THE HOCK ISLAND AIIGU5. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1888. 14 ft 1 GRAND OPENING KNOX AND Nascimento Hats. fgTFall styles now ready. Prices the Lowest. CALL AND SEE THEM. LLOYD & STEWART, 1804 2 I . Hock Island. h H We arc just in rieeipt oa fw Remarque Proof Etchings. The edition is sma'l wbich mases them rare and valuable to the CONN1S8EUE. Our line of Mouldings foi Fall trade is now complete. They w ilt bear inspection. KINGSBURY & SON, 1705 Second avenue. STATIONERY. H d o w A MINISTER'S MISSTEP. CAR LOADS OF- AT THE THEATRE. tew. Si bleak's P.iDHlniaa team tke Swedish Lathera Church, and the Ituna Therefor-The Results. An unfortunate condition of affairs has prang up in the Swedish Lutheran church at Qalesqurg, and one that in a great measure complicates and Interests the people of the congregation of the same denomination in Holine. Rev. Mr. Nybladh was, by action of the synod of Holme recently expelled from the church in that city, of which be was a member, and barred from attending Augustana college. The reasons assigned by the committee for this action were "too io timate associations with a woman while attending Augustana college, and irreg- larities in his money matters." The dea' cons of the Galesburg church have since taken this matter up and peremptorily discharged Mr. Nybladh from the pasto rate, and are preparing charges which ill be finished aoon and will in sub stance conform with those preferred against the gentleman in Moline. lne action ot the ecclesiasts appears not to have met with the approval of all the members of the flock, and a large mass meeting including many ladies was held at the republican headquarters at Oalesburg Tuesday evming to make some arrangements for Mr. Nvbladh's future and to prove to him that he still has many friends remaining in the church. A committee was appointed to investi gate his debts and settle them if possible, and another committee was commis sioned to mnke arrangements for Mr. Ny hladh's entrance into Knox College. A subscription was taken up during the meeting which resulted in the rais ing of $315 for. Sevt-ra! speeches were made by different persons and nearly all soundly rated the deacons for the hasty steps which they took in dis missing him from the church. Mr. Nybladh also made a few remarks and closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. Nybladh is reported as saying that he wished to have the affair investigated relating to the woman. He says he has tried to find the woman referred to, as well as the committee who brought up the charges, but has failed so far in doing so He denies his associatiou with her in any way and that 'he committee had no cvi dence for that of which they accused him concerning the woman. As to the money affairs, he admits peiog in debt about ftlOO, but avers that it was necessary in debtedness connected with his course while at Augustana college and since attie Viek.ra 1 Her Sew Play Km a ltreidea liaeeeas Coaatnx Enter tainments. A large audience turned out to greet the popular soubrette and specialty star, Hattie Vickers, at Harper's theatre last night, and it is a misfortune that an actresa who has made the impression that Miss Tickers has in her original "Jacqnine" in Rock Island, should re turn as the centre of attraction of such a pack of stuff and nonsense as that in which "Cherub" abounds. It is not a little surprising that a woman of Miss Vickers' gifts should link her name and reputation to such a tiresome, trashy conglomeration. When Miss Vickers de parts from the little Dutch girl a char acter written to suit her peculiarities, her racineas of talk, her vivacity and fun- she loses her charm, and the only really enjoyable feature of last evening was one of the familiar song and dance selections from "Jacquine," who is always wel come, and in which impersonation Mattie is the female Emmet; but "Cherub" has not "caught on." The support was gen erally weak. The largest and costliest troup of ani mal actors on earth appear at Harper's theatre tonight and tomoirow night with matinee tomorrow afternoon. Lovett & Johnson's equine and canine paradox ar rived by special car this morning, and the first of the unique entertainments is to be given this evening. The Dayton Journal says: For good, genuine fun, the Lovett A Johnson Equine and Canine Paradox, now appearing