THE ROCK ISLAND AKGUS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 'ill, 1886. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. M. BEARDSLEY. Rheumatism It is em established fact that Hood's 8ar- .TTORNEY ATLAW-OIBce with J. T. Ken-' Earariiia has proven an Invaluable remedy WILLIAM JACKSON, . TT08NEY AT LAW. Office in Rock LI ,1 National Bank Building, Rock Island, 1 11. JOHN S. HOLLAND, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ovet totoffle, Moiine, Illinois. E. W. HURST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. X in Sltvonic Temple block, over Rock ( mint Nn.iOTia1 lian k, Rocfet alnud, 111. Be p dwif I. D. SWEENEY. C. L. WALKER SWEENEY & WALKER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW Office in Bumum's block. Kock Island, 111. atiE-l-dwy ItKKKKKT D. HI.AK jTTOKNEY IN PATENT CAl'SKS. Patin, ilhnsiness of nil kinds solicited. Koom 4, Fii-ei National Sank Uailding. P. O Bos 6T-J, Ruck Island, Illinois. ju-lb-dwly M. M. CORBETT, ATTOHNEY ATLAW.SoIioiforinChanrcry an NoL-.ry PuhHf, Abstract, Loans ami fiUt Office, unto d's U! k, 2.1 awn, ov tions. Office, Unfo Blvk, 2.1 Baker V .Tew:lry ston. BIS1NKSS IMHKiTORY. JJARDWARB. Stewart Montgomery. iSt-Ht -ocomt avenue. GUNSMITHS. U W'olli, Ohaf ., Ill Seventeenth street. jEWSPA.'EKS. The Rock ftO&ml Daily A .with; (iiihllnheii.vur: eveiiinir, tS'inday ex:f(tetl) in Arms bUic;, up pnoite PwtotVicu. Beet advertising meilttuo m lb ritv. The Rck Islam! Weekly Awiir; nub.Mhet; every Fruity. A nut- .,!) il.-jiartiiifut m conne tiou with tliu ecaWlhmeni. MANY LAMP CHIMNKYS ARE oflerod for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARL TOP BIT THEY ARE And like all ConnK-rseits lack the Rcmo.rku.blo I.ASTIXi Qualities OF THE EXCISE. ASK FOR. THE: Anfllusist Qv THIS upon VSSi Exart HinXGL ABEL them 3l!l4lPv on Each Pat0cU3O,1883. The PEARL TOP is Manufactured OM.Y by PITTSBURGH, PA. WEAKfUNDEVELOPEQ Parts of the Body Enlarged, Developed u! S' rvim' hetiwil . MiTiT'M.lmmili-., surw SWt-'l rwHCnixii: Full i'iinu'iil;ir. mtimoni;il;..iu:, nmi leil -iiiHi. ( raw Audrey t'-hii. MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. NY. in many severe cases of rheumatism, effect ing remarkable cures by Its powerful action in correcting the acidity of tbo blood, which is tbe eause ot the disease, aud purifying and enriching the vital fluid. It is certainly fair to assume that what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for others it will do lor you. Therefore, if you suffer the pains and aches ot rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fail trial. A Positive Cure. 1 was troubled very much with rheuma tism in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and w as confined to my bed a good deal of the time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. 1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla 1,3 one of the best blood purifiers in the world." W. F. Wood, Blooiuiiik'ton, 111. For Twenty Years 1 have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before 1883 1 found no relief, but grew worse. 1 Un a began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it did me more good than all ilie other medicine 1 ever had." 11. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. 41 1 suffered from what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sar saparilla and am entirely cured." J. V. A. Pkoudfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. Wo shall ho glad to semi, free of eharee to all who may desire,abook containing many additional statements ot cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drnggists. $1 ; six for $S. Mado only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass- I0O Doses On Dollar. THE C0KUC10NISTS WIN. THE RENEWAL OF THE CRIMES ACT TO BE APPLIED FOR. ATTUNES HIS LYRE. THE iSDim SAVSSeS BASK Jbaritceri by The Leiilslfttart at Illinois.) &OLLNE - - ILLINOIS noeii daily toni! A.M. to 3 P. M..and on Tne day acd Saturday Evi-nltiKs frna 7 lu 8 o'c'ock. Ititaraa tllcwsi oc Dspsstts tt the rU ol p3T Cnt. ptT Annua. Depostta raoeived in amounts ol $) and Upwards. SSOUUITT AND ADVANTAtiKS. Tbc prtvati- property of ttie Trafteo t rcetm elble toth: il','iK!;'.r. The r.ricrar- urihlblu)J rom horrowiiip any oflw moneys. Kli.ors and married womei proicctt-d hyf.-ccis! Iw. OmnBitr: S. W. Wheeujcx, Pnn-Mcul :4a Goou, Vice Prefifit'i.i: t. F. HEMENwir.rafhier Tat ptb: S. W. Wneehw;!!, Porter SUniier C. W. Lurtdcll, Melcun Chester. U W.Oanriatj. V. T Granu, &. S. r'.irht, C. K. Humnway. Joht QtHM. J. M. Chrl-ty O. H. Stoddard. "The only c!.arlred Savlriirp Bank is Kor eland (Joniiiv. ADVERTISERS can leani the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspape? AdvartiBing Bureau, lO Spruee St., New York. Send ;'.hs. for iOO-Pac,c Pamphlet Con IH-s Puic&fi.-! PLWJLIWWilWII ' mmm Pennyroyal Pills. 'CHICHESTER'S ENCLI3H." THE OUIIilSAI. AND ON LT CEKCIKB. Safe ant) always re!ial)ir. Iteware of wottTHLEHf imitation."; Iwl.;ier)!.j.iile rr LADIES. Ank your IiniL'UrKt fur kkter'h EstiLiHit 1 and take no other, or m ue 4c. (KtarupH) li tie for purtic iilar if If'Ur by return mail. Name Paper. tuu iiKi.R Ciibmicat. Co.. 1W Maillwm Suare, Philadelphia, Pa. Trade su;;lied by GKO. 0. (HWlN A CO, Wholesale Ancutu, BottUm. Mata ffiP i,iit Mntihmti. FREE! Mttmi SELF Gl'iiE f of U- mv ..