nd liich colored, and, if allowed to stand, drpotfHe a sediment. suns im mum. PURELY VEGETABLE, It senerally upcJ In the South to aronee the Tor pid Mivertu a healthy action. It acta with exiraordimry'finYscy on the 1 1VER, KIDNEYS and BOWELS, Aoc fft'clusl specific Irtr Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biiliotisness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Endorsed by tic use ot 7 BILLIONS or bot tle, at- the BEST FAMILY MEDICINE fur Children and Adults and for the Aped. ONLY GENUINE hap our letter Z et amp in red on front of wrapper. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Solf rroprictom. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PUK'E 11.1)0. COOK STOVES! RADIANT HOME HARD COAL STOVES. -AT- WILIARD BAKER & CO.'S, Opposite Harper House. Rock Island, Illinois. ij SPECIAL I llfNAniRAirRuJT 1 m FLAVORS I z c" o 2 w o s ! J. c 3 Sign Big Glove. MOST Tnpnml wltl PERFECT MADE FH:0 Si.XXG 'C. Cteira c ii Z I Lro.j. HALF-CEM A WOK Tnr Anr.r he-eare'- will ptih !n th' m amn all a-iverti-emeTit f Lot. Found. For E:it i'or Sale, Ho-ird or IWm, w ftntec. sua similar noli res, nt the lew ratt' of on? -half a cnt a iror.f, irh firure a word, but advertisemem le than ten cent. J PEU CENT MORTGAGES Imprmtvl Iowa Farm. Security 3 to 5 times the l.-iaTi. sn;1 irnrctcd in each case. Completed loariri aiwiy oc hsrd for ?b:c. Stze of loaT 200 to $10,000- Tire cf loan? 5 yesr?. Only ehoct ?oarf handled. Rffence? and detai given on application ei ther in person or letter. II. M. HEVLEY, Attoro? at Law. 214 Main St., Tavenport. Icwa. Pound- mav liav A F.ROWX VEIL; OWNER llie nme br proviiijr property and painvr fr Hi'? notice at the Arol ctllce. 0?T-A YOU NO BLACK WATER -Ianifl with while brea-t. wearing a nickle ii'ial' d c-t.lar witii iihiii? a. B IVwns. Kinder will plea- lt'ae at comer Sixth avenue and Twei-mv f.iiirtli t-trei. t, where a liberal reward w ill be jni'i. Wanted at once . " " ble man to wll rbolre nnracrj A RELIA racry atock; pood . FU-ativ work, ontiii' free. JAL E. WHITNEY, 4-1-n NiirfeTnun. IWheHer. N. Y. Wanted four good ener " ctic men to ranva'p for a fine line of H-li dav tfK'.d :c ?0'-d pav to r;ebt men: rcfere! reiniired. C.'F. PEft'E'SD. Manager lS-lm 11? Main St. . Iavenport. Ta VOK BALK, SIXTY LOTS IN MY AD ditioiif .other ity of Rock Iand on fonr year ly tiaymen'fi. with inten-ft at six percent por an nuui i uav fcArtiisT. Wd. McEnixy, , Attotney at law, loans money od good security, makes collections. Reference, Mitchell & Lynde, banker's Office in postoffice block Maverick National Bank, BOSTON, MASS. Capital - - $400,000 Surplus - - - WOfiOQ Accounts of Uaoke, Dank era and Corporal ions tioheiHul. Our 'atilities forCOl.LECTfONS are excellent and we re-diK'ount fur Bauks whvn balances warrant it. B-Jsioii it a P.e?er'e City, and balances with ue from Batik (injt located in oiber Reserve cltiea) count us rv?erve . e draw our own Exrhansw on London and Ibi Cent inert. ar.U make Cab'e transfer and place coney by telegraph throughout the United State nu annua, trovernment Bond b ticbt and fold, and Ex rbangea in Washiueion made fur Banks without eitra chartfe. We have a market for prime firot-rlas Invest ment Secnrttief, and invite proposal from btates, Couitticsand t'itifs when inuina bimda. We do a ceneral Banking bubiness, and iurtte corresponaence, ASA P POTTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. oct-3fl dw&rftei Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia calm. I have j nst received my first installment of my Foreign importations of FINE WOOLENS, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, And extend a cordial invitation to my patrons for an inspection of th same. Very finest work, Lowest prices, and perfect fit guaranteed. B. ZIMMEE, No. 1810 Second Avenue. Rock Island, 111. Gloves I Gloves I For all kinds of Gloves and inspect Mi'.lena call and BENNETT'S STOCK Over 500 different styles, warranted to fit and will not rip; gloves for everybody, and no shoddy. Gloves cut to order and repaired. GEORGE BENNETT. No. 1C05 Second avenue, Rock Island. JOHN T. NOFTSKER. Twenty Sjsl Fifth Hi? fill OF DAVID DON'S, To make room by January for our large stock of Refrigerators, I offer over 200 Heating Stoves for softor hard coal, all sizes and styles at from $5 to $40; 200 second hand stoves, such as Brilliants, Climaxes, Victorias, Radiant Homes aad Crown Jewels, For from f 3 to $15, all in good order. Now is the timeto buy a cheap stove. David Don, 1617 Swond AvenuH, Rock Island . ? : i - . i V-1 : 1 J