at toe Grand opera house, is an exhibition that alt should witness. It is a great show, pleasing alike the old and young. The fourteen ponies are very handsome, and go through a number of pleasing end difficult movements, elicit- ng rounds of applause. Romeo and Juliet are rare ssecimens of the Shetland pony, and their teetering act is extremely pleasing. The fifty dogs do all saris of tricks and are alone worth the price of admission. The "Fireman's Ward" is a spectacu lar and interesting drama tojbe presented at the Turner Grand opera house, Daven pott, Sunday evening. The great suc cess it has met everywhere and the lavish praise hetowtd upon it by the press, attest its dramatic SOUR ON THE SANCTUM. The Bettrr Hair af aa Salter fieaaaa a Hate ar Warnlna caneeralns; tba terrore af tke Craft. This Is tbe sermon the wife of the night editor of the Des Moines Leader preached at the breakfast table the other morn ing: 'Boys of my audience, bright faced. aspiring youths, longing for the shortest and quickest road to fortune, hear a short adjuration and be warned in time. Never be editors everybody's packing blocks, creation's scapegoats and sway backed pack mules. Deadhead tickets to circuses dog shows and festivals paid for at the rate of a 125 notice for a twenty-five cent ticket all very well in their way; and daily bouquets from the girls who want to see their name in the paper, with the 'beautiful and accomplished' swung to them, are "just too charming for any. thing,' but do not let them lead you iiito that dingy den of inky horror, tread mill labor and squandered opportunities, bur lesquely known as tbe editorial sanctum. Stand back! Keep out) Be bootblacks, chimney sweeps, penitentiary birds or members of the maniac menagerie that meets in the gorgeous white sepulcher of the capitol at Washington. Be mud clerks on a coal barge, deck hands in a tripe factory, brakemen on canal ooat, engi neers of a one-donkey-power canal boat, dairyman with an ox and two he goats as your stock in trade, servant girl in a poor bouse or in an orphan asylum. Be stock gamblers, railroad directors, presi dents of sausage stuffing machines, rag venders, charcoal brawlers, chamber maids in a liveryjstable, or policy spout ing senators but sever, ' no never, be editors, for half a oneMs three quarters too much for any well regulated family to have about the house." BRIEKLETS. DIPHTHERIA DISCUSSED. IJST STOCK. We are the Western agents for the stove manufactures of Taplis, Rice & Co., and carry the largest stock of stoves west of Chicago. In baying of ns you virtually buy of the manufacturers and at lower prices than any retail dealer can afford to make. It will pay you to see w before yon buy anything in the shape of a stove. WILL4RD BAKER & CO., Opposite Harper House, Rock Island'. New Elm Street Grocery DANQUARD & BROWNER Have just opened a Grocery on Moline Avenue, foot of Elm street, with a splendid line of choice Family Groceries and Provisions, They solicit a share of the trade and will make prices as low me lowest. Telephone connections. GIVE THE NEW FIRM A TRIAL. THE F-A-IPt, ISO. 1708 SECOND AVENUE. VV carry the largest and beat assorted stock of House FurnishingGoods 111 this vicinity, and at all times and make lowest prices Brushes, Copper "Wash. Boilers, glassware, Tinware, Rockery, Woodenware, Nick 3SJ"acks. He had been receiving $75 per munth from tbe church while in Galesburg. The following special dispatch to to day's Chicago Times from Galesburg fur- ishes additional facta in connection it h the case: The First Lutheran church was crowd ed this evening with people anxious to ear tbe charges a wains t the Rev. C. A Nybladh, who was last week expelled from tbe Lutheran church at Moline and from supplying the pulpit of tbe church ere because of alleged scandalous inu macy with a woman while attending Augustana college here, as well as irreg ularities in money matters. The Kev. M. J4t-Ison, of Henderson, read an official statement from the church council at Mobile, givine an account of tbe investigation. At tbe first meeting ins of the council, Nov. 15, Nybladh was charged with the paternity of ihe child of dbi Aurierson, and of haTing mortgaged ner ms oooks ana an organ that did not belonsr to bim. These cbareea Nybladh denies. Two letters from tbe woman to Nybladh were produced in hich she charges bim