(..(. ?i e't r. !.;- i a. fill U. T ikni nkvv rt'-MUi tun nt yotir own IHIIIIt;, Uy IIUK WHO WJIri IHUI 1 WfntV-eiL'llt JJ years. Treatrrt by most ot iiotfd fp4-cialitlri without iM-nelit. Varttl htmtlf in threp nmutUs anu biiiu- 1 1 it-11 iniMiin uc m win; re. XiUlparilCli- l;irw gent nn application. T. B. FAGE, Nu. -11 West 31st St., N. Y. City. A25-CentBookforl2-cts. EUREKA RECITATIONS By Mrs. Anna Ha spall Dkthl, the celcbratud t43aciior and elocutionist. Five numbers now nauy. baett one contains ISS paeo aud hand lomc lithoftraph cover. Price onJy 12 cents each. AtidresP j . o. tH-iiLV IB .:o., pnblwhen. (P. 0.;boi 37671 31 Koae street. New York. !il-dy 48 FOR CHECKS In 6 hour, enree in 8 40 MEN Pa. and im 3d avc. Rock inland. I ft J VANJIOUl). YOUTHFUL IM 1 1 prudence. Monona Debility a I cured by Botanic Nerve Bitter V W 50c. Herb Med. Co. PbLla.Pa., um siure, ana iwj are., kock isiaoo. Irtfih l:xcutiv9 Ordered to Make Arreat and Seize Kenta Paid to Trustees A Caw In Which the Police Were Out fitted Killed by an Avalanche The t'h"lra Notea. liONTKN, Dtn. 21. Tbe onercionist in the cabinet have carrieil their point. The gov ernment will apply to parliament for suspen sion of halieas con1", trial by jury, and the ordinary law, and the renewal of the crimes act. Tbe latter is to be supplemented and amended so as to include boycotting and cover evry yxwsilite kind of excitement and comlinttitu hostile to the administration of the ordinary law. Thi moderates, over ruled as to tin? iite of tlw queen's proclama tion, Ku;;gtwted a suspension of coercive measures until parliament met. This, too, is refused, a:id the Irish executives have re ceived strict injunctions to ruttke arrests and seize rents oaid to trusters under circum stances similar t-o those attending the pro- ewlinrs at loughent. There is an impor tant distinction , between the collection of uts as trustees for indivluals merely and the same act for the avowed purpose of de voting the money to tho purposes of the band ague or any form of agrarian agitation. Tivi former may be legal, but the latter if itatod by the law ofiicera of the crown to be indisputably illegal. Tlio Nationalists wiU consequontly receive rents in the future only in tho capacity of ordinary trustees, the real nature of the transacts on Iteing understood hut not stated. A legal instrument will probably take tbe place of the form of re- ct ipt for rent hitherto given to tenants. A CHEAT MISTAKE has hm-lofuru been iiimlc in the tivaunent of rhcuiiKiiisni, ncnvalgiu, and nervous or pick headache. This is evidenced by the fail ure on I lie part ot tliotisjtndsuf sullerers to find relief, even ihmjh they have ex hausted the skill of various physicians ami tried numerous so-called remedies. To such Athlophoros is otlcred as a wiy, $urct and ijuirJc cure, lis success has k-tn phe nomenal, and yet it isi;"l surprising be c:uise it uiil is claimed for it Tiie Atliiophonis Co. will gladly refer any who desiie to makf an invent kr aion lo re liable parlies who have levii eiiretl by it. J.T. M.dleltP, of ihe Maiiette & Kay mond -Mauuf. t'o., o.oJ; N.uth Canal St.t Chieiigo. lU.,says: "My wit'eh;Lviecnai,'reat pnrtercr tVom neuralgia for a long while, but a half botdc of Athloph'Tos curetl her sn that she has nt suilered any since. "When it wxs tiit rccommendi d to her, the would not p t it :i s!ic was always op posed to taking any kind of patent medi cines. Hut as the treatment she wivsunder gave her no relief 1 insisted on her trying Athlophoros. Alter taking u half bottle the neuralgia was gone and has not re turned since. Ihratur HI. I have k-i'ti ;i:l?!',ieJ with rhcumati.-ni for several ; ;m -. Pitrini; the p:i.-t winter 1 was stricken w'i'h. a iviv severe attack, rendering ii'ca!i;-o.t lirtpiesand confining me to niv bed. i iri-.-d various medicines and wap pri--nl d i'.r bv phvsicians with no avail, liualiy I was induce I to try Athlojtlioros. I w as relieve.! and cured su qiiicklv thatwonls nidd n.t tell mysnr nrisc " I do nut hesitate in reromniendinc it to anv one smierini: wiiii th;:t paintul eonmiaint. rheuiiKitiiu. A- M. I'.i.akxky. (.'or. l"nifn and (ireen Sts. tvery druggist should keep A'.hlophoros and Alldopboros Pills, but w lieie tlu-y an not Iw bought of the drugi;it ihe Athlo phoros Co., 112 Wall St.. New York, will send either (carriage paidi on receipt of regular price, whitli is S'l.OO per bottle for Athlophoros and Mfc. tor rills. For liver and kidney Ihch-m-s. dyspepsia in digestion, weakness, nervals ucnility, lLsene! of women, constipation, n-fidnehe. impure blood, Jic., Athiophoros nils tire uaequalea. Collected KeiiU In Spite ol Police, Drm.ix, I)c. 21. Messrs. Cox, Jordan, and Keiinv, KationalLst members of parlia ment, cleverly evaded tbe police Sunday w hikMiHwiving the rents of the tenants on the audeleur estates under the plan of cam- (wign. ihe three gentlemen above named, cretly arrived at Kurush rrulay and too up their quarton at a hotel. The ioh(, who had been inlorniexl, weiv on the alert. he tenants, who expected to turn over K-ir rents to the three memlters of parlia- ueut, as trusteeci, arrived on Sunday. They were privatelv nisuueleti to assemble at hree rendezvous outside the town in the veiling, d'-ios.t their rents and then return their homes. InWra. Cox, Jordan and Kenny, left the hotel singly during the pre- aleuee of a driviujr snowstorm, and visiUit each of the rendezvous, where they sueceebni m capturing the rents lief ore the police had vome nv.are ot th-ir muvenu'iius. FOREIGN MISCELLANY. OF FDRE COD LIVES GIL And Hypophosphllfis of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatabfoas Milk. Tlin reparation of f I.IVFK OIL that ran r-f tak-fii naiily auii tolerated fur a lung time tj il lir-tp atoaiarliH. am it':nt:nT rnrt rovsHfrnoN, S! i l.l" S AfKKI llONs. ANAKIU. t.K.N mi. IiHM.ITV. cnK.lK AM TliU'lAT At. HiT'll'S. all HtMlMi lllvlKIIKBS Of t lili.'