with the paternity of the child. Of these letters Njbladn at first denied all knowledge, but at length admits thai he read one of them. Andrew Feteraou was delegated by the council to viit Mrs J. A. (itrges at Rog er's park. She and her domestic said that Anna Anderson gave oirth to a child at ber (Mrs. Garge'f.) home June 2S, 1886; that the woman asserted Nybladh was its father; that letters have passed between Nvblauh and Miss Anderson; that the latter had consulted a lawyer to recover damages from Nybladh. and that a person nswering Nvbladh's description had called at her house Nov. 15, inquiring for Anna Anderson. W hen confronted with hese facis at the second council meeting, Nov. 2B, Nybladh confessed that he had mortgaged the organ to Anna Anderson, and had been advised to prevaricate by a friend, but gin denied the paternity of the child, or ever having been at Mrs. liaree s house. Then the Rev. Lindehlad, of Moline, and the Rev. M. Rnnceen, of Chicago, accompanied iNybladh to Mrs. Uargei house, and both she and her do mestic recognized Nybladh and were quite positive that he was the man who called at the house inquiring for Anna Anderson. His hair, they said, was shorter when be first o.lled. but tbe council, in its third meeting, Nov. 27 reported that It learned frem Galesburg that Nybladh had his hair cut before making the first visit to Mrs. Garges'. Tbe committee also saw tbe Chicago lawyer who collected the money for Anna Anderson on tbe mortgage on the organ. At this third meeting the council, think ing tbe proof conclusive in spite of Nv- bladb s dental of tbe paternity of tbe child, expelled him. The reading of this statement to the congregation tonight produced a deeo impression and was listened to with deep interest. The only thine that Nvbladh can do now is to appeal to tbe confer ence. He left here last night, saying that be was going to Chicago to see Anna Anderson and get from her a written statement affirming his innocence. His friends here say that nothing more will be done until the statement it) forthcom ing. Pavlna Material. The Davenport Democrat- Gazette favors brick as a paving material in preference to asphalt, cobble stones, cedar blocks or other wood pavement It Bays: Public attention is turning to brick as a substitute for stone and wood. It has been in use several years at Bioomington, 111., and also in Virginia with most satis factory results. Clay is the ore all u mi num. and when properly mixed and vit rified, becomes an igneous rock, unaf fected by heat, water or frost. It fa a greater resisting power against shock than granite, it is homogeneous, slightly elas tic; has tne grit which will bite steel or Iron; will neither act upon or be acted upon by horses' shoes; has a more per fect bearing than stone; can belaid more compact; is noiseless, dustless, non-ab sorbent, and therefore healthful. From a sanitary standpoint impervf ousness to water and moisture is an all important requisite of street pavement. Every sanitarian is cognizant of the dan' ger from soil eontamination and pol lo tion; that a filth sodden soil has a bad influence upon health by tbe effluvia em an a ting therefrom. The constituents of street filth are multifarious excreta and unne of animals, garbage, kitchen water, house slops, human excreta solid and liquid. With a pervious pavement this foul mess is washed and soared into the soil, exposing welts to pollution, and dwelling bouses to poison by ''ground air. For assortment, quality and prices it always pays to trade at Lei Mis V, ckhart. THE PAIR. Louis Eckhart The Illinois State Boird of Health's Discovert.--. Partial DtsKaosia of the Dread Disrafie. Following the example of a number of states of the northwest, the Illinois state board of health has issuid a circular re latiog to diphtheria. Tbe ground is taken that it is a contagious disease, tbat is one capable of being conveyed from a person suffering with the disease to a healthy person. It is, therefore, preventable. and the success of efforts at prevention depends upon a knowledge of the modes by which it may be conveyed. For prac tical purposes these sre as follows: 1. By immediate contact with tbe ex halations, discharges, etc., from a diph' theria patient. g. By contact with such emanations through the medium of air and water. The circular says: The obvious deductions are. on