. ili. il is niiirr. Iiin: in it. n-tBlla. j ' :..:;;. :1 inti i-inlorsrd by Uio teal 1'iijsiciaaa iri tii.- -,:'ui.trit or tiio worm. t-oa Sale ev all Druggists. BOLD KEDAL, Yi&iS, BAKERS Breakfast Cocoa. Warranted absolutely pure ConM, from which Iheeneanol Oil haa been removed. Ith.ifAr timeg the strength of Cocoa mixed with Slarcli, Arrowroot or Jiiirar, and i8 therefore far niore econom cal, costing ten than ont cent cup. It la delicious, noumcinst;, etreuetheaUii', easily (JnreaU d, am odmiraljly adapted for iuvaliue j well as for perwoDs in health. Seld by Grown everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorcriestsr, Mass, mm l Jill m i ii h r ti 0- UsEcate1LIi mi are Female Ccarolarots. A iSreat KioaQ? BILL NYE'S LINES ON THE OEATH OF A MARRIED MAIN. The Judgi'Vi Atiilres- to the dury iit the j 4 ;tnithfll Itlvoree Case. ! L-MioN, Dec. lil. Sir Charles RussMl i Monday concbi'le.1 his address to the jury in vhalf of l.uly loim Campltell. Ihe judge summing up the chs;i to the jury, said Lord Campbell denied having committed lultery wilh Jlnry Ualson winch allega tion depended ehietly un the evi-leiiee ot l,tdy Miles. Whatever nmy lw said against Lady Miles, it must Iw admitted thai until recently sul was Lord tolins friena did that sV had done all she ctuld l. discourage the iilaiutiff from com- imncmg the action against Lord Colin. Lidv Mik-s oidy tHk Idv Caniplmirs part hen she was com inccd that unjust charges were to te t-rougnt against tiie piauuin. The doctor's evidence regarding the exam in- it h m of Mary Watson dul not negative the idence of Lady Miles. Tho suspicion, how ever nf ruslordshiiisainii ten' with .wary nat- Matu was msurliv-ient If the crim-j of adultery had not lem proven as a fact, the jury was tound to hnd Lady Colin innocent ot that harge. The "vnlence against Ixird Colin h jH'nd.xl on the testimony of servants and i:tut-he received with suspicion. Tiie I'ur- tleet iiicideiit, taken in connwtion with the m.-ay important examples ot mistunen uient- ity. iMinpel the jury to carefully consider whether the evidence of identity is reliable. Written on the Theory of Conveying an Idea, and Still Not Inflaming the Pub licSpecimens of Fine Word Paint ing by the Hard. I have been waiting patiently for the com ing poet to take up and treat a theme which has for years been knocking on tiie door of the slumbering bard, and asking for admission and recognition. Tho sVimliering ban! has ignored that call. He has slumbered on. Ho has turned over and pnt a pillow in each ear, as it were, in order to avoid the loud, clamor ous appeal of this theme. He has shown that he would rather continue to lie the slum bering bard at his present sal-y than the coming poet at better pay. Ho I have been compelled to attune my own lyre, and, in halting numbers, handle it my self. It is out of my line to write poetry, but those who think I cannot write a poem that will be ravenously snapped up and published by the American press do not thoroughly understand my true nature. Any of us may be able to write poetry, no doubt; but will it lie published! That is the test. Will it, I ask, or will it not lie pub lished! To write true poetry, therefore, wo must not do so solely to gratify ourselves. Wc should remenilier that the publisher, tho edi tor and tho public have feelings, also. My tlieory has always been and still is that poetry should be so written that it will convev idea and still not inflame the public. Jnllam- matory poetry is unworthy and transitory in its results. I do not know that I am making myself perfectly clear, but let tboae who road these lines attempt to write lucidly and learnedly on a subject of which they are en tirely ignorant and they will see at once how I am hampered. But to continuo tho thought, I say that poetry should, in my judgement, awaken a throb m every heart. Is it not n pleasing sen sation for the true poet to know that he holds in his hand the consolidated throbbers of 50, OOO.dUO people, exclusive of Indians, not taxed and therefore exempt? i I lielieve so. It is therefore a great boon to me to l-ealiao on this pleasant morning that a mighty mul titude weep together with me over the follow ing poem, which is founded on fact. There are tears in it I know. I would spare the reader these tears if I could, but I cannot. I have run the poem through the wringer litre or four times, but it is stiil damp. Will the reader forgive me and lonn me Lis lachrymal glantls for a few moments? The pi tern itself is based uion the sudden drowning of a married man, who had been for years connected with tiie eel business. By his death his widowed wife was left w ith no hus liand. Tbo poem seeks to disclo-r woo and still reveal to tho thinking miwVlinw sho muzzled her groat grief and battled on through life. In the third ami fourth stanzas I aim to do some fine word painting, and present to the rarefnl student a delicate hirlo picture of the humid and yet hungry, moaning sea. Lafer on I may write some more sad poems. and Anally print them in a small, dark blue volume that will lo within the reach of all. Writing poetry with me is not irkwme. It is not hard work. It docs not strain mv mind. In fact I can write poetry roadily while using my uund for other purposes. It is not ac quired in my case. It is a gift. Kver sine' I got jerked around in a cyclone two j-eai-s ago and stepped on a ial of thunder and brok my leg and coneus-jcd my brain, I eorcM writ poetry like this: A mtAVE IjRART. BETNO fIN TOR DF.CT11 t)F A MAHK! KD MAN BT A FELLOW MTTEfll ll. 1 Out wliere the blue waves come aud eo. Out where the Eephvrs kiss the strand. Down where the damp tides el 'hand now. Down wtwre the ocean monkeys w tlh t! sand. w 1 1 flam, the turnery, rustle for hi meal, tsliin William, the eelwJ, gathers the wl. A SB8A1I0N Wby is it thaW three bottlca of B. Ii. II. arc sold in Atlanta to one of any other blood remedy! and twice as much con sumed in the state of Georgia as any other preparation? No one need take our word, but simply ask the druggists. Ask ihe people. They are competent witnesses. six nouses in Atlanta are buying B. B. B. in five aud ten gross lots, and some of them buy as often as every two mouths. Why these unpre cedented sales here at home with so little advertising? Modesty forbids us making any reply. Had B. B. B. been before the public a quarter or half a ccutucry, it would not ue necessary lo be bolstered up with crutches of page advertisments now. Merit will conquer aud down mouev. 1 00 Worth $500 000 Kui four years I have been a sufferer from a terrible form of Rheumatism, which reduced me so low that all bone of recovery was given up. I have suffered the most excruciating painday and night, and often while writhing in agony have wished I could die. I have tried every thing known tor that disease, but noths ingdid me any good, and have had some of the finest phystciaus cf tbe state to work on me. but all to no effect. I have spent over 800 without findingrelief. I am now proud to say that after using only one bottle of B. B. B. I am enabled to walk around and attend to business, and I would not take $500 for the benefit recti vi d from one single bottle of B. B. B. I refer to all merchants and business men of this town. Yours, most truly, E. O.Gaka. Waverly, Walker county, Texas. He Swallowed 15- 1 have been troubled with a serious blood disease for six years, aud have ex nended over $250.00 for worthless rem edies which did me no good. The use of 1 5 bottles of B. B. B . has about cured mc doing more good than all other remedies combined. It is a quick and cheap blood punaer. O. H. KuDOLm Talladega. Ala , April 20, lb86. Demonstrated Merit. Sparta, Gn.. May 15, lSSG. icxl liaim 4 (i. Vuu will please ship us per first freight one grow is. Is. is. It gives us pleasure to report a good radV for this preparation. Indeed U has far eclipsed all other blood remedies. th in demonstrated merit and rapid sale with us. Ko.iku & Vakoeman. Kather Fahy Kelease-d. !;,hi.hav, Dec. 21. Father Fahy, who . .is to six luimths imprisonment n Sept, i:t last, on the charge of having threatened the owner ot property in Wood- font, from which the tenant had been icted. was Monday unconditionally re leased from prison, hat her rahy was given the choice of rinding bail or going to jail for -.ix months. He chose the latter, saying that if he gave bait it would le a tacit admission that his defense was a denial of using threats and was falie. A Itig Steampr Ordered lluilt. London, IVc. 21. The North German Lloyds have ordered a steamer to be budt which it is intended shall surpass in speed and size any vessel now aflatt She will lj constructed by the Fairtleld Iron conipmyof Glasgow. Tho steamer is ex pected to compete with the Greyhound steamers of the English lines for the carry ing of anglo-American mails. Charged with Conspiracy. Dublin, Iec. 21. Mr. William Redmond, 1'nrnellite member of the house of commons for North Kermaugh, was Monday served with a summons to answer a charge of con- -.ptraev for serving as trustee of rents under the plan of campaign. ( arUlniU Jacobin I Again Keidjn. I Come, D 21 Cardinal Jacobin j has Mider his resignation as papal secretary of state, owing to ill health. Th.- jpe refuses to accept his resignation, but the appoint iiient of a successor is under discussion. W bule Family Asphyxiated. Iu bmn. Dec. 21. A family of eight ier- Hons residing at -tarrick-on Suir were as phyxiate I by escaping gas Sunday night. Kivvot the children have since died and the parent, and the other child are dying. Petroleum In Egypt. Ca.ho, ifcw. 21. The manager of theUem .iah boring operations rejnirts a heavy flow of pure petroleum at tho depth of lii. feet It is n cessary, however, to go fifty feet deeper U) avoid water. To Whlen the Suex CaiiHl. 