the one hand, to destroy these emanations or to render them harmless, as promptly as they are produced; and, on the other, to se cure the utmost attainable punty of air and water. Ihe specific instructions which follow have reference to those two modes of prevt-ntion and should be care fully observed by everv family in any community where diphtheria makes us ap pearance. And the very same precautions that prevent tbe spread of diphtheria or scarlet fever will prevent the spread of small pox. Small pnx.typhoid fever and diphtheria are filth diseases produced by filthv sur- roundioes, bBd water, bad air and bad food. Of course the lives of cleanlv peo ple who live in :leanlv abodes and pay every attention to sanilationare exposed to the contaginn.and when coming in con tact with it take the disease. But these diseases originate as we have stated, and can all be prevented as we have stated Because diphtheria finds the maiority of its victims among children, there is not tbe same attention given to precautions Bgainst its spread aa there is, for exam pie, in the case of small pox And yet there is every reason to believe that the Bpread of diphtheria mav be effectually controlled by a proper observance of proper sanitary precautions. A preventable disease which, not in frequently, causes a greater mortality than typhoid fever, small pox, scarlet fever and measlts combined, and which during 18 I. caused 51.33 out of everv 1 ,000 deaths from all causes in the United States, and which has caused nearly that proportion (51 out of every 1,000) in the state of Illinois, certainly demands the best efforts of all interested in its sup- nression, and this tbe more imperatively sioce its treatment is as yet, confessedly unsatisfactory. The Cathttlle uharca', Thanbazl vine;. Pope Leo has issued as order whereby he requests all Roman Catholic priests of th world to observe Monday, December 31, as a dsy of thanksgiving in honor of the completion of his graud jubilee Tbe order provides that on that day a special mass of thanksgiving be said to the Almighty for all Bis favors bestowed upon Bis servants; that from the end of the first mats till the last, or during the entire day, if found suitable, that the sacrament be exposed to the veneration of the public, tbat a public service be held during the day when appropriate prayers may be offered and especially the rtcitation in common of the rosarv, after which the "Te Deum" should be sung, followed by the "Tan turn Ergo" and the Oremus" "Deus cojus misericorilise concede nos," followed by those for the pope and tbe church, after which the proceedings may be adjourned. Dressed poultry at Long's. Nice bananas at C. C. Truead ale's. Choice oysters and celery at Long's. Nice fresh lettuce at F. O. Young's. Choice Forida oranges at C C Trues dale's. 8pinach lettuce and Cauliflower st Hay's. A new stock of fresh mixed nuts at F. Q. Young's. John Hacsch, of Preemption, was in the city today. Nice turkeys, chickens and ducks st C. C. Truesdale's. Mr. Geo. Hedill, of Omaha, is visiting his parents at Milan. Found A parcel of shirts, cloth, dress goods, buttons and shawl. Owner may find the same at the A rocs office. Mr. P. Lillis has been entertaining as a guest his cousin, Wm. McEniry, city attorney of Kock Island.- Clinton Hem. There has been no change or improve ment in the condition of Editor HcQlynn of the Holine Ditpatth.iu the past-forty- eight hours. Reserved seats for Imperial quartette concert next Tuesday evening, may be obtained at the usual place on Saturday morning. Iron moulders' union, No. 230, will give a benefit ball at Armory hall this evening. Admission fifty cents. No ob jectionable parties admitted. There is displayed in one of the win dows of Clemann & Salzmann's store one of the handsomest suites of furniture ever brought to Rock Island. It is msde of solid mahogany, inlaid with oearl and brass. Charles Betman was held in bonds of $500 by Justice Kramer at Davenport yesterday afternoon for participating in the saloon row at Davenport early yes terday morning. Winter, who did most of the shooting, fled, and is at large. Officer Cary had Wm. Kilmer and Geo. Blanchard before Magistrate Bennett this morning for creating disturbances about Barper's theatre last night. The prison ers, both boys, were fined t5 and costs, which was suspended during good behavior. Mr. E. B. Barker fell off the roof of his ice house in the lower end of town Wednesday afternoon, dislocating his left wrist and suffering a dislocation and compound fracture of the right wrist. Dr. Plummer. Sr., attended the sufferer, and hopes to restore Mr. Barker to the full use of the injured memberB- It is amusing to tee people with their face drawn as if they had swallowed a feather and it was tickling their lungs and they would be happy if they eould oniy sneeze, now, mere ib n uceu ui "making faces." A bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will draw your face back into a smile. HAEPEE'STHEATEE Two Nights One Matinee, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Dec. 7 and 8. Matinee Saturday at iSO r. u. Lovett &. Johnson's EQUINE A! CANINE PAEADOX. 50 Ponies and Doea. 40 The Greatest Animal Show on Earth. AiiMISSinN-Nights,lH,nd 35c; Matinee, 10. SOandJOc. S9See the Grand Parade Fridsy noon ; Ponies, Dog. and boiu in and drawing Carriages Bug gles, Wagons, Dog Carta, etc. Turner Grand Opera House. DAVENPORT. Matinee and Evening, SUNDAY, DEC, 9th, 1888. WILLIAM'S FIREMENS M CoiliiiatiOD! Sensation! Comedy! Pathos I A Tale of Misfortune. Love and Hero ism. TWO GREAT FIRE 8CESE3. Prices as usual. Special Mention. SILKS. BARGAINS. CLOAKS REMNANL3- McINTIRE BROS., Call attention to the following BLACK SILKS. New American Black Silks, warranted to weir at 11.10, $1.50, $1.15, $1.38, Superior in weight and finish. White Blankets 85c per pair. Scarlet Blankets $3.75 per pair. Dress Flannels, double fold, 25c. Serges, 50 inch, 49c. All Wool Tricots, 36 inch, 35c. Eitra large Turkish towels, plain, bargain at 25c CLOAKS You will find Garments and prices ia Cloak department that will interest you. Dress Goods Remnants in great variety price. at about one-h McINTIRE BROS. Lodge ElenloBft. Tri lodge. No. 57, A. F. & A. M last evening elected the following officers for the ensuing year: WM J F Robinson. BW-TF Cary. J W John Bollman. Treas H Burgower. 8ec W B Pettit. M B C H C Cleaveland. Auditor Etias P Pineo. Last evening Island Cut lodge. No. 4, A. O. U. W., eletted the following offi cers for the ensuing year: P M W Thomas Bollman. M W Russell W Barth. O-Will A Robb. Guide Chu Toennigea. Receiver Jonas Bear. Financier A W Tanner. Recorder R H Robb. I W Dmiel Thomas. O W William Clinebell. Trustee William Gahacen. Med Ex G G Craig. A PhlltMAphlfal VlfW. The vast majority that goes to make up the public, take political victory or defeat philosophically and in a good bu mor, remarks the Geneseo Xcvm. Nothing is more admirable in the cosmogony of our little universe than the universal good nature of the American public While it may be alow with sympathy and tears, it is everlastingly ready with hip, hip, hurrahs and laughter. It reminds us of Ella Wheeler's most famous verse: "Laiurb, and tbe world langha with yon ; Weeo. and v wP aloiie : For th sad old eirtfa mast borrow her mirth. cm ill u-oaoie enoagn 01 per own. The American public is just our kind of a fellow. We are hale fellows well met. Hi Namo Was Hill. It is not often iat Henry N Willey. the polite ami affa Jo clerk at tlie Grand Pacific is noniuu'ried by nnv png or trick perpe trated l.y tin.' woull ie tunny guests that quarter themselves at tiiis popular hotel, but ooe evening last wetk te w cs compelled to own up beaten. A serious looking individual, on who, it would roem, did not even know tbe nature of a j-Ue, came in with aachel and umbrella, and, taking tbe pen tbe ever ready Willey always hands with a bow and a smile tbat twists his blonde mustache into aeroljati contortions, he made mno perpen-dic-olar dashes on tbe reiiister. It may be said right here tbat Mr. Willey has tbe repu tation of knowing every body, but it is only hi cunning that has earned it for him. He always watches a man registering, and has accustomed himself to reading letters upside down, so that wnen be catches tbe first few letters of a man's name be fniesses at tbe res4 and when tbe guest has finished writing and looks up iir. Willey at once calls him by his name, laoujih he appeal's to be looking at anything else than tbe book. In this way it makes no difference if a man comes there for the first time in his life, Mr. WiUcy will sur prise him by putting out his band and calling tbe proper name. Kjn tbe occasion m question, however, Mr. Willey was done up; he bod never seen the man before and be eon Id not make anything out of the straight lines. With his pet flourish be swims the register around and said W bar price room do you want Mr. , Mr. f r.y tbe way, what do those lines mean, anyway? Migot I ask your name! lOh, excuse me, said the stranger. 