1 'a tus, lec. 21. It is announced that M. Udicss-'i" has given the khedivo of Kgypt 4:to,OiKi f.u- sullleient government land to widen tlir Suez canal. t'p where the Johnny Jump l"ps smile. Up where the jrren hills meet the sky. Where, out from her window for many a mile. She watches the blue and dimpling he. Tiie wife oT the eelist, with visaire crlm. Bits In tiie gloamlnft and watches for htm. Ill Down in the moist and moanm; a. Down wlietv tae day can never come. With staring eyes that can never e And hps that will ever coiitliiUf dumb, With evls In his bmat, in a large wt ware. William is i-Uinna watery crave. IV. L'p where the cat hip i hrealhuii? hard, rp where the tanzy is flecked wit ti drw. When tiie vesper sof as t he oni- m ieeln Wakens the echoes the twilight tlirouh. The ivw-made widow mill watclh-a Hie ahora And sits them and waits, as I said lfore. They come and tell her the pitiful tale. With trembling voice and tear-dmmied y, Tlh-y watch Iter cheek gnm- slichl-ly tal.. Yet wonder at the calm reply: "All our tears an hut idle, wntlenicu, fio bring in tiie eels arnl set him agatu.M I. 1 11 Nye in P-oston (iloi. INFANTS INVALIDS Th oiuy perfect surtitute iur Mother" milk. In valuable in Cholera Infantum Teething, a pre-diBted food ior Dys peptics, Consumptives Convalescents. Perfect nutrient in all Wasting Diseases. Bquiro-i no cooklniz. Our Bonk, The Care and Feeding of Infants tntriied tree. VQLiBEtt. GOODALJl CO.. Boston. Kaas. WE AE..HBH1 Eiectrjc Bait &Susneeory. pii!f.Ci-ai;iiF t-Hnt. llvaiutUV i!.. -tl'. a.i ik tin Current -iJi f. it it'-iaiiitv ei ii :..') in ruh. OrvarflTnriv-nit-iil(iii' uil t-lrwr b" it. W itiI 'k' t- iiunit-iuiy ctin-n in tlirt-e nfita.i.H. -ai'ii pmninicn- natnp The Sand en Electric Co. IG9 USallo al., Chicago, may 17-dwly j SINObfS t WILSON WMHEOIBDS. These "Wnsliboatua are made if itb a Bent-Wood nic Tbe Stroiig ect boards and best wastjare in tha world. For Kile by all dealera. 'lake no ot Iter. 8AiIIVAVV M'F' CO.. BtLgtoUkVTf JHicaiigan. Tli. (JiulerM Kpidmlr ln' .Mp:Mtza, I:. - Tlw l holf'ra epimenik' is iiiriva.siri. Ttiero nre sixty. Civ cmms in tliv h.'Sjiirni rp. Therw weiv tWHnty.tivt lc'itiw in itoinrn. Friday. Kill-.! liy an Avalanche. Vie&-a, 1H!. -1. An avnlant-lH; has killtt) a luiud 1 !ventetfii siuuglurs who tr.'ro in billing in'ar Vini-tnini3s. Tli I'ttniMliMn I'remifir. WitKnim. T(iRiTi, Out., ltiT. 21. Thocar inwbii'b Sir John Mi-honuki and IhrtM of bis millili ters bavi bii attiinuin westtTii Ontariii, wan mysteriously nttiykinl war Th;iin"S villc. and ti flour nml two windows lit'oken. h;(t did tt no one linnwst but plot to wre' k tlim-Hr l suaiwctU. The First Keen Twinge. Aa the season aivanccs, tbe pain, nuil acbes by wbicb rbvumatisiu makes ittclf known, are exericnced after ever; ex posure. It is not claimed that Hood's tiarsapurilla is a s)H:cific for rheumatism we doubt if tbere is, or can be, such a remedy. But tbe thousands benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla, warrant us in urging otbers who suffer from r lieu ma tie mot take it befote the first keen twinyc. Muses Von Dam, of Jersey City, wlio was rejected by Mary Brunn, made bis will, bequeathing ber $ 30,000, and then committed suicide. may 17-dwly I was troubled with Chronic Catarrh and gathering in my head, was very deaf at times, had discharges from my ears, and was nnable to breathe through my nose Before the second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm was exausled I was cured, and to-day enjoy sound healh. C. J. ' 1 fOQ flhtni.1 d4a Viotft Mnn I ager, Philadelphia Pub. House, Pa. Harden, of the Kffyptian fellaheen. Tho wpaker races ure just ified in Twisting to the dflnth the interference of J-.timpenns. Ever ainco England and Franco obtain ft foothold in tnrit uniajipy i-ountry. swarnis huriirry ofliciab. who have no interest in Ihe country except to ninke nli thev itiii ont of it have 1 ih-spoilui)! the Egyptian. Tho F.pvn tiiin fellfthm'n are wrv poor, aial aro heavi'y burih'ni.1. but tlieyhaveto provide 2,ut.Vlni a year to pay I.urnj.'an oltlcinls. whrise s:il anes nre altogether out. of protnrtiun to tl: work which they jrforru. At the pri-sent moment there are twenty-eiht FumiH-an who each draw over f.,oii0 ammallv, andftheM- no h'ss than twenty-two nrealiseut (n leave The latter include the entire court of append four niemliers of Oiisse, tiie chiefs of f-ur ih partmenu, two Kecivtaries ofstjthi and tw ontnillers. Who wonhi now deny that Arab was riht when he determined to make i Ktaiiil against, this swarm of locusU ami raise- tho cry "liiypt for '.i;vptiaiis."-Hn4ivii Eagle. Moral. In Africa. "The morals of the Matalieli, wiv Kerr, ''from a British standpoint i would take a lord chancellor to expomn an archl iishoi, at least, to exemplify), uii uniiueslionalily in the lower scale, lint in this resiect they are far from Ikmhk licnoath ither tviies of the African races. 