'I neg lected to finish my signature," and, taking up a pen. tn&ae a horizontal dash at about tbe middle and in between the first three pair of uprights, when tbe signature read, "H. H. Hill." Mr. V llley owned that for once that he was beaten. Chicago Herald. TURNER OPERA HOUSE, DAVKHPOET, IA. Wednesday, Dec 12th. John Clinton Hall Supported by MISS MARY CHESTOR, In the Bert American Sflelo Drama ever written, RANCH 10. a Beautiful Play, 8npernly Mounted sod mag nificently acted. Its Featore? : The Explosion of Ranch 10. Snow Storm in the Rockies. A Western Court Scene, and Tbe Great Fire Scene. ThP(0fcnte4sl.0'Wdoe. "hike of WellinK- mn " wit) ht introduced ir tbe nlav. PRICKS . w. ana i.w, ku ie ai tine- i Dingers New Art oailt-ry. - 1" DIAMONDS, A UHaEf-TOCK. WATCHES, ilver. Silver, Solid and Plated. H. D. FOLSOM, has a targe stock of Fine G vhIs. Prices always low; everything warrated first-class. No. 1707 Second avenue, Rock Island. Gold and Silver. Another PUt PaoI. A meeting was held at LaCrosse, Wis. on Tuesday, te organize the Raft Pilots' Mutual Benefit association. Fifty were in attendance from points on the river all the way from Stillwater to Rock Island. CapL James Baisson, of Wabasha, pre sided. A constitution and by-laws was adopted. The object is to provide men with work, and boats with pilots quickly, and to exert an influence on wages. Per manent officers were elected as follows President J W Rambo, Le Claire. Vice President Joseph Baisson. Wa basha. Secretary M M Looney, La Crosse. Treasurer Vol oey A Bieelow, La Crosse. Board of Directors Thomas Dolson. Dubuque; William Kratka and Thomas Withrow, Lansins; Frank Looney and r rant Vretenuaii, La Crosse. Atl vert I r a Lint r Letter Xn. ftS. Lint of letter uncalled for at tbe Hoslofttce at Rock Island. Kock island coontr. Illinol, Dec. 7. vm Alanson Mra M Jarkson J P Bendle JHDr JobtiDon Christ Brown B V c o Latje Christ Hovle K A Mi Mls Besle Season WC(HD) Patiarson Cbatler CraDdall J U ParteH John Cowley J E Piatt Herman uurnam Miss larrje k siame; i-teo HenchyM Stebins MitoCL Hough La I tier Young Will am Grove Mrs J X roraTH clam watter. Anderson Hist Sophia Give the nnmoer ot the Itrt when call in for advertised letters. A HUfiSING, P. M The Fashionable Fox Terrier. The fashionable puppy is the bull or fox terrier, with a decided leaning in favor of the last. The fox terrier is, in the first place, a dog easily taken care of, for he enjoys his bath and comes out of it a thing ot beauty, for his skin is so glossy. Then he can be taught no end of very clever triefcs. Of his abilities in the way of cat and rat catching nothing need be said; but when he is the smart pet of the season he is not asked to de rote himself to such material occupation. He i a rough, black cover piped witta orange, for this shade is tbe color or tne legion of honor for dogs. He has a silver collar with his mistress1 address on it, but not his name, for it is trusted that if he is lost tbe ever pervading district messenger boy will return him, and not by reason of the knowledge of bis name strike up an acquain tance with him and detain bim until tbe re ward has been doubled or even trebled. Tbe fox terrier prefers to walk, so that tbe com ing man will not see tbe ladies of his estab lishment carry ing around a pet dog. "aus" Letter. Barth ft Babeock, Dentists. No, 1724 Second avenue. Special atten tion paid to saving the natural teeth and inserting teeth without plates. DC O J - o 6 FARM LOANS. White and Gold. Steel and White. in Florentine and Flat Patterns very handsome. Burnished Bronze Mouldings, TWO PROFESSIONAL BEGGARS. to th Tar Draaaaaen' Latest. Tbe latest craze among traveling men, according to one of the guild, is to pre. sent their card, on tbe reverse side of which is printed tbe following: "lie kind to the traveling man. Be has a father. perbaps, and a mother, who knew him in his innocent joulh. Psrhaps, area now in some distant village fond hearts are beating for him, and sweet lips breathe love's dearest prayers for bis welfare. Therefore, lay him down tenderly; fold his hands peacefully o'er his breast close his eyes gently as you pnt him to rest under tbe tranches of the weeping willow, where the birds carrol all through the summer days their softest songs; but plant bim deep, plant him deep!" The delicious fragrance, refreshing coolness and soft beauty imparted to tbe akin by Pozzoci'a Powder, commends it to all ladies. t aaaty Matlaiaur,. TUAXsrans. 