1'elvciniv is u recognizci custoin among them. Wives, in fact, mean wenlln; their nunii.T is a Mn of greatness in tho husband. I would say there is no iminorablv, for the knowlttlp of sensual vice has no dwelling in t4ie nv.llv sav age mind. He is not a Wast creature, but a simple son of nature, free and strong in the robustness of bis manhood. "- liost.iii Herald vhich !, and THOU8AKD8 SAT 80. Mr.T. V. Atkins, Oirard, Kun., writes: I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to niv customers, they give entire satisfaction ami arc rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will posi. tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to lie without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Bold at fifty cents a bottle by Hartz fc BahnBcn. A. Pittsburg confectioner has a dog and a horse that are as fond of kissing each other as are the average young married couples seen at Niagara. Each occupies the same stall aud the two are inscpcra blc. Mr. Editor-Many of your leaders may be benefited by the knowlcdee of such an excellent remedy as Dr. Jones' lied Clover Tonic, which produces the most favorable resuliB in disorders of the liver, stomach and kidneys, and is a valu able remedy in dysp-'psia; also, debility arising from malaria or other causes. It is a perfect tonic, appetizer, blood puri fier, and a sure cure for at'ue 1'iice 50 cents. It is best to cut up torn la f.'re the stalks become bard and dry. Fodder as well as hay may be injured by waiting until it is too ripe. BDCKLt-N H AUSltA SALVE The greatest mcdir&l woi iler of the world Warranted to speedily eure burms bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, t. ver solve, can cers, piles, chilblains, corn, Utter, chap ped hands, and ail .skin crtiiitic.iis, guaran teed to core in ev. i v mii .rre. or runny refunded. 25 eem per Iw For sale by Hartz A. Unhnsen II. C. Barnubce, of the Boston Ideal Opera company, says be is now just old enough not to let tiie puhlie know bow old be is. The restoration to health of our child we considered uncertain. When two weeks old she caught cold. For 18 months was not able to brealhe Ihroueh her nos trils. Upon useing Ely's Cream I! aim her difficulty is removed; she bre-nhcK natural ly. Mr. &. Mrs. J. M. Smith, Oswego, N. Y. THE MOL1NE WAGON. The Moiine Wagon Comp'y Manufacturers orFarn, Spring and Freight Wagt Ail who desire full information about the cause and cure of I'loixl Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Hiieumatism, Kiduey Complaint, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, free, a opy of our 33 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and slartlmg proof ever before known. Address. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ua. For sale by T. 11- Thomas. Mis Lieutenant Helm's pel monkey lied on Wednesday on the Galatea, at lirooklyn. It could do everything but talk, used to pull a rope wilh the sailors, ind look great interest m the cutters ran s, showing unmistakable signs ot ile- ghl when it was ahead. Are &DYICK TU BUTHEBS. ou disiurifii at nigrit ana nroxen ( your n st by a sick child suffering and crying will; pi.m o! cutting iceinr li so, iend a! cmrc and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children Ue:!iin-. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im; mediately. Depend upon it mothers. there is no mistake amiut it. It cures dysentery, diarrhoea, regulates the stom ach and bowels, cures wind colic, 8011- ens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone aud energy to the whole sys-U-m. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest und best female nurses and phy sicians in the United State's, and is for saie by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents (icr bottle. feb-2S-m-w-s ni 1-y The Chicago Inter says: ''Pro tection got a new overcoat on luesday, all wool and a yard wide, fast colors. home-made, and warranted to wear." Well, protection will need it, for soon it is going to be very cold wether for Pro tection. Boston Post. The mau who dug the graves for three husbands of Mrs. Fc-iier, of (ireen Bay became her fourth hunnd this summer A full and complete line ol I'latfuum and other Spkiko Wagons, especially adapt1 to tbe Western Trade, of sucrior workmanskip unit finish. (-Illustrated Price List 'ree ou aiiplicaiion. Sec the Moliuc Wajion hi-fnre purchasit atr. W. E. KNICKERBOCKER, Metaphysician or Mind Cure, SO. 205 LRADY ST., DAVENPOltT. Diseases of al! Kinds Successfully CONSULTATION FREE. re ued PAKE & JilLLIS Have received their- PA e jiud see us. WINTER STOCK OF Foots and Shoes, iw;i placed at very low l 70a Second Avenue. KtVt' When VisiUBii Jii w Tork Stop at the newly opened and central ly located Slurtevan! house. Broadway and Tweuty-uinth Street. Largely re built; entirely refurnished; new plumbing; new elevator, etc. Perfect cuisine; mod erate prices; convenient to all the eleva ted railroad stations Matthews & Pier son, proprietors. A hawk always picks the feathers of a bird before eating it, but an owl swallows birds whole, feathers, claws, and all. -A. CARD. To all ho are suiTermj Xmin tho errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of ni.i:Ji.l. k, I will send areci, that will cure you, F IXC Ol' CHARGE. This groat remotly wasdlseovrri-1 1y a niiFsionary in bouth America. Send a ee'.f-:i..lrrssM cnvclojo to tho REV. Jwr.KI T. iv-l n. '.ivn 7. Aw i'ork Ctly. However lovely tramps may be in life, id death they aie npt to be divided hj the doctors. Puck. R. J. HOWEY, Veterinary Surgeon, (Of tiie Ontario VfUriimry t'ollefre.) liavinu bad Twelve years practice, I am pre pared to treat all Diseases of Horses and. Cattle. Charge? Reasonable. Calls ailcniird to night or day. Offlce at Zwk er Frick'e Livery stable. Telephone No. 111)3. KOCK ISLAND. ILL. New Hardware Store, NO. 1023 SECOM) AVENUE, MOTT & UDDERS, Proprietors. 