5 Kufus Walker and 1 CH Read to Charles B White, lots 1, t and 8. block A and lots 1, 3. 3, 4 and 5, hlock B, Griffith dc Co s addition, Moline, II. George Downing to John E Downing. s 133 feet lot 5 and 8, block 63, Lower addition. Bock Island, $5,000. Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood's Baraaparilla purifies tbe blood and uui permanently cures catarrh. . Taylor Eoasa lor laM. As I wish to engage in other business,! will sell my enure nock on reasona ble terms.' Everything running tn first Class oraer. js. w. &cam. Thr Do mm Act That Appeal! Heart and wins Money. "Come in, old fallow ; yon need something to warm too up. You are weak, and th night air la bad t or a man in your condi tion. n The speaker was a young man who looked like a mechanic, and be was addressing a stout man who appeared to be aboat 50 yeara old. They stood in front of a well known down town bar room, tbe elder leaning against a lamp poet. His chin drooped upon his breast and be seemed utterly down hearted. He looked like a laborer. When a party of gentlemen entered the store the pair followed them, tne young man tbe wblle waring his companion that be woo Id do every thing in hie power to aid bun. I guest some ale will do you more good than anything else," he said. The other did not reply, but drew his hand across his fore head and heaved a sigh. After drinking tbe ale he grasped tbe young man's hand and aald: "My dear man, bow can 1 ever repay ourkiodneiBf I'm out of work and I ha vent gotacent. Thia is the first thing I have put in my stomach todav. I haven't got a home orany mends tn Lne city, uod bleat you. young man; uod bless your Oh, that's all right," answered tba yonnger of the two, "I'd do tbe same for any one. Yon had better have some more aw. I'll get you a euLper, two, I only wish I could buy you a new suit of clothes. I'll take you borne with aw to-night, and maybe I can get von a Job to-morrow." They had been talking in a loud tone and apparentlv paying no attention, to tbeir sur roundings. Having paid for tbe drinks, tbe young fellow with the big heart turnei from the bar and approached a prosperous looking man who was reading a paper. He began to tell of the nihdortunei of his companion and said be wanted to start a collection for his benefit right there. He bad not talked long. when tbe bartender took a band and ran him out of the place in donhle quick time. The old man did not wait for any assistance, but left hurriedly. "I know that pair well," said tbe barten der. "They are nroieanonai baggaraand are ""g plenty of monev out of that snap. But they cant work it in thia place. The two man didn't esem to be at all craatfaUau on account of their failure, and went di rectly to another bar room to try it again. New York Tribune. A Frenchman, who was recently sent to the Baltimore work house, claimed to have walked every step of the way from Texas to tbat city. X-MAS AMOUiift'weiil. If yon are looking for a Christ mas present for a Lady or Gent, Fine Furs and Furnishing Goods make an elegant aa well as useful pres ent. We have all tbe latest novel ties in these lines. Give us a call. Robinson & Taliaferro, 1st. Interest is ? per cent net to Lender. M. We collect Interest witbont charge. 8d. Loans offered in eomnlrlA and iDTpator sets hit papers st once. 4th. We exeunlne tbe records snnnslly for de linquent taxes on Itvnds covered by oar mortgsgee. rMta. Out eaent inspects esca farm before ws mske a loan on it. ftth. We mske a specialty of Farm Loans. tth. No Da Ids or exDentw soared or as to mske our bnrinese as safe for our clients as experience. g-ooa laiui sua a tun can maxe 11 Wh. InTeslorscsa bs aoDDlied with loans for f400 nd upwards. Call or write for circular. H. M. HENLEY. Attorney, Rooms 30, 31 83 Masonic Temple, Daveupoet, Iowa. TTAOHMEKT NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS. t Roca unworn Ootmrr. f In the Circuit Oourr of eaie