5jA general line of LTardtvare. and Carpenter's supplies. A specialty of Shelf goods Telephonic No. 1142 55 HOSV01I1I S ACUI I'lIOM'lllTK IN BEADACHE AND MENTAL EXHAUSTION. Dr. N. S. Head, Chandlersville, ill., says: "I shmk it is a remedy of the highest value in mental and nervous ex haustion, attended with sick headache. dyspepsia, diminished vitality, etc." HE HAD EALT EHEDM FOR 20 YEARS. A. Jlanvcl. Ass'l Supt. & O. P. Agt., C , it. I. Jt P. K. It., writes: "For twen ty years I have been afflicted with Salt Kheuin iu a most serious form. During the winter season, mv hands have been in such condition that I was unable to dress or undress myself without assist ance, and 1 have not had gloves or band ages elf my hands for about 'four mouths' until I began using Papillon (extract of tlax) Skin Cure. I certainly think it has cured my bauds ." Large bottles only $1, at 11. II. HeSautos. J v Jiukiu--"Tuat was a rather sudden death of old Skintlint's. What was the matter with hiuiV" llawkia "Economy. The two undertakers are ruuuing eueh other, and funerals are away down in price. Old Skinflints never missed a bargain iu his life." Lowell Citizen. A WALKING 8KELET0S. Air. E. Springer, of Mcchanicsbun: Pa.. wriUs: "1 was alllictcd with lung fever and abscess on lungs, and reduced lo n wlkiuq SUU'vh. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did mc so much good that I bought a dollar bottle. After using tinee bottles, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, wilh a hearty tipiietitc. and a gain in lie: sh of 48 lbs.'' Call at Ilarlz & Bahusen's drug store aud get a free trial buttle of this certain cure for all Lung Diseases. Large bottles 1.00. nnaimil !zi ag- The yacht mania is domornlh-hiK people. It was only this morning that little Johnny, neeing a one-logged man using tl' bouse, exclaimed: "Fa, there goes stucle sticker. " Dostou Transcript A Calaslicphu iu the church. Daugh ter "Oh, papa, papa, the church' Vicar-"V hat, my child? Good grac ious, it s not ou fire? Daughter -"JNo but farmer .lacohsuu a pigs have Kt&t iu and chti n all Ihe decorations for the harvest festival; "Funny Folks. DOHT FAIL TO TRY IT. J. C. Burrows, Kalamazoo, Mich., test ifies: "For more than live yean, a mem ber of my family has been afflicted with IIi.y Fever, culminating late iu the fall in a backing cough. Every remedy proved futile- Not half a bottle of Papillon (ex tract of flax) Catarrh cure had been used before the cough entirely disappeared, and general relief followed. It is simply wonderful." Large bottles only $1 (HJ, for sale at Drug store. The St. Paul Pioneer Press claims to know of a handsome Newfoundland dog I whose countenance is strikingly gimiliar to that of James G. Blaine. The best on earth can truly be said ot Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns wounds and all other sores Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruption. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refund, ed. Only 25 cents. Sold by druggists. Cootumuuon can be Cored. Dr. J. S Combs, Owcnsvillc, Ohio, savs: "1 have given Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver oil with llypophosphites to four patients with better results than seemed possible with anv remedy. All were hereditary cases of lung disease, and advanced lo that stage when coughs. pain in !hu chest, frequent breathing. irciiucnt pulse, fever and emaciation, Ail these eases have increased in weight from lb to 28 His., and are uot now needing any medicine." The proiiertics of Mishler's Herb Bit ters are wholly medicinal. It is com pounded on scientific principles Uon a German formula, 200 years old. Clergy. men, temperance people, and all other classes who oppose strong drink on prin ciple, eydorse and recommend our ereal household remedy. It is a sure cure for kidney and liver complaints. When yon ride you don't want your busgy jumpy, nor jerky, nor creaky, nor swaying from side to aide. You want it billowy. Then get the Rice Coil soring, Everybody says he never saw the like of it for ease of motion. Ask your town ear riage-uuuacr auout it. the rrrvou:,' M. MAGRUM, Proprietor, Second Avenue, - - Opp. Harper House. lately been tr-ie.furracd into a t'alace equaling in everv resiect the tin. A mimiieror au-cnaiiiciii ran. tJifThe-TivuLl" ln! Mlmn. in rtiicaiii) and Mirua-finL' nvthiro: in tbe three cities. aep Ilie cslaitliennu lit cool miring tne not wiainer. -rue L.iqum Keircsniuei dt.Iwiim'd al t!ik esl-il'liviiinelii is in keepingwitb Us prami improvement. Aii elegant lancn served every moraine. All kind, of SandVicr.e served on short notice. NO FEE!! t SKAiLCHSS ua. 1 186 So. CSIIL Ei:tS."i Chicago, tit. Clark St. Tbe Sejdar, Cli-EteiEilta piirsicm f- surgeon YOUNG H, MIDDLE-AGED MEN . cf Iniprn- i.avf i't.mght ;trtv;r- cjrscly ' lli- iilWS vt !. ( kir'-e at iscs f w jih (tr '.rS f i.riF i . r i,.. t. itlcrcriLe in..? tc vurcycu. ; i; ib oit i cijtu.r.s. nd all Dervr.s wh -. hv ll.cir t: denceor Flly .i; j. ) jt: upon timelvfts ?hc ?v:! - tt Lim the heels of n ii .r aatute, thitiiV ocuniit - h? Rnmtmht! Ner thout drt-STTiM or dfbilHv power treated scieniiitcuiiv i er f-iiuru: success. Hf I what you have uken rr wlet tThetorrihtft ititUim. ii.ui iou and hkiii ii-t'j;a, - .ui Ciited without mercury. hfpii iiiirt r iiitrrime aisean?. if ri-Uci-t; c (r--ated, corses tiie present :.n v i'.i"i ft 9" A 11 unnatural d.hp? itir-i j r.