Rock islets eottatv. Illsabnh Bmlle; v.. i. w. Mcvahe-Ia Attaca- Notice la hereby atvea to roe, the said I. W MeCabe that.wrtlof ettactameat has bm. maA oat of the office -f the clerk of the Circuit CO art of said ceenty of Bock lalaod at the suit of the sew iraoeiB oraawy ana agaraet toe estate of roe. the mM t. W. McCahe. foe Four Bondreit and Surty-Sre aollua. besides latere, directed . uwni n .ua cuum j to execute. era wm im eeen retaroea oy Mid aoerit; .fec it is prouoMsd in i'okiu. J.pan, to erec a large monument to the memory of Gen. Want. ted by levying oa the following described real aetata, to-wti: aab-lot foe? 4i and all except aorta st) feet of aab-lot three. (1). 1. R.n H.r. Vmrm wiu.ivn w to. city Ul n'C IStaaa, Uk US coonty of Sock Island era state of Illinois. wow. anieea yoo, tae Mid w. atcCabe shall nenoaally be and apoear before Sae Cireait eonrt of sale eonntyoa the ant day of the next term taereoi, to oe aoueaat nock lalaod la aald county oa toe am oaaay m the noata of January next, .in hall 1 . k .. ... 1 w WV. TL, JWI. awnt will beeateied easiest voa hi favor of tk. emiQ puma eaa tae properly attacked sold eausry tae aaato. wltk costs. . . GIO. W. QAsrBLB, Clerk. noca uarao, unno a, Dec. a im. Antra Puaatjrze, nalatuT att'y. T-dsw DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Plated Ware, Jeweleiy, Clocks, Gold-Headed Canes, Spectacles PERCENT DISCOUNT Other Optical Goods JACOB RAMSER. No. 1827 Second ATenue. CURTAINS During NoYemrjer. C. C. TAYLOk, 1625 Second Avenue. NHAHCIAL. "WE OFFER FOR SALE- FIRST M0RTSA8E MRS. A. C WITHROW, 108 West Second street, Davenport, Iowa. Ladies purchasing MILLINERY! will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and price', a full and complete line of nil Millinery goods in stock. t-Trimmed Hats from $ 1.00 to $20.00. ( New Mouldings, FOR IGTURE FRAMES. Important Points are: a good line. Polished Oak and Cherry. Shades, Carved and Plain same styles conbined with Steel and Bronze very effective. GOLD MOULDINGS For Oil Paintings. "Pictures mounted in first'-class style. Prices, always moderate. Rasiussen's -ANNOUNCEMENT.- It has bean our custom for years to make a CRAMPTON'S BOOK STORE, Navan Whisky $1.50 per 6a at KOHN & ADLEE'S, Ion Special Holiday Oiler. We intend this seasoa to ezrcl all for mer efforts bv including, OKATtt with every order ot a dozen Cabinet Photos, Porceli Portra TIKTED IH TATU COLOB. POST OFFICE BLOCK. : taVSend for Price List, P. O. Box 32. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. THOMAS' rtBtoaiuLiwls Per tbs est of Liver. l(!srfy. Blood sad Bssas sca diKea. Tbetw ceUrbrsUaMl d lk tn fawt ta- Ins tit- mlace of the store uiMtrffl neMdiea for MMf IM flVH rMDiait-L M an TV mtrsut. tore eaully laxitcm, aVbd wfictsra UMbcstUilstg rer totndvcAd for til liKssesor tk ktdaer. km lifer, vtK mm sette, pua m ass sskcx im I eMe. kkf-tvntorw. fnissnnv antl bantae ssia. st the pil of taM Motxmsck, yelsow eSia, coMed -nog, cosbIss! an of lbs. fund after eailne. inflamm-i-Mi of the KMateta. craeL etc.. sad as a laaulv Bill taer bare a im swxud ba kayt im cssmj These delicate portrsits are trratrai'T old at $2.50 each aod we make mis ua- uual offer believing that it will largely ioremte oar Holiday trade, ud thus make it possible for oa to preernt these artistic souTcnirs UNTIL JAN. 1st. We respectfully urge the Importance of an early setting to avoid tbe usual Holi day rush. , RASMUSSEN, , . PaOTOOBanCU, H.E.Cor.S3eoas are.. and llfhteeata sweat. Directions: fevslehhesilacas.twerthrgs at eeatane; for eyrpepela, one every any haft etner; tor enxmer ot the tleneya, two, two lhre.tiaMeawe.fc utUielievedt for bwd of the Uvx, earn hilineinraa. tkreeerfoac aa iw- GIVE THEM ATRIAL. NONE. EQUAL THEM The prcprirtorwm forwera theas to any address by aaett, aa reeaipt of price. 25 Cts a Bottle Kadaaalykj T. H. THOMAS, sMcaauLmnu Br Osll sad fat a east THE BEST! DR. MCCANNS CELEBRATED " misn -COufu-Spp-. Curt Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup Whooping Cough, Eptulng ot Blood and all Diseases ot the Longs. One trial h aa thst Is aeeesaaiv te mavuan yea that It te th. bett Conga Hcmedy suae, aa neat tune Tie have tuah coM. cau ana (at Price 10, 23 and 50 cent. , Call for abtalar wiaUUTrtTii. tTttraTa'Hi aUuafactored bj T. H. Thomas. H. B. above tooosehhea to esj ananas at sreatplof theorlce. . A i