-trittly thout hindrance to tt-;.iivs. ts:'Lr;n-.ciit H'th sexei pnnult r.m rit it le t". A.v ami pritiie liuKrtMiir , v niS i. i..,ntiitre of rure given in ewry Hiui'TUik.'ii. "SiltT3rrs ltvi ,:i;v hrttiLtt- tlKi-rtSH w tt lllsUrr and SviitMt.Mi:-. -t . lt t -;.l..miv. Cases solicited nhkl: i-t's k .t. t1: .uic SSerltwostampi f i'.-l,l-:;tti i wiirki on Chronic, Nfr.ii- aui) f, !i,;tic J,:. have an fxtmiiHt ivt- r. m iilmnaioiocv i.v wSn h lo study your m ti ca.-'. ...f-f. (isotially or py letter, irtf. . it t; t Kmtor. Thmisamlii vun-tt. it.lee. 1 y:i, Utrs ri vntft. Thosc ee.ii !?!:, ;.i, nt. H;iri intf st mi Dr. Clarke's ccIc!tc.ic.; -:lr... Mai,- j ! itiiiilt. each 15c, both ?,r , it.i-.-l-( -c jour case consult l)(.(;l.At;H K. A r.-" -- - -(-iifr "reaSI may 5ive future sutkh;-,' ,,r,.-. s! , v lt',-'.. t-.ii'.iro years to life. Me'is re-s i - it v-v :.- i 1 r;m exposure. Hours, S lo . .-.y .. 1" A- F. D. CLARKE, rVK D.( 186 So. Clark Si.( Cr.'-o.l -A.. G-. BOBHLER, Ice Cream Parlors, Bakery, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, Etc., No. 1109 Third Avenue, Kock Island. f;nc aily tf rate nt kit;.! mat3e to order. EXCHANGE HALL. RUDOLPH SCHWECKE. SALOON And BilLIARD HALL, Below the C. It. I. & P. Depot. Moiine Ave, ttock Island Imiortcd and Domestic llcer and Wine. Fine Libtior? and Ciar al'j tys oii band. II!. Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting, , Knowles1 Steam Pumps, Inspirators and Ejectors. Wmtighu Cal antl Lt:al Pie. Piie b'iltin? and Bras iiood of crery tk-scripUon: H;illir lit Ud TsckiBKof all ktndr: Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe . Office and Shop No. 217 Eighteenth Si.. KOCK ISLAND, ILL mm am V-'MO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE SEND Mm 'Ms. Candies jjalDY i. mi i.t in it - :md !-t ict SuiULile fur Ct'i. Try i! ini(. t Imrtre nil Ui IJL'NTUKU. 'etifwtmner. UUCAtiO. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. Stillwater ?7 iTVr TiP?tef ofsSied Wing if .',Vf f : 5Sa& -V'f,gjlw'yWatcYfti'' "X ,CT ! MV"y (i f t-Y J . J "TT'iTj.ijj CHICAGO, fOCf.C & PACIFIC R'Y By rcafon of its r Antral position, cV:ef- i;-I-t;oi: vrliicirolliiitn "u:. cf Chicago and contirnor.3 lines at noiiiU West, Northwest and Southwest ia thft tnmaiiildio-lf.ilt in t.-mscontineutal system which invites and wil itatos travel and tvatfac in pithor direction between the Atlantic and Pacific The Kock Island main line ard branches include Chicairo, Joliet, Ottawa, 14, SoBe, P. ona, Genesen, Moiine arid Hock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muse, tine, Wosriinifton, t'airheld, Ottumwft, Oskaloosa, West Liberty. Iowa Citv, Dea Moines, Indianola. Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxvllle, Audubon. Harlan, Outhri Centra aniLConnul BiurTa, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Mi&tiouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and bt. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds of intermediate cities, towns and viilanos, THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it Its roadbed is thoroughly ballasted. Iu track is of heavy ateeL Its bridges are solid structures of stone and iron. Its rolling stock is perfect aa human skill can make it. lt has all the safety appliances that mechanical (reniua has invented and experience proved valuable. Its practical operation is conservative and method ical its discipline strict and exacting. The luxury of its passenger accommoda tions ia unequaled in the West unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPEESS TRAINS between Chicairo and the Missouri Klvw consist of comfortable DAY COACHES, magnificent PULLMAN PALACE PARLOR and SLEEPING CABS, eleeant DINING CARS providing excellent meals, and -between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City restful RECLINING CHAIR CARS. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE is the direct, favorite line between Chtcaa-o and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Orel this rout solid Fast Express Trains run daily to the summer resorts, picturesque localities and huntinar and nshins; grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. The nob. wheat fields and grazing lands of interior Dakota are reached via Watertown. A short desirable route, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducements to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Inter mediate points. .... . All classes of patrons, especially families, ladies and children, receive from officials and employes of Rock Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and kindly attention. , For Tickets, Maps, Folders obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada or any desired information, address. R. R. CABLE, Prest It Gaa'l W(r, Chicago. E. ST. JOHN, Au'tGM'IM'fr, Chuga, E. A, H0LBR00K, ' Geal TU. A Pan. Agt, Caicafs 1 .' J til I